#best fitz duo
Poll 2.12: Best Fitz Duo
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This is based on dynamic and story—the characters' interactions, how interesting they are, and the implications for the characters and series.
Propaganda, bribery, and voter fraud are all allowed.
This is for fun and not meant to be serious. If you're rude, I will block you without hesitation.
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
daylight by maroon 5 for fitz and mr. snuggles
i've never heard this song before, so let me tell you reading the lyrics for this was a rollercoaster
We've got some very strong correlations in lyrics like: "But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close," given Fitz quite literally holds Mr. Snuggles very very close. Completely encased, in fact. Relevance is heightened by the reference to tonight, as this relationship, Fitz indulgence in acknowledging vulnerability and craving comfort via Snuggles only takes place under moonlight, away from the rest of the world.
This is expanded on in "Here I am staring at your perfection / In my arms, so beautiful." Fitz is enraptured by Snuggles. And there's some word choices we can really draw on--namely staring and perfection. Staring is brought up frequently during telepathy, especially so with cognatedom; in applying this song we can correlate the vulnerability of a night with Snuggles with that of a cognate bond. And perfection is a word frequently used to describe Fitz, to set an impossible bar. With no one else around, he can transfer this compliment/burden to Snuggles, giving himself a respite for once.
And all this is then contrasted with "'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own" following that first line every time but the last. It's an interesting contrast because they're already on their own in a sense, alone the two of them. Fitz retreats into Snuggles. But by returning to the rest of the world in the morning Fitz becomes more alone. More solitary, taking back that "perfect" crown and trying to fill its shadow. He loses the vulnerability and the respite when he's around others.
anyway. correct assessment nonsie this song is very them 👍
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kiwicam · 1 year
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They are so good at improve singing i need more of this
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hello. you seem to have a very interesting/unique stance on sokeefe and fitz- can you elaborate maybe only if you want?
Rip anon hope you know you just signed yourself up for a multiparagraph essay/ hj
To really dissect this trio, I'll start with each duo and build up at the end.
Let's start with the relationship between Keefe and Fitz. They both met each other in a dark time; Fitz was never at school, and Keefe's only escape from his family was where he didn't have friends. They grew a trust with each other because they gave each other a chance. Keefe always values chances because his parents never gave him any. Fitz always values chances because his peers never gave him any. They grew to be best friends through this. But the problem was, they didn't know each other. How much of Keefe's own jealousy blinded him from the impurities of the Vackers? How much of the abuse Keefe experienced did Fitz pick up on? This eventually led to their downfall.
Keefe's betrayal arc is very important to me, especially Fitz's reaction. He didn't yell like normal. He cried. He cried because right when he needed his best friend the most, he proved that Fitz couldn't trust anyone. He proved to be just like Alvar. And from Keefe's perspective, he was just trying to help, but Fitz didn't know that. This tore their friendship apart. They couldn't trust each other. Fitz thought he knew his best friend better, but did he really know anyone? Keefe thought his best friend knew him better, but did anyone really know him?
But even throughout their distrust, you can see the remnants of their previous relationship. They obviously miss that relationship. You can see it when they make strained comments to each other and by their reactions to every insult. There's a lot of unresolved tension that, if diffused, could lead to a bond closer than ever before. Fitz and Keefe now understand the imperfections of each other's lives. They can rebuild a bond on knowing each other and remake their trust once they're able to discuss their flaws and failures.
Now, with Sophie and Fitz, they've had an entirely different relationship. Sophie started out looking up to Fitz. He was this handsome guy who saved her, who made her feel like she belonged. Her first friend. And Fitz looked up to her, too. He looked up to this beautifully brave girl who never backed down. They did like each other, and I think between their trusting cognate bond and their growing shared trauma, they really did love each other. In a lot of situations, they turned to each other before anyone else. They've been able to rely on each other. The problem when they got together is that they didn't seem to fit like that, like two intricately designed puzzle pieces that just didn't go together. Fitz still had terrible emotional control at the time, and Sophie was uncomfortable with the situation and didn't go to him as much. They had a fight where they both were equally wrong, and they just couldn't do it.
In Stellarlune, when Sophie knows their relationship is too important to keep it a secret, she had to tell Fitz about her and Keefe. And he was hurt because he thought, yet again, that he knew one of his best friends and was so off. But he respected the decision, choosing to stay clear of them when they're together but still checking on both of them. And that's really where we get our trio. Because we know that Sophie and Keefe care about each other. They spent years turning to each other out of support and falling for each other. They were a long time coming. A long time of building a trust in knowing each other. They all love each other, but now in different ways. Sophie and Keefe love each other in a romantic way, while they love Fitz and Fitz loves them in a friendship way. Or at least I want him to and think he will eventually. The three of them have been friends for years and gone through some psychologically and physically horrific things, yet they still love each other. And I think the display of both romantic and platonic love between the three of them is absolutely beautiful.
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Hii amazing new mutual!
What is the realm of the elderlings series and should I read it?
Hi!! Omg what a question, new mutual. My gut instinct is to answer yes, yes absolutely, bc I love ROTE and I’m always willing to recommend it! However—it can also be kind of intimidating to get into, so here’s some more info to help u make a decision:
‘Realm of the Elderlings’ is the collective name for five different epic fantasy book series (all set in the titular realm) by Robin Hobb:
The Farseer Trilogy
The Liveship Traders Trilogy
The Tawny Man Trilogy
The Rain Wilds Chronicles (quartet)
The Fitz and the Fool Trilogy
There is some debate over the best reading order: Technically, according to most people, each series can stand on its own and be read individually. BUT the first, third, and fifth series focus on the same protagonist throughout different eras of his life. The second and fourth series are a duo. Essentially, only a few characters cross over into all five series, but 1, 3, and 5 focus on the same characters, and 2 and 4 focus on a lot of the same characters, if that makes sense.
Personally, I have been making my way through these in publication/chronological order (I’m on Rain Wilds rn), and that has worked really well for me. I love the main characters of series 1, 3, and 5, and getting to revisit them throughout their lives really makes them feel like real, growing people. I love the style of series 2 and 4, which are a lot more expansive and focus on ensembles of characters, and reading them feels satisfying, like watching a giant puzzle be put together as every plot piece clicks into place.
Some people skip around, reading series 1, 3, and 5 first and then going back to 2 and 4; some people don’t ever read 2 or 4; some people don’t ever read 1, 3, or 5; some people just read one series, feel satisfied, and never pick up another ROTE book again. All of these are totally fair! But I will recommend that The Farseer Trilogy is the logical place to start.
So here’s an actual description: Farseer, beginning with Assassin’s Apprentice, follows the life of FitzChivalry Farseer, the bastard son of the nation’s favorite prince. Upon learning of Fitz’s existence, his father abdicates from the line of succession, which leads to rising political tensions as Fitz’s two uncles now have to jockey for the throne. Meanwhile, Fitz is taken in by his father’s family but never formally recognized as royal, instead being trained to use his skills (and the magic he inherited) to serve the kingdom as an assassin and spy.
Here’s a less formal description: FitzChivalry Farseer is the dumbest boy alive and I love him so much. He’s a dog guy. He’s an unreliable narrator. His best friend is a genderfluid court jester with secrets, and their relationship will break your heart in the best way as it entangles both of them over the decades. There are dragons! There are wolves! There are scenes that will make you cry!! I get a lot out of these books, personally, as an asexual person; the importance of relationships outside of romantic/sexual contexts is shown. They deal a lot with family, and growing up, and the grief that comes as a side effect of living.
Plus, as a woman who has had to deal with a lot of bullshit fantasy misogyny in my reading, it was just refreshing to read such a sprawling, epic fantasy saga written by a woman. Hobb isn’t faultless; there are still some dated elements and tropes, but she tends to write her female characters with compassion and thoughtfulness, even when the narrative might be hard on them.
Ok. So. Hopefully that was helpful to you, and not just an overwhelming block of text and info! Even if you decide ROTE doesn’t sound like it’s for you or you try but can’t get into it, thanks for reaching out giving me the chance to spill my thoughts!! I do love these books so much, and infodumping about them is a great passion of mine 😊 I look forward to seeing u around on my dash
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Since you’re a Tmnt and Kotlc fan, which characters would you think would make a good duo?
that's a great question!
I think Rise!Mikey and Linh would get along really well honestly!
I also think 2012!Leo would get along with Fitz, and I think they'd be able to bond over pressure yk
I think Rise!Leo and Keefe would literally be best friends ngl
Rise!Raph would be best friends with Sophie and no one can tell me otherwise
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 3 months
what happens if fitz realizes that his friends take advantage of him/don't care as much either?
I don't think they take advantage of him, so much as just disregard. But I also think most characters in the series are disregarded aside from Keefe (which- you can decide if that's a bad or good thing for yourself.)
But reading the books, you do notice that Fitz doesn't really have a friend group within the friend group like the others. Linh, Tam, Wylie and Rayni are their own little thing, Tam, Biana and Dex are often paired off, Maruca, Stina, Linh and Marella are often together etc...
and it used to be Keefe, Fitz and Sophie, but Fitz and Keefe's friendship started deteriorating early on, and I think it's fair to say that Keefe and Sophie spend more time together-- even when Sophie and Fitz were dating, they were often together, and Sophie purposefully avoided Fitz because the stress of the relationship. And we all know this led to the slow death of Sophitz and kinda put the final nail in the Keefe and Fitz friendship (unless of course they find some magical way to make up that's even remotely believable. Because your best friend dating your ex girlfriend is a LOT to come back from.)
So atp, he's completely alone, and his closest confidant seems to be Biana, who has her own friends and people to lean on. Fitz's relationship with his parents has also really suffered, he no longer has his brother, and he has no real mentor and mentee relationships with any adults in the series.
You notice this to be true as well when you see that while most of his 'friends' are in groups and go do things in duos, he's often on his own when he's pursuing his own leads. No one offers to do it with him, unless they're asked specifically. (Ie. searching Cassius's memories, no one backing him up when it came to Alvar, except Biana, but even she was a bit more passive with it.)
I think the natural conclusion to all of this is honestly a slow fade out of being in everyone's lives. Which sounds really sad, but relationships take two, and I don't know how much he's willing to forgive, and it doesn't seem that Keefe and Sophie are doing much to pursue rebuilding things with him. I personally would not be able to handle being around either of them unless it was out of necessity, if I was him. And I can't really imagine anyone else in the extended friend group is pursuing him as a friend either. Shannon has done such a good job of making everyone so uncomfortable around him, that I think it would take a while for any of them to really approach him.
I really don't think a lot of Keefe and Sophie and his relationships are salvageable. I'm imagining real people in the same scenario and uh... someone is 100% going no contact. The only way this could be saved is with the most sincere apologies known to mankind between the three of them, real and sincere forgiveness, and lots of time.
But that leaves him extremely isolated.
I wish Shannon would develop him and Biana's relationship more, because I would love to have someone who is in Fitz's corner. And she's shown to have more empathy for her brother than everyone else.
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kwebtv · 9 months
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Thomas Bolyn Smothers III (February 2, 1937 – December 26, 2023) Comedian, composer and musician, best known as half of the musical comedy duo the Smothers Brothers, alongside his younger brother Dick.
The Smothers Brothers initially wanted to be folk musicians. Tom did not feel that he was good enough to be a professional musician, but he was funny enough to do comedy. The two began adding comedy bits to their act.
Tom's first foray into the medium of television was as a regular on The Steve Allen Show in 1961. He followed that role with a single episode of Burke's Law.
The Smothers Brothers next appeared on the CBS sitcom The Smothers Brothers Show from 1965 to 1966.
Tom Smothers negotiated creative control over their next CBS show, a variety show entitled The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour in 1967.
Other TV series he appeared in were Love American Style, Fitz and Bones, Fantasy Island, The Love Boat, Hotel, Benson, Dream On, Suddenly Susan, Maggie and Norm. (Wikipedia)
IMDb listing
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milo-igidk · 1 year
Dex relationship with other characters bc i love him and they make me emotional
Sophie: best friends, teases her abt her romantic taste, partners in crime, 'you wanna help commit arson' 'yea sure', makes her stuff (thats for like everyone his love language is gift giving)
Keefe: chaotic, prankster duo, Ro loves him, they hang out and keefe talks while Dex is doing his gadged things, keefe hypes up every invention he makes, they will hunt down anyone who is slightly mean to anyone in the friend group and torment them
Biana: they do their make up together and gossip, goes to her on fem days (genderfluid dex is real and cannon shut up/lh) to borrow her dresses and add extensions and shit, doesnt like shopping but will go with her anyway to keep her company, "i dont know i kinda like him but-" "pfff dump his ass" duo
Fitz: bit of a rocky start but he came around, still akward around each other a bit and theres some tension there, still gets annoyed by Fitz entitlement sometimes (i rlly should have more to say abt them but iddkkk 😭 i rlly like them idk djfdjjf)
Marella: gossip pals, definitely has tried getting him to built some sort of spying device, tries to matchmake him, hes aroace and annoyed by this, makes calming little trinket machines for her mom
Tam: thought dex looked nice and calm so was surprised to find out how unhinged he is, 'did you just blow that guy up-?' 'eh he'll be fine', like working together, working in silence,
Rayni: same as tam tbh, thinks hes kinda useless at first and then sees the gadgets and weapons and shit and is immediately proven wrong, theyre chill, dex sits next to her while the other are arguing abt the next mission or whatever 'if youre trying to get anything out of me or whatever youre wasting your time' 'lady i could not care less youre just the quietest one here'
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girlgeekjf-blog · 2 years
Ranking all the main range Big Finish Eighth Doctor Stories
(Excluding Multi Doctor stories)
(With bonus Eight and Charley special releases)
1. Caerdroia: Just delightful. Witty and cathartic-listened to it twice in one week. Such strong writing and acting, everyone has a moment to shine
2. Scherzo: Some of the best acting you will ever hear, stunning sound design and an awesome script. A masterpiece.
3. The Chimes of Midnight: Meticulous plotting and wonderful dialogue, a tight and constantly gripping story. I love the message about the value of life.
4. Seasons of Fear: Highly entertaining journey through history with a memorable villain and lots of quotable lines
5. The Silver Turk- Genuinely scary, stuffed with atmosphere, one of the best Cybermen stories ever
6. The Natural History of Fear: Excellent showcase for great acting and writing with unforgettable twists. I am fond of stories about shifting power dynamics, so this really appealed to me.
7. The Company of Friends: Each story is creative and well-constructed. The Doctor has convincing chemistry with all four companions (though Izzy suffers from weaker writing) Mary's story is an atmospheric highlight and it is amazing to have Fitz off the page for once.
8. The Girl Who Never Was: Does the difficult job of separating a great doctor/companion duo while keeping them both true to themselves by intelligently combining elements of other companion departures. Heartbreaking but satisfying.
9. Living Legend: A perfect slice of pure comedy, the leads are having a ball and are at their most likeable
10. Terror Firma: Gripping, great dialogue, and a twist that blew me away. A bit over ambitious for the run time, but so memorable and quotable.
11. Storm Warning: Energetic opening story which perfectly captures our two heroes from the get go. The setting is great as well.
12. Neverland: Expertly pays off what was set up in the preceding stories, with amazing concepts and can't miss character interactions
13. Other Lives: Love me a pure historical, especially one that gives each of the leads a compelling plot thread. Eight is so sweet in this it hurts.
14. If I Should Die Before I Wake: Great use of nuwho monsters to construct a twisty plot with lots of great moments between the leads.
15. Zagreus: Lives up to its reputation for being confusing, but it is also very entertaining and I admire the ambition. Plus Zagreus!Eight is a must listen.
16. The Witch From the Well: A smart blend of sci-fi and historical elements to tell a creepy and engaging story
17. The Faith Stealer: A solid story uplifted by delightful dialogue and great world building
18. Memory Lane: Does a lot with its off-beat, dream-like setting and I found the conclusion pretty unique while still fitting with the rest of the story.
20. Embrace the Darkness: Creepy concept and sound effects mixed with insight into the Doctor's character. I did get rather irritated with one of the side characters being stubbornly obstructive.
21. Solitaire: A tight, compelling showcase for Charley and the main villain, plus the idea of ventriloquist dummy!Eight is irresistible.
22. Invaders From Mars:A fun historical romp making the most of its inspired setting.
23. The Mummy Speaks!: Fast paced with some great dialogue and action set pieces. Gee the Gorilla is a star.
24. The Stones of Venice: The plot is messy, but it does a good job of continuing to develop the relationship between the Doctor and Charley.
25. Time Works: I just like the vibes on this one, a nice little self-contained fairy tale.
26. Absolution: Like C'rizz himself, kind of a mixed bag, but does a decent job of sending off my poor lizard/insect boy. The ending is a gut punch.
27. The Next Life: I really enjoyed Daphne Ashbrook in this, she's clearly having the time of her life, and she has great chemistry with McGann. Loved the villains ultimate fate. Did feel the leads were a bit out of character.
28. The Time of the Daleks: I like watching how protective the Doctor is of Charley here, and his sassy attitude towards the Daleks. Objectively, a bit of a slow story.
29. The Slaying of the Writhing Mass: Light and breezy story which has fun teaming up the Doctor and a kid for the adventure. Suffers a bit from separating the Doctor and Charley most of the story.
30. The Army of the Dead: A clichéd plot, but worth it to see the relationship developments between the Doctor and Mary.
31. Something Inside: This story is great for people who like hurt comfort. Which I do, though I prefer a bit more comfort. Otherwise, solid story if a little slow
32. The Last: Bleak, but does provide a fascinating look at the leads in extreme circumstances and helped me understand how the Divergent universe works. Did not like how Charley was written in this.
33. The Twilight Kingdom: It forces Charley to come off as irritating for plot reasons, but has some effective scenes and body horror.
34. The Heart of Orion: Improved sequel, with a better story and grasp on the characters than Sword of Orion. Still kind of middling.
35. Eclipse: Pretty unmemorable, if inoffensive; a generic sci fi story. I did like the ending.
36. Minuet in Hell: This is embarrassingly bad in many ways, especially in how women are treated. However, the parts with the Doctor are good, and I love everything with the Brig. Their meeting is fantastic.
37. The Sword of Orion: Objectively, it's perfectly functional. Subjectively, it is really dull. The leads are written to be the most generic Doctor and companion possible.
38. The Creed of the Kromons: This audio made me genuinely regret trying to eat breakfast in the car while listening. It's like they were trying to make the content as unpleasant as possible. Only good moment was the Doctor laughing about how stupid the villains were while they were torturing him. At least someone was having fun (for a moment).
39. Scaredy Cat: Deadly dull. Bad acting choices made by the main cast. The Doctor's moral compass is on holiday; not in an interesting way, just in a baffling way. It feels like the people making this just ran out of time, gave up and released something nobody particularly enjoyed, especially the audience.
Final thoughts: I adore Eight (now my current favorite Doctor), love Charley and Mary, like C'rizz and wish he had been better written. Loved most of these, and could recommend giving all but the last two a listen (the last two are in the running for worst Doctor Who story ever, and I'm pretty easy to please so I only have six or seven stories on that list).
I've been impressed with Big Finish so far, and I look forward to more Eighth Doctor.
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Best Fitz Duo: The Finale
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This is based on dynamic and story—the characters' interactions, how interesting they are, and the implications for the characters and series.
Propaganda, bribery, and voter fraud are all allowed.
This is for fun and not meant to be serious. If you're rude, I will block you without hesitation.
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bookwyrminspiration · 27 days
I'm confused
Why do you hate Watson so much
What did that dog do to you
Let me take you back to the summer of 2023.
It's lovely, peaceful, @camelspit's just started the first best keeper character bracket. We're starting with rounds of five, and June 16th, we've got a rather odd bracket: Alina, Oralie, Ella, Gisela, and Mr. Snuggles.
Roisin asks in the tags for the stuffies not to win, so I go haha, I don't really care about any of these guys except Snuggles. I have my own Mr. Snuggles and a fondness for dragons, so I vote for him. Don't even think of it. I don't even think I reblogged it. Mr. Snuggles wins
He has another round, a 1v1. I vote for him again, don't think much of it. his opponents are piddling. He wins
Then we get to round three. He's against Verdi, and at this point i've gotten attached--I love this lil dragon. But Verdi poses a real threat, because when I vote he's losing. I start campaigning. Cath becomes my enemy. It starts escalating.
But Mr. Snuggles pulls through, victorious. And I have now very publicly pronounced and committed myself to this bit.
We carry him through round 4 and round 5, but then we face round 6: Fitzroy vs Mr. Snuggles. It's cruel, it's twisted, it's exactly what Roisin would do.
BUT! We miraculously manage to tie the round so they both proceed.
Finally, in round 7, the very last round before finals, he loses to Sophie. i'm sad, but honestly the fact he made it to the last four is super impressive and unexpected? i'm proud
You'd think this'd be the end of it.
But Catherine, @everliving-everblaze, started a Best Fitz Duo Poll while the best character poll was running.
And one of the duos is Fitz & Mr. Snuggles.
He sweeps his first round, but that's not noteworthy.
What splintered the fandom was round two: Fitz & Mr. Snuggles vs Fitz & Alvar.
At this point in time Snuggles is still in the best character running, energy is high--I'm committed to this bit. And I don't think he stands a chance, so I don't feel bad pushing for him.
I was wrong.
It escalates.
Fitz and Snuggles stand a real chance of beating Fitz and Alvar, the fucked up sibling duo of the series. The origin of wiityispb. The blueprint.
I start trying to backpedal.
It doesn't work.
They win.
All because I decided in round three of the best character poll to throw myself behind snuggles and work the fandom up. I'm in too deep now; I can't back out--Summer (@when-wax-wings-melt) will never look at me the same. People are outraged.
I've tied myself to this stuffed dragon.
Who knows what could've been, but due to some funky tagging, I don't see the next round and it distributes oddly, and Fitz and Snuggles lose in silence to Fitz and Sophie.
A quiet end. At this point Snuggles is both out of the best character and fitz duo poll. The fandom calms and moves on, but I've set a precedent for myself. I'm The Snuggles Guy
And a few months ago, a year later, Roisin decided to have another best character poll.
To make it more manageable, there's a preliminary round to determine who will be in the poll for real. Roisin, who I can only assume was salty, ensured Snuggles would be out from the get go. It was a remarkably close fight, though. Watson, The Foster Family dog, also lost his poll. But who gives a shit about him
I'm sad, but hey, there's the comeback round! Any characters eliminated have a chance to be voted back into the running if they get enough support--there are 9 spots available.
I reblog asking for support for Mr. Snuggles, and, because I'm not a dog person, I decide to throw in a fuck Watson for fun. Who cares about some random dog we haven't even met in this fantasy series. There's some banter
The comeback round ends. Mr. Snuggles does not make it. Watson does.
I threw everything behind this dragon through two polls, tested the limits of my friendships, tied myself to him soul to soul. He was nearly a finalist, he nearly beat Sophie in the preliminaries.
And he lost to some fucking dog???
Mr. Snuggles didn't even make it to round one?
Unacceptable. Not on my fucking watch.
I will see that dog in the dirt if it's the last thing I do.
Thank you for your time.
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magicmindless · 1 year
Can you do Papa himself?
nooooooo I have to take this man seriously now/j
I’m just kidding I did it (though tbh I don’t think about him much but I think I did decently)
A HC list but it’s just Papa Louie
The man the myth the legend
- To the public eye, he’s seen as a friendly, generous man by most, albeit questionable with his business choices at best. If it weren’t for Quinn, he’d be facing multiple lawsuits at the moment
- Those closest to him can describe him best, and they all say similar things like how he probably means well but it’s sometimes overshadowed by his impulsiveness, and trouble of thinking things through
- He started his business alongside Roy in the small space below of what would become Papa’s apartments, choosing to make pizza since it was relatively hard to mess up. Some customers like Wally and Allan were already there but more come to live in the apartments later
- For a guy running multiple fast-food chains and therefore getting tons of money, he lives in a pretty normal house which is located in a quieter area of Tastyville
- He’s childhood friends with Professor Fitz who was his neighbor. Their relationship is best described as the free spirit and the “straight-man”, and it’s still exactly like that to this day
- Went to a private elementary school because his mother worked there as a teacher. He met Jojo as a friend, however after elementary school they’d part ways to different schools and didn’t meet again ‘til the Taco Mia era
- Big LGBTQA+ ally, though there’s a possibility that he could fall under the aro/ace umbrella. He’s not sure but doesn’t dwell on it much
- He’s always up to date on Fitz’s latest discoveries on warp coins and Ripley’s Munchmore expeditions ever since the previous incidents which involve Radley Madish and other food baddies. He doesn’t let his guard down when it comes to that sort of thing
- He’s like a second father to Roy and Joy and occasionally his other workers, but he tends to take the sibling duo on surprise trips sometimes to other cities or regions of the land. It’s typically work for Louie but also a free vacation for the siblings
- He’s a bit traumatized from when Sarge invaded and kidnapped his customers and when Radley had kidnapped him twice. He doesn’t talk much about the invasions either because of bad memories
- Believe it or not he’s not a violent person, he only ever fought in the platformers because he had no other choice
- Really bad at telling if people are in relationships or not. Of course if there’s obvious signs like wedding bands he can tell, but if isn’t then he’ll just be like “wow what great best friends” until told otherwise
- There’s only one food that he heavily dislikes which is goat cheese
- He’s the only person who knows that Joy is Ninjoy, but he’s never told her because he doesn’t want to worry her
- Other hobbies he likes are mini-golf and bowling. He’s gotten pretty good at both
- Also a fan of gardening, mainly herbs and vegetables. He gets his herb gardening tips from Big Pauly
- He hides a lot of secrets for his own well-being, and that of others, and Fitz is the only person he’d trust to keep them
- When asked about what he thought of Mortadello, he stated that he actually felt kinda bad for him. Sure, he brought himself to his ultimate downfall (with Louie acknowledging that he was also responsible in a way) but he thinks Mortadello is just troubled, plain and simple
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ioveskye · 2 years
Wonder | Leo Fitz x reader chapter 3
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Union Station had turned into chaos. Mike Peterson turned out to be the enhanced individual that had saved the doctor. However, after some research from the team- together with their new acquaintance Skye who is a member of The Rising Tide- they figured out what the cause of the explosions were. It was the centipede serum.
And Mike Peterson was full of it.
Fitz-Simmons had the job to find a way and let this situation go well, in a way the team plus everyone in the station would not blow up, in the mean time they had to find a way to calm Mike down as best as they could. Coulson was slowly approaching the man, Y/n and Skye watched from the back. She watched how Coulson laid down his weapon, in a way to offer peace. Y/n glanced upwards and spotted Ward with his rifle- going against what Coulson tried to show Mike.
"Think that means anything?" He caught the eyes of Y/n, who glanced upwards to where Ward was situated. He saw the rifle and knew he was under gunpoint. "I know you got men everywhere waiting to put me down." Mike said, looking back at Coulson.
"I know how this plays out." He adds.
"I don't." Coulson starts, moving closer to the man. Y/n watched the pair closely, seeing how Mike physically got angrier by the second. "I know you got poison in your system. I know it's burning you up. Mike, the last guy who wore that exploded."
"I am not like that other guy!" Mike walked towards Coulson, pushing him straight to the ground. His strength was too much for the agent to fight back. A gunshot was heard and it missed Mike's head by an inch. Mike looked up to where Ward was, the raven haired man was ready to take a second shot until Coulson yelled out.
"Don't shoot! Stand down agent Ward."
Y/n watched in anticipation, Ward backed down but she noticed the doubt in his face. Coulson tried to stand up but she saw he was hurt. Something in her there told her it was going to be fine, Mike just needed the proper words.
The detective walked up to the two men, her hands up in surrender just in case. They both looked at her and Y/n ignored the slight pull from behind when Skye tried to stop her from walking towards the duo.
"Mike, think about Ace." She said to him with a soft smile.
The mention of the mans son seemed to spike an interest in him.
" I know you're strong. Your boy knows it, but he needs you to let us help. Let SHIELD help you, Mike." She continued.
Mike seemed to calm down a little bit. His furrowed brows however told her he was still angry. He walked to the broken kiosk in the station, breaking a piece apart from anger.
"You don't know what it's like!" He pointed at Y/n with the piece of wood, rage was evident on his face. "I had to work my ass off day and night to make a life for my boy, and then New York happens, and guess what? They take away my job, and my life! That is what SHIELD is! They are no heroes, they step on us to make themselves stand out. But I matter, and my boy matters and I'm sick of being stepped on."
Mike threw away the piece of wood, it fell right before Y/n’s feet, but she didn't back down. She got what she needed from him. She knew his angle now, what the source of his anger was. It was her job to understand people and she definitely understood Mr Peterson now.
"Trust me Mike, no one here will understand you more than I will." Y/n took the silence from Mike as a sign to walk closer a bit. "But there are good people at SHIELD, Mike. But the good ones, the real deal, they're not heroes because of what they have that we don't. It's what they do with it. You're right, Mike. It matters who you are."
"I could, you know? Be a hero." He gave her a smile, something glistened in his eyes. She smiled at him and nodded.
"Hell yes, you could." She let out a chuckle of relief as he smiled at her. Mike starts to walk forward towards Y/n but a sudden bang cuts his action short- a bullet had hit him right in the forehead. Y/n’s eyes widened in shock and she almost fell backwards, a hand stopped her from falling. She looked behind her and saw Coulson standing there, his eyes mirrored an expression like hers. Her head shot upwards to the place Ward had shot from. But when she saw Fitz standing there with his thumb up, sending the team a reassuring smile her heartbeat calmed down slowly. She smiled back and she saw him wink her way. She looked at Mike, Jemma had ran past her in hurry and she checked his vitals.
He was going to be okay.
"I can't believe you guys found a solution in that short of a time." Y/n said in awe.
Fitz-Simmons, Ward, and Y/n had returned to the Bus when their mission at Union station had been a success. Coulson and Skye took it upon themselves to bring Ace to his aunt while May brought Mike to one of SHIELD's headquarters. Y/n was sure Coulson was going to ask Skye something today that could let her to stick around a little longer, she knew him well enough. She didn't tell the rest yet- hoping Skye could tell them herself. In the meantime the rest of the team was sharing some drinks and take-out they had gotten on the way back. Fitz had suggested to get some and Y/n was grateful, the adrenaline ran out of her system a while ago and she was starving.
"Well that was nothing like how you talked down Mike! You just stood there like a total badass." Fitz said with an exciting grin.
Y/n’s cheeks flushed at his compliment. She looked down towards her food, fidgeting with her food a little, biting her lip to prevent herself from grinning.
"Thank you, Fitz."
She heard some noise from outside, the cargo hold door opened slowly with a hiss and she knew who had come back. After the team in the bus found out about an 0-8-4 sighting from SHIELD they had called Coulson back to base, knowing this would be a new mission.
"Oh you wouldn't believe it!" Jemma walked back towards the three, a new beer in hand, the previous one already causing the Brit to be a little tipsy. "Coulson just came in with Lola- flying!"
"He what now?" Ward asked in disbelief.
Y/n laughed at his reaction before she turned back to her new friend.
"I bet he brought along a certain someone?"
"How did you-" Jemma's words caught short when two voices were heard from the entrance of the living area. Coulson came in and an excited looking Skye followed after him.
"Well,well, look what the cat brought in" Y/n chuckled in her beer bottle, taking a small sip.
"Hey guys," Skye smiled at the team that had gathered. "Guess you have to do a little more to get rid of me"
"Oh don't worry, we got plenty ideas." Ward said bitterly, although there was a hint of teasing behind it.
Loud steps came from the entrance not long after, Melinda May stepped into the room and glanced at the team. They all looked at her, waiting for her to join them.
"What are you guys doing? Wheels up in five." She walked past the group, not sparing them a glance as she made her way to what Y/n presumed to be the cockpit.
"Well then," Coulson turned back to Skye. "Let's get you back to your van, and let's talk about what time you're here tomorrow yea?" The pair walked back towards the exit, Skye grabbing her bag before leaving.
Fitz turned to the three others, confusion evident on his face.
"Do you- Why is she coming back?" He looked in between Jemma and Ward for a second before his eyes landed on Y/n who was already smirking. "You know something. Why do you always know everything, and what is it?" Fitz was getting really curious now.
"Well, it is my job you know." Y/n chuckled. "And let's just say that we're probably gonna see more of Skye here on board."
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Happy Birthday, Old Sport! (and other September 18th-related shenanigans)
Tags: Nick Carraway/Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby, Birthday, Birthday Fluff, Birthday Presents, Post-Canon, Fix-It, Jay Gatsby Wears Glasses, and nick is here for it, Jay Gatsby Lives, the picture of dorian gray - Freeform, it was nick’s birthday present to jay, Swimming, Swimming Pools, Humidity, First Kiss, Kissing, Domestic Fluff, Pet Names, Internalized Homophobia, Writing, Literal Sleeping Together, y’all they are so sweet
Summary: Nick Carraway’s Birthday, a year after the end of TGG
Notes: Nick’s birthday is not known canonically—thanks Fitz for not using a calendar, but a Monday around the end of summer 1922 is September 18th. If based on the weather reports, Nick’s birthday would have been August 17th. I choose to put Nick’s birthday in September for my own reasons (as the Gatsbin server knows) but have a silly guy calling another man gorgeous.
story is under the cut (4145 words)
Another year. Thirty-one, still a bondsman in West Egg, in a small cottage next to my only friend’s mansion.
Tuesday, September 18, 1923, a day that was turning out to be just as hot—if not hotter—than the previous year’s. However, our tempers were in great contrast to the heat, unlike 1922. The New York Tribune had stated it was likely to be in the high 90s, with humidity of around 60%.
My cousin and her husband were long gone by now, and Jordan had traveled to some golf tournament or another. Our quintet was only a duo now. I prefer it, and I believe Jay does too. Instead of trekking into the city again, I decided I would ask Jay if I could use his pool, and so I called him up. “It’s Nick,” I said, hoping that it was Jay on the other end of the line, not someone paid to take his calls.
“Happy Birthday, Nick!” were the first excited words, confirming it had been Jay. He continued, “Old sport, I was wondering if you’d like to go somewhere with me today? To celebrate your birthday?”
I laughed, feeling suddenly awkward. It went against all I’d learned, to invite myself somewhere. But Jay was a lonely man, and I hoped he’d appreciate the company.
“What is it, old sport? Don’t tell me you have work?”
“Actually, Jay, I was wondering if you’d drained the pool yet? It looks to be a scorcher.”
“It’s a splendid idea, old sport! And the pool’s not been drained yet, so you’re in luck!”
“All right, then. What time should I come over?”
“Any time that suits you best,” he said, which I had expected. He was like that, unfailingly polite.
“I’ve invited myself over, you should decide the time.”
He chuckled over the line, warm and bright and reminding me of sunlight. “Look here, Nick, you could come over right now and I wouldn’t say a word in complaint.”
“I’m serious, Jay, I don’t want to bother you.”
“You won’t be,” he insisted. “Come over, old sport. We can talk until the heat gets the best of us. Then we’ll swim, all right?”
“If you’re sure, Jay.”
“I am, Nick. See you in a few.”
I gathered my things up after he hung up the call. My bathing suit. A book, in case our conversations grew pointless before the heat. As I did, I thought about the year before. Staying for breakfast. Almost leaving before demanding Jay—who I had still considered as Gatsby then—come to the city with me. Coming home to find two dead men in his yard—the gardener who had been draining the pool had been mistaken for Jay, and George Wilson, the cuckolded husband of Myrtle.
The week we had spent, tucked away in my house while the police searched for a motive, had been one of the best and worst weeks of my life. It had finally hit upon me that I was attracted to Jay. And so I was stuck in a glorified box with only him for company. It had been almost too much at that time. Looking back on it now, it wasn't enough.
My things don’t take long to gather, and I put them in a small bag for safekeeping, walking over to Jay’s around 10:30. It’s only 78° out, according to the thermometer placed on my porch. Compared to coming home last night (around 90°), it’s positively cold.
When I knock on the door, it opens to Jay’s butler.
“Mr. Gatsby is in the library, sir.”
“Thank you,” I nod to him.
As I head to the library, I wonder what Jay is doing there. We had—well, I had discovered four months ago the reason for the uncut pages–Jay doesn’t have 20/20 vision. “Up close,” he had said, “everything is blurry. Far away is fine.” I had felt a little guilty—I had just given Jay a book for his birthday—The Picture of Dorian Gray—and Jay couldn’t enjoy it!
Jay had apparently seen the look of panicked guilt crossing my face, for the next words out of his mouth were, “All right, old sport, it’s as good a reason as any to finally get myself glasses. I’m not offended by it. You didn’t know, Nick,” and I found myself nearly in tears with his easy sincerity.
By this point I had arrived at the library, so I knock on the door.
“Come in, Nick! And happy birthday!” Jay calls.
I entered the room, finding Jay by the dark blond hair peeking over an armchair. His head is down and he’s holding a book in his hands. It’s open.
“Jay?” I ask.
His head whips around, and I see the edge of frames on his face, as well as the slight upward tilt of his lips.
“Hello, old sport! It’s good to see you.” Jay lays back in his chair, tilting his neck up to look at me—glasses. Holy shit. His glasses.
Whether it was done purposefully or not, they take me by surprise. I can see Jay’s face perfectly from where he’s standing.
He’s gorgeous. Well, he’s gorgeous already, but the way the frames enhance his features in a way I can’t describe. His hair, fluffy without its typical gel, only helps.
Jay sits up suddenly, pushing himself eagerly out of his chair. I watch as he stretches, wincing at the cracking noises.
“Sorry, old sport. I know you don’t like that noise.”
“That’s okay. You sounded pretty stiff—how long have you been sitting there?”
“Well, old sport,” Jay says, taking the cheaters off his face and waving them at me, “These came this morning. I remembered your gift and have been reading it since.”
“How do you like it, Jay?”
He thought a little, and then answered, “It doesn’t make much sense to me yet. But I believe it will as the book goes on.”
“What scene are you at now?” I asked curiously.
Jay grabbed the light green book I remembered from a few months ago, opening it to a bookmarked page. “Found it!” he mumbled. “Dorian has just wished for his own eternal youth and mourned that the painting will never change.”
“I’ve caught you at a dramatic part, then. If you’d like, I’d be happy to let you read.” I sincerely hoped otherwise, but I’d let Jay read, even as much as I’d like to talk with him.
“Nonsense, old sport, it’s your birthday! I can tell you what’s gone on in my life since your last visit,” he paused, “Unless you’d like to read, Nick? It’s your birthday after all. What would you like to do?”
“Let’s talk, Jay. How do you like reading now?”
He laughed, smiling, from where he now sat on the arm of his chair. “Well, old sport, you knew I liked to read before my sight gave, and I simply didn’t have time to get fitted. Did you know they’re—magnifiers especially—called cheaters? I think it’s because of the fact that it’s not my natural vision, but rather a correction to it.”
Jay was rambling at this point, but it’s always nice to listen to—especially now that it’s not about my cousin. “You felt guilty about giving me that book, right Nick? Well, I’m glad you did. I can read what I want again.”
“I’m glad, Jay. They make your eyes stand out.” The last bit had slipped out, but I appreciatively watched Jay’s face flush. Awkwardly checking the time, I found it was 11:15. We had spent a long time talking.
Jay interrupted my thoughts to offer lunch.
“That’d be great, Jay. Do you have anything cold?”
“How do you feel about macaroni salad, old sport?”
“All right,” I agreed. Blueberries?
We went downstairs shortly after, realizing the walls were becoming damp with humidity, and the library uncomfortably hot.
Jay groaned. “I should have closed the windows. It’s going to be miserable in here.”
“Do it now,” I suggested.
“Come with me, then.”
As we trudged up the stairs to the highest level of his mansion (eight, with this tower), we both began to breathe heavily, a combination of over exertion and the heat.
At one point, we paused at the top of the stairs, and Jay leaned—and then slid heavily down the wall.
“Every year,” he grumbles, “I forget how damned hot New York can be.”
“I—yeah,” I break off awkwardly, realizing I had been about to make some comment about the previous year’s events. “Anyway, the hottest day of the year has been my birthday for two years. It’s never been this bad this late in Minnesota.”
We drift up the next stairwell, both of us lost in thought.
“I’m sorry, old sport,” says Jay, suddenly. “This probably wasn’t how you wanted to spend your birthday.”
“Jay,” I tell him, smiling and pausing til he looks at me, “I don’t mind. I like having your company, you know.”
I watched as the words registered and he blushed. Then he cursed. I spun around in surprise, only to find him holding the cheaters away from his face. He’s gorgeous, with or without.
“What happened?” I ask, curiously.
“It got—so humid—that my glasses fogged!” he pants.
Curiously, I feel the wall, face twitching in disgust as my hand comes away damp.
“That’s disgusting. Please, let’s close these windows.”
Jay laughs, sudden, bright, unexpected. “Or I could have someone else do it and we can go eat lunch.”
“We just got up here,” I protest, half hearted. “But sure, let’s do that. I don’t even know how many windows there are in this place.”
“Do you want me to count?” Jay jokes, and I smiled. He’s gorgeous, even in his heat-flushed state. I was no match for him, dark hair hanging lank over my forehead, my torso impossibly sweaty. We hadn’t even made it outside yet, and the air felt like you could grab a handful of it.
“You’re not wrong about the humidity,” Jay’s voice broke through my thoughts, “But you look more than fine, Nick.”
I realized belatedly I’d spoken aloud. “Christ, Jay, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he insists. “Let’s go have some lunch.”
The walk back down is easier, although Jay nearly slips down a few stairs.
“What else did you have made for lunch, Jay?” I ask, curious.
“I had some fruit brought—strawberries and all that.”
“Blueberries?” I ask. “If you got blueberries—God, Jay, I’ll—“ I stop there, certain I would embarrass myself if I continued. “I’ll be very happy,” I finish lamely.
To my surprise, Jay was blushing at my elbow, smiling. “Yes, old sport, I do know of your love for blueberries. Don’t worry.”
Lunch was then served. We ate quickly with little conversation other than the weather and our now joint wish to swim. Jay thanked me for pushing him to read again, saying, “I had forgotten how relaxing it is. It’s quite nice to disappear into a book for an hour.”
I smile. “That’s why I like it. Although it usually occupies me for longer than an hour.”
“Have you written anything lately, Nick? I know you used to.”
“I miss it, but no, Jay, I haven’t recently. Today’s my first day off since the Fourth of July.”
“I’ll have to take you on more breaks, then,” Jay mutters, and I wasn’t quite sure whether he had intended for me to hear it, so I tried desperately not to react—though I could feel a blush rising on my face.
He continued, louder this time. “You’re flushed, old sport. Has the heat gotten to you?”
“A swim would be nice,” I agreed, ignoring his statement.
“Of course,” Jay said. I got the idea that he had wanted to say something different, but I said nothing. We got up from the table in an awkward silence and walked to the library—I had dropped my bag there—in the same fashion.
“Why, old sport, I haven’t even given you a birthday gift yet!” Jay exclaims.
“That’s all right, Jay,” I told him, suddenly nervous for whatever he had planned. “Perhaps after our swim?”
Jay smiles in agreement, leading me to a room near his. “Change here, and I’ll meet you shortly.”
When I enter the room, the first thing I notice is the mirror. Or rather, what the mirror shows: my hair, waves tighter by way of the humidity, and flyaways nearly tripled. Glancing around for a hair brush, I sigh when there’s not immediately one in view. Something to ask Jay for then—Jay didn’t say anything. He had to be aware of it. Why didn’t he say anything?
Exiting the room, I find Jay already dressed and waiting. He’s absolutely gorgeous, and I find myself staring. I can’t compare, and I lock my arms around my chest in sudden discomfort.
“All right, Nick?” he asks.
“Fine. Do you have a brush I could borrow? My hair, you see,” I gesture towards it, watching his eyes flick up.
“Your hair’s great, old sport. And besides, we’re just about to swim!” I blush heavily at his first words, more so when he follows them up with a smile. His bathing suit doesn’t help matters, clinging to him like that. He’s so pretty.
“C’mon, old sport,” he cries, polished accent slipping away slowly. We walk to the pool. It’s even warmer and more humid outside, and I watch as Jay immediately jumps in, graceful. I find my eyes catching on the gentle lines of his body.
“Well,” I call, “How is it?”
“‘S nice! C’mon, jump in!”
“I don’t want to accidentally hit you, Jay.” He pouts, then flips to a backstroke, away from the pool’s edge.
“How ‘bout now, old sport?” his tone teasing. I laugh, sitting at the lip of the pool, water cool on my legs. Jay frowns. “Don’t tell me you aren’t jumping in, Nick?”
“I’d rather not, Jay. I prefer to get used to the water, rather than all at once.” Then he smiles, and I am again struck silent by the beauty of it.
“I’d just take the chance. Especially with weather like this.” He swims over suddenly, grabbing hold of my hands. “C’mon, old sport. Give it a chance,” and with that I let myself be pulled into the water.
“Oh!” I exclaim once I break the surface—Jay, in his excitement, had pulled me under as well as in.
“I’m sorry, Nick.”
“It’s just fine, Jay. Nice and cool,” I assure him.
Apparently realizing that our conversation had drug to a halt, Jay smiled, a teasing glimmer in his eyes. “So, old sport. Your birthday gift.”
“What is it?” I demand, a little excited. Last year, I had forgotten all about it. After Jay found out, he had apologized profusely and promised a much better celebration this year.
He turns that bright smile on me, and I feel my blush come back. “A surprise.”
“Come now, Jay, tell me!”
“I don’t think I will,” he said, and disappeared under the water. He surfaces next to me, saying, “You’ll see!” and I flush at his proximity. “See, you’ll love it!”
“What do you mean, Jay?” but he only smiles.
“Come swim, Nick,” he invites.
Instead of swimming away from him, I cup my hand, driving it quickly through the water towards Jay. It hits him in the face, and I see him flash through shock before settling on hilarity.
Jay laughs, big and bright, calling out a jokingly betrayed-sounding, “Nick—” before his hand mirrors mine, and I find myself dripping with water. I retaliate, lunging through the water at him, hoping to push a large wave at his chest. It works—but I also find myself with my hands pressed against Jay’s chest.
We both blush, and I hurriedly remove my hands from my friend’s chest. “I’m sorry,” I quickly apologize.
Jay’s mouth opens and closes, once, twice, before his voice finally comes, choked and low. “Why, old sport, I’d hoped to give you your gift inside. But if you’re going to touch me like that, well. I’ll have to give it to you here.”
“Jay—“ I broke out, “I—what in hell are you planning?”
“You’ll see, sweetheart,” he almost purrs, and I shiver.
We swam without talking for a few minutes more before I became too distracted to swim and instead stood in the shallows watching Jay’s graceful turns. I should have been aware of Jay’s repetitions changing—he had swum around behind me, and latched his hands around my torso. “Jay! You—you surprised me!” I could feel the blush rising on my face.
“Really?” he teased, “And yet you paid so much attention to me.”
My blush increased tenfold, and Jay laughed, withdrawing his arms from me–he had told me later he had done this to watch my skin turn pink–but in that moment I lost my footing, and managed to steady myself—using Jay’s chest.
He gripped my arms from behind, attempting to help. “Don’t fall, old sport. Even if it is f—into me.”
I turned around to face Jay, and to my surprise I found him about as red-faced as I was. Still gorgeous, perhaps even more now. Suddenly, the last vestiges of a fear I had been trying to rid myself of over the past year left me, and I found myself grasping Jay’s hips through the thin material of his bathing suit. His head snapped up, and when he spoke it was almost too quiet to hear.
“Sw—Nick, I’m going to do something very rash if you don’t let go,” he warns.
“Do it, then,” I challenge. “I don’t mind.”
“I did warn you,” Jay breathes, before I feel his hands clasp at my neck, pulling me down to him.
Our eyes met for a split second before we were kissing for all our worth. When we separated—for air, although I thought at that second that I would not mind being kissed to death, and by Jay no less—we stayed close. “That’s—that was your birthday present, Nick. Although I’d like to kiss you again, if you’d like.”
Jay had caught his breath faster than I had, and when I did, I agreed, “I’d like that. This is the best birthday present I’ve had in years.”
“And way better than the mess you had to deal with last year, sweetheart.”
I blushed warmly at him. “Certainly,” before drawing him up again to my lips.
We had gotten dressed again, though in one room this time, stealing glances and pretending at shame when caught by the other. When Jay moved to put gel in his hair, I grabbed his wrist. “You didn’t earlier, and your hair’s great, Jay,” I parroted back to him the words I had heard an hour or so previous.
“All right, Nick. I won’t. But you shouldn’t either,” he said, smiling at me.
“Fine,” I agreed, gazing at that brilliant smile, before remembering I was able to kiss him now. I moved to do so.
“Hi,” Jay said when I stopped.
I smile, warm from the heat but also the comforting feeling of being cared for. “Like your smile, it’s gorgeous—you’re gorgeous, Jay Gatsby.”
“You’re the gorgeous one in my opinion,” Jay said. “Your hair is soft, your eyes are such a pretty hazel, and your face is perfect.” He reached for my face, carefully trailing his fingers over my eyebrows and down my cheeks.
“No, no. It’s you who’s gorgeous, Jay. Your hair and your eyes fit together so perfectly—dark blond hair and deep blue eyes. I find myself lost in your eyes so often, Jay, you wouldn’t believe it. Don’t get me started on how pretty your lips are, I won’t stop talking for hours.”
“I’d let you,” Jay assured me. “But I’d kiss you every time you paused.”
We found ourselves in the library again, Jay’s glasses gloriously returned to his face, The Picture of Dorian Gray open in his hands. I had pulled my book out of the bag I had brought, but found myself staring at Jay more than reading. He was exquisite in every situation, a lip quirked as he read about Dorian’s misadventures in late 19th century London.
He glanced up. “You’re staring, sweetheart.”
“In my defense, you’re very pretty,” and I watched in satisfaction as he flushed pink.
“If you’re not going to read, come sit with me,” Jay said, and I slid over, putting an arm around his shoulders and leaning in to read. Reading the page he was on, I found Lord Henry talking to his uncle about who Dorian Gray was, before Jay turned his head and pecked my cheek.
“Sometimes I wonder if you had a motive for getting me this book.”
“Oh?” It was true, of course. The Picture of Dorian Gray had been a favorite of mine, especially after finding out certain details about Mr. Wilde.
“Yes,” Jay said, “I think you did. You see, Lord Henry and Basil both think that Dorian is very good looking. Did Wilde intend it to come across like this?”
“He did. But it caused him a lot of trouble, seeing where he ended up.”
“What happened to him, Nick?” Jay asked, curious.
“Mr. Wilde was placed on trial, because the book contained references to people like us. He was convicted, spent some time in an English prison, moved to France, and died a short while later.”
“Was he like us?”
I nod, “He was. The man stopped communicating with him after the allegations were formed, and he went on to marry.”
Jay leaned into me, his cheek on my shoulder, and said, “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for Mr. Wilde. I wouldn’t leave you, Nick. Ever. “
“It won’t come to that, Jay. We’re careful men.”
“Yes,” Jay agreed, and said no more.
“Actually, Jay, could I have some paper?” He beamed, kissed me, and walked over to a drawer.
“You going to write, sweetheart?”
“I got inspired,” I told him simply, quirking an eyebrow.
He played along. “By who? Do tell, Nick?”
I laughed and walked over to him, grabbing his hand to kiss it. “You, Jay.”
“You’re sweet,” he said, handing me a few sheets of paper and a pencil.
“Thank you,” I said, and led him back to the couch. This time, he lay down with his head on my chest. Not the most comfortable position for him to read—or me to write, but it was Jay. Jay, my darling, handsome man.
He fell asleep soon after, and I carefully reached for his glasses and book, marking his place. The cheaters went on the table next to me, and under them I placed the sheets of paper, which had ended up as just a ramble about Jay’s attributes.
I lost myself to sleep, hand curled around his chest. Jay had given me the only thing I needed.
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Keefe and Fitz acter AU headcannons??
The prankster duo in set much to everyone else’s disdain
Best friends 90% of the time, the other 10% is spent on ship wars
They bonded over their love of Percy Jackson
They aren’t aloud to do interviews alone together after one time where they both nearly spoiled the ending of Legacy.
Wylie had to stop them last minute
Fitz actually has a photographic memory and calls Sophie and Keefe’s characters photographic memory “unfairly op”
The photographic memory also makes him amazing at remembering his line
Keefe on the other hand forgets his lines 40% of the time and just adlibs stuff on the spot
Most of those adlibs make it into the Final Cut for episodes
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