beanarie · 6 years
🔥 Black Sails, go wild!
in terms of first impressions, i don’t trust people who stan thomas hamilton above all the other characters
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jmeelee · 6 years
Hey Jamie! Could I have 4, 5 and/or 15 for He Don't Need No Education, if you feel like it? Hope you're having a great weekend :)
Jo!!!!!!! I miss you! Thank you for this ask and I basically vomited a bunch of words at you so I’m sorry lol!
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?I can’t really pick one I think I have to say it’s whenever I can add canon dialog to a modern AU and make it flow and be believable that is my ultimate fav thing. It’s a point of pride for me.
5: What part was hardest to write?The smut. I said this in another ask but I always wait until the story is written then go back to add in the smut. It’s so hard to be original, and to make it an organic part of the overall story and not feel like sex added in just to get hits/kudos/comments. This whole fic was hard for me to write- it just took forever to get it all out and is the fic that has taken me the longest to write of any I’ve done. I thought I might never finish it. But I’ll always love it and be proud of it. I’ll be honest there is often a piece of “me” in my writing even if it’s not a direct reflection of how I feel or act, there is something I want to say or get out into the world (I guess it’s cheaper than therapy lol!). This one felt “personal”- the most personal will always be my first Jaime x brienne fic, The Monster.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?Oh dear lord so much?! I learned that no matter what, someone out there wants and maybe actually needs your stories, so keep writing and dont give up. I learned some stuff about my own sexuality while helping John discover his. I learned I had another long SilverFlint story inside me after A Year in the Life. I feel like this fic, more than any other, really solidified me as a “writer” in my own mind.
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haulaway · 6 years
I'm so sorry for your loss :( If you'd like to talk about your uncle, my question is what was he like, what sort of person was he? If you'd rather not, my ask is what's the least thing you learned (either a fact or concept, or how to do sth) that brought you joy?
Thank you.
He was just a really good dude. Apparently he wasn’t that good a dad when his kids were little (he was really into going car racing), but he changed a lot as a person over the years and was wonderful all my life. Very funny.
He did our taxes for free every year. He let me borrow his Army Drum and Bugle Corps trumpet when I was in elementary and middle school so I could be in band.
He told good stories and had a really great laugh.
He had a terrible blood phobia and would get faint at the sight of it. Which sucked for him because he was diabetic. He always had to psych himself up to do his blood sugar and/or insulin every evening.
He was very involved with his Vietnam Veterans group.
He was my favorite uncle and he always told me I was his favorite niece. No matter that I was his only niece, I was still his favorite.
I’m going to miss him a lot.
Last thing I learned that brought me joy was actually something I already knew at one point but had forgotten (thanks, Facebook Memories, for reminding me!):
You can fit 20 newborn opossums in a tablespoon.
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old-long-john · 6 years
Hey, I really hope your mum's going to be okay soon! I'm not sure if you still need questions, so please ignore this if not: a) What's your favourite scene from orange verse? and/or b) What do enjoy most about podcasting so far?
Thank you.
a) It’s quite a while since I last read orange verse, honestly. I’m not much of a fic re-reader. But the very beginning is always seared into my brain. Specifically, I’m absolutely in love with this part:
He padded silently down the hallway, walked pass the bloody, unconscious pirate snoring on his reading chair, and entered his sunny yet sparse kitchen. He started a small fire in the stove to get the tea going, and stared absently out the window at his grove for a moment.
He returned to his living room and looked down at the pirate bleeding onto his favorite chair. A pair of crutches had fallen to the floor beside the pirate’s one remaining foot. Old bruises were covered with new cuts. The pirate had helped himself to Santiago’s rum at some point during the night, and had drank most of the bottle.
For a brief, shining moment, Santiago considered walking out the door and never coming back. Just up and out, not even taking the time to put on shoes because those were precious seconds he couldn’t afford to lose.
But then the larger, angrier, indignant side of him overcame, and Santiago nudged the pirate hard in his arm.
JUST! GOD! It’s so perfect. It’s so, so good! And so fucking funny. What a set up to that whole glorious AU.
b) So far, what I enjoy the most about podcasting is just getting to sit down for hours on end chatting with two smart, interesting, funny, and lovely women about something we all love. Getting to pull apart this story together and hearing different viewpoints and compelling arguments is so much fun. Plus, the little (/medium) sprinkling of salt is highly entertaining. Tbh, I think more fandom experiences should include video chats. They’re like themed therapy sessions. 
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medusinestories · 6 years
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Thanks for the ask @benditlikerackham! I hope this is OK, it’s really the best I could do but I had some trouble recording it and I hope the way I read Madi sounds OK/not offensive. *gulp*
The meme is still open, so anyone can send me an ask if you want to hear me do (accidentally) funny voices.
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lurkerdelima · 6 years
Honesty hour: which is your own favourite of all the fic you've written so far? You can ONLY CHOOSE ONE.
Ahhh that’s so difficult! D: I’ve written 50+ things for several different pairings...picking just one is like picking a favorite child, I love them all. 
I think right now the answer is ‘set my soul on fire,’ my Big Bang fic. I put so much time and effort into it and the banter and characterization and of course the sexiness - I’m so proud of all of it. 
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vowel-in-thug · 7 years
Hi, Gemma! If you’re up for it, I’d love some orange verse from Lua’s perspective (the POV question)
She half expected never to see them again. More than half, really. Both of them carried themselves on the wind. They walk deliberately, like each step must be measured and considered. Like seeds been carried on a breeze, not yet willing to disappear altogether, but not ready to fully take root.
If she weren’t a good Christian, Lua would think they’re no good bums. But she was a good Christian, and she employed one of them. And she didn’t make a habit of employing bums.
But still, she expected them to run off in the night. She never considered Santiago much at all until Juan walked into their lives. She might have even believed them to be who they said they were – but no one just says they’re the kind of people who would happily toss drunken bastards out of windows.
And that’s exactly the kind of people Santiago and Juan were, apparently.
When they left the night before, fleeing out the back from any repercussions, Lua had been convinced that if she did see them again, she’d tell them to get lost. They were trouble. Everyone who frequented the taberna suspected that before, but now everyone knew.
But then Lily had started crying, saying one of the men – she thought the one whose arm Santiago had snapped in half – had grabbed at her, and they’d both been saying the most filthy, awful things to her the moment they sat down – and Lua decided, if Santiago and Juan hadn’t left town in the middle of the night, she’d go so far as to pretend the incident last night never happened. That was a far as her Christian nature would allow, and she’d just have to pray no one from her Church heard about it.
Then they surprised her, strolling in the next afternoon, like none of it ever happened. Juan was late, of course, so they didn’t surprise her too much, but at least they looked like they’d been rushing. Both were sweaty and disheveled, Santiago with a hand around Juan’s elbow to steady him.
They looked different to Lua, but she wasn’t sure if it was just last night’s violence coloring her view. There was no longer a kicked bend to Juan‘s spine. She never realized before how tall Santiago was.
“Sorry I’m late,” Juan said, heading right past her into the kitchen. “We got held up.”
Lua hummed, following him. “Picking fights with more drunk perverts, were you?” she asked, because she’d had to start prepping dinner herself, thinking she’d have to do everything herself, and she was annoyed.
Juan froze where he’d been wrapping his apron around his waist. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, looking confused, like he had no idea what she was talking about.
“Oh, yeah,” he said eventually. “That. I can explain. That.”
“What’s to explain?” Lua then, very deliberately, handed him the knife she’d been using to slice into a side of beef. “Now I know you’re strong enough to handle the dinner rush on your own. No more complaining. Get to work.”
He pursued her back out into the dining room, a complaint already half-formed in his mouth, when he stopped suddenly.
Lua followed his eyeline. Sitting in his usual table, yellow with sunlight, Santiago held a thick book open. His brow was furrowed, and he rubbed his chin with the back of his hand in concentration. Lua never noticed before, but he had a ridiculous amount of freckles on his forearms.
When she looked back at Juan, his face had smoothed out, all trace of annoyance gone, as well as any indication that Lua was next to him. He looked confused again, but in a softer, happier way. It reminded her of a song her husband used to sing. It had been based on a poem he’d read once, about a man coming home after a long journey.
“Hungry?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Juan blinked, a flush rising on his cheeks. “Pardon?”
“I said, people are hungry.” She shoved him back to the kitchen. “Get to work.”
Juan scowled, still a little red, but heading back all the same. “I’m going to throw you out a window next.”
Lua had been right, of course. They were no good bums. But that’s exactly what her father called her husband, up to the day he died. No good bums had their uses.
Behind Santiago, she could see out the window the big oak tree her children used to climb while she worked, when they were very small. The branches were heavy with leaves, but they were still in the early afternoon. There was no breeze today.
writing meme!
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
Hi! Buffy for the ask meme?
Thanks! :)
do I like them: I looooove Buffy. She’s probably my favorite female protagonist in terms of being the #1 lead character of her respective show. 
5 good qualities: Her bravery, the way she’s a natural leader, her determination, her sense of morality, her selflessness. 
3 bad qualities: She can very impulsive. There are a few moments in the show where she can come off as kind of self-righteous. She also isolates herself from people a lot, which while understandable, can also be frustrating at times. 
favourite episode/etc: Idk…I don’t think I have a specific favorite episode for Buffy’s character. I love her pretty consistently throughout the entire show. But maybe this answer will be different if I do a re-watch. It’s been a while lol
otp: Buffy/Faith. Man oh man do I wish it was canon. 
brotp: Buffy/Dawn and Buffy/Giles. I love both those relationships to bits. 
ot3: Buffy/Faith/Kendra 
notp: Buffy/Spike. I used to kind of like it but that phase has definitely died with time. 
best quote: “The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave.” And the fact that it’s Dawn she’s saying this to??? My cries.
head canon: I’ve been sitting here trying to come up with one for like ten minutes and can’t. But i’m pretty bad at headcanons in general lol
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alwaysalreadyangry · 6 years
What inspired you to write the story where Remus is left alone up in space? Is there a particular reason you chose that setting? Do you have any headcanons for that AU that didn’t make it into the final story?
ah, time, as a symptom! 
so i think the idea had been knocking around for a while. i was thinking a lot about space stations as a setting... i started to get into sci-fi as a genre in 2015-16 and something about space stations really appeals to me. they’re a great mix of alien and human, and they’re these big industrial structures in space, which is this terrifying/wonderful numinous thing. they also allow for a lot of solitude, and i like writing about people who are alone - especially when i’m writing remus.
they’re like. i don’t know. industrial settings for sci-fi stories which don’t have to be about the science. i knew i wanted to write about remus/sirius and thought i would try and use a sci-fi setting to get across character work.
a couple of direct inspirations were the podcast wolf 359 and alistair mcdowall’s play x. in my head, the station is very similar to the research base in x. i didn’t love x and i didn’t want to bother with the stuff about earth in the play, but i loved the set. and the sense of physical space. there was also a certain amount of the horror comic southern cross in there.
i was probably also thinking of a short story by sofia samatar about somebody who chooses to stay in space, in a non-glamorous job, isolated with only a cat for company. Request for an Extension on the Clarity.
i was very dissatisfied with the end result of the fic and considered orphaning it. it’s not so much that i had headcanons that didn’t make it in, as i didn’t give myself enough time to write the setting or remus’s state of mind properly... if i’d had more time (i wrote it very quickly) i would have turned in a much longer story. as it is, i feel like it’s little more than bare bones.
i wanted to spend more time working out how the travel there worked, as well as the travel between earth and the space station. it’s hard to make it reasonable for remus to remain there and to make it possible for both sirius and someone else on his trail to turn up at the station on their own... and i didn’t pull it off. 
if i was writing it now i’d also write more of their lives on the station, and maybe also write scenes of remus as the station’s caretaker alongside other visiting teams. 
the problem really is that i knew all the plot points i wanted to write but didn’t have time or space to earn them. stuff happens because it has to happen for the story to work - not because the story makes it clear that they should happen.
i’d also like to have written more about mundane life on the station. my favourite bits in like, the martian are when he’s eating, and growing potatoes. i wanted to write about the small pieces of life that stay the same even in an alien, industrial, enclosed space, in space - and i’m not sure i did that enough.
the bit i was happiest with was the betrayal scene, with peter, james, sirius and lily. i think i could have made it more explicit and i did have the scene fully blocked out in my head, i think. but i think what i wrote does get it across well enough.
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jmeelee · 6 years
Hey Jamie! I’ve never seen GoT but I just read some Jaime/Brienne fics by astolat (whom I would follow wherever she led!) and watched some vids and I am INTERESTED. Would you happen to have any recs?
Jo! :-)  I am finally answering you
Just FYI I haven’t read fic in the JB fandom for a few years, so there is going to be some amazing stuff I am missing out on.  Also as I am looking at my book marks a lot of my favs have been deleted, which makes me weep.
Something Blue 
A Love Song
Read anything by the lovely openmouthwideeye who also has a quality tumblr to follow
I have 4 JB fics so I am just going to casually drop my fics
Happy reading
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reluming · 6 years
benditlikerackham replied to your link: death is (a cold, blindfolded kiss) - mapped -...
Oh my god oh my god oh my GOD *hyperventilates*
<3333 i can’t believe this fic is 5k and it was only meant to be 3k or so and yet now that i’ve posted it i am already thinking of stuff i should have included but didn’t. GODDAMMIT. anyway i really hope you like it <3
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old-long-john · 6 years
Eleanor, Thomas and/or Muldoon, if you feel like it? I love these asks btw!
Thank you! It was fun coming up with them. :)
Eleanor – What’s the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made to achieve something?
A relationship. I went abroad for a master’s degree having already spent 3 years of a 4 year relationship long distance. I knew there was a 99% chance it would be the nail in the coffin, and I was upset because we were actually in a good place when I left, but I went anyway, because that’s what my priorities look like. I didn’t even finish the degree in the end, but I don’t regret going over there and trying.  
Thomas – How is your relationship with your parents?
Not terrible, but complicated. Particularly with my dad. Growing up and realising your parents are actually fallible human beings with flaws and problems of their own is difficult for everyone, I guess.
Muldoon – Do you have any tattoos? What are they?
So far I just have the one, and that’s my Black Sails tattoo. It’s based on the design from Flint’s flag with ‘know no shame’ next to it and it takes up most of my left thigh. This is him. I’d like to get more.
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medusinestories · 6 years
Would you ever write a fusion with one of your favourite novels or films and if so, which one(s)?
I’ve considered writing a Flint/Norrington from PotC fanfic and have a vague outline. It would be a Lieutenant McGraw era story, pre-Thomas, but nothing really serious or in-depth. I honestly don’t know PotC well enough and would have to do Research, which isn’t super appealing right now.
I am still considering the Stargate AU (ok it’s more a TV series crossover but it’s based on a film, ha! XD) where Flint is a colonel heading a British SG team and getting into arguments with Jack O’Neill. It’s more a question of “when” than “if” I write it with that one, I already have a basic outline but again I need to do Research (how terrible, I’ll have to rewatch Stargate episodes!).
Otherwise, in private chat, I roleplay a fusion/crossover of BS with Tolkien’s world. However, I probably wouldn’t write a BS/Tolkien fanfic unless I suddenly thought of a plot that really inspired me. Also TBH Tolkien’s material daunts me, I know a bunch of facts in a superficial way but don’t really feel “qualified” to write fanfic. Or rather, when I tried to write fic, I was constantly hindered by research.
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lurkerdelima · 6 years
💖 Black Sails, if Flint and Silver don’t count? ;)
Take away my two favorites why don’t you! ;) Okay then, Jack Rackham. 💕
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vowel-in-thug · 7 years
Off the top of my head, intimate non-sexual touching, imagery that should have been morbid but is somehow touching or even romantic, and your distinctive sense of humour. Oh, and grumpy!Flint.
fkdhskjfhdsakjhgfgjhk imagery that should have been morbid but is somehow touching or even romantic dsjghdjshgjkdshgs i’m so happy about this!!!
who could forget my TWO (2) separate instances of using cannibalism as a metaphor for everlasting love???
what’s my writing trademark?
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jadedbirch · 6 years
benditlikerackham replied to your post “Hey! May I humbly request 18 and silverflint from the prompt list? I...”
/as your life melts in the stifling heat all around/ Fuck me up?? This is certainly the loveliest CRIME SCENE I’ve ever had my blood smeared all over!
I am delighted!  Both by this comment and by your URL, which is amazing.  Sorry about the ... er... blood?
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