#ben shelton × reader
typical-simplelove · 3 months
Can't Break Up Now (B. Shelton)
Summary: In the little moments of life, you realize that Ben truly is your forever person.
Author's Note: Hi, here's the first tennis fic that I finally feel comfortable sharing with the world :). I hope you like this one, and let me know what you think!
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: None that I can think of!
“Good morning,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around Ben’s waist as he’s stirring a mug at the kitchen counter. It was a slow Sunday morning—your day off from work and school and Ben’s rest day. Going to bed late the previous night from watching movies, you had rolled out of bed around 10:30, itching for caffeine to enter your bloodstream. 
“Morning,” Ben replies, his hand warm from the mug stroking against yours. “Coffee?”
“Mhm, obviously.”
A small chuckle leaves Ben’s throat, and you feel it in his back from where your head rests. “Here you go,” he tells you, placing a mug in your hand. 
In a smooth motion, Ben takes the mug out of your hand and slowly turns in your embrace, so his front is facing yours. Handing you the mug, he says with a smile, “Coffee, for you.” 
“Thank you,” you answer, your chest filling both with warmth and speculation. You were very particular about how you take your coffee, the color being very specific and tough to match without knowing your exact measurements of milk, sugar, and syrup. 
“Try it; go on,” Ben pushes, a cocky smirk on his face. 
“Your bedhead curls are cute,” you say in an attempt to change the subject and push the coffee into Ben’s hands. One of your hands gently brushes his curls up his face, opening up his eyes and forehead to your view. 
“Sure, but try the coffee.” 
“You know how particular I am about my coffee. I don’t want to offend you in case you got it wrong.” 
“But I didn’t.” Oh, he’s smug now. “Look at it; it’s the perfect color that you like.” 
“Okay,” you relent after a fifteen-second-long staring contest. You’re not sure why you keep engaging in those with him. With one look into your eyes and a grin, Ben can get you to do anything. You glance down at the mug and notice that it’s pretty close to the color you make your coffee. “Why don’t you just drink it?” 
“You and I both know that this is nowhere near how I drink my coffee.” 
“Fine.” You finally take a sip and feel Ben’s hands wrap around your back, his thumb stroking small soothing circles. 
“Not too bad, yeah?”
“Very good. Actually, pretty close to perfect.” 
“Perfect? Does this mean I get to make your coffee for you every day, now?” Ben gloats. 
You roll your eyes. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. Who knows, maybe this is just a lucky, first attempt.”
“Oh no, it’s definitely not.” He reaches for his phone over on the counter, opens up the notes app, and turns his screen to show you a list. For almost two months, Ben documented the way you made your coffee with funny little quips. “I think it’s safe to say I’m an expert at your coffee.” 
“I guess so,” you reply, taking another sip. 
With a smile, Ben kisses you on your forehead before leaving you for coffee as he starts making breakfast. 
He really did know the way you take your coffee. That’s a love language, right? 
. . .
For you, pajamas were something sacred. They were something that you put a lot of care and effort into. Sleep was one of the most important parts of living life, and something you needed to function properly the next day, so of course, you were going to put immense effort into the clothes you were going to wear to bed. 
One night after taking a shower, wrapped in a towel, you were looking at the drawer that you designated for pajamas and couldn’t help but notice how much of it was Ben’s t-shirts. Some of the shirts were starchy and uncomfortable, but you know that if you had to pick between one of those more uncomfortable shirts or one of your favorites, you were picking the starchy shirt (most of the time). Maybe it was because it smelled like his detergent, and you knew he had worn it once in his life. Maybe it was the way it made him smile whenever you wore one of his shirts. Maybe it was the way you felt safe and comfortable in one of his shirts. Maybe it was just Ben. 
With a small smile and a comfortable warmth spreading across your body, you pick one of Ben’s t-shirts and put it on before finishing your nightcare routine and joining Ben to lounge on the couch. 
“One of my shirts,” he murmurs. You feel the movement of his lips against your neck. 
Once you join Ben on the couch, he wraps an arm around your shoulder before he bends down and places a kiss on the side of your neck. You can feel the big smile that’s on his face as his face meets the skin of your neck. 
“Yeah,” you whisper, too engulfed in his touch to say anything more or throw a quip his way. 
“I like it,” he replies, not against your skin. He’s sat back up now, so he’s looking at you as he talks. 
“I’ve worn your shirts before,” you comment, lifting an eyebrow, needding to give him a tough time for his comment now that you’ve regained your composure. 
“Doesn’t make a difference. Still makes my heart rattle to see you wearing my clothes.” 
Well, you didn’t have anything to say to that. 
A few weeks later, you’re minding your business as you walk into your shared bedroom to find something. You stop in your tracks and forget the purpose of walking into your room as you watch Ben putting his laundry away. 
The dresser that you and Ben share is large, with eight drawers. Four on one side for you and four for him. For the most part, the two sides don’t intermingle, and you both keep your clothes separate. However, the drawer that you keep your pajamas in is open, and Ben is placing his shirts into it. 
Typically, if you’re wearing one of his shirts, you’ll wash it and place it back in his drawers. The shirts of his that you’ve worn over the past few weeks are back on his side of the drawer, but Ben, who’s just done laundry, is placing more shirts into your drawer. 
“What’re you doing?” you ask, careful not to startle him. 
“Putting laundry away,” he replies, not glancing up from the task at hand. 
“But that’s my side.” 
“But they’re your shirts,” he says without hesitation. 
“Mmm, I don’t think so. They’re definitely your shirts.” 
Ben finally looks up at you, and from the look he’s giving you, you can tell his cheeks have gone warm as you’ve caught him in the act of stowing shirts in your drawers. “They look better on you,” he murmurs, barely audible for you to hear. You heard him loud and clear, but you like messing with Ben, making him more bashful with each word and comment, so you ask him to repeat himself. 
“They look better on you,” he repeats, barely looking at you. 
You smirk, walking over to Ben. You take his face in your hands and pull him close to you gently. With a small peck, you say, against his lips, “Thank you. I’ll take your shirts whenever.”
“It makes me happy when you wear them,” he is quick to say, his lips brushing against yours. “I have a folder in my camera roll of pictures of you in them. That sounds stalker-ish, but I promise it’s because I like seeing you in my shirts.” 
Chuckling, you give him another peck. “A little stalker-ish, but I love you.” 
“I love you, too,” he murmurs, pulling you close against his body. 
Ben starts where you end, and if the ship’s ever going down, you’re going to hold on until you can fix it. 
. . . 
Ben and his team were out of town for the weekend, going on a small retreat before one of the upcoming tournaments. It was one of the more important tournaments, so the team thought getting some time away from the noise and pressures of the city would help Ben’s game. So, that meant the apartment was empty except for you. You were able to play your music as loud as you wanted (but truly, though, Ben wouldn’t have minded if you played your music loudly, even if it wasn’t his preferred taste in music). You can cook whatever you want, and lounge around the couch however you want. Honestly, you could do whatever you wanted around the apartment, and Ben would take it in stride with a smile and a small shake of his head. 
It was 9:30 on Friday night, hours after Ben headed out of town, and you were already in bed, lounging among the blankets and pillows, a movie playing on your computer. It had been a long week, so all you wanted to do was relax and unwind. 
By the time the movie had ended, you turned off your computer and placed it on your nightstand as you went to the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed. 
Once you got back into bed, you checked your phone once more and saw that you had a text from Ben. He sent a picture of himself, lying shirtless in his hotel bed, captioned Good night. With a small chuckle, you saved the photo of him and sent your own with a Good night. Turning on “do not disturb,” you put your phone down on your nightstand and turned off the lights, ready for bed. 
Within a few minutes, you’re in a comfortable position. With Ben out of town, his side of the bed is empty, but you drag his pillow close to you. Breathing in, you smell Ben’s shampoo and conditioner on his pillow, and the scent of his aftershave and cologne are lingering. 
You didn’t think you would miss him as much as you do at this moment, but you do. Smelling him on his pillow is enough to bring a few tears to your eyes. With a quick swipe at your eyes, you place Ben’s pillow back in its spot and try to fall asleep. 
There’s only one thought that runs through your mind as you try to fall asleep. 
Ben has managed to insert himself into every little part of your life and into the little nooks and crannies that you keep close to yourself. If he can do that and make you feel so loved, that must mean he’s your forever person, right? 
Well, you can’t break up now. You both love too hard.  
Living life with Ben seems pretty nice. 
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mythmakinvgxz · 21 days
hope ur doing well! i love ur work, and was wondering if u could wrote a ben shelton headcanon abt what he'd be like as a bf? thank uu 🫶🏻
sfw/nsfw headcanons - ben shelton
warnings: this contains nsfw so if you're not comfortable with it just dont read it !!
notes: i literally can't stop thinking about him so here are some headcanons!
- he's so boyfriend energy
-he's be the most romantic guy you've ever met
-he looooves to take you out on fancy dates but he enjoys even staying home to watch a movie under a cozy blanket
-he is so supportive! and adores when you'd come to see him during important matches or even during practice.
-he knows he can always count on you, even when he loses he knows that your arms would always be open for him to comfort him after a loss.
-this man always has to touch you! physical contact is his love language.
-but not always in a sexual way, sometimes he just needs to feel your skin against his yk
-he'd slip a finger underneath your shirt and he'd start to trace little circles on your skin.
-he's so cute ugh
-loves to bring you flowers!!
-sometimes even a single rose could lift your mood
-loves having you caressing his curls!
- lets talk about his arms
- omfg and his shoulders
- the way you'd be gripping on them during sex makes his head spin and he'd become even harder than he already is
-it's so easy for him to find your weakest spots, he know them too well
- his arms would be circled around your waist as he pounds into you omfg
- and his finger would trace circular patterns on your skin
- "shhh.. baby its okay..." PLEASE
- he has the DEEPEST voice i swear to god
- like humming and moaning in the deepest tone ever
- "take it like a big girl" murmured in your ear ARE YOU CRAZY
- also i think hed be very vocal
- he whimpers A LOT trying to to change my mind
- especially when receiving head 😃
- "mhmm... please, oh please... faster.. mhm.."
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24kmar · 3 months
𝘽𝙚𝙣 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙩𝙤𝙣 𝙭 𝙏𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙨 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧
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b0r3dtod3ath · 8 days
ooh can i request you being ben shelton’s gf and watching one of his games (and maybe your not famous at all) and idk maybe he does something or u do something that kinda outs u as a couple
sorry if this is vague, i love ur stories:)
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an: Thank you for the message! Omg someone loves my stories! I'm happy you like them. Also from this place I wanna express my appreciation for each one of you. Messages from my readers always make my day! Anyway, here's what I came up with.
One of the challenges you faced together while dating Ben was keeping the relationship private. You were not used to the amount of attention the rising star of tennis got. 
It was a big day for the both of you. Ben was playing in an important match, and you sat in his box, a few rows back from the court. It was the first tournament you had joined him. You were nervous, but also incredibly proud of him. You wore a simple outfit and a baseball cap, hoping to blend in with the crowd and not draw too much attention. You watched him in awe, noticed all the changes - his eyes fierce, expression confident but still focused and almost stone cold - it was in stark contrast to his softer side that you experienced almost everyday. Each powerful serve and strategic play had the crowd on their feet, cheering him on. You were so engrossed in the game that you didn’t notice the cameras occasionally panning to the crowd, capturing the excitement of the spectators. During the most intense exchanges during the match you felt your heart pounding in your chest.
When Ben hit a stunning winner ace, the crowd erupted in applause. Without thinking, you jumped up from your seat, cheering and clapping enthusiastically. It was at that moment that he turned towards the stands, his eyes searching the crowd. He spotted you, his face breaking into a wide, triumphant smile. His softer side breaking through the hard shell built up during the match. In a spontaneous, unguarded moment, he pointed directly at you, and mouthed, “For you. I love you.”
The cameras, always quick to catch any interesting moment, zoomed in on your happily surprised expression. The commentators, noticing the exchange, began speculating about who you might be. “That’s quite a gesture,” one of them said. “It looks like Ben Shelton just dedicated that point to someone special in the audience".
After the match and the on-court interview, you walked down the stairs to get closer to Ben, ignoring the glances from the last bits of crowd. He stood on his tippy toes, pulling you into a celebratory hug. “I’m sorry if that put you in the spotlight,” he whispered in your ear, his breath warm against your skin. “I just couldn’t help it”. Although from the outside it didn’t look like the best hug ever as his body was covered in sweat and you were standing over a meter above him, your heart still swelled with love. You smiled up at him “It’s okay,” you replied. “I’m proud to be with you, Ben”. 
With that, he kissed you softly, right there in front of fans and cameras. People that haven’t left yet erupted once again, this time in a mixture of cheers and awws. It seemed that your relationship was no longer a secret as clips of you two instantly went viral and people on twitter compared you to Romeo and Juliet on a balcony, but at that moment, you didn’t care. You were just happy to be with Ben, sharing his victory and his love.
June 7, 2024
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laminy · 7 months
Thank you for the tag @merriell-allesandro-shelton!!
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
How many works do you have on ao3?
Apparently 74! I'm not sure how that's possible but okay! Not what I was expecting. That's like twice as many as I thought.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
The works that I have posted on AO3 are for Bohemian Rhapsody Actor RPF, BoRhap/Queen, Ted Lasso, 13 Reasons Why, Teen Wolf, 6 Underground, Midsomer Murders, and Shazam. Pre-AO3, I wrote in a lot of other ones. Hypothetically, I write for Gran Turismo, but I've never finished any of those fics lol.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I'm breathing in the chemicals (Teen Wolf) 2. and you know you don't have to go (Ted Lasso) 3. Fear and Self-Loathing in Beacon Hill (Teen Wolf) 4. you're the sunflower (Ted Lasso) 5. into the blue and sunny morn' (BoRhap Actor RPF)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely! I appreciate when people comment and I like the interaction.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I try not to have angsty endings! All my angst is sprinkled throughout the story (maybe more than sprinkled lol) and then they get a happy ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Since most of my fics have happy endings, I don't know what the happiest of the happy endings would be. Probably a fic in the ITBASM-universe, because I tried to make them all very happy (they deserved it).
Do you get hate on fics?
I did get a couple hateful anons on here in my day but they didn't stick around. Thankfully I've avoided much of that (knock on wood).
Do you write smut?
I do, I do. All M/M, though for my original NaNo story I'm apparently going to be attempting M/F and idk how that's gonna go lol.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've written two 6 Underground x Midsomer Murders crossovers because Ben and Gwil.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! I hope not.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I'm also not sure I'm aware of any.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not! I'll be honest that I really don't know how it works and I'm kind of a solitary creature in that regard. so, I don't know that it would be my vibe.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Everrrrrr? Oh my gosh I don't know if I could pick. According to my AO3 bookmarks, apparently it's Joe/Nicky from The Old Guard but I don't think so (and for the most part I avoid that fandom these days). I don't know, ever???? I still can't decide. I'm too finicky. I will say that a ship that I will always love and I go forever without reading and then I'll be in that mood again is Eggsy/Harry from Kingsman. Like, they're the old stalwart.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably those Gran Turismo fics I mentioned above.
What are your writing strengths?
I would say dialogue but I don't know if anyone would agree. I find it the most fun, so I enjoy it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't know how to describe what people look like, because 99.9 of stuff I write is fanfic and readers already know what those characters look like, so that whenever I attempt anything original, I don't know how to naturally include some idea of "this person has brown eyes and is very tall." I see it done so badly sometimes and I just try to avoid that.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done it before sparingly. Different languages, I know fics I've done have included French, Spanish, Dutch, German, and Arabic. For most of them, I use Google Translate. for the Arabic, I watched YouTube and tried non-Google Translate sources. for the French, some of it I knew myself and wrote it as I know it (I am not fluent in French). I would never write an entire fic in another language but I think including other languages is fun and rounds out the characters.
First fandom you wrote for?
Probably shockingly, it was Friends. A friend and I wrote it together in the fifth grade. Handwrote it, actually. We had a notebook that we passed back and forth.
Favorite fic you've written?
Overall, every ITBASM fic because it's like, my universe, my world, my characters, and it covered so much time (and space, ha). I don't know that I could pick an individual fic.
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rossmccallsqueen · 2 years
(I don’t know what happened to my old post so here’s this)
Hello my loves! Make sure you read this before requesting plssss 💕
If my requests are open, it will say so in my bio. If they are closed, it will also say so! If my requests are closed, pls wait until they are open again to submit a request.
Please send requests through my ask box ONLY. This is the way for me to have an official record of them and they won’t get lost in my messages.
I write smut (I have smut queen in my bio for a reason lol). If I post something smut, you need to be 18+ to read it. I am not responsible for what you consume and will not be held liable.
If you are under 18, you are NOT allowed to request smut. If there is no age in your bio, then I am going to assume you are under 18 and will not write the request.
I have the right to not do any request that I receive. This hasn’t really happened before, but if I can’t get the writing flowing for the request then I will message you privately to see if there’s something we can work out instead.
I’ve had chronic wrist problems for 8 years. I had surgery 7/6/2022 and it should be fixed now. However, with that being said my wrist still does hurt sometimes. I’m also in grad school, so It will take me time to get to your request. Don’t worry, I do have it and I will write it I just have issues 😂
I primarily write reader insert fics. Those are my specialty and most of what I’m comfortable writing.
Anyways, with that being said, here’s who I currently write for and the fandom they are from:
Band of Brothers:
Eugene Roe
Joe Toye
Joeseph Liebgott
Charles Grant
Carwood Lipton
Ronald Speirs
Lewis Nixon
Donald Malarkey
Edward Shames
Edward “Babe” Heffron
Harry Welsh
Henry Jones
Denver “Bull” Randleman
Daryl C “Shifty” Powers
Floyd Talbert
John Martin
William “Bill” Guarnere
Frank Perconte
George Luz
Richard “Dick” Winters
Antonio C. Garcia
Harry F. Welsh
Edward J. Tipper Jr
Lester A. Hashey
The Pacific:
Charles “Chuck” Tatum
Eugene Sledge
John Basilone
Manuel “Manny” Rodriguez
Muriel “Snafu” Shelton
Robert Leckie
Romus “RV” Burgin
Sidney Phillips
Wilbur "Bud" "Runner" Conley
James Paul “JP” Jordan
Bill "Hoosier" Smith
Andrew "Ack Ack" Haldane
Pat Murray
Arthur Barone
Ty Delllamonica
Vinnie Malzhan
David Stein
John Garvey
Bohemian Rhapsody:
Joe Mazzello/John Deacon
Rami Malek
Gwilym Lee/Brian May
Ben Hardy/Roger Taylor
Lucy Boynton
Allen Leech
(For those with just actors names listed, I’m not comfortable writing for their characters. Unless it is Freddie platonically. I do not write for Mary for reasons. For ones with actors and characters I write for just their actor as well)
Queen (the band):
Roger Taylor
Freddie Mercury (only platonically)
Brian May
John Deacon
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
I do not write for any characters under the age of 18 in the show (even if their actor is 18+ if their character is not I do not write for them)
Steve/Captain America
Wanda/Scarlett Witch
Sam/Captain America
Peter Parker/Spiderman (but only Andrew Garfield’s spiderman, as we see him graduate)
Moon Knight/Steven Grant/Mark/Jake
Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange
Natasha/Black Widow
Kate Bishop
If you don’t see any marvel character listed that you’d like just message me and I’ll add them!
Thank you for taking the time to request something from me and thinking of me to write it! I am honored to do so. Happy reading my friends!
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
hey guys if you wanna be added to a tag list for my future stories just click the link right here!
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Rami Malek & Characters MasterList
*Last Updated April 17th, 2022*
*Links corrected on Sept 23, 2023*
Anything Marked With ** is NSFW
Rami Malek
Bad Days
You Love Him Like This**
Sunday Morning**
Sledgefu (The Pacific)
His Only Dance Partner
Talk To Me **
Elliot Alderson (Mr.Robot)
Pushing The Limits**
Lucky High**
Merriell Shelton (The Pacific)
Valentines Day Bliss**
A Little Assistance**
Late Introductions
Doin’ Just Fine
A Whole Snack**
Bittersweet (Name Update)
~ Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four**, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight
Broken Promises
Baby Talk
You’re Going to be Okay
Sing For Me**
Thinkin’ Bout you**
Take It Out on Me**
Louis Dega (Papillion)
Bien Pour Moi**
Finn (Need for Speed)
Josh Washington (Until Dawn)
Fictober 2020
I told you so* (Merriell Shelton)
Watch me (Stoner!Snaf)
I Missed This** (Josh Washington)
You Better Leave Now (Finn)
Not Interested, Thank You* (Merriell Shelton)
I Never Wanted Anything Else (Merriell Shelton)
Give Me a Minute or an Hour* (Merriell Shelton)
You Don’t See it? (Josh Washington)
I Can’t Do This Anymore (Finn)
Did I ask?** (Merriell Shelton)
This, this makes it all worth it (Merriell Shelton)
And Neither Should You / Are You Kidding Me (Josh Washington)
Do We Have To?* (Josh Washington)
The Mistress** (Josh Washington)
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typical-simplelove · 3 months
okay okay okay hear me out, ben shelton x reader and reader is ben’s mixed doubles partner and they are also dating. idk what else just like fluffy and you can see their chemistry on the court and they work really good together
No because yes. I was going to make this a full fic, but I don't know when I'll have the time to write it, so we're going to expand on it now hehe
The connection really hits with the eyes. Way too long looks at each other while taking breaks. Staring at each other for moments too long during small moments between points. Playful glaring during practices when he teases that he'll hit you with his serve.
Then the lingering touches. Passing you balls or towels or water means the entirety of his hand finds its way to cover yours. His shoulder is going to brush yours all the time. He'll go extremely out of his way to do so.
Then, when he realizes you're feeling the same thing but neither of you have made a move, the flirtatious comments and personality start. If you thought his original personality was flirty, his intentional flirtiness is way, way stronger. It's enough to send both chills and fire through your body. Your cheeks are warm even before any playing of the sport occurs because of his little quips and chirps (hockey lingo peeps through lol) he sends your way.
On the court, you're electric together. Maybe it's the feelings you have for each other and how it means you're both extremely aware of where the other person is. Regarldess, you're unstoppable with him.
And, in my vision, after winning a long and gruesome game, the emotions and the relief are crazy, and as you're walking back to your bags and stuff, you're talking, and then impulse you kiss him. You pull him towards yourself and just kiss the shit out of him. It only takes a few seconds before he's returning the kiss, and his hands are all over you. It wouldn't matter the cameras because finally (finally!!) it's out there, your feelings for each other.
And then when you're dating? Nuh uh, no one likes play against you because of how electric and insync you guys are
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mythmakinvgxz · 2 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆ hi !
she¡her / sfw and nsfw content / enfp / cancer
my name is nina! im a 100% certified yapper and also veeeery extrovert (im always very happy to know new people!)
i loooove music (especially rock and rap), reading is one of my biggest hobbies and one day i hope to work in films!
⊹₊ ⋆ who i write for:
atp players:
-ben shelton
-andrey rublev (!)
-jannik sinner
-carlos alcaraz
⊹₊ ⋆ my requests are: OPEN💌
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24kmar · 3 months
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🍁𝓟𝓙𝓞 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼🍁
🥊Ares Cabin #2🥊
🎯Daughters of Ares🎯
🧨Sons Of Ares🧨
🔅Poseidon Cabin #3🔅
🍪Hestia Cabin #2🍪
🥧Daughters of Hestia🥧
☕️Sons Of Hestia☕️
💰Hermes Cabin #2💰
🃏Sons Of Hermes🃏
🚕Daughters of Hermes🚕
👑Daughters of Tyche👑
❄️Dark! Kihone Cabin❄️
🤍Dark! Sons of Kihone🤍
🌨Dark! Daughters of Kihone🌨
🗡Aphrodite Warrior🗡
🍎Daughters of Eris🍎
💀Daughters of Thanatos💀
⚜️Dark! Heroes of Olympus⚜️
🫶🏻Bsf! Annabeth Chase🫶🏻
👟Daughters of Nike👟
🎾Sons of Nike🎾
🥇Children of Nike🥇
🎉Children of Dionysus🎉
✨️Farleigh Start x Daughter of Dionysus✨️
🎊Dionysus Kids at a party🎊
🏹Felix Catton x Daughter of eros🏹
🪭Daughters Of Dionysus🪭
🧡𝓒𝓪𝓫𝓲𝓷 𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓼🧡
💧Poseidon cabin color💧
❤️Aphrodite Cabin Color❤️
🌑Nyx Cabin Color🌑
🍷Dionysus Cabin Color🍷
❄️Kihone Cabin Color❄️
💋Eros Cabin Color💋
🏹Apollo Cabin Color🏹
🪔𝓞𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝓸𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼🪔
💸Rafe Cameron💸
🎀Charlie Bushnell🎀
🍬Charlie Bushnell🍬
🌟Charlie Bushnell x Broadway Star🌟
🩰Kate + Anthony Bridgerton🩰
🎬Charlie Bushnell + Actor🎬
👻Ghostface! Ethan landry + Ghostface! Reader👻
⭐️Jude Bellingham⭐️
⚽️ Dating Jude Bellingham⚽️
🚬Farleigh Start Second Chance Trope🚬
🌊Jeremiah Fisher + Friends to lovers trope🌊
🎀Lana del rey girl essentials🎀
🎸Luke Castellan x @mischiefmoons🎸
🐈‍⬛Moodboard for @mischiefmoons🐈‍⬛
🎾Ben Shelton x Tennis Player🎾
🛻Driving In Cars With Boys🛻
🎸Tara Yummy x Rockstar gf🎸
🖤Landon Barker x Rockstar gf🖤
🎬Olivia Rodrigo x Actress🎬
🦺𝓛𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷🦺
🏀𝖡𝖺𝗌𝗄𝖾𝗍𝖻𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗒𝖾𝗋! 𝖫𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝖢𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗇🏀
💞Luke Castellan + Daughter of Aphrodite💞
🧛🏻Vampire Luke Castellan🧛🏻
🍷𝖫𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝖢𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗇 + 𝖣𝖺𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝖣𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗒𝗌𝗎𝗌🍷
🥁Drummer Luke + Bandmates Sister🥁
🥥Luke Castellan + Daughter of Poseidon🥥
🎱Luke Castellan + Daughter of Melinoe🎱
🥀If Lukes gf joined Kronos with him🥀
💔Luke Castellan Betreyal💔
👑Luke Castellan Bad Religion👑
⚔️Lukes Betreyal to Annabeth⚔️
☀️Luke Castellan + Daughters of Apollo☀️
🥊Luke Castellan + Daughter of Ares🥊
🌈Luke Castellan + Daughter of Iris🌈
🧢Frat! Luke Castellan x Academic! Daughter of Hecate🧢
🎭Luke Castellan x Daughter of Dionysus🎭
🍷Trouble! Verse moodboard⚕️
🗡Trouble! Verse moodboard🎱
🎭How i envision trouble in the trouble!verse🎭
🎶Songs that remind me of the trouble!verse🎶
🍃Smoke Sessions with luke castellan🍃
🫳🏻Losing luke trouble!verse🫴🏻
🎒The one where luke leaves before you wake up, trouble!verse🎒
⚔️Lovers or partners in crime, trouble!verse⚔️
💞Luke and trouble admit theyre inlove, trouble!verse💞
🗽Luke Castellan x Daughter of Athena🗽
🧸Luke Castellan x Daughter of Hebe🧸
🪽Luke Castellan x Daughter of Icarus🪽
🐌𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓸 𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓼🐌
🦇Matt Sturniolo🦇
😽Chris Sturniolo + Hello kitty GF😽
🎸Matt Sturniolo + Rockstar GF🎸
🐈‍⬛Matt Sturniolo + Black Cat! GF🐈‍⬛
🫂BSF Nick Sturniolo🫂
📷Chris Sturniolo + Youtuber📷
🎧Matt Sturniolo + Podcaster🎧
🗣Chris Sturniolo🗣
🧸Nick Sturniolo🧸
💋Chris Sturniolo + Rockstar! GF💋
🏎Street Racer! Chris Sturniolo🏎
🚘Street Racer! Matt Sturniolo🚘
🎃Halloween With chris sturniolo🎃
🌙Late Night Drives With Matt Sturniolo🌙
🚶🏻‍♀️Late Night walks with chris sturniolo🚶🏻‍♀️
💋Chris Sturniolo x Model💋
🎤Matt Sturniolo x Singer🎤
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b0r3dtod3ath · 15 days
i’d love to request a fic where maybe ben gets asked about you (his gf) at a post game interview and he just spills about how much he luvs u <333
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Cw: fem!reader (she/her)
An: thank you for requesting!!!! I hope you like it.
Ben had just come off the court after a hard-fought victory, his veins buzzing with post-match adrenaline. As he stepped into the press room, he was met with dozen of camera flashes and eager reporters which he was already used to by now. As he settled into his seat and adjusted the microphone in front of him, he flashed his trademark grin, filling fans’ stomachs with butterflies.
“Ben, congratulations on the win!” one reporter began. “Your performance was outstanding. How are you feeling right now?”. He smiled, running a hand through his slightly damp hair. “I’m feeling great. It was a tough match, it wasn’t so easy beating my opponent, but I’m glad I could pull through. The crowd was amazing, their support really kept me going”.
Next few questions were standard: strategies, key moments and his thoughts on the upcoming rounds. The player answered them with his usual confidence. Then, a reporter in the back raised her hand and asked a question that took him by surprise. “Hi, you seem to be on top of your game both on and off the court. We’ve heard rumours about your personal life. You recently shared a picture on Instagram with a girl that is assumed to be your girlfriend. How does she influence your game?” Ben’s eyes lit up and his expression softened at the mention of you. The room fell quiet, eager to hear about a mysterious girl that captured Ben’s heart. “Oh, you want to know about my girlfriend, huh? Well, where do I even start?” He took a deep breath, collecting all the racing thoughts of you. He leaned closer to the microphone, his eyes sparkling with affection “She’s incredible. She’s my biggest supporter, my rock. She keeps me confident and makes sure I don’t get too overconfident. Knowing she’s cheering on me gives me lots of strength”. A few reporters exchanged smiles and whispers, charmed at Ben’s emotional words. “Could you tell us a bit more about her?” another reporter asked.­­
“I mean.. Sure, her name is Y/N, and she’s my best friend and my biggest fan. We have been dating for some time now. She’s been there for me through thick and thin, and I can’t imagine my life without her. She helps me really think and look for good in every situation, pushes me to be a better version of myself, both on and off the court. She’s truly my inspiration”. A hint of blush crept onto his cheeks. The room fell even more silent than before, amazed at the confession. Then, the next reporter cleared his throat and brought the conversation back to tennis, but Ben’s mind was drifting to thoughts of you. He couldn’t wait to get home, to celebrate his victory. As the interview wrapped up, he felt a sense of relief and excitement. He pulled out his phone and smiled at your message where you congratulated him with way too much emojis, before sending you a quick text: “Just finished the interview. Can’t wait to see you. Love you <33”.
As Ben shared a peek into his private life that day, he became even more charming to everyone around, especially you.
June 1, 2024 (btw happy children’s day to everyone!)
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1K Writing Challenge Celebration
Okay so, I hit 1K AGES ago but since I’ve been so busy with The Fairy King (which will continue soon) and now a Night At  The Opera that I didn’t get a chance to post this!! Anyway, some  of these songs may be in the wrong category and I’m really sorry. Without further ado, here we go! ( God I really hope this doesn’t flop)
You MUST reblog this post if you want to participate
Deadline is the 12th April ( this can be extended- just message me)
Smut is allowed but there must be proper warnings and you must be over 18!!!
Songs are FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE- once a song’s gone, it’s gone
You don’t have to be following me but it’d be nice
Ships and OC are allowed ( Including Joe Mazzello X reader X Ben Hardy and Roger Taylor X Reader X Ben Hardy)
Anything over 500 words needs to have a ‘Keep Reading’ shortcut.
I can add some more songs if people want to send in requests
Please tag it appropriately and use the tag ‘PHOEBS1KCHALLENGE’
How to Enter
Send me a dm or an ask(can’t be anonymous). I don’t bite!
Yancy (A Heist With Markiplier)
Snafu Shelton ( The Pacific)
Eugene Sledge (The Pacific)
Freddie Mercury (MUST BE PLATONIC)
Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon (Queen)
The Borhap boys (Joe Mazzello, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy, Rami Malek)
Loki, Dr Strange, Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes (MARVEL)
Eggsy Unwin (Kingsman)
Robin Of Loxley (Robin Hood- 2018)
Bernie Taupin and Ray Williams( Rocketman)
Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Jimmy Darling ( American Horror Story)
Eddie Edwards ( Eddie The Eagle
Taron Egerton
Charles Xavier, Peter Maximoff ( Xmen- NEW)
Warren Worthington (XMEN: APOCALYPSE)
Josh Washington (Until Dawn)
Ahkemenrah (Night At The Museum)
Pat Murray (Undrafted)
Adult!Tim Murphy (Jurassic Park)
Garner Langway (Dear Sidewalk)
Say you won’t let go - James Arthur - @sherlollydramoine 
Too much love will kill you - Queen
Marry me - Train
Before You Go- Common Kings
Death of a bachelor- Panic! At The Disco
Teenage dreams- Katy Perry
 Smithereens - Twenty Øne Piløts @breadnbutternips 
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy- Queen -@liliah39 (Roger x reader)
You’re my best friend- Queen -@mirkwoodshewolf (Roger or Deaky x reader)
All of me- John legend
Hey soul sister- train
I was born to love you - Freddie Mercury/ queen
Sarah Smiles- Panic!At The Disco
When the day met the night- Panic! At the disco - @metaphorical-love-for-a-car
Good Riddance ( Time Of your life) - Green day
Summer of ‘69- Bryan Adams @sj-thefan (Roger x ?)
 Your song- Elton John
Hey soul sister- train
Everything has changed- Taylor Swift
Part of me- Katy Perry
Too good at goodbyes- Sam Smith
Without me - Halsey
Happier- marshmallow ft basillr
Love- Daughter
Hurts like hell- fleurie
The other side- Ruelle
Idfc- Blackbear
Dream alone- Nathan Sharp ( NateWantsToBattle)
This town- Niall Horan
Good company- Queen
Mr Brightside - The Killers @xmxisxforxmaybe (Snafu x reader)
Someone you loved - Lewis Capaldi
All I ask - Adele
How do you sleep?- Sam Smith
Is that alright? - Lady Gaga
Cold- James blunt
Wolf in sheep’s clothing- set it off
Bury A Friend- Billie Eilish
Part of me- Katy Perry
‘39- Queen- @ramimalekpan (Sledge X Snafu)
Starman- David Bowie
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bo-rhapheart · 5 years
People I write about
Note: it doesn’t have to romance. They could friends, silblings or whatever. I’m always open to try something new.
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- Lucy Boynton
- Rami Malek
- Joe Mazzello
- Ben Hardy
- Gwilym Lee
Rami’s Characters
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- Benjamin (The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2)
- Josh Washington (Until Dawn)
- Louis Dega (Papillon)
- Seneschal Higginbottom (Da Sweet Blood of Jesus)
- Nate (Short Term 12)
- Kenny Al-Bahir (War At Home)
- Feddie Mercury (Bohemian Rhapsody)
- Elliot Alderson (Mr.Robot)
- Merriell “Snafu” Shelton (The Pacific)
- Ahkmenrah (Night At The Museum)
Joe’s Characters
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- Joe Wenteworth (Simon Birch)
- Eugene “Sledgehammer” Sledge (The Pacific)
- Gardner (Dear Sidewalk)
- Jason Harrison (Unspeakable Acts)
- Roarke Hartman (The River Wild)
- Charlie (A Father for Charlie)
- Geoffrey Fairweather (Coma)
Ben’s Characters
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- Warren Worthington III / Archange (X-Men : Apocalypse)
- Peter Beale (Eastenders)
- Wade Parker (Only The Brave)
Lucy’s Characters
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- Chloe (Don’t Knock Twice)
- Rose (The Blackcoat’s Daughter)
- Allison (Gypsy)
- Astrid Sloan (The Politician)
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Updates on THE PROTEGE and HEAL ME + Requests
The last 2 parts are written, but the ones left in the middle are still blank. Since I have 4 requests to write I'll delay the series (srry)
Heal me: @just-add-butter @bethanyzed @fandom-addict-aesthetics @kitttysblog @roxytheimmortal @futuremrspeterparkerholland @i-am-a-fandom-slut @mrsbarneswillseeyounow @chook007 @avengersassemblee @littlephoenix-fire
Since I'm getting closer to what I thought it was the end at the same speed as we get closer to Endgame, I thought I would delay it slightly to see if I make the series longer (depending on what happens in Endgame. No spoilers tho, there are still some parts till we reach that point, and I'll be warning it.)
The protege: @shane-knight @dormousse @nicholasbich @mscoloneldanvers @spooky-scary-spiderling @lovenaturefirst @marydragneell @bubblycypress87 @eminem-owns-my-asshole @annielovebug22 @gucciofthenorth @thetimidsarcasticcat @k-n-e @existingovertherainbow @superhero2552 @goth-pigeon @daniellajocelyn @to-the-road @shirukitsune @n7siha @the-ayo-lit
About the requests. One is a Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader oneshot; another one is a Gwilym Lee x Reader oneshot (the borhap cast and characters are gonna be around quite often now) ; another one is a Blake Shelton x Reader oneshot/drabble; the last one is a Steve Rogers x Reader oneshot. If you wanna be tagged in any of these send an ask!
You can send another request to my inbox since requests are open, but be aware that it might take me a while.
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
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thecupcakeconsumer · 7 years
Playing Ball pt. 5 - Defection and Resurrection
A/N: Soooo, I said this would be out last night – that was before I knew debates would run an hour late and the ignorant cishet on the team would irritate me to all ends. But here it is!
Part One |  Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (You are here!)
Navigation: Masterlist is here.
Taglist: @writers-block0o0, @imaginesbyemma.
Summary: After the short stop's gone, the team seems to thrive – all but one member, that is.
Warnings: Them feels, gay, mild language, gay, butt smacking, gay, and did I mention there's a bit of gay in here?
Word Count: 2,688.
Other Notes: Female reader. Post-Terminal, pre-Spike.
Team captain Y/N Claybourne had a nice ring to it, that you'd admit.
But the way in which it was getting you unwanted attention that you hadn't experienced since Chance checked himself into a mental hospital? Not as nice a ring.
Apparently, it came with the same social status as the previous captain's had, considering you were the reason for her being kicked off the team – something she had taken by whipping off her jersey and throwing it at the coach before storming off the pitch in a sports bra.
Despite it all, you felt a little bit bad – no matter how many people she had been responsible for having kicked off the team, nobody deserved to be a social outcast among the students with more money than sense of Bolton Prep.
Not to mention how you'd found Sarah the other day.
“I'm… fine, Claybourne.”
You narrowed your eyes down at her. “You're the ground outside the pitch holding – is that the jersey that Lee-?”
“What? No, of course not!” she responded, awkwardly shoving it behind her back and making it almost too obvious.
“Are… are you crying?” you asked awkwardly.
“If I was crying, I'd be crying tears of pain at seeing your face.”
In spite of her attitude, you crouched by her, putting a hand on her leg. “Mind sharing?”
“I don't want to talk about this, especially not with you-” Sarah tried to get up but your grip only tightened.
“Why did you like her?”
“Oh, don't pretend I was in love with the bitch for any rational reason,” she retorted, before sobering. “I guess I'm even more pathetic than that.”
“It doesn't make you pathetic.”
She glared. “What makes someone pathetic? Because news flash, Claybourne – if I found anyone crying over their unrequited love who hurt so many people, I'd tell them to get up and stop being pathetic.”
Sarah looked up at the sky, falling back and lying now on the grass, taking long brown hair out of the hair tie that had held it up in a fluid motion and letting it splay around her head.
“You wouldn't know what it's like. You've crushed on, what, one actually decent guy ever, and now you've been dating him for years.”
“Sarah, I-”
“Fuck off, Claybourne.”
Shaking your head to clear it of your thoughts, you grabbed your bag, glancing around to see if Chance was nearby before throwing it down the stairs and sliding down the banister after it.
(There were, most definitely, perks to living in such a large mansion).
When you got to the bottom, he was holding your bag with a disapproving look.
“You're going to break your neck.”
“In my defense, I didn't think you would catch me.”
“Not the right answer.”
“Um… I didn't break my neck?”
“Get in the car, Y/N.”
“Yes, sir.”
He followed you out the door, locking it behind him, before putting the keys in the ignition and asking conversationally, “You still suspended?”
“No, not anymore,” you answered, shaking your head with a slight smile as you realized that Chance didn't know about your recent promotion yet.
“Oh, really?” he asked, turning out of the driveway. “Did he lift it early, then? Or was there another game I didn't know about?”
“Well, the new team captain got her suspension lifted after the old one was kicked off the team,” you answered, smirking as he slammed the brakes at a stop sign he'd almost missed.
Breathing heavily, Chance asked, “You're team captain? Since when?”
“Oh, I don't know, two, three days ago? When I made a case against Delilah and the coach finally saw reason?”
“And you didn't tell me?”
“Must've slipped my mind.”
Your brother nodded slowly, before reaching into his bag and pulling out an envelope. “This came for you yesterday, by the way.”
You took the offered letter as he parked the car in front of the school, staring at the handwriting that, though you'd so rarely seen it, you'd recognize anywhere.
Opening the door and getting out with your bag, you ripped it open and took out one of the sheets, folded in three, feeling a tidal wave seem to rise in you as your emotions struggled to get the better of you.
Captain of the softball team even though I never saw you with a glove in your hand. If it's not from the Claybourne side, perhaps it's from your mothers – both the athleticism and your determination to succeed. She always was a driven one.
I've never been so glad that you have the Claybourne name.
He hadn't signed it, perhaps because signing it off with his name made him seem so distant and yet the two of you were never close enough that he would have felt comfortable referring to himself as your father… and yet, even if he'd never been your father, not really, you'd always wanted him to notice you.
It was always Chance this, Chance that, the eldest son capturing your father's attention.
Now, you were receiving the same affection and you didn't know how to deal with it.
The words blurred together as tears came to your eyes.
You'd done it.
You'd finally made him proud.
So why didn't it feel better?
Because Chance pushed you to it, you realized. Even when you could finally make him proud, it was always him behind the scenes.
When would you make a choice, alone, that he might be willing to put the Claybourne name on?
As your emotions overwhelmed you, you felt the switch inside of you flip.
Great. Flaring in public. This is a great day.
“Y/N!” called out Ben, falling into step beside you, black t-shirt and jeans making him stand out amongst the uniforms that the students were wearing.
“Ben? What're you doing here? Did you forget you'd graduated?”
He shook his head, before scrutinizing you more closely. “Are you okay?”
“What? Of course I am.” Managing to snuff out the flare, you continued, “Never been better. Morning, Lily.”
“Morning!” she greeted cheerfully as you walked past her on the way to your locker.
“See? I'm great.”
“Saying good morning to someone doesn't make you okay,” he responded, before adding, “I'd know” under his breath.
Coming to your locker, you put down your bag and turned to him. “What're you doing here?”
“I came to congratulate you on the captaincy, but now I see that I need to talk to you about whatever's in that letter. Who's it from, Y/N?”
“My dad,” you answered reluctantly.
“And he's proud of me.”
Ben held up your backpack as you zipped it shut, asking, “Well, who wouldn't be?”
“You don't get it, Ben, he's… he's never like this. Not when it comes to me.”
“Why are you feeling like this, then?”
“You're one to talk about feelings, Benjamin Blue.”
“That doesn't answer the question.”
“No, it doesn't,” you acknowledged begrudgingly. “It's just… he's always been proud of Chance, you know? And Chance made me do this. In a way, it's just like he's proud of Chance all over again. I – I know it seems silly-”
“Chance didn't get Delilah Lee kicked off, now, did he? Or was it him that set up the cameras in the supply room, him that spoke to the former pitcher who was doomed from the start, him that never gave up even when suspended?”
“You… know about all that?”
“Oh, please, just because I'm graduated doesn't mean that those three don't constantly talk about you. Speaking of which, text me sometime, would you?”
He ruffled your hair and squeezed your shoulder, and you smiled as he walked away, going to replace the sheet in the envelope but finding another paper in there.
A clipping from the school newspaper, the headline reading 'With Lee Defected, A Team Resurrected?'; a picture that you didn't remember being taken of you at bat.
Underneath the picture, where the caption identified you, there was no writing – only a double underline under the name “Claybourne”.
And in spite of yourself, you clutched the letter and the clipping a little closer to your chest before putting them away.
“Having a social life is exhausting,” you bemoaned, letting your face fall onto the cafeteria table.
Tory poked your arm, moving an exaggerated foot back when you growled. “By God, the woman's an animal!”
“Aren't we all?” asked Hi, causing you to kick him under the table. “A wolf on the streets and a wolf in the sheets!”
“Please remove me from this place if you exist, Jesus-”
“Some of us are Jewish, Shelton-”
“Jewish or not, you're all a mess,” cut in Jason, putting his tray on the table. “Losers. Tory.”
“I'm included in losers now?” You glanced up, adding, “I could destroy you. At least, that's what my new social status seems to say. Hit me up with a fry, Taylor, and I might forgive you.”
He rolled his eyes but nonetheless held the cup out to you, adding, “I believe you're too tired from upholding your social life to destroy me.”
“I'm never too tired for vengeance,” you retorted, taking two fries instead of the promised one and almost laughing at his mock outrage. “Oh, sit down.”
You hadn't lied – all the talking to people that you'd done since they talked to you and you didn't want to be mean, the fact that you had to pretend to care when one of the girls had asked you for relationship advice and your answer was largely bullshit considering the fact that you hadn't really been listening probably evident, but apparently not to her.
The day finished, you finally walked into the house after both the long school day and the softball practice that had run for two hours, sighing with relief as you threw down your-
“Don't leave your bag in the middle of the foyer again.”
Thanks a lot, Chance. You begrudgingly moved into the dining room, freezing as you noticed the smell in the room coming from what was in the center of the table.
“Chance?” you asked hesitantly, dropping your bag in the middle of the dining room – it wasn't the foyer, after all. “Why did you buy roses?”
“What?” His shadow shifted in the kitchen as he added, “I didn't.”
“Then… what are these doing here?”
“Oh, those? They're from Jason.”
Wait, Jason Taylor?
“Hold on a minute, what?”
Your half-brother entered the room, leaning against the wall as he ate a banana. “They're from Jason. Taylor, that is.”
You blinked.
“What the holy fuck?”
Since when does he buy you roses? Are you dating? Since when?
You realized it should have been obvious – hell, Jason had almost said just a short while ago that he and Jason were more than friends, quickly catching himself and correcting it to “more than you know”.
“I was under the impression that you knew,” he added. “There was that one time the other month when you asked where I was going and I said on a date?”
“I – I thought you were being sarcastic!”
“Two weeks ago, you asked why I was smiling and I said I was back from a date.”
“Again, thought you were joking.”
“When I texted you and said I was staying the night at Jason's house?”
“I thought you were friends-” You blanched. “You mean that you were having sex? That's nasty! Weren't his parents home?”
Oh, wait. He'd hosted a party that day because his parents were out of town.
Of course.
“Oh, my god. You're… dating Jason. He's gay. You're gay!” You walked back and forth, trying to make sense of it all.
“Bisexual, actually.”
“The two of you had sex! You said I couldn't stay the night on Morris the other day because you were afraid Hi and I would have sex!” you cried, turning on him.
“I'm allowed to have sex, for God's sake, I'm a consenting adult!” He turned into the kitchen, shaking his head.
“You can't control who I sleep with.”
“I don't want you to end up like your mother!”
“Don't you dare insult my mother, at least my mother is alive!”
Anger rose in you, a spark igniting as you eyes changed color, but your blood chilled when he turned around, dark blue eyes meeting.
His expression shifted and tone dropped as he murmured, “You too?”
The silence took over the room, tension having been cut through by the realization that both of your flares had returned, and a sob rose in your throat as you moved quickly across the room, finally falling apart in his arms.
“It didn't work,” he murmured. “I thought it might just have been me, but-”
“It's everyone.”
“Including Cole and Ella?”
“I wouldn't know, I don't talk to them. Then again, sometimes I don't know things about people I do talk to.”
“I'm not sure if you're referring to the flare or my relationship status.”
“Does dad know?”
He froze.
“I sure as hell hope he doesn't.”
“And if he did?”
He sighed deeply, his chest dropping with a shudder. “I'd probably be rewritten out of the will, to be honest.”
“What, it's not like he has any other heirs.”
“He has you, Y/N.”
Oh, right. “You think he'd choose me over you?”
“Knowing him? Probably.”
“You think I wouldn't cover you?”
Chance laughed. “I can't answer that, honestly.”
You hit his chest. “Asshole.”
“Is that a no?”
“Of course not.”
“It's the bottom of the ninth inning, and the Griffins are on their winning streak – if they win this game, they take home the championship! We are at a tie right now, Claybourne's up to bat, the team captain hits it, it's off, she's off! She's putting a lot of faith in her bat right now considering no man's on base and we have two strikes – she's at first and the ball is into the stands! It's a home run! She's not taking her time as she slides onto second, takes off for third – off third, and she's home! The championship is ours!”
Rolling your eyes at Sarah's commentary, you slid onto the home plate, hopping up while the team flooded onto the field, being hugged by eight different girls at once as the crowd cheered loudly.
During your tenure, your home runs were something of a habit… though, admittedly, you were prone to the accidental flare or two on the field, and this victory had come of one.
“I can't believe you're leaving us,” yelled Lily in your ear, standing on tiptoes in order to be heard. “Do you have to go and graduate? You're brilliant!”
Sarah held her arms open with a smirk. “Look at that, loser.”
You hugged her without a moment's hesitance, grinning. “You're the best commentator. Real career for you there, you know.
“Please. You’re the one who makes the game interesting enough to want to talk about.”
Surrounded by your girl, you realized that the team was about more than victory.
It was about the experiences you had.
Though winning never hurt.
“Wow, babe, you got dirty out there,” laughed Hi, waggling his eyebrows at the dirt along the side of your uniform and yelping “Assault!” when you smacked him, pulling you close and-
“Did you just whack my butt?” you asked, somewhat bewildered.
“Hashtag no regrets.”
Rolling your eyes, you retorted, “Stop using hashtags in verbal conversations!” “Hashtag can't stop won't stop.”
“Fine, fine, I'll stop. But only for the beautiful girlfriend that I'm entirely too lucky to have, who is smart, strong and I can't think of a word that starts with 's' for kind but if I could I'd say it!”
“You're a dork.”
“Your dork,” he corrected, before whacking your butt again.
“It looks so good in that uniform, though!”
“Oh, shut up.”
He leaned down, grabbing you around the waist.
Your arms flew around his neck by instinct as he kissed you insistently, yet slowly – passionately, yet sweetly – quickly, yet seeming to last forever.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, lips leaving yours to trail kisses on your exposed neck.
“I love you more.”
A/N: This series is done! Next series is called Spring Into Action, which’ll be some interesting shit. Thanks for reading!
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