fuka-petals · 5 months
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aammmm ookkkaaayyy
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golden--flowers · 1 year
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lescroniques · 1 year
Millors apps de iOS per a persones amb discapacitat auditiva
Willennys Martínez / ipadizate.com Trenca barreres i supera limitacions amb les increïbles apps per a persones amb discapacitat auditiva disponibles per a iPhone…[…] (ipadizate.com)
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porrigens · 4 months
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hes a terrible smoker
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littlemisssatanist · 7 months
on the topic of me being team green
a bit of a different post for me, considering what my blog is, but i was honestly so offended at being called a misogynist i made a fresh google docs page and typed out 1634 words of me ranting.
is there a real reason to post this? probably not, but i felt the need to establish myself as team green, considering all the posts i've been liking and commenting on lately. (if you are team green, and you see this, feel free to be my friend. in fact, i am begging you to be my friend. i have no tg friends and i need to see the light).
beware, typos and repitition are probably aplenty.
Whenever I see people talk about being TG, I always will see TB stans in the comments saying something along the lines of “Oh, you must be a misogynist, then.” And you know, it never happened to me until a few days ago when I commented on a TikTok post about Rhaenyra beefing with two-year-old Aegon. Someone replied to me, saying that I only brought it up because I’m a misogynist.
And. You know, I’ve been insulted before. I’ve been called ugly, stupid, immature, whatever whatever. But I honestly can’t think of a worse thing for someone to say to me, that I’m a misogynist. I know this isn’t that commentator’s fault, because they obviously don't know me. But the irony of calling me a misogynist when I am the most misandristic person to exist on this earth. I pray for the downfall of men daily. I make fun of them. Whenever I see an AITA post on TikTok, I am immediately on the woman’s side, regardless of what she may have done. 
It’s because I distrust men to a certain degree. You know what’s different for ASoIaF, though? It’s not real. It’s all fiction. TB stans will come on the internet daily and complain about TG existing, calling us misogynists, elevating the conflict between us to that of a literal genocide. Are y'all delusional? Are you guys stuck so far up Rhaenyra’s ass that you can’t tell reality from fiction? 
Y’all love to preach about how Rhaenyra is the number one feminist girlboss of Westeros, without realizing exactly how exactly you’re falling into the trap. You uphold a woman because she’s the heir, meanwhile she steals Rhaena’s and Baela’s inheritance in order to put her illegitimate sons on the throne (which, btw, is treason). But of course you guys wouldn’t care, because you like to think Rhaenyra is the exception to the rule.
That’s the thing. She’s only the exception because of her father, the king. After Viserys dies, she suddenly finds herself back in the same patriarchal world that y’all love to claim she’s trying to overthrow, that she’s trying to change. 
I don’t hate Rhaenyra because she’s a woman. I hate her because she’s a stupid woman. She knew exactly what it meant to be a woman in Westeros; she gets forced into an unwanted marriage (and even in that she gets far more freedom and will to choose than other women), she is undermined for being a woman, and others view her as unfit to rule. I would sympathize with her if she did absolutely anything to change that whatsoever. 
Y’all love to say that she’s so iconic with her dragon scenes, but what did that really accomplish aside from showcasing she is unfit to rule? She has three illegitimate sons who look absolutely nothing like her. Even if Viserys was on her side, everyone knows that they are bastards. Like, at least Cersei’s bastards looked like her. Rhaenyra was a white woman with white hair married to a black man with white hair, and her first three children are white boys with brown hair. Girl, if you were going to have bastards, at least do it with someone that bears at least some resemblance to your husband, or yourself. She purposefully made it harder for herself.
And for those of you guys who will bring up something about Laenor being gay. I genuinely don’t know how to tell you this, but if they truly cared about keeping up appearances, they would have had children. I say this as a queer person myself: If I were in Laenor’s shoes, I would have children with my coverup. Afterall, that’s what a coverup is for. And also: I could find nothing about Laenor being infertile. 
And for those who will also bring up Laenor accepting the Strong boys as his own, I literally couldn't care less. Everyone and their grandmother could see that those boys were bastards. Laenor accepting them and Viserys being delusional doesn’t change the fact that they were illegitimate, and everybody knew it. Secondly: Rhaenyra would need to admit the boys were bastards in the first place for anybody to claim them, something she did not do. In fact, she went so far the opposite way, I wouldn’t be surprised if she managed to delude herself that they were legitimate. 
And this I don’t understand. How do you shoot yourself in the foot, not once, not twice, but three times, with three obvious bastards, knowing that people would oppose you, people already oppose you, and still think yourself fit to rule? Every decision Rhaenyra makes is so stupid, it’s almost mind blowing to me. To live in Dragonstone for years while your father, the king, is sick (in which case, btw, the heir is supposed to step in to rule). Instead, we see Alicent ruling the kingdoms from behind the shadow, because Rhaenyra does nothing but live out a couple of years of bliss and comes back to King's Landing expecting everything to be handed to her. She does absolutely no politicking, absolutely nothing in order to sway the lords to her side. Should she be so surprised, then, that she is met with such resistance? 
Y’all TB stands love to call TG misogynistic because we don’t worship your perfect little dragon lady, as if her uncle-husband isn’t Lord of Fleabottom and grooms and rapes her from a young age. As if Daemon hasn’t called women whores and bitches, and his first wife, Rhea Royce, ‘Bronze Bitch.’ Like, is that not disgusting to you? Y’all love to preach about how Daemon loved Rhaenyra, as if he didn’t choke her the moment she disagreed with his methods. As if his first instinct everytime is anger and death and war.
(In case y’all couldn’t tell, I am extremely anti-war. I am under the impression that if you can’t solve things by talking it out, then you are definitely not mature enough to be ruling a kingdom, and Daemon is one of the most immature rapist misogynists I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing).
(As an aside, I am not blaming Rhaenyra for her relationship with Daemon. Yes, I do find that most of her actions are stupid, but I cannot deny the fact that she was groomed and raped by him-- yes, raped, because she was a child, and children cannot consent. That is in no way her fault, and Daemon is the one responsible for this).
Y’all praise Rhaenyra for her maternal instincts while simultaneously hating Alicent for hers. Of course, an eye for an eye is unreasonable and far too much, but a son for a son is totally reasonable and to be expected. Rhaenyra protecting her children is being a good mother, but Alicent (rightfully) assuming that her children would be persecuted if Rhaenyra ascended the throne is her being a jealous bitch. Y’all blow her “sweet sister” line so much out of proportion, saying that she wouldn’t have killed her siblings if they just came over to her side. As if Alicent’s children, Alicent’s family, would choose Rhaenyra over her. Because “Helaena was the only good green” and “if only she just joined Rhaenyra”. Why would she ever do that? Because Aegon was a bad husband? The show literally stated that he only ever laid with her when he was drunk, because he couldn't do it otherwise. Obviously neither of them sought any pleasure from it, but they are still family. Helaena only had Aemond, Aegon, Daeron, and Alicent. Why would Rhaenyra ever be worth what her family is worth to her?
On a similar note, TB stans will constantly say how “oh, I feel sorry for younger Alicent, but not older Alicent.” As if Alicent wasn’t a 14 year old girl groomed and abused, as if she wasn’t twice pregnant by 17. As if Alicent wasn’t a victim doing her best in a world specifically designed against her.
That’s the difference between her and Rhaenyra. Both were victims to a much older man, but Rhaenyra considered herself an exception. Alicent had no choice but to be the bad guy, and despite how much y’all love to ignore it, Rhaenyra should have done the same. “Oh but Alicent was jealous of Rhaenyra!” Like you wouldn’t also be jealous of Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra, the perfect little princess, loved by her rapist daddy the king, who had everything handed to her on a silver platter. Would you not also be infuriated by her attitude, the entitled way she views the world? I’m sorry, but if your “strong female character” needs every other female character to agree with her, then she’s not that strong. Or a girlboss.
In conclusion, Rhaenyra sucks and is a terrible role model. True feminists love Alicent Hightower. Also, negative comments will be deleted, bc yk what is so fun about the internet? You can block people. I know, crazy concept. If you don’t want to see me or other TG on your for you page, consider blocking them. That tends to get rid of the thing you don’t want to see. I will also be doing this to anyone who thinks they’re smart enough to argue this topic with me. I do not care, hope your day goes terribly. <3
Btw, please never call me a misogynist again. In fact, you can call me Little Miss Misandrist, because there is no universe out there where I side with a man over Alicent Hightower. Or any woman at all, for that matter. 
(Except for maybe if the pickings were between Rhaenyra and Criston. If you’re one of the media illiterate TB stands who consider Criston to be an incel, you should also go ahead and block me, your stupidness is draining my brain cells).
Stay mad, xoxo.
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oplishin · 1 year
Clara time!!
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landwriter · 2 years
Dream as The Velveteen Rabbit, loved to life by Hob:
Dream is an Endless. Hob has loved him for a long, long time, but nonetheless they are parted, perhaps forever. On this dark night of the soul, he thinks of his life with Hob, what more he would have wished for it, and cries. One of his tears is a real mortal tear, and from that tear a magical flower blooms, and from that flower The Fates emerge, and they say, in their strange and three-voiced way, that he has become Real to the boy that truly loves him, and now they will turn him all the way Real, and he will have a different ending. And although he may no longer rule the Dreaming and it is no longer a part of him, he still visits it every night, when he falls asleep next to the mortal called Hob Gadling.
It is known that an Endless may never love a mortal, but there are no such rules about a mortal loving an Endless, and no one knew the consequences of being really loved by a human, not just played with and set aside, except perhaps The Fates themselves, who were watching it all, and smiling.
@give-to-oblivion <3
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mollywall-e · 9 months
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Beautiful art by @atleastweasel for Chapter 3 of Take Me Home aka The Imodna RDR2 AU
Excerpt Under The Cut: Contains Spoilers
“On this, the thirtieth day of September, on felony charges of trespassing, arson, and assaulting an officer of the law,” Sheriff Gray starts. Imogen snakes an arm behind her back, fingers curling around the handle of the sawed-off shotgun she’s kept in her waistband all day. The deputy releases his hold on Laudna, who nearly collapses, and starts shuffling toward a lever. Imogen clicks back the hammer. “…The state of Lemoyne sentences you, Matilda Johanna Braithwaite, to death.”
As the sheriff passes his sentence, Imogen pulls the trigger.
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woagopossum · 10 months
every once in a while i remember theres a hermitcraft star trek au in me brain and feel a bit insane about it. like BOOM [image ive posted before that means nothing to anyone]
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interlvgos · 8 months
im having soososoo much fun w them oh my god
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i think this is the funniest thing ive written literally ever
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iamawolfstarsimp · 8 months
mkay ya'll so, I have newss
first off I have a girlfriend!! woo go me! Finally used some of that bisexualness to get someone to like me (kidding)
I'm not gonna get too into our relationship n stuff because that's a private thing but if any of my mutuals/friends want info just text me <33
second, I have started a side blog! This blog will be only one shots of marauder fics and stuff, non tickle related stuff, fandom art, cat photos, ect. This will most likely become a mostly tickle related blog but it will still contain most of my usual shenanigans.
go give my side blog a follow @iamalsoawolfstarsimp thank you loves, hope everyone is doing as good as I am
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tvntheatre · 10 months
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To both HLVRV fans and Fallen London fans, I am so, so sorry for what I've drawn completely unrelated correlations to. (I'm lying I regret nothing.)
#So#99% of The Merry Gentleman's design here is absolutely noncanon.#But I realized while drawing them that the “making them taller than my literal tallest character—#that ISN'T a sort of eldritch entity from space that I associate with cyan/blue#(Not G-Bitch)#—and giving them weird ominous fog that ever constantly follows them#and the fact that I gave these idiots heels#[This is where headcanon starts kicking in‚ bewarned]#aaand the fact that they would chase you across an entire city if only for dream related reasons#(Thanks Chnle for the senario of Sleepless chasing Hypnos across several streets because I stayed up late and refused to go back to sleep)#(Several crimes and annoyed shouts of grievances that the other was being stubborn had dawned that night.)#And about the first point:#I once misread a post Mothr o made for SL being taller than literally everyone(including other G-Man) but G-Bitch/GVRV at some point.#I thought it was too funny to take back—#Have I mentioned that I loved both(ish) while they were shadow-y then disliked them slightly after they reveal themselves?#Have I mentioned that I still fucking despise May?#But he's fun to draw like this unfortunately.#Have I mentioned I have several scenarios I could've drawn to correlate these two more obviously but I feel asleep before it?#HLVRV#Fallen London#HLVRV Dr Sleepless#The Merry Gentleman#The Manager of the Royal Bethlehem Hotel#I think.#I have more doodles I've forgotten to post but I thought this one most urgent. Especially since HLVRAI has my mind at gunpoint now.#Most are FL OC posting. And approximately ONE doodle of HLVRV Doc (It may increase in amount.)
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hey guess what
i wrote something. ha. lol.
it's a crossover fic (Deltarune and Bungou Stray Dogs)
enjoy i guess??????
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I have a ton of old photos/videos of dallon in my likes that I think needs a chance to resurface. I will now reblog all of it
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watermelon-eater · 3 months
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reigningcrane · 6 months
im rewatching the witcher again (in german this time) and i FORGOT ABOUT THE APPLAUSE. WHY WERE THEY GOLF CLAPPING FOR THAT
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