#best friend!stella kidd
deanstead · 2 years
Right Time, Wrong Place
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader, Stellaride
Requested: yes, by anon
Summary: When Y/N comes to Chicago to accept a job offer, she finds herself stuck in a dangerous situation with Jay. As Kelly works to get Stella’s best friend out, Y/N and Jay try to navigate the situation they find themselves in.
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Word Count: 3,864 (oops, got carried away)
Warnings: canon-typical mentions of injuries
A/N: I have another fic with a similar title but I still felt this fit for this fic so here it is! There wasn't a pairing specified for this but I really liked the dynamic in the request so I wrote this is a Jay x Reader with a splash of Stellaride, I hope that's okay! Thank you to my beloved @mertes4cker and @enchantedblackrose for helping to beta! Do drop by and let me know what you guys think! Any mistakes are mine!
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“Hey Stella.”
Stella raised her head from where she was mixing drinks at the bar, a huge smile growing on her face when her eyes met yours. Stella pushed the drink into Herrmann’s hands before she rounded out of the counter to give you a hug.
Figures that the first place you’d headed for once you reached Chicago was Molly’s.
You hadn’t had an easy childhood, but you also knew that the reason why you’d somehow muddled your way through it was because you and Stella had had each other to hold on to. And even now, when life had forced the two of you into two different cities, nothing could break the bond that you had with Stella. She wasn’t just your best friend, she was your sister.
You’d already been here a couple of times to see Stella and you’d already met and knew most of her friends, so when a job opportunity had given you the chance to move back to Chicago, you didn’t even hesitate.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You broke apart from Stella’s hug to smile back at her fiancé. “Hey Kelly.”
Kelly had been nothing but kind to you from the moment Stella had introduced the both of you and despite their ups and downs, there had always been something about Kelly that clued you in to the fact that he and Stella were just meant to be.
“Everything okay?” Kelly asked, pulling out the chair next to him for you to slide onto as Stella headed back around to the back of the bar to get you your drink.
“I got the job.”
Stella looked up from what she was doing, the smile frozen on her face. You’d planned to keep it a secret from Stella until you actually got the job partly because you didn’t want to get her hopes up but you should have known you couldn’t keep anything from Stella.
“You… you got it?”
You let out an audible laugh. “Yeah, I did.”
Stella let out a triumphant yell as she leaned over to give you a hug across the bar.
“You know once of these days the both of you need to give me a dictionary, or something.” Kelly said, which made the both of you laugh.
Stella laughed, glancing at you. “Fill him in while I go…” She pointed to the new customers that had come in.
You were in the midst of filling Kelly in about the new job when you heard a familiar voice, a voice that sent your heart pounding just a little quicker against your chest and the unmistakable flutter in your gut. “Y/N?”
You glanced back around you, knowing whose green eyes you’d be looking into before you saw him. “Hey, Jay.”
You’d met Jay Halstead during one of your earlier trips to Chicago when he’d joined Kelly at your table and although you’d hung out a few times, nothing had really happened between the two of you. Even so, there always seemed to be this invisible electric energy that felt like it was tugging you towards him.
“Didn’t know you were in town.” Jay smiled.
Kelly glanced up towards Stella who gave him a knowing smile back, giving him a small shake of her head. You barely heard Kelly excuse himself as Jay smiled. “So how long you going to be in town this time?” He asked, taking just half a step closer towards you.
You weren’t sure how much you wanted to let him know yet, so you just smiled and shrugged. “A while.”
“Does that mean I can catch you for a drink before you leave?” Jay asked, his green eyes sparkling a little.
You bit back a laugh and smiled back up at him. “You have my number.”
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It had been a hectic few weeks, and you knew you’d be glad once you finally got settled in Chicago.
With help you’d managed to find a cheap and decent apartment that wasn’t too far from work but your apartment still looked like a tornado had swept through it. The boxes didn’t even fit in corners anymore so they had spilled over to the middle of your living room.
You glanced at your watch. The trip to the office today had just been to handle some administrative stuff, but with that you were one step closer to a new beginning. It had taken a little longer than you’d initially thought but Stella and Kelly were on shift tonight anyway so you thought you might as well just grab some food and take the opportunity to at least try to make your apartment more livable.
You looked up and couldn’t help rolling your eyes at yourself when you noticed you’d made it all the way down to the basement carpark when your stupid ass had parked on the street just an hour earlier. You let out a low chuckle because you could already hear Stella’s voice in your head and turned back towards the elevator to head back up when you caught a familiar figure out of the corner of your eye. You turned back again, just to make sure you hadn't been wrong.
Jay turned towards the sound of your voice, the serious look on his face giving way to a smile as he recognized you. “Hey. What are you doing here?”
You smiled without even meaning to, like some infectious effect that Jay had on you. “I had some stuff to handle here. You?”
Jay made a face. “Just checking out a lead. I…”
Jay didn’t finish his sentence before there was a sound that sounded way too much like a bomb, the noise piercing against your eardrums and shaking the ground you stood on.
Instinctively, Jay reached forward for you, steadying you. “You okay?” Jay asked, and you saw a worried look cross on his face for the first time as he glanced around.
“That wasn’t a…”
Jay shook his head. “I don’t know. Stay here.”
He leaned in towards his truck for his police radio, which crackled like it was about to get a signal, before little bits of concrete and sand crackled down against the both of you.
“We need to get out of here.” Jay said, glancing at you, his hand closing around yours as he moved. “If you see anyone, you call to them.”
You nodded, allowing Jay to lead you towards the way he’d driven in, until there was a sound of cracking concrete, with more sand and crumbling bits of concrete raining towards the both of you.
You glanced up. “Jay!”
Jay glanced up in time to see slabs of concrete come hurtling down towards the both of you.
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All units, Building Fire and Collapse.
Stella frowned as Mouch pulled up nearby. There were already PD cars at the other end of the street and she could vaguely hear the sounds of sirens meaning there were more trucks on their way.
Stella headed towards Chief, just half a step behind Kelly when she froze, her head turning back towards the street where there were a line of cars parked.
Kelly paused as well, turning back to glance at Stella. “Stella?”
Stella blinked once, the reality of it hitting her before she looked back at the building. The basement carpark was completely caved in and a fire had started on one of the higher floors.
Kelly glanced in the direction of where she’d just been looking and frowned. “Isn’t that…”
“She took the keys this morning. She had an errand to run… she…” Stella glanced back towards the building. “She’s in there.”
Kelly reached out and squeezed her hand. “If she’s in there, we’ll get her. Let’s get moving.”
Stella nodded before the both of them quickly headed over to where Chief was already barking orders.
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You opened your eyes gingerly, feeling a smarting pain from somewhere although you didn’t know exactly where.
“Y/N, you okay?”
Jay’s voice caught your attention and you blinked, coughing.
Jay had hurled the both of you out of the way just in time for you not be crushed to your death by the huge slab of concrete that now lay where you'd been standing just a minute ago.
“You okay?” Jay repeated.
You nodded, your head sweeping over to where the exit should have been. “We’re trapped, aren’t we?”
Jay glanced at his broken police radio by the side and nodded. “Yeah.”
He looked back at you and helped you back to your feet when a sharp pain shot up your leg.
“Y/N?” Jay froze, his eyes scanning you as he tried to work out what had happened. You shook your head.
“I think my ankle got a little busted. It’s nothing serious.”
Jay looked like he wanted to argue but also knew there was no point. “Alright, come on.” He glanced at your expression then quickly added. “Look, I’m sure Kelly and Stella are already outside trying to work their way in. Let’s just find somewhere safer to wait, alright? We need to get you off that foot.”
Jay stuck his hand out to you and you took it, feeling the warmth seeping right into you as he walked in step with you, using another hand to hold you steady.
It wasn’t really the time or place but you were acutely aware that this was the closest you’d been to Jay, at least physically.
Jay helped you back towards his truck, glancing up towards the ceiling, before opening the back door so you could perch yourself on the backseat, your legs dangling out of the open car door. “I’m gonna take one round around this place to see if anyone else is here or if there’s another way out, alright?”
You wanted to ask him to stay but it also kind of felt a little dumb so you just nodded.
Jay, however, seemed to catch on quickly and he leaned nearer just to squeeze your hand. “I’ll be quick.”
You smiled and nodded, watching as Jay jogged towards the other side of the carpark.
You turned your eyes away from his direction, looking back at the ground, counting mentally in your head which was a thing Stella had taught you when the both of you had been younger and you needed to get your mind off something.
You’d counted to about 30 when you heard a noise and your head snapped up, your eyebrows scrunching together as you spotted a guy trying to jimmy Jay’s truck from the passenger side.
You frowned, sliding off the seat, wincing as your feet touched the ground and your ankle protested. Even so, you figured it was better for you to be on your feet, just in case.
You’d barely steadied yourself against Jay’s truck when the guy came around the front of his truck, pausing when he saw you there.
“What are you doing?” His voice was accusatory and you felt the prick of annoyance that came with knowing he was trying to cover up that he was the shady one.
You exhaled loudly. “I should be asking you that.”
“I’m getting some stuff from my truck.”
You struggled to keep your face straight without rolling your eyes. “We can’t get out anyway. The concrete collapsed over the entrance. And I don’t think this is your truck.”
“Excuse me?” He asked, his tone telling you that you were headed into dangerous territory.
You didn’t answer him, just took an unsteady step backwards.
“Just stay out of my way.” He growled threateningly, taking a step closer to you.
Before your instinct could even get your body moving, Jay announced his return by sliding in between you and the stranger, reaching his hand behind for your wrist, his fingers closing protectively around it. “Do we have a problem here?”
The man in front of you faltered for the first time since he’d appeared in front of you, giving you the urge to roll your eyes once again. Honestly, if it wasn’t for your busted ankle, you might have been a little less cautious.
The guy cleared his throat. “If you keep your girl out of my business, we don’t.”
“Then get the hell away from my truck.” Jay snapped.
You glanced up at him, the tone surprising you, realizing you’d never actually seen this side of Jay.
As realization dawned over his face, the guy slinked away and Jay turned back to look at you. “You okay?”
You smiled back at him, nodding. “Better now.”
Jay smiled back, glancing down at your injured foot. “Alright, will you sit down please?” Jay said gently, guiding you back towards the back seat of the truck and helping you up again.
“Nothing, huh?” You asked, as Jay leaned his body against his truck facing you.
Jay just gave you a small smile. “There’s a few groups of people around. We’ll be out of here soon, alright?”
You nodded, pausing before you looked up at him again. “Not to be that person but… I’m kind of glad you’re here with me. I mean… not that I want you in this mess but…”
Jay reached out and patted your wrist gently with a smile, shaking his head gently. “I’m glad I’m here too.”
You glanced up in a little surprise and Jay smiled. “I mean it’s no drink but I’m glad the someone in here with you is me.”
You gave him a smile and Jay moved his hand just slightly to cover yours.
“I’m moving to Chicago.” You told him, allowing his hand to rest over yours even though you could feel your heartrate increase just a little more. “I came here to sign the documents and ended up in this mess. You don’t think that’s a…”
Jay quickly shook his head. “Not a sign at all.”
You were acutely aware that Jay had leaned in, acutely aware that your heads were very close together though you weren't sure when that had happened. Your head moved a little, a little nod that gave Jay the message he needed as he shifted.
And then a series of thuds broke their way into your consciousness, forcing both you and Jay to look away from each other.
Before you could say anything, a tremor felt like it was slightly rocking the underground carpark and you glanced back up at Jay, as more debris rained down towards you.
“Alright, come on, let’s move.” Jay whispered, helping you out. You glanced at him a little confused before he added, “Not really comfortable leaving you alone now. Let’s just check what’s going on alright?”
You nodded, allowing Jay to support you as you leaned against him and he watched your pace, guiding you to avoid the debris and concrete slabs that had crashed down during the first collapse.
Jay followed the dull sound that sounded like someone was hitting against something, turning the corner to find someone actually trying to hack their way through the walls with an axe.
“What the… Stay here.” Jay said and you nodded at him before he headed to the guy to try to stop him.
You wanted to roll your eyes. Any idiot would know that hacking though any wall without the knowledge people like Kelly and Stella had, was a recipe for disaster and yet here was an idiot doing it right in front of your eyes.
You could hear the vague sounds of Jay trying to drill the facts into the guy’s head - the more he hacked, the more dangerous it would be, but he didn’t seem to want to listen to Jay as he raved on about needing to be somewhere else. A few other people that were trapped together with you and Jay seemed to be converging nearer to the ruckus as well.
That’s when you heard it, almost like the sound of something cracking.
You glanced up, the beams above you looking unsteady, and you glanced back down at Jay who seemed to have noticed.
“Y/N, back up, alright?” Jay said, his eyes locking onto yours.
You nodded, but as you took a step backwards, the few other people who’d come to check out the ruckus had also gotten the message and were now clambering to try to get as far away as possible.
You felt someone push you before you stumbled, the pain from your ankle shooting up your leg once again as you fell towards the ground.
Damn it.
You turned your head upwards just as a beam came crashing down again. This time, all you heard was Jay’s raised voice.
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Kelly turned back from where he was working to glance at Chief. “Alright, we’re in.”
Chief nodded back at Kelly.
“Cruz, you up for this?” Kelly asked, glancing back at him.
Cruz nodded back at him. “Right behind you, Lieutenant.”
Kelly turned to give a small smile to Stella. “Be right back.” He assured her, heading inside.
Stella knew the drill. In a collapse like this, they couldn’t be sure how well this would hold or how many victims would be inside and with no line of communication, even sending Kelly and Cruz in was a stretch.
Kelly ducked his head, heading into the space they’d created. The basement was now littered with even more debris and concrete blocks but they maneuvered around them quickly.
“Fire Department!” Kelly hollered, as he spotted a group of people already heading towards him and Cruz. “Alright, follow him and he’ll get you out of here. Is anyone injured?”
Only one person responded. “I think there’s still two or three people over at the back. One of them seemed to already be injured.”
Kelly moved further in, nodding to Cruz to lead the rest out.
“Y/N! Are you in here?” Kelly hollered, moving further in before he heard another familiar voice.
Kelly frowned. “Jay?”
“In here!”
Kelly quickened his movements, heading towards the sound of Jay’s voice. There didn’t seem to be anyone else around and Kelly froze when he saw where Jay was.
Jay was kneeling next to you, one of your legs was stuck under a beam and you had a gash across your forehead but at least you were conscious.
Kelly didn’t miss the fact that Jay was holding your hand but turned towards you. “Hey, you with us?”
You smiled back up at Kelly. “I don’t… Please tell me you’re here to get us out.”
Kelly smiled and nodded. “Stella wouldn’t have it any other way.” He looked up at Jay. “Alright, come on, you think you can help me get this off her?”
Jay nodded, squeezing your hand again before he got up, helping Kelly to lift the beam to a better angle so that they could get you out from underneath.
Kelly reached for his radio. “I got her. Halstead’s in here too. Cruz, I need a backboard.”
Jay headed back to you and squeezed your hand. “You’re going to be fine.”
“Thank you.” You whispered.
Jay gently swept your hair backwards without saying a word, as Cruz came in with the backboard and they lifted you on it so they could finally get you out of there.
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Honestly, you knew just as well as everyone else that you’d been lucky to escape with just a fracture and some shallow open wounds.
“Hey you.”
You glanced up to see your best friend smiling back at you, Kelly by her side and you smiled, pushing yourself up to a sitting position.
“God, Stella. You have to get me out of here. I’m literally withering away.” You complained and Stella chuckled.
“Listen, Y/N. I was talking to Kelly and we were thinking you could come back with us.” You frowned at her words and Stella quickly continued. “Just until you’re out of the cast.”
“Stel, that’s another few months. I have an apartment here, I’ll be fine.”
Stella narrowed her eyes back at you. “What, you mean the apartment with the thousand boxes lying around?”
You opened your mouth to argue and then closed it again because you knew she was right. “Look, I don’t want to put you guys out. I’ll be fine.”
Stella gave you a look. “I dare you to repeat that.”
You glanced at Kelly who waved a hand at you. "I wouldn't."
“Guys, you just got engaged, at least not that long ago. I seriously don’t want to…”
Kelly stepped forward now, putting an arm casually around Stella who was already perched at the edge of your bed. “We have an extra room at the loft anyway. And it’d be just until the cast is removed and you can move around on your own. If you have someone to come home with, maybe I can convince Jay’s brother to discharge you earlier.”
You glanced at him, not particularly liking the emphasis on Jay’s brother.
It was a losing battle and you knew it. “Fine.”
Kelly smiled, throwing a wink at Stella. “I’ll go find Will. You girls talk.”
As Kelly left the room, Stella turned back to you. “So, spill.”
You shrugged, knowing exactly what Stella was referring to. “I'm lucky he was in there. I don’t think I would have been as calm as I was without him. The first concrete alone might have killed me."
Stella gave you another look. “You know that’s not what I’m asking.”
You betrayed a small smile.
“We’ll see.”
Stella returned the smile, just as there was a knock at the door.
“Hope I’m not interrupting.”
Stella gave you a knowing smile, motioning for Jay to come in as she winked at you. “I’m going to check on Kelly, we’ll be back in a bit.”
You narrowed your eyes at her but Stella left the room anyway and you turned back to Jay.
“Just wanted to check in on you.” Jay smiled. “You doing okay?”
You nodded. “Thanks, Jay. Seriously. Not sure I could have survived if you hadn’t been there with me.”
Jay smiled, leaning in just a little closer. “I’m just glad you’re okay. Well, mostly okay.” His eyes flicked to your cast.
“Stella and Kelly insisted on me going to their place for a while, until the cast is off.” You made a face. “And I’ve never actually won an argument with Stella. At least not about things like this.”
Jay just smiled.
“So... maybe we can still catch that drink once you’re better. Since you’re staying.” Jay’s eyes twinkled back at you, the light back in his eyes now that you were all out of harm’s way.
You grinned. “A drink’s not gonna cut it anymore.” You paused as a look of confusion fluttered across Jay’s face. “But I’ll be up for dinner once I’m sorta back on my feet. If you don’t mind.”
“Dinner sounds great.” Jay said, the relief settling back into his usual smile.
You smiled. “After that whole fiasco, I’m all for the no regrets thing… so I think…”
Jay just leaned in and gently pressed his lips against yours. “Yeah, me too.” He whispered, as he lifted his lips from yours.
“You read my mind.” You answered, smiling back at him.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
Character taglists are open!
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cpd-55055 · 1 year
do you think hailey is a bully like stella?
I don't even watch Fire, but since when are people calling Stella a bully. I seriously don't see how a strong, independent woman who leads and helps her community is considered a bully.
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sylvieschicagoo · 11 months
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new drawing :)
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saralayne · 10 months
Ride Or Die 🩵🩷
Anniversary of Shay’s death always effects Kelly. After a year of marriage to Stella, Kelly opens up to Stella about his best friend.
Every year the anniversary of Shay’s death always rocks Kelly’s world. No matter how many years go by, it hits hard. This year it hits a little harder. Kelly is now a married man. A very happily married man to the love of his life. Shay was Kelly’s best friend. His Ride or Die. His rock. When life was a shit storm. She was always there. There for him. Supporting him. Their friendship was a two way street. Kelly was always right by Shays side. Even going as far as willing to father a baby to her. He wanted to give that to her, knowing she would be an amazing Mom. They were each other’s person.
Shay always wanted to see her best friend find that special person. Have him settle down, fall in love and have that life he always wanted, deep down. Instead, Shay was witnessed to a parade of woman coming in and out. One night stand after one night stand. There was a couple relationships. But she never saw any of them sticking. When Kelly fell for Renee. She became pregnant and proclaimed it was Kelly’s. Shay knew better. The timeline just didn’t add up. Her knowing his head was stuck in the sand. Finally, she was able to get him to open his eyes. Shay hated how hurt her best friend was once that ended. He was hurt. Shay, knew the revolving door was going to continue as he had no trust now. All Shay ever wanted was for him to have his person. This ladies man life was just him keeping his walls up, protecting his heart. Not wanting to be his father.
Shay never got that chance. She was gone before she could see her best friend truly happy.
Kelly was going through old pictures the morning of the anniversary. Smiling at so many memories with his best friend. Sadness had a two fold feeling for Kelly. He missed Shay every day, the witty banter, nights on the couch watching movies. What he missed most…Was the fact she never got a chance to see him truly happy. Everything she wanted for him, had happened for him in the last few years. Especially this last year as he became a married man. Kelly was sad at the fact she was robbed of meeting Stella and how he would of loved for Stella to know Shay. Stella is a woman that Shay would of always wanted him to be with. She would of moved heaven and earth to make sure he didn’t screw it up. Truth be told, they both probably would of spent their time ganging up on him. Kelly talked about Shay from time to time but it was still hard to open up about her. However, as he and Stella had just celebrated their one year anniversary of being husband and wife, he felt differently. Kelly wanted to talk to Stella about Shay, tell her the only other woman he truly loved would be so proud of him.
Stella had been out doing errands as they were off shift for a few days. As Stella came through the front door of their loft, bags in tow. She immediately saw Kelly was struggling with something as she set shopping bags on the kitchen counter. As much as Kelly knew Stella and her moods, she knew him just as well. They both could see right through one another. She also knew, Kelly sometimes would put up a shield when it came to expressing what he was feeling, especially conveying vulnerability. Never deterring Stella, she would always try and get him to open up when something was on his mind.
As Stella made her way over to the couch. Kelly was lost in thought and as she saw the album of Shay. Stella remembered this was the anniversary of Shay’s death. Stella’s heart broke for her husband. Even if he didn’t talk about Shay all the time, she knew how much he missed his best friend…immensely. Stella knew she was his best friend now, but Shay would always be his other best friend and hold a piece of his heart.
“Babe, Are you OK?”
Kelly looked up, redness glistening from his piercing blue eyes.
“Stel. I’m sorry. I never even realized you got home”
“It’s OK. You are lost in thought…Good Shay thoughts?” It’s the anniversary today isn’t it?”
“Yeah. It is”
“I thought so. I will let you have some time with her. I’m gonna go put my shopping bags away”
“Wait. Stella. Will you go for a drive with me?”
“Of course I will”
As they drove in Kelly’s mustang. Stella was curious but she just let Kelly take her wherever he wanted to go. She would go anywhere with him. Anyday, anytime. It didn’t take long for Stella to realize where they were going as the mustang pulled into the cemetery.
Walking up to Shay’s grave. Kelly grabbed Stella’s hand, Fingers intertwined.
“Stel. This day is always hard but it’s more so this year. You and I just celebrating one year of marriage. I realized how proud Shay would be and it hurts she isn’t here to see you and I. To celebrate. This is all she ever wanted for me. To see me marry the love of my life. To be so blissfully in love to someone she would of loved for me. It really hurts this year”
“Kelly. I’m so sorry. I too, would give everything to meet Shay. To talk with her. I have a feeling her and I would of been great friends. I would of loved her.”
“She definitely would of Stel. You and her would of caused me all sorts of trouble”
“No doubt about that”
Kelly heavily sighed.
“Hey Shay. It’s me, Kelly. I wanted to come here and introduce you to someone”
As Kelly held Stella tightly. Running his fingers through her gorgeous, curly hair.
“This is Stella Severide. Yes that’s right Severide. She’s the love of my life and we have been married for a year now. You, always wanted this for me. I’m sorry you never got to see me fall in love with the greatest woman. We talked about my womanizing ways on so many occasions. You would constantly grind me about settling down and truly falling in love with my soulmate. It really hurts that you never got to witness it and I’m sure make fun of me along the way. I know you would love Stella. She is everything you always wanted for me. I’m so grateful she walked into my life. I haven’t always been one who believes in the afterlife. However, I truly know you are looking down and seeing our lives together. I miss you more than you will ever know. I don’t usually talk about you to anyone very often because it hurts to much. But being with Stella and having her as my wife has made me want to talk about my best friend, my ‘Ride Or Die’ with my present best friend and ‘Ride or Die’. I wish I had both of you together with me on earth. I needed you to meet her and show you how I have hit the jackpot and FINALLY have my happiness we both had longed for me. I love you Shay, keep watching over us”
Stella had tears in her eyes. She was so proud of Kelly for opening up about something so very hard for him. Showing his vulnerability and opening up to her about Shay. Bringing her in to such a private piece of him.
As they returned home and layed in bed.
“Kelly, thank you for today. I’m so honoured you let me in to such a deep part of you.”
“Stella. I should of done it long ago. Shay was such a light in my life through our friendship. YOU, are the brightest light I have ever known. Wish my LIGHTS could of met. You deserved to meet one another. I’m so glad you finally did.”
Stella smiling. Giving her husband a deep kiss and falling asleep in eachothers arms. Kelly feeling a sense of peace and joy. On a day that always hurts, today was a day of happiness and contentment.
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callsign-dexter · 4 months
Heatwave of Emotions 18+
Request: Hey hooooo my dear ❤️ I love your blog sooooo much that I cannot resist to send in a Kelly Severide idea for my bday on Monday 🫣🥰 but of course you can write it whenever you have time !It would be something where you're just moved to Chicago, working at 51 and everyone immediately loves you, especially one grumpy Lieutenant. So after some weeks adjusting to everything and even getting closer with Kelly, which everyone notices and sees how happy you make each other, you finally agree on a date with him. Which turns out absolutely great and you're about to kiss as some random chick disturbs you both (she's been a one time thing with him at some point but not something serious) and you leave him standing there, being hurt and sad. The next days you barely talk with him and don't get him any chance to explain, so the rest of 51 tries talking in your mind that he's never been that serious about a girl until you showed up and stuff. Sooooo on a free day you show up at his apartment, wanting to talk with him, but as he opens the door you notice he just came out of the shower and you cannot get your thoughts together, so you kiss him, which he gladly returns and the situation gets into his bedroom, getting away all doubts of you🔥😉
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut
A/N: Happy Belated Birthday to the anon who sent this in! I hope you enjoy it!
A/N 2: @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms here is some Kelly Severide for ya!
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When you moved to Firehouse 51 in Chicago from your old house back in Colorado, who wasn’t the best towards women, you thought this was going to be the same way. Boy, were you wrong. When you walked in you saw several women and the house and when they saw you, they immediately welcomed you and made it feel like home. Sylvie Brett, Stella Kidd, and Gabriela Dawson became your immediate friends and you couldn’t ask for anyone better to hang out with. When you were introduced to the rest of everyone, they were quick to make you feel welcomed and that made you smile. There was one person that caught your eye and you could tell that you had caught his eye as well. Once everyone cleared out and it was just you and him in the room, he approached you. “Hi I’m Kelly Severide. I work on Squad 3.” He said and smiled a dazzling smile that had you swooning and you smiled back at him.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’m gonna be working on Ambulance 61 with Sylvie and Gabriela.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“You’ll be with the best. So, what made you move here?” He asked and you could tell he was actually curious and not looking for small talk.
“My firehouse back in Colorado wasn’t the best towards women and my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and he worked in the same house. I was the laughing stalk and needed a new start.” You said and he looked like he was actually pissed that happened to you.
“That is no way to treat someone as beautiful as you.” He said and you actually blushed and you were going to say something else but the bells rang for Ambulance 61 and he looked at you. “Well, it looks like it is your time to shine.” He said and you nodded as Sylvie came and motioned you to come and you did as you were walking towards the ambulance and got in the back, she turned to you.
“You and Kelly, huh?” She said with a smirk and you just bowed your head and smiled while blushing.
“Ohhhh, what is this about?” Gabriela asked and Sylvie turned to her.
“When I went to get her, she and Kelly were talking up a storm and he was smiling like actually smiling.”  She said
“Are you saying that Kelly and Y/N have a crush on each other already?” She asked and you just blushed furiously because yes it was true.
“Exactly what I’m saying.” She said
“Stop it guys.” You said but you were smiling and they laughed.
“In all seriousness, this is the first time I actually saw him smile an actual smile.” Sylvie said
“Really?” You asked and she nodded and turned back to look at you.
“Yes, he doesn’t smile a lot and he has been a grouch for a while.” She said but you didn’t get to ask any more questions because you had arrived at the scene. You three worked perfectly together but you couldn’t stop thinking about Kelly and he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
4 weeks had gone by and you were loving your new house and they were loving you. You fit in well with the group.  We were close with all them but you were very close to none other than Kelly Severide. You won’t admit it but you had a crush on the handsome Squad 3 member whenever you were in the room together. Both of you could not stop smiling and making heart eyes with each other.
Not many calls were coming in so you took this time to tidy things up and get to know more of your coworkers. You had just come back from using the restroom when you heard Casey's voice and stopped where you couldn’t be seen, especially when you heard your name. “Ever since Y/N came, Kelly has been a lot nicer.” He said
“Oh absolutely, he is smiling a lot more and it's creepy but it’s nice.” Stella said and everyone agreed this made you smile to yourself. You had noticed that his mood had changed and to be honest it was nice to have a male being so nice and making you feel noticed. It had gone quiet so you had walked away with a smile on your face. You walked where the trucks were and found Kelly sitting there and that just made you smile even more. You walked over to him and sat down and he looked up and smiled.
“What are you smiling about?” He asked with a smile.
“Oh, nothing really. I just love this house and it’s nowhere near my last one and I’m so grateful for that.” You said and he leaned up further.
“We absolutely love having you here. I know I do most of all. Speaking of knowing you. I have to admit that I do have a crush on you.” He said and that made you blush.
“I do too.” You said shyly.
“Well, if we feel the same way then maybe go out on a date with me. I know you have turned me down in the past.” He said, this hasn’t been the first time that he had asked and each time you had politely turned him down and he understood and didn’t push but that didn’t stop him from asking a few weeks later. You looked at him thinking, this is the first time that you both had admitted that you had crushes on each other.
“Ok, fine. I’ll go on a date with you.” You said and the biggest smile appeared on his face.
“Really?” He asked and you nodded.
“Really.” You said
“What kind of food do you like?” He asked
“I really love Thai food.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“I know this really good Thai place. I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow night.” He said and you nodded.
“Sounds like a date.” You said
“Indeed, it does.” He said and then the bells went off. You all were heading out onto the call.
The day of the date started the few days you had off and you were somewhat looking forward to it but not really, you had really just wanted to be with your crew because being alone in a house by yourself sucked. You had spent all day getting ready for your date that you had even called Stella, Sylvie, and Gabriela over to help. When they asked why and you told them they practically squealed and dragged you to your room and started going through your closet. After finally settling on a pair of jeans that hugged your legs and accented what they needed and a nice red shirt that once again accented everything it needed to, you were ready. While you waited, they did your hair and makeup and then you all gossiped. It was mostly about Kelly but you didn't mind not in the least bit. They left around 6:30 PM and now you just had to wait.
7 PM rolled around and Kelly was knocking on your door. During the weeks everyone had exchanged phone numbers with you and some of them, mostly the 3 females that had become your friends, knew you address one being Kelly. You walked to your door and opened to find him on the other side holding some flowers and that made you smile. “These are for you.” He said and handed you the flowers which you gladly took.
“Thank you. Peonies are my favorite.” You said taking them and bringing them up to your nose to smell them. “Come inside while I put these away.” You said and stepped aside and he did just that. 
“So, our reservation is at 7:30 PM.” He said “It doesn't take that long to get there.” He added and you nodded as you finished putting the flowers in a vase. When it was close to 7:30 PM you both started to head that way. It turns out it was a walking distance but he insisted on driving and you let him. He found a place to park and then he was shutting off the engine and walking over to your side of the car and opening the door for you and that made you smile. 
“Thank you.” You said and he smiled.
“You’re very much welcome.” He said and when you were plenty enough away from the door, he shut it and locked it. You walked in and straight to the desk “Reservation for two under Severide.” He said and the hostess nodded and smiled.
“Right this way.” They said and you followed them. You both were led outside to a semi-private area and Kelly pulled out the chair for you. The date was going well and you two got to know a lot about each other. When the date was over, he paid for it and then you both left. As you were walking to his car that was parked a few feet away, the both of you stopped at a little park that was close by with a fountain. 
“I really had a nice time with you.” You said looking up at him and he smiled.
“I did too. Do you wish you would’ve gone out with me sooner?” He asked and you chuckled.
“I think I was right to turn you down those three other times. It just helped make this night even more perfect.” You said and he chuckled.
“I get it. I’m just glad you said yes, this time.” He said and then turned to you and the both of you stood there staring at each other and you both slowly leaned in. Your lips were almost touching when a female voice sounded.
“Kelly? Kelly Severide?” The voice said and that made you both look up and over at the voice.
“Alexa.” He said and your stomach dropped. Everyone told you about his flings and relationships that didn’t work out. You expected to meet them sooner or later but not now.
“Why haven’t you texted me back? I wanna hook up again.” Alexa said and that made you feel even worse.
“I told you we were done.” He said and he shook his head and looked over at you. 
“Baby, I promise we are done.” He said and you just shook your head. Alexa put her hands on his biceps and got all up and close. 
“It’s only been a week. A week too long. Ditch this tramp and come back to my place with me.” She said trying her hardest to work. Kelly didn’t say anything.
“I can’t believe I actually fell for this. I should’ve known better. You’re just as bad as my ex, you were hooking up with her when you were talking and trying to go out with me. You know what? I’m so done. Never talk to me again, Severide.” You said and he cringed and started to panic. You only called him Severide while at work all the other times it had been Kelly. You pushed past them and started to walk away. You heard some talking and the fact he wasn’t running after you right now broke your heart and tears fell. “I was so stupid.” You told yourself you were almost home when you heard your name.
“Y/N, please stop.” Kelly said and you did but didn’t turn around. “I haven’t talked to that girl in months and when you came into the house all communication stopped. You have to believe me. She was lying.” He said and you shook your head and turned around and when he saw the tear tracks running down it broke him. 
“I can’t. I’m sorry. How do I know she’s not lying?” You asked and he hesitated and you let out a watery chuckle. “Do me a favor and lose my number. The only time I will speak to you is at work but that’s it.” You said and walked the rest of the way to your home leaving him standing there. You shut the door and slid down it and sat there and sobbed. 
Kelly was distraught. Since you had come into the house, he hadn’t hooked up with anyone, he wanted you and only you. You made his days better and his drinking had cut down tremendously. He just hoped that he could talk to you and let you know that but right now you weren’t listening to him. He immediately pulled out his phone and sent a couple of text messages to you and called you but the messages went unanswered and the calls went straight to voicemail. 
When it came time for you to go back to work you were dreading it. You didn’t want to see him at all. You told him all about your ex and how awful men were to you. When you had arrived at the station the only spot available was by Kelly’s car and you sighed but parked next to it. You killed the engine and got out and walked into the nearly silent station. You walked into the locker room and got changed and then you were heading to find everyone else. As you were searching for anyone, Kelly rounded the corner and you stopped and so he did. He looked like hell. He had bags under his eyes and his eyes weren’t as bright. “Y/N.” He said your name with a breathless whisper but you just shook your head and walked away.  
Each time he tried to talk to you, you would just back away or make up an excuse that you had something to do and leave. You felt bad for doing so but he did break your heart and most importantly your trust. You still love him but you had built walls up and they weren’t going to come down anytime soon. You had to put up with him for 3 days while you worked and it was gonna be difficult but you were going to pull through no matter what. 
Over the next few days, you avoided him like the plague and each time he tried to corner you and tried to explain the bell had rung each time saving you. You honestly didn’t know if you were going to give him another chance or not. Everyone had settled into the kitchen while Squad 3 was out on a call. While you were there, they got to talking about anything but the subject of Kelly had come up. “Gosh Kelly has become so irritable in the last few days. He’s even more grumpier and pretty much has gone back to his old ways.” Stella said and then she turned to you. “How was the date?” She asked.
“It was great and he was a gentleman. Afterwards we went to a little park near my house and as we were talking some girl came up named Alexa. She said that they hadn’t hooked up in weeks. She started touching him and he didn’t even try to stop her. He knew my history with men and how I was cheated on.” You said and everyone was quiet. 
“You know he has certainly changed since you came here. He started to become happy and friendly. His attitude has changed drastically.” Sylvie said and everyone nodded in agreement. 
“You’ve changed him for the better.” Gabriela said and you just sat there quietly taking it all in. 
“This Alexa girl he hasn’t talked to in months, almost close to a year.” Casey said and you looked up surprised.
“So, he was telling the truth?” You asked and they all nodded and now you felt bad for not giving him the time of day to actually explain. 
“He was. He is so in love with you that it is almost sickening.” Herrmann said, you thought about it and then the bells were ringing and Ambulance 61 and Truck 81 was being called out. As you were walking to the ambulance, the Squad 3 truck was pulling into the station. As Kelly got out you both made eye contact with each other but you had gotten in and shut the doors and you were off.
When you got off shift you had debated on going straight home but you needed to see Kelly. You walked out to your car and noticed that he was already gone and you sighed. You got into your car and started the engine and headed over to his apartment. You knew where it was because you had been over there several times just to hang out and that was the first time you had admitted to yourself that you were absolutely in love with him. 
You pulled into a space and parked and killed the engine. You started your way into the building and walked to the elevator and pressed the button and it immediately opened. You got in and then pressed the button for his floor. You waited anxiously for it to arrive at his floor and when it did you knew there was no going back. You got off and walked to his door and knocked. There was no answer. You debated on going back home or not but didn’t get a chance to turn around because the door was opening and it was revealing Kelly with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was wet. “Y/N?” He asked and you couldn’t think of anything to say as you looked him up and down. 
After a few minutes you finally had enough and no words were coming to you so you just smashed your lips onto his and he returned it. He was so surprised that it had pushed him back but he had grabbed your waist and pulled you inside and shut the door. He pushed you up against the door and the heavy make out session continued. You finally pulled apart when air was needed and you could feel his erection from underneath the towel. “I’m sorry. I believe you and should’ve let you explain.” You said and he shook his head.
“That doesn’t matter right now. Jump.” He said and you did so and then he was back to kissing you, hard. He walked his way to his bedroom and gently laid you down. You broke the kiss and pulled the towel off and your mouth watered at the sight, he was huge and you loved it. “You like what you see?” He asked and you nodded.
“Very much so, but I’m wearing too many clothes.” You said and he chuckled and then started to slowly undress you while caressing every part of your body and kissing it. Soon you were completely naked and showing all of you to him. 
“You’re absolutely beautiful.” He said and you blushed. He laid down on the bed and gently spread your legs and dove in. When his mouth met your hot core, you moaned and grabbed onto his head and pushed him more into you.
“Kelly.” You moaned out and he smirked, he circled your clit and then he pushed a finger into and you were throwing your head back. He thrusted into you and then added a second finger “Oh my gosh.” You moaned out that the rubber band feeling was starting to get tight and you were close. “I want to come on your cock.” You moaned out and he nodded and licked one more broad stripe up you before he was lifting his head and pulling out his fingers. He crawled up to you and kissed you, you tasted yourself on him. 
“You ready, Baby?” He asked while pumping himself twice and you nodded.
“I need you inside me.” You said and he nodded and positioned himself at your entrance and he pushed in. You both moaned together as he did so.
“You’re so tight.” He said and when he bottomed out you felt so full and he stretched you in all the right places. He stayed still for a minute letting you adjust.
“Move.” You moaned out and he nodded and started to gently thrust into you. Your hands went to his back and your fingers dug into his shoulder blades.
“You’re perfect.” He said and started to thrust faster making you moan louder.
“Right there.” You said as he hit your g-spot. “Oh my gosh, I love you.” You moaned out and that just made him go faster.
“I love you too, Baby. You’re the only one for me.” He said and dipped his head down into your neck and sucked on it. He gently bit it and that you were clenching around him. 
“I’m close.” He said and you moaned out.
“Me too. I want you to cum in me.” You moaned out and that just seemed to make him go faster. 
Kelly’s thrust was becoming sloppy and you knew he was close. Your fingernails bit into him making him hiss. He reached a hand down to your clit and started to rub vigorously which helped you get closer. “Cum with me.” He moaned out and then he was bending down, taking one of your nipples into his mouth and sucking on it. When he gently bit it is when you came and you clenched around him which made him cum. You both came while calling out each other’s names. You both were coming down from your highs when he pulled slowly out of you and laid next to you. You both panted out of breath but a smile was on both of your faces. “I wasn’t lying when I said you’re the only one for me.” He said and you turned to look at him.
“I know. Everyone talked to me. I’m sorry for not letting you explain.” You said and he smiled at you.
“It’s ok. I’m just glad we’re here with each other now.” He said and you nodded “I love you.” He said and you smiled.
“I love you too.” You replied
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked and you sat up leaning on an elbow.
“Yes. I would love to.” You said and he smiled and he leaned over and kissed you.  You were his and he was yours and that is all that mattered. Nothing was going to change that not now or ever. 
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stellaridegifs · 6 months
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best-friends-in-love | best frends in ləv | noun (part iii) i. being in love with your best friend ii. having feelings of deep romantic attachment to your closest friend
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cloveroctobers · 2 months
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A/N: alright, alright you caught me! I may or may not have a crush on Stella and thought it was only fair to write a little something since I am binge-watching after all—currently finishing up season six as I write this! In short: Yes we love Stellaride over here but this one specifically is for my wlw, you’re welcome!
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE + I’m using: 6. “I am going to have a magical picnic and you can’t do anything to stop it!” “Yeah, but the bugs can.” + 16. “Your beauty outshines all the flowers.” “Are you sure? The flowers are really pretty this year.” 
WARNINGS: reader is a southern plant/earth lover, this is what it’s like to see Stella crushing but unsure, + written in MY version of HC’s/note form.
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘
Strawberries require well drained soil, they must be placed on a gradual slope, and receive full sunlight in order to experience successful growth.
That’s something your grandfather first told you, once you were old enough to get into farming.
It’s never left your mind even with his passing and you always had the best eye when it came to picking produce.
Granted, picking that particular item in a mini mart in the city might not be the best choice but Stella made sure to put the red berry on the list.
She wanted the best snacks or else she would leave you hanging on this outing—just like she ditched her second date with the guy from 98–to be with you.
Stella can’t help but to catch a glimpse of you at the end of one aisle, you’re by the freezers now and you’re standing on your tippy toes, teal silk shirt raising above your fitted jeans and revealing tatted skin as you grab a beverage.
The height difference is something she has to get used to and often caught her mind thinking about whenever you were face to face and she would have to play it off as her being tired instead of daydreaming about what your lips would feel like.
“You ready, Stella star?” Your hip is bumping against hers before you carry on towards the registers.
It’s your own personal nickname for her and it has a cuteness to it with your contrast of a southern twang. However when each of you are out fighting fires, you on squad and her on her truck 81, she has to learn how not to miss it as much, as you go forth with using her last name like everyone else.
The man at the register jokes, “You ladies buying the whole store?”
You rack your red nails against the counter, “hm…you sell lottery tickets? My friend here is feeling lucky.”
“I mean, with a babe like you, who wouldn’t be?” He winks at you while Stella raises her brows with a cross of her arms.
He rings up two tickets before continuing with the rest of the items.
You and Stella are grabbing the bags before you say one last thing, “also it’s mango season so you may want to step it up with your mangoes since yours are rottin’ in the back, the last thing you want is for the insects to spread to the rest of the underwhelming products. Now, that’ll be all! You have a good one.”
Stella winks at the man for good measure who scowls at the both of you on your exit.
“His store is crappy anyway.” Stella sasses as the both of you load up her car some more, “There’s a way better one downtown, closer to lake shore.”
“Noted for next time.”
“Ohhh, look at you already thinking about spending more time with little ‘ol fabulous me?” Stella places a hand on her chest dramatically while she makes her way over to the driver’s side.
You smile as you open the passenger side, “what can I say? Maybe I just can’t get enough of you, Stella-Star.” Before climbing into the vehicle, leaving the dark haired woman to be impressed at your charm while also feeling her cheeks warm.
The drive to lake shore drive is full of Chicago’s vibrant buildings and singing along to the radio while you both smoothly move along with the traffic.
The ride felt shorter than it was, like time often felt between the two of you when you had the chance to have it.
Stella was definitely in her head about this, wondering if it was a date and knew chatting about it (unwillingly) with Otis and Joe was a lost cause so she chose to hit up your shared girl friends to see if you gave them any insight.
Gabby and Sylvie were 1000% sure it was a date—although they claim you didn’t say or gave much away when you causally brought it up. Stella even went as far to pick Cap and Tony’s brain before Severide could get a whiff and tease her about how awkward she was being.
Kelly was actually the first one to pinpoint that Stella was “drooling” over you and kept pushing for Stella to just go for it.
He would hint at things and then act like he wasn’t and that left Stella thinking maybe he was trying to set her up! to make a fool outta herself but she believed Kelly wouldn’t trick her like that, especially if this had the potential to be serious.
He had her back and she had his…they were good friends like that.
So when you approached after an extremely long shift with this idea, Stella almost collapsed to her knees.
The both of you rarely had alone time together, it was always in group settings but when you did share conversations privately—Stella felt something shift between you two recently and she was still trying to pinpoint when exactly that happened.
See…there she was being too much in her head about it!
“We should have brought some bikes out here,” Stella comments as she carries her portion of bags, glancing at the chicagoans who flew by on the biking path.
You shrug, “here’s the thing…I never could get that down.”
“What?!”” Stella is shocked, “aren’t you from the south? Don’t tell me you ran or walked everywhere with those roads? Or wait…rode horses?”
You snorted, “I never was much of a horse girl either since my ass and thighs always ended up hurting afterwards AND i watched one kick the jelly out of my Grammy! Call me traumatized from that point on. I left those things to my gramps and brothers to deal with while I spent time with the chickens and cows.”
“And the yams and green beans.” Stella jokes while you walk side by side, scoping out a good spot of greenery.
Pointing up ahead at a hill like portion that had a great view of the water and also the buildings behind you, ending up being the winner as the both of you headed towards the incline.
“I have you know that my family has won competitions for the best veggies! And if my Grammy was here, she’d show off her mountain of photos to you.” You’re stretching out some blankets, one of them being a incredibly soft birthday gift from Brett who claimed that she purchased it from a Portuguese woman who handmade it at the market.
“I’m not arguing with ya there,” Stella raises her hands in surrender, “you country folk are built different…can’t exactly say better but different!”
You scoff with a shake of your head, “you city slickers.”
Stella laughs to herself as you make yourself comfortable, sitting crossed legged before pulling a full on woven basket from behind you.
“Where the heck did you hide that?”
“Can’t reveal all my secrets can I?” You grin, happy that you could surprise her, “I am going to have a magical picnic and you can’t do anything to stop it!”
A picnic on lake shore was not entirely what Stella was expecting…honestly she had no clue what this day entailed besides the fact that all she needed was good snacks to be all in.
She’s getting ready to sit across from you but not without saying, “yeah, but the bugs can.”
“Don’t tell me thee Stella-Star is an afraid of a little green friend.”
“That ain’t no friend of mine,” Stella’s face is scrunched up as she watched the grasshopper get comfy on her portion of the blanket, “…can you uh—get it?”
You laugh, “really?” As you lean forward, holding out a bottle of water so the insect can crawl onto before you lead it elsewhere, “there. Nobody was harmed and everyone is safe.”
“You’re lucky I like you, otherwise I would have stomped its ass out,” Stella huffs as she plops down now staring at the bottle you used, “also that one is yours.”
“Understood,” you laugh once more before opening up the basket to reveal it contents, leaving Stella further impressed as she peeks inside.
It’s such a good day in Chicago, little birds chirping along, the spin on the bike wheels in the distance could still be heard up on the slope, while the wind brushes by from the lake and the sunlight still shined bright although the city’s buildings were as tall as they could be.
There’s a brief silence as you dive into the snacks and take turns from the jug that contained a berry lemonade you actually made, before falling into natural chatter.
It felt right being here with each other and it’s something you already knew that you would want to do again.
You never doubted that.
The sunlight was behind Stella whereas it shined over you. The both of you found that each of you were a beautiful sight to witness and Stella was just glad she chose to wear her hair back into a ponytail since the spring wind picked up every so often.
Soon you’re laying side by side now, just a inch of space in between your heads but close enough to feel the warmth from each other and for you to smell the amber, Tonka, and plum that radiates from her frame.
“You smell good, girl.” You comment, pulling yourself from zoning out while making Stella pry open her eyes.
The way you’re peering up at her, almost makes her choke on her own air. “Thanks,” she manages to wheeze out, “I picked it out myself!”
Stella knows she sounds silly but you find amusement in her pride nonetheless.
So she attempts to clean up, arm cradling the back of her head as a smirk appears on her lips at her next best idea with the compliment flying out of her lips, “Your beauty outshines all the flowers.”
There’s barely a daisy embedded in the grass somewhere up ahead but it’s the first thing that comes out of her pretty pouty lips.
You squint up at her as you question, “Are you sure? The flowers are really pretty this year.” 
You would know better than her with what’s in season and what not but something tells Stella, just by the way you break your stare that you may have some flaws you’re not too proud to speak about and that alone makes Stella frown a bit.
Before she can register what she’s doing, her fingers are reaching for your jaw, pulling your attention back to her’s, “are you kidding?! I’m damn sure and as corny as this is going to sound: you’d be my first flower I’d pick out of any garden. Anybody would and that’s because I said so! My word means a lot ya know?”
Your eyes shine like water but you don’t hold back a snort, “is does huh? Well I guess I have no choice but to believe you then.”
Stella’s chewing on her bottom lip now because there’s something in the air that’s telling her to just plant one on you.
“Stop me at any time,” she starts with a deep inhale, catching your eyes briefly on her mouth.
The corner’s of your mouth lift as you whisper, “do your worst, Stella-star.”
And with her lips on yours, you exhale as Stella breathes you in. Both hands are cupping your face as your lips move together in perfect unison and your hands shift from grasping her shoulder then down to her waist.
She’s watching your face in complete bliss when she decides to pull away but not fully, “was that okay?” She says against your lips.
“More than okay,” you nod at her with a beam before moving forward with another, “and I don’t think I said i was finished.”
Which leads into a full makeout session, and that’s something Stella is usually down for—especially if she’s had some drinks in her system but without the alcohol—she wouldn’t mind being drunk on you.
She’s on top of you now, and it quickly becomes a challenge of who gets to hold that position for the longest, erupting laughter between you two and Stella decides to cave once you both knock forehead’s.
You’re both panting now but there’s still laughter in your lungs and Stella is staring up at you adoringly, rubbing her head, while you caress the shape of her mouth, “what?” You quiz.
“You taste sweeter than I imagined.”
You smile, “so you thought about me in that way? I guess that means you really like me.”
“I couldn’t tell if you liked me!” Stella ran one hand over the top of her hair, clearly frustrated.
You snicker, “I thought I was pretty open with my flirtations but…I really like you too.”
And that’s all that matters to Stella as she’s pulling your face right back to hers.
Strawberries require well drained soil, they must be placed on a gradual slope, and receive full sunlight in order to experience successful growth.
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘
Continue with my spring anthology prompts here.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 2 years
@gengirlstuff put in a request a few weeks ago for a teen sister!Casey fic. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy!!!!
Not Elsa Afterall- TeenSister!Casey
Summary: During a snow day, you end up at the firehouse with your brother and extended family. After being led into a trap, you become hypothermic and your family has to try and save you.
Warnings: some language, mentions of past abuse (in a way), PTSD, claustrophobia, hypothermia
Some would say your childhood was unconventional at best, but you couldn’t have asked for a better one. Since you can remember, Matt Casey, your older brother, has taken care of you and so has the whole of firehouse 51. Since Matt and Kelly are such good friends, Kelly was named your godfather and Stella Kidd your godmother. Matt would entrust you with almost anyone in the house, but even after everything, Kelly and Stella are the only people he would want you to go to if anything happened to him.
Since it’s a snow day, you had to go to the firehouse with Matt. Not that you ever minded, even at the age of 15 you still get spoiled by all of your aunts and uncles. Cap and Tony are your prank buddies, which normally ends in a war against Hermann, Mouch, and Cruz. Violet, Stella, and Sylvie always make sure to spend some sort of girl time with you when you are at the firehouse, even though they are always doing girl trips and girl nights with you off shift. When Truck is gone, it’s an unspoken rule that either Kelly, Hermann, or Boden is in charge of you. If everyone has to leave the house at the same time, which didn’t happen often, you had to ride along, but you never got out at a site unless absolutely necessary. Most of the time, when there is nothing going on, you can be found lounging in one of the officers’ quarters. More likely than not, you are with Kelly playing “firecop”. You have thought about being a detective when you grow up, given the great relationship you now have with all of Intelligence and Trudy Platt, but when you grow up in a firehouse, you almost always follow in your family’s footsteps.
So far, nothing interesting has happened. A few black ice accidents and ambo calls, but nothing that required more than one or two units to leave the house at a time. Within the first 6 hours, you have pulled a couple pranks and watched Frozen just to sing the adult parody of Let It Go for Cap and Tony. You had just turned in for a nap in Kelly’s quarters when the tones went off.
“Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambo 61, Battalion 25. Warehouse fire at 6391 Daphne Drive.”
Kelly chuckled as you groaned, waiting for you to leave his quarters before running behind you. “Don’t worry kid. You can catch a few winks in the rig. I’ll have Cruz leave the truck running for you.” Kelly said, patting you on the shoulder and throwing you the extra bunker coat they leave out for you just incase.
“Thanks Sev.” You muttered, catching the coat in your arms before jumping into the rig behind Tony. You bundled up next to the window as Cruz sped behind Stella with the rest of the firehouse following behind. You tuned out the conversations happening around you and slipped in your headphones, turning the rest of your attention to the scenery.
Arriving at the scene, you took out your headphones as you listened to the rest of the guys chat. You were in the middle of nowhere. No smoke could be seen and no cars were in sight. It didn’t look like anyone has been out this way in a while.
“Well guys, get ready for anything. We will go in and do a sweep and then leave if it’s a false alarm.” Kelly said to the rest of the truck. “Princess, you stay put and stay warm. Keep an eye out.” Kelly said as the truck parked, turning around again to open his door and hop out.
Matt came and opened your door. “This shouldn’t take long. Stay here, okay?” Matt said, climbing up and placing his truck jacket on your lap.
You nodded and leaned your head back as you shoved your headphones back in. Music was your only choice seeing as you had no bars out this far. You were pretty surprised that the unit could be called out this far from the house, but you just went where you were told.
After about 30 minutes, you started getting an uneasy feeling. Everyone was inside and they should have been back by now. Using the limited training that squad has taught you, you jumped into the drivers seat to turn the rig off before going to the side compartment that held the spare gear. As you made your way to the compartment, you slipped and fell into a puddle that the engine melted, soaking your entire back and the back of your legs. You quickly shrugged it off and stood to grab your gear, more concerned about your family than how wet your clothes were or the faint ache in your head from it hitting the wet ground. If this was a gas leak or they were knocked out somehow, you needed to keep yourself safe and get inside to your family. Masking up outside the door, you shrugged on the spare bunker jacket and air tank before placing the mask over your head and walking in.
After walking through the first set of doors, you reached the second and opened the door to find a huge empty room. Looking around, you saw another door at the far edge of the room and cautiously walked towards it. As soon as you opened it, Kelly and Matt stumbled through.
“Oh my God. What happened?” You asked, grabbing onto Matt by the shoulders.
“The doors. It’s a trap. Go back and try that door!” Matt panted, exhausted from the exertion of trying to help Kelly pry open the door. The rest of the crew wandered back into the big room and followed you.
You pushed the door only to find it locked. “Matt.” You yelled, throwing your body into the door. “It won’t open!” You screamed, becoming frantic. You were all stuck in this big room. There was nothing but the people of firehouse 51 and you. The walls and floor were pure concrete and there was only a ventilation shaft on the top of the 20 foot ceiling. It had to lead to the outside because it was extremely cold.
“Hey hey hey. Breathe.” Kelly said, coming and grabbing you by the shoulders. “In and out.”
You have always had a fear of enclosed spaces. Recently, thanks to Dr. Charles, you found out that your mom locked you in a closest when she killed your dad. Matt found you later on during the day, thankful that it seemed that you were completely unaware of anything but that fact that you were tired, hungry, dirty, and scared. Though this room was much bigger, you were trapped once again.
You shook as Kelly handed you off to Matt. You cling to your brother as the rest of the group tried to figure a way out. “M-Matt. I’m s-so sorry.” You whimpered, burying your face into your brother’s chest.
Matt sighed and rubbed your back, swaying back and forth with you in his arms. “Hey now. None of that. You didn’t know.” Matt hummed, kissing the top of your head. “It’ll be fine. Once we are gone for long enough, someone will come looking. Until then, we are all here.” Matt whispered, opening his coat and pulling you in.
You were freezing. The bunker coat was decent at keeping the freezing air out, but unlike the rest of the house, you didn’t have on bunker pants or thick layers of clothing underneath the coat you were wearing. All you had on under the bunker coat was a pair of leggings and a long sleeved CFD shirt.
Kelly noticed you quacking in Matt’s arms and immediately took off his beanie, pulling it onto your head. “That’ll hold in some heat.” He said, standing closer to you and Matt to help provide some body heat.
“T-thanks.” You whispered, leaning back toward Kelly and pulling Matt along with you. Your panic jump started your shivering, and it didn’t seem to stop.
As you leaned back into Kelly, your wet hair made contact with his neck. “Jesus! Why are you wet?” Kelly asked, stepping back to grab your hair and wring out the water before tucking it into his beanie.
“I slipped. Fell I-into a p-puddle trying to s-s-save you g-guys.” You stuttered out, pulling yourself even closer to Matt.
“Wait. Let me get this straight.” Matt said, pulling you to arms length. “Under that coat you are soaking wet. In the middle of winter. And we are stuck in a freezing room.” Matt broke it down, looking between you and Kelly as he spoke.
You nodded. “Yep.” You replied, popping the p.
“Fuck.” Kelly muttered from behind you.
“Alright everyone. Listen up.” Boden yelled, catching everyone’s attention after he had a little time to think. “This was obviously a trap. We have no contact with the outside world, but dispatch led us here. Theoretically, someone should be coming to look for us pretty soon. It’s been about 45 minutes since we landed on scene and Kylie is still in the bullpen. So, everyone huddle up and stay warm until CPD arrives or whoever they send out for us.” Boden announced.
Everyone quickly huddled up, finding themselves in little groups that eventually morphed into everyone in the middle of the room. Matt, Kelly, Boden, Stella, Cruz, Violet, and Sylvie found themselves in the middle of the huddle with you straddling your brother’s lap in an attempt to get as close as possible. Matt and Cruz were sat back to back for support as you placed yourself practically in Matt’s coat for his body heat. Kelly and Stella shared a coat so that Kelly’s Jacket could be given to the paramedics since they only had on their winter coats. After another 30 minutes went by, they realized they had a bigger problem. You were quickly becoming hypothermic.
“M-matty. ‘M s-sleepy.” You slurred, burying your cold nose into your brother’s neck.
Matt and Kelly were instantly on high alert. You haven’t called Matt that in years. Not since you were at least 9. “Hey. I need you to stay awake. Okay? Stay with me.” Matt cooed, trying not to sound too desperate so that he wouldn’t scare you, but enough to keep you awake.
“Jus a quick n-nap. M’ head h-hurts.” You muttered, fumbling to get closer to your brother.
“No no no. Not yet. Just wait until we can get you out of here.” Matt said, pushing you slightly away as Kelly leaned over and checked your pulse.
“Matt, her pulse is slow.” Kelly whispered.
“Okay. Okay. Let me think.” Matt muttered, looking around.
Kelly was quicker. “Hang on. I have an idea. It’ll be a little awkward, but anything for her, right?” Kelly asked, looking Matt in the eyes.
Matt nodded. “Anything.”
Kelly moved quickly after that. He wrapped Stella up in her own bunker coat after taking yours. Kelly scooted as close to you as he could, hugging you from behind. Matt caught on quickly and hugged you close to his chest. Matt’s head was on one side of your head with Kelly on the other. The two bunker coats were pulled around your bodies. Everyone knew what was going on and was quick to huddle in, trying their best to create more body heat as you began slowly slipping in and out of consciousness.
After 2 hours in the 20 degree room, the Intelligence unit broke through the door. They had received some threatening messages the last few days against the CFD, but when they heard from Kylie that 51 went AWOL, they knew this had to be the work of whoever was making those threats. They moved as quickly as the could, bursting in just as you began to slip completely unconscious.
“5021 George. Missing are located. I repeat missing are located. One critical. Rolling the Ambo on sight. Close off all streets from here to Med.” Jay yells into his radio as he sees Kelly helping Matt get up with you limp in his arms.
Sylvie and Violet are already running for the ambo with Matt, Kelly, Stella, and Jay not far behind. You hang limp in your brother’s arms as he and Kelly call out to you, begging you to stay with them. Doors are held open and a path is quickly made to the ambo. Kelly helps Sylvie treat you as Violet speeds behind Jay, who is leading the escort for you to med.
“I’m barely getting a pulse. She isn’t protecting her airway. I have to intubate.” Sylvie yells, causing Violet to tell the same thing into her radio as Kelly grabs more trauma blankets and wraps you up in them. Once your intubated, Sylvie takes out her phone. “Mags. It’s Sylvie. I have Y/N Casey. She’s severely hypothermic. Not protecting her airway, weak pulse, temp of 94 and not rising with trauma blankets. You guys need to prep for her.” Sylvie instructed, letting Kelly take over bagging you so that she could check your airways. “She was soaking wet and possibly hit her head. We will need to cut off her clothes on arrival. Warm saline and blankets should do it once these clothes are off.” Sylvie replies to whatever Maggie was telling her. “ETA is 3 minutes” then she hangs up.
“Sylvie.” Matt pleas, looking at his girlfriend.
“We’ve got her Matt. Just a bit longer.” Sylvie placates, shooting him a small smile as she takes the bag back from Kelly.
Upon arrival to Med, Maggie and Conner throw the ambulance doors open and immediately help Sylvie and Kelly unload you. They quickly do as Brett previously instructed, running a few extra tests on you once the IV is placed, and then they leave Matt and Kelly alone with you.
“She’s gonna be alright man.” Kelly reassures, holding your hand on the opposite side of the bed that Matt is on. Kelly doesn’t look up, not able to bare the look of fear and guilt in Matt’s eyes.
“She should’ve stayed at the house. She’s old enough to be at the firehouse alone, plus Kylie was there and they could’ve just hung out.” Matt sighed, running a hand down his face. “She wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for me.” Matt sniffed, keeping hold of your hand.
Suddenly, you squeezed both your hands as your heart rate spiked and your eyes flew open. If it hadn’t have been for Kelly and Matt keeping your hands in theirs, you would have yanked your tube out.
“Sh Sh Sh. Sweetheart. It’s alright. Hang on.” Matt muttered, using a hand to pull your face to look toward him.
Kelly let go of your hand once Matt had your attention and met Maggie at the door. “She’s awake!” He exclaimed, catching the attention of Jay, Will, and Conner who were all talking behind the desk about what happened.
Conner ran in as Maggie silenced the machines. “She’s over breathing the tubes. Let me get that out. Hand on sweetie.” Conner soothed, pushing past Kelly and rushing to your side.
Maggie held a basin under your chin once Matt moved to the head of your bed. They all knew of your sensitive gag reflex, so this really wouldn’t be fun. “Deep breath.” Maggie instructed. Conner was quick to pull the tubing out and stepped back as you dry heaved over the basin Maggie held for you.
Will came up to Conner’s empty spot and rubbed your back as Maggie handed the basin to Matt so that he could get closer. “Breathe sweetheart. Just take some slow deep breaths.” Will coached, taking the cup of water from Kelly when you finally calmed down and held the straw for you to sip. “There you go. That’s it.” Will soothed, nodding at Matt to put the basin away.
Once you were calm, Jay, Will, Conner, and Maggie all filed out of the room. Jay promised to give the house an update as he walked away, kissing you on the cheek. Kelly and Matt settled on either side of you again, Matt moving into the bed with you.
“God. You scared the hell out of me.” Matt muttered, pulling you into his side.
“What even happened?” You asked, looking between the eyes of your scared godfather and brother.
“Well, we were trapped. You got stuck with us, but before coming in, you slipped and hit your head in a puddle. You were soaking wet and went hypothermic on us.” Kelly explained, rubbing his face and sitting back as he watched your reaction.
Your eyes went wide. “Holy shit.”
“Language.” Matt scolded lightly, using your favorite marvel character’s word against you.
You chuckled, snuggling into Matt. “Guess I’m not Elsa after all. The cold does bother me.” You joked, causing Matt and Kelly to laugh.
“Too soon.” Matt said, though he was still chuckling.
“Definitely too soon.” Kelly agreed. “I’m gonna go get Boden and Stella. They were raising hell trying to get in here earlier.” He said, getting up and kissing the top of your head. “I’m glad your okay. Love you princess.”
“Love you too Uncle Kelly.” You beamed, snuggling closer to your brother as you both watched him leave to gather the rest of your family.
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alittlextrathatway · 6 months
So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The fire house.
Now I have to say, this was difficult because I rarely listen to Swift and I didn't know who the other was either... So if this just comes across as a weird choice, please feel free to ignore it. (just wanted to give you another to choose from because I really like your writings)
Fourth entry for the Sylvie works at FH 40 series.
You can find the previous parts at the following links: part 1, part 2, part 3
Three weeks and many dates later, Sylvie wakes up in Matt's bed. He's not in the room and his side of the bed is still rumpled and messy. She runs a hand over the sheets finding them still warm. He hasn't been out of bed long. Getting out of bed, she borrows a pair of Matt's boxers -- rolling them at the waist so they fit -- and puts on her t-shirt from the night before.
She starts to head to the bedroom door but then her feet leave Matt's rug and land on the cold concrete floors. With a grimace she scampers over to Matt's dresser and steals a pair of socks. Why is this loft always so cold? Do Severide and Matt really run that hot?
Well, okay, she knows Matt does. Thank god. He's like her very own personal space heater.
Padding her way into the open concept living room and kitchen, she finds Matt and Severide making breakfast. She's assuming Stella's still asleep.
Matt looks up as she approaches the kitchen island. He scoops the scrambled eggs into a bowl and then rounds the island to meet her halfway, greeting her with a quick and casual peck to her lips. "Good morning."
"Morning," she replies, winding her arms around his waist.
"How'd you sleep?" He asks, mimicking her stance and holding her in return.
"Wonderful. I had you to keep me nice and toasty all night. That's always my favorite."
Severide's face pinches as he fixes his breakfast plate. "Alright, take it back to his room. I don't need to hear the bed sharing specifics."
Sylvie narrows her eyes at him and sticks out her tongue, leaning into the bratty little sister role she's found herself playing when it comes to her boyfriend's best friend. "Why do we have to take it somewhere else? You have a room too."
"Yeah, but my name is on the lease so..."
"Alright, that's enough of this weird sibling act," Matt says cutting Severide off with a laugh. "Go wake up Stella before breakfast gets cold. We need to leave for the firehouse soon anyway."
"He's only interrupting me because he knows I'm right. For the record," Severide says as he turns and leaves the kitchen.
"You guys leave for the firehouse together?" Sylvie asks Matt. She's never slept over the night before a shift before, but today was different. Today, it made sense.
"We take separate cars but yeah we leave together. Are you ready for a shift at 51?" He asks, leading her to the kitchen so they can both make a plate.
"As I'll ever be. I'm excited to work with Mikami. Shay raves about her. Says she really knows her stuff. I just hope everything goes well for Shay today. If anyone deserves a promotion it's her." Since that first shift Shay covered for her, the two of them have become fast friends. Today, Sylvie's repaying Shay's initial favor and covering 61.
"Have you thought about what she suggested at Molly's last night?"
"What? You mean me filling her PIC spot if she gets promoted to AC?" Sylvie bites her bottom lip and then shakes her head. "I have a little but...do you think that's a good idea? Us being in a relationship and working together? You don't think anyone will have an issue with the optics of that?"
"Optics of what?" Matt asks, following her to the kitchen table to eat. "You wouldn't be directly under my command. You've got an AC and Paramedic Field Chief for that."
"In my experience, the actual chain of command doesn't really matter," Sylvie mutters as they sit.
"Okay, I hear you," Matt reluctantly admits. "I know Kidd's had some weird run ins with a couple of guys even though she and Severide are on different rigs. If people are gonna be ignorant and rude logic hardly ever stops them. If you decide you don't want to, I'd understand, but keep an open mind. See how today feels. Deal?"
"Deal," she agrees, leaning over and kissing Matt's cheek. "For you."
Later, with 12 hours of a shift at 51 under her belt, Sylvie can admit Matt's house is exceptional. The team at 40 is full of good people, but they're not as close knit as 51. Violet is a great partner. A little green but extremely knowledgable. And, most importantly, Chief Boden nor anyone else at 51 cares that she's dating Matt. It doesn't affect how she does her job so it had no bearing on what they think of her.
During a quiet moment, she's sitting with Matt in his quarters and watching everyone else at 51 go about their day. None of them pay her a bit of attention as she lounges on Matt's cot while he finishes up his paperwork. When she was dating Greg at 40, everyone seemed to stare at her constantly. They watched her every move as if waiting for any sign Grainger might favor her over anyone else.
She assumed that was normal. That every house would be that way. It's odd knowing that assumption was wrong. Is this house the exception or the rule? She's never worked anywhere but 51 or 40 so it's hard for her to say.
"I can hear you thinking," Matt says before he turns in his chair to look at her. "What's going on over there?"
"My last experience dating an officer was...uncomfortable. Not because of Grainger. He was fine. But the people around us watching us like a hawk. I braced myself for an uninvited opinion every day," she confesses. "And I thought that was normal."
Matt nods, listening intently. "Thought? Past tense?"
"Your house hasn't asked me a single question about you or batted an eye when we interacted or touched. They only care about our relationship as much as they need to in order to make sure you're happy. That's...mind blowing, honestly."
The grin he points at her is slow and full of understanding. "Yeah, 51 has that effect on people, a lot."
"I was worried working together and dating would put added pressure on us and burst our little honeymoon phase bubble. I've had relationships fall apart over less, you know?" She idly plays with her watch band as she debates continuing.
Is she on the verge of too much, too soon? Should she quit while she's ahead? No, she's done softening her feelings for the sake of a man she's dating. She did that with Greg and ended up staying with him too long passed their expiration date. If anything is ever going to work out for her, it'll take her being honest to make it happen.
"And I really don't want this to fall apart. I haven't been this crazy about a person in a very long time." She takes a deep steadying breath as she finishes telling her truths and impatiently waits for Matt's reaction.
She doesn't have to wait long. He relocates from his chair to the bunk next to her and takes both of her hands in his, smiling so warmly his eyes wrinkle at the corners. "I haven't been this crazy about a person in a long time either, and we're not going to fall apart. Especially not because of any outside opinions. We're the only ones that really know how we are together and how we feel about each other. I'm not gonna let anyone, at 51 or otherwise, take that from us. Trust me on that one."
His certainty and determination send thrilling little shocks coursing through her bloodstream. She feels buzzy. Almost as if she's had a double shot of espresso, but she hasn't. No, she's got something much better: private doses of Matt Casey that she has access to whenever she wants. The more time she spends with him, the harder and faster she falls.
"Oddly enough, I do trust you. Completely."
"Good," he says, lifting the back of her hand to his lips for a quick and subtle kiss. He's aware people could be watching and he's sensitive to her worries. Most guys wouldn't be. But Matt Casey is the best of the best. Of course, he remembers and acts accordingly.
God, she's in big trouble. This man is going to own her heart before too long and, once he has it, she knows she won't be getting it back.
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stellariders · 17 days
In the Meet US At Molly's pod, when they asked her why Kidd wasn't Bretts' maid of honor & she's like someone had to hold the baby. I knew then she was not well because excuse me? Literally, ANYONE could have held that baby...
i was listening to that and i thought her reasoning was strange and i don’t fully understand it. now if she said that it was because brett became closer to violet in the past 2-3 seasons, more then violet and stella did then i’d understand because i’d fully agree with that. because it’s true that brett got closer to violet, but andrea basically said that brett chose violet because she wanted “to say a special thank you to violet” and that brett didn’t have that history with violet that she did with stella so she knew stella would understand why she picked violet. so it almost feels like brett felt like she had to pick violet rather then because she wanted to. idk i think im overthinking that.
yeah anyone could’ve held julia but i guess stella holding julia made the most sense since brett’s (other) best friend is stella. so who do you trust more then your best friend? plus i don’t think it was for the whole wedding. julia was probably passed around to everyone . cause we saw trudy holding her too
i also had to laugh when andrea said the stella was part of planning the wedding because she wasn’t… at least not that we saw. it was just tony, violet, and brett that planned.
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severidescigar · 2 years
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A very special THANK YOU to @princess-olaf who helped me recover my one shots after they were deleted, therefore giving me another chance to post them on here 🥰❤
(This post will updated every time I post something new)
I'm taking requests for the following list.
KELLY SEVERIDE (multi-chapter)
Nothing will ever be the same (ON HOLD)
Quarantine Blues
Jealousy is in the air?
She was my best friend
You look like hell ft. Matt Casey
Lt. Stella Kidd
Baby Severide
Tough Call
Little Sister, Big Problems
Detective Stalker
I'm Never Leaving You
What happened in the past doesn't remain in the past
Hailey's first night over at Jay's apartment - Headcanon
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brokenlonelyandafraid · 2 months
Wanted Plots/Threads:
-My oc Sophia being Eddie's best friend since childhood finally moving to LA. Maybe even helping him with his sexuality and crush on Buck? Or Buck getting jealous that they're spending more time together and she has to basically spell it out for him.
-Sophia being a long lost Buckley sibling. This post explains it!
Putting Sophia with literally anyone from OneChicago but huge bonus for:
-big brother/little sister bond with Adam Ruzek.
-Anything with romantic intentions (not necessarily shipping) with Dante Torres, Kevin Atwater, Hailey Upton, Stella Kidd, or Kelly Severide. And I know they aren't OneChicago but also with Joe Velasco or Grace Muncy from SVU.
Like this or shoot me a message if you want to do something involving any of this! I'd prefer discord (that I haven't used in forever lol) but we can keep to tumblr if desired!
Or send in a meme to break the ice! Just give a hint as to what fandom it is lol. And don't worry about the age of the meme or theme- I'm slowly coming back so everything is kind of old.
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roberttchase · 1 year
Brettsey + 'You broke my heart over the phone'.
I made this way too angsty, whoops. I got another prompt as well, so I combined them! Have 2.5k of Matt on lexapro, Cruz throwing a punch, and Brettsey getting alllll their emotions out.
Can you redo the Molly’s scene but with more angst since you’re so good at it?? 
The second he clocks her; not even twenty seconds into the damn place, Matt blinks and feels his body tense. He’d wanted to  catch up with 51, wanted to quell the intense homesickness he’s been battling the past few months. But maybe coming here wasn’t such a good idea after all. His stomach feels sloshy even without having a drink, and there’s a lump in his throat that he can’t quite swallow. 
Her hair is longer. It’s the first thing he notices, aside from how beautiful she looks. He wants to compliment it, but then he remembers how he used to rake his fingers through the soft golden strands, how he used to bury his face into it when he was stressed or sleepy. The firefighter remembers how the light would hit it in the morning and make Sylvie look like an Angel while she slept. He turns to go, to make a run for it before he’s noticed, but it backfires and he runs into Gallo and Violet who’ve just walked in. 
“I’m so sorry!”
“Captain! It’s totally okay,” Gallo grins widely, clapping Casey on the shoulder. 
Everyone seems to notice him now, and a few ‘Case!’ and ‘Captain’s!’ ring out throughout the bar. 
He’s not sure what does it exactly, but the sudden thought of being an outsider wells up inside of him. He doesn’t belong here, not anymore. He talks to Severide and Kidd every couple of weeks, but aside from that and Herrmann once in a blue moon, no one reaches out to him- but he doesn’t reach out to them either. He feels trapped like a wild animal caged in a corner. The man can feel eyes from his old team on him, waiting for him to come over and join their conversation. He knows Sylvie’s head is turned towards him now thanks to his peripheral vision. Hands shaking slightly, Matt shoves them into his pockets and licks his lips. 
“I actually uh, I have to head out-“ 
“No way Captain!” Stella calls from the bar, her curls pulled back into a ponytail. “Not until you’ve had a drink or two and we catch up.” 
And okay, he’s not thought this one through. Shit. How does he get his way out of this? Walking up to the bar, he gives Sev a hand to the shoulder, then pulls away to let Stella hug him from over the counter. Herrmann’s wiping down the opposite side but heads over, slinging his towel over his shoulder. 
“How ya doin’ Casey? How’s Portland?” 
“Oh, you know, keeping me busy,” he smiles, ignoring the skeptical look from Stella. “How’s everything here?” 
“Oh ya know, keeping us busy,” Herrmann parrots back. “What brings you back?” 
“I’m here to see my sister,” Matt lies, not wanting to let anyone know about the talk he’s going to have with Stella, even though he knows at least Severide will hear about it. 
“Well, it’s good to see your face back in here. It’s been weird without you.” 
“I’ve missed it,” Matt clenched his jaw and blinks, trying to calm himself down. 
“What’re you drinking? The usual?” 
As much as the blonde desperately wants a beer, he can’t. Not anymore. 
“Oh, uh, no, I’ll just take a coke,” he shrugs, feeling his face heat up when the three of them look at him like he’s crazy. “I uhh…I can’t drink,” he adds lamely as an afterthought. 
“You got some news for us Case?” Severide laughs and pats Matt’s stomach gently. “Better name them after me.” 
“You’re a comedian,” the firefighter rolls his eyes at his best friend's antics. “No, I’m actually,” Matt straightens up a bit, then lowers his voice. “I’m on this medication that won’t let me drink,” he waves off, hoping they’ll leave it.
They don’t, of course. Herrmann tries, which Matt’s grateful for, stumbling out a “Jeez, okay, Lemme get you a coke then,” before ambling down to the soda fountain at the other end of the bar. 
“Medication?” Severide’s eyebrows raise. “Are you okay?” 
Matt nods, pressing his palms against his thighs. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good. Seriously,” he promises the couple who still look worried. “It’s just Lexapro man, nothing serious.” 
Stella and Severide share a look. 
“That’s for depression and anxiety right,” Kelly recalls, frowning. “What’s going on with you lately? You can talk to me Case.” 
“Look, if it’s all the same to you, maybe we can do this when we’re not at the bar. Don’t really feel like talking about it here,” Matt looks around and Sylvie’s eyes are staring back At him, making him feel like he’s been electrocuted. 
He shouldn’t have come. This was all a mistake. 
“I’m gonna go see my sister, but it was great to see you guys. Maybe we ca-“ 
“Stay at the loft tonight, yeah? Beats a hotel,” Stella interjects.
Matt debates it. On one hand, his best friends are married now. But this isn’t him moving back in, it’s one night. He’s missed them. But they don’t deserve to have him back for a night just for him to leave again, just like Sylvie didn’t. He doesn’t want to make the same mistake, and yet- 
“Yeah, alright. I’ll text you guys when I’m heading over.” 
He puts a twenty on the counter even though he’s not even been given the drink that Herrmann’s still fiddling with, obviously wanting to give them space. A moment later, the blonde is out the door, feeling shaky and like his skin is too tight on his body. It’s as if he’s a live wire, ready to combust. He can’t do this. 
It takes everything in him not to tell the woman approaching him to leave him alone. She doesn’t deserve that, he tells himself, she doesn’t deserve to feel the way he’s been feeling. 
“Sylvie..” Any other words die in his throat, now that he’s so close to her, can smell her perfume and can see her freckles that come out when it gets warmer. 
“Why didn’t you say you were coming?” 
“I don’t…,” he swallows. “Why would I need to? We’re not dating anymore.” 
It’s blunt and he sees Sylvie wince. He doesn’t mean to be harsh, it’s just a fair statement. They’re not together anymore, no matter how much he wants to be. He bites his thumbnail; an old anxious habit, then looks at her. She looks surprised, hurt and confused all at the same time. 
“We’re adults. We should be able to talk and-“ 
“You broke my heart over the phone, I don’t think
I owe you anything.” 
The words tumble out before he can stop them. Matt can physically feel his resolve crumbling, can feel the nice guy routine starting to slip out of his grasp. All the emotions that have been bottling up since September feel like they’re ready to erupt like a volcano. Tears threaten to do the same. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t just fly out to Portland to have that conversation,” she grits out, and oh yeah, he can’t tell just from how Sylvie sounds that they’re doing this; getting their grievances out, right in the middle of the sidewalk outside of Molly’s. 
“Conversation? There wasn’t a conversation from how I remember it. I didn’t even get a real explanation! It’s always been ‘it’s hard’. I get that it’s hard, I had to live it too. But it’s bullshit that the reason we broke up was because it was ‘hard’. We could have done more instead of just give up!” 
“It was hard, Matt! Do you know how hard it is being at 51 without you? Constantly being reminded of you? And when we try to set up video dates there’s always something that gets in the way? I needed you and sometimes I couldn’t have you! It wasn’t fair! It was exhausting always wondering if I’d be able to talk to my boyfriend, or the fact I couldn’t hug you or kiss you. We were new and everything was perfect and then you left!” Her words are tainted with sadness and desperation. 
Matt feels like he wants to throw up. His breaths quicken and he lets his eyes look away from the paramedic. 
“Unfair? This whole thing is unfair, I couldn’t just let the boys get thrown into foster care!” He crosses his arms defensively. “I’ve lived that, and that’s unfair, Sylvie. I’m sorry I can’t be two places at once!” 
“I know that Matt, but it doesn’t make the hurting any less miserable,” Sylvie blinks hard, and if Matt has to watch her cry again he’s going to lose it himself. 
“Do you know how miserable I was? How miserable I am? I’m trying to be a good guardian to them, and I’m pretty sure I suck. I couldn’t see you then, and I can’t see you now. I don’t have friends at work, it’s not like 51. 51 is a family. I’m an outsider at my firehouse,” he swallows thickly, finally admitting how awful it’s been. “I’m not Case or Matt to anyone there. They don’t know me! I’m Captain Casey, and that’s all I’ll ever be because they don’t care. I’m not invited places because I’m their boss. Our Chief is only at the house half the time, which means I’m in charge of everything. So it’s work, boys, and then make things in the shed behind the house because if I’m left alone with my thoughts? It’s not a good time.” 
He thinks back to the first week they’d been broken up. Thinks back to sitting alone in the dark of his small bedroom and wondering if he was helping anyone, if he was a good guardian, or brother, or leader. He thinks back to intrusive thoughts and punching a hole in the wall, ignoring the fracture and letting himself feel the pain for the next two weeks, serving as some kind of fucked up punishment. 
Sylvie is watching him as he starts trembling and his chest tightens. He knows his anxiety is starting to seep through the wall his lexapro builds him, and he clears his throat. 
“Look. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry I didn’t do enough, and I’m sorry I made you feel that way. You don’t ever deserve to feel like you’re not enough or you’re a second choice.” 
Dejavu washes over him. 
“I just want you happy. So if you’re happier without me, I accept that. But please don’t let us fail just because it was hard. You were it for me Sylvie, absolutely the only one I could ever see building a forever with. And like I said, you broke my heart. I’m not going to deny that. But I’d rather my heart be broken versus yours.” 
By the end of his little speech, he’s trembling all over, and he thinks maybe he should get to his suitcase that’s at Christie’s and take another pill. Sylvie looks ready to cry at any moment, cheeks flushed and eyes watering.
Severide and Cruz interrupt her, walking out of Molly’s laughing. Both stop short, and it’s ironic really, the fact Matt and Sylvie’s respective ‘defenders’ are walking out to this of all things. All four of them freeze, but the tear that’s falling from the paramedics eyes makes Cruz snap back into action almost immediately. He puffs his chest out and stands taller as he walks up to Matt. The Captain straightens his own shoulders. 
“You know, with all due respect Casey, now that you’re not at fifty one, I can kick your ass for hurting her.” 
“Cruz! You’re still a firefighter, and not only that, I’m your lieutenant and I’m also right here,” Severide steps in, his voice firm. 
Matt keeps his face stony and unreadable, mouth in a thin line, almost turning downwards. He knows there’s no way in hell Cruz would try and fight him, at least he’s 90% sure. He holds his ground, raising an eyebrow. 
“You really want to do that Cruz?” He asks, ignoring the noise Sylvie makes next to him. “Go ahead then. You’ll get reprimanded, but if it’s worth it, you can take a free shot,” Matt says sarcastically. 
Before he knows what’s happening, there’s force against his cheek, hard and sudden. Both Severide and Sylvie yell at Cruz, and as Matt looks up cradling his jaw, he sees his best friend grabbing the squad member by his shirt, holding him tight. 
“You’re out of your damn mind man!” 
“No, Casey is! Brett’s been heartbroken and it’s his fault!” 
“It’s no one’s fault, they’re both adults, and this isn’t high school!” 
“Stop! Stop yelling, and stop stepping in for me. Cruz, I told you, I broke up with him. You don’t get to just go around hitting people because of something they did or didn’t do,” Sylvie glares. 
Matt’s not sure he can recall ever seeing her this angry. Wincing as he rubs the tender spot on his jaw and cheekbone, he finally recovers, clenching his fist. He wants to sucker punch Cruz, but he also understands why he’s hit him. And truthfully, maybe he deserves it. Sighing, he puts a hand out, signaling for everyone to stop. 
“I’m leaving. Severide, I’m grabbing my bag from Christie’s and then I’ll come to yours. Cruz, have fun with your write up. Sylvie…it was good seeing you.”
The last few words are quiet and his voice shakes, but it’s the last of his worries. His face hurts, he’s exhausted, and he feels like he’s going to crawl out of his skin. 
“I’ll see you guys around.” 
With that, Matt turns and walks down the street, grateful Christy isn’t too far away. The idea of staying near everyone for much longer makes him feel gross. By the time he’s letting himself into Severide and Kidd’s apartment; because of course he still has his key, it’s nearing ten o’clock and a bruise is blossoming on his jawbone. 
“Damn, he really got you good,” Stella says Matt shuffles in further, setting his leather duffel bag down. 
“It was an easy shot, could have avoided it,” he grumbles, sitting on the couch reflexively, as if he still lives there. 
A beat of silence. 
“So, can I talk about the elephant in the room?” Stella looks at him with that determined face she gets, so he nods as Severide comes and sits down too, a bowl of chips in hand. 
“When did you start taking lexapro?” 
The way she says it reminds Matt of a mom worrying over her kid, which isn’t all that terrible if he’s honest. 
“In October. It’s been a rough few months I guess,” he shrugs, staring at the wall behind his friends.
“That’s all we get?” 
“Tonight? Yeah. Maybe tomorrow I’ll say more but I’m tired and feel like shit and want to sleep.” 
“Fair enough dude. Go get some sleep. And take something for your jaw, or you’ll regret it.” 
“Yes dad.”
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adri-2022 · 2 years
Two Brids
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x OC Malia Halstead / Stella Kidd/ Gabriela Dawson/ Adam Rusek/ Kevin Atwater
Warnings: Mention of pregnancy drinking/ little bit of sadness
Word count: 1048
Jay Halstead Materlist
A/N: Hello my beautiful people. Here is a little request from the beautiful @allisonargent144
[Very important this song “Two Birds” by Regina Spektor does NOT belong to me I just using it for this imagine.]
Don't be afraid to leave your comment!
Malia Halstead was the definition of a ray of sunshine. She was the most optimistic person you could ever meet and the happiest at that. Some of it came with her background and childhood, some was just how her current life made her feel. She was married and currently 3 months pregnant. She met her husband in a bar called Molly’s 5 years ago, while she and her band got hired to sing on Friday nights. After that Jay went to Molly’s every Friday just to listen to Malia sing, until he finally made a move. They hit it off dating for a year before marrying and now expecting their first born.
Today was Friday again which meant they had to play for Molly’s. So, she dressed in a comfortable yet cute outfit. She wore a beautiful white sundress that hugged her body giving a full view of her growing belly, topping it with a nude cardigan and white strappy sandals. She wanted to look professional yet respectful, because today she would sing a very emotional song written by her for a dear friend who had passed away 2 months ago. Leslie Shay was her best friend, they met in the same bar, where they got to share memories and moments. She had called that Malia would end up marrying Jay and it was sad that she wouldn’t get to see baby Halstead.
Arriving at Molly’s she was met with the faces of friends and happiness filling every corner of the bar. She looked around trying to spot a familiar face. At the other side of the bar there was Intelligence table, they were pretty much having a breath after a though case not realizing she had arrived. The team loved Malia to death, treating her with kindness that would overwhelm anyone, but not Malia, she loved love it was her favorite emotion.
“Hey man. You Mrs is here” Kevin was the first to notice Malia, nudging Jay to gain his attention, the latter turning in his seat to look at his wife. She looked absolutely breath taking, Jay as always wore a proud and playful look. The married couple made eye contact sharing a sweet smile,
“I love you” Malia mouthed to her husband, just as Jay was about to answer he was interrupted by Gabby voice,
“There is the sexy pregnant girl” gaining the attention of the mom to be. Malia made a detour to the bar where Gabby and Stella were attending costumers.
“Hey Gabs. Stella” Malia greeted both woman. Stella smiled kindly her way before finishing pouring drinks.
“Hey sexy momma. How are you feeling?” Stella asked
“Good, good. Starting to show. No more morning sickness so that’s exiting” Malia said listing everything. Both woman chuckling.
“What can I get you love?” Gabby asked. Malia thought for a second before answering.
“I’ll have a lemonade, but can you pour it in a martini glass” she answered smirking slightly making Gabby shake her head with a small smile.
“He’s gonna freak out you know that right?” Gabby said one eyebrow raised and a teasing smile.
“Yep” “You’re trouble woman” Stella commented between Malia and Gabby’s banter reaching for a martini glass.
Everything was going smoothly; Malia was waiting on her drink and Jay was keeping an eye on her from where he sat. He had to admit she was absolutely glowing, and it looked extremely good on her. Furrowing his eyebrows when he noticed the martini glass being handed to her,
“What the hell are doing” he muttered to himself before rushing to Malia. He knew she wasn’t that crazy as to put their kid in danger, but you never know. When she was about to take her first sip a hand popped out of nowhere taking her glass from her hands.
“Hey that’s mine” she said looking at the thief just to be met with her husband’s ‘are you serious’ look. This made made her go in a fit of giggles, putting her hands on her mouth trying to stop it. Jay looked at her squinting his eyes, before leaning slightly and smelling the drink.
“Seriously” he said trying his best to be serious, but a smile was waiting to fight its way to his lips.
“Can I have my martini back sir” she asked innocently, while Stella and Gabby chuckled.  
“You’re going to be the death of me woman” he said putting the drink on the bar and leaning down to peck her lips sweetly, while also trying to ignore the whistling and cheers of their friends. When they pulled away, he smirked and winked at her making her chuckle before walking back to his friends table.
“Yo! Malia you ready?” asked Kelly Severide a friend she met through Leslie called for her.
“Ready!” she called back to him before standing up and making her way towards the stage. Jay noticing her movement looked at her before making his way towards the bar stool closest to the stage.
“She ain’t going anywhere man!” Adam called from the table making everyone around laugh. It wasn’t a secret how protective Jay was of Malia, more now with a baby on the way. When hearing this Jay turned around to flip him off, earning more laughs.
“Hi everyone. How are you all doing tonight?” Malia started greeting everyone, being met with cheers.
“So, tonight is a special night for me. I’m sure it is for a lot of us here. Two months ago, we lost a very dear and special friend. So as her best girl-friend. Yes, Kelly, I know you were her best friend also, no need to get jealous…” she stopped to chuckle with the rest of the bar, Kelly shaking his head with a big smile on his face. So, she continued,
“…I took matters in hand and thought that she would’ve loved for us to live and love in her name. So, I wrote this next song called ‘Two Birds’. I hope everyone likes it. This one’s for you troublemaker” Malia finished, looking at Jay who smiled at her giving her an encouraging smile, before the music started. Safe to say there wasn’t a dry eye in the bar that night, but also love could be felt from every direction, truly beautiful.  
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stellaridegifs · 1 year
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best-friends-in-love | best frends in ləv | noun (part ii) i. being in love with your best friend ii. having feelings of deep romantic attachment to your closest friend
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morganupstead · 1 year
Chicago Fire 11x13 thoughts:
The Hermans. that's all.
Carver is really giving me bad vibes. He kind of always does, but right off the bat this is just annoying.
HUH??? I'm so confused. Sylvie loved Matt at first sight??? Okay, we really are throwing previous storylines out the window now. (I'm not anti brettsey, but like make it make sense they worked together for years before they didn't start showing feelings til like season 8 or 9???) and Violet is giving logical advice and I admire that view.
I will always take more Sylveride team-ups if they are going to be like that. The best parts of an ensemble cast are the mix in partnerships!!!
Hermann, there is nothing wrong with accepting help, and I hope Gallo and RItter conspire to do something kind for them because they are really good guys. Ugh, they are so trying!!!
OH, WE ARE NOT DOING THIS CARVER. that smirk needs to go, I'm so glad I still don't like him because now I can see where this is going and I'm not about this.
Stella is doing what every good lieutenant would do; keep an eye on her team.
I'm supposed to remember that Kelly and Sylvie can't take gifts right??? this is a question for @agent-bash. That also seemed like a veiled threat right?? This might come back and bite them later on?? I'm not sure
Stella knows complicated pasts like no one else. But I just have a bad feeling about how this relationship between them might develop going forward. It could be good, but with Derek spearheading this I don't trust him.
The Hermanns need help. They need their firehouse family more than anything else. Stella's "this is what you did for my wedding" ugh THE FOUND FAMILY THAT I LOVE
Okay, this Sylveride gift thing is good. It's funny.
CHIEF THAT WAS SO OMINOUS WHAT DID YOU GIVE STELLA!!!! please be good please be good.
oh, lovely Hermann I'm sorry you walked in on that, and CINDY HERRMAN I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Severide messing with bows is adorable. Sylveride being friends is actually a good thing, it keeps Casey closer to both of them. Yea he might not be close to them right now but they have each other.
I'm concerned about Stella playing wingman with Carver. Do I agree that she is trying to do the right thing because he needs someone to ground him?? Yes, but in the mystical land of One Chicago I don't see this going all sunshine and rainbows. I'm proceeding with caution.
FIREFIGHTER AWARD OF VALOR!!!!!!! let's go lieutenant KIDD!!! (and carver yes he did well too but the guy freaks me out) Hold on his name is Sam??? have we established that already or did I just forget.
Sexy Stellaride!!!!!!! I really appreciate Stella being self-aware enough to understand and say that. And Kelly recognizes that even though they do things differently that's okay??? That's the communication that fosters a good marriage. It's so great to see this for them. TALKING. not assuming.
The Hermann kids in this episode are really really great. I hope they stick around more often now.
Stella backstory??? This I'm here for. Long time coming too.
All of these camera pans to Carver and Stella make me nervous. It screams foreshadowing of something we're not gonna see coming. OH NEVER MIND I SEE IT AND I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. Carver is catching feelings for a married woman and I want to throw up. I had a gut feeling that I was begging was wrong. Carver THAT'S A MARRIED WOMAN IT'S GROSS.
Carver you can just shut up if you want to be mad by yourself, don't drag the rest of the firehouse into your pity party. Firehouse 51 is a family whether you like it or not. You can't beat them down but you can join them.
I had a feeling that was Lana's Dad.......
Yes, Carver is a hothead. And Stella has learned as a lieutenant with him being on her squad. Stella and Kelly are both right. This is the turning point with Carver as a character I think. It's either he stays or he goes and I have a feeling I know where this is headed.
Again for the 1 millionth time, Chris and Cindy Hermann and the kids deserve every good thing in the entire world.
Overall: The episode was 7/10. The Hermann family and firehouse team up alongside the side Sylveride storyline were the best parts. I'm bothered by Carver, and I'm concerned about how this fledgling "thing" with Stella is going to pan out because I don't even know how to describe this yet. Stella is trying to be a good lieutenant, I don't know what Carver's deal is I can't read him. I'm more concerned because they have to write Severide out of an undisclosed number of episodes now, so if this is going to be the filler I'm not going to like it.
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