#bella twins wallpapers
somethinginfo · 1 year
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iconzandwallpapers · 2 years
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The Bella Twins Wallpapers
Requests Are Open
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edilma-angel · 3 years
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anvael · 5 years
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wwe lockscreens
I made them in size of my phone, so if you want them and they don’t fit well, just leave request with your phone’s model and I’ll make new ones <3
*requests for lockscreens are open
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nikkbella · 5 years
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The Bella Twins Lockscreens
reblog if u use/ @ me on twitter for credits! @nikkbeIIa 🖤 (you can post a screenshot!)
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fabulousglamart · 6 years
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||Brie Bella(Christmas Themed)|| Wallpaper/Lockscreen
Feel Free To Use!!!
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soccermomaj · 7 years
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Some wrasslin’ wallpapers b/c I’m feeling festive n have no life. ☺️
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ketamineharry · 4 years
Hush Little Baby ~ Harry Lewis  Requested: Yes ~ Hello, idk if you’re doing requests rn but your writing is honestly amazing!! Could you do a Harry imagine where he and reader have been together forever and reader gets accidentally pregnant and it’s just baso the journey if ygm? Like telling him, his friends family fans and then baby being born kinda like a time line typa thing ? If not dw I love you so much !!!! And ~ Please could you write a Harry imagine where he has a daughter Tags: Fluff Word Count: 1.5k
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It had been a full hour. A full hour of babysitting Rex Minter, Simon and Talia’s first-born child. They had wanted a date night and it was Harry’s turn to look after the little one. Yet, the whole time you had felt a sickness in the pits of your stomach, you were absolutely sure it would fade when you had eaten something. Here you were, a full large domino's pizza down, and the sickness had not faded. Going against your better judgement, you left Harry with the toddler and made your way to the bathroom.
You were acutely aware of the fact that Simon and Talia were planning on having another little one, so you knew that they would be well stocked on at home pregnancy kits. You carefully took one out of the glass bathroom cabinet, and walked over to the toilet. Deep down, you were hoping that you were wrong. That you were not pregnant. You knew for a fact that you were not ready for a baby and if you were completely honest, you knew that Harry wasn’t either. He was a brilliant uncle and loved having the boys’ children around, babysitting for them so they could have date nights, but he was always able to give them back at the end of a long night. You weren’t so sure how he would feel about not being able to do that. Not having the freedom to do what he wanted anymore, because he had to put this tiny life first. It just didn’t seem like the Harry you knew and loved.
The alarm of your phone pulled you out of the deep thought that you had found yourself in. In no world did you think that having a quiet night in babysitting for some friends would lead you into something so life changing. You carefully picked up the little stick from in front of you, taking a deep inhale of breath. Two lines. Positive. Fuck. As you cleared away the rubbish of the box, you slipped the pregnancy test into your pocket.
As you made your way back to Harry and Rex, all you could hear were joyous screams. Harry really was the fun uncle he had promised to be in a Sidemen Reacts video, many moons ago.
“Y/N!” Rex beamed as he ran up to you. “Uncle Harry was saying that I could have a chocolate for pudding. Usually mummy and daddy say no, and I have to have yogurt or a piece of fruit.”
“Oh that’s great buddy!” You reply, trying to force enthusiasm through the nerves and worry. Although you had no confidence in the fact that you were very successful in that. Harry sent you a glance that confirmed your thoughts. He hadn’t bought it for a second.
As you took Rex’s tiny hand in yours, and made your way to the kitchen, you slipped the pregnancy test to Harry, hoping beyond hope that his reaction was a good one. ‘We need to talk later’ he mouthed, increasing your anxiety tenfold.
The ‘talk’ Harry had referenced that night, didn’t amount to the negative that you had convinced yourself it would. You had agreed to keep the baby. Surprisingly, Harry was all for keeping the little one. He hadn’t expressed to you how much he had wanted a child, because he didn’t want to pressure you into anything. The fact that it had happened was such an unexpected surprise. A good surprise though!
You had been to a few scans together, watching your belly swell and get bigger as the months progressed. When it came to finding out the gender though, you chose not to find out. So, you had taken to calling the baby ‘Peanut’. Telling the other boys was an experience to say the very least. These were the men that had watched Harry grow up, from a reserved teenager to the extroverted man he had become. You had both agreed on telling them all at the same time.
The plan had been to get the children that had already been born into mini Sidemen FC t-shirts, starting with the oldest and ending with the youngest, your bump. Which would be painted black, with the number five as your little one would be the fifth addition to the Sidemen extended family. As it stood, the line was as follows: Ethan’s twins Oscar and Olivia who he shared with his wife Kayleigh, JJ’s son Morphius who he shared with his fiance Bella and little Rex. Nervously you went and stood next to Rex. Thankfully, with baggy clothes you had managed to hide the fact that you were pregnant. You took a hold of Rex’s hand, more for your own comfort than anything else. As if the reactions of your friends were wrapped up in the little hand of a toddler.
Slowly, you lifted your jumper up to reveal the paint that was on your stomach. Showing the number five that was painted on top of it. Suddenly, there was an eruption of cheers. The girls became overly emotional, which was expected. They had just found out that one of their best friends was carrying a new member of their extended family. The boys crowded around Harry, patting him on the shoulder and taking him in for hugs. The love being experienced in the room was tangible and you just knew that no matter what happened, your child would be growing up in such a loving environment.
Telling each of your respective families had been a totally different kettle of fish, however. This is where most of the nerves were mounting from for you. Your parents had become parents at a very young age, and had made a lot of mistakes, you were terrified of having history repeated. Having a baby in your early 20s, wasn’t the plan. You felt like you needed to learn more about yourself first, and one of your deepest fears was to have this confirmed by your own parents. Instead, the reaction that you received was nothing but positive. Your dad had warned Harry that he couldn’t drink as much beer, whilst your mum had warned you about the severe lack of sleep you were about to get. Overall though, they were beyond excited to have their family expanding. Harry’s parents had cried when you revealed the news to them. His sister, Rosie had got Peanut a little stuffed giraffe which she aptly named Gina.
Setting up the nursery was probably the most enjoyable part of the ordeal. Partly because you loved unleashing your creative side; and partly because decorating the nursery came at the latest point of your pregnancy. You had opted for a pale yellow paint for three of the walls, opting for a feature wall which was decorated in a safari print wallpaper.
You were helping Harry with the final touches of the room, you placed Gina giraffe in the corner of the cot, next to the pillow so that your baby always had comfort. Thinking about it, you were sure that you had a ragdoll from when you were a baby at your parents house. It’s funny how it’s the little things that you remember in the biggest moments.
As you turned around to admire your handy work, you felt an immense pressure, causing you to grip onto the cot and double over. You had never experienced anything like this before and you were pretty sure you knew what it was. Your baby was arriving and it was arriving fast.
“Harry,” You screamed, trying your best to stay calm as you knew this was a pivotal moment for the both of you. He was definitely as nervous as you, as he didn’t understand the mood changes, or the pain that you felt. Despite having attended every pregnancy class and read upteen pregnancy books. He had put a lot of opportunities that had presented themself to him on hold for the sake of you and your child as he wanted to be as supportive as possible. Which a meer nine months ago, you would have never imagined Harry doing.
You heard pounding up the stairs, Harry’s usual cheery disposition changing as soon as he saw the immense panic that had taken over your face. “I’ll grab the pregnancy bag, make your way to the car, it's already unlocked.” He informed me, as he grabbed the pregnancy bag from the other side of the room, helping me down the stairs as it had become near impossible to do the simplest of tasks, now that I was carrying our baby.
Labour was without a doubt the most painful thing you had ever experienced. It was a quick birth, having arrived at the hospital at seven, and giving birth to your daughter at exactly fifteen minutes past seven. Harry had fallen asleep in the chair in the corner of your room.
Your daughter, however, was screaming blue murder. Despite this, Harry still wouldn’t wake. So, with all your might, you scooped your little one into your arms. “Hush little baby, don’t you cry. We swear that we’ll never leave your side and if we do, remember this love like ours never dies.” You whisper, rocking her into a soft slumber as you placed a soft kiss to the top of her head. Your little family was already complete.
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A Path Of Ambition And Power
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In all twenty years of her life, Bellatrix has only felt repressed. Now, with her inner self prompting her to take action and with Lord Voldemort as a Catalyst, she finally sets onto a path of Ambition and Power. Won Overall JP for IWSC Season 1 Round 3! Part 1 of The Black Sisters Series.
In all twenty years of her life, Bellatrix Black has only ever felt repressed. Repressed and suffocated. She’s always had ambition, always had great plans for power except, as her mother tells her none-too-gently again, it would ruin their family's impression—put a damper on the Blacks’ power. It’s the twentieth century still, and they are, after all, the aristocrats of the Wizarding World. It wouldn't do for a daughter from the Black family to be seen working her way through the ministry, running for minister of magic. The Wizarding World would never let a woman run their ministry anyway. No, she’s to be married off into a respectable pure blood family and gain the Blacks another vote in the Wizengamot. Traded. As if she were a commodity. 
Bellatrix wants to scream out every rebellious thought inside her head and tell everyone exactly what she thinks of their ideas of how she is supposed to behave. Instead, she blankly looks her mother in her eyes, unwavering all through her admonishment, even as Druella's lips set into a thin line, which she knows not be a good sign. Druella only glares at her icily before leaving the room in a flurry of robes. Bella relaxes, but only just, waiting for Narcissa’s disapproving voice to cut the thick tension in the room as she knows it will.
“I don’t understand why you feel the need to upset Mother so. It’ll only take a turn for the worse, you know.” 
Bella doesn't need to turn to know that there is a dainty frown marring Narcissa’s features. 
She doesn't reply, afraid she’ll say things she’d regret. She stares at the brightly wallpapered wall instead, reciting to herself the names of all the heavenly bodies she knows, all that her family members are named after—Cygnus, Cassiopeia, Orion, Sirius, Andromeda … She stops and exhales sharply, anger and resentment bubbling in her throat.
 She would never forgive Andromeda for marrying a filthy Mudblood, but now she’s finally starting to understand why Andy had always been so desperate to get rid of her aristocratic status and ties to the Black family. If it weren't for her love for Narcissa, she herself would've run away too. They are twins after all, Andy and her, they share more than just their appearances.
Bella doesn't think that her distaste for the curse that is patriarchy can expand any further, but she is proven wrong yet again as she smiles almost painfully at the numerous wizards her mother has introduced her to (all of whom are leering at her unabashedly), and hopes it doesn't look like a grimace. 
She finally manages to excuse herself from the gentlemen and starts weaving her way through the other guests, searching for Narcissa whom she had lost in the crowd when her mother had gotten hold of her.
She doesn't even understand what it is that has made her accompany her mother and father to this Christmas ball organised by the Malfoys in honour of a wizard who is nowadays said to be the greatest wizard to be born. He is said to be as powerful as Dumbledore—perhaps even more so—and set onto a path to reform the Wizarding World, purge it of Mudbloods, and overthrow the statue of secrecy. She quietens the little voice in the back of her head that tells her exactly why she is where she is.
 Because you wanted to know if it was true. 
She’s about to go out into the gardens to continue looking for her sister when she suddenly stops, and the door to her left opens with a bang and everyone is quiet. Lord Voldemort does make quite an entrance.
She knows of him from having heard her father speak of him during meals. Such a great wizard, such great ability, such great plans. 
“Lord Voldemort will cleanse the Wizarding World,” she's heard him say, and he says it with reverence. 
It is through him that she’d come to know of the followers he was gathering—Death Eaters—and he had declared that he would recruit anyone who was loyal, anyone whose blood was pure, anyone who had the same thirst for power and who wanted the Wizarding World to rise above the filthy Muggles, to get out of the hiding they had been forced into. Anyone. Even Witches. She hadn't had to pretend to be interested in the conversation that day. Lord Voldemort radiated power. You could feel his presence in your core—something strong, powerful, and cruel. And it is this power she is attracted towards.
She finds herself wandering towards him instead of looking for Narcissa like she had set off to, and finds herself standing a few feet off of a group of wizards that are quite apparently tripping over themselves to please their lord, to prove their worth. She stands for a moment and observes. Even if the Death Eaters were to stop behaving like overexcited puppies, it would be easy to mark him as a leader. She stands there for a few more minutes as she watches more wizards arrive to greet their leader, and her father is one of them, telling him that The Ancient and Most Noble House Of Black supports his endeavours wholeheartedly. 
She doesn't think her father has realized yet that it is not he who is playing the Dark Lord like a fiddle, and that their roles have been reversed, but then, he doesn't realize half the things he should. But he sees her standing and he has excused himself and crossed over to her with a frown, asking her why she wasn't with her mother or with Cissy flirting with some elite wizard.
 He herds her towards where she knows Druella is and also away from the Dark Lord. Bella can feel eyes boring into her back, though, and she cannot help but look over her shoulder to see who it is. Her eyes lock with the red ones of the Dark Lord's, but then her father is tugging her away again and she has to look away.
Bella finds herself even more intrigued by the Dark Lord and his plans for revolutionizing the Wizarding World as the month progresses after the Christmas Ball, the weather turning from the usual December cold to a dreadful wet and rain filled winter not usually associated with January, filled with light drizzling here and there.
She’s now begun to actively search for any information about him and his band of Death Eaters she can get her hands on, and she’d be lying if she said she wasn't finding the lure of power tempting. Her parents would kill her if they ever found out just how tempting becoming a death eater is to her. But she isn't going to tell them of her plans to join them, of course—if she can. Her desire to throw caution to the wind and to just go through with it is heightened every time she finds mention of his deeds. It reaches its peak when she sees him in flesh again at the annual charity auction her parents organize to raise funds for St.Mungo’s.
His arrival there is unexpected—there are, after all, ministry employees present. But he seems to disregard this as trivial and drinks in with a sort of masked pleasure as his followers—the Death Eaters—trip over their robes while rushing to greet him. She finds herself watching the scene unfold for more than a few minutes from over the shoulder of a wizard who has been droning on and on about his views on the Goblins and Gringotts for far longer than should be legal. 
She gets quite a start when she finds herself looking into red eyes from across the room then, for the Dark Lord seems to be looking at her directly. She holds his gaze unwaveringly for a moment, then looks away, feeling, for some inexplicable reason, completely naked before him—as if he could read all of her thoughts, and she could hide nothing from him. She then begins to avoid looking in his direction at all, although her thoughts cannot help but wander towards the power he wields.
She doesn't think she could ever understand why wizards we always so delusional, or why they would think she would like to engage in any sort of activities with them, but what nags her just a little as she makes her way outside is why she is so unnerved by it this time. The only thing that had stopped her from creating a scene inside had been Narcissa’s hand upon her own, guiding her away from that absolute lunatic who had thought that he could lay his hands on her. She knows that if she had stayed, she would have forgotten her mother’s strong words telling her to be nice and cursed him into oblivion in a fit of recklessness. Instead, she lets her impulsiveness guide her to goodness knows where.
She is rather startled, however, when she finds herself in one of the numerous Dungeons the Black Manor has. This in itself is not surprising—she has found herself here when she is troubled more times than she’d care to count. She is more astonished at the other occupant of the Dungeons, the Dark Lord, who seems to be looking for something amidst the forgotten mass of no doubt priceless objects in it. He turns around scowling before he notices her near the entrance to the chamber, and his lips curl into a smile which she by now has memorised. 
She thinks about the events of the evening for a moment—none of them pleasant—and about how much she hates living a life so subdued and fancies that her reckless streak has probably now reached its peak, if what she is about to do is any indication. She feels as if she is high on Liquid Luck when she further approaches the dark lord.
“I would like to join your cause, My Lord, if I am welcome.” her voice is controlled, and she tries to hide the hope in it, although he probably sees it anyway.
The Dark Lord is not surprised, not that she had expected him to be—she is sure he sees all of her, knows her intentions and all of her past, and she knows it to be true when his smile becomes larger. He studies her for a moment, and it she has to physically restrain herself from fidgeting under his scrutiny. His voice is quiet when he speaks, but  it carries over to her smoothly, 
“Our cause, Bella, welcomes anyone who wishes to cleanse the Wizarding World, anyone who wants to take from the infiltrators of our world what is rightfully ours.” he pauses slightly “And you, so young, so full of ambition and power… A true Slytherin, a worthy addition to our noble cause.”
Bella feels as if someone is gently guiding her left hand forward and slipping her sleeve backwards until the smooth skin of her left forearm is exposed, and then, suddenly there is pain so sharp she can barely think around it. It doesn't even occur to her to scream. And just as suddenly as it had started, the pain subsides and there is a black mark over the expanse of her inner forearm that depicts a snake protruding from a skull. She has been branded.
It probably would've done her some good to see if she were being followed, but Bella hadn't bothered to do so in her angered state and this fact is increasingly made clear by her mother’s scream—which is more terrified and outraged than she has ever heard it to be—and all too suddenly, it seems that Bella is finally coming down from her high streak and reality is finally starting to sink in again. 
She has gotten herself branded. Father would skin her alive. The Dark Lord merely looks vaguely amused and walks out of the Dungeons, saying something to her father who has just arrived at the scene and who is only half listening to whatever his wife or his master are saying to him, his eyes transfixed to the mark on her left arm.
The party is cut short after this, and Bella sees her mother collapse on the staircase which connects the Dungeons to the upper floors, pretty sure that by now, Parkinson and Greengrass would have already spread the word and all of the aristocratic wizarding families of Britain would know of her deed. She doesn't try to go talk to anyone, opting instead to sit down where she is, not caring about her expensive robes. She doesn't feel as horrified by her actions as everyone is making them out to be. In fact, as she sits there waiting for her parents to come punish her for what she had done—which she knows they will—she feels better than she has in a long time. She’s their own daughter and blood after all—pure blood. What is the worst that they'll do?
She finds out quickly enough that the worst that they can do is nothing to be laughed at, all without spilling a single drop of blood. Her family, including herself, all dabble in dark magic. What was she expecting, really? Her father fires a number of curses at her that she cannot name, all of which are undeniably all dark, and the pain she feels at this instant is like the pain she felt at the time of being branded, except ten times stronger. Probably powerful enough to cause serious damage to her body and mind. When it seems that her father is through with torturing her, she lies curled up on the floor, breathing heavily while trying to find the energy to stand and take herself to her bedroom.
It is because of this pause in her torture that when it first hits her, she is taken by complete shock, her body feeling like every part of it is on fire. She had been so preoccupied by the pain that she hadn't even heard the incantation, the Crucio her mother sends her way making her collapse and wither on the ground of the dungeon, reduced to begging for mercy. She thinks it is bad the first time, but her mother promises her it’s only a small portion of what is yet to come. She isn't lying. The second and the third and the fourth, and however many number of times Druella curses her daughter it feels as if a hundred, thousand knives are being used to cut her body, to stab it, and then as if those are all being twisted in for good measure. 
Bella thinks that by the time it ends, early in the morning, she might’ve been reduced to begging not only for mercy, but for her life. She still has all of her limbs attached—although moving them even slightly causes destructive amounts of pain—and all she does is lie on the floor of the chamber, hardly moving or making noise. 
All of this pain at the cost of one decision that she had taken for herself, but this is a decision that she refuses to regret, a decision that will feed her hunger for power and ambition for the rest of her life. She is a Death Eater now, and she is going to be following Lord Voldemort’s footsteps through a path of death and destruction. And now that she’s felt what it’s like to be on the receiving end of all those curses she has only before fired in her head at anyone who tried to patronize her, she knows that this is what she wants for all of who try to objectify her or trade her or try to use her to feel. 
She wants them to beg to her for mercy much the same way she had, every last one of them, and now that she’s seen in between bouts of pain how much pleasure it gives to the caster, she knows that she’ll feel this euphoria every time she casts these spells. 
One thing Bellatrix Black does decide while still lying on the ground of the Dungeon is that it is this euphoria she wants to know and feel every time, like she had felt about the feel of liquid luck running through her veins the previous night. And she will stop at nothing to satiate this bloodlust or to reach those much greater levels of power. She has carved out a path of Ambition and Power, and nothing could stop her from following it anymore.
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tommyparkerr · 6 years
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I was tagged by my twin @yoinksholland to share my lock and home screens with you all!❤️ (Also, she texted right as I was screenshotting so she’s now in my home screen pic)
Lock: It’s actually a live wallpaper (as you can tell), and I love it so so so much. I’m NEVER getting rid of it.
Home: It’s a pic from last summer of me and two of my besterestest friends, Bella (left) and Tiffany (right)! I’m in the middle with the red bicycle shirt—not that it really matters since I covered all our faces anyway :P
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alonely-dreamer · 7 years
The Origin Series- The Ballet Dancer (Part 3)
Hi, hello, bonjour,
Summary: The Volturi and the Cullens see each other again for the first time since the “Renesmee” incident.
Words: 1262
Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there.
Please, leave feedback, I really want to know what you think of this series!
Prologue / Yōsei (Part 1) / A Chance / Yōsei (Part 2) / The Ballet Dancer / Visions / The Ballet Dancer (Part 2)
I should be posting part 4 tonight or tomorrow.
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen
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The city that never sleeps was a nest of vampires. New-York never lacked in tourists or strays whose disappearances wouldn’t be noticed or seemed as ‘abnormal’. Humans always found realistic explanations for unrealistic events, because they knew what their kind was capable of. Kidnapping, murder, human trafficking… Who would ever think that someone’s disappearance was due to a vampire? Not someone in their right mind, that’s for sure.
Vampires knew how to make themselves invisible. For the Volturi, being invisible was the most important thing. But even though New-York was a big city, it wasn’t easy to wander around in dark robes without being noticed. Fortunately, the ‘Kings’ were smart enough to keep up with modern technology. And so, they made sure that their private plane would arrive at night, and that a car with tinted windows would be waiting for them there.
A sect. That’s usually what the humans they encountered thought. The pilots, the flight attendants and the driver were all meant to believe that their customers were part of a sect. Of course, they couldn’t die, that would attract unwanted attention.
The car drove to a hotel which was known to have been there forever. No one ever saw anyone enter, but it always seemed busy. The lights were on at night, people passing by could often hear music coming from the old building, as if it were a normal establishment, even though rumors had it, for those still paying attention, that the customers were all ghosts forever stuck there.
The hotel was a huge building trapped between a restaurant and a bar. It looked like it had been built two centuries ago, but there was no sign of it aging, as if, it too, were frozen in time.
People would walk pass it, without even looking at it, as if it weren’t even there. As if it were so old, its refusal to live in the present had erased its existence, had made it invisible. People would go in the restaurant to its right, then walk out to go in the bar to its left without giving the hotel another look.
The car stopped right in front of the building. It was early dawn. One by one, the six passengers got out of the car. They were all wearing black cloaks, and their faces were concealed in their black hoods. Of course, no one noticed them.
The six vampires entered the big bright hall. The first thing they saw was the huge chandelier which almost blinded them. The wallpaper was a dark red which matched the huge rug covering almost the entirety of the white marble floor. The luxurious furniture of the room was white and red. The stairs where made of white stone, the rugs covering the stairs were dark red, the curtains which covered the windows were red velvet, the entire hotel was white and red.
As expected, the owner of the hotel was waiting for them at the reception.
“Aro.” She took a step forward as she spoke. Her voice was soft, and even though she was a vampire, one could still hear her age in it. She wasn’t old, she looked like she was in her mid-forties. She had brown hair that she had pulled back in a bun, and she was wearing a red dress and red heels.
“Ellen,” Aro smiled at his old friend, “what a pleasure to see you again after all this time.”
“It’s a pleasure to receive you here,” she smiled. Aro knew that smile well. “It’s an honor to have you as our guests for the first time this century.”
“Have our friends arrived?” Aro queried.
“They have,” she nodded. “They’ve been there for a few hours. Patiently waiting. I offered them sustenance but, as I feared by the color of their eyes, nothing in the menu was appealing to them.”
“Yes, I’m afraid there was no time to warn you of their… particular diet,” Aro said with a fake apologetic tone.
“Your rooms are ready, of course,” she told them.
“Thank you, Ellen. Again, I apologize for the short notice.”
“Oh, no,” Ellen smiled, “it was such a pleasure to receive your call. You are always welcome here, of course.”
Aro smiled, then nodded, before he walked away without giving his old friend another look. Ellen smiled at her guests as they walked past her.
“Caius,” she smiled politely, but the blond vampire didn’t even look at her.
“Ellen,” Marcus stopped before her. “How have you been?” he asked with a small smile.
“Perfect,” she replied. “How is Italy?”
“Always the same,” Marcus sighed.
“Maybe it was time for a change of scenery,” she said.
“Perhaps,” Marcus sadly smiled, then nodded, before he followed his brothers up the stairs.
When Ellen turned to watch him leave, she noticed that the small blonde had been waiting for her master, like a faithful servant. Ellen would never say it aloud, of course, but the twins always made her uneasy.
“Lady Jane,” she smiled. “How have you been?”
“Good,” Jane merely replied before turning around.
The Cullens had been waiting nervously for the Volturi to arrive. Alice had seen that Aro would be traveling with only Jane, Alec and Felix, which should have reassured her family, but the presence of the twins didn’t reassure anyone.
Aro was the first to step into the room that had been given to the Cullens. He saw, to his surprise, that not all of them had come. Only Carlisle, Alice, Jasper, Edward, Bella and Emmett had made the trip.
The yellow eyed vampires watched as Caius, Marcus and their three guards appeared one by one behind Aro.
Caius’s anger was obvious on his face. Jane’s eyes immediately found Bella, the only creature on the planet who was immune to her abilities. Bella ignored the girl’s stare.
“Carlisle.” Aro said his name even though he was looking at Alice. “Thank you for coming,” he said, his eyes finally landing on the blond vampire.
“Of course,” the doctor nodded. “I’m happy we meet again under much lighter conditions.”
“As am I,” Aro said. Of course, nobody was fooled by his smile.
“Enough,” Caius interrupted. “Lead us to our mate,” as he said the word it was clear that he didn’t believe the story they were telling him, “so we can go on with this.”
“Patience, brother,” Marcus sighed. “Let them speak.”
Caius rolled his eyes as Aro held his hand out, gesturing Alice to approach. The small vampire slowly made her way to the dark-haired Volturi. The last time she showed him one of her visions, it was a death threat she knew he hadn’t appreciated.
Aro took her hand, impatient to see what she had seen.
“What do you see, brother?” Marcus broke the silence with his eternal sad voice.
Alice watched carefully as Aro’s face first showed fascination, then surprise, worry and, finally, horror. He backed away quickly, letting go of Alice’s hand.
“They didn’t lie, brothers.”
“She’s yours?” Caius asked. He tried to conceal his surprise, but failed.
“Yes, it appears so,” Aro whispered thoughtfully. “Why did you think she was ours?” he asked Alice.
“I don’t know. I just… know.”
“Is she right?” Marcus asked, hopeful.
“It is not impossible,” Aro replied.
“Full moon is tonight,” Carlisle said. “Alice will take you to her.”
“Well, we are… forever grateful to you, dear Alice,” Aro said.
“I suppose there’s no convincing you of letting the man live,” Carlisle asked.
“Indeed, Carlisle,” Aro said with a cold tone. “That man’s fate has already been decided.”
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Modern Bead Board Bathroom
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Explore REGINA GEORGEs board beadboard bathrooms on Pinterest. See more ideas about Home decor, Small shower room and Bathroom. Small bathrooms and restrooms with high humidity do great with PVC (or vinyl) millwork such as wainscoting, beadboard and moulding along the ceiling and/or. Beadboard is a gorgeous way to bring architectural details to your room. See more ideas about Bathroom ideas, Beautiful bathrooms and Bed room. 20 . 2018 . Beadboard Bathroom Design Ideas . Beadboard in Bathrooms Is Cozy and Traditional . Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. Explore Valerie Eichers board Bathroom with bead board on Pinterest. See more ideas about Bathroom ideas, Bathroom and Bath room. Explore Alice Janes board Beadboard Bathroom Walls on Pinterest. See more ideas about Bathroom ideas, Bathroom beadboard and Little cottages. Amazing Wainscoting Home Depot decorating ideas for Powder Room . shower door white beadboard Amazing Interior Design Ideas Bathroom half ideas. Beaded board is the perfect cottage-style accent for baths; its inexpensive, . 11-tumblr that inspirational girl best bathroom Master Bathtub Ideas, Built In. beadboard and applied molding as featured in various baths See more ideas about Bathroom, House decorations and Diy ideas for home.
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Visit us for innovative and practical bathroom furniture and more. Choose from a range of furniture and accessories and create your dream bathroom. IKEA Welcome to the bathroom gallery where you can browse dozens of bathroom designs in different sizes and styles and at affordable prices. Weve even. beadboard.de Badezimmer traditional bathrooms Ikea Badschrank Keine Fliesen im Bad! Holzboden Wandverkleidung Holzpaneele schner Wohnen. Aug 6, 2018- Bathroom designs and inspiration. Create a luxurious space for one or many. See more ideas about Bathroom ideas, Bathroom inspiration and. 16 2018 . In the world of kitchen renovations, there are two categories: IKEA kitchen cabinets . Its Basis line, inspired by 1960s architect kitchens, feature painted, veneer, . with Sarah Sherman Samuel is a modern take on beadboard. Discover the best Bathroom Vanities in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Home Improvement Best Sellers. Oct 1, 2018- PALIGHT PVC BEADBOARD SHIPLAP, WHITE green bathroom . DOMSJ, Chopping board, beech, stainless steel Ikea Kitchen Taps, Kitchen. 2 . 2018 . Do you know the difference between wainscoting and beadboard? . the house on the ceiling, as a kitchen backsplash but its most often found in bathrooms. . A Dead, Empty Entryway Gets a Very Useful IKEA Upgrade. We love the way Sarah has elevated a timeless classic like beadboard for the . Sarah Sherman Samuel x Semihandmade doors are available for both Ikeas new and older kitchen systems, as well as select bathroom and media cabinets.
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Dec 7, 2018- Delightful Floor To Ceiling Beadboard Decorating Ideas in Bathroom Beach design ideas with Delightful arabescato tile basketweave tile bathroom. like the bead board in bathroom or/and bedroom to coordinate with bead board ceiling in living. painted bead board walls and crown molding. Ceiling tile in. Bathroom Ceiling Ideas: From Cove to Tiled Designs Bathroom Ceilings, . Vinyl beadboard ceiling in bathroom (CM Shaw Studios) Vinyl Beadboard,. Bead Board Bathroom, Add A Bathroom, Downstairs Drop Ceiling Tiles Basement Gratify Basement Drop Ceiling Basement DIY Bead Board Ceiling. Sep 30, 2018- floor to ceiling beadboard in bathroom Google Search. . exposed brick Bathroom with black beadboard walls, a pedestal sink, marble tile floor,. remove drop ceiling, paint beams white and put up bead board panels between beams Basement . Bead Board Bathroom, Add A Bathroom, Downstairs. Decorative Ceiling Tiles, Inc. Store Bead Board Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20x20 . Vinyl beadboard ceiling in bathroom (CM Shaw Studios) Vinyl Beadboard,. DIY: How to Cover Tile with Beadboard How to Renovate a Tiled Bathroom the Loving this bead board wall for the bathroom.maybe floor to ceiling behind. 20 . 2018 . Beadboard in Bathrooms Is Cozy and Traditional . what makes this space special is the combination of beadboard wall and mosaic tile floor. . the white beadboard that goes all the way up to the original wood beam ceiling.
Breathtaking Celebrity Bathrooms Beadboard wainscoting lines the walls of the easy-breezy master bath in Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Brodericks. Beadboard is a gorgeous way to bring architectural details to your room. See more ideas about . Beach Cottage Style, Beach House, Bathroom Wall Sconces,. 20 . 2018 . Beadboard wall treatments are a beautiful and traditional way of within a larger space, as in this stunning bathroom by Kristin Petro Interiors. Love this. board & batten bathroom walls + checkerboard floors = kids . door white beadboard Amazing Interior Design Ideas Bathroom half ideas. Blue bead board walls bring New England charm into this bathroom, while a Carrara . Awesome 35 Awesome Coastal Style Nautical Bathroom Designs Ideas. Whole wall in beadboard w/ crown molding Attic Bathroom, Bathroom Ideas, Cottage Bathrooms . Great way to make a very small bathroom look amazing! Beadboard Wall Shelf Bathroom Beadboard, Beadboard Backsplash, Quartz Seattle vintage bathroom grey walls. 35 Awesome Bathroom Design Ideas. 19 . 2017 . Matching your beadboard to your wall color, particularly when its a . Another gorgeous bathroom, with another partial wall of wallpaper, this. How we install bead board walls, using ply bead a sheet of bead board wood. Step by step how to install bead board on a budget. . bead board. We used it in our bathroom. It really is beautiful and I You are awesome! I love this! Envious.
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Shop Wayfair for the best bead board vanity. Enjoy Free Shipping on . Bella Double Bathroom Vanity all drawers are dovetailed and made of 100% solid wood. Explore Valerie Eichers board Bathroom with bead board on Pinterest. See more . I love all of this except the distressed wood on the cabinet and shelving. 2015 Bathroom Trends Out With The Old: White Paint. In With The New: Shades Of Gray Say sayonara to all the white. While its still an incredibly popular. Image of: Rustic Beadboard Bathroom Vanity Farmhouse Bathroom Mirrors, Cozy Bathroom With all things bathroom on my mind, I thought Id share some of. Browse 293 photos of Beadboard Bathroom Vanity. Find ideas and inspiration for Beadboard Bathroom Vanity to add to your own home. 10 . 2016 . Is it customary to put beadboard on the wall and to put the vanity . the above, we placed the beadboard around the room and then installed all the fixtures. . Traditional touch: Change up plain bathroom walls with beaded. 8 . 2013 . Shop Cottage Style Beadboard Bathroom Vanities: . Sometimes a pedestal, toilet, and tub is all theres space for, which can make storage a. 20 . 2018 . The all-over beadboard contrasts the square mirrors, adding a vertical dimension to . It does add a sense of height to this mostly white vanity. Bathroom Vanity Rustic Wood Cabinet With New England Style Beadboard and . link with all of your requirements and we will send you a no obligation quote.
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Oct 25, 2018- beadboard bathroom, white bathroom, double vanity, cottage style, . Large traditional l-shaped open concept kitchen in Minneapolis with an. For the kids bathroom. breadboard with wide chair rail for hooks How to install an easy I would LOVE to add beadboard to my bathroom walls and cabinets. See more ideas about Bathroom ideas, Beautiful bathrooms and Bed room. . No matter how big is your kitchen, a great storage solution is a must-have. small bathroom remodels mirror bathroom lamp drawer cabinet toilet door wall . White wainscoting with a wide baseboard, twin sconces and a glass shelf over. Jul 31, 2018- Image result for beadboard bathroom wood floor. . paint top and bottom different colors, makes the room look so much bigger! . (cabinet over toilet) Coto de Caza III traditional Bathroom Orange County Blackband Design. 20 . 2018 . The beadboard here is used as an accessory, on the vanity doors. . halfway up the wall just before the corner, and above the large vanity. 8 . 2013 . Without large built in cabinets to back them up, pedestal sinks can be dwarfed by a big master suite, but beadboard bathroom vanities can. Built-In Bath Storage. Even a small amount of beaded board can have big impact. Narrow-plank beaded board provides a stylish backdrop for this built-in. Yaheetech White Wooden Bathroom Wall Cabinet Toilet Medicine Storage . Bathroom Storage Cabinet with Slide-Out Shelf & Hinged Lid, 7-In. Wide, White.
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Traditional Bathroom Beadboard Bathrooms Design, Pictures, Remodel, Decor . Bathroom Beadboard Ideas For Interesting Style Yellow Bathrooms, Vintage. Vintage bathroom with glossy gray beadboard walls & ceiling, cast iron claw foot tub, . Image result for marble subway tile bathroom bronze fixtures Benjamin. Explore Valerie Eichers board Bathroom with bead board on Pinterest. See more . Frugal and Vintage: Lovely Vintage Bathroom Decor After Pictures. beadboard wainscot in bathroom images subway tile or covered with a . Vintage Bathroom Design Trends Adding Beautiful Ensembles to Modern Homes. 20 . 2018 . Beadboard in Bathrooms Is Cozy and Traditional. beadboard bathroom. Aka Design. Beadboard wall treatments are a beautiful and traditional way of adding some visual interest to a 17 Classic Gray and White Bathrooms. Instead of classic white, subtly punch up bath color with painted beaded board. The material is easy to paint, and you dont have to commit color to the whole. 19 . 2017 . When considering a bathroom redo (whether full-on reno or just a weekend-warrior refresh), . (Image credit: Ariel of PMQ for Two) . Pair a dark paint color with a classic white beadboard, as seen in this bathroom via Home.
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2 2018 . This easy and budget friendly DIY beadboard bathroom tutorial will help . Chair rail moulding is a bit more expensive but it has a nice lip edge. How to install an easy DIY beadboard hook wall in a bathroom. like the real Beadboard and it can be painted too. easy to install and less expensive then the. Great beadboard renovations and other beadboard ideas and tutorials. . In BathroomWainscoating BathroomBead Board BathroomBead Board Walls . DIY Networks Carter Oosterhouse shows how to install beadboard real Beadboard and it can be painted too. easy to install and less expensive then the wood panels. diagram for beadboard install Beadboard Wainscoting, Bathroom real Beadboard and it can be painted too. easy to install and less expensive then the wood. 28 2017 . Adding beadboard in your bathroom is a simple DIY that will cover . from the shower, we chose the slightly more expensive vinyl beadboard. . and white motif. Blue bead board walls bring New England charm into this bathroom, while a Carrara marble vanity top. . DIY Kitchen Re-Do. Rust-Oleum Interior Design Ideas (Home Bunch An Interior Design & Luxury Homes Blog). DIY: How to Cover Tile with Beadboard How to Renovate a Tiled Bathroom the Tile reglazing An expensive way to remodel your bathroom for 1/10 of the. DIY: How to Install Beadboard on Walls and Ceilings How To Install Beadboard, How to restyle your older home without doing major expensive remodeling. 5 Simple Ways to Make Your Bathroom Feel Like New. Wooo, I like the thin shelves above the Wainscoting. We have that in our bathroom. And the tiny little table.
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In My Own Style Affordable Bathroom Makeover Bathroom Remodel Ideas Country . Traditional Bathroom Beadboard Bathrooms Design, Pictures, Remodel,. White Beadboard Bathroom Design photos, ideas and inspiration. Update your bathroom decor in no time with these affordable, cute half bathroom ideas. Update your bathroom decor in no time with these affordable, cute half bathroom . Bathroom Remodel Ideas 2017, Small Bathroom Remodel Ideas Pictures,. 19 . 2017 . Super affordable, this type of wainscoting (check out this helpful article on the . The peachy pink painted beadboard in Ariels bathroom totally. Blue bead board walls bring New England charm into this bathroom, while a . Board In Bathroom Ideas Images Installing Ceiling Bead Board In Bathroom. Traditional Bathroom Narrow Bathroom Design, Pictures, Remodel, Decor and Ideas page 4 However, it is not by any means cheap, and it can take a. Kylie. 2 . 2018 . Small Bathroom Remodeling Guide (30 Pics Give an inexpensive basic round mirror a modern update with this DIY sunrise floating . Bathroom beadboard bathroom victorian with glass shower door white beadboard.
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Auf seinen Tapeten versammelt Marimekko seine schnsten Muster der letzten Jahrzehnte. Weitere Ideen zu Bold colors, Beautiful patterns und Scandinavian design. . Wooo, I like the thin shelves above the Wainscoting. We have that in. Erkunde Tinchen Mllers Pinnwand Tapeten auf Pinterest. . Lovely Putty-colored walls above white paneled wainscoting keep the mood serene; a checkered. 08.10.2018- Erkunde beate bergmanns Pinnwand Tapete Fuboden . Original vintage classy castle wallpaper with embossed baroque pattern and beautiful gold images of bead board Google Search Stube, Tapeten, Puppen, Kreativ,. Embossed Paintable Beadboard Wallpaper FD59016 Sold by the 3d Wallpaper Home, Wallpaper . Cream China Silk Habotai is a beautiful, soft, Silk lining. Brewster 14459016 Reiseziele von der Shore Beadboard Tapete, 52 cm von 396-inch, wei. 1 Angebot ab By the morning, it had dried and looked beautiful! Gestreift Design Beadboard Tapete zum berstreichen: Amazon.de: Baumarkt. . Verifizierter Kauf. This wallpaper is so cute! It was easy to apply and Ive never. Wall Doctor Beadboard Graham & Brown. . Flecken auf Wasserbasis knnen von der Tapete mit einem feuchten Tuch und Seifenwasser entfernt werden. Charming Beads 25+ Metres Pure White 1mm Nylon Rattail Cord Kumihimo Charming Beads SUPA BLUE Craft And Jewellery Making Copper Wire 5 Metres. Tapete Sambesi >< White Tiger >< wallpaper. . tips from Planet Cakes Paris Cutler. See More. Bead board wall paper for cabinets . too cool! Again, we don.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/modern-bead-board-bathroom
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shininghime · 7 years
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A Bella Twins wallpaper, kinda XD
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Bellas and Hardys wallpapers requested by @impactfirebomb
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jennikai · 3 years
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Preparing for the “I Love You Tour”! I’m so excited! This is something I’ve been wanting to do with my Silver Streak RV for four years! We converted the twin beds to one full. I plan to remove the peeling wallpaper and disintegrated plastic trim. I will also be installing vinyl flooring at some paint. As you can see I’ve been painting the floor. I started to do the new vinyl a couple years ago but realized I needed to complete the bed conversion first, but money and other repairs took precedence over that. Pic 1) the torn out beds. The green zone represents where the original walkway/bed frames were. Bella says “Where’s the bed mom?” 2) Testing the cuts before fastening everything down. We used the original bed cabinet facings. Subtracted 10” free m the passenger side to align with the kitchen cabinet/pantry. View toward living room-front. 3) Beds assembled! View toward bathroom-rear. We cut the bathroom wall back 6” to align with the linen closet. 4) View toward living room/front. We added 10” to the driver’s side. So everything shifted 10” (that was the measurement that we determined would be the most comfortable to walk by still. But it makes an odd size 34” twin became a 44” full (waaay smaller than standard). I know it’s only ten inches but it’s gigantic to me! #rvlife #silverstreak #sunshinewagonstudiorv #artist #rver #fulltimervers #diyrvrenovation #dogsofinstagram #rvdogs #iloveyou #iloveyoutour #artislife #lifeisart https://www.instagram.com/p/CP-90YtDnw8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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