#belgrade music week
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Ulaznice za Belgrade Music Week od danas po PROMO cenama – 40% POPUSTA
Sam početak leta u Beogradu rezervisan za najveći festival urbane i popularne muzike, Belgrade Music Week, koji se održava na Ušću od 23. do 25. juna. Ulaznice su već od danas dostupne po PROMO cenama.
Čitava armija fanova trap, balkan trap i urban pop zvuka sa nestrpljenjem očekuje ovaj događaj, koji predvodnici novog muzičkog talasa i kreatori novog lica muzičke industrije najavljuju kao epicentar vibracija koje će izazvati pravi muzički zemljotres!
Nastupi više od 25 ikona modernog zvuka i suverenih vladara YouTube trendinga - Raste, Devita, Voyage-a, Nucci-ja, Crnog Ceraka, Teodore, Breskvice, Henny-ja, Popova, Amne, Mahrine i mnogih drugih tokom tri festivalska dana postaviće Beograd na muzički tron regiona, a čitav ugođaj biće kompletiran savremenom produkcijom, besprekornim zvukom i najnaprednijim scenskim efektima koji diktiraju stadarde live industrije, direktno iz laboratorije Skymusic-a.
Ulaznice možete kupiti putem sajta efinity.rs, aplikacije eFinity, u TC Rajićeva (I sprat) i na blagajni Štark Arene.
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ducktoonsfanart · 6 months
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Donald Duck and his family mourn the dead in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack and bombing - Donald Duck and his family in Moscow (Russia) and Belgrade (Serbia) - Duck comics - Duckverse
Unfortunately, sorry for the long wait, because I was sick for a few weeks, and I'm recovering a bit now, so I haven't had a chance to draw and post new drawings. Yes, I'm back and will post follow-up drawings related to the previous holidays that were marked as well as the following holidays in the coming period.
Unfortunately, due to the recent events, I am publishing my sad drawings where Donald Duck and his family mourn the deceased. The first drawing shows Donald Duck with Daisy Duck, along with his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck who went to Moscow (the capital of Russia) and where they are mourning the dead and honoring the departed since a week ago (22.3. 2024) a terrorist attack took place in Moscow, in the Crocus City Hall, where over 140 people were killed and over 360 wounded. More could have been killed, if not for a few young men (Muslims and Russians) who saved the other people and took them out of the concert hall, because a concert by a Russian music group was about to take place. Among the dead were not only Russians, but also members of other nationalities who wanted to see that concert. The perpetrators are alleged Muslim terrorists from the Islamic State, and all of them were later caught. I don't want to go further into the discussion about the main principal who financed these terrorists, nor do I want to go into the discussion about the current war in Ukraine, because my blog is not about politics and please don't ask me those questions. This just shows my respect for the deceased not only the victims of that terrorist attack but also all the victims who died in terrorist attacks in the last more than 24 years. It is certainly a terrible event, which is why two days of mourning were declared after that, and I drew the Russian flag at half-mast, because on the day of mourning, the flag is only flown at half-mast, and Daisy in that drawing is wearing a coat and a black bow as a sign of mourning and black clothes are usually worn at funerals. Behind them, you can see the Basilica of St. Basil as well as the Spasskaya Tower, which is located within the Kremlin. Rest in peace to those victims.
Покойтесь с миром жертвы теракта! Слава им! Аминь.
The second drawing shows Donald with his family who are in Belgrade (the capital of Serbia) where they are mourning those who died and died during the bombing by NATO in 1999, as well as the victims in Kosovo and Metohija in 2004. I said that I come from Serbia and what happened 25 years ago was something that many residents of my country cannot forget. I was two years old when it started, so I don't remember it, except from the story of my parents. I don't want to go further into the discussion about the beginning of the war because the topic is too painful, and I doubt that many would understand what I would say. All in all, civilians did not deserve such a thing and it is very difficult to get over such wounds. Because among the dead there were also children who suffered from NATO bombing. There was also the courage of the soldiers who defended the country from the attackers and died bravely defending their country, so they are also honored. In addition to Donald, there are also Daisy Duck, Grandma Duck (Elvira Coot), Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck (Donald's nephews), April, May and June Duck (Daisy's nieces) where they pay tribute to those who died in that war as well as in the violence in Kosovo and Metohija that occurred in 2004, when there was also a mass exodus of Serbs, Roma, Bosniaks and other non-Albanian people from Kosovo and Metohija and the demolition of numerous Orthodox monasteries and churches by Albanian fanatics. Behind them is the Church of St. Sava, one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world, as well as the Beogradanka building, where one of Belgrade's television stations is located. On that grave is written the dedication to those victims as well as the flowers brought to that grave.
Rest in peace to those victims! Amen.
Вечна слава настрадалима и нека почивају у миру! Амин.
Also, since tomorrow is Good Friday, the day of the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, which is a sad day for Christians.
These are my tribute to those victims as well as those who suffered, and that the victims should not be forgotten and history should not be forgotten, because if it is forgotten, it will repeat itself again. Feel free to share this, but please do not use this for other people's purposes and please do not complicate it with political issues, because this blog is not dedicated to that. May God welcome the victims into the Kingdom of God and may they receive eternal glory! Rest in peace! Amen.
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jokeroutsubs · 11 months
EXCLUSIVE NEWS: Joker Out sign with Wasserman agency.
As reported by Siol, Metropolitan, and other Slovenian media outlets, Joker Out have signed a contract with a booking agency, Wasserman. The Wasserman agency, which was established in 2002, is one of the biggest agencies in the world and is active in a total of 32 countries around the world.s
The following is a translation of the Siol article, published today, 7.11.2023:
New success for Joker Out
Exciting news is coming from the camp of the hottest Slovenian group. Recently, an agency that takes care of a number of celeberities has taken them under their wing, they just recieved a gold plaque in Finland for their song Carpe Diem, meanwhile they're playing multiple sold out concerts.
After playing the biggest headlining concert in their career, Joker Out signed a contract with the booking agency Wasserman, who represents many famous musicians, such as Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Billie Eilish, Imagine Dragons, Lorde, Skrillex and Run The Jewels.
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[Photo caption: Joker Out with the golden plaque which they received for their success on the Finnish music market. Photo: Vita Orehek]
After signing with the agency Wasserman, the group recieved another award - a golden plaque for their single Carpe Diem, which gathered two million streams in Finland. The award was presented on Friday by Virgin Music Group at a press conference in Belgrade which was confirmed by IFPI Finland. The song Carpe Diem has gained over 40 million streams worldwide.
"Proof that language isn't a barrier for a successful international career"
"This award isn't only a confirmation of their success outside their national domestic market, but also proof that language isn't a barrier for a successful international career," said Fabian Stilke, general manager for Universal Music Group in the western Balkan region.
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[Photo caption: Concert in Belgrade. Photo: Vita Orehek]
In October, Joker Out played two concerts in Novi Sad, were guests at Rakičan manor, fired up Vienna, and played two more euphoric concerts in Belgrade at the end of last week.
The Serbian music portal Headliner wrote that it was a concert "As if tomorrow didn't exist". On Friday and Saturday, they're preparing the same party in Tvornica Kulture in Zagreb, which will be followed up by concerts in Warsaw, Vilnius, Wroclaw, Poznan, Prague, Rijeka, Skopje, Munich, The Hague, Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona, Celje, Maribor and Novo mesto.
Translation cr: @joyridinglove, proof read by IG Gboleyn123
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glassprism · 6 months
Question on the catch and carry: I know West End doesn't do it anymore, but I saw the restaged and the non replicas are doing it. This had me wondering if they could do a half catch for West End. Similar to what Davis Gaines did in the Kennedy Center Honors. Christine starts to faint, he's right there and guides her to the floor instead. It's good the other productions are at least still doing it. Thank you, love your page!
Well... I wouldn't necessarily say other productions are doing a catch and carry, heh. Just going based off memory and bootlegs, we have:
Budapest - Christine drops, the Phantom sort of runs in and lets her slump against him before she hits the floor and the song ends with them both in that position; presumably he carries her off to bed during the blackout, though of course in reality the actress is probably getting up and just walking over to the bed herself.
Warsaw/Bialystok - Christine drops, the Phantom catches her and then lowers her to the ground, similar to what you described.
Restaged Tour - Christine leaps into the Phantom's arms, he then carries her off bed where she trustingly and rather inexplicably falls asleep on her own.
Prague - A true catch and carry! Christine faints at the sight of the Mirror Bride robot dancing, the Phantom scoops her up and carries her off to bed.
Tartu/Tallin - Based off promo footage, the Phantom is singing 'Music of the Night' and at some point, Christine just heads to the bed herself and drops off to sleep. I guess she wasn't too into the song.
Helsinki/Gothenburg - The Phantom just walks Christine over to the bed. She crawls in and falls asleep. Basically, the mid 2010s had a whole trend of Christines who quite happily go to sleep on their own in the middle of a strange lair with not a care as to their own safety.
Bucharest (original) - The one bit of footage I have shows Christine still fully awake by the end of the song. Her face is all cuddled up to the Phantom's so maybe she falls asleep that way.
Belgrade - No idea. Probably something modern and avant-garde.
Oslo/Greece Tour/Middle East Tour - Christine is sitting on the ground already and the Phantom is kneeling next to her. She reaches for the mask and he grabs her wrist to stop her, backing away. Christine decides that the best way to deal with this embarrassment is to escape the situation by falling asleep. A true millennial reaction.
Sofia - No clue here either. I'd be surprised if they had the budget for a catch and carry. (For the record, that is a joke.)
Kristianstad - The Mirror Bride dances with Christine (yes, really), and while she's disoriented, the Phantom picks her up, walks two feet, and then dumps her in a corner to sleep.
Sydney Harbour - Christine faints off a platform, but luckily the Phantom is there to catch her (he's on a lower level). He then places her back on the same platform to sleep.
Italian Tour/Madrid revival - Christine faints while in the Phantom's arms, he catches her and carries her off to the bed.
Bucharest (revival) - Unknown.
So out of 14 non-replicas and restagings here, we have 3 unknowns (Belgrade, Sofia, Bucharest revival), 4 where it doesn't happen at all (Tartu/Tallin, Helsinki/Gothenburg, Bucharest (original), and Oslo/Greece Tour/Middle East Tour), 4 that I consider sort of maybe because Christine isn't really fainting or she isn't being carried (Budapest, Warsaw/Bialystok, restaged tour, and Kristianstad), which leaves 3 that would be considered an actual catch and carry (Prague, Sydney Harbour, and the Italian Tour/Madrid revival). That's not really a whole lot! I think what's also notable about the ones that do include a catch and carry is that they have double casting and/or limited runs, which means a reduction in the potential strain on the actor's back.
And I think that would still be the case even with the "gently lower Christine to the ground" part, especially if you're doing it for 8 performances a week for months or even years at a time. However light the actress is, however she falls, that constant catching and supporting her weight and bending to the ground with her does strain your back. Ultimately, that's why the catch and carry got axed when the production went to Broadway, safety rules and all that. And as the productions now predominantly follow the Broadway blocking (even though it's closed... thanks, CamMack), that's probably how it's going to stay.
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laurentgudel · 10 months
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State Music — Residency at Columbia University / Computer Music Center
I spent five weeks in NYC between March and April 2023. It was a fantastic opportunity to work at the Computer Music Center in New York. The CMC is the first electronic music studio in the USA and Seth Cluett was kind enough to let me continue my research in the best conditions.
During this stay I was able to compose two new pieces for my forthcoming debut album State Music. The first was recorded in Studio 324 on two very early versions of Buchla and Serge analogue modular systems and two Bode frequency shifters. The process was similar to what I had done at EMS Stockholm, Radio Belgrade, KSYME Athens and Willem Twee Studio in Den Bosch. I tried to adapt to the machines installed in the studio, tested a lot of patches and recorded many hours of textures, accidents and other sonic events using a variety of techniques. The editing, collaging, layering and mixing was done later in my studio. I just followed one rule. Don't use the same recording twice. No loops, nothing like that.
The second composition was recorded in Jace Clayton's office. Why? Because the RCA Mark II, considered one of the first music synthesizers ever, still sits in that room. The synth has been out of order since 1976, when someone broke into the Prentis Hall building and vandalised the machine. But I decided to make use of it anyway. I opened one of the office windows to let sounds from the city into the room and recorded the tiny vibrations caused by street noise with a geophone magnetised to the synthesizer. In this way the synthesiser essentially acted as a loudspeaker. A cheap recorder was placed near the window. Two wide cardioid microphones were placed in the middle of the room for a high quality recording. Most of the time I sit in front of the synthesizer and do nothing but listen, and every now and then I flip a switch, turn a potentiometer or unplug a patch cable to activate the acoustic space of the office and make the metal frame of the machine vibrate.
It was an amazing moment. I've been working on the State Music project since 2018. I realised that being in that room with that silent machine felt like achieving something. My understanding of electronic music history is much deeper. The links between early synthesizers and the military industry are now much clearer to me. State music? Corporate music? I don't know and it doesn't matter.
Here's an anecdote from The Enabling Instrument: Milton Babbitt and the RCA Synthesizer" a paper by Martin Brody.
When the Mark-I appeared in 1955, it was listed in the RCA Acoustics Laboratory inventory with a proud comparison: The synthesiser was 'second only to the Typhoon rocket simulator as the largest single assembly to come out of the David Sarnoff Research Center'. [Although the Mark-I was built to recreate a peaceful expression of human subjectivity rather than to obliterate a hostile and remote man-machine, its input/output components were as indifferent to the workings of the psyche as an anti-aircraft predictor.As Harry Olson recalled, to test their new machine, Olson and Belar followed Seashore's playbook of analysing past performances. The goal was not to expose the musical mind, but to simulate the sounds of acoustic instruments and human performers with the utmost precision.
I would like to thank Seth Cluett, Anna Meadors, Jace Clayton and Nick Patterson for their help.
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thegreymoon · 1 year
Black Wedding
I am taking a break from C-dramas. TTEOTM was such a massive disaster for me that I now find myself reacting with visceral revulsion to seeing the actors from that show even in other dramas (most notably Bai Lu, whose tag and any mentions of her have now been indefinitely blocked on my blog). This is decidedly not healthy, so some distance is required until I regain some balance and perspective. A show being objectively bad should not have affected me to this extent, I should have just stopped watching, but I feel like I was already sliding into a bad place mentally when this dropped and was maybe subconsciously counting on LYX in a costume drama to provide me with the dopamine I needed to crawl out of this state. Well, that clearly did not happen, the show brought me no joy, just more disappointment and frustration, so I slid even further, and here we are. It's been weeks since I've been able to watch anything at all.
So, for something completely different, I am turning to dramas closer to home. I'm normally allergic to ex-Yu productions, everything about them bothers me, from the themes and narrative choices to the actors and their acting styles. I tried to think of a single ex-Yu drama I like and the only one I can think of is a comedy (?) from the 1980s. However, Serbia has had some interesting releases in the last few years that look like they might cater to my interests, so now is as good a time as ever to give them a try.
Starting with the Black Wedding. I am going in unspoiled, hoping for the full effect. Let's see if I'll enjoy it or if it will make me even angrier than TTEOTM.
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Wish me luck!
I'm not from Serbia, but sad, miserable places in various states of disrepair like this one here are soooooo familiar to me 😔
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I can leave my house, walk for ten minutes, and find a building that looks exactly like this. It's... unsettling. I remember, years ago, I went to the cinema to watch Hostel. They had a train at the beginning identical to the one I took every week. It immediately soured the whole movie for me (not that the rest of the movie was enjoyable in any way, but still).
Oh, these are those wax church candles?
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Interesting! I like religious horror. Hoping for a demonic possession or two now 🙏🙏
The intro is promising. Very promising.
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The music is excellent, expectations are rising.
Familiar small town is familiar.
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I always thought I was lucky I had the chance to live in other, bigger places, but it was all temporary and in the end, I always had to come back to this. No wonder I'm depressed.
Ah, Belgrade.
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I've always had the worst luck with this city.
Concrete jungle.
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Oh, me too, my dude. Me too 😔
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Oh, abortion debate? On my Serbian drama? It's more likely than you think!!
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This can go either really well, or really badly.
In my humble opinion, all priests can just die.
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Detestable class of sub-humans. I break out in hives whenever one of them opens their mouth to spout their garbage opinions where I can hear them.
LMAOOOOO, and of course they have her use the two-minute break in the debate to snap a picture of her cooch 🤣🤣
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Of course. Of course!! Why did I even expect them to do anything but try to paint the powerful, educated, liberal, pro-choice woman as some kind of sex-crazed deviant who doesn't even wear underwear? OF COURSE!! She can't even restrain herself from indulging in promiscuous behaviour in public, while debating the right of women to murderize ~innocent babies~ 🙄🙄 How dare.
I spoke too soon when I said this show was shaping up to be good.
Ten minutes in, and already we have the first strike.
It was narratively very important for us to see him adjusting his dirty ballsack 🙄🙄
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Ahahahahaha, her name is Natasha 🤣🤣
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I cannot even 🤣🤣
We've had a spate of horrific femicides in the last few weeks here. One especially hideous case that was followed by a mass shooting also included law enforcement and the judicial system protecting the perpetrator when the wife reported the violence, even though he was a known criminal. He left their baby in a pool of her mother's blood when he went off to murder more people. It was so outrageous, it triggered protests across the country that will, of course, change nothing. Men will continue to abuse and murder women with impunity because the state allows them to.
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A flashback to the 1970s? OK, let's see where that goes.
Oh, so they are Romanian?
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And the husband isn't?
Granny sound unhinged.
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So much hate in this family. Goodness, it's palpable!
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Jesus. He just up and shot them both.
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I cannot with men like this. You don't like your wife? You don't like your MIL? PUT YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND JUST LEAVE.
Oh no. Oh no. He is shooting everyone.
How prophetic, in light of all the shit that has gone down in Serbia this year.
He spared the child.
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He murdered everyone else, tho.
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This actor is fantastic, btw. He has been around forever, acting since he was a child. He is a living cultural icon at this point.
He is also mentally unwell.
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From the hints we've gotten from the state of his apartment, something happened to his son? Also, his wife's (?) picture is still in a prominent place, but there is no wife around. I'm expecting some serious shit there.
OMG, it's been years and years since I've heard the Black Rose mentioned 🙄🙄
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It's a murderous Satanic cult (allegedly) but I've never been sure if it's real or if it was just sensationalistic reporting combined with Satanic panic. I never really believed the stories I read in garbage tabloids that usually reported them.
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What do you mean the shooter has no children?
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So, who were those two who were apparently working day and night and never talking to each other that the crazy MIL was moaning about?
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meli-writes · 3 days
Slipping Away - Ch. 02
The words come difficult, if at all. You sing through a tape recording she made spying on you, that she never turned in. It's the only way you do.
And you write, ciphers she will know are useless — your agency changed them when they wrote you off — but they let her report you worth keeping. Let her leave you in a neat, coastal safehouse.
Do not use radio, or the phone. Do not go to town more than twice a week, but still at least once. Only for 20 minutes, and do not use the dollars. Get yourself something sweet.
You think she’s been gone for a month again. You could run, but it seems nice not to, and you’re waiting for her to come back. You want her to see what you’ve written, lyrics you won’t get to utter but she’ll tell you someone else will.
Something happened in Berlin, and Ljubljana. We can’t go back to Belgrade. I don’t know what is happening there. You don’t want to know.
Pebbles slip between your toes, as waves rock in and out on your beach. You gather wild garlic in your forest. You see suns rising and falling in your sky, the seasons turning so they might settle leaves on your shoulders when her hands aren’t there.
You wish you could keep out any other world but this.
There is fighting inland. There’s been a coup in Moscow. I have no one left to report to. We’ll move on from here soon, I promise.
The town is quiet now, you don’t go there anymore. There is nothing sweet. You can’t read her foraging book, and don’t know which berries are safe.
She pulls up floorboards to show you old rations in a place you could hide. You only eat them on days where your hands don’t work. And don’t think about the other part.
The other days you write, this time a confession to her. It’s slow and painful with nerves that never recovered. It hurts less than if you tried to say it, and every day you’re less sure you’d get the chance if you waited to.
knock. knock.
You hear them soft and unsteady. The shotgun loosens in your grasp. You don’t think you could squeeze the trigger if you had to.
"it’s not locked — still here." you squeak.
She braces herself against the table, pressing a bandage on her stomach, sodden with crimson rot. She hammers it with her fist and straightens up.
“Where is the boat, zaychik, is it ready?” She tries to sound pleasant, pretend you’re going out to see the stars again. She doesn’t want to scare you.
“no.” You can’t tell her it was stolen — other people are trying to flee. “gone.”
She says nothing and starts searching the room. You haven’t been keeping things neat. You can’t without her. She finds your notebook and sheet music and places it in her bag.
“It’s okay. We can go north.” She takes the shotgun from your hands. “They will open the embassy in Slovenia, the Italians will. You still have your passport?”
You take a small tin from amidst the toys you shouldn’t have bought — with dollars, or at all — and were keeping for someone small.
She checks the shotgun is loaded, and cocked, and places it down to walk over to you. Holding you close, her blood is sinking into your blouse. You realise how long it was this time as she pulls away and rearms herself. Your pistol is in her waistband.
This can’t be the last time. You don’t want to go. But— “forest.”
You take the bag from her, stow your tin and the last rations. You know the way out of here. You don't need to look back for her. It won’t be the last time.
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 6.20
Bald Eagle Day (a.k.a. American Eagle Day)
Brownie 620 Day
Clean Air Day (EU)
Datsun 620 Day
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Ossentian Genocide (South Ossetia)
Flag Day (Argentina)
Gas Sector Day (Azerbaijan)
Guru Rinpoche Day (Bhutan)
Hike with a Geek Day
International Asteroid Day
International Day of Nikkei
International Horseshoe Crab Day
International Nystagmus Awareness Day
International Tennis Day
Loch Ness Day
Martyrs’ Day (Eritrea)
Naked Hiking Day
National Celluma Light Therapy Day
National eGiving Day
National Goat Day
National Heroes’ Day (Bermuda)
National Hike with a Geek Day
National Jimmy Day
National Kissing Day (UK)
National Neuroscience Nurses Day (Canada)
National Public Display of Affection Day
National Seashell Day
National Surveillance Camera Day (UK)
National Yard Games Day
New Identity Day
Nystagmus Awareness Day (a.k.a. Wobbly Wednesday)
Oat Day (French Republic)
Oxford Charter Day
Ratha Yathra (a.k.a. Kang; Manipur, Odisha; India)
Sack of Baltimore (Ireland)
Sea Serpent Day (Plymouth, Massachusetts)
620 Day
Tall Girl Appreciation Day
Toad Hollow Day of Thank You
Vitamin Discovery Day
World Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy Day
World Peace & Prayer Day
World Productivity Day
World Psychedelics Day
World Refugee Day (UN)
World Wi-Fi Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Drink Chenin Blanc Day
Dunkin Iced Coffee Day
Flitch of Bacon Day (UK)
Ice Cream Soda Day
National Kouign Amann Day
Plain Yogurt Day
Vanilla Milkshake Day
Vinegar Day
Independence & Related Days
Aedeland (a.k.a. Republic of Aedeland, Declared, 943) [unrecognized]
Nixland (Declared, 2014) [unrecognized]
West Virginia Statehood Day (#35; 1863)
3rd Thursday in June
Dump the Pump Day [3rd Thursday]
International Knock Knock Day [3rd Thursday]
Recess At Work Day [3rd Thursday]
Social Mobility Awareness Day (UK) [3rd Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
World Kidney Cancer Day [3rd Thursday]
World Tapas Day [3rd Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 20 (3rd Full Week)
World Refugee Week (Australia) [week including 6.20]
Festivals Beginning June 20, 2024
Barefoot Country Music Festival (Wildwood, New Jersey) [thru 6.23]
Bartender Spirits Awards (San Francisco, California)
Belgrade Beer Fest (Belgrade, Serbia) [thru 6.23]
CiderFeast East Coast Tour (Haverhill, Massachusetts)
Cottage Grove Strawberry Fest (Cottage Grove, Minnesota) [thru 6.23]
Cranberry Blossom Festival (Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin) [thru 6.23]
Encounters South African International Documentary Festival (Cape Town, South Africa) [thru 6.30]
Farmington Dew Days (Farmington, Minnesota) [thru 6.23]
Haubstadt Sommerfest (Haubstadt, Indiana) [thru 6.22]
Herb Society of America Educational Conference (Malvern, Pennsylvania) [thru 6.21]
International Diaghilev Festival (Perm, Russia) [thru 6.29]
Isle of Wight Festival (Newport, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom) [thru 6.23]
JazzAscona [Ascona Jazz Festival] (Ascona, Switzerland) [thru 6.29]
London Strawberry Festival (London, Ohio) [thru 6.22]
National Arts Festival (Grahamstown, South Africa) [thru 6.30]
Pittston Fair (Pittston, Maine) [thru 6.23]
Placer County Fair (Roseville, California) [thru 6.23]
Quahog Day (Cataumet, Massachusetts)
Sommeliers Choice Awards (Chicago, Illinois)
Stilldream Festival (Wilseyville, California) [thru 6.24]
Summerfest (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) [thru 7.6]
Taste of Tippecanoe (Lafayette, Indiana)
Telluride Bluegrass Festival (Telluride, Colorado) [thru 6.23]
Feast Days
Adalbert of Magdeburg (Christian; Saint)
Bain, Bishop of Terouanne (a.k.a. Bagnus; Christian; Saint)
Carista (Day of Peace in the Family; Pagan)
Day of Cerridwen (Welsh Goddess of Barley)
Day of the Purification of All Things (Ancient Egypt)
Feast of the Irish Martyrs
Festival of Saint Joan begins (Spain)
Festival of Summanus (Ancient Roman god of the night sky & nocturnal thunder)
Festival of the New Knee (Shamanism)
Florentina (Christian; Saint)
Georges Dufrénoy (Artology)
Gobain (Christian; Martyr)
Idaberga (a.k.a. Edburge) of Merica (Christian; Saint)
Iron Skegge’s Day (Vikings)
Jacques Saly (Artology)
John of Matera (Christian; Saint)
Josephine Winslow Johnson (Writerism)
Joseph Smith Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Kubik (Muppetism)
Kurt Schwitters (Artology)
Magdalena Abakanowicz (Artology)
Margareta Ebner (Christian; Blessed)
Methodius of Olympus (Christian; Saint)
Michelina of Pesaro (Christian; Saint)
Omer (Christian; Saint)
Otho the Great (Positivist; Saint)
Paul Muldoon (Writerism)
Scira (a.k.a. Skirophoria; Festival for Demeter; Ancient Greece)
Silverius, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Solstice [1st Day of Summer in Northern Hemisphere] (a.k.a. ... 
Acophony (G’BroagFran of Anti-Music; Church of the SubGenius)
Alban Hefin (a.k.a. Litha or Midsummer; Celtic, Pagan) [4 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Aimless Wandering Day
Anne and Samantha Day
Aymara New Year (Año Nuevo Aymara; Bolivia)
Cuckoo Warning Day (it will be a wet summer if the cuckoo is heard today)
Daylight Appreciation Day
Day of Private Reflection
Day of the Martyrs (Togo)
Feast of the Great Spirit (Native American)
Fête de la Musique
Finally Summer Day/Finally Winter Day
Hump Day (Tasmania)
Indigenous New Year (We Tripantu; Año Nuevo Indígena; Chile)
International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
Into Raymi (Incan Sun God Festival; Sacsayhuamán Andes Mountain Natives)
Jaanipäev (Estonia)
Jāņi (Latvia)
Juhannus Day (Finland)
Kupala (fertility rite)
Kupala Night (Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Russia)
Litha (Wiccan/Pagan; northern hemisphere)
Midnight Sun Festival (Nome, Alaska)
Midsomarsblog (Norse celebration of fishing, trading & raiding)
Midsummer Baal (Celtic)
National Celluma Light Therapy Day
National Daylight Appreciation Day
National Day of Greenland
National Energy Shopping Day
Polar Bear Swim (Nome, Alaska)
Saint Jonas' Festival (Lithuania)
Solsticio de Invierno (Bolivia)
Sommar Börjar (Sweden)
Summer Saucestice (Pastafarian)
Tall Girl Appreciation Day
Tiregān (Iran)
Wadjet (Ancient Egypt)
We Tripantu (winter solstice festival in the southern hemisphere; Chile)
Wianki (Poland)
Willkakuti (Andean-Amazonic New Year; Aymara)
World Humanist Day
World Peace and Prayer Day
Yule (Wiccan/Pagan; southern hemisphere)
Takekiri Eshiki Matsuri (Bamboo Cutting Festival; Japan)
Watching the Ferns Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
World Juggling Day (Pastafarian)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Eid al-Adha, Day 5 [Muslim Feast of Sacrifice] (a.k.a. ... 
Al Adha (Egypt)
Eid al Adha (Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Yemen)
Eid ul-Ad’haa (Maldives)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Yellow Day [Happiest day of the year.]
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (Film; 2012)
The Palm-Wine Drinkard, by Amos Tutuola (Novel; 1952)
Batman & Robin (Film; 1997)
Blonde on Blonde, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1966)
The Blue Lagoon (Film; 1980)
The Blues Brothers (Film & Soundtrack Album; 1980)
The Blue Train (Le Train Bleu), by Darius Milhaud (Ballet; 1924)
The Call of the Wild, by Jack London (Novel; 1902)
Carry On Camping (Film; 1969)
Chinatown (Film; 1974)
Clown of the Jungle (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Count on the Saint, by Graham Weaver (Short Stories; 1980) [Saint #49]
Dangerously in Love, by Beyoncé (Album; 2003)
Don’t Be Cruel, by Bobby Brown (Album; 1988)
Double Vision, by Foreigner (Album; 1978)
Extinct Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1969)
Fastest Tongue in the West (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1971)
Father’s Week-End (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Friend or Phony (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Get Smart (Film; 2008)
Happy Scouts (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1938)
Hare Trimmed (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
Heart Break, by New Edition (Album; 1988)
HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I, by Michael Jackson (Album; 1995)
Hulk (Film; 2003)
Independence Day: Resurgence (Film; 2016)
Jaws (Film; 1975)
The Last of the Just, by Andre Schwarz-Bart (Novel; 1961)
A Leap in the Deep (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1971)
The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1605)
Mickey’s Rival (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Moving Day (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
My Best Friend’s Wedding (Film; 1997)
The Nifty Nineties (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Nurse-Mates (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
One, by George Jones and Tammy Wynette (Album; 1995)
Picnic Panic (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1946)
The Reluctant Dragon (Disney Animated Film; 1941)
Rippling Romance (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1945)
Rommel, The Desert Fox, by Desmond Young (Biography; 1951)
Shanghaied Shipmates (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Superman: Brainiac Attacks (WB Animated Film; 2006)
Teenage Idol, recorded by Rick Nelson (Song; 1962)
Them, by Joyce Carol Oates (Novel; 1969)
To Hell and Back, by Audie Murphy (Memoir; 1949)
Tonight’s the Night, by Neil Young (Album; 1975)
A Touch of Class (Film; 1973)
The Trooper, by Iron Maiden (Song; 1983)
Unsafe at Any Speed, by Ralph Nader (Book; 1966)
Very Good, Jeeves! P.G. Wodehouse (Short Stories; 1930) [Jeeves #4]
Wee-Willie Wildcat, featuring Barney bear (MGM Cartoon; 1953)
A Wet Knight (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Yellowstone (TV Series; 2018)
Yesterday and Today (a.k.a. The Butcher Cover), by The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Adalbert, Florentina (Austria)
Margareta, Naum (Croatia)
Květa (Czech Republic)
Sylverius (Denmark)
Kaari, Karlotte, Karola, Karoliine, Karolin, Lota (Estonia)
Into (Finland)
Silvère (France)
Adalbert, Florentina, Margot (Germany)
Methodios (Greece)
Rafael (Hungary)
Ettore, Silverio (Italy)
Imula, Maira, Rasa, Rasma (Latvia)
Silverijus, Žadvainas, Žintautė (Lithuania)
Salve, Sølve, Sølvi (Norway)
Bogna, Bogumiła, Bożena, Florentyna, Franciszek, Michał, Rafaela, Rafał, Sylwery (Poland)
Metodie (România)
Maria, Valeria (Russia)
Valéria (Slovakia)
Florentina, Silverio (Spain)
Flora, Linda (Sweden)
Earl, Earline, Errol, Fatima, Ofelia, Omar, Omarion, Ophelia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 172 of 2024; 194 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 25 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 15 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 14 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 13 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 22 Blue; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 7 June 2024
Moon: 97%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Otho the Great]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 1 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 31 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Summer [Season 3 of 4; thru 9.22]
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SINOĆ NA UŠĆU! Prvo veče festivala Belgrade Music Week-a, nastavak večeras i sutra
Petak veče bilo je rezervisano za provod na beogradskom Ušću, gde je publika imala priliku da uživa u spektakularnim nastupima najpopularnijih izvođača savremenog urbanog zvuka. 
Desetine hiljada posetilaca prošlo je kroz festivalske kapije na Ušću, tokom prvog od tri festivalska dana, a brojke će se utrostručiti VEČERAS i SUTRA, kako najavljuju organizatori iz SKYMUSIC-a. Beograd će okupiti sve generacije i ljubitelje novog i modernog zvuka i opravdati svoju titulu ultimativne evropske party destinacije. 
Dugo očekivani nastupi Voyage-a, Nucci-ja, Zere Henny-ja, Popova, Desingerice, Pljugice i mnogih drugih sinoć nikoga nisu ostavili ravnodušnim, a veče su obeležila i tri velika iznenađenja: Voyage je najavio NOVI album 15. septembra, PRVI SOLISTIČKI KONCERT sa Nucci-jem u Beogradu, Nucci-ja je publika izglasala kao hitmejkera godine, a Zera je premijerno izvela NOVU PESMU, samo za publiku na Ušću. Na istom mestu publiku večeras očekuju Senidah, Mahrina, Rasta, Corona i Rimski, Amna, Mili i MNOGI DRUGI izvođači i IZNENAĐENJA koja Belgrade Music Week čuva za publiku kao kec u rukavu. 
Foto: Live Production
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 6.20
Bald Eagle Day (a.k.a. American Eagle Day)
Brownie 620 Day
Clean Air Day (EU)
Datsun 620 Day
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Ossentian Genocide (South Ossetia)
Flag Day (Argentina)
Gas Sector Day (Azerbaijan)
Guru Rinpoche Day (Bhutan)
Hike with a Geek Day
International Asteroid Day
International Day of Nikkei
International Horseshoe Crab Day
International Nystagmus Awareness Day
International Tennis Day
Loch Ness Day
Martyrs’ Day (Eritrea)
Naked Hiking Day
National Celluma Light Therapy Day
National eGiving Day
National Goat Day
National Heroes’ Day (Bermuda)
National Hike with a Geek Day
National Jimmy Day
National Kissing Day (UK)
National Neuroscience Nurses Day (Canada)
National Public Display of Affection Day
National Seashell Day
National Surveillance Camera Day (UK)
National Yard Games Day
New Identity Day
Nystagmus Awareness Day (a.k.a. Wobbly Wednesday)
Oat Day (French Republic)
Oxford Charter Day
Ratha Yathra (a.k.a. Kang; Manipur, Odisha; India)
Sack of Baltimore (Ireland)
Sea Serpent Day (Plymouth, Massachusetts)
620 Day
Tall Girl Appreciation Day
Toad Hollow Day of Thank You
Vitamin Discovery Day
World Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy Day
World Peace & Prayer Day
World Productivity Day
World Psychedelics Day
World Refugee Day (UN)
World Wi-Fi Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Drink Chenin Blanc Day
Dunkin Iced Coffee Day
Flitch of Bacon Day (UK)
Ice Cream Soda Day
National Kouign Amann Day
Plain Yogurt Day
Vanilla Milkshake Day
Vinegar Day
Independence & Related Days
Aedeland (a.k.a. Republic of Aedeland, Declared, 943) [unrecognized]
Nixland (Declared, 2014) [unrecognized]
West Virginia Statehood Day (#35; 1863)
3rd Thursday in June
Dump the Pump Day [3rd Thursday]
International Knock Knock Day [3rd Thursday]
Recess At Work Day [3rd Thursday]
Social Mobility Awareness Day (UK) [3rd Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
World Kidney Cancer Day [3rd Thursday]
World Tapas Day [3rd Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 20 (3rd Full Week)
World Refugee Week (Australia) [week including 6.20]
Festivals Beginning June 20, 2024
Barefoot Country Music Festival (Wildwood, New Jersey) [thru 6.23]
Bartender Spirits Awards (San Francisco, California)
Belgrade Beer Fest (Belgrade, Serbia) [thru 6.23]
CiderFeast East Coast Tour (Haverhill, Massachusetts)
Cottage Grove Strawberry Fest (Cottage Grove, Minnesota) [thru 6.23]
Cranberry Blossom Festival (Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin) [thru 6.23]
Encounters South African International Documentary Festival (Cape Town, South Africa) [thru 6.30]
Farmington Dew Days (Farmington, Minnesota) [thru 6.23]
Haubstadt Sommerfest (Haubstadt, Indiana) [thru 6.22]
Herb Society of America Educational Conference (Malvern, Pennsylvania) [thru 6.21]
International Diaghilev Festival (Perm, Russia) [thru 6.29]
Isle of Wight Festival (Newport, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom) [thru 6.23]
JazzAscona [Ascona Jazz Festival] (Ascona, Switzerland) [thru 6.29]
London Strawberry Festival (London, Ohio) [thru 6.22]
National Arts Festival (Grahamstown, South Africa) [thru 6.30]
Pittston Fair (Pittston, Maine) [thru 6.23]
Placer County Fair (Roseville, California) [thru 6.23]
Quahog Day (Cataumet, Massachusetts)
Sommeliers Choice Awards (Chicago, Illinois)
Stilldream Festival (Wilseyville, California) [thru 6.24]
Summerfest (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) [thru 7.6]
Taste of Tippecanoe (Lafayette, Indiana)
Telluride Bluegrass Festival (Telluride, Colorado) [thru 6.23]
Feast Days
Adalbert of Magdeburg (Christian; Saint)
Bain, Bishop of Terouanne (a.k.a. Bagnus; Christian; Saint)
Carista (Day of Peace in the Family; Pagan)
Day of Cerridwen (Welsh Goddess of Barley)
Day of the Purification of All Things (Ancient Egypt)
Feast of the Irish Martyrs
Festival of Saint Joan begins (Spain)
Festival of Summanus (Ancient Roman god of the night sky & nocturnal thunder)
Festival of the New Knee (Shamanism)
Florentina (Christian; Saint)
Georges Dufrénoy (Artology)
Gobain (Christian; Martyr)
Idaberga (a.k.a. Edburge) of Merica (Christian; Saint)
Iron Skegge’s Day (Vikings)
Jacques Saly (Artology)
John of Matera (Christian; Saint)
Josephine Winslow Johnson (Writerism)
Joseph Smith Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Kubik (Muppetism)
Kurt Schwitters (Artology)
Magdalena Abakanowicz (Artology)
Margareta Ebner (Christian; Blessed)
Methodius of Olympus (Christian; Saint)
Michelina of Pesaro (Christian; Saint)
Omer (Christian; Saint)
Otho the Great (Positivist; Saint)
Paul Muldoon (Writerism)
Scira (a.k.a. Skirophoria; Festival for Demeter; Ancient Greece)
Silverius, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Solstice [1st Day of Summer in Northern Hemisphere] (a.k.a. ... 
Acophony (G’BroagFran of Anti-Music; Church of the SubGenius)
Alban Hefin (a.k.a. Litha or Midsummer; Celtic, Pagan) [4 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Aimless Wandering Day
Anne and Samantha Day
Aymara New Year (Año Nuevo Aymara; Bolivia)
Cuckoo Warning Day (it will be a wet summer if the cuckoo is heard today)
Daylight Appreciation Day
Day of Private Reflection
Day of the Martyrs (Togo)
Feast of the Great Spirit (Native American)
Fête de la Musique
Finally Summer Day/Finally Winter Day
Hump Day (Tasmania)
Indigenous New Year (We Tripantu; Año Nuevo Indígena; Chile)
International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
Into Raymi (Incan Sun God Festival; Sacsayhuamán Andes Mountain Natives)
Jaanipäev (Estonia)
Jāņi (Latvia)
Juhannus Day (Finland)
Kupala (fertility rite)
Kupala Night (Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Russia)
Litha (Wiccan/Pagan; northern hemisphere)
Midnight Sun Festival (Nome, Alaska)
Midsomarsblog (Norse celebration of fishing, trading & raiding)
Midsummer Baal (Celtic)
National Celluma Light Therapy Day
National Daylight Appreciation Day
National Day of Greenland
National Energy Shopping Day
Polar Bear Swim (Nome, Alaska)
Saint Jonas' Festival (Lithuania)
Solsticio de Invierno (Bolivia)
Sommar Börjar (Sweden)
Summer Saucestice (Pastafarian)
Tall Girl Appreciation Day
Tiregān (Iran)
Wadjet (Ancient Egypt)
We Tripantu (winter solstice festival in the southern hemisphere; Chile)
Wianki (Poland)
Willkakuti (Andean-Amazonic New Year; Aymara)
World Humanist Day
World Peace and Prayer Day
Yule (Wiccan/Pagan; southern hemisphere)
Takekiri Eshiki Matsuri (Bamboo Cutting Festival; Japan)
Watching the Ferns Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
World Juggling Day (Pastafarian)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Eid al-Adha, Day 5 [Muslim Feast of Sacrifice] (a.k.a. ... 
Al Adha (Egypt)
Eid al Adha (Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Yemen)
Eid ul-Ad’haa (Maldives)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Yellow Day [Happiest day of the year.]
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (Film; 2012)
The Palm-Wine Drinkard, by Amos Tutuola (Novel; 1952)
Batman & Robin (Film; 1997)
Blonde on Blonde, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1966)
The Blue Lagoon (Film; 1980)
The Blues Brothers (Film & Soundtrack Album; 1980)
The Blue Train (Le Train Bleu), by Darius Milhaud (Ballet; 1924)
The Call of the Wild, by Jack London (Novel; 1902)
Carry On Camping (Film; 1969)
Chinatown (Film; 1974)
Clown of the Jungle (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Count on the Saint, by Graham Weaver (Short Stories; 1980) [Saint #49]
Dangerously in Love, by Beyoncé (Album; 2003)
Don’t Be Cruel, by Bobby Brown (Album; 1988)
Double Vision, by Foreigner (Album; 1978)
Extinct Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1969)
Fastest Tongue in the West (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1971)
Father’s Week-End (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Friend or Phony (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1952)
Get Smart (Film; 2008)
Happy Scouts (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1938)
Hare Trimmed (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
Heart Break, by New Edition (Album; 1988)
HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I, by Michael Jackson (Album; 1995)
Hulk (Film; 2003)
Independence Day: Resurgence (Film; 2016)
Jaws (Film; 1975)
The Last of the Just, by Andre Schwarz-Bart (Novel; 1961)
A Leap in the Deep (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1971)
The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1605)
Mickey’s Rival (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Moving Day (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
My Best Friend’s Wedding (Film; 1997)
The Nifty Nineties (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Nurse-Mates (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
One, by George Jones and Tammy Wynette (Album; 1995)
Picnic Panic (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1946)
The Reluctant Dragon (Disney Animated Film; 1941)
Rippling Romance (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1945)
Rommel, The Desert Fox, by Desmond Young (Biography; 1951)
Shanghaied Shipmates (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Superman: Brainiac Attacks (WB Animated Film; 2006)
Teenage Idol, recorded by Rick Nelson (Song; 1962)
Them, by Joyce Carol Oates (Novel; 1969)
To Hell and Back, by Audie Murphy (Memoir; 1949)
Tonight’s the Night, by Neil Young (Album; 1975)
A Touch of Class (Film; 1973)
The Trooper, by Iron Maiden (Song; 1983)
Unsafe at Any Speed, by Ralph Nader (Book; 1966)
Very Good, Jeeves! P.G. Wodehouse (Short Stories; 1930) [Jeeves #4]
Wee-Willie Wildcat, featuring Barney bear (MGM Cartoon; 1953)
A Wet Knight (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Yellowstone (TV Series; 2018)
Yesterday and Today (a.k.a. The Butcher Cover), by The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Adalbert, Florentina (Austria)
Margareta, Naum (Croatia)
Květa (Czech Republic)
Sylverius (Denmark)
Kaari, Karlotte, Karola, Karoliine, Karolin, Lota (Estonia)
Into (Finland)
Silvère (France)
Adalbert, Florentina, Margot (Germany)
Methodios (Greece)
Rafael (Hungary)
Ettore, Silverio (Italy)
Imula, Maira, Rasa, Rasma (Latvia)
Silverijus, ��advainas, Žintautė (Lithuania)
Salve, Sølve, Sølvi (Norway)
Bogna, Bogumiła, Bożena, Florentyna, Franciszek, Michał, Rafaela, Rafał, Sylwery (Poland)
Metodie (România)
Maria, Valeria (Russia)
Valéria (Slovakia)
Florentina, Silverio (Spain)
Flora, Linda (Sweden)
Earl, Earline, Errol, Fatima, Ofelia, Omar, Omarion, Ophelia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 172 of 2024; 194 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 25 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 15 (Yi-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 14 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 13 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 22 Blue; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 7 June 2024
Moon: 97%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Otho the Great]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 1 of 94)
Week: 3rd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 31 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Summer [Season 3 of 4; thru 9.22]
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ntriani · 7 months
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OQM Playlist: Life during quarantine #4 A new life during quarantine playlist reminds Nick Triani of first encounters with Roberta Flack's music whilst a DJ in Belgrade To quote Ian Curtis, “Where will it end? Where will it end?” No one knows Ian. Our disciplined homestay goes on. That silent trust that seems so apparent amongst the Nordic countries, doesn’t exist elsewhere. That faith repays itself with people in general terms sticking to agreed plans. Still, a certain twitchy feeling is arising.  Should we start to relax about COVID-19? Or should we keep up the restraint that keeps us safe?
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Roberta Flack‘s First Take album, an unacknowledged masterpiece from the end of the 1960’s finally gets the deluxe reissue treatment and a welcome boost to its rather ignored standing. I open this week’s playlist with a new bonus cut from the album that offers an indication of the quality throughout. I first encountered First Takealmost 30 years ago, when I was a DJ in the former Yugoslavia at a Belgrade-based radio station Marketing Union. I arrived in Belgrade from England just as the sanctions from the UN kicked in.
As the war between Yugoslavia and Croatian forces raged, Yugoslavia was seen as the aggressor of the conflict. Looking from the outside, this may have seemed the case – the reality on the streets of Belgrade was rather different. Refugees from war torn parts of the country were flooding into the city. There was a sense of danger, a squalid aesthetic, political unrest, a dictatorial presence whilst anti-war feeling was riding high. After all these years I still can’t understand two things: what was I, a 25-year-old doing in Belgrade in 1992? And why, what is now known as the Croatian War of Independence, was tolerated by the people on both sides of the conflict? It was a family affair, with many people in Belgrade having cousins, brothers, grandparents and other family members on both sides of the divide. Blood was running thicker than usual.
I was paid handsomely for my DJ job, with packages of cash left for me monthly in a shady café. Near my first hotel, there was a street market and an excellent record stand. That’s where I found Roberta’s First Take.  I was doing long stints on the radio and although the company that employed me were sending me new music (often unavailable in Belgrade due to those sanctions), I still needed more. So I became a regular customer at the market.
After many months, leaving Belgrade proved difficult. I was depressed by the war and its effects. I was also feeling mercenary. It was hard to justify my existence when so much hardship was around me. A stand-off for some weeks due to my expired passport delayed the stamping of my documents. Suspicious authorities ultimately relented which led to a scary train ride via Hungary that got me to Austria and a plane back to England. To travel light, I’d discarded much of the records accumulated during my time in Belgrade, but Roberta’s First Take made the trip home and has accompanied me ever since.
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jokeroutsubs · 8 months
Joker Out ‘Live From Arena Stožice’ - A triumph of unquestionable talent, youthful enthusiasm and dedicated work
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“Aha, that Slovenian band from Eurovision. Cute guys, but their music is for kids.” Nearly every attempt at explaining the quickly growing phenomenon Joker Out to those older and less informed gets stuck on this kind of reaction.
After the concert album “Live from Arena Stožice”, published by Virgin Records, and a rockumentary of the same name, directed by Mark Pirc, everything will be much clearer and hopefully there won’t be anyone who needs convincing that this Slovenian five-piece have emerged as the most exciting young pop rock band in the wider region, for now maybe even the only ones of their generation capacitated for the biggest venues in the post-Yugoslav area. This is a complete 90-minute recording of their triumphant concert in Ljubljana with 12,000 backing vocals and the right material for a major label deal, which nobody from these parts has been able to do in such a short period.
Yes, of course, Joker Out makes music for kids, or more precisely music for girls, as they always make up a majority of their audience. Photo and video documentation obtained from Stožice doesn’t differ from what was recorded a few weeks later at the Zagreb concerts in Tvornica Kulture, where the only older faces in the crowd were the security guards, accredited reporters and some caring mothers who didn’t want to leave their darling alone in the crowd under any circumstance.
Everything that happens with this band looks like an endless highschool party fueled by high-spirited youthful rock. However, the fact that Joker Out’s music is magnetically attractive to only girls isn’t a handicap, but a huge initial advantage, both in Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade, as well as London and Manchester. The mass teenage hysteria once similarly helped Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly, the early Beatles and T.Rex, and more recently Franz Ferdinand and Arctic Monkeys, with whom rock was briefly youthful again.
On home turf, the famous new wave became quite an important factor of pop culture when it won over a highschool aged audience, and became an exceptionally profitable discographic investment when in big cities it reached even the upper classes in elementary school. In later stages, due to the unlucky combination of unfortunate demographic and discographic processes, we ran out of young bands as well as the youngest audience. Since there were no adequate regional responses to Franz Ferdinand and Arctic Monkeys, a defeatist way of thinking prevailed in the rock world, saying that new generations are generally uninterested in bands with guitars.
Joker Out sprinted into that empty space and simply smashed it. Eurovision was the launching pad for their international career, but the foundation for a sold out Stožice Arena was built two years prior when the band filled Cvetličarna, a venue with a capacity of up to 2000 people, with their debut album ‘Umazane misli’. In terms of the Slovenian rock scene those were already big numbers and irrefutable proof that the winners of Špil Liga in 2016 became serious players in the meantime.
After a phenomenally successful regional and European tour it was Arena Stožice’s turn, so by October Bojan Cvjetićanin, Jure Maček, Kris Guštin, Jan Peteh and Nace Jordan had the required number of played matches and enough confidence in them to transfer all of their current published songs to a concert album, meaning 23 songs in total. So, that includes the complete material from the ‘Umazane misli’ and ‘Demoni’ studio albums, two last years hits,’Carpe Diem’ and ‘Sunny Side of London’, as well as their first song back from their highschool days, ‘Kot srce, ki kri poganja’. When planning some kind of festival gig, they could make a selection and pick out their hits, but at an ambitiously planned 90-minute solo performance they had to play all they have and be very careful not to make a mistake in the song setlist.
For a furious opening, effectively complimented by the guest brass players, the chosen song was their recent single ‘Sunny Side of London’, the only song performed in English. Live it sounds like a final confirmation that Joker Out is an international band and like an excellent announcement for their upcoming spring European tour. The next song is ‘Gola’, the first out of many old favourites and the ultimate Slovenian teenager hit, which started a rarely seen euphoria in the audience.
After that the whole arena thunderously sings along with Bojan to ‘Bele sanje’, ‘Plastika’ and ‘Dopamin’ and ‘Demoni’, and the accumulated energy is just transferred from one song to the next without any oscillation. In the middle part of the concert, however, you can feel that Joker Out’s repertoire lacks a few more punchy songs. At least the fans won’t mind that at all, because with a flashback to their debut song ‘Kot srce, ki kri poganja’ they got an exclusive opportunity to watch and listen to the ex rhythm section with the drummer Matic Kovačič and bassist Martin Jurkovič. Less impressive are the extended versions of ‘Metulji’ and ‘Vem da greš’, where the compact three-minute forms from the first album are extended with guitar solos and stretched out into the too long six-minute versions. The ending of the concert, in which ‘Tokio’, ‘Umazane misli’, their new concert single ‘Ne bi smel’, generational anthem ‘Novi val’ and their biggest hit ‘Carpe Diem’ were incorporated, was performed flawlessly. Joker Out is at the level of the assignment, and ‘Live from Arena Stožice’ is the most complete edition. This concert album represents a triumph of unquestionable talent, youthful enthusiasm and dedicated work, but there’s something else at play.
Fifteen years ago the run-down Kino Šiška, a former iconic meeting place for punks of Ljubljana, was thoroughly remodelled and turned into the city's alternative culture institute. Ten years ago Kino Šiška announced a competition for highschool bands and started Špil Liga, regularly funded by the city. In the third season, Joker Out won Špil Liga. Today, Ljubljana has a band that it can proudly send to every European metropole. Their concert in Helsinki sold out three months in advance. That’s not crazy luck, but a smart cultural strategy.
Rating: 8/10
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katarankovic · 9 months
It’s out!
Trailer for the documentary movie ~ADAPTATION~ and Venice International Performance Art Week for #DigiLabAiR in cooperation with G12Hub and Performance Art Video *
Premiere will be in Palazzo Mora in Venice at performance biennale 15/12/2024 *
Adaptation (2023) by Katarina Rankovic, 12’ 09” min.
Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.
–Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway
12 sempreviva seeds were grow at Belgrade balcony and after two months of adaptation they were adopted by 12 women. This is a tribute to all women, to remind them that their “invisible” interior is their brightest aura.
This movie shows the love that we carry in the unique existence of a female body and soul which is main key to eternal flame.
Concept / Katarina Rankovic
Video / Andrej Ostroški | Teodora Sarić
Costume / Marija Tavčar
Video editing / Andrej Ostroški
Photo / Ivana Cutura | Stefan Stevic
Original music / Katarina Rankovic
Very special thanks to ALL women who contributed to this /
Mami, Maki Georgiev, Marti, Maki Tavcar, Jasenki Ostroski, Jani, Simeoni, Maki Dujović, Jokici, Ljilji Cvetkovic i BeFem, teta Biljani, Ivi, Ivani Cuturi *
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childrenweb · 2 years
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How Puccini's Madam Butterfly catapulted Pavarotti to stardom
On the evening of Tuesday 7 May, 1963, an enthusiastic crowd of opera lovers filed into the Grand Opera House in Belfast, Northern Ireland, for a production of Puccini’s Madam Butterfly. In the wings, nervously waiting to make his UK debut as a professional singer, was an unknown young Italian tenor. His name? Luciano Pavarotti.
When did Luciano Pavarotti start performing?
Pavarotti had sung in the UK before, though not as an operatic soloist. Eight years previously, aged just 19, he had travelled to Wales with the Corale Rossini, a male voice choir from his hometown of Modena, to compete at the Eisteddfod in Llangollen. The choir won first prize in its category, and their success fired Luciano with a desire to launch his own career in music.
Eight years of patient training in his native Italy followed, with Pavarotti working as a teacher and insurance salesman to pay the bills. Then bookings started coming – Puccini’s La bohème in Reggio Emilia, Verdi’s La traviata in Belgrade, a Vienna State Opera debut – and the stage was set for Pavarotti to begin looking beyond continental Europe for further opportunities and experiences. The Belfast Butterfly was the first of these, and it proved crucially important.
How did Pavarotti end up performing in Belfast?
Alerted by the buzz about his voice coming from Italy, the Grand Opera Society of Northern Ireland had booked Pavarotti to sing the part of the caddish American lieutenant BF Pinkerton. The Society was by no means a fully-fledged operatic company. Formed six years previously, its ‘Grand Opera Weeks’ mixed local singers with more experienced soloists from abroad, adding heft in key roles and a whiff of international sophistication. To pay the soloists, fund-raising events were organised, and in 1963 the Society took a punt on Pavarotti’s as yet unproved Pinkerton, hoping that the gamble would prove a good one.
How was Pavarotti received?
It was, as from the outset the strapping young Italian made a positive impression. ‘He was like a big rugby player,’ recalled local soprano Margaret Smyth, who played Pinkerton’s American wife Kate. ‘A very pleasant person and easy to work with.’ Another cast member, Nan Murray, was equally impressed: ‘The voice just blew you away, it really did. It just soared.’
Pavarotti ‘wasn’t a wonderful actor’, Smyth added – a complaint that dogged him throughout his career – but for the Belfast audience it didn’t matter. ‘On the first night people heard this magnificent voice, and the place just erupted,’ Murray remembered. ‘The audience became very animated and were clapping and whistling when he came on for his curtain call.’
The rest is, as they say, history. Within months Pavarotti was making his Covent Garden debut in La bohème, replacing an indisposed Giuseppe Di Stefano. Engagements at Glyndebourne and La Scala followed, and in 1965 he toured Australia with soprano Joan Sutherland, a partnership immortalised in the many classic recordings they went on to make together. The path to operatic superstardom was well and truly established.
It was 36 years before Pavarotti sang in Belfast again, in an open-air concert at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. The city had not forgotten him. A sold-out crowd of 11,000 attended, and a few years later the Grand Opera House named its café Luciano’s in his honour.
Pavarotti himself remembered the Belfast Butterfly fondly, and knew that it was pivotal in his professional development. ‘I was appearing with a Japanese soprano who said I was singing too loud,’ he commented. ‘I ignored her. I knew I was making a big impression in Belfast and it was at the Opera House that my career really took off.’
We named Pavarotti one of the greatest tenors of all time
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nrtomf · 4 years
Hellllloooooooo, Happy Sunday evening and we invite you to check out a new podcastly episode of BAA Bel Art Attractions, your bi-weekly guide to some art events happening in Belgrade, and a discussion about music, its lovers, and non-lovers, so check it out for a chilled time to get you ready for the week ahead :)
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sugar-petals · 5 years
:: Sloppy Savvy (m)
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— pairing ♡ Reader x JK x MYG
warnings ⚠️ threesome, bdsm, sub!jk-centric, sub!yoongi joins, dom!reader, fwb, spit kink, facials, degradation, face-sitting, as the title says: very wet and messy 
summary: You delight in rainy-day bed pleasures with JK and Yoongi.
word count: 2.1k | one shot | domestic au
➳ NOTE: A gift for @/re-sugance. Kura you’re the kindest, your support always means a lot.  
The room is in shambles. Two ripped open suitcases. Empty take-out boxes from Manolo’s down the road. Black Gore-Tex raincoats on the bed. Still dripping off. With you standing on the carpet in the center of the room naked.
“Watch closely.”
And Jungkook kneeling at your feet. Panting.
You let saliva pool long enough at the tip of your tongue for him to tremble. Looking up from his position, sitting on his heels, Jungkook’s neck looks tense with the sustaining upward bend to it. In order not to make it strain too much, one cupping hand under his chin suffices. Perfect.
At the stroke of your fingers, you feel a little peach fuzz underneath, as slight as the one above his belly button that tends to escape his razor in the shower. Barely coarse to the touch, you fondle it, making Jungkook arch into his position even more. Obedient. And delicately servile as ever.
Seeing him gasp, and wriggle, and wait for the reward so much anticipated during two days and over seven hours in the plane — is the delight of a long week off your back through his gentle presence underneath you. Fuck. Missing him is nowhere near as hard as making up for the lost time when he’s in your hands this way.
He’s whimpering. So needy, his cock can’t take it. It throbs so hard against his abdomen, begging for the ease of stimulation that you will not allow.
At least not yet.
When you let a small thread of saliva drip downwards into his mouth, Jungkook sticks his tongue out to let your spit cool first, and then, lets it slide into his esophagus slow enough for you to still observe it disappear.  
Your voice is placid. The room damp. With a little help from your other hand, his bangs stay out of his eyes.
“Swallow, babe. Don’t be shy.”
Jungkook gulps down every new portion of drops and threads you give him. The guttural noise that follows each time after his Adam’s apple pokes forward has always satisfied you, and still, never fails to stun. He’s endlessly ravishing.
The saliva that has gathered around your own jaw you swipe up with the hand once at his own chin, and slather your wet digits across his bottom lip. It’s gotten a little plump by now.
“Blow a bubble for me, sweetheart.”
Jungkook obliges. Gathering some more of his own spit, then pouting his lips to accumulate the mix. When he opens his mouth to exhale, a little pop escapes, and tiny droplets create spray all over his cheeks. He’s giggling. So it was more saliva than intended. Cute babe.
“Oh my! I’m sorry. Sorry, Y/N.”
Some of the spit also disperses on the foamy black floor mat, leaving small little dots around his thighs and between his bent legs in their remaining position: Jungkook has been kneeling steadfast like a champ.
“You’re the best slut. Don’t apologize for that.”
The praise brings Jungkook to bare his teeth in a wide grin that makes his eyes smile alike. You wish you could nibble at his ears, his crinkling nose.
But not yet.
When you tickle him inches short under his jaw, he throws his head back laughing even more. You love the sound. It’s heart-melting. His bangs part further.
“Can I gag for you?”
What a question. He can, always.
“Baby, want my fingers?”
The look in his eyes is the answer. So bad. His hotel room in Bangkok has been awfully devoid of you and his texts read just like that. It’s time to catch up tonight.
You make sure to wipe the very last of your spit from either lip and pass it down between his teeth where both your index and middle digit find a warm space to linger. So hot.
Jungkook visibly finds delight in brushing his head faithfully against your legs before resuming his position. The movement of your fingers draws ample chokes from him, many accompanied by what remains the grin that Jungkook sports with your hand in his mouth. He is diligent gagging himself onto either finger bit by bit until you decide to slide them out again and create space on the bed shoving the coats aside. The mattress got a bit wet from the raindrops covering the fabric. But who could know the way back from the terminal to the carpark would be a rapid cold shower. One that practically called for heating each other up again. You’ve marked him up enough.
And indeed the temperature in the room has long increased.
“Got a reward, boo. You’ve been good.”
The surprise on his face inspires a rush of adrenaline, one that makes you realize that you have him on your bed, finally, after last week’s busy period.
“Yes. Lay back.”
You slide on top of him. Prurient. More adrenaline. His body is luscious.
“Is it a new toy?”
“Certainly. For you and for me.”
“Can you wait for one minute?”
“Sure, are you getting it now?”
“Yes,” you gently lift from the edge of the mattress. “Called us a guest, sweetheart. You know who.”
Because the texts from Bangkok didn’t just reach you by yourself. It’s a group chat, after all.
“Sit, Yoongi babe.”
The mattress sinks a little more when he does. Three people on it makes the room, despite its chaos, more hospitable. Yes, homely. How hostile can the best house be with nobody to be close to. Yoongi smiles, with his suede brogue boots already kicked off, and his trench buttoned down, in fact, half pulled off.
“You’ve been in the rain, too?” he asks.
Jungkook nods in reply, flat on his back from the pillow.
“At the airport.”
Meanwhile, you help Yoongi rid his lithe arms off the coat completely, and make note that they really—  are not that lithe. At least, anymore. He’s been hitting the gym two blocks away. You feel how sturdy his shoulders have become, removing the black tee covering him underneath the jacket.
“Wasn’t as wet as I am.”
You chuck the shirt to your raincoats. Yoongi gets comfortable on the bed.
“I’m ready.”
“Jungkook’s first.”
“Got it.”
“We’re safewording with Bangkok tonight.”
“I can tap the mattress, too?” Yoongi asks.
“Tap the mattress. Yes.”
Because how much will he be able to actually talk.
You hook two fingers in the elastic upper hem of Yoongi’s jeans. He knows you’re not going to open the button. But teasing has always made him feel more ambitious.
Turning to Jungkook, you meet a smile knowing and flustered. The reward comes.
“I’ll let Yoongi have it.”
The carnal flash in Jungkook’s eyes is quickly replaced. By a whimpering fade that doesn’t make it past his teeth, no, he keeps them tight. Yoongi has already grabbed hold of the meaty base splayed before him, picking up Jungkook’s erection that rose against a bruised abdomen just minutes ago.
“Please. Don’t hold back on me,” Yoongi brings his glance toward you, although it is hard for him. Too delicious and distracting what his hands embrace.
You love his eyes. They flicker. From the tone you know: He is shy with it.
“Not been fucked since Belgrad?”
Last winter. When you saw Yoongi disappear with a mature lady from the night club Jungkook and you spent a lackluster New Year’s Eve at. The hosting and music were nowhere near as organized as the whole attendance thought it would have been. But Yoongi had caught the eye of someone. And left early.
“Just once.”
Yoongi’s hands nestle more with Jungkook’s strained cock. They’re quite bony, you reckon. And nervous. You figured Belgrad was a tipsy fling. She was too busy for him. Language barrier. Who knows what else.
“Already thought you’d like it rougher tonight. You wanna have a taste?”
Yoongi bites his lips in reply.
His eyes have already shifted back to eyeing Jungkook.
“Make some space in your mouth, babe.”
Pliant, half-clothed Yoongi pushes his head down giving off subtle, but constant little glucks. He’s going to be hoarse for a day, but reckless abandon got the best of his tongue.
Even now, the clench of Jungkook’s teeth remains unyielding. You tap one finger on his chest to speak.
“Kookie. I wanna hear your moans. Respect the rules for Mistress.”
“Sorry, shit,” Jungkook winces, with Yoongi incessantly gobbling up another inch. Making sure to let his tongue sway like a merry-go-round. How far his frenulum can stretch, you can’t believe. He is visceral. And Jungkook winding, so sensitive with Yoongi’s breath puffing against his skin.
“You know my punishments,” is the only thing you add, pointing at his marked belly as a reminder before withdrawing the finger from the top of Jungkook’s ribcage. There is something else your hands gravitate towards now. Yoongi’s messy hair. It got puffy in the rain. You make no efforts finding the picture-perfect spot for grip. Simply slipping five fingers into his strands is proper.
“Listen, boys,” you maneuver Yoongi’s head down by another inch. “You both have the same problem.”
Jungkook looks mortified.
“My house is still too silent. I wanna corrupt you boys and get a show.”
Yoongi, in a futile attempt to hum on the girth between his buck teeth, makes big enough eyes at you that Jungkook’s following whimpers become even more delightful. Because your hand in Yoongi’s hair has become more resolute.
Poor boy with a throat bulge, barely missing a heartbeat getting more inches crammed into his mouth anew. Rough you want. Rough you get.
Stuffed with tearing eyes and heavy breath. Jungkook’s legs are twitching. You are persistent bringing Yoongi’s head down to the base. He’s choking harder. Jungkook’s legs twitch more.
“Please. Pull him off, please, please, god, shit, I cum—”
Tugging Yoongi backwards makes Jungkook’s dick flop out of his cheek pulsing. A deep sigh follows. Yoongi’s hands grip tight, and you watch with intent. The milky liquid already sputters out, lands across Yoongi’s nose and forehead. Translucent. The prettiest thing in the world.
Jungkook has gone crimson in the face. He’s gotten so loud. The room is boiling at this point. Yoongi’s face is decorated with dripping semen. He doesn’t have to blow spit bubbles.
“Lick that off, Kook,” you say. “Be a clean boy.”
The pillow is reduced flat with Jungkook’s head pressing into it so heavily. His heart rate still is working overtime. With Yoongi desperate beside. And you bouncing, a grip at either side of Jungkook’s head. It leaves the mattress creaking to the rhythm.
Whatever happened in Belgrad— you wonder how Yoongi isn’t there making babies this very moment. He’s tired and emptied out Jungkook in a matter of minutes. The tongue between your legs feels delirious. Wandering without aim, poking. With every bounce, it flattens more against your vulva. Jungkook’s eyes rest suavely closed, concentrating on the moment and bringing more stimulation between your folds.
“Missed you so much.”
Taken by pleasure, you squeeze him with your inner thighs. Caress his ears, his comely forehead. The response is one, two moans. Yoongi still watches lying beside you, shaken about with every time you bring your pelvis down to bring friction to your core. Making the bed posts give off increasingly jarring noise, with you hoping the screws will take it.
The gyrating becomes messy. Your hips are tired, too. Jungkook’s languid mouth provides more suction than tongue winding now; his hair is sweaty enough to stay out of his eyes.
“Switching over,” you pant. “Toy’s turn now.”
Yoongi perks up. Demure in his expression, with an aurora of gold crossing half of his face. It’s a bit of sunshine peeking in from the window. His little blinks against the light are soft.
He accepts your hips with splaying fingers that close lightly at your waist. Jungkook normalizes his breath to your close left, already entering his afterglow. You have to be careful leveling your balance not to press Yoongi into the mattress too much.
But his arms make a surprising lift that works to let you grind across his chin more freely. He really has been bulking up.
Slick and agile. Wanton. His tongue carries months of yearning. Of not pleasing anybody.
It’s been so long since New Year’s Eve. But this moment is not meant for looking back.  
The arousal bolts deeper into you with every flick and murmur. The movement of his lips brings a final passion to your loins, a heated surge making you groan out. It’s electrifying. And not until long that you start leaking cum on his tongue. Yoongi’s fingers grip a little tighter with your every twitch as not to lose contact with your clit, licking and sucking it through your orgasm until the last waves through your body become faint.
The bed is hardly made for three, but Yoongi’s vibrating phone in the kitchen makes you huddle together almost by instinct. Too disruptive the buzzing noise in the mellow silence that has brought the room into serenity. Legs entangle, sheets crumple up. You talk soothingly at them. Pick up a tube of ointment from the nightstand to spread out on Jungkook’s belly. The balmy feeling cools the marks and smoothens his skin.
With the sun wandering its endless path, now headed towards horizon, comes a placid little half-dozing, half-humming from your left where Jungkook curls up against your side, his hair tickling your armpit. Yoongi has long zoned out after scrambling for the blanket, fully dried, at least, with your coats all scattered on the ground. You kiss his cheek and make a mental remark to send him a text about the details of your planned vacation in Berlin. Hotels, sights, schedule. He’s free in July, after all.
“We can crash at Manolo’s for dinner at eight. Bill’s on me, boys.”
The promise of a late-night visit after napping makes Jungkook hum against your skin. Manolo likes the regulars. To your right, Yoongi smiles into his pillow. He slightly lifts himself out of the cushion to grin.
“Manolo’s. Is it all you can eat?”
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Thank you for reading! | masterlist link in bio.
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