saralayne · 1 month
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 12: Always Come Home To You
Kelly struggling with going back to work.
Kelly had taken 3 weeks paternity leave from the firehouse. Settling in with Stella and their baby girl, Shae. She was just shy of a month old. They had settled into a routine. Shae was waking every 3-4 hours to feed. They would prepare bottles so Kelly could get up with her at least once through the night which allowed Stella to sleep. Shae started to get on a schedule. Before they knew it, three weeks had passed and it was time for Kelly to go back to work. Stella still had 8 more weeks of maternity leave. Stella had prepared herself for days to be just her and Shae well Kelly was at work. She knew he was only a phone call away and their days would be filled with Mommy and daughter time.
Kelly on the other hand was having a much harder time at the thought of leaving his girls. He knew whole heartedly that Stella would be great and could handle it just being the two of them. The thoughts that plagued him was merely leaving them. Period. His wife and new born daughter. He was going to miss them. Since the day Shae was born he hadn’t spent a minute away from either of them. He knew he needed to go back. But he didn’t want to. Leaving them even to go to work just felt wrong.
Shae was still sleeping in their room. In her bassinet beside their bed. It made it that much easier to feed her the few times through the night. They had planned to move her to the nursery when she was a little older. On the night before he was to go back to shift, Shae was soundly asleep in her bassinet in between feeds. Stella fast asleep. Unfortunately Kelly was tossing and turning, sleep was plaguing him. Dreading leaving his girls. When Stella woke up to feed Shae a couple hours later, turning towards her husbands side of the bed. Not finding him there. A small burst of panic came over her given what they had been through the days leading up to Shae’s birth. Shae was becoming fussy. Stella peering through their open bedroom door and seeing her husband on the couch. Knowing he was safe, Stella picking up Shae to feed her. After, Shae was soundly asleep again. Stella gently laying their baby girl back down in her bassinet. It was now 4:30am. Approaching her husband on the couch. Stella knew something was wrong. Kelly had made it a point to always be near her and their daughter, including always sleeping in bed with Stella where Shae was in his sight at all times.
“Kelly. Babe. What’s going on? Why are you out here?”
Kellys eyes peering open, looking directly into his wife’s eyes.
“I came out here. I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to disturb the few hours of sleep you were going to get in between her feeds”
“Kelly. Why can’t you sleep?”
Kelly pausing before letting out a deep sigh.
“I don’t wanna go back to work. I don’t wanna leave either of you. I don’t want to miss anything with her”
“Baby. I know you haven’t been away from either of us since she was born. I understand why this would be so hard for you BUT we are going to be ok. We will be anticipating you returning home after shift. I promise you I will blow up your phone with pictures, videos and even FaceTimes when your free. You won’t miss anything. Shae is without a doubt daddys little girl. I mean, I went through the painful labour to bring her into this world. It’s you she always wants. When she hears your voice, she is the happiest. So, when you go to work you and Shae will both have something to look forward to when you come home”
“Thank you, sweetheart. I needed to hear that”
“The love our angel has for you will NEVER go away because you go to work”
“Now, I just fed her. She’s fast asleep. Let’s go back to bed so you can get a couple more hours of sleep before shift. Ok?”
“Yeah, baby. Let’s go to bed”
As Kelly crawled under the covers. Wrapping himself around his beautiful wife. Turning his head and seeing his daughter who was peacefully sleeping. Falling fast asleep knowing everything was going to be ok. Leaving his girls to go to work only meant he would have something to look forward to.
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saralayne · 1 month
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 11: Family Of Three
Baby girl Severide makes her debut.
Stella was wheeled into labour and delivery. A nurse guided her onto a bed, helping her change into a gown. Her contractions were becoming intense but still over six minutes apart. As she slowly climbed onto the bed, taking in deep breaths. Her plan was to not get a epidural. Stella had a high pain tolerance but she was re thinking that decision. Not knowing if Kelly was going to be able to be at her side. He was always able to ground her. Even feeling pain she knew he would get her through any discomfort and pain she might have. ‘I don’t need to be a hero’ she thought. The only thing that mattered to her was their baby girl delivered healthy and safely. Stella hated the thought of Kelly not being there. She knew it would break his heart to not be beside her when their daughter made her grand entrance. On the other hand, what mattered was him to be treated properly and his healing. There would be a million moments he would have with their daughter. Although, Stella quietly wishing more than anything be would be there. This was something they had planned. There was no way he would ever miss this. No one could imagine what he had been through these recent days.
Hanna. Dr. Asher came in a short while later. Nurse had hooked Stella up to a fetal monitor to make sure there was no complications and baby’s heart rate were normal.
“Hey there Stella. I’m going to do a assessment and see where we are at. Ok?”
Dr. Asher completed her exam.
“Ok Stella. You are 8cm dilated. It’s going to be a short while but moving along nicely. Baby’s heart rate looks great. No concerns. Try to deep breathe through the contractions. Unfortunately, we are past the point of being able to give you a epidural”
“Thank You. Kelly is being treated in ER. I know he’s ok. I want him here with me. But I want him to be stable enough to be here. Is there anyway you can check on his status? I need reassurance”
“Sure. No problem Stella”
“Is Violet still here?”
“Yes. She is just right outside”
“I would like her with me until Kelly can hopefully join”
“Of course. I will bring her in and will go check on Kelly right away”
“Thank you, Hanna. I mean Dr. Asher”
“Stella. Please call me Hanna”
Violet came in. Taking Stella’s hand in hers. Knowing Stella needed support.
“I’ve got you Stella. I’m sure Kelly will make it a point to be here. Until then, you get me for as long as you need”
“Thank you so much, Vi”
Kelly was nervously twitching in his bed. Looking up at his current IV bag. Hoping he would be set free and even in a wheelchair could be with Stella. He would prefer to walk himself but as long as he was with her when she brought their daughter into the world, that’s all that mattered to him. Boden was at his bedside. Next to Stella, there was no one else he wanted with him.
“Chief. I need to get out of this bed. I need to be with my wife. I can’t miss this moment”
Tears freely falling down his cheeks simultaneously.
“I know Severide. Just give it some time. You need to be strong for them. Stella needs all of you”
“I will never forgive myself. I will never get that back. Since the moment we found out she was pregnant. I promised her I would be there for everything. I would never disappoint them. I will never be Benny”
“Severide. You are NOT Benny. Do you realize how many moments you will have with your daughter?And Stella. You will show up for both of them forever. Stella knows that without a doubt”
Kelly and Boden saw the doctor and nurse conversing. Short while later coming to the foot of Kelly’s bed.
“Ok. Severide. Your vitals and fluid levels have improved. We hear you are about to become a dad. So, as long as you allow a nurse to escort you to your wife. Just for safety. In case you feel dizzy or lightheaded”
Boden had never seen a bigger smile on his squads leaders face than in that very moment.
Stella was going through a painful contraction. Violet was holding her hand and helping Stella deep breathe. Stella looked up and saw the most beautiful sight. There was her husband in a gown but standing and smiling.
Violet moved to the side, while Kelly beelined to Stella’s side. Interlocking his hand with hers.
“Kelly. You’re here. I have missed you, my handsome man”
“Baby. I have never seen a more beautiful sight. I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how you must of felt. Im so sorry”
“Hey. Stop. This was not your fault. You’re here. That’s all that matters”
Stella feeling a intense contraction. Letting out a piercing screech.
Dr. Asher entered the room. Doing a quick exam.
“Ok Stella. We are ready. 10cm. You ready to meet your baby girl?”
Stella looking over towards her adoring husband. Kelly grasping her hand.
“You got this Stella Kidd. Let’s meet our daughter”
Stella nodding.
“Ok. Stella. I need one good push”
Stella gave all she had, pushing as hard as she could. Squeezing her husbands hand.
“Great job Stella. I can see her head. A couple more pushes and she will be here”
“Ready. Another push. 1-2-3. PUSH”
Stella exhausted. Slamming her head back against the pillow. Kelly rubbing his hand along her sweaty forehead.
“Stel. Your doing so good. So amazing. Your almost there. Home stretch baby”
Stella took in a deep breathe.
“Ok Stella. One more hard push”
Next thing Stella heard was a piercing cry. Their daughters cry. Nurse taking her over to the side. Placing her on weigh scale. Nurse swaddling baby in a warm blanket. Bringing her over and placing their little bundle of joy in Stella’s arms for the first time. Both Stella and Kelly crying.
“Stella. You are amazing. So strong. Look at her. She’s perfect. Gorgeous. Now I have two of the most beautiful girls”
Stella and Kelly found themselves silent for a few moments admiring their beautiful baby girl with her thick, dark hair.
“I can’t believe she’s finally here” whispering Stella.
“She’s perfect, Stel”
“Ok. Baby girl. I think it’s time your daddy holds you for the first time. What do you think?”
Stella gently handing their daughter to her daddy for the first time. Seeing Kelly become a dad, something she knew he had always wanted was priceless to her. Thinking of how great of a dad he is going to be. Knowing full well, only being on this earth for a few minutes already had her dad wrapped around her finger.
“This is the greatest moment of my life. You know aside from marrying you, my love”
“It’s ok, Kelly. She’s pretty damn perfect. She can be number one” Stella chuckling.
Kelly climbed into bed beside Stella. Their first moments as a family with their daughter.
51 family had gathered in waiting room. Anxiously awaiting news of the newest family member.
“Kelly take her and meet everyone. I’m too sore to come out with you. Have this moment and introduce our daughter to our family for the first time”
“That would be my pleasure”
“You are good with her name?”
“Her name is perfect. A strong name. She has a namesake of two of the most strong and fierce women both who had a lasting impact on both our lives”
“I agree, babe”
“We will be back soon”
“I’m good, Kelly. Let them enjoy her.”
Kelly made his way out to the waiting room, cradling his daughter in his arms. As all of 51 looked up. Gasps echoed through the room. There wasn’t a dry eye. Making his way closer.
“First, Stella is doing great. Tired and sore but so happy. She gave me the honours to introduce the newest member of our 51 family. Everyone I would like to present…”
“Shaelynn Gloria Severide. 6lbs of perfection. We will call her ‘Shae for short”
Stella and Kelly had wanted their daughter to have a name that meant something to both of them. ‘Shaelynn’ after Kelly’s departed best friend Leslie Shay. Who he knew would be so proud of how far he has come and would be the greatest Auntie. ‘Gloria’ named after DC Hill, who was always a mentor and a woman Stella felt inspired by since joining the academy. A woman of colour, climbing up the ranks with grace and determination.
Shae was passed around for everyone to hold and dote on. All her aunts and uncles. Seeing her in Papa Boden’s arms meant the world to Kelly. Boden always a father figure. Always in his corner. Never giving up on him even when it would of been easy too, especially in the early years. Years later also becoming that person for Stella as well. Kelly thinking Boden walking her down the aisle, giving her away to Kelly. He was everything to both of them.
Later, Kelly taking back his daughter. 51 family filing out of the waiting room.
“Ok. Baby girl. Let’s go back and see your mommy. I’m sure she’s missing you”
Stella admiringly looking up as she saw her husband and daughter come back into the room. Kelly placing her back in her mommy’s arms. Climbing into bed with his family. Shae falling asleep. Not far behind, Stella.
Kelly with one arm around his wife. Placing a kiss to Stella’s forehead and then gently to Shae’s tiny head. Everything that they had been through the past few days was a distant memory because his world was perfect.
“Goodnight my beautiful girls. I love you both to the moon and back”
Kelly now falling asleep. He was still sore and healing. But what he was feeling now…The events of recent days meant nothing now. He had everything he ever wanted. His family. He was the luckiest man not only in Chicago. In the world. Nothing he had or could ever go through would compare to the happiness and joy he was feeling.
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saralayne · 1 month
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 10: Where Is My Husband?
As Kelly’s life hangs in the balance. Stella has an emergency of her own.
Over the years there hasn’t been many times Kelly Severide felt paralyzing fear. Sure over the course of over a decade, he found himself in many sticky situations but he always kept his nerves in check. Never actual fear. The difference being he only thought of himself and how any close calls impacted his life alone. Now, every ‘sticky’ situation he found himself in not only effected him, also his wife and unborn baby daughter. That feeling alone, made his heart shatter in a million pieces. He never wanted Stella to feel that helpless feeling. He knew how he felt on a few occasions when her life was in danger. Times when they were just friends, when they were dating, when they were engaged and most recently that crippling feeling newly married at the RPG scene. Never in a million years would he ever want her to have that feeling of helplessness, worried for his safety. But here they were.
Kelly sitting on a dingy warehouse floor. Arms and legs bound with wire. Many gashes piercing through his skin. He could feel by each passing minute his blood flow and circulation decreasing. He kept telling himself to fight. Never give up. Nothing was going to stop him from getting home to his wife and daughter who was to come into this world any day now. He had been dreaming of the moment he would finally hold his baby girl in his arms. In danger of not making it home. He couldn’t think that way, needing to remain positive. He was certain he was alone and the men had bolted. They knew Kelly was a arson investigator which probably meant he was a firefighter as well. And would have ties with Chicago PD and people would be diligently looking for him. The danger now was Kelly keeping his strength up. He was dehydrated at this point. Not having any nourishment in close to two days. His limbs were bound and his skin was turning to a bluish colour which meant he was losing circulation. Also not knowing his location, he could be in a secluded location. They had smashed his phone, not allowing him to contact anyone if by chance he was able to free himself. ‘Fight, Kelly, Fight. Fight to get home to your girls. Stay strong Stella. Don’t fall apart’ racing through his mind.
Meanwhile, at the firehouse Stella was starting to fall apart. Trying everything to remain as calm as possible. Always thinking of their baby girl. Not wanting to send herself into early labour. All the rigs had been out on a call. Stella found herself alone and lost in her thoughts. All of which were dark. As she was laying on the bed in Kelly’s quarters. Desperately, trying to feel close to her husband. As she finally allowed herself to close her eyes. Letting the exhaustion set in. Stella heard a quiet knock.
Opening her tear filled eyes. Seeing Upton. Her friend.
“Upton. Hailey. Is there any news?”
“Stella. The team got a lead. Voight, Atwater and Ruzek are on top of it.”
“What kind of lead? Please Hailey tell me. I feel so helpless. WHERE IS MY HUSBAND?”
“A long haul trucker saw 3 men forcefully leading someone into a abandoned warehouse just outside of the city. Matching Kelly’s description. I am here for you. To support you. I know you have your 51 family here but I want to lend my shoulder for you. Reassure you. I promise you. Our team will stop at nothing to find him”
“Thank you, Hailey”
As the intelligence team arrived at the location they were given. Not knowing who was inside the warehouse. Guns raised as they bolted in. “CLEAR” each of them yelled running through”
Voight, seeing a figure pushed up against a back wall. As he moved closer. Seeing it was in fact Kelly. Immediately pushing his fingers over his carotid artery. Feeling a pulse. “I GOT HIM. CALL IT IN. He’s breathing. Unconscious” Voight relaying into his radio. “KELLY. KELLY. Can you hear me?” Voight hearing Kelly mumbling. “It’s OK, we got you. Help is on the way” reassuring Voight. As the paramedics arrived. Ruzek and Atwater leading them into the warehouse. Meanwhile, Voight had released the ties around Kelly’s limbs. Kelly was quickly placed on the gurney with oxygen. Slid into the back of ambo and racing towards Med. Voight ordering Ruzek to call Upton to inform Stella.
Hailey and Stella were still sitting in Kelly’s office. Hailey trying to keep Stella’s spirits positive. All of a sudden, Stella let out a earth shattering scream.
“STELLA. Are you ok?”
“NO. My water broke”
Hailey seeing the small puddle of fluid surrounding Stella.
“OW. OW. I’m having contractions”
Hailey running into common room where rigs had returned from their call. “STELLA NEEDS HELP” screaming Hailey. Violet jumping up from her seat, running towards Stella. Violet doing a assessment while Stella was crying. Measuring for dilation.
“Cmon Stella. I got you. Let’s get you to Med. You’re definitely in labour. Baby girl Severide is coming” Violet guiding Stella towards the ambo.
“This can’t be happening. Kelly should be here. I can’t do this alone. It’s too early.”
“Stella, you are 37 weeks along. That’s more than safe” reassuring Violet.
As Hailey was looking on to Stella being led to 61. Her phone started ringing. Trudy relaying the news that Kelly had been found and was on his way to Med. Telling her he was alive. Breathing. Hailey running towards the ambo as Stella was laying on the gurney. Deep breathing. Trying to keep the pain at bay.
“STELLA. They found him. He’s alive and breathing. On his way to Med.”
Tears streaming down Stella’s cheeks. Looking over to 51’s PIC. One of her best friends.
“H- HE- HE’S OK?”
“He’s OK, Stel. You will see him soon. Now let’s get you to Med and meet that beautiful baby girl”
Kelly had arrived at Med and was immediately being treated for his injuries. More importantly, getting his fluids and dehydration to a good level again. His vitals were still not in a normal range but he was stable and with some IV treatment they would get to a normal level. Kelly had started to become responsive. All be it, exhausted. Asking for his wife. Not knowing Stella herself was on her way to Med herself to have their baby girl. Intelligence team still standing outside of where Kelly was being treated. Hailey updating them on Stella’s status. Hailey walking towards Kelly as the nurse was administering his IV. As the nurse was almost done, Kelly springing up. Hailey and the nurse pushing him down. Not allowing him to leave his bed.
Hailey placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Kelly. You need to get treated. So you can be at your best for Stella and your baby girl. I will go see where she’s at. I promise, you won’t miss this. Please, just relax”
“Please, Upton. She must of been so terrified for me. I need my girls to be ok. I need to be with her. “
“I got you, Severide”
As Hailey walked out. Kelly tears now flowing. He had remained so strong throughout this ordeal but now all he wanted was to be at his wife’s side as they welcomed their princess.
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saralayne · 1 month
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 9: Where Is He?
Kelly doesn’t return home after going to a arson scene to investigate. Stella is beside herself with worry.
Stella is now 38 weeks pregnant. She is now on maternity leave. Staying home most days. These days she is too tired to go out on most occasions. Making appearances at the firehouse occasionally. Wanting to see her 51 family when she can. It was becoming hard to drive. They had their last ultrasound that week and baby girl was almost 8lbs. Healthy. Stella and Kelly were ready and prepared. Nursery was all ready. Had everything they needed. Car seat bases already installed in both Stella and Kelly’s vehicles. Mountains of clothes neatly hung in closet. Diapers, wipes and everything else they would need to start stocked. Now, it was just a matter of waiting for their princesses arrival.
Kelly was set to start a 4 week paternity leave. Wanting to soak in as much time as possible with his wife and new baby girl. Helping Stella with a routine. Get settled in and making sure Stella feels comfortable and secure when he does have to return to work. Kelly knows that he will probably be the one who has the harder time going back to work. That was something to worry about later. He was going to enjoy and soak up every moment with his newborn daughter and wife. As they become a family. Kelly was on his last rotation of shifts before he was off for a month. It was impossible to plan her exact arrival. The doctor was pretty confident, their baby girl could come any day.
Kelly was near the end of shift, when he received a call from Van Meter. Asking for assistance with a arson case in Chicago. Kelly was very reluctant to get involved in a case so close to Stella giving birth. When he wasn’t on shift for the rest of these last shifts, wanting to spend every moment at home with Stella. At first he declined to give his assistance but Van Meter really needed his help as he was short handed and it was a case that had major implications. There was extreme pressure to solve. Working with police, OFI had pressure to get a group of suspects off the streets. Van Meter assured Kelly they would only need his initial expertise at the arson findings and he could leave at anytime. If Stella went into labour or needed him. He would be free to leave at any given moment. No questions asked. Before agreeing, Kelly talked it over with Stella. She was nervous but agreed and gave her blessing to assist in the case. Knowing there was no world where Kelly wouldn’t drop everything if she needed him.
End of shift came and Kelly had agreed to go check out the arson scene before going home for the night. Just a initial look over to see what he was dealing with. Van Meter had emailed the details of the case. Before leaving the firehouse, Kelly pulling his phone out of his pocket to give his wife a call.
Stella picked up after a few rings. Took her longer to get to her phone unless it was right beside her. Her waddle walk was in full force. Getting up from a sitting position was a lot of work.
“Hey there, Handsome”
“Hi Beautiful. How are my girls doing?”
“Your girls are good. Although, your daughter has decided my stomach is her new punching bag”
“Well. She’s moving around and just reminding you she’s getting ready to meet us”
“Of course. So, how was shift?”
“It was good. So, I’m just gonna to this arson scene and do a quick look over to get a idea of what I have gotten myself into. I will head home as soon as I’m done. Ok, baby?”
“Sounds good babe. I’m sorry if I’m asleep when you get home. I am so tired”
“Stella. Yes, you get rest and sleep. Both my girls need rest. I love you both so much”
“We love you too, more than anything. See you soon handsome”
Kelly headed over to the scene. Expecting it to be a quick look over. Not knowing what he was walking into…
As he was in the older house, walking through debris with his flashlight. Looking for any leads into firstly what had started the fire. As Kelly was making his way through to the back of the house. He heard a muffled noise behind him, turning around was struck to the back of his head. Everything turning to black…
Stella had been long asleep when she was awoken by the urge to go to the bath room which happened at least once or twice through the night. Opening her eyes, picking up her phone. 3:45am. Turning over to her other side, reaching for her husband. She loved to cuddle into him through the night. Both for warmth and security. As her arm flopped over. Cold sheets. No warm body. Her husband wasn’t in bed. Stella knew sometimes he would lay on the couch if he couldn’t sleep. Kelly never wanted to disturb Stella’s sleep, always wanting her to rest peacefully. Stella made her way to the bathroom. As she made her way into the living room noticed the tv wasn’t on. Empty couch. Kelly was not there. Stella going back into their bedroom to retrieve her phone. Opening her husbands contact. Pressing send. Straight to voicemail. Followed by trying to text which it went through green not blue. Which meant his phone as most likely died or is off. Stella started to worry. He would of called her. He was so adamant about them
staying in constant contact when they weren’t together. Stella trying not to let her mind go the worst place. Kept calling and texting and still nothing. Finally, she couldn’t wait any longer and made a call to Boden. She hated waking him up in middle of the night but also knew he would always help her or Kelly if they ever needed him. He was papa Boden. As she pulled out his contact information in her phone. After 3 rings, she heard a muffled voice.
“Stella. Are you ok?”
“Hi Chief. I’m so sorry for calling at this hour”
“Stella. Never apologize. Im always here for anything you need. Everything ok?”
“No chief. It’s not. After shift Kelly went to a arson scene to look over a scene that Van Meter had asked for his assistance. I gave him my full support to help”
“Oh yes, he told me about the case before he left the firehouse”
“Right. So he called before he left the firehouse. Told me he would be home after he did a quick look over at the scene. I was feeling tired as usual, so I went to bed. When I woke up at 3:45 he still wasn’t home. I tried calling and texting. His phone is either off or dead. Chief…Kelly has been relentless about us keeping in contact especially as my pregnancy has progressed. Something has happened”
“Ok. Stella. Here’s what we are gonna do. I am going to come pick you up on my way in to firehouse. We are gonna all put our heads together and contact PD. I need you to keep calm as much as possible. Your baby girl needs you to be the strong Stella we all know and love. We are gonna find him. Can you do that for me?”
“Copy that Chief”
As Stella hung up. Tears started streaming down her flushed cheeks. ‘Kelly, where are you? Please come home. We need you’ as she rubbed circles over her belly.
A few hours later, Boden brought Stella to the firehouse. She was in shambles. Boden briefed their 51 family about their squad lieutenant, their friend, their family. As Boden, Stella and Cruz settled into Boden’s office…Boden made a call to Van Meter to come to the firehouse immediately. Needing more information about this case. It was evident this case was a contributing factor to Kelly going missing and is in imminent danger. Van Meter coming to the firehouse within the hour. Giving details of the case. Explaining there had been a string of arsons at homes owned or lived in my known gang members. PD was convinced, the arsons were part of a retaliation. “We need to call PD. Every minute that passes, Kelly is in more danger” stating Boden. Stella nodding. Boden made a call to Platt, knowing she could get the intelligence team in on this. Kelly needed the best on this. Stella and their baby girl needed the best. Platt with no hesitation assured Boden she was on this and would bring Voight and intelligence team in. Within the hour, Boden received a call from Voight. Briefing him on the details. “Chief, we are on this. Top priority. We will stop at nothing and bring Kelly home. I will be in touch with any any updates” assuring Voight.
Stella terrified at the thought of what could of happened. Trying to distract herself from those worst case thoughts found herself laying on the bed in Kelly’s office. A bed they had layed together on so many times over the years. She just wanted to feel him. She felt helpless. Knowing she had to let the police and chief handle this. She had to be strong for their baby girl.
Somewhere in Chicago…Kelly awoke in a dark warehouse. Grudgingly opening his eyes. Looking around in the dark space he found himself in. As he tried to move, quickly realizing he was unable to move his hands. Which were tied together. His feet were also tied. Not able to remember what had happened after everything went black. ‘What the hell? I just went to check out the scene. I was supposed to return home to Stella. Our baby girl.’ Tears forming. As fearful as he was with the situation he was in. Stella must be going out of her mind with worry. ‘Stella, baby stay strong. I will fight like hell somehow to get home to you and our princess’ the only thought Kelly could process.
As 4 masked men appeared in front of him. “Well it seems you lieutenant were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You should really just stick to fighting fires. And now you won’t live to see your family again”
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saralayne · 1 month
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 8: My Girls
A little fluff as Kelly & Stella prepare for baby girls arrival. Kelly’s nerves start to come through and becomes extra protective.
Stella was reaching 30 weeks along in her pregnancy. Feeling she was growing by the hour on some days. Becoming increasingly more tired. They had moved into their forever home. Unpacking was a slow process. 51 family had come over numerous times to help with the settling in. Cindy and Donna had made many home cooked meals for Kelly and Stella. Kelly was back at work. Stella had scaled back her hours at the firehouse. Not officially starting Maternity leave for a few more weeks. She was concentrating on getting the house ready and nesting for baby girls arrival. Early on in the pregnancy when she first came off active duty, the thought of being alone at home would make her crazy. Always wanting to be around her husband and their 51 family. The firehouse was her safe place. Kelly was. Knowing when he went out on a call, she could keep track of the calls or at the very least able to get immediate updates. Now, she just wanted to make their new home not only her safe place but also their baby girls as well.
Kelly had only had feelings of pure excitement and joy. The dream he always had of being a dad was becoming a reality. Not only becoming a dad, becoming a dad with the love of his life. His wife. The one person in this world who meant everything to him. Life felt perfect. As overjoyed as he is feeling. The feelings of doubt and fear had quietly crept in. Kelly only felt in control of his emotions was when he was making sure Stella and his daughter were always safe and secure. When Stella was at the firehouse. He would be right by her side in the bull pen, even bringing any paper work with him to where she was. Stella would constantly assure him they were both good. Kelly needed to be there to see for himself. On calls, being the lieutenant he is was able to focus on the task at hand. Never putting his team or any possible victims at risk. As soon as the call was over, he was back to shadowing his wife and unborn daughter.
At first, Stella loved the idea of Kelly going into full papa bear mode. He really was going to be the best dad. He has always been protective of Stella even in their early days of their friendship and then even more when they finally got together. So, this didn’t seem odd to her. She knew it would amp up during her pregnancy. Kelly was such a loving man. He was a show you kinda man. But, after they moved into their new house. The protectiveness had escalated and it was becoming stressful. Stella knowing her husband as well as she does. She knew something more was going on inside his head. But knowing her and their baby girl would always be protected and safe was all that mattered.
On this day, Stella had stayed home while Kelly went into shift. Telling him before he left that morning, she had planned on doing some grocery shopping. Spending the rest of the day at home, getting some rest. Giving her husband a soft kiss as he made his way out the door. “Have a good day, my handsome man. We will be waiting for you. We love you” Kelly giving Stella small kisses before a passionate kiss. “I love you. Make sure to call me when you get home from shopping. Do not forget” Kelly using his stern voice. Or as sternly as he could be with her. “Yes, sir”
Stella made her way out the door to do some shopping. As she made her way to the shopping center. As she parked, realizing she had forgotten her phone at home. ‘Oh well’ Stella thought. ‘Pregnancy brain had come out on many occasions recently. Stella started grocery shopping. Got everything she needed. While making her way to her jeep to load groceries, Stella spotted a cute baby boutique store. They had already bought more than enough. But they could never have enough clothes for their baby girl.
It had been a few hours and Kelly had returned from a call. Was doing paperwork. Stella had promised to text him when she returned home. Still nothing. He called her twice and sent a couple texts, still with no response. Kelly was really trying to tame his protectiveness. Easier said than done. He was constantly worrying about his girls. He really was already in dad mode. ‘Come on Stella. Call me back’ Even if she was still out shopping, she would of seen all the missed calls and texts.
Stella returned back to their house. It took two trips to bring groceries and baby girl purchases into the house. As she left bags on the counter, noticing her phone. She then saw the missed calls and texts. Knowing her husband was most definitely in a slow panic. He was so protective in recent weeks. Picking up her phone, dialing Kelly’s number. Kelly answering before the first ring had begun.
“STELLA. Thank god. Why didn’t you answer your phone?”
“Babe. I’m so sorry. I accidentally left my phone at home. I didn’t realize until I had already gotten to the store”
“Stel. You can’t do that to me. You know how I am lately”
Stella laughing at her husbands over protectiveness.
“Kelly. I know. I’m sorry. We are both more than OK. My pregnancy brain is in full gear apparently”
“I know baby. My girls are good and that’s all that matters. So what extra stuff did you buy? I’m sure whatever you bought we absolutely needed, right?”
“Of course. We can never have enough adorable outfits for our princess”
“Yes Stel. Of course.”
“I will see you when I get home. I love you both, my beautiful girls”
“We love you too”
Stella knew Kelly would never stop with his protective ways and that gave her butterflies. Knowing how much he loves her and their baby girl. He was going to be the best daddy. Stella couldn’t wait for them to meet their princess and start this incredible journey together.
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saralayne · 2 months
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 7: Carrying The Memories 🩷
The Severides made the painful decision of moving out of the loft for their family. Reminiscing about memories in the loft over the years.
Days have passed for Stella and Kelly. Moving quickly until their baby girl is set to arrive. Baby items needed have been purchased. Stella had begun to go into full nesting mode. Both Stella and Kelly had painfully realized, the loft as much as they both loved their home…It was not baby or even child friendly. The time had come for a house. A backyard. They had met with a realtor. After a lot of research and searching they had finally found a home they both really loved. Set to move at beginning of next month.
The last weekend of the month had arrived. They were off work. For Stella, she spent more time at home packing and preparing as her shifts were not set in stone as she had long been off active duty. For Kelly, he was on his 4 days off which worked out nicely as he didn’t have to take any furlough time. He wanted that time for when their baby girl arrives. Wanting to spend time at home as a new family.
It was Saturday morning. The loft looked like a tornado had run through as they were packing the life they knew into boxes. Movers were set to arrive on Sunday. As Stella was diligently placing items in boxes, a wave of emotions hit her. The pregnancy hormones had made her more aware of emotions but even without those pesky hormones. Moving out of the loft still carried a big weight. Stella started thinking back to when she first moved into the loft. Her and Kelly were “just friends”. They were “just roommates”. She chuckled at that thought. ‘Who am I kidding. Kelly and I were never just anything. Fighting those feelings for as long as we did. The denial. Tried to curb those feelings with other people. Poor hazmat Zach, he never stood a chance’. As Stella had a large grin across her face. Thinking of that night coming home from Molly’s having had way to much to drink. Planting a kiss on her “friend”. Kelly rejecting her that night was him being a good guy. Stella felt humiliated and silently laughing remembering how she pretended to forget what had happened as she woke up on the couch the next morning. Knowing full well Kelly had done the right thing. Still, was a shot to her heart. That was the beginning where she knew fighting her feelings was becoming harder and harder. Stella was so lost in thought, she hadn’t realized her husband had come into the room.
“Stella. Babe. Hello”
“Hey. Oh. Hi. Did you say something?”
“You were so lost in thought. Is everything ok?”
Kelly was always checking in through this journey. Always making sure his wife and unborn daughter were comfortable and happy. Worrying at every turn. Protective. It sometimes drove Stella bat shit crazy but also loved how loving and caring he is. Knowing he is going to be the best daddy to their princess.
“Oh. Yes. Sorry babe. I’m good. I was just thinking back”
“Oh really now. Thinking back to what?”
Stella smirking.
“When you brought my drunk ass home and me planting a kiss on you…and probably the first time ever. The great Kelly Severide rejecting a woman”
“Ouch that hurts. Stella. The reason I rejected you is because I loved you even if I couldn’t admit it out loud but I knew us doing anything that night would not only be complicated but a bad idea. I would never take advantage of you. Never take advantage of the situation, no matter how much I wanted you. I knew I wanted to be with you. You, my love were the one for me. Wanting to start us the right way”
“I know, babe. You absolutely did the right thing. I was a mess. I also knew I couldn’t fight my feelings much longer”
“Me neither, Stel. Seeing you with hazmat Zach was a form of torture I never want to relive. I felt like it was a gut punch everytime I saw you with him or even knew you were out on a date with him. But there was nothing I could do”
“Well. You could of told me how you were feeling. That was always a option”
“Stella. Come on. It’s me. I had to be pushed to the brink to talk about my feelings”
“Oh how I love you. My emotionally stunted man”
“Ok. Are you done? “
Stella planting a soft kiss to her husbands lips.
“I know you aren’t nostalgic most of the time but how are you doing? It’s hard for me to leave the loft. It’s the only actual home I have known. I can’t imagine how you are feeling leaving”
“I’m doing ok. I do have a lot of memories here”
Stella seeing tears forming in those glowing blue eyes.
“Kelly. Babe…”
“Shay…” stuttering Kelly.
“ I have so many memories in this loft with her. Before you, she was the only person in this world I trusted. She was my rock. Leaving the loft is like leaving a piece of her. I feel heartbroken that she will never get to meet this little princess. She would of been the greatest Aunty. She would have spoiled her rotten”
Tears now, falling down Kelly’s cheeks.
“Kelly. Babe. I have absolutely no doubt about that. I wish I would of had the chance to know Shay, she was your ride or die and I’m so grateful you had that special person to be that for you”
“Im certain that you two would of ganged up on me. But I would of loved for you to know her and vice versa. She would of loved you.”
“Thinking about us having our little girl. I can’t help but thinking of when I almost became a dad with Shay. I haven’t ever told you this?”
“No, you definitely haven’t”
“So. Shay wanted more than anything to have a baby. She needed sperm to do IVF, I agreed to be a donor for her. We went to a fertility clinic and did a whole cycle of IVF and then waited for results, hoping for the best. We went to the doctor to do blood work when Shay missed her period. We were hopeful but than we got the call that the IVF didn’t take.
“Oh Kelly. That must of been so devastating for Shay. And you too”
“It was. I wanted to be that person to give her everything she had always wanted. She had always been there for me. It hurt I couldn’t give her a baby”
“And then…”
Kelly paused. Emotions consuming him.
“Before I knew it she was gone”
“I’m so sorry you lost her”
“I have a idea. I saw something in a baby book I have been reading”
Stella walking to their bedroom to get the book off her nightstand. Kelly left feeling confused. Stella opening a bookmarked page.
“ I saw this name and my first thought was this would be a perfect name for our princess”
As Kelly looked where his wife’s finger was pointing. His eyes widening. More tears forming in corner of his eyes.
“Stella. Are you serious? You want this to be her name?”
“Yes. Babe. I really do and I think she will carry this name with not only grace but strength”
“Your truly amazing. How did I get so lucky with you?”
“Kelly. We are the lucky ones”
Stella rubbing her growing belly.
“I love you both more than anything”
“Now, let’s get back to packing and get ready to make new memories in our forever home”
“Yes. Let’s do that”
The loft will always carry so many memories. Loss, joy and everything in between. Kelly knew they will always carry them wherever they will go. They were going to make so many memories in their new home as a family.
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saralayne · 2 months
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 6: Pink Or Blue? 🩷
Stella & Kelly find out if baby Severide is a boy or girl.
Stella was now 24 weeks pregnant. She had comfortably settled into working at the firehouse where Boden made sure her shifts lined up with Kelly’s, or as much as he could. Even still, Stella would be there for the night shifts and make herself busy. Honestly, she spent a lot of time ordering things off Amazon. A new package seemed to show up at their front door of the loft daily. Stella’s online shopping made her husband feel exasperated but she was giving him what he had always wanted. He was going to be a dad. So as far as he was concerned she could do all the shopping she wanted. Stella had avoided buying clothes as they still didn’t know if their little one is a girl or boy. They were going to be finding out at the end of the week. Then Kelly knew the shopping would only get worse. But he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kelly had completely settled into returning as Squad lieutenant. He had ZERO regret about turning down the investigator position. He was putting his family first and that’s all that mattered to him. He still from time to time helped OFI with cases in and around Chicago. It kept him engaged with arson work but it kept him home. Always going home to his wife and unborn child. He had no doubt this was the right decision.
Stella and Kelly had decided to not do a gender reveal but Stella had a cute way to let their family know after they find out. They wanted to find out together. Just the two of them. Have that joyous moment alone.
Friday had finally come. Their appointment was set for after shift at 4:30pm. Stella was anxious all day, anxious in a good way. She was excited. The anticipation was killing her. 51 had set up a baby pool. Stella would walk by it multiple times a day and would only amp up the excitement. Kelly finished his shift report paperwork and made his way to the bullpen where he found his wife who was lost in thought.
No response.
“Stella. Earth to Stella”
“Ohhh. Hi handsome”
“Well hello there. Ready to go? Let’s go see if my new favourite colour is pink or blue?”
“I’m so ready”
“We got this, Stella Kidd”
Later, as Stella laying with jelly spread over her belly. Ultrasound technician doing circles with the probe around which seemed like a eternity for Stella’s liking, Kelly’s too. Finally. “Alright. Here we go. Baby is giving us the goods” saying the technician. Turning the screen towards Stella. “All girl in there. Congratulations. IT’S A GIRL. Ok, Stella. I will get out of your hair. All measurements look good. Make sure to make your next appointment for 4 weeks” Stella looked up at her husband who’s hand was firmly holding her belly. Tears flowing down her flushed cheeks. “A baby girl. Our baby is a girl. I always knew you were meant to be a girl dad. She is gonna have you wrapped around her finger.” smirking Stella. Knowing there was nothing more true. “Oh Stella, we are way past that point. She already does” replying Kelly. Kelly continuing “A baby girl. WOW. I have never felt so happy. You know aside from marrying you” both chuckling simultaneously. “So, your new favourite colour is pink?” Stella laughing. “Well it definitely is at this very moment”
As they made their way home. Stopping and picking up a celebratory dinner from their favourite takeout restaurant. Made a quick stop at Target so Stella could pick a item out for their announcement to the 51 family. A pink onesie.
There had been a long standing 51 group chat.
Stella making her husband taking a selfie which he rarely would allow but this time he was more than willing. A picture of them, holding their pink onesie.
Stella (to group chat): “Well, our Squad lieutenant is officially outnumbered. Baby girl coming soon”
Stella and Kelly’s phones both bombing with messages from everyone. They couldn’t of been more excited, knowing this baby girl was so lucky. To not only have the most loving and doting mommy and daddy. Also, so many aunts, uncles and papa Boden.
As they made their way to bed. Stella curled up against her husbands chest.
“Well girl dad. Today was quite a day. We are so blessed. I’m so blessed to have you, our baby girl. Our little family. Thinking back to my past, I never thought I would have this. I’m the luckiest woman in the world” Tears dropping down from the corner of her eye. Kelly wiping her tear soaked cheek where he also had tears escaping his glowing blue eyes.
“Stella. I am the lucky one. You have made me whole. We have gone through so much but what has never wavered is my love for you. I am so completely in love with you. So in love with our little girl” rubbing Stella’s growing belly and giving her a soft kiss. “My girls. My world. My everything”
Stella’s eyes starting to feel heavy. “I’m so tired”
“Sleep baby. Goodnight my girls. I love you both so much”
“Goodnight my handsome husband. We love you”
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saralayne · 2 months
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 5: No Contest 🩷
Kelly is offered a prestigious investigator position.
Stella was now 20 weeks along in her pregnancy. Everything was going along smoothly. Now, in her second trimester. Morning sickness had mostly subsided. She had become more increasingly tired. But it was all worth it. She felt her belly growing, sometimes it felt it was growing daily. Stella had settled into running the firehouse. Desk work. Assisting Boden with anything he needed. She never anticipated not going on calls. Being the bad ass firefighter and lieutenant she has become. But it was all worth it. She missed the action. However, was much more excited at the future and holding their baby in her arms in a few months. She stayed at the firehouse with Kelly when he was on overnights. Hating being at home alone. Having her 51 family around her.
Kelly was contently leading squad. Was completely at peace knowing Stella and their baby were safe. They had a upcoming ultrasound appointment. They had decided to find out if they were having a daughter or son. Stella, especially was anxious to know. As he returned from a call and always went straight into the bullpen to find his wife. As he made his way, his phone was dinging. Seeing a text from Vanmeter. “I have something important to discuss, come down to headquarters as soon as possible” Kelly thinking ‘what now’. Kelly had taken a step back from arson investigating. Concentrating on Squad. Being at the firehouse where his wife and unborn child was. He sometimes found himself missing investigating. But after the rough patch Stella and him went through regarding arson investigating, he took a step back. He would always choose Stella. The love of his life. He would NEVER allow himself to turn into Benny. He was still willing to help out locally with arson cases. But his focus remained with Squad. After their rocky period. They both made a promise to one another. To always be honest and communicate even if the conversations would be hard to have. As he made his way over to his wife. “Hey there, beautiful. How are you? Both of you?” Giving Stella’s belly a rub which he did every chance he got. “We are good. Tired. And your baby thinks my stomach is a punching bag. Kicking me at every turn” chuckling Stella.
“Hey. So I got a text from Vanmeter. He wants to discuss something important. He has asked me come down to his office. Maybe about a case?”
Stella immediately feeling uneasy. She fully trusted Kelly would always come home to her now. But still knowing Kelly’s passion for investigating. Also, her hormones were running rampid. Was hard to not feel nervous.
“Ok. Well you should probably go see what he wants”
Kelly observing the half smile. He knew his wife. He knows what they went through. Bringing her immediately into a tight hug.
“Stella. Baby. Remember what I said. I will always come home to you. To the both of you. “ softly whispering into her ear.
“ I know, Kelly. It’s ok. Go. I will see you when you get back”
Kelly asking Cruz to cover for him for a hour. Made his way to headquarters. Knocking on Van Meters office door. “Come in”
“Hi Severide”
“Van Meter. What’s this about?”
“I have some exciting news. A investigator position has opened up and you have been personally requested for the position. You made quite a impression, especially on the last case in Arizona.”
“First of all, I’m very flattered. Would this position require travel?”
“Yes. Some.”
“I’m gonna have to decline”
“Severide. This is not something you turn down. At least take some time and think about it”
“Look. I appreciate being thought of. And it’s very flattering being thought of but my answer is NO. Stella is pregnant. I will not be away from her. Miss out on being with her and my child. I will always have a passion for arson investigating. And I am so thankful for the opportunities with the cases I have worked on but my priorities have changed. Im concentrating on Squad. Staying in Chicago. It’s simple. Choosing between travelling, working on cases and Stella. It’s NO CONTEST. I will always choose her. Our family. I took that for granted in the past and I won’t make that mistake again”
“Final decision? No wiggle room?”
“Final decision. Thank you for all the opportunities and support. I will be happy to occasionally help on cases locally but that is the best I can do”
Kelly standing and making his way out of HQ. Not feeling any regret. Feeling nothing but pride. He was putting his family first. Something Benny never did. He would never become him. Stella and their baby was more important to him than any career opportunity. He has waited his whole life to find the love of his life. To find that person he would always come home to. To have a family. He would never take that for granted ever again.
Kelly arrived back at 51. Making his way into the bullpen. As his wife was working on some paperwork A wave of emotion came over him. Thinking he had never seen a sight more beautiful.
Stella looking up at her adoring husband. “Hey babe. How was the meeting?” asking nervously. “Take a break. Come lay with me for a few minutes. Please” pleading Kelly.
“Kelly. Your kinda scaring me”
“Everything is ok. I promise.”
As they laid together. Entangled with one another.
“Kelly. What’s going on?”
“So. Vanmeter offered me a investigator position. I had been requested”
“Oh…That’s great” tears forming in her eyes. ‘These damn hormones’ thinking Stella.
“Stella. Baby. I said NO”
“WHAT?” Wow. I didn’t see that coming”
“Are you serious Stel? I will always choose you and our family. I know in the recent past. I let that get away from me. When I came back from Arizona that decision was made. When I imagined a world where there was even a chance of losing you. That was a serious reality check. You are my dream. This baby is my dream. Not some career. I will always choose you and our family”
“Wow. Kelly. I am literally the luckiest woman in the world”
Kelly, once again rubbing circles over her stomach. Turning to face Stella, cupping her face. Staring with those piercing, blue Severide eyes.
“No. Sweetheart. I am the lucky one”
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saralayne · 2 months
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 4: Protecting For Two 🩷
Stella makes a decision regarding her pregnancy.
A few days had passed since Stella & Kelly received life changing news. The relief knowing even with Stella’s incident on the call. Their baby was healthy. It was early in Stella’s pregnancy but that initial relief was like breathing in fresh air. They had decided to tell their 51 family right away. Neither Kelly or Stella knew they would be able to keep it a secret. Stella knew she would eventually have to take a pause with her lieutenant position, not involved in calls and especially active fires. Her hope was to work on truck and give Boden and herself the chance to find a appropriate replacement. Stella wanted to make sure they found a good fit for her team. Especially with the recent changes on truck. It was really important for her to make sure her team was in good hands. She also wanted time to find a position that would work for her during her pregnancy. She had time. Kelly, her beloved husband was not on the same page.
At the loft, after shift. Kelly was fidgety. Pacing. Agitation showing through his face. As Stella crawled into her spot on the couch. She was definitely feeling more tired than usual which was expected. A little nausea but not too bad as of yet. Staring at her husband. Knowing he had something on his mind.
“Kelly. What’s going on? Your pacing. Will you just please come sit with me and talk to me?”
“Stella. I-I don’t want you to wait to stop working on truck. I know you want to stay until you find the right fit. But I’m worried, I don’t want you going into active fires and calls. I’m sorry”
“Babe. The doctor said I was ok to continue working for right now”
“I know but I still don’t want you to continue working on truck. Please Stella. Don’t continue. I’m gonna be in literal knots with worry everytime you go out on a call. I’m worrying for two now”
“Ok. Kelly. Let’s take a little time and process all of this before I pull myself. Come to a compromise. I’m really tired and just want to cuddle while I make you watch some trashy reality tv with me. Your outnumbered now” chuckling Stella.
“Well it’s official. I know have two humans who I can’t say no to” Kelly smirking.
The coming days were hard on Kelly. If Squad wasn’t on a call with Truck he was left in shambles. He just wanted to put his wife in a bubble for the next 9 months.
As Truck returned back to 51 from a call. Stella walking into quarters area and saw Kelly with hands over his face, a wave of regret and sadness came over her. Stella realizing, she needed to come off truck. She could see how this was effecting her husband. In that moment, knowing somethings matter more. Their baby. Their family. Taking great pride in being a leader of truck. She would always have it to come back to. Making sure not only she was safe but their little peanut was safe for the coming months mattered more than anything. In that moment she headed to Chief Boden’s office. As she knocked, Boden looking up from his paperwork. “Hey Chief, do you have a few minutes?” Stella nervously twirling her wedding ring. Boden picking up on Stella’s nervous movements. “Of course Stella. Everything ok? Before you start, I haven’t had the opportunity to congratulate you. I’m so damn excited for you and Severide” as Boden walked over to his lieutenant who was like a daughter to him. “Thank you so much Chief”
Stella sitting down facing Boden. Nervously smiling, still twirling her ring.
“That’s what I wanted to discuss with you. I need to come off truck as lieutenant. Originally I was going to stay for a while on truck, so we could have time to find a replacement. BUT…I want to come off now. Kelly is really terrified of me continuing working as lieutenant, going into active fires. At first, I pushed back. But now as I have had time to think about it. This baby. Our family matters more than anything to me. I want. I need to give him and myself some piece of mind. As we were on this last call. I felt myself consumed with thoughts of this little peanut” Stella drawing circles around her belly. “I should be focused on the call and leading my team. I don’t feel I can do that”
“Stella, that is completely understandable. You’re putting your family first. That should be your priority. I will get a list of available lieutenants. Get the right fit. Get you off of truck as soon as possible. With Kylie not here, we could use some help here at firehouse until we can find a safe position for you. Does that work for you?”
“That’s great Chief. Thank you”
Stella making her way to her husbands quarters. Squad had just returned from a call. Kelly was sitting at his desk tackling paperwork. Stella could see he his mind was elsewhere. Cementing this was the best decision for them and their family. Kelly looking up as she walked in.
“Hi beautiful. How are you? Both of you” embracing her into his arms while rubbing her belly. Stella was sure this would be a constant occurrence which made her heart flutter.
“Hi babe. Listen. Let’s talk. I have made a decision”
Kelly nervously awaiting what his wife’s decision.
“Ok. I’m listening”
“I talked to Boden. I’m coming off truck. He’s getting a list of replacements right away. I’m gonna work around the firehouse until we can find a safe position for me until I go on maternity leave”
“Yeah. Really”
“Stella. I’m sorry. I hope you don’t feel pressured. I know how much you love being truck lieutenant, leading your team and being part of the action. I’m just so worried and want to protect you and our little peanut”
“Kelly. Stop. I’m doing this for me too. Our family. Nothing means more to me. Nothing is more important. My career and being lieutenant is of course important to me but this…nothing could be more important. I was on the call earlier and found myself just thinking of our peanut. Our baby. Our family. I wasn’t focused the way I should be”
“Thank You, Baby”
“Now get over here and lay with me for a minute. I’m so damn tired.”
“My pleasure”
As Stella and Kelly layed together. This became real for Kelly. He was going to be dad. Have a family with the love of his life. As he looked over and Stella had fallen asleep. Life couldn’t be more perfect.
0 notes
saralayne · 2 months
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 3: The Call That Changed Everything 🩷
As Kelly is set to return home. Stella is injured on a call. Their lives are changed forever.
Stella was in a state of calm and joy. Her husband was set to return in one day. This absence had been hard but also a lot better with them in constant communication. But nothing was better than having him next to her. The future was unknown. No final decisions have been made on professional futures. As Stella made her way to shift that morning, there was a jump in her step. Excitement and anticipation. It was a normal shift throughout the day…until it wasn’t…
All rigs are called out to a structure fire. Truck, Engine, Squad and Ambo. The call is routine. All victims have been rescued. Stella is exiting the building until she hears a small, muffled scream. It sounds like a child to her. As Stella and Carver follow the sound, a little girl is found behind a wall that is at risk of collapsing. This little girl is crying and trembling. Stella orders Carver to remove her immediately. Stella needing to make sure everyone is out and does one more sweep. As she is convinced the building is clear. Stella makes her way to the exit, where debris comes crashing down. Stella finds herself trapped. As she tries to climb over the debris, realizing her leg is pinned. Stella yells through her radio for help. In a moment, debris from up above comes down on top of her. Stella protecting herself with her free arms. Cruz orders Squad into the building to rescue their fellow lieutenant. Cruz can’t help thinking ‘Come on Stella. Fight till we get to you. Severide is home tomorrow. He won’t survive losing you’ Cruz is desperately yelling into the radio for Stella to report. Nothing. Just static. Cruz and Capp crawl through piles of burning pillars, where they spot Stella’s bunker jacket. No movement. “STELLA. STELLA. We got you. Hang on” Cruz scooping Stella over his shoulder while calling for Ambo to be ready. As Stella was placed on the gurney. Brett and Violet immediately checking her vitals. “She’s got a pulse. Unresponsive. Let’s bag her, to be safe. Get her to Med” Brett yells.
As Ambo races off to Med. Boden, Squad and Truck are left reeling. Worried about their lieutenant. Their friend. Their family. Cruz looks over to Boden. “I should call Severide but I don’t want to send him into a panic when he is set to come home tomorrow” muttering Cruz to his chief. “Joe, let’s get to Med and get her status so we are able to give him as much information as possible”
At Med, all of 51 are impatiently waiting. As the doctor emerges into the waiting room. “Your lieutenant is a fighter. She lost a lot of blood from numerous lacerations along her legs and a puncture through her femoral artery. We were able to repair the damage surgically. We are keeping her sedated, to assure no swelling occurs. I expect her to make a full recovery. Some PT and time off and she should be fine” everyone breathing a sigh of relief. Boden orders everyone back to 51 to return the rigs. “I will stay with Stella” Cruz still feeling conflicted on when to call Severide. Knowing she is ok. But also realizing how mad he will be to be kept in the dark. ‘I will call him when we return to 51’ Cruz thinking to himself.
Over in Arizona. Severide was going into a small panic. He had been calling and texting Stella through the whole day. The case was closed and he was set to fly back to Chicago the next morning. He had some down time, just finishing up paperwork. ‘Why wasn’t she responding? They had been talking everyday. I’m coming home to her tomorrow. Why isn’t she talking to me?’ Severide knew deep down, this wasn’t a ghosting situation. He knew something was wrong. With Stella’s influence. This time being away, Severide made sure to keep in contact with Cruz. Getting updates on what had been going on with Squad. Making sure Cruz was good. Severide needed some peace of mind. Clicking on Cruz contact and pressing send. Cruz seeing who was calling. Letting out a big sigh. “Hey Severide” nervously answering. “Cruz. Hey man, sorry to call but I’m worried about Stella. She isn’t answering my texts or calls. I just need to know everything is ok” Cruz hearing the panic in his voice. Immediately, feeling guilty that he should of contacted him before. “Firstly, she’s ok. I promise but there was a incident on a call this morning” nervously stuttering. “WHAT THE FUCK. Is she ok? CRUZ. Talk to me now. SHE’S MY WIFE. Please tell me she’s ok. Why did no one call me???” Severide was yelling through the phone at this point. “I’m sorry Severide. I didn’t want to send you into a panic. You’re right I should of phoned you right away. That’s on me. I was literally about to phone you as soon as we returned to 51. Stella is ok. She’s stable. She’s at MED. She had some lacerations and a puncture to her femoral artery . She had surgery, to repair the artery. She lost a lot of blood but she is stable and is going to make a full recovery. They are keeping her sedated. Boden is staying with her. I PROMISE she is going to be OK. Your bad ass wife saved a little girl. Before debris came down on her” explaining Cruz. Giving as many details as possible. While Cruz was explaining the details. Severide was on his laptop. Booking a flight. “Cruz. I have booked a flight home in 3 hours. I need to be with her. You should of called me right away. But this is on me. I shouldn’t of been away from her. I’m heading to the airport now. I will take a Uber to MED. We will talk when I get home. Later” Just like that Severide had hung up. Cruz knew he was mad. As he made his way to the common room. Ordering Tony and Capp. “I just talked to Severide. We are gonna take the rig and pick him up from O’Hare in a few hours. Get him to MED. Get him to his wife”
A few hours later, Severide is racing through terminals and makes his way to the doors. As he’s about to book a Uber, looking up seeing his Squad rig. Cruz getting out of passenger seat. Putting his hand on his shoulder. “Cruz. What are you doing here?” surprised to see his team. “It’s the least I could do for not calling sooner. Sirens, lights. We are gonna get you to MED to be with your wife” Severide swiping his hands across his face. The emotions have been taking over since not being able to talk to Stella and then finding out what had happened. Even knowing she was OK. He still wouldn’t feel better until he could see for himself. “Thanks man. I just need to see her. She’s my everything. I can’t lose her” Cruz stepping into front of his lieutenant. “You won’t. She’s a fighter. She will always find her way back to you. Let’s get you to your girl”
Squad had raced through traffic. Tony pulls up to MED. Severide jumps out. Running through the front doors where Boden waiting for him. “Welcome home. I’m sorry this is the homecoming. She’s ok. She has started to come out of sedation. Let me take you to her” tears that Severide had been fighting, finally dropping down his cheeks. “Thank you Chief. Thank you for being with her. I should of been here. But I’m thankful she had our family to protect and care for her” Boden giving him a wide smile. “Of course. Come on. Time to see your wife”
Severide slowly walking into his wife’s hospital room. Stella looking slightly pale. Oxygen tubing. Monitors quietly beeping. She’s stable. To him, she has never looked more beautiful. Stella was peacefully sleeping. Kelly quietly slipping into the waiting chair. As he sat down, he found himself trembling. Interlocking his fingers with her. Feeling a sense of calm. Him staring at her beautiful face. His everything. His rock. The love of his life. Just as a realization came to him. Stella started to stir. Turning her head towards her husband. Those big brown eyes opening, staring into those piercing blue Severide eyes. She can see the emotion and knows he is feeling guilt. “Hi. My handsome man. Welcome home” trying to make light of the situation. Wanting to take away any negative feelings he may be having. “Hi, beautiful. I’m so sorry baby. I should of been here” Stella placed her thumb over his quivering lips. “Don’t you dare do that. This is not your fault and you know it. There was no way to know this could of happened. You promised to come home to me and YOU DID. That’s all that matters” Kelly standing up and placing a soft kiss to his wife’s lips.
“Stella. I came to a realization. I’m never leaving you again. As much as I love arson investigating. You are more important than any job. Coming home to you every night is what matters to me. I love you more than life itself. I can still do some cases locally if I’m needed. I am only whole being wherever you are. I’m sorry it took this long for me to stop being a idiot.”
“Kelly. Let’s not make any decisions in the heat of the moment. With emotions running high. We will make any future decisions together. Working through anything that comes our way together”
A while had passed. There was a comfortable silence. Kelly wanting his wife to rest. Never letting go, hand in hand. Needing to feel her.
A while later, a nurse walked in. As both Stella and Kelly emerged from their slumber. “Stella, I have some test results to discuss with you” nervously shuffling up in bed. “Ok. Is everything alright?” gripping Kelly’s hand forcefully. “Your blood work shows elevated HCG levels, you are indeed pregnant” explaining the nurse. “What did you say? Pregnant?” looking over to her smiling husband. “Yes, a OBGYN will be in soon to see you. Do a ultrasound. Answer any questions you and your husband may have” Stella in shock. “Ok. Thank you”
As the nurse left. Stella still in complete shock, as a wave of guilt came over her.
“Kelly. I’m so sorry. How did I not know? I wasn’t keeping anything from you. I swear, I didn’t know. I have had no symptoms as of yet”
“Stel. Stop. Baby I know you didn’t know”
“So. Your ok with this? We haven’t talked about when to start a family. With everything we have gone through recently. I-I’m just…”
“Hey. Beautiful. Relax. This is the best news EVER. Our baby” Kelly placing his hand on his wife’s belly and feeling so grateful.
About a hour later. A doctor came into the room, pushing a ultrasound machine towards Stella’s bedside. Explaining her test results. “I’m going to do a ultrasound, to make sure everything is where it should be. Are you ready Stella?” Nervously Stella answering “Yes”. Now, silently praying their baby was ok. Looking over at her husband. Kelly now, standing beside his wife and placing a soft kiss to her temple. Spreading jelly on Stella’s belly. Stella found herself closing her eyes. Terrified. ‘Please be ok. Our little peanut’ is all that she could think. As she looked up towards the love of her life. Her husband. Kelly too had closed his eyes. For a couple seconds, both feeling that extreme anxiety. Then the echoing sound of a ‘thump, thump’. “There we go. That’s your baby’s heartbeat. Strong and healthy. It looks like with these measurements. You are about 7 weeks along. I would like to set about another appointment in a few weeks time. Congratulations”
Stella now had tears streaming down her face. “What a day this has been. I can’t believe this” Kelly cupping her face. “I thought the best day of my life was marrying you. And it was but man this is coming into a very close second. You have made me the happiest man not only in Chicago but the world” Stella chuckling, thinking about those words when she FINALLY got her engagement ring on the freezing cold terrace. “You, my emotionally, stunted man have literally given me everything I have always wanted and dreamed of. Our little family” placing her hand over Kelly’s as they held her flat stomach knowing it will soon grow with their little peanut. Kelly looked deeply into his loves eyes. “We got this Stella Kidd”
That call truly changed everything. A lot of changes coming their way. Their future only looked bright. Full of joy and love. Many decisions to come. For now, the Severide’s were gonna bask in the joy they were feeling.
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saralayne · 2 months
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 2: C Is For Communication 🩷
Our happily married couple communicating through the distance.
Kelly being away this time had a different feel. Stella found herself waking up each morning at peace. Not feeling that constant anxiety and fear. More importantly, is finding herself able to get a good nights sleep, which is so important as a lieutenant. She is able to lead her team without that constant fatigue. This time, it feels like there is not a thousand pound weight on her shoulder. She really misses her husband, of course she does. She would much rather have him beside her before she goes to sleep and wake up next to him in the morning. But her nightly FaceTimes with Kelly are the next best thing.
Both Kelly and Stella are busy. Stella leading her team as lieutenant at 51 and working some nights at Mollys . Kelly, very busy with the case in Tucson, trying to close the case so he can go home to Chicago and be back with his wife again. Even with their busy days, they are both making time for one another through the days and nights with texts, phone calls and FaceTimes at the end of each night. Kelly is keeping Stella updated on the case as promised. He never wants her to feel that weight again.
Stella had finished shift and went straight to Mollys for her shift. As she was getting in her jeep, sending her husband a quick text before arriving at Mollys. Kelly replying within minutes. It had been a long shift for Stella. A hard call involving a young child. She tried to leave it at the door as she left shift. But Stella is Stella. It’s hard for her to curb hard calls. She has the biggest heart. Sending Kelly a reply shortly explaining the footnotes of the hard call but assuring her husband she was OK. Kelly knew better. Knowing his wife as well as he does. He knows she isn’t “OK”. Stella had put her jacket and purse in the back of Mollys when her phone started ringing. Seeing their wedding picture flash across her screen. A smile immediately forming.
Stella sliding her finger across the screen “Hi Babe”
“Hi Beautiful” Kelly softly answering. “Are you ok. Remember, Stella I know when your lying”
Stella chuckling “I can’t get anything past you, Can I?” Kelly sharply replying “Nope. You can’t”
“Babe. Thank you for checking in on me. I promise I’m ok. Just need to curb it. Working tonight is gonna help. All of our family is here and of course taking care of me”
“I know they are. I wish I was there to give you all my love. Just know, I’m always there for you even if I’m not physically there. And Stella?”
“Yeah babe”
“I LOVE YOU so much. I’m sorry I can’t be there right now. Just know that I’m always thinking of you and I will be home very soon”
“I LOVE YOU right back my handsome man. I can’t wait till your home with me”
“Ok. Beautiful. Go to work and text me when your home and we can FaceTime and then I can see your gorgeous face”
“Your such a softie, Kelly Severide”
“Only for you, my love”
As Stella hung up and made her way to the bar at Mollys. She couldn’t help but feel so thankful with how different it is this time. She’s so grateful that Kelly is showing his love for her even through the distance.
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saralayne · 2 months
We Are (A) Family 🩷
Chapter 1: See You Soon 🩷
More of a healthy resolution to end of 12x03 goodbye. And of course FLUFF.
As Stella’s arms were wrapped around her husbands torso. It was a calm, brisk February evening in Chicago. Not wanting to let go. They had talked about Kelly leaving for a short time to work on this case in Tuscon, Stella was fully supporting her husband. Her insecurities had subsided. Kelly had promised he would always come home to her. There would be constant communication. Stella felt they were approaching the other side. Still, a small part of her was reluctant to let go even though she knew she needed to. Kelly knew his wife like the back of his hand. Knowing when she felt happy, sad, scared, fearful. He could pick up on her feelings not even needing her to say a word. Releasing from her tight grasp, he ran his finger over her face, tilting her chin.
“Stella. Look at me”
Stella slowly gazing into those beautiful Severide eyes.
“Stella. Babe. This isn’t goodbye, OK? This is merely ‘see you soon’. I will be back before you know it. I promise”
“I know. I’m just really gonna miss you”
“I’m gonna miss you too, my love”
“I meant what I said. I’m always gonna come home to you. Let me prove that to you”
“OK. I trust that. I really do, Kelly”
“I’m gonna text you through the day, EVERYDAY. Also, we will FaceTime every night. Your beautiful face is the last thing I wanna see before I go to bed”
“Such a charmer, husband”
“Well you know me, wife”
As the cab pulled up to take Kelly away, Stella loosened her hold on him. Kelly deeply staring into his wife’s beautiful brown eyes.
“Stel. I love you more than anything in this world. I need you to know, you will always be my priority over any career. Your #1. Our marriage always comes first. Please always believe that”
“I love you so much, Kelly. We will get through anything. Now go be the amazing man I know you are. Solve the case and come home to me”
Kelly walked away from his wife, blowing a kiss as he stepped into the cab.
Stella walked up to the loft. As she opened the door. The loft once again feeling so big and empty. Pouring herself a glass of wine. At least she will be able to watch her trashy reality TV without comments from the peanut gallery. AKA her husband. As she sprawled across the couch. Her phone was dinging beside her.
Kelly (Hubby) : Enjoy your glass of wine and your ridiculous reality TV. Yes, I know that’s exactly what your doing right at this very moment. I love you so much, baby. Talk soon my love”
Stella (Wifey) : You think you know me so well, Kelly Severide. Regardless if your right or not. Need to tame that ego down. I love you too, babe. So much. Have a safe flight.”
Stella knew this time him leaving was different. They had communicated their feelings. She didn’t feel Insecure about how he felt about her and their marriage. She felt a sense of peace and calm. Her husband would come home to her sooner rather than later.
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saralayne · 4 months
I Was Drowning, That’s When I Could Finally Breathe 🩵
Lucy and Tim break up after a big fight. Will they be able to find each other again?
Tim and Lucy had been living in a world of bliss for a year. Falling in love with one another with each passing day (if that was even possible). Basically, spending every night together, mostly at Lucy’s apartment as it was closer to the station. Tim wanted them to take the next step and officially move in together. He was just waiting for the right time. They were both excelling professionally. Tim, as Metro Sargent. Lucy had passed her detective exam and was still pursuing a UC career. She had only done small ops, nothing long term as of yet. The tap finally came for a career changing, long term op, and then another, and another. Tim, ringing the alarm on each opportunity. Only hearing a small part of what the ops would be. Tim had said he would be fine, but Lucy was realizing he wasn’t ever going to be fine. Without meaning to, he was manifesting his life with Isabel onto Lucy. Once the last opportunity came and he rang the alarm once again, Lucy had enough. She called him out on not separating her and Isabel. He finally admitted that he realized he couldn’t live this life again. Not wanting Lucy to resent him, they decided breaking up was imminent.
As time passed. Lucy and Tim avoided one another as much as possible. Both miserable and heartbroken. Their family at Wilshire wished more than anything they could fix this. Everyone knowing they were meant to be. They had both made so many sacrifices to be together. They were it for one another. But at the end of the day, Tim and Lucy needed to be the one to fix what was broken or move on from one another.
Tim walked into the station after a Metro op, seeing Angela and Nyla hugging Lucy as she made her way out door back on patrol. He was of course curious, but didn’t feel like he could pry anymore. Angela looked disheveled. Tim needing to know what was going on. He still loved Lucy more than anything in this world and always would. If she wasn’t ok he needed to know. No matter the distance right now, he would drop everything to be there for her if she needed him. He would still move the sun to be there for her in any way.
“Lopez. I know it’s not my place but is everything ok?”
“No. Tim. It’s not”
“I-Is s-she ok?” nervously inquiring
“Depends on how you look at it” quipping back
“Ang. Please. What’s going on? “
“Alright. Fine. It’s not really my place but someone needs to give you two a kick in the ass. Lucy just informed Nyla and myself that she is done with UC. She doesn’t want to be a UC anymore. She’s done.”
“WHAT. WHY? She loves UC work” questioning Tim
“Well. Her exact words. UC HAS COST ME THE ONE THING I LOVE MORE THAN ANYTHING. I LOST THE ONE PERSON WHO MADE ME HAPPY. I don’t want this life anymore. I have no joy or excitement for it.”
“FUCK” was the only response Tim could muster.
“She went on to tell us that she had only caused you pain pursuing a life that had given you such darkness. She never wanted you to look at her and see Isabel and the hurt she caused. She wanted to be your safe place, your joy, the woman you love and want to marry, have a family. Lucy, is convinced she has ruined that life having a UC career and she doesn’t want it anymore”
“God dammit. I love her so much. She is literally the love of my life. My heart is in a million pieces being apart from her. I don’t want her to give this up”
“Maybe you should let her. “
“Tim, Lucy could do so many things professionally. But there is only one person she is in love with and wants a life with. Think about it. It’s always gonna be a cloud over you both. I can see she really doesn’t have the love for it anymore. So, maybe you let her make this decision. Stop sabotaging your relationship and have your happily ever after”
As shift continued, thoughts of Lucy consumed Tim. He missed her so much. She was it for him. He had to fix this. Tim never wanted Lucy to resent him by not going after her dreams, because she deserved to have all her dreams come true. If Lucy was to walk away from what she had always wanted, he wanted to make sure it was her decision. He needed her to know he was going to be waiting for her. This breakup has shown Tim all that matters is Lucy. Living this life again was worth the fears if it meant being with the the true love of his life. Tim missed when Lucy returned at end of shift. He had a mountain of paperwork he needed to finish. By the time he was finished Lucy has already changed out and left. As soon as Tim was finished, the only thought was to see her, talk to her.
Tim pulled in front of Lucy’s apartment. Seeing her car knowing she was home. As he made his way up to her apartment, pulling out his key that she had given him months back. Suddenly, he felt wrong using it. As the door flew open, the sight in front of him broke his heart. His light, his ray of sunshine looked disheveled, eyes puffy and cheeks tear stained. “T-Tim, what are you doing here? Please, just go. I can’t do this.” Letting out a sigh. “Luce. Please let me in. I just wanna talk”
Lucy leading Tim to the sofa. Tim interlocking his hand with hers. Sense of relief she didn’t pull her hand back.
“Luce. I’m so sorry. Angela told me about you turning down OC work.”
“Yeah, well. I don’t want it anymore”
“Luce. Come on”
“WHAT?! I have lost what makes me happy. My safe place.”
“Sweetheart. You haven’t. That’s why I’m here”
“I have realized that I would rather live this life again, if it means I have you. You are my whole entire world and I don’t want to live another second without you. I love you more than anything. I can’t be without you anymore”
“No, Luce. Please. I want you. These past weeks have been torture. You are worth all of it.”
“Tim. Shut up. I love you. I want us. I’m still walking away from UC. This is my decision. The love I once had for UC work isn’t the same as it was. This break has shown me what is important to me and that’s YOU. I don’t want to put you through this again. This is not the life I want. I want us to move forward. Start a family.”
“You want to start a family?”
“I do. Maybe not right at this moment but yes sooner than later”
“Lucy Chen. I don’t want to spend one more night away from you. Move in with me? We can live here till we find our perfect house. I can put my house up for sale. Or we can live there….”
Grabbing his arm to stop her boyfriends rambling.
“Tim. STOP. Yes, let’s move in together. We can figure out the details later.���
“I love you so much Lucy Chen. You have absolutely turned my life upside down in the best possible way. I’m so sorry. I failed you. I always told you I would fight for us and I didn’t”
“No Tim. We needed this to get us to see what’s important and that’s US”
“Are you sure you want to give UC up? I don’t want you to ever resent me”
“I’m sure. Somethings matter more. We matter more”
“We can talk more later about everything but Tim, take me to bed..NOW”
“My absolute pleasure”
Tim knew very soon he would be dragging Angela to a jewelry store to pick out the perfect ring. For now, he was gonna worship his girlfriend and cherish her back in his arms.
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saralayne · 4 months
We’re In This Together 🩷
Kelly returns home. Our favourite married couple receive some news😉
It had been a few weeks since Kelly returned home to Chicago. Stella was at her breaking point and couldn’t take him being away any longer. She just wanted her husband with her. After finding out he had left Alabama and taken on a new case without her knowledge had left her spinning. They both have done this dance before and Stella was well aware she was at fault when she had stayed silent on her GOF trip. BUT they had worked hard with their communicating and many long talks and had promised one another to never cause one another that feeling of abandonment. They are married now, husband and wife. Their first year of marriage was filled with hardship. With the Campbell debacle at the cabin on their wedding night and then the after effects of the RPG incident which had lasting effects on Stella. They had finally moved forward. Stella had healed physically and emotionally. Only for Kelly to leave for OFI training, which Stella fully supported until the distance was becoming unmanageable.
The first couple weeks he was back was rough. They tried to pick up from when he left but there was feelings on both sides. Stella gave him a lot to think about when they returned home and really talked. She had confided in him her fears regarding Benny and even relayed to him her conversation with Boden. That hit Kelly hard. He had made a point since his dads death that he would never become his father in his personal life. Never treat his wife the way Benny treated his Mom. The fact that Stella had questioned that made him angry. ‘How could she ever think that?’ But as he had time to really think about it, he understood how she started to feel that way. It made him sick to his stomach. He soon realized he needed to show her not with just words but actions too that he was not that man. He needed to show her those words from a few years back still rang true. “You deserve a better man than me, so I decided I’m gonna be the man you deserve”
After many nights of talking and reconnecting, they became them again. Their marriage felt blissful and happy again. They fell even more in love with each other. Kelly was happy to be back leading Squad and Stella leading Truck. Still, sneaking in small moments while on shift. Stella had pulled back on hours at Mollys to give them quality time together while they were off shift. They felt fully connected with one another again and vowed to each other to always have the hard talks to make sure neither of them ever feel disconnected again. Talk about any fears. Life was peaceful again. Returning to their married routine.
Stella had started to feel a little off. She was run down, fatigued and even had a couple episodes of dizziness. On occasion, feeling nauseous. That particular rotation of shifts had been crazy busy. Call after call. As she was lieutenant she was always left with a mountain of paperwork. She chalked it up to just being exhausted. Things slowed down on the next shifts and she was still feeling off. Stella having medical knowledge and knowing her body had a feeling. She didn’t want to worry her husband for no reason. She knew she needed to get an answer. Kelly had reluctantly agreed to teach a few classes at the academy which Stella agreed he should continue to do. After shift, as Kelly kissed his wife, telling her he wouldn’t be late…Stella headed to drug store. She would have a few hours before he returned home. As Stella stood in their bathroom, looking in the mirror at her reflection waiting for the timer on what would essentially be the most important test she had ever taken…much more even than the lieutenant exam. Taking her out of her thoughts was her phone alarm ringing. Looking down and seeing the writing on the wall so to speak…PREGNANT. Panic set in. ‘Were they ready for this?’ ‘They had finally gotten to a good place again’ What about work?’ ‘How would Kelly feel?’ Every possible fear occupied Stella’s mind. With all the fears also came happiness. The thought of a baby. Her and Kelly’s baby. Then the idea of their family made her smile.
A couple hours later, Kelly returned home.
“Hey babe. I’m home” calling out Kelly as he closed the door.
“Hi handsome. How was the academy?”
“Oh it was good, same old” Kelly smirking
Kelly could immediately sense something was off with his wife. They were like a well oiled machine. Very in tune with one another and when they were having feelings about something.
“Stel. Is everything ok?”
“That depends” answering Stella
“What do you mean, babe?”
Stella had thought about the perfect way to tell him but she was at a loss for words at the moment. All she could muster was to open her hand with the pregnancy test resting in her palm. As she looked up in her husbands piercing blue eyes which were almost bulging out of his head. “Stella, is this for real? Umm…Your pregnant?”
“It’s for real” as tears started falling down her cheeks.
The rest of the night was a comfortable silence. This was a lot to process especially given what they had been through together these past weeks. In the morning, as they made their way to shift.
“Stel. You wanna talk?”
“I do. I don’t want you to hate me?”
“Babe, what are you talking about? questioning Kelly.
“I’m scared” whispering Stella “Lets talk after shift. I love you Kelly”
“I love you too, Stella”
Shift went along. Kelly hadn’t seen much of his wife as truck had been busy out on calls. He was worried about her and her fears. Truth be told, he was also scared. Trying to decipher if she was feeling normal pregnancy fears or if it was more than that. ‘Was she worried he was gonna leave?’ That thought gave him knots in his stomach. He knew they would talk later but he needed her to know right away how he was feeling, desperately wanting to give her reassurance and comfort. He saw Truck was back. Kelly made his way to the common room, on his way spotting his wife.
“Whoa. Hey there, handsome”
“Babe. I need to talk to you for a minute”
“Kelly. I promise to talk tonight”
“I know, I just want to tell you…”
Before Stella could respond, her husbands lips were crashing into hers. Just a few words gave Stella the comfort she needed. They would most definitely talk more. Just knowing everything was going to be ok and they would go through this together. Side by side washed away any doubt.
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saralayne · 4 months
Have been MIA for a long while. I have 2 new fics. One #Chenford and one #Stellaride. Will be posting tonight. I have kept up with everyone on AO3. So, not too much out of the loop. LOL. Stay tuned😍
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saralayne · 9 months
Worried Tim, might be a top 3 fav Tim for me❤️
You should do one we’re Lucy feels dizzy and it gets worse through out the day and she is falling in and out of consciousness and is out of breath all day long but faints at work and they take her to the hospital and she is severely dehydrated
I hope you enjoy this one anon! Also I use the phrase quiet as a mouse to my first graders when we are walking somewhere they can’t be loud 🤣
You should do one we’re Lucy feels dizzy and it gets worse through out the day and she is falling in and out of consciousness and is out of breath all day long but faints at work and they take her to the hospital and she is severely dehydrated
Chenford + Lucy gets dizzy and faints.
And now that you're close I feel like coming undone
When Lucy gets out of bed that morning, she feels off. She slips on her robe and glances at Tim’s side of the bed. He had to go to a metro training in San Diego and left early this morning. He had kissed her lightly on the shoulder and whispered I love you before he slipped out of the room quiet as a mouse.
She misses him for sure but she manages to get dress without thinking too much about him. And then just as she’s brushing her teeth, she suddenly feels dizzy. She holds on to the counter to hold herself up and waits for it to pass. It does. She looks in the mirror and she is still gripping the counter tightly.
You are fine Lucy, she tells herself firmly. It was just a random dizzy spell.
Except it wasn’t just a random dizzy spell.
Lucy climbs into her car and rubs at her head a little bit like she feels a headache coming on. Great just what she needs today.
She thinks she’s fine when she gets to the station, her head doesn’t hurt as much and she’s not dizzy. She gets to her desk and sits down hard in the chair. Angela looks up gives a curious look and then goes back to work.
She’s fine. It’s probably just vertigo or something like that.
And then she stands up to go to the bathroom and it feels like the whole room is spinning. She can’t see straight and the black spots in front of her get bigger and bigger. She hears a voice behind her but she sits back down and the room stops spinning. She knows Angela noticed and she really hopes she doesn’t say anything. She gets up a few minutes later, and walks to the bathroom. She just needs to splash some cold water on her face. Maybe that would help.
“Hey Chen.” Says Angela. “Can you look over something for me?” Lucy nods and stands up and feels dizzy again, the room spinning before her faster and faster like she was on a merry go round.
“Lucy?” Says Angela and Lucy looks up to see the other woman looking at her in concern. “Are you okay?” Lucy blinks a couple of times to get rid of the black spots floating before her, takes a deep breath and nods.
“Yeah I’m fine.” She tells her. And then she slowly makes her way over to Angela’s desk taking small deliberate steps. She is still seeing black spots, she finally gets to Angela’s desk.
“Okay what’s going on with you?” Angela asks as Lucy plops down in a chair. “You are being weird.”
Lucy waves her off and tries to smile at her but she knows it comes off more like a wince. “I think it might be vertigo.” She says and it’s not exactly a lie but it’s not the whole truth either. She feels like her chest is tightening up and she can’t breathe. Plus she can’t stand up without getting dizzy. And her head is pounding.
Angela gives her a dubious look as if she doesn’t believe her. “Right.” Says Angela. “Is Tim at that training in San Diego?”
Lucy nods and blinks back the tears in her eyes. “He left this morning.” She mumbles. Angela makes a soft noise next to her and Lucy looks up trying to focus on her friend but she is blurry. She thinks she hears Angela walk off so she puts her head between her legs and takes a deep breath before all she sees is black.
The next thing she knows Angela is shaking her awake. “Lucy!” Angela says urgently. She thinks she hears a male voice but it’s garbled and far away. She hears Angels saying something and then a cold bottle is pressed into her hands.
“Drink!” Says Angela’s voice. “I know Tim. I don’t know what’s wrong she can barely talk.” Lucy groans and manages to look up at Angela.
“Why did you call him?” She manages to get out and Angela ignores the question and points to the water bottle.
Lucy takes a drink and then her chest tightens again. And fuck. Angela is pressing the phone into her hands.
“Talk to your husband before he kills himself getting here.” She says firmly. Lucy swallows and then takes a few seconds before she talks.
“Tim?” She asks softly. She hears Tim’s sigh of relief and then he’s talking in a rush.
“Lucy what’s wrong? Why are you dizzy? What happened?” Tim asks and all the words are going in her ear but her brain feels like mush.
“I just feel a little dizzy.” She admits. “But I’m fine. I’m drinking water.” Tim sighs and she can imagine him pinching his nose and rolling his eyes up to the ceiling.
“Baby, if you feel dizzy you need to—” He starts to say but Lucy cuts him off. She’s fine. And worrying Tim while he is at an important training is not at the top of her list.
“I’m fine.” She tells him. “It’s probably just vertigo.” And the words feel bitter on her tongue as she says them because she knows now that it’s much more than just vertigo.
Tim makes a noise of protest or exasperation she can’t really tell. “Luce, if you get dizzy again just drink water and sit down. Let Angela take care of you, don’t do it yourself.”
“Okay.” She says quietly. “I promise Tim. I love you.” She hates that he’s now worried about her and he’s probably will lose concentration during his training.
“I love you too baby. Please be careful.” He says and they hang up, Lucy looks up to glare at Angela but she looks at he with a stern expression.
“I’m keeping my eye on you.” Angela tells her. “I am not going to have Tim mad at me because something happened to you,” Lucy opens her mouth to tell Angela she’s not a child. But she shakes her head.
“You can do your work at my desk.” She says and Lucy sighs loudly, she felt better.
Lucy stands up and holds up her hands when Angela glares at her. “I’m going to go get my work from my desk.” She says and walks to her desk before Angela can protest. She knows she’s not better because as soon as she starts walking her legs shake and suddenly she hits the floor and all she sees is black.
Lucy wakes up to someone putting a cool cloth on her head and she’s sitting up in a chair.
“The ambulance is on the way.” Comes Angela’s voice. Lucy blinks and focuses in on the other woman who looks concerned.
“I don’t need—” Lucy begins to say but she knows at this point there is no point in arguing so she just nods.
The ambulance comes and Lucy is vaguely aware of being loaded on to it and she aware of Angela snapping at the paramedic to let her ride with her.
“Her husband will kill me if he finds out she rode alone.” Lucy hears Angela snap. “And she’s my friend I don’t want her to be alone.” Lucy eyes are closed but she feels Angela squeeze her hand.
“Tim is on his way Lucy.” She says quietly. And Lucy groans to herself, they didn’t need to call Tim just because she fainted. They took him away from his training.
“Why did you bother him.” She asks her voice hoarse and quiet. “He—”
“He was already driving when I talked to him.” Angela interrupts her. “He’s worried sick about you.”
Great now she has to worry about Tim getting to her safely. She opens her mouth to say something but then she feels the ambulance stop and she knows they are at the hospital. They unload her and Lucy is still going in and out of consciousness as they wheel her in. She hears voices around her, she feels people around her hooking her up to stuff but she can’t seem to focus on what they are doing.
She sees Angela talking to someone just outside of the curtain. She strains to hear what they are saying but can’t hear them. She closes her eyes suddenly feeling better, she hears a voice near her bed.
“She needs rest. She was severely dehydrated.” Says the loud voice. “You can stay in here if you would like.”
She hears Angela thank the doctor and then Lucy feels herself drifting off to sleep.
She wakes up to a familiar hand holding hers. She opens her eyes warily as she looks around and she sees Tim looking at her with watery eyes.
“Hi.” She says hoarsely and he leans forward to kiss her on the forehead. “When did you get here?”
Tim sighs and leans back a little but he doesn’t let go of her hand. “About an hour ago.” He replies. Lucy nods but doesn’t say anything as she turns away and blinks back the tears.
“I’m sorry for worrying you Tim. I thought I was okay.” She says and Tim hums a little and smoothes back her hair.
“I’m not going to lie babe. I was a little mad that you didn’t seem to be taking it seriously but I was mostly scared that you weren’t okay. And when Angela told me you fainted.. I was terrified.” He takes a deep breath and then lets it out. At his words, Lucy turns back to face him.
“I’m sorry. I thought—I thought it was nothing.” She says her voice shaking.
Tim kisses her again on the forehead and then cups her face. “I know baby. But if you feel off tell someone. Especially if you start getting dizzy.” He says gently and she knows he’s not mad just concerned and scared.
“I love you.” She whispers. “I’m glad you are here. I missed you too much.” Tim snorts and shakes his head at her in fond exasperation.
“I wasn’t even gone a day.” He points out and then adds. “I missed you too baby.”
He kisses her again this time on the lips and Lucy pulls him closer thinking about she really is lucky to Tim in her life who will literally drop everything and drive a few hours just to get to her.
She smiles up at him and feeling much more like herself she tugs him down again so she can give him another kiss this one last just a little bit longer.
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saralayne · 9 months
This story has my Chenford Heart❤️❤️
Chenford ❤️ Tim goes to find Lucy after the fake proposal and overhears Lucy crying 😢
[In chenford angst mode, I apologise]
Okay pretend Tim didn’t leave with Ashley 🫢. I hope you enjoy I combined a few prompts in this one!
Chenford ❤️ Tim goes to find Lucy after the fake proposal and overhears Lucy crying 😢
Chenford fic, where Lucy confesses her feelings for Tim, and he overhears.
- Chenford + I just thought someone like you could never like someone like me
But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again
Tim sees Chris waiting at the doors looking confused but Lucy is nowhere to be seen. He looks back at Ashley who is looking at him curiously. But he doesn’t go back to her instead he approaches Chris.
“Where’s Lucy?” He asks and Chris shrugs and jabs his finger in the direction of the bullpen. “I don’t know she said something about finding Lopez so she can put a curse on someone.” He says.
Tim sighs and runs his hand across his face and then without another word to the other man he takes off in the direction he had pointed. His phone buzzes and he knows it’s Ashley calling him.
He answers quickly as he scans the station looking for Lucy. “Hey.” She says. “What are you doing?”
“I’m looking for Lucy.” He answers honestly because there is no sense in lying to her. He was going to go find her no matter what.
He hears Ashley huff out a breath. “Why?” She asks indigently “I thought the point of that was to get back at her for being annoying.”
Tim skids to a stop and frowns. “She was just being herself.” He says. “I think I took it too far.”
Ashley is silent for a few moments before she talks again. Her voice annoyed. “Why do you care more about Lucy than me?” She asks. “Just let it go. Lucy is a big girl she can take care of herself.”
Tim rolls his eyes at the ceiling. “She’s my friend Ash.” He says cooly. “I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
“If you don’t come outside we are done Tim.” Ashley says her voice getting higher.
Tim huffs out a bemused laugh and he knows what he has to do. As soon as Ashley had told him she didn’t want marriage or kids. He knew his relationship wasn’t going anywhere, he knew it was stagnate and it would remain that way. “Fine. Then we are done Ashley. I don’t want to be with someone who gives my ultimatums anyway.” He says and he hangs up before she can say anything more.
He goes deeper into the station, the night shift just coming on. He gets to the hallway and wonders down it. He stops in his tracks when he hears talking inside what is suppose to be a empty office.
“He actually proposed to her?” Comes Angela’s voice and Tim lets out a soft groan. Great now Angela knows and she’s either going to kill him or put a curse on him.
“Yes.” Comes Lucy’s shaky voice and Tim’s heart breaks a little as Tim realizes she’s crying. “But then he texted me it was a joke and I—” She trails off and Tim gets closer to the door. He realizes they could come out any moment but he doesn’t care.
“I don’t know why I care so much.” Lucy sniffs. “He’s never going to feel the same way about me.”
“How do you feel Lucy? Do you have feelings for Tim.” Angela asks and Tim inches closer straining to hear Lucy’s answer over her pounding heart.
“Yes.” Lucy cries. “It’s so stupid but he danced with me at Nyla’s wedding and he just said these things.” She sniffs some more and there is silence and Tim steps back a little bit to digest Lucy’s words.
She has feelings for him? Is that why she reacted the way she did about the proposal? Is that why she was annoying him all day about Ashley and marriage and Hawaii?
“I think you should go talk to him Lucy.” Angela says gently. “I see the way Tim looks at Ashley and the way he looks at you. And there is no doubt in my mind you are the one he wants.”
Tim swallows down his agreement and the urge to open the door and take Lucy in his arms.
“I-I how—he’s with Ashley and I’m with Chris so it doesn’t matter how I feel.” Lucy says and Tim can hear the crack in her voice again.
Angela sighs loudly. “Whether you are with other people or not just to talk to him or at least tell him how his stupid little prank affected you. Even if it doesn’t result in anything at least try.” Angela tells her.
“I guess.” Says Lucy. “I need to go. Chris keeps texting me.” He hears light footsteps and that’s his cue to leave. He hurries down the hall and he has just turned the corner when he hears the door open.
Tim finds himself outside of Lucy’s door at 9 o clock at night. He paces in front of it before taking a deep breath and knocking hoping to god she’s alone and not with Chris. She opens a few moments later, her mouth going into a O when she sees him.
“Hi.” He says quietly. He had rehearsed what he wanted to say but now standing here and looking at Lucy it was like all the words had left him.
Lucy licks her lips first before replying. “Hi.” She says stiffly. “What are you doing here?”
“I- uh tries to look for you at the station but.. I couldn’t find you.” He says. Lucy searches his face before stepping aside and letting him in.
“Why are you here?” She asks again and Tim sighs knowing he has to answer her.
“I wanted to apologize to you.” He says. “For what I did.”
“It was a joke.” She says but she’s looking at the ground and not at him. “It’s fine Tim. Really.”
“It’s not fine Lucy.” He says fiercely. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
Lucy blinks up at him. “Who said it hurt me?” She asks boldly but there were tears pooling in her eyes. Tim sighs and steps closer to her. “Ashley and I broke up.” He tells her. “And I know it hurt you because if it had been switched around I—” He trails off. “My heart would be broken.”
Lucy swallows hard and then steps closer to him a determined look on her face. “Weirdly enough I broke up with Chris. He asked me what was wrong and I kind of blurted—” she blushes and turns away.
Tim’s heart is pounding because they are both single! And Lucy is looking at him like he has hung the moon. And know he understands because he’s pretty sure he’s looking at her the same way.
“Blurted out what?” He asks. Lucy steps closer and Tim can smell her and he can reach out for her so he does.
“My feelings for you. I told him what you did and he asked why I cared. And I just realized it was because I had feelings for you more so than for him.”
“Yeah?” He says smiling for the first time since he entered her apartment. She nods and she cracks a smile.
“It did hurt.” She admits shyly. “But I thought you- I never thought you could like someone like me.” Tim reels back a little and then without second guessing he leans into kiss her. She responds right away and he pulls her closer to him so their hearts are beating together.
“Of course I can like someone like you Lucy. Because it’s you.” He tells her when he pulls back. Her lips are swollen and her face is red and tear stained.
“You are amazing and beautiful and I just— of course I like you.” He says and Lucy sighs happily. Tim kisses her one more time and the back her all the way into the apartment closing the door behind them.
They meet for lunch two days later and Tim watches as Lucy smiles at him as she eats her food and Tim thinks if he could just look at her for the rest of his life he would be happy.
“Hey.” He says and he reaches for her hand and squeezes it.
“Hey yourself.” She says taking a sip of her tea. “This is fun.”
Tim nods at her still smiling. “Yeah it is.” He agrees. “Here is to new beginnings.”
She grins at him and Tim swears it lights up her entire face. “To new beginnings.”
And yeah he thinks he’s going to really like this beginning.
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