#best e-learning companies in India
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In today’s fast-paced world, disruptions in education are becoming more common than ever before. With the rise of technology and the increasing demand for online learning, educators must adapt to new teaching methods to ensure student success. In this blog post, we will explore how adaptive online teaching can help you navigate these disruptions and create a elearning content development companies for your students.
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dynamicpixel2 · 6 months
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vasundhara-infotech · 2 months
10 Essential Features of An Online Learning Platform
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ennovatives · 2 years
Are Subtitles and Closed Captions the same?
As the world becomes more connected and globalized, it is important for media to be accessible to a wide audience, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
To achieve this, subtitles and closed captions have been developed as methods of providing audio and video content to a wider audience. However, it's important to understand the difference between the two.
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What are Subtitles?
Subtitles are textual versions of the spoken dialogue and other audio elements of a film or television show, displayed on the screen. They are typically shown in a different color and font from the rest of the on-screen text and are placed at the bottom of the screen. Subtitles are primarily intended for viewers who don't speak the same language as the audio being played.
For example, if a movie is in French but the viewer speaks English, they can turn on the English subtitles to follow along with the dialogue. Subtitles can also be helpful for those who have difficulty understanding spoken dialogue due to an accent, or for those who are in a noisy environment.
What are closed captions?
 On the other hand, are similar to subtitles in that they provide a textual version of the audio content, but they go a step further by including additional information such as sound effects and speaker identification. Like subtitles, closed captions are displayed on the screen and are typically placed at the bottom.
However, they can be turned on and off by the viewer using their TV or media player’s closed captioning settings. This is why they are called “closed” captions – the viewer has the option to “close” them off if they don’t want to see them.
One key difference between subtitles and closed captions is the inclusion of sound effects and speaker identification in closed captions. This additional information can be helpful for those who are deaf or hard of hearing, as it provides context for the audio content and helps them better understand what is happening on screen. Additionally, closed captions are required by law in some countries for all television programming and movies shown on TV, ensuring that deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals have equal access to the same media as hearing individuals.
Are Subtitles and Closed Captions the same?
In conclusion, subtitles and closed captions are not the same things. Subtitles are intended for viewers who don’t speak the same language as the audio, while closed captions provide additional information and support for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Both serve a valuable purpose in making audio and video content more accessible, but it’s important to understand the differences between the two.
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summitrend · 2 years
High-quality eLearning solutions at an affordable price-Edufic Digital
"Edufic Digital offers a wide range of eLearning solutions to enhance the education experience. From 2D/3D animated video production to game & simulation development, we have the tools to take your eLearning to the next level."
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brillmindztech · 2 years
How will learning be made easy and efficient by the use of technology: Brill Mindz Technology
The field of education is one that has been changing at an exponential rate over the past few years. This is due to the growing popularity and demand for Ed Tech in schools across the globe.
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Read also: E learning app development company in Chennai
Education technology is an inclusive term used to refer to technological processes and tools that are employed in the field of education.
Education technology is an inclusive term used to refer to technological processes and tools that are employed in the field of education. It can be used to create an enhanced learning experience by making education more accessible, efficient, and effective.
The use of technology in education has changed dramatically over the years with new developments such as smartphones and tablets becoming more widespread than ever before. With these devices being so accessible now - it is easy for anyone with access to them (including teachers) to use their knowledge base from previous classes or lecture hall sessions when teaching new concepts at home or school.
It can be used to create an enhanced learning experience by making education more accessible, efficient, and effective.
Ed Tech is already being used to help students learn faster, more efficiently and in new ways. For example, a video game can be used to teach math concepts like addition and subtraction. In addition, teachers can use technology such as video conferencing or Google Classroom for classroom management purposes.
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Ed Tech has also been used by teachers in order to enhance their teaching methods through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) software that scans student notes or essays with keywords or phrases related to a topic; then uses those keywords/phrases as search terms when looking up information on similar topics online for further research purposes within seconds instead of hours—allowing teachers' time not spent searching through stacks upon stacks worth of material stored only electronically which would otherwise take days upon days if not weeks upon weeks depending on how many different books need looking through since most schools store everything electronically these days rather than physically so there isn't any wasted space lying around unused anymore either!
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The average Ed Tech investments generally accord with private equity investments, which have grown at a compounded rate of 20% since 1995.
The average Ed Tech investments generally accord with private equity investments, which have grown at a compounded rate of 20% since 1995.
The Ed Tech market is growing at a faster rate than other business areas. In 2014 alone, the sector grew by 10% from $5 billion to $5.6 billion (a total of $8-$9 billion by 2020). This growth can be attributed to several factors including:
An increase in demand for online education by both students and parents as well as educators;
The increasing number of schools who are adopting digital learning methods into their curriculum;
New technologies being developed such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) etc.;
In addition to these factors there are also some macroeconomic issues that contribute towards the increase in spending on these types of products or services such as inflationary pressures which makes it difficult for businesses looking at investing capital into new technologies due to higher costs associated with production or hiring staff members who specialize in specific fields related
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Ed Tech has been growing in popularity over the past few years.
Ed Tech is a growing industry, with many companies emerging to help drive it forward. The Ed Tech market has grown at a rate of 3% per year for the past decade and is expected to continue doing so until 2030.
Educators have taken a liking to Ed Tech and have started using it for educational purposes.
Educators have taken a liking to Ed Tech and have started using it for educational purposes.
Ed Tech is used to make learning easier and more efficient, such as virtual classrooms, enhanced learning experience, and animated learning.
Ed Tech is known for enabling virtual classrooms in the form of discussion forums, where students and teachers can interact in real-time.
Ed Tech is known for enabling virtual classrooms in the form of discussion forums, where students and teachers can interact in real-time. The technology allows students to ask questions directly to their teachers, as well as providing them with answers. This has become an extremely popular way of learning because it provides a more efficient way of teaching while also improving communication between students and teachers.
The world of Ed Tech consists not only of software technologies but also hardware such as computers, tablets, and smart classrooms.
The world of Ed Tech consists not only of software technologies but also hardware such as computers, tablets, and smart classrooms.
Ed Tech has been growing in popularity over the past few years and is expected to continue to grow further into 2020.
Ed tech uses animation to make learning easier for young children and visually impaired students as well.
Ed tech uses animation to make learning easier for young children and visually impaired students as well. Animation is the use of motion to create an illusion of movement, and it can be used to make learning easier for young children and visually impaired students as well. Animation can be used in ed tech to help students understand complex topics such as how birds fly or how machines work by using different types of animations onscreen at once, which helps them retain information better than if they were shown only one type of animation at a time.
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Read also: Metaverse Development Companies in India
By 2025, the global ed-tech market is forecasted to reach $252 billion globally
Education technology is an important part of our society. It has been shown to help improve student performance and make learning more efficient.
Examples of ed-tech companies include:
Brill Mindz Technologies (BMT)
Empowered Learning Technologies (ELT)
Ed tech is also a growing industry, with many new startups attracted by its potential for innovation, especially in the areas of assessment and teaching methods.
The world will become increasingly digitalized; hence Ed Tech is here to stay
The world will become increasingly digitalized; hence Ed Tech is here to stay. In fact, it's one of the best ways for you to learn new things and make better decisions in your life.
People who have been using technology for a long time are not surprised by this statement anymore because they know how effective it can be when used properly by those who have good intentions for learning new skills or improving their existing ones rather than just sitting around watching TV all day long!
Get in touch with us at, [email protected]
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eduficdigital · 2 years
Best eLearning Services Companies Worldwide in 2022-Edufic Digital
Influence of Articulation in brand promotion
It is a well-known fact that brands are created in the minds of your audiences. It is very easy to calculate the value of the products and services but it is difficult to determine the brand value of the product. The brand value of the products or services of a company is determined by the perception of your customers. Long term success of any company depends on this brand value and the way you build the value into the brand. Communication of the brand value to your audience is equally important. Big giants like Apple, Microsoft, and Google have high brand equity.
Brand equity can’t be determined in the monetary terms. A strong brand promotion adds to the visibility of the products/services of the company. It complements the credibility of the brand, develops a good reputation in the community and helps in customer delight. The brands can tap on these benefits and can create highly valued brands so that the mindful consumer is attracted towards the brand. The end consumer buys a product or a service after meticulous research. This alone is not enough. The consumer seeks social proof for the brand. It is often seen that the products and services which reflect and resonate the consumer’s personality find a way to his heart and are most likely to be bought by him.
The human span of attention is approximately found to be 8 seconds. It is these 8 seconds in which the content should attract the audience and also compel him to buy. This can only happen with precise content management and marketing. Add to the videos the brilliance of digital motion and see the results. In today’s world, less is more. The content should be accurate and interesting. Too many facts and figures make the content boring. Balancing the words and synchronizing them with appropriate videos, facts, statistics can increase the reach to its audience.
Influence of articulation in brand promotion can’t be emphasized more on. This is the most important deciding factor when it comes to the purchase of the product. Articulation is an art. Effective articulation conveys the idea behind the brand to the buyer. It is a brilliant way of remarkable marketing of a product or a service. Strengthen your brand equity with Edufic Digital. They know the ABCs of digital promotion like no one else. Edufic Digital, Bangalore is a premier company which offers its consumer with high quality digital creative solutions to various brands. It has an in-house creative team of professionals. It has its presence around the globe majorly in Europe, Singapore and Dubai.
Many big corporate giants like Danfoss, Piramal, Standard Chartered and the likes share success stories with Edufic Digital. All thanks for their potential brand marketing and digital marketing! The various domains which make Edufic Digital so popular amongst the brands are its content development services and video production and design services.
Today’s consumer is well informed and well-read. It is always advisable to hold hands with the experts for digital marketing. Edufic Digital is one-stop solution for all your digital marketing needs and more!
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vivekavicky12 · 10 months
The Dynamic Scope of Data Science Careers in India
Data Science is reshaping industries worldwide, and India stands as a thriving hub for professionals in this field. In this blog, we'll explore the burgeoning scope of data science in India, outlining the numerous opportunities it presents for career growth and industry impact. Data Science has emerged as a dynamic and high-demand field, with India becoming a significant hub for professionals in this domain. Choosing the best Data Science Institute can further accelerate your journey into this thriving industry.
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1. Job Opportunities:
India's job market is witnessing an increasing demand for data science professionals across various sectors. From IT to healthcare, companies are actively seeking individuals adept at deciphering patterns within vast datasets. This demand translates into abundant job opportunities for those skilled in data science.
2. Educational Landscape:
India's educational institutions and online platforms have swiftly adapted to the rising demand for data science skills. Offering diverse courses and degree programs, these resources cater to individuals at different career stages, ensuring a steady supply of skilled professionals to meet industry needs.
3. Industry Integration:
Data-driven decision-making processes are no longer a trend in India but a fundamental shift in how businesses operate. Enterprises, from startups to established giants, are integrating data science into their operations, recognizing its value in strategic decision-making and problem-solving.
4. Government Initiatives:
The Indian government, through initiatives like "Digital India," is actively promoting data science skills. Skill development programs align education with industry needs, preparing a workforce equipped for the data-centric future.
5. Diverse Applications:
Data science applications in India are diverse, spanning e-commerce, healthcare, agriculture, and more. Professionals contribute to predicting market trends, optimizing healthcare processes, and improving outcomes in various sectors.
6. Competitive Salaries:
The surge in demand has led to competitive salaries and perks for data science professionals in India. This trend not only attracts experienced individuals but also encourages students and early-career professionals to pursue a career in data science.
7. Global Contribution:
Indian data scientists contribute globally, showcasing the skills nurtured in India on the international stage. This not only enhances the reputation of Indian professionals but also fosters collaboration on a global scale.
8. Continuous Innovation:
Data science professionals in India engage in cutting-edge projects, contribute to research, and stay at the forefront of technological advancements. The dynamic nature of the field ensures a culture of continuous learning and innovation.
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In conclusion, the scope of data science in India is expansive, offering opportunities for professionals at all levels. Whether you're a seasoned expert or new to the field, India's dynamic data science landscape promises a wealth of opportunities for those ready to embrace the future of analytics and insights. As India continues to ride the data wave, professionals in data science are poised for a future of boundless opportunities. As the demand for skilled professionals in these domains grows, the relevance of quality education becomes paramount. Choosing the best Data Science courses in Chennai is a crucial step in acquiring the necessary expertise for a successful career in the evolving landscape of data science.
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e-learning0 · 10 months
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Best e-learning platform in India
Garage Productions offers the best e-learning platform in India with engaging courses and training programs. As a leading production company, our interactive digital learning solutions help professionals, students and organizations build skills and achieve goals. The customized LMS and content cater to diverse needs. Experience convenient, effective learning through videos, assessments and discussion forums. Upskill comfortably from home on India's premier e-learning platform.
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Advancing as a Customer Service Coordinator with an Online MBA
In the bustling bazaar of business, the voice that reverberates the loudest and clearest is that of the customer. As a nexus between consumers and companies, the Customer Service Coordinator stands as a sentinel of service. Are you aiming to ascend in the arena of adept customer communication? An Online MBA in Logistics with Supply Chain Management might be your catalyst. Journey with us as we navigate the nuanced needs of India's consumer chorus and demonstrate how an MBA equips you to echo excellence.
MBA – Molding Mastery in Managing Multitudes:
Communication Craft: Connect and communicate, capturing customer contentment.
Resolution Rigor: Respond and resolve, reinforcing relationships robustly.
Service Strategy: Sculpt service standards, setting superior stances.
Feedback Flow: Facilitate feedback, furthering firm's forward focus.
Industries Infused with Interactions:
Upon completion of your MBA, you can channel your coordination competencies into sectors like:
Retail Realms: Respond to retail requisitions, rendering remarkable resolutions.
E-commerce Empires: Engage e-consumers efficiently, ensuring every encounter excels.
Tech Titans: Tackle tech troubles, tailoring timely turnarounds.
Travel Territories: Traverse the tenets of travel, tuning to tourists' testimonies.
Banking Bastions: Build bridges in banking, balancing both benefits and barriers.
Coordinator's Challenges – Crafting with Care:
Customer care comes with its conundrums:
Multitudinous Mandates: Managing myriad matters, maneuvering mistakes.
Expectation Equations: Evaluating evolving expectations, ensuring equilibrium.
Resolution Rigmaroles: Rallying resolutions, resisting routine ruts.
Feedback Flux: Filtering fleeting feedback, formulating forward-facing feats.
Top 10 Corporate Recruiters in India:
Tata Consultancy Services
Reliance Jio
Amazon India
Oyo Rooms
Coordinating with an MBA:
Being a Customer Service Coordinator isn't merely about mitigating matters—it's about mastering moments. An Online MBA in Logistics with Supply Chain Management doesn't just dispense data—it delivers discernment.
Let ShikshaGurus help you in your Education Journey:
ShikshaGurus assists you in exploring and comparing courses from over 60 online and distance learning universities. They offer free, unbiased consultation sessions with experts to guide you in selecting the ideal educational path. Furthermore, they provide assistance in finding the best university that aligns with your budget.
In the corridors of commerce, Customer Service Coordinators cultivate connections, curating customer-centric courses. In India's invigorating marketplace, they are indispensable, infusing interactions with insights and intent. An Online MBA in Logistics with Supply Chain Management isn't just a certificate—it's a compass, guiding graduates towards gratifying goals in customer centricity.
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dynamicpixel2 · 3 months
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At Dynamic Pixel Multimedia Solutions, we understand that one-size-fits-all learning doesn’t work. Learners have unique needs, paces, and preferred learning styles.
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Best Software Development Services in India
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Empowering Businesses with the Best Software Development Services in India: Microlent Systems - In the dynamic digital era, businesses across the globe seek to harness the power of software development to propel their growth and success. India, known for its tech-savvy talent and innovation-driven ecosystem, has become a hub for top-notch software development services. Among the frontrunners in this domain, Microlent Systems stands tall as one of the leading software development companies in India. In this blog post, we will explore how Microlent Systems empowers businesses with its exceptional software solutions, driving innovation, and meeting diverse industry needs.
Expertise and Experience:
At the heart of Microlent Systems lies a team of seasoned professionals with extensive expertise in software development. With a deep understanding of various technologies, programming languages, and frameworks, they possess the skills to craft bespoke software solutions for businesses of all sizes and industries. Their wealth of experience ensures that each project is executed seamlessly, meeting deadlines and exceeding expectations.
Comprehensive Software Solutions:
Microlent Systems offers comprehensive software development services that cover the entire spectrum of IT requirements. From web and mobile applications to enterprise solutions, e-commerce platforms, and custom software, the company delivers end-to-end solutions that cater to the unique needs of clients. Their client-focused approach ensures that every software product is aligned with the business goals and objectives of the customer.
Cutting-Edge Technologies:
Staying ahead in the rapidly evolving tech landscape is imperative, and Microlent Systems takes this to heart. The company adopts cutting-edge technologies, best practices, and modern development methodologies to create robust and future-proof software solutions. By leveraging emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and IoT, Microlent Systems enables businesses to gain a competitive edge in their respective markets.
Agile Development Methodology:
Agility is at the core of Microlent Systems' software development process. By adhering to agile methodologies, the company ensures that projects are executed in iterative and collaborative cycles. This approach facilitates better communication, flexibility to adapt to changing requirements, and quick delivery of high-quality software solutions.
Client-Centric Approach:
Microlent Systems places the utmost importance on understanding the unique needs of its clients. Their client-centric approach involves active collaboration, thorough requirement analysis, and regular updates throughout the development process. This ensures that the software aligns perfectly with the client's vision and delivers tangible value to their business.
Robust Quality Assurance:
Quality is a non-negotiable aspect of Microlent Systems' software development services. The company employs stringent quality assurance measures, including thorough testing and debugging, to ensure that the software is bug-free, secure, and performs optimally. The dedication to quality results in software solutions that stand the test of time and deliver exceptional user experiences.
In the bustling landscape of software development services in India, Microlent Systems shines as a beacon of excellence. With its unmatched expertise, comprehensive solutions, cutting-edge technologies, agile methodologies, client-centricity, and robust quality assurance, Microlent Systems stands tall as one of the leading software development companies in India.
For businesses seeking innovative and tailor-made software solutions to drive growth and success, partnering with Microlent Systems is a transformative step towards digital empowerment. Embrace the power of Microlent Systems' software development services to unlock your business's true potential and stay ahead in the ever-competitive digital realm.
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ecommercegyan · 1 year
How Does the Amazon PPC Advertising Work? 
PPC adverts are part of Amazon's internal advertising system. Businesses, agencies, and third-party sellers can advertise in Amazon's search results and their competitors' results pages using Amazon PPC Management. That way, merchants can show Amazon shoppers relevant products at checkout, improving the likelihood of a sale. Due to its effectiveness, three out of four Amazon sellers utilize this method.
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Definition of Amazon PPC
Amazon PPC is the paid advertising service provided by Amazon to its independent sellers. It lets vendors set up advertising campaigns for their wares and collects payment from them at each interaction with a potential consumer.
Now the question at hand is, how much does pay-per-click advertising on Amazon actually cost?
How Much Does Amazon PPC Cost?
Each seller's Amazon PPC charges for Amazon PPC Services will be different based on the number of ad campaigns they're running and the number of keywords they're aiming for. Depending on the degree of competition in your industry, you could spend anywhere from $0.15 to $6 per click.
In What Ways Does Pay-Per-Click Marketing Function?
PPC advertising takes on a variety of forms depending on the medium, but typically consists of the following steps:
Determine your end goal before deciding on a campaign format.
The settings, audiences, devices, locations, schedules, etc., should all be fine-tuned.
List your spending limits and proposed bidding approach.
Enter the web address of the page you wish to visit.
Make a commercial ad.
Your ad's quality and relevance, as well as your campaign's budget, bid, and parameters, are all factored into an algorithm that then determines where your ad will show, how often it will appear, and how much it will cost per click.
Platforms will reward advertisers with better ad placement and lower costs if they take the time to generate high-quality, user-friendly PPC campaigns.
How Does Google Ads' PPC System Work?
Marketers choose keywords to bid on while building ads. You can instruct Google to show your ad for queries that match or are related to the keyword by bidding on it.
Google uses formulas and auctions to select ads for each search. Before entering the auction, your ad's relevance to the term, expected CTR and landing page quality will determine its Quality Score.
Your Quality Score multiplied by the maximum bid determines your Ad Rank. High-ranking ads are displayed first. This technique lets successful advertising access specific audiences at affordable prices. It resembles an auction.
Check here to more about - Why Amazon FBA Coaching is Important for Sellers
Invest In Online Marketing with the Assistance of Experts
Amazon PPC grants you to promote your company's products on the world's most visited online store. However, it takes time and work to create and run an Amazon PPC campaign, especially for companies that provide a vast selection of products. A service like ECommerce Gyan comes in handy at this point. Because of their expert team and long history in e-commerce training, they are the go-to solution for sellers and suppliers who wish to get trained to successfully market their items on Amazon.
E-commerce Gyan is an organization that provides Amazon FBA Course India and Ecommerce PPC management services and is considered the best Amazon PPC expert in India that assist businesses to maximize their advertising investment and accomplish sales goals. Their Ecommerce business training includes learning how to perform market research, create items, create websites, apply digital marketing, and handle logistics. The training can help those who want to start an e-commerce firm and sell things online. 
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WordPress Development Company in Chennai Kingofseo Software Solutions and Training Private Limited - is the Best wordpress website development Company in Chennai, India. Our team expert is 12 years of experience in WordPress technology. We have developed and customized many websites using WordPress based on Client requirements. We have used WordPress for many websites like Static Website Dynamic Blog News website Corporate company website Hospital website Education website LMS - Learning management system Online courses Play School website E-Commerce website many industry types require regular maintenance and updates. Website : https://kingofseo.in/best-wordpress-website-development…/ Email [email protected] Phone 073389 68869
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summitrend · 2 years
What Are the Best Elearnings company 2023 In World?
EDUFIC DIGITAL is the best education learning company in the world. We provide you with the latest and greatest resources for completing your education.Invest in your future today with EDUFIC DIGITAL's high-quality online learning courses! Our programs are designed to help you reach your goals quickly and easily.
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