#bethyl memes
auxsentiers · 2 years
I may be late to the party but where the fuck was beth in rick's idilic bbq dream??? making more salad?
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paleshelter29 · 1 year
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sasusc · 10 months
WIP Wednesday Friday
Tagged by @galadrieljones and @mistressheroine
Unnamed Bethyl WIP I keep coming back to because of this scene. Might be a one shot, might be more.
They had fought, but there was little they could do against a military tank and a madman set on revenge. Daryl had fought as long as he could as the prison fell to Walkers and ruin, but he had to concede defeat when there had been ten times more Walkers around than the Living. He had been ready to escape to the woods and the hope of finding his family alive far away from the destroyed prison when he dimly heard the cry of a baby. Judith! He had been out of bolts by then, but he swung his knife into decayed heads, kicking and shoving bodies out of his way.  Even now, the sight that greeted him that day was something he would never forget. A bloody Beth Greene swung a wooden baseball bat at an advancing Walker. The rotten head caved in instantly, splattering blood and brain matter on the next Walker behind it. She had a sheet he vaguely recalled had been hung across the front of her cell to give herself some privacy from their family tied around her front in some kind of sling. A terrified Judith was tucked into the sheet. He swore time slowed down as he watched her take another swing at another Walker. The bat shattered as her aim went lower and broke on the Walker's shoulder. She took a step back and tripped on an arm. Daryl moved as she went down, her arms protecting the baby over trying to protect herself. She rolled and kicked out as the Walker dropped to its knee to reach for her. Daryl jumped over bodies and debris. He slammed his knife into the Walker's head, reaching the duo just as Beth got to her knees, a jagged piece of glass cutting into her palm and slamming her makeshift weapon into the Walker's eye. They had looked at each other, both wide-eyed and terrified, over the dead Walker. Then Daryl tugged on Beth's hand, pulling her to her feet and yelling at her that they needed to go. And then they ran from the destruction around them. Daryl had spent many nights since then dreaming of a warrior Beth Greene fighting to protect her cub, messy ponytail dipped in blood, a tiny braid nestle in the curling blonde hair as she swung that bat. Beth later told him she played softball until she reached high school--that she and her brother used to go out to the empty fields to see who could hit the ball the furthest. It wasn't a skill he had associated with the girl, but he remembered the stories of his group meeting Maggie and her clubbing a Walker while riding on a horse. It shouldn't have been that farfetched that she was cut from the same cloth as Maggie Greene Rhee. It had taken him over a week to see Beth wasn't just a girl that needed protecting, having stayed soft and safe within the confines of the prison walls for months. But she was fighter--surviving this new world right alongside everyone else. 
Tagging randomly as i still haven't made me a list of my Tumblr writers: @bethgreeneprevails @gneebee @im-immortal @kitthekazoo @mizjoely @olpie @paleshelter29 @piper1016 @whovianlili
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galadrieljones · 1 year
last line meme
tagged by @a-shakespearean-in-paris and @thevikingwoman. thanks friends ❤️
I have begun working on Chapter 8 of Chicken Feathers. It’s supposedly the final chapter, so it’s got a lot of stuff going on, which is why it’s taking a while. Plus, my life is chaotic lol. I just don’t have the time I used to. Here’s a bit of the last thing I wrote, which is from a journal entry written by Beth:
Even still, while Rick was reading 1 Corinthians, he had tears in his eyes. I won't ever forget how he and Daryl embraced before we said our vows, and the words he said. He said, "I love you, brother." And then he turned to me, and he was crying, and he said, "You'll protect him, Beth. You're the light."
When he said it, I didn't want to feel sad, but I did. I thought of Lori. He still wears his wedding ring. I wish I could see inside of Rick like the way I can see inside of Daryl, but I don't think it really works that way. You get one person. Maybe two in this life.
Anyway. It's late. I need to go to sleep. Daryl's in the pews, fletching, and the Father is in there with him. Rick is out on the front stoop, keeping watch. We leave Georgia first thing in the morning.
I’ll tag both of you back. Tags forward to @shallow-gravy @littlelindentree @gneebee @theluckywizard @natural-blue-26 and @whovianlili
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
Why do you love bethyl so much? Like what is it about these characters and their relationship that drove you to talk about them so frequently. I’m just asking because I don’t really watch TWD (it’s too sad for me) but I love hearing you talk about them.
This is such a loaded question, lol. I think what it came down to was just that the the writers crafted the relationship so beautifully. Daryl was already a fan favorite. He had a hard time connecting with anyone, so any romance they did for him had to be very connection-heavy. And it was.
Tptb have said many times that the emotional connection in Still was not meant to be romantic in and of itself. They wanted them to have a deep, soul connection first, and that would naturally give birth to romantic feelings over time. I think they did a great job of showing that.
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And I don't care what anyone says, Daryl has NOT connected with anyone else--man or woman--that way on the show. Not with Carol, not with Connie, not with Leah. Only with Beth. In a way, that's why he hasn't been able to have a true romance with anyone else. Sure, there was Leah, but as the writer's said, there was an underlying toxicity there, rather than a true romance.
As my friend @wdway has talked about recently (and she got it from things showrunners said back in S4/S5) there is an underlying sweetness in both Beth and Daryl's characters that made them perfect together, but also made it harder for them to connect than it would have been for most people because they're both so shy and awkward. I remember seeing jokes and memes back in S4 about them being the two shyest people on the planet who had ended up together.
But the thing is, the harder a character has to work for something, the more compelling it is for the audience. We love these characters and are rooting for them, so when something comes easily for them, we don't get very emotionally invested. When it's hard won, we care a lot more. So, there's that.
And then there's the unrequited part. Not that either of them didn't have feelings for one another, but rather that, due to circumstances outside their control, they were consistently ripped away from one another.
I've told this story many times, but back in S4, after watching Still and really loving them as a couple, I just figured they'd be together, now. It was really obvious. When she got kidnapped and he ran down the street after her, screaming her name, I became a die-hard shipper for life. Lol. Again, it's just something about them being torn apart, him searching for her, the tragedy and hard-won nature of it all. We can't help but hope and pray and ship.
I don't know if that really helps or answers your question directly. In truth, it's always hard to pin down why we love the things we love. We simply do. And Bethyl is a love story for the ages. Xoxo! 💌💘
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for the ship! meme: bethyl
send ‘ship !’ for the following - tbh there’s never a ship meme that hits on the things i wanna know so here we are: - @survivintothrivin
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who throws things in a fight ? Daryl.
who goes to their parent’s house for a weekend when things get bad ? Beth.
who wants to have children ? who doesn’t ? if both do, how do their goals differentiate ? Beth.
who is more adverse to physical contact ? Daryl.
who hates/dislikes their neighbors the most ? Daryl.
who hates/dislikes their significant other’s family ? Beth.
who is most likely to leave when things get rough ? Daryl. But just to cool off.
who thinks their partner turned out a different person than they thought ? Beth.
who is more likely to cheat ? Neither.
who is the more experienced ( sexually or otherwise ) ? Daryl.
who hates/dislikes their significant other’s friends ? Neither.
who wants to go to social gatherings the most ? Beth.
who is most likely to be dishonest ? Neither.
who is more emotionally closed off and how does this affect their partner ? Daryl because he's never been able to express his feelings verbally very well. But he's trying and he's learning. So it's okay.
who is the dessert person ? Beth.
who is more conservative ? Beth.
who hates/dislikes oral sex ? Beth is inexperienced when it comes to that so she's not sure if she likes it or doesn't. Daryl likes to give it but not receive it.
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gneebee · 2 years
Just Facts 😊
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sunflosposts · 3 years
Beth: Hey Daryl, do you have any hobbies?
Daryl: Swimming..
Beth: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to-
Daryl: In a pool of self hatred and regret. 
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thelooneytoon · 5 years
Soooooo..... now that the zombie apocalypse has kind of basically started- can I have a Daryl Dixon now?
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scarlettdixon · 4 years
I just found this awesome Bethyl Fanfic which has a great story and description and more than 100k words ...it hasn't been updated since 2016🤦🏻‍♀️🤡
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doe-rose-q · 5 years
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A Bethyl meme for the times.
Made by me on March 21, 2020.
💘🥃🥃💘 💵🔥🏚🔥
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auxsentiers · 2 years
me three times a day staring into the distance: i wonder if beth got to sing last chance to daryl at least once
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sail-not-drift · 4 years
Last line tag
Tagged by: @dancemajicdance and @neversleepingever
Rules: Post the last line you have written. aka fanfic writer kiss chase.
Y’all are gonna read this whole fic through this tag meme, I stg. But at least it’s encouraging me to work on it!
He isn’t thinking too much at the moment, not in anything beyond gestures; a desperate need for her to speak, to tell him to get lost or go to the cops or rot in the seat he’s planted himself in. He’ll do whatever she says, if only she’d say…
Her hand drops to his shoulder and a smile jerks at her mouth. Then it tugs, and spreads, and she looks at him like he’s the most ridiculous man on Earth. 
“Daryl. Take off my clothes.”
Tagging whoever wants it, ya filthy animals.
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im-immortal · 5 years
Fake fic title asks meme - Equilibrium, bethyl
Equilibrium //When the world collapses all around him and human beings are turned to undead flesh-eating monsters, Daryl Dixon finds himself separated from his brother and lost in the chaos of Atlanta. The only thing that keeps him from fleeing the city in search of Merle is a chance encounter with a young blonde that he discovers trapped all alone in an apartment building.She’s scared and she’s beautiful but most of all, she’s a survivor like him. And despite the dangers lurking around every corner - from both the living and the dead - Daryl finds himself growing attached to Beth Greene while they both search to reunite with their missing family members. Before he knows it, she’s the balance in his life that he never knew he needed.But how can he keep the scales tipped in his favor when death awaits them in every shadow?
fake fic title ask meme here (send me more!)
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galadrieljones · 3 years
first line meme
tagged by @littlelindentree @im-immortal and @thevikingwoman thank you!! ❤️
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors
I will do the last 20 chapters of Magnolia, just for an experiment.
Chapter 3: Steel Magnolia
“Did you know,” said Beth, “I read once, that snow leopards, when they are living wild in their natural habitat like, in the Himalayas, they only mate for a season at a time, like every other year? But when in captivity, like a zoo or something, some snow leopards decide to settle down, and mate for life?”
Chapter 4: Hitchhikers May Be Escaping Inmates
Glenn stood alone by the sapphire pool, looking across to the other side.
Chapter 5: Hope, and Other Remedies
They made it as far as Fayetteville, spent the night in the guard’s barracks of a local nature preserve.
Chapter 6: Bullseye
Noah was outside on the porch, counting the stars.
Chapter 7: Wolves
The fire in the woods had fizzled out by late morning, when the walkers were crispy, quiet, and flattened to the earth.
Chapter 8: Prelude
Daryl was made of old codes and hieroglyphics, like a tomb.
Chapter 9: Don't Blame it on the Crows
After the truth came out about Eugene, and the group was holed up somewhere in the Roanoke Valley, right near the Smith Mountain Lake in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Maggie started noticing things.
Chapter 10: Us
Noah sat down in the middle of the street.
Chapter 11: The Reason
Beth stood in a big, white living room with Aaron, staring up at a large, wooden ceiling fan.
Chapter 12: Try
"We are, all of us, quietly lingering in a liminal space."
Chapter 13: The Apple
Beth had a bowl of dry Special-K for breakfast, and then she put on a clean t-shirt and her Converse and brushed her hair and went over to Rick’s house.
Chapter 14: Fire and Water
B.G. + D.D.
Chapter 15: B.G. + D.D.
Sometimes, Carol still thought about the Greene farm.
Chapter 16: Halo
Back in Georgia, when he and Beth had burned down that shine shack, Daryl hadn’t really thought ahead.
Chapter 17: The Flood
“Pete’s dead,” said Aaron, wiping his nose on his sleeve, then holding his hands out in front of him.
Chapter 18: Go home, Daryl.
Beth didn’t know the exact time, the exact day that it happened.
Chapter 19: Love is Everywhere...
Enid and Carl found a deflated balloon in the woods.
Chapter 20: ...Beware.
Beth stood in her pajamas, opened the refrigerator door and saw the bottle of Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill.
Chapter 21: Some Bright Morning
It had been one of those days, cool, with a wind blowing through, shaking the trees, and the sky was red from the sunset.
Chapter 22: The Paper Mill
Once Beth had visited the northern Rockies of Montana with her family, a place called the Paradise Valley.
I tend to start right in scene, or even in dialogue, but sometimes I will start with an off-topic memory or bit of exposition to create an oblique entry into a situation. Sometimes I start with weird, disconnected images or dialogue, too, like in the name of building tension toward some early reveal. In Magnolia I like to set up early, weird cliffhangers, sort of like the show The Walking Dead, because I just enjoy symbolism and abstraction. I don't really have a favorite!!
tagging @a-shakespearean-in-paris @idrelle @darylbeth @ma-sulevin @gneebee @shallow-gravy @neversleepingever @tiesthatbind1899 and anyone else who'd like to do this (tag me if you do!!!!)
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char7 · 6 years
Five Ships
I was tagged by @olincino. 
List 5 OTPS and tag 5
1. James Flint & Thomas Hamilton of “Black Sails”, the be all and end all of ships for me. Long live this beautiful couple.
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2. Dutch & Johnny of “Killjoys”, because he’s her gravity.
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3. Agron & Nasir of “Spartacus”, because I’m a sucker for the big fierce gladiator who turns into a puppy for the man he loves.
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4. Tig Trager & Venus Van Damm of “Sons Of Anarchy”. Because Venus deserves everything she wants in life, including that crazy biker.
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5. Daryl Dixon & Beth Green of “The Walking Dead”. What might have been. :(
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I suck at tagging so consider everyone who follows me tagged!
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