#best free hr software
universalinfo · 1 year
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artifyqatar360 · 5 days
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Highly Rated HR Software in UAE
Discover a comprehensive HR software list featuring options for startups in the UAE. From free solutions to advanced features, find the perfect fit for your business needs.
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uae-artify · 3 months
Make Excellent Breakthrough in HR & Payroll Software Dubai
The ideal support that HR and payroll software Dubai offers to the business community and HR domains is beyond measure. It is a constantly evolving and dynamic domain that creates significant value for total HR management solutions. The absolute best of payroll solutions and functions are covered in such modern systems with an exclusive craft model.
Features of HR and Payroll Software Dubai
The most amazing thing about implementing a core HR platform is the business possibilities and operations intelligence it offers. Consider any HR management software Dubai, and they will be working on these models.
Global applicationIt is an ideal option to take care of global HR operations with the integral support of classic payroll management systems. You can access the system from any place and do any work with the capable assistance of SME HR software or cloud-based models.
Decision-making supportCritical decision-making is very relevant for new-age HR domains and operations systems. It is better to seek support from the dedicated HR channels and portals to achieve this objective in a complete sense.
Core business informationData and information under core business processes and domains can be easily integrated and analyzed using payroll systems. These insights will be huge in an operations model that is run by any premium HR application software.
Better operations performanceA clearly defined operational performance is the best option to boost your organization’s profile in competing marketplace conditions. Apart from market positioning, it also aids in business productivity in terms of the organization.
Increase in productivityAs we just mentioned, the factor of productivity is a sincere option to boost HR management techniques. Cloud based HR software is the optimum option to proceed in businesses aiming to reach maximum productivity.
Dedicated automation supportAutomation techniques are boosted and managed by the essential measures of tactical support offered at maximum capacity. Dedicated, one-stop solutions that fully fit the model should be generated in this regard.
The fact about HR and payroll software Dubai covers the significant aspect of customization strategies according to the workflow management of each industrial domain. No tool or platform in software format can work at its optimum levels by leaving out the core customization part.
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todaynewsonline · 4 months
HR Software Info
Human Resource (HR) software has become an indispensable tool for modern organizations, revolutionizing the way businesses manage their workforce. From recruitment to retirement, HR software streamlines processes, enhances efficiency, and improves employee satisfaction. This article explores the key features, benefits, and considerations of HR software. Features: Recruitment and Applicant…
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greythrsoftware · 8 months
Introducing the greytHR-Tally JV Integration: One-Click Payroll JV Posting to Tally
greytHR-Tally JV Integration
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Tally is India’s most popular accounting and ERP software and powers most businesses. And greytHR is India’s most popular HRMS, payroll and workforce management software on the cloud.
You already knew this, but here’s the good news. We are delighted to announce a seamless integration between greytHR and Tally for automatically posting various payroll journal vouchers (JV) every month!
The greytHR-Tally JV Integration brings you a bunch of benefits:
Enjoy one-click payroll JV entry after an easy, one-time setup
Save several hours on payroll JV entry each month
Minimize manual errors by eliminating spreadsheets and ad-hoc communication
Enjoy 100% security against data leaks with direct posting from greytHR to Tally
How Does It Work?
Without this integration, the payroll team needs to generate the payroll JV report from greytHR, then pass it on to the accounts team. The latter, in turn, manually enters this data into Tally. This process quickly gets complex and manual entry increases multi-fold, especially in larger organizations with a number of payroll components/cost centers.
Now, the greytHR-Tally JV Integration automates this process. Using the greytHR add-on for Tally, with a single click, you fetch the payroll JV from greytHR and post it to Tally, as shown above. It’s as simple as that.
Let’s Get Started!
If you’re a greytHR customer, simply raise a support ticket to enable this feature for your organization.
Check out our How-To Video and FAQ Section to explore this integration further.
Not a greytHR user? Discover how 20,000+ businesses are elevating their HR game with greytHR — book a free demo now.
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friendhrm · 10 months
What Is the Distinction Between Metrics and SLAs in ServiceNow?
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When it comes to efficient service management, understanding the distinction between metrics and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is vital. In the realm of ServiceNow, a prominent cloud-based platform, comprehending this difference can greatly enhance your service delivery strategies. In this blog, we will delve into the dissimilarity between metrics and SLAs within the context of ServiceNow. Additionally, we will highlight the significance of engaging a ServiceNow development company, particularly in India, and the benefits of hiring skilled ServiceNow developers for your business needs.
Metrics and SLAs, although related, serve different purposes in the realm of service management. Metrics refer to quantitative measurements that track the performance and quality of services. These measurements provide a numerical representation of various aspects of service delivery, such as response times, resolution intervals, and more. Metrics offer insights into how well services are being executed, enabling organizations to identify areas for improvement.
On the other hand, SLAs are specific agreements or commitments made between service providers and their customers. SLAs define the expected level of service that will be delivered within a certain timeframe. They encompass various performance metrics and outline the consequences if these commitments are not met. SLAs provide a clear framework for service expectations and allow organizations to ensure that their services align with customer needs.
In the context of ServiceNow, a ServiceNow development company plays a pivotal role. Such companies specialize in tailoring the platform to your organization's unique requirements. Whether it's configuring SLAs, customizing metrics, or creating specialized applications, these companies possess the expertise to optimize your ServiceNow environment according to your business needs.
Engaging a ServiceNow development company in India offers distinct advantages. India has emerged as a global hub for IT outsourcing, housing a vast pool of skilled developers. Collaborating with a ServiceNow development company in India ensures cost-effectiveness without compromising quality. The depth of talent available in India ensures that you can find developers well-versed in ServiceNow Development, capable of delivering top-tier solutions.
For a truly optimized ServiceNow experience, hiring skilled ServiceNow developers is highly recommended. These experts possess in-depth knowledge of ServiceNow's capabilities and intricacies. They can fine-tune metrics and SLAs to align precisely with your business processes, resulting in more accurate performance measurement and enhanced service delivery. Whether it's optimizing existing features, developing custom solutions, or ensuring seamless integrations, ServiceNow developers bring a wealth of expertise to the table.
In conclusion, understanding the difference between metrics and SLAs is essential for effective service management in the context of ServiceNow. Metrics provide quantitative insights into service performance, while SLAs outline specific commitments and expectations. Partnering with a ServiceNow development company, especially in India, adds a strategic advantage to your ServiceNow implementation. Hiring skilled ServiceNow developers elevates your ability to configure metrics and SLAs to your advantage, leading to improved service delivery and customer satisfaction.
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artify360kuwait · 1 year
Experience Seamless Travel and Expense Management with Artify 360 HRMS Software in Kuwait
Simplify your travel and expense management in Kuwait with Artify 360 HRMS software. Our solution offers a range of features, including payroll management and time tracking, that can help you streamline your operations and improve productivity. Travel and Expense Management with Artify 360 HRMS Software in Kuwait
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artify · 2 years
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friendhrmsblog · 2 years
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You’re a small business owner in Malaysia. You spend waaay too much time every month hiring candidates, running payroll and managing employee performance – time that could rather be spent doing something more productive for your organization.
Frustrated and disappointed, you turn to the ever-reliable Google for help – “Best free HR Software in Malaysia" – only to be greeted with HR software solution company  friendhrm praising their own systems, proclaiming to be the “Best in the Industry” without even a shred of proof.
Up until now, that is.
 Malaysian HR managers like yourselves deserve better, proper HR software comparison.
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exeggcute · 2 years
dont feel obligated to post this but you asked on that one post why people accuse staff of being terfs and i dont wanna clog anyone's notifications so im sending an ask kjhgfdsgsgd sorry again feel free to ignore.
there was a situation where some popular blog made an accusatory post about a known member of staff openly having a case of Hogwarts House In Bio on their personal blog and it got hard deleted from the site for "encouraging violence towards staff." nobody could reblog it, the blog responsible for the post was terminated for violating tos, all physical evidence of the post existing (besides screenshots) isn't there anymore, etc. the post was kind of "mean" but in a way that was pretty typical for tumblr so staff's actions are widely considered an overreaction and/or indicator of sympathy for the transphobic population of the site.
okay I do remember when some marketing staffer was "ousted" as a hardcore harry potter fan (which like, to be fair, is reasonably tactless behavior at best and a sign of blatant transphobia at worst... although if there's one thing corporate marketing normies love it's harry potter so my money is on the former here) but this is preeeeetty flimsy evidence imo. like we all know how people on this website are. three days ago people were on the verge of doxxing me because I spent eight whole dollars wrong lol.
I have not read the entire tumblr terms of service because I read enough stupid technical jargon as it is but I am guessing there's some kind of specific clause in there that you can't be a dick to their employees, and even if there isn't I can 100% imagine why they'd delete a post that was directing negative (and/or potentially baseless) ire at an employee. I am also not an HR professional (thank god) but there's probably also something at play where you have to provide employees a safe working environment and that also includes an environment where twenty-somethings in your inbox aren't telling you to kill yourself or whatever.
like, I could totally be wrong! I know this is mostly speculation on my part, but it sounds like the evidence in favor of "tumblr is run by terfs" is also mostly speculation and we're sorta just getting into occam's razor territory here. if the evidence of a vast transphobic conspiracy is that tumblr shut down people who were being mean to an employee about liking what is (regrettably) one of the biggest media franchises in the world but not otherwise being overtly transphobic, my money is on boring corporate bullshit ever time. I can't imagine it even occurred to the people making these decisions that it was gonna come across badly; like, truthfully, I just don't think your average software company employee is tapped into the broader pop culture "guess which famous children's novelist was posting transphobic rants on twitter again" apparatus, let alone the microclimate of this website. the HR team at my work is mostly Extremely Extremely Offline (and very nice) middle-aged women and one slightly thotty gay dude from new jersey.
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artifyqatar360 · 7 days
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Leading HR and Payroll Software UAE
Explore a comprehensive HR software list for UAE businesses, including top HR software options for payroll and attendance management. Optimize your HR processes effortlessly.
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hr-tips · 1 year
Maximizing HR Productivity: Strategies and Best Practices
Maximizing HR Productivity: Strategies and Best Practices
In today's fast-paced business environment, maximizing HR productivity has become crucial for organizations to stay competitive and achieve their goals. Human Resources (HR) departments play a vital role in managing and developing a company's workforce, and optimizing their productivity can lead to improved employee engagement, higher retention rates, and overall organizational success. This article explores various strategies and best practices that can help organizations maximize HR productivity, with a focus on utilizing PiHR software as an example.
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The Importance of HR Productivity
Effective HR management is critical for organizations to attract, develop, and retain top talent. Maximizing HR productivity enables businesses to align their workforce with strategic goals, enhance employee engagement, and create a positive work environment. By optimizing HR processes and leveraging technology, organizations can streamline operations and focus more on strategic initiatives.
Streamlining Recruitment and Hiring Processes
Efficient recruitment and hiring processes are fundamental to HR productivity. By leveraging tools like PiHR software, organizations can automate job posting, resume screening, and applicant tracking, reducing manual effort and improving efficiency. Creating standardized interview processes, implementing pre-employment assessments, and conducting background checks can help identify the best-fit candidates and streamline the hiring process.
Enhancing Employee Onboarding and Training
Effective onboarding and training programs contribute to employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity. Utilizing PiHR software, HR departments can develop personalized onboarding plans, automate paperwork, and provide access to training materials. Incorporating interactive elements, mentorship programs, and regular feedback sessions during onboarding can accelerate the integration of new employees into the organization.
Implementing Performance Management Systems
Implementing robust performance management systems helps organizations align employee goals with business objectives, foster a culture of continuous improvement, and recognize and reward high performers. PiHR software offers features which are: Attendance Management Software,  Shift Management Employee, Leave Application, Payroll Software, Tax Management,   Expense Management,   Employee Management Tool,  Employee Tracking, Task Management, Digital Notice Board, Notifications, and Security. 
Developing Effective Employee Communication Channels
Open and transparent communication is essential for building trust, fostering collaboration, and ensuring employee satisfaction. HR departments can leverage PiHR software to create communication channels that facilitate real-time information sharing, feedback collection, and employee engagement. Integrating chat platforms, employee self-service portals, and internal social networks can enhance communication and create a sense of belonging within the organization.
Automating HR Administrative Tasks
HR professionals often spend a significant amount of time on administrative tasks, which can hinder their ability to focus on strategic initiatives. By automating routine HR processes using PiHR software, such as employee data management, leave and attendance tracking, and payroll processing, HR departments can reduce manual effort, minimize errors, and free up time for more value-added activities.
Leveraging Data Analytics and Reporting
Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly important in HR management. PiHR software offers robust analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing HR professionals to gain insights into workforce trends, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions. Analyzing data related to employee performance, engagement, and turnover can provide valuable insights for developing targeted strategies to maximize HR productivity.
Ensuring Compliance with HR Regulations
Compliance with HR regulations is crucial to avoid legal issues and maintain a fair and inclusive work environment. PiHR software can help HR departments stay updated on changing regulations, automate compliance processes, and generate accurate reports. By ensuring compliance with labor laws, data privacy regulations, and diversity and inclusion requirements, organizations can minimize legal risks and create a positive employer brand.
Emphasizing Continuous Learning and Development
Investing in employee learning and development is a strategic approach to maximize HR productivity. HR departments can leverage PiHR software to create personalized learning paths, offer online training modules, and track employees' progress. By encouraging continuous learning, organizations can enhance employee skills, increase job satisfaction, and foster a culture of innovation and growth.
Promoting Work-Life Balance and Well-being
Supporting work-life balance and employee well-being is essential for maintaining a motivated and productive workforce. PiHR software can help HR departments implement flexible work arrangements, manage employee benefits, and provide wellness programs. Promoting a healthy work environment, encouraging stress management, and recognizing work-life balance can contribute to improved productivity and employee satisfaction.
Maximizing HR productivity is crucial for organizations seeking to thrive in today's competitive landscape. By implementing strategies and best practices such as streamlining recruitment and hiring processes, enhancing employee onboarding and training, implementing performance management systems, and leveraging technology like PiHR software, organizations can optimize HR operations, drive employee engagement, and achieve long-term success.
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todaynewsonline · 5 months
Inventory Management Software for Small Businesses
Inventory Management Software for Small Businesses:- Small businesses often face unique challenges when it comes to managing their inventory efficiently. With limited resources and manpower, keeping track of inventory levels, orders, and stock movement can become overwhelming. However, thanks to advancements in technology, small businesses now have access to powerful tools such as inventory…
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greythrsoftware · 8 months
Budget 2023: The Payroll Changes You Need to Know
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What Are the Changes to the New Regime in Budget 2023?
The new regime is the default regime if the employee doesn’t make a choice
New tax rates and slabs have been relaxed to benefit employees
A Standard Deduction of INR 50,000 applies to salaried persons. Those earning a family pension are also eligible for a deduction of INR 15,000 or one-third of the income, whichever is lower
The tax rebate has been raised from INR 5 lacs to INR 7 lacs
The surcharge for those earning more than INR 5 crore has decreased from 37% to 25%
Other Amendments That Impact the Payroll
The leave encashment exemption limit (lifetime) has been increased from INR 3 lacs to INR 25 lacs
The salary threshold for Professional Tax (PT) has been revised from INR 15,000 to INR 25,000 for Karnataka State
The EPFO extended the deadline for exercising the option to contribute to a higher pension to March 3, 2023
Read the blog and watch the video on greytHR website.
Link - https://medium.com/@greytHRsoftware/budget-2023-the-payroll-changes-you-need-to-know-eb1d27baa99d
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thejobwala · 1 year
Download Jobwala app for the easiest job search and hiring. Now get every type of job in one place with Jobwala. Be it 10th pass and below or postgraduate we have jobs for everyone. Now get a job that satisfies your career goals with maximum salary satisfaction. From part-time and Full time to working from home, everything is just a click. With a vast variety of jobs and so many best options available to choose from. Be it Central, Western, or Harbor line we are all over Mumbai to provide you with the best.
The only job portal that provides you with the nearest jobs with maximum salary satisfaction and career growth. Verified companies to apply with no fear of fraud and scam. We cover almost every blue collar job people struggle to get. Apply to your dream job and get a chance to work in your dream company in just a click.
Get a job in nearby verified companies free of cost. Now you don’t have to pay for your career just download the Jobwala app now.
Features: Jobwala makes sure you get the job that matches your salary expectation with career growth thereby providing you with the nearest jobs. you can get a job in just a click.
Download the Jobwala app Fill your details properly and upload your updated resume Select the Job category and title you are interested in Schedule an interview
Jobwala helps you search job with different categories such as (Work from Home, work from office, part time and Full time) based on qualifications such as (Below 10th, 12th pass or above, Graduate and Post Graduate)
Filter: Get regular updates on job selection and resume verification Apply filters such as location and salary for more satisfying jobs Be it part time, full time, work from home or work from office, get it in just a click.
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onthecuterside · 2 years
Who... are... you..?
🎤 You're not the one 🎤 I fell in love with, baby 🎻🎻. OK, sorry, got carried away there... Thanks @whysojiminimnida for tagging me in a game where we voluntarily reveal information that could allow terrible people to identify us!
name: Can't go there, but my parents used to call me KJ, my friends call me K, and I'm quite fond of my handle.
sign: Taurus. I'm mostly placid but can be tormented into a rage.
fav band/artist: BTS is in a class of experience all of its own. But on the normal fan level, I'm eclectic: Joni Mitchell, PJ Harvey, Nick Cave, Nina Simone, David Bowie, Billie Eilish, Beastie Boys, Björk, Beatles, Brahms. Lots of Bs, apparently.
last movie: House of Gucci, watched it on the plane yesterday. (spoiler alert) How did I know already that Tom Ford became Gucci's designer but not that Patrizia Gucci murdered her husband??? Priorities.
last show: Umbrella Academy and Stranger Things (with my family). Heart Stopper and Our Beloved Summer (with my daughter). I rarely get to watch things for myself (although I should count BTS content there lmao - currently making my way through BV3).
when you created this blog: September 2021. I was desperate for adult conversation about JKK.
what you post: mostly reblogs of BTS beauty / thirst posts so I can find them later, a few posts where I notice something or have a thought that I haven't seen expressed in my Tumblr circle. I made 2 gifs but it’s hard to make everything work and I don’t have the right software :(
other blogs: Nope! I'm totally new to this whole thing.
followers: 49, which is 49 more than I expected. I only created the account so that I could send asks.
do you get asks: option not switched on. I've been doing my job 18 years and I still don't feel like an expert. No way I can take on that role after 16 months in the fandom.
average hrs of sleep: 4-6 hours. It's never enough. F*cking hormones.
instruments: Violin (passable), piano (mediocre), guitar (basic). Voice!
what i’m wearing: strappy summer frock. Half my wardrobe is summer dresses even though winter is ~8 months long where I live. They are so cute and easy to buy and I am possibly in denial. Mismatching underwear with a molded wire-free bra because BEST DISCOVERY of the pandemic, I am never going back.
dream job: I'm doing it! Professor - I get to hang out with smart people all day and talk about interesting things.
Perhaps novelist as an alternative? If writer's block was not a thing.
dream trip: South Korea, Ecuador, Greece. I love travelling and have done a fair bit of it but in my more apocalyptic moments I know we should probably drastically reduce air travel emissions and concentrate on dream tripping closer to home. Astral travel instead?
favorite songs: Favourites are hard. It's so mood dependent. In BTS, those that pull me in the most: Black Swan, Louder Than Bombs, What Am I to You, Pied Piper, Ddaeng, House of Cards, anything by Agust D. In non BTS, Massive Attack - Teardrop, Beatles - I Want You (She's So Heavy), Nick Cave - Red Right Hand, Joni Mitchell - Case of You, Billie Eilish - When the Party's Over, Your Power, No Time to Die, Lovely... I seem to be on a Billie trip atm).
Tagging @rantingravingliving @ffjj5 @jmdbjk @chikooritajjk @spankpjm b/c I'm curious!
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