pilferingapples · 8 months
Trick or treat! :D
how about some extra smiles, for if yours spoils?
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all-peristeronic · 1 year
For the WIP post...❔
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it. 
I started a Much Ado About Nothing au where Benedick is a woman pretending to be a man and Beatrice is the only one who knows. There’s a scene in which Benedick attends a party in a dress, so she is a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman, which I guess means Shakespeare would be proud of me.
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alwayschasingrainbows · 5 months
I was tagged by @norbertsmom - thank you so, so much!
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Last song: the lakes by Taylor Swift (I swear, each time somebody tags me in a music game, I always end up with a lot of Taylor Swift's songs!)
Currently watching: (or rather, currently failing to watch;)): Tale of Nine Tailed 1938, Percy Jackson. I adore both shows, make no mistake, but I find it hard to watch with my real life obligations and my to-read list. But I truly hope to watch more this weekend!
Three ships: Only three? So... Percabeth, Everlark and Valarney, I guess:)
Favorite color: violet!
Currently consuming: At this moment- nothing, because I am cooking dinner. Last thing I ate was GoActive protein pudding (salted caramel). Really good! (And I am not much into fitness or healthy eating... Just truly like this pudding!).
First ship: Anne Shirley/Gilbert Blythe (Shirbert).
Relationship status: Single as a pringle (otherwise known as Still-Waiting-For-A-Prince-Charming-To-Come-And-Sweep-Me-Off-My-Feet or Happily-In-Love-With-Many-Fictional-Characters!). But I am not unhappy about it.
Last movie: Movie... hm... let me think... I think it was Murder In The Orient Express (Hercule Poirot), with David Suchet. Rewatch, of course!
Currently working on:
Cooking a dinner:) - I mean, at this very second!
Thank you so, so much for the ask!
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Tagging (why only 9?):
@autumnrose11 , @no-where-new-hero, @smolgreybunny , @sparklepink12k , @sweetnessofspring, @bewareofitalics , @the-lily-blooms-late , @mzannthropy @the-piper-and-the-lion If they weren't tagged and want to participate!
But I'll be honest - I would absolutely LOVE to get to know ALL of my mutuals, so if that's allowed (probably not, but I'll take my chances):
I tag all my mutuals who feel like taking part in this game! And everyone who wants to participate!
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The example of Anne Blythe's poetry - Part 1. (Was she a gifted poet?):
*LMM's fans - how would you rate this poem/orbitruary (scale 1-10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 the highest) as an item of a poetry? I'll include the poll below, but you may always tell me in tags/messages, after the voting is over):
"The Old Man's Grave"
"Make it where the winds may sweep Through the pine boughs soft and deep, And the murmur of the sea Come across the orient lea, And the falling raindrops sing Gently to his slumbering.
"Make it where the meadows wide Greenly lie on every side, Harvest fields he reaped and trod, Westering slopes of clover sod, Orchard lands where bloom and blow Trees he planted long ago.
"Make it where the starshine dim May be always close to him, And the sunrise glory spread Lavishly around his bed, And the dewy grasses creep Tenderly above his sleep.
"Since these things to him were dear Through full many a well-spent year, It is surely meet their grace Should be on his resting place, And the murmur of the sea Be his dirge eternally."
Anne of Ingleside by L. M. Montgomery
@gogandmagog @batrachised @pinkenamelheart @no-where-near-hero @informedimagining @mzannthropy @girlathome9 @bewareofitalics @moonlightredfern @the-lily-blooms-late @deemoyza @diario-de-gilbert-blythe @mollywog
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dustpileofherown · 9 months
3 submissions so far!!
Keep them coming!
And let me know if you plan on submitting. Tentative list of creators:
@kehlana-wolhamonao3 (Wolha_m)
@manyswarmsofbees (many_swarms_of_bees)
@kingedmundsroyalmurder (Nami_Roland)
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emailsfromanactor · 6 months
About the Authors of Emails from an Actor
From Letters from an Actor:
William Redfield made his first appearance on the stage in 1936 at the age of nine and has been acting ever since. He has appeared in a wide variety of roles in productions from Our Town to Out of This World, from Junior Miss to A Man for All Seasons. He has also been in a number of motion pictures, the latest of which is Fantastic Voyage. He is a charter member of The Actors Studio. Mr. Redfield is married and has two children. He lives in New York City.
We'll get to know Redfield very well through his writing, and he was well-known enough that he has a Wikipedia page as well as IMDB and IBDB pages with long lists of credits. That Our Town mentioned was the original 1938 production, in which he played Si Crowell. He also did a lot of radio work, including 80 episodes of CBS Radio Mystery Theater, many of which can be heard here and here. And here are some film clips:
Redfield died in 1976 at the age of 49.
From John Gielgud Directs Richard Burton in Hamlet:
Richard L. Sterne is an actor by profession, and his credits as a young actor are indeed impressive. A graduate of Northwestern Uni­versity, Mr. Sterne appeared on Broadway in John Gielgud’s produc­tion of Hamlet starring Richard Burton, obtaining first-hand the material for this book. He toured with the National Repertory Thea­tre under the directorship of Eva LeGallienne, appearing in Liliom and She Stoops to Conquer. Mr. Sterne also appeared with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, where he played Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, as well as other roles in Love’s Labours Lost and Henry the Fifth. He was narrator of the film Good Night, Socrates, which won first prize in the Venice Film Festival in 1963. Acting, however, is only one of Richard Sterne’s talents. A musician-composer, he was musical director for the Champlain Shakespeare Festival in Vermont in 1965, and composed some of the music used in Gielgud’s production of Hamlet. Mr. Sterne is now living in New York City with his wife, actress Joann Rose, and was recently in Euripides’ The Bacchants at Lin­coln Center.
We'll barely get to know Sterne through his book at all, which is a shame. He seems like an interesting person - I mean, he hid under a platform for six hours to secretly record two of the biggest stars in the world! Ah well. It's also hard to find information about his post-book life. He's on IMDB and IBDB, but apparently he hasn't done much screen or Broadway work. I did find a page for him on Backstage, with a recent headshot and Off-Broadway and regional credits. Looks like he was acting as recently as February 2020, alternating in the non-singing role of the Coroner in Porgy and Bess at the Metropolitan Opera. In 1982-83 he worked with Eva LeGallienne again in her Broadway revival of Alice in Wonderland, starring Kate Burton - Richard Burton's daughter - as Alice. Here's a photo from that!
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He's on the left under that big mask. So here's a photo where you can actually see his face, from a 1982 production of Henry IV, Part 1:
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Sterne was interviewed for an article about The Motive and the Cue in April 2023, and as far as I know, he's still alive.
And about the editor, who is not an actor but will always be a theatre kid at heart: Hi, I'm @bewareofitalics, I've decided I'm okay with being perceived! When I'm not sending emails from 1964, I do things like write fanfic, document the Twelfth Night productions I've seen live, make deliberately terrible fandom valentines (I have Emails-relevant plans for this year :D), and recommend (or not) random obscure musicals. As far as I know, I am also still alive.
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deesarrachi · 8 months
last line challenge
Tagged by @desperatepleasures
Rules: show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
He was probably staring a lot more than was polite or acceptable in a community center, but if Suki hadn't stopped him yet, it was because she was staring, too, so at least they were together in that.
Am I writing a Zukka LGBT youth group meet cute based on how my husband met his bestie? Maybe!
I hate tagging people! I feel like I'm intruding! anyway @kitkatsudon @bewareofitalics @nonimaginaryfriend and anyone else, I don't even think I know 35 more people lmaoooooooooo
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purplemuskrat · 9 months
tag game— spelling out your URL with songs! I was tagged by @bewareofitalics. Gonna include brief commentary bc I am Chatty about stuff I like :D
Past Lives by Kesha - not Kesha's usual fare, then or now, which just makes it stand out more. Unsung by Vanessa Carlton - the Be Not Nobody album was one of the few always in rotation for my bus rides and tbh I was so right to keep it there. Romeo and Juliet from Reefer Madness the Movie Musical - Cute and bouncy and heavy with nostalgia for me. It's where I get my R&J tag from! Priceless from Starkid's VHS Christmas Carol - this & the Christmas Past song were probably the biggest earworms for me on the cast recording. Look for the Good by Jason Mraz - I don't care if it makes me basic, shit's real tough sometimes rn and this kind of song feeds my soul. Empire by Beth Crowley - one of my fave confidence songs, excellent inducer of the don't-fuck-with-me stride when I'm out and about. Mask, Gloves, Soap, Scrubs by Todrick Hall - The Ms were so hard to choose from! But I love a parody, and extra points for self-parody; and I listened to this nonstop for a second there. (An) Unhealthy Obsession by the Blake Robinson Synthetic Opera - Catchy and creepy (stalking TW) and fun. Honestly it was between this and Assassins' Unworthy of Your Love, and this one's swingier. Spooky Scary Skeletons Meets Metal by ERock - it's Halloween!! The OG is my favorite classic Halloween song and I seek out as many covers/remixes as I can this season. Kick back by Floyd Wonder - What a dancy, nonchalant band Floyd Wonder is! Perhaps ironically, one of my favorite songs to clean or cook to when I've got people coming over. Rodeo by Lil Nas X, Cardi B - I really like both artists as lyricists and Lil Nas' musicality is a ton of fun to vibe with. About Damn Time by Lizzo - Listen say what you will about Lizzo, this song got me through 2022 and I am not kidding. Scream-singing bitch I might be better at her concert is a memory branded upon my soul. This Side by Nickel Creek - feels right to start this list with Kesha and end with Nickel Creek! They're two of my eternal favorites. This was one of the first songs of theirs I ever encountered, as I recall!
Thank you for tagging me that was fun! Let's see... @necromancy-savant @dramamath @loveyoubud and anyone who wants to play!
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batrachised · 9 months
Bored & Anxious fic writing ask:
1, 6, 22
thanks for the ask!!
Share a song that makes you think of [fic title]
This is beginning to be a theme of these ask games for me, but I (gasp) don't have an answer here. Sometimes I'll listen to certain songs to help me establish the mood for certain chapters, or to try to write to the mood of the song as a writing exercise, but in general songs don't inspire or remind me of fic. the one exception I can think of is Logan's theme that set the tone for a sw fic i wrote.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Star Wars: ANYTHING by frodogenic. frodogenic, if you're reading this, please be my friend, I'll bake you cookies. for lmm, I rarely reread LMM fic or really read it all, although occasionally I'll curl up with it for an evening. I have really loved everything from @bewareofitalics (i'd like to take this moment to say I think they wrote Inevitable for the TBC challenge) for lm montgomery!
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
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AHHHHH unfortunately, horribly, irritatingly, no. I, batrachised, very often will merrily toss the first few chapters of a fic onto ao3 only to realize...wait, how the hell am I going to end this. This is actually an issue I'm struggling with right now, where I'm trying to continue a fic but i cannot decide whether to give it a happy or a sad ending and so am overwhelmingly stuck. I am someone who (so far) determinedly finishes every standalone fic they write even if it takes months because my brain will not let me abandon it even if I try, which makes my tendency to not plan out fics even more ridiculous.
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aflamethatneverdies · 2 years
tag 10 people you want to know better
thank you @sainteverge for tagging me.
relationship status: committed to the Romantic Ideal?:P
favourite colour: bright colours-- yellow mainly, but all the bright colours.
favourite food: oh just food in general is my favourite thing. I've been making kimchi based things recently and doing a deep dive into Korean food, both food videos and actual recipes. But food from anywhere is my favourite thing. Also rediscovered Khao-suey, a Burmese dish I really loved from my high school days where I would get it all the time for lunch, and I'm in love.
song stuck in your head: When I go, by Dave Carter and Tracy Grammar and it is 110% Pilf's fault. But I like it for the vibes I get for the Bahorel fic I have been working on sporadically, which will may be be done someday?
last thing you googled: Foraminifera (they're really pretty, and I was curious about their calcium shells. I'm studying them for an important exam right now)
time: 3 pm
dream trip: honestly a literal dream trip would be good since I'm constantly sleep deprived these days (remember kids, just don't study, skip classes-- like sure yeah you can get into good colleges by studying maybe, but at what cost :P), this is a joak, but also there is so much to study and I am no where close to being done despite taking classes and trying to review some material and my exam is in less than a month, someone help. I also have work and a thousand other things I'm desperately trying to find time to do and keep up with. Yeah, a dream trip would really be the best thing right now. I need all the sleep, all of it.
tagging, @pilferingapples @bewareofitalics @midautumnnightdream @thiswaitingheart @thevagueambition uh anyone else if you want to do it?
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starberry-cupcake · 1 year
I was tagged by @lady-harrowhark ♥ in a tag meme game, answers below the cut 👀
Three ships: I don’t even know how to tackle this lol I know kids these days use the word ship in ways I don’t get, but I’ll go with my understanding. I’ll do a historic ship, a hall of fame ship from last year and the one most read in my ao3 history currently. 
So, for historic ship I’d say Royai, but I have come to accept that I do ship them as a qp relationship, not romantically. I think they are probably in the top 5 of the most well developed qp relationships I’ve ever read (unintentionally probably idk), but I only noticed the importance of that once I lifted the fandom veil of “every ship that isn’t canonically romantic and sexual is lacking it and fandom has to fill that void”. 
For a hall of fame from last year, I’d give props to Lilly Fortenberry and Candace Powell from Astrid and Lilly Save the World. The nerdy fat girl and the popular girl with a strict upbringing who used to be friends as kids and something happened that made them drift apart but turns out they’re in love with each other, love to see it. Hope they get another season. 
And my most read currently in ao3 is probably superbat but that also counts as a historic one too. I also don’t care about what kind of relationship they’re in, I’ve always liked their dynamic, so it’s a delight whatever the case. 
First ever ship: It’s probably a toss up from shows I watched as a little kid, Rogue and Gambit from Saban’s X-Men was probably one of the firsts when I was in primary school. 
Last song: I am learning how to play One Summer’s Day by Joe Hisaishi (the Chihiro song) in kalimba, so that’s the last I heard. Normally I look for several versions on the instrument and listen to the original and make my own tabs from all of that (I’m using 4 different versions for this one, but one is in a different kalimba with a different amount of keys than mine). I had stopped playing after my cat passed away because she used to be with me when I did and I miss her terribly, but I picked it back up finally this week. 
Last movie: So, in the last 4 days I watched Strange World, Glass Onion, the latest Prince of Tennis movie (Ryoma! The Prince of Tennis I think it’s called, we watched both versions) and the Cherry Magic movie. I’m catching up with the fun ones before awards season is upon us.
Currently reading: I finished the 2nd AriDante book and I’m going to pick back up friend recommendations, so I’ll continue with Wayward Children (recommended by @bewareofitalics first and then Locked Tomb recommended by the lovely Emily who tagged me on this). I’m also reading a bunch of non fiction books, depends on my mood what I pick that day. 
Currently watching: Blue Lock, Yowamushi Pedal (the latest season) and we just finished His Dark Materials season 3. A lot of eclectic youtube stuff. 
Currently consuming: as in food? nothing atm. I have to start preparing the rosca de reyes tomorrow, to finish it on the 6th, though. Tomorrow I’m in pastry cream and sugar confections duty. 
Currently craving: the Eliza McFee doll is the first thing that comes to mind, she looks very adorable and I collect fairies. 
Tagging: whoever wants to do this, consider yourselves tagged by me and post it! because most time the people I tag aren’t in the mood and the people I forget to tag would like to do it, I have terrible aim in tags. 
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pilferingapples · 10 months
tagged by @earthly-apples to list my Top Ten musicals! thank you!
these are not the 10 I think are Objectively the Best in the World, just 10 of the ones I like most, For Reasons , and in no particular order:
1-Les Miserables, just getting this one done and cleared away bc everyone knows it's gonna be here anyway XD I am very aware of the problems it has (especially with Cammack happening to it over the years) but I also think it's genuinely one of the best musicals ever made. The musical paralleling? incredible, honestly never have heard it equaled.
2- Paint Your Wagon, Movie Version Only: I cannot even START to talk about this masterpiece or we'll be here all day. Every character in it is a terrible person. It's got an absolutely canon throuple. Both Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin sing. They are both bad at it. A deconstructed Western without making a big deal out of it, with Manifest Destiny being a not-even-thinly-veiled name for some of the worst excesses of colonization. This show is so much smarter than people want it to be. I have to shut up or this section will become an essay but anyway Watch Paint Your Wagon. 3-Newsies, stage version only: nothing but nonstop pro-union slam hits! And the choreo , holy crap! don't love the mandatory romance (romance has never felt mandatorier) but I do love Katherine herself and also everything else about this show, I have it on loop in my playlists and in my heart <3
4-Pirates of Penzance: gotta have a G&S musical here and this is my fave fave of theirs :D 5- Little Shop of Horrors, movie OR play, pure fun faustian plant bargain :D 6- Hello Dolly :dgkhsdlgh many of these are. Not cheery. But this one is! Sometimes I just like a bit of marshmallow fluff! and all the songs in this one are so fun and I love the various Levels of romances in it. 7- How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying -on the one hand this is such a simple and even cliché little comedy and on the other holy shit it's so cynical , I love it
8-Titanic-*gross sobbing noises* 9- One Bite- gad I feel so hipster going with "limited run local apocalypse comedy musical about zombies taking over the world as part of an alien plan to reclaim earth for the dinosaurs" but it's TRUE, I play this soundtrack for myself so much, and it was so fun to watch! 10- Ernest Shackleton Loves Me -who amongst us has not sought inspiration from the reconstructed version of historical figures they carry in their heart. WHO. ON THIS SIDE OF TUMBLR. Tell me it's you and I'll call you a liar. I have a zillion things to say about it and like ten people have watched it lmao , but it got me through the Worst Week and I love it forever.
Honorable mention to Repo Man , as a representative of all the shows I enjoy only small bits of. Good? Arguably No! But it DOES feature Zydrate, which as we all know, comes in a little glass vial.
ETA: I forgot to tag people! Tagging @pureanonofficial, @bewareofitalics, @wilwywaylan, @alicedrawslesmis, @himitsusentaiblog, @excessively-english-jd annnnd oh geez that's already so many!! Play along if you feel like it!
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Hitting the High C's
by bewareofitalics
“And I,” said Stede, tossing his hair in his most dashing manner, “will be playing the lead. Unless, of course, the absolutely perfect person…” His voice trailed off as the door opened and the absolutely perfect person walked in.
High school drama star Edward Teach is ready to give up on acting, until he meets a transfer student doing something new: a musical.
Words: 2848, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Lucius Spriggs, Mary Allamby Bonnet, Black Pete (Our Flag Means Death), Jim Jimenez, Oluwande Boodhari, Israel Hands, Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Minor Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs, Minor Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez, Minor Mary Allamby Bonnet/Doug (Our Flag Means Death), Past Blackbeard | Edward Teach/"Calico" Jack Rackham, Past Mary Allamby Bonnet/Evelyn Higgins, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - 2000s, Implied/Referenced Abuse, because Ed and Stede's dads are still terrible (but not dwelt on), Mutual Pining, Humor, Fluff, Theatre, Musicals, like SO many musicals, but mostly The Fantasticks
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46090291
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Odylyne the Ceremony Bridal Spring 2022
Photos by Martina Tolot Moroder / courtesy of Odylyne the Ceremony
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dustpileofherown · 9 months
The Blue Castle Fanwork Challenge Collection is up
With 11 submissions!!!
Read, comment, and guess the writers!
@kehlana-wolhamonao3 (Wolha_m)
@kingedmundsroyalmurder (Nami_Roland)
@manyswarmsofbees (many_swarms_of_bees)
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emailsfromanactor · 3 months
By the way, I boop from bewareofitalics. ;)
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