montygreen · 1 year
top 5 sit-com couples
Eleanor and Chidi
Janine and Gregory
Jake and Amy
Ben and Leslie
Roy and Keeley (I'm still bitter....)
Ask me my top 5 anything!
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lisa-swallows · 1 year
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌
ruth, ily!!! thank you sm for thissss <3 if i send it back again this will become a permanent positive feedback loop.
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forbescaroline · 11 months
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 110. beth cassidy and addy hanlon - dare me
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 10 months
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"I overheard a call with Judge Greedy and the fence. Sale's on for tonight."
Leverage Redemption S01E11 The Jackal Job.
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svnsetromance · 7 months
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BETH & ADDY (Dare Me, 2019) Love is a kind of killing. @lgbtqcreators — creator bingo / lgbtq ship / insp.
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chappellr0anlov3r · 2 months
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homoretic friendships biggest enemy
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deankarolina · 10 months
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L M Dorsey, She is Made of Chalk
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Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Bastián Silvano/Lore Garcia - Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore
Patrick Roman/Damien Bordeaux - All Hail The Underdogs by E.L. Massey
Mark Blackthorn/Cristina Mendoza-Rosales/Kieran - The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare
Beth Cassidy/Addy Hanlon - Dare Me by Megan Abbott
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birbwell · 2 years
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all the season 1 columbo villains (excluding the pilot episodes!)
kind of want to make a series out of this hrmmm
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ruben-rawbone · 6 months
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And she told me the story of Fatima, how she was stirring a pot when her husband came home with a new wife. Brokenhearted, she let the ladle slip from her fingers and kept stirring with her own hand, not noticing the pain. “The hand protects you,” she said. “Nothing can hurt it now. Nothing can touch us now.”
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ffantasmi · 1 year
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You and I, you and I
Yellowjackets / Dare Me + 2 KIDS by Taemin
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bellamysgriffin · 2 years
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I feel it even more when I look at you Yeah, I feel it kind of more than I wanted to
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dare me (2019)
hell is a teenage girl.
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just finished this underrated 💎 i’m shocked that i haven’t come across this before. the cinematography reminded me a lot of Palo Alto (2013). the visuals and aesthetics are one of my favourite ‘vibes’ right now as they give me a weird sense of summer nostalgia especially as the weather gets warmer (almost in a tumblr 2014-craze way).
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bumblesimagines · 8 months
you're not just my best friend, you're my... nevermind. forget i said anything.
seeing you with them... it made me so mad. i can't explain the feeling.
Beth Cassidy
seeing you with them... it made me so mad. i can't explain the feeling.
you're not just my best friend, you're my... nevermind. forget i said anything.
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers, F!Reader
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You could feel the music blaring through the speakers vibrate through your body in a way that should've been overwhelming, but the booze in your system made it sound distant and muffled. You hardly remembered the name of the guy you danced with, his age, or even where he'd come from. You'd long lost sight of Riri, Addy, and Beth, though you doubted they'd gone far. You were certain if you looked, you'd find Riri in some random guy's lap or Beth making someone's life miserable while Addy watched on. You only cared about the music and the way you moved against the stranger. 
New yet familiar hands landed on your hips and you opened your eyes, staring into that blue color you'd grown to love. Beth's dark-colored lips stretched out into a smile, too wide to be real, eyes too cold to be happy. It almost sobered you instantly, the party vibe evaporating from your body. You instinctively leaned into her, bare arms wrapping around her shoulders. "Come on, it's time we go, princess." She just about hissed in your ear and you nodded, sparing a glance and a wave toward the puzzled guy. 
Beth's dress glimmered in the dim lighting, twinkling with every step and sway of her hips. She kept an iron grip on your wrist as she led you out of the rundown apartment, away from jeering men old enough to be your fathers, and into the cold night air. Beth seemed immune to the cold, possibly too distracted rummaging through her purse for her keys to notice, but goosebumps immediately rose along your arms. You glanced around the parking lot in search of the other two girls, spotting Riri near a bush vomiting out every she'd had eaten throughout the day, which was never much to begin with. Addy held back her long hair, her nose crinkled in disgust, and her mouth forming comforting words. 
"Don't," Beth spat angrily when she noticed you about to call them over. "I don't need her puking all over my seats."
"Did something happen? What's wrong? Was it a guy?" You asked, stumbling over your heels as you moved closer to her. Beth's jaw tensed and she shook her head, her brown perfectly curled waves swinging around. You cupped her face and stared into her eyes as if she'd tell you everything with one look. She wouldn't, even if she expected you to tell her every single secret of yours. But that was Beth. Your captain. Your girl. Your best friend.
"It's always a fucking guy, isn't it? Ruining shit for everyone else? And if it's not a guy, it's fucking fetus and her swinging ponytail." She laughed humorlessly and ran her hands through her hair, tussling up the look she'd carefully put together. Tacy hadn't been at the party but she had a way of fucking things up even from a distance. She and her side chick-turned-wife mother. Always putting Beth in a bad mood. "It was that fuckwad you were dancing with. Seeing you with him... it made me so mad. I can't explain the feeling."
"What do you mean? Did you want him? You could've told me, Beth. You know I don't care." You murmured, rubbing your thumbs over her cheeks, her skin slowly turning a soft shade of pink. "He wasn't even a good dancer." 
She laughed again, this time genuinely, and shook her head. "He wasn't my type. I... I didn't want you dancing with him, 'kay? You're my girl. You dance with me. Eyes on me, always, remember? You never take your eyes off your captain, (Y/N). Never."
"Addy got to dance with some loser, Beth. Why can't I do that?" You practically slurred your words and her hands returned to your hips to steady you. Riri straightened up and Addy went to release her hair until she suddenly bent over and threw up again. Her hangover would be killer. 
"Because- Because Addy's not my girl in the same way you are. You're not just my best friend, you're my..." She trailed off, her words catching in her throat. Beth clamped her mouth shut and unlocked her jeep, pulling herself out of reach and throwing the door open to toss her purse and yours inside. "Nevermind. Forget I said anything. Just get in the car."
"Get your ass in the car or I'm leaving you here."
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autumn-sol · 1 year
can't stop thinking about "you just smile and you smile and then you stab me in the fucking heart. look, it's my fault. it's my fault for falling for it, for you, again and again and you were never gonna choose me. how come, addy... how come you never choose me? just tell me the truth for once in your life. what is it about her? what does she have that i don't?"
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claudia1829things · 5 months
"LOST" (3.15) "Left Behind" Commentary
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"LOST" RETROSPECT - (3.15) "Left Behind"
Have you ever watched a movie or television episode and had maintained an opinion of it for years? Only to change your mind after an umpteenth viewing of it? That is what happened to me after a recent rewatch of the "LOST" Season Three episode, (3.15) "Left Behind"
I might as well begin with the episode's "B" plot. This featured a "B" plot that involved Oceanic survivors Hugo "Hurley" Reyes and James "Sawyer" Ford. Following the events of the previous episode, (3.14) "Exposé", Hurley informs Sawyer that the rest of survivors are in the middle of a debate on whether to banish the Alabama-born con man from the camp. Hurley reminds Sawyer about the benefits of living within a society and suggests that Sawyer start making efforts to make amends for his past actions.
All I have to say is . . . who had written this episode? Honestly. For years, I thought it was a decent, but not exactly mind-blowing episode. But after this latest viewing, I honestly do not know what to think of it. I might as well start with the "B" plot. What can I say? I found it annoying and pointless. It is not that I had any sympathy for Sawyer at this point in the series. I did not. I did not care for Sawyer until Season Five. If Hurley believed the Oceanic camp needed a leader to fulfill the absence of Jack, Sayid and John Locke; he should have stepped up and volunteered for the role, himself. If he was capable of pushing or manipulating Sawyer into stepping into the leadership role, he was capable of assuming the role of leader himself. Instead, Hurley pulled this stupid con job in order to manipulate Sawyer into assuming the role. All this plot managed to achieve was solidify my belief that Hurley was definitely a man child . . . at least through most of the series' run.
Since "Left Behind" happened to be a Kate-centric episode, I might as start with her flashback. In it, Kate meets Sawyer's old flame (at least two-to-three years before she met him on the island), Cassidy Phillips, while the latter was attempting to sell questionable jewelry. Kate comes to her aid before a potential customer could inform the cops. After Cassidy guesses that Kate, who was a fugitive, also did not want to attract the cops; the two women become fast friends. Cassidy agrees to help Kate distract the local law enforcement and U.S. Marshal Edward Mars, so that the fugitive could contact her mother, a waitress at an Iowa road cafe Diane Janssen. You see . . . Kate wanted to know why dear old Mom had ratted her to the cops after she had murdered her father.
I rather liked Cassidy and it was good to see her again after her previous appearance in a Sawyer flashback from Season Two. But I found Kate's agenda very annoying. Why on earth would she be shocked at her mother's decision to inform the police about her murder? Was the audience really expected to sympathize with Kate over Diane's action . . . and becoming perplexed about it? Because I still feel no sympathy for Kate. Audiences learned in the Season Two episode that Kate had murdered her father, Wayne Janssen, in (2.09) "What Kate Did". Diane had a very good reason for snitching on Kate. As she had reminded the latter, Kate had cold-bloodedly murdered Diane's husband, blew up her house and committed insurance fraud to cover up the fact that a murder had been committed. Worse, Kate had lied about the real reason she killed Wayne. She had killed him for her own personal and selfish reason. And yet, in the end, Kate had decided not to forgive her mother for ratting her out? Fuck that! Diane had a chance to rat her out a second time in this episode. Only she did not bother. Kate had her good moments as an individual, but her complaints about Diane in this episode only convinced me how incredibly selfish and delusional she could be.
I finally come to the episode's main plot. While being held captive by the Others for less than a day at their compound, Kate Austen peaks out of a house and spots the group packing to leave. Seconds later, someone tosses a gas cannister, which knocks her out. Some time passes before Kate regains conscious and finds herself handcuffed to the Others' rogue member, Dr. Juliet Burke. Kate is not particularly fond of Juliet, due to the latter being an Other and for developing a close friendship with the Oceanic survivors' leader, Dr. Jack Shephard. While Kate insists upon returning to the Barracks to find another Oceanic captive, Sayid Jarrah, and Jack; Juliet insists upon heading for the Oceanic beach camp. The pair experience a series of adventures involving an encounter with the island entity, "the Smoke Monster", while arguing over Jack and the reason behind Juliet's estrangement from the Others.
I have a question. Why did Kate ask Juliet what the latter had done to piss off Ben and the Others? Juliet had murdered Pickett - right before Kate's eyes - in order to save her and Sawyer. Had she experienced memory loss or something? Had Damon Lindelof and Elizabeth Sarnoff really concocted this ridiculous plot to handcuff Juliet to Kate? According to a later episode, Ben had conceived this handcuff plan. But why? Hold on. I know why. Ben had expected Juliet to use this situation to gain Kate's trust - and through the latter, the Oceanic castaways' trust. Yet again, WHY? All Juliet had to do was agree with Kate's plan to return to the Barracks. Both would have easily found Jack. After all, she had managed to gain his sympathy and friendship during his captivity with the Others. It seemed so pointless to handcuff Juliet to Kate and try to gain her trust. This whole scenario struck me as unnecessary and infantile. As for the catfight in the rain? Very sexist and I suspect, typical of this series' showrunners. And Juliet's encounter with the Smoke Monster? Pointless, because she never encountered it again.
Looking back on my recent rewatch of "Left Behind", I cannot believe I had accepted it as a tolerable episode that could pass muster. Because I find it difficult to accept this . . . at least now. There were too many idiotic plot points and situations for me to regard it as nothing more than an example of one of the less than exemplary episodes from "LOST".
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