#betty x archie fic
edsheeranong · 4 months
sweet pea x fem oc
A/N- i've never written before and idk if anyone will even see this but pls be nice. i've also not really watched riverdale in many years so i'm trying to piece things together but it won't follow the plot very well.
-archie andrews twin sister, delilah, is fed up with him being overprotective. so when a cute serpent offers her an opportunity, she can't turn it down
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"andrews," an unfamiliar voice called out. delilah hummed in response, not bothering to look who it was and instead continued piling notebooks out of her locker. "i hear your brother doesn't like you dating, he goes around and tells everyone not to go near you, 'or else'" the boy said.
"can i help you with something or...?" delilah said, closing her locker and looking at the boy.
"sweet pea," he extended his hand out to her. she readjusted the stack of book in her hands to shake his. "i've got a proposition for you," he stated.
"look, you wouldn't be the first boy to think he can get with me without my brother finding out," she started walking and followed her. "it never ends well."
"i think i can handle him," he stated. she turned to look at him and realized he had a point. he was incredibly tall and muscular. "but anyway that's not what i'm suggesting," he pulled her into an alcove. "i hate your brother, he thinks he's the shit and he keeps messing with southsiders."
"why are you telling me this?" she cut him off.
"i think we can help each other out," he said, resulting in a raised eyebrow from the girl. "you hate him for controlling you, i just hate him."
"okay, i don't hate my brother," she said.
"but you're fed up with him telling everyone not to go out with you?" he asked, and she sighed and murmured in agreement. "i'm suggesting a little revenge."
"why me?" she asked, he was getting annoyed at how she kept interrupting him.
"i'm probably the person your brother hates most, at least at this school. and i hate your brother so much, being with his sister would just kill him," he explained.
"'with' as in..." she said.
"dating," he clarified.
"let me get this straight, you want me to fake date you so you can get back at my brother for being a dick and i can get back at him for controlling my love life?"
"yep, pretty much," he shrugged.
"i'm still confused," she admitted. "if we're not actually together, you're not really getting back at him."
"if he believes we're together, then it's like i took something from him. he tries so hard to keep you away from guys, and his number one enemy being the one you defy him for. it'll make him go crazy."
"it'll make things worse, he's only gonna harass you more," delilah pointed out.
"once again, i can deal with him," he said. "just think about it," he walked away, leaving her to think.
she walked home alone and really thought about his proposal. she was fully on board with showing archie he couldn't control her, but she was scared of what he would do to sweet pea. it was all she thought about that entire night and she decided she just needed to sleep on it.
the entire next day she kept trying to find a time to talk to him but he was always with someone.
she was about to take it as a sign but as she was leaving school, she turned the corner and ran right into him. he grabbed her arm to stabilize her and raised his eyebrows at her.
"so?" he asked.
"i'm down," she told him. he smirked at her and they started walking. he led her to the back of the school where his bike was. he handed her his helmet and she hesitated before taking it.
"well it would be bad manners not to drive my girl home," he said, noticing her confused expression.
"okay hold up," she said as he mounted the bike. "i think we need to have a conversation about this."
"what is there to talk about?"
"uh, i don't know. how long are we gonna do this for?" she sat down on the ledge in front of him.
"until we decide we've had enough," he said.
"okay... how is this... gonna work?" she asked and he pondered for a moment.
"well, we should make sure archie sees us together, obviously. but we gotta keep this act up around other people too," he pulled his leg off his bike and stepped closer to her, putting his hands on her knees and spreading them so he could stand between them.
Sweet pea took the moment of silence to take a good look at her. he had seen her around school, of course, but it was always from a distance. her hair was usually messy, due to the loose curls in it.
but looking at her up close was different. her eyes were bright green and her skin was almost sickly pale. she had freckles littered about her face. she was a lot to take in. sweet pea knew he wouldn't have asked her if she wasn't at least a little bit attracted to her.
it shocked him how different she looked from her twin brother. he had bright red hair and dark eyes but her hair was pitch black and piercing green eyes.
"okay," she managed to finally get out. "i have some rules though."
"rules?" he threw his head back. "i don't really do rules."
"we get it, you're a bad boy," she rolled her eyes at him. "and yes i have rules. number one, we keep my dad out of this. he's been through a lot recently and i don't want to stress him out more," she waited for a sign be understood and when he nodded his head she continued. "number two, nothing too physical. i've never had a boyfriend before and i don't want all my firsts to be wasted on a boy-"
"like me?" he cut her off. "a serpent? a southsider?"
"who isn't actually my boyfriend," she finished, clearly annoyed.
"fine, but nobodies going to believe we're dating if i can't kiss you," he pointed out.
"you can kiss me, but i'm not doing anything more," she told him. "number three, you can't tell anyone this isn't real. if it got back to archie, neither of us would live to see another day."
"my lips are sealed," he said. "now if that's all..." he picked her up by her waist and gently placed her on the ground. "i think it's time we set the plan in motion," he gestured toward his bike.
"sure, but archie won't be home," she said as he placed the helmet on her head and messed with the straps.
"where will he be?" he got back on his bike and patted the space behind him.
"him and veronica go to pops every friday after school," she explained, carefully climbing on the bike. he grabbed her arms and placed them around his torso.
"then i guess i know where we're going," he started his bike. "hold on tight."
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elizacinnamon · 25 days
Five Times Archie Andrews Felt Jealous (And One Time He Didn’t Mind)
Archie thought he knew what jealousy felt like as a little kid. A twist in the stomach, similar to dread. He felt jealous when other kids got to bat first in little league. He felt jealous when he saw other kids having milkshakes before dinner on school nights at Pop’s. He felt jealous when he saw his friends with happy families that included siblings and parents who never fought.
But real, sickening jealousy comes at a price. He remembered the first time he ever felt that stomach-turning sting: sitting in the student lounge, watching Jughead slip his arm around Betty. His oldest pal with his arm around his best friend. His Betty. 
He supposed he deserved it. The price he had to pay. Weeks prior, he had told Betty he wasn’t good enough for her even though he loved her. He meant every word. He truly loved her; he knew that without a doubt. But he felt so messed up those days. And he couldn’t mess something as perfect as her up. 
But Jughead? He clenched his fist. His two best friends dating? God, how he wanted to punch Jughead’s face. Archie still felt sure he didn’t deserve Betty, but he also felt sure that Jug didn't either. She was too good for both of them, too good for the entire world. But she seemed happy—her sweet smile a bit brighter, a skip in her step. To see her happy was enough to settle his stomach and ignore the pain. And he no longer knew where her heart lay. He smiled and pretended to be supportive. But a little part of him hoped he would be good enough for her at the end of the road . . .
Archie thought he knew what jealousy felt like but once he officially started dating Betty, he felt it in a new, furious, way that he hadn’t expected. A decade passed since the moment he first witnessed Betty with another boy; he had suffered through three years of watching his two best friends in a passionate, tragic, nauseating relationship. At times, he convinced himself Jughead might be truly good for Betty. He seemed to make her happy, after all. He understood a part of Betty that confused, yet fascinated, Archie—the side obsessed with mysteries and novels. But he also saw Betty shrink and change in ways he couldn’t put his finger on. Mostly, he missed her. He missed his best friend. Once his dad died, only Betty could make him feel like home again. Betty was back-to-school grilled cheese, spilled oil on overalls, and laughter over overdue homework assignments. His Betty. The one he still didn’t feel good enough for, yet the only one who made him feel good. Jealousy grew into longing, desire, and aching. All of it led to a forbidden kiss, a song, and the end of the relationships that kept them separate. 
It took a war, another round of failed relationships, and a bomb explosion for him to finally ask her to be his girlfriend. Yet, not even a week later, she rubbed his hands across the sticky table of a bar and told him the last thing he ever wanted to hear. Her boss had made unwanted advances on her the previous evening. To make matters worse, she revealed that she had previously had a fling with the same boss. 
The stern look in her eyes told him she had it handled. And he knew she did. But in his mind, he thought of the girl in a pink dress in his arms as they danced across a gymnasium floor. A girl in love who hadn’t yet had his heart broken by him. A girl unshrunk and unchanged. A girl who deserved to be kept from it all—gang drama, her father’s evil, and men who saw her as something to conquer. A girl, who despite everything she’d been through, deserved to be loved, cherished, and kept from everything horrible in the world. 
The jealous twist in his stomach came with violent rage. He tried to imagine Glen (even the thought of him enraged him . . . she deserved more than his greasy hair and smug face) with Betty. He tried to imagine the careless, evil, mind that thought it was okay to use her for one’s own ends. His Betty. With that awful man. 
Archie imagined throwing Glen through a wall. It felt good to imagine. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t a bad idea, after all . . .
Archie thought he knew what jealousy felt like when it came to seeing Jughead with Betty, but it was different now that he had officially started dating her. They had only been together a few months, but Archie could barely remember life before going to sleep to their mumbled pillowtalk. In the chaos of the town, and their lives, Betty once again was the only thing that made him feel like home. 
When Betty announced she had asked Jughead to 'read her mind,' he looked at her with wild eyes. He couldn’t bear to imagine the two of them alone, holding hands, and diving into her memories. But he knew how lost she felt and he wanted her to get better. He wanted, more than anything, for her to push past the world she dug herself into full of darkness and only know light. Because he loved her, and because he knew her, he let her go. 
But the evening she spent at Jughead’s, with him home alone, nearly sent him over the edge. It didn’t help that they got into a fight moments before. Betty yelling at him to be more careful, implying his journey to become invulnerable to palladium was foolish. Hearing her speak, Archie realized it was a little silly. But he wanted to be invulnerable to fight for her, no matter what. However, that notion sounded cliché, old fashioned, and controlling so he kept his mouth shut.
For an hour, he paced around the house. He made himself eat dinner from the can of soup Betty previously opened for him. He did the dishes. He organized the pantry twice. He took Bingo for a walk. But the entire time, he imagined her sitting on Jughead’s couch. Were they talking about memories? Reflecting on the past? Laughing together about how foolish they had been to ever break up?
After a while, he started to grow ill. Full body chills. Aches. A fever. Likely the palladium around his neck but he blamed Jughead. This time, jealousy was practically killing him. He laid on the couch and wallowed in his misery. His feverish brain kept playing a scene that involved Betty coming home, days later, and announcing she decided to leave him for Jughead. It felt like knives to the heart. 
But after a little while, Betty opened the door and softly mumbled his name. Half-conscious, he felt her fall against his side. 
Archie looked down at her, sleepy yet peaceful. He cleared his throat. “Was your . . . uh session . . . productive?” 
She shrugged. “It was fine, I guess. But a pain to be with Jug for that long. All I could think about was how much I wanted to come home.” Home. Archie blushed, realizing his previous worries were in vain and wondering if Betty realized what she said. Maybe, just maybe, she thought of him as home in the way he’d always thought of her . . .
Archie thought he knew what jealousy felt like when it came to other people dating, or liking, Betty romantically but never knew what it felt like professionally. He respected Betty's job at the FBI and thought of her as a total badass. But it wasn’t until the topic of Slaughter Con arose that Archie grew jealous of Betty’s FBI colleagues who understood her career in a way that he simply did not.
Sitting across the table from Betty’s co-worker, Agent Drake, Archie felt the old queasy anger rise up again. Why did she act better than him? Why did she act like she could do a better job at protecting Betty than he could? He cupped his coffee cup firmly, giving Drake the evil eye. Nobody could protect, or fight for Betty, like he knew that he could. He decided to ignore Drake’s rude and pointed comments and pretend she didn’t exist. He enjoyed pretending she didn't exist.
But walking around Slaughter Con, Archie couldn’t escape her. Every time he looked for Betty, there she was. Following Betty, talking to her, or whispering something “work related.” She wouldn’t leave Betty—his Betty—alone. A leech, Archie thought to himself. But when he mentioned his dislike of Drake to Betty, she told him that he was overreacting. 
“She’s someone I can talk to about work stuff,” Betty said shortly. “You wouldn’t understand.” 
Archie felt suddenly small and madly jealous. As silly as it sounded, he wanted to understand her work stuff. He wanted to understand everything in her brain. He wanted to be the only person she could confide in. 
He knew the right thing to do. He knew he needed to take a step back. He knew it was his job to support Betty, and allow her the freedom to do, and discuss, her work in the way she found best. He trusted her and he knew she could handle herself. But he secretly hoped, in his most horrible moments, that Drake would trip or step on a nail. 
Archie thought he knew what jealousy felt like and he thought his jealousy was justified (most of the time). But jealousy comes in different forms. Romantic is just one. Professionally is another. One form he never expected to feel? Jealousy over Betty’s own family. 
Growing up beside Betty, he knew well that the Coopers were nothing but a broken family living in a house of horrors. He knew the truth well before the rest of the town realized the Coopers weren't the perfect family. Even with his own dysfunctional parents, he never once felt jealous over the trauma that Betty carried from her home life. 
But when Polly came back, he felt the familiar stomach twist. It completely surprised him. He knew he shouldn’t be jealous over Betty spending time with Polly considering the fact she loved her sister and previously thought she had lost her forever. But Betty looked so damn happy after hearing Polly had returned. The glow in her eyes made him wonder if he made her that happy, too. Did Polly make her feel more at home?
He remembered Betty mentioning Polly as a potential emotional tether. Did she ground her more than him? He knew it was a silly jealousy, one rooted in insecurity and overthinking. But he wanted to be home to her. 
That night, after spending the entire day with her sister, Betty slipped into bed beside him. 
“I’m glad you got to see your sister again,” Archie said quietly. Despite everything, he meant it. 
Betty, eyes closed, grinned. “Me, too. But I missed you today. Maybe tomorrow she can come and spend the day here with both of us.”
“Yeah?” Archie asked, reaching to place his hand on her back underneath the covers.
“Yeah. I want my sister to really get to know the person most important to me, the person who I’ve talked to her about since I was a little kid,” Betty replied, looking happier than ever. “And see our home. The life we’ve created, different from the one we grew up in.”
Archie felt his previous jealousy deflate like a balloon. He realized, despite years of doubts and fears, he had always been her home, just as she had been his. 
“I love you,” he mumbled in response, unable to say anything else. 
Archie knew what jealousy felt like but in those days, he didn’t mind. He wasn’t used to Betty telling someone else “I love you” more than him and he certainly wasn’t used to her kissing someone else more. He wasn’t used to her spending all her time talking about, and caring for, a human who wasn’t him. 
Seeing her hold lil’ Freddie, and fall in love with the little life they made together, made him feel like home as never before. Home was grilled cheese and milkshakes because they didn’t have time to cook anything else, spilled milk and spit up on shirts and skin, and tears and laughter over the amazement of their son’s life. Their Family.
In those days, Archie had no doubt where Betty’s heart lay. Although it was split, he was okay with that. In those days, he no longer questioned her feelings about him or the place she called home. He knew where her home was because it was the same as his.
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mlle-ritournelle · 2 months
I've updated my fic! It's been a long time 🥲
I'd like to update soon so please feel free to support. Also I'm thinking of doing some Barchie fanart in relation to my fic! Suggestions are welcome 😊
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centravolonial · 25 days
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hi sisterss! if you enjoy reading my drabbles I post here on tumblr then I'll assume that you'll LOVE my ao3 page!
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I mainly post riverdale fanfiction since it is my current hyperfixation at the moment. remember, if you have any suggestions for future oneshots or drabbles, PLEASE do not be shy to put them in my asks!
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credits to @cafekitsune for the dividers!
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What Goes Bump In The Night
read on AO3
2.9k, Betty Cooper/Veronica Lodge + Cheryl Blossom/Toni Topez + Jughead Jones/Archie Andrews, No Rating, for @yearoftheotpevent's October prompt "couples costumes" Summary: Betty and her friends try to leave her house for Reggie Mantle's party. Someone — something — doesn't want them to.
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tuckersdeslauriers · 2 years
come with me & escape
BARCHIE WEEK 2023 | day five: canon & non-canon AUs
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Fandom: Riverdale
Ship: Betty Cooper/Archie Andrews
Rating: Teen
"It's our first vacation, you know? I want us to remember it.”
or: five memorable vacations Archie and Betty go on - as a new couple, as newlyweds, as new parents, and more.
[Read on AO3]
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lovedinapastlife · 2 years
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How I accidentally started dating a burger (and fell in love with Betty Cooper)
by SunlitGarden
Jughead accidentally agrees to a date with the mysterious, intriguing burger mascot outside Pop's and Betty tries to help him distinguish if he's hungry or crushing--only for them to discover a lot more about each other and their maybe not-so-platonic feelings.
[panel from Jughead 2015, Issue 9 -- the issue that inspired the fanfic]
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anotherbluesunday · 5 months
✨Fic Update: In Technicolor—Ch.2: Cruel Youth (Pugsley + Pubert)✨
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Staring out at the oceans of eyes and phones lifted above the bodies with the flash on, I looked down at the words "Kill 'em with Kindness" Pugs had carved into the front of the guitar when he gave it to me. It was our joke. His, Wednesday's, and mine because I was the dove between the three of us yet wrote some of the more fucked up songs in our catalog. Don't throw up, I told myself as I took a deep breath in then exhaled out slowly. Don't throw up. Don't throw up. Don't hit someone in the head. Don't trip over your aux cord. Don't pass out. Don't freeze.
Don't. Don't. DON'T.
There was a sharp ringing in my ears as I looked up. Squinted at the intense light baring down on me washing me in moody violet and deep ocean blue.
What song was I going to open with? Fuck.
I felt like an eternity had passed since I slung my guitar strap over my shoulder and slipped my thumb pick onto my hand but it had only been about half a minute or two.
Then came a pair of familiar eyes.
She was wearing a broken in oversized Ramones shirt that had been washed so many time the black cotton had turned dark gray. Blonde hair down to her shoulders with the ends tinted pink and eyes so wide they'd make a full moon look small, I didn't know the girl at all but I'd seen her before. I knew I had. Couldn't place it in my head in that moment but I knew her.
Smiling a little, awkward and lopsided, when she smiled at me first from across the room I may not know her name but I was going to find out by the end of the night.
Okay, so chapters 2 and 3 are already out but I wanted to post the teasers with their moodboards because I worked hard on them and I think they’re pretty so yeah. lol. And if you didn’t know that the chapters are out, now you do! Enjoy! 💜
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imaginejolls · 1 year
the barchieronnie potential now that they're adults is through the roof
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southsidestyle · 1 year
party for three
Archie thought this would be harder. As much as the idea had grown on him recently, a small part of him still expected to feel at least a little possessive, if not jealous, when the time actually came. But as he watches Betty’s thighs squeeze Reggie’s head—a tell tale sign that she’s close to the edge—all Archie is thinking about is how fucking hot she looks with another guy between her legs.
words: 3.2k | rated: e | pairings: archie andrews/betty cooper/reggie mantle | for @cherryliqueurkinks for her birthday!
Read on AO3
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edsheeranong · 4 months
Sweet Pea x Fem OC
Pt. 2
archie andrews twin sister, delilah, is fed up with him being overprotective. so when a cute serpent offers her an opportunity, she can't turn it down
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Delilah hung onto him for dear life, terrified as they raced through the streets of riverdale. when they finally arrived at pops, delilah didn't think she had it in her to step off the bike. he pried her hands off him and helped her off. with her whole body trembling in fear she couldn't get the helmet strap undone. he once again helped her and took it off her head.
"i'm never doing that again," she said, flattening out her hair. he fixed a piece of her hair and gestured for her to follow him.
they walked through the doors and delilah surveyed the room for archie. he wasn't there.
"i'm gonna go wash my hands," she said excused herself. when she came back out, she came face to face with archie, veronica, jughead, and betty.
"hey girl," veronica said. "we were just about to sit down, do you wanna join us?"
"oh, no thanks V. i'm here with someone," delilah explained. "thank you for the offer though."
"o la la, does delilah andrews finally have a boy?" veronica asked.
"no," archie shot in. "no she does not."
"just between us girls," she whispered to veronica and betty. "kinda."
the girls all squealed at her admission.
"i don't wanna move to fast, and put labels on it, but i really like him," she lied through her teeth.
"well we won't keep you any longer," betty winked at her and started walking toward a booth.
"who?" archie demanded.
"none of your business," she walked away from him and towards sweet pea who was seated at the counter. when she took the seat next to him, archie sprinted across the room to them.
he ripped sweet pea out of his seat and they started yelling.
"what the fuck are you doing?" archie said.
"i'm here on a date," sweet pea responded.
"get away from my sister," archie shoved him and sweet pea shoved him back.
"you're being ridiculous," delilah said, stepping in front of sweet pea right as archie tried to push him again. she lost her balance and fell back into sweet pea hard. he caught her and rested his hand on her hip.
"don't touch her," archie said.
"i think i'll do what i want."
archie lunged at sweet pea but jughead held him back.
"sit down," veronica demanded. "leave her alone, archie."
"this isn't over," archie threatened before walking back to a booth.
sweet pea turned her around and leaned her back against the counter.
"not so bad, right?" he whispered. she shrugged lightly and he pulled her in for a hug. "is he watching?"
"mhm," delilah hummed into his chest. after a few seconds he pulled away slightly, their hips still pressed together. he looked at her carefully before raising his hand to her chin and gently kissing her.
"why him?" archie sat at his booth, fuming as he watched his sister.
"he's not without charm, archiekins," veronica said. "why are you so opposed to her dating anyway?"
"every boy in this town is an asshole," archie said.
"you live in this town," betty pointed out.
"i know."
"you're mainly upset because he's a serpent," jughead scoffed.
"yeah, jug. and he tried to hurt me. he showed up at my house and tried to fight me," archie complained. "why does he like her anyway? he hates northsiders."
"well, for starters, delilah is drop dead gorgeous. like even i've had thoughts about her," veronica admitted, resulting in a disgusted look from archie. "but, also, she's kind. she doesn't judge the southsiders, at least not outwardly."
"i think it's sweet," betty said.
"how? how is that sweet?" archie asked, slamming his fork down.
"he's willing to fight for her. he must know she doesn't date because you don't let her. just be happy for her, arch," betty explained.
"it just doesn't feel right," archie shook his head. "i can't shake the feeling he's using her to get back at me."
"not all serpents are the horrible people you make them out to be," jughead chimed in.
"can you blame me for thinking that?" archie practically yelled.
"i guess not. i'll talk to him," jughead told him.
"thanks jug."
archie watched as they left the diner and the only thing stopping him from following them was veronica sitting on the outside. but when he saw sweet pea hand the helmet to her he practically shoved her out and raced outside, his friends not far behind.
"absolutely not," he yelled. "she is not getting on that."
"calm down," veronica said.
"no, ronnie. a date is one thing but she can't get on that. she'll get hurt," he said. "i bet that's what you want though."
"excuse me," sweet pea stepped close to him.
"you heard me. i bet you're just itching to hurt her to get back at me."
"there's something wrong with you," sweet pea bit back.
"come on," she pulled sweet pea back. "he's not worth it."
"let's go," he mounted his bike and delilah followed him.
archie watched in anger as they rode away. he stormed back into pops, slammed money down on the table, and started running back home. when he got home, he went straight to delilah's room, but she wasn't there. he ran back down the stairs and found his dad in the kitchen.
"has 'lilah come back home?"
"no, i don't remember seeing her come in," fred responded. archie went back upstairs and called delilah. she didn't respond.
"god, he's annoying," delilah whined, putting her phone back in her pocket.
"i know," sweet pea said. they were sat on the edge of sweet water river, completely alone. "why doesn't he let you date?"
"i'm not really sure," delilah admitted. "something about all the boys being awful, i think. but i don't believe that."
"that's weird."
"i think he's trying to protect me, i mean he wouldn't ever leave my side growing up. but ever since he started dating veronica, he's been leaving me alone more, thank god."
"it still doesn't make sense though. you'd think he'd want you to have a boyfriend so he could protect you," sweet pea pointed out.
"i gave up on trying to understand my brothers mind a long time ago," she put a hand on his shoulder and sighed.
they sat there in silence, watching the river flow, for what felt like eternity before delilah spoke.
"it's getting late," she whispered. "it's dark and i'm cold."
"take my jacket," he took off his serpent jacket and handed it to her. "i'm sure your brother would love that."
"take me home," she said, snatching the jacket from him and pulling it over herself. she was practically drowning in it.
hé drove her back home and walked her up to her door. it wasn't that late but delilah didn't want to risk waking anyone up. she slowly crept up the stairs and entered her room. she found archie sitting on her bed.
"why him?"
"he asked me out," delilah said, crossing her arms.
"and you thought i would be okay with this?"
"archie, i have had enough with you thinking you can control my life. he likes me, and i like him. i'm not gonna let you ruin yet another relationship for me, i just won't," she was trying to be stern with him, but not be too loud. "now get out of my room," she pointed to the door.
"im not done with this," he said, heading for the door.
"yes, you are, archie. seriously leave me alone, you've done enough to hurt this family, dont add this to the list of things you'll be apologizing for for the rest of your life."
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elizacinnamon · 2 months
If Betty and Archie had Instagram in the 70s
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Social media AU based on my Barchie fic, The Alcott.
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mlle-ritournelle · 1 month
I decided to post the first chapter on a whim. It's quick, it's basically an introduction. The next chapter is likely to come very soon, though.
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centravolonial · 29 days
astro's astronomical drabbles (2/?)
-. love bruise .- a bughead drabble
--- Jughead's eyes flutter open as his face twists up and he raises a hand to his face, rubbing his palm across his eyes. “Mmh..” Jug slowly raises himself up to a sit, looking around the room around him, soon realizing Betty is standing in front of the mirror in an oversized shirt and underwear, pulling her hand back to get a clearer look at her neck. “Jug?” She turned around to look at him, and she carried a slightly worried expression. “Hm.” He blinks, groggily responding to her. “Look!” She then hurries over to the side of the bed, showing him the deep purple hickey on her neck. “Oh. Did I do that?” Jug crooks a brow, holding back a mocking smirk as he hovers a hand over the ivory-skinned girl's neck, that has been love bruised. ---
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walkingmusical · 2 years
“Is this about what happened in my bed chambers last night?” Lord Kade Arryn’s ward, Lady Veronica Lannister, said. “I had the maester make me a tea, you do not need to worry about my honour.”
But Prince Archie Stark was worried about her honour. In a perfect world, he could have expressed the feelings that overcame him when he was around Veronica, and no Lord in Westeros would care. Unfortunately they did not live in that world, and she would not be able marry now that they had slept together.
“You are promised to Betty Mormont.” Veronica added. “Do not weaken your crown by upsetting an ally, not on my account.”
She did bring up a valid point - but he and Lady Betty were only recently betrothed by his grandmother and her father. They only met a few times, and he honestly felt nothing for the woman. When he first saw Veronica, however, he fell for her instantly.
“The Mormonts understand honour.” Archie assured her. “They may not understand how my love for you overcame me, but they will understand the need to preserve your honour.”
If worst came to worse, Archie would promise his future heir one of Polly Mormont’s future children. As much as he wanted love for his own blood, he also wanted them safe. One might say that it was selfish to put them in that situation, but he couldn’t undo what happened between him and Veronica - and he didn’t want to, either. This was the best step forward.
“Besides, I cannot think of a greater honour than having you as my Queen.” Archie added.
Veronica blushed at that, which gave him a warm feeling in his chest. He loved these little signs that she was just as fond of him as he was of her.
“Would the North even accept a Lady from the Six Kingdoms as their Queen?” Veronica asked. “A Lannister one, at that.”
“Robb Stark died decades ago.” Archie assured her. “They’ll be uncertain at first, but they’ll come around when you serve them well on my council.”
“On your council?” Veronica asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I know you would not be happy simply bearing me children.” Archie said. “I will find you a role on my small council, and you can serve the Kingdom.”
The last thing he wanted to do was hold her back.
“I will still give you sons.” Veronica voice broke, a strong sound of joy in her tone. It was probably something her mother taught her to say to suitors.
Archie glanced up from the ground, where he was on one knee, and could see a tearful grin on her face.
“What if I want only daughters?” Archie asked, raising from the ground and reaching out to grab Veronica’s hand. “To one day rule as well as my grandmother does?”
The grin on Veronica’s face grew alongside Archie’s, and he knew then that it was settled. He would ride to King‘a Landing to stand before the elderly but enduring King Bran, and then he would return to the Eyrie and ride north with his bride.
Part II - Beggie
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wolfofansbach · 1 year
Personal thoughts and meditations upon the occasion of the Riverdale series finale. 
Probably like four people are going to read this but I feel compelled to write it out anyway. This show has genuinely been a massive part of my life. I watched the first episode because some high school friends encouraged me to (IRONICALLY, BRO). I was in high school when I started this show. Those friends of course long ago fell away, unable to continue, unable to wacth anymore, but I have kept the faith. All seven seasons. Every. Single. Episode.
I’m not even entirely sure what captivated me so much about the show. I loved the atmosphere of season 1. I genuinely wanted to find out who killed Jason Blossom. Was genuinely fucked up by episode 1 x 12 and the first season finale.
I have such fond memories of watching the first season. I distinctly remember a road-trip I Tok with my friends the summer of 2017, and joking about  maple syrup drug empires and the “weirdo” line back when that was the wildest scene on the show. Joking about how sick of the song ‘Believer’ by Imagine Dragons (2017) we were. 
And then I decided to get involved in a fandom for the first time in a couple of years, and so I revived my old Tumblr, and I began Posting. And reading posts.  
That was my last summer after high school and I was so nervous about college but this show and this fandom helped me get through it. My freshman year I lived in a dorm, and if you wanted to watch TV you had to go down to this common room, so every Thursday I would go down there like an hour ahead of time and occupy the place to make sure the remote was in my hands by 7 PM. A few times I failed, and I missed an episode because of it. But rarely! 
I remember that slowly dawning feeling as season 2 progressed. Scrolling my Tumblr feed and slowly seeing people come to the realization: “wait…is it just me or does this show actually suck.” Was kind of frustrating at the time, realizing that the writers just like…were bad, but in retrospect? Beautiful. Incredible. Legendary. 
And you could even say that’s where the fun really began. Yes, there’s plenty to hate, but also Riverdale is brilliant. The show of all time. For real. No other show has done it like Riverdale. They just haven't, and they never will. The age of the cable television teen drama is ending, and what a hell of a last hurrah Riverdale has been.
The Red Circle. Jingle Jangle. The Gargoyle King. Edgar Evernever and his fantastic rocket. Bret Weston Wallis and Donna Sweett (genuinely cannot say their names without giggling). Jughead getting hit in the head with a rock and faking his death for like…some reason? I genuinely can’t remember, something to do with the Hardy Brothers idk. Tabitha sprinkling the devil with the tears of the Virgin Mary. The normies can laugh all they want about “epic highs and lows” but do they remember the even funnier lines like “if there’s no wedding, that means the gargoyle king has won” or “word of my exploits serving Nick his comeuppance…” THEY NEVER WILL. ONLY THE TRUE FAITHFUL UNDERSTAND. 
And is silly as it all was, I have genuine affection for these characters. Like Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Archie, Cheryl, Toni, actually mean a lot to me. YES they’re fake but I want the best for them (and for Beronica to be canon but you know we can’t win them all). I’m genuinely grateful that this show has existed and been a part of my life for the past six years. 
Moreover, I credit this show for seriously getting into writing. I’ve actually written almost a million words of Riverdale fanfiction. Much of it will never see the light of day, but it exists. Maybe I even have one or two left in me, I don’t know. At the very least I’d like to finish a few uncompleted fics. But I’ve also branched out. Since I started seriously writing in 2017, I’ve also finished several original manuscripts, and who knows, maybe one day I’ll get one published. Stranger things have happened. 
So, thanks Roberto.
And thanks to all of the very cool people I’ve run into in this fandom. I honestly wish I’d gotten to know most of you better, but them’s the breaks. Hopefully this isn’t weird but I’m going to tag a few people in particular. 
@village-skeptic. I know you’re not in the fandom anymore (lucky you), but thank you for, once upon a time, reading every one of the 200,000+ words of a 17-year-old kid’s turgid, indulgent, Riverdale Spanish Civil War fan fiction. I never, ever would have finished that story without you, and I credit it with giving me the confidence to keep writing, and in fact to write everything I’ve written since then. You’re brilliant and awesome. 
@satelliteinasupernova. Thank you for also reading Interbellum (are we noticing a pattern), and more importantly for all of your wonderful drawings. INCLUDING fanart of some of my fics. You have no idea how happy that Strange Death of Elizabeth Cooper piece made me. You rule. 
@sullypants. You were a perennial presence on my feed. Always wonderful to see. I love your taste in art, and I love those ‘penguin classics’ covers you made for a few of my fics. Thank you also for beta reading a few fics for me back in the glory days. And thank you for chatting with me a couple times over the years, including a few times when I was in quite unhappy places. 
@stillhidden. I’m not sure if we’ve ever actually talked, but you like or reblog everything I post and it makes me feel like I’m not just shouting into the void. Same goes for @frauleinfunf Thank God for dutiful mutuals. 
@sonyascomet. I can’t remember when I started following you but you have a really good sense of humor. And I’ll always remember when you kept posting about “Greg” for Succession and I, not knowing anything about Succession, kept imagining Greg Heffley. 
@stillhidden thank you for your world-weary Riverdale posts. You truly understand fandom like few others.
@halcooper. Your devotion to the neglected parents of Riverdale is truly admirable. Every time I see Lochlyn Munro in some weird low budget horror movie I’ll think of you.
I hope I didn’t forget anyone who would be offended by my forgetting, but I doubt it. 
All this to say this show has been a genuinely huge part of my life for six years. SIX YEARS. I graduated college, my God. I wish I could say I became a millionaire or a successful author in that time, but nah. Maybe one day, but for now I’m just kind of vibing. And unfortunately, I’ll have to vibe without Riverdale from now on. 
But as I sit myself down to watch the very last episode of this show, I remind myself that we’ll always have the memories. And I’ll always be an unapologetic Riverdale enjoyer. As a great man once said, snakes don’t shed their skins so easily. 
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