#She does hold a high position in society
thyfggfy · 4 months
Me after creating a mental list of my favourite characters from certain medias :.... I may have a type
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Female characters that constantly have to prove themselves cuz no one believes in them and there is always someone who surpasses them get behind me.
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nettleandthorne · 1 year
Tamarack: What character fits into two different groups that are usually opposites?
hello! thank you for the ask! this is... a fascinating question. i suppose i want to say maria, even though i most likely talk about her far too much already given she isn't the main character. she very much fits into the role of villain and the role of friend, which is... a little confusing for the gravedigger. she represents the greatest threat to them of anyone, but she's so desperate for someone to actually understand her that she makes herself remarkably vulnerable in front of them. but it doesn't stop her being dangerous, and manipulative, and desperate. even if she is the gravedigger's friend, she can never really be trusted.
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sanjisboyfie · 10 months
pre : sensitive
jjk x male reader
+ a/n at the end !!
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[name] was a stain in his family’s lineage. their legendary clan was knocked out of their priority position all because of his birth. his family was interesting. they had a unique innate ability that was not desired for any of their kin to inherit. reason being: it was all based on emotion, the technique was all based on emotion.
and having emotions as a jujutsu sorcerer?
looked down upon, it was a disgrace.
for the most part, his clan lucked out with all of their offspring repressing this “useless” cursed technique.
of course, except for [name].
the thing that was supposed to make him, “strong,” only furthered his status in the world as being unimportant and nothing but a burden to his family members.
and he knew this, has been aware of it since birth. he lives with his ability that makes it hard for him to properly balance his emotions. or rather, the ability that made him bring unbalance to his mind — all for it to try and serve for something and be useful to some capacity.
he was isolated from his family and the rest of jujutsu society. especially when his birth year coincided with a certain gojo clan’s newborn.
that gojo clan bitch, were his first thoughts on the boy that was the same age as him.
the boy who easily tilted the balance of the world. a stunning ability that granted gojo satoru with the ability to practically be invincible. as if [name]’s birth wasn’t a mark of stress for himself, now he had another, more powerful person to hold it over his head.
“wow! i didn’t know you were gonna actually enroll in jujutsu high!” gojo’s voice taunted [name] as the two crossed paths at the entrance of the school. “with an ability like yours, i definitely would’ve opted out to just a normal high school. i mean, what good are you gonna be for us here?”
“you gojo clan bitch! i’ll gut you! and smear your organs on your estate walls to taunt the rest of you useless, stuck up family!” [name] shouted in anger, pointing his finger into gojo’s chest. meanwhile, the teenager he was threatening merely grinned down at him as if he were some cute stray kitten.
“that spark in your eyes is real impressive to see up close,” gojo leaned close to [name]’s face, smirking when he noticed the way [name] flinched backwards, “too bad it doesn’t mean shit when time comes to actually prove yourself,”
[name] sneered, a burst of tears rushing to his eyes. and just as gojo was going to jest about his obvious showing of emotions, an authoratative voice broke them out of their fight.
“really? class hasn’t even started and the two of you are bringing in your emotional baggage onto the school grounds,”
professor yaga’s figure shadowed over them and he had his burly arms crossed over his chest. [name] gulped in fear whilst gojo only continued on smirking like the arrogant man he is.
“yaga-sensei! good to see you’ve crawled out of that depressing dark room of yours! that’s quite hospitable of you, greeting your students on their first day of school,”
yaga’s eyebrow twitched in aggravation, but unlike [name], he was better at quelling down his annoyance and ignoring gojo’s teasing remarks, “well, won’t you be pleased to know that the world does not revolve around you-”
“oh, but it does~”
“and that there are more first years than just the two of you,”
gojo’s face turned into one of surprise rather quickly, the smug smirk on his face being wiped off in an instant.
“actually, there’s one right now,”
[name] looked over his shoulder and saw a petite figure walking towards them. her chocolate hair was cut in a short bob and he admired her natural beauty, even from afar he was quite taken with her appearance. and then she looked up and his heart was beating rapidly in his chest at the way her dulls eyes pierced right through his person.
“shoko ieiri, i presume?” yaga asked once she was close enough to be in ear shot.
she hummed in confirmation, looking between the three men in front of her. her eyes lingered on [name] for a fraction of a second longer, smiling gently in his direction, before she looked back up at the teacher, “are you the one in charge of us, old man?”
a twitch of his eyebrow once again.
“if you’re asking if i will be your teacher this year, then yes, i will be,” he answered briskly.
she made a sound of interest and stepped closer tot eh entrance way, “is there a reason we are all standing here? you all looked kind of stupid from far away,” she said, making [name] crack a smile.
“there is only one more that should be arriving, i think it’d be best we all gathered together and walked to the classroom as one so no one gets lost…or misplaced,”
shoko didn’t respond, only looking in between gojo and [name]. it was as if she was contemplating who to talk to. when she finally decided on the h/c haired boy, she poked his shoulder to knock him out of his daydream, “is your mouth always open and waiting to catch flies, or is that just a right now thing?”
[name] shut his mouth and swallowed thickly, trying to keep calm with the way she was analyzing him so closely. now that she was only inches away from his face, he could get a really good look at her features. her sharp nose, her eyes — which were truly enchanting to look at, the mole on her face, and the way her lips look just recently moisturized by some sort of lip balm.
oh, god, [name] thought to himself, i can’t be surrounded by someone as beautiful as this on a daily basis — there’s no way i’ll survive!
“hello, earth to you? anyone home?” she said, snapping her fingers in front of his face to knock him out of his daze.
and it seemed to work, but the first thing he blurted out was what he was thinking in his head, which (embarassingly) was, “i think i’m in love with…you,”
a sputtered laugh, a hum of surprise, and a pissed of “hah” echoed in the air. and lastly, a swift expression of, “well, isn’t that quite the greeting to have on the first day of school,” all resounded in the air after [name]’s sudden confession.
that comment was thanks to the newcomer with long raven hair, standing beside satoru with a laxed smile on his face. he nodded in greeting in [name]’s direction, making the man only more red from embrassment that someone else had to hear that pathetic confession.
gojo satoru, shoko ieiri, getou suguru, and [name] koizumi were all welcomed on their first day of school by professor yaga and would then spend the next couple of years of their lives together as students at jujutsu high.
-> next
okay guys, the idea is this is a very much not serious (it is serious) and less formal formatted fanfiction i wanna be publishing. i have had this in my drafts for a while (i'm talking sitting in my notion page for over a year type shit) and realized that the best way to do it, or story-tell it, would be in a "chaotic" and unorganized fashion.
that being said idk how consistent updates for this is gonna be. because i want a whole good chunk of this to be dedicated pre-starplasma vessel thing that literally sent my beautiful children satoru, suguru, and shoko SPIRALLING.
this is gonna be a very wholesome....(hopefully)....fanfiction and im so excited to finally be publishing it (after a LOT of overthinking of what to do with it).
stay tuned ! or don't !
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devilfic · 10 months
Do you still make Batman x reader? If yes, could I request a "reader figures out Bruce Wayne is Batman"?
Thank you!
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parts: next plot: 'til death do you part. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: arranged marriage, friends to enemies to (fake) lovers, implied history between reader and bruce. words: 760.
a/n: a little something quick that I thought of!
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Recognizing that you had agreed to this, you had been prepared to accept anything. An affair, a drug addiction, secret ties to the mafia overlords like high society always suspected. That was your job as Bruce's spouse: contractually obligated to be okay with it and never let anyone find out about it. Whatever it was.
Even now, as your brain short circuits and the floor feels like you're about to sink right into it, you're looking for ways to be okay with this, and he's looking at you like he wants to kill you.
It's a fleeting look. One second there, the next vanished. Neither of you say anything but there is a world of things being felt, you're certain. One of you has to budge. "This... isn’t what I was expecting."
But Bruce doesn't laugh (and you'd never expect him to, not in your presence). He stands there, heaving slow breaths to calm himself down, the cowl still conspicuously trembling between both of his hands. He could've tossed it or let it go but it's almost like you've frozen him solid.
"Where did you get that?" Is all he demands, eyes trained on the key glimmering in your hand now. "The doormen have orders to-"
"To not let me in? I know. I had the key made myself. Your doormen are easy to persuade with the right amount of money."
Bruce's lip twitches and he scoffs. "I won't tell anyone," you assure him, about 75% convinced of it yourself, "It does me no good to have extra eyes on me, and I'm sure you've got contingency plans in place were I or anyone else to expose you. You were always very good about that. Plans."
"Of course you won't. Your mother wouldn't approve of the disruption in cash flow."
Your eyes narrow. "I am not interested in what my mother wants."
"Why not? She's a part of this marriage, too. Isn't she?"
"Can we talk about the suit?" Bruce stiffens when you bring back attention to the compromised position you'd found him in. "I have questions, and I suppose if you want me to be good at lying about your... hobby, you'll have to prep me."
"I think the less you know, the better. Personally."
"The 'my husband's just busy with work' spiel is getting old, and people are already starting to talk about us living apart. Now, when I agreed to marry you," you watch him flinch as you take a step forward, "I promised that I would be with you in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, 'til death do us part. Your business is my business. Your secret," within arm's length of his cowl, you wrench it from his grasp and he relents rather easily, "is my secret. I will take it with me to the grave so long as you keep up your end of the bargain."
Up close, you take in the black paint smeared over his eyes, a fitting backdrop for his stunning eyes so cool. The fire in the hearth flickers off of them, reflecting back at you as you stand but inches apart.
Just as you stole his cowl, Bruce steals your key. He holds it up in the palm of his glove, "You want to move in."
You hum, "It would help with appearances. And my mother would be pleased."
"I thought you weren't interested in what your mother wants."
"I'm not, but she's interested in you, and given tonight's revelation... I think you'd like someone keeping her nose out of your business."
You punctuate your point with a touch to his chest, palm laid flat over his heart and the several layers of iron-clad padding in front of it. His hair falls into his eyes as he looks down at it, then back at you. There's discomfort there but... something else. Resignation, you'd wager. Defeat. You almost sigh in relief when it dawns on you that you've—rather miraculously—won this battle going in completely blind.
Later, it will dawn on you (or plummet on you) just what you've witnessed tonight. Just what you've agreed to. Just who you've married.
Bruce peels your hand away, placing the key in your palm before releasing it like a burning stone. "There are guest rooms on the second floor." He pauses when you're not fast enough to school your expression, his mouth turning down into a scowl, "This changes nothing else." And he stalks away.
Nothing else. This changes nothing else, but if anyone were to ask, the honeymoon was going great.
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slavonicrhapsody · 22 days
PLEASE bless us with more Rykard thoughts. What do you think his relationship with Tanith is like? You think he’d be a good husband
yeah yeah Rykard is super evil. but I think that his love for Tanith is genuinely one of his best qualities :,)
he offers her the tonic of forgetfulness so she can leave and forget about him painlessly rather than be drawn into his violent campaign… you could argue that pursuing his plans with or without Tanith is prioritizing his ambitions over her, but at the same time him offering her the tonic is probably the most unselfish thing he’s ever done because it proves that he genuinely does have her best interests at heart and felt guilty that she might be put in danger because of his actions.
also I’ve said this before but I think it says a lot about Rykard that his consort is a foreign commoner. the Lands Between’s nobility seems to be super classist based on how Kenneth Haight acts, so Rykard’s actions show that the conventions of nobility mean nothing to him. I bet Rykard saw his marriage to Tanith as like a challenge to high society… his opposition to the “suffocating” Golden Order is all about personal strength and autonomy, so he’d definitely question the idea that the Order gets to decide who has worth in society and who should marry who, and he’d also chafe at the idea that the Order expects him to behave in a certain way. well guess what my consort is a dancer from a foreign land. because I say so. who’s gonna stop me. I’d imagine that Rykard would’ve flaunted their relationship in that way, but he’d also fiercely defend Tanith from other nobility who might imply that shes less worthy. he’s always trusted her to stand on her own… she runs the entire manor in his stead after his transformation. I think what they have in common is a desire to achieve and become something more — I can imagine that each of them would hold a lot of resentment towards their position in life, and would gain mutual catharsis from breaking those conventions. which is why they end up running their own cult lol
basically their relationship is genuinely mutually loving but they enable and encourage each other to become their worst selves. but who cares about healthy relationships I love evil love <3
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causeilikelix · 10 months
Rose Garden - Part One - Lee Know Smut
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↳Pairing: Prince!Lee Know x Maid!afab reader
↳Words: 7,800
↳Warnings: SMUT 18+ only!!!!! Minors DNI!!!!!, Lee Know has a dirty mouth, unprotected sex (we all know the drill), inexperienced virgin!reader, Lee Know also might be a virgin but idk, pretty vanilla stuff, power dynamics, creampie, multiple orgasms, multiple (2) positions, semi-public sex, they almost get caught but aren't, angst, a mention of throwing up but no one does
↳Summery:  You are a maid for one of the ladies eligible for a chance to see if they are the prince's soulmate. You join your lady and attend the tea party but you grow bored and wander off. After a while, you stumble across a beautiful rose garden and an even more beautiful man- though he's not very nice.
TAGLIST: @ohmy-moonlightx , @junebug032 , @giyusatorou , @skzfelixlove , @kittkat44 , @nap-of-a-starr, @ventitto , @blankdyean , @lethallyprotected , @poisonivy21 , @nobody3210 , @chuuswifereal , @hisokasimp1
(Strikethrough means unable to tag)
↳Notes: Long story short, I work a lot and I'm tired but I'm trying to get these written!!!
↳Ready on my AO3: Here
Part One
“MOTHER!”  JOY COMPLAINED loudly, “Do I really have to go to this ridiculous ball?” 
“Yes, darling,” Joy’s mother, Mrs. Park, flitted around the room and checked each of the offerings of the maids, “Tonight is vital.  You must catch the eye of the Prince!”
“What if he's not my soulmate, though?”  Joy pouted, which you caught through her vanity mirror as you carefully curled her hair. 
“Darling, when you’re this high up in society you can’t be concerned about all of that soulmate dribble!  You are a lady!  You are out in society and your position matters!”  Mrs Park insisted.  She made her way over to the vanity and gestured for you to move aside. 
Wordlessly and obediently, you stepped aside to let Joy’s mother take over your task of doing Joy’s hair.  You backed away to stand with the other maids who were holding various jewelry options for this afternoon’s tea party.  
Joy looked absolutely stunning, which was truly no surprise.  As one of the higher ladies of the court, she had to be.  Whenever she went to these tea parties or balls, it was part of your job to make sure she looked her best.  You did her hair, helped her into whichever gown was chosen for the event, and applied the perfect amount of rouge to her cheeks.  As her dedicated ladies maid, you also had to cater to her every whim.  
Technically, you weren’t allowed to be friends with the lady you served but you and Joy had gotten rid of that ages ago.  As her mother rambled on about the importance of holding the family’s position in society, Joy locked eyes with you through the vanity mirror and rolled her eyes.  You had to stifle your giggle into your hand and pretend it was a sneeze in order for the other maids to ignore you. 
“Mother, the prince does absolutely nothing for me.  We would be an awful match!”  Joy whined. 
“Joy, I won’t keep telling you why you have to attend this event.  This is your last chance to catch the Queen’s eye.  If you don’t then they will choose a bride for him this evening at the ball.”
“But every eligible girl in society will also be peacocking around!  There’s no way I could ever stand out.”
“Joy!”  Mrs Park scolded with a light smack to her shoulder.  She moved away and gestured for you to continue your task.  “Ms. Y/N, please do your best work.  You are serving the potential future princess of our fine country!”
“Mother!”  Joy screeched, but Mrs Park made her way out of the room before Joy could whine much more.  “Y/N, you’d better make me look like a monster!”  
“Ma’am, I’ve heard that the Prince is a fine young man!”  You chimed in as you went back to putting small crystals into Joy’s dramatic updo.
“Oh, come on, please don’t call me that when mother isn’t around.  It makes me feel like an old maid.”  Joy pouted. 
“Of course.  Which jewelry set do you want to go with your dress?”  You waved over the other maids, who hurried over to present their offerings.  Joy perused them for a moment before pointing at a silver and blue set to complement the rich navy she had on.
“I don’t know why mother insists on jewel tones.”  Joy sighed, “She knows I prefer pastels.  All the other girls will be wearing pastels to tea!”
“Or maybe they won’t!  This is the last chance to impress the Queen before she makes the decision for him.”
“I hope she’s decided already.  I think I’d hate being married to a prince.  What if he’s dull?”  Joy sighed.
“Honestly, they probably chose his intended ages ago and they’re doing all this for the sake of some social events and entertainment,” You suggested innocently.  
Joy gasped in horror and turned to look at you.
“How dare you insult the royal family!”  She exclaimed.  Her eyebrows furrowed and your heart dropped into your stomach.  You hadn’t meant to-
Joy cracked a smile.  She giggled openly, which helped your muscles relax.  She was just joking.
“Don’t frighten me so!”
“I will never reprimand you for voicing your opinions, even about the royal family.  I believe we are well past that, don’t you?”  Joy turned back to the mirror and you got back to work on her hair. 
You were able to breathe a little better. 
Once Joy had her hair done and her jewels put on, she got up and started towards the door.  You bowed as she left and mentally ran through the list of duties you had to attend to once she left.  Tidy the closet, dust the shelves, make her bed, wash her pillow cases and-
“Oh,” Joy sighed, her hand on the doorknob, “I do wish you could come with me.  You make much better company than any of the other ladies.”
“I wish I could go too, Miss.”  The formality slipped out, but she allowed it. 
“Maybe you could go.”  Joy mused, “I could demand you accompany me in case I have a fainting spell or something.  I suddenly feel one coming on.”
She shot you a mischievous grin.  
“You just want to paint all afternoon."
For almost ten years she’d been faking fainting spells in order to either get out of an event or get you to go with her.  You were surprised that she hadn’t faked one today.  Despite the dramatic navy gown and the sparkly jewelry, Joy preferred to spend her days with you in the greenhouse painting away.  Each year for your birthday she gifted you a blank sketchbook and some pencils and often invited you to paint with her.  You weren’t nearly as good as her, but it allowed for you to have something to do together.  An even playing field.  No titles. 
“You caught me.  What can I say?  I prefer painting with my best and only friend in the ton over mingling and pretending to hope for the Queen’s approval.”  Joy mused for a few long moments.  Then, terrifyingly, her eyes lit up.  She opened the door and called out into the house.  “Mother! Y/N is joining us to the ball today!  I shall require her assistance changing into my other gown for the ball.”
“What?”  You gawked.
Joy closed the door and turned to you triumphantly.
“Crystal,”  Joy turned to one of the other maids, “Please prepare my pink and blue gown with the flowers and sapphires on the bodice for the palace with the fullest underskirt you can find.  Oh, and the pink set of jewelry that Papa gave me for Christmas!  Y/N, go prepare your best dress!  You’re going to the royal ball!”
Joy’s scheming got you right where she wanted you.  If you had the chance, you definitely would have stayed home but you were in no position to refuse her.  Joy’s mother wasn’t thrilled that you were there but at this point she knew that there were some battles you just don’t win.  
It wasn’t as if there was much for you to do at this party anyway.  Joy made you change into your event uniform, which was really just a cleaner black-and-white version of what you normally wore.  Today you wore a long black dress with a white lace apron layered over the skirt, with a white collar and cuffs.  
All well and good if the tea party wasn’t outdoors.
By all means, the temperature outside was quite pleasant unless you had to stand off to the side with the other ladies maids in direct sunlight.  All of you had delicate sheens of sweat along the backs of your necks as you waited to be summoned by your respective ladies.  Some of the maids you’d seen before and had decent friendships with.  The great part about being a maid is that almost all of them were into gossip, as if they were reading a dramatic-real life romance novel. 
“Ryujin, you’ll never believe it!”  Yuna exclaimed, “Mr Lee proposed to Lady Shim last week!  They had a few moments together in the garden and he got down on one knee and he had a ring prepared and everything!”
“How romantic!”  Ryujin squealed, “Did she accept?”
“Honestly, I’m in disbelief!  She didn’t refuse him but she said she needed time to think.  It’s possible that she’s hoping to be chosen by the Queen but she can’t be selected if she’s betrothed.”
“Have any of you actually seen Prince Minho?”  Ryujin sighed, “I mean, Mr Lee is a catch.  Why would she turn him down?”
“I saw the prince once!”  Lia, another maid into all the gossip, chimed in eagerly, “He is unbelievably handsome.”
“Oh, shove it.  You only saw the back of his head once.” Yuna rolled her eyes, “I saw him once a few weeks ago.  He is, without a doubt, one of the most handsome men I’ve ever set my eyes on!”
“What about you, Y/N, have you seen the prince?”  Ryujin turned the attention onto you.
“No, I’ve only heard about him from Lady Joy.  She has no interest in him.”
“Well, I think he actually plans on attending this event alongside the Queen, so hopefully we should get a glimpse of him soon!”
“Why aren’t they searching for his soulmate?  I heard that a soulmate match makes for more successful breeding.”  You asked.
“That was the purpose of these parties all month!  They’ve been bringing in all the ladies and the princesses of neighboring countries to each try their hand at being his soulmate but no one suitable has been found,” Ryujin explained, “If he doesn’t find his soulmate tonight then the Queen will choose one of the offers submitted by various other royal or noble families.”
“This is all so dull,” you sighed, “Who cares about soulmates and politics.  All we can do is watch!  At this rate I’ll die an old maid.”
“If you find your soulmate I’m sure your lady will let you marry!”  
“Only if he’s someone of my rank.”  You rolled your eyes, “It looks like Lady Joy is enjoying herself so I think I might go for a walk, care to join me?”
“Goodness, no.  I would get in trouble if I ever left my lady’s sight!”
“Well, tell her I had to find the servant’s quarters if she asks about me.” 
You didn’t know why Joy wanted you along so badly if she was only going to get caught up in the other ladies she was friends with.  You figured a turn around the gardens wouldn’t be such a bad thing, especially since no one was paying any attention to you.  Also, this might be the only chance you ever got to see the royal garden.  
Quietly, you slipped away from the other maids and turned to venture deeper in the gardens.  The party was relatively localized so there were acres of untouched flora to explore.  Maybe, if you were lucky, there would be a pond or a fountain to sit by and watch.  Something about water always fascinated you. 
The sun warmed your skin as you walked through the hedges and trees.  The cobblestone paths crunched delicately beneath your shoes.  Flowers and shrubs lined the path, allowing for a delicate floral scent to fill the air.  You sighed happily when a light breeze helped the aroma into your nose.  
By all means, this was the perfect day for a tea party.  The only thing missing was the tea.  The more you thought about it the more a cup of tea sounded wonderful, but you would have to wait for a cup until you got back to the house and put Joy to bed.
As you walked you occasionally passed by other maids or servants of the palace but they paid you no mind.  Your finer uniform gave the impression that you belonged within the palace walls, but you knew you did not.  Your family was intimately entwined with the Park family.  From birth you were predestined to be Joy’s lady's maid.  You feared that you would never do anything else. 
When you were a little girl you used to dream of entering the palace.  As a child, it was as a woman of nobility who got to wear all of the pretty dresses that Lady Joy got to wear and dance at all the balls.  However, as you got older you figured that the more realistic track would be for you to enter the kitchen and work as a servant.  There was little to no chance of changing rank and now that you were a proper soulmate-seeking adult, you had to accept your reality.  Nothing would ever change for you.
Then the gardens began to change. 
The standard hedges turned into lofty lattice structures.  The wood was painted white and the structures created square arches over the path.  Lattice fences lined the walkway as well.  Vines snaked up the structures and overhead, creating lovely shadows that helped to soothe the sweat pearling at the back of your neck.  The white gravel turned to cobblestones under your feet.
Soon, however, flowers began to appear on the vines.  As you ventured deeper into the garden, roses of every color began to decorate the lattice and the arches.  There were several stripes of color.  Several feet of white roses, then orange, then red, then purple.  The soft aroma of the roses wafted into your nose and you sighed happily.  The occasional iron bench lined the path and you had half a mind to sit down and take a rest for a while. 
“Goddamn it!”  A voice carried from a crevice in the hedges and you jumped.  The exclamation was soon followed by a loud thump and a groan of pain. 
On instinct, you gasped and went to find the source of the noise.  The second groan of pain helped you navigate the maze of lattice fences with roses on them.  The path curved into a generous arch before an opening into the center of the garden appeared.  You dipped through a circular hedge gate until you emerged into probably the most beautiful place you’d ever seen in your life. 
In the center of a generous opening was a stone gazebo with lattice fences lining it.  Those, of course, had large rose bushes wound throughout making the gazebo feel like a proper enclosed building.  A delicate trickling stone fountain of a woman pouring water into a basin sat in front.  A plethora of garden trimming tools like shears and a basket of weeds sat at the stone woman’s feet.  Along the back wall were more fences lined with roses so you supposed you shouldn’t have been surprised to see the man on the ground near them. 
The man wore a pair of brown trousers and a white flowy top that hung off his shoulders and showed off his milky collarbones.  He wore a pair of black boots that went up just below his knees.  You couldn’t see his full face but you knew only from his profile that he would be beautiful.  He groaned and wiped his hands on his pants before standing back up.  He sighed and fixed his cuffs before turning and seeing you at the entrance to the small garden.  Instantly, his face morphed into one of horror and he backed away from you slowly.
“Leave immediately!”  The man commanded in a sweet and melodic voice that was a strong contrast to his barked orders, “And tell no one what you saw!”
“I… I’m sorry!”  You dipped down into a low curtsey, even though you couldn’t tell who he was.  Judging from the dirt on his pants and the trimming shears on the ground by your feet, you had something of an idea. 
“Didn’t I tell you to go?”  He asked again after you hesitated to move. 
“I do apologize but… I appear to have lost my way and-”
“You lost your way?  Isn’t it required of the help to know their way around this oppressive castle?”  The man rolled his handsome cat-like eyes and he tossed a hand through his rich brown locks. 
“I… Well, I am just visiting.”  Your throat closed as you spoke.  He glared at you, making you feel small under his intense gaze. 
“Ah, you’re just visiting then?  For the party?  Well, that makes you forgiven for your presence here.  You shouldn’t be away from your post.”  The man scoffed, making you doubt that he was serious about his words. 
“Sir, I’m truly sorry.  I got lost.  If you could tell me the way out then I will-”
“I will tell you.”  The man sighed in defeat, “but only if you tell no one where you were or what you saw.”
“Sir, no one would believe me anyway.  If you wish to escape then it’s none of my business.”  
“You are just a ladies maid, I suppose.  Fine, if you go back through the arch and turn left then-”  the man paused.  
He finally looked up at you and straight into your eyes.  You were shocked by how strangely warm his eyes were, despite the neverending glare.  The sunlight was hitting them just right and making his eyes a swirling exhibit of chestnut and gold.  The crease between his eyebrows softened after a moment before his entire face relaxed and he sighed.  
“Look, I’m…”  he winced before he forced out the next words, “I’m sorry.  I am under a lot of stress right now and I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”
“What kind of stress?”  You blurted out your question before you could stop yourself.  You knew you had to get back to your duties but something about this man kept your feet glued to the ground. 
“Have you ever had a huge obligation?  Like, something that has been planned practically since your birth that you can’t get out of?”  He paused to gauge your reaction.  You shook your head.  “I suppose not.  Anyway, it’s like there’s all this theater to pretend like my life is up to me but I know that it’s not.  I will be the subject of command my entire life and I can’t take it anymore.  I need to get out of here before it’s too late.”
“And you’re trying to climb the rose bushes?”
“Not successfully, I might add.  Those bristles are sharp.  But it’s the only place in the garden that has any sort of structure that can get me out.”
“Do you need some assistance, sir?”  You took a bold step deeper into the garden and towards the beautiful man. 
“Assistance?”  he chuckled, “You mean you would help me try to get over this fence?”
“Well, if you truly don’t want the life that’s been planned for you, why go through with it?  I believe that everyone should have a chance to live the life they want.  Granted, that’s not completely realistic in this society…”  
“It’s not?”  The man blinked at you in surprise, as if he was genuinely learning of hierarchy for the first time.
“Well, no.  Everybody has their master.  There’s no room for dreaming.  So, I think that if you have the opportunity to escape and follow your dream then you should.  What is your dream, if not this?”  You gestured vaguely to the flowers.  
“I want to live a simple life.  I want to be in control of myself and who I love.  I don’t want anyone to decide for me who I’m supposed to be with.  I don’t want anyone looking over my shoulder all the time.”
“Then go!  I’m certainly not stopping you.  It looks like there’s a place to grip the fence up there, if you want me to give you a lift?”  You moved a little closer, tearing your eyes off of the beautiful stranger and up at the lattice fence.  
“You?  Want to give me a lift?  Are you sure you wouldn’t be crushed under my weight?”
“I am a ladies maid, sir, I would sooner be crushed under the laundry I must do after the ball this evening.”  
The man smiled at you.  The first warm gesture since you’d met.  For a moment, the smile almost seemed… endearing.  
You couldn’t deny that being under his gaze made you weak in the knees.  Whoever this escapist gardener was, he was handsome.  You enjoyed the sound of his voice as it wafted through the air.  It sounded sweeter than the scent of the bold blooms surrounding you.  Sunbeams that were cast through the flowers landed on his golden skin, making him practically glow.  Your time together was fleeting… and you wanted more of him.
“Come,”  he gestured with his hand for you to move closer.  You appreciated the contrast from only a few moments ago. 
You followed his command and floated closer to him.  Your feet practically moved on their own, as if you were being drawn to him like a magnet. 
“You’re so obedient when you want to be.”  He complimented.  He turned towards the wall and put his hands on his hips.  He scanned it until he found the patch of white wood that wasn’t covered in the thorny flowers or their leaves.  “I think that will work, like you said.  Why don’t you come stand right here and-”
He turned and suddenly put his hands on your shoulders.  You gasped at the contact but let him move you into position by the wall.  As he dropped his hands from your shoulders, the tips of his fingers grazed against the back of your hand.  The man stopped speaking at the skin-on-skin contact, but he also didn’t stop touching you.  His fingers lingered there for a few seconds before he pulled away entirely. 
“I’m sorry, do forgive me.  I know that was careless but-”  He began but he was cut short by a gasp.  
You both gasped at the same time when the tell-tale arousal ripped up your spine.  It was practically instantaneous how you went from completely normal to, in a matter of seconds, dripping and empty.  You watched as his trousers grew tighter as an erection swelled under the fabric.  Both of you stared at each other for a few horrible seconds.  Of all places to meet your soulmate, why here?  Why now?
Your gaze flickered from his eyes to his mouth and you almost audibly groaned.  His pretty pink lips were parted slightly and they looked shiny with spit.  All you wanted to do was taste him.  From the way his eyes flicked down to your lips, you could only assume he wanted the same.
“You?”  He breathed out. 
“I could go,” you offered, though you could barely recognize the sound of your own voice.  He stared at you for a few long seconds.
“Don’t you dare.”
Then his mouth was on yours.  No ceremony, no build-up, just pure urgency.  His hands circled your waist as he waited for you to respond to his kiss.  Your eyes were open for a second as you contemplated the new situation, but before you knew it your eyes closed and you kissed him back.  He wasted no time in twisting his head and deepening the kiss.  Your inexperience didn’t seem to bother him as he worked his mouth with yours.  
He kissed you as if his life was on the line, as if this was the last time you would ever see each other.  For a moment, you wondered if that was true.  
The thought left your mind the moment his tongue swiped at your lower lip, requesting entrance.  You wasted no time in parting your lips and pushing your tongue against his.  You wondered if he really did taste like honey or if that was the soulmate hormone talking.  Your hands curled into his hair and he moaned at the contact.  Gratefully, you swallowed every noise that came from him.  
“I need to have you now,” he mumbled against your lips, “Please, let me have you.”
“I’m yours for the taking.”  
He wasted no time at all.  
In an instant, he was pushing you into a corner of the rose garden that was just out of sight of the entrance.  There wasn’t a bench or anything to sit on and he didn’t have anything to cushion the ground, but it didn’t really matter to either of you.  The emptiness between your legs was probably going to kill you if you didn’t have him immediately, so you pulled him to the ground and straddled his lithe hips. 
He gasped in surprise when his back hit the ground, but he grinned at your enthusiasm.  The kiss broken, you worked together to get your skirts out of the way and he tugged at your undergarments.  He glared at them like they were offensive to him personally.  He shot you a quick smirk before the sound of tearing fabric met your ears.
“Hey!  I kind of need those.”  You protested.
“I want to see what’s mine.”  
He lifted his head off the ground to gaze at your dripping sex.  You wonder if he could tell how wet you were just by a little kissing.  He moved one of his hands towards your center, shooting you a quick glance as if to ask permission.  The moment you nodded, the tips of his fingers grazed your outer sex and you gasped at the touch.  The mere touch alone tasted sweet.  
His fingers explored further, slipping beneath your lips to prod at your drenched hole.  He sucked in a sharp breath when he pushed his index finger into the first knuckle. 
“Damn, angel, you’re so wet.  This is all for me, hm?”   He pulled his fingers away and you groaned at the lack of contact.  Your eyes widened when he slipped his pointer finger into his mouth and lapped at your essence.  His eyes rolled into the back of his head at your taste before he looked up at you with eyes clouded with lust.  “Angel, I wish we had time for you to sit on my face so I can drink you up but right now I think I’ll die if I’m not inside you soon.” 
Honestly, you shared the sentiment.  You reached for the laces on his britches and tugged at them.  He leaned back and watched you wrestle with his pants for a few minutes.  However, it didn’t take him long to get needy himself and soon his fingers were joining yours. 
Together, you freed the laces and pushed his pants down just enough for his cock to pop out and slap onto his lower belly.  You were thankful that his shirt had ridden up a little in your efforts.  His dick, while being the only real one you’d ever seen, looked perfect.  It was thick and long and the head was a gorgeous shape of pink that matched his kiss swollen lips.  Since turning twenty one and being told about some of what to do, you had an idea of what was about to happen.  
“Have you ever seen one before?”  He grasped his cock with one hand and stroked it a few times.  His other hand gripped your waist and maneuvered you into place above him. 
“No, I’ve only heard about them, sir.”  You gasped when something hot and wet glided through your lower lips.  
“They really don’t teach you girls anything, do they?”  He tsked and pressed the head against your dripping hole.  With how wet you were, it could have slipped right in with no resistance.  “I’m going to put it inside you now.  There might very well be some discomfort, but you’re so wet I think you’ll drown my cock, so I think you’ll be fine.”
“Please, put it in.”  You practically begged, lowering your hips and accepting him into you.
You let out an embarrassingly loud moan when the head breached your entrance and began pushing inside you.  Your swollen walls stretched to accommodate him readily.  Like he said, there was a little discomfort from the initial stretch but there was no pain.  He moved the hand that was on his dick to your waist and used both hands to help you descend onto him.  You squeezed your eyes shut and let it happen.
When your hips were flush with one another, your thighs were shaking with effort.  You dropped your hands to his chest and held on for stability.  You kept your weight off him as much as you could, aside from how your pussy was finally wrapped around his delicious cock.  
“Are you alright?”  His soft voice made your eyes snap open to look at him.  His eyebrows were furrowed in concern and his grip on you tightened.  “You need not hold yourself up.”
“I am quite heavy, sir.  I don't want to crush you.”
“Nonsense.”   He growled, pushing down on your hips hard enough for your legs to give out.  Your full weight descended onto his hips, shoving his cock deeper into you and causing you both to let out groans of satisfaction.  The pressure of him being fully sheathed inside you made you want to cry.  It was as if he’d split you open.
Instantly, he lifted a hand to press it over your mouth.  Effortlessly, he pushed his hips up, held you in the circle of his arms and rolled you so you were on your back.  He shifted his hips a little bit just to be sure he wouldn’t slip out of you while he changed your position.  Once he was over you, dick still lodged within your warm and wet walls, he leaned down to whisper against your ear. 
“We don’t want to get caught, do we?  Stay quiet while I ruin you, yeah?”  
He kept his hand across your mouth as he ground his hips into you.  You groaned against his skin as the friction sent sparks of pleasure up your spine.  All of the discomfort of being filled melted away until all you could feel was absolute pleasure.  His cock massaged your insides perfectly with every single thrust.  He was so deep you could practically feel him in the back of your throat.  
You gazed up at him through your eyelashes, watching his face as he fucked you.  Every time he pushed in, his face contorted into a beautiful picture of pleasure.  Droplets of sweat trickled down his face, giving his skin a glowing sheen.  He gazed right back down at you, locking your eyes together with every grind of his hips.  From this angle, his shirt dipped down and you could see the expanse of his collarbones and chest.  You wished you had a better angle without all these pesky clothes in the way so you could see his cock as it entered you.
You mumbled against his sweaty hand, tasting the addicting salt of him.  
“Can you stay quiet if I take my hand away, my angel?”  He moaned lowly as a particularly deep thrust made you clench around him.  You nodded rapidly and he slowly pulled his hand away.  “What is it?”
“Faster,”  you begged.  You slightly pulled your knees up and your skirts away to give him more room.  “Please, sir, want to feel you.”
“Do you think you can handle it, precious angel?”  He threw two quick, hard thrusts into your heat and you bit back a pitiful moan.  You nodded quickly at his question.
“Please, I want more.”  You parted your knees a little more and it was his turn to moan.  He buried his head in your neck so that he could not be heard outside of your bubble. 
“Since you asked so nicely,”  He groaned and he began to pick up the pace.  Each thrust made an audible noise as your skin collided.  The burn between your legs grew and you reveled in the feeling.  
“S-so good,”  you reached for him to tangle your fingers in his hair, desperate for something to hold onto, “Don’t stop, sir.”
“Never, Angel.  Never.  You feel so fucking good.  So wet and tight for me.   Just wanna be inside you all the time, never wanna pull out.  You’re mine, yeah?  All mine, just mine.”  
His hands were everywhere.  He grabbed at your neck, your chest, reached below your skirts to grab your thighs before circling up towards a distinct target.  You weren’t sure what he was doing until his fingertips were collecting your slick and circling up your slit.  You didn’t think it could get much better until he circled a spot that had you biting his shoulder to keep from moaning loudly.  He grinned and kept his efforts focused on that spot.  
The pleasure began to mount.  Something pulled taut in your stomach and your legs began to shake.  A string in your belly tensed.  Your pussy ached from his constant rough thrusting but it sent sparks of pleasure all the way down to your toes.  
“Sir, please… please it feels-”  You weren’t sure what you were begging for but your soulmate seemed to double his efforts.  He thrust harder and pressed a little more on the swollen bundle of nerves at your center.  
“It’s okay, angel.  Just lay back and feel.  Don’t think of anything else.  Cum for me,”  He peppered kisses on your sweaty neck and collarbones.  
You focused on the pleasure building within you.  The peak approached you quicker than you would have liked, but before you knew it something wondrous washed over you.  Your thighs clenched around him and a choked moan caught in your throat.  You grabbed onto his shoulders and dug your nails into his skin, desperate for something to hold onto as a powerful orgasm washed over you.  
Your soulmate kept pushing his thick cock into you, but he slowed down to help you ride out your orgasm without overwhelming you.  Something sticky slipped out of you and he was sure that you’d left a gorgeous white ring of cum at the base of his cock.  
His angel had given him a halo.
He moved his hand away from your clit and anchored his elbows by your head.  He landed several soft kisses on your cheeks and lips but you were too far gone to respond.  Your ears were ringing and all you could think about was the avalanche of pleasure between your legs.  Waves of your orgasm made your thighs quiver a little.  You stared at the leaves above you and the golden streaks of light that stole in from the gaps.  The world slowly formed around you.  When you met his eyes, he smiled warmly.
“There you are.”  He whispered.
“That was… amazing.”  You sighed, but it turned into a gasp as your soulmate rocked his hips into yours a few times. 
“Angel, I still need to cum, too.  We can stop if you want but I need to-”
“Yes!  Please, keep going.”  You begged suddenly.  Your walls ached from the exertion but you also craved the feeling of him inside you even more. 
“Yeah?”  He groaned lowly as he pushed into you again.  He moaned into your neck as his pace began to increase more and more.  “Good.  Fuck, angel, I can’t wait to cum inside you.  Please can I cum inside you?”
“Yes, please!”  You begged.  
You knew what could happen if he came in you and you didn’t really want that right now, but the desire and the need to feel his release inside of you overpowered every other thing in the world.  You probably wouldn’t have cared if the prince walked in on you at this point.  
Your soulmate’s thrusts began to pick up speed.  The overstimulation in your pussy stung but you gritted your teeth through it.  His moans got higher in pitch and he panted wetly against your neck.
“I’m getting close, angel.”  He grunted above you.
His thick cock speared into you over and over again.  His heavy balls slapped against your ass and you just knew that he would have a lot of cum to give you. 
Your assumption was proven right only moments later.  He groaned loudly, shoved himself as deep into you as he could go, and his milky release coated your insides.  The pressure and the warmth against your cervix made your skin tingle at the base of your spine and you figured you could probably cum again.  You reached down between your legs and gasped to find your center slick and messy.  You rubbed your fingertips around until you hit your clit.  
It only took a few short rubs before your cunt clamped onto him.  He moaned at the feeling.
He thrusted shallowly into you a few times to ride out his high and every push resulted in another generous spurt of cum inside you.  It was as if your orgasm triggered his to last longer.
Finally, he slumped against you.  He did his best to keep his full weight off you but at this angle it couldn’t be helped.  You didn’t mind.  Despite the warmth of the day and the fact that your skin was sweat slicked, you needed him close.  
Together, you laid on the ground in each other’s arms for a few seconds.  The afterglow began to set in.  You craved his body close.  It must have only been seconds because a loud voice boomed through the garden, startling you both back into the real world. 
“Where is he!  He is going to be late to his own party!  I don’t care what he wants!  He’ll be an embarrassment to the royal family if he doesn’t make an appearance!  Search the grounds, go!  Now!”  A stern voice barked.
“Oh, shit.”  Your soulmate muttered. 
In an instant, he slid out of you, stood up and worked on redoing the laces on his pants.  His nimble fingers got the job done in almost no time.  It left you to quickly gather yourself.  Your undergarments were ripped but you could tie the scraps a little to keep yourself somewhat decent.  You fixed your skirts and started to get up, but your soulmate spoke again.
“Let me.”  His soft voice sounded sweet, like the roses.
He offered you his hand and he helped you rise to your feet and brush off the leaves and petals from your skirt.  When you met his eyes, you were shocked by the grief swimming in them.
“Are you okay?”  You reached out to cup his cheek in your hand but he flinched away from your touch.
“I’m sorry, I must go.”  He turned on his heel and started out of the garden. 
“Wait… what?”  You gasped out and followed him a few steps. 
“I must go.  I’m sorry, I wish I could stay but… I’ve waited too long and duty calls.” 
“But… wait, shouldn’t we talk about this?”  You followed him to the archway that led into the garden.  He stopped abruptly, his back to you for a few seconds.  His breath heaved.  When he turned to face you, his eyebrows were hardset.
“No.  I’m sorry, this shouldn’t have happened.  You can’t be my soulmate.  They would never allow it.  Let’s try to forget this ever happened, okay?  It’s for the best.”  His hard voice sent a shock down your spine.
You stared at him in surprise.  He didn’t give you the time to retort before he was stalking away and disappearing into the green.  You hurried after him but quickly found that you had no idea where you were going.  The turns and the bushes all looked identical.  
Tears welled in your eyes.  The more you searched for him, the more lost you became.  You ran blindly through the garden, your dress swirling at your ankles.  The sun beat down on you and a bead of sweat dripped down your temple.  Was it sweat on your face, or tears?  Was it sweat dripping down your legs, or cum? 
You ran until you bumped into a palace maid.  Both of you cried out in surprise and fell back.  You were unable to stop yourself from crying.  The other maid scolded you for making her drop her washing, but she stopped after a moment when she noticed your hysterical state. 
“Are you alright?”  She asked tentatively. 
“I don’t know… I… my soulmate… the party!  I’m lost!  What if… my mistress… she needs me.”  You wailed, dropping your head into your hands. 
“Are you a ladies maid for one of the ladies at the party?” 
“Yes.  I only stepped away for a moment but I got lost!”
“It’s okay!  It’ll be okay, I promise.”  The maid soothingly rubbed your arm.  “Let’s get you back to the party, okay?  You’re not far.”
The maid led you through the garden.  You followed blindly, not really paying any attention to where you were going.  The garden didn’t hold as much beauty as it did a few minutes ago.  You kept your eyes peeled for the gardener.  Your soulmate.  
Like she said, it wasn’t long before soft music filled the air.  A harp, by the light, airy sound of it.  Then the murmur the guests followed.  Before anyone could come into sight, the maid turned around and stopped you. 
“You look a mess, my dear.  Let’s clean you up first.  You don’t want your lady to see you in this state, do we?”  The palace maid gently wiped away your tears and smoothed your hair.  She pulled a few leaves out of the tangled strands. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?”  You sniffled.  The maid smiled sadly. 
“My soulmate is above my standing, too, love.” 
“What?  No, it’s the gardener… he just ran off and-”
“There.”  The maid smoothed your hair one last time.  “Go on!  You don’t want to keep your lady waiting.”  
Before you could think to ask what she meant, the maid hurried back into the garden, leaving you alone with your thoughts.  
Only moments ago, you were with the person you were meant to be with but now you were alone.  Your body ached and your eyes burned from crying.  You needed a drink.  
Instead, you held your head high and ventured back into the garden where the party was in full swing.  So to speak.  A few women danced in a clearing next to the pavilion where the musicians played.  Mostly, people milled about, sipped on drinks, and snacked on hors d'Oeuvres.  The girls wore various lightly colored pastel dresses that glittered and shimmered in the sunlight.  If you were sweating in your dress, you were certain that the girls in attendance would be feeling faint.  Luckily, there were several open-air tents pitched around the garden where the girls who weren’t partaking in the festivities could rest. 
It came to no surprise to you that Joy had set up underneath one of the tents.  You made your way over to her and she waved at you the second she saw you weaving through the crowd.  You hurried to her side and you curtsied deeply in apology.
“Miss, I apologize for slipping away without saying anything first, I-”
“You what?”  Joy blinked at you in surprise.  “You know what, it’s okay.  It’s no matter.  I called you over because the prince is about to make his entrance!  I wanted you to get a good look at him.  There’s a tiny chance he’ll be my soulmate, afterall.”
“It might be nice to live at the palace.”  You cleared your throat, hoping that she wouldn’t catch on to the fact that tears still brimmed in your eyes. 
“It is quite pretty, isn’t it?  I’m not sure if I could stomach all of the royal duties.  Waving at crowds, kissing babies, the politics within the court.  How exhausting!  Maybe if he’s handsome then this wouldn’t be so bad.”  Joy sighed, “Y/N, how I wish you were a lady.  I would rather sit with you, gossip, and share this food with you.  Maybe I should have dressed you up in one of my gowns and pretended you were my cousin from out of town.”
“I’m afraid I’d be useless at one of these parties.” 
“Nonsense!  Didn’t I teach you to dance when we were teenagers?  You know all the steps.”  Something clicked in Joy’s head and she jumped.  “A-ha!  Y/N!  I had Crystal pack an extra gown and corset in case I spilled tea on this one.  After the party, let’s dress you in that!  You can attend the ball with me!  Not as a maid, but as a friend.”
“Miss!  I don’t think that would be proper.  I am only a maid and-”
“No one will recognize you!  Once you put on a gown, no one will be the wiser.  What do you say?” 
“I’m not sure if that’s wise-”
“ALL RISE.”  A voice boomed over the party. 
The music and the murmur of the crowd lulled and faded out.  A butler stood up a few stairs on a path towards the palace.  He stood tall and held a cone in his hand in order to amplify his voice.  Those who were seated scrambled to their feet, Joy included. 
“I am here to announce the entrance of the Royal Prince Lee Minho!  All bow!”  The butler screamed into the cone.  A few birds squawked and flew out of their nest that was in a tree along the back wall of the garden.
The musicians played a fanfare.  You joined in bowing with all of the guests and maids at the party.  The music swelled and you peeked up to see if you could catch a glimpse of the prince. 
His footsteps echoed on the stone path.  His pants were blindingly white but it was offset by a blood red officer's coat, adorned with a sash and multiple medals of honor.  A golden circlet crown sat atop his head.  His stoic face- wait.
That face. 
That gait. 
His cat-like eyes surveyed the crowd, taking in his subjects.  Prince Minho’s shoulders were set and broad.  There was no happiness in his face and, in fact, his eyes looked a little puffy as if he’d just woken up or if… he’d been crying.  
His face was one you knew well.  You’d know him anywhere.  It would be impossible to forget the man whose cum was currently dripping down your legs. 
Your stomach lurched and you could have sworn that you were going to throw up.  
“Lady Joy?”  You whispered. 
“I’ll take you up on it.  I want to go to the ball.”  
You looked back up at the Prince to find him staring right back at you.  He showed no surprise on his face, only melancholy.  
Horror settled inside you when the realization washed over your senses.  Everything and nothing made sense all at once. 
Prince Minho was your soulmate.
Part Two ->
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venvellan · 1 year
da2's arishok is a good villain. if you have a fundamental understanding of the qun and listen to his thought process, the things he does makes sense. he uses the qun to justify slaughtering kirkwall's people, which is utterly inexcusable and what makes him a villain, but his character is complex enough to make dealing with him that much more thought provoking. he sends agents to kill petrice because she was killing his people, he doesn't give up the elves because they committed their lives to the qun, no matter how recently they converted, and he refuses to leave without the tome (and isabela) because his idea of justice hasn't been done. his logic makes sense, generally, though it is wrong on more than one occasion. he isn't moral, but he is methodical.
i feel this way about solas, too. i like da2's arishok for the same reasons that initially draw people to solas, i think. when we meet them, i find them interesting and educational to talk to, someone worthy of respect, and someone very honorable in their own way. similarly, many of my issues with solas compare with flaws in the qun/the arishok.
solas asserts that all of his beliefs are correct, and we're never allowed to challenge him on any of it. if he has high enough approval, he'll approach you to go, "yknow, i thought you were all [insert prejudice or stereotype] but YOU showed me that some of you guys are actually okay," which is NOT what it looks like for someone's beliefs to be challenged.
brief aside, i want to be fair in that we don't get this opportunity with many of the companions, and it's not even an inquisition specific issue. the dialogue format is agree, joke, be mean, and it's flawed, but it works in the majority of interactions. we don't really get to engage in nuanced discussions with characters, but there are positives and negatives to the system overall. it is possible to challenge and shape a character within this dialogue system (i.e., garrus vakarian) but in dragon age that really only comes in the form of harden/unharden. it was a little more doable with origins' system, but it really hasn't been a huge part of any dragon age game. most characters' beliefs remain largely unchanged by you regardless of how you play.
solas also possesses a strong sense of duty and purpose, though what duty he has, what his true goals are, he keeps hidden as long as he can. the most damning comparison though, to me, is how willing he is to destroy the world and bring back "his people," while the qunari fight to conquer the world and homogenize society into "their people."
in any case, with both him and the arishok, you can see the wheels turning in their heads. you can see why they do what they do, even if it's wholly immoral. it makes their threat a lot more personal, a lot scarier, psychologically, that a "normal" person, who doesn't want to cause suffering, can hold such specific beliefs and such strong conviction that knowing that they'll hurt people doesn't give them any pause. the root of their motivation is understandable. solas wants to right his wrongs, at his core. the arishok implicitly believes that the qun is safer, better for its people than life outside the qun. we can see that they're taking it too far, but they don't care. it makes them good villains.
"i am not corypheus, i take no joy in this." sure, which is a very similar sentiment, emotionally, to the qunari sense of duty. you can say you don't enjoy it all you want, you're still committing genocide. you can hate the qunari all you want, but you fight with their ferocity, their unshakeable faith in their own cause. their need to "do what's right," no matter who's caught in the wake.
i understand why people like solas, i go back and forth on it myself, but i don't think he's all that different from the arishok in method and motivation. they're each thrust into a world so different from what they believe is "right" that they demand it change around them. if we had to kill the old arishok, then if solas refuses to give up, he will have to die. he doesn't get to do genocide just because he's romanceable. he's a good character, he's a good villain, but he's not a good guy, and unless he stops before he does any real harm (which he will not do), he should share the arishok's fate.
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percheduphere · 10 months
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It troubles me when fans find Loki in his own tv series "out of character". Since the first Thor movie, Loki has shown a certain sweetness, protectiveness, and level-headedness that was overcome and eventually self-suppressed by rage and tragedy. He didn't have an environment in which he could thrive and, in Frigga's words, succeed at being who he truly is.
Loki desperately needed a support system outside his immediate family. That support system simply couldn't have been built on Asgard because of:
1. Odin's political machinations, including the intentional creation of an environment rife with sibling rivalry and blatant favoritism.
2. The racist if not xenophobic views of Asgardians.
3. The inherent masculine-dominant, warrior society culture of Asgard.
To break Loki out of his self-destructive patterns, it took the empathy of 1 brainwashed and memory-wiped TVA analyst to rightly recognize that Loki as a person has incredible potential and that he could actively do something about it. That Mobius uses this reasoning for the advantage of the TVA (then under HWR's helm) is a plot point I'll discuss later, but the fact still stands: Loki was given a second chance to be who he really is because of the choice Mobius made to intervene. Loki would have been pruned before he would have had the opportunity to meet Sylvie, B-15, Casey, and OB. This is fact.
Mobius literally drops everything--the case he's actively investigating--to intervene. The fact a minuteman immediately reports the variant of Loki he is most interested in has been taken into custody suggests that Mobius has been planning this intervention for some time.
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Some fans hate Mobius for his treatment of Loki in the first episode. It is, indeed, manipulative, condescending, and to a certain extent, emotionally abusive. I'm not denying any of this, but from a narrative perspective, Mobius, to be a fully well-rounded character, necessarily must have his own flaws and personal conflicts to battle. Loki's evolution as a character, and thus his positive impact on others, would be missing an emotional beat of mutual reciprocation otherwise. That emotional beat pays off in every episode of S2, culminating in the final scene of the final episode. This is to say nothing of the likelihood that Loki would not have been receptive to any form of gentleness at that point in time to begin with.
Crucially, Mobius gets Loki to admit that his villainous persona is exactly that: an illusion constructed in a bid for control. Some viewers might interpret this scene as a shortcut for getting Loki to behave "out of character" by S1E2, but Thor 2 proves otherwise:
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This scene with Thor demonstrates that Loki has a high pain tolerance and is adept at hiding pain. His need to mask his vulnerability, and how that vulnerability is intrinsically tied with the misplaced shame of who he is, resonates deeply with queer, people of color, immigrant, colonized, and adopted fans, many of whom have intersectional lived experiences (including myself). I believe it is for this reason that so many of us are desperate for blatant representation in mainstream entertainment, and to shame us for the sin of hoping is disturbing.
But I digress. Frigga, Thor, and now Mobius are among the few who can see through Loki's deception. That deception has the unfortunate effect of hurting not only innocent civillians but his loved ones and himself (closeting, internalized racism).
Once Loki is able to drop that persona through admission, however, he is able to relax and be himself in the TVA. And in being himself, Loki is consequently able to love himself, which manifests through loving Sylvie. S1 shows Loki holding her up on a romantic pedestal: he chases after her, he sings a song for her, he wants her to be okay. He loves her, yes, and though it appears she does not reciprocate (in my opinion, your mileage might vary), Sylvie does love Loki enough back to buy him a drink and counsel him about what he really wants. This scene is critical in Loki's development in the same way Mobius sheds light on his potential to be whoever he wants.
Both Mobius and Sylvie are integral for Loki to arrive at his turning point, his ultimate sacrifice. Loki loves Sylvie. He therefore chooses to not kill her. Killing her, moreover, would not solve the issue of free will. Sylvie is right in believing free will, and thus the multiverse, is right and necessary. Sylvie's moral question and Loki sparing her life, answers Mobius's belief that Loki can be whoever he wants.
On the other side of this coin, watching Mobius in the final scene, hearing Mobius whisper, "Let time pass..." answers Sylvie's question of what Loki wants, and what he want more deeply than not being alone is for his friends, most especially Mobius (whom he also loves and cares for most, to LIVE.
The series ends with only 2 characters heartbroken with the outcome of Loki's heroism, which Mobius knew existed within him from the beginning. He saw those little but important moments: Loki comforting his brother, Loki protecting Jane, Loki giving up his life to buy Thor time, and so much more, he saw and he knew Frigga's words were right.
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razorblade180 · 6 months
Paimon:We got a fresh batch of potions ready!
Aether:*writing* Put them front and center!
Jean: *walks up* Ummmm
Aether:Hmm? Oh hi! I was wondering if I’d see you.
Jean:Hello. Hard at work I see. *looks around* By a lot…. I just got a report back from Lisa. I knew things were in good hands but can you explain how this gateway into common alchemy is profiting five times its worth? Every time you come to town our budget increases.
Aether:Yeah I think I finally got a formula for success here! It’s all about where we send them. *shows paper* Sales to Mondstadt get the standard cost that breaks even considering how close clients are and the frequency.
Jean:We are selling them .25% under their actual value in Inazuma?
Aether:Inazuma’s are hesitant about trying things out of traditional practices plus the long trip there may reduce potency. However, we don’t really take a loss because I have them delivered by a reliable courier who gives us discount, as well as have them get shipped by a friend named Itto. He’s actually pretty used to the back and forth.
Jean:If that’s the logic, how are we getting away with selling the potions 1.5 times their price in Liyue? They also care about traditions.
Aether:Because Ningguang agreed to endorse us, and Beidou deliverers the shipments. Those are the only seals of approval we need.
Jean:*looks at Lisa*
Lisa:I didn’t tell him to expand. Our cutie has such an eye for business that even Master Diluc went in on a joint business venture.
Jean:*skims paper* We mark up the Sumeru prices by 2.5 times their actual value!?
Aether:I know that might look evil buuuuut *flips page* 80% of the stock that goes there by a merchant named Dori who’s incredibly rich. I’m positive she’s buying them to sell for at least triple their original worth. In the grand scheme we’re getting a bigger net gain than she is on paper but she’s also winning by knowing who and where to sell to. Also desert shipments are handled by a very trustworthy Mercenary.
Jean:And as for Fontaine being double the market price?
Aether:Mondstadt’s potions are approved by Furina de Fontaine. Not only does that attract the high society over there to buy, but it covers the for transport via Gaming as well as the transfer support from the Spina. Don’t worry, I made sure everything is perfectly legal.
Jean:(This is the market project all over again.) Aether, you didn’t have to start an empire, like…at all.
Aerther:I didn’t mean to do it. I just know people.
Paimon: *holds mora bags* Powerful people!
Jean:Well, I leave it all to you then. To think I’m able to redo our budget so freely is like a fever dream. Perhaps the extra funds can go into better training equipment and armor overhaul?
Kaeya:Or we can buy more horses. Just a thought.
Lisa:Do you miss your work that much?
Kaeya:I miss the title speaking for itself.
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snarksalon · 7 days
In Defence of Tsuyu....
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The Hospital scene is, I think, one of the most misinterpreted scenes in the series and it fuelled a lot of Tsuyu hate. The scene is written clumsily, but the underlying point that Tsuyu is making isn't naive. Tsuyu is commenting on the separation between law and morality and demonstrating that the two in many circumstances may not overlap.
In Hero Society, both heroes and Villains exert force over the general population. The distinction is that Heroes are authorised to do so by law and submit themselves to a regime of laws that designate when they are permitted to exercise their powers. Heroes effectively operate in a similar vein to cops, soldiers, et cetera. In Hero Society, Heroes form a branch of the criminal justice system, which is important to note. Restrictions on Cops, Lawyers and Judges exist to ensure that the rule of law is respected and maintained. Often, nebulous moral questions arise. Take for example a police officer who decides to obtain evidence illegally due to their own belief in the guilt of a defendant. Even if the defendant was guilty, the police officer has exercised substantial impropriety and interfered with the defendant's opportunity to receive a fair trial.
There are also instances where a breach of a legal rule is indicative of criminal conduct. Many might claim that it is morally correct for a parent to lie on the stand to prevent their child from being convicted as parents generally have a duty to protect their children. This does not negate that the conduct is criminal and misleads the court. Obviously, there is substantial nuance here, but the point is that Tsuyu is highlighting the fact that a disparity exists between moral and legal obligations.
In Hero Society, Villains disregard the law. Of course, laws exist on spectrums and Jaywalking cannot be equated to Robbery (I do agree that Tsuyu is making a massive false equivalence in the panel). I think Tsuyu saying this post Stain Arc, is a realistic reflection of how she would feel following Stain's ideology becoming widespread. The Stain arc, demonstrates that some heroes are corrupt and directly calls into question the commitments of Heroes to moral good. Tsuyu makes this statement at a time when public scrutiny against Heroes is ESPECIALLY high, and where the boundary between Heroes and Villains is being contested. Later in the story Tsuyu's position on the matter changes, but this perspective was not an unreasonable or ill-conceived conceptualisation of the distinction between Heroes and Villains.
It is also reasonable that Tsuyu advises against taking action. One failure of the Kamino arc is the lack of consequences. Yes, All Might loses his powers but I think letting all of those who go to rescue Bakugo get away unscathed seriously lowered the stakes of the story. Class 1-A are first-year students and are relatively untrained. Even if they are being evasive, they should struggle against the leadership of the League of Villains. Out of all of Hori's writing failures, Kamino has always stuck with me. The rescue group put on objectively terrible disguises and Bakugo manages to hold his own quite successfully.
It is easier to critique Tsuyu's words because of a lack of consequence. If a member of the team had died or been seriously injured, no one would have taken issue with her objections. I think Kamino was a missed opportunity to raise the stakes in the Manga and to build upon the ideas raised in Stain's Arc. This is why Tsuyu's words fall flat, and why her subsequent rant makes little sense.
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This scene feels futile and pointless because there are NO consequences for their breach of the law. There isn't even a close call. Hori could have directly linked All Mights Demise to the rescue team messing up or being in the wrong place at the wrong time or generally being inexperienced. OBVIOUSLY, Tsuyu makes an incorrect equivalence but it is something which contains an interesting point and is completely mismanaged by Hori.
Tsuyu isn't wrong to criticise a decision made by her classmates, it is a decision that is reckless and could have endangered others. The rescue team knew nothing of the pro-heroes strategy to recover Bakugo and could have jeopardised that mission entirely. She also isn't wrong for reminding them that as Professional Heroes they are obliged to follow the law and may only use their powers when authorised. Though her delivery is blunt, and the equivalence is clunky (I blame Hori's writing here), she is making apt commentary on the limits of power.
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viroman · 11 months
Fanfic idea
Au: without Leila (it doesn't matter if there is a system and siyeon)
Returning to the capital after winning the war of conquest, Callisto entered into a new war - with the queen and Marquis Ellen. Oscar, unwilling to rule and tired of being a way for the family to maintain power, told Callisto all the secrets of his mother and grandfather. Their father, already a former emperor, did not interfere with the overthrow of his wife and happily crowned his eldest son. The younger one moved to Ellen’s estate, which had been vacated after a series of executions, and began to lead a quiet and peaceful life.
Soon the question arose about the marriage of the young emperor. According to the law, the bride must be an unmarried girl whose age cannot exceed the age of the emperor by more than five years and have the highest title at the time of matchmaking.
The Duke cursed the entire imperial family when the letter arrived.
Yvonne was at first inspired - the emperor was not only a magnificent handsome man, but also a hero of the Empire! However, the rose-colored glasses fell from her eyes when Callisto cut off the head of the attacking foreign mercenary in front of the crowd. From that day on, the girl locked herself in her room, ignoring the requests of her father and brothers to leave - refusal to marry could deprive them of their title or turn into a large-scale confrontation.
Callisto's father, Henry Regulus, advised him not to conflict with the Eckharts, forget about Yvonne and turn his attention to the girl with a slightly lower title - the sister of the Marquis of Berdandi, Viola. Oscar asked naively: “But the Duke has another daughter!Why not her?” Henry just laughed, saying that both daughters were dear to the Duke. The difference is that Yvonne is objectively aware of her position in society and knows how to keep her mouth shut. Penelope has a tongue with spikes, she does not take into account statuses (Henry was convinced of her coarse vocabulary himself) and is unlikely to obey unquestioningly. The Duke will not take risks and will not even show his warlike daughter.
Callisto decided to come to the duchy and discuss the situation: there he witnessed a quarrel between Derrick and Penelope. Now it was clear what the father was talking about. She looked straight into the eyes, holding her head high, her speech was too harsh, and she clearly did not care about the status of her interlocutor.
The Emperor turned to the Duke:
– It doesn’t matter which daughter I marry, right? The law does not prohibit this.
– Your Majesty! Penelope has a difficult character, I think that you will not get along with each other.
– Don’t worry, I’ll find a common language with her.
Much to all surprise, Penelope did not object to marrying the Emperor, she just grumbled all the time, which greatly amused Callisto.
The Duke, like everyone around him, was amazed that the Emperor was not angry at the Empress’s rudeness, but flirted with her in every possible way. For a long time, Penelope resisted Callisto’s advances, but still gave in.
I love the moments when Callisto admires Penelope's combativeness. It's a banal plot, but that's what it's made for.
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orenji-iro-no-sora · 18 days
Thoughts on TGCF book 1.
Vol 1 | Vol 2| Vol 3| Vol 4| Vol 5| Vol 6| Vol 7| Vol 8
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Xie Lian's crush
I finished the first book and at this point Xie Lian might as well be sighing, giggling, twirling his ponytail and kicking his legs. He is so charmed (I don't blame him). It's funny that literally in bottom of a deathly pit, he's worried that he's too comfortable in Hua Cheng's princess hold. MXTX protagonists really have the worst timings for gay epiphanies. (Does it count as an epiphany if you're still oblivious?)
Body in abyss, isolation, friendship, and reverence
While they did say that Xie Lian learned that when body is in abyss, the heart can't be in paradise, I think he still managed to find tiny moments of paradise with Hua Cheng. And isn't that life?
Xie Lian has been extremely lonely all this time which contributed to him being attached to San Lang quite quickly. Also, Hua Cheng's sincerity shines through even in a disguise so immaculately created. Xie Lian is smart and figure things out easily, he's able to perceive Hua Cheng for what he is, irrespective of what others say about who he was. Their friendship is something that he holds dear; he values Hua Cheng's company.
Him being able to tell that Hua Cheng is the only one who ever called him 'His Highness' out of genuine respect instead of sarcasm also shows how aware he is of other's harsh sentiments towards him.
However, I do believe that even though it may be idealistic to accept and focus on the positive, Xie Lian as deep as he has been in the abyss, carries a troubled heart. His desire to forget his own suffering, embarrassment at his own actions, even when they stem from right intentions is a proof that he sees himself as someone who failed at all levels.
Instinct to protect
This idea is brought up again and again but Xie Lian is helpless in his desire to save people. First, as the commander who "died" saving Banyue, facing demotions and ridicule yet trying to protect civilians at the border, protecting is his way of showing that he cares. And he cares... alot. He is instinctual in his love. He didn't need to protect San Lang (from the bite, from the pit) especially when he knew that he's Hua Cheng yet he acted before thinking. Someone who's as calm and collected as him falling to his knees, screaming from the edge of pit really demonstrates how much he care about San Lang (to the point of irrationality, atleast by his standards).
Saving the common people, parallels to morality in real life
While he acts embarrassed of his foolish (yet brave) dream of saving the common people, it's something he's still striving for. Despite feeling self conscious and disappointed that he could not live up to his words, despite his strong belief in his own misfortune, despite his poor self confidence and lack of support, despite still not knowing the answer to how to save people, he's still doing it. He's still brave.
Xie Lian is also a perfect example of how people who choose morality and ethics in life are often treated by the rest. MXTX often makes her characters pay the price of taking a moral stance. There's a strong culture of self serving in the Heavenly Realm, officials want to extend their influence and climb the ladder. They carry disdain for Xie Lian, thinking him naïve for wanting to do something fruitless and selfless like striving to save the world. Hua Cheng carries admiration for the exact same goals.
Heavenly Realm, to me, is a reflection of society, where people are worshipped for their accomplishments, elevated to a godly status for their fame and influence, even when they have acted mostly in self interest. Service to community is not desired, even laughed at. There's an acceptance for certain doom and no initiative to change it.
Banyue: symbolism for young adult cluelessness
When state preceptor Banyue asked Xie Lian how to save the people, he expressed remorse at his inability to answer her. Banyue feeling like she had been a failure because she hadn't figured out life in 200 hundred years is such a parallel to how it feels to be a young adult having no idea what you're supposed to do in life and slowly wasting away with the time passing gradually out of your control.
I always thought being an immortal would take away the pressure of time, but I guess nothing can save us from this commodifying mindset, trying to find value and reason for existence. Even ghosts want purpose. Even deities do.
Ambiguous conflicts and nuanced feelings through Nan Feng and Fu Yao
One of the things that I really liked was that both the major conflicts in the story, that of Xuan Ji and Banyue vs Central Plains, were ambiguous in terms culpability. Who's to blame? Every party involved was responsible and in case of the war helpless in their own need for survival. Another parallel to reality.
Similarly, Nan Feng and Fu Yao's feelings towards Xie Lian were also nuanced. They "volunteered" to help him but carried anger and resentment towards Xie Lian, towards themselves for not supporting him back then, admiring him but also condemning him at the same time. I'd love to see how it'll all play out, I'm sure Xie Lian knows who they are and I want to see how he'll deal with it all. Emotions are often nuanced and complicated, you can love someone but dislike them, you can fear someone and still crave them and this juxtaposition of complicated feelings is something I really enjoy in fiction (and hate in real life).
Stereotypes and expectations
Tremendous Masculinity. XD
It might be a gag, but it also shows that even deities do not wish to live up to any expectations people may have of them. Often what is believed is not rooted in reality at all, and heavenly officials are powerless and unable to control people's beliefs about them.
Worshippers' ideas about gods also contributed to Xianle's downfall. Xie Lian was not invincible, that was his crime. That's why, later Xie Lian constantly denied Puqi people that he cannot offer wealth or a wife or a child to anyone. He won't make promises he can't keep.
Hua Cheng's name
Finally, I'm not sure which idea I like better: Hua Cheng being his real name, destined and fated to seek and hold flowers, or Hua Cheng being his fake name that he chose to live for Xie Lian, that he chose to find meaning in him.
Either way, I'm looking forward to learning more about who he really is.
Final Note- Ruoye is so cute. It's a band but it's cute.
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I am sure my ideas are bound to change as I proceed with the novels but for now I'd say the first book was really enjoyable, a good mix of horror and action and fun interactions. Onto the second one!! <3
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Why doesn't Thingol just give the Silmaril to Fëanorians?
One thing I find curious about the discourse around the Silmarils and their ownership issues is how it seems to often simplify the Sindarin and especially Thingol's perspective. I mean, Thingol giving the Silmaril Beren and Lúthien stole from Morgoth's crown to the Fëanorians is framed as somehow easy and obvious option. But I don't think it really is?
It's not even about whether Thingol is right or wrong to act as he does, it's about why his actions are justified from his point of view (and why it is more believable than him being compliant to Noldor).
1. Noldor disrespected and antagonised Thingol from the start. They have given him little reason to be nice or helpful.
When the Noldor arrive in Beleriand, they immediately start to do their own thing, and disregard Thingol, the local sovereign who is regarded as the overlord or at least respected and revered by the Elves native to this region. But Noldor (and Fëanorians) do not attempt to gain his friendship and alliance, they don't establish diplomatic relationships, they bring no gifts (which would be expected in this kinda medieval based society) and neither do they ask for help as Exiles, they don't let Thingol know where they are going to settle down or ask whether it's convenient but grab lands whether the locals like it or not, they don't recognise his position even as a friendly gesture, they don't disclose the nature of their expedition, withhold important information, and most of all, they bring violent trouble to his backyard. This must seem deeply and outrageously insulting to Thingol, especially because these princes are children and grandchildren of Finwë, Thingol's close friend - and yet they treat him without an ounce of respect.
Thingol is no less proud or particular about his position than Fëanor or Fingolfin is. He probably has not had it challenged or ignored by anyone except Morgoth's servants. Also he may see it as indicative of general Noldor prejudice/disdain against Sindar.
Whether Noldor had justified reasons for the way they act upon landing in Middle-earth, you can't deny that they don't do even the bare minimum to win the locals over. Yeah, you could argue that bringing reinforcements at the time when Morgoth returns and becomes active in Middle-earth again is something, but this is still not a way to treat potential friends and allies.
2. The Kinslaying of Thingol's people and kin at Alqualondë and the burning of their ships.
Obvious, really. He may see himself as standing in for Olwë, and regards the Silmaril as weregild for slain relatives and friends - people he himself probably knew before Teleri were sundered. Also why would he respect Fëanorian property rights when from his point of view, Noldor don't give a damn about Teleri or their rights?
Thingol may also judge that the Kinslaying and burning of the ships disputes the Fëanorians' right to the Silmarils and their moral high ground to a degree where anyone brave and cunning enough to reclaim even one of them becomes a rightful owner. Obviously he is biased in Beren and Lúthien's behalf but it would be weird if he was not? After B&L's efforts and their suffering, and quite literally achieving the impossible, he may be of the opinion that they have more right to the Silmaril than Fëanorians who seem more invested in competing Morgoth for land than for the Silmarils. Thingol may share the same attitude as Dior has in one of the drafts: there are two more Silmarils in the same place where the one in his possession came from, so why don't the Fëanorians go get them first?
3. Celegorm and Curufin.
I mean, after the way Lúthien was abused and attacked by the two brothers, Thingol could be holding on to the Silmaril out of pure spite. His daughter never gets any apology for how she was treated, and Thingol has no reason to believe that C&C's actions - and the attempt to force Thingol into an alliance - were not sanctioned and approved by the rest of the brothers. These people have been consistently terrible at everyone Thingol loves and cares about, so why should he help them in any way?
4. The Silmarils mess with your brain.
It's clear that the Silmarils have an unwholesome effect on almost everyone who possess them. Time and again Tolkien describes how characters fall prey to this greedy, possessive lust for the Silmarils. I mean, Fëanor and his sons are ready to spill blood again and again just to get them back. There is something about the jewels that, if you desire them for their own sake, kind of enslaves you to them. Thingol won't give up the Silmaril to Fëanorians because he can't.
5. The Doom of the Noldor compels him.
It's explicitly stated in the Doom that while the Oath will drive the Fëanorians, it will never yield its objective, and the Silmarils will elude them. As soon as Thingol names a Silmaril as a bride price for Lúthien, he becomes involved in the Doom and what it dictates, limiting his control of the situation. Because of the Doom (and the effect the Silmaril has on him), Thingol is not free to give it to the Fëanorians.
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blueboyluca · 3 months
I did some reflection the last couple of days and I realised there are areas in my training that Marceline finds aversive that I can do my best to minimise. She does not like to drill and she likes a high rate of reinforcement. So I took her to training last night and did three short courses with two lotus ball rewards in each (one pre-placed and one thrown). I did one instance of weaves. I also asked her to do one difficult thing (flick), which she got right after some hesitation. I tried again once (new rule, only try things again once and make sure both efforts are highly reinforced) and then gave her the lotus ball regardless of whether we got it right. I'm going to hold myself to this approach.
In the past I've hesitated giving her a lotus ball on an incorrect response despite her effort (and my poor handling). This is what living in a punishment based society gets you, even if you think you are being a positive reinforcement based trainer. I think this has had an impact and is part of the reason she checks out at training and trials. So I want to get rid of this as much as possible.
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Academic Achievements (romantic)
Requested by - can i request an academic rivals to lovers w/ damian? :) maybe a dash of angst >:)
Angst heh? Ha ahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahha yes~
Btw some topics of bullying, class division and Damien kinda being a little shit at the beginning (but we all expected that)
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Damien Wayne was a stuck up snooty brat who didn’t work for anything that came his way
Controversial opinion but it was one held by you and the handful of other kids of Gotham academy that came from blue collar or lower class families
Everything came to him with a flick of a finger whether that be his lunch on a silver platter or the attention of others. It was effortless, truly and utterly effortless
He never truly had to work for what he’s gotten in your eyes
Just another rich kid at this academy that’s populated by them
What makes him different though is that he’s a Wayne, a breed of rich all on its own
Practically royalty to Gotham society
He and them get in on money and name alone while you and a handful of others have to work their asses off to get in
It isn’t fair but you’ve accepted that at this point
It’s why you dedicated yourself to studying, to be better than them, than him for once
All students at this school were given a somewhat level playing ground when it came to actual grades
Sure, some had tutors and private fancy teaches at home to help but unless they actually cared they could not buy their way to victory
This in itself gave you enough edge to be head of class academic wise
Well not before the Wayne whom was your age had to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and had decided he’d try to outsmart you
It started off small at first, projects in which he’d try to constantly one up you
Sending you snide smirks from across the class
You never acknowledged them but perhaps that’s what made him more determined. More pissed off that it didn’t aggravate you like he had intended
So he moves into trying to answer questions faster than you
Raising his hand up high as to be picked first
And so on and so fourth with his attempts
It was getting annoying but you’d put up with worse, much worse at this school
But he just didn’t seem to get any hints
Especially not when he one day tracked you down at lunch while you were in the art room
It was one of your only sanctuaries here. You are in peace without the threat of getting food or a drink dumped on you by some prissy girl again for not agreeing to give her the answers she wanted for homework
You just want to be left in peace but he doesn’t get that
No, he had to stick his nose where he shouldn’t have
He tells you to give up, that he’ll win and it’ll just be easier for you accept that
You almost punch him but hold back knowing you’d be fucked if you did that
You tell him to fuck off
And that leads to the two of you arguing loudly though fortunately no one was around
Rose white statues are the only ones that see and hear the carnage
Words are thrown back and forth, like a rocking ship before it crashes bow first into the waves
Sinking deep into ice cold murky waters as neither of you back down
For him it was his pride that kept him going, for you it was your stubbornness and determination that pushed you
Two opposing forces, an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object
A fiery red rage vs seething cold fury
“You just can’t let anyone be better at you than anything huh?. That’s the problem here, you just won’t let anyone else win. You already have everything, for once stop being selfish and just give others that chance at victory, you get it enough as it is for just waving a hand in a certain direction”
“Why do you even care so much!?, does your self esteem really hang so much on your position as the top of class?”
“Damien, I’ve had to work MY ass off to get into this school along with my friends. We fucking cried when the acceptance letters came in, and it’s a miracle that the school was merciful enough to pay for me!. You don’t have to worry about that!, you probably didn’t even bat an fucking eye when that letter came because it didn’t matter to you but it does for ME!. It matters to me cause it’s the only thing I can do that everyone else can’t just pay to win”
You leave after that, grabbing your book bag and slinging it over your shoulder as you storm past him to go to your next class. Tears lining your eyes that you hold back and push away
You wouldn’t cry, not in this jungle where the moment you show weakness they’ll descend upon you like vultures to pick away at your self esteem even more
He doesn’t move oddly enough but you don’t pay attention to it much
That night when you barely catch the bus home and then have to walk for at least another 15 minutes with your hands gripping a small pocket knife as you get home.
It’s late, dinner is cold but you don’t have the effort to place it in the microwave
You go to study for the missed time at lunch from your altercation
Your tired and cold from the walk, cheeks still red and nose stuffy but you don’t care
You pull out your notebook and begin to answer equations as best you can
The words from before playing in your mind before you drowned it out with the soundtrack of howls moving castle
As Damien returns home though he’s…shaken so to say
He kinda realizes he may have gone a step too far, a line crossed in the sand that he bounded over in pursuit of something
It also makes him realize how in some ways you were right, which he didn’t want to admit aloud
He didn’t think much about that initial letter, he tossed it away noting giving it the time of day
He knew he was smart and would’ve passed the test to get in but his fathers money had paid for him not to go through that effort
And you were right, he didn’t let others win
He always thought that was a good trait, but perhaps in cases like this it wasn’t as good as initially perceived to be
He would usually go to Dick or his father for advice but instead he goes to Todd for it
Knowing how he had a better grip on what it was like to not live rich in Gotham
And well…
“Wow ok…yeah kinda dick thing to do. You came at them unprovoked and then tried to take a crack at self esteem…good going”
And that’s when the guilt begins to set in the longer he talks to his older adoptive brother
And it hits bad especially when he knows a simple apology won’t likely cut it
It’s during the next couple of days that he watches you in a new light
Compared to him and everyone else who had large social groups your relatively alone
Only one or two friends who come to your side
It’s also here he now notices the divide that he for some reason never caught onto while at the school
Damien is a loner yes, but if he wanted friends he had people who would flock to him at a heartbeat. People who seemed to adore his every breath, a single wave getting a few cheering at getting his attention
But for you and your friends there is disdain and disgust. Like seeing a bug crawled it’s way on your table before swatting it away
But you can’t be swatted, no matter how many times someone pours water or attempts to trip you it ends up with you walking it off
Giving a glare that sends them running off with giggles as they hide a smirk behind a small “oh I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there”
You never say anything about it though, you never go to a teacher or report it at all
You just take it and it makes him confused as to why you stood up to him and not them
It’s why he returns to you after a week or so of observations
Once again interrupting your lunch as you worked on a new painting
“Oh…your back.”
“I’ve…” he pauses for a moment trying to find the right words, pride be damned “I’ve come to say I’m sorry”
You stop your painting at that, mid-stroke as you put down your brush and turn back to look at him. “I don’t believe that” it comes out your mouth and he’s left to stare
“And how would I make you do so?”
“If you really want that then show me change. Show me that you work for what you get just like I do, then I’ll respect you, then I’ll accept your apology”
That seems to hit something in him since he pauses whatever response he had
And surprisingly enough he nods
It’s from that point on you notice that there’s a shift in the young Wayne
One that others also begin to catch onto
It’s a slow process but you begin having lunch with him…well more like he joins you for lunch as you either study or continue your paintings
He shows his notebooks when your stuck and how a truck into solving a question
When others are jeering at you or your friends he steps in, glaring them down
At some point he even reported on a few students after one had poured a drink on your friend purposely
For once the report wasn’t brushed aside
There are definitely jealous glared from others about how he seemed keen on spending time with you but you don’t pay it any mind
Especially not when your working on a history project about the Ottoman Empire which he had extensive knowledge about
You…begin to enjoy his presence
At first you tolerated it but now you genuinely enjoy when he meets up at lunch and integrates himself into your small group of friends
He seems happier, more content and not scowling all the time
In class the two of you start a playful competition, not like before which was motivated by bitterness and pride
Now it’s just for the hell of it as mrs.smith can only watch as the two of you fling your hands up to answer
Afterwards depending who answered the most you’d both do a dare
He begins to actually seem like a kid and not a self-centered robot
You both begin to partner up for projects
He ends up at your small house since you don’t feel quite comfortable yet going to his place, partially in fear of being out of place
He doesn’t seem to mind but tells you that his family would love you
You wave the comment off but it does help ease your nerves slightly
In your home he finds a certain sense of normalcy he’d never really experienced
This feels like what a normal home should be like, small and cozy
Fruit left out by your mom with a note saying to have a snack
He enjoys it wholeheartedly and can’t help but smile when he keeps returning to work with you on the project
Perhaps with a bit more eagerness than he’d like to admit which makes Alfred smile knowingly
Eventually you end up at the manor with him
Your nervous and clutching your bag as your fingers fidgeted
He sees this and takes your hand
Squeezing it in a silent gesture of “it’s alright” and “your gonna be ok”
You swear your heart skips a beat yet you ignore the feeling as you step out a the car with him
The large building and its gates seeming to look over you before your attention is taken away at the sight of a dog
He smiles as the dog comes bounding forwards, stopping for a moment to sniff you before he seemingly gave you permission to pet him
“What’s his name?”
“This is Titus. He’s my dog, and resident best friend”
You giggle a bit at that as Titus pushed his snout into your hand
Tail wagging back and forth before he followed the two of you into the large home
It feels grandiose and elegant
You’d only ever see bits and pieces from magazines or on tv but seeing it in person felt like something else
Almost like walking into a book or painting
Damien guides you through the old halls and into their private library
There are a few stacked books left on a table, all of which are related to your shared project
Honestly this placed seemed like heaven
The two of you work on the project but it’s intercepted by moments of the two of you just passionately talking about the subject
Neither of you had seen it before but both of you are overwhelmingly passionate and headstrong
A reason why you’d both clashed heads before but now seemingly brung you both together
At some point he asks about your art and you somewhat shyly tell him of your hobby
How you sell your pieces on the side to make some extra money since your parents only make enough to get by
Surprisingly he compliments your skill, the techniques you’d learned over years of trial and error
And it’s…nice
You feel warm and fuzzy on the inside just as he does when you ask him to tell you more about his pets or about his roots
Eventually you have to leave but you come back soon after to confine the project
The two of you making a schedule where you sometimes go to your house or his
It’s through this you meet his kind butler who is nothing but kind and caring as he delivers cookies
Along with brief instances of Damien’s older brothers who are seemingly shocked
Especially the slightly (in your eyes) infamous Dick Grayson who peaks in as you both study
Well…before Damien hucks a book at his head yelling for him to leave
The king of Gotham himself, Bruce Wayne even stops by when your about to leave to talk to you
He thanks you for having such a positive change on Damien and your left a bit flustered by it
Especially since the man says your always welcome in their home and that your always welcome if you need help
Things seem better for both you and Damien
You’d been selling more paintings as he actually gained a group of tight knit friends who were just as nerdy as he was
Things are good
So good in-fact that Damien ends up inviting you to a gala him and his family were invited too as his plus one
Aomehow he ends up convincing you to join, even helping you find something appropriate for the occasion at a new exhibit at the Gotham art museum
A place you’d visited before for a couple feudal trips yet never saw in its actual capacity
As the celebrations start the tow of you quickly end up wandering the empty halls, admiring the art
You were both the only kids there so it was only natural to do so, besides, the adults were all mingling with one another
There are countless classics and styles of all kinds ranging from paintings to sculptures
All of which lead to the two of you talking of your interpretations of the meaning
Before you both end up at a painting with a black dot in the middle
Nothing else, just a blank white canvas with a dot
The sight of which makes you giggle
the sound makes his eyes widen and heart race, it sounds like the chimes that would happen from a light summer’s breeze or the fluttering of petals in the wind
And then he joins along in your giggles as the two of you stare at the hoity toity painting of a plane black dot on a white canvas
“I think I make better works than that” you joke
“Think?, no you definitely make better stuff than this. I don’t buy bad art”
Wait what?
You turn to him and he seems to catch what he had said
You notice that his avoids eye contact and how turns to face slightly away from you
“You…your the person who bought my art?. Why?”
“Like I said, I don’t buy bad art. Yours is much better than some of the stuff here, father even thought so”
Now it’s your turn to be flustered as you feel butterflies in your stomach
Off in the distance the two of you can hear the sound of classical music
It’s muffled and too slow for your taste so you pull out your phone and AirPods
“Wanna dance to some real tunes?”
He smiles and takes the AirPod as you press shuffle on your playlist
The sound of “lovesong” by the cure playing conveniently in both your ears
Damien takes your hand and you both take turns leading the dance
He can’t help but grin happily
Neither of you notice his family pealing into the room watching with happy smiles
Nor how Tim had kinds maybe hacked your phone to play that song
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bespectacledbun · 1 year
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ a little lovemail for Emma ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
because I went on a little rant on discord recently about how capable she is and how much she’s overlooked by the fandom. too often I see comments saying she’s weak, or incompetent, or a glorified therapist for the princes when she’s not; Emma is honestly incredibly intelligent, but I feel people always forget to consider that she’s a) a commoner b) a woman c) in a medieval fantasy setting, and hold her to modern standards, which is... a little unfair
so I wanted to give her a little love too 💌
she knows three languages, two of which are entirely self taught—court french (Chevalier’s route) and japanese (Rio’s route)
she doesn’t stop there, though; she proceeds to learn even more languages after getting her happily ever after. in Luke’s post-route stories she knows at least 4 languages, and in Chevalier’s post-route stories she knows more than 5 languages and is actively learning more
while I’m on the topic, LITERACY. I think people often forget that “education for all” was not a thing until the 18th century, and before then only merchants and nobility got proper educations. Emma holding a clerical job as a commoner IS an admirable quality for her social status and the time period ikepri is set in
she’s a great entrepreneur. she opens a book-lending business (Chevalier’s route), as well as her own bookstore and a school (both in Clavis’s route)
not only does she pick up on court etiquette and skills (music, dance, diplomacy, politics) in less than a month, she’s also able to learn ministerial duties and absolutely kicks ass at it (Sariel’s route)
she knows how to play not only to her own strengths and weaknesses, but also to that of others around her. she’s able to broker bargains with many of the suitors (Chevalier, Nokto, Silvio, Sariel) across routes to get the information and/or help that she needs
another thing I see often is because she doesn’t say “no” to the princes and that somehow makes her weak, or easier to push around—there’s a world of power difference between her and the suitors. emma being able to hold her ground against the princes as she does, while navigating an entirely new battlefield of court politics and high society, is an excellent testament to her mental fortitude and character
she’s a skilled horseback rider (all routes) and swimmer (Jin’s events) way before she comes to the castle, and she eventually learns martial arts for self defense from Licht (Licht’s events)
she taught herself first aid and nursing, and is proficient enough to become a battle medic in many of the routes (Chevalier, Licht, Yves). emma also goes on to properly learn medicine to become a licensed doctor (Keith’s route)
“Belle” isn’t just a role that Emma plays for a month; it’s a political position with a LOT of power. there is a reason why she observes the princes so closely, there’s a reason why she hides it and why she doesn’t let her feelings for the princes determine whether they are fit to rule or not. she can change Rhodolite’s governmental administration entirely, whether it’s directly, by naming a particular king, and thus a particular set of policies that will affect the entire kingdom— or indirectly, by influencing their views on how to rule. her first priority will always, ALWAYS be protecting her home and her people, regardless of who she’s in a relationship with; Emma is a kingmaker, not arm candy. 
there’s probably more that I can’t remember off the top of my head but my point is—– Emma isn’t just a pretty face and a kind voice to the princes. the reason the suitors fall in love with her isn’t because she’s the therapist who “fixes” them, it’s because she’s intelligent, brave, and a really hard worker. she stands by her convictions and morals no matter who she’s against and is determined to achieve her goals regardless of what stands in her way
is emma a little idealistic about her job and wanting a fairy tale romance? yes. does she try to solve her problems through nonviolence instead of action? also yes. but it doesn’t make her any less of a person or diminish her skills and worth because she’s not ambitious or assertive enough. she’s content with her life and her relationships, but she still strives to improve herself and help the people around her, and I think that makes her both a great character and a great woman
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