#bg layla
jjangblog · 4 months
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notecapn · 3 months
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so. Faruzan was in Liyue at one point
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meirisuu · 4 months
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decided to indulge in my 14 year old self's obsession with winx next gen ocs and finally design a whole group of them!!
character sheets and descriptions + doodle dump under the cut!
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21. Daughter of Bloom and Sky. An Alfea graduate, Enchantix fairy, Guardian Fairy of Eraklyon and Heir of Eraklyon's throne. Basically a burnt out overachiever and perfectionist who shouldered everyone's high expectations due to being Bloom's daughter, and had high hopes for the future but is now barely trying to hold things together. She can be a little intimidating and hotheaded, but that's because she's very tired.
She's cordial exes with Luke, Stella and Brandon's son, but they still remained best friends. She's currently dating a wizard named Ike.
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Lucian (Luke)
21. Son of Stella and Brandon. Crowned Prince of Solaria who has recently taken on more responsibilities as the de facto new King of Solaria now that he recently came of age—but...he doesn't really want to be called a King quite yet. He's a charming and responsible young man who's inherited his mother's love and passion for fashion, and is a little snobby about it sometimes, much to his friends' chagrin.
He's cordial exes with Blaire, Bloom and Sky's daughter, but they still remained best friends. He's currently single, but there isn't a day where he isn't talking to or seeing someone.
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Violet (Vi)
21. Daughter of Flora and Helia. Guardian Fairy of Linphea and a reputable freelance photographer who's a bit too chill for her own good. She can be nonchalant and a bit too cool headed at times it freaks people out, but it's quite handy for her job and hobby as a photographer, requiring precise focus to capture the best photos. She's also a deeply sentimental person, capturing and treasuring all memories of her family and friends through photography.
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Maxine (Max)
21 years old, daughter of Musa and Riven. Formerly an Alfea student and a fairy-in-training, but have shifted to Red Fountain to pursue being a Specialist. She turned out to be a skilled prodigy, and now teaches at Red Fountain part time. She's a chill and easygoing person, and is well liked by everyone in the school, even capturing some people's hearts. Despite this, she can also have an explosive temperament if certain buttons are pushed.
On a long term relationship with her former roommate Tesla, Tecna and Timmy's daughter. They go way back, since Alfea.
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20 years old, son of Musa and Riven. He's a quiet and chill guy who's had a bit of a troubled past. He went to Red Fountain alongside his sister but he mostly did it to appease Riven, and has no interest in being a hero, instead preferring to pursue his interest in music. He looks a little scary to some people, and he used to have a notorious reputation, but he's passed that now.
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21. Daughter of Tecna and Timmy. A gifted tech genius who dropped out of Alfea to defy expectations and pursue her passions, and now works as a reputable robotics engineer in Zenith's government. Her demeanor is generally blunt and sarcastic, which is off-putting for most people, but she mellows out around people she's comfortable with.
On a long term relationship with her former roommate Tesla, Tecna and Timmy's daughter. They go way back, since Alfea.
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21. Son of Aisha and Nabu, and the wizard prince of Andros. A reliable and approachable young man who gets along with everyone, and is actually in talking terms with everyone in the friend group despite the incident. He's also a very physically active person, and despite being a formidable wizard, he still chose to take some combat classes in Red Fountain. Behind his easygoing demeanor is a cunning and strategic mind that should not be underestimated.
+ some more doodles about the TxT and MxR kids because can you not tell that tecna and musa are my winx meowmeows
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rainbowravioli · 9 months
I need to distribute these three...
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...between Gale, Wyll, and Shadowheart.
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artheresy · 2 years
A little Mona x Layla (Monayla?) au wip :D!! A gold star to anyone who can recognize what it is
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Please ignore the way I am doing things completely out of order and the fact that the image currently looks a bit off, all the coloring is just to help me process shapes better, not the actual flat colors (tho ofc the same palette)
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the-force-awakens · 5 months
Top 5 songs you associate with Poe and top 5 songs you associate with Marc 😊
Oh bless, I love me some music themed questions, thanks Chrissie! As we go into this I would like to state that I......do not control the music associations my brain makes lol.
Songs I Associate With Poe:
Holding Out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler. Yes...I am a gayass. This has been well established, but it really does fit him imo. I mean... it just does. One day maybe I'll get up the nerve to finally edit him to it. gif or otherwise.
Come and Get Your Love by Redbone (the album version). This one's entirely @leiakenobi's fault with her delightful Damerey fic, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy. The association of Poe dorkily dancing to it with Rey is forever going to be in my brain.
Kerosene Dreams by X Ambassadors. This one's @hermitmoss's doing, but it's one of my favorite songs, and it just...sounds like Poe. Specifically, it's a Poe and the Resistance song, as much as it is just a Poe song to me. I feel like it fits his relationship with the Resistance extremely well.
Children of the Sky by Imagine Dragons. Speaking of songs that just sound like Poe to me...when I first heard this song boy did I get hit with emotions, both for me and then later for Poe because...yeah. Yeah that's him alright.
About Love by Marina. I almost went with Little Black Submarines for this, but I wanted something a little lighter. I associate About Love with Poe mostly because it was one of the first songs I began associating with my canon/oc pairing for him, and some of the lyrics wound up being the title for the first ever fic I published of them. So, it just gives me soft and fuzzy feelings.
Songs I Associate With Marc:
Style by Taylor Swift. No, I do not know why. Well actually, that's a lie - I do know why. I saw a tiktok vid of him and Layla to this song, right around the time Moon Knight was first airing and....well now the association is stuck in my brain? So. Yee.
Cairo by San Fermin. I mean...yeah.
Night Crawling by Miley Cyrus and Billy Idol. Honestly, I associated this one so hard with Marc, that I ended up making a little vidlet of him to it.
Dreams by the Cranberries. There's this ambience thing on Spotify for Marc that I listened to a couple of times, and this song plays in the bg, so now it's a Marc song to me. [smacks the top of the song] this bad boy can fit so many of my blorbos in it (went from being an 11 song to a Poe song to a Marc song).
......Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) by Abba. Look... I said I don't control the brain associations, and I meant it. I legitimately have no good reason for it!!! No vids no memes, nothing. But at some point, I started associating it with him, I'm guessing because of the whole midnight thing? Marc would absolutely hate that I associate it with him, probably, which...makes it so much funnier than it already is.
Ask me my top five anything!
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crystallinestars · 1 month
Regarding your post mentioning Genshin burnout, recently I kind of felt it as well ! The only saving grace for me was Scara's banner, I finally managed to get him on Tuesday after pining for him during the past few months. So I guess I kind of have more motivation to play now? Esp to build him along w his team (Layla and Faruzan also popped up in my rolls :D). But after I've built them sufficiently, I might lose motivation again ...
And I saw you mention toxicity on online platforms, this is so real (for both Genshin and HSR) 😭 Like I was scrolling on Reddit yesterday and I saw a hella cute AvenPaz family artwork. It was then reposted on another subreddit (It's kinda meme-y community) and OMG they were being so rude ... Like they legit seemed so pressed seeing Aventurine in a non-BL ship. They were going "ohhh the str8s are at it again," (they used a more obscene term that I won't name) and I was thinking: so my bi self is apparently mega straight now just because I like NL stuff, huh 🤨🤨 I had to unsubscribe, like I loved seeing the funny edit pics from this subreddit but whenever they see a NL ship (or even a hint that a male playable character could be with girl) they just absolutely become so rude... I guess it could have been worse (like straight up brigading the artist) but the negativity was so so off-putting. Ofc we could all have our own preferences but whyyy feel the need to become so insulting when they see something they don't like.
Big big sorry for longggg negative vibes rant 😭 Ngl I'm also super tempted to go off about the treatment of a certain architect by the hands of both Mihoyo and a huge chunk of Genshin fandom, but if it is too uncomfy for you then I will refrain. ^^ I don't want to disrespect your blog !
Tbh though it is comforting to know that there are at least other Genshin likers (esp girls) who have similar sentiments regarding BL and our favorite architect ahahah...
Congrats on pulling Scara!!! He’s so much fun and a godsend in exploration. Seems you already have a good team for him (I use Layla and Faruzan with him too 😄)! May he grow big and strong haha.
If you lose motivation to play again, well… don’t play! Do something else you find fun! Life is too short to dedicate all your free time to a single game.
Honestly, the entirety of the Hoyoverse fandom is quite toxic. The only game that’s exempt from it, to my knowledge, is Tears of Themis.
Reddit is definitely up there with Twitter for being the most toxic platform in the fandom (I’m guessing TikTok and Instagram too, but I’ve never been on these sites). The BG/NL ship bashing is incredibly common, unfortunately. Really can’t enjoy anything NL on there. Really, why can’t they leave the things they don’t like alone and just move on? Why be so rude? 😔
I used to be a part of AlhaithamMains and things were mostly chill at first, but over time it became a haikaveh mains. Anyone who requested for there to be a separate sub for the ship was berated, and posts politely saying they didn’t see Kaveh and Alhaitham in a romantic light were rife with hateful and aggressive comments. I remember someone posted Kavehlumi art in KavehMains, and one person had the audacity to comment that Kaveh actually belongs to Alhaitham. And these types of comments were EVERYWHERE, under every NL ship post.
I took one peek into AventurineMains, saw the very first post talk about how Ratiorine is implied in the 2.0 quest, and noped out of there. Not surprised the same fate befell Aventurine 😔
So yes, Reddit is full of awful, loud people that ruin the fun for anyone who doesn’t ship the popular ship. You were right to leave. I left a long time ago and have been so much happier because of it. It’s unfortunate you have can’t enjoy a lot of things now, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to protect your mental health.
If you want to go off and rant about how Kaveh gets treated, please do! God knows I have my own gripes about it, so it’s really nice to know I’m not the only one troubled by it. Plus, I love it when people share their complaints with me, so don’t worry about being too negative.
Trust me, there are quite a few of us girls who love Kaveh but don’t care for BL. We just keep to ourselves and stay quiet to avoid trouble from the toxic shippers.
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sylcemaridraws · 1 year
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Layla becoming an avatar was such a cool idea! I really liked that she has wings 💚💚💚. I LOVED to see her fighting and I hope moonknight gets a second season. It was a very tough drawing. Tried a different style. She was going to have a bg but decided to pick a struggle 😆😆😆.
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isknws · 2 years
s-her !! istj. ★
call me layla < 𝟹
lockscreens ( gg & bg ) & reblogs. ୨୧
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haechanflower · 1 year
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I posted 330 times in 2022
That's 330 more posts than 2021!
109 posts created (33%)
221 posts reblogged (67%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 326 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#nct - 105 posts
#kpop - 103 posts
#kpop bg - 84 posts
#teaser - 75 posts
#concept photos - 72 posts
#nct 127 - 55 posts
#twice - 53 posts
#2 baddies - 44 posts
#blackpink - 36 posts
#haechan - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 57 characters
#one of these days doyoung’s gonna strangle the other neos
My Top Posts in 2022:
〖질주 (2 Baddies) - The 4th Album〗
➫ 2022.09.16 1PM (KST)
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21 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
TEN - Birthday
2022.10.26 6PM KST
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22 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
〖질주 (2 Baddies) - The 4th Album〗
➫ 2022.09.16 1PM (KST)
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27 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
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28 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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They look so cool wowowoeoeowidi
(Already in love with layla)
38 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dirtma · 1 year
I see Genshin in the bg! Fav Genshin char? Mona? Layla?
YEYEE I LOVE GENSHIN !! It's one of my biggest comfort games as of right now !!
Honestly good guesses, but my favorite characters (I can't pick just 1, i love all three of them equally) are Thoma, Ayato and Tighnari !
I mained Thoma p much since the day I got him and he's been in my team for the longest time out of any character ! Ayato was my first 5* and just generally I fell in love with his vibe and personality [ plus it helped that him n Thoma were already close canonically ] ! And Tighnari is def the newest permanent addition to my team, I kind of fell for him the second I saw his design haha ! I loved his design and then his personally just sealed the entire deal for me, he's currently the character I'm trying to build ! And he's definitely making it easy because i had no idea that he was such a hard hitter !! Love the lil fox man ! :]
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plotpromptdump · 8 months
BG Bard Layla backstory
“Elaylan? By the Spider Queen, what are you doing here? Who are these people you are with?”
Layla lazily turned toward the male drow of the passing group. Her face a mask of serenity, as she sent out a quick image of an alarm to her companions through the tadpole, with a quick plea for them to look at the ground.
“Ah, Lorenzel. It has been far too long. Up to no good, I'm sure. As for what Im doing and who I'm with... I wonder who you are to question me? Remember your place.”
“Apologies. You just disappeared after Mother announced our engagement… everyone thought you were dead. It had looked like you were attacked.” His eyes narrowed. “It seems that it was all a trick."
Astarion felt... something at the mention of engagement. A sharp ache. Though it made little sense. He decided to push it away and just listen to the conversation, willing to jump in if Layla needed it.
“It was the first step of a test by Loth. One I am still aiming to complete. One that needs to be completed before I am to join your house. Oh. Don't tell me you are married already? I would hate to have to add murdering your wife to my list.”
“Mother has not heard of any test…”
“Why would our Goddess inform others of my task? If I am hunted and fail to keep myself alive then Ive failed the test. Simple. Now, if you have had enough of questioning me, what are YOU doing here? I'm surprised your matriarch would send you for a surface mission. I would be an idiot to refuse to admit that you are a valuable asset to your house.”
One of the female drow stepped forward. “I believe I would like to question you more."
"I don't believe I need to answer you. And surely it was just a mistake that you would demand answers from someone without first introducing your name and house. I have full confidence you did not intent to treat me as a shebali." Layla let out a twinkling laugh. "So much disrespect in such a short time. I really rather not be forced to impart manners. I am loathe to dirty my robes, though I suppose it will be quite a statement to the next person who decides to interrupt my day."
The drow female took a step forward, her hand on a whip looking ready for a fight. "Don't worry little one. My time of taking you seriously will not be happening any time soon," Layla said, the sound of a strum cord ringing through the air, a sign of a spell cast.
The drow faltered and Layla took the opportunity to grab her by the chin.
"Leave. My. Sight."
The drow smacked her hand away and stormed off, beckoning her party to follow. Leaving Layla the winner of the spat. Astarion saw the one called Lorenzel hesitate for a moment before falling in with the rest.When they were far enough away, Layla offered each of them an apology, brushing it off as drow politics and they continued their outing. Though Astarion's mind went over the sequences again and again until they returned to camp.
“Why haven't you ever mention you were engaged? You certainly are not the first betrothed woman I seduced but you would think it would have come up… at some point…”
Layla reached for Astarion’s hand. His fingers flinched at the contact but he didn't pull away.
“I ran away from it and the underdark, going so far as to fake my death. Do you blame me for believing it was a non issue?”
Astarion bristled. While the answer did make sense, it struck him how little he knew of Layla outside of conversations about their current predicament. Which was fine when he only was with her to protect himself, but things were different now. They had that talk right? They might not be in something as silly as LOVE but there was something there.
“I suppose not. Though you having to fake your death seems a little… extreme. He wasn't THAT ugly.”
The laugh Layla let out made Astarion's ears tickle.
"Well, I suppose not. But he can't hold a candle to you." Layla's smile dimmed, as she took on a more contemplative look. "Do you want to hear about it? I'm sure the whole story will bore you. You have already heard the twist to the story."
"Every story you tell is riveting. Don't sell yourself short. Which is why you are the only bard allowed to tell my story, for sure."
The fingers holding his gave a soft squeeze. And with a light tug he followed her away from the camp. They settled on a fallen log sitting side by side. Layla intertwined their fingers as she seemed to be gathering her thoughts.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Astarion started, fearing that he may have dredged up unpleasant memories for her. Fates knew he had plenty of those he would rather never come to light."No, its just... been a while since I thought about my childhood. Only gathering my thoughts," Layla said, a gentle smile on her face. "But thank you for caring. I always appreciate your care."
Layla turned her face to the sky, and began her tale...
"Our story begins in the Underdark city of Menzoberranzan. A female drow was born to a once fallen noble house in the midst of its rise back to power after a mishap by a something great grand Matriarch. She was one of five, two older sisters, an older brother and a younger brother. Elaylan was what her parents named her.
Out of her siblings, well the ones that mattered, Elayan had potential, but not the drive to fight for the matriarch position of their family. If you asked, it was because she respected her eldest sister's abilities. Though she more likely didn't see the point in joining a decades long struggle and would much rather be treated with adoration than disdain. You see from a young age, Elaylan was told how charming she was. And as she grew, she learned how to use that charm to get whatever she wanted.
Of course she knew how to play the game, to fight, and to go for the throat, as was expected of her in the Spider Queen's society. But why threaten and have someone try to one up you when instead you can have their assistance willingly? Even at a detriment to themselves.
One of the things Elaylan loved more than anything was stories. She loved gathering them and telling them. And as she reached an age where she was expected to contribute to the family, she began gathering secrets. For what were other people's secrets rather than harder to find stories? So she threw herself into her second favorite thing, music. She had witnessed how loose lipped people became at parties and realized she had a unique opportunity to leverage her interests, her position in her family, and her reputation. Elaylan became a bard.
She started honing her craft in Bregan D’aerthe. Disguising her origin, playing at seedy taverns and passing on information gleaned from bar patrons to bolster her family. Elaylan continued this until she after she made her official family debut after her blooding. After which she would perform at events at other lower noble houses, gaining more notoriety for her family. Drow bards were not prevalent considering what their society was built on, especially not well bred ones. And even more rare was one with a custom crafted string instrument.She had painstakingly fostered a reputation for not being a threat while simultaneously making sure she wasn’t someone to be walked over. She never wanted to grow her status. She only wanted to survive in a modicum of comfort. Maybe deep down she always felt like something was wrong with her life. Something wrong with her world. But how else was the world supposed to work if not with thinly veiled threats and a painful death if you proved unworthy?
Elaylan eventually caught the attention of a upper noble family. The matriarch offering to be her patron. A tentative ally-ship between the families if one wanted to look at it with hope, but more realistically a hostage situation where neither side cared about the hostage past what they could get them.
Elaylan would play almost exclusively for this family for a few decades. Privately, for small parties, or large soirees. She played her role well. She sneered as she was supposed to when the dancers would stumble. She would laugh as she was supposed to when someone failed the Calling in front of her. She would punish non-drow harshly as she should for mistakes that would inconvenience her.  Allowing her family to climb the ranks using the bridge she built. She played her role correctly, the lines blurring between what was pretended and who she really was constantly. Ignoring the suffocation that would try to overtake her at the end of every day.
One thing Elaylan never stopped doing was collecting stories. The ones she treasured most were from passed from the surface drow to the merchants. And the more she learned, the more she hated her home and hated the spider queen for what she did to her people. Hated this never ending cycle of abuse. Hated seeing beings treated like their lives meant nothing. But she had no delusions of toppling a society. No aspirations of being a leader. She was no hero. She was no Drizzt. So as long as she could continue her current role, that would be enough.
So of course her patron matriarch would suggest a more permanent alliance between their families. Elaylan and her family had proved useful and her son, Lorenzel, would need a suitable partner who would not try to over play her hand after she married in. It was a beautiful engagement ceremony. Everything in it's proper place. Elaylan only had to play a single piece at the party. She accepted all the polite congratulations and accolades with a bright smile. And when it was over, Elaylan went home, used a scroll of silence, and sobbed for hours. She could survive in that family as an outsider. One who could go home and stop the game of pretend for a while. But marrying in? Sharing a bed with the matriarch's most accomplished son? It was a death sentence. A house filled to the brim with Loth priestess eager to exert the Spider Queen's power at the slightest provocation. Elayna knew she was not charming or clever enough to keep up the charade endlessly. It would all come to a painful end. Killed to suit the Spider Queen's whims. But she knew there was no other choice so she wept until there were no more tears. And then she went to bed.
That night she had her first dream. She was wandering through the underdark, following a voice, until she saw a new light on the ground. One not like any flora or handmade light source she had seen in her life. When she followed the light to its origin she was in awe. It was the moon, shining through a large fissure above. Elaylan had seen the moon depicted in books but she never imagined it to be so bright. And dancing in the moonlight was a drow woman. That was the night Eilistraee offered her a way out. Elaylan didn't care if it was a test from Loth. She decided she would rather take her chances with an uncertain fate than to go down the aisle to the certain one.
Over the next few weeks Elaylan read through all her blasphemous books, burning them as she finished them. She might not have what is considered love for her family but she didn't want to bring them more trouble than she already knew she was. Their dynamic had worked well to allow her the creation of her persona.
On her last night she played for them. It wasn't much in the way of parting gifts, but she wanted to leave them with a pleasant memory.
Elaylan followed the instructions she was given, grateful the goddess had been willing to give her the opportunity to fake her death by leading her into a fight on her way out. It wasn't an easy fight but that was ok. She didn't want easy, she wanted to be thorough in throwing anyone looking for her off of her trail. After the enemies were slain, Elaylan pulled out her instrument one last time. She thanked it for all its hard work and apologized to it, plucking the strings one last time before she destroyed it and left it among the carnage. She only looked back once as she left her life and all that she knew behind, but she never wavered. She would not die as some pawn for Loth. She would live and die on her own terms. And if Eilistraee kept to her word, and she made it to the surface, Elaylan might be willing to see if their terms aligned."
Layla took a deep breath.“I'm not naive, Astarion," she said, making eye contact with Astarion causing him to wince, remembering the conversation they had a while ago, "Life has never given me that chance. But I want to trust. I want to believe there is an abundance of good in the world. And when I can, put my own good into it, to atone for the evils I, myself, have committed.
"If you asked me before to honestly answer if I trusted any of you, I would have said that I trust you all to have your own goals you want to see achieved. And as long as the overarching goals were the same, I could trust you all to have my back and keep me alive. None of you are exactly cut out to be a face."
Astarion snorted at that.
"Now though, I do think we all have a connection that goes deeper than ridding ourselves of the tadpoles. And I am grateful. I haven't made a lot of friends in my life. I'm usually more of a friendly acquaintance. Because as much as I do want to trust, I know what it is to put your faith in something and have it try to destroy you." "Why haven't you mentioned any of this before?"
Layla had a genuine look of confusion at the question."Besides Wyll, I'm pretty sure I have the least tragic back story. Why would I complain? The setting was stressful to be sure but..."
Astarion cut her off pulling her into a tight hug. He wasn't quite sure if this was the correct thing to do. But ever since the time Layla had hugged Karlach when the later had cooled, hugs from Layla had become a constant occurrence in the camp. Astarion had thought it was like a child with a new toy, but he hadn’t imagined how close he was to the truth until now. That the too-kind-for-her-own-good woman he had come to care about had probably had about as many positive instances of touch outside of intimate situations as he had. And that thought hurt him. A soft thanks reached his ears as Layla hugged back.
"I obviously take home the prize for the most fucked up past in this camp, but your life was fucked up too. I'm here to... listen... if you want to talk again. It's the least I can do. Also it's dumb you barely changed your name when trying to run away," Astarion said softly.
"I would like that and that's rich coming from the man who didn't change his name at all."
Astarion could sense the gears turning in Layla's head.
"Astarion, I'm sorry the god's never answered you. You deserved better."
He didn't answer back, just opting to squeeze a tighter. Though deep down, he was glad they at least helped her.
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sw4tch · 2 years
6th moon knight rewatch... Done!
Which means I get to debunk my own thought that the one that asked the lady from ep 1 on a date was Jake lol
So, I'm still skeptical of how much spanish they'll have Jake speak normally in a s2 (bcus in the end, their main audience is american right? I hear that americans arent too fond of reading subtitles lol) so my first thought had been
"Oh! Marc never mentions asking out that lady on a date, and he's clearly still very in love with Layla, so the obvious choice is Jake being interested in her and asking her out without either of them knowing"
Because ok, i was assuming Jake would also speak english bcus of the aforementioned reasons and Steven had just happened to find out about the date with how the alters' lives had become entangled now, and yadda yadda.
BUT on this rewatch, in which i got to give MY FULL ATTENTION to every single detail (because i didn't have to just play it in the bg as I worked)- It has come to my attention that the explanation is quite different!
Steven actually mentions that he knew that lady and that he'd been interested in her! And that suddenly he didn't even have to do anything to ask her out on a date, she did it herself (from his point of view at least) and i just!!!!!!
which makes absolutely PERFECT sense, given that it's also really lowkey implied that the one that sends Steven postcards "from his mom" is Marc simply buying postcards from the museum and signing them as "mom".
Fuck!!!!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!! MARC... MARC REALLY... WAS DOING THE MOST TO KEEP STEVEN HAPPY HUH.....!!!! HUH!!!!!!!!!
(Crumbles on the floor, sobbing).
Anyway, after that delightful realization, my hopes are UP regarding Jake Lockley and his spanish. The one moment that kept me going "aw man but he will only speak spanish sometimes" was the date thing, AND NOW THAT IT HAS BEEN DEBUNKED....!
This means Jake Lockley speaking spanish 100% of time IS STILL ON THE TABLE BABEYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! With 25% more hopes up! Bcus i still dont trust that they will not make him speak english at all given their audience!!
anyway. I'm really happy i got to rewatch this series again right now.
These past few days have been so hard on me. Given that I'm visiting my mother. And it has been. Bad. Bad for my mental health.
So finding solace in it.
Was nice.
It's childish i guess but. Gotta conjure all the will to live i can u know?
And the possibility of s2 and my extreme love for moon knight are... Are really keeping me going these days!
Perhaps, if i keep... Immersing myself in silly fictions, then i can forget more easily, whatever is going on in my life.
What a childish way of thinking.
Real life troubles can't just be wished away.
...But we can try right?
It's okay Snaily. We gotta do whatever we can to stay strong yes? There's so shame in that. There's no need to be ashamed of that.
I like the way you are in any case.
I really want a s2 of mk... come home Jake Lockley, te quiero mucho
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howtpx · 2 years
𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗮, 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗮 💍
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forgottencomic · 3 years
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maespresso · 3 years
pulling an all-nighter w/ enhypen
Title:Pulling an all-nighter with enhypen
Genre:Fluff & Crack
Pairings:Enhypen members x fem!reader
Song🎵:Here's your perfect
as bestfriends:)
-he'll come over @ 11pm-
-w/ a bunch of random snacks from the nearest convenience store
-including chips, instant noodles and drinks and all that stuff
-movie/kdrama binge watching it is
-i feel like he'll be the type to just prefer cuddles and food instead of actually doing activities
-you both would be studying
-nah what were you expecting?
-i mean like you'll study and then take breaks and yk like that
-the last thing we want to see is a bad grade so yeah
-but you both won't even last 3 hours on that chair
-so you both end up in the kitchen, not knowing what to do
-anyways ice cream as a late night snack isn't a bad idea so yeah-
-hmm, late night w/ him would probs be spent w/ layla for a while and only for a while cuz layla was getting all the attention from jake and this was unfair
-idk maybe cuddles w/ soft music as the bg?
-one thing that i think is a must is certainly having deep talks like getting life lessons from jake>>
-and I see y'all playing board games too!
-first of all, order food bc we don't want a bunrnt kitchen because why not?
-since you both aren't really fond of video games, i think y'all would like to try something new
-maybe drawing or making matching bracelets, or even paper rings yk [the paper rings, elys-]
-yeah deep talks 2.0, and you both dose off at around 4am cuz y'all are not the type to stay up THAT late i mean-
-macaroons, icecream, and tteokbeokki? yes.
-kdrama marathon it is
-him showing you his skin care routine cuz you dont have one and this was something very disappointing to hear from you -kim sunoo
-him braiding your hair and you styling his
- and then jamming to songs at 4 am [hey mama-] bc there's this random brust of energy that's definitely not from all of the sugar you both ate-
-i feel like you both would spend a good hour singing/listening to songs
-deep convos are a must
- and then pillow fightz yes.
-"Jungwon-ssi~ are you okay?" "yes' i am *makes heart*" ×4937 times that night
-hide and seek at 4 am? why not
-then you both watch the sunrise then sleep:)
-pillow fights
-you both would either be calm and cuddle/watch movies or be crackheads and just do whatever-
-this includes going to the park and swinging while drinking banana milk bc its the best, strawberry is still better but idc
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