beyuji · 2 months
a starter for @benora !! ( sympathy is a knife )
yuji is someone who can't help but nag. often times in her friend groups, she's usually the oldest in the room. it's habit to nag and nitpick and worry-- it all comes from a good place, yuji assures, but she knows she can get overbearing. usually, she's able to stop and pull back before she steps on any toes, but sometimes certain people really bring it out of her.
nora is one of them. why? yuji can't begin to explain, but she always finds herself giving nora unsolicited advice or tips just because she wants to. because she feels like she should-- and maybe that's presumptious of her, but it's hard not to care, unfortunately. it's how yuji shows she cares, because words are hard when being spoken and not scribbled into notepads.
"have you had enough water?" yuji directs the question at nora, eyes narrowed as she observes the girl. yuji's trying not to grimace, feeling her hair stick to the back of her neck with sweat. waterbomb has been fun, but the heat is the most miserable part about it. "you're looking a little pink."
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bexria · 2 months
water surprise
ria was having very much fun at the waterbomb festival, enjoying the music, enjoying her friends, enjoying the food, buying the merch, and of course all the water. it was refreshing to get sprayed with water, the summer heat having taken over. she was trying to have as much fun as possible, meeting with friends and attempting to befriend new people, and in the end she asked herself how fun it would be if she too had a water-gun, so in the end, she bought a water-gun.
she hadn’t used the gun on strangers (besides that one she mistook for a friend), she was just using it on the people she knew. there was a surprising amount of people attending waterbomb that ria already knew, and they were all getting it with the water-gun. upon spotting a familiar face, the girl sneaks up to the other, a smile on her lips before she sprays the other “hello nora!” she says mischievously.
on the way to -> @benora
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be-points · 23 days
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bexstevie · 2 months
( song: get busy living or get busy dying by fall out boy ) >> i'm mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town
the setting is kinda eerie, stevie won't lie.
the whole situation is, really. if he thinks about the bigger perspective. you get a letter, and your friend gets the same letter with a bunch of stuff in it that makes no sense to either of you. no name, just an address-- which is apparently from a town that's been abandoned for quite some time.
an abandoned town that supposed shouldn't be as empty as the internet seems to claim, if stevie and nora were being sent letters from it. it's weird. it's bizarre. it doesn't seem like a joke, none of their mutual friends confessing to it or coming clean.
so why not go and answer the call?
"this might be your worst idea yet."
"c'mon," stevie assures, driving slowly down the road and glancing at the buildings they pass by. the gps says it's roughly the area that the letter claims it comes from-- but so far, they haven't seen a single soul. "we're just taking a peek. we don't even have to get out of the car. we're just...taking a scenic route through here."
"we're driving through a ghost town over a prank." nora mutters, staring out the window as they pass by signs and buildings. "what's scenic about this?" nora taps a finger on the window, and stevie glances over to see a building with broken windows and a caved in door. it looks empty inside as they slowly move past it.
"scenic in the...horror movie, kind of way i guess?" stevie laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he returns his attention back forward. "nothings like, actually been reported happening here. maybe it's all just rumours." or he's trying to keep positive, because the vibes are definitely off. weird. the further he drives through the more his gut swoops like he's driving down a hill.
nora's quiet after that, and when stevie peeks a glance over, her lips are pursed and she's staring resolutely forward. "look," stevie starts. "the next street i'll turn and we go right back around. we came to investigate, and we did! kinda! we'll toss it off as a weird coincidence and--"
doesn't think, acts. he sits the break and shoots an arm out to help prevent nora from flying forward, gritting his teeth at the way his body slams back from the force of it. but he sees it-- darting across the road and into a shaded street upcoming. it goes out of sight, and stevie can't really process his mind around it. it had looked humanoid, but it was so fast it couldn't have been.
a chill runs down his spine.
"stevie," nora starts. "i think we should get out of here."
he's already on it, chirping out a strained yes ma'am! before switching the car in reverse, quickly slamming on the gas and spinning them around. he knocks himself into the door a bit, muttering apologies to nora as he quickly spins the wheel and gets them right back in the direction they came from.
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besiwoo · 2 months
song ... ! starry eyed - jane and the boy
you're from another planet i've never felt like this i don't know how i ever survived without it i'm starry eyed
au: nora and siwoo are alien bffs who have fallen in love with humans
siwoo and nora aren't exactly an odd pair. at least, not to siwoo – they'd grown up together and have always somehow meshed well ( despite both their stubborn demeanours. but that perhaps was one of the reasons as to why they got along so well, after all ).
and as similar as they were, it seemed that the both of them had fallen for humans as well. perhaps not the smartest thing to do, considering that humans weren't even supposed to know of their existence in the first place.
"you're going again?" siwoo asks, taking a seat next to his friend. "you know, everyone is starting to get really fucking suspicious," he comments. but it's not like he isn't doing the same thing. frequent visits to earth, just to see his human lover.
"no one's going to get suspicious if we pull this off well!" nora says, and siwoo decides not to argue with her. mostly because a part of him wants to believe that too.
nora writes something onto her tablet, and siwoo takes a peek. "wait? you're not serious are you?" he asks, mouth gaping.
"you're planning on staying on earth for... a year? a year this time...? you know we can't stay there for long –" it's true, they really can't. a year on a whole different atmosphere would genuinely fuck up their body. the fact that nora would be willing to go to such great lengths, siwoo could only stare at her in shock. "usually, i'd support whatever crazy fucking thing you plan on doing. but not this time. holy shit, nora," he continues. "you can't be fucking serious, right?"
"i am," she says, and she inputs her calculations, before locking her tablet with a tap. "i'm going to stay with him for a year this time. and then i'll make it five, and then ten. and maybe one day, i won't have to worry about travelling back and forth so much anymore."
she's crazy, siwoo thinks. she has to be absolutely insane to think she can get away with this. and yet... siwoo thinks she might. if anyone can do it, it's nora. she's stubborn – that's the thing. while siwoo is stubborn in his beliefs, nora is stubborn in that she works for what she wants. and she gets it.
he shakes his head, but there's a smile on his face.
"alright," he finally says. "you won't be able to pull it off alone though, right?" he grins. "two brains are better than one."
nora laughs, "yeah. i already assumed you'd be helping me out on this. you'd want to stay with your human lover for a year this time too, right?"
siwoo nods. "yeah," he replies, voice a little softer, "i do. so let's work hard."
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bexsua · 3 months
( determination from undertale ost )
sua doesn't quite believe what she's seeing. it's definitely a skeleton, standing, moving-- and it's the first creature her and nora have seen since toriel. not human like they are, which is concerning, as well as the animated skeleton that's lounging in front of them.
"do you think it talks, too?"
"no clue." sua mumbles in response to nora's question, peering past the bush and at the strange thing. it's very odd. since nora and her woke up in this strange place, they've encountered odd thing after odd thing. "i hope not. it's freaking me out a little."
"you're telling me." nora whispers, before silence befalls the two of them. both girls just staring at the phenomenom happening just a few paces away. "you should go talk to it."
"what?" sua scoffs in disbelief. "no. you go talk to it."
"no, you."
"no, you!"
"how about i come talk to you guys instead?" a confused voice says, sounding way too close for their comfort. the two girls turn their heads, both jumping back in shock at the talking skeleton standing by the bush they were hiding behind.
sua stares. nora stares. the skeleton blinks (what?), and then waves with a hand, wiggling bony fingers at them. "hhey."
the skeleton jolts a bit, watching the two girls step back, and then proceed to fight to push the other forward. it's a bit of a tussel, before sua gets roughly pushed forward, nora's hands clenched in her shirt, hissing out a just talk to it!
sua's eyebrow twitches. "hi." she tries, offering a smile and trying not to let her horror show when the skeleton smiles back, skeletal teeth and all. "um. have you seen anyone else around that looks like us?" she points to the two of them.
"nope. first two humans i've seen in a long time."
"huh." sua laughs, a bit hysteric. that doesn't bode well. "awesome."
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vinnbe · 2 months
ace of spades event starter for: @benora
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with his phone in hand, vinn makes his way towards a more secluded area of the festival. he’s been seeing a few videos on his timeline of idols and other attendees doing the waterbomb challenge, and although he’s already at the festival, he wants to participate too. maybe, just maybe, if he dances well enough, his video might go viral, potentially catching the eyes of scouts or building an early fanbase. he’s kinda thinking ahead of the future, but that’s how vinn has always been. he’s calculated with the things he does.
he watches another set of videos, mentally cataloging the steps, when he spots a woman doing the same thing—well, except she's already filming the challenge, pausing occasionally to redo parts, and vinn is just kinda standing there, watching her movements.
part of him wants to step in, to help her perfect the dance, but he hesitates. correcting a stranger uninvited feels presumptuous. so he continues his ogling for a bit longer, curious if she’ll actually get everything right this time, and when she does, vinn claps instinctively, realizing too late how odd it must seem since she hadn't known he was watching. exposed, he decides to roll with it.
"you nailed that," vinn says, offering her a small smile. he places his phone on the ground, using his water bottle as a makeshift stand to keep it from falling over. it’s his turn now to film the challenge, but an idea strikes him just as he’s about to start. he turns his body back to the woman. "i know you just completed your video, but would you like to try the challenge together?"
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undeadpreggo · 8 months
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Benora, but in labor!
Decided to draw my friend, @elizapreg’s OC, Benora, cuz I’m the #1 Benora fan lol
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be-events · 2 days
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thank you everyone for a successful first round of DREAM WAVE auditions, everyone! 
the following wannabes have been called back for a second round by our big three companies: 
those that choose to accept the invitation should visit the seocho training facility on saturday, september 28, at 7am sharp, where they will be escorted to different audition rooms depending on which company invited them in. 
auditions will be held in simple dance practice rooms, with minimal decoration. a panel of five staff members will be present to judge the auditionees. upon arriving in the room, the staff members will ask for some basic information, such as name, age and occupation, before letting the auditionees showcase their skills.
this will be a 60 second performance in front of the panel. wannabes can bring their own music prerecorded, and some props and handheld instruments if so they choose. it’s important to think critically about what piece to perform in front of the judges - make sure it shows your strengths so you can wow these judges and secure a contract! 
final results will be announced in the first half of october. good luck!
welcome to the second part of the dream wave auditions! this event is for the wannabes listed on this post only and will run until october 9 at 11:59pm EST. any solos posted after the deadline will not count towards participation. 
please use the hashtag #BE:DREAMWAVEAUDITION2 for all posts relating to this event.
TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AUDITION PROCESS, please write a 200+ word solo about your character auditioning. please note the word count requirement - as this is meant to be a simpler audition process with a shorter deadline than our usual 4+ weeks, we are also lowering the word count for this.
as stated in the post, companies will be judging your muse based on what they hope they’ll get to see, according to what the muse said in their interview. it might not be the best idea to perform a self-choreographed contemporary dance routine when you previously mentioned you’re best at singing. 
once you have posted your solo, please submit a link to it to the events blog.
the final list of muses invited into the companies’ trainee program will be posted at a later date.
good luck!
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bemicah · 2 months
soooooooo ,,, guess who decided to bring in a second muse ( one that's been plaguing my mind for a long time now and is only now finally seeing the light of day )— this girl! it's benora's mun, here to introduce my artsy boy micah hwang, someone who holds literally no interest in becoming an idol and simply wants to make pottery and be pretty hot. originally from canada, micah is an '02 liner and currently works at an art studio. below you'll find links to some of his pages, and please do let me know if you'd like to plot! ☆
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about. background. plots.
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beyuji · 3 months
< now playing: guard you, by youngk > cw: allusions to violence, light injury.
"i can take care of myself." nora stresses, the words going through yuji's ear and out the other. the same excuses time and time again. because each and everytime nora claims that-- she's end up in some sort of trouble again. a magnet for it, yuji's come to learn.
"you can." she placates easily, arms crossed and observing nora with a look of barely concealed exasperation. "in any other normal circumstance. this doesn't count." yuji gestures pointedly to the people knocked out cold around them.
it feels as though they're stuck in a timeloop with how often it happens. yuji's not even upset anymore. frankly, she's tired.
"i had it completely handled!" nora protests, voice firm in her beliefs. but yuji sees the cuts and scrapes littered across what she can see, her clothing torn. "if you would just like wait and let me take care--"
loud yelling, crashing-- barrage of gunshots causes nora to go silent. they both stand stock still, listening in the silence of the room for it to get louder. eventually, it quiets, but neither of them speak. yuji takes a moment to count to three in her head, before she takes quick steps over to nora.
"okay," she murmurs quietly. "we're done here." she steps carefully over a body, tugging out her phone and glancing over the instructions. "out this door. there should be an emergency exit we can take without having to deal with that." yuji jerks her head back to the obvious sound of violence somewhere else in the building. "because that is certainly something neither of us can handle right now."
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bexria · 2 months
the summer heat
ria loves summer, her outfits looks a bit better, the weather is warmer, and of course, the joy of eating ice cream out on a hot day. it’s summer break, so for a little while, ria doesn’t have to worry about school or homework, though truthfully, she should get a job over the summer. ria has spent quite a great amount of time on her friends, hanging out with them every day, now that she has friends, she values them greatly.
as much as the summer heat is amazing, it can get quite hot though. she wipes some sweat off her forehead, hopes she hasn’t sweated all of her make up off yet. “eh? it sure is warm, isn’t it?” she says as she turns to look at nora. “oh my!” she spots something, quickly wraps herself around nora’s arm. “there’s an ice cream place over there!” she points and smiles greatly, looks up at nora and shows her puppy eyes, “don’t you wanna buy us ice cream?” she asks as she tilts her head a bit to the side.
on the way to -> @benora
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be-points · 3 months
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genevievemd · 1 year
I was just wondering what Tori and Aurora's relationship is like?
Awww I love this!
They’re not super close, because tori does live in Maine while Aurora and Ben are in Boston, but they get along great!
Especially because they’ve known each other for a while, because they’d met prior to Aurora dating Ben — because Tori is Gen’s bff since kindergarten.
I will say, at first they didn’t get along. Tori had heard stories from Gen during her into year and didn’t like how Aurora treated Gen but as time went on and G and Aurora got closer Tori let the issues go.
And now years later they get along just fine.
They’re not besties, but Tori does think Aurora is good for her big brother and loves them as a couple.
(And when Benora gets married, Tori is a bridesmaid!)
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wannaberp · 17 days
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welcome to wannabe rp’s weekly activity check! we require that all muses post at least once every fourteen days to be considered active. those who do not meet this requirement will be removed from the directory and all points they’ve accumulated will be forfeit.
all muses who do not appear on this list have passed activity requirements. as a reward for posting in the last seven days, any muse who is not on the removed or warning list may collect +5 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation. please link back to this post on your points sheet. no further verification is required.
acceptances will immediately follow this post on a queue.
the following muses are currently on hiatus and are exempt from the activity check. they may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.
@beminseok • until september 4th * ENDS TODAY
@sarangbe • until september 11th
@jindallaebe • until september 11th
@kianbe • until september 11th
@shoutabe • until september 11th
@hangyeolbe • until september 11th
@renxbe • until september 11th
@bexcam • until september 18th
@bedohyun • until september 18th
the following muses have not posted in the last seven days and may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.​
the following muses have not posted in the last fourteen days or have voluntarily dropped and have been cleared from the directory. these faceclaims are now available to be reserved by others.
@besooyoung • kim yewon (viviz)
the following muses have moved to a new faceclaim and the previous faceclaim is now available to be reserved by others.
@beyuwol is now lee chanyoung (riize); formerly bae jinyoung (soloist)
@behyeran is now jang wonyoung (ive); formerly seol yoona (nmixx)
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evolucaodiaria · 6 years
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Momento Selfie pra registrar o ENCONTRO com muitas pessoas que eu admiro imensamente, e outras que acabei de ter a honra de conhecer(se eu não te marquei na foto é pq não achei o seu perfil, comenta ae). O @topiacwb foi um dos divisores de água na minha carreira e na de muitas pessoas. Quero publicamente agradecer ao #benora e à @escolarevolution por terem me proporcionado tantos insights é tanta conexão. Agora meu compromisso é levar o que eu aprendi e captei deste evento para todos os ILUSTRES! #BORAEVOLUIR #topia #topia2018 #ilustradores #conceptart #ilustraçãodigital #evoluçãodiária
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