#best freakin fighters
samwitcch · 1 year
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played lis2 for the first time in a while and missed these goobers
outfits inspired by @thealexchen's misty mouse concert fic <3 + no make up versions under the cut (because they're cute)
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90percentstudios · 20 days
What D&D classes would the CKC cast play as, and what would be their playstyle?
cody - changeling rogue. he'd get obsessed with trying to ride on the back of a hill giant instead of just freakin' killing it, and would probably forget he can do stuff like shapeshifting/bonus actions/etc 80% of the time. he's pretty deadly when he's locked in though, but it'd take some proof and convincing that an enemy is worthy of death. he'd also doodle while playing, heavily distracting him, but at least by the end of each session there's a bunch of silly drawings his friends can flip through.
mini - changeling cleric. the twins are both changelings cuz of everyone in the series, i think they're the only ones that've achieved being losers, cool kids, gods, averaged, AND banned. she's actually a big fan of making overly complicated plans, whether it's a heist, a jailbreak, you know she's got a dozen pastel gel pens to plan it all out! unfortunately she's got horrific luck, consistently rolling under 10. at least the plan goes well when someone else is carrying it out.
peter - human paladin. he has perfect recollection of all the rules and likes the game to be as immersive as possible, because convincing himself he's really a heroic paladin that people like and respect was his copium as a loser. that being said, post-series pb would have a bit more fun, especially with cody there to involve him in all his crazy antics.
juvie - tiefling barbarian/fighter multiclass. they frequently have to reassure their team they're not a violent psychopath irl, it's just that if you're playing in a world where you can do anything, why WOULDN'T you give every kobold a uniquely gruesome death and decorate your camp with their guts as a show of force? anyway they're very combat focused.
peggy - wood half-elf druid. any chance she has to transform into a unicorn she takes (it's not technically allowed but daniel allows her to turn into a horse that has a horn for flavor). she mostly trots around, eats apples, gives people horsey-rides, makes friends with other animals and often demands that daniel allow them to resurrect their friends (ahem cody) whenever they miraculously die.
holden - human bard. he actually brings his guitar and plays a short tune whenever he uses bard magic, it really adds to the immersion! he's also the party-face, meaning he's in charge of persuading the guards not to imprison everyone just because juvie tested the flammability of the local tavern's liqueurs. after a dozen of these instances he's gotten in the habit of telling guards "i've never seen that tiefling in my life."
daniel - elf wizard, (though he'd focus on dming, he'd probably include his own character in the campaign at peggy's request because "he'd be left out" if he didn't). his character would offer important exposition when it's already too late and punish the others for their reckless shenanigans by not helping them when they're in a bind. "it's better for character growth" he says.
gigi - sorcerer. she'd immediately grasp the rules, min-max the hell out of her character, remind people to use their ability modifiers and always be on the hunt for the best equipment, often getting holden to help bargain for them with his high charisma stat. her gamer-brain's also got a good memory for the lore of the campaign. "where was the grand exchange again?" "it was north east of kragmaw, remember?" "..." "in that cave in the side of the mountain?" "..." "you caused a cave-in that cut the water supply off from the local town, displacing hundreds?" "... ooooh, right."
rhyme - astral elf. would join the campaign a bit later than the others since she'd still be getting used to the friend group and all. everyone would welcome her in and they'd all grow as friends. she's annoyingly good at everything as always, yet somehow whenever she's near, mishap seems to follow. juvie's certain she's up to no good but no one believes them, until some pivotal moment when daniel reveals he'd invited her to play as a double agent on the side of evil and in order to complete the quest they must all fight to the death. when asked why the hell he'd do something like that he says "dammit i told you cody, FOR CHARACTER GROWTH!!" rhyme has stellar acting and everyone fights her with teary eyes, until... i dunno, they find some secret option of exorcising her of evil and completing the quest and no one dies and yadda yadda happy ending. anyway juvie gives a very well-deserved i told you so and rhyme admits her being the secret villain was a bit on the nose but she enjoyed the theatre of it all.
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oatsa-the-humanoid · 22 days
Surviving the Trials (part 1)
Days had merged into weeks, weeks had merged into months, and months had merged into an endless supply of an unknown amount of time. 
My fellow Reagents and I (Paul, Marie, and David) had almost refused to leave the sleep rooms during “Bring Your Baby to Work Week.” We had seen the carnage that was brought in daily through the medical window, and that was far enough to tell us to stay away from the Trials. Reagents with missing limbs, Reagents with blood and holes all over their clothing, and dead Reagents whose injuries were so vile that the doctors didn’t dare remove their shrouds. 
David was especially terrified of the Trials. He had heard the rumors of this so-called “Bambino” through the Reagents that had somehow survived, and he hasn’t been sleeping since. His eyes bore dark circles and he grew gaunt from a lack of eating. He knew it was a matter of time before the doctors forced the four of us into a Trial against our will.
Paul and Marie were the most experienced Reagents out of our group. What scared me the most is that the two veterans didn’t dare volunteer to go into the Bambino Trials even once. Something “just didn’t feel right” as Marie put it.
Marie was the oldest of our group. She had long, gray hair that went slightly past her shoulders and deep wrinkles on her forehead. As “old” as she seemed, she was a pretty good fighter, very strong, too. I’ve seen her fight off multiple pouncers at once with such a rageful strength that was genuinely terrifying to witness come out of such a brittle body. She even managed to get a couple strikes off on Coyle, which I found impossible.
Paul is very fond of Marie, not romantically, but almost as if he was her son. He may actually be her son, but whenever I asked about it, he shrugged off the question by bringing up some alternative topic. Paul was more fond of the trials than all of us combined. He used them as an excuse to throw bricks and bottles at some unfortunate Expop. He always went into the Trials when he was upset, so he could use them like a Rage Room. However, he never dared to actually finish a Trial. He was too terrified of the main assets of the Trials, especially Gooseberry. He almost got gored by Futterman’s vicious drill way too many times to count. He eventually swore to himself that he would never finish a Trial again unless his life absolutely depended on it.
I, like most others, was not fond of the Trials in any aspect. I found the Trials to be grotesque, unholy experiments made for the pleasure of the doctors and Murkoff officials. I was almost bold enough to swear that I would never finish a Trial again like Paul, but that was until I overheard some discussion between the guards of the sleep room. I heard them mention that they were going to force my friends and I into a Trial. That we had been leeching off their sleep room resources for long enough and that we needed to work for our meals. 
When I heard this news, I was petrified. I brought my three friends into my room during the “Sleep Hours” and told them about our unfortunate turn of events. They couldn’t believe their ears, especially David. 
“I TOLD YOU!” He yelled, crumbling into a chair and weeping. “I told you they’d do this. I freakin’ told you.” 
We were all in distress at this information. We tried our best to comfort each other in my quarters by talking over the situation.
“Well, hopefully they pick a short Trial, maybe even one without this ‘Bambino’ fella,” Marie said quietly, rubbing David’s back. 
“You could even stay by the shuttle if you want. We won’t mind.” I replied.
David wiped the wetness from his eyes.
“I’m sorry for crying, it’s just that I’m so worried. The chances of us living, all of us, are…so damn slim.” He frowned and looked at me.
“Janie, maybe we should…make a plan? Just…some sort of groundwork. Something to help get an edge.”
“It’s hard to do that when we don’t even know what Trial we’re gonna’ get.” Explained Paul. “I think maybe if we stick together, we will have a better chance of survival.”
“Yeah,” I whispered, mainly to myself. “But what if we happen to get separated?”
My question was rhetorical, but it lingered on our minds. We sat in silence for many, dreadful minutes, keeping our eyes on our twiddling thumbs.
“I love you guys. You are some fine fellas.” Announced David after a while. “You guys really have been the light in my dreary life.”
“We love you too,” whispered Marie, giving him a crinkled smile. “Everything’s gonna’ work out. I promise.”
I hope you guys enjoyed part 1 of the little story I'm making about Outlast Trials! Let me know if you wanna' read more!💚
If anyone has any tips on how to properly post stories on Tumblr, please tell me. I beg of you. 😭
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draconscious · 2 months
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NAME?: Dan!
PRONOUNS?: he/him
MOST ACTIVE MUSES?: Right now, Pike Queen Lucy over at @coiledqueen has the braincell (for the record, I blame @noitxll 😏)
RPG CLASS I'D BE: Bard or fighter! Or the frog from Chrono Trigger. Frog freakin' rules.
FAVORITE TYPE OF THREAD: I love love love experimenting and trying out all different types of threads, shifting between muse and genre. Over time, I think I've most come to enjoy writing intensity...in fighting, in tension, or in love. Action will always be a winner in my book, but I also really like writing that drills down into the details...simple conversations or interactions that allow me to explore more of the characters and the world(s) that they live in. (Yes, this is why I typically write so much LMAO)
FAVORITE THING ABOUT MY MUSE: My Clair is so much more than the angry badge-refuser who you first see in-game, and that's solely because of all the conversations, threads, and brainstorming that has happened with others since I first picked her up more than seven years ago now...she's evolved so much, and if you're reading this, THANK YOU. This community has really inspired and informed her growth over time. (I will always love building minor characters up into their own full-fledged selves, and I'm grateful that I have a supportive space to do just that. 😊)
HOW YOU LIKE TO RP: honestly? I like to establish a scene or loose plot and go from there. if things get intense, I'll make it a point to check in with my writing partner more frequently--but I love quickly landing on a dynamic and setting, and then seeing how the interaction crescendos over time! I love a quick-hitting interaction as much as I love a slow buildup, with many narrative twists and turns. I'm adaptable. 😉
(I do tend to write a lot, but that's only because I'm big on leaving my writing partners multiple threads to pull on in their own replies. I always want to leave you with enough to work with, while also letting you steer the story in your own way...that open-endedness is super important to me!)
conflict (fighting, tense/intense situations, team-ups in the face of danger...give 'em all to me!)
sprawling adventures, even if I only have the bandwidth for a few at a time OTL
small, casual conversations about deep stuff. I am always game for some character exploration.
Moments that lead to becoming friends, or closer friends! (A little romance every now and then doesn't hurt either. 💖)
as I said above, I'm always looking to push myself writing-wise--if you have an idea that you want to try, just ask!! (I promise to do the same.)
WHERE YOU GET YOUR INSPIRATION FROM: honestly? above everything, sports. I love sports. I love competition, and watching the very best clash against each other--there's no rawer tension or emotion--and the storylines it produces are unmatched. all of my muses, to some extent, are chasing after something with all their hearts, or maintaining excellence at the top of their games...they love competing, taking everything that life gives them. they have lost before, but they always get back up because they love to win.
A good book or show can also really influence me, too! I'm currently working my way through some Dimension 20 DND campaigns. (Tabletop has been a major boon to the creative me in 2024.)
FACT ABOUT YOU: I love card games (MTG, Pokemon, Yugioh) and was my local game store's 'in-store champion' in MTG for a few years. (The title didn't really mean anything but I got some pretty dope playmats and discounted product out of it, which is a win in my book!)
I also love hiking. Frolicking, some might say. It's good.
tagging: YOU stolen from: literally everyone LMAO [HEIST COMPLETE]
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glorf1ndel · 1 year
It’s time for Maglor takes! I don’t necessarily agree with all of these, but I do think they’re interesting. :P Which do you like most? And what’s your favorite Maglor interpretation?
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bumblekastclips · 1 year
KYLE CROUSE: Here's one from Playerback 772. "Who would win in a hand-to-hand fight, Surge or Zavok?"
IAN FLYNN: I'm thinkin' Surge. Not an easy fight, mind you. I mean, Zavok can go toe-to-toe with Sonic on the regular, but Sonic will win in the end if it's just the two of them. And Surge can pretty much keep pace with Sonic, so I imagine that she could overcome Zavok. KYLE: Yeah, I don't know. I say Surge, just because I like Surge better than Zavok, but... [laughs] ...I'm biased, so... IAN: Now, if Zavok knows that she's got cybernetics, he might be able to tilt things in his favor in... horrifying ways, but if it's just like, "What is that green thing and why is she cackling and coming at me at mach one-- OH GOD!" Then, yeah. She'd stomp him eventually. Wipe her feet on his face. KYLE: Yeah. IAN: She'd win in the end. KYLE: Would she be...? She's kind of been weaker than Sonic and Metal Sonic, though. Or at least, she's been defeated by them. So... is she really on their level? IAN: Yeah, she-- in principle, it's that she lacks the experience. Like, she's got the data... KYLE: Right. IAN: ...and she has been trained, but she hasn't had any practical application outside of two fights. KYLE: Right, yeah. That's a good point. IAN: Like, sure, Starline put her through lots of horrible, horrible trials, but there's that, and then there's going up against freakin' Metal Sonic. KYLE: [chuckles] IAN: Y'know, Metal Sonic, who really can only ever be topped by Sonic. That's- that's not a... [laughs] that is not the best graduation exam for her! That's goin' from zero to sixty real darn fast. KYLE: [chuckling] Or, like, zero to three hundred. IAN: Mhm. KYLE: [laughs] Yeah, wow. That's a good point. Yeah, Zavok-- I wouldn't put Zavok on that level, nah. She could take him. Screw that guy. IAN: That's not to undersell Zavok, he is a formidable fighter, but... KYLE: Sure, I suppose... I kinda like Zavok. I like, y'know, Dapper Bowser. IAN: [chuckles]
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun!
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
So some of my friends have never seen Buffy and we're watching through it. I haven’t seen it since I was a kid, so there's a lot I don't remember.
We're on season 6 right now and I'm just-- what the fuck yo???
I know the show was technically supposed to end after season 5, but still, holy hell season 6 is a nightmare. I'm mad about everything honestly but I specifically wanna call out how Spike gets treated???
Cause like. What. The. Fuck???
They call this dude for everything. Like the moment something goes down they call him to help and he comes running every time. Makes sure Dawn is safe, takes care of anyone injured and makes sure they get to safety, is the other strongest fighter, knows a shitload about the supernatural world and if not where to find it. He's generally super fucking useful, and he's usually pretty damn cool and friendly with them unless someone's a dick first.
So WHY do most of the characters treat him like hes still horrible?? He literally spent the entire last season helping them. He took a freakin torture session from a GOD and nearly got dusted to keep Dawn safe. He also helped take care of Dawn after Buffy died.
Yet most of the group act like he's only out for himself and like he's just fucking evil all the time!
I remember being pissed when he got frozen out of Joyce's funeral too. They clearly had a friendly relationship, they watched soap operas together ffs. Spike routinely got called in to protect her and Dawn and did so without hesitation. There were plenty of times he and Joyce just shot the shit because he actually genuinely liked her. And yet he's not allowed to mourn her???
I don't get how you can depend on someone so obviously but then act like they're not part of the group??
Especially since its pretty fuckin obvious when they hurt his feelings. Its not like he tries to come off as cool and unaffected, he wears his heart on his sleeve. He's actually probably one of the only characters to routinely demonstrate actual emotional intelligence and empathy.
It just... irks me to see him get treated like dirt routinely when he's been doing his best to show them he's friendly for years now.
And like "he tried to kill them" isn't really a good enough reason in this story?? Anya tried to kill them, and is an ex-demon. She's still welcomed into the group. Angel too, tbh and he did FAR more emotional damage. But like even though he's not around for long after, they still talk about him fondly and Buffy keeps in contact with him over the years. Amy tried to kill them too and she got brought back with all the over looked just fine too.
It just feels massively unfair and it pisses me off because there's not a good basis for it based on how his character changed. Even Spuffy, as much as I adore the ship, went all kinds of sideways largely due to Buffy being deadset on the idea that Spike could only be bad for her and treating him like it.
Yes, he rose to the bait and he shouldn’t have. But like. Imagine how painful its gotta be to have someone you love telling you how awful you are and how they could never truly love you because you're wrong somewhere deep in your core, and then sleeping with you anyway because you're hot therefore good enough to fuck, just not to love. That's FUCKED my dude.
It don't know what the hell their beef was with Spike but I hate it.
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dollarbin · 2 months
Dollar Bin #40:
Lucinda Williams' Running Down A Dream
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As the self-appointed Lord of The Dollar Bin I do not sing karaoke. The closest I come is bellowing out Love Shack on the bike ride to work/school with my daughter, much to her horror and amusement. Why Love Shack? I don't know. The song just floats my entire flotilla of boats.
But when it comes to karaoke, there's only one human being I would eagerly listen to rocking the mic, and that's Lucinda Williams. She's Tom Waits without artifice; she's my Dodgers as soon as Clayton Kershaw retakes the mound; she's my sainted wife with a flamethrower.
And so I've always been on the Dollar Bin watch for Running Down a Dream, Williams' Covid-era toss off Tom Petty tribute album. I've never been willing to drop $30 for it, ever. But $15 while on vacation for a three sided record, even if it's nothing more than Lucinda offering up Petty's lyrics via teleprompter while assorted young men act like The Heartbreakers? Yeah, sign me up.
At least for me, the legend of Lucinda Williams still begins with the Rolling Stone review of Car Wheels On A Gravel Road in the late 90's. Back then the magazine was a meaningful authority rather than an endless series of pop up ads for sex toys and the equally dumb Foo Fighters. And so that review introduced me to Williams as a feminist savant, a mature woman who could sing about masturbation and make it high, perfected, art.
Well, it's 26 years later and Williams no longer dwells in the perfectionist camp, refusing to put out records until they are impeccable. Gillian Welch took her place on the perfectionist throne late in the Oughts and hasn't let go yet.
Let's get into this record:
The first three songs are freakin' awesome. This is not karaoke; this is Lucinda Williams finally delivering a big deal rock and roll record.
She opens with Rebels, Petty's personal, problematic and deeply poetic rewrite of The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down. The song marks the end of Petty's mid-80's, heavy cocaine, first smashing into a wall, era; sitars, skateboarders and vampires soon took over. As such the song comes complete with allusions to "blue bellied devils" who "burned our cornfields and left our cities leveled". That would be the union soldiers who saved our country and ended slavery. So, wow, that's something to chew on.
Williams, who's obviously white and grew up in the deep South, had to have a Confederate flag airbrushed off her jacket for an early album cover. But she also preaches progressive politics in song, swears by the Velvet Underground as much as Hank Williams, and calls Trump a man without a soul. So, like Petty's song and Petty himself, she's complicated.
But singing a song like Rebels without apology and making it the lead track for an album that came out at the same time everyone worthwhile - including Williams herself - was grieving George Floyd is a bit more than complicated; its straight up knotty. Or nutty. Or both.
But meanwhile the song sounds awesome.
The album's title track follows, so we get a break from all that edgyness and take a ride with Petty, Del Shannon and Lucinda. And what a lovely drive: the track gives the hipsters in her band a chance to shred. Petty's lead guitarist, Mike Campbell, is the white man's Hendrix, sure.
But check this out.
Williams doesn't let up after that; rather she makes another brilliant decision with Gainesville, an Echoes-era outtake I never appreciated until now.
Williams owns the song; like Petty, she too grew up thinking of a place with more than a few stoplights as a "big town". It's these moments of sympathy and kinship between Lucinda and Tom I like best; later in the album Williams handles the line "be a landlord and a renter" in a manner that shows she deeply understands the later position and has no interest in the former. In doing so she understands Petty's lyric better than he did and way the hell better than I, born into late 70's SoCal privilege, ever could.
But Williams recorded three or four other tribute records all at once during the lockdown and then rushed them all out - and that entirely oppositional approach to the deliberate work she did in the 90's makes for problems during much of the rest of the album. Too often the arrangements are obvious, and therefore dull. Same thing with the song selection: You Don't Know How It Feels has always been a boring song and Williams offers it no fresh new angle. Let me get to the point Lucinda: you shoulda chosen a better song.
But the album's biggest problem is Side 4: and that's because there is no Side 4. We get a picture disc of Williams instead of any of the real deep tracks from Petty's first, pumped-up heyday. We should have Insider, with Williams performing utterly solo; we should gaze with her out the window of a 747 and see only black sky.
And we should hear American Girl delivered by one of the greatest of our American Women.
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gross-gal · 2 years
"First Kiss" a.k.a. Weeb's first Repo self ship fic
Alright, here it is. This is the first self ship fic I've done in a looong time. Don't have much to prelude soooo, hope y'all enjoy this incredibly self indulgent thing I made.
*6 months into their friendship, Repo decides he wants to show his appreciation about their relationship for Clementine/Clem (Weeb). So the two go on a friend date and he spoils them. Both are crushing hard on one another but neither are ready to say how they feel. 
*This takes place after the date and they’ve returned back to the Scrapyard. Clem wants to say her thanks.
**Clementine is a placeholder name cuz I’m not calling my sona Weeb here lmao. ALSO I use multiple pronouns to address them (she/they/he)!!
“Noooo shut up. Let me be nice now..”
Repo knew he wasn’t going to win against Clementine’s kind and stubborn heart. They always had to make it known their appreciation for the ones they loved, even if it wasn’t called for, she was just sappy like that. Which overtime, Repo had grown to adore.
“It’s really lucky that we got to meet like this. I kinda just asked you for a job on impulse, that wasn’t something I normally do…but I’m really glad I did. I know you don’t see it but you’re a pretty sweet guy deep down, the bestest friend I could ask for haha…so thank you for today, not just cause it was fun but it means a lot that you went out of your way for…uh…meeee…”
She dragged on the last word for a second or so. The awkwardness from being so vulnerable already getting to her. 
Repo smiled warmly.
“Heh! Yer such a jokester most of the time, I always forget yer so sentimental Hahaa!”
“Whatever, I can’t exactly compete with your gifts, I wanna show my thanks somehow, you know?”
His comment only fanned her embarrassment. She was kinda regretting saying what she did but chose not to linger on that thought.
Truth is, Repo said that only to distract from his flustered state. 
Not wanting to make her feel bad, he swallowed his pride and responded after clearing his throat.
“Ehhh well…anyways I should be the one thanking youse. Yer also the bestest friend I got…one of the only ones.”
He took a second to think on what he wanted to say. Looking off to the city and focusing on the skyscrapers from afar.
‘Damn…how does she do it so freakin’ eloquently??’ He thought to himself.
“I ain’t too good with the words, kid. Not even my gifts can compare with yer bleedin’ heart. But I care about ya and youse been a real nice thing in my life. So thank ya, again.”
When he turned his head back to them they had a dopey grin forming on their face.
“YOU’RE SUUUUCH A GOOOOOD FRIEND!!!” She blurted, mockingly.
She narrowly avoided the lunge he prepared. Looks like he was aiming to put them into a headlock.
Clem could dodge well enough but they could never hope to match Repo’s swift athleticism. 
He tackled them to the ground and their bodies came crashing to the dirt together. Repo quickly sitting on their back before they could worm away, he twisted their arm back, though not nearly enough to seriously hurt them. Wrestling was a thing they were used to and enjoyed.
“Ah right, take it back!”
“Heheh, dis the thanks I get fer bein’ so charitable?” Repo chuckled at the predicament they brought on themselves. 
Sincere, kind, a joker, fighter (sorta)… those were a few of the traits he saw and admired from them. 
“OKAY!! I’m done, my back is hurting…pbbt!” Clementine tried turning their head to face him but just ended up catching their large hair to the face.
And good hair…he liked that too.
An exasperated sigh blew out their mouth once Repo got off them. Though he was fairly lean, he still had some weight thanks to his abdomen, which did a number on their back after the tussle.
“Ya been werkin’ for me fer 6 whole months, how the hell do ya still got no muscle or anythin’?”
“Heh…genetics?” She joked.
“Pfft- yeah right. Lazy ass.”
“I’m an artist~ I don’t have to worry about muscles. I need to conserve all my energy for my drawing, you know that!” He proudly emphasized this by raising his chin.
“Oh yeah, I getcha…better go easy on ya so youse can still finish dat logo thingy I asked ya for!”
“Hmmm, how long ago was it I asked ya to do that?” His elbow lightly nudged her shoulder.
“…yeah okay…” Clem begrudgingly muttered.
It was a jab but he didn’t really mind all that much she neglected it. He just liked having a hand in keeping her artistically motivated…though it would be nice if they actually got around to it…
The smoother part of his claw then moved to rest on their head and he tussled their hair. This was his way of saying “you’re okay” Without actually having to. He’d done it a few times before but neither of them ever really got used to it. 
It never failed to make Clementine smile.
Repo wasn’t a particularly emotionally vulnerable person, she picked up on that after sometime. And he especially wasn't the physically affectionate type, that was reserved for his cats and on certain occasions like today, only for Clementine.
That alone was enough. 
She was content on her assumedly one-sided crush. Though it brought an ache to her heart, knowing that these feelings she had would never be reciprocated, she still was able to make him happy and was allowed to share intimate moments such as these with him. Those brief, warm moments, they’d treasure.
About an hour had passed, they spent that time mindlessly chatting until Mrs. Nubbins hungry mewls put their conversation to a halt.
“Oh it’s that time already?”
“Never a dull moment around ‘ere…PAPA’S COMIN’ MY SWEETY PIE!!”
Had this been months ago, she would’ve made a joke at his sudden cutesy-ness. But Repo is incredibly unabashed about his love for Mrs. Nubbins, so that wore off long ago. And now to her, it was actually rather cute. Which they sorta hated to admit.
“Ah uh…guess dat means youse should be leavin’?” His voice lowered, saddened.
“Nah, I’ll stick around and help you with Mrs. Nubbins at least.”
His antennas perked up…
“After all, I AM her favorite~” 
And then laid flat…
“Watch yer mouth, kid.” 
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She was careful to keep her snickering to herself. This was a satisfying little victory.
Repo went onto share stories about his bond with Mrs. Nubbins till they arrived at her cave of junk. 
It was a lot easier feeding her now with Clem here. She still wasn’t used to mutants and certainly not Repo, perhaps had something to do with the new instincts she had. But humans were alright to her and she grew a liking to Clem.
This was another thing Repo was thankful for but he’d never admit that. 
After finishing up with Nubbins’ dinner, Repo escorted Weeb out the yard.
He didn’t really say much during the walk. But his mind was racing with a thousand thoughts per minute. Mainly thinking on what more he could’ve done to make today special, was it really enough? Wishing he could’ve said more about his gratitude, was he too mean? Was he open enough?
‘No…don’t think it…’ But it was too late.
Today would’ve been perfect to tell them how you feel.
‘Keep dreamin’ jackass…he just considers ya a friend.’
Why did he have to get caught up in his feelings now of all times? All these emotions made him feel like a stupid, confused, lovey kid. 
“You okay?” Her concern pierced through his mind.
His head shot up, checking their surroundings. They’d already reach the gate. 
“Yeah! Just thinkin’ ‘bout what I’ll have to eat later.” 
Despite having eaten already earlier, they chose not to inquire about his appetite. 
“Alright…get some rest soon though, okay? I promise I’ll make it up to you when I can!!”
“Oh ya don’t gotta haha…” 
“I wanna though! And I’ll make sure it’s reeeeal special!” 
“Whatever ya say, kid.” There was no point in fighting him, not like he would bother any further, any chance they’d give to see him, he’d take it. 
They made him feel so cared for. It was too hard to keep himself from smiling, his cheeks were hurting a bit too.
In fact he felt so giddy, he couldn’t stop himself from pulling them into a hug.
‘What...?’ Was all Clementine could think at this sudden contact.
She couldn’t remember the last time, if he’d ever done this.
Their hearts were pounding, as if they wanted to burst from the walls that were their chests and embrace one another even further. This was all too much. 
What was going to happen when they pulled away?
It was less than a minute that this actually went on for. Eventually they would have to pull away and it had to be soon so neither seemed suspicious.
Repo was the first.
For a few seconds, Clem’s brain stopped processing and seemed to black out whatever had happened in those instances.
Why had the air gotten so tight? It seemed perfectly fine just a moment ago.
The face Repo was making was nothing they’d seen before. It was…bewilderment? Shock? Fear?? And why had their faces felt warm?
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‘And my lips…?’ Though it was only barely, they’d also had been puckered. 
Oh shit.
“OKAY SEE YA BYE!!!!!” Clem blurted before their brain could fully put the pieces together. But they knew enough that whatever had happened, it wasn’t typical.
Repo was stunned and face flushed. 
None of it really made sense to Clem as they focused on running to the suddenly arriving bus. They showed their pass and collapsed into the seat towards the side exit. 
Now it was all coming together.
Oh god…
She kissed him. On instinct. As if he was a loved one. A significant other. She, carelessly, had kissed his cheek. 
They gave a loving goodbye kiss to her crush/best friend. 
Repo proceeded to spend the evening yelling into his pillow.
He was 25% embarrassed this socially awkward nerd put the moves on him first, and the other 75% elated.
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
bakugou headcanons?? 🧡💥
Bakugou Headcanons
And a mean one at that! Heaven help the person who gets on his bad side, because once the tickle monster comes out there's no going back!
Deku and Kirishima are the most frequent ones to feel his tickling wrath, of course. (And Todoroki when they're dating, because I ship TodoBaku.)
He goes for the worst spot first with no hesitation at all and then stays there and/or keeps coming back to it. His goal is to completely dominate and he's good at it. Deku and Kirishima (and Todoroki) enjoy it for a little bit, but eventually their stamina will run out fast and that's exactly what Bakugou wants.
He's also a merciless teaser. Whatever teasing style works best, he'll find it and use it until his lee is a complete, begging mess.
Overall, a ruthless tickle dragon if he's provoked!
BUT I can also see him being a gentler tickler when the situation calls for it; if his lee is sad or just generally needing softer attention he can do that, too, though he'll still focus on the worst spots because he's Bakugou.
He'll also throw in tickly nibbles and bites and kisses if it's someone he likes.
Bakugou isn't great at aftercare, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. His goal is to wreck his lee, and once he's done that he's content to walk away. It doesn't mean he's uncaring; he just doesn't realize 95% of the time that he maybe should stick around to make sure his lee is okay, at the very least.
On the rare occasion where he is the lee, he is a FIGHTER. I freakin love fics where he's literally kicking and screaming and cursing out his ler until he simply can't help but give in and laugh and actually say the word "please" because that is 100% how I see him reacting to being tickled.
If it's someone he likes he might let it slide a little longer than usual, but eventually he'll have enough and his bad mouth will start up again.
His laugh is loud and explosive, just like him! Honestly the laughing OVA was food for the soul because oh god, that laugh is perfect. <3
The only reason he doesn't blast his way out of those situations is because half the time when he's being tickled his brain is too overwhelmed to remember he can do that, or when he does remember it's hard for him to focus because he's being tickled.
When it's over he usually prefers to just move on; he hates being taken care of unless it's someone he's close to and/or likes. This doesn't mean he wants to be left alone! He prefers his ler to stay and talk for a little bit at least, just to have somewhere to pick up conversation later.
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mod-kyoko · 2 years
Sakura,Nekomaru,Mikan,and Kirumi with and S/O that’s the ultimate MMA fighter
bro i don't even know how long it's been since you sent this ask because i've been on a long ass hiatus but i'm going against everything in me that is telling me not to answer it because it's been too long but i wanna freakin write. anyway sorry for not getting to it sooner, friend.
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sakura, nekomaru, mikan, and kirumi x ultimate mma fighter!g/n!reader
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the absolute best thing sakura could have in a relationship is a sparring partner
every single person she has sparred with in her career has left her dissatisfied, she barely ever broke a sweat
but with you, she has finally found someone who will give her a run for her money
sometimes, not always, but sometimes, she'll get distracted while you're sparring because she's in too much awe, but she'll quickly regain her composure
when you're done fighting, she will grab a couple of towels and start wiping you down softly, taking her sweet time caressing you, putting all her love into a simple service
all of the pride she has gained from winning matches, all of that pride combined, does not compare to the pride she feels standing next to you, and being able to call you her partner
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you already know nekomaru is the type to never shut up about his passions, and that includes you
constantly goes around saying things like
"you know, you guys should be more like y/n"
always thinking and talking about you
like sakura, he's never met a sparring partner that engaged him this much
spends all his time trying to convince you to spar with him
and he's always laughing this guttural, booming laugh during it
you know how convenient it is to be in a relationship with the ultimate team manager?
you were already recognized as the ultimate mma fighter, but now with him, you were able to get noticed more than ever before
you were fighting people from all around the world, it was televised, you were even making hella bank from it too
nekomaru also acted as your personal body guard. not that you needed that, but he was so proud to just get to stand next to such a successful and beautiful person
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as much as mikan absolutely adores you and your muscles, she would be far from the sidelines at your matches
she can't do crowds, or loud noises
she'd watch your televised matches from home, with the volume turned so low she could barely hear it
her way of supporting is wearing your clothes (that are way too big for her) and screaming at the TV
though, watching you fight people scares her more than anything
every time someone throws a punch or kick at you, she squeals and covers her eyes
by the time the match is over, she's usually in tears, but most of the time they are tears of relief that you didn't get beat up
when you get home, you'll find her with war paint under her eyes, clutching a pillow to her chest wearing an oversized shirt with your name on it
she'll jump off the couch and run over to you with the reddest little face
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just imagine this dainty little thing perched up on your shoulder
kirumi always thought that her whole life would be spent dedicating herself to some rich hotshot of authority, but when she found you, you made her feel girly
girly is something she never really felt
she had to grow up fast and act classy and mature around her clients so she could keep her job and title as ultimate maid
so being with you, being with a person so strong, makes her feel like a girl
she's a pretty quiet person, but she'll always show up and cheer for you at your matches
she's really good at anything crafty, so expect her to show up with the most well-made poster with your name on it to show off
and, honestly, she finds out that she really likes the scene
she's mingling with your other fans, throwing her arm around people's shoulders, really getting out of her comfort zone
because of you, she's been able to drop her facade as an uptight maid whose only love is serving others
it feels so good to write again
i love writing for less common characters like kirumi and nekomaru, those two are seldom requested so i'm super happy!!
-mod kyoko revamped
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vanweezer · 11 months
tagged by @longtimelie - 13 songs that have been on my mind recently and some blurbs because i love 2 run my dang mouth
black - pearl jam ; one of those songs where i know if i listen to it i gotta have a good cry. just a nice long cry. because holy fuck
all out life - slipknot ; i have mostly been thinking about this one because im learning it on bass by ear and it is so DIFFICULT to hear the bass on that track ....vman if you are out there tell these nerds to turn you up i am suffering out here. plz youre my only hope
r/pe me - nirvana ; naughty title i know but it is one of my favorite nirvana songs and i can't Not put it on repeat every now and then and i can't Not stare at a wall for 8 hours afterwards its about the routine of things
lies - korn ; ngl the main reason i think about this song as much as i do is because i wanna learn how to do the vocal work in this sooo bad SOOO bad i have a pretty good foundation for this typa screamin (i just be making noises that is me i am the noise maker) but i wanna get BETTER at it so i can DO THIS because WHAT THE FUCK!!!!
tornado of souls - megadeth ; other than the fact that i think dave mustaine is probably the cuntiest old man alive? no words. literal party song. good times all around
nothing else matters - metallica ; this was one of my first metallica songs i listened to back in middle school and for some reason for Some Reason it has found its way back to me in small bursts...could be me finding familiarity with it as i learn more about the band but oughh mygod!!!!!!nothing else matters!!!!
new slang - the shins ; early signs of my scrubs rewatching relapse is when i got this thing blasting ... there's no hope for me after that you just gotta understand
given up - linkin park ; watchin video clips of this song being done live has severed my jaw from my skull and permanently stapled it to the floor theres no fucking way no fucking WAY it can sound that good. houly shide
what love? - idkhow ; always gotta show love for what love like honestly? if we're talking instant pick me up songs? songs that fuck silly nasty crazy for no reason? instant bump instant replay all day every freakin day. the music video was so beautiful and the wait was so WORTH IT in this house we love what love
for all the cows - foo fighters ; for SOME reason i always find myself stimming along to this song or humming it or tapping it during work it's just s'darn catchy...whole album is s'darn catchy! what gives!!!!!!!!
good god - korn ; this is quite literally me every single day at work i am not even kidding not even in the slightest. probably not the best for my hearing that i have been rotating this album in my mind for a good two and a halfish months but yeah. crazy how they wrote a whole song about me at work
liberate - slipknot ; this song makes me feel a certain way 🚶 a quite silly and rambunctious typa way
darkness - rage against the machine ; it's the curse of the crow soundtrack i fear. aka one of the greatest movie soundtracks of all time. to me. can't imagine a world where i would ever skip this beauty and i will not ever BE part of a world where i ever skip this song as it comes on. no way no how
tagging @half-doomed & @sinclarsupremacy
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apricuscity · 11 months
Olympus Tournament Update!
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"This announcement was brought to you by Paradise Entertainment, and their senior partners."
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notmuchtoconceal · 2 months
Nobody move, see? This is kind of a hold-up! We are insane criminals!
I'm the Viceroy! [ ]
I'm Flying Sidekick! And these are my magic nunchucks! [ ]
And I'm Enrico Matassa! Latin Playboy and Insane Egomaniac! My name means Hank Hank! And I'm also using a hank of yarn as a weapon! Also... this is a huge Hankie!
01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100001 00100000 01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100001 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01101111 01100010 01101110 01101111 01111000 01101001 01101111 01110101 01110011 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101101 01101111 01110011 01100101 01111000 01110101 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110011 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01100010 01101111 01111001 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100011 01101011 00100001 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100001 01101100 01101100 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100011 01101011 00100001 00100000 01001111 01101000 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01000111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01111001 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01101110 01101111 01111001 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100001
And that's our Crime Robot that we named Crimerobot!
We programmed him to think only about crime! He's obsessed with it! Now... drop to the ground, or something?
Again, we are insane criminals!
Hey! a-Don't Hank me around, copper!
I see ... Two Ladies. Hanked side-by-side. Between them, is me. Enrico Matassa. They are fighting over the affections of Enrico Matassa, I think. But this one on the left? She is the husband. He is not Hank at all! He is so un-Hank, that he wants to fight Enrico Matassa! But Enrico Matassa ... is very Hank. He is double Hank!
[[[ ]]]
Penthouse, per favore. Andiamo.
Daddy, what's going on?
Go back to your room, tadpole. Daddy'll handle this.
{ }
Slippery lil son of a bitch, ain't ya Morpho? I don't know how you got past my boys, but you're swimming with the big fish now!
Show yourself.
((( )))
Who the hell are you?
Allow me to indtroduce-a myself. My llamo Matassa. Enrico Matassa.
Never heard of you. So what is this? New guy in town tryin to make his rep by takin out the alpha whale?
More like a... audition. You see how easy Enrico Matassa take out-a your best men? Well that is just a taste of Enrico Matassa's many-a talents. Per favore, Don Wide Whale! Enrico Matassa wants to come work... for you.
Now I want you to understand what you're gettin into, youngblood. Joining the crew, it's like uh... like a sacred covenent, huh? You walk through this door, there's no turnin back.
Uh... are you gonna baptize me?
Somethin like that
Relax, Matassa. You want in this family, you gotta do one thing for me first... kill this asshole.
Pretty poetic, huh?
W-What? You dressed up the Venture kid like a gigolo to kill me?
I dressed-a myself like a gigolo, sir!
Oh, super poetic. Yeah, you're Lord Bryon. You won't do it.
Don't listen to him, Enrico. Just pull the trigger, and you're family! You'll marry my daughter! You'll live in a freakin magic petting zoo or some shit! Well, whatever. Just kill him, son!
Enrico! Don't do it!
Viceroy! You're... you're out of-a ze Dunwich?
That's my back-up. He's only... 15 hours late.
What are you doing, this isn't Hank of you! Enrico Matassa is a lover, not a fighter!
You speak-a the truth. Your words are-a veeeery Hank-a, my friend.
Just down that hall is the woman you love! Give me the gun, Enrico!
Does she... crave Enrico? Want Enrico? Burn for Enrico? Yearn for--
Oh, stop already!
What is Hank doing here?
I... I don't remember?
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correctrvbquotes · 3 months
Fade in to the Blues plotting their valiant assault
Chunchbite: Blargh blargh blargh, blargh.
Andy: Then after we cross the Burning Plains of Honka Hill, we're gonna reach the Freezing Plains of Blarganthia.
Caboose: The Burning Plains are next to the Freezing Plains? I bet there's some pretty wet plains in between.
Tucker: This is so dumb, I'm not doing this.
Church: Hey, news flash, you don't have a choice. You're the one that picked up the sword and locked it to yourself!
Tucker: I know! And I'm so used to picking up things, and not letting them get attached. ...I'm talkin' about women.
Church: I know, yes, I got it.
Tex: Don't worry Tucker, we're not gonna send you alone.
Tucker: You're coming with me Tex?
Tex: Me? Hell no! This is the first thing you wimps have done that actually sounds dangerous.
Tucker: Well I'm not goin' with Church! That guy's a worse fighter than I am.
Church: Well you're in luck then, because I'm not goin' either.
Tucker: What? Then who?
Caboose: ...
Tucker: No fuckin' way. I'm not goin' with him.
Caboose: Oh, oh, oh, I hope we meet a Cleric along the way. None of us knows how to heal.
Alien: Blarhun?
Andy: He says he's a healer.
Caboose: Oh good.
Andy: Heh heh, not really, they eat their wounded. Heh heh heh.
Caboose: Just like chiropractors.
Tucker: This is a joke, right? You're sending Caboose? What's wrong with you?
Church: What's wrong with me? I saw a chance to get rid of Caboose and I took it. There's nothin' wrong with me.
Caboose: Okay, so, um, Tucker is a fighter, uh, Crunchbite is the healer, and, I am the powerful... and intelligent, wizard. Morphumax.
Andy: What the hell does that make me?
Caboose: You're the good looking and stealthy archer.
Andy: A bow and arrow? I don't have any arms, you freakin' moron!
Caboose: That is what makes you so stealthy. This is going to be the best party ever.
Tucker: I'm gonna fuckin' die.
Church: Yeah, I guess this is it, Tucker. Nice knowin' ya.
Tucker: Hoh, you better hope that I don't die, 'cause if I do, you're the one taking care of my kids.
Church: You have kids?
Tucker: Heheh, probably!
0 notes
sshbpodcast · 1 year
Top 3 Star Trek Voyager alien races
By Ames
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Now that we’re almost back in the Alpha Quadrant, we at A Star to Steer Her By have got a little time to reflect back on our time in the Delta Quadrant. As we saw in our two recent posts, we made a lot of really fascinating friends and really diabolical enemies, but possibly the most refreshing thing about being so far from the familiar faces of home is just how many unfamiliar faces we get to meet! Truly, the aliens we meet 70,000 light years from home are simultaneously wildly varied and also bear the same resemblances to the kinds of people that are truly universal, in every respect of the word.
And sure, the show goes out of its way to introduce some of the staple alien races we know from the other shows, sometimes in more contrived ways than others. But in my humble opinion, it’s when we meet these unique races that are like nothing else that the show really shines. So let’s whip out our First Contact handbook, try not to break the Prime Directive too much, and meet our favorite alien races from Voyager as you scroll on below or listen to this week’s triple-header episode (discussion starts at 1:22:56). Live long and prosper!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
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Jake – More than meets the eye
Species 8472
These three alien races prove to be more than they seem, as Jake tends to spotlight characters who surprise you with their hidden depths. The Vidiians may be pushed to forcible organ harvesting to survive, but they become fascinating when you see that not all of them are ruthless. Everything about Species 8472 is cool: they live in fluidic space, their bio-ships take out Borg cubes, AND they adapt enough to disguise themselves as Starfleet! Finally, the Voth are freakin’ dinosaurs! What’s not to love about that Galileo allegory story? Rawr!
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Caitlin – Best friends forever!
It may have taken a while, but even Caitlin’s heart was melted by the hardy people of Talax, most notably their Starfleet ambassador who won us over through his consistent writing, never-ending kindness, and character growth throughout the seasons. Another familiar face came in the Ocampans, whose contrast between their short lives and potential for supernatural powers made them phenoms (when the writers remembered). And while they never made it to the point of allies, we still enjoyed seeing the variety of Hirogens we met, especially J.G. Hertzler’s Tsunkatse fighter! 
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Ames – Pour one out for…
Silver Blood Duplicates
My three picks all make you empathize with them because Voyager shows you such a multifaceted and complete picture of their society. Like Jake, I’m shining some spotlight on our Phage-riddled friends whose actions you can’t help but be both sympathetic for and horrified by. I’ll also always put Borg on my list evidently because every new thing we learn about their nature has me transfixed. And the doppel-crew from “Course: Oblivion” create such an effective story and such an original take on an alien race that I just had to include them.
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Chris – There’s a little rebel in you
Something I’ve noticed about Chris’s favorites is he always loves it when the little guy fights back. We see so many sides of the Borg and yet we are always engaged by them, especially when it becomes a theme that humanity can be brought back to those who resist. It was also easy to side with the Takarians from “False Profits” because they were so quick to immolate the Ferengi (who can blame them?). And here’s a little more love for the Vidiians, especially Danara Pel who proves there can still be humanity underneath a monster face.
— Say good-bye to some of our favorites as we leave them in the dust in the Delta Quadrant where they’ll be no tribble at all. We’ve only got one more episode of Voyager left in our watch-through over on the podcast, so don’t miss our final thoughts over on SoundCloud or wherever you listen and follow along here on the blog for our series wrap! Come in for a landing with us on Facebook and Twitter, and keep an eye on your organs. There may be Vidiians about.
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