#best friend!jinhwan
junmyeonists · 1 year
alarm set for 8:20 am quite literally feels like death
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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I loved how this gave us both sides, YooJae teasing and HanJoon bracing himself for this. Because love is one thing and friendship is another but they both care so much and that's the part that I always love in pining best friends. It's how you value love and friendship, it's how friendship is placed above love, above pain, how love is what always gives because the friendship is more important than the love that has spawned from it.
Pining is about not just love but how you love. Is it more important to have romantic love or to have a friendship that has shaped you? Do you want the person at your side no matter what or do you want the choice to try to love him even if means risking losing him?
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And then the part where YooJae implies he's serious about ChaeYoung and HanJoon just goes quieter and apologizes to him but also to JinHwan and it's heartbreaking for both of them, honestly, because this is a friendship that hasn't hit a rough patch before suddenly discovering a pothole it can't just glide over.
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But also just the way YooJae looks at him in this moment whenever HanJoon looks away. Those moments, that intensity, the way he was watching him and waiting but waiting for what... I doubt he even knows. Does he know what he's waiting for? Does he know why he doesn't want to hear about Park JinHwan?
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He's so jealous. It's almost painful to watch his jealousy and to know how much HanJoon loves him but also how much he doesn't recognize this jealousy as coming from the same place his own feelings do. Because when you're sure you won't find a thing, you won't look for it. You won't hope for it. You won't even consider it. That's what pining is about as well. Pining is about knowing what your love looks but, often, not what other people's love looks like.
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Just two boys hurting each other because they're worried their friendship will change and they love each other and they want things to stay the same but they don't, they can't, nothing can stay the same forever and sometimes change is good. Sometimes change means more, not less.
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But sometimes it does start as less. And hurt. And pain. And loneliness. And two people aching because they each want something they don't think they can have and one would rather have nothing while the other just wants to cling to what they've had all along.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He’s The Little Spoon ~ iKon Reaction
The sigh that came from Jinhwan as soon as he laid down beside you had you full of concern, sensing straight away that his day had been poor.
“I can’t wait for the end of today,” he admitted, knowing that your eyes were watching him as you tried to figure out what was going on with him.
As you cleared your throat you rolled towards Jinhwan, holding him from behind. “If you want to forget about today, why don’t you close your eyes?”
“How can I close my eyes now that you’re here and cuddling me?” Jinhwan softly laughed in reply, “I’ve not got to see you all day too Y/N.”
Your shoulders shrugged against Jinhwan’s back, “we don’t need to lay here and talk, we can just spoon instead. I can tell you’re tired, you don’t need to stay awake just for me.”
“But you’re being all lovely and cuddling me,” Jinhwan whispered, “how can you possibly expect me just to ignore that Y/N?”
You couldn’t help but giggle at how exhausted Jinhwan sounded, “I expect you to ignore it because I’m telling you that it’s fine, I really don’t mind.”
“How did I get so lucky to be with you?”
A huff came from Yunhyeong as you pinned him down with your legs, refusing to let him try and roll around as you spooned around him instead.
“I’m the big spoon, I’m supposed to keep you safe,” Yunhyeong tried his best to explain to you, but your head shook, refusing to listen to him straight away.
You couldn’t help but laugh as Yunhyeong tried to fight back against you. “Just let me be the big spoon for once instead and make you feel safe.”
“It’s my job to take care of you,” Yunhyeong mumbled, beginning to settle as he realised how much of a fight you were putting up against him.
As he settled, a snigger of relief came from you. “It’s my job to look after you too, you can keep arguing with me but you know I’ll have a response for everything you say.”
“I guess I could be the little spoon just this once,” Yunhyeong finally admitted, “but this is a one time thing, I’m the big spoon.”
You quickly nodded in agreement with Yunhyeong, “you never know, you might actually enjoy being the little spoon and being squeezed instead.”
“I think I much prefer the squeezer.”
Your eyes rolled as you continued to listen to Jiwon complaining about how he always finds himself being the big spoon with his partner.
“I just want to bundle up sometimes,” he vented, looking to you for reassurance in the hope that you understood how he was feeling about his situation.
You struggled to hold back your laughter as you listened to him, “would it make you feel better if you were the little spoon between the two of us instead?”
“What are you talking about?” Jiwon scoffed, shooting a glare in your direction. “This isn’t a time for messing around Y/N, you’re supposed to help.”
You bit down on your bottom lip to try and control your laughter. “Why don’t you just ask if you can try and be the little spoon if you’re that concerned, or I can spoon you instead.”
“I’m not being spooned by my best friend,” Jiwon grumbled, “but do you really think asking would convince her to try it?”
Your head nodded in reply to Jiwon. “Why did you come to me and ask for advice if you’re just going to second guess everything that I tell you to do?”
“Sorry, I promise I’ll try your advice out.”
A suspicious hum came from Donghyuk as he suddenly felt your arm wrap around his shoulders, pressing your head against his back gently.
“What are you up to? Or what do you want?” Donghyuk asked you almost straight away, wary as to why you were suddenly cuddling up to him for a change.
A chuckle came from you as you listened to him. “I’m not doing anything, I just thought it would be nice for you to be the little spoon for once between us.”
“That’s nice…and unlike you,” he continued to murmur, earning himself a jab in the side from your hand that rested just above where his hip was.
Your eyes rolled as Donghyuk couldn’t help but try and mess around with you. “You always cuddle me so I thought I would cuddle you and make you feel how you make me feel.”
“This is sweet,” he assured you, his voice much more genuine then it was before, “I feel really cosy actually being the little spoon.”
Your eyes watched closely as Donghyuk made himself comfortable, “so, you could get used to being the little spoon between the two of us in that case?”
“I could, as long as you really aren’t up to anything.”
You looked at Junhoe in surprise as he failed to wrap his arms around you when you laid down beside him on the bed like he usually did.
“How about we try something new tonight?” He proposed, an excited glimmer in his eyes. “What about if you be the big spoon and cuddle me?”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you looked inquisitively back to Junhoe. “We can give it a go if you want to try it, you really want to be the little spoon?”
“I’ve always wondered what it feels like to lay properly and be the little spoon,” he admitted, “you make it sound so much fun, I want to see what the fuss is about.”
As Junhoe spoke you rolled onto your side and held onto him, “I bet that after you’re the little spoon tonight you won’t ever want to be the big spoon again, it’s so much fun.”
“I already think I could get used to this,” Junhoe joked, “I can see why you like being held by me so much Y/N.”
You tightened your grip around Junhoe to make the experience even better for him, “I hope you’re going to keep letting me be the little spoon too.”
“We might just have to swap roles I’m afraid.”
As you peered over Chanwoo’s shoulder you were drawn straight away to the shy smile that appeared on his face as he felt you closing in.
“This is new,” he laughed, allowing you to slide your arm underneath his so that you could hold on around his waist and keep Chanwoo close to you.
Your head nodded as you rested it down on your pillow, “you’ve been working hard, you deserve to be taken care of for a little while instead tonight.”
“All day I’ve just been thinking about receiving a nice hug, it’s like you can read my mind,” Chanwoo joked, the faintest laugh escaping from him as he spoke.
You took that as a sign to tighten your grip and squeeze Chanwoo, “I’m not the best big spoon, but hopefully this makes you feel a little bit better if you’ve had a long day.”
“It’s perfect,” Chanwoo quickly reassured you, “what would I do without you here to take care of me all the time?”
A chuckle came from you in reply to Chanwoo’s question, “you’re the one who takes care of me, that’s why I’m always the little spoon.”
“Hmm…I could get used to being the little spoon.”
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keii-starz · 2 months
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an ordinary business major at the university, nari uses a captivating smile as the "queen bee" and "beauty of the business department" to charm others and get what she wants. nari has a bubbly personality and is a very optimistic person who can also be very calculating at times.
with an ordinary appearance of black hair and brown eyes, nari uses her excellent taste in fashion, her wavy, flowy short hair, and "kind" smile to stand out more. she is also known for being an expert in makeup.
-(self proclaimed) supportive best friend of eunhyun
-friends with jinhwan
-close friends with jinhwan's sister, eunhye
-doesn't like seohan that much
at first, nari only became friends with him because she was aware his parents were the owners of one of the most money-making companies, which meant eunhyun was practically...well, rich. so she figured, "if I became his friend...I might not have to worry about money anymore!!"
but then she felt bad because he was so excited to be friends with her and didn't mind lending her any money or buying things for her
pronouns: she/her
age: 21
birthday: october 14th (libra)
-business major
-major sweet tooth
-loves money a lot
hobbies: shopping, café hopping
-likes cute things
@alexisomnias @casp1an-sea @the-banana-0verlord @xxoomiii @krenenbaker @officialdaydreamer00
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bengiyo · 1 year
Star Struck Eps 1 & 2 Stray Thoughts
I remember seeing something about this show, but am choosing not to look up anything on the front end. K-BL often disappoints when I have expectations, so we're just jumping in.
Episode 1
The intro is telling me that we care about stargazing and we had sponsors.
CHILDREN. I am hoping for long-term pining now.
I see this show is on the side of sustainable urbanism with these boys being able to make friends at night in a park.
I suppose we're teens now. One of them has a seductively-deep voice now.
Both of them have deep voices.
Did these boys go on a hunt for GRAPE DRINK?
I hope this boxing gym fits into the story more than as just a source of income.
Ah, so our protagonist is not having a good time at home. Mom is struggling, and dad seems to just be addicted to TV.
Why are the subtitles focusing so amuch on the TV and not the text conversation?
Our protagonist is named Seo Hanjoon. His friend, who he probably likes, is named Jo Yoojae.
The new boy we met at the academy, Park Jinhwan, seems to have a thing for the girl, Yoon Chaeyoung, who has a determined crush on Jo Yoojae.
Well at least we know these best friends are comfortable with each other. Still, feel like this show ended abruptly without really establishing what the drama is, other than that these high schoolers are gonna be sniffing around each other, and Seo Hanjoon is maybe trying to survive/escape his home life.
Episode 2
Alright, so we're leaning into the quartet we formed. I'll leave the color theory to those more knowledgeable and qualified than me, but I'm seeing a red protagonist, a blue boy he yearns for, the pink girl who wants the blue boy, and the green boy who wants the pink girl (and could be an option for the red boy?).
Oof, Seo Hanjoon is painfully aware of the family finances.
There were some fascinating layers to this bleachers conversation. The social rules of where to act on information that may have been privileged. The analysis of the web of attraction. The reveal that maybe Jo Yoojae has feelings for Chaeyoung, and how that deflated Hanjoon. Yoojae being jealous of the budding friendship Hanjoon has with Jinhwan.
I suppose using one of these after school academies allowed them to film in a cheaper location and use a smaller cast with less extras. Still, I hate the concept of kids being in school for like 14 hours a day.
Oh, Jinhwan, you can't just only crush on people. The perceived safety of unrequited love is false.
Oh no, I get Jinhwan. Rejection does sometimes seem more painful than the pain of seeing them get with someone else. Youths reading my blog, please don't fall into that trap.
I'm intrigued. Jo Yoojae is jealous of Park Jinhwan, but is sending mixed signals by seeking interactions with Yoon Chaeyoung. To express his jealousy, he dunks on Hanjoon's love of boxing. Only best friends could hurt you so quickly.
Seems like there's jealousy and tension between the boys' moms.
Well this feels messy!
I felt a little bored in the first episode, but I'm enjoying the way this show is building layers of social complications with each new bit of information. There hasn't been much star gazing since the opening shot, but I suppose I'll be patient. If you are iffy on K-BL, please wait this one out. I'll take the ride.
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nctrushh0ur · 6 months
how many shots for reyna and athena of acid flower, way and tommy of wanderlust, and diaz and haru of varsity 👀
At the first name mentioned, all the boys look over at Sea. The raven head blinks.
"Me first?" He asks, pointing to himself
"Duh, who else are we looking at?" Hyunni rolls his eyes playfully. Sea pouts slightly as he pretends to think, but the members already know the answer.
"For all of them...none," Sea replies. "I'm demi-sexual...so I really wouldn't for any of them."
"Okay but, hypothetically, what if you weren't demi," Ethan asks.
"Well then...for Reyna noona it'd still probably be a lot...maybe like 5 or so," The older one says. "Athena...maybe 7? Her brother...is kinda scary..." The others laugh.
"He really is...it probably took Erin a while too to not be afraid of him," Seokhwa giggles. "I probably wouldn't take any for her...she's really sweet! She reminds me a lot of my younger sister, so that's how I see her as too." Ethan nods in agreement.
"I don't know noona well, but she does seem pretty nice!" He adds as he leans closer to re-read the question again. "Oh! I know Tommy! I'm friends with Atlas, he talks a lot about him." The youngest giggles, "It would probably take me 8 shots...I don't want to take away my best friend's boyfriend." Hyunni sighs dramatically as he takes the laptop away from Ethan.
"Seriously, who let this kid answer questions like these..." He mumbles. "But I guess...Tommy is kind of cute...probably 5 shots from me...as for Way hyung...maybe 3? He's kinda hot."
"You find every human being hot," Eunwoo says, rolling his eyes. "But I get it...give me 1 and I'll do it." He smirks pridefully.
"Oh my god, I'm in a group of idiots," Jinhwan says. As he eyes the next name in the list, his eyes widen. "Diaz of VARSITY?" The rest of the members lean into the laptop.
"Isn't he dating Jooha hyung?" Seokhwa asks. Ethan pouts.
"How lucky...Jooha hyung is really pretty..." He says as he leans back on the couch. Jinhwan types away at the computer, and Hyunni curiously leans in. He laughs as Jinhwan searches for what he wanted.
"Seriously? You have to look him up?" Hyunni asks.
"Shut it. I just wanted to make sure," Jinhwan says. He shrugs. "I mean, he's good looking...no wonder why Jooha would fall for someone like him. But for me, respectfully none. Not really my type."
"Give me 4 and I'll ask," Hyunni replies as he scrolls on the computer, his eyes widening. "Holy shit, he has abs-!?" Seokhwa snatches the computer from him.
"Okay, enough from you," He mumbles as he closes out the tab. He tilts his head as he thinks of an answer to the last name. "Haru...Haru?" Ethan and Eunwoo groan.
"Vennie's boyfriend," They both say in unison.
"Oh...seems like you two know him," Seokhwa says.
"I know of him, I just don't know him personally," Eunwoo says. "I just know Venieth liked to spam me about him all the time." Ethan smiles.
"I think he's pretty cute! I say...maybe 4 or something," The younger one giggles. "It'd be really nice to be friends with him! I think we'd be a good match."
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oyeicher · 1 year
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Episode synopsis for episodes 1 & 2
[Ep 1] Hanjoon and Yoojae have been best friends since they first met on the neighborhood playground as children. While Hanjoon is trying to hide his feelings for Yoojae, a rival appears.
[Ep 2] Hanjoon and Jinhwan get closer, and Jinhwan's existence bothers Yoojae greatly. Feeling upset, Yoojae says some hurtful words. And a crack forms in their relationship.
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sunminshine · 1 year
Bias Tag Game
Tagged by: @baekhyunnybyun (thank youuuuuuu 💕)
Rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10, then answer the questions below. try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
Tagging: @dive-in-the-blue @shalalayong I'm curious to see yours but feel free to pass as always, friends! Also, @baekhyunnybyun going to tag you again if you wanted to do a GG edition :)
Bias List
Minhyuk (Monsta X)
Minho (Shinee)
Jaeyoon (SF9)
Jinhwan (iKON)
Changbin (Stray Kids)
Yeosang (Ateez)
Dokyeom (Seventeen)
Onew (Shinee)
Zuho (SF9)
Taeyong (NCT)
Questions & Answers below the cut
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Changbin! But only because skz was the first group I ever got into so he had the benefit of time even if he wasn't my first skz bias. Seokmin, on the other hand, claimed that title for svt and never let go.
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
Minho. I... Yes... Minho.
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
THIS IS TOUGH. I've been mulling this over for hours and I can't think of a proper answer. I feel like I would enjoy just being in Jaeyoon's presence for a day but I feel like I would enjoy doing things with Minhyuk, y'know?
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
I want to say Zuho's smile but that's true for most idols so I'm going to say his tattoos! I am a thigh tattoo enjoyer and they are so sweet (and actually look good) 😭 man really loves his group and also probably forgot too many birthdays in his time.
5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
I love how sincere Yeosang seems to be. I can't even properly express it but there is this soft-heartedness about him that reminds me a lot of my sissy and while we never know what idols are truly like, he gives off an inner light that feels very genuine and gross emotions but I'm very soft for him okay???
6. If you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
More emotions? Ughhhhh I would tell Lee Jinki that he brings so much warmth and joy to other people's lives and I hope he treats himself with the same love and care. I would tell him that I can't imagine being a leader, let alone for a group with the longevity and popularity of Shinee but he's done so well. I would tell him that Circle is a fucking great album.
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
Neither really? I'll go with Minhyuk just because I'm sure he has some good sweaters or t-shirts or whatever. I just imagine Minho with a lot of golf shirts.
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
I do not have an eye for styling so I don't know how to answer this question. Do whatever makes you happy Jaeyoon 😘
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
Short kings what's uuuuuuup. According to the interwebs, Jinhwan is slightly shorter and that makes him closer to my height.
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
Okay this is v interesting. Taeyong has a lot more solo music compared to what I've heard from Zuho and, in general, I enjoy it and the different sounds he plays with! In saying that, Zuho plays a bigger role in SF9's music between writing and producing and I love it. So I really appreciate one's solo stuff vs one's work for his group.
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kpopandmusicpassion · 4 months
The Sound
Human girl goes to a school for supernaturals and humans only most of the humans at said college don't know of the supernaturals she finds out cause her bestie Felix called her (his heat started while his pack was out and busy plus it was not on schedule either) so he called his noona he pretty much uses her thighs to get off and promptly falls asleep after she is there when the pack return and they are mortified at how/why she found out the two youngest afraid she's now disgusted and hates them or even worst terrified of them she reassures them she loves them all and isn't going anywhere she is kind of bullied to be with Lix through his heat they already love her and confess which leads to a confession of her own she is being harassed by another supernatural group iKON
Sabina Couch
4 maknaes Omegas
4 hyungs Alphas
Chanwoo/Chan Omega
June/Junhoe Omega
Bobby/Jiwon Alpha
B.I/Hanbin Alpha
Song/Yunhyeong Alpha
Jay/Jinhwan Alpha
DK/Donghyuck Alpha
Sabina or Sabie as she is called is best friends with the Stray Kidz pack not that she is aware they are wolves or this school is a mixed school of both humans and supernaturals. She was just heading home from the bookstore when she was cornered by B.I and Bobby.
"Hey, babydoll." B.I hugged her from behind. She pushed him away startled. The boys kept telling her the famous group of bad boys iKON was watching her and to never be alone with any of them EVER.
"B.I, Bobby. Is there something I can do for you?" Sabie asked anxiously.
Bobby grabbed her chin making her look into his eyes. "There is, sweetness. You can be ours."
"E...e...excuse me?" She stuttered jerking away from him stunned.
Her phone rang at that moment and she ran away before things could escalate.
"You are OURS, Sabina!" B.I smirked her way.
"Felix! What's wrong? Why do you sound like your in so much pain?"
"I need you to come over. The boys are busy and I can't be alone right now. Quick please!"
"Okay, Pixie! I'm on my way right now!"
"Thank you!"
"Always." She hung up heading to the Stray Kidz pack house.
~ ~   ~ ~   ~ ~
As soon as she walked in she was roughly pinned to the door letting out a surprised squeak. He nuzzled into her neck before growling angrily pulling away from her. She stared in his unusually dark eyes.
"Why do you smell like Hanbin and Jiwon?" He snarled leading her to his room.
"I was heading home from my shift at the Enhypen Bookstore when they cornered me. Hanbin hugged me from behind and Jiwon grabbed my chin so I could look directly at him. They said they wanted me to be theirs. You called just in time." She said before being pushed onto his bed and pinned under Felix.
  "Fe-"He kissed her harshly all his pent up love, desire, and lust put into the kiss. She stared at Felix in disbelief gasping when she saw his eyes flash purple. His tongue took that opportunity to dive into her mouth.
  A few minutes later he finally pulled back both panting from their intense kiss.
  "What are you? I've never seen anyone whose eyes flash purple? With all that growling I would say you're a werewolf or shifter or whatever you prefer to be called."
     "I am."He started nibbling on her neck causing her to let out a little surprised moan. "I've been dreaming of having you during one of my heats. Finally claiming you as ours. I'm an Omega and my heat started soon after the boys left. I couldn't pass up a chance to get your help. The boys will be so jealous."
    Suddenly they were both naked and she tried to hide herself causing Felix to tie her hands together on the headboard.
  "You're absolutely gorgeous, Sabina. You don't need to hide. I'll make you feel so good." He leaned down kissing her again as he played with her nipples. Though soon he was rutting against her thigh as he fingered her. The gasps and moans she was making were sinful and went straight to his cock making him speed up his thrusts. Soon he was cumming. Before anything could be said he removed his fingers before he started fucking her with his tongue until she came. He was sated for now quickly cleaning them both before putting her in a pair of boxers and one of the guys shirts. They fell asleep cuddling.
  ~ ~   ~ ~   ~ ~
Jeongin and Seungmin stopped as soon as they stepped foot into the house.
"Why does it smell like heat, cum, and-" Han started.
"Sabina!" The three Omegas yelled as the pack rushed to Felix's room slamming the door open.
Felix had his back facing the door so Sabie leaned on her elbows to look at them over Felix as he finally turned towards his mates.
    "Felix." Chan growled in warning. The other 3 Omegas had tears streaming down their face.
Sabie jumped up pulling all 3 into her arms. They started scenting her.
She looked up at the Alphas giving them a reassuring smile before a thought struck her.
"What's wrong?" Hyunjin was by her side in an instant.
  "When I got here Felix asked why I smelled like Hanbin and Jiwon. Are they wolves too?" She asked looking slightly scared.
They all growled even the 3 Omegas she was still hugging.
"Why were you around them?" Changbin sounded angry. She looked down sad to have made him angry.
"It wasn't on purpose. I was leaving Enhypen when they cornered me. The worst part was they were demanding me to be theirs. Felix's call was distracting enough I ran off but not before Hanbin said I was theirs." She said. Lee Know and Hyunjin growled furiously. The two Alphas pushed out everyone but Felix and Sabie.
     "Guys?" She looked at them confused. She understands them staying in here with Felix during his heat but why wasn't she pushed out with the rest?
~~   ~~   ~~
  Lee Know and Hyunjin were furious those stupid mutts had the audacity to touch their human.
(Meanwhile the others were reprimanding Changbin for making Sabina sad when she had been scared and surprised by the 2 Alphas.)
        Suddenly, all 4 were naked as Hyunjin pulled Sabie to his chest fixing her legs to where they were around his waist. He kissed her tenderly.
    "When was the last time you had sex?" He asked so he knew how to continue. She looked away red tinging her cheeks.
"Besides what Felix and I did never. I've never done anything with anyone before that." She said.
The wolves groaned in arousal.
"You should taste her, Hyunjin. She tastes amazing and she's so responsive." Felix said through moans as Lee Know fingered him.
  Flipping them over Hyunjin pinned her down moving her legs to his shoulders. He took in her beautiful body making her squirm under his intense gaze.
    He smirked before he leaned down eating her out like it was the best thing he'd ever tasted. She was gasping and moaning beautifully and the Alpha and Omega pair were mesmerized by how pretty she looked as she squirmed and made the most arousing noises.
     He kept licking her through her orgasm until she was whining from the overstimulation. Hyunjin didn't even know Lee Know and Felix were finished even the Alpha's knot was gone.
"I can prep her for you." Lee Know said switching spots with Hyunjin as he started eating her out adding a finger in quick succession. Soon one became two then three then four Lee Know licking her the entire time even after she came a second time.
    They gave her a few minutes to recuperate as Felix kissed her softer than he had when she first arrived. Hyunjin used Felix's slick to lube himself up before slowly entering her. She pulled away from the kiss biting her lip harshly as he bottomed out and she got used to the intrusion.
  She took a deep breath before nodding at him to continue. He started off slow causing her to moan softly before he lost it and started going faster making her whimper and arch up in pleasure. Felix and Lee Know watched getting each other off to the erotic sight of Hyunjin fucking their human.
      She came suddenly and very hard. Hyunjin cumming a few moments later locking his knot in her. She squirmed slightly uncomfortable  but slowly getting used to it.
  "After a nap and once your knot goes down I want her." Felix said.
"Damn, Felix. Are you guys always this intense? If I stay with you during your heat I may not feel my legs for three months!" Sabie exclaimed tiredly.
   "Doesn't sound like a bad idea." Felix purred as the Alphas smirked. She didn't reply too exhausted and fell asleep.
~~  ~~  ~~
The boys woke up a few hours later  Jeongin and Han entering with food and water.
"That was hot. She sounded amazing. She was so loud." Han said. Jeongin looked down at the sleeping girl with a soft smile.
"You were even louder your first time." Lee Know said. The two Omegas eyes widened.
"You mean Hyunjin-hyung took her virginity?" Jeongin asked in disbelief. Hyunjin gave them a smug smirk. They left to tell the boys the news. She woke up to the smell of food. Lee Know refused to let her feed herself and she ended up being fed by the Alpha. She had two bottles of water before she was pinned by Felix who started to clean Hyunjin's cum out of her.
  She gasped as he tongue fucked her relentlessly. She was a moaning mess. Felix couldn't wait any longer and sunk into her in one thrust. She mewled closing her eyes at the pleasure as Felix waited for her to get used to his size. He wasn't as thick or long as Hyunjin but he was impressive. She let out a deep breath.
"You can move now." She said softly. He started going at a fast and slightly rough pace. He didn't stop until they had both cum 3 times. Lee Know took her to the bathroom and washed her off before Hyunjin did the same to Felix.  He dressed her in a pair of boxers and a long T-shirt. He told Felix she needed a break and he'd get the other Alphas to help him and if she agreed she could help later. So he got the other Omegas and took them to the Omega Nesting room where he laid Sabie down.
  He gave them all a peck on the lips before going to get the Alphas to help Felix.
  "Are you okay? Did he go to rough?" Seungmin asked, concerned.
  "Just a little bit. Felix didn't stop till we both came 3 times. How long has he wanted me to help with his heats?" She asked sitting up with Jeongin's help.
"Wow. Felix does get really pushy and dominant during his heats. But I've never heard of him going that far." Jeongin said.
   "But it's no surprise. We all have had a crush on you. Since me and my fellow Omegas met you first well Felix has actually had a crush on you since you guys met. It's why he basically dragged the 3 of us to the lunch room to have lunch with you since our Alphas have a different lunch. So us Omegas have liked you since we met. Changbin and Lee Know were a bit skeptical but it didn't take long for them to fall for you either. Felix has wanted you to help him since you met. Honestly, we've all been wanting you to help with our heats and ruts." Han answered. She was silent for a few moments.
"Well then. That's news to me. I mean I already knew y'all were all dating. You guys are as subtle as a dog in a cat cafe. And dear god! All of you have wanted me during your heats and ruts? I think Felix is going to kill me during this heat.You saw how Lee Know had to carry me here just to take a break from Hyunjin and Felix. I mean if I remember right from what I've read you guys produce slick right? Humans don't have that although I guess women have something similar."
  "I hope you realize that those two won't be the only ones fucking you. We've all been waiting to make you ours. A part of the pack. Once you got here and helped Felix that made you ours. And we don't plan on EVER letting you go. So you have six more wolves waiting to fuck you." Han grinned, mischievously.
  She groaned exasperatedly. "Welp, I'm never gonna walk again."
  "Also we all like to watch each other be fucked." Seungmin said.
  "Yeah just because Hyunjin was fucking me doesn't mean I didn't notice Felix and Lee Know finishing their fuck to watch me being fucked as they jerked each other off." She replied before demanding they cuddle with her as they nap. They complied.
~~  ~~  ~~
  "I'm so glad she doesn't hate us." Hyunjin said as they all cuddled with a sleeping Felix.
   "I just loved the way she ran to the boys when they cried and even tried to comfort us about the whole thing." Lee Know smiled.
   "But B.I & Bobby cornering her as she left work? Scaring her and claiming her as theirs?" Changbin growled.
  "They won't be able to claim her. We already know she's ours. Now we just have to claim her officially. I know you guys heard the conversation they were having just now. She never said she didn't want it." Chan told them.
  "But we also need to know how she feels about it. Does she love us like we love her or was it just lust? Was she tired of being a virgin and wanted to be fucked? We would have definitely been the best bet if that was all she wanted since she knew we'd never hurt her." Felix reminded them as he was now fully awake.
   They sighed knowing he was right since that hadn't been addressed yet. They can only hope she actually wants them and this isn't just about her first sexual experience.
~  ~  ~
Jeongin couldn't take it anymore and poked her a few times before she woke up. She rubbed her eyes tiredly.
"Is something wrong, Innie?" She asked as she sat up.
"Do you actually want this? How do you actually feel about us?"
"I love you guys. It was really easy to fall in love with you guys too. But since I knew you were together I tried not thinking about it. And I figured even if you weren't together or were looking for another person it'd never be me. You guys are amazing! You are adorable and an amazing prankster with Han who is an obnoxious fluff ball. Then there are the kings of sass Seungmin and Lee Know  with Seungmin also being one of the smartest people ever and Lee Know is definitely a mother bear. Brownie Boy Lixie the other fluff ball and model and artist Hyunjin. Muscle boy and softie Changbin with Alpha and papa bear Chan. What is there not to love about you guys?" She was not ashamed of telling at least one person how she felt.
  "You really feel that way?" Chan asked causing her to look at the door in surprise which made her blush and hide her face in her hands. They all chuckled at her cuteness.
  "Sorry to cut this short but we came here so I could get you three and Hyunjin will be with us as well. This is a really harsh heat." Felix said as the other Omegas left with Felix and Hyunjin.
    Chan walked over to the bed picking Sabie up bridal style.
"We can't wait to show you our den. While the Omegas have their own nesting room we have our own den."Lee Know  said proudly. She just smiled at him as she held on to Chan's neck a little tighter.         
       Chan gave her a soft smile  causing her to hide her face in his chest. She was placed on a bed of furs in the center of the room. Changbin sat down behind her pulling her to his chest and putting his arms around her. She snuggled into his chest quickly relaxing and falling asleep in his protective hold. Chan got up and quietly closed the fur (they have an animal pelt hung in the door kinda like those bead curtains from the 70's/80's)knowing they were going to fuck her when she woke up.
~  ~  ~
"You guys know they took her to the den to fuck her right?" Hyunjin asked while running his fingers through a sleeping Felix's hair.
"No fair!" The other 3 said.
"Felix sort of lost control and fucked her pretty hard. She is most likely taking another nap and they plan to fuck her afterwards." Hyunjin explained.
The Omegas grumbled before they all joined Felix in the land of dreams.
~   ~   ~
  Sabie woke up to someone running their fingers through her hair soothingly. Her eyes fluttered open to see the Alphas looking down at her fondly making her blush.
  She noticed she was laying flat on the furs Chan at her now spread legs while Lee Know and Changbin watched from beside them. She blushed as she realized what was about to happen. The Omegas really weren't lying when they said those two wouldn't be the only ones to fuck her. Chan leaned down and started gently sucking her clit causing her to let out a breathy moan.
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hwan-tastic · 4 years
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just came here to say i won in life jsjsjsjsjsj 
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nadstylinson · 5 years
“You're my best friend” 🎶🐹💕🐯
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kyufiber-moved · 6 years
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— bffs to lovers w/ jinhwan 
[a/n: ignore the times at the top of the screen!! i messed up while making these so the times aren’t right]
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blu-joons · 2 years
Coming Home To Them After A Long Day ~ iKON Reaction
You didn’t care what Jinhwan was doing as you found him in the kitchen, capturing him with your arms wrapping around him as he moved towards a cupboard.
“Look at that for timing,” Jinhwan smiled as he noticed that you were home, “I was starting to worry about you a little bit.”
Your eyes peered around as you noticed plenty going on in the kitchen. “Are you making dinner?” You enquired, piecing everything together.
Jinhwan nodded in reply to you, “I was making a start on dinner until you held onto me and stopped me from being able to do anything,” he joked with you.
“Just five minutes,” you mumbled, refusing to let Jinhwan go, “I don’t want to let go of you just yet,” you told Jinhwan, catching him nodding still out of the corner of your eye.
He could only smile back at you, unable to say no to you. “I guess eating five minutes later won’t do us any harm,” Jinhwan responded.
“What are you making?” You asked Jinhwan, leaning back from against his chest, “do you need any help?” You added, trying your best to assist despite how tired you were.
“I’ve got it under control, don’t worry.”
A weak smile formed on your face as you found Yunhyeong already asleep in bed, quietly sliding underneath the duvet so that you could rest alongside him.
“Your home,” he mumbled, feeling the bed dip as you laid down, rolling over straight away and wrapping his arm over you.
You were more than happy to have Yunhyeong hold onto you, shuffling back to rest against his back. “I’m sorry that I’m so late home tonight.”
Yunhyeong’s head quickly shook as you apologised, “don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault. I wish they wouldn’t work you so hard though, it’s unfair of them.”
“I’m alright,” you assured Yunhyeong, feeling him press a kiss to the top of your shoulder, “although it’s late, we managed to get a lot done, so I can’t complain too much.”
Yunhyeong’s eyes slowly opened so that he was able to look across at you properly, “why don’t you close your eyes and get some rest now?”
“I’m on it,” you chuckled, briefly looking back at Yunhyeong and seeing his smile before closing your eyes, feeling the arm around you tighten as soon as you did too.
“You’ve definitely earnt a rest tonight.”
Your head shook as Jiwon ran away from you as soon as you moved towards him in your apartment, keeping his arms wrapped around his back away from you.
“I’m not giving you a hug,” Jiwoon sniggered, backing away from you more and more, “I don’t care how tired you are Y/N.”
Your eyes widened in surprise at him, trying your best to follow him around. “You’re the worst best friend ever, you’re supposed to look after me.”
Jiwon nodded back at you, “I offered to order in food for the two of us, what more do you want me to do?” He quizzed with a shrug of his shoulders too.
“I want a hug though,” you sighed, folding your arms across your chest, “all the times that I take care of you, and then when I have a bad day you just leave me alone.”
Jiwon continued to nod, darting around your living room. “Doing this has worked though, hasn’t it?” He asked, leaving you confused, following him.
“What has?” You questioned in response, noticing Jiwon standing still. You stopped moving too, not quite sure what was going on, as he began to open up his arms for you.
“Doing this has made you smile again.”
A sympathetic chuckle came from Donghyuk as soon as you found him sat on the sofa, collapsing down into his lap straight away and cuddling into his frame.
“Let me guess, bad day?” He asked, hearing you groan against him, knowing exactly what it meant when you collapsed down on him.
Your head nodded as you wrapped your arm across his chest, “if my boss asks me to take on one more job in that office, I think I might just scream.”
Donghyuk nodded back at you, knowing exactly how difficult things were for you. “I keep telling you that I’ll go in and have a word with him for you Y/N.”
“I have to stand up for myself,” you reminded Donghyuk, appreciating how concerned he was, “I’m just yet to build up the courage to do that and speak to him.”
His smile was soft as your eyes flickered up to look at Donghyuk. “I have every confidence that you’ll do it, it’s scary, but you’ve got to think of you.”
“I know,” you agreed, knowing all too well that Donghyuk had a point. “What if it ends up making things worse though? I don’t want him to think that I’m weak or incapable.”
“You’re human, that’s all you’re guilty of.”
The look in your eyes told Junhoe everything as he saw you walking through the house and towards him after finally returning home after another busy day at work.
“Come here,” he smiled, extending his arms out for you to walk straight into, letting go of a huff as soon as you rested against his front.
Your arms were tired as they lazily wrapped around Junhoe’s waist. “Thank you,” you whispered, feeling a kiss be pressed gently to the top of your head.
Junhoe’s grip was tight, knowing that it was exactly what you needed after your day. “Do you want to talk about it?” He offered, feeling your head shake.
“I just want to forget that today ever happened,” you replied to him, closing your eyes to try and force the day out of the back of your mind. “It was just horrible.”
A hum escaped from him, keeping his eyes firmly on you. “Let’s do something to clear your mind,” Junhoe suggested, “how does a bath sound?”
“It sounds like a dream,” you lightly laughed, feeling Junhoe’s grip adjust so that he could take a hold of your hand, slowly beginning to lead you in the direction of the stairs.
“I’ll look after you, things will be alright.”
The moment that your eyes landed on Chanwoo you found yourself walking towards him, snaking your arms around his waist straight away, resting against his back.
“Hi,” he chuckled, relaxing his hands over yours that pressed gently against his stomach. “How was your day?” He asked, looking back at you.
Your head shook against him as a groan escaped from you. “The worst,” was all that you said, feeling Chanwoo spin so you were resting against his front.
His hand rested over the top of your head, brushing gently through your hair. “I’m sorry,” he weakly smiled as your head tilted back at the sound of his voice.
“It’s not your fault,” you assured him with a faint smile too. “I could just do with a hug right now,” you told him, feeling Chanwoo’s grip around you tighten straight away.
His smile turned up as you looked to him for reassurance. “If it’s a hug that you’re after, then that’s definitely something that I can help you with.”
“You’re the best hugger that there is,” you agreed, letting go of a slight chuckle as your mind began to clear, allowing you to forget about the horrendous day that you’d had.
“You’re home now, I can take care of you.”
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keii-starz · 3 months
oc… oc fun facts for the starving pls…
ooh yayy sure!!!
seohan (eun's bf):
-has a habit of scratching his chin when he's nervous or embarrassed
-picky with his food
-was a bit of a trouble maker back in middle and high school (but no bullying ofc 😊)
-a very honest person
-not very picky with his food (there aren't many foods he particularly dislikes)
-he can act cute unknowingly but if you ask him to act cute for you, he will give you a side eye, as if he has no ideas what you're talking about
-dislikes his parents but cant bring himself to fully hate them
-childhood friends with seohan!
-former art major
-he thinks of eun as a little brother
-he has a lot of fun testing and trying out making new things to put on his café's menu
-matcha fan
bonus! (new character!?)
-supportive best friend
-used to have a thing for eun
-kpop fan
-often comes to jinhwan's café to try out any new desserts added to the menu (taste tester)
-very talkative
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akshstudios · 3 years
Matters Of The Heart In The Mafia | BTS
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[ pairing ] bts × you (fem!reader)
[ genre ] mafia au × arranged marriage au × strangers to lovers au ( angst × fluff × smut )
[ rating ] mature-rated
[ warnings ] there will be eventual smut. there's a consistent mention of bloodshed and violence. mature rated for a varied number of reasons. arranged marriage discussions kinda borders forced marriage.
[ a/n : you will have a name in each part for easier distinction. each part will focus on a member and you ]
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The Lily Of Bangtan | Part One : Kim Namjoon × Baek Nari [ currently ongoing ]
You were arranged to marry him the moment you were brought into the world. You were meant to be his and he couldn't be anyone's but yours.
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The Moonflower Of Bangtan | Kim Seokjin × Moon Saera ft. Kim Jinhwan [ coming soon ]
In the cruellest twist of fate, you are arranged to marry your deceased husband's best friend who also happens to be your runaway half-sister's estranged husband for the sake of protecting your child.
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The Sunflower Of Bangtan | Jung Hoseok × Choi Hayun
Your husband was a monster, who got killed by another monster, who is now marrying you because mafias can't kill their own henchmen because the man got drunk and decided to pimp his wife out.
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The Snowdrop Of Bangtan | Min Yoongi × Park Youra
Your deceased father might not have left you anything but he did leave you or rather your hand in marriage to a made man in hopes that you find love in a dark place.
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The Rose Of Bangtan | Kim Taehyung × Kim Jangmi
You knew falling in love in the mafia world where marriages are arranged is a bane, but when your father is the Don and loves you dearly, maybe everything isn't so bad.
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The Dragon Flower Of Bangtan | Park Jimin × Yong Hwaa
One thing was clear in your gang, if you ever held even the slightest of friendly feelings towards anyone from Bangtan, you were a traitor. So, imagine your surprise when you are arranged to marry one of them.
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The Honeysuckle Of Bangtan | Jeon Jeongguk × Kang Hani
Your life itself is a tragedy to world and like how every tragedy gives birth to world-changing missions, you have a life mission, one that rights all the wrongs in your world, but for that you need to wrong a lot and if that wrong means marrying into mafia, you would.
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[ taglist: comment on the post if you want to be added to the taglist. If you aren't being tagged, please check this post out. ]
[ @fangirl125reader @killcomet @ggukkieland @myggummy @yoongihandfetish @kianamj @sakurarukas @yoongi-muses @yoursoontobestepmom @jjeon-jpg @jiminie-08 @joonietae7 @siriuslychim @innocentlycrazyme @fangirl-nonsense @tutnotmytea @namsope32 @jwlmnbt @salty-for-suga @piratepotteroc @outrofenty @mageprincess13 @namsona17 @storms-and-stars-blog @sweetdreamerranchthing @lookscutebutwillfight @preciouschimine @nari-la-morena @aqueenieme @namjooningelsewhere @hearteuforjoonie @sachaa-ff @dany-but-not-targaryen @hemmofluke @kimmalik @crushedblackroses @hannahdinse8 ]
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kgyeomiex · 3 years
Diamond & Regrets
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“Sometimes people leave before we’re done needing them.”
Humiliation is what you’ve experience… You had two options either fight through it or let it go and start over. You did what you thought was best and decided to start over… You were tired of looking like the bad guy because of the decisions you make. For once everything was working in your favor until the past comes back and bit you in the ass. Is there anyway you can ever move on or is there a reason behind this?
*Trying something new and adding gifs throughout the story*
(Read at your own risk… 18+)
*I know B.I is no longer in IKON but idc I am still going to include him in this story regardless)
Previous story: Just For A Little Bit (M) Part 1
Previous Chapter: Part 1 // Part 2
Part 3`
More Parts: Part 4 // Part 5
Fortunately for you, Jiyong didn’t notice how long you were gone. He was having a whole conversation with his friends and enjoying himself. So luckily you saved yourself from having to explain yourself.
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As you approached him, he instantly smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"How are you enjoying yourself?"
"I'm having a great time," you got closer to his ear and whispered, "but it would be a lot funner if we could be alone, just us two."
As you pulled away you glanced over at Jiyong's face and he just smiled.
"That can be arranged," it wasn't long until he began to suddenly make an excuse for the two of you to get out of there.
You didn't want to leave because of Mino and Bobby. If anything, you already ran into them and they now know of your existence and your "relationship" with Jiyong.
If anything you were just tired from the long day at work and being around people wasn’t the environment you wanted to be in. If anything, you wanted to spend time with Jiyong alone. Just the two of you.
“Let’s go baby girl,” he says smirking.
Bobby’s Point of View
You would have thought maybe in a couple of years I would have moved on from Y/N by now... But that doesn't seem like the case. Instead after taking a couple of drinks and reuniting with her... I suddenly started to get flashbacks of that night when I basically told her to fuck off.
Why am I so stupid?
Having all of these memories return suddenly makes me want to get a couple of more drinks till I knock out... But I can't... I have responsibilities after all.
"Bobby," I heard my name being called and I turned around.
"Where have you been?" Jinhwan asks me and I just shrugged.
"I need to sit for a minute,"
"You're drunk aren't you?" I tried to deny it but Jinhwan can look right through me.
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"Sorry?" I was waiting for him to nag at me but instead, he grabbed my arm and returned me to the boys.
"We live in such a small world. Who would have guessed that Y/N would be dating Jiyong? Did any of you guys expect that?" Hanbin asked and everyone shook their heads.
"I mean if you think about it... It kind of all makes sense," Chanwoo suddenly blurts out and we all broke our necks and looked at Chanwoo.
"What do you mean?"
"Think about it. The moment I saw that Jiyong and Y/N were working together on a fashion line I mean it was bound to bring them closer. They could have easily become closer as friends or lovers, either one they would have had some type of relationship with one another," Chanwoo says explaining himself and we all nodded our heads.
"And Y/N isn't ugly plus she's cool and easy to get along with. They were bound to go out," Hanbin suddenly adds and I sigh.
"Why couldn't it be anyone else? Why did it have to be someone we know?" As I said, Donghyuk suddenly burst out laughing and we all looked at him confused.
"What's funny?" Jinhwan asked him and he smiled.
"Isn't it ironic how every time Bobby reunites with Y/N she is always dating someone he knows,"
I gave him a glare and the boys all suddenly began to tease me.
Just my luck...
Y/N's Point of View
Waking up in the morning to a day off feels amazing. You've been so busy with work that when you had a chance to sleep in, you felt like you recharged yourself. As you looked up at the ceiling, the memories of last night suddenly began to creep in.
Last night was not a dream. You really did come across Mino and Bobby again. . . How weird was that? How are you supposed to forget that even happened?
You caught yourself suddenly becoming curious about what must be going through their head.
"Morning beautiful,"
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You look next to you and see him smiling right at you. He leans in and kisses your forehead as he wraps his arm around your waist.
"I'm surprised you're still here," usually Jiyong is the first to be up and out the door with his busy schedule.
"I don't have anything scheduled until 1 so that leaves me a chance to be with you," he says looking directly at you.
"You chose to spend your morning with me?"
"Of course I did, I don't get tired of seeing you," Jiyong pulls you closer to him and you couldn't help but soften up with his charm. Jiyong always knew what to say to you.
Honestly, as you looked at the "relationship" Jiyong and you had, you could say you felt happy. However, you had this weird feeling that this good feeling wasn't going to last long. It was as if your gut instinct was trying to tell you something.
You wanted to do anything you could to prevent this relationship to go south...
"Hmm," he hums as he rests his face on your neck.
"There is something I wanted to talk to you about. I didn't want to mention it yesterday because I didn't want to ruin the vibe and ruin your fun. But I feel like I should mention it," Jiyong suddenly lifts his head and looks at you.
"What's wrong?"
"It's nothing bad but... Yesterday at the party you introduced me to your friends... I knew a few people there because I used to date Mino.." you continued to look right at Jiyong waiting for some type of facial reaction but instead, he just continued to look at you completely unbothered.
"Oh, I know. I remember,"
That was an answer you weren't expecting to hear. If Jiyong knew that you went out with Mino at one point, why did he still introduce you to Mino? Why did he act like no one knew who you were?
You had so many questions but instead, you looked at him.
"Do you want to know why I invited you yesterday?"
You nodded your head.
"I didn't invite you with any bad motives. I did want you to meet the people I work with because I've been bragging about you with all of my friends. They kept asking when I was going to bring you around. Yesterday seemed like the perfect opportunity especially since it was a party and everyone was there. Yes I knew about the history Mino and you had, but that's in the past. You didn't seem bothered when you saw him so I have nothing to worry about. I like you and I hope you like me too and that's all that matters," you were surprised to hear how calm Jiyong was about this situation.
But you liked this very much. Jiyong and you can sit on the couch and talk to each other like civilized adults rather than making assumptions about one another.
It was nice for a change.
You couldn't help but smile and Jiyong looked at you slightly confused.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Because you're the cutest," it wasn't long until you pulled him back to you and you two were embracing with one another.
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Is this what it's like to be in a healthy type of relationship?
After spending the morning with Jiyong, he had no choice but to head to work. You had the day off, so you decided to go and spoil yourself.
It's not every day you have the opportunity to go out on a shopping spree.
Plus not only did you use shopping as a stress relief but you also tended to shop whenever you were in a good mood. After spending your morning with Jiyong you were in a great mood.
Honestly, you can say that life was perfect. . . Right now everything is way too good to be true, and you have this gut feeling that there will be something that will come and ruin this happiness from you. . . But for now, you have to take advantage and savor this feeling.
As you were walking, a store suddenly caught your attention. It was called Vinyl & Plastic by Hyundai Card.
In your bedroom, you had a record player in your room and you collected Vinyl but you needed more. Why not check it out to see if anything captures your attention.
You walked into the store and your eyes widened.
This store was filled with Vinyl. . . It was paradise.
Where do you begin?
Mino's Point of View
"What are you looking for?" Jihoon asked me as I continued to look through the records.
"Hmm, I don't know yet. I will know when I see it." I continued to look through each vinyl one by one.
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"Would you look at that, seems like destiny if you ask me." Jihoon blurts out and I stopped myself from looking at the albums and looked at him.
One thing Y/N and I did when we were together was since we both loved music, I would buy her any albums that were her favorite and she would do the same and we would play them on the Vinyl and we would listen to them together. . .
I think the reason why I haven't stoppe-d coming here and buying more is because a part of me misses that memory.
"Well just because we broke up doesn't mean I should stop buying albums," I said trying to push off the memory.
After flipping through the albums one by one I came across an album I haven't purchased yet. . . But as I looked at it I knew it was something YN would have wanted. . .
What am I saying?
I was about to push past it but I couldn't seem to do it so I pulled it out and looked at it.
Channel Orange by Frank Ocean
"Found something that caught your attention?" Jihoon asks and I looked at him.
"Yes sir, how about take a listen?" He nodded his head and we walked over to Vinyl and there I see a familiar face already there listening to a record.
There I see Y/N...
Jihoon caught up to me and immediately noticed Y/N as well.
"Would you look at that, seems like destiny if you ask me," I shot him a glare and was about to walk away but I decided to approach her instead.
I took a moment to get my composure and walked over to her.
I gently tapped her arm, she jumped up and looked at me surprised.
She removed her headphones and looked at Jihoon and I.
Your Point of View
This was the last place you were expecting to come across Mino. . . Then again you should have seen it coming. One thing Mino and I had in common and bonded over consistently was over Vinyl records.
You looked at Mino and noticed Jihoon was with him.
Well, this is awkward. . .
"Mino, hey what brings you here?" You asked trying to remain calm.
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"Uh just came by to get new records," Mino says as he waves an album in front of you and you couldn't help but keep your eyes on it.
"Oh Channel Orange by Frank Ocean... That's a good one," you said smiling and you looked up at Mino and suddenly felt this awkward tension between you two.
This whole situation is weird. . .
The last thing you wanted was to feel weird. . . Whatever happened between Mino and you ended a few years ago. Why do things have to be awkward?
"Yeah. . . I was planning to buy it actually," you nodded your head and noticed JIhoon standing next to Mino.
"How are you?" you asked him, trying to make this situation feel as normal as possible.
Like instead of looking at the situation as two exes coming across one another. . . Look at it as two old friends. . . Yeah...
"I'm good, how have you been? I saw you yesterday at the party but I didn't say hi because before you knew it you were gone." you smiled.
"Ah yeah, left the party early." As you were having this conversation with Jihoon you could feel Mino looking at you.
"Are you busy right now? We were planning to get something to eat.. I don't know if you want to join?" Jihoon suddenly invites you out of the blue and you were taken back.
You wanted to say no... It's so awkward right now, can you imagine how awkward this whole thing will be if you go out to eat with them?
Although you wanted to run off you ignored your personal feelings and smiled.
"I would love to,"
Both Mino and Jihoon looked taken back...
"Perfect!" Jihoon smiles and Mino awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.
"Uh, I better go pay for this... Jihoon are you coming," I noticed Mino grabbed onto his arm and you just nodded my head...
Today is going to be rather interesting.
Mino's Point of View
As we walked away from Y/N I looked at JIhoon.
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"What the hell was that for?" I asked Jihoon and he just smiles and winks my direction
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"You'll thank me later," Jihoon.
I had no idea what to expect.
Jihoon is my best friend and he knows how I feel about Y/N. I know him inviting Y/N to eat with us is a plan for him... Do I have any idea what this plan might consist of? NOPE... But guess we will find out.
To Be Continued
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