#benjamin face ref
vetyr · 5 months
hi, i ireally love your work and i don't know if you've answered this before but, what kinds of studies do you do or how did you learn color theory? i wanna get better at rendering and anatomy but im having trouble TT TT
Hi! Long answer alert. Once a chatterbox, always a chatterbox.
When I started actively learning how to draw about 10 1/2 years ago, I exclusively did graphite studies in sketchbooks. Here's a few examples—I mostly stuck to doing line drawings to drill basic shapes/contours and proportions into my brain. The more rendered sketches helped me practice edge control & basic values, and they were REALLY good for learning the actual 3D structure behind what I was drawing.
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I'd use reference images that I grabbed from fitness forums, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and some NSFW places, but you could find adequate ref material from figure drawing sites like Line of Action. LoA has refs for people (you can filter by clothed/unclothed, age, & gender), animals, expressions, hands/feet, and a few other useful things as well. Love them.
Learning how to render digitally was a similar story; it helped a lot that I had a pretty strong foundation for value/anatomy going in. I basically didn't touch color at all for ~2 years (except for a few attempts at bad digital or acrylic paint studies), which may not have been the best idea. I learned color from a lot of trial and error, honestly, and I'm pretty sure this process involved a lot of imitation—there were a number of digital/traditional painters whose styles I really wanted to emulate (notably their edge control, color choices, value distributions, and shape design), so I kiiind of did a mixture of that + my own experimentation.
For example, I really found Benjamin Björklund's style appealing, especially his softened/lost edges & vibrant pops of saturated color, so here's a study I did from some photograph that I'm *pretty* sure was painted with him in mind.
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Learning how to detail was definitely a slow process, and like all the aforementioned things (anatomy/color/edge control/values/etc.) I'm still figuring it out. Focusing on edge control first (that is, deciding on where to place hard/soft edges for emphasizing/de-emphasizing certain areas of the image) is super useful, because you can honestly fool a viewer into thinking there's more detail in a piece than there actually is if you're very economical about where you place your hard edges.
The most important part, to me, is probably just doing this stuff over and over again. You're likely not going to see improvement in a few weeks or even a few months, so don't fret about not getting the exact results you want and just keep studying + making art. I like to think about learning art as a process where you *need* to fail and make crappy art/studies—there's literally no way around it—so you might as well fail right now. See, by making bad art you're actually moving forward—isn't that a fun prospect!!
It's useful to have a folder with art you admire, especially if you can dissect the pieces and understand why you like them so much. You can study those aspects (like, you can redraw or repaint that person's work) and break down whether this is art that you just like to look at, or if it's the kind of art that you want to *make.* There's a LOT of art out there that I love looking at, probably tens of thousands of styles/mediums, but there's a very narrow range that I want to make myself.
I've mentioned it in some ask reply in the past, but I really do think looking at other artist's work is such a cheat code for improving your own skills—the other artist does the work to filter reality/ideas for you, and this sort of allows you to contact the subject matter more directly. I can think of so many examples where an artist I admired exaggerated, like, the way sunlight rested on a face and created that orange fringe around its edge, or the greys/dull blues in a wheat field, or the bright indigo in a cast shadow, or the red along the outside of a person's eye, and it just clicked for me that this was a very available & observable aspect of reality, which had up until that point gone completely unnoticed! If you're really perceptive about the art you look at, it's shocking how much it can teach you about how to see the world (in this particular case I mean this literally, in that the art I looked at fully changed the way I visually processed the world, but of course it has had a strong effect on my worldviews/relationships/beliefs).
Thanks so much for sending in a question (& for reading, if you got this far)! I read every single ask I receive, including the kind words & compliments, which I genuinely always appreciate. Best of luck with learning, my friend :)
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cactus-zombie · 2 years
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Cloud-Apella! ref sheets
I love these characters so much :)
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quicksillver · 3 months
Do you have a person you use as a face ref (that I can also shamelessly start using for my own art attempts) for Clint? I love the way you paint him.
Honestly I've drawn Clint so many times over the years that I don't use refs anymore for anything other than for poses / lighting 😭 I just give him the droopy puppy dog eyes.. square jaw.. etc. BUT... the person I used the most and influenced what my Clint looks like today is model Benjamin Eidem. My older Clint's I've definitely used him for reference.
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gobind-631 · 8 months
*****[Section 4,Part 10]…continues from prev..***
…”As an aside”…
Example reference material/sources..[Some having been discovered using this Chatgpt 4 tool.Only these am pasting rite now/for d moment]
[ Info. contained there in(ie.. contained in some of d ref. rources/material mentioned/cited below)..has been used for d purposes of playing devil’s advocate..wid regard to/wrt wanting to debunk dis l’il pet theory of his]
Chatgpt 4 output:
(When used for d purposes of discovering sources/related material)
The United States faced criticism from various international leaders, rights groups, and UN officials for vetoing a UN resolution that called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. This action by the U.S. was seen as a hindrance to halting a conflict that resulted in significant casualties. The resolution, supported by the majority of UNSC members, was viewed by many as a necessary step to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, but was vetoed by the U.S., sparking global condemnation. For more detailed information, you can read the full article on Al Jazeera's website [here](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/9/double-standards-world-reacts-to-us-vetoing-unsc-gaza-resolution).
Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister of Israel, was facing several corruption charges before his recent return to government. These charges included bribery, fraud, and breach of trust in a series of cases known as Cases 1000, 2000, and 4000. These cases involved allegations of receiving gifts from billionaires, attempting to manipulate media coverage, and advancing regulatory decisions favorable to a telecommunications company in return for positive media coverage.
Benjamin Netanyahu's trial involves three separate cases: Case 1000, Case 2000, and Case 4000. In Case 1000, he's accused of receiving gifts from businessmen, which he allegedly reciprocated with favors. Case 2000 involves discussions with a newspaper publisher about favorable coverage in exchange for legislation. Case 4000 concerns allegations of favorable regulatory decisions for a telecommunications company in return for positive media coverage. Netanyahu faces charges of fraud, breach of trust, and bribery across these cases. His trial began in May 2020 and is ongoing. For more detailed information, please refer to the [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Benjamin_Netanyahu).
Benjamin Netanyahu's move towards forming a far-right government in Israel has been linked by some to his ongoing trial on corruption charges. After winning the election on November 1, Netanyahu has been working on establishing a coalition with far-right and ultra-Orthodox parties. One of the controversial amendments passed under this coalition allows politicians with convictions for tax fraud to serve as government ministers, which could directly impact certain coalition partners.
Critics have expressed concerns that Netanyahu, who faces his own legal troubles, might attempt to undermine the Israeli judiciary to stop his trial from continuing. His government is planning significant legislative changes, including weakening the judicial system. These changes could potentially lead to the scrapping of Netanyahu's ongoing corruption trial.
Netanyahu's coalition has been described as possibly the most right-wing in Israel's history, with far-reaching implications for Israeli society and politics. This move has sparked alarm among liberal Israelis and Western allies, with criticism also coming from rights groups and officials [oai_citation:1,Netanyahu closer to far-right Israel gov’t with new legislation | Politics News | Al Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/27/netanyahu-closer-far-right-govt-contentious-law).
Additionally, an opinion piece discusses the broader implications of Netanyahu's policies and his coalition's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The article suggests that Netanyahu's policies have enabled Hamas to maintain control in the Gaza Strip, weakening the more moderate Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. This approach, according to the article, may have contributed to a lack of progress in resolving the conflict and has been met with significant public opposition in Israel [oai_citation:2,Israel Palestine: Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas need to be removed from power in favour of a two-state solution](https://www.smh.com.au/world/middle-east/removing-netanyahu-is-israel-s-only-chance-to-achieve-a-two-state-solution-20231126-p5emvw.html).
For a more detailed understanding of these issues, you can explore the full articles on Al Jazeera [here](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/27/netanyahu-closer-far-right-govt-contentious-law) and on The Sydney Morning Herald [here](https://www.smh.com.au/world/middle-east/removing-netanyahu-is-israel-s-only-chance-to-achieve-a-two-state-solution-20240128-p5cf2z.html).
Before the latest elections, Benjamin Netanyahu faced significant domestic criticism, particularly due to his legal troubles and alliance with far-right parties. His natural right-wing partners had initially refused to support him after he was charged with breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud. However, in the recent elections, Netanyahu successfully utilized the far right to secure a majority. This alliance, especially with the Jewish supremacist, anti-Arab, and homophobic "Religious Zionism" slate, marked a stunning success for the radical right wing in Israeli politics. Critics were concerned about Israel moving towards a far-right religious, anti-Palestinian authoritarian state, and the possible impact on the country's democratic and social fabric [oai_citation:1,Analysis: The fall and rise of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu | Elections News | Al Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/11/3/analysis-the-fall-and-rise-of-israels-benjamin-netanyahu).
Before the October 7 attack, there were reports of significant tensions and violence in the West Bank and Gaza. According to Human Rights Watch, between January 1 and October 6, Israeli security forces killed a higher number of Palestinians in the West Bank than in any year since 2005. This included 192 Palestinians, of whom 40 were children. The situation escalated further after October 7, with additional fatalities and a surge in settler violence. The settler attacks reportedly averaged seven incidents per day, with an increase in the use of firearms.
The OHCHR reported a concerning situation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, highlighting an alarming and urgent situation amid the increasing human rights violations of Palestinians. From October 7 to November 2, 132 Palestinians, including 41 children, were killed in the West Bank, and two Israeli soldiers also lost their lives. There were reports of Israeli forces using military tactics in law enforcement operations and an escalation in settler violence. Incidents of settler attacks were accompanied by members of the Israeli forces, or settlers were seen wearing uniforms and carrying army rifles.
These incidents are part of a broader context of long-standing tensions and conflict in the region, underscoring the complexity and depth of the issues at hand. For more detailed information, you can refer to the reports by [Human Rights Watch](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/22/while-fire-rages-gaza-west-bank-smolders) and the [Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/alarming-urgent-situation-occupied-west-bank-including-east-jerusalem).
The article from The Nation discusses the context leading up to the October 7 attack by Hamas. It suggests that the Israeli government's policies, particularly under Prime Minister Netanyahu, may have contributed to the situation. These policies included the expansion of settlements, perceived provocations on Islamic holy sites, and a government stance that seemed to reject the possibility of a Palestinian state. The article argues that these factors, along with internal Israeli political issues, might have contributed to escalating tensions and frustrations among Palestinians, leading to the attack by Hamas. However, it is essential to note that this is an analysis and perspective, and the situation in the region is complex with multiple viewpoints and factors at play. For a more detailed understanding, you can refer to the full article on [The Nation's website](https://www.thenation.com/article/world/israel-gaza-hamas-war-netanyahu/).
According to a report by The Times of Israel, an Egyptian intelligence official claimed that Israel ignored repeated warnings of a significant impending attack by Hamas. These warnings reportedly included a direct notice from Cairo's intelligence minister to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about a "terrible operation" being planned. The report suggests that Israeli officials were more focused on the West Bank and underestimated the threat from Gaza. Netanyahu, however, denied receiving such advance warnings. This situation raises questions about Israel's preparedness and response to the attack by Hamas on October 7. For more details, you can read the full article on [The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/).
An article from The Independent reported allegations against Israel of attempting to "ethnically cleanse" the Gaza Strip. This followed an unprecedented evacuation order issued to Palestinians in northern Gaza. Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, from the Palestinian National Initiative, accused Israel of waging a war of "annihilation against a whole civilian population" and destroying homes, hospitals, and schools. The UN expressed concerns about the evacuation order, describing it as impossible to achieve without severe humanitarian consequences. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claimed the evacuations were a "humanitarian step" to minimize civilian casualties. For more detailed information, you can read the full article on [The Independent's website](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-palestinian-gaza-strip-evacuate-b2429140.html).
One of the reasons for the U.S. support for Israel in its conflict with Gaza could be related to the significant contributions of Jewish donors to American political campaigns. According to a study, Jewish donors contribute a substantial portion of funds to U.S. political parties, with around 50% of the Democratic Party's funds and 25% to the Republican Party coming from Jewish donors. This financial support could potentially influence U.S. foreign policy decisions, including those related to Israel. For more detailed information, you can read the full article on [The Jerusalem Post](https://www.jpost.com/US-Elections/US-Jews-contribute-half-of-all-donations-to-the-Democratic-party-468774).
I couldn't find specific sources directly linking the influence of Jewish business owners/CEOs or Jewish American politicians on the U.S. policy towards Israel. However, the general influence of political donations, as mentioned above, is a known factor in shaping political stances and decisions.
Yeh walla.. (below)..ek achcha khasa material maloom hota hai.. iss vivad ko samajh pane ke hisab se..
The United States' veto of a UN resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza has drawn significant criticism from world leaders, international rights groups, and United Nations officials. This action was widely viewed as a setback to efforts aimed at halting the conflict, which has resulted in a high number of casualties. The majority of the UNSC members supported the resolution, which was proposed by the United Arab Emirates and co-sponsored by 100 countries. The veto was condemned for its perceived disregard for civilian suffering and for undermining the credibility of the UN Security Council. For a detailed account, you can read the full article on [Al Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/9/double-standards-world-reacts-to-us-vetoing-unsc-gaza-resolution).
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keepscrollinghun · 3 years
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+bonus: Ben flirting with the ref
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allthemenofmydreams · 3 years
Back Home with a Trophy & a Baby- Ben Chilwell
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It was the week of the champions final, Ben was busy with training and some interviews. But in his free time at night, he would lie next to me and always lay his head on my growing belly and talk sweet words to our baby.
I was 8 months pregnant, and we still didn't know what sex our baby was. We wanted it to be a surprise, even though we were dying to know. When the team reached the Champions League final and found out that it would be played in Porto. Ben and I started having little arguments on whether or not I should attend the final. Due to my condition, I was not recommended to get on a plane, especially when you are at a stage where the baby could be born at any moment.
The day before he left we had another little talk. We still hadn't decided if I would attend the game or not. Although the doctor had given us green light for me to attend the game because everything was under control and it wasn't a long flight. According to him, the baby was going to stay in my belly for a couple more weeks, but Ben wasn't so sure. He feared that maybe I would start having contractions during the flight or, worse, that the baby would want to be born while he was at the game.
I was in the kitchen making dinner when he got home.
"I think you should stay," Ben said, placing a flight ticket and the game pass over the table. "I will be more relaxed if you stay, but I will also feel at ease knowing that you are in the stands supporting me, so... I let it up to you".
I walked and stood in front of him, placing my arms around his neck and playing with his hair. I looked him in the eyes and said
"I'm going to be fine, I mean we're going to be fine." I took his hand and placed it on my belly so he could feel the baby move.
Ben smiled and kissed me on the forehead.
"I know, I just can't help but worry about you two".
"How would you feel if I thought about it over the next few days, and let you know what I've decided?"
"I'm fine with that." He smiled and then said, "what's that smell?"
"Oh, I made your favorite food because I was craving it," He laughed and walked over to the stove to serve himself a plate.
"Let's have dinner then"
In the morning, Ben got up early for a final training session at Cobham before leaving for Portugal.
"Please, let me know what you decide Y/N, whether you go or stay¨ Ben said, taking his things and placing them in the back of the car.
I was in my pajamas standing in the door frame leading to our garage watching his movements. It was very early, but I had to say goodbye to him and wish him good luck because, whether I was going or not, it was very likely that I would see him after the game.
"We're staying, so don't worry. The baby and I want you to stay focused." Ben came over to me and kneeled, placing his hands and forehead on my belly.
"I'm going to get that win and bring that trophy home so when you grow up I can tell you about that great day."
Pregnancy hormones and Ben's words made me cry. He stood up and looked me in the eyes.
"I know I'm going to see you in a couple of days, but I don't want to leave without saying thank you"
"Thank you for what?" I asked, confused with my voice shaking from crying.
"For making me the luckiest man alive, because you are an extraordinary woman who is doing a great job with our baby. I can't wait to have him or her in our arms."Ben placed his hands on my cheeks and put his forehead on mine, "I love you so much Y/N, thank you for being my support, I don't know what I would do without you"
"I love you too Ben, thank you for all you have done for us, and for showing us not to give up and work on our dreams, I know you are a great team and you are going to win. I don't need to wish you good luck, because that victory is already yours." I gave him a soft and deep kiss. Whenever Ben plays away I get a little touchy, even though I know he'll be back in a day or two.
We hugged one more time before he got in the car and drove away.
I walked into the house and saw the tickets on the table. Even when I had told Ben that I would stay because I didn't want to worry him and needed him to keep the promise he had made to our baby before he left. I told the Footballer a little white lie.
The next day, I got dressed in comfortable clothes, grabbed my suitcase, and called an Uber to take me to the airport.
As we took off, I remembered that I hadn't told Ben about my change of plans. After a couple of hours, we landed, everything under control and the baby still in my belly. It was a safe and quiet flight and I slept through it. On the way to the hotel, I was thinking about how to communicate to Ben that I was not in London but Porto.
After checking into the hotel and settling into my room, I sent a message to Ben.
Y/N Babe, I need to tell u smth
He replied almost immediately.
Benjamin Please don't tell me the baby is born
I laughed at his worries.
Y/N Nop, baby still on my belly
Benjamin Phew! then what's it?
Y/N You won't believe me, but we're here
Benjamin Here? where? He didn't understand
Y/N Porto.
I replied straight to the point.
It's been 5 minutes since I told him I was in Portugal and he still doesn't answer my message. I don't know whether to worry. Maybe he got annoyed. A couple of minutes later my cell phone showed an incoming call from Ben, and as soon as I answered I heard his voice.
"It was that a joke y/n? because if it was..." I interrupted him.
"It wasn't a joke Ben, I'm here in Portugal. I'm at the hotel"
"Oh my god! you're such a liar, why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I changed my mind at the last minute, everything went so fast that I forgot to tell you."
"I can't believe you did it... "
"Are you mad at me?" I asked out of the blue. I couldn't deal with the feeling of guilt for not telling him.
"What! no, I'm not mad. I'm actually glad you're here."
We kept talking for a little longer until we had to end the call because of his pre-match duties.
It's Saturday morning, game day. I sent a text to Ben wishing him good luck and that I would see him later to celebrate. Later I was already in the stands waiting for the game to start. The opening ceremony gave me goosebumps. It was unbelievable. I was glad I was at the game and didn't miss this special day; because I couldn't have lived knowing how everyone was talking about this special day and I didn't get to see it.
The teams took to the field and lined up in front of the sideline for the anthem once again. I noticed that Chelsea's number 21 was discreetly looking for me. When he found me, he signaled to let me know he had seen me. The signal was to run his hand through his hair, so the fans wouldn't go looking for the person he had waved at. Which made it a special moment between us.
The stadium erupted in cheers and celebrations when Kai scored the goal that gave us the lead. I screamed and celebrated as I had never done before. We were winning. A few minutes before the end of the first half, I felt a liquid running down my legs, had I peed?
In the bathroom, while wiping myself, I realized that it wasn't pee, but that my water had broken. I tried to stay calm and not panic; there was still halftime left to play. I took a deep breath, adjusted my dress, and went back to the stands.
The referee added 7 minutes. My nerves were clutching my stomach, plus the baby was also nervous because I could feel it moving. When the ref blew the final whistle I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, it was the longest 7 minutes of my life.
Everyone in the stands was celebrating, the boys and Ben were hugging each other. They couldn't believe it. I was so happy celebrating and watching the awards that for a moment I forgot my water had broken. It was a little pain that reminded me that the baby could be born at any moment.
When they allowed the families to enter the field, Ben came for me. The huge smile on his face and the medal around his neck made me emotional. As soon as he was near we hugged and both burst into tears. I was so proud of him, I still couldn't believe he was Champion of Europe.
"You did it!" I told him wiping the tears that were running down his cheeks "I told you you would be a champion, I am so proud of you".
"I still can't believe it, I'm over the moon," he smiled and kissed my temple "Thank you! Thank you for coming and being here with me"
"I couldn't miss this day for anything in the world"
"I'm glad you didn't miss it"
We continued celebrating until the guys went back to the locker room to get ready for the celebration party.
We had just arrived at the place when I started to feel stronger pains. I didn't want Ben to miss the party, so I tried to mask them with the breathing exercises I had been taught in my prenatal classes. But I couldn't take it anymore and doubled over in pain.
"Babe, you okay?" Ben asked, kneeling next to me. I shook my head.
"I think the baby is coming," I said, inhaling and exhaling. "at halftime my water broke".
"What? Why didn't you tell me before?" his voice sounded worried.
"Because... at that moment... it didn't hurt." my voice cracked in pain.
"We have to go to a hospital" he took out his cellphone and asked for an Uber to the nearest hospital.
When we arrived, the nurses attended to me quickly and took me to a room. They asked me a couple of questions, luckily they spoke English. Ben filled out the paperwork for my admission, while we waited for the doctor. As soon as he came in and checked me over and said.
"This baby is ready" what! but it was still a couple of weeks before I was due. "Get things ready for delivery and call the pediatrician."
All the nurses started moving quickly and I started to freak out.
"Calm down," Ben said, taking my hand and kissing me "It's going to be okay, I'm with you."
"Okay," the doctor said, "on my signal, you're going to push as hard as you can, okay?", I nodded.
"You can do it, sweetie, now it's your turn to bring our trophy into the world."
"Now!" the doctor said.
After pushing three or four times, I heard our baby cry.
"Congratulations! It's a boy," the doctor said. "Do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" he asked, looking at Ben, and Ben nodded. A nurse handed Ben a pair of scissors. Watching him cut the cord was the most beautiful moment.
As soon as it was cleaned up, they took the baby away to check that he was healthy and strong because he had been born a couple of weeks earlier. strong because he had been born a couple of weeks before.
"You did great Y/N," Ben said, kissing my lips "he is going to be fine".
Ben texted our family and the lads at Chelsea to let them know that everything had gone well and that the baby was healthy.
A couple of hours later a nurse came in with our little boy in her arms and handed him to me.
I couldn't believe that this little human being had come out of me.
"Look at him, he is as handsome as his daddy," said Ben next to me, I let out a little laugh.
"I know, he's going to be a little heartbreaker."
"I don't know which one of you two I should thank, but you have certainly made this day unforgettable" Ben's eyes were covered with a couple of tears, he was over the moon, "I'm a double champion, I won a title and a baby".
"Who knew you were going to come home with a trophy and a baby," I laughed.
Our baby was still very small but I did not doubt that he was a clone of Ben.
Since everything was under control and he was a healthy baby, the next day they let us go. So our little guy came out dressed in a Chelsea onesie that the team sent us, plus other essentials for Ben and I that we didn't have because it was all unexpected. They also sent us the baby seat so we could take him home.
We didn't know if taking a newborn on a plane was a good idea, but we couldn't stay longer in Portugal. Luckily, the doctor said there was no problem, as our baby was healthy and could handle a couple of hours on the plane. At the hospital they helped us with the paperwork so we didn't have any problems when we arrived in London.
I was glad we were going back to London with the rest of the team because then Ben could still celebrate with them. The kids and families watching us were excited, all wanting to meet little Ben.
"Congratulations, Dad," Mason said as soon as he saw his teammate.
"Thanks, buddy," they hugged. "Would you like to be his godfather?"
Mason smiled and said.
"No need to ask."
When we found out I was pregnant, we spent more time wondering who was going to be our baby's godfather rather than thinking about names. We both agreed it would be Mason since he was a close friend of both of ours.
As soon as we landed we went straight home. We wanted to rest and assimilate everything that had happened over the weekend. I was glad that our baby was born early because Ben was able to be present at the birth and enjoy our boy for a couple of days before he left for his international duties.
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tedricknivison · 3 years
Characters- Charlie
Oh bro
I love him
As always he is simply the Sweetest man
He’s a football player
(I have no clue how football works at all so bear with me here, and feel free to correct me at any point lol)
He’s like number 15? He started in 8th grade outside of his middle school and got real good real fast
Charlie is just generally really good at sports though- he did competitive swim for a bit in elementary school, he tried out competitive rock climbing in middle school, and he did every one of the seasonal sports his middle school offered
He just. Really likes sports lol
He’s a quarterback and therefore plays uh offense (I did have to ask my football friend for clarification here lmao)
Charlie hurts himself at least one game each season (sprained ankle, broken leg, broken arm, etc.. He broke a tooth once too it was intense)
He also goes all out for the “dress for success” thing his team does every game day he’s so cute omgs
(Schlatt loves it a lot he’s weak for business man!Charlie lmao)
His older brother (I’m naming him Benjamin/Ben) got diagnosed with autism when he was really young and they decided to get Charlie screened and tested too once they read that it was often heredity
Charlie ended up being allistic but he does have ADHD so they made necessary adjustments
And the Slimecicle household is one of the most neurodivergent-friendly ones there is lmao
That’s why they had him in any sport he expressed interest in actually lol
Charlie and Ben have very opposite sensory issues so that did lead to some conflict, but overall they’re really close
Charlie’s dad either works at one of those jobs where the company flies him out for like a week or two at a time and then he’s home most weekends OR your average 9-5
Charlie’s mom runs a bakery lmao bet you weren’t expecting that (/j /ref)
Generally though they’re well-off and can afford to pay for their children’s schooling
(Charlie’s brother is in college for most of his high school career)
Which means that when Charlie’s family starts like “funding”? Schlatt, the plan is for him to sleep in Ben’s room
He ends up sleeping in Charlie’s room almost every night lmao
(Unless one of them is sick, in which case Mrs. Slimecicle makes them sleep in separate rooms)
Yea it’s super sweet and cute and I love his family
(Also they live in a two story house it’s not super relevant but it’s important to me!!!)
Uh that’s about it for his family rn?
Charlie and Grace met in kindergarten!!!!
The song “We’re Going To Be Friends” by The White Stripes?
Them <3
He loves it when she sings
It makes him so happy and the first time they sang together (for fun, probably in 1st grade or something) he was super happy stimming it was so cute
Aahahhsgj I just love them
[Ship Content- No Smut]
Everyone thought they were dating since like. Idk forever?
But they actually got together near the end of 6th grade
There was an “end-of-year” school dance
And Grace went and asked Charlie like “her do you want to go to the dance with me?”
And he was like “ahaha wdym we always go together with our little group”
(He wanted her to mean as a couple and that’s what he thought she meant, but he wanted to make sure he was reading it correctly lol)
Grace like grabbed his face and went “no like together-together”
And Charlie went *smushed* “oh yesh actually I’d rweally like that”
And then they both went and freaked out over that separately lmao it was really sweet
He immediately told Schlatt and bro they like happy-cried about it together
Anyways they’ve been together ever since
Of course they’ve had their spats and stuff but it usually gets resolved very quickly because otherwise they get sad about it
And then in like 9th grade Grace tells Charlie that she’s polyam and panromantic and asexual (woah I accidentally projected my 6th grade self there-)
And Charlie doesn’t know what any of that means so he Heavily Researches it and asks A Lot of clarifying questions
It’s really sweet she really appreciates it
And for some reason the definition/experience of polyamory really sticks with him but he’s not gonna think about it too much rn he’s too busy-
And Grace gets a girlfriend from theater and Charlie loves her sm (/p)
(Idk who Grace’s gf could be though so like suggestions? I’ll take ‘em)
Grace keeps encouraging Charlie to explore his own sexuality and -amory style (?) as much as he wants to
So eventually he does, he goes back to the polyamory thing
But there aren’t any other girls he likes?
So he tells Grace, he’s like “I really identify with polyamory but uh I don’t like any other girls” and she responds with “what about boys?” and oh
He hadn’t thought of that
So there’s a new layer to unpack now
And unpack it he does
He remembers seeing this one thing- demisexual? Demiromantic?- when he was researching asexuality
And goes back there, thinking more about that plus the polyamory plus the possible boy(s)?
Ah yea there it is there’s the realization ahaha
Yup. Schlatt. That’s it.
So he tells Grace and bro they are so excited together
Cue lots of talking about crushes while simultaneously on a romantic date together
(Honestly goals though but /p)
So he just kind of keeps living with it and pining and being oblivious to any sort of insight into Schlatt’s crush lmao
Silly silly man
He doesn’t particularly try to get over it or anything because like it really doesn’t feel that much different from before? So he’s just here vibing
He does come out to the rest of his friend group too, as polyam and demiomnisexual
(Grace is a big fan of smaller, lesser known labels and loves sharing them with Charlie, it’s a special interest of hers and he loves hearing about it)
That’s about when The Bro Duet with Schlatt happens
And then Ted
That’s the fastest he’s gotten a crush on someone but it’s also the fastest he’s become friends with someone
(And to be fair it took him a year and a half, so we’re in 10th grade now)
So he goes and tells Grace again and they’re being Gay together while simultaneously being Straight together at the same time again XD
Uh yea there really aren’t any other major developments until the Confession lol
[End of Ship Content]
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writinglionqueen · 4 years
RAW Recap (8/31/20)
~Randy comes out to talk about what will happen
~Keith Lee comes out to talk to
~Dolph Ziggler attacks Keith
~Dolph vs Keith for the triple threat match for later in the night to see who will face Drew for his title
~Keith won
~Asuka says she is ready for anything
~Mickie James comes out to challenge her
~Natalya comes out to interrupt and challenge for it (Lana with her)
~Lana vs Mickie James
~Mickie wins
~Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens for the triple threat match later tonight
~Aleister attacks Kevin before he made it to the ring
~Kevin lost in a matter of seconds
~MVP’s VIP lounge with Shelton Benjamin and Bobby Lashley to talk about their accomplishments and call out Cedric Alexander
~Cedric comes out and brings Viking Raiders to blind side Bobby and Shelton
~Cedric and Viking Raiders vs the Hurt Business
~Cedric wins it
~Riott Squad vs IIconics (looser are no more)
~Riott Squad wins and IIconics are no more
~Seth calls out Murphy for costing him the match against Rey and Dom at Payback in the ring
~Seth tells Murphy to get away and stay away until he finds out what he stands for
~Dominick attacks Murphy who had left the ring and was at the top of the ramp
~Seth Rollins vs Dominik Mysterio to figure out who is the last person for the triple threat match
~Rollins wins
~Titus O’Neil dominating Underground but then Riddick Moss did him dirty
~Street Profits vs Angel Garza and Andrade in a Tornado Tag Team match
~The lights started to flicker when Montez did the rope scream thing causing the ref to book it out of the ring and Retribution came out
~Retribution attacked Zelina, Andrade, and the Street Profits
~Apollo vs Shelton Benjamin on RAW Underground
~MVP and Bobby got involved
~Randy Orton vs Keith Lee vs Seth Rollins; winner will face Drew at Clash of Champions
~Randy won
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Drake, Abyssal
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“Jumping Wyvern” © Benjamin Giletti, accessed at his ArtStation here
[The 3rd Edition incarnation of the Draconomicon (there have been four books with that title, over three editions) was released in September 2003, between the movie adaptations of The Two Towers and Return of the King. I have no proof, but since I was a teenager I’ve suspected that the Abyssal drake is supposed to be an expy of the Fell Beasts the Nazgul ride, specifically their very dragon-like appearance in the Lord of the Rings movies. Although maybe that says more about where my mind was in 2003 than that of the developers.]
Drake, Abyssal CR 9 CE Dragon This immense bipedal dragon has red and black scales, great membranous wings and a long tail ending in a wicked barbed stinger. Its face bears a cunning and cruel expression.
Larger than most drakes, the Abyssal drake is a creature created when the numerous and savage drakes escaped into the lower planes. The chaotic and violent nature of the Abyss suited drakes perfectly, and over generations they became infused with the essence of that plane. They are found throughout the different layers of the Abyss, favoring those with open skies for them to stretch their wings and ample prey to hunt and torment. Abyssal drakes are coveted by demons as mounts and terror weapons, although the stubborn drakes are not easy allies even for demons.
Abyssal drakes delight in combat, especially against unprepared or outmatched adversaries. They open combat with their frightful presence and breath weapon in combination, then turn their natural weapons onto any foes still standing. Most Abyssal drakes rarely fight from the ground, preferring to make strafing runs or hovering in place to lash at foes from the sky. Their keen senses can compensate for the clouds of debris kicked up by their mammoth wings.
Abyssal Drake                   CR 9 XP 6,400 CE Huge dragon (extraplanar) Init +1; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Perception +15, scent Aura frightful presence (120 ft., DC 15) Defense AC 22, touch 9, flat-footed 21 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +13 natural) hp 115 (10d12+50) Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +9 Immune fire, magic sleep and paralysis effects; Resist cold 10, electricity 10 Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 120 ft. (poor) Melee bite +15 (2d6+7), 2 claws +15 (1d6+7), sting +15 (2d4+7 plus poison and push) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with sting) Special Attacks breath weapon (60 ft. cone, 5d6 fire and 5d6 typeless, Reflex DC 20 half, once every 1d4 rounds), push (5 ft.) Statistics Str 25, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 14 Base Atk +10; CMB +20; CMD 31 Feats Alertness, Blind-fight, Combat Reflexes, Hover, Power Attack Skills Fly +4, Intimidate +13, Perception +15, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +4 Languages Abyssal, Draconic SQ speed surge Ecology Environment any land (the Abyss) Organization solitary, pair or rampage (3-12) Treasure standard Special Abilities Breath Weapon (Su) An abyssal drake’s breath weapon deals half fire damage and half typeless damage, as per a flame strike spell. The save DC is Constitution based. Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 20; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based. Speed Surge (Ex) Three times per day as a swift action, an abyssal drake can push itself, taking an additional move action in that turn.
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circusrockmag · 5 years
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Oct. 1, 1997: Aerosmith released their hardcover Walk This Way autobiography. Is this in the Top 10 rock books to own?
excerpt👉 https://www.amazon.com/Walk-This-Way-Autobiography-Aerosmith/dp/0380975947/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=AEROSMITH+WALK+THIS+WAY+BOOK&qid=1569939460&s=books&sr=1-1 *************************** = CIRCUS Magazine https://www.circusrockmag.com/ = ------------------------------- World-saving Public Service Announcements for the week of Sept. 30th – Oct. 6th Benjamin Fulford https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2019/09/benjamin-fulford-september-30th-2019-zionists-call-for-world-dictatorship-by-rabbis-but-face-defeat-instead/ ------------------------------- Arcturian Group http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html   ------------------------------- David Wilcock https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/23251-it-begins-epstein/ ------------------------------- Earthlings https://youtu.be/w8B547L5VkQ?t=56 ------------------------------- Alliance / White Dragon Society / Federation of Light
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pathfinder-bestiary · 5 years
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Oolioddroo (CR 13)
This skeletally thin woman has a mothlike face, flies upon dragonfly wings, and is wrapped in shadows.
XP 25,600 CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar) Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see thoughts; Perception +32
AC 28, touch 22, flat-footed 20 (+4 deflection, +7 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural) hp 175 (14d10+98) Fort +11, Ref +16, Will +16 Defensive Abilities shadow mantle; DR 10/good; Immune electricity, mind-affecting effects, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 24
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect) Melee 2 claws +21 (1d4+2), tongue +21 (1d6+2 plus thought siphon) Special Attacks oviposition, sneak attack +3d6 Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +20)
At will—calm emotions (DC 18), charm person (DC 17), detect thoughts (DC 22), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), invisibility, modify memory (DC 19), sending 3/day—hold person (DC 19), quickened invisibility, suggestion (DC 19) 1/day—dream, feeblemind (DC 21), nightmare (DC 21), summon (level 4, 1 oolioddroo 35% or 1d4 shadow demons 35%)
Str 14, Dex 25, Con 24, Int 21, Wis 24, Cha 23 Base Atk +14; CMB +16; CMD 38 Feats Dodge, Lightning Stance, Mobility, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (invisibility), Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Wind Stance Skills Acrobatics +21, Bluff +23, Diplomacy +23, Fly +32, Knowledge (arcana, planes) +22, Perception +32, Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +28, Use Magic Device +23; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +4 Stealth Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 300 ft.
Oviposition (Su) As a full-round action once per day, an oolioddroo can use its tongue to implant its eggs into the brain of a helpless, sleeping, unconscious, or willing creature, dealing 1 point of Intelligence damage. Typically, the oolioddroo uses modify memory immediately after an oviposition, making its victim forget the violation. The egg gestates in the victim’s brain for 24 hours, after which a small caterpillar-like larva emerges and nestles painlessly within the victim’s brain. At this point, the oolioddroo can track the victim’s location as if the victim were under the effect of a status spell, can communicate telepathically with the victim across any distance, and can use its detect thoughts, modify memory, and suggestion spell-like abilities through the link to target the victim. The larva (and its link to its oolioddroo) becomes inert whenever the victim and the oolioddroo are on separate planes. Victims carrying this larva radiate a chaotic and evil aura. Anyone who reads the victim’s thoughts, such as via detect thoughts or telepathy, can attempt a Sense Motive check opposed by the oolioddroo’s Bluff check to notice the presence of a second, alien set of thoughts in the target’s mind. Dispel chaos and dispel evil can each immediately end the oviposition—the implanted larva melts into harmless fluid and is absorbed by the victim’s body. This is not a disease effect, though, so heal or remove disease offer no aid in ending the effect. As an immediate action, an oolioddroo can use its feeblemind spell-like ability on the carrier—it uses this “scorched earth” tactic if it fears that the host is about to be rescued or cut off from its influence, such as occurs when the effects are ended via dispel chaos or dispel evil.
Using feeblemind in this way automatically destroys the larva, regardless of whether or not the victim succeeds at the saving throw against the feeblemind effect, so an oolioddroo typically waits until the last moment to use this ability.
See Thoughts (Su) An oolioddroo can see a creature’s thoughts, interpreting them as a shifting mass of colors, images, and shapes that infuse a creature’s aura. An oolioddroo gains the effects of see invisibility against creatures with an Intelligence score as a result of this unusual sense. This ability also grants the oolioddroo a +8 racial bonus on Sense Motive checks.
When it uses detect thoughts, it does not have to study an area or subject to gain all 3 rounds of information—it gains all of this information on the 1st round of using the ability. In addition, it gains a +4 racial bonus to the save DC of its detect thoughts spell-like ability. A blind oolioddroo loses the ability to see thoughts.
Shadow Mantle (Su) The supernatural shadows that wreathe an oolioddroo grant the creature a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks and a +4 deflection bonus to its Armor Class.
Thought Siphon (Su) Whenever an oolioddroo damages a creature with its tongue attack, it can drink away one of the creature’s thoughts or memories. A creature can resist this attack with a successful DC 23 Will save. On a failed save, the oolioddroo targets the victim with one of the following effects. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Memory Drain: The victim is immediately affected by the oolioddroo’s modify memory spell-like ability. The oolioddroo can adjust up to 5 minutes of memories immediately—it does not need to increase the spell’s casting time to match the duration of the modified memory.
Skill Drain: The victim loses all skill ranks in a skill of the oolioddroo’s choosing for 24 hours. Lost skill ranks can be recovered immediately with a restoration or greater restoration spell.
Spell Drain: The victim immediately loses one prepared spell or one unused spell slot of the oolioddroo’s choice; this lost spell or spell slot can be replenished normally.
Wisdom Drain: The victim takes 2 points of Wisdom drain.
Tongue (Ex) An oolioddroo’s tongue attack is a primary attack that deals piercing and slashing damage. Whenever an oolioddroo damages a foe with its tongue, it can use its thought siphon attack.
Environment any (Abyss) Organization solitary, pair, or cult (3–6) Treasure standard
Oolioddroos, known also as moth demons, are an especially insidious breed of fiend that can infest the brains of living creatures with their eggs, allowing them to manipulate their victims’ thoughts and minds from afar. This might mean an oolioddroo’s victim could go about its normal life for months or even years before the demon capitalizes on the link and forces it to undertake a particularly nefarious or vile deed. In the worst cases, the victim commits crimes or heinous acts at the oolioddroo’s bidding and then immediately forgets about these acts, creating the perfect sleeper agent who not only unknowingly does the oolioddroo’s bidding, but might, when not controlled, be significantly involved in efforts to oppose the acts of sabotage and terrorism the oolioddroo commands. To the oolioddroo, the torment, shame, and despair a victim feels upon realizing he’s been at least somewhat responsible for such actions is as delicious and delightful as the pain and suffering caused by the acts themselves.
An oolioddroo appears as a skeletally thin woman with gray flesh. Its shadow mantle typically appears in the form of a flowing, diaphanous gown of semisolid shadows and smoke, but the demon can make this defense appear to be black clothes or simply its own shadow.
The oolioddroo’s deeply unsettling face is that of a horned moth, and her tongue, while flexible, is strong enough to penetrate flesh and bone with ease.
An oolioddroo stands 6 feet tall, but weighs only 100 pounds. These sinister demons form from the souls of those who used brainwashing, mind control, and similar techniques, either magical or mundane, to trick or force the innocent into committing terrible acts of brutality.
Oolioddroos are particularly valued in more subtle invasions of the mortal realm, where the act of possession might be too blatant a tactic to use against the innocents of the world. When an oolioddroo does its job well, none even suspect demonic influence; instead they think that the devastating cruelties its influence has engendered rose entirely from the debased thoughts of lone fanatics or sociopaths.
An encounter with an oolioddroo can be rather complex due to the nature of the creature’s special abilities—especially if a PC is its intended victim. If an oolioddroo attempts to seize control of a lone PC, one tricky tactic is to simply ask the character’s player to attempt all the necessary rolls and checks beforehand.
Typically, one of these demons attempts to implant eggs in a character who is alone or asleep, in which case that character can attempt a Perception check (at a –10 penalty if the character is sleeping) and a saving throw against the modify memory spell—if both fail, the implanted egg hatches without the player noticing. Thereafter, the source of the strange voices and compulsions in the character’s mind, as well as the source of the periodic suggestions and other magical attacks, can be as frighteningly mysterious to the player as they are to the character.
Of course, the GM should take care not to go too far with this—and if a PC or an ally uses detect evil, for example, she might guess that something is afoot when a normally nonevil PC radiates an unexpected aura.
Copyright Notice: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 6 © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Robert Brookes, Benjamin Bruck, John Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, James Jacobs, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Jason Nelson, Tim Nightengale, F. Wesley Schneider, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Todd Stewart, Josh Vogt, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE Smackdown Live 6/18/19 Review
We kicked everything off with The New Day. They talked about Kofi Kingston’s WWE Championship match for Stomping Ground. Big E talked about the freaky hour, but Dolph Ziggler came out to interrupt. Ziggler said that Kofi didn’t deserve to be WWE Champion, and said that he would be nothing without the New Day, and that he would be destroyed in the cage. Kingston pointed out that his whole journey started in a cage, the elimination chamber. He then said that he had to worry about Xaiver woods for the night. Ziggler said that he would destroy Woods to the point where he couldn’t help him ever again. Then he did the classic it should have been me stuff.
Grade: C. This was a classic promo between all of them, but I have gotten much more wary of the over the top Ziggler promos. I’m not a fan anymore, it’s gotten kinda annoying, and this didn’t really add anything. But they were all still okay, so I don’t want to punish it too much. 
Then we went right into Dolph Ziggler vs. Xavier Woods. The two had pretty good chemistry, but were limited to the classic TV match formula. Woods was about to win, but Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens ran down to attack the rest of the New Day. Woods hit them both with a splash, and some refs came down to clear the ringside area. At one point, they brawled on the apron, and Ziggler hit an awesome looking superkick, which Woods sold perfectly. He followed that up with a zig zag, but kept up the punishment. He tied Woods up in the ropes and nailed a superkick before getting the win.
Grade: B. Pretty good match, they have some good chemistry. Ziggler showed a far more sadistic side here, in line with his character as of late. This match actually got me more excited for the steel cage match, so I guess it did it’s job. Good stuff, and match of the night.
Backstage, B-Team and Shelton Benjamin were lined up outside of a room for Baron Corbin where he was begging people to be his referee. Benjamin really didn’t want to deal with it, but stayed anyway to get a TV paycheck, probably. The B-Team didn’t really get why they were there. As they were talking, Matt Hardy walked out of the room, referred to Shelton as Senor Benjamin and told him he was next. Funny, I like the reference. 
Then we had a Moment of Bliss, with Bayley as the guest. Bayley came out drinking Alexa’s coffee. Bayley told Cross that Bliss was just using her, and Bliss got quite irritated. She told Bliss to confront her right now if there was a problem. Bliss then told Bayley that her and everyone that she was with in NXT made her feel worthless. Bayley then pointed out that Bliss has done this same manipulation to Mickey James and Nia Jax. Bayley then called Bliss an entitled brat, and Bliss said that she was just the best. Bliss then said that Bayley peaked in NXT, so Bayley attacked her. Cross pulled Bayley off of Bliss, only for Bliss to get a shot in from behind. Cross looked horrified as they walked out.
Grade: B+. I liked this, good promo war from two wrestlers who can talk.
Backstage, Apollo Crews confronted Zelina Vega about finding Andrade. Vega distracted him a bit with flirting, which Crews wasn’t into, before Andrade attacked from around the corner. Then Chad Gable was taking notes. So Gable is taking notes on Apollo Crews, interesting. 
Then we had the B-Team vs. Heavy Machinery, with the Planet’s tag team champions on commentary. On commentary, Daniel Bryan said that they didn’t take Heavy Machinery seriously because they treat everything as a joke. At one point, Bo Dallas was attacking Otis, but Otis still was able to keep the advantage. Heavy Machinery quickly got the win after the compacter. 
After the match, Seth Rollins showed up and beat both of the B-Team with a chair. 
Grade: B-. Inoffensive squash match. Daniel Bryan on commentary made this better. Plus I didn’t think that Rollins would be on the show tonight. 
In the parking lot, Shane McMahon talked to Zayn and Owens about Rollins’ conduct, they asked him to do something. They also complained about Kofi. So, in response, Shane booked a 2 out of 3 falls tag team match between Seth and Kofi against Sami and Kevin for the main event. Fun.
Aleister Black did his promo. It was the same that it always was. 
Then we had Shane complaining about Roman’s attack, before McIntyre said that same things, and then the Miz came out. Sorry to give such a paraphrase, but this was the same as always as well. Miz then showed a replay of Reigns’ attack on Raw. Miz made fun of Shane for being sweaty, and Shane threatened to fire anyone who aired further footage of the attack, and Miz said that he was the bosses son. They then insulted each other’s fathers, and Miz said that Shane was sucking up too much airtime, and this is one of those things where the faces say things that the fans think to get cheers. Miz then said that he blamed himself for this, because of his injury at crown jewel. Miz then said that he would be the one to put shane down. Shane then challenged Miz to a tag match, Drew McIntyre and Elias vs. Miz and any partner he could get in 10 seconds. He didn’t know what to do, but R-Truth emerged from underneath the ring, and became Miz’s partner. Shane then made it an elimination match for some reason, and the match was next. 
Grade: B. Another good promo, with a shocking inclusion of R-Truth, which was unexpected. I like that though, more Awesome Truth. And they actually were good at speaking in this segment, with Shane doing some good work with his delusions of grandeur. 
Backstage, The IIconics made fun of the Kabuki Warriors, which is a match that should happen. Paige tried to challenge them, but they refused. They then said that there was a big match at the Tokyo show next week. If they win the match, then they get a women’s title match. I’m glad that’ll happen, but my god how far Asuka has fallen. Bayley vs. Asuka on the main roster needs to happen like, now.
So then into the elimination tag match, R-Truth and the Miz vs. Drew McIntyre and Elias. This match made me remember that Truth can still go. I always forget because he is such a comedy guy right now, but he is good. Truth was beaten down, and almost got the tag to Miz, but Shane pulled him off the apron. Elias then pinned Truth, but for some reason didn’t lose the 24/7 championship, so the lower card guys chased him out of the ring. Miz then fought off Elias for a bit, until being sent into the ropes for a glasgow kiss from McIntyre. Elias then tagged out, so McIntyre hit the claymore for the win. He gave Miz another Claymore after the match.
Grade: C-. Meh match that definitely suffered from the fact that Truth didn’t lose his belt during it. He totally should have. This match should’ve had low card guys running through the ring to attack Truth for sure. Plus they just sacrificed Miz for Shane’s stuff again, when he should be the one to put Shane down, not Roman.
Backstage, Ember Moon and Carmella talked a bit about Fire and Desire, cuz they both hate them. Moon then sound Rose and Deville, and confronted them. Moon attacked them for a wild brawl backstage. God I miss Ember, she was my favorite in the women’s division in NXT. 
In the parking lot, Truth was trying to escape, but Drake Maverick, disguised as Carmella came up to him, and pinned him for the 24/7 championship, before booking it. Finally he won it.
24/7 grade: C-. I love that the 205 Live GM finally got the belt, because that story will be funny on 205 Live, but Elias should be the champion right now. He pinned Truth, with a ref present. He was screwed.
And we came to the main event, Kofi Kingston and Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Kingston hit a trouble in paradise right away on Zayn to win the first fall. The heels quickly gained control during the second fall, but when the faces got control, things got fast paced. There was an awesome point where Zayn grabbed Seth’s leg from outside of the ring, so Kingston gave him a flying clothesline. Rollins and Owens then traded superkicks and rollups, before Rollins hit the curb stomp for the win.
Grade: B-. Fine match. Again, I don’t know why this was 2 out of 3 falls. You would think it would be to give one of the losers a little victory to keep them strong, but nope. And the first fall was right away. Just weird that they did that two nights in a row.
Overall Grade: C+.
Pros: Woods vs. Ziggler; moment of bliss; Miz and Shane promo; drake maverick won the 24/7 title!
Cons: opening promo; elimination tag match; truth didn’t lose the 24/7 championship to Elias for some reason.
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WWE Preference - You take a hit meant for him (Version 2)
tags: @finnbalorsbabygirl @i-ship-it-okay
I’m so sorry this took so incredibly long. I did not forget!
The Usos, Jeff Hardy, and Baron Corbin were requested. I started Baron’s and it kind of got out of control, so it’s going to be a multi-part fic and I’m still working on it. Of course, I had to do the same number of guys as the first one, so I had to add two. I hope you enjoy!
P.s. Jey’s is freakishly long...sorry
Jimmy Uso - Being Roman’s manager was pretty easy. You told people off on the mic, and Roman took care of things in the ring. The two of you made quite the pair. When you and Roman first started working together, he invited you to a party where you met Jimmy Uso for the first time.  His bright, bubbly personality attracted you immediately, but you played hard to get. Jimmy was persistent though, and it didn’t take him long to get you exactly where he wanted you. In his arms. That’s where you were tonight. You had just finished your hair, when he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You smiled at him in the mirror. “You gonna go lay down the law? Shut AJ down?” He asked you with a big bright smile. “I’ll do my part. You ready to do yours?” You teased him back. “You know I’m ready. I’m always ready. I’m poised, ready to pounce.” He told you, then pressed a kiss against your temple. “I’m gonna need my manager.” Roman called as he passed y’all in the hallway. You turned in his arms, “I’ll see you out there.” You placed a quick peck on his lips, and left with Roman. The plan was simple. You and Roman would go confront AJ. Jimmy and Jey would come back y’all up, then Luke and Karl would come to back up AJ. You and Roman stood in the gorilla watching AJ yak away. “I’ve won championships all around the world...” He droned on about how good he was. They handed you a mic and you waltzed on out there. “If you have to keep reminding people how good you are, maybe you’re not all you’re cracked up to be. You may have won some championships, but you haven’t won the championship.” You stepped to the side as Roman’s music hit and he came out. The two of you proceeded to the ring, and got into a verbal war with AJ. Just as expected, Jimmy and Jey weren’t far behind. At that point, you stepped behind your guys and let them take it from there. All three of them roasted AJ. You stood there with a smile on your face, waiting for Anderson and Gallows’ music to hit. But it never did. The situation grew uneasy for you. They were suppose to be out here, and then the realization hit you. They weren’t going to play their music. You flipped around in time to see Gallows slide into the ring with a kendo stick aimed directly at Jimmy. Instinctively, you moved between them and the stick hit you mere inches below your throat. The crack of the stick and your yelp echoed through the arena as you stumbled into Jimmy’s back. Luke was mortified. His shock caused him to freeze, which allowed Jey to jump him. You chest burned, but you insisted you were ok as Jimmy helped you out of the ring. It may have been three on two for Roman and Jey while he was with you, but they managed to keep the upper hand. “Are you sure you’re alright?” Jimmy asked you. “I promise. Go help them.” You placed a hand on his cheek, assuring him you were fine and he slipped back into the ring, leaving you by the barrier. He went straight for Gallows and it didn’t take long for the Club to roll out of the ring. Luke tried to come around the corner to apologize, but Jimmy was quick to tell him to back up. You were going to have to talk to him backstage because you knew it was an accident. You climbed the stairs and Roman held open the ropes for you. “You ok?” He asked as you passed through the ropes. “I’m fine.” You repeated. He nodded and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. Roman was easy to convince, but you knew Jimmy wouldn’t be. The two of you walked to the center of the ring where the twins were and you could already hear Jimmy cursing Luke. You softly grabbed his arm, and let your fingers lightly drag on his skin as you settled into his side. You let your chin rest on his shoulder. He was still mumbling and you could feel his heart pounding against his chest. “You need to calm down.” You quietly said. “Calm down? He hit you...with a kendo stick. I need to beat him down.” Jimmy’s voice was still loud and unsteady. He had one arm locked around your back, but he was having a hard time keeping still. You felt the tension in his muscles and you knew how to calm him down. The more fidgety he got the stiller you got, the louder he got the quieter you got. Worked every time. You loosely wrapped your arms around him, and softened your voice even more. “He was already in mid-swing when I slipped in between you two. I should have known it was too late to stop them, and gotten out of the ring. There was no reasonable way for him to stop.” Jimmy stayed quiet for a minute thinking on your words. “Why you always rational? I’m trying to defend you and here you are being all rational.” He was still hyped up, and you smiled at him. “You did defend me. Thank you. And he apologized.” He gave you a skeptical look, but he caved. The four of you went backstage and Luke was apologizing the minute you walked through the curtain.
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Jey Uso - You and Jey had been inseparable since you met in kindergarten. The adults found it amusing that at such a young age, you were always able to tell the twins apart with ease. You didn’t like Jimmy so much, but that melted away as the three of you grew older and you and Jey grew closer. It was around middle school when you fully realized who their father was and what he did. Jimmy and Jey were becoming more interested in wrestling, and that rubbed off on you. You were at their house two to three nights a week religiously, watching WWE and completely engrossed with Rikishi’s stories. You and Jey sat on one side of him and Jimmy sat on the other. Moving into high school, Rikishi began to seriously train the boys, and offered to train you. You eagerly accepted, but soon felt insecure in your abilities. It was late one night, and you were sitting against a ring post in what you thought was an empty gym. You slowly picked at the tape around your hands and were rehearsing your “I Quit” speech for Rikishi in your head. Wham! Your nearly came out of your skin, and your heart skipped. You hand flew to your chest as you looked over and saw Jey had slammed his hands on the mat just a few inches from you. He was laughing, and you threw your tape at him. “That’s not funny! You scared the shit out of me!” You yelled at him. Jey continued to laugh as he hopped up on the apron and sat down. “What are you so deep in thought about? I called your name like three times.” All of your thoughts came bubbling out, “I can’t do this, Jey! I suck...” You stood up and ripped the tape off your hand, throwing it on the mat. “I don’t know why I thought I could do this.” You grumbled. Jey had gotten in the ring by that point. “No. You’re just used to everything coming easy to you. You need to give yourself time to work at it. You’re doing fine.” Concern flushed across his face as he tried calm you down. “No, I’m not.” You whispered out as you went to leave, but Jey grabbed your arm before you could get out of the ring. “You’ve got to stop. Just because you don’t get it perfect the first time, doesn’t mean you give up. I’m not gonna let you.” Jey threw his gym bag down, “What do you want help with?” That night the two of you worked in the ring until two o’clock in the morning. When you finally made it home, you went to get a shower, but hesitated. There was a strong desire to not get into the water, and it hit you that you smelled like him and you didn’t want that to go away. You realized what both of your families had seen for years now. You were in love with Jey. It was the very next day where he admitted the same to you. After dating during your four years of high school, the two of you got married not long after graduation. Fourteen years later, you’re in your ring gear leaning on the apron of a WWE ring, supporting your husband and brother-in-law during their match against Benjamin and Gable. It was a tag team gauntlet match and Jimmy and Jey were on their second match after defeating Breezango. Jey and Chad were in the ring. Chad had Jey in his corner and you caught a glimpse of Shelton grabbing Jey’s hair. You hopped on the apron and walked to the corner, yelling at him to let go. The ref finally saw it and forced him to do so. Chad was perturbed at you presence and his face definitely showed it. Jey was catching his breath on the mat, and Chad turned to you. “What the hell are you doing out here, anyway? Huh?” He halfway yelled at you as he approached. “Keeping your dumb ass in line.” You spat back. His attention on you allowed Jey an opportunity to shove him into the turnbuckle. You giggled, and the two of you walked to Jimmy. “He’s getting on my last nerve.” Jey told Jimmy as they made the tag. “Then let’s shut him up.” Jimmy beamed. Before Jey could begin to get out of the ring, he felt Chad’s footsteps behind him. Jey flipped around and Chad came to an abrupt stop with a smirk on his face. Jimmy came to his brother’s side and squared up with Chad. Shelton came into the ring too. The four of them at a standoff, you turned towards the crowd and started talking shit about Benjamin and Gable, causing the first few rows to laugh. Chad had had it with you. Jey was standing practically next to you, and Chad took that opening to “miss” Jey and superkick you off of the apron. You were still halfway turned towards the audience, and the kick glanced off your shoulder. You landed awkwardly on your opposite shoulder, not having time to properly brace for the unexpected fall. There was a pop and an excruciating burn that kept you from being able to get up. Chad turned to the Usos and flippantly said, “Oops.” Jey socked him square on the jaw, sending him stumbling back. Shelton held Chad back as Jimmy and Jey got out of the ring to check on you. You could hardly speak because of the pain. Jey’s hands were trembling as he got you up and scooped you into his arms. The ref had begun the count, and Jimmy looked to Jey. “What do you want to do?” Jey looked into the ring and saw Shelton talking to Chad, who had blood drying on his nose. “I can’t. I’ll kill him.” Jey told his brother. Jimmy nodded, completely understanding. Jey began to walk you to the back, and Jimmy followed before he turned back to the ring. The ref counted ten, and Jimmy yelled to them, “Y’all have no idea what y'all started!” Jey took you straight to the trainers. You held his hand as they examined your shoulder.  He leaned his head against yours and helped you through the pain. The two of you didn’t see Daniel Bryan pull Jimmy to the side. The trainers wanted to get an xray as soon as possible, and they were arranging a trip to a local hospital for you. Jimmy approached y’all with what Daniel had proposed to him. “He thinks Chad and Shelton are going to win the gauntlet match. He’s giving us the chance to go back out there.” Jey hesitated, but you assured him, “They’re going to pump me up with meds, I’ll be fine. Go on.” Naomi walked in on the last part of the conversation, “I’ll go with her and keep you updated until you get there.” She walked to your side and gave you a sympathetic smile. He reluctantly agreed, and the four of you parted ways. Jimmy and Jey waited in the gorilla, and they were handed mics. “The best I can do is not kill him. I’m not going to be any use on mic.” Jey told his brother. Jimmy laughed, “You know I got it.” Their music hit and shock rocked the arena, and Shelton and Chad. They got about halfway down the ramp, and Jimmy was on a roll. “Let ‘em know, Uce!” Jimmy barked out. Jey instinctively brought his mic to his lips, but no words came out. Chad’s face was pissing him off more and more. Jey dropped his mic and title, and went for them. It was quick and vicious. Jimmy and Jey soon had the ring to themselves, Chad and Shelton seeking a rest on the outside. Jey motioned for a mic and pointed at Chad. “Don’t you ever touch my wife again. I dare you to get back in this ring.” He yelled. Shelton knew better, and stopped Chad when he tried. “It’s over.” He told him and they left the ring to Jimmy and Jey.
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Jeff Hardy - You weren’t that much younger than your sister Lita. She was a little over a year older than you , and the two of you were best friends. If it wasn’t for her, you would have never discovered wrestling and thanks to her, you were able follow her into the business. You were on and off tag teams, but when she became attached to the Hardyz, you grounded yourself in singles wrestling. Neither of you realized how much impact her joining the Hardyz would have on both of your lives. Lita loved it and you loved seeing how positive the experience was for her. She didn’t have many friends in the women's division and you were glad she finally found someplace that she felt like she belonged. It didn’t take long for her to invite you to hang out with the three of them. “Hanging Out” meant being stuck in a car with Lita and Matt flirting for three hours. You and Jeff were in the back seat rolling your eyes and laughing at your siblings. You were able to talk to Jeff as if you’d known him your whole life. He made you feel so comfortable, and by the end of that car ride you noticed a little crush forming. When y’all got to the hotel, you began to get out of the car, bummed that the trip was over, but Jeff stopped you. “Would you wanna go on a date?” His words came out in a flurry, but you caught every single word. “Ya...” You responded in shock. “Like right now? I don’t know about you but i’m starving.” He pointed to a little diner across the street, and you nodded with a smile. That was almost a year ago, and tonight you were in the women's locker room watching Umaga on the monitor. He was destroying everything in his path. You needed to find Jeff to warn him. The stairs in this venue were a labyrinth. You turned a corner and found Jeff just down the hallway. He saw you as you came around the corner and the two of you met at the top of the stairs. You went to speak, but he cut you off. “Look, I don’t know where Umaga is, but he’s on a rampage looking for me. I don’t want you anywhere near this.” He pushed some hair behind your ear as you nodded. You didn’t want to be anywhere near Umaga either.  “Just be careful, please.” You asked him. He nodded and you gave him a soft kiss. “Hey! What the hell is going on? Why is Umaga after you?” The two of you looked down the stairs and saw Lita coming from down the hallway. “Ok, go with Lita.” You gave his hand a squeeze and he squeezed it back, “I love you.” He quietly said as you started down the stairs. You looked back up to him, “I love you, too.” Lita was still a ways down the hall when you made it to the bottom. You were so focused on her that you didn’t know what hit you. Umaga had heard Lita, and thought it was Jeff coming down the stairs. Your body crashed to the ground after he had body slammed you. Lita was able to get to you first and Umaga headed up the stairs once he realized where Jeff was. Your landed on your hand, and your wrist burned. Lita helped you up and tears ran down your cheeks as the pain worsened. Your back was to the stairs, but you heard the impact. You turned around to see Jeff step over Umaga and come down the stairs. Concern was all over his face as he came to check on you. “You ok?” He asked. “I think my wrist is broken.” Jeff wiped a tear from your face. “Go see the doctors. I’ll take care of him.” Umaga was starting to get up. Lita nodded her head and began to lead you down the hall, “I’ll find Matt and send him to you.” 
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Pete Dunne - The relationship you had with Pete Dunne was a quiet one. Not in the sense that the two of you never talked to each other, just in the way that PDA was practically nonexistent. Everyone knew, but it still felt very private. Even the fans were respectful of it. You met him the night he debut on the main roster for RAW. You hardly interacted at work, but after a few late night conversations at hotel bars, the two of you made it official. This particular night, Pete’s segment was early. You watched the monitor as he cost Bray Wyatt his number one contender match. He was pretty proud of himself as he walked back through the curtain. He saw you standing with Bayley and Finn and made his way over to you. You gave him a smile as he lightly placed his arm behind you. “Smooth.” You commented on his in-ring antics. “I know, right?” He let a smile creep across his face. “That was great. Bray looked so mad.” Bayley added. “Looks like he still is...” Finn said as he pointed out Bray eyeing Pete as he walked towards the showers. “...I’d keep an eye on my back, if I were you.” Finn finished. “I got him.” Pete assured. It was time for you and Bayley to have a match. The four of you parted ways, you and Bayley to the ring, Finn and Pete to the locker room. By the time Pete and Finn reached the room, your matched had started. He pulled his bags together as he watched. The match was nearly over, he had gotten his title secured away, and he was slipping off his vest when the tv screen went black. “Pete...” Finn called. Bray’s video played and when the lights came back on, you were alone with him. Your body was exhausted from your match and you knew you didn’t have the strength to fight him. You saw an anger in Bray’s face that you hadn’t seen before. Bray brought a mic to his lips, “For every 30 seconds you are not out here, Pete Dunne, your Y/n will have to face Sister Abigail.” The mic dropped and he was on you. Pete’s vest was back on and he had his title in hand, but he couldn’t get out the door fast enough. Bray kissed your forehead and then smashed you into the mat. By the time he was able to get out there, Bray had done it a second time. You were numb. Your body laid limp in the ring as Bray dared Pete to come closer. When Pete went to move closer, Bray grabbed your hair, pulled you up, and set you up for another Sister Abigail. Pete froze halfway down the ramp. “Fight me, you coward!” Pete yelled to him. “You have no idea what you’ve awakened...” Bray yelled back to him. Bray let the tension build, until he whipped you around. When your face hit the mat, the lights went out, and Bray was gone. You hadn’t even realized the light had gone out. Pete was by your side when your eyes opened. He had you propped up in his arms and was trying to get you to answer him. “I’m fine...” You were finally able to say, “I’m just exhausted.” Some trainers had already come down to ringside and Pete let them look at you, before he helped you up. You were able to get out of the ring, but had to take a second before walking up the ramp. You leaned your back against the apron, and Pete placed his arms on either side of you, giving you support as you stood against the ring. Your fingers wrapped around his forearms as you steadied yourself. “I’m so sorry...” Pete mumbled as he leaned his forehead onto yours. “No...” You shook your head against his, “...you have nothing to be sorry for. Bray Wyatt is an asshole and you’re going to kick his ass, right?” You looked up to his face and saw his snarl as he shook his head in agreement. He planted a firm kiss to your forehead before scooping you up to carry you up the ramp.
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AJ Styles - You and AJ had gotten close while the both of you were on RAW, but when he got drafted to Smackdown without you, things got strained. You went from spending nearly all day, every day together to barely even talking and you took it really hard. You had truly thought that you and him were going to go further together. Once he left you tried keep in touch, but every time you reached out it seemed like you were irritating him. So, you decided to let him do the reaching out, which meant no communication. It killed you to think you meant so little to him. He didn’t even let you know that he was coming to TLC. You got the news from Alexa about an hour before the show started. That drove the knife deeper into you heart knowing he didn’t even tell you that he would be in the same building as you. You decided to put him out of your mind and focus on the women's ladder match you were apart of. Of course, you didn’t win, but you managed to experience the night without bumping into AJ. Your relief only lasted until the next day when Alexa let you know, yet again, AJ would be on RAW. “I managed to get through TLC without seeing him, I can do it tonight.” You told her, but she looked skeptical. The only time you were out of the women's locker room was for your match, and that strategy paid off. Kurt was walking to the ring for the last segment of RAW and you were clear from seeing AJ. Your ring gear was packed away, you had changed into a royal blue shirt and some jeans, and you decided you could go pack your car. You could hear the audience from the garage, but you’ve become so accustomed to it you don’t even register it anymore. The trunk closed and you went to grab your phone out of your pocket to get a map pulled up. That very second you realized you had left it in the locker room. Dammit. You tossed your purse in the car, locked it, and made your way back into the building. There was a distant rumble of commotion and as you got deeper into the arena, you realized it was coming from backstage. You turned a corner to find a sea of blue shirts ganging up on Dean and Seth. Your heart froze and put the dots together. Survivor Series. The smart thing to do would be to fade back down the hallway, but then you saw him. The burn in your chest pushed you forward. “AJ?” you called as you got closer. His body stiffened at the sound of your voice behind him. When he turned around and saw you walking towards the mob, he ran to you to block you from getting closer. “Y/n...” He grabbed your arms as you looked past him to see Dean and Seth being beat up. “What are you doing? Stop them! Dean! Seth!” Your calls caught the attention of some of the Smackdown roster, but AJ was quick to stop them. “Nobody touches her. She’s too important to me.” Those words pissed you off even more. “Important to you? That’s a load of bullshit.” You shoved his chest and ripped your arms from his grip. “What are you talking about? Of course you are.” AJ sounded genuinely confused and all you could do was scoff at him. “If someone is important to you, you don’t ignore them for months. Make them stop.” You demanded, but a familiar yell came from down the hall. Braun was on his way. He marched into the mob, swinging at everything that moved. “You have to get out of here. We can talk later.” AJ tried to get you out of harms way, but you weren’t budging. “Are you kidding me? You had months to talk to me, time’s up.” Hurt broke across his face when you said that. Even your heart broke at the words. “Y/n, please, we can still talk.” AJ’s voice carried and it caught Braun’s attention and when he looked over all he saw was two blue shirts. You saw him look towards AJ, and you don’t know why you did it, but you stepped between the two of them. “Braun, wait!”  Braun only realized his mistake in time to slow down his arm. The back of his hand hit the bottom of your jaw, sending you tumbling back into AJ. His arms locked around you and you could feel his beard against your temple. Braun came to see if you were ok, apologizing profusely, but when he turned his back on the mob, they were able to take him down. AJ helped you steady yourself and cupped your face with his hands. “Are you ok?” He asked, examining where a bruise was starting to form. For a second, you let his hands linger on your face, but you finally pushed him away. “Let me go.” You sternly said. You turned around to see the Smackdown roster heading for the arena with their prize, Kurt Angle. Braun, Seth, and Dean were left on the floor. As you went to check on them, you heard AJ say, “No.”. You acted like you didn’t hear him when you knelt down to your friends. “Y/n” AJ called to you, but you ignored him again. “Y/n...” You leaned over to Braun to let him know you were ok and forgive him. AJ squatted in front of you, “Look at me.” The desperation in his voice forced you to look at him, but you made sure it was a solid glare. “You are important to me. No, I will not just let you go. We both have things we need to say, so yes, there is still time to talk, but for this very moment don’t hit me.” With each emphasis, your heart pound faster, and when you went to ask him what he meant, he reached his arm out and pulled your face to his, connecting with a solid, heartfelt kiss. It didn’t last long, and when he pulled away, he stood up. “Don’t you ever tell me to let you go, again.” Then he just left to catch up with his group. You sat there on the floor trying to comprehend what had just happened. Dean had rolled around closer to you, “Really, Y/n? Fraternizing with the enemy?” He thought he was funny and let out a laugh, but winced with pain. You shook your head, then felt a buzz coming from your back pocket. You damn phone had been there the entire time.
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Smackdown Live! Review: April 3rd, 2018
Hey guys, I know it’s been awhile since I’ve done a Smackdown review, but it’s Mania week so I figured why not, right?!
Please let me know what your thoughts on the show were, your Mania predictions, and what you thought of this review. Any type of feedback is welcomed!
Daniel Bryan- Opening
Holy shit, Daniel has the biggest pop in the company right now, without question. 
Daniel and Shane, partners this Sunday against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, have returned to the ring after vicious attacks from KO and Sami. They’re probably here to talk shit against their opponents and talk about the show.
Wow, Shane got a pretty hype pop, too!
Shan rightfully congratulated Daniel on being cleared to compete again. But what I think he meant to say was “hey thanks for letting me be involved in Mania again’. I don’t personally need Shane as a wrestler anymore. I think what he’s done since he’s been back has been satisfying enough, but I don’t need to see another jump off a cage or West Coast on a trash can. I’m fine with him being a GM still, I actually love that, but wrestling Shane, I’m done with.
Daniel referenced Team Hell No I love it. He and Shane actually hugged it out.
Ooooh, I’m loving Daniel on the mic again. I think he’s always had some great mic skills, but he’s owning it now.
Charlotte vs. Natalya
This Sunday, Charlotte will be taking on Asuka for the title, and I think the thing I’m most excited for right now about that match is for the new gear that these women will probably debut at Mania.
Natalya, however, will most likely be participating in the women’s battle royal, and I think Nattie deserves better than being in the battle royal. She’s had a pretty great year in my book, and her abilities in the ring should have her in the title picture. 
Charlotte and Nattie lock up, and it’s Charlotte who takes the upperhand in the lockup with a hip toss. Nattie now gets Charlotte on the ground, but Charlotte breaks, and both women are back on their feet. Charlotte tried for a roll-up, but was unsuccessful. Nattie has now locked Charlotte in a headlock.
I love seeing these two paired up. I think both of them are matched in strength and ability, and they’ve always put on great matches when given the time/opportunity.
Charlotte and Nattie keep going back and forth, locking each other up and throwing each other down. Charlotte is doing some amazingly athletic flips with Nattie between her legs, and this makes me think that her match against Asuka is going to be highly athletic. I’m really looking forward to seeing this match.
Both women are still keeping this match at a fairly medium pace, which I think is working well for both of them. It’s not a super intense match, but it’s also not super technical, which would also be an amazing match if these two women participated in a submission match.
For the last few minutes, Nattie has been all over Charlotte, knocking down Charlotte’s strikes and bringing her down every chance she gets. Charlotte finally fires back with some chops to Nattie, followed by a neck breaker and a big boot to the face. Charlotte was doing well, but then Nattie countered with a sleeper hold. Charlotte countered that with a nice drop to Nattie’s tailbone, and she attempted a moonsault, but Nattie brought her knees up in time.
Both women are down, and now Carmella has made her way to the ring and wants to cash in her money in the bank! But it goes nowhere as Charlotte kicks the briefcase away from the ref in time. Charlotte throws Carmella out of the ring, and Nattie tries to roll Charlotte, but Charlotte locks in the figure eight, getting Nattie to submit. Victory Charlotte.
...Charlotte and Asuka had a weird moment on the mic? Asuka hyped the crowd up, but maybe Charlotte forgot her lines? I don’t even know, but I’m excited for their match on Sunday.
Rusev vs. Jinder Mahal
These are two of the competitors in the fatal four-way match on Sunday for the U.S Title, along with Randy Orton and Bobby Roode. This is a big case of “we’re trying to fit everyone into the show as we can”. I think this match could’ve waited until the next PPV after Mania or something. I know WWE probably wants Rusev on the card, and a big name like Randy cannot be missed at Mania at this point, but this match just seems like too much. And it’s copying the IC title match!
There wasn’t a bunch to say about this match, and neither did the crowd honestly. It was a lot of back and forth mostly, but Rusev took the win in the end. The most exciting thing that happened was one of Jinder’s buddies tried to sing, and Aiden did a little rap. And Randy came out at the end. That’s it. I’m not really thrilled about this match, but I hope Randy comes out on top again.
Corbin/Primo/Mojo/Dolph vs. Ryder/Breeze/Fandango/Dillinger
All of these men will be participating in the Andre the Giant Memorial battle royal on Sunday, and I feel like this match right now is just filler for the show? It seems like it’ll be messy, but I love seeing Zack on the show! That makes me happy!
I almost forgot that Smackdown does that split screen thingy that plays commercials at the same time as the match. I’m seeing Ziggler and Dillinger fight it out, and it looks really intense! But I can’t focus all my attention on it because the commercials are very distracting! 
I also think everyone forgot that Primo is still a part of WWE, and that Fandango is actually a legitimate wrestler. He was very impressive against Primo tonight.
This was, as I figured, just kind of a cluster of talent showcasing their moves to get the crowd hyped up and give them a show. Baron was the one to pick up the win for his team. Will he be winning the battle royal on Sunday?
Styles/Nakamura vs. Gable/Benjamin
Let’s see how much wrestling AJ will be doing tonight. The rumor over the past few weeks is that AJ is injured in some way? He hasn’t been wrestling at house shows as far as I know, and he definitely hasn’t been wrestling on Smackdown as of late. I hope that this time off has been very beneficial to him, and that he’s able to put on a great match on Sunday. I know a lot of people will be let down if that match doesn’t happen.
Hey! Kevin and Sami showed up! I love them so much :))))
I don’t see the need for this match tonight. I’m pretty much sold on the story of AJ v. Shin for Sunday, so I really didn’t need to see them in action myself. I do think that this will be a pretty low-key match for them tonight, so hopefully neither of them over-exert themselves.
Shinsuke did tag in AJ, but Gable took advantage and attacked them both. It looks like AJ’s taking bumps? Gable’s beating on him pretty hard it looks like.
Back from commercial, and AJ looks to be doing well. He landed a huge Pele kick, and just tagged Shinsuke back into the match. Gable and Benjamin really attacked Shinsuke when he got into the match with some great teamwork, and now Shinsuke needs to get out of Gable’s grasp in order to get the victory.
Benjamin is now in against Shinsuke, and both men are down after Shin finally rallies back. AJ is back in the match as both men make it to their partners for the tag. AJ makes it in and saves the day for him and Shinsuke, getting them the win for the match. 
At the end, Shelton Benjamin came and attacked Shinsuke, and AJ came in to help out, and threatened Shinsuke with the phenomenal forearm, but he missed on purpose to scare Shinsuke, and he patted him on the head. I’m very looking forward to seeing this match on Sunday, I cannot wait to crown Shinsuke my WWE Champion.
That does it for the final Smackdown before Mania! I didn’t think this was a bad show, but I also wasn’t super entertained by it either. I think the show did fine, and if you compare it to Raw last night, I think Smackdown did a bit better honestly.
Thanks for reading this review! I hope to make another post for NXT tomorrow since it’s Mania week, but we’ll see!
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placetobenation · 4 years
30 Years in the making!
This year’s Survivor Series will not only be the Best of the Best, it will also be a time in which we put The Undertaker to rest. 30 years after making his debut as part of Ted DiBiase’s Survivor Series team, the Dead Man will give his final farewell to the WWE Universe.
Remember, it was The Undertaker replacing Bad News Brown as a member of The Million Dollar Team (The Honky Tonk Man, Greg Valentine, Ted DiBiase and The Undertaker with Brother Love, Jimmy Hart and Virgil) as they defeated The Dream Team (Bret Hart, Dusty Rhodes, Koko B. Ware and Jim Neidhart). It was The Undertaker eliminating Dusty Rhodes before getting counted out to end his debut.
Here’s hoping the WWE puts together an evening that’s deserving of the most decorated WWE Superstar of all-time. It has to be better than the 25 years of Triple H that they aired on SmackDown right? That one was funny but way too many inside jokes for a night honoring The Undertaker. 
Survivor Series – Updated Card:
WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Universal Champion Roman Reigns
Raw Women’s Champion Asuka vs. SmackDown Women’s Champion Sasha Banks
Raw Tag Team Champions The New Day vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits
United States Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn
5-on-5 Women’s Survivor Series Elimination Match (RAW – Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, Dana Brooke, Mandy Rose, Lana vs. Ruby Riott, Bianca Belair, TBD, TBD, TBD)
5-on-5 Men’s Survivor Series Elimination Match (Keith Lee, Sheamus, Braun Strowman, AJ Styles, TBD vs. Kevin Owens, Jey Uso, King Corbin, Seth Rollins, TBD)
Star of the Week:
They're back. @PeteDunneYxB @ONEYLORCAN & @strongstylebrit ATTACK @KillianDain & @WWEMaverick on #WWENXT!!! Also @PatMcAfeeShow is a camera operator now. pic.twitter.com/xQpU88LeWc
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) November 5, 2020
Pat McAfee – The former Colts punter continues to make his mark on NXT. This week, McAfee and his newest faction of Pete Dunne, Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan took out Killian Dane & Drake Maverick while sending a burning message to The Undisputed Era. I’m looking forward to more from Mr. McAfee and friends!
Guitar on a Pole Match: Jeff Hardy defeated Elias
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler defeated Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke to retain titles
Non-Title Match: Bobby Lashley defeated R-Truth
24/7 Match: Drew Gulak defeated R-Truth
Triple Threat Match for Survivor Series spot: Braun Strowman defeated Keith Lee & Sheamus to earn spot on Team RAW for Survivor Series
Nia Jax defeated Lana
Non-Title RAW Tag Team Championship Match: Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin defeated The New Day
Ricochet defeated Tucker
2-on-1 Handicap Match: Drew McIntyre defeated The Miz & John Morrison
RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!!!#TheFiend is watching………..#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/xSZg8FWLXy
— WWE (@WWE) November 3, 2020
RAW is all about one storyline at this moment. It’s a trilogy as Randy Orton tries to take on a three-headed monster called Drew McIntyre, The Fiend and The Miz. Whether it’s the former WWE Champion, the diabolical Bray Wyatt with his whimsical sidekick Alexa Bliss or the Money In the Bank holder, The Miz, The Viper has to keep his head on a swivel these days. And we LOVE it. Give me chaos. Give me upheaval. Give me an uncertain rode each week with the strongest personalities on Monday night interwoven each Monday night. Plus, we get to throw Roman Reigns into the mix for Orton to for one night at Survivor Series. It’ll be interesting which way the WWE decides to go with this one.
What is disappointing though is the consistent use of The Miz as someone who is not strong at all. We just had the last month of The Miz talking how much better a contender to the WWE Championships than Otis was, yet here we go again with The Miz and John Morrison again proving folly for McIntyre, losing a 2-on-1 handicap match. The MITB contender should look strong is he’s going to be taken seriously to knock off Orton or Reigns.
7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES!@NiaJaxWWE sends @LanaWWE crashing through the announce table on #WWERaw! pic.twitter.com/zuQrtxiEAJ
— WWE (@WWE) November 3, 2020
Lana. Tables. #7 and counting. Oh yeah, how clunky was the end of that Women’s Tag Team Title match? 
The pipes on @TrueKofi though…#TheNewDay squares off against The #HurtBusiness' @Sheltyb803 & @CedricAlexander NEXT on #WWERaw! pic.twitter.com/0Cu9KFamxp
— WWE (@WWE) November 3, 2020
Sure, I’ll take The New Day vs. The Hurt Business for a bit. These guys could bring it in and out of the ring. Strong promos are coming our way on Monday night! Speaking of The Hurt Business, I thought they missed an opportunity to groom R-Truth for a potential addition to the team. Lashley beat up R-Truth, quickly, and then threw Drew Gulak on top of him to take away his 24/7 Title. I thought Lashley was coming back in the ring to turn it around and have R-Truth regain the title, but it wasn’t meant to be. It would’ve been a good thing too, IMHO. R-Truth joining MVP and crew could be some comic relief and another edition to fight RETRIBUTION.
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) November 3, 2020
As for RETRIBUTION, what did Ricochet and Tucker ever do to them? Sure, bad ass RETRIBUTION, pick on RICOCHET, one of the smallest guys on the roster.
SWEARING in the #FireflyFunHouse?! Yowie wowie.#WWERaw @WWEBrayWyatt @AlexaBliss_WWE pic.twitter.com/SQmAqPmiDi
— WWE (@WWE) November 3, 2020
Finally, Alexa Bliss and the swear jar joining the Firefly Funhouse. YES! Bliss is on fire these days as a shining spotlight of Monday nights.
Dakota Kai defeated Ember Moon
KUSHIDA defeated Cameron Grimes
Drake Maverick & Killian Dain vs. Ever-Rise ended in no-contest
Toni Storm defeated Shotzi Blackheart
Tommaso Ciampa defeated The Velveteen Dream
First things first, NXT was another good show this week. As usual, it’s the best in-ring stuff on Wednesday nights and this week did not disappoint.
Every match, minus the tag team match delivered and you could argue that the Dain/Maverick vs. Ever-Rise match served its purpose as a no-contest giving Pat McAfee’s new faction the chance to beat up Dain & Maverick and give them a new foe in addition to The Undisputed Era. McAfee’s a beast on the mic already in his early NXT career. No matter the platform, he kills it!
The #WWENXT #WomensChampion 𝙞𝙨𝙣'𝙩 afraid of nightmares.@shirai_io wants @RheaRipley_WWE one-on-one! pic.twitter.com/xrZzCg1HTT
— WWE (@WWE) November 5, 2020
What I didn’t like though was the constant use of distraction to end matches. In the opening match of the night, Raquel Gonzalez distracts the ref to let Dakota Kai get the pin on Ember Moon. Then, to interrupt a very good Shotzi Blackheart vs. Toni Storm match, Candice LeRae runs over Blackheart’s beloved tank. Sure, I get the storyline of revenge for LeRae to get back at Shotzi for interfering in his championship match vs. Io Shirai last week on Halloween Havoc, but it took away from a really good match. I’m thinking Storm joins forces with Shotzi to take on LeRae and Miss Scream Indie Hartwell down the road too. That should be fun!
.@CandiceLeRae has DESTROYED @ShotziWWE's TANK!!
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#WWENXT pic.twitter.com/gaHGNV1rj6
— WWE (@WWE) November 5, 2020
Poor tank!
.@JohnnyGargano, #WWENXT #NorthAmericanChampion & lover of wheels, will defend his championship NEXT WEEK!
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Ghostface pic.twitter.com/XKjd9agF8c
— WWE (@WWE) November 5, 2020
KUSHIDA continues to impress, but I’ve got one gripe. Wasn’t he getting the edge as a heel? Suddenly, he’s clapping and getting cheered against Cameron Grimes? I’d rather see him keep the nastiness.
𝒜 𝐹𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒶𝓁𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 for @NXTCiampa, and a 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞 for @DreamWWE. Tommaso Ciampa picks up the victory in a BRUTAL one-on-one encounter on #WWENXT! pic.twitter.com/SmLvIOdZlP
— WWE (@WWE) November 5, 2020
Tommaso Ciampa is non-stop action. So, he feels like NXT isn’t quite the same these days? Well, what better way to start to get things back in sync than to take out The Velveteen Dream and his me-first persona.  It’s a fairy tale ending for TVD to end the night! Who’s next on Ciampa’s radar?
SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Sasha Banks defeated Bayley
Survivor Series Qualifying Match: King Corbin defeated Rey Mysterio
Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Ruby Riott defeated Natalya & Zelina Vega
Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Seth Rollins defeated Otis
Jey Uso defeated Kevin Owens
S T I L L #SmackDown Women's Champ: @SashaBanksWWE! pic.twitter.com/MheWeJK3uE
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) November 7, 2020
Welcome back, @CarmellaWWE! #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/dnOq8heHS6
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) November 7, 2020
If this was the end to the Banks vs. Bayley feud, and no I don’t think it is, it was one hell of a finale! Given nearly a half hour to start Friday night SmackDown, they tore the house down again! Banks retains her title but gets a face full of Carmella as The Untouchable One returns to the blue brand to stake her claim to the Women’s Title. I wonder what Bayley thinks of all this. Things could get even more interesting.
King @BaronCorbinWWE is headed to #SurvivorSeries *remembers what King Corbin did last year*
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— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) November 7, 2020
On the Survivor Series front, King Corbin and Seth Rollins have joined Team SmackDown. Rollins got a little surprising help from Murphy in distracting Otis to give the Messiah the win. But alas things are exactly how they appear says Murphy to his new love, Aalyah.
"I need you to trust me." #SmackDown @WWE_Murphy pic.twitter.com/nOseYmqVfw
— WWE (@WWE) November 7, 2020
For the women, Ruby Riott claims an unlikely spot on Team SmackDown, joining Bianca Belair on the blue team. Where’s Naomi? Where was Belair this week? And yes, I need more of Big E and The Street Profits than just a cameo with Billie Kay.
So, how many parts is this Lars Sullivan interview? Does he need a different interviewer each week too? Freakish indeed.
Jey @WWEUsos did what he had to do to pick up the win tonight on #SmackDown…@FightOwensFight @HeymanHustle pic.twitter.com/BHkXj7EZJZ
— WWE (@WWE) November 7, 2020
It wasn’t as dramatic as the past few weeks, but we get another chapter of the family drama as Roman Reigns joins Jey Uso in putting Kevin Owens in his place after Owens mocked Uso earlier in the night. A very heelish victory for Uso – distraction, low blow, big splash! It’s a step forward in uniting the Tribal Chief’s reign over all his relatives. It also further plants the seeds of dissention on Team SmackDown between Owens and Uso as well.
After a couple of months of being the standard show of the WWE week, SmackDown was still very good, not great. After all, we’ve come to expect greatness these days on Friday night.
Parting Shots:
Paul Heyman as the new co-host of Talking Smack? Interesting. If he keeps bringing the shoot style realism that he brought the past few weeks as a guest to his new co-hosting duties, well just sign me up!
Coming up this week:
RAW: A Moment of Bliss: Drew McIntyre guest Second Chance Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Riddle vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Elias
NXT: NXT North American Championship Match: Johnny Gargano vs. TBD NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs. Breezango
SMACKDOWN: Survivor Series Qualifying continues / Go Home Show
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND
0 notes
WWE RAW Monday, March 19, 2018
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This is a synopsis of the action that took place on last night’s Monday Night RAW.
Opening Segment (Brock Lesnar Heel Turn)
    Kurt Angle came to the ring to address recent RAW controversies , including Braun Stroman’s Tag Title opportunity at Wrestlemania and that Brock Lesnar is late. Roman Reigns approaches the ring from the crowd, despite being suspended. Kurt tries to appeal to Roman to leave before things get worse. Roman sends Kurt to the back and takes a seat in the ring to wait for Brock. US Marshals approach the ring and put Roman in handcuffs. Roman tells them not to touch him but a conflict ensues. Roman puts all three Marshals on the floor. Brock enters to attack Roman, who is still handcuffed. Brock hit 4 different German suplexes and a variety of chair shots while tantalizing the crowd with his departure. Brock finally leaves after delivering a F5 to Roman. Roman is released from his handcuffs and put on a stretcher and Brock reenters the fray. Brock assualts Roman while Roman is strapped to the cart. Brock has now made a full heel turn for Wrestlemania.
Second Segment (Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James vs Asuka)
     Roman is placed in an ambulance as Coach, Cole, and Graves speculate. A preview of Alexa Bliss and Nia Jax feud for Wrestlemania plays. Bliss enters with Mickie James and delivers a blistering promo on Nia Jax. Bliss starts, seeming almost sincere, before dropping her trademark turn to her bully girl attitude. Bliss said she feels no remorse for what she said last week to the whole world. She references having a weight lifted off her shoulders. Asuka comes to the ring and the match begins during the commercial break. The real-life mean girls used their numbers advantage against Asuka. Mickie James involved herself in the match as often as possible as Alexa Bliss attacks Asuka with everything she’s got. Asuka puts forth an attempt to build momentum, but is stifled by James. The match continues after another break with Bliss and Asuka in the corner. Bliss slams on the mat in frustration with the near-falls. Asuka takes control with an Ankle Lock and Bliss grabs the ropes after a torturous tumble on the ground. She rolls out and takes a count out loss before her and James are run down by Nia Jax trying to leave. Nia clotheslines James before chasing down Bliss. Mickie James frees Bliss from the grasp of Nia, before being put down. Nia chased Bliss through the crowd before the camera faded out.
Third Segment (Braun vs Cesaro w/Sheamus)
    Segment begins with Kurt telling Alexa Bliss that she will face Nia Jax at Wrestlemania for the RAW Women’s Title. Braun comes to the ring to address crowd. Braun Strowman announces that he must pick a partner for his Wrestlemania opportunity against The Bar. The Bar comes out and bloviates about being the greatest tag team in the WWE. Braun tells that that he has a match with one of them. Sheamus and Cesaro approach the ring together, but Sheamus turns around as Cesaro enters. Braun vs. Cesaro begins. Braun starts by throwing around Cesaro, but after the commercial, Cesaro begins to mount some of his impressive offense. He even attempts a Neutralizer, which fails. Cesaro fails to get a 3 count when Stroman cleans his clock. Sheamus distracts Stroman and saves Cesaro from a clothesline on the outside. Cesaro attempts a roll-up and wiggles free of the Monster’s grip. He tries to jump from the second rope, in which Strowman catches him and Powerslams him for the win. Before the break, Matt Hardy introduces his family in a promo.
Fourth Segment (Revival vs Titus Worldwide)
    The Revival and Titus Worldwide are at ringside. Titus O'Neil and Dash Wilder start. The Revival cut off the ring and launches a flurry of double teams and tags, keeping Apollo Crews out of the match. Titus fights free to the hot tag. Apollo begins to fight off both Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder. Dash decides to attack Titus on the apron. Scott Dawson then makes impromptu tag to Dash Wilder while reversing a move. Scott and Dash than hit the Shatter Machine on Apollo and get the pinfall. In their follow-up interview in the ring, The Revival promises to win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, drawing inspiration from Braun Strowman. Before the break, Mark Henry is announced for the WWE Hall of Fame.
Fifth Segment (Bayley and Sasha Banks vs Absolution)
    Sasha Banks confronts Bayley in the ring. She tells Bayley she will forgive her for walking away from her the last two weeks. Bayley tells Sasha that she can’t forgive Sasha because of the way Sasha smiled as she kicked her off the pod during the first ever women’s Elimination Chamber match. Bayley is interrupted by Paige and Absolution. Paige tells them it’s time for their match. Sasha and Sonya Deville begin the match. Sasha and Deville exchange blows and Deville drives an elbow into Bayley, knocking her from the apron. When they return from commercial with Bayley and Mandy Rose in the ring. Banks tags herself in and shoves Bayley off of Rose. Banks is than subjected to a buffet of double teams and tags between Deville and Rose. Banks fights her way to the hot tag. Bayley enters and put Deville through a series of brutal moves. Rose enters the ring to interfere and is cut off by Sasha. As Sasha beats up Rose in the corner distracting the referee, Bayley puts Deville in a bridge pin. The ref realises what's happening but gets to the count too late. Bayley confronts Sasha and Deville pushes Bayley into Sasha, knocking her out. Deville kicks Bayley in the head and pins her for the win.
Sixth Segment (Cena calls out the Undertaker)
    John Cena comes out. He addresses the Undertaker and says that he has received no response from the Deadman. Cena riles up the crowd trying to convince the Undertaker to appear. He began to shoot on the Undertaker saying, “This is the exact moment, Undertaker, where you let everyone down.” He called the Undertaker a coward. Cena asks Undertaker for a mystical sign. Kane then enters the ring. Cena takes this as a sign that Undertaker has a response. Kane chokeslams Cena and leaves the ring. Michael Cole says that Kane maybe stepping up to John Cena to face him at Wrestlemania. Has Cena’s path been set? The Miztourage enters after a replay of the earlier segment between Brock and Roman.
Seventh Segment (Miztourage vs Balor Club)
    The Miz asks the crowd, “Am I the bad guy?” This is answered with resounding yes chants. Behind him, the Miztourage chants, “No respect”, every time the Miz says it. Miz mentions Tyler Black, Prince Devitt, and Indy fans in his promo. Balor Club enters. As the music dies down, Seth Rollins enters to jin commentary. Finn starts strong but takes a great deal of damage. The Miztourage take turns beating on him in the corner before he fights his way to the hot tag. Karl Anderson enters and takes out the Miz and Bo Dallas off the apron. Anderson hits a crossbody and tries to pin Curtis Axel. Axel kicks out. Anderson throws Axel off the ropes and Miz tags himself in. He hits Anderson from behind and tries a pin. Anderson kicks out. When they return from commercial, Anderson and Axel tag out. Finn and Bo enter as Finn knocks Bo down. Bo rolls out and Axel tries to hit Finn. Axel is sent out of the ring as well. Finn jumps out landing on top of them both. Finn attempts the Coup de Grace on Bo in the ring, but Axel pulls him down. Miz tags in to try and take advantage. Finn reverses the Skull Crushing Finale into a roll up pin. Miz kicks out and rolls up Finn. Finn kicks out and sends Miz barrelling into Axel on the ropes. Finn rolls up Miz for the pin and the win. The Miztourage then attacks the Balor Club and Seth Rollins come down to the ring to save the day. Rollins curb stomps the Miz and he and Finn stare each other down over the Miz’s body.
Eight Segment (The Ultimate Deletion)
    Announced for next week's Raw, Kane will take on John Cena. A promo for Rhonda Rousey and Kurt Angle is shown. Finally, the Ultimate Deletion is upon us. Bray walks toward the Hardy Compounds’ gates and is met by Vanguard One and ‘Woken’ Matt Hardy’s floating head. Bray is told to follow the music. The famous “Obsolete” song plays in the background as Reby Hardy plays her piano ringside. Bray arrives upon Matt dancing. Matt greets him, ‘Bray Wyatt! I knew you’d come.” When the commercial break ends, a great war begins. Bray and Matt exchange blows in the ring until Matt’s mind games continue. Matt commands Vanguard One to launch an attack of fireworks which distract Bray. Bray drops the steel chair he’d just grabbed and Matt takes advantage. Matt whaloops Bray with multiple chair shots. They leave the outdoor ring and head through the woods. They stumbleupon Sister Abigail's house. Bray is transfixed on the house and Matt hits him with a kendo stick. Matt enters the house and disappears. Bray walks through the house and out into the Land of Obsolete Men. Matt and Bray play a game of cat and mouse that Matt wins. The fight resumes as Bray and Matt throw punches until Bray leads them to a garage. Behind the door is the Dome of Deletion. Bray attempt to put Matt through a piano, but Matt reverses out and hits Bray with a ladder. Matt then speaks to his wheelchair and lawnmower, both items he’s used before. Matt rides his lawnmower towards Bray until Bray stands like a spider. He knocks Matt off of the lawnmower and pounds him. Bray drags Matt to the Lake of Reincarnation where Matt calls out to his boat, Skarsgard. Bray is distracted again by Vanguard One as Matt hides under his boat. Bray throws the boat over and reveals Senior Benjamin hiding underneath holding the same globe that Bray had weeks earlier. Senior Benjamin sings to Bray, and is joined by Brother Nero (Jeff Hardy), in singing, “He’s got the whole world in his hands”. Bray is then struck from behind and ‘Woken Matt Hardy pins Bray. Bray tries to stand and tells Matt, “This isn’t over”. Matt replies, No! This is over!” Matt pushes Bray into the Lake of Reincarnation. Senior Benjamin tries to recover Bray’s body, but it has disappeared. Matt declares Bray Wyatt deleted and the Great War over.
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