#best translation companies in london
ennovatives · 2 years
Are Subtitles and Closed Captions the same?
As the world becomes more connected and globalized, it is important for media to be accessible to a wide audience, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
To achieve this, subtitles and closed captions have been developed as methods of providing audio and video content to a wider audience. However, it's important to understand the difference between the two.
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What are Subtitles?
Subtitles are textual versions of the spoken dialogue and other audio elements of a film or television show, displayed on the screen. They are typically shown in a different color and font from the rest of the on-screen text and are placed at the bottom of the screen. Subtitles are primarily intended for viewers who don't speak the same language as the audio being played.
For example, if a movie is in French but the viewer speaks English, they can turn on the English subtitles to follow along with the dialogue. Subtitles can also be helpful for those who have difficulty understanding spoken dialogue due to an accent, or for those who are in a noisy environment.
What are closed captions?
 On the other hand, are similar to subtitles in that they provide a textual version of the audio content, but they go a step further by including additional information such as sound effects and speaker identification. Like subtitles, closed captions are displayed on the screen and are typically placed at the bottom.
However, they can be turned on and off by the viewer using their TV or media player’s closed captioning settings. This is why they are called “closed” captions – the viewer has the option to “close” them off if they don’t want to see them.
One key difference between subtitles and closed captions is the inclusion of sound effects and speaker identification in closed captions. This additional information can be helpful for those who are deaf or hard of hearing, as it provides context for the audio content and helps them better understand what is happening on screen. Additionally, closed captions are required by law in some countries for all television programming and movies shown on TV, ensuring that deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals have equal access to the same media as hearing individuals.
Are Subtitles and Closed Captions the same?
In conclusion, subtitles and closed captions are not the same things. Subtitles are intended for viewers who don’t speak the same language as the audio, while closed captions provide additional information and support for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Both serve a valuable purpose in making audio and video content more accessible, but it’s important to understand the differences between the two.
0 notes
satellite-evans · 3 months
Pebbles of love
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Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader
Summary: Benedict and his fiancée spend a romantic day at the beach, finding pebbles that match each other's eye colors <3
Word count: 1k
Warnings: pure fluff
English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, recommendations, vents or questions are always welcome. I love talking to you guys about anything <3
Happy reading xxx
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.
Benedict Bridgerton had always been a lover of art and beauty, and nothing in the world was more beautiful to him than his fiancée, Y/N. Today, they had planned a rare escape from the hustle and bustle of London society—a trip to the serene coastline, where they could revel in each other’s company without the watchful eyes of the ton.
The journey to the beach had been filled with lively conversation and shared laughter, their carriage rocking gently along the country roads. Benedict stole glances at Y/N as she looked out the window, the sunlight casting a warm glow on her features. Her hair, a cascade of silk, shimmered in the light, and her eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation.
As they arrived at the beach, the salty sea breeze greeted them, tousling their hair and filling their lungs with the invigorating scent of the ocean. They discarded their shoes and socks, delighting in the sensation of the cool, damp sand beneath their feet. The beach stretched out before them, a pristine canvas of soft, golden sand and scattered pebbles, with the gentle waves lapping at the shore.
Benedict looked at Y/N, her face illuminated by the sunlight, her eyes reflecting the endless blue of the sky above. He marveled at how lucky he was to have found her. She was his muse, his inspiration, the very essence of beauty and grace. Each moment spent with her was a treasure he held close to his heart.
“This place is perfect,” Y/N said, her voice filled with awe. “I’ve always loved the sea.”
Benedict smiled, his heart swelling with love. “I thought you might,” he said. “I wanted to share something special with you, away from everything else.”
Y/N reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. “You always know exactly what I need.”
They walked along the shoreline, the rhythmic sound of the waves providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation. They spoke of their dreams, their future together, and the adventures they hoped to share. Benedict felt a sense of peace, a certainty that with Y/N by his side, he could face anything.
“Benedict, look at this one!” Y/N exclaimed, holding up a small, smooth pebble that glistened under the sunlight. It was a pale blue, almost the exact shade of Benedict’s eyes. She smiled, her heart swelling with the simple joy of the moment.
Benedict took the pebble from her hand, inspecting it. “It’s beautiful,” he said, his voice warm and soft. “Almost as beautiful as you.”
Y/N blushed, her cheeks a lovely shade of pink that Benedict found utterly enchanting. “Well, aren't you a charmer,” she said, though her smile betrayed her pleasure at his compliment.
“I try my best,” Benedict replied, slipping the pebble into his pocket. He felt a warmth in his chest, a sense of completeness he had never known before her. “But now I must find one that matches your eyes.”
They continued their leisurely stroll, eyes scanning the ground for the perfect stone. Benedict was determined, his artist’s eye sharp as he examined each pebble they passed. The task was more than just a game; it was a way to connect, to see each other in the world around them.
As they walked, Benedict found himself lost in thought. He remembered their first meeting at one of the many Bridgerton balls, where she had captivated him with her wit and charm. He had been smitten from the moment she smiled at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Their courtship had been a whirlwind of stolen glances, secret rendezvous, and whispered confessions of love. Every step of the journey had brought them closer, solidifying the bond they now shared.
Finally, he spotted one—a deep, rich brown, with flecks of gold that caught the light in a way that reminded him of Y/N’s eyes. It was perfect, just like her.
“Here,” he said, presenting his find to her with a flourish. “This one.”
Y/N took the pebble, holding it up to her eyes to compare. “It’s perfect,” she said, her voice soft with emotion. She looked up at Benedict, her heart full. “You really think my eyes look this beautiful?”
Benedict smiled, drawing her close. “No, I don't,” he said. “I think your eyes are far more beautiful, my love."
They spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach, collecting pebbles and shells, laughing and talking, sharing dreams and memories. Every moment felt like a brushstroke on the canvas of their love story, vibrant and full of life. Benedict felt a profound sense of happiness as they played like children, unburdened by societal expectations.
As the sun began to set, they sat together on a large rock, watching the waves. Benedict couldn’t help but reflect on how much his life had changed since meeting Y/N. She had brought color to his world, a sense of purpose and joy he had never thought possible.
“Do you know,” Benedict said, breaking the comfortable silence, “I think this is my favorite place in the world now.”
Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder. “Because of the beach?”
Benedict shook his head, kissing the top of hers. “Because of you,” he said simply. “Wherever you are, that is my favorite place.”
Y/N smiled, closing her eyes and savoring the moment. “And you are mine, Benedict Bridgerton.”
They continued to sit in silence, the sound of the waves mingling with the rhythm of their breaths. Benedict held her a little tighter, feeling the steady beat of her heart against his side. It was in these quiet moments that he felt the depth of his love for her, a love that was as constant and enduring as the ocean before them.
As the last light of the day faded into twilight, they stayed there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the pebbles they had collected lying beside them.
Benedict looked down at Y/N, her face serene in the fading light, and whispered, “You are my greatest masterpiece.”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. “And you, Benedict, are my heart’s truest desire.”
With that, they sealed their love with a kiss, as timeless and beautiful as the sea before them.
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months
[ENG SUB] Jan and Nace at Hitradio Center, 23.07.2024
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Photo source: Hitradio Center FB
Jan and Nace were guests at Hitradio Center in the morning on Tuesday, the 23rd of July 2024. They talked to Vesna Ponorac and Melani Mekicar about, among other things, 'Šta bih ja' and what to expect from the new album, who snores on the tour bus, and what they like best about each other.
Translation and captions by a member of Joker Out subs, English proofreading by IG GBoleyn123, video graphics by X pastellibianchi.
Full translated transcript under the cut!
Melani: Good morning from (Radio) Center, it's 7:36 AM and Vesna Ponorac and Melani Mekicar are keeping you company, and now, we've been announcing and waiting for them for two days,and we listen to them every day anyway, and we're always happy to see them. With us in Center's studio are Joker Out, or, well, two fifths of them. Nace and Jan, welcome!
Vesna: Good morning.
Jan: Greetings.
Melani: Good morning. I know that... well, thank you for taking the time, I know you've been "on the go" recently, literally. Where were you over the weekend? Most recently, or...
Nace: Go ahead, Jan.
Jan: Oh, thank you. Most recently, we were in Germany, at the Deichbrand Festival.
Melani: Was it good?
Jan: It was good. The only bad thing was that it took us 12 hours on the plane...
Melani: Oh, great.
Vesna: A ride.
Jan: In each direction.
Vesna: Yes, this European tour of yours is pretty varied. How many cities have you already done and how many are still ahead of you?
Melani: Is anyone keeping count?
Nace: Oh, you keep count. I know that we've done most European countries.
Melani: Okay.
Nace: Or, we will, what we haven't done yet, we will.
Melani: You will.
Vesna: Such sweet problems.
Melani: Yes, nice.
Vesna: How many cities you've already done, the best. Are you tired at all? What does it look like? Jan, you are now...
Nace: Do we look tired?
Vesna: Ah, Nace. Right, you're approaching the threshold of a new decade.
Melani: You've actually crossed it already, the first one.
Vesna: Ah, you already did. Oh, okay, I didn't know yet, okay, sorry.
Nace: No, I did.
Vesna: Well, but after sleeping in the tour busand on planes, does your back hurt already? Your lower back? Any issues yet?
Nace: Sleeping on the tour bus is betterthan sleeping at home.
Melani & Vesna: Really?
Vesna: Do you have a waterbed in there?
Nace: No, I don't know what happens, but when... Like, when you're tired after a gig and lie down in your bunk and the bus starts to move...
Melani: And you're there... A baby in a stroller.
Nace: As if someone were rocking you. Noise cancelling earphones, we've already learned that. And then you just fall asleep. We've also got used to it on planes, to... Earphones and that thing for the eyes...
Melani: I was just going to ask who snores the most on the tour bus.
Nace: No one.
Melani: No one? Or do you just not hear it because you have earphones?
Nace: I mean, no one from the band. Well, that too.
Melani: No one from the band.
Nace: No one from the band, but... Usually it's so that the band is on one side of the bus, and the crew is like... It just happens to be that way.
Melani: Fair, fair. Well, enough about tiredness, no rest for the brave, or however you say, you're here to tell us a little more about your new single 'Šta bih ja'.
Vesna: An awesome song.
Melani: Do tell us,you're leaning towards the microphone.
Nace: We have to speak close to the microphone.
Vesna: That's true.
Melani: Well, Bojan, the songwriter, is not here right now, for us to ask him who he can't do without in a black night, but okay. Tell us when this song was made, because people have been singing it for a while at gigs, right, but you only released it just over ten days ago.
Jan: Yes, um... That was actually the first song that we started working on in London, where we went in January. We went to London, among other things, with the intention to have maybe a more... cosmopolitan sound and... to perhaps get new experiences, and the first song that was made turned out to be the most nostalgically Balkan.
Melani: That's right.
Jan: So yeah, you have to go somewhere to start being aware of...
Melani: Your roots.
Jan: Exactly.
Melani: Nice, nice.
Vesna: The song is very ex-Yugo, just like you were in Sarajevo, maybe... looking for inspiration. But can we then expect more like that on the new album, any similar songs, or...?
Melani: Which languages are waiting for us and so on?
Nace: I mean, the album definitely has a common thread, and there will be at least three languages.
Melani: At least three, okay.
Nace: I mean, there will be three.
Melani: Okay, nice. And speaking of the new album, come on, we want to know all the details. When will we hear it, where will we hear it live, we already said three languages, spill the tea, everything you can.
Jan: You know what, I'd like to know that too.
Melani: Really? Who does know?
Jan: Honestly, no one really does right now, but in October, it'll be out in October. I can say that.
Melani & Vesna: Okay.
Melani: Okay, nice.
Vesna: Well, we will be back, because...
Jan: Or, in September.
Vesna: In September? Okay, that's very soon. Anyway, we'll be back exactly two hits later, because there were a lot of questions submitted for you.
Melani: On our Instagram, yup.
Vesna: Exactly. And we got calls as well, so we're looking forward to it, stay with us, it'll be a good time.
(music break)
Vesna: 'The Sound of Silence', good morning, you're at (Radio) Center.
Melani: Morning!
Vesna: We are Melani Mekicar and Vesna Ponorac here with you, and Jan and Nace from Joker Out are here as well. Good morning!
Melani: Morning.
Jan & Nace: Good morning.
Vesna: Well, we already spoke about the tour and the new song earlier, and now it's time for our listeners to get their turn.
Melani: Yes, if you only knew how many questions we got on our Instagram. Instagram exploded, as well as the calls, so let's start.
Vesna: Let's start with the calls.
Melani: Let's start with the calls.
Vesna: First up, a question from Mateja.
Caller: I really want to know how many girls from primary school write to you now? Like, female classmates, and maybe male classmates too, look, you never know.
Melani: Well?
Vesna: Well?
Jan: For a few years, I've been in contact with maybe...
Melani: Hey, you have to come closer, you know. Yes, yes.
Jan: For a few years, I've actually only been in contact with two female classmates.
Melani: Were you already in contact before?
Jan: Yes, regardless of the band, so...
Melani: They weren't like, "Oh, what's up, Jan?"
Vesna: Have any others piped up from before? No?
Jan: I mean, no, actually they haven't. Not much has changed, honestly.
Vesna: They don't dare to. Nace, is it any different for you?
Nace: A classmate called me if I could get her an autographed shirt.
Vesna: Your autograph or someone else's?
Nace: No, like for the whole band to sign.
Vesna: Ah, the whole band.
Nace: Everyone then always says, "Yes, you know, it's for my nephew."
Melani: Yes, the classic. For relatives.
Nace: "Which size? Ah, ah." It's always like that, always.
Vesna: Okay. The best. Great. The next question is from Petra.
Caller: Hi, boys. Going to Sziget, that is, well, how to say, an achievement, an achievement. I'd like to know if you're excited yet? And I'd like to know which other artists will you watch, listen to?
Melani: Sziget. Tell us.
Jan: Yes, we're very excited. This is... That was definitely one of our biggest goals, which... which didn't seem conceivable at all, years ago. But yes, this year we're on the main stage. I don't know if we will... Will we be able to watch anyone?
Melani: If you could.
Nace: Well, I hope so.
Melani: Who would you like to?
Nace: I don't know exactly who's on that day.
Melani: Who it is. But you'll watch someone for sure, if you have the chance, right.
Vesna: Well, you will hang out in the backstage, isn't that even better?
Melani: Yeah, they don't need to watch.
Vesna: You don't need to watch, man. You can watch from the back. Well, the next question is from Matej.
Caller: Hey. I'd like to know if you have any advice for young musicians who want to make it the way you did. Thank you for the answer!
Melani: Alright, music advice.
Nace: Music advice. Yeah...
Vesna: A little closer to the mic, Nace.
Nace: I will say it very close to the microphone. Just practise a lot, a lot, a lot, practise a lot, and practise a lot. What else do they need, to be persistent.
Vesna: What about the mindset?
Jan: And have a good mindset.
Nace: Yes.
Vesna: What does that mean, a good mindset?
Nace: Well, to have a good mindset while practising.
Vesna: To already imagine yourself at Sziget.
Melani: To not give up.
Vesna: Or?
Jan: Was that question for young musicians?
Vesna: Yes, yes.
Melani: Exactly, for those who want to... I mean, young, that's relative, but yes.
Vesna: But like, bands that are just forming and don't know what to do. What's your advice for them?
Jan: Have a charismatic and likeable frontman.
Melani: Bravo, bravo. Okay, we still have good number of questions on Instagram, which we will ask you after a few minutes, and yeah, that's it, speak to you later.
(music and news break)
Vesna: Good morning, you're listening to (Radio) Center, Vesna Ponorac in Melani Mekicar are here.
Melani: Hello.
Vesna: As well as Nace and Jan, two fifths of Joker Out. You submitted so many questions to our Instagram that the boys had to stay a little longer so we can answer everything, and let's go ahead and start.
Melani: Well, first up: what is the most Slovenian or Balkan thing that you like? Accordion, ajvar¹, I don't know.
¹Ajvar is a typical Balkan condiment made from roasted bell peppers.
Vesna: Prekmurska gibanica.²
²Prekmurska gibanica is a traditional Slovenian dessert from the Prekmurje region in the north-east of Slovenia. It's made from several layers of phyllo dough and cottage cheese filling, poppy seed filling, walnut filling and apple filling.
Jan: Clean air.
Melani: Clean a– oh, nice. Fair enough. Nace?
Nace: What do we have... No, I want to think of something that is... There must be something that, when we're out there...
Vesna: Idrija lace.
Nace: Idrija lace. I mean, we always have that with us, so I don't miss that.
Melani: Fair, fair. But like, that's a very Slovenian thing that you love a lot.
Nace: Yes, definitely.
Vesna: Exactly. That's it. Okay. Moving on, a big concert in Slovenia, when?
Melani: Again.
Jan: How big?
Vesna: Stožice big.
Melani: As big as possible.
Jan: Not this year.
Vesna: No?
Melani: Okay, but how about, let's say, something a little smaller than Stožice?
Jan: That's coming this year.
Melani: Coming this year. Okay, you heard it here. Okay, your favourite thing about each other. If you were all here right now, this would be even more fun, but alright.
Jan: What, my... Mine, about Nace?
Melani: Your favourite thing about Nace, it can be his personality, it can be that he has a really awesome hairdo, whatever, and vice versa.
Jan: Nace is a very considerate person. Like, if he feels that... that you're not feeling okay, even if you're feeling totally okay, he'll ask you and be like...
Vesna: "Are you good, man?" Awesome.
Jan: "Jan, are you okay? You don't look okay."
Vesna: Nice. What's your zodiac sign, Nace?
Nace: Cancer.
Vesna: Aw, of course.
Melani: Nice. That's a very nice trait. Nace, what about Jan?
Nace: Jan's guitar playing. I mean... I'm sorry, that's...
Melani: That's true.
Nace: When he grabs a gui– just yesterday, we were at the studio, and I didn't tell him this, but when he started messing around and making weird sounds with the guitar, I said... I'm glad he's my guitarist.
Vesna: How nice, man.
Melani: Come on, stop it. Very nice.
Vesna: What a cute moment.
Melani: Okay, let's move on from this cute stuff to problems for a bit. Someone wants to know what the biggest problem you face as famous musicians is?
Vesna: And young ones.
Melani: Yes. So, I don't know, is it that girls are running after you, I don't know, is it that you can't just publish everything on the internet anymore? What's the biggest, like...
Vesna: A long deliberation, but take your time.
Melani: Well, is everything nice?
Jan: At one point, I had a bit of an... internet overdose. So... ever since I've distanced myself from scrolling Twitter every hour, I've...
Melani & Vesna: You've been much better.
Jan: I've spared myself a lot, yeah.
Vesna: I'd say so.
Melani: Okay. Nace?
Nace: Shoot... I always... maybe it's not like that here, but when we're somewhere abroad, and fans gather around our bus that we travel with, sometimes, when you're tired and because you're in a hurry to move on, it's kind of hard to go past these fans without giving them any attention.
Vesna: Especially because you're a Cancer, and so thoughtful, you'd probably like to give everyone there attention. Well, nice. Okay, this is it, boys. Everyone go listen to Joker Out's new song, 'Šta bih ja'. Thank you for being our guests and may your keep being successful.
Jan: Thank you very much for inviting us.
Vesna: Yes, gladly. Bye bye!
The subtitles in the video have a few slight differences from this transcript; they spoke very fast, so some sacrifices had to be made for the subs.
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midnightbears · 5 months
✿ tell 'em how the crowds went wild! tell 'em how i hope they shine!
⎯ in which you look back on how grateful you are for the opportunity bestowed upon you. aka: you joined the opla's cast!
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#STARRING. iñaki godoy, mackenyu, jacob romero, taz skylar, emily rudd ft. fem!reader [elle fanning 4 faceclaim but u can imagine y/n anyway u wish!].
#TAGS. sfw, kind of context, a bit of smau but its tiny. mentions of covid just in case it's triggering?
#NOTE. pardon my rusty writing but i really wanted to get this out!!! i added an oc from one piece for the sake of the story but she's barely mentioned so uuuh yuh! timeline may be wrong but i work with what i'm given please bear with me. let me know if you would like more fics of this y/n??? ALSO IGNORE THE WATERMARKS ON THE PHOTOS I NEEDED TO MAKE THEM NEATER
© midnightbears on tumblr, apr 2024. please do not repost to another platform, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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In the past, if someone were to come up to you and tell you that you’d be a part of the One Piece Live Action main cast in the future, you would’ve probably laughed in their faces despite your wishful thinking.
At that time, you were content with your work, doing short theatre plays with companies or gaining minor roles in musicals. Everything changed when you landed the role for the one-woman show Fleabag for a limited time on London’s West End after the leading actress underwent emergency surgery for an appendectomy. You only acted as the sex-obsessed mess of a woman for about three weeks, but it was enough time for people to notice you, to really see you.
You believed your career had reached its pinnacle when you were cast as Katherine Howard in Six: The Musical in London. Your name had become somehow well-known in the musical theatre world, and you had a small but dedicated fan base who liked uploading edits of you being a dork during the Megasix on YouTube and TikTok. 
Months later, you were bound to play as Fantine for Les Miserables when COVID abruptly struck, and you were dismayed that your job was ripped from you so abruptly. Your best friend, the sweetest person on earth, insisted on you moving in with her in fear that you’d be evicted from your apartment.
Months passed, and you eventually found a small way to help your friend pay rent by offering singing and acting lessons online to musical-aspiring teenagers. Since you had gained many followers from your earlier work on social media, it didn’t surprise you when the classes became sold out.
Your friend also convinced you to create a YouTube channel for you to upload videos of yourself (sometimes joined by her) where you watched and commented shitty movies, followed DIY tutorials just for the fun of it, performed covers of your favorite songs, and just generally vlogged your life (along with reactions to Taylor Swift’s (From The Vault) songs).
At first, you thought it was pretty stupid, but you were delightfully proved wrong when your videos harbored over 200k-300k views on a bad day, so you found no reason to stop as COVID-19 continued, growing to gain a little over five hundred thousand followers. Your reactions were often used for TikTok audios or clips, so you found your popularity growing and evolving during that year.
You believed yourself to be a general, simple woman. People liked you because you were elegant and levelheaded, although you could sometimes be chaotic. You also had a subtle sense of humor that many found charming. But mostly, you grew a steady fan base because your videos and presence comforted countless young adults and teenagers.
You were an optimist and a reassuring one, so during the times when COVID was so prominent, people sought refuge from the monstrosities of the world in your videos, where you seemed to connect with them even though you were on the other side of the screen.
However, everything changed somewhere in 2020-2021. That evening, your best friend got home from work with excitement practically oozing out of her every pore. You and your best friend were avid anime watchers and manga readers, so you couldn’t help the face you made when she told you that One Piece was getting a live-action.
Although you were skeptical, your friend practically insisted you send an audition tape. You grimaced at that. It was well-known that live anime actions were almost always corny and cringeworthy compared to the original work, and people never liked them. You had learned that much from Death Note and a couple of others. However, your best friend convinced you with this argument:
“If it’s that bad, then at least you’ll gain more followers out of the memes that people will make, and if it’s good, you’ll still get famous anyway!”
Eventually, you sent a video of you performing one of the lengthy monologues from Fleabag to your agency and simply hoped for the best. Your friend was practically rooting for you to get the role of Anastasia, one of the first integrants of the Straw Hat crew, joining before Sanji and after Usopp. You adored her as she greatly reminded you of your late mother, although you would be happy with any role.
Somewhere in November 2021, you remember a lot of screaming and crying. When you try to look back on it, all you remember is the happiness you felt when you received confirmation of the role of Anastasia. You were practically over the moon, and you and your friend celebrated inside your small apartment. You were entirely alone, just two drunk girls dancing and cheering, until one of the neighbors knocked on the ceiling with a broom.
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liked by inakigo, emilyrudd and 574,949 others
yourusername actually lost for words and filled to the brim with gratitude...... i cannot express how excited i am to play my girl anastasia and bring her to life. from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has supported me. your faith in me means everything. congrats to iñaki, emily, jacob, mackenyu and taz, thank you to onepiecenetflix, thank you to my best friend for convincing me to audition for the role, and thank you, oda sensei, for putting anastasia's heart in my hands. love u all <3
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November 10, 2021
inakigo, Congrats!!!!!!!!
taz_skylar, 🔥🔥🔥
The One Piece fan base dearly loved the character of Anastasia, a well-mannered, bubbly, upbeat, fashion-loving duchess who always spoke in a Transatlantic accent but also had a quick wit and a bit of a sweet tooth. Anastasia’s dream was to become the most dangerous pirate to ever grace the seas and prove everyone who doubted her wrong.
Of course, with a big character came a big responsibility.
Sometimes, insecurity nearly got the better of you. You had to fill huge shoes, and there were many people to convince and impress. However, your love for this project was bigger than the gnawing uncertainty on the back of your neck, so you continued strongly until the end of Season One, finding comfort in your cast mates and the countless people who counted on you and, most importantly, believed in you.
Oda handpicked you, and that argument alone was enough to shoot any insecurities away.
Well, needless to say, people loved you!
Critics acclaimed your portrayal of the character, as well as the commendable chemistry you shared with the rest of the cast. The fans found it incredibly funny that your character was the complete opposite of how you actually acted in real life, and you often found yourself blissfully immersed in the fan base's love and praise.
Your channel and social media suddenly grew tenfold. Although you had stopped uploading videos every week due to the recording of season one, your followers were more than happy to wait for your return, and as one would expect, they were thrilled to have you back once you did upload a vlog explaining everything.
Over the course of the six months, you had been recording from time to time for a YouTube video in the set. Previously, you had asked the producers for permission to record some behind-the-scenes for your channel and your usual interactions with the rest of the cast with your personal Sony camera, as you felt it would be a nice way to bring the fans and the cast closer.
The producers gave the okay on the condition that you would wait until the first season aired on Netflix. You happily agreed and carefully began recording some scenes of your dressers and hairdressers as they prepared you, a few shots of your instructor showing you how you were supposed to use the guns that Anastasia employed... simple things.
Back in the day, you were still getting acquainted with the other cast members, and you didn't want to seem rude by forcibly making them appear on your videos, so you waited for a few weeks until you could properly call yourself companions. Then, you invited them to appear in the videos.
Iñaki, Taz, and Jacob liked to take advantage of the little free time they had between scenes they didn't appear in to innocently steal your camera and use it to their heart's content. One day, you got home only to find the memory card was completely full. It was an extensive video of them walking around the set, with Taz recording while Kiki and Jacob pointed out random stuff to the people who lived inside your camera, as Jacob liked to call them.
Mackenyu, being more reserved and introverted, mostly liked to act as a cameraman for you as you showed the props you used and other things, often making comments or turning the camera around whenever you referred to something.
Meanwhile, Emily had a natural knack for being in front of the camera. Whenever you asked her to join in, she effortlessly slipped into the co-host role, bantering with you and adding her own insights into the behind-the-scenes world of the show.
With the first season out of the way, you took the time to carefully pick what videos you wanted to use in the final tape, and it took you a little over a month and a half to properly edit it and turn it into a wonderful thirty-minute-long behind-the-scenes. You even sent it to the producers and your co-stars in case there was a scene they wanted deleted. Fortunately, they all gave you the okay.
You teased the video a bit on your Instagram before uploading it a few days later, and the support it received was out of this world. It gained over two million views and hundreds of thousands of likes.
You were kind of expecting this. While some BTS had already been uploaded on YouTube, yours was different because you were showing it from your perspective. The fans loved every second of it, and even started asking for a second or third part. You even saw new videos on YouTube of recompilations from your video with the titles being silly things like The One Piece Cast Being Chaotic for Seven Minutes.
At that moment, your life felt so full. You were getting contacted by industries who wanted you to appear on their videos and their stages, thousands of fans who loved you, and a feeling so peculiar that this would be eternal.
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liked by taz_skylar, morganlogoff and 1,523,199 others
yourusername missing my wig and my gang hours ☹️
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November 10, 2023
morganlogoff, love love love you💗💗💗
bookofjacob, missing your camera hours💔
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robin-the-enby · 1 year
Black butler Ciel with a older sister who rather spend more time reading, writing, spend time in her imagination, or her own self interests than run the company. She has her own business of running a successful book series.
Pairing: Ciel Phantomhive x older sister!reader Warnings: mentions of past trauma (not descriptive) A/N: Thank you very much for the ask and, as usual, I'm so sorry for the delay. If you don't mind, I decided to write this as headcanons. Also, the relationship between Ciel and the reader is strictly platonic. I have decided that I will not write romantic Ciel works anymore, because he's a child. And while I did have a crush on him when we were the same age, I have moved on and it would be highly inappropriate, I believe.
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I think it's safe to say that you are very important to Ciel. You are his last living relative after all.
It doesn't matter if you're close or not. I don't think Ciel would appear to want to be close to anyone, even a relative. But that isn't really the case.
Now, he's definitely not clingy. He's self-sufficient, maybe a little too much. He definitelly doesn't need to rely on you.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't like to spend time with you. On the contrary. And since you are the quiet type, it makes spending time together much more comfortable for him.
He would be the type of person to do his own thing and let you do your own, just...in the same space. He could be sorting paperwork in his office, but you would be there as well, just a few meters away from him, scribbling down in a notebook on drawing in your sketchbook.
It's comfortable, it's quiet, and it means the world to him. If he looks past the age difference (and that little voice that tells him that maybe your roles should be exchanged), he almost feels normal. And that type of peace is very rare in his life, so he takes any and every chance to spend time with you like this.
It was very strange to him though, mostly at first, when he returned to the mansion. The way you are so different. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you have no interest in the family company, or that you rather spend time in your own head than in th real world.
He does get the appeal of that, it's just that he thinks it's...foolish. He is a logical person, who always thinks ahead, to rule out any possibility of others taking advantage of him again. If he submitted to the luxury of running away from the past that still haunts him, he would achieve nothing.
But the more time he spends with you and the more he integrates himself back into the regular world (as regular as it can be for him at least), he sees that you're many things, but not foolish. Yes, you're a dreamer, perhaps a bit naive, but not stupid.
In the end, he prouds himself to be your brother. You have a great imagination and sometimes you help him more than you could imagine. If he has a case to solve, you help give him an outside look into things from a perspective he could never even imagine.
He appreciates your art as well. It would depend on your style and whether or not you were spared the torture he went through to determine how much, but he definitely appreciates it and thinks it's beautiful. If your style is a form of self presentation, translation of your shared traumas and deepest feelings, he might like it just a smidge more.
When you present the idea of publishing your own book, he is definitely on board. He likes to read your stories anyway, he can't see why others wouldn't enjoy it. He would definitely help you find the best publisher and arrange the best deal for you (with a little help from Sebastian, if needed).
When your book becomes a hit in London and the readers as well as critics start asking for a sequel, he feels proud. Proud of himself, for helping you make your dream come true, but mostly proud of you. For not conforming to expectations of others, who would assume you'd take over the Phantomhive company, but instead following your dreams and working hard to make them come true. It is that kind of strength he really admires. But of course, he knows how the world works and so he thinks his help was neccesary (and would continue to be in the future).
In the end, you have sort of a symbiotic relationship. Whenever you need anything for your work, Ciel gets it for you. Art supplies, sketchbooks, he can get you anything and you best believe it'll be in the best quality as well. He also helps you make deals with potential publishers or anyone who is interested in your work, making sure no one tries to scam you and that you get the most benefits from your labour.
In return, he asks for nothing. You already give him everything he needs from you. Your company. He gladly takes on the task of managing the family business, if it means that you can still sit by him in his study, scribbling away, as if nothing in the world had ever gone wrong.
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nightghoul381 · 6 months
Ellis Twilight~ Main Route Chapter 2
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Disclaimer for route warnings | Masterlist
Additional Content Warnings: None
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
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Part 1
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Ellis: “Thank you for waiting, Jude.”
Jude: “…Ah?”
When Jude saw that Ellis had brought me with him, he looked stunned for a moment--,
Surprisingly, he didn’t say anything.
(--Or rather)
Kate: “I will be accompanying you as fairytale keeper, I look forward to working with you.”
Jude: “……Tsk”
It seemed like Jude understood ‘there’s no point in saying anything’ and clicked his tongue at Ellis, completely ignoring me.
Ellis: “Last night I delivered the offer to the procurement department to sail today.”
Jude: “Obviously. If it doesn’t arrive first thing in the morning, your pay’s getting cut.”
(They both work for Crown, but they also work for the company…. They’re both very busy.)
I follow along with Ellis behind Jude, silently observing so as not to disturb him.
After observing I found out--,
Jude runs Raven, a diversified trading company,
It was said that the company had branches overseas and was doing extensive business.
Having business meetings in the VIP room of one of London’s best department stores or with the inspection staff at London port…,
The time spent following the two men flies by in the blink of an eye.
And the way the two of them work together…. For example.
Jude: “There will be no transaction until you give me an advance notice.”
Jude: “Of course, since you acted unethically. If you don’t want to pay off your debts, you should just cough up your blood and make up for it.”
Jude, with his sharp tongue and sharp mind,
He was admired by his business partners, envied by his business rivals, and revered by his employees.
On the other hand--.
Ellis: “Okay, I’ll take care of the rest.”
Ellis: “It’s easy to make mistakes in this document. I’ll explain what you don’t understand and we’ll fix it together.”
Ellis, a soft-spoken and attentive person, was loved by everyone, both inside and outside the company, wherever he went.
(They’re complete opposites.)
Meanwhile, Big Ben’s hour hand had passed its peak.
Jude: “The head office is up next. I don’t know what they’ll say if I show up with extras.’
Ellis: “Mmhmm, got it.”
Kate: “Thank you for letting me accompany you.”
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Jude: “…Ha. I can’t wait to see if you can say the same thing the next time we meet.”
(What does that mean…?)
I tilt my head, not understanding the meaning of his words.
Jude: “You brought her here, you wipe her ass. I ain’t doing it.”
Ellis: “Yeah… that’s the intention.”
(…It seems like Ellis understands what he means.)
When Jude leaves without even glancing at me, Ellis turns to me.
Ellis: “You must be tired. Sorry for dragging you around.”
Kate: “No not at all! I’m a physically fit person from my time as a postal worker.”
Ellis: “I see, that’s good…. Well then, by the way.”
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Ellis: “Can you hang out with me just a little longer?”
Part 2
After asking me to hang out with him a little longer—
(Why are we here…!?)
It was the post office where I worked.
As I hesitated at the entrance, Ellis turned around.
Ellis: “Is something wrong?”
(That’s what I want to know…)
Kate: “Since it’s my workplace, I know a lot of people… but is it okay if I meet with them before the month is up?”
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Ellis: “Victor said there were no restrictions other than going out alone, so I guess it’s okay.”
The answer came back a little more relaxed than I had expected, and I couldn’t help but blink.
(That’s not what the person being watched would say…is it okay??)
Ellis: “I have some mail I want to send. I’ll take care of it, so you do whatever you like.”
Kate: “Okay…”
Then, Ellis heads to the counter, leaving me there.
(What if I ask someone I know for help and confidential information is leaked…?)
I can’t hide my confusion at how relaxed my ‘surveillance’ is.
(At least with Ellis… I guess that means he trusts me not to do that.)
(If the information does get leaked, they can eliminate everyone who knows about it, including me…)
--“Shall I kill her?”
When I suddenly remembered that he had said something like that and shook my head in a panic…
Coworker with braids: “Kate!?”
Kate: “Ah.”
Coworker with braids: “I thought so, it is you! Hey everyone, Kate is here!”
At the sound of her voice, her coworkers noticed and suddenly gathered around.
Redhead Coworker: “Kaaate, why are you suddenly working at the palace?”
Black-eyed coworker: “Everyone was worried.”
(You were worried just because I suddenly stopped coming to work.)
(I can’t tell you guys, especially not the truth.)
(I don’t even know for certain if I’ll be able to come back safely in a month.)
I don’t want to worry, so I swallow my anxiety down.
Kate: “I’m fine. Though, it’s still my first day and I don’t know what’s left and right.”
Kate: “I’m sure it will work out somehow.”
Coworker with braids: “Well, since you turned Kramer into a good customer, I’m sure you’ll be fine no matter where you go.”
Redhead Coworker: “When you suddenly disappeared, I thought you were in trouble. I was lonely.”
Kate: “That… I’m really sorry. It was something beyond my control.”
Coworker with braids: “Well, it’s not like you can refuse an order from the palace.”
Black-eyed coworker: “But I’m rooting for you, Kate.”
Redhead Coworker: “Hey, take this!”
Redhead Coworker: “We all bought things so we could give it to you if you stopped by. I’m glad we were able to give it to you--”
Kate: “Ehh… this much?”
Presents are piling up in my arms.
A blanket, cookies from my favorite store, and a letter from a coworker.
Kate: “Thank you…”
I hold my hands, full of happiness, but I feel like I might drop something if I move, so I can’t move at all…
Ellis: “I’ll hold it. Give it to me.”
The gifts were taken by the person beside me.
All of my colleagues’ eyes turned to Ellis.
Coworker with braids: “Wait…who!? Are you Kate’s boyfriend!?”
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Redhead coworker: “Oh, I know this guy! He’s the one who protects that scary trader!”
The whole thing turned into a commotion that felt like someone had upset a beehive.
Coworker with braids: “Kate, please explain your relationship with this handsome man!”
Kate: “Oh, uhh… I know him through my work with the palace, we just met yesterday.”
Coworker with braids: “Hmmmm, you seem like you’re pretty close to me.”
Redhead Coworker: “Suspicious…!”
Kate: “Hey, everyone, calm down…”
While I was calming down my excited colleagues, Ellis took the remaining gifts from my arms.
Ellis: “Sorry… I didn’t mean to cause such a fuss. I’ll be waiting outside.”
Part 3
Ellis: “Sorry… I didn’t mean to cause such a fuss. I’ll be waiting outside.”
Kate: “Ah…. I’m so sorry! I’ll be out right away.”
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Ellis: “It’s okay, take your time.”
I gave a small not to everyone and saw Ellis heading outside.
(I made you worry…)
Coworker with braids: “So, you’ll be getting married before returning…?”
Redhead coworker: “Congratulations.”
Kate: “Ah, that’s not true…!”
--In the end, the commotion suddenly died down with the director’s voice coming from the back and telling us to leave it at that.
When I went outside after exchanging goodbyes with my coworkers, I found Ellis holding my packages, leaning against a street light and waiting for me.
(Even from a distance, it looks like picture.)
With his supple body and long limbs, his appearance stands out when you see him around town.
Kate: “Sorry for making you wait.”
Ellis: “Not at all… You could have talked more.”
Kate: “It’s okay! Um, my colleagues said something really rude…”
Even though I only work with him, they may have made him feel uncomfortable by calling him my boyfriend.
(I wonder if there’s anything I can do to apologize… Ah that’s right!)
Kate: “There’s a delicious baguette shop near here. As an apology let me treat you there.”
Ellis: “…”
His light filled eyes stare intently at me, as if he’s discovered something.
Ellis: “I think I understand a little bit better why you’ve received so many presents.”
Kate: “Eh….?”
Ellis, holding a large bag full of presents from my coworkers, stepped toward me…
And brought his face close enough that our foreheads touched.
Ellis: “No. You don’t have to buy me anything, but I’d be interested in the restaurants you recommend.”
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(… I  don’t really understand you, Ellis.)
However, his kindness definitely touched my heart.
As proof of that, the second time I shared a meal with Ellis, we talked much more lively than we had at breakfast--.
Kate: “Wow, it’s already this late…?”
Ellis: “…Let’s get back to the castle quickly.”
Ellis looked at the cityscape that was starting to get dark and muttered to himself.
This was the first time I’d heard a slightly urgent tone in his voice, and I was immediately aware of how worked up he was.
(We ended up hanging out for this long, but maybe he had something planned for tonight.)
Kate: “If we go down this alley, we can take a shortcut.”
Using the familiarity I had acquired during my postal delivery experience, I ventured into the narrow alley.
Ellis: “Ah…”
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Ellis: “…Well, I guess it will be okay if we’re together.”
I walk quickly through the alleyway, which has become dark due to the lack of sunlight.
There was only a little time left before I could reach the bright street.
Man with Hunting Hat: “…”
Suddenly, a man appeared blocking the path, and I immediately tried to avoid him by moving to the other side of the road, but…
The man’s foot blocked my path.
Feeling something strange in the air, I turned around and saw two men appear from behind me.
Man with Hunting Hat: “You Jude Jazza’s girl?”
Part 4
Man with Hunting Hat: “You Jude Jazza’s girl?”
Kate: “No, I’m not, but… who are you?”
Man with hunting hat: “I’ll check the facts later. Capture her.”
The three men suddenly took something out of their pockets and moved to attack me.
Ellis: “Kate, please hold this for just a little while.”
Kate: “Wha…!”
I was confused when I was given the bundle containing the presents from my co-workers,
The black-bladed knife that Ellis pulled out knocked the knife of the man in front away.
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Ellis: “It might be a little scary, but it’ll be over soon.”
While I was at a loss for words, he kept knocking out the men one by one, and just as he said, it was ‘over soon’
Ellis: “…Good.”
He lined up the unconscious men closely along the side of the road.
As if to finish off, Ellis’ hand touched the top of their heads—
The wrists of the unconscious men snapped together as if they were in prayer.
1. Are you a wizard?
2. Did you use tools?
** 3. Amazing! +4 +4 **
Kate: “Amazing…! What did you do just now?”
Ellis: “If I touch the top of their head, I can restrain their wrists like this.”
(I remember…)
--‘Cursed’ people have abilities that normal humans can’t possess.
Roger’s voice echoes in my ears.
Kate: “Is that… your ability, Ellis?”
Ellis: “Yeah. That’s right. I don’t need a rope, so it makes times like this easy.”
Ellis came over smiling as if he had completed his work,
He suddenly snatched the baggage from my arms again.
Ellis: “Jude attracts grudges everywhere, so he gets attacked like this often.”
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Ellis: “It was unusual for him to bring a woman around with him, so I think they misunderstood.”
(Grudge… I see.)
I understand that somehow, this is the result of observing their work during the day.
(It must be difficult for a trading company to be attacked like this on a daily basis.)
Ellis: “…I’m sorry.”
Kate: “Ellis, you don’t need to apologize! Thank you for protecting me.”
But Ellis slightly lowered his eyebrows and shook his head.
Ellis: “Actually, I could have predicted this. I knew this could have happened if I took you out.”
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Ellis: “But… When you found out I was going to work today, you looked sad.”
Ellis: “I brought you here because of my selfishness… That’s why I’m sorry.”
Part 5
Ellis: “Actually, I could have predicted this. I knew this could have happened if I took you out.”
Ellis: “But… When you found out I was going to work today, you looked sad.”
Ellis: “I brought you here because of my selfishness… That’s why I’m sorry.”
You say you’re selfish, but I know that everything you did today was for me.
I already knew more than enough.
(He gave me breakfast, talked to me about everyone in Crown, let me accompany him to work…)
(Perhaps, that’s why he even took me to the post office.)
Kate: “Today was a happy day…so you don’t have anything to apologize for.”
I smiled at Ellis, wanting to tell him that I appreciated his kindness.
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Ellis: “…Right. Good.”
A warm smile appeared on Ellis’ lips—like the last light of the sun…
Maybe it’s because the approaching dusk was making me nervous—strangely I felt a buzz in my chest.
When I returned to my room, I unwrapped the presents from my coworkers.
“We care about you, Kate.”
“Please contact us any time.”
The kind words written in the letters from my colleagues warmed my heart.
(I was able to receive this because of Ellis taking me to the post office.)
I feel so happy right now because Ellis tried to make me smile.
I stepped into a different world.
I can’t return to my normal daily life for a month—
Even though I was scared, I felt like he was telling me ‘it’s okay’.
(Since this morning, I feel more confident that I can make it through the month.)
(Even more so if Ellis is with me.)
--The next morning came with a renewed determination.
Victor: “I heard, Kate. You were attacked by one of Jude’s business rivals yesterday?”
Kate: “Ah, yes. But thanks to Ellis, nothing happened.”
Victor: “That’s great, but… I fear that your life will be in danger before the contract is over…”
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Victor: “—That means that Crown’s confidential information is also at risk! Isn’t that so?”
Ellis: “Yeah.”
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Jude: “…I’ve got a bad feeling.”
Hearing that grumpy voice, Victor smiled broadly…
Victor: “So, Jude, Ellis.”
Victor: “I want the two of you to take responsibility and act as Kate’s escorts!”
Jude: “Ah?”
Ellis: “…escort?”
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Next Chapter
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winniethewife · 9 months
You're always holding on to stars (Moon Knight system x Famous!F!reader)
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Prompt: Stargazing.
Words: 736
They lay out in the field, her head on his chest as they gaze out on the stars in the sky. Marc and His childhood friend, his high School sweetheart, the one who will get away, He knows her asperations are what will separate them. She had just gotten signed to a big record company and was moving to New York. And he wasn’t coming. They had decided it was best to take a break, give her the room to grow in her industry, unattached. Neither of them really wanted to. They we’re both very in love, but Marc Knew she would do amazing things, with or without him.
“I used to think this all was ours” Marc mutters as they looks out on the stars. “You and me against the world. Forever.”
“Me too. I never thought I’d actually get signed. I figured it would be the two of us, open mic nights at the coffee house, normal lives…” She softly says as she cuddles in closer to him. He wraps an arm around her and squeezes her tight
“Don’t feel bad for following your dreams. I’ll always be there to support you.”
“I know, I just…I wish you were coming with me. I’m going to miss you.” She sighs.
“Cheer up butter cup. Its not forever, just until you get your feet on the ground right?” He takes her chin in his hand and looks into her eyes.
“Right…just a break…Not a break up.”
Two years have passed, they have stayed in pretty close contact, and when Marc and Steven started to live a more integrated life she had taken the time to come out to London to get to know him. She stayed with him for a visit. And Steven was absolutely enchanted with her. She was an amazing artist he was enamored from the moment they met. As they walked through Camden Market they were stopped a few times by excited fans. Steven watched and helped take pictures with a smile on his face.
“I’m sorry Steven I know you wanted to just have some time the two of us…” She smiles sheepishly at him.
“No! I’m not bothered at all! It’s nice how sweet you are to your fans! It’s quite…adorable” He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck as he looks at her. He was falling for her hard…he could understand what had Marc hooked to her.
As they days in London pass, She, Marc and Steven start to fall into a pattern, and tabloids start talking…And much too soon she has to leave again. As Steven gets to say his goodbye he holds her in his arms.
 “How is it that you're right here…why do I miss you so much?” Steven asks with tears in the corners of his eyes.
“Hey now don’t cry, we decided, I’ll be back, we’re going to make this work this time. I promise.” She reassures him while wiping the tears from his eyes. She smiles at him.
“I feel Like I’m Stargazing. Watchin’ your life from afar. You’re my star…Shining brighter than the rest.” Steven says sweetly as he presses his forehead against hers. She smiles then leans in to kiss him.
As the years pass eventually the fame and hype dies down, and Marc, Steven and her are able to live mostly normal lives, eventually, they also integrate their third alter Jake into their happy family. Jake take a little more time to warm up to her, but as the years pass, wedding anniversaries come and go, Jake is as much in love with her as the others. It was a beautiful evening as they sat on the balcony of their home looking out on the sky as the stars start to show.
“Estrella ... te ves tan hermosa en el crepúsculo…” Jake says to her with his voice low and pressing his body against hers as she leans on the railing. She chuckles and looks over her shoulder at him.
“You’re too cheesy.” She teases.
“What? Sólo digo la verdad, cariño. You know this.” He says in a mock offended tone as he pulls her closer, turning her to face him. “I close my eyes and think about tomorrow and All I see is us…stargazing…” He looks into her eyes, gazing into them he smiles. The stars in the sky will never compare to those in her eyes.
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Estrella ... te ves tan hermosa en el crepúsculo : Star...you look so beautiful in the twilight
Sólo digo la verdad, cariño.: I only speak the truth my darling.
Bingo Masterlist
Tag: @moonknight-events @juneknight @spacecowboyhotch
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an-aroaces-harem · 6 months
Ellis Twilight Chapter 2
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Ikemen Villains belongs to Cybird.
Another note: I know Ikemen Villains is set in victorian London, but I will use the japanese suffixes because I prefer them.
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Ellis: Here you go, Jude.
Jude: ... Ah?
Jude-san looked stunned for a moment when he sa Ellis-kun who had brought me with him.
Surprinsingly, he said nothing.
(... Or rather)
Kate: I will accompany you as a fairytale writer, thank you very much.
Jude: ... Tch.
He clicked his tongue at Ellis-kun, who seemed to realize that there was no point in saying anything, and completely ignored my presence.
Ellis: I delivered the offer to the procurement department last night, which is leaving today.
Jude: Of course. If it doesn't arrive first thing in the morning, I'll have to take a pay cut.
(I can't believe you're working for Crown and you're even working for the company. ... You're both so busy.)
I followed alongside Ellis-kun behind Jude-san, silently observing him as not to disturb him.
I found out through observation that ...
Jude-san runs Raven, a diversified trading company ...
... they were doing a wide range of business with branches abrod.
He had a business meeting in the VIP room of one of the best department stores in London, had a meeting with the inspector at the Port pf London ...
The time that follows the two of them around flies by in a flash.
And speaking of the two working together ...
Jude: No deals until this is settled.
Jude: You were dishonest, so you deserved it. If you don't want to get out of debt, then spit up blood and make up for it.
Jude-san has a sharp tongue and a sharp mind ...
It seemed that business partners looked up to him, business rivals envied him, and employees were in awe of him.
On the other hand ...
Ellis: Fine, I'll take care of the rest.
Ellis: I'll teach you what you don't know and we'll fix it together.
Soft-spoken and attentive, Ellis-kun was well-liked both inside and outside the company wherever he went.
(They're kind of brilliant opposites, aren't they?)
In the meantime, the short hand of the Big Ben was about to pass the apex.
Jude: I don't want the writer to follow me. I don't know what they'll say if I show up with extras.
Ellis: Mm-hmm. Okay.
Kate: Thank you for allowing me to accompany you.
Jude: I can't wait to see if I can say the same thing the next time we see each other.
(What does that mean ...?)
I tilt my head, not understanding what he means.
Jude: You brought him here, so you should clean yourself up. I can't touch you.
Ellis: Yeah ... that's the plan.
(... I guess Ellis-kun gets the message.)
Jude-san walks away without so much as a glance at me, and Ellis-kun turns to me.
Ellis: You're tired. I'm sorry I brought you around.
Kate: No, not at all! I am physically strong. I was trained as a mail carrier.
Ellis: I see. I'm glad. ... Then, let's go to the next one.
Ellis: Can you hang out with me just a little bit longer?
I was asked to go out with him a little longer, and here I am ...
(Why are we here ...!?)
It was the post office where I worked.
When I was hesitant because of the crowd, Ellis-kun turned around.
Ellis: What's wrong?
(That's as much as I'd ask ...)
Kate: It's my workplace, so I know a lot of people, but ... is it okay if I meet them more than a month in advance?
Ellis: Victor said there are no restrictions except for going out alone, so why not?
I blinked at the answer, which was more laid back than I expected.
(That's not what a person being monitored says, but ... is that okay??)
Ellis: I have some mail I want to send. I'll go take care of it.
Kate: Yes ...
Moreover, leaving me there, Ellis-kun heads for the counter.
(What if I ask someone for help or something and confidental information is leaked ...)
I can't hide my bewilderment at how carefree the 'surveillance' is.
(At least, I guess that means Ellis-kun trusts that I would never do such a thing.)
(Or rather ...)
(If information is leaked, at that point, everyone who knows about it, including me, will be dealt with ...)
... "Shall we kill her?"
When I remembered that he had made such a remark, without hesitation, I shook my head in a panic ...
Coworker with braids: Kate!?
Kate: Ah.
Coworker with braids: Kate! Hey guys, Kate's here!
At the sound of her voice, our coworkers notice and gather around me.
Coworker with red hair: Kate, how can you suddenly be serving in the palace?
Coworker with black eyes: We were all worried.
(I just suddenly stopped coming to the office, and they are so worried about me.)
(Even more, I can't tell them.)
(And that I don't know if I'll be able to come back safely in a month, ever.)
(But ...)
Not wanting to cause worry, I gulp down my anxiety.
Kate: I'll be fine. But it's only my first day, and I don't know what's right or wrong.
Kate: I'm sure I'll figure it out.
Coworker with braids: I'm sure that a person who has turned Sleigh and Kramer into good costumers will be fine no matter where they go.
Coworker with red hair: I'd miss you if you were suddenly gone.
Kate: I'm ... really sorry about that. It's something beyond my control.
Coworker with braids: Well, it's not every day you get an order from the Palace that you turn it down.
Coworker with blick eyes: But I'm rooting for you, Kate.
Coworker with red hair: Hey, take this!
Coworker with red hair: I bought it for all of us to give to you if you stopped by. I'm glad I was able to give it to you.
Kate: Oh ... so much?
My arms are piled with gifts of this and that.
Blanket, cookies from my favourite store, and a letter from the colleagues.
Kate: Thank you ...
I'm holding my happiness in my arms, but I can't move an inch because I'm afraid I'll drop something if I move ...
Ellis: I'll take it. Give it to me.
The baggage is snatched from next to me.
The eyes of my colleagues turned in unison to Ellis-kun.
Coworker with braids: Who ... is he? Kate's boyfriend?
Coworker with red hair: Oh, I know him! He's the kid who escorts the scary traders.
It was a complete beehive of activity.
Coworker with braids: Kate, please explain your relationship with this handsome man!
Kate: Ummm ... we know each other from our work at the palace, we just met yesterday.
Coworker with braids: Hmm ... that seems a bit close for my taste, though.
Coworker with red hair: I doubt that ...!
Kate: Hey, everybody, just calm down ...
As I'm placating my excited coworkers, Ellis-kun takes the rest of the luggage, all of it, out of my arms.
Ellis: I'm sorry for all the fuss. I'll wait for you outside.
Kate: Oh ... I'm sorry too! I'll be right there.
Ellis: Take your time.
I give a small bow to everyone and see Ellis-kun off to the outside.
(I'm sorry I put you on the spot ...)
Coworker with braids: Marriage before return, huh?
Coworker with red hair: Congratulations!
Kate: I'm telling you, it's not ...!
... The commotion eventually died down when the director's voice came from the back of the room, saying "That's enough of that".
After exchanging a few words with my colleagues, I went outside to find Ellis-kun waiting for me, leaning against a lamppost with his luggage.
(Even from a distance, it's quite a view.)
With his supple body and long arms and legs, he stands out in the city.
Kate: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Ellis: No, not at all. ... You could have talked to them more.
Kate: It's okay! Um, my colleagues made a terribly rude remark ...
Even though I only work with him, they may have made him feel uncomfortable by calling him my boyfriend.
(Something I wish I could apologize for ... Oh, yes.)
Kate: There is a good baguette restaurant near here. Let me treat you there as an apology.
Ellis: ...
His eyes, filled with light, stare at me as if they have found something.
Ellis: I think I understand a little better why you get so many gifts.
Kate: Eh ...?
Holding a large bag full of gifts from my colleagues, Ellis-kun stepped out to me and ...
... he brought his face so close to mine that our foreheads touched.
Ellis: No, you don't have to treat me, but I'm curious about the restaurants you recommend.
(... Ellis-kun, I don't understand what's talking about.)
But surely, his kindness had penetrated my heart.
As evidence, my second meal with Ellis-kun was much more pleasant than the breakfast.
Kate: Wow, it's late ...
When we left the restaurant, dusk was approaching.
Ellis: ... Let's go back to the castle.
Ellis-kun looked out at the cityscape as it was beginning to darken, absentmindedly.
It was the first time I had heard a slightly urgent voice, and I immediately realized that he was excited.
(I'm sorry to keep you up at this hour, but maybe he had plans for the evening.)
Kate: If we go down the alley this way, we can take a little shortcut.
With the knowledge I had acquired as a postwoman, I entered a narrow alley.
Ellis: Ah ...
Ellis: Well, I guess it'll be okay if we're together.
The sun is being blocked out, and the alleyway's growing dim.
It was almost time to get out into the lighted street.
Men in hunting capes: ...
Suddenly, a man appeared to block the way, and I tried to pass him by avoiding him on the side of the road.
(What ...?)
A man stepped forward, but his path was blocked.
Feeling something strange in the air, I turn around and see two men appear from behind me as well.
Man in hunting cape: Jude Jazza's woman?
Kate: No, I'm sorry I'm not ... but who are you?
Man in hunting cape: We'll check the facts later. Catch her.
The three men suddenly took things out of their pockets and attacked.
(What ... eh!?)
Ellis: Kate-san, hold this for me for a moment.
Kate: Wah ...!
Confused, I accept the package containing the gifts from my colleagues.
Ellis-kun pulled out a black-bladed knife, which bounced off the blade of the man in front of the group.
Ellis: It might be a little scary, but it'll be over soon.
While I am speechless, he is knocking them down one by one, just as he said "It'll be over soon".
He pulled out his knife to counter the blade, and basically just his long arms and legs seemed to suffice.
Ellis: Good job.
The unconscious men were lined up tightly on the shoulder of the road ...
When Ellis-kun's hand touched the top of their heads like a finishing touch ...
... the wrists of the men, still unconscious, snapped together as if in prayer.
Kate: Oh my god ...! How did you do that?
Ellis: When I touch the head, I can detain the wrist like this.
(I just remembered ...)
... a 'cursed' person possesses abilities that ordinary people do not have.
In the back of my head, Roger-san's voice comes back to me.
Kate: Is that ... what Ellis-kun is capable of?
Ellis: Yes. That's right. It's so much easier not to need a rope at times like this.
Ellis-kun came over smiling as if he had finished his work.
He took the package from my arms again.
Ellis: Jude has a lot of enemies everywhere, so he often gets attacked like this.
Ellis: It was unusual for him to have a woman around, so I guess that gave them the wrong idea.
(Resentment ... I see.)
What I can understand is the result of observing the work during the day.
(It must be a tough job at a trading company to be attacked like this on a daily basis.)
Ellis: ... I'm sorry.
Kate: Ellis-kun has nothing to apologize for! Thank you for protecting me.
But Ellis-kun lowered his eyebrows and shook his head.
Ellis: Actually, I could have predicted this. This is what might happen if I took you out.
Ellis: But ... when you found out I was going to work today, you looked worried.
Ellis: I was selfish and got carried away. ... So, I'm sorry.
(Ellis-kun ...)
I know it sounds selfish, but I want you to know that everything you did today was for me ...
I already knew enough.
(The breakfast, the stories he told me about the members of Crown, the fact that he let me accompany him to work ...)
(Maybe, he even took me to the post office.)
Kate: I've been happy all day ... so there's nothing to apologize for.
I smile to tell Ellis-kun that I appreciate his kindness.
Ellis: ... Hm, good.
The smile on Ellis-kun's lips was as warm as the last light of the day ...
Perhaps it was because the approaching darkness made me feel impatient ... I felt a strange stirring in my chest.
When I return to my room, I open the package of gifts from my coworkers.
"Kate, I care about you."
"Please let me know when ..."
The kind words in the letter from my colleague touched my heart deeply.
(I'm glad Ellis-kun took me to the post office so that I could receive this.)
Ellis-kun tried to make me smile, so I feel very happy right now.
I stepped into a different world.
I can't go back to my daily life for a month ...
I was so frightened, and I felt like he was telling me "It's going to be okay."
(I'm feeling more confident than this morning that I can make it through the month.)
(Especially if Ellis-kun is with me.)
... And the next morning, with new determination.
Victor: I heard that Jude's business partner attacked you yesterday?
Kate: Oh, yes, but thanks to Ellis-kun, nothing happened.
Victor: It's a good thing, though ... before the contract expires ...
Victor: That means Crown's confidential information is at risk, too! Isn't that right?
Ellis: Yeah.
Jude: I have a bad feeling about this.
In response to his grumpy voice, Victor plastered a big smile on his face ...
Victor: Good, Jude, Ellis.
Victor: I want you two to be responsible to guard Kate!
Jude: Hah?
Ellis: ... Guard?
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violant-apologia · 9 months
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Meet the Violant-Scrawling Apologist
Or try to. He's notoriously hard to get a hold of, but his residence is public knowledge: you'll just have to get past the Neddy Men.
A very modest challenge Your Shadowy quality gives you a 72% chance of success.
Rubbery vigilance (Failure)
There isn't any entrance to the Bazaar that isn't guarded, so you try to slip in the most direct way. Unfortunately, you're caught – by a constable with more proclivity for the lecture than the life preserver. While she's giving you a standard telling-off about "things best left un-noseyed," a Rubbery Man bursts from the door behind her and makes gestures as to invite you inside. The constable – evidently disappointed that she can't instil the value of the Masters' privacy into you – concedes to let you through. The Rubbery Man (dressed in the attire of a kitchenhand, you now notice) closes the door behind you, but stops you when you move to ascend the spiral staircase. This is rather a relief – the spire looked infernally tall.
Listen to the Rubbery Plongeur's explanation
What's all this about, then?
Noticed (Success)
The Rubbery Plongeur, through impressive charades, explains that the Apologist keeps an eye on the up-and-comings of London. It seems that he's taken notice of your escapades (the Plongeur refers to some of its favourites of yours) and is interested in making your acquaintance. You picked a bad time to call, though; he's busy at the minute.
Ask when the Apologist will be back
What could he be doing that's more important than meeting you?
Confusion (Success)
The Plongeur makes a series of gestures which could mean that the Apologist has squirreled himself away with his poetry. It could also, perhaps, mean that he is away from London: on a dangerous journey to the Khanate on the Something Beautiful — or that he is delivering a sermon up the Stolen River. Perhaps it even indicates some clandestine meeting elsewhere in the Bazaar... It soon becomes apparent that this isn't a translation issue; the Plongeur itself has no clue where its employer is.
Sit on the stair and wait
You came to see the Apologist, and that is what you'll do. Besides, this Rubbery fellow seems like fine company. This will take you to the Apologist's profile page. KICK HEELS
Recall the Apologist's reputation
Perhaps you need a refresher. This will take you to a more informational intro. REFRESH (0)
Leave— and return later
Who knows how long this character could be away for? GO (0)
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'David Tennant bounds into the room, friendly, super articulate and energetic.
The actor and Doctor Who favourite, regularly voted the best Doctor by fans, is set to appear once again as the Time Lord in the forthcoming 60th anniversary specials.
The ongoing actors' strike prevents him from talking about those (Doctor Who is now a BBC/Disney co-production and US actors' union Sag-Aftra has been on strike since July).
But we're together, in a room full of books and leftover croissants - clearly actors need sustenance - to talk about Shakespeare, a playwright Tennant calls a "genius" who "had a particular sense of what it is to be a human" and expresses it "in a way no one else really does".
Tennant, who is an associate artist with the Royal Shakespeare Company, is steeped in the Bard. One critic described his Hamlet, which aired on the BBC in 2009, as "theatrical history in the making".
He excelled as Romeo and Richard II and, when we met, had just finished his first day of rehearsals for an already sold out run of Macbeth at London's Donmar Warehouse.
He's no-nonsense about the superstition of only referring to this most atmospheric work as the "Scottish play". Tennant freely uses the word "Macbeth".
But he admits to terrible nerves ahead of the show - however successful you are, it never gets any better, he says.
Renowned actors have been in his shoes; famously Lord Olivier was Macbeth to Vivien Leigh's Lady Macbeth in 1955, Sir Ian McKellen and Dame Judi Dench had their turn in 1976 and Sir Antony Sher and Dame Harriet Walter in 1999.
For Tennant, Shakespearean roles are like "Olympic events for an actor".
"The idea that you're being invited to stand next to these greats and sort of challenge yourself, test yourself against them and see if you've got something new to bring to that… that's part of what's exciting about it."
West Lothian-born Tennant "always wanted to be an actor" (his childhood obsession with Doctor Who had a big part to play in that) and from the way people talked about the plays, "I knew there was something magical about Shakespeare."
But that didn't mean he was immediately hooked when introduced to Macbeth at school - although he's at pains to praise his teacher.
He says the plays were written to be performed and it's "a shame that the first experience of Shakespeare is sitting in a classroom, trying to mouth these words that don't sit in your mouth and don't necessarily make a lot of sense to you at the age of 14".
"That's why a lot of people fall out of love with Shakespeare before they've really had a chance to fall in love."
Tennant fell in love when TAG, a Glasgow theatre company, brought As You Like It to his school's assembly hall. "I didn't necessarily understand every word and some of it felt perhaps a little unnatural and foreign to me". But the teenage Tennant was transported "because it was live and it was happening".
Now his head is brimful of a play that opens with three witches plotting and takes us on a journey of murder and guilt. Tennant says Shakespeare's take is "incredibly modern".
"The way he expresses Macbeth's fear of never sleeping, the torture of being in the restless ecstasy of never being able to close your eyes."
Even for Tennant, though, Shakespeare needs decoding. He tells me, when he opens one of the plays, he "100%" puts the modern translation next to the old. He deciphers the language so theatre audiences don't have to.
"If we're doing our job halfway properly, you shouldn't have to worry about understanding every syllable. You will be transported by it."
There can, though, be layers of meaning that still surprise you 10 weeks into a run, he says. "Usually on a wet Wednesday afternoon matinee, you'll suddenly go 'oh, that's what that line means.'"
Macbeth is one of 18 Shakespeare plays that would have disappeared if, seven years after his death, the actors John Heminges and Henry Condell hadn't published their friend's greatest plays in the First Folio.
That book was the first time the plays had been put together.
Before then, only 18 had been printed, in small paperback editions known as quartos.
The First Folio was registered for publication on 8 November 1623.
There were 750 copies made. Without it, we could have lost all the unprinted plays, around half of Shakespeare's works, including not just Macbeth but Julius Caesar, The Tempest, As You Like It and Twelfth Night.
Four hundred years on, 235 original First Folios are known to survive - 150 are in the US, and about 50 in the UK and Ireland.
The BBC is running a huge amount of content to mark the 400th anniversary. The celebratory season will include the 2018 adaptation of King Lear starring Sir Anthony Hopkins, Shakespeare Live! from the RSC, and a semi-fictionalised comic drama on Radio 4 about the creation of the First Folio.
Tennant says: "The reason that those plays are still performed around the world and the reason that Shakespeare is the cultural colossus that he is, is because that book was published."...
For Tennant, Shakespeare is "weirdly modern" because he captures how complicated it is to be human.
"He writes about the moment he was in, which seems to, by dint of his genius, also be the moment we are in."
Tennant is one of the UK's most exciting actors, known to wider audiences not just for Doctor Who and Broadchurch, but his film role as Barty Crouch Junior in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
But you get the sense that there's even more magic, for Tennant, in performing Shakespeare.
It's why he is celebrating the anniversary of the First Folio, that book that was the first step in creating a legacy for the greatest playwright in the English speaking world.'
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ennovatives · 2 years
What are the Best E-learning Practices for Training Employees?
E-learning is the use of technology to allow people to learn wherever and whenever they want. The e-learning process is designed with adult learning principles, learning styles, and instructional design principles in mind.
What is E-learning best practice?
The average modern student spends about 20 minutes per week learning at work. This accounts for only 1% of their workweek. It might not be 20 minutes all at once or in one location. As a result, one of the most important aspects of effective learning is that it respects its audience and makes good use of their time.
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Features of e-learning services:
The zero-error policy does not apply to Ennovative's assignments. They can ensure that there are no gaps in the performance of any project and that it is completed successfully by working in a team.
Localization engineers, professional translators, content creators, and multimedia engineers bring years of experience and knowledge to help them deliver the best e-learning multilingual modules for your target language group or native speakers and region.
They not only develop e-learning modules, but they are also willing to create a digital environment in which trainees can gain a thorough understanding of the subject.
As a result, it is unquestionably critical to advance the concept of non-electronic teaching in a variety of fields, including medicine, education, and research.
Best E-learning practices:
A well-defined e-learning development process includes four phases, such as:
1.       Content analysis
2.      Developing a storyboard
3.      Developing a prototype
4.      Course submission
 There are numerous organizations that have made e-learning the latest buzzword. Individuals can read whenever they want thanks to the process of e-learning.
It enables them to learn at their own pace and in their own environment, free of time and space constraints.
Ennovative's e-learning services ensure that e-learning modules are accessible in multiple languages and regions. They can provide multilingual content that is both relevant and error-free.
E-learning has been implemented to allow students to receive general education and gain skills. They can also obtain a degree without ever attending a school, university, or other educational institution.
It is a fantastic source of income for educators because they can teach from anywhere at any time.
Using e-learning at all levels of education helped to ensure that students understood their assignments adequately and quickly.
According to psychology, the audio-visual method of instruction leads to a practiced learning environment. There are helpful instructors and student involvements.
One of the benefits of e-learning in education is that both tutors and participants can develop their learning skills. One such example is the creation and sale of ebooks.
E-learning has served to bring together beginners, instructors, specialists, practitioners, and other interested parties. As a result, there is a good process of skill sharing that is attended through various online settings.
This is especially important in these times of increased competition and globalization. As a result, quick information aids in an individual's development.
0 notes
spiritusloci · 1 year
The Flash Files: Folder 06
Brought to you by The Flash Gordon Archive of Howard C. Rushbourne in collaboration with Midjourney AI & The Friends of Flash Foundation.
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Flash, Dale, Aura and Barin in a Disney promotional campaign for “Adventures at Intergalactic High: Senior Year” (2015)
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Jeffrey Hudson (with roommate Gregory Kant), (1955)
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Jeffrey and Gregory’s famous bachelor pad. (1955)
In this golden age of Hollywood, two dashing actors have caught the public's eye with their incredible talent and undeniable charm: Jeffrey Hudson and Gregory Kant. These two heartthrobs, best known for their roles as Flash Gordon the space hero and Buck Howard, (sheriff of Dustbowl in the TV series “Hardwood”), are two of the most eligible bachelors on the planet! Nevertheless, these two bachelors seem to enjoy spending time with each other just as much as they enjoy attending glamorous star-studded  premiers with a beautiful starlet on their arm.
Their shared home, an elegant sanctuary hidden in the Hollywood Hills, is the epitome of style and sophistication. Decorated with tasteful, modern furnishings, the living room is a testament to their shared love for contemporary design. This warm, inviting space is where Jeffrey and Gregory spend countless hours discussing their craft, sharing stories, and enjoying each other's company and with close friends invited for a weekend getaway. 
Will these best friends stay single forever or will they find that special someone to marry and call their own then finally give up their bachelor’s paradise?
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Jeffrey Hudson and Gregory Kant (1955)
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“Flash Gordon and the Happening on Planet Mongo” (1968)
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Brian Morse as Prince Thun (1994) 
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Dorothy Thompson as Dale Arden in “Flash Gordon and the Invisible Phantom” (1951) 
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Dale Arden, Flash Gordon fashion photo spread for Vogue Magazine, (2021)
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Kenneth Williams as Emperor Omipalone in “Flash Gordon and the Conquest of Planet Polari” (1966)
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Emperor Omipalone and his henchmen, Julian and Sandy, “Flash Gordon and the Conquest of Planet Polari” (1966)
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Williams controversially only spoke in Polari during the entire film leaving some audience members baffled and confused. Subtitles were suggested for some theatres, (especially those located outside of large metropolitan areas), but this proved difficult as Polari was fairly obscure even in the 1960s, (although it had come into more common consciousness through some radio broadcasts). Finally, a small company called “Bona Lingo” was hired from a little shop in Soho, London, which was able to provide the translations. The following is a sample of Williams announcing his plans for universal domination:
“As Emperor Omipalone, the villainous nanti-bona emperor of the cosmos, I've nattered to me palones and omies about me bijou plan to troll over the universe, naffing it up as I go. Vardering me lacoddy, all zhooshed up, and me basket well-crammed, I cackle to them, "Varder at me, omies and palones, we'll dish the dirt on all the other planets, scarpering their bijou dreams and turning them into a meshigener mess. We'll screech our Polari lingo from the zhooshy stars to the naffest corners, leaving chaos in our wake. Let's charper the universe together and make it bow before our wickedly fantabulosa reign!"”
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Kenneth Williams as Emperor Omipalone in “Flash Gordon and the Conquest of Planet Polari” (1966)
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Flash Gordon costume design by Jennifer Sonders, (1989)
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preet-01 · 7 months
We need an Elkilton ficlet for a belated Valentine's day please ☝️🤓
Very belated, but here's a little Valentine's ficlet
Lewis had never minded when the car launch was on Valentine’s Day before. With no long-term relationship since 2015, it hadn’t been a holiday he paid much attention to. Normally, he’d spend it getting ready for the season or with his best boy – Roscoe. 
But that had been before John Elkann. 
It had been before an Italian billionaire wanted him in every aspect of life. Before he’d fallen for the slightly weird, nerdy charm that was in abundance with John. It had been before he signed with Ferrari just before the 2024 season and his relationship with Toto had gotten awkward. 
Now, Lewis wants to spend Valentine’s Day in bed with John. He wants to spend the day laughing at his jokes and making fun of his style choices. He wants to spend the day with Roscoe cuddled between them as they bask in one another’s company. He wants to have a fancy dinner and feed one another chocolate-covered strawberries. 
Instead, he’s at the car launch trying to not let the stilted conversations and awkward silences translate to the cameras watching their every move, just hoping to catch it and run with it. 
With the shakedown also scheduled for the 14th, the day is much longer than in past years. But Bono is here to keep him sane and John will still be at Lewis’ apartment when he gets back. 
Hours later, Lewis is finally back in London and his apartment. When he opens the door, he’s welcomed by flower bouquets covering most of the apartments. Purple flower bouquets line the entry hallway, slowly blending into pink and red flowers that fill the rest of the apartment. 
At the center of it all is John. 
“Hi,” Lewis greets, unable to help the smile that overtakes his face. In the past, he’d always been the one to get the flowers and plan things. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, tesoro,” John says, pulling him in for a kiss — always by the hip 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Lewis says, meeting John halfway for the kiss. There's a lovely strain on his neck from having to lean upwards, a strain that he doubts he'll ever mind.
There are covered platters of food waiting on the table, but Lewis has other things on his mind right now. Grabbing the champagne, he pulls John towards the bedroom. Dinner could be reheated. John seems to agree based on his laugh and insistence on pulling off Lewis' Mercedes team shirt.
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samcatcher · 3 months
When in London.
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Chapter 7. Masterpost.
By the time I woke up after tossing and turning, it had already gone past 10. I assumed Jean never came, as I checked my phone to see no messages, or calls. I stayed still in the position I was in. Unmoving. I decided today was going to be another day where I bitterly settle in.
Defeated, I just closed my eyes. Then suddenly I felt a pair of arms pull me close and smell my hair, then kiss my head. The smell was familiar, like the smell of home, the smell of me. The hands were cold and something I was used to. I wasn't confused.
"You came." I whispered in French, relief in my voice.
I turned to his face, his familiar face. His big blue eyes and dark, clear skin looking back at me. A smile on his face. It was as if he never left me. Suddenly everything wasn't unfamiliar. Suddenly everything wasn't scary. Suddenly we were in it together again.
For the sake of my storytelling, I'll translate our conversation.
"I didn't think you would come." I said to him, furrowing my eyebrows and completely showing my known weakness to him. His expression changed.
-There's nothing I can excuse, I am sorry baby, sorry for the past few days.- He pressed his forehead against mine, and I slowly nodded. He closed his eyes and breathed into me again. I felt his stubble as he kissed my cheek over and over. The repetition made me giggle.
I just looked at him. That was all he needed. I brought my thoughts down to my eyes and my eyebrows and I changed my expression to how I felt. I widened my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows. I let out a sigh as I turned my head to the left. Then I curled my lips into a forgiving, warm smile. One he had seen before. Then, I reached my hand up to his face and kissed his lips. Moving my thoughts from my face to his. That's when he got everything I needed to say.
"I am happy to be in your arms, relieved." Jean expelled slowly and quietly, so I grasped the emotion and rawness. However, I already knew this by the way he cupped my chin and kissed me three times on the cheek earlier.
It was relieving for sure. A familiarity was in my arms after days of being in a place so unknown. He wasn't being forgiven that easily though. I wasn't the type of person to hold grudges or get upset often anymore, so the fact that he made me get stuck in a rut showed a lot about his true colors. Which I had never seen in the two years we were together. It was scary but something love made me forget. Seeing his face so close to mine and hearing his words made me forget. That's what it's like loving Jean. You just forget.
After a few seconds of embracing each other. Feeling eachother once again, I lifted my head and asked;
"Who let you in?"
"Amelia." He answered, confused.
"Who else would have let me in?" He asked following his answer, laughing.
From that I assumed that Danny and Sam weren't home. I felt a shred of relief, I didn't want Jean to be bombarded with two men as soon as he came here, I would rather have told him about them before he met them. I was planning on it. I was.
We stayed in bed for another hour and a half. brining us to 11:30. then came to the decision that we needed to get up and do something, he would only be here for the weekend, he was leaving late Sunday night.
We decided on going to a nice restaurant, then maybe taking a detour to a nice pub. I was very excited. Although my furniture was supposed to come today at 3 so we couldn't go out until later.
A couple of hours went by of us eating and talking. Jean and Amelia tried their best to communicate but it was kind of awkward with the language barrier. At around 2:30 Jean and I prepared to greet the van and haul in all of my stuff, we moved the suitcase into another room and I put my hair up and got changed. With a high five and a nod, we opened the door to the moving company.
"Lyla Darius?" The man at the door said, standing with a clipboard and a high-vis jacket.
I nodded and looked out to the van.
"We can 'elp ya bring it all in for twenty quid more, or we can leave the van 'ere for an 'our and come back when you're all done, love." He turned around to look in the van, a colleague stepped out and started walking towards us, although he was on the phone.
This man had a higher pitched voice, but still the same cockney accent. "Darlin' I looked in the van and there ain't that much stuff in there, so uh, I think we could bring it down to 15 quid, for a beautiful girl like you." The colleague said and looked me up and down.
"I think that would be really helpful, let me just check if I've got 15 pounds cash." My wallet was in my coat beside the door. Low and behold I had 30 pounds in there, so I gave them all of it.
"Cheers. Won't ask ya for a cuppa now." He chuckled and smiled big, revealing a gold tooth.
"START LOADIN' IT IN DARREN!" He shouted at his colleague, who shot a thumbs up and started pulling the first box out of the van.
"What should I do?" I said to him, and he just shook his head.
"Sit down and relax, that's what ya gonna do! We'll sort this out for ya sweet'art. Don't worry yaself." He nodded and started stumbling down to the van.
I did what he said and went upstairs, I decided to make the men a cup of tea anyway. My friend from London said you always have to, no matter what.
I was lost in thought, making the tea for the moving men, scared that I wasn't doing it quite right, I had never made tea for two cockney men before. I was pulled out of my concentration when I heard Sam coming through the front door, so I started making my way down there.
Sam was standing at the door, his hair in a bun and a pair of shorts on. He had a white band tee that was cut into a tank top, and a pair of thin, cheap flip flops.
"Do you need any help with this?" Sam asked, bluntly.
"No thanks, they're doing it all for me actually" I laughed.
He nodded and walked into the living room.
I went back upstairs to see Jean directing the men where to put things in my room. Seeing all of the boxes seemed to be making him emotional, so he looked at me with a half smile.
I went behind him and pulled him into an embrace, as my cheek rested against his back, he held my hands with his for a moment. He nodded finally, and I let go, moving myself out of the way as the movers were heaving my beautiful vintage dresser into my room.
-Just a couple more boxes now love, and thanks for the cuppa.- Jean must have finished off the tea I was making before I got distracted by Sam coming.
I watched with a smile as the moving men dropped off the last few of my boxes. I thanked them, and they left. Before I went upstairs I checked on Sam, he was fast asleep in the sofa bed he still hadn't put away since the first night. I laughed and shut the living room door, to not disturb his peace and to not reek havoc on Jean. Everything was going so nice.
My excitement continued to build as I walked into my room. I had waited so long for all of my beautiful things to come, and I couldn't wait to show Sam everything compared to the walls he painted for me.
The first thing I did was move some of the boxes into the kitchen momentarily, to focus on the larger appendages in my room. Jean helped heave the boxes around the kitchen while I stood and tried to figure out the perfect orientation.
I moved the double bed underneath the window with the view of the beautiful garden, it came out from the window and the end of my bed was dead center in the middle of the room. I had a small ottoman which I placed at the end of my bed.
I moved the dresser against the wall which held the balcony door, and placed a mirror on top of it. There was one empty wall west to my bedroom door, there I decided to hang my big beautiful painting I had bought in Michigan when I was sixteen. It was the bodice of a woman in a bathtub, facing away from the looker, she had her hair in a bun, she looked a little like Sam.
Finally, from the west wall to my bed there was about 3 feet of space. I put my bedside table there next to my bed and a bohemian style rug, creating a kind of viewing area for my painting.
I called in Jean for his opinion, and he suggested we move the ottoman underneath the painting so we can put candles there to light the painting in the dark. I loved his idea so I did it, and I placed all of the candles I had brought on the ottoman.
It didn't feel like my room until I opened the boxes containing my plants. Sam was right, they contrasted perfectly with the peachy shade of my walls. I scattered them all over the place.
I unpacked the final boxes of small decorations, lamps, and clothes, then I collapsed on my bed after about an hour of hard work. Jean walked in from smoking on the balcony and a toothy smile formed on his face. He looked around at everything and then finally looked at me. He just nodded, but it was his 'its perfect' nod.
I was still leaning on the bed, staring at everything. Jean walked fully into my room and closed the door behind him. We both smiled.
He immediately climbed onto my bed, kissing me softly yet for a long time, emotionally. He did anything but use his words. He moved his hand from my face down to my waist, down to the back of my thigh. Then he stopped kissing my lips and moved to my neck, licking and sucking a sweet spot on my collar bone he had identified months before. I arched slightly and a small whimper escaped me. He moved his hand now from my thigh to up my dress, giving me chills as his cold hand reached all of the sensitive parts of my body he knew so well.
His other hand was supporting his weight over me, yet suddenly it scooped under me and pulled me over, switching me to be on top of his large body. I arched my back as I moved my face to his, kissing his lips as he moved his hands over my ass softly, he then grasped one cheek hard, which made me whimper again. He tasted like smoke, he tasted like France.
He sat up while I was still on him, making us form a cradling position. He had both hands on my ass, but suddenly moved one up to the back of my neck, he slowly applied pressure and created a small choking sensation which he knew I loved. He continued kissing me, it went from tender to sloppy, he was getting impatient. He pulled down the top of my summer dress which revealed me, I had no bra which he smiled at, then he began licking and sucking on my nipples, just the way I liked. I was growing impatient too. So just as I was about to shift my weight to allow him to reveal himself, there was a knock on the door which made me stop in my tracks.
Jean was getting impatient so he just rolled his eyes and tried to resume where we were going, but the door opened, without any confirmation of entering.
My back was towards the door, but judging by the silence, and a very confused Jean, I know who had opened it. I quickly pulled up my sundress without looking back. After a few seconds of all three of us frozen completely, Sam just closed the door, swearing something under his breath.
Jean looked at me, confusion still plastered all over his face. Then there was me, desperately trying to play it cool. I climbed off of him and sat next to him in the bed, his eys still holding the same expression. I'll translate the converstation.
"Who the fucks that?" Jean simply questioned, I could see his tongue moving along his cheek.
"That's um, he..." Jean cut me off.
"And why is he coming into your room unannounced in nothing but his shorts and a guitar?" Jean added.
My stomach dropped. I couldn't find anything to say. I stammered over my words trying to find an excuse, a reason, a lie? It was too late though, Jean was already standing up and getting his cigarettes. He was going to go missing. He did that all the time when he wanted attention. He liked it when people went looking for him.
He left the room and a couple seconds later I heard the front door slam closed. I didn't know where he was going to go but I knew soon I'd have to call and text. Then eventually go out there in my sundress and slippers and look for him. He won't have gone far.
But for now I sat on the bed with my knees up, bummed. Then I heard a knock again.
"come in." I said. Monotone.
Sam came in cautiously.
"I'm so sorry Lyla, I should have waited for confirmation to come in. I promise I'll be more careful next time." Sam said, worry filled him. His eyes were filled with shock and he was playing with a strand of his hair.
"It's fine sam." I said with a laugh. "you didn't see anything too gory anyway."
"Who's that guy?" Sam said, still with caution in his voice. Slightly stuttering.
I just stared for a while. Something inside me didn't want Sam to know that Jean was my boyfriend. Something told me that it was going to go wrong.
"That's Jean." I said with a smile.
"He an old friend?" Sam asked, he was not making it easy for me.
I laughed awkwardly.
"He's my boyfriend."
As I said that Sam's eyes darted up at me, filled with shock. Then they traveled down to the floor, and his hand moved to his lip. I didn't ask if he was okay, I knew he wasn't.
"Oh, that's cool." Sam said, still staring at the floor.
"He's a cunt most of the time." I said, tilting my head to the side and playfully smiling.
Sam just laughed a little and got up, he shot me a small wave then made his way out of the room.
Jean didn't come back that night until 11pm. I called, no answer. I texted, no answer. I went out there, no answer. I was shocked by the absolute immaturity, so naturally, I ignored him all night.
At around 3 in the morning I heard the front door open. Jean was sound asleep beside me so I decided to climb out of bed and see who it was.
I crept down the corridor in Jean's shirt and my slippers. It was very dark but suddenly I heard the living room light switch. I crept down the stairs and entered the living room slowly. Before my eyes was Sam, stumbling onto the sofa bed. He looked very disoriented.
"Sam?" I whispered.
"Well... look who it is." He stammered and scoffed.
I walked further into the living room to see him struggling to find something to crash in, I went into his suitcase and found a pair of boxers and a shirt. He snatched it off of me. Denying my help even though he was completely incapacitated.
"Come on dude, why are you so drunk?" I asked. "Angry drunk." I added.
He looked at me with disgust.
"Lyla. The girl. The girl that I've been looking for since I was in my teenagers years. She's married with kids." He said slurring his words.
I laughed. "Must be a different Lyla. I don't have kids. And just between you and me... if Jean proposed I would say no." I whispered in a slight spat, trying to calm the situation and make a joke out of it.
"What do you find funnier Lyla? The fact that you never told me about him after letting me get in bed with you. Meet my brothers. Play you my songs. Or the fact that you're still fucking him when such a better man for you is standing right here? I'd be open to fucking you even if he was in the house. He looks like a jerk." He started walking towards me with his arms stretched out. Then stopped and plopped himself on the sofa. (Danny was on the bed tonight.)
"And I'd be glad if he caught us." He added. Making himself laugh and staring at the ceiling.
"Sam, I don't know why you're upset." I said, lying. I knew exactly why.
"What makes you think I'm upset?" He said, knowing he was upset.
"Who randomly gets drunk on their own if they're not upset about something. This drunk too" I rebutted. Sam didn't reply.
We stared at each other for a few moments, then Sam looked away and shook his head.
"From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I would never let you get away. But look, I'm too late. I don't even want to know how late I am." He stayed shaking his head as he vented.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met Lyla. The face I would never forget. You have been in my dreams for 7 years and now you've just embarrassed me. Fuck you." He continued. I stood there dumbfounded.
"How have I embarrassed you? Was I supposed to live my life waiting for you? Like a knight in shining armor? Don't be pathetic Sam, it's your fault you want me so bad. Get over yourself. For your information because I know you definitely do want to know. It's two years. You're two years late."
As soon as the words escaped my mouth I felt bad. But I'm never going to allow someone to accuse me of something like embarrassing them, especially when they have only embarrassed themselves.
He stared at me for a few moments more, still shaking his head.
"I didn't want it to be like this Lyla. It wasn't supposed to go like this." Sam shouted, making Danny open his eyes.
"I didn't want it to be like this either." I said, staring at Danny's half asleep expression to avoid Sam's eyes.
"I didn't want it to be anything." I said, lying.
"So what's funnier Lyla?" Sam asked again.
I stormed back upstairs and got into bed. Both men were angry with me. I was normally a person that would stand up for themself, but I was just so tired.
Jean stirred beside me, I gave into his arms outstretched to grab me. I figured that Jean was my main priority right now. Sam was just some boy who liked me, me and Jean were serious.
chapter 8.
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justforbooks · 8 months
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The actor Michael Jayston, who has died aged 88, was a distinguished performer on stage and screen. The roles that made his name were as the doomed Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in Franklin Schaffner’s sumptuous account of the last days of the Romanovs in Nicholas and Alexandra (1971), and as Alec Guinness’s intelligence minder in John Le Carré’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy on television in 1979. He never made a song and dance about himself and perhaps as a consequence was not launched in Hollywood, as were many of his contemporaries.
Before these two parts, he had already played a key role in The Power Game on television and Henry Ireton, Cromwell’s son-in-law, in Ken Hughes’s fine Cromwell (1969), with Richard Harris in the title role and Guinness as King Charles I. And this followed five years with the Royal Shakespeare Company including a trip to Broadway in Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming, in which he replaced Michael Bryant as Teddy, the brother who returns to the US and leaves his wife in London to “take care of” his father and siblings.
Jayston, who was not flamboyantly good-looking but clearly and solidly attractive, with a steely, no-nonsense, demeanour and a steady, piercing gaze, could “do” the Pinter menace as well as anyone, and that cast – who also made the 1973 movie directed by Peter Hall – included Pinter’s then wife, Vivien Merchant, as well as Paul Rogers and Ian Holm.
Jayston had found a replacement family in the theatre. Born Michael James in Nottingham, he was the only child of Myfanwy (nee Llewelyn) and Vincent; his father died of pneumonia, following a serious accident on the rugby field, when Michael was one, and his mother died when he was a barely a teenager. He was then brought up by his grandmother and an uncle, and found himself involved in amateur theatre while doing national service in the army; he directed a production of The Happiest Days of Your Life.
He continued in amateur theatre while working for two years as a trainee accountant for the National Coal Board and in Nottingham fish market, before winning a scholarship, aged 23, to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, where he was five years older than everyone else on his course. He played in rep in Bangor, Northern Ireland, and at the Salisbury Playhouse before joining the Bristol Old Vic for two seasons in 1963.
At the RSC from 1965, he enjoyed good roles – Oswald in Ghosts, Bertram in All’s Well That Ends Well, Laertes to David Warner’s Hamlet – and was Demetrius in Hall’s film of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1968), with Warner as Lysander in a romantic foursome with Diana Rigg and Helen Mirren.
But his RSC associate status did not translate itself into the stardom of, say, Alan Howard, Warner, Judi Dench, Ian Richardson and others at the time. He was never fazed or underrated in this company, but his career proceeded in a somewhat nebulous fashion, and Nicholas and Alexandra, for all its success and ballyhoo, did not bring him offers from the US.
Instead, he played Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1972), a so-so British musical film version with music and lyrics by John Barry and Don Black, with Michael Crawford as the White Rabbit and Peter Sellers the March Hare. In 1979 he was a colonel in Zulu Dawn, a historically explanatory prequel to the earlier smash hit Zulu.
As an actor he seemed not to be a glory-hunter. Instead, in the 1980s, he turned in stylish and well-received leading performances in Noël Coward’s Private Lives, at the Duchess, opposite Maria Aitken (1980); as Captain von Trapp in the first major London revival of The Sound of Music at the Apollo Victoria in 1981, opposite Petula Clark; and, best of all, as Mirabell, often a thankless role, in William Gaskill’s superb 1984 revival, at Chichester and the Haymarket, of The Way of the World, by William Congreve, opposite Maggie Smith as Millamant.
Nor was he averse to taking over the leading roles in plays such as Peter Shaffer’s Equus (1973) or Brian Friel’s Dancing at Lughnasa (1992), roles first occupied in London by Alec McCowen. He rejoined the National Theatre – he had been Gratiano with Laurence Olivier and Joan Plowright in The Merchant of Venice directed by Jonathan Miller in 1974 – to play a delightful Home Counties Ratty in the return of Alan Bennett’s blissful, Edwardian The Wind in the Willows in 1994.
On television, he was a favourite side-kick of David Jason in 13 episodes of David Nobbs’s A Bit of a Do (1989) – as the solicitor Neville Badger in a series of social functions and parties across West Yorkshire – and in four episodes of The Darling Buds of May (1992) as Ernest Bristow, the brewery owner. He appeared again with Jason in a 1996 episode of Only Fools and Horses.
He figured for the first time on fan sites when he appeared in the 1986 Doctor Who season The Trial of a Time Lord as Valeyard, the prosecuting counsel. In the new millennium he passed through both EastEnders and Coronation Street before bolstering the most lurid storyline of all in Emmerdale (2007-08): he was Donald de Souza, an unpleasant old cove who fell out with his family and invited his disaffected wife to push him off a cliff on the moors in his wheelchair, but died later of a heart attack.
By now living on the south coast, Jayston gravitated easily towards Chichester as a crusty old colonel – married to Wendy Craig – in Coward’s engaging early play Easy Virtue, in 1999, and, three years later, in 2002, as a hectored husband, called Hector, to Patricia Routledge’s dotty duchess in Timberlake Wertenbaker’s translation of Jean Anouilh’s Léocadia under the title Wild Orchids.
And then, in 2007, he exuded a tough spirituality as a confessor to David Suchet’s pragmatic pope-maker in The Last Confession, an old-fashioned but gripping Vatican thriller of financial and political finagling told in flashback. Roger Crane’s play transferred from Chichester to the Haymarket and toured abroad with a fine panoply of senior British actors, Jayston included.
After another collaboration with Jason, and Warner, in the television movie Albert’s Memorial (2009), a touching tale of old war-time buddies making sure one of them is buried on the German soil where first they met, and a theatre tour in Ronald Harwood’s musicians-in-retirement Quartet in 2010 with Susannah York, Gwen Taylor and Timothy West, he made occasional television appearances in Midsomer Murders, Doctors and Casualty. Last year he provided an introduction to a re-run of Tinker Tailor on BBC Four. He seemed always to be busy, available for all seasons.
As a keen cricketer (he also played darts and chess), Jayston was a member of the MCC and the Lord’s Taverners. After moving to Brighton, he became a member of Sussex county cricket club and played for Rottingdean, where he was also president.
His first two marriages – to the actor Lynn Farleigh in 1965 and the glass engraver Heather Sneddon in 1970 – ended in divorce. From his second marriage he had two sons, Tom and Ben, and a daughter, Li-an. In 1979 he married Ann Smithson, a nurse, and they had a son, Richard, and daughter, Katie.
🔔 Michael Jayston (Michael James), actor, born 29 October 1935; died 5 February 2024
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gerec · 1 year
AU-gust 2023
16. Road Trip
Pairing(s): Cherik Warnings: N/A
Charles received the letter upon his arrival in Calais, which led him to believe that it had been sent before he even left England to begin his travels. Grinning, he thanked the porter for bringing his luggage, and agreed to meet his tutor Mr. Summers for a late dinner, before retiring to his room and unsealing the envelope.
Dearest Charles,
Yes, I did send this letter ahead of your arrival, as I knew you would take your time in Dover before making it across the Channel! Just know that you are missed already, as Tony’s attention span is dismal on a good day, and he is entirely insufferable without your slightly less irritating presence around to keep him in line.
(And no, he has still not forgiven his father for forbidding him to join you on the Grand Tour. I imagine dinners at the Stark household will be very chilly for the foreseeable future.)
In any case, I have made arrangements for a Mr. Erik Lehnsherr to meet you in Calais and interview as your translator and guide. The man is a bit taciturn but well-educated and well-travelled, and most importantly speaks French, German, Italian and Dutch. He comes highly recommended by Christian, who met him and took him on as a guide during his own tour three years ago.
But Emma, you say, will this man be good company on the road? And will he be easy on the eyes? While I cannot attest to the former, Christian assures me that he is quite handsome indeed, enough to meet even your high expectations. Most importantly, he shares the same worldly outlook on relationships as you do – and my dear brother of course – so I am certain you two will get along splendidly.
Do remember to write, as I suffer here in London without your charming presence at all the best parties. I will keep an eye on Raven and Dr. McCoy, and send details of their burgeoning relationship.
Mr. Lehnsherr sent word the next day, and Charles was quick to agree to a meeting at the hotel. He invited Mr. Lehnsherr to join him for dinner, but the man declined, citing a previous engagement that sounded more like a contrived excuse. And while everything Emma said in her letter was true – he had travelled all over Europe, and was fluent in all the languages of the countries Charles planned to visit – he was also prickly and almost condescending, as though he didn’t quite approve of the frivolous nature of Charles’ travels. His answers, when asked after his family and where he called home, were distressingly vague and curt, and, as their conversation drew to a close, Charles could not imagine spending months on the road with this man, who proved even more infuriating than his two best friends back home.
Finally, after he’d had enough of Mr. Lehnsherr drinking his brandy and insulting England’s weather, he blurted, “Why do you even want this position? You clearly do not approve of my reasons for coming to the Continent, or even to care for my very person. This trip is a chance for me to open my eyes to the wider world, Mr. Lehnsherr, and I will not waste it at the side of someone who will hinder instead of help me.”
Mr. Lehnsherr smiled, perhaps the first genuine one of the evening and replied, “Would you welcome the truth, I wonder? Well, here it is Mr. Xavier. My work as an artist requires that I travel, and a position like this helps me with my expenses. And while I do not think you will learn anything truly meaningful and worthwhile on a trek of luxurious decadence through Europe, I am a quite capable guide, and will do an exceptional job in showing you exactly what you ask of me. Whether you choose anything beyond the attending fancy parties is entirely up to you, as is the way you choose to flaunt your privileged wealth.”
Charles was stunned, entirely unused to such harsh judgement from someone he’d met mere hours before. He bristled as Lehnsherr watched him with those steely blue eyes, sharp and accessing as though he were measuring Charles’ character and finding him lacking. Part of him wanted to send Lehnsherr away with a sound rebuke, and yet another, bigger part wanted desperately to prove him wrong; to show him that Charles was not merely a spoiled rich boy, and that he intended to use his position as heir to the Dukedom of Norfolk to better the lives of those in his care.
“I assure you that I did not take this journey on for the parties,” he countered, with just enough chill in his voice to make his affronted feelings known. “I welcome a thorough education, not just of the rich but of the poorest in the land, though, would you call it decadence if I wanted also to admire great art and learn about music and history to enrich my soul? Before I must be married off and swallowed whole by a life of duty and tradition?”
If anything, Lehnsherr’s smile only grew wider, and for the first time, he met Charles’ gaze with something like approval. “I would be happy to oblige you, Mr. Xavier, in whatever manner of decadence you wish to indulge.”
His cheeks flushed with heat at Lehnsherr words, and he remembered what Emma had intimated in her letter; that the man might share his proclivities for the same sex. He held his breath when Lehnsherr closed the distance and lightly brushed Charles’ cheek with his fingers, only exhaling when he grinned and then stepped away again.
“Well, Mr. Xavier,” Mr. Lehnsherr said, licking his lips as he took a slow sip from his glass of brandy, “do I have the job?”
Charles blinked, flushing again when he realized he’d been staring at Lehnsherr. He poured himself a refill, before turning to meet the man’s steady gaze.
“Yes. Mr. Lehnsherr. Be ready to leave the day after tomorrow.”
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