#best in home hospice care near me
angelicarehospice · 10 months
Medical Professionals, including Doctors and Nurses, Provide Pain Management and Medical Care - Angelicare Hospice
Hospice care in California is typically delivered by a team of professionals working in unison to cater to various aspects of a patient's well-being. This team-based approach ensures that patients receive personalised attention from different angles. Medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, provide pain management and medical care, ensuring that patients are as comfortable as possible. Social workers offer emotional support and assist both patients and families in coping with the challenges that come with a terminal diagnosis.
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suncresthospicecare · 2 years
Hospice services benefit those facing a life-limiting illness - Suncrest Hospicecare
Hospice services benefit those facing a life-limiting illness and their families. These benefits include compassionate care, symptom management, emotional and spiritual support, medical care, respite care, and bereavement services. Through these services, hospice organizations strive to improve the quality of life for individuals and their families while providing comfort and dignity as they navigate the end-of-life journey.
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themarydragon · 4 months
To Chaos, on our Wedding Anniversary
If our love was a story I was writing, it would have ended yesterday.
The symbolism! The heartbreak! It would have been so meaningful to my characters. After so many surgeries, so many close calls, so many near brushes with death, to lose it all to a comparably minor orthopedic procedure? After losing limbs, a problem with anesthesia during a rotator cuff repair would be deliciously ironic.
We're 42. The answer to life, the universe, and everything. We just got settled into our forever home. We just got new windows delivered but we haven't started paying for them yet. We haven't gotten life insurance yet. I would have been financially devastated and then doomed to live out my life in the home that was supposed to have been our forever, our dream. Just like my first hospice client, who lived alone for 60 years in the house that her husband only enjoyed for a few months before a freak accident swept him away. She would have been perfect foreshadowing for the poor characters I tormented.
But it's not a story I'm writing. The universe doesn't care about literary irony, about irony at all. And you woke up. You woke up. I took you home and you woke up this morning and cupped my cheek and wished me happy anniversary for the 16th time.
Relief remains the strongest drug I know.
And maybe Mark is right. The universe is chaos, and sometimes chaos plays favorites. I always choked on that explanation, because that meant you and I were the universe's favorite, once. All of that twisted serendipity that brought us together 18, 19 years ago... that wasn't the warm hand of fate but the cold hand of chaos. For a few glorious months, we were the beneficiaries of the best sort of random chance, the beautiful accident of being in the precise right place at the precise right time and knowing it.
We saw what we had stumbled into and grabbed it and held it and ran with it, and here we are nearly 2 decades later. Sitting in the living room of the guest apartment we set up for my father to use to come visit, because it's where we plan to live when we're too old to traverse the rest of the house and this is great practice for our dreamed-of twilight years. You're watching every horror film you can find to stream, with headphones on to spare me from nightmares, and I'm typing my fears in a little white text box so as to purge them from my soul. Our mundane heaven remains unchallenged.
and maybe this is the kick I needed to finally write our story. The true story. The one that's still going, the one that will end as all stories end (someone has to leave first) but not today. Someday everything will end in chaos, but for now we're still basking in the reward of once being the favorite. For now, I'm enjoying both of us recognizing how lucky we were, we are, to know what we had when we found it. For now, I'm reminding myself that I'm not writing this story... even if I record it, I'm just a character and never the author. For now, I'm remembering to enjoy the ride.
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gailstorm · 6 months
Long post ahead.
Yesterday, we moved my grandmother into assisted living. I’ve been up here in Pocahontas for most of the week helping my mom pack and spending time with my precious MiMi, who had multiple strokes at the end of last year and cannot take care of herself anymore.
And she’s been looking forward to moving into her new place. It’s back in her hometown of Jonesboro, where some of our family still lives. She has multiple friends and old neighbors that are in this exact facility, and she makes new friends as effortlessly as breathing. My mom is staying with her there for a few days, and said that she’s doing well so far.
I know this is the right decision, and that she’ll be happier and safer. But the change has been surprisingly emotional for me. It’s not a shock that she moved, because she was talking about wanting to do this even before her strokes. She is 92 years old, and has experienced the worst moments of her life while living here. I completely understand her wanting to leave.
I stayed here by myself last night, which felt strange and hollow. For most of my life, my grandparents lived in Jonesboro. I was far more attached to those two houses than I am to this one, which they moved into back in 2010. Being here alone feels shockingly lonely…and I’ve lived by myself (with a dog) for several years. But this place—MiMi and PaPa’s house—is supposed to be filled with family.
I should be able to hear my hard-of-hearing PaPa’s booming bass explaining this year’s crop yield, my Uncle Bobby’s wall-shaking laughter, my Aunt Becky’s always-reserved, quiet alto as she cooks the best meal you’ve ever had. But they’re all gone now.
In less than a two-year timeframe, the three of them passed away. My uncle first, dying of an undiagnosed heart condition in his sleep at his home near Seattle. After being informed of his death, my mom and I joined my aunt up here in Pocahontas to break the devastating news to my grandparents. Witnessing the worst moment of their lives is one of the most heartbreaking memories of mine. Just two months later, that same aunt died of cancer, which was diagnosed about a year beforehand. My MiMi was adamant that she was going to be with Aunt Becky as she passed, as she wished she could’ve been with Uncle Bobby. She held my aunt’s hand as she drifted away while in hospice care.
This was January-March of 2020. My grandfather had developed dementia before this point, and my family could no longer take care of him ourselves…especially after the two aforementioned huge losses. We begrudgingly put him into a nursing home down the road from the Pocahontas house, and my MiMi visited him every day. COVID protocols soon hit, and she was only able to talk to him on the phone and see him through a glass window. The guilt of putting him there overwhelmed my MiMi and my mom, but it was unfortunately necessary. I think my mom still regrets it.
I moved to Texas in January 2021. I had to move to a large city for my then-job, and I loved Austin, so that’s where I chose to go. I hated leaving my family during such a difficult time, but they encouraged me to go live my dream. My PaPa even joked that he would drive down to Austin and see me.
His health deteriorated as the months went by. At the end of November that year, he passed away with my MiMi by his side. He was 93 years old, and held out as long as he could. He was easily the strongest man I have ever known.
I came home for his funeral, wishing that I could’ve been there with him as he passed on, or with my mom when she heard the news. During this time, I learned that due to the skyrocketing housing costs in Austin, my rent was going to go up an extra $600 per month. There was no way I could afford that, and my job agreed that I could work from Little Rock instead. A part of me hated moving back, because I loved my little apartment. My precious dog, Marley, had passed away months earlier from pneumonia while we were out there, and it somehow felt like I was abandoning him as well as my dream home in my dream city.
Being back near my family for the last two years has been the right decision, but it’s also been tough. One of my nieces has been in and out of the hospital with anorexia for nearly these entire two years. She’s been completely inpatient since last August.
Dealing with all of the aforementioned losses, plus my niece’s health, plus my lunatic brother’s violent threats, plus my MiMi’s strokes and deteriorating mental health, I don’t know how my mom even functions. My cousins and I help her with everything, of course, but she’s so fucking tough that she usually wants to do things herself, her way. I’m looking forward to her being able to finally relax knowing that my MiMi will be safe and happier than she has been in years.
So at this moment, I’m here alone in this half-furnished house, reminiscing. My cousins and I will take turns staying up here and fixing things until we sell it. I’m not mourning the loss of the house itself (as I did with my grandparents other two homes) but the fact that the concept of “MiMi and Papa’s house” now ceases to exist.
I’m lucky to have had my PaPa for 37 years of my life. I’m lucky be nearly 40 and still have my MiMi. She’ll be 93 in August, and though she stays positive, she has mentioned that she’ll be glad to be with my aunt, uncle, and grandfather again, as well as her other friends and family members who have passed. She’s not ready to pass on or give up, but she has no fear of death. I selfishly want her around as long as possible, and her chance of a happier, longer life is now much more likely with her move to this new facility.
These past four years have been fucking awful for my family and myself, but hopefully, a positive new chapter is now (finally) beginning.
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sunkissedfawn · 5 months
The Death of My Father
By Steve Martin
In his death, my father, Glenn Vernon Martin, did something he could not do in life. He brought our family together.
After he died at age 83, many of his friends told me how much they loved him—how generous he was, how outgoing, how funny, how caring. I was surprised at these descriptions. During my teenage years, there was little said to me that was not criticism. I remember him as angry. But now, ten years after his death, I recall events that seem to contradict my memory of him. When I was 16, he handed down to me the family’s 1957 Chevy. Neither one of us knew at the time that it was the coolest car anyone my age could have. When I was in the third grade he proudly accompanied me to the school tumbling contest where I won first prize. One day, while I was in single digits, he suggested we play catch in the front yard. This offer to spend time together was so anomalous that I didn’t quite understand what I was supposed to do.
When I graduated from high school, my father offered to buy me a tuxedo. I refused because my father always shunned gifts. I felt with my refusal, that somehow in a convoluted, perverse logic, I was being a good son. I wish now that I could have let him buy me a tuxedo, let him be a dad.
My father sold real estate but he wanted to be in show business. I was probably five years old when I saw him in a bit part at the Call Board theater on Melrose Place in Hollywood. He came on in the second act and served a drink. The theater existed until a few years ago and is now finally defunct and, I believe, a lamp shop.
My father’s attitude toward my show business accomplishments was critical. After my first appearance on Saturday Night Live in 1976, he wrote a bad review of me in the newsletter of the Newport Board of Realtors where he was president. Later, he related this news to me slightly shamefaced, and said that after it appeared, his best friend came into his office holding the paper, placed it on his desk, and shook his head sternly, indicating a wordless “no.”
In the early ’80s, a close friend of mine, whose own father was killed walking across a street and whose mother committed suicide on Mother’s Day, said that if I had anything to work out with my parents, I should do it now, because one day that opportunity would be over. When I heard this remark, I had no idea that I would ever want to work anything out with them, that, in fact, there was anything to work out at all. But it stewed in my brain for years, and soon I decided to try and get to know my parents. I took them to lunch every Sunday I could, and would goad them into talking.
It was our routine that after I drove them home from our lunches, my mother and father, now in their 80s, would walk me to the car. I would kiss my mother on the cheek and my father and I would wave or awkwardly say goodbye. But this time we hugged each other and he whispered, “I love you,” with a voice barely audible. This would be the first time these words were ever spoken between us. I returned the phrase with the same awkward, broken delivery.
As my father ailed, he grew more irritable. He made unreasonable demands, such as waking his 24-hour help and insisting that they take him for drives at three a.m., as it was the only way he could relax. He also became heartrendingly emotional. He could be in the middle of a story and begin to laugh, which would provoke sudden tears, making him unable to continue.
In his early 80s, my father’s health declined further and he became bedridden. There must be an instinct about when the end is near, as we all found ourselves gathered at my parents’ home in Orange County, California. I walked into the house they had lived in for 35 years and my weeping sister said, “He’s saying goodbye to everyone.”
A hospice nurse said to me, “This is when it all happens.” I didn’t know what she meant, but soon I did.
I walked into the bedroom where he lay, his mind alert but his body failing. He said, almost buoyantly, “I’m ready now.” I understood that his intensifying rage of the last few years had been against death and now his resistance was abating. I stood at the end of the bed and we looked into each other’s eyes for a long, unbroken time. At last he said, “You did everything I wanted to do.”
I said the truth: “I did it for you.”
Looking back, I’m sure that we both had different interpretations of what I meant.
I sat on the edge of the bed and another silence fell over us. Then he said, “I wish I could cry, I wish I could cry.”
At first, I took this as a comment on his condition but am forever thankful that I pushed on. “What do you want to cry about?” I finally said.
“For all the love I received and couldn’t return.”
He had kept this secret, his desire to love his family, from me and from my mother his whole life. It was as though an early misstep had kept us forever out of stride. Now, two days from his death, our pace was aligning and we were able to speak.
My father’s death has a thousand endings. I continue to absorb its messages and meanings. He stripped death of its spooky morbidity and made it tangible and passionate. He prepared me in some way for my own death. He showed me the responsibility of the living to the dying. But the most enduring thought was expressed by my sister, Melinda. She told me she had learned something from all this. I asked her what it was. She said, “Nobody should have to die alone.”
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We watched a Netflix special from I think Hasan Minaj a couple of years ago. In it, he pointed out that there is a way to calculate the number of times a person will see someone before they die. His example was parents: think of the number of times you see your parents per year. Consider an average lifespan, and multiply the years left by the visits per year. The result is a finite number, frighteningly small in the face of love. 
I think about this a lot. 
My 98yo grandmother has dementia. This is Dad’s mom, a woman who I have complicated feelings about. Visiting her and Grandpa was never as interesting as visiting my mom’s parents - less for a small kid to do - but she loved us and we loved her. Her diagnosis came a few years ago, and she’s since been in a memory care home. Over the last few months, the quality of care has significantly declined, so my aunts made the decision that one of them will take her into their home and care for her there until the end of her life. This aunt lives significantly out of state, and given my family’s ongoing caution regarding COVID, we will likely not visit. When Grandma leaves her current home, it’s understood we will not see her again.
Ordinarily, this would be a time for goodbyes and closure, but when Dad died, my aunts decided that it was kinder not to tell Grandma. Dad travelled a lot for work, so he was rarely home, and Grandma’s memory is such that she doesn’t remember who visited on a day-to-day basis. My aunts have been saying Dad is on another business trip, and that’s been accepted without question. We all agree this was a good decision and the best for Grandma’s mental health. 
The hard part is that Dad is gone. Neither Mom, myself nor my sister have visited Grandma since Dad passed because while we’re all perfectly capable of lying, trying to come up with a reasonable story about why Dad is not there is damn near impossible to do without crying. So we just...haven’t gone. 
Next month, Grandma is moving out of state, and we will not see her again. 
Yesterday, I sat with Mom and Husbandthing and my aunt and uncle and we talked. Mom and I cried. I want to see Grandma, want to be a good grandchild and give my regards, because between COVID quarantines and a busy work schedule, it’s been four years since I’ve seen her, but while I’m confident my brain could endure the visit, my body has recently had a habit of random crying jags that come out of nowhere. Grandma will ask which grandchild I am and I’ll say I’m Squid, your son’s daughter. She’ll ask about Dad and I’ll say he’s not here, and she’ll ask what he’s up to, and I will want to say that he’s five pounds of ash in a burlwood box in my sister’s childhood bedroom and I will be so angry that he’s gone, so furiously, ragingly angry that he went and fucking died I will start crying again and whatever lie I had prepared will die on my tongue.
So I’m not going. I have the opportunity to say goodbye, but I’m not taking it. I feel shitty, just absolutely wretched, but it’s kinder to both of us. That last visit Hasan Minaj talked about, the end of the calculation, is not now. It was four years ago, and I didn’t even know it. I didn’t know that when I kissed her cheek, I wouldn’t do it again. 
These things are normal. This is life. She endures, and might endure for years. Who knows. I’m just feeling maudlin and sad. We transitioned Husbandthing’s mom to hospice last month. My dad has been gone for a year. There’s no way we could support tiny humans, but I’ve been fantasizing about a life with kids if only to have another link in the chain, if only so my family name doesn’t die with me. 
Gah. Random blather at its finest. Time to go drink coffee and answer some email and watch the neighbor work on his car. We keep moving. We always keep moving. 
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mary-verghese · 3 months
Discover the Premier Nursing Services in Kolkata: A Guide to Quality Healthcare at Your Doorstep
In the bustling city of Kolkata, finding reliable and compassionate nursing care is essential for ensuring the well-being of your loved ones. Whether it's for post-operative care, chronic illness management, or elder care, premier nursing services in Kolkata offer the expertise and support needed to improve health outcomes and quality of life.
Why Choose premier nursing services provider in Kolkata?
Expertise and Professionalism Premier nursing services in Kolkata are staffed by highly trained and experienced nurses who provide a wide range of medical and personal care services. These professionals are adept at managing various health conditions, administering medications, and providing post-surgical care, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care in the comfort of their homes.
Personalized Care Plans Every patient has unique health needs. Premier nursing services in Kolkata create tailored care plans to address specific medical conditions and personal preferences. This individualized approach ensures that each patient receives the appropriate level of care, enhancing recovery and overall well-being.
Comprehensive Health Monitoring Continuous health monitoring is a crucial aspect of effective nursing care. By choosing premier nursing services in Kolkata, you benefit from regular health assessments and timely interventions. Nurses use advanced tools and techniques to monitor vital signs, manage chronic conditions, and prevent complications, ensuring optimal health management.
Convenience and Comfort One of the most significant advantages of home nursing services is the comfort and convenience it provides. Patients can receive professional medical care without the stress of hospital visits, allowing them to recover in a familiar and comfortable environment. This not only speeds up recovery but also improves mental well-being.
Services Offered by Premier Nursing Services in Kolkata
Post-Operative Care Recovering from surgery requires careful attention and professional care. Premier nursing services in Kolkata offer comprehensive post-operative care, including wound management, pain control, mobility assistance, and rehabilitation exercises. Nurses ensure that patients follow their post-surgery care plans meticulously, promoting faster and safer recovery.
Chronic Disease Management Managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart conditions can be challenging. Nursing services provide expert care to manage these conditions effectively, including medication administration, dietary guidance, and lifestyle recommendations. Regular monitoring helps in early detection of any complications, ensuring timely medical intervention.
Elder Care Services As our loved ones age, they may require additional support to maintain their independence and quality of life. Premier nursing services in Kolkata offer specialized elder care, focusing on mobility assistance, medication management, companionship, and daily living activities. These services help seniors live comfortably and safely in their own homes.
Palliative and Hospice Care For patients with serious illnesses, palliative and hospice care services provide compassionate and comprehensive support. Nurses focus on pain management, emotional support, and enhancing the quality of life for patients and their families during challenging times.
How to Choose the Right Nursing Service in Kolkata
Credentials and Experience Ensure that the nursing service provider has qualified and experienced nursing staff. Check for certifications and professional affiliations that demonstrate their commitment to high standards of care.
Reputation and Reviews Look for nursing services with positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Word-of-mouth recommendations and online reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of care provided.
Range of Services Choose a nursing service that offers a comprehensive range of services to meet your specific needs. Whether it's short-term post-operative care or long-term elder care, ensure that the provider can cater to your requirements.
Flexibility and Availability Flexibility in scheduling and availability of nurses is crucial, especially in emergencies. Ensure that the nursing service can provide care when you need it the most, including round-the-clock support if necessary.
Premier nursing services provider in Kolkata are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to patients in the comfort of their homes. By choosing a reputable and professional nursing service, you can ensure the well-being of your loved ones and provide them with the best possible quality of life. Whether you need post-operative care, chronic disease management, or elder care, Kolkata’s premier nursing services are here to help.
For more information on how premier nursing services provider in Kolkata can benefit you and your family, contact us today and take the first step towards quality healthcare at your doorstep
visit our official site : https://maryverghese.com/
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morinassociatesr · 4 months
Morin Associates LLC
Established in 1984, Morin Associates LLC is an independent insurance agency situated in Groton, Connecticut. As an employee benefits company, our main objective is to satisfy our clients' needs by coming up with innovative and affordable benefit plans health insurance agents in ct For employer groups of any size, this includes administrative service placement, consulting, unique value-added services, and specially created programs and products.
health insurance brokers ct
Purchasing life insurance is the best way to ensure that your loved ones have a financial safety net in the case of your passing. If you don't have life insurance, your family might be struggling financially, have trouble getting loans, or not have a breadwinner to help out.
Lifelong Protection
The two most popular types of life insurance are whole life and term plans. Despite not increasing your wealth, term insurance is inexpensive. It provides insurance coverage for a predetermined period of time, or "term" of years. Whole life insurance, sometimes referred to as "permanent" or "universal" insurance, will eventually reimburse policyholders for their money. Whole life insurance products have the advantage of increasing in value over time, despite having higher premiums.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is a benefit that both individuals and companies regard highly when they work for an employer. There are three types of this insurance: point-of-service organizations (POSs), exclusive provider organizations (EPOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and health maintenance organizations (HMOs).
The cost of these health insurance policies varies, and they offer various benefit packages. It's critical to understand the advantages that each plan provides in order to select the optimal one for your family. An excellent option if you need assistance choosing the best policy for your needs and budget is a local insurance agent.
A doctor, clinic, or hospital must be within the network of your health insurance plan; you cannot just go to any old place. You can review the list of participating physicians and hospitals before selecting a health insurance plan.
Dental Care Coverage Under Medical
Dental insurance is an optional add-on to many health insurance plans that can save you a significant amount of money on dental care. Examine the benefits of each health insurance plan before deciding on one that includes dental coverage. An other choice is stand-alone dental insurance.
Employee Benefits
Plans for PEOs, Alternative Financing, Individual Health, and Health Insurance
It can be challenging to provide enough insurance coverage in the modern world. It's critical to provide your employees with the best plan possible, but it's also critical to ensure that it won't bankrupt your business. Morin Associates is committed to offering our business clients complete health, dental, vision, disability, life, and long-term care insurance, for both individuals and families.
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The health insurance market is constantly changing, and we stay abreast of the most recent developments to better serve you by offering the coverage you require at a cost you can afford. There are many different health insurance plans available at our location, and we always provide our customers with the best advise based on their needs and financial situation.
Health coverage
Since the 1960s, Medicare, also known as the Medical Assistance Program for Older Americans, has been a government-run health insurance program. We've covered each of the several software components in detail below.
Medicare Part A covers hospital stays, ER visits, hospice care, and stays in nursing homes. • Medicare Part B financial advisors cover vaccinations, lab work, mental health services, outpatient surgery, durable medical equipment, and the majority of other non-hospital medical services. Certain components of Medicare Part C are covered by Medicare Advantage, which consists of portions of Parts A, B, and occasionally D.
Medigap is a commercial insurance policy that aims to fill in the "gaps" left by regular Medicare. • Medicare Part D pays for prescription drugs.
The financial advisors at Morin Associates will custom-tailor an investment plan to maximize your returns. When creating a financial plan for you, we take into account your risk tolerance, market volatility, short- and long-term goals, and other aspects. You can lower your risk exposure and raise your return on investment by following our advisors' guidance.
You need a sound financial plan that enables you to easily balance risks and rewards if you want to reach your financial goals. For you, we will design and implement a customized financial plan based on your risk tolerance. We'll take into account both your personal and business assets when making recommendations. Morin Associates can assist if you want to achieve financial stability in your life.
Our Enterprise
Private insurance and financial company Morin Associates LLC is based in Groton, Connecticut. Among our areas of competence are
Employee Enrollment with Shorter Wait Times
Entrepreneur - Prepaid Health and Dental Insurance Plans
Better Decisions
Retirement Plans: Eligible and Ineligible
Superb Plans
Individual Medicare Plans and Financial Services
We are dedicated to sharing our 34 years of experience with each and every client. We offer innovative, customized, and reasonably priced solutions based on the particular needs of each client. For employer groups of any size, this includes administrative technology solutions, consultation, employee communication and marketing materials, plan designs, financing arrangements, and strategic products. It also includes distinctive value-added services.
Our team consists of sixteen brokers and nine full-time employees with vast experience in both public and private administration. They have done a fantastic job managing our wholesale partners and HR services.
These attributes have helped Morin Associates become a well-known employee benefits provider in Connecticut. We are able to address all of your specific needs with the highest level of professionalism and care because of our significant training and expertise.
For all of their health and life insurance needs, as well as those of their employees and retirees, anyone in Connecticut—including Colchester, East Lyme, Griswold, Groton, Ledyard, Montville, Mystic, New London, North Stonington, Norwich, Old Lyme, Plainfield, Stonington, Uncasville, and Waterford—can rely on Morin Associates LLC. Washington, D.C., New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire are also served by the business.
All securities are offered by Investment Center Inc., Bedminster, NJ, a member of FINRA/SIPC.
You can use FINRA's BrokerCheck to look up the background of your financial advisor. The SEC has registered IC Advisory Services Inc. as an investment advisor.
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morinassociates678 · 4 months
Morin Associates LLC
Morin Associates LLC is an independent insurance agency that has been in business since 1984 and is based in Groton, Connecticut. As an employer-sponsored benefits provider, our utmost concern is offering our clients innovative and affordable benefit packages health insurance brokers near me Our comprehensive offerings are tailored to fulfill the needs of employer groups of all sizes. These include specialized programs and products, administrative service placement, consultancy, and unique value-added services. 
Getting life insurance is a simple way to safeguard your family's financial stability in the case of your untimely death. Without life insurance, your family may struggle to make ends meet. 
Ensuring Access to Healthcare for All Workers 
When thinking about how to safeguard your family, you should think about purchasing either term or complete life insurance. An easy and affordable way to safeguard your family's financial stability is with term life insurance. It offers protection for a set amount of time, sometimes referred to as a "term" of years. The "permanent" or "universal" nature of whole life assurance policies ensures that premiums will always be paid. Although whole life insurance policies may have higher initial premiums, their value may increase as time goes on. 
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Health Coverage 
A health insurance plan is a win-win for businesses and their workers. We offer POS, EPO, PPO, and HMO policies for your choice. 
There is a wide choice of health insurance policies to choose from, each with its own pricing point and benefits. When you know what to expect from each family health insurance plan, you might be able to make a more informed decision. A local insurance agent is a great resource for finding the policy that fits your needs the best. 
If you go to a clinic or hospital that isn't part of your insurance's network, they will not pay for your treatment. Prior to enrolling in a plan, you have the option to view a list of participating hospitals and doctors. 
Medical Treatment Workers can easily afford dental insurance 
These days, dental coverage is an added bonus to many health insurance plans. Patients who use this perk will be able to afford dental treatment with more ease. Before opting to include dental care in your health insurance plan, think about the advantages of doing so. In contrast, you may want to consider getting dental insurance for yourself. 
A wide variety of resources are available to those in need, including public and private health insurance programs, non-bank financial organizations, and employment agencies. 
Given the state of the market, it might be challenging to offer adequate insurance coverage. Unless you want the company to fail, you should give your employees the greatest plan possible. Among the many products offered by Morin Associates to businesses are insurance policies for medical, vision, disability, life, and long-term care. 
We are closely monitoring the health insurance market so that we can provide you with affordable coverage that suits your needs. We cater to each client's unique requirements while being mindful of their financial constraints, and our extensive list of services includes health insurance. 
Health insurance 
Medicare, which stands for "Medicare for Older Americans," has been helping low-income seniors since it was established in the 1960s. Listed below are some of the program's key features. 
For Medicare Part A purposes, long-term care facilities include nursing homes, clinics, hospitals, and hospices. Covered by Medicare Part B are outpatient surgeries, mental health treatments, physical exams, immunizations, blood tests, and durable medical equipment (DME). Parts C, A, and B of Medicare, and in very rare circumstances, Part D as well, may be partially covered by Medicare Advantage. 
Medicare Part D handles prescription drugs, and Medigap is a commercial insurance that fills in the "gaps" that regular Medicare does not. 
Investing Approach 
Get in touch with the experts at Morin Associates if you want to maximize the returns on your investments. Numerous things are considered when making plans for one's financial future, including one's risk tolerance, the current market conditions, one's short-term and long-term objectives, and an endless number of other things. Our specialty is advising clients on how to reduce risk while increasing ROI. 
To reach your financial goals, you need a perfect plan that allows you to consider all of your investment options. Your objectives, level of comfort with risk, and other factors will be carefully considered as we craft a unique strategy for your financial future health insurance companies ct After a thorough examination of all of your assets, both personal and business, we will offer our professional opinion. You can achieve financial security with the help of Morin Associates. 
The Groton, Connecticut-based firm Morin Associates LLC provides insurance and financial services to consumers and companies alike. Priority Enrollment for Medicare Parts A and B, First-Rate Plans for Both Qualified and Non-Qualified Individuals, More Options for the Financial Security of Owners' Employees, and Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medicare Supplement). 
Using our 34 years of experience, we will satisfy all of our customers' demands. Affordable and adaptable, our one-of-a-kind custom solutions are perfect for any client. Our wide variety of services are available to employer groups of all sizes. We offer a lot of different administrative technology solutions, along with consulting, strategic items, plan designs, financing arrangements, one-of-a-kind value-added services, and content for employee marketing and communication. 
The nine full-timers and sixteen brokers on our team have extensive experience in both public and private sector management. Their oversight of our wholesale partners and HR services has been first-rate. 
The aforementioned are just a few of the many reasons why Morin Associates is the preferred provider of employee benefits in Connecticut. All of your unique requirements, and more, can be satisfied by our extensive knowledge and experience. 
Get in touch with Morin Associates LLC if you need assistance selecting a health or life insurance policy that suits your family's needs. Connecticut towns such as Montville, East Lyme, Uncasville, Mystic, and Plainfield are under our watchful eye. Our service area includes numerous towns, including North Stonington, as well as Norwich, Griswold, Groton, Mystic, and Waterford. All of the assets that are being sold are being sold by The Investment Center Inc. of Bedminster, New Jersey. The firm's services are available to clients in all fifty states because it is a member of FINRA and SIPC. 
Through FINRA BrokerCheck, one can investigate the history of a financial advisor. In order to provide investment advisory services, IC advice Services Inc. has been granted a license by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 
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morinassociatess · 4 months
Morin Associates LLC
Established in 1984, Morin Associates LLC is an independent insurance business situated in Groton, Connecticut. As a financial advisor near me for employer-sponsored benefits, giving our clients innovative and affordable benefit packages is our first concern. Our broad range of options, which are made to accommodate the needs of employer groups of all sizes, includes specialized programs and products, administrative service placement, advice, and distinctive value-added services.
financial advisor
Purchasing life insurance is a simple way to shield your loved ones from financial disaster in the case of your untimely death. If you don't have life insurance, your loved ones may struggle to make ends meet.
Sustaining Access to Healthcare for All Professions
When it comes to safeguarding your loved ones, you should think about both term and whole life insurance. Term life insurance is an easy and affordable option to safeguard the financial security of your family. It offers protection for a set amount of time, frequently referred to as a "term" of years. Whole life assurance insurance have guaranteed premium repayment because of their "permanent" or "universal" nature. Whole life insurance policies may have higher initial premiums, but over time, their value may increase as well.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is seen as a blessing by both employers and employees. PPO, HMO, EPO, and POS insurance are available for selection.
There are numerous options for health insurance, each with a different cost and set of benefits. After you are aware of the advantages offered by each family health insurance plan, selecting one may be simpler. A local insurance agent is a great resource for figuring out which policy best fits your needs.
Any medical costs incurred at a facility outside of your insurance provider's network will not be reimbursed. Before registering for a plan, you are able to view which doctors and hospitals are part of the network.
Health Care Dental insurance is accessible to employees.
Dental coverage is becoming a common add-on benefit for many health insurance plans. Individuals who avail themselves of this service would experience less financial burden when covering their dental needs. Before opting to include dental care in your health insurance plan, weigh its advantages. Conversely, you may want to consider getting dental insurance for yourself.
Benefits are available from a variety of sources, including non-bank financial institutions, employment agencies, private health plans, and health insurance.
In the current market, offering enough insurance coverage could be challenging. Unless you want the business to fail, it is your duty to give your staff the greatest plan available. Medical, vision, disability, life, and long-term care insurance are just a few of the several products that Morin Associates provides to organizations.
We are closely monitoring the health insurance market to provide you with coverage that is both cheap and matches your needs. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including health insurance, and we make every effort to cater to each client's unique needs while being mindful of their financial constraints.
health insurance
Medicare (Medicare for Older Americans) was created in the 1960s and has been helping seniors with modest incomes ever since. The characteristics of the program are outlined below.
For the purposes of Medicare Part A, long-term care facilities include clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices. Medicare Part B covers outpatient procedures, mental health services, physical examinations, vaccinations, blood tests, and durable medical equipment (DME). Medicare Parts C, A, and B, as well as Part D in very rare circumstances, may be partially covered by Medicare Advantage.
Prescription drug coverage is provided under Medicare Part D, and commercial insurance known as Medigap fills in the "gaps" left by traditional Medicare.
Investment Plan
If you want to maximize the profits on your investments, see the experts at Morin Associates. Many elements are considered when making financial plans, including your risk tolerance, the situation of the market, your short- and long-term goals, and a host of other considerations health insurance companies ct Our specialty is helping clients minimize risk and maximize return on investment (ROI).
To reach your financial goals, you need an optimal approach that allows you to consider every investment option. We will design a customized financial plan that accounts for your objectives, level of risk tolerance, and other elements. Following a thorough examination of all of your assets, both personal and company, we will offer our professional advice. With the help of Morin Associates, you can achieve financial stability.
The Groton, Connecticut-based company Morin Associates LLC provides financial and insurance services to both individuals and corporations. Enhanced Options for Owners' Employees' Financial Security, Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medicare Supplement), Simplified Medicare Parts A and B Enrollment, and First-Rate Plans (Qualified and Non-Qualified).
financial advisor near me
We will use our 34 years of experience to satisfy each and every one of our customers' needs. Our unique, personalized solutions are reasonably priced and may be customized to satisfy the requirements of any customer. Our wide variety of services is available to employer groups of all sizes. Along with consulting, strategic items, plan designs, financial arrangements, special value-added services, and employee marketing and communication content, we offer a wide range of administrative technology solutions.
Our sixteen brokers and nine full-timers bring a plethora of experience to the table, having worked in both the public and private sectors in management roles. They have done a fantastic job managing our wholesale partners and HR services.
There are several reasons why Morin Associates is the best choice for employee benefits in Connecticut, some of which are mentioned above. We can satisfy all of your unique needs and more thanks to our extensive experience.
For assistance in selecting the ideal health or life insurance plan for you and your family, get in touch with Morin Associates LLC. In Connecticut, we are monitoring Montville, East Lyme, Mystic, Uncasville, and Plainfield. Among the many communities we serve in the Griswold, Mystic, North Stonington, and Norwich areas is Groton. All assets that are for sale are being sold by The Investment Center Inc. of Bedminster, New Jersey. Customers in all fifty states can use the firm's services because it is a member of FINRA and SIPC.
You may look into a financial advisor's history using FINRA BrokerCheck. IC advise Services Inc. now has a license to provide investment advisory services from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
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angelicarehospice · 10 months
The goal of hospice care at home is to enhance the patient's quality of life - Angelicare Hospice
The goal of hospice care at home is to enhance the patient's quality of life during their final days. The hospice care nurse works collaboratively with the patient and their family to address physical symptoms, manage medications, and ensure the patient's comfort. This personalized approach fosters a sense of dignity and control for the patient.In the realm of hospice care, the compassionate care provided by hospice care nurses stands out as a beacon of support for individuals facing life-limiting illnesses. Whether in a “hospice care home california” or within the familiar walls of one's residence, the focus remains on improving the quality of life and providing comfort during the final stages of life. 
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suncresthospicecare · 2 years
What will insurance cover? - Suncrest hospicecare
Your Insurance may provide complete or partial payment. Our Hospice Team will explain your coverage and will bill your insurance directly. Home Hospice Care services often include nurse, social workers, and chaplain visits. These professionals can provide medical and psychological support and spiritual guidance. Hospice staff can also help coordinate care with other healthcare providers, such as doctors, physical therapists, and home health aides.
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redrockhospice · 7 months
Things To Consider Before Choosing Hospice Services
Selecting a hospice provider for yourself, a loved one, or your family is one of the most significant decisions you will have to make. According to the law, all hospice programs have to provide patients and their families with the same fundamental services. Is it possible to determine with certainty which hospice program is best for you?
When selecting a hospice service, it is important to consider and inquire about these important topics. If you do this, you and your loved ones will be guaranteed the kind of compassionate, skilled end-of-life care that you deserve.
• Find information about the supplier's history and standing in the community. Tell me how long the provider has been in business, please. Does it engage outside organizations to conduct patient care, or does it use its own staff? What are the experiences that other people have had with this doctor and their families?
• To learn more about the care that will be provided for you and your family, you should obtain details. Develops a unique care plan for every program participant. Does the hospice provide patients with admission care from an interdisciplinary team of a physician, nurse, social worker, chaplain, bereavement specialist, and volunteer staff? When does the group typically visit? Their specialization of hospice care providers is assisting hospice patients to stay comfortably in their own homes, and they also train family members to do the same.
• Ascertain whether the program offers hospice care at all four levels. Hospice care can be provided in a hospital setting when pain and symptoms are too severe to manage at home, round-the-clock care when medically necessary, home hospice care (regardless of whether it's a private residence, a nursing home, or an assisted living facility), and caregiver respite (for up to five days). Does the provider's charge schedule include the provision of all medications, equipment, and medical supplies associated with the terminal diagnosis?
• Ask detailed questions regarding the program's ability to manage emergency cases, scheduling, and specialty care. When is it feasible to start receiving hospice care? Is it feasible to come to the hospital whenever you want, including on weekends, holidays, and after hours? Through the program's hotline, you can reach certified hospice physicians who are available around-the-clock to answer any questions or concerns you may have and handle any emergencies that may arise. In the case that you or a loved one passed away, would someone be there to offer you comfort and support?
• Evaluate the provider's capacity to manage patients with complex or life-threatening illnesses. Under this method, patients who require complex modalities or many chronic conditions may be eligible for therapy. Is it possible for team members to receive certification or training so they can offer patients with conditions like Alzheimer's, lung conditions, and heart illnesses specific comfort care? Is it possible for the team to deliver care that honors the distinctive customs, traditions, and values of many groups of people? How much palliative care does it offer to patients who are near death but don't fit the hospice care requirements?
• You ought to search for hospice care providers. Does anyone have the ability to operate home medical equipment? Does the program offer a variety of integrated services such as massage, music therapy, pet visits, and other services? What specific services do volunteers provide, and how are they trained? Regarding healthcare advance directives and other related matters, who on the team is available for discussion? For what length of time will bereavement services last after a death?
Last words
By being informed about all the options available for end-of-life care, one can make the most out of a trying time and have a "good death". Make sure you conduct thorough research and pose the appropriate questions when selecting the hospice care providers that best suits your family's needs and particular circumstances. You can make arrangements in the future to ensure that every encounter, encounter, and memory you have will be positive ones.
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Healing Hands Veterinary Acupuncture
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Website: https://www.healinghandsvetacupuncture.com
Address: Southern Tier of New York, USA
Healing Hands Veterinary Acupuncture, founded by Dr. Karin Olsen, specializes in providing house call acupuncture and integrative services to pets, ensuring their comfort by facilitating treatments in their own home. The practice emphasizes a holistic approach, offering a range of services including acupuncture, laser therapy, and herbal consults, as well as compassionate in-home hospice care and euthanasia. Dr. Olsen, with her profound expertise and dedication, ensures pets in the Southern Tier of NY receive optimal care tailored to their unique needs.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064025744730
Target Location:
Southern Tier of New York
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x-rds · 1 year
[Lio] Sorry just trauma rambling
(Significant animal death and traumatic grief mentions)
I think - the one thing. The one thing that really, truly drove the knife in, is that - my ex had the audacity to ask me to help them pay for an urn, which I did, willingly, because I cared, and because I felt I owed it to him after failing to save him. And yet, despite the vet promising to give them two paw impressions so that we both had something, anything to hold on to, I never, ever saw that.
It feels stupid and petty. A baby isn’t a print on paper. A baby isn’t an urn. He isn’t any physical item any one person can own. But - it’s just - the disrespect. The lack of being given even a shred of chance of closure. The lack of comfort I was given, the lack of care.
I can’t blame them entirely. They bought me food when I was laying despondent and alone in their bed and I couldn’t bring myself to eat anything because it felt wrong for me to eat when he couldn’t anymore. I would not have eaten if they hadn’t done that, at least not yet, I felt so sick mentally and physically, I felt like my lips would decay and fall off from the fact I tried to resuscitate him and failed. I thought I was never going to stop coughing up bile. They were kind enough to get me to eat.
They were kind enough to bring me to their therapist with them. (Although their therapist was fucking useless and just told me they knew ‘he would have been a beautiful cat’ as if that was helpful at fucking all.)
But it ended there. They didn’t comfort me at all as we surrendered his body to the vet. They didn’t comfort me at all when they came home from their family trip, back to their fucking house where I was, alone, where they left me with a goddamn surprise hospice job. And they didn’t know, I can’t blame them for that, they had no way of knowing, but the fact is still that I had to watch a helpless baby creature, that I cared for and loved so much too, that they left me in charge of, that I didn’t sleep for four days watching him every single night and trying to feed him and trying to help him and paying for vet visits and for delivery services to get tools to help him and begging my very kind friend to drive me places to try to help him - crashing and dying in my arms. And they ignored me. They barely said a word to comfort me. I know he was their baby too and they were dealing with other things but he died in MY arms after I didn’t sleep for DAYS and they asked me for MONEY for his URN to keep at THEIR HOUSE and I have NOTHING but a few pictures I cannot bring myself to look at to remember him by. And they gave me almost nothing.
Almost Everything else about this experience that could have possibly been traumatizing was. It was a nightmare. It was hell. My one kind friend was the singular saving grace and everyone else involved was an asshole at best, vets I called in a panic included. It even went so far as to trigger my clairvoyance psychosis because I had a hunch before we got him that it might be too early and something might happen to him and when it did my brain decided every ‘vision’ I had about anyone near me getting sick or dying was certainly true. I begged people not to leave the house. I begged my mom not to get another cat at her house. I cried myself to sleep thinking my uncle was dead because I had a dream he’d been killed when he went shopping.
I know we both suffered I know I know I know. But they got all those little things meant to help soothe their loss and let them move on and I got nothing but horrific nightmares and a fucking emergency vet bill and a paypal request for seventy dollars to buy my fucking ex a little statue for their house to remember the innocent creature I ran myself ragged to save wnd failed when they weren’t even there
I try to remind myself, all the time, that in the end the person he knew longest in his life was me. That there is no little cat toy or urn or paper with paw prints on it that means more to his sad story than me. I alone did everything I had the power to do to save him and I alone hold the memory of his struggling and his end, and I alone had the opportunity and love in me to tear myself apart to try to save him.
But fuck. Man. Would it have hurt anyone if my grief got any sort of consideration? At all?
I didn’t believe I could move on at all, for a week after it happened. I believed I would be stricken with the gaping wound of pain forever. None of my friends, well meaning as they were, were getting through to me - they hadn’t seen it. They weren’t there. They couldn’t judge my sins.
In the end it was Andy who got through to me. He told me: In that moment I was doing everything to try to be a healer. And sometimes, healers lose - but it all would be far worse if they never tried.
So I guess the moral here is thank god for my fucking headmates being there when the people who claim they care about you end up not doing that at all.
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sienahospice · 2 years
home hospice near me
We provide high-quality care in a warm and compassionate environment. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service, ensuring the comfort and dignity of each individual we serve.
We are proud to be an integral part of the Siena community and our patients’ lives. We understand the importance of maintaining a positive outlook during difficult times. One way we do this is by offering home hospice services to our patients and their loved ones.
Home hospice provides a comfortable place for individuals facing advanced or terminal illness to receive care at home. It can help provide reassurance and support as they face their final stages of life.
Siena Hospice is here to help you and your loved one with any questions or concerns you may have about home hospice services. It’s our hope that you choose Siena Hospice as your home hospice provider because we will do everything we can to make sure that you get the best possible care.
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