#belong to the truth
justana0kguy · 6 months
2024 JANUARY 05 Friday
"(Now) this is how we shall know that we belong to the truth and reassure our hearts before Him in whatever our hearts condemn, for God is greater than our hearts and knows everything. Beloved, if (our) hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence in God."
~ 1 John 3:19-21
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acourtoffeyandfables · 8 months
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Don't touch me I'm in my outsider-Thorn-Vale feels
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coochiequeens · 11 months
A patient said something she thought was in confidence and he (the doctor) shared it with staff? And now TRAs are harassing a woman fighting breast cancer? That doctor needs to lose his license for violating patient confidentiality
A woman in Oregon receiving treatment for breast cancer has been dropped by her health clinic of 12 years because she expressed views critical of gender ideology.
Marlene Barbera, who is scheduled for a mastectomy later this month, told Reduxx that she had commented on the presence of a transgender pride flag that was hanging in the waiting room of the Richmond Family Medical Clinic in Portland last year.
Barbera explained that she had written a message to her doctor on MyChart, a website where patients can access their personal health information, describing that she found the inclusion of “political messaging in a healthcare setting” as “offensive.”
She, like a growing number of women, has “gender critical” views, rejecting modern ideologies that conflate biological sex and “gender identity.” Barbera mentioned she had faced rape and death threats from trans activists on X (formerly Twitter), many of whom would have identified with that same flag.
Initially, the Doctor, who she revealed had been her primary care provider for over ten years, said that he would not take the flag down. But while Barbera had initially believed their correspondence to be private, she later discovered that the note to her physician had been viewed and shared by other staff at the clinic.
This June, while attempting to leave a message for her doctor regarding blood test results, the issue continued to escalate. A receptionist at the clinic, who Barbera speculated was transgender, did not permit her to be patched through to her doctor.
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“The person insisted I make an appointment. I have breast cancer and consequently an abundance of medical appointments so I did not want to do that. They got frustrated with my ‘non-compliance’ and hung up on me,” Barbera told Reduxx.
“Thinking it might have been in error, I called back. I was told I was ‘not allowed’ and that I must speak to the previous person who had hung up on me. I declined as things hadn’t gone well the first time.”
She then questioned whether the refusal from the first receptionist was due to her previous complaint about the trans pride flag in the lobby.
“I asked, guessing ‘did I hurt the trans person’s feelings?’ And the receptionist took offense to the question, asking ‘what did you say‘ slowly and with great emphasis.”
Weeks later, Barbera received an email from Oregon Health Science University’s (OHSU) Stein Berger, informing her that she had been “discharged from receiving medical care at the Richmond Family Medicine Clinic,” effective immediately, with services to be cut off from all OHSU Family Medicine Clinics, including immediate care clinics, from July 29th. The email did in fact specify that she was being removed “because of ongoing disrespectful and hurtful remarks about our LGBTQ community and staff.”
Barbera told Reduxx that the incident had sent her “anxiety through the roof” and that she was struggling with her mental health as a result of the stress.
“I have severe chronic agitated depression since teen years,” Barbera explains. “Now I have no primary care doctor and nowhere else to go. I have been made to feel like a worthless nothing.”
This is not the first time a woman has lost access to critical medical services due to her “gender critical” views.
In October of last year, a woman identified as Emma by the UK’s Daily Mail was banned from having an operation in London’s Princess Grace Hospital because she requested single sex accommodation. The woman, who had been scheduled for a complex colorectal operation, also expressed that she did not want to “use pronouns or engage with such manifestations of gender ideology.”
Despite having experience being the victim of sexual assault, Emma was banned from having her procedure at the facility for requesting single-sex care.
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eternal-echoes · 6 months
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It bothers me that the last words Twilight said to his father and his friends - the people he loved - were lies.
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faresong · 3 months
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ytts fits are fun
no text + silly bonus under the cut:
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taz-writes · 11 months
here's a hot take for today
the narrative function of sex is the same as the narrative function of fight scenes is the same as the narrative function of songs in a musical
no i will not explain
#taz talks#writing#actually i WILL explain but i'll do it in the tags#these each serve the same function within their respective appropriate genres#each one is a kind of revelation#they heighten the connection between 2+ characters and highlight relationships and feelings and needs#they are out of place in genres where they do not belong and/or as curveballs when the narrative did not provoke them from the start#but they have the same sort of emotional/dramatic build-up#talk -> sing -> dance (talk -> yell -> stab) ((talk -> flirt -> You Know))#and they are all expressions of intense physicality and intimacy through physical gesture and interaction#they are fundamentally empty and boring if there is not a deeper purpose or drive behind them#although they can still occasionally be entertaining on their own if your audience is specifically seeking that experience out#people who do not like them will be very unhappy to encounter one where it isn't supposed to be#it is very easy to ruin the mood with poor word choice#many people have an inherent sense for terrible ones but it's often difficult or complicated to explain precisely why a bad one fails#when executed properly they are a very raw and intimate expression of a character's most fundamental needs and desires#the fluff is stripped away and there is nothing left but a series of needs. conflicting or cooperating.#and even when you're lying during one it's still a form of truth#none of these things are remotely necessary to tell a powerful or compelling story but if you're going to use them you need to do it right#also all 3 of these things are difficult if not impossible to write if you are not both interested in them and personally invested#this post brought to you by me trying to write smut about my dnd characters and failing because i generally hate /reading/ smut#so i have none of the vocabulary or instinct for it that i do for. say. graphic violence (or lyrical poetry)
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walkswithmyfather · 2 months
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‭1 Samuel 17:45-47 (NIV)‬. “David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”
“Defeating Our Goliaths” by In Touch Ministries:
“Faith habits prepare us for the inevitable battles that come.”
“Life’s “Goliaths” come in all shapes, sizes, and intensities: an unhappy relationship, a difficult job, a pile of debt. In today’s passage, David faced what appeared to be an insurmountable problem, but he was victorious through God’s power. We can be, too.
David declared victory over Goliath before the battle even began (v. 46). His confidence was rooted in his past experiences with the Lord. What’s more, David believed triumph was certain because he came in the name of the Lord. As a shepherd, he’d spent hours alone in the wilderness, listening to God’s voice. Even a giant’s discouraging shout couldn’t shake his convictions about who God was and what He could do through His servant.
David had practical faith habits. A strong relationship with the Lord developed from spending time in His presence. This in turn enabled David to face problems with certainty that he was a beloved child of God, with full access to his Father’s storehouses of power, courage, and wisdom. If doubts ever arose, he could look back on God’s great faithfulness in past troubles.
To be victorious, we should practice David’s spiritual habits. Spend time with God and keep a record of His work in your life. Then you can be confident that He is sufficient, no matter the obstacle.”
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
unwarranted Cis Opinion but I'm getting really uncomfortable w people responding to bathroom bills by posting pictures of trans men like DO YOU WANT THEM IN WOMEN'S BATHROOMS
bc like. no they're men. they should be in men's bathrooms unless that feels unsafe. but. it really feels like it's not helpful to lean into the idea that seeing someone presenting masc or being read as a man in a women's bathroom means You're In Danger.
like I know several butch women and NB ppl who are really scared around being on T or getting top surgery bc they're not men and they don't want to be in the men's bathroom, and in that circumstance stuff like growing facial hair or reading more androgynously can be really fucking scary when people are being primed by propaganda to be on edge and hyperreactive to anyone who doesn't look like their idea of a Cis Woman.
and I'm not laying that at the feet of the people saying "hey uhhhh trans men are men and don't belong in women's bathrooms" bc it is not their fault. it's the fault of a concerted effort to make it difficult and dangerous to be trans or substantively gender nonconforming in public.
but at the same time idk I guess it just worries me cause sometimes it feels like "you fools! you are worried about this group of trans people bc you think they're the Lurking Danger of Men In Bathrooms? WRONG! the Men Making You Feel Afraid In Bathrooms are actually THESE trans people!" when in fact neither of those groups using the fucking bathroom is a problem. just piss and mind your business. people need to go where they need to go.
anyway this country is a hot fucking trash fire that somehow accelerates its descent into open fascism more every day so it's all super good and normal. so don't take this too seriously tbh cause it's somewhere near #2535654476457899009765 on the list of priorities for Queer Discourse right now when the fucking human rights commission is actively rescinding protections from trans people. Please ignore my gibberish.
#red said#i get that the point is to follow their logic to its logical conclusion like SEE THE EFFECT IS THE OPPOSITE OF YOUR STATED INTENTIONS#but a) the lawmakers already know this tbf#and also b) ultimately you still do end up making a lot of tweets that look very very very like the original scaremongering abt trans ppl#and transphobes and ppl who are unfamiliar with trans stuff alike have repeatedly and consistently demonstrated either an unwillingness#or an inability. to understand the difference btw a trans man and a trans woman.#and meanwhile idk it does feel like most posts like this are tacitly reinforcing the idea that you SHOULD be scared of masc-presenting ppl#it's putting so much emphasis on clockability. and the truth is not everyone using the bathroom does or should have to pass perfectly.#if a trans woman who looks like one of these trans men needs to piss. a woman with stubble and short hair and muscly shoulders.#SHE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO PISS IN THE WOMEN'S BATHROOM. even if she doesn't look like a cis woman.#if a trans dude looks like a girl he still doesn't belong in the ladies unless he personally feels the need to go there for his safety#if someone is not actively bothering you harassing you or treating you with aggression it's not really any of your business is it#maybe that's a trans man. maybe that's a trans woman. maybe that's a woman or dyke on T. maybe that's a cis woman who just looks masculine.#who gives a shit? a key factor in ladies bathrooms is that they have fucking cubicles. unless someone is making it your business it's not.#and if they are then the problem isn't that they're the Wrong Sex/Gender it's that they're behaving badly/disrespectfully/threateningly#which is also a problem when cis women do it!!!!!
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thepictureofjune · 3 months
Noah Temel: undertones of an unlovable, uncertain kid. 
— a quite sad character study
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The reason why we need Noah to break down is because we care for him! Lemme explain in four acts.
Emotionally traumatized or just a red flag?
Noahs Inability to love Colin
Yes, Noah wants him gone (and maybe it's needed too)
Nolin Endgame?
Disclaimer: this is 100% my characterization, feel free to disagree with anything said here. 
Noah giving Colin false hope numerous times and then complaining about it (red flag or emotional trauma?)
We know this. Colin confessed his feelings with the kiss and Noah stated, very clearly, that he isn’t in love with him. Then he proceeds to spend time with Colin, smile at him, joke with him, etc. Colin voices his opinion on that in the end of s26, saying he cannot be just friends. 
At the start of s27 Noah goes back to acting like that didn’t happen. They joke again, they touch, some even may say they flirt. And obviously that is bad and Noah is in the wrong for giving Colin false hope if he has clearly stated that he isn’t in love. 
The explanation I came up with for that: Noah views himself as unloveable and even if loved, it is never permanent and always temporary. 
He grew up with divorced parents and as a child you kinda automatically believe that the love your parents have for each other is forever. You are supposed to be the result of that. You grow into their love. The love your parents have for each other is the first love you grow up with and it is going to somehow determine your view on love in general, so obviously if someone like Noah grows up with his parents breaking up and moving on, how is he ever supposed to believe that love can be something permanent? 
He may believe Colin loves him but him showing up at the start of s27 like nothing happened and then ending up fighting with Colin proves that he thought it would have passed by now, that there would be no way Colin could still be in love with him but he is. And it doesn’t make any sense to Noah. 
Noah's Inability to love Colin and his ability to lose a friend. 
Noah needs a friend and Colin wants a lover and they are both fighting for that in a very similar way. Noah cannot lose Colin because, as he has stated numerous times, he is the only person that makes him want to stay. Noah never wanted to be at Einstein and there is still a big part of him that would rather be somewhere else but Colin, who has fought since the start to be his friend, makes all of it better and Noah cannot lose that because he realized he has to stay at this school. 
“I need you. As a friend.” And he quite literally does! Even if for us, as the audience, it's hard to hear him say that. This is not about Noah not loving Colin, this is about love being something complicated for Noah, whereas friendship isn’t, at least it isn’t supposed to be. Noah needs Colin to be uncomplicated, he needs him to make sense.
Noah loves what he and Colin have, as Colin is quite literally the first person he asks to help him with this very important thing right when they meet each other again and Colin is the only person he opens up to. Colin is quite literally the only person Noah talks to without there being anything that beneficial behind it. Colin is his friend and Noah loves him for that because it is, after all, their friendship that made Noah want to stay. It's their friendship that feels normal.
And when you have something that means so much, that is the most important thing to you, obviously you would not want to ruin it for your own benefit. Even if Noah is in love with Colin, I doubt he would, in this position, ever admit to it because it would mean losing the only thing that matters. 
Why did Noah tell him to leave then? 
Panic. And because he meant it. Noahs parents vowed to forever and still let each other go and perhaps never fought for one another. How is a possible relationship with Colin going to be any different if he is already one foot out the door? Loving Colin is a guaranteed loss in Noahs eyes.
Noah wants Colin to leave solely for the reason that they cannot function together when he stays. Noah will never allow himself to love Colin and Colin will never stop fighting for Noah to admit his feelings and it will destroy them, it already has. 
Nolin isn’t going to be canon…
…not like this anyways. There is too much fighting from Noah’s side and even if he stopped that fight in the next episode and suddenly confessed all his hidden feelings, I would hate for Colin to accept it because he’s been through hell because of this. He has waited, he has hoped and he has, most definitely, suffered because of Noah. So Noah has to come to terms with that first, he has to come to terms with not only his own feelings but also the ones Colin has. He hasn’t done that before, he has clearly never taken a moment to consider that Colin wholeheartedly and truthfully loves him because after all, he keeps forgetting it. Noah needs to view himself as someone that is capable of being loved, even after years of being proven wrong in that regard.
In order for these two to ever get together and be actually healthy, Noah needs to lose Colin first because right now, Colin is all he has, all he still has, even when they are fighting. 
It’s in the way Noah acted when he hadn’t seen Colin in so long over the summer holidays, how suddenly there was touching and flirting and how we were all sure Noah was just one step away from kissing that boy. There was also the big reveal of Noah’s home situation because these last few weeks he has been dealing with everything wrong in his life and there was no one there to help him. 
“Du bist der einzig normale Mensch für mich hier.” Somewhere between the summer holidays and school starting again, Noah at least realized that he needed Colin, that Colin was his safe haven, his place to rest, his only tie to happiness. Now it’s time for him to realize that again. 
He lost Colin once and now it might even be his fault that he will lose him again. Colin came back for Noah even after Julia asked him if he wanted to stay with her. He came back because he wanted to know how Noah felt and well, Noah told him pretty clearly, no?
Because this is his way of dealing with love; by destroying it.
Noah just probably didn’t realize how his own choices and his own words will destroy him soon enough as well.  
Conclusion: Noah Temel I hope you heal from everything that happened to you. You’re just a kid, you're not supposed to suffer from what your parents couldn't give each other.
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was thinking about leverage dnd classes and i think the obvious choice for sophie is bard, but i don't think that's quite right, because her whole thing is that she's NOT a very good actor. she's not an Artist, she's a grifter. i think one of the reasons why sophie struggles with acting is because then the goal is art/self-expression/a desire to communicate with and be seen by the world (something she has a whole crisis about) while the goal of grifting more readily aligns with her own (facilitating a con). like bards are ultimately a class that's about supporting/"inspiring" others through creative endeavors (getting stronger by improving your craft), while other charisma casters like warlocks are about power and ambition (getting stronger by selling your soul); but i think sophie's talents are closest to those of sorcerers, whose powers are more innate and something to be learned to be controlled. sophie's struggle isn't that she's not good enough at her job, but that maybe she's TOO good at it to the point she doesn't know who she is, and that her powers may in fact hurt others. if anything, she's a sorcerer carrying around a lute and charming her audience into clapping for her when her performance flops
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dragonseeds · 9 months
there’s a horrible sickness in me that makes me want to stop and replay da:i whenever i start a different game. how am i supposed to resist the story of my own unwilling apotheosis? especially as lavellan, who doesn’t believe in the maker and who has every right to hate and mistrust the chantry but chooses to use what power they have to try save people, to fix what’s broken, no matter how afraid they are or how careful they have to be. walking side by side with the great trickster god/adversary of your people without knowing, befriending him, changing his mind about this world but ultimately not his choice. he understands what’s happening to you because it happened to him once and he gives you his castle, built over the place where he sundered the world, and paints your story there in frescos that will last long after you’re gone and after the story has been retold and reshaped so many times that the truth of who you are and what you did is lost—just as he did his own story, which was lost and perverted by war and propaganda, and he shows all of this to you knowing you’ll understand because you’ve lived through something similar, grown into something larger than yourself and your true name, and it doesn’t change anything but. he wanted you to see him just for a moment, even if he can’t tell you everything (or almost anything) and you can’t save him—because he owes it to you as a someone who is a friend, almost an equal, and because there’s no one else left who knows: a direct result of what he did to your people and which he now seeks to undo at the cost of this world.
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hestiashand · 8 months
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some sns cannibalism propaganda i’ve been making and collecting……..
(img 4 & 5 i got from @sasukeless ofc)
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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The layers this movie has, almost like an onion.
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 months
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and all the time the world unwinds i can't deny the way i feel and all these words they mean nothing at all
it stays in stella maris
it doesn't leave that room
but dawn comes, warm light over the east, warming the ruined streets of home. you were meant to be with me, here, for we are built, trained, conditioned to disappear
what comes next needs everything we got. elysium must wake
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roseofcards90 · 4 months
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bloodycoolfrye · 28 days
#we Iranians are mourning our beloved president, don't let them tell you otherwise...
Iran, Qom May 21, 2024
Funeral procession for Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi and his accompanying delegation:
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