#best diy watch making kit
valsverse · 1 year
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"lay all your love on me."
synopsis: general dating headcanons for our favorite water boy. pairing: percy jackson x gn!reader headcanons. word count: 1.2k
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• oh, the antics.
• he's constantly trying to impress you even if you claim it gives you secondhand embarrassment. he'll be practicing tricks on his skateboard and be like, "this one's for you, babe!" and goes to do a kickflip or something and COMPLETELY falls off. LMFAOO.
and he'll be all whiny when you patch up his hand because he wanted to make you proud!! but all is good after you reassure him and kiss his scratches better. (as per his request.)
• percy loves partaking in your hobbies, regardless of his skill level.
if your hobby is knitting, soon enough you’ll be gifted a sweater with a pink heart and your name stitched unevenly on the seams. yeah, it might be a little itchy and it's practically falling off your shoulders, but he tried his best!!
if you like reading, he'll snuggle up with you as you two share a book. (although he prefers if you read to him, dyslexia is a pain.)
you get the point. quality time is something he values greatly. as long as he gets to spend time with you, he doesn't mind what activities you choose to engage in, whether it's watching, listening, or doing something else altogether.
• you usually accompany percy on quests, but on the rare occasion when you don't, he's quite literally counting the days until he can see you like a child counting down until christmas.
before leaving, the hugs he gives you are so tight it's unreal. like, his friends have to intervene to separate him from you. as he gradually steps back, he tells you he loves you and misses you despite him not even leaving for the quest yet, LMFAO. he only releases his grip on you when your index fingers are the last thing touching.
but when he comes back, his affection for you is on full blast. like i'm talking shrieks of excitement when he finally sees you, which attracts the attention of some nearby campers but he couldn’t care less as he runs over, nearly colliding into you with his hug.
• percy has a unique way of hugging that leaves you feeling entirely enveloped in his warm embrace. when he hugs you, your entire torso is engulfed, and your face is pressed against his chest. his arm wraps around your waist, almost entirely covering it. his other hand, calloused yet gentle, cradles the base of your head, holding you close to his chest or neck, and the scent of seawater and his cologne fills your senses.
• matching bracelets type of love!! one day, you two were strolling around manhattan and came across one of those cheap, diy jewelry kits for 10% off. you know, the kind that's meant for little kids and not demigod teenagers? yeah, that kind.
but percy bought it for you anyway, and you guys spent the remainder of the day crafting matching jewelry for each other! yeah, it did get frustrating sometimes, (you always have to tie the end of percy's bracelet/necklace for him because for some reason he's completely incapable of doing it himself.) but you two laugh and tease each other the whole time and it's just really sweet.
percy made you a blue bracelet with a little trident charm in the middle, and you made him one with your signature color theme and your initials on the beads!! both of you wear them around camp proudly, and the beads make a jingling sound whenever you hold hands with him.
(+ he runs his fingers over the bracelet you made for him whenever he starts to miss you.)
• hands intertwined all the time!! he's developed such a habit for it that whenever you're together, he automatically reaches for your hand. whether you're walking around camp, sitting on the couch, or even sleeping, holding your hand is so ingrained in his mind that he doesn't even think about it.
percy loves feeling the difference between your palm and his, whether yours is softer, calloused, coarser, etc. he also loves playing with any rings you wear, twisting them around your finger or rearranging them.
• cabin sleepovers are an absolute must. you have them once every few weeks — and would have them more often if it weren't for the harpies.
not only does he love spending time with you in his cabin, but also he just sleeps more peacefully around you.
percy likes to rest with his chin nestled in the curve of your shoulder. you've grown accustomed to the feeling of his warm breath against your skin and the weight of his head against your collarbone — which he leaves lazy kisses on before he falls asleep. only when his eyelashes brush against your neck, fingers curled into the fabric of your sweater, can he relax and feel safe, warm, and loved enough to fall asleep.
• percy jackson is the type of boyfriend who leaves his clothes out on purpose for you to wear. he pretends not to notice that the hoodies he lends you never return to his closet. but he doesn't really mind because he loves seeing you in them.
• staring is a percy thing. even if he tries to hide his gaze every once in a while, you still manage to catch him sitting across from you with a lovesick smile, his eyes trailing over your face taking in every feature as if it was his first time seeing you.
when his eyes finally catch yours, he quickly looks away, but he can't resist glancing back at you a moment later because like, how could he not?? and with his confidence building up, soon enough he whispers, “c'mere and give me a kiss, yeah?”
• percy always tries to be creative when it comes to dates because they're kinda limited at camp. while you've experimented with various activities such as training, picnics, and swimming, your favorite pastime is strawberry picking. you two spend the day in the fields, picking the sweetest strawberries you ever had which later turned into refreshing strawberry smoothies.
but he's so particular about what strawberries he picks. you'll go to pick one with a little bruise and he'll whip his head around so fast like??? it's not that serious percy.
• percy does his best to learn everything about you, from the things you love to the things that you hate. if you hate bugs, he'll get rid of them all for you, (but he puts them somewhere safe because he's a sweetheart.) he'll speak for you in public if you're not comfortable in social situations, and he'll lead you through large crowds if you hate them. he's always learning and paying attention to the things you like, dislike, love, and hate so that he always brings a smile to your face.
he'll go out of his way to learn your favorite songs so he always knows which ones to play during long car rides, he knows how you like your coffee, and he has your entire takeout order memorized!!
• percy's love for you is so evident, there may as well be hearts in his eyes. he thinks you're the absolute prettiest, and nothing can change his mind. you two are perfect together, and the whole camp knows it.
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this was supposed to come out earlier but my peanut allergy got provoked, but fuck it, we ball. 💪💪 (malnourished, heavy eye bags, weeping, hysterically shrieking, dehydrated, and on the verge of insanity.)
xx val
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wileys-russo · 9 months
stuck with me II k.cooney cross x reader
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stuck with me II k.cooney cross x reader
"-so i said we would babysit for a few hours." kyra shrugged, dropping two bags onto your bed as you raised an eyebrow. "you mean i'll babysit. when the kids are around you are not the responsible adult in the situation ky." you raised an eyebrow as your girlfriend pulled a face and kissed your cheek.
"don't act like you wouldn't have said yes in a heartbeat. everyone knows you're harleys favorite anyway!" kyra cheesed hitting you where she knew would work, your ego. "can't argue with the facts. what's in the bags?" you sighed and questioned with narrowed eyes as kyra clapped happily.
"i know its not december yet but i thought since we're as close as we'll ever get to being in the snow for christmas and its the last camp for the year we could-" the girl jumped onto the bed and rifled through the bags. "-build gingerbread houses and make ornaments!" she pulled out the boxes with a gleeful grin and you melted at her obvious delight.
"where did you even get these?" you laughed, picking up one of the diy bauble kits and reading through. "kyra! this very clearly says ages 10 and up, harper and harley are not 10!" you warned, eyebrows furrowing at the toxic warning for the glue.
"it's fine babe! we'll be supervising and doing it with them the entire time." kyra waved off your worries, moving onto her knees and knocking the box from your grip, hands pawing at your hoodie.
"baby!" you laughed as she yanked you down onto the bed and hovered over you with a grin, attacking your face with kisses. "now say; thank you kyra. you are so smart kyra, what a great idea kyra!" she demanded cheekily between kisses.
"like the sound of your own name do you cooney cross?" you teased, grabbing the back of her neck and guiding her lips to meet your own, smiling happily at the waves of pleasure which washed over you at the feeling of her soft lips moving against yours.
but the moment was cut short as rapid knocks sounded, all too familiar voices crying out for the door to open as you gently pushed your girlfriend off of you, pecking her pouty lips a few times and watching her face light up as you promised to resume what you started later on.
you'd not even opened the door more than a few centimeters before two tiny bodies barreled inside, darting through your legs with gleeful cheers as kyra dropped down to the floor to grab both young girls in a bear hug.
"thank you for this." katrina sighed gratefully pulling you into a hug, having been called into an unexpected zoom meeting with some perspective new clubs for the afternoon.
"neither of them have napped so they should hopefully crash within the hour." tameka added on, down for press conference duty with tony this afternoon. "please, like ky will let them sleep." you chuckled, the midfielder calling out hello's to both older women who smiled seeing her spinning around both harley and harper in her arms.
"call us if anything happens yeah?" katrina warned as you nodded, promising you would and taking the girls backpacks from tameka as you waved them off, both their daughters yelling out goodbye before the door closed and they were gone.
"and where's my hug?" you gasped, crossing your arms feigning annoyance as both girls tried to scramble for you, kyra trapping harper in her arms as harley leapt her small body off the bed causing you to scramble to catch her.
"i'm like a superhero!" the three year old grinned as you twirled her round, blowing a raspberry to her cheek. "let her go!" you laughed at your girlfriend as harper wiggled and whined in her grip.
"what are we doing today?" harley asked eagerly, jumping up and down on the bed once you placed her back down, scooping up harper and flinging her up and into the air, catching her as the girl giggled.
"well. aunty ky has some cool activities for us to do, but only if you're on your best behavior." you warned with a smile, both girls yelling that they were good over and over as kyra moved to grab the bags. "okay okay! we get it, you're good girls." you laughed, taking harleys outstretched hands and swinging her around like you knew she wanted.
"okay!" kyra clapped for everyones attention as you took a seat on the bed, harley scrambling to sit on your lap as harper tucked herself into your side, making you grin as her little head wedged its way under your arm.
"we're gonna make...." kyra trailed off, drumming her hands on the nightstand as the suspense built. "gingerbread houses!" she yelled happily, causing you to wince as the two girls beside you screeched in delight.
"ky, i really don't think its a good idea to let them eat so much." you warned, harley sat on your lap as harper sat on hers, both of you tucked up against the desk in the corner building your respective gingerbread houses.
you'd watched with a sigh as kyra would every now and then allow both girls to consume a lolly, which eventually escalated into her giving them permission to eat whatever they wanted so long as they left some to decorate with.
"why? it's fine!" your girlfriend waved it off, moving to help harper glue a few candy canes to the roof of their house. polar opposite to theirs, harley had wanted a much more organised look, taking her time to make sure it was neat and tidy which made you smile.
"because kyra, what goes in must come out!" you warned, already starting to see harper perk up a little more. "what? they won't throw up they're little but they're not babies." kyra scoffed with a roll of her eyes, whining as you reached over to sharply pinch her thigh.
"hey! mummy says no pinching." harper piped out with a scowl in your direction as kyra stuck her tongue out at you, dismissing your worries and returning to helping harper as harley bounced in your lap demanding your attention.
turns out, you were of course correct.
"woah woah! where did you get these?" your eyes widened as you scooped up harley and grabbed a pair of craft scissors out of her hand. "found em." the girl beamed, wiggling to be put down as you tucked her under your arm.
"kyra that is a terrible idea." you warned sternly as the midfielder pulled out the ornament making kit.
"no its not it'll give them something to do with their energy." the brunette huffed, practically pinning harper down who was doing her best impression of a lion, teeth nashing and trying to bite the older girl.
"harps no biting!" you groaned, adjusting harley under your arm who was furiously trying to get away. "see what you did!" you scowled at your girlfriend in annoyance, putting harley down and grabbing harper.
"three minutes for biting." you warned, sitting her down in a chair facing the wall. "harper." you repeated in a serious tone as she tried to get up, the toddler sitting back down and crossing her arms frowning adorably.
"kyra!" you whined seeing her setting harley up with a bauble and a glue gun. "you got any better ideas babe?" the girl raised an eyebrow challengingly. "nap time?" you sighed, wincing as two very loud protests were yelled back at you.
"not on the bed." you grabbed harley under her arms and swung her into a chair as kyra moved beside her. "done now?" harper peeked over the top of her own chair as you sighed again. "done biting?" you questioned with crossed arms as harper nodded.
"go on." you gestured for her to get up as she ran over to kyra, climbing up into her lap as you stepped out to go to the bathroom and clear your head, the christmas music kyra insisted on blasting from her phone not helping the chaos.
"see babe? piece of cake!" kyra chirped quietly, nudging her shoulder into yours as the two of you stared down at the pair of sleeping girls in bed. "they're covered in glitter." you sighed running a hand through your hair with a shake of your head.
"occupational hazard, it washes off." kyra dismissed your concerns with a wave. "come on baby. we did good! no one got hurt, nothing got broken, they're safe and fast asleep." kyra pressed a kiss to your cheek as you rolled your eyes.
"high five for top babysitters!" kyra murmured happily, holding up her hand and wiggling her eyebrows. "you are such a child sometimes." you sighed but smacked your hand into hers none the less.
but when you tried to pull away, alarm bells sounded.
"kyra. why is your hand stuck to mine?" you asked calmly, your girlfriend shrinking a little at the question.
"please tell me you washed the glue off." you spoke again, the brunette avoiding your eyes as you pinched the bridge of your nose with your free hand.
before you could say another word there was gentle knocks at the door, your girlfriend hissing a little in pain as you yanked her toward it by your conjoined hands. "hope they weren't any trouble?" katrina smiled, her and tameka moving inside as you and kyra backed off.
"no trouble! never trouble." kyra replied nervously, katrina instantly picking up on the shift in tone, shooting the younger girl a weird look over her shoulder as she picked up a still sleeping harper.
"do some arts and crafts did we?" tameka laughed at the glitter all over harley who stirred. "we'll drop the baubles off once they dry." you smiled nodding to the desk where they sat among a pile of glitter. "they're so cute." tameka grinned, kyra having done her best to help them both write their names.
"really cute." katrina echoed, though her tone conveyed suspicion as you and kyra did your best to hide your conjoined hands. "well we have to shower and get ready for dinner!" you smiled nodding toward the door, tameka thanking you both and promising she owed you one before leaving.
"you right min?" kyra smiled nervously as the shorter woman stared you both down. "fine. what are you two hiding?" she adjusted harper in her arms, eyes narrowing again as you both rambled out nothing. "its my fault." kyra blurted out as you glared and rammed your elbow into her side.
"ky shut up!" "what is your fault?"
"babe!" you groaned as kyra held up your stuck together hands. "i don't get it." katrina frowned on confusion. "they're stuck together. i had glue on my hands and i didn't wash it off and then we high fived and-" her nervous ramblings were cut off by the laughter from the woman in front of you.
"oh my you two are unbelievable. good luck! see you at dinner." with that she quickly left the room, ignoring the two of you calling after her for help.
your girlfriend withered at the glare you fixed her with, the two of you taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "where did you get the kits from?" you asked firmly, your girlfriend stuttering out an answer as you grabbed her phone and did a quick google, which proved to be incredibly challenging with one hand.
punching in the number you dialed the store kyra snuck out to you quickly explained what happened to the manager who assured there was a dissolvent they could order in to arrive tomorrow morning, the canadian clearly unable to hold back his amusement as you thanked him and hung up.
thankfully the game was not until the weekend as you explained the situation to kyra, the blunt tone of your voice meaning she knew exactly how pissed off with her you were.
"baby." you turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "what?"
"there's no one i'd rather be stuck with than you?"
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astrogre · 9 months
What gifts to buy for each Venus sign
Christmas is among us, my favourite season and time of the year. Venus is the planet of love, by nature it can display what we like to receive from others but if you don’t know their Venus or the house it’s in you can try to look at the persons Sun sign instead but Venus is ideal.
A gift based on their:
Sun sign will make them feel seen and like you know them well, it will be a gift they may appreciate
Venus sign is all they’ve ever desired it’s the pinnacle of their ideal gift. Especially as Venus represents how we like to receive and experience love
Aries/ 1H Venus
Gym membership, running shoes, thrill seeking experiences like tickets to bungee jumping, rock climbing, a skydiving event, gym outfit, tickets to their favourite artist, tickets to festival, cool lighter, archery classes, tickets to sports games, a shirt with their teams logo or merch from their favourite artists, scissors set, cooking tools, hair styling products like hairspray, hair dye, Fitbit/apple watch, knives set, sports gear, heavy bass headphones, tickets for those room smashing experiences, take them clay pigeon shooting, family destroying board games like Risk or Catan, diy tattoo kit, diy piercing kit, theme park tickets.
Aries Venus are by nature thrill seekers, Aries is ruled by the head and has 1st house influences, they can certainly appreciate something that ignites passion, they are impulsive and quick by nature to pursue what they desire. They need gifts that match their decisive nature and to let out that pent up energy they have in them, I honestly think experiences are the best for them. Or a box of hair dye for their impulsive moments
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Taurus/ 2H Venus
Hire a chef or take them to a really good restaurant for a 5 course meal that serves orgasmic food and has impeccable visuals/atmosphere OR you can even arrange a 7 course homemade meal with the finest of recipes! , fine jewellery adorned with a gemstone, culinary experiences, cooking classes, kitchenware, go to fragrantica.com and find a high quality perfume to give, premium home decor, art, antique items, antique furniture, comfortable cosy clothing, hot water bottle, gardening tools, plants, selection of seeds for their garden, diffuser, essential oils, desserts like baklava/ferro rocher, luxury goods, wellness retreat subscription, day at the spa, tea set, comfy velvet winter pillows and bed sheets
Oh my Taurus natives, they know how to break a bank for Christmas and if not they can enjoy luxury on a budget! They enjoy the finer things of life of course Venus ruled, they know how to induge in pleasures and satisfaction. Due to the earthy influence they have a green finger and a natural affinity with plants and gardening, they may love flowers or want to grow plants themselves. Taurus venuses are rather easy to gift, if you know them they usually have a vice, it may be sleep, food or pure laziness, get them something according to their vice and they will treasure it.
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Gemini/ 3H Venus
Really cool stationary, Spotify subscription, comedy show tickets, books from their favourite genre, a notebook, Grammarly subscription, cards against humanity board game, Duolingo subscription, multiplayer games, home kit recording studio, language learning stuff, calligraphy classes, kindle, portable car charger, Bluetooth speaker, karaoke machine, suitcase, travel accessories, a musical instrument, sealing wax kit, creative hobby supplies, microphone, podcasting equipment, audio editing software, a car, vr headset, Nintendo online subscription, Netflix/HBO/youtube/crunchyroll subscription
Gemini rules communication, short journeys and social engagement. Blessing these natives with tools to enhance their pleasant hobbies will make them swoon in gratitude, if you want to get them something make it engaging and whimsical. These natives are ruled by mercury and always welcome something that requires the mind.
Cancer/ 4H Venus
A cooking set, baking set, comfort food, commission artwork of the family, family photos, some really nice home decor, a keepsake/musical box adorned with velvets and soft materials that will store sentimental objects, a locket necklace, family recipe book make a recipe book of all their favourite foods and some foods you know they’d like, soft fluffy blanket, the family heirloom, hand crafted quilt, hand painted ceramic mug, animal crossing game, sims 4 game, games relating to the home, bring and fly in family that are far away as a surprise and cook their favourite meal together, household utilities, lush bath products, a personal chef for a day, a personal butler for a day, custom family tree art, ancestry DNA kit (please be careful though once you use them they keep your data and if they get hacked your information is out there), home movie night, comfy slippers and pyjamas, family board games, this christmas make them Christmas dinner this time.
Cancer rules the home and there’s nothing more appreciated by a cancer Venus than things that remind them of this. They are by nature expressive and nurturing, this time let them be pampered!
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Leo/ 5H Venus
Hair care products, gift card for their favorite store, make them an edit no joke like a TikTok edit that makes them look really cool, one of those light up mirrors or a pretty handheld one if they don’t have one already, book them a photoshoot together if they don’t like the camera maybe post them on your social media and show affection for these bold natives, theatre tickets, bold sunglasses, luxury watch, good jewellery, VIP experiences like backstage passes or reservation to exclusive invite only restaurants, designer clothing that is a prestigious brand they love, commission style artwork, make them a playlist of songs that reminds you of them, fine wine, personalised fragrance creation that allows them to create their own signature fragrance, personalised makeup makeover, hire a stylist for them
A perfect gift for Leo’s need to have an element of self expression, luxury and incorporate their personality that garners attention from peers. They need a gift that makes them feel special, something tailored specifically for them that cannot be gifted to anyone else. Personalised gifts do well either this placement too. When I think of these natives I just think of that Meghan Trainor music video “Me Too” watch that and you’ll get their vibe.
Virgo/ 6H Venus
Skincare products, a blender for smoothies, lots of cleaning products, multi purpose aesthetic storage containers, Quora or chat gpt subscription (these guys like to be well informed), give them scientifically researched bath products that have all that vitamin breakdown qualities, make them a notion template to help them plan, quality office supplies like a desk organiser or chair, practical fitness gear like a yoga mat, a fitness tracker, get them a personal nutritionist, tailored meal prep services, bookshelf organiser system, a stylish briefcase, home office makeover (BUT PLEASE GET THEIR PERMISSION FIRST), online course subscription, digital subscription to news feed, you can never go wrong with practical things, an ikea haul, Costco membership, minimalist decor, multi vitamins, a precision watch, set of labelling and sorting tools, a neat tidy chess board, get them a nice little pet, honestly for some reason whenever I think of Virgos I think of matcha. Get them something matcha based.
Virgo Venus natives need gifts that resemble their routine and organisation, they can be rather difficult to purchase for since they have such a specific taste in mind. Gift cards are practical for them but they really need something that allows them to be more prepared. Take them out for comparison price shopping like say if you want to get them a sofa tell them you’ll take them out to Costco, Amazon, ikea, and compare the best ones. They are also very clean and efficient.
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Libra Venus/ 7H Venus
Trending Make up like the fenty hot chocolit heat lip gloss, Korean skincare products, beautiful piece of art, a wedding ring 😏, bouquet of flowers, take them to a beautiful botanical garden, fashionable accessories like a silk scarf, books and courses on design, take them to a couples romantic date, a couples workshop, write them a love letter, museum date, tickets to an art exhibition, fine dining, an astrology synastry reading, if they’re single set up a blind date with someone who you KNOW they would like (make sure they’re handsome/pretty), couples retreat, love coach Patreon subscription, pottery/painting classes, relationship podcast subscription, relationship psychology books, fine fragrance/cologne
Libra is ruled by Venus and 7th house, all things related to love beauty and pleasure align with this native, even if they are single they have a natural gift for delving into relationships. Make sure that whatever gift you give them it is pleasing and sensual
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Scorpio/ 8H Venus
Intimate gifts, a psychological crime documentary playlist like Epstein island documentary or YouTubers who speak of renowned cult leaders, personalised astrology reading, a dark seductive fragrance, dark artwork, dominance and submission guide book, shadow work journal with a lock on it, dark poetry and literature, escape room adventure tickets, monopoly game, dungeons and dragons game equipment, bdsm accessories, personalised erotic art, leather/latex clothing, bonding activities, empowering books like 48 Laws of Power, martial arts training, taxidermy, personal development workshops, intense workout equipment like a punching bag, chess, daggers, locks on their door or for their belongings like installing a lock for their drawers, buy them a ring camera and subscription, wine tasting experience
Give them something sultry and deep, it has to be psychological and empowering. They are not impressed by superficial gifts that mean nothing to them. They really like gifts that allow them to explore their nature and the darker aspects of existence.
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Sagittarius/ 9H Venus
A scratch off map that allows you to scratch off countries you’ve been to, a surprise holiday where you take them abroad, Duolingo subscription, a wanderlust journal for them to document their experiences, passport accessories, an electric guitar, drums, take them to a fireworks display or do one at home for them, a telescope, a drone, binoculars, philosophical books or religious books based on their own beliefs and religion, running shoes, horse riding in the sunset experience, musical instruments, motivational and positive affirmations book or make some for them yourself, a book collection of all their motivational and positive messages they have said, a compass, pay for their tuition for a course they’ve always wanted, traveling stuff like suitcases, pillow for travelling, a portable flask, a disposable camera, a Polaroid camera, a tent, tickets to a cultural festival, hiking gear, skiing gear, camping gear, sketchbook, a donation in their name
Sagittarius Venus and 9H venuses love the concept of exploration whether it be in the mind or physically, the best gift you could give them is one that allows them to take in so much culture, information and experiences.
Capricorn/ 10H Venus
Customisable credit card (CUCU is a good site for this), a nice power suit like business attire, vintage pocket calculator, cufflinks or a tie, formal shoes, pay for their CV to be analysed by professionals in their industry, elegant timeless clothing and jewellery, make them business cards, get them a corporate slave (an assistant will do), pay for business class flights for their next trip abroad, project management courses, tickets to Ted Talk event, take them to and big them up at networking and entrepreneurial opportunities, a sleek desk, submit their work for trophies and awards, quality furniture, Starbucks or their fave coffee place gift cards, a fountain pen, personalised desk name plate, professional photoshoot, designer accessories like a Swiss watch, leather wallet, cheque book, pay for a professional calligrapher to design their signature, time management software
Our sweet cap Venuses and 10Hers need their professional acknowledgment, give them anything timeless and a way for them to better themselves. They love being the best of the best so give them things that support their ambitions.
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Aquarius/ 11H Venus
A 3D printer, high tech phone, a gamer console, smart home device like Alexa, chat gpt subscription, AI art pieces of them, rubix cube, VR headset, bespoke one of a kind art piece, tickets to a science technology conference or musem, networking events, phone case, futuristic home decor, membership to an niche club their interested in, mini indoor garden like a plant terrarium, pay for an astronomy stargazing experience for them, alt clothing, goal setting journal, a camaraderie for their friendships can be a bracelet for an example, tickets to a unique workshop according to their niche interests, video editing software, a unique invention prototype for the industry their interested in say if it were cars then a mini Tesla or something, volunteer together, design software, film festival tickets, social cause merchandise, unique fashion piece, astronomy kit, an AI boyfriend or girlfriend, take them a Ted talk.
Always remember the specific niche interests of these natives they like things that are very niche and so sometimes asking them is actually the best thing to do. But make sure it’s something they’re passionate about not all of these natives live tech but they certainly are innovative.
Pisces/ 12H Venus
Seashell necklace, watercolour paints, fantasy book collection, their favourite mangas, handmade artwork, stained glass window art, dream interpretation book, flowerpedia book, vinyls, yoga mat, contact lenses, tickets to their favourite artist like mitski or the sort, create a playlist for them that’s about fantasy and imagination, they might like Disney consider taking them to Disneyland, windchime, subscription to mindfulness app, astrology book, go to the aquarium together, windchimes, art supplies, a dream journal, sound healing instruments, pay for their spiritual retreat, zen garden decor, a mystical music box, water fountain, take them to a mesmerising body of water, prayer mats, diary, write them a heartfelt letter of how amazing they are, take them to a nature retreat, wearable art
Dreamy imaginative gifts would be perfect for these people, they need gifts that allow them to appreciate their escape world where they have a reality that’s just better than here. Give them things that are as beautiful as their inner world.
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baeddel · 1 month
my 1st year of hrt
i don't post here much now, but as i have shared so much of my journey with you, for so much of which i wasn't able to transition at all, i wanted to make a post about my first year on hormones.
this post will be nsfw because of frank discussion about genitals, sexual functions and sexuality. it's also long, sorry.
i have the entire time merely done what the diy wiki told me. between the time that i first looked into it, with the sort of long and helpful advices i received from friends, up to now, the whole thing has become much more well-understood and by that measure much easier to transmit and there are more plentiful resources. so it is really easy to diy. it's also much easier to get hormones and blockers and many more kinds are available.
i started off on 50mg bica and 6mg oral estradiol. i knew i wanted to use bica becuase it's supposed to keep your horny. a major hesitation for me was losing my libido, since being an extremely high libido person has been such a core part of my identity for pretty much my entire life. it turns out i had no reason to be afriad for reasons i'll explain later, but in the end i'm not sure how much of a role the bica played in that.
the chepaest place was actually from Lillian at the time we bought it. this regimen worked out to an amount per year that i don't really have and my first year was paid for entirely by my incredible and wonderful and amazing girlfriend @shimakaze-revivalism which i am so thankful for. it worked out the best to go for oral at that time but i had no preference for it over injections; gel seemed annoying to me.
to be honest i don't really recommend all that because it's basically ten times as expensive as monotherapy with injections. good golly! i didn't realize injections were so cheap until another girlfriend pointed it out to me around the time that i was due to refill. plus, not only am i used to injecting because of diabetes, but i like needles. since starting i have fallen in love with this method; i look forward to injection day and delight and savour in the entire process. i inject intramuscularly in my thighs with a 1" needle. the needle presses my skin into a deep valley before finally piercing through at which point my thigh snaps level and swallows the needle. i salivate a little bit when i do it. it hurts for a few days wherever the needle went, sweetly. if i'm too rough it bruises. my girlfriend is frightened of neeldes and i make her watch. i take 0.1ml at 10ml/400mg which according to Transfem Science (click) is equivalent to 8mg per day of estradiol orally, a little more than i took before. i stopped taking bica so i am on estradiol monotherapy.
because Lillian had issues right around the time of my order it was delayed by a bit and i went without hormones for a little while. this was utterly miserable and felt physically awful. i'll talk about it a bit more later. then my wonderful girlfriend lent me hers after we worked some things out so that she wouldn't also be left short. so for about a week or two i was taking 4mg estradiol and some amount of finasteride; this regimen felt bad and i struggled to stay hard or cum until i changed to something else. the phenomenally sweet and kind @hypnosister was bringing some estradiol gel for me to tide me over the rest of the way (—the second time she has given me hormones to cover for my errors), but my estradiol miraculously arrived the exact same day she did, so i never used any gel.
as you can tell, the principle ingredient in my hrt regimen has been the milk of human kindness. i owe an unpayable debt of gratitude. hopefully i can be more competent and independent in the future.
my plan was to get tested every 4~ months and monitor my blood.
there is a private blood test service you can get here in NI. they send out a little kit and you make a sample and send it back. supposedly. so far i have not known anyone to succeed. strangely, they don't allow refunds until you've tried it three times. for me i quickly realized my problem was that i have to use a lancet to draw blood several times a day to monitor my blood sugars, which means my fingers are scarred and calloused around there already and i'd never be able to draw enough blood as the test wanted. the last test i simply sent back undisturbed; they gave me my refund.
you can instead book an appointment with private clinics they work with and they will draw blood intravenously. however, at the time, agoraphobia would have made this a profoundly difficult journey, and i started off transitioning in secret and couldn't ask anyone for help getting there. so in the end i haven't been getting blood tested at all and don't really know what my hormones are and don't know how my liver is doing. this isn't ideal, but things are starting to change for me; i am now out at home, and what's more, i have started to beat my agoraphobia (!) and can get about now on public transport on my own. so i will go in a few months to monitor how my injections are doing.
when i first started i was extremely nauseous. this went away after a month or so. after that there were simply no negative side-effects.
going off of hormones felt bad, but it was as bad as i felt before going on hormones. being on hormones simply feels much better; i'll talk more about that later.
as i mentioned this was my biggest hesitation before starting. my libido had always been so high as to be debilitatingly intense. i would masturbate several times a day. if i hadn't masturbated recently i would be unable to concentrate; i would be so horny i'd get dizzy, feel faint... something in me had to be ceaselessly arrested, cooled, soothed and put away, shortly to lift its hatch and claw at me again. in a lot of ways it was really a big problem in my life and looking back it wasn't a good thing. but it was who i was and i was scared of losing it. it also seemed like an important component of maintaining a lot of sexual relationships. or was it the special solvent that held all my work together? a manic energy. without which i would become slovely and pointless.
erections are also of course an important part of performing in the way i was used to; and i could cum a lot. like, a lot. thick, goopy, white cum. which girls like. because i am not attractive in any other measure, giving up this source of puissance felt like giving up everything. so it was really frightening to me to be honest. these are all ways that the idea of a loss of libido or sexual function felt like the end of myself as a person.
this is i understand probably a distorted source of self-worth, but, in any case, hormones did not in fact oblige me to give it up, and i worried for nothing. hormones drastically improved my sexuality in every single respect. first of all, it did hurt my libido, but only so much as to take the edge off. it let me master it; and having mastered it, i was able to do things i could never do before in my life, like chastity games, and everyday life wasn't so painful, and i had more freedom about how i spent my time, since i didn't have to masturbate before anything that took concentration. but i'm still a very high libido person; what's more it made me much more engaged with sex with partners rather than masturbating.
there was a brief period of time close to the beginning where it did affect my erections, i believe, but this passed and i now have erections like normal. neither my penis or scrotum changed size or appearance. and thankfully my loads did not diminish at all; though on bica it was a little more translucent and less goopy white, it seems to be back to normal on monotherapy. it takes several minutes to clean up after.
but here's the thing; on hrt, my sexuality improved in ways i didn't even anticipate. these are: 1. every sensation feels so much better, to such an extent that sensations seem to take on a profound meaning. it is especially lovely to use the soft parts of a girl's thighs. 2. orgasms are completely different. not just a quantitative but a qualitative difference. they make me shiver, they last forever, my toes curl as i gasp and perspire. afterwards i am submerged in bliss; wheezing asthmatically, sticky or soaking wet. 3. when not having sex, i mostly cum handsfree, neither using my hands nor any implement, or any special technique but to look at something or think of something or talk to someone. either naked or under my clothes. i could do this before but it took more effort. 4. when having sex, i cum much, much faster, which is a really good change for me, because performing was always a source of anxiety, and now i have no problem with that, unless i'm having blood sugar problems which can't be helped.
i understand that most people don't have my experiences when they start hrt. although for most people sex feels better and orgasms feel better, most people cum less and have more problems performing after hrt rather than the opposite.
in the few weeks that i went off hrt i went pretty much back to normal, and it felt awful. i went back to masturbating several times a day, became less interested in having sex, and derived much less enjoyment from masturbation which was little more than habitual. i could still cum handsfree but mostly i didn't. by comparison it all simply felt bad. at this point i would take estrogen merely as an aphrodisiac.
i have little boobs. if it really is accurate to talk about transfem bodies this way, then i think i am in Tanner Stage 3. i don't really care about having boobs so i don't really think about it. mainly i felt A LOT BETTER about my body after i started removing my chest hair, no matter what my chest looks like.
early on in transition i asked you all if my boobs would stop being sore. some of you said no. well listen up fuckers, you were dead wrong! after three or four months they stopped hurting entirely. but then afer i started injections they began to hurt again, and now they still hurt. maybe they'll just hurt every August, no matter what i do.
i literally weigh 50 pounds more than at the start of 2023. however, 30 of those pounds i put on before even starting hrt. so i think it's a coincidence; regression to the mean. in the past i constnatly lost weight mysteriously, now i am quickly gaining it. i'm a little worried about it really, but i feel a little better about myself with chubbier cheeks as well.
i have definitely gained more of an hourglass shape now that i didn't have before. but i still think my body is very ugly and i'm ashamed of it. looking more feminine doesn't mean looking or feeling any more attractive necessarily and you have more body image issues than gender dysphoria. it's necessary to consider them a little separately. to be honest, i have no idea what i wanted hrt to do to my body. no matter what outward physical change i consider i will say 'that's some accidental change and is not the reason i'm on hormones, so i don't really care about it.' then why transition?
this is to me the most fascinating change and the one i could anticipate the least; hrt completely changes my fundmanetal first-person experience of reality. i have no idea how to describe it; surely any words are inaccurate metaphors which cannot possibly denote anything to you if you haven't felt it. i simply feel that, before hrt, i was out of alignment, and that when i am on hrt, my alignment has been restored, and i have achieved some kind of invisible perfection. every waking moment feels so much better, and stopping hrt made me feel awful for that reason only. i knew what it was like to be on it. Tiresias.
this is the biggest thing for me; even if hrt did absolutely nothing else i would take it for this reason alone. not only that, but i would still regard it as deeply important, fulfilling some deep need. i would pay a high price for it.
do you know what i mean? what is this?
oh god... have you felt this? it's rather... rapturous... ah haha...
it means that i'm chosen...
maybe i have eyes on the inside. if you kill me you'll get a Caryll Rune: Clockwise Metamorphosis.
when i think about other things to add to my transition progress, such as progesterone, this is the primary lens that i look at it through. how would this change my inner experience? what effect would it have on me at the level of pure feeling? i don't really care what it would do to my body. what new chamber of the soul is unlocked thereby?
i was promised that i would get periods when i started hrt. this seems to have been a myth. if i want periods i suppose i would have to actually vary my own hormones throughout the month. in the past i actually had a pretty intense dysphoria about not getting periods, and the idea that i'd get them one day was very relieving to me. thankfully i don't really care about that anymore; all of my desires orient themselves with reference to transfems, so not having periods doesn't create any kind of distance between myself and my peers.
anyway, transition is going extremely well in my estimation. there are other aspects of transition than just hrt; gender-affirming clothes, laser (cheap here), optionally voice training and such. i think for some people a year is kind of a long time, but i tend to have a long-term view. it's something healthy but it also makes me slow to act. in any case i still see myself as just starting, and i will get to other things soon enough. i like changing. i like doing things that change me. you have to resist the temptation to see every possible avenue of transition as a form of assimilation to cisnormativity. we have a culture; we do certain things that change us, sometimes forever and sometimes for now.
thanks for reading.
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aphroditeslover11 · 3 months
What are they like with DIY?
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Lenny Miller - he’s the sort of guy who insists that he knows what he is doing with DIY. He likes to think that time spent in the forces before he joined the CIA must mean that he’s handy, but he is still absolutely hopeless. He gets into an argument with anybody who tries to help or correct him. He definitely has an extensive tool kit, but no idea of how to use any of it. In the end he grumpily gives it up and ends up paying a professional to do it instead.
Emmett - of all of our boys he is definitely the best in the DIY department. He’s just one of those people who is really good with his hands. If you give him half an hour to look over something - from a broken car engine to a fence or a watch - he has a knack for just figuring things out. He loves being so practical with his hands, especially if his partner is hopeless in that department, as it makes him feel needed. There is also something unarguable attractive about a man who is good with an axe.
Jim (TDS) - He isn’t terrible at DIY, he’s far from a professional but he always has a go. He likes to do it when the house is quiet and when he is alone so he can concentrate, he also gets embarrassed when it takes him hours to figure something out. If you ask him to look at something he will do it quietly, usually resorting to a YouTube tutorial because he would rather admit that he needs help and get it right than be stubborn and ruin things further.
Tommy Shelby - he doesn’t have the patience for any proper DIY, he fixes things up temporarily until someone else gets fed up of waiting for him to finish the job and does it themselves, usually John or Charlie. If he was alive in 2024, his arsenal would comprise solely of a hammer, DW40 and some duct tape.
Robert Fischer - this man does not have time in his day for DIY, or so he says. He tried to hang a picture once and drilled into a water pipe, that’s the real reason he never attempts it anymore. He has a maintenance man he can call straight to his apartment anyway, so why not just let him sort things out?
Oppie - he isn’t awful at DIY, he is just always to nervous to try it. Ever since he was terrible in the lab when he was studying experimental physics he has no confidence in himself to do anything practical. If coaxed into trying he is very capable of the basics, but he has the common sense to admit that some more complicated things are beyond him.
William Killick - he’s good at DIY, but he does so in more of a rustic way. He’s good at finding the perfectly shaped piece of wood on a beach to mend a fence, or could make a window sill from scratch. He’s not good with more intricate things though, he just doesn’t have the patience and it ends up driving him mad.
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littleplantfreak · 4 months
Self care nights with (some) of the Furin/Shishitoren boys
Boys included: Choji, Togame, Umemiya, and Kiryu
Inspired by me putting on a face mask and going "but what if there were boys with me"
Tomiyama Choji
-Choji's a little too pumped for self care night when you have to remind him it's supposed to be relaxing. He'll let you give him a manicure but he's twitchy when he sits for a while so I hope you have the hands of a surgeon otherwise there's a lot of cleaning up with the nail polish remover.
-He's the type to eat the cucumber they put on your eyes at the spa lmao a trip to the store for snacks in necessary. It's better to get him one of those cute masks that make you look like the animal on the package.
- Asks too many questions when you're watching dramas/movies together. There's a 50/50 chance he knocks out during the best part.
Togame Jo
- I wanna have a self care night with him soooo bad it's not even funny. He'll do whatever you ask him to whether it's playing with your hair or tracing your back and he just does it for however long you want him to? You'll get no complaints from him he's just vibing.
-Loves if you play with his hair too. It's super soft and it's even better if you do a hair mask with him. Put one of the peppermint ones on him and he's in heaven tbh.
-Set up a few candles and chill in the tub with him too if you're comfortable with it. He'll get a bit handsy when he's washing you but he behaves for the most part. Gives you those big ol' loverboy eyes when you reciprocate and start washing him too (i dont have any pics of him rn but I can see him in my mind's eye) They make you wanna kiss him senseless.
Umemiya Hajime
- Is used to these kinds of things since he takes part when the kids at the home and Kotoha have had nights like these in the past.
-He likes to try to keep his hands in good condition despite the ever present dirt from gardening and calluses from fighting. He's so good at mani/pedis he could do it for a living.
-Also his hands are fantastic at massages. If you're ticklish though expect him to graze your worst spots for fun. Making you feel good AND getting to hear you laugh? He's not passing that up for anything. Will smooch random places on your shoulders or back while he's working the knots out.
-Ume also likes to take baths with his s/o. If it's a bubble bath he makes beards or silly hats with the bubbles. He loves smelling like you after he uses your bath products btw.
-Snuggling on the couch and playing video games is ideal for him. His island in animal crossing is impressively made and full of every fruit and flower and plant you could want. Expert collector of things in his museum too (swooning)
Kiryu Mitsuki
- He also plays games with you but that's just normal for him.
- Great at dying hair and doing cute new hairstyles on you. He's super into skincare and makeup stuff so anything you want done to yourself, feel free to do for him as well. He has no problem with you trying new makeup looks on him or painting his nails wild colors and patterns.
- Doing DIY/craft stuff with Kiryu is a must. Bring on the legos, paints, and crafting kits he's ready for anything.
- If you're at his place he'll let you try on whatever clothes he has in his closet for fun. Might just eat you up what with how cute you look in them though so watch out.
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allys-corner · 1 year
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Synopsis: Bucky accidentally hurts you and feels really guilty about it.
Bucky’s arm was freezing cold. Usually, he kept to your left side, therefore, avoiding you having to be near his metal arm (the insecure idiot), but tonight was different. Bucky had been messing with his arm all day. Tony had just done some repairs on it yesterday and it tended to be sore for a couple days after. So, as you guys sat down to watch a movie, you took the left side of the couch. Bucky threw a quick sceptic look your way before throwing himself on your side of the couch.
It was Bucky’s turn to pick the movie and he threw on some new sci-fi. Honestly, you didn’t think you or Bucky were going to last the whole movie. You’d both been throwing in extra hours at work this week and it was finally time for some rest. You knew Buck’s arm was extra painful when it was cold, so you took it upon yourself to warm the arm. Which brings us to the iceberg in the room which was your boyfriend’s arm. Given that your pjs consisted of a tank top and some sweats meant direct contact with the metal, but love meant sacrifices and by golly you were going to help in any way you could. Warming up Bucky’s arm was the price you paid for getting to wake up to this amazing guy every day.
Bucky really had walked into your life when you needed him the most and he had never let you down since. He had been there when your mom got sick and when you lost your dog. He was even there when you went through your DIY décor phase. You don’t know what you’d do without this man. That’s why you hated the way that he viewed himself. You know that he still thinks of himself as undeserving because of all of the things he has done, but he has been working through it with a new therapist that Bruce recommended. This is why you leaning up against his left side didn’t make Bucky flinch the way it used to.
A half hour passes, and Buck’s arm feels nice and warmed up. Now that your task was out of the way, you could finally focus on snuggling into your boyfriend. This is when the exhaustion from the day finally hits. You had been running on fumes and your body was ready to drop at any second. Plus, it didn’t help that it was so comfortable in this pocket of space between Bucky and the pillows. The drone of blasts from the tv begin to fade to white noise.
You couldn’t contain the small yelp you gave out. Bucky was instantly out of his seat looking around before examining you.
“Are you okay?” Buck askes and he grabs your arm and scans it. It’s then that he spots a medium sized welp on your bicep. Now, don’t ever let it be said that Bucky Barnes is stupid because that boy picks up on things pretty quickly. He instantly lets go with his metal hand and backs up a bit.
“Baby, it’s fine. It’s not a big deal. I think the arm just shocked me.” You were trying to be soothing, but damn that had really hurt. Buck knows that look on your face and you see his walls come up quick. It’s been a while since you’ve seen those.
“I’m going to go get the first aid kit,” and before you could get a word in, he was stomping off to the bathroom. While he’s gone you take a moment to examine your right arm. The mark doesn’t look to bad, but it might leave a small bruise. You heave a small sigh. Bucky is going to be fretting over this one for a bit. The hard part was comforting him as Bucky had been trained on avoidance for years. If he didn’t want to deal with something, he knew the best ways to sneak away and hide. The only reason you didn’t chase after him to the bathroom was the sole fact that you knew Bucky would make sure you were taken care of before retreating. That was the best time to strike.
You hear a door hinge creak as Bucky emerges with the kit. He makes his way to the coffee table and sits, all the while, avoiding eye contact with you. As Buck places the opened box on the table, you softly grab his chin.
“Babe, you know you can’t control accidents, right?” you speak tenderly as you turn his face to look at you. He reluctantly locks eyes with you before he bursts with frustration.
“I know I can’t, but this is why I try to keep the arm as far away from you as possible! I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt because of me or this stupid thing!” Buck retreats back to the medicine to try to calm himself. Bucky hated screaming in general, but especially at you. He didn’t want a relationship like so many he’d seen before. You fearing him more than loving him.
Before he could retreat too far, you unconsciously snag him by his metal wrist. Bucky tries to pull back, but you won’t let him.
“Buck, loving you means loving every part of you. I want to be there at your lowest so I can help pull you up. I know you would do the same for me without hesitation, so why is it different when it’s about you?”
“Because I’ve killed people! With both my hands, but especially my left. The first arm they took off me had dents on it from people trying to beat me off them, and stains from when the Winter Soldier got tired of that. I’m not meant to be coddled and comforted. That’s not what I deserve, and I’ve accepted it, so why can’t you?”
You are shocked to say the least. Not only that Buck feels that terrible, but also that you hadn’t noticed. You wanted to be there to help Bucky in any way you could, but you had been letting him down. It was time to do better.
You pull the metal palm to your lips and gently kiss the cool surface. Then you begin to travel upwards, leaving a trail of kisses behind as you went.
“I don’t see any dents,” you place a kiss on the inside of his elbow, “or stains,” and another two on his bicep. This is as far as you get before Buck rips his arm away.
“What the hell are you doing? Of course, there’s no dents or stains on this one, it’s new.”
“Exactly like you. Just because you used to be dented and stained doesn’t mean you haven’t become something newer and better. I judge you from how you treat me right now, Bucky Barnes, not how you would have treated me 30 years ago.”
Bucky pauses for a minute before looking up at you. The look he gave you was like someone had given him something he had been missing for a long time: hope. That he could be the man that he wanted to be despite his past. It would still take years for Buck to start accepting himself, but you made sure you were there for him every step of the way.
-Hope you liked it :) Feedback is greatly appreciated-
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In a hole; still digging
Something I didn't mention in two prior posts about Luts: as I've said (ad nauseum), I've been a BJD collector for a few years now. With BJD collecting, there's a lot of - let's call it opaqueness. Den of Angels used to be the foremost authority on all things BJD, and honestly, while there have been tons of theories as to why the forum has lost popularity, I would point to one major factor: when image hosting stopped being free on Photobucket. Seems like as soon as Photobucket ended that particular perk, folks moved to free spaces like Instagram.
But I digress. The point is - this is a seriously niche hobby, and information is thin on the ground. Sometimes, you have to take clues from patterns you see, and after collecting for a few years, I've learned to view deviations from those patterns with a bit of suspicion.
For example: when a company only shows pictures of a doll's face fully painted (no blank photos), and the face is always pointed downwards, I will no longer buy. I need to see front and side/profile pictures of the blank sculpt. Otherwise, I'll get a head with a jarring feature (usually a poorly sculpted nose) that I do NOT like.
If the doll is always dressed, or posed with fancy fabric or props that conceal the joints (especially the knees), I will no longer buy. Chances are decent I'm going to get a doll that doesn't pose well.
Another pattern I've noticed is that the big, established companies tend to sell only their own dolls, and no one else's. Some examples:
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Dreaming Doll:
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There are two reasons I never ordered a doll directly from Luts. 1) There wasn't a sculpt that I just had to have, and damn the consequences (i.e., price).
2) I hesitated because...:
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Luts has a "Brand Doll" tab that looks like a doll dealer tab. That's a LOT of brands that aren't Luts. I've seen doll dealers that carry fewer brands.
One of the things I've been told repeatedly is that doll companies are more like studios or machine shops. You are dealing directly with the people who make the dolls. Frequently, it's a 3-4 person operation. They tend to be a little rougher around the edges, and there isn't a dedicated customer service department. (Which is why folks who need customer service should order from dealers.)
So... how does Luts have time to be a dealer for all these other doll companies, and make their own dolls?
Even though I am almost certainly hated by Luts doll collectors, I would like to assert AGAIN that Luts makes gorgeous dolls. I just disagree with how the newer bodies are engineered. Considering the numerous other brands Luts offers for sale on their website? I don't think I'm alone.
Others are likely afraid to say anything bad (small hobby - word travels fast - people get pissed). I OTOH am a cranky old broad who has no issue throwing my big bull ass around the BJD china shop.
Volks is the OG of BJDs. Volks is the GOAT of BJDs. Volks invented BJDs. Volks started life as a hobby company, and BJDs were incorporated into the business. If you're brand spanking new to the hobby and willing to drop a grand or two on a new doll, Volks offers the BEST new collector experience. My first Volks purchase was a dress, and I was stunned by the thought and care that went into the construction. I watched someone unbox a new doll from Volks, and when I then saw a used, complete SD one-off doll on Mandarake for under $600, I snapped it up. It was from 2009 and worth every penny of what I paid.
I completely understand why some people are loyal to and buy from Volks only. Buying a new Volks doll is like buying a new luxury car. Other companies... well, they're a bit more like DIY kit cars sometimes. Which I like! But I don't recommend for new collectors.
I don't shill for Volks because of the price. That's a lot of cheddar to expect from someone who knows nothing about these dolls.
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java-dragon · 11 months
Bookbinding/Fan binding for beginners by... a beginner PART ONE
RIGHT! so it felt like maybe it might be sorta kinda helpful to put something about a 'how to do the thing' together. Buckle in this is going to be a ride and a half. Edit as of November 16th 2023 The Master List for EVERYTHING is
SO, first thing is first- if you're fan binding there is a bit of etiquette to follow. But it is just good manners to ask permission to fan bind the fic you're interested in. See if the author has a FAQ available where they state the Yay or the Nay. Submit a DM or a comment. But as a note of disclaimer- this is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE SOLD ANYWHERE. LOOKING AT YOU ETSY FAN FIC SELLERS THAT CAN GET EVERYONE INTO A FUCK TON OF TROUBLE. That is a breech of fair use laws. Don't breech fair use laws. Don't be a dick.
If you happen to have a EPUB or PDF copy of a fic that has been deleted and you wish to bind it or if you receive no response to the author in question, nod your head, know that you did your best and proceed on with the project and make your fic to put on your shelf. Sleep well knowing you did your best and you can do nothing else.
But if you receive a Nay- don't be a dick honour the author's choice and plop the fic on your ereader and call it good.
Now that we got that all out of the way. ONWARD!
MATERIALS! Musts: (The optional materials will be marked as "OP") Access to a Word processor Printer with duplex printing (It prints on both sides of the page) Fic Printer Paper- regular printer paper is FINE if you're being budget conscious. But if you'd like to splurge:
Hammermill Copy Paper But the Most bang for your buck is Church's Paper
Please note: These are US based links, and I am going from what and where I am located you might have to go to a local paper shop. If you want your book to feel very book-like see if your paper shop can take 11 x 17 paper and cut it in half for you which yields 8.5 x 11 paper on the short grain (paper has a grain there is a stiff side and a floppy side, much like fabric, by cutting the paper in half it makes it more 'floppy' and thus more book like)
a punch cradle I use one made by HoneyMinCo - or some sort of punch guide
Glue- Elmer's Glue All, Tacky, Lineco , PH Neutral all will do what you need it to do
Waxed linen thread
Curved Needles
Book press- you can make these for cheap with wooden cutting boards, bolts and wing nuts.
A brush you don't mind getting glue all over or you can use a silicone face mask brush like this hell I even use my fingers at times
box cutter or any sort of cutting tool, rotary tool
metal rulers help
spacers (Not necessary but helpful to have you can also DIY this for cheap) OP
Davy Board/Chip Board/Book Board AKA dense AF cardboard
and some sort of thick paper- like a cardstock
bone folder - butter knives also work in a pinch
For Printers- Epson ECO Tanks are the best bang for your your buck ink wise and has duplex printing. Inkjet and colour options. Some binders swear by laser printers for speed and the general look for the final product but use what you have. Just make sure you have extra ink on hand.
The upfront costs can be pretty steep but a lot of the materials can be steep but you can get crafty and raid a dollar store and charity shops.
Up Next- How to get a Fic from AO3 to your word processor and how to format a document to get it ready for printing and likely more links, and some people to watch on TikTok or Youtube.
Edit: 11/1/2023:
There is a Fan Binding Starter Kit Found here
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pomplalamoose · 11 months
Can we please have some luke fluff hc’s?🙏 from any era idc i just love your writing💗
Thank you so much, anon!!! <33
I'm so on board for more lighthearted Luke content to warm our hearts, it's what he deserves🤝🏻
Also I veered into kinda new territory for me; while many of these take place in the Star Wars universe as normal, I included some modern day AU ones too
• the Jedi are taught to take extra care of their clothing and appearance because whenever they're out and about they take on a mostly representative role, whether they want to or not
• this also includes learning how to correctly mend and take care of their belongings
• I don't think that this was at the very front of Luke's education though, Obi-Wan and Yoda really had more pressing conditions to work with
• however, as everyone can clearly see, nobody had to specifically tell Luke about this
• (just look at the man)
• not only did he grow up with maybe one (1) relatively good fitting outfit, I'm also sure that because of this he was taught how to fix holes and re do seams as well as sewing his buttons back on himself
• I'm even convinced he's able to make a simple pair of pants and a shirt from scratch should it be really necessary
• something about the picture of you and Luke sitting together on a warm summer evening or during a winter night and you watching him silently working away is just the peak of domesticity
• he enjoys fixing clothes, especially if by doing so he can do a favor to those he loves
• I think in a way it calms him too
• he'd definitely help out his Padawans with it as well
• I firmly believe he owns a small sewing kit, complete with a thimble
• (maybe two: one he's actually using and a second hand made one out of porcelain because he thinks it's really pretty)
• maybe, in addition and if he has the time, he'd try out similar activities like crocheting, knitting, stitching, etc.
• I don't think he'd be very good at it but everything he crafts is made with love and there is no one around who doesn't appreciate his efforts
• imagine him knitting little socks and hats and scarves for all of his students
• for some reason he really struggles with online tutorials though
• they're always going too fast, he can't see what exactly it is they're showing, and often times they're just overcomplicating really simple steps
• he finds this to be very frustrating
• he probably uses a very (very!) old fashioned book to learn instead
• its margins are full of scribbles of its previous owners and Luke adds his own
• he draws smiley faces next to the patterns he likes most
• Luke is a DIY king
• something that really comes in handy as a Jedi master
• at the very beginning, just at the start of his own academy, he definitely did most of the occurring tasks himself, also including preparing the meals for everyone
• he's a decent cook but I think he'd get really into baking
• baking bread is one of his favorite free time activities
• my sister insists upon the fact that he'd make the absolute best focaccia
• (or its Star Wars equivalent at least)
• he really likes trying out new recipes, especially those he never heard about before
• with varying degrees of success, as some of them are not meant to be made by humans
• but worry not, nothing is getting wasted
• Luke's collection of little fish friends is always happy to eat the remaining crumbs
• (for those that don't know what I'm talking about, check out my other random Luke headcanons if you'd like)
• he has special outfits for his training sessions, including many different shoes
• depending on what or where it is he's practicing, he chooses them carefully
• inside he's wearing soft slippers and soft slippers only, boots are a no go
• it's very much established that Luke is wonderfully emphathetic and always ready to stand by your side, may it be during your period or when you're struggling mentally
• he's still wonderfully emphathetic and caring when you're sick but like, only from very far away
• he'll refuse to come near you if you so much as mention you're not feeling well
• if you have to sneeze or cough even a little bit he's immediately asking whether you've fallen ill or are about to
• just say you feel like you're getting a cold and he's on retreat immediately
• he can't get sick as well!
• he's working with children!!!
• at least one of them is always sick anyways, he can't be contagious under any circumstances!
• he'd feel so bad if he were to be responsible for even more of them suffering
• he feels horrible for not being there for you too though
• so he still does his best
• he prepares warm meals and tea every day and let's R2 deliver them
• he always checks in on you when you're asleep
• he changes your bed sheets while you take a shower or a bath
• he'd totally make a doctor's appointment for you if you're too scared to make the phone call yourself
• he makes sure you're taking your medications
• he pats your back and strokes your hair using the Force
• Luke would absolutely hate quarantine
• at first he'd still be pretty optimistic, thinking it won't be that bad, maybe even fun?
• he'll just meditate a lot, right?
• after all he has mastered his temper now, his patience renowned among his friends and students
• this mindset works at the beginning and for a while he's happy to sleep in for as long as he wants to
• however he forgets about the concept of time quickly enough and soon has no idea what day it is
• when was the last time he had breakfast?
• since he's a very outdoorsy person, always on the move, always doing something, it wouldn't take long until he's getting kinda antsy too
• and while he does enjoy the calm and quiet, he's mostly used to being the center of bustling activities
• soon he takes desperate measures to pass the time, even trying out things he before swore to not be interested in in the slightest
• I see him taking lots and lots of Buzzfeed quizzes
• he texts you about every single result
• one of his first ones was about what kind of animal he'd be and he absolutely hated the outcome
• he eventually ended up making his own quiz because of it
• he likes watching you play video games more than playing them himself
• it's very relaxing to him, especially after a long day at work
• plus he gets to hold you extra close under the pretense of being very interested to see what's going on on screen
• he dozes off pretty quickly though
• while he's happy to let you play whatever you want, I think he has his favorites as well
• Animal Crossing being at the very front
• he loves when you show him your town or island, how you decorated your house and which villagers you're best friends with
• he too would have the newest game, simply because you were missing a few items and he was determined to get them for you
• it would totally escalate during quarantine though, and suddenly he'd have a fully decorated five star island
• (Luke Skywalker plays Animal Crossing with a passion and I'm ready to fight anyone about it)
• for some reason he gets really competitive during Mario Kart and Just Dance
• he unapologetically wins at every single Wii Sports mini game and no matter what you do and how much you practice, he's always better and not in the least bit sorry about it
• he is a Macher™ (please let there be some German fans who know what I'm talking about)
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imjustabeanie · 5 months
Exchange for @frostfall-matches
Sorry for the long wait but here it is!
Your JJK match is....geto!
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Your JJK match was actually very obvious. You’re someone who’s laid back and enjoys having fun with the right people. You’re a no BS person so you need someone playful, that can give you space and understand your point of view. That’s why Geto is in my opinion a great match.
I don’t usually give Geto for one reason, he’ll only bother to know you if you’re strong or someone from his past. While he was rather empathetic before his betrayal, his life crisis turned him to be rather cruel and manipulative. In result befriending him becomes difficult, you’ll need some mental gymnastics once he starts becoming genocidal….Let’s hope being morally grey helps it. That’s all for the realistic and depressive part of the relationship with geto so let’s get down to business shall we?
I also usually believes in friends before lovers so it’s a good thing tbh. I believe that Geto has flings but to get into a serious relationship you’ll need to befriend him first if you see what I’m getting at. You and Geto got to know each other after Gojo unlocked his technique and started working alone. Geto tried many teammates but seemed to get along with you the best. That’s why you became his non official teammate. It was obvious that you’d become rather close. At first he was put off (but pleased) by your independence and introvert nature. He felt like you would be a tough nut to crack which you were but then you gradually became more laid back. He appreciated you more after that because it was he went back in time when everything was easier and his goal was to have fun. He started to look forward to your missions because spending time with you was a breeze. That’s what made him fall. Having someone who can look after themselves and still be reckless like him? Heck yeah. He confessed rather spontaneously. It was after a fun mission and out of the blue.
Geto is a laid back boyfriend. He gets you and isn’t romantic in the traditional term. Yes he brings you flowers, chocolate and gifts on special occasions but he shows love by getting into your interest and acts of service. He makes missions a little bit easier and is always available if you want to talk. He’s the type of boyfriend to notice your mood from miles away and just brings you your favorite snack with a playful remark. He’s a gentle soul with his lover, especially once he lets his walls down. His favorite dates are on the extreme. He either takes you to explore dangerous places or have a domestic date. He likes to go hiking with you cuz it helps him destress. He also has a goal, to go to every dangerous attraction in each place you go to. Speaking of domestic dates, Geto likes cooking. And you like baking. Your date nights are delicious that’s for sure. They actually happen quite often because each night is a date night with enough determination. He likes unwinding by watching anime with you and playing with your piercings. And he definitely learned skin care from you and Gojo. Enjoy playing with his hair.
One thing Geto learned to carry with him is a first care kit. You’re clumsy and bring bad luck. While it’s funny he doesn’t want you to die cuz unlike Gojo you don’t have infinity shield. He also definitely tried to learn another language besides English (I imagine him trying French and it’d be so funny to hear him use the slangs..). Both of you need your alone time, you two agree on that so there’s absolutely no issue with it. Heck it’s necessary in my opinion I can’t even handle people on a bad day…Personal headcanon but I believe Geto sucks at anything hand related. He can mess up the easiest DIY and his creativity ends at black. He will try for you but it’d be the equivalent of a kid giving you a handmade gift. He really tried to make those aesthetic clay pancake holders but they came out so weird you don’t dare to bring it up again. Actually, you tease him about it and he just decides to carry hello kitty aid bands with him while teasing you about your height. You definitely steal his clothes and he calls you Raccoon. I am not joking but it’s better than monkey. Geto likes to tease you a lot. He even pranks you sometimes! He once messed up your latte and you messed up with his shampoo in return…a peace treaty was made that day. The only banter you two have is about cheese. He’s probably lactose intolerant due to his ethnicity and he calls it smelly. Geto drops it quickly cuz it’s more to mess with you, especially when he refuses to kiss you after you ate cheese.
Frankly, I totally see Geto having a tattoo on his body. Matching tattoos for you two I guess. He also doesn’t mind if your shared house becomes a jungle as long as it’s taken care of.
Your HSR match is...Jing Yuan!
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In HSR, Jing Yuan is basically what you look for.  He���s a pretty boy. A playful and independent pretty boy who has all the time in the world for you to accept him. He’s patient and caring to his loved ones.
With his specie I wouldn’t be surprised that a fling for him is a slow burn for us…Just kidding. What I meant is Jing Yuan will definitely wait for you. He’s patient and determined. Once he knows you’re the one he knows. And he’ll have to trust you first before even falling in love.
Let’s be angsty, you reminded Jing Yuan of someone he met in the past. A dear friend who passed away. That’s why we can say that he got to know you purely out of nostalgia. That’s why he wasn’t fazed by your introverted nature and was patient enough for you to open up. After you opened up and showed your playful and troublemaking side, he felt really guilty and slowly let go of that nostalgia to fully focus on you. Having Jing Yuan act himself and stop trying to compare you to someone else really made the two of you closer. Especially when he confessed why he first befriended you. Thankfully you were understanding. Anger is normal in this situation and he completely understands that you might distance yourself after this. It was a long process but he somehow managed to convince you that it’s not the case anymore. That he stayed for all the fun and laughter you bring him. It was an indirect confession from him. To be honest, you and Jing Yuan acted like lovers before officially becoming an item. You two first avaient tester le terrain and then you put on the label.
Jing Yuan is a fun and traditional lover. Yes he’s the type to pamper you with gifts, especially when he’s away on business. He supports all your hobbies and would be happy to fund your lifestyle but understands that you’re independent so he doesn’t propose it. He’s not doing it to be condescending, it’s just his way of showing love. What an old man. Jing Yuan is busy so he believes that leaving things for you is a suitable remplavement till he can spend time with you. His favorite dates include walking in forgotten parts of Luofu and talking with you. He doesn’t mind you being reckless because it actually gets him to loosen up and have fun. Life is trilling when you’re in danger I guess. Fun fact, you two once wore a disguise so you can have fun without anyone recognizing you. It was a very nice day and you still do it from time to time. Jing Yuan also really likes your baking. He sucks at cooking so…Yanqing is very thankful for you. Your house is always lively with your banter. Jing Yuan often wakes up early just so he can admire you while you sleep but shhh.
This old man sucks at video games in general. He’s very good at anything strategy oriented but don’t count on him for pvp or even open world. He’ll try for you so it’s good. Ironically, he’s very lucky in all games. BUT! He’s good at arts and craft. He likes making DIY with you and often tries to make things for you when he’s away. He succeeded at what Geto failed.
Jing Yuan likes how independent you are but still worries for you given how clumsy you are. He insisted on teaching you some self-defense in case you get yourself in trouble and he can’t help. He also likes receiving gifts from you, he often fiddles with them when he can’t see you. He actually loves physical affection that’s why he gets restless when he can’t see you for a while. What a dork.
You and Jing Yuan talk each night, be it while cuddling or over the phone. The conversations are long and he shares his troubles with you. The best moments are when you talk about Luofu history together because he has a lot to share and in many languages. Be it the juicy gossip or the angsty moments. He even speaks about his dear old friend who passed away and explain why you reminded him of them. PS, his lion likes you. Cat people assemble.
Your twst match is...Floyd!
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Your Twst match was quite complicated. I hesitated between Jack, Floyd and Jamil. As you can see they all have some flaws you don’t really like that’s why I asked you of it was alright with you. In the end I picked Floyd because Jamil has a lot of fake people pleasing behavior and hates being made aware of it. Meanwhile Floyd is fully aware and doesn’t care.
At first, Floyd didn’t notice you at all. You’re an introvert who’s content with their cycle of friends, plus you’re not in his vicinity. He caught wind of you when you got into trouble and used your smart to get away with it. You didn’t get away from his eye and he started bothering you like he bothers Riddle. You can’t blame him, you made him curious! Your behavior surprised him and he has to know more. You called him out but he wasn’t fazed, Floyd just wants to have fun. It was only once you relented and gave him a chance that he calmed down a little. He spent more time with you and encouraged you to be even more mischievous if we can say. And you somehow managed to tame him a little cuz he got into less trouble (with you around he even accepted to just watch anime, draw and you got him into video games). It was Jade who notified him of the changes which made Floyd self-reflect. You ever got a 6’4 super strong eel run at you to proclaim his love? He’s determined and willing to wait for you…good luck. Hey it’s coming from a good place.
Floyd is a….peculiar? boyfriend. He’s very moody, clingy and has room for more growth. You can’t say he’s hot headed, he’s…spontaneous. I believe that Floyd lives life as it is. He does what makes him happy without much a second thought. It does hurt some people in the long run but believe it or not he tries to make it better. He knows he won’t always get away with it that’s why he’s getting better at controlling himself I guess? Your presence definitely helps with this because he takes exemple of you. Floyd now thinks through more of his actions to avoid unnecessary drama. Octavinelle thanks you for this. He acknowledge that he’s a bit clingy towards you but thankfully you love physical touch. Floyd also needs his space on bad days that’s why he let you have alone time when you want. But you have to tell him or he’ll think you’re just teasing him.
Floyd shows his love through acts and physical affection. He’s very big onto PDA and genuinely believes that giving you guard dog privileges is actually a sign of love. Oh and he also brings you random trinkets he made, or bought (he buys you high quality shoes for your birthday since his father said that shoes are important and you have to get good quality to be perceived well). When I said made, it’s cuz I believe Floyd is very good at DIY. His attention spawn is short and as shown in the game he’s good at anything if he puts his mind to it. I can totally see him building something for you out of the blue because he feels like it. He also makes sure to always stock up your favorite foods and bring you a free latte from the lounge each morning (he wants your sweets in exchange). Floyd loooves being with you in the kitchen cuz it always turns into a little food war! You still get to eat delicious food in the end and he gets to tease Azul with your delicious baking (he’s dieting leave him alone).
Dates with Floyd are spontaneous. If you want something planned you better organize it because he’s the type to just grab your hand and go on an adventure. He promised that you two would explore the whole sea together one day and is planning to keep this promise, he even keeps a journal with all the places you visited so he can keep track. In exchange, he wants you to show him all activities you two adrenaline junkies can enjoy. It’s a win win. At home, he wants nothing more than to cuddle and watch animes/movies with you while snacking. He also likes playing video games with you (he once missed revising for a test cuz he was playing all night. Azul wasn’t happy with both of you but jade found it funny). Fun fact, you and Jade get along due to your interest in hiking and plants. While Floyd joins you for hiking he is absolutely ready to shove his brother off the cliff if he continues talking about mushrooms. At least you got a terrarium gifted by Jade I guess.
After Floyd saw your piercings, he was determined to get one and he did (probably a nose then tongue one but he takes them off often). He also wants to get a tattoo but doesn’t know what or where (and if it’ll appear well on his merform). I headcanon that Floyd and jade are polylingual due to their upbringing so you two definitely can have fun with that. Heck he might even be willing to learn a new language so you two can talk shit about people without them understanding. Speaking of talking shit…Floyd has all the tea curtesy of Jade and Azul. He’ll share everything. In general, a relationship with Floyd is very playful but also requires patience because as I said he has a lot of room for self-growth in certain aspects that can be perceived as childish by some.
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girlblogzone · 2 months
Acts of kindness ideas!!
The internet can be such a toxic place sometimes!! I think one way to change that is to spread positivity and inspire others to be kind, so here I'm making a positive corner on the internet where we can share ideas for little acts of kindness we can do for others to brighten up their day 🌞 Please share your own ideas too!!
For friends
Message a friend you haven't spoken/seen in a while and ask them what's up, or that you've been thinking about them!! (you never know what they're going through, they could be going through a rough time, and knowing their friend is thinking about them and wants to know how they're doing could really cheer them up)
Make a DIY project as a gift for a friend, even if there is no special occasion like a birthday coming up! This could be something like making them a necklace or bracelet out of beads, buying a felt kit and making them a little animal, making an embroidery or punch needle design (there are beginners kits online and in stores), make a little statue out of air dry clay or fimo, or just make them a drawing!
If you're going out for a walk, ask a friend if they'd like to join you
Compliment your friends often and/or tell them how much you enjoy spending time with them, some people never receive compliments and it can really make their day
Make a compilation of pictures you've taken together as a slideshow or as a cute video using capcut!! this app has many templates made by others, you can search for something like "friends" and get lots of cute video templates to add your pictures to with music
Send them videos or songs that make you think of them
Invite your friend to play videogames, and board games, or watch a movie/TV show with you
Bake yummy treats for your friends (banana bread is my fave thing to make for others)
Send them cute sparkly GIFs
For family
Honestly, everything I mentioned above you can do with family, but here are some additional things (ofc I know this doesn't apply to everyone since everyone's family situation is different, these are my personal ideas based on my experiences)
If there's a family member you haven't spoken to in a while, ask them for life updates, tell them that you love and appreciate them, and do whatever you think would be best to let them know they are thought of and loved!
Send them cute videos and GIFs, and good morning/goodnight pictures, or call them to say good morning or goodnight, older generations, especially like this
Interview them on their life and family history (if they're comfortable with this, not everyone has a great family), and write these things down and/or record it! Making a little biography on their life and history is good and lets them know you care deeply about them and who they are
Make a family tree together, going as far back as you can, writing as much extended family as you can, and also writing as many details as you can for each family member, it can be really cool! There are websites to do this for free or you can do it on paper
Ask them to watch their favorite movie or TV show together, you might find older movies you really like!
Make a playlist of their favorite songs
Give them compliments on their outfits, their hair, and their looks!!
Offer to help clean and cook
Send them postcards/greeting cards in the mail (or give them one in person) even the cute ones that say something like "thinking of you!" are so cute. A postcard is a good idea to send your family if you are on vacation.
For strangers
This, of course, will vary depending on culture and if the stranger is comfortable with being interacted with!! 
If someone needs change or help buying essentials and you have the resources to help them, offer them help
If you see a homeless person and there is a grocery store or food place nearby, ask them if they need anything or buy them a meal
Compliment strangers, since they don't know you, it makes it more apparent to them that you genuinely mean it since sometimes we can overlook compliments from those we know
If a stranger sneezes around you, say bless you! (when this happens to me it always makes me smile idk)
This one is more for acquaintances, if you frequently see someone outside you occasionally talk to and enjoy their company, you could make them a little craft as a gift!
Say good morning to people (this may not be acceptable in certain cultures where strangers never talk to each other)
If there is someone with a cute dog, you could make someone's day by asking for their dog's name and saying their dog is cute!! It's also a good way to make acquaintances, complimenting someone's dog can lead to further conversation
Offer your seat to others on the bus or train, no matter their age
These are just some ideas...feel free to add on!!
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astrophobica · 1 year
the one where patton and remus get married and nobody’s happy about it (logince)
warnings: emotional turmoil
Logan's hand stopped millimeters from pushing the venue bathroom door open. Why would he do something like that? Because on the other side he could hear someone crying.
Not normal crying, either. They were heartwrenching, bitter sobs that sounded like they were trying to be muffled, though the attempt wasn't working too well by Logan's determination. He hesitated a moment longer, then made up his mind and pushed inside.
Roman Prince, brother to the groom and best man to his now-husband stood hunched over one of the pristine sinks with a tearstained face that betrayed him even as he scrambled to hide it from Logan and look casual. "Oh- hey."
"If you don't mind me asking," Logan said slowly, not moving from where he blocked the exit. "Are you alright?"
Roman snorted, though the effect was lost on his blotchy complexion. "Take a wild guess, Sherlock."
"I'll take that as a no." Logan stiffly started to raise an arm as a halfhearted offer for a hug, but lowered it gratefully as Roman just stared at him. "Would you like to talk about it to a stranger?"
The other scrubbed at his face with the heel of his palm before replying, "And why should you care?"
"There's a kind of simple grace achieved through letting problems go to people who aren't affected by it," he replied. "It seems you could use someone to tell it to."
Roman studied him for a few seconds, then sighed and looked back at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. "...I was in love with Patton," he admitted, in a voice so soft that Logan had to strain to hear it. "Oh, who am I kidding- I still am."
Oh, Logan thought.
"I imagined this as my wedding, my big day with the love of my life and a happily ever after," he said, fingers curling on the edge of the porcelain sink. "What kind of a fool was I?"
"The worst kind," Logan whispered, throat closing as he thought of sleepless nights spent on frivolous DIY science kits, of yelling facts over documentaries playing on cable, of stolen jam and pineapple anchovy pizza and blue hair dye that came out looking sickly green. "The kind of fool that loves with all his heart, loves to the point of watching them go with a smile on his face and an ache in his chest." Roman blinked, looking back over at Logan with a curious expression.
"...You wouldn't happen to be speaking from experience, would you?"
"I am." He didn't meet Roman's gaze. "Quite coincidentally, it was one of the grooms from today as well."
"Patton does have a way of making people fall for him, doesn't he?"
"Not Patton." Logan left him to connect the dots.
"...My brother?" Much to Logan's chagrin Roman started snickering, and while it was an improvement over crying he found he didn't much care for it. "You fell for Remus?"
"Stop it," Logan snapped. "I should've known better than to try and help-"
"No- wait, I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry," Roman hastily amended, reaching after him as Logan turned to leave. "I just- I thought it was funny- we're two sides of the same coin, aren't we?"
He hesitated. "I...suppose we are."
Roman looked at him for another moment, then pulled out a pen from his breast pocket and snatched a paper towel from the dispenser. He scribbled something on it, then handed it to Logan. "My number," he elaborated, looking sheepish. "If you wanted to talk after the whole...yeah."
Logan folded the brown paper into a neat square and tucked it into his pocket with a tiny smile. "Duly noted. I'd suggest washing up a bit before going back out to deal with the wolves," he added, motioning at his cheeks.
Roman flushed in embarassment, turning back to the sink to splash water onto his face. "...Thank you."
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Jeff loves all kinds of grandma-ly hobbies. he knits. he bakes. he's the best cook out of all the boys. he and Gareth meet up to embroider while watching horror films (they need to balance it out, otherwise they're not metal anymore)
oh they absolutely love all those old lady hobbies
Jeff loves his grandma and so whenever he went over to stay with her when he was younger she showed him how to do all sorts of different hobbies and crafts
Sewing, baking, cross stitching, crocheting
He was also very into DIY clothes and such, and he actually helped Gareth and Eddie with their vests when they first started making them
The other guys would make fun of him for it until they realized how cool it was to have a friend that knows how to do all that stuff
Patch falls off at a concert? Jeff’s got his pocket sewing kit handy to help secure it back on
No snacks for a Hellfire meeting? Give him 10 minutes in your pantry and Jeff’s got a bunch of little snacks made from all the basic stuff in your pantry
He was even the one who made everyone their Hellfire shirts
When him and Gareth were hanging out one day, he saw that there was a bunch of fabric scraps and old patches and cut up shirts laying around in his bedroom
When Jeff told him he was planning on making a big blanket out of all of those scraps he thought it was the coolest thing he’s ever heard
A giant blanket just covered in all their favorite bands and games and all the other nerdy stuff they love
Now every weekend Gareth will go over to Jeff’s and they’ll work on the blanket together
But of course they have to make sure they still look metal while doing all their grandma things
Blasting Slayer and Exodus while trimming the edges of their quilts
Watching the goriest movies they could find at Family Video while looking for new patterns to cross stitch
They once even had to stop in the middle of their crocheting session to have a quick band practice because they felt like they needed something to even out their day
All the little old ladies know them in the craft stores too
Everyone else in town gets so confused whenever they see those boys helping all the sweet old ladies pick out new fabrics and yarns in the store
(Not to mention all the times they say they’ve got a granddaughter that would just LOVE to meet them)
They even tried getting Eddie and Grant to help out and now they like to balance their Hellfire and craft meetings
It turns out they actually really like scrapbooking and they’ll save up character sheets and pictures and gig posters, everything they can to put into their scrapbook
Though sometimes it gets difficult when they can’t pick a theme for a new page
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merrybrides · 10 months
10 Winter Wedding Favor Ideas
With the winter months fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about the favors you’re going to give at your winter wedding. Whether you buy or DIY, there are so many fun favor options for you to choose from! Below you’ll find a list of some of the coziest, yummiest, wintriest wedding favors ideas that your guests will surely love. I hope you get inspired
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Gloves or mittens are a great option for winter wedding favors. They’re reasonably affordable and look so cute packaged with your names and wedding date. Not to mention, your guests can actually use these favors for the rest of the season!
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This winter wedding favor idea is too charming to pass up: a pair of warm cozy socks with a tag that reads “Nobody’s Gettin’ Cold Feet.” So easy to DIY and so adorable. Your guests will love.
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Nothing says cozy quite like a candle. Get creative and look for fun wintertime options like peppermint or fresh pine scented candles. Add your names and wedding date, and it makes for the ideal cozy favor you’re guest are guaranteed to use.
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Nothing will keep your guests warmer than a soft blanket! Custom order blankets to feature the date of your wedding, and your guests will think back to your special day every time they use them. How sweet is that?
One of the best things about the cold winter months is all of the yummy treats that come with them! Edible treats make great wedding favors because they are fun, easy, and affordable. So send your guests home with something yummy!
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A hallmark of the winter season, gingerbread cookies make perfect winter wedding favors. They’re certainly a crowd pleaser, and they look so cute packaged in cute bags! Other options include candy canes, fudge, and peppermint bark.
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Hot chocolate is another classic of the winter season. An easy DIY project, all you have to do is throw the ingredients in a mason jar and add a cute label for that personal touch. Who doesn’t love hot chocolate?
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Just like hot chocolate, s’mores kits can be assembled in no time, and they look great! You can even add a charming tag like “Sending you ‘s’more’ love” for extra sweetness.
Because there is more to the winter season than cozy and yummy things, I want to show you some other options for winter wedding favors. Here are some of my favorites:
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With Christmas around the corner, there is no better gift than a ornament for your guests’ Christmas trees. Because it’s a token of your special day, an ornament with a personalized thank you message and the date of your special day is the perfect option for your winter wedding favors!
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Pinecone firestarters are a neat option for winter wedding favors. Follow a simple online tutorial, and you can DIY in no time! (Available on Amazon). Add a cute tag with a saying like “Thank You for warming our hearts” to make these unique wedding favors perfect for your romantic affair.
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Your guests will certainly love the originality of these winter wedding favors! Give your guests a tree sapling that they can plant and watch grow for years to come. You can even plant one yourself and watch it grow alongside your marriage. It is the perfect reminder of your special day and how far you’ve come.
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top-10-gifts · 1 year
Top 10 Scale Gifts for the Gadget Enthusiast
Finding the ideal present for the gadget lover in your life may be thrilling and difficult at the same time because technology is continuously changing, and gadgets are becoming an essential part of our lives. The appropriate gadget may make their world come alive, whether it's for a birthday, an anniversary, or to express gratitude. We've put together a list of Top 10 Scale Gifts for the Gadget Enthusiast to aid you in your search for the perfect present.
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High-end headphones
There's nothing quite like immersing yourself in music or podcasts with a pair of high-quality headphones. For the audiophile in your life, consider options like the Bose QuietComfort 35 II or Sony WH-1000XM4. These headphones not only offer exceptional sound quality but also come with noise-canceling features, making them perfect for music lovers on the go.
Smartwatch or Fitness Tracker
Smartwatches and fitness trackers have become more than just timekeeping devices; they're personal assistants for tracking health and staying connected. Due to their abundance of health and fitness capabilities, app compatibility, and stylish designs, the Apple Watch Series 7 and Fitbit Versa 3 are both fantastic options.
Drones have taken the world by storm, offering a unique perspective and endless possibilities for creativity. DJI's Mavic Air 2 and Skydio 2 are top-notch options, equipped with high-resolution cameras, obstacle avoidance, and impressive flight capabilities. A drone is an excellent gift for both tech enthusiasts and photography lovers.
Virtual Reality (VR) Headset
Step into another world with a VR headset. Oculus Quest 2 and Valve Index provide immersive gaming experiences and access to virtual reality applications. VR headsets are perfect for those who crave a new level of entertainment and want to explore virtual realms.
High-Performance Laptop
A powerful laptop is essential for the tech enthusiast who wants power on the run. Choose laptops are notorious for their exceptional speed, stunning defenses, and portability, similar as the MacBook Pro or Dell XPS 15. These laptops work well for a variety of operations, including videotape editing and programming.
Smart Home Devices
Transforming a house into a smart home is a trend that continues to gain momentum. Smart home devices like Amazon Echo, Google Nest, and Philips Hue lights offer convenience and automation. They allow control over lights, music, security, and more with just a voice command or a tap on your smartphone.
Streaming Device
Cutting the cord has never been more accessible with streaming devices like Roku Ultra and Apple TV 4K. These devices offer access to a vast library of streaming services, including Netflix, Disney+, and Hulu, in stunning 4K quality. Streaming devices are perfect for binge-watchers and movie buffs.
High-Resolution Camera
Capture life's moments in stunning detail with a high-resolution camera. The Sony Alpha a7R IV and Canon EOS R5 are recognized for their superb image quality and adaptability. For photographers who want to capture landscapes, portraiture, or wildlife, these cameras are perfect.
Gaming Console or Accessories
Gaming is a passion for many gadget enthusiasts. Consider the latest gaming consoles like the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X. Enhance the gaming experience with accessories like gaming chairs, mechanical keyboards, or gaming headsets.
Tech Toolkit or DIY Electronics Kit
For those who love to tinker and build, a tech toolkit or DIY electronics kit is the perfect gift. Arduino Starter Kits and Raspberry Pi Bundles provide endless opportunities for creating gadgets, robots, and electronic projects.
In conclusion, it need not be difficult to select the ideal present for a gadget fanatic. With the top 10 scale gifts we've outlined, you can surprise your loved one with a thoughtful and exciting present that aligns with their passion for technology. Remember, the best gift is one that shows you know their interests and cater to their tech-savvy side.
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