#bi han got redemption
lament4piligrim · 7 months
МК1 AU, where Hanzo Hasashi is not rebirthed
After Ahsoka's ending, I cried my eyes out all over and then thought of my AU.
[Hanzo Hasashi] What if Hanzo became a ghost again? But he was no longer seeking revenge, but peace?
It took him a long time to forgive Lin Kuei, yet even longer to forgive himself.
He quietly watched as Liu Kang restarted the timeline. As the universe breathed life, and with it came death. Thousands, millions of lives drifted away through the eons, and Hanzo realized for a moment that being human was much harder and more exciting. As much pain as he saw in the hearts of humans, he also saw boundless happiness.
He learned to rejoice in the little things and to have a deep understanding of those who had stepped on the path of evil. He learned how to curb anger and hatred.
But the hardest part was learning to let go of those he loved more than his own life.
After many more eons, he finally saw them.
Harumi was still as beautiful and majestic as ever. There was a goodness and strength in her soul that Hanzo could not have had in his lifetime. She cared for other people she didn't know in her previous life. But Hanzo couldn't blame these 'children', they weren't the ones who had hatred and dislike for Shirai Ryu. They were the ones who had created it.
Hanzo would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it. If his Kuai Liang had found out that his counterpart was now Scorpion, he would have definitely frozen with shock. If his Harumi found out that she was now married to someone else….. Hanzo didn't know how his beloved would react.
It all seemed unfair.
But on the other hand, if he wasn't with them, maybe they could have the happiness they deserved. They could give Satoshi a long life full of joy and adventure.
A lot had happened since they had defeated Shang Tsung, defeated Havik….. and made peace with Bi-Han. His worst enemy… and his sin. Watching this man who dreamed of becoming Grandmaster of a powerful clan manage to escape the clutches of darkness, avoid his fate of becoming Noob Saibot, was a true blessing. Bi Han was able to suppress his insatiable greed, learned patience and forgiveness, and restored his clan's honor, once again becoming the protector of the Earthrealm with Shirai Ryu.
Kuai Liang regardless of whether he was Sub-Zero or Scorpion, he was still the same Kuai Liang he had once known. Loved. And still does. He was brave and righteous, knew regret and pain, but unlike Hanzo he was able to muffle it all and not follow the path he himself had once walked. Kuai Liang deserved his title, bestowed upon him by the clan for his strength and heart. Just as he deserved to be Shirai Ryu's Grandmaster and, as bitter as it was, to be Harumi's husband. To be Satoshi's father. With him, his family has a chance to live happily ever after.
A chance they wouldn't have if he was with them.
Perhaps it was time for him to let go and forgive himself.
"You will not show yourself to them, my dear friend?" "They don't need to." "They miss you."
Liu Kang never lied. Not to friends, not to enemies.
The very thought that his loved ones, even without knowing much about him, still missed him warmed his dead heart.
"My place is in the old world, amidst the agony and pain we endured. I will keep them until my time comes." "When they remember, they will be miserable, Hanzo. They will look for you, all of them." "Then I entrust them to you, my friend. You will do the right thing." "That is cruel. But I respect your choice. Farewell, Hanzo Hasashi."
The two once allies bowed to each other.
Hanzo took one last look at the happy faces of his loved ones and disappeared with the falling fire petals of the Fire Garden.
He was at peace at last.
P.S. I'm crying Anakin is so😭
P.S.2 Now I need a fullstory for this AU, but I don't think I could handle this(
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edenianprincess · 9 months
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INTRO !!      ❤︎ ׄ                                              Dialogues Intros .ᐟ
Dialogues intros about characters’ relationships with a gender neutral!reader. Characters chosen are Johnny, Bi-Han, Kenshi and Kitana. Content warning: very slight suggestive theme in 2 dialogues. There’s a small bonus angst part for Bi-han but the rest of his dialogues is taking place in a world where he didn’t betray his brothers. Please, respond to the poll at the end!
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Johnny ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Two of us? There can only be one. You: Yeah, if Johnny see this he’ll go nuts.
You: Jo-Johnny?! But how?! You: Hollywood makeup, darling.
Johnny: Let’s be real, Y/n would totally prefer me. Johnny: You got balls to say this as a copycat.
Johnny ! At each other
You: Are you ready to show me off your skills in kombat? Johnny: Real question is, are YOU ready to be impressed by my skills?
You: Just because I’m your partner doesn’t mean I have to watch every of your movies. Johnny: Who said the only thing we were going to do is watch?
You: The model who talked to you, she wanted what? Johnny: Who cares, is someone jealous?
Johnny: Win this, Doll, and I’ll show my biiiig surprise for you. You: Let’s not waste time then, and just show me it now.
Johnny: I’ve got to say, I never went on a date as odd as this one. You: Could you please focus, Johnny.
Johnny: I may be the outlaw, darling. But you're the one stealing my heart. You: From which movie did you steal the line this time?
Johnny ! With other characters
Mileena: How can you have a partner with your pride is beyond me. Johnny: You know how many people wish to be at their place?
You: Why do you want to train with me that much? It has been a week now. Smoke: I just need to work on my technique, and you’re the best fighting partner!
Smoke: I don’t think I can hold on much longer, they’re starting to doubt something. Johnny: Please Smoke, my man, I just need a bit more time.
You: How is working with Johnny? Kenshi: Even the Yakuza didn’t make me work that much.
Johnny: Will you accept to be my best man for the wedding if Y/n says yes? Kenshi: It would be an honor.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu are in need of members. You: I can advise you Johnny’s paparazzis, they sneak into your privacy without your knowing.
Liu Kang: I’m glad to see your heart has open again. Johnny: I’m thankful for what Cris taught me but Y/n is without a doubt my soulmate.
Kung Lao: How is it like to live in a big celebrity’s house? You: Depends which house are we talking about.
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Bi-Han ! Mirror Dialogues
You: There’s still a chance of redemption for your Bi-Han. You: Wait, what happened to yours?
You: Bi-Han wouldn’t be able to handle two of us. You: That’s why there should only be one left.
Sub-Zero: Y/n made you soft. Sub-Zero: We’ll see who is soft when your face meets my cold fist.
Bi-Han ! At each other
You: I don’t ask you to abandon your duties, just show that you care for me. Sub-Zero: Everything I do is for the Lin Kuei and you.
You: Do we really need to fight? I wouldn’t want to ruin that handso- Sub-Zero: Not in front of the new recruits.
You: Do I really need to train that much? Sub-Zero: I won’t gamble on your life to know the answer.
Sub-Zero: You’re spending too much time with the actor. You: You know he isn’t cooler than you.
Sub-Zero: You’re not my Y/n. You: I’m here to stop you before the shadows take over you.
Sub-Zero: How dare you call me with your foolish names in front of the champions?! You: *laughs* Let it go, Bi-Han.
Bi-Han ! With other characters
Kung Lao: Should I go easy on Babi Han? Sub-Zero: I’ll put your head on an ice stake!
Johnny: Seriously, him?! What does he has that I don’t? You: It’s more about what you have that he doesn’t.
Raiden: You… having a partner. That’s quite the amazement. Sub-Zero: And what is that supposed to mean?
Smoke: He didn’t even yell this time, how did you pacify him? You: A magician never reveals their secret.
Kitana: I see that this cold heart has finally melt. Sub-Zero: Don’t think this made me weak.
Liu Kang: You kept Bi-Han away to deflect towards the wrong path. You: I’m always looking out for him.
Scorpion: I’m really happy for you to have found your one, brother. Sub-Zero: With them by my side, the Lin Kuei can only flourish.
You: I am concerned for Bi-Han, do you think he’ll stay stable? Geras: This will depend on your actions.
Bi-Han ! Angst part
You: How could I feel a part of the Lin Kuei, when you reject your own brother? Sub-Zero: Tomas won’t be the one to insure the clan’s future.
You: You put more trust in this sorcerer than in me. Sub-Zero: It’s not about trust, it’s about glory.
Sub-Zero: We could have ruled together. You: Indeed, and you ruined everything.
Scorpion: You were lucky to have found someone like them, and you had to crush their feelings. Sub-Zero: They were lucky I deemed them as worthy.
You: I'm sorry for his words, I'm trying to resonate with him. Smoke: I've stopped caring about what he says a long time ago.
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Kenshi ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Do you think if we switch places he’ll notice? You: We have to try that!
You: Your Kenshi has lost his sight too? You: This man really should try to protect his eyes better.
Kenshi: My Y/n died in my timeline. Kenshi: And you think I’ll let you this one?
Kenshi ! At each other
You: You may have lost the tournament but you’re the champion of my heart. Kenshi: *laughs* Since when did you become that cheesy?
You: Here comes the man in black. Kenshi: I know you love it when I wear that suit.
You: I wish I could have been here to protect you. Kenshi: You already do a lot for me, and I can’t be more grateful.
Kenshi: Wait, it’s not Johnny who told everyone I’m the best swordsman in Earthrealm? You: I’m simply sharing my honest opinion.
Kenshi: Don’t go easy on me. You: So, just like last night?
Kenshi: I feel like my past with the Yakuza is haunting me again. You: This time, we will fight together against them, mentally or physically.
Kenshi ! With other characters
Johnny: Have you seen the new hottie? Totally would sm- Kenshi: You don’t want to finish that sentence.
Kung Lao: So, I conclude it wasn’t love at first sight with Kenshi, eh? You: Very funny, Kung Lao.
Johnny: I swear, I didn’t know they were your spouse. Kenshi: Hmp.. as if you care for that.
You: Are you sure you’re up to fight? I wouldn’t want to match my husband. Mileena: Why, wouldn’t that be adorable?
Reiko: Should I steal your magic sword to see how quick you’d die? Kenshi: An angry spouse is deadlier than Sento and believe me, you don’t want that.
You: You’ll pay for what you did. Shang Tsung: I wasn’t the one to blind your lover.
Ashrah: I can only sense sincerity in your lover’s heart. Kenshi: They have helped me in many ways.
General Shao: Once I find your partner, he’ll lose more than his sight. You: Too bad you’ll have to pass over my dead body first.
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Kitana ! Mirror Dialogues
You: Do you really think Kitana would fall for your tricks, Shang Tsung? You: I just need to make sure I’m the only one remaining, first.
You: I don’t think I want to share Kitana even with another me. You: How strange, I was thinking the same thing.
Kitana: Y/n doesn’t exist my timeline. Kitana: I wouldn’t be able to imagine a life without them.
Kitana ! At each other
You: How about we go at Madam Bo’s after this fight? Kitana: It will be a pleasure to go with you. I’ve heard only great things.
You: Your fighting is just as graceful as your look. Kitana: Flattery will get you nowhere, beloved.
You: How about a double date with Mileena and Tanya after this fight? Kitana: Are you suggesting that I should date my sister and her lover..?
Kitana: I have lost sight of you in the fight against the titans. You: Don’t worry, we can’t get rid of me that easily.
Kitana: Leading the army can sometime become overwhelming. You: Rest is important even for someone as competent as you.
Kitana: *laughs* Do not fret, my sister does not bite. You: Yes, she does.
Kitana ! With other characters
Mileena: While I respect you if I learn that you’re toying with my sister, I’ll- You: Rip my face apart?
Kitana: Sister, please, trust my judgment on Y/n. Mileena: I’m just making sure of that.
You: Your daughter is truly a wonder. Sindel: She takes a lot from her mother.
Sindel: Is this lover of yours worthy to be by your side? Kitana: I deem them as so, mother.
Raiden: I’m really happy for you and the Princess. You: Is that so? Why do I hear disappointment in your voice.
General Shao: I’ll exploit you and your partner’s weaknesses that is you both. Kitana: You cannot be more wrong, General. We are each other’s strength.
You: Sorry, Cage. Kitana is off limits. Johnny: Not even a small place for a third person?
Kitana: Should I thank you for putting me with Y/n in this timeline? Liu Kang: I did nothing, it was you both who found each other.
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vampirzina · 8 months
Hello! May I pretty please request mk1 characters with a reader who is really tired and it's having some complications on her like having a harder time breathing or being dead tired?
tw: gn pronouns, sfw, mdni, alphabetical order, short hcs, illness and sleep disorders, injury
notes: anon! i hope you and anyone who feels like this get well if this has anything to do with what’s going on offscreen. i also didn’t know if you wanted specific characters or not so i did the entire roster. also apologize if it’s a little ooc. take care x
masterlist : divider credit
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Ashrah paused her path to redemption to check on you. She’d ask you when you first shown signs if you were okay, but when you brushed her off she had no choice but to leave it be. She’d simply help you when you’d fell sick, until she knew you’d be okay. She wouldn’t further herself until she knew you’d come with her.
Baraka already worried constantly about giving you his disease if you weren’t already infected. So to him, your health was the utmost importance and seeing you well was a sign that he didn’t harm you. When it was reported that you’d fallen ill from the lack of sleep, he would help you as often as possible but take his frustration out on some of the colony for not looking after you when he can’t. He’d even ask Mileena if there is anything she could do to help you, or advice, but he’d rely mostly on what he knew.
Bi Han would have noticed something was up when you didn’t sleep when it came time to. He might not care too much at first when he sees you’re still functioning but that changes entirely when one of his subordinates told him that you were rushed to the infirmary because you felt like you were suffocating. He will know what’s wrong with you whether you tell him or not, and until you rest, you’ll be bedridden. If he can’t bring you things you ask for himself, he’ll get others (or his brothers) to do it for you… Except for cuddles/intimacy.
General Shao begins to worry on the inside when you start to get sick, but he keeps he’s tough exterior. He’ll investigate your current habits if he hasn’t already, and go to the best doctors in all of Outworld for help. When he gets to the bottom of it, don’t try to deny it—he notes your dark under eye. He knows what it’s like to be sick and it is not fun at all. He scolds you for not taking care of yourself, even a little offended that you’d do such a thing while with him. However, he relies on the doctors who he sends on order to report to him. You don’t get to leave until he thinks you’re okay, regardless of what the doctors say.
Geras doesn’t need sleep, but that doesn’t mean he is unaware of the importance of it. When you stay up with him to bond over the hourglass and timelines, it’s fun… At first. But when you keep doing it day after day and night after night, he hints at your depleted energy as of late. You may brush it off, but he looks into what this could mean for you. Ideally, he stops it one way or another before it could get worse.
Havik thinks it a major nuisance, and it mostly wouldn’t stop him in his endeavors. He doesn’t care for how you look. When you begin to have physical complications from your exhaustion, he lets it only so far thinking you’ve got it before he himself stops it. While he bounds you to the bed until you sleep, he’s out doing what he normally does best. He comes straight back to you, though, but don’t mention it at all to him. He doesn’t want something so tame like that exposed.
Johnny Cage would innocently comment on how you look the moment it started to show. It would start an argument from how agitated you’ve been lately, sure, but he says it’s out of concern (and love) for you. He gives you just about anything that could help you sleep. If you get ill from not being able to, he makes you see a doctor. Either that, or he “has some ideas that could tire you out”. You roll tired eyes, whatever that means.
Kenshi would also note your sullen look if he sees it [through sento], but much more cordially and obviously a lot more genuinely concerned. He doesn’t mind if he should stay home and cuddle to sleep at all, and it makes him a little sad when you turn him down. When you eventually get sick from your habits, he argues with you briefly as soon as you’re sentient again, but becomes your ultimate schedule reminder. You scared him half to death.
Kitana pulled you aside, even going as far as to get you excused you from your duties for a moment so that you could get some rest. When you fall ill from it she wants updates on your health even if you’re stagnant. She offers you certain herbal remedies to encourage sleep, and gets you a spa day so that you could look a little bit better than what you did before (and hopefully encourage you to sleep). News of your troubles don’t leave where you stay, and she’s discreet about it so you do not get embarrassed amongst your peers. Rumors are dispelled with the quickness.
Kuai Liang worries about you first, gets information second, and then makes a solution last. He listens to you talk about your problems sleeping when you eventually fall ill from the lack. He feels somewhat guilty for not checking on you as you are in his arms every night, but he feels that brainstorming with you and those who are experienced in health a plan that would help you recover is the best apology even though you remind him it’s not his fault. You’ll be required to rest, and he’ll make sure you do before he ever gets any sleep at all.
Kung Lao notices first and foremost when you start to deny rigorous activity with him. It’s only then does he realize how exhausted you look, and for once he gets serious and somewhat selfless. He fights off any of the ill feelings with medicine, all while getting you to do things not too strenuous on your body so that it gets you tired enough to sleep (even if it was just for a minute). He spends as much time needed until it goes away entirely, because he’s relentless like that and not the type to give up or leave you to it. And sometimes, when he’s trying to get you to sleep, he accidentally makes himself fall asleep.
Liu Kang already knows before it gets too late to find out, so it’s no use hiding it from him. He personally clears your schedule somehow, and if you want to work, you can’t. He’s upset with you because of how he found out you haven’t been sleeping, not because you haven’t been sleeping. He makes you prove that you are able-bodied enough to start moving around again when you insist that you can; he begins to check for you at night, having fixed a sleep schedule for you to follow. He complies if you need help sleeping again, and only leaves to return to the hourglass once you’re fast asleep.
Li Mei is the utmost level about it. After you get sick by it, she’s perfectly rehearsed and practiced, but doesn’t enjoy when others franticness starts to impede on her moves. Eventually, your comfort lie solely in her and her quarters instead of some royal infirmary or hospital. She accommodates for you, and covers for you if there are others checking for you elsewhere. She knows a thing or two about exhaustion, so she makes great efforts to help you sleep regularly from now on.
Mileena hardly leaves your side. When you collapse from your breathlessness, Princess!Mileena forgets that she’s not yet Empress. The stress does eventually get to her and it hikes up her symptoms of Tarkat, so once she bounces back from it, she immediately asks about you. She may pull away to engage in her royal duties, but she gets them done quickly and comes back to you as both Empress and Princess. She even bathes in some sort of relaxing herb so that when you both cuddle, you’ll be more prone to falling asleep.
Nitara scours her people’s remedies for a cure. It took her some time, but it doesn’t matter—it doesn’t really work anyway. You’re still tired and ill. As she searches for remedies she brings up the topic of being immortal; she doesn’t press if you deny. She asks a few of her more trusted coven members to look over you when she’s away, and she’s there in an instant when you so much so think of her.
Quan Chi is disappointed, but he helps anyway. He deals more in death and whatnot, but he knows a thing or two about the health of self. He does what he knows best, and if need be, he does great research before making a move. Whenever he feels annoyed from your stubbornness to sleep, that’s when he scolds you for being so reckless. But he wouldn’t let you go unattended.
Raiden chastises you all the way to the infirmary. You’d collapse mid-conversation, unable to breathe and now his hearts racing. When you end up okay, he wants to know what’s going on immediately. He tries not to be so upset with you, but he does everything in his power to help you. Herbal teas, medicine, gentle work over a span of hours—everything. He keeps using what he sees works best. He’s your alarm now and he forces you to sleep when he does; if he could stare at you until you fell asleep he would, but that’s counterproductive.
Rain gently taps you on the head with his staff when you look out of it. He gets annoyed when he’d have to keep doing it, and eventually confronts you. He gives you solid advice if he can’t do it himself, and he checks up on you very often. He feels a sense of shame and guilt from not being more concerned with you and more with his work, and for mindlessly hitting you in the head when you obviously weren’t feeling well. He’s unsure of how to make it up to you, but he’ll get it eventually if you don’t tell him.
Reiko acts as your personal guard already, and it’s only worsened when you can hardly function. One by one does he get some of his more insignificant duties off of him so that he has more time with you. If General Shao knows, he may offer some sort of help. Reiko sometimes makes himself late to duty so that he can take care of you, until he’s sure you’ll be fine on your own for an entire day. He sometimes comes back to you in the middle of duty, when things are boring and he can sneak away, and he helps you get as much sleep as possible from then on.
Shang Tsung makes a snide remark before casting some sort of spell on you to sleep. Before, he’d just made some sort of joke about how tired you look and smothers you with slightly sardonic pet names, but the total 180 when you couldn’t breathe could kill someone. It’s the most emotion he’s shown other than his usual in so so long, and once you’ve come to your senses he practically threatens you to get better. He’d help here and there, but your recovery is reduced to a side hustle over time.
Sindel first noticed when you became lackluster in your work. She confronted you firmly, and only backed off when you assured her that you could continue working. When she caught wind you had ended up in the medics hands, she focused on fixing you first before confronting you on your lie. She’d be hurt, at first, and she temporarily relieves you from your work. You’ll have your own private quarters if you haven’t already, and more luxury that she thinks will help you feel better. Even if you apologize, she’s already made up a reason why you did it and accepts that. However, you’re required to see her now.
Syzoth genuinely starts to act beside himself even at the first sign of complication. He searches all the land for remedies for your kind, and comes back to you to help heal you whether or not he’s successful. Outside of remedies he initiates naps, cuddles and everything nice that would get you to sleep. Deep purrs from his chest as a lullaby. He’s constantly monitoring you when you’re up and active, clinging to your side. When he thinks that you’ve been out for too long, he insists to go back to sleep some more.
Tanya covers for you before you even know. Your lack of sleep makes you overlook things, and she’s been trailing behind you and fixing your mishaps. She’s meant to confront you, and when you collapse before her unable to breathe it’s as if she already knows what to do. When you’re lying in her bed recovering from the incident, she tells you what she’s going to do—it’s not an open ended choice.
Tomas Vrbada is far too observant. He may be busy with Hanzo, but that doesn’t mean he can’t check for you. He pesters you as you get tireder and tireder each day, and eventually catches you up and not sleeping. It sprouts the conversation of your sleeping habits and he’s overall sympathetic to your guilt. He doesn’t let it get to the point of you being sick; and if for some reason it does, he’s already right there to help you (even if his heart is going a million miles an hour). He begins to stop working later so that you eat, sleep and do routines on time.
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fsfghgee · 1 month
Warning: Long dive. Bi-Han and Sektor's relationship part 2 (+ Bi-Han's redemption)
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Honestly, I think people who are expecting to see Bi-Han flirting with Sektor in the expansion will be disappointed, 'cause Bi-Han isn't like Johnny Cage or Kung Lao. He really is not that kind of guy…
And he's damn far from it. Even if Bi-Han and Sektor do have a romantic relationship, I'd bet anything that in the intros they'll just be praising each other, reaffirming vows of loyalty, talking about the clan's defectors, making more plans together, giving each other advice, and hopefully talking about their parents. And that's it.
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'praising her is something he does often"
I don't know about our new Sektor, but Bi-Han is not the type who flirts and the way he doesn't like to follow traditions, does everything together with Sektor and treats his female subordinates as if they were any other subordinate (I think everyone saw how he got a face-to-face with Cyrax… And if Frost really is already part of the Lin Kuei, I doubt she's getting any special treatment either…), I'd say he takes gender equality really seriously and chivalry in Bi-Han's language is letting her shoot first.
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And most importantly…
He takes his position very seriously. The fights between Bi-Han and Sektor will be just sparring, but I doubt he would treat even that lightly. If he is romantic, which I personally doubt (I wouldn't put my hand in the fire for that), we will never know because even his perception of romance is independent. I believe that his romanticism comes down to heroic acts, like probably giving his life for Sektor's…
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I mean, the person who built the armor was Sektor, so the woman who is fighting alongside Bi-Han in OutWorld can only be Sektor. And to me, it looks like they were about to take her instead of Bi-Han (and remembering that their target was Geras who they also take with them).
.... Or stroking her ego (which is almost as big as his), promising heaven and earth, giving her expensive gifts, maybe calling her his queen when they're alone, being a bit too touchy-feely when he's needy…
I imagine that as a self-centered mama's boy (I love him, but that's just who he is), he must prefer people to give him attention instead of giving attention, I can even imagine him enjoying a cuddle with a gentle petting, honestly.
And the way Sektor seemed surprised by Bi-Han's reaction to Cyrax... I believe she's not used to seeing him angry around her, I doubt she hears anything from him other than compliments.
After all, Bi-Han was the one who sensed that she was his kindred spirit…
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What are kindred spirits?"Kindred spirits are like-minded and like-souled people with whom an instant connection of love and understanding is mutually experienced," clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D., tells mbg. "The connection is inimitable and often defies verbal description."
People who share common interests, values, or worldviews might be described as kindred spirits. "In more spiritual words, we could say that they resonate at the same frequency, and there is matching energy between them," Katherine Bihlmeier, a relationship coach specializing in energy work, tells mbg.
And it's Sektor who rescues Bi-Han in the story mode, not Scorpion, her lines don't appear like all the dlc, but she's clearly the one rescuing him. She joins KuaiSc's mission to rescue Geras just to rescue Bi-Han.
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You can hear that she's the one who recognizes him first and sounds really worried about him…
In fact, in the first trailer for the story mode expansion, you can see Sektor fighting alongside Bi-Han already turned into Noob Saibot but with his mind under his own control again.
He's fighting the khaos versions of Cyrax and Sektor...
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We can see Bi-Han fighting alongside Liu Kang too, fighting SubZeroChaos, TakedaChaos like in the datamined script…
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And again, although I'm still a little bit confused about their fate…
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Will Sektor really sit back and accept the Lin Kuei being punished by Liu Kang and leaving Bi-Han locked up in the temple? Honestly, I highly doubt it.
I have no problem with the nature of their relationship, whatever it is. I'm a Lin Kuei fan, so Sektor getting some love kinda warms my heart since it never happened before...
And I think if it's well written it could be really interesting and make Bi-Han's character more multidimensional. Since he literally has no one else besides Sektor to lean on... Cyrax will desert them.
Hopefully, Noob Saibot ending will show us what will become of Bi-Han Sub-Zero in mk1.
edit: With the revealed Sektor trailer, we saw that Bi-Han ended up in Havik's hands when he jumped after him trying to strike him and accidentally ended up entering the portal that Havik had opened.
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redara · 4 months
Thoughts on Bi-Han and Ermac's interaction.
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Bi-Han: Surely you have a weakness.
Ermac: You have many. We have none.
Hmm maybe i'm reading too much into it, but when Ermac mentions Bi-Han having many weaknesses, i got a feeling he means the Lin Kuei.
All that Bi-Han does is for his clan, and it says a lot that the LK trust him without question. Kinda makes sense why Kuai Liang decides to abandon the LK cause there's no talking about it with them, and they all won't believe him or share the same side as him anyway, cause they all believe in Bi-Han. Maybe they're all that fed up being under Liu Kang's authority, or maybe they believe they deserve smth better, freedom to be who they are, after centuries + generations of protecting Earthrealm.
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Ermac: The Lin Kuei fight as one?
Bi-Han: With me as their heart and mind.
Also, i may be reaching out lol.
What if what he means by him being the heart and mind is both figuratively and literally? Like, Bi-Han is going full Cyber Initiative, perhaps more like OG Sektor, commanding the LK under his order.
If that's the case, well... NRS give Sektor's story to Bi-Han. This is just my hc + speculation, but if the Cyber LK is only under Bi-Han's authority, then if he 'falls', so will the majority of the LK members.
And later on if, IF, Bi-Han gets a redemption arc and becomes UoL Bi-Han, that explains why he's not wearing any LK insignia; there is no more LK thanks to his little Cyber Initiative.
So it could be:
1. A small number of LK members survive and they get a new Grandmaster, or
2. A small number of LK members survive and they are waiting for Bi-Han to return, or
3. None of the LK members survive, or
4. The LK is rebuilt anew as an extension of the Shirai Ryu
Ehh idk pure speculations, like we might get Bi-Han commanding an army of mech-suits dubbed the Cyber Lin Kuei 🤷‍♀️
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darkdrin6 · 1 year
Okay, since the release has almost taken place (and many have either passed the game or watched the walkthrough), but it's time to whine.
We absolutely hate the plot of this game. He is ridiculous, all attention is focused on the Edenic family (in particular, Mileena), many characters have lost their individuality.
This is someone's bad fan fiction. Admit that you lost the script after drinking and found only some fan fiction in the bowels of AO3. Otherwise, it is completely unclear why this plot is so bad. It was written by a team of screenwriters! A team of professionals! But at the exit we got some plot shit.
Liu is completely incompetent in the role of God. Why does everyone call him a good guy? Why does everyone worship him so much? Reiden made mistakes in his time, he was not everyone's favorite, but at the same time he did not allow the collapse of timelines, you know.
Oh, he wanted to prevent all threats? But at the same time, he did nothing with either Shang Tsung or Quan Chi, only gave them a motive to desire power and might. If Liu was so afraid, he would have strangled them in the cradle. And do not say that he is not like that. His actions are always worth the sacrifice.
Many will be glad that Mileena has finally received her redemption, but remember that the character is not the color of the costume. Mileena, who deserved redemption, the one who really suffered and fought for her right not only to the throne, but also to exist. And this spoiled girl is not Mileena, but her parody.
The Sub-Zero brothers are the most painful part of this game. Just look at what they did to Bi Han and Kuai. Their relationship has always been something important in the series, we understood that Qui really loved his brother and wanted to help him, even after learning that he was turned into the undead.
In MK1, when they are both captured and Bi Han begins to say that they should join Shang Tsung, Kuai does not doubt for a minute that his brother could lie to buy time or extract information from the sorcerer. Kuai instantly accepts this as the truth and attacks Bi Han. He doesn't want to stun him, he's trying to kill him. It feels like Qui was waiting for an excuse to betray his brother. And Kuai takes him out of the fortress stunned, not because he does not want to leave him to his fate, but because he does not want him to help the enemies. And even here he acts stupidly, because he does not capture his brother, preventing him from doing something terrible, does not take over the management of a militarized clan, but simply abandons Bi Han and runs away.
What is this shit?
We refuse to call this whore in yellow both Kuai and Scorpion. Kuai Liang is a venerable warrior, loyal to the clan and his family. Scorpion is a restless ghost, full of grief for his family. False-Kuai is just a little bastard who distorts both of these images.
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Look into Bi Han's eyes. It's like he understands what kind of shit is waiting for him, but there's nothing he can do about it.
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garfieldd-o · 8 months
More info dump about my mortal kombat au. Idk if it's considered an au. Its my own version of mk tbh.
I added my Ocs Casey and Garfield to it. 🌟
Johnny actually started Cage Con with the help of his lil sibling Garfield. So it's a combined thing of Johnny's mortal kombat and his lil siblings cartoon series.
Johnny's older brother still exists. I named his older brother Sam for right now. They never really have confirmed his name. I may name his parents too. Idk.
Kung Lao doesn't die. Unlike MAJORITY OF MK STUFF.
I make it so Bi-han and Tomas semi get along. Like it takes time.
I really am making a Bi-han redemption Arc. It's gonna be slowish. Mainly because I feel like Kuai Lang and Tomas may forgive him faster than, for example, Liu Kang, who just wants a good timeline but now maybe more wearie with Bi-han.
I will be making Jax and Sonya Lore. I know Jax has some Lore rn. But not much. I wanna add more to his character than being Sonyas' friend.
I am gonna keep character flaws, though. Even though I wanna make a bi-han redemption Arc for example. I still will keep him like he is in a way. But have him more open with people he cares for. Example with people like Kuai Lang, Tomas and Garfield (My oc).
Another random thing I added is Tomas was originally raised by a single mom before the whole. YA KNOW.
I'm iffy on giving Hanzo a kid. Cause I know he cannonly has a kid before all that stuff. But imagine the kombat kids with hanzo kid in the group. [Yes, I know takenda exists and is basically kinda his son in a way in mkx.] I think his kids name was Satoshi.
I'm gonna have Johnny's origin story of his powers be similar to the last timeline in a way. His dad was in Shinnoks cult. That's how Johnny and Garfield get there powers. The mom didn't know about this-
I made a dumb thing of Johnny cannot cook. I dont know why. But I don't trust that man to cook.
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Johnny and Garfield Angst. I WANNA MAKE IT.
Dumb stuff about them.
Garfield normally cooks too much food and gives it to either Johnny or Kung Lao.
100% argued when Johnny found out Garfield got powers before him.
They actually are very close to each other. Like overly overprotective of one another.
When Johnny told Garfield, he got a divorce. Garfield 100% said, "Welcome to the divorced club."
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karenandhenwillson · 5 months
Canon and Headcanon
The discourse surrounding Bucktommy, especially the anti-Bucktommy side, keeps flabbergasting me. But for some reason it also inspires me to write my thoughts down. Here are some thoughts abut canon, headcanon, and fandom behavior.
In my last post I mentioned maybe writing a post about Tommy's redemption arc that certain people claim doesn't exist. I decided against it in the end. There have already been several posts about that. But I also feel I'm not in the right position to write much about it because I'm not a POC. So, I have of course my thoughts about how Hen and Chimney treat Tommy and how that speaks to their relationship with him when Bobby came to LA but also now. And I also have thoughts about how problematic Tommy's behavior was in the end. But I don't feel I should share them outside of private conversations.
There is one thing I want to say about Bucktommy and Tommy's characterization, though. I've seen somewhere this take about how the writers obviously didn't plan Tommy being gay and closeted when they wrote the Begins episodes we saw him in, therefore nothing happening in those scenes can be interpreted with the current development in mind. It's utter bullshit. It doesn't matter what the writers and actors thought or didn't think and plan back then. The interpretation of canon can't be based on anything anyone involved in the show said off screen. It needs to be based on what we see on screen.
There was this very captivating interview of Oliver (honestly, what did this head do to his eyes? I couldn't stop staring at them) where he said the idea of a queer story line for Buck was pitched to him a couple of years ago but then dropped. And now there are parts of fandom who are somehow absolutely convinced the revelation of the will should have been the start of Buddie. Meanwhile, in regard to that question Oliver never even mentioned Buddie. I think the scene between him and TK in the crossover episode is the much more likely scene they would have used to start that story line. 
But either way, we didn't get bi bi-con Buck (yes, unashamedly borrowing that from the very same interview) a couple of years ago. We only got him now. And that means it's been canon for not even four weeks that Buck is bi and all the time before he was unaware that he wasn't straight. (And honestly, imo, it's not even canon that he is bi. Technically, it's only canon Buck is not straight. And it won't be otherwise until he claims a label for himself on screen.) It's not canon he had this revelation a couple years ago because something was said in a random interview.
Sometimes what we see on screen is horribly lacking. The still missing resolution of the Chimney&Buck conflict in season 5. The missing conversation between Eddie and Buck this season after the basketball game. The missing work Hen and Karen have to have put into their relationship after season 1 to be where they are today. The out of nowhere redemption of the Buckley parents and Sang Han.
So, we are left to interpret from the little breadcrumbs we have.
The thing is, ten different people will probably interpret those things in twelve different ways. And that's okay. I can think some of those interpretations are absolute garbage or completely insane. Others can think my interpretations are wrong and stupid, and that's okay, too. Different people will have vastly different experiences and preferences and that will give their interpretations a different spin. Nothing of that is wrong. None of the these interpretations are necessarily wrong!
That's why we have the word headcanon.
What's wrong in fandom and has always been wrong since I've been in fandom is the reaction of some people to other people's interpretations. The kind of people who think their interpretation, their word, is the word of God or whatever higher being they believe in, therefore everyone else is wrong. And that means everyone else needs to be attacked until they either change their mind or vanish (whatever form that might take). 
I might laugh about some of those takes, very seldomly openly and more often than not only in the circle of my friends. Everyone else is allowed to laugh about my takes. What I think no one is allowed to do is to attack others in whatever way about their interpretation of canon. And this might be an age-old problem that existed long before the internet, but that doesn't mean we just have to carry on with it.
Enjoy the parts of the show you find enjoyable. Ignore the parts you find less enjoyable. And if there are more of the latter than the first, maybe look for another show to occupy your mind with. But don't go around attacking others for their opinions. And especially don't go to the social media of the actors and writers and attack them. 
(Btw, I absolutely hate the take of 'they should know what to expect when joining social media'. Saying that is the very root of the problem. It's like saying 'she should have known what to expect wearing that skirt'.)
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evasivaardilosa · 3 months
Sorry for showing up like this literally months after my last post, after making you all think you got rid of me /jk
But I have been playing again (there is a post coming about it some day maybe) and I just reread what I had written for Second Chances 2.0 (for those who are new or who have forgotten, it’s my fic project vaguely based on Invasions s1 in which the invading Scorpion is Hanzo from his ending of the MK11 timeline, who couldn’t restore his own timeline like Liu Kang and the others did, and who then gets a redemption arc and moves into the MK1 timeline permanently, and anyway it ends as Harumi/Hanzo/Kuai (or as I call them, Scorpion x3, even thought this is not Scorpion!Harumi sorry queen) (+baby Hanzo from the MK1 timeline as their adopted son because why not)) and I don’t fully remember some ideas I had because I was once again dumb and didn’t write them all but it doesn’t matter because I just had a galaxy brain idea for the ending that I know I hadn’t thought of before
So, it was always going to end with Scorpion x3 fighting Bi-Han and his boytoy Sektor because of the Cyber Initiative and stuff. But I think I was going for a sorta open ending on this front, like they stopped Bi-Han for now but he will eventually do more shit, probably. Well, but what if Kuai is really, really pissed at Bi-Han. More than usual, I mean. Maybe he hurt Harumi or little Hanzo for those sweet parallels. Or maybe it’s just Kuai’s past life ptsd from the Cyber Initiative, which was already a thing when I started writing. So Hanzo can see - because he knows this man as well as he knows himself - that Kuai is really fighting to kill.
And Hanzo just stops him. And he starts telling Kuai not to do it, and it sounds to Kuai like it’s some generic speech about how killing is bad and he’s your brother and etc but actually Hanzo is just trying very hard not to shout that he can’t kill Bi-Han because he will come back much stronger and harder to kill, been there done that. Like believe me, Kuai, it can get much worse than this. You don’t want it to become worse.
Ofc just kidding (partially), it would be because he knows that no matter how angry Kuai is at the moment, how much he wants to break all ties with his brother, he will regret doing this.
I just think it would be neat for Hanzo to save Bi-Han’s life for once, and it would be character growth for Hanzo to have learned from all those times he fucked everything up by killing a guy that everyone told him not to, even when said guy really deserved to die. And ofc I like giving MK1 Bi-Han a chance, I really like the doomed from the start feel that canon gives for him but I like the idea that he can still go a different path. And by letting him live I open the questioning if maybe, if og Bi-Han had lived, could he also have gone a different path?
Also then MK1 Kuai gets a mini Scorpion arc, having his family threatened by Bi-Han (not killed because I am nice) and fighting him and intending to kill him. Getting to be “saved” by someone who has gone through this and learned from his mistakes
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quinnnhq · 4 months
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hi hi! so my quinn is mostly canon but also a lil different so i decided to post my lil app under the cut! hmu with any and all questions or concerns! -han
character name. lucille "lucy" quinn fabray
age & date of birth. senior, eighteen, april 6th
gender identity & pronouns. cis-female, she/her
character face claim. antonia gentry
personality traits. tenacious, loyal, maternal, fragile, dogmatic, sharp
likes & dislikes. music, fashion, cheerios, beth, public humiliation, hypocrisy
clubs & teams.glee club, former cheerio
so everything is very cannon adjacent. quinn and noah were in love. quinn got pregnant. quinn was kicked out of her parents house, briefly lived with her aunt and uncle and then secretly moved back to lima where she gave birth. her parents kept her locked inside the house, she wasn't allowed in public and she took care of beth with very little contact from the outside world or contact that was monitored. noah hasn't ever met beth before. she was homeschooled and now "maternity leave" is over so she's at school now. and the fabrays hold some sort of social status (tbd, probably her dad is in politics and her mom is a homemaker, similar to cannon). like cannon, she has an older sister but in this verse she moved away and got married.- noah related things have been run by serg.
I’m still determining if she will rejoin the cheerios and how much she plans to immerse herself in what needs to be done.
what does Quinn want to do post senior year and what does that look like and how does it show up amongst her peers.
definitely interested in exploring her complex relationships with sam, quinn, rachel and finn as well as any and all ocs
plans for development. quinn is bi, looking forward to discovering that side of her.
super interested in what her redemption arc and journey is, how does her relationship with friends strengthen or fracture now that she’s back at school and is very much not popular anymore
postpartum depression and motherhood. I’m interested in exploring how her mood and actions shift as her priority is now Beth and balancing that with her own personal needs, raising a newborn, what does her coparenting relationship look like with Noah, how do they rekindle or reconcile
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duckingwriting · 1 year
First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @author-a-holmes 
This is my first time doing a first line tag so I’m super excited about it. I’ve got WIPs(those most recently updated) and finished stories(if finished they’re linked) all mixed in so...yeah.
How To Play:
Share the first sentence of your last ten stories. If you haven’t written ten stories, share as many first sentences as you have.
I’m tagging: @wildswrites @beacarline @ashen-crest @astorythatwritesitself​ 
1. “Second Chance” - Original WIP
Ambrose stared down at the small child.
A short story that @sapphicwitchstudio​ will hopefully be doing an illistration for at our local comicon later this year. I'm not sold on the tilte yet.
2. Untitled Sparrington Soulmate AU
James rubbed his temple as he watched the captain sway his way around the deck.
A WIP Jack Sparrow/James Norrington Soulmate AU that I honestly don’t know when I’ll get around to finishing it. It’ll be a one-shot when I do.
3. Tsu’tey/Jake ABO Untitled story
Tsu'tay traced his hand down his mate's side.
This one is getting closer and closer to being done and I still desperately need to name it.
4. Robin Hood but gay and western - Original WIP
"Our hearts are broken.“
One of my main WIPS. Really not that catchy is it?
5. Safe Home - Reader Insert Bi-Han from Mortal Kobat
You curled up on yourself, your arms wrapped tightly around your legs that were crushing against your chest.
Short little one off voice kink fic.
6. Soft Charles - Charthur short fluffy fic WIP
Arthur rubbed the back of his neck and looked around the forest for any sign of the other man.
My wife loves Red Dead Redemption 2, while I’ve never played and only watched her paly a bit here and there it floods my timeline. I know she loves this ship and I saw someone posting that Charles never gets to be the soft one so I’m working on it.
7. Untitled NSFW Dax/Worf - dirty fic WIP
Worf rubbed the back of his neck as he tipped his head back to stare at the bright lights running along the hall as he approached his room. .
Huh...this one or the above one may need a change in first line...That said my wife loves Startrek and this is one of her favorite ships. IDK anything about the show so this one is really slow going because there’s so much to read through so I don’t royally screw this up.
8. Tsu’tey Sees - HC Avatar part 1 series
Tsu'tey was adapting to life with Jake as Neytiri's mate.
I love head cannon posts and sometimes I just have to write for them. This Tsu’tey/Reader fic is the result of one. 
9. Pervect Relations - Aahz/Skeeve Fanfiction
"Hey, Kid, got a moment?" Aahz's voice drew Skeeve's attention from the paperwork that continuously seemed to pile up on his desk.
Cheating a bit, technically two sentences but whatever, this is for a fandom I don’t think many people even think about or know and the ship...I’m self indulging. 
10. “Better Alarm” - Original Shortstoy
Bast sat and stared down at the sleeping human.
Haven’t quite decided what I’m doing with this short story one way or another but it is technically done?
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evelynendar · 2 years
What exactly is the point of your AU? like what does it change? what does it bring to light? what does it FIX??!
( totally not trying to contain my excitement )
Thanks for asking!
This au mainly just has ships and dynamics that are different from the cannon, some of the major changes being Mileena is still alive, Kotal isn’t that much of an asshat anymore, Noob got a redemption arc, and Frost has a closer connection with the Kombat Kids.
The events of Mk11 never happened, but that doesn’t mean Kronika is happy with the timeline.
One more thing I’ll add is some relationships between characters have changed. Bi Han rejoined the Lin Kuei and repaired his relationship with Kuai and Hydrus, relearning cryomancy in the process. Kenshi is closer friends with Ermac, thus leading him to become closer with the rest of Kotal’s task force. Though he is still working on repairing his relationship with Takeda. Last this I’ll add is Kitana is trying to find Mileena and actually be a good sister, but that has yet to happen.
Thanks again for the ask @ever-moonlit
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scalproie · 2 years
Thoughts on some people’s idea that Kuai should have stayed as Cyborg from Mk9 to Mkx, like I have seen someone even said he should have been brought back in Mk11 as one of the time displaced villains
Fun concept but im fairly happy with what we've got. Cyber Subz was a fun little twist resulting of Raiden trying to prevent things going the same as the og timeline, because it was Smoke that was supposed to be cyberized, but Im content with it being just a plot point in mk9 before he got his body back in the netherrealm and his character development and all intertwined with his go another way.
That being said tho. I DO wish Cyber Subz came back (even as just a boss character like Cyrax & Sektor but with some of Subz's moves) in mk11 because
1) the time of the times converging was at the same time he JUST got cyberized,
2) it wouldve been another nice parallel to Hanzo dealing with his own past self Scorpion, at a time where neither Hanzo nor Kuai were humans (Well technically Kuai is under the cybernetics but he had no free will you get my point), and would've been like, Kuai confronting another one of his past demons
Plus Cyber Subz is not only the first time out of three (grinding my teeth) where he lost his free will, but its also the most personal one, because its directly a lin kuei matter, which involves him intimely, while the revenant stuff and kamidogu are less personal
3) I know chapter 4 is technically Kuai's chapter with Hanzo as literal moral support, but having him fight Cyber Subz wouldve given him... idk something more, a little window on Kuai as a character seeing him interact with himself at one of his worst.
Plus, all the character to fight in Fire&Ice have not only a personal relationship with Kuai but also kinda are from important points of his character arc? Like Bi-han/Noob is from his beginning as his own character and him becoming the definitive Sub Zero after defeating him, Cyrax & Sektor are from his beginning as Grandmaster and the rebirth and redemption of the Lin Kuei, and Frost the consequences of all his decisions leading him to where he is now (she had her own ambitions of course but her betrayal was also fueled by him making peace with the Shirai Ryu). Past Present Future yknow yknow. Poetry. Chronologically, Cyber Subz happened before all that, placing it almost at the very start of his story, just at the end of his "You killed my brother. Prepare to die." arc. So really hammering the "Past" part of this.
And finally Im going to sound so obnoxious but yknow that "Face your enemy. Face your fear. Face yourself" from mk95? well it kinda fit here with "Face your enemy" referring to Cyrax and Sektor with Cyrax being the result of the Cyber Lin Kuei initiave aka stripped of free will, and Sektor being the cause of it, he corrupted the Lin Kuei. "Face your fear" you could maybe put Bi-han and Frost here because he's literally facing family (yes Im counting Frost because come on, he gave her a home, was his mentor, considered her to be his heir, and they have the same cryomancer ancestors) that turned against him and want him dead despite the affection he has for them (another character you couldve put in this category wouldve been Tomas. #BringBackSmoke), and finally "Face yourself" and well, if you add Cyber Subz to mk11, I dont have to draw you the picture. Poetry.
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mejomonster · 3 years
List of cdramas that are gayer than they strictly needed to be, in a good way (by that i mean if you watch with a queer lens there’s a lot of fun to be had):
Once Upon a Time on Lingjian Mountain - the bi reading of both the main guy and main girl seem fully intentional by the writing, though only the guy/girl pairing is endgame in the second half. What results is a fully fleshed out bl story for the first arc, while the main girl has a flirtatious relationship with her girl friend, then later people get other crushes. What results is a show very welcoming to bi interpretation since at LEAST 3 characters are written that way on purpose, and you could ‘optimistically’ interpret a lot more of them as not-straight. I give this show some extra credit cause the main guy is near-explicitly depicted as bi (I don’t think he ever self labels though the way characters in Love and Redemption and Bureau of Transformers do).
Eternal Love - (I know, shocking, the drama I’m mixed on lol!) At the LEAST this show has 2 gay characters (phoenix guy and his fox boyfriend), and 2 bi characters (Demon Prince and Demon Princess). So there’s plenty to interpret as queer if you go looking - that stuff is just the surface level confirmed stuff. If you also wanted to read more people as not-straight there’s plenty of room to. While this show isn’t my favorite for some things, it is definitely very welcoming of queer readings and easily put those interpretations into itself in a nice way. I appreciate how many queer-readable characters are in this show, intentionally, especially when it was not the point of the story and they could have just as easily not been included
Ancient Detective - I have only watched a few episodes so I don’t know how explicitly queer anyone is confirmed in the long term. But in the very short term it sets up what’s pretty easily interpretable as the main guys liking each other, and our main detective also being bi. So its pretty open to queer interpretation and seems written in a way that clicks with that
Secret of The Three Kingdoms - (shocking because it has 2 very strong guy/girl romances but it Does make the list!) the show is not shy about implying often that Sima Yi and Liu Ping could be boyfriends/read as boyfriends. Multiple employees for Sima Yi assume it, strangers on the street assume it and tell them off for being so romantic and mushy outside like this. While I read it as a bromance, there’s definitely an easy angle to interpret it differently and the show is fully aware and pushing it. Also Elvis Han screams bi energy when he plays Sima Yi. We’ve also got Tan Jianci’s character who’s got insane chemistry with both the empress and fake-emperor making easy bi reading and shipping, Guo Jia ALSO has insane chemistry with everyone including fake-emperor, and then personally I’d like to ship the empress and princess-assassin even though the show doesn’t explicitly Push that queer reading like it does the Sima Yi/Liu Ping angle. Basically - regardless of how you interpret the characters, the universe they’re written in Clearly assumes same gender relationships exist, which is nice. 
LORD Critical World* - I would list this in the category below, but its so Fantastical-Silly i don’t think they had a serious queer themes goal in mind the way the dramas i listed below Definitely do. So like? LORD Critical World is mega gay, its easily as gay as Xena Warrior Princess. But like... it has no gay rights agenda the way I think the dramas in the section below do, so I’m putting it here (at least as far as I’ve watched up to ep 20). So the two guy leads are basically soul married, writing explicitly confirms they’re sexually attracted to each other - so the lead Lord Silver is definitely into men, and our lead Qiling is definitely bi, that’s explicitly established. Then there’s the support cast - they all SCREAM bi energy, the girl Qiling likes probably likes a girl she’s rivals with, the bdsm Princess has got her Own thing going on, Ji Chen’s character’s chemistry with Qiling is insane. So while I only saw 2 characters explicitly into the same gender so far, I’d bet at least 90% of the characters are, probably 100% of the main characters. VERY easy to interpret the relationships and characters in this show through a queer lens. 
DMBJ Dramas - Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling is a monolith of a ship for a reason, their story is jam packed with action-romance tropes galore for starters. I haven’t consumed every dmbj material (because there’s a LOT) but its safe to say Wu Xie and Pangzi usually are written as fairly bi (Pangzi’s flirted with guys and girls, Wu Xie’s definitely flirted with guys and in the novels mentions girls that i’ve seen), they’ve had scenes cut from the shows for being Too-Explicitly gay (that are just direct novel scenes), Zhang Qiling is certainly Attached to Wu Xie emotionally, and Wu Xie seems to collect ‘characters’ in a vague enough way that if you wanted to interpret a decent amount of characters as attracted to him (including the monsters) you could. And since a lot of dmbj characters are men, that means a lot of not-straight interpretation real estate. Ulitmate Note also had a very shippy heihua agenda which seemed to payoff with how much I see about the ship now. This show is very easy to interpret most any character any way You personally read them, which is nice. 
Granting You A Dreamlike Life - (YES funny enough). This show STARTS with a very bisexual depiction of Xu Xingchen and Luo Fusheng. It pulls out the romance trope stops, the holding in the arms and holding while riding on a motorbike, the saying i’d do whatever you asked, the picking you over the girl i’m pushed toward, the sharing a bed overnight trope. It’s basically a given to interpret Luo Fusheng as bi and super easy to interpret Xu Xingchen as also bi. While the other characters give less to work with as far as ‘purposely written that way’, I’d say the show is easy to interpret more characters as queer if you wanted just because its so willing to depict its main guy leads as bi.
Detective L - Ok so Luo Fei is definitely bi. His only ‘warm’ relationships are with his girl detective partner (his Watson of the story) and the forensics/mortician Ben Jieming. Not only are they his only warm relationships, but both are written in a vaguely romantic-trope vaguely ‘friends like family’ sort of way. So its very open ended on if you’d like to read anything as romance in this, or everything as platonic (which i appreciate). The guy/girl relationship is not written particularly More romantic than Luo Fei’s relationship with a guy, which is refreshing if you hate when guy/girl couples are pushed over being friends/family to each other First. Luo Fei is also designed as a character to be the eyecandy of the show, which is just nice - watching and knowing its a pretty man filling that role instead of a woman getting sexualized. Meanwhile Qin Jiao Man doesn’t particularly flirt with any women (but i didn’t finish the show), however her character design is VERY dapper butch and i appreciated it deeply. As a bi person watching, a dapper butch woman and a pretty eye-candy man being the leads was absolutely lovely. As a couple, they scream bi-for-bi energy, and the biggest ship in the fanfiction community for this show is Qi Jiao Man/Luo Fei/Ben Jie Ming extremely well written ot3 stuff. I highly recommend pretty much all fanfic the fans have written when you finish this show (if you like Sherlock but wanted more butch women, more bisexuals, and an ot3, then this show/fandom may be your jam). 
The Heiress - actress Una You is here again and I’m starting to think she gets cast as the bi-butch kind of role a Lot (which is good for me as a watcher I suppose). The Heiress is like The King’s Affection kdrama - our girl lead has assumed the life of a man and goes to school, does politics, accomplishes stuff and people fall for her. The man who falls for her, falls for her assuming she is a man, accepting he likes men, then pursuing said crush. The show oddly felt a LOT like Love is More Than A Word to me, but with bi energy rather than gay (LIMTAW is an excellent bl drama to check out). In general you could interpret a lot of characters in this show as not-straight.
Love and Destiny - I only watched 20 episodes of this, but I appreciated they approach the mermaid characters as explicitly trans and had explicit discussions with the mermaid describing her transition, her identity, interacting with her love interest. This show and Bureau of Transformers are the only cdramas I’ve seen explicitly discuss being trans and gender identity. Since the writing clearly has intent, I imagine if you wanted to interpret other areas of the show with a queer lens, you could find things to work with. At the least, this show seemed to be written in an open minded way (like Eternal Love, though I can find less clearly-intended queer characters in this show compared to EL and LaR).
Two Souls in One - I don’t know if anyone will watch this, it had no english subs back when i watched it but i loved it a lot. There’s an explicitly bi main second love interest, there’s a lot of gender shennanigans because its a guy and girl twin sharing one body cause of ‘magic stuff’ that happens since one is in a coma. There’s a pretty clear gay subtext relationship going on between the guy twin and his guy roommate/best friend that includes a scene of said best friend singing a love song to him at a concert. The main girl is publicly pretending to be her twin brother and gets an acting job, so she acts love scenes for the ‘drama the actor is in’ with women, and later when people find out who she’s dating the media freaks out over ‘2 men’ dating. The show includes a character coming out to their mom and the mom supporting them. Its a mix of there being explicitly queer characters, some queer subtext readings put there purposefully, and some things you can just interpret as queer if you want to. Its an oddball and I’m still surprised when I watched it that it was made in China and not Taiwan, because it feels similar in some ways to Taiwan drama Bromance (which also has an explicitly bi lead guy).
Humans - not english subbed completely yet, people are still putting new subs out. While the BBC Humans adaptation is MUCH gayer (a lot of explicit wlw in that show), this show is presented in a way in that you can certainly read multiple characters as queer if you would like to. Although I’d argue its themes itself go into broad human rights issues more (much like Bureau of Transformer and Guardian) which is where this show shines most overtly. That said, this is probably the closest we will get to a Ma Tianyu bl - his character comes off as pretty bi in this, with the main emotional interactions being with a guy (and with his SotTK character in comparison being so solidly shipped with the empress before anyone else). I’d argue one of the robot sisters has Big Bi energy too, even though she’s not flirted with a woman yet (maybe its just cause she’s such a badass the way Faith Lehane, Villainelle, Qin Jiao Man are). Also her romance with a human is very much a metaphor for discriminated against relationship types (So like Bat Boy in Bureau of Transformers, her relationship is the queer relationship allegory). A Ma Tianyu bl amv for this show is what initially got me to watch it (that said its actually solid good sci fi in general). 
Novoland Pearl Eclipse -  I have NOT even seen this show yet, but based on mutual’s reactions too it and the memes I've seen, I’m guessing the main guy has some romantic-esque relationship with both the main girl and the second guy lead emperor/villain guy? And the main girl, I think, pretends to be a man for a while (which if its like Eternal Love could lead to some bi shenanigans). So I’d say if the whole main trio is coming off as bi, this show’s probably got some potential to be interpreted in a queer way. 
Ashes of Love^ - I mention this show with one HUGE caveat. Do I think its interpretable through a queer lens? YES - the lead character should be interpreted as aromantic, one of her friends reads as bi (he also acted in LIMTAW), a girl asks to marry our lead character who people read as a girl, our lead character cares nothing about gender (and to me screams Nonbinary until people push gender role expectations ON to her). Basically there is a TON in the premise and lead character alone that reads as inherently queer. Likewise, plenty of side characters either ARE queer (girl who proposed marriage) or easily interpretable as such. The caveat: this show is AGRESSIVE about pushing heteronormativity, belittling anything queer, pushing traditional gender roles (people telling the lead character she MUST dress femininely and make sure people Interpret her as a woman, people implying women MUST act jealous, the phoenix prince insulting a woman for implying marriage between 2 women as an idea, implying our lead who’s depicted as aro MUST fall in love). And all that is only the first 12-ish episodes. I had to stop watching because I got so frustrated with how much the writing was putting down queer interpretations of the show - queer interpretations IT put in there itself! The show CHOSE to put in a woman liking a woman, a character who liked being identified as a man or woman, a lead who expressed she didn’t feel romance or want it! The show chose to write that! So it was a bit aggravating to see the show then insult such traits over and over. If this show ever got less insulting about it, let me know. But... yeah if you did want to watch with a queer interpretation in mind, wow is it There... its just the writing is hostile about the fact it Is. (Whereas pretty much Every other show on this list is very positive about a queer-possible reading, and at the least does not feel actively-hostile about it).
special mentions - the queer reading is fully intentional:
Love and Redemption - Sifeng says he’s bi explicitly, Xuanji is nonbinary, Qing Long and Bai She have something going on, Bai Lin is bi too (but he is evil ToT), any additional queer lens reading was probably happily made by the writer
Guardian - while Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan are definitely supposed to be romantic in this, there’s also ‘case of the week’ lesbians, no doubt the many human/dixingren romances are parallels to weilan which has something to say about forbidden romance/romances that get discriminated against, so i’d say in general if you read anything as queer in this it definitely works with the story
Bureau of Transformer - both leads are bi, one lead is nonbinary, so that part is explicit. The bat boy falls for a human and its very much treated as a relationship that people are prejudiced against a la interracial relationships and lgbt relationships and the discrimination those deal with, so the narrative clearly is purposely written with a queer interpretation in mind. So if you interpret any other case of the week plots or side characters with a queer interpretation the show probably intended it.
The Untamed - YES Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji is fully intentional. But also? this show was lovely for writing all relationship types with equal weight - brotherhood, friendship, familial - all are depicted as similarly important. This also means though in cases like Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao and Nie Mingjue/Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng/Lan Xichen and Wen Qing/Jiang Yanli there is a LOT of open room to interpret strong/impactful relationships as romantic just as much as you interpret Jin Zixuan/Jiang Yanli as romantic, if you would like to. The show is very open to queer readings of the characters, and also to various kinds of relationship types. 
Word of Honor - Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu is intentional. But the show is ALSO written in a way where a lot more characters come off as queer if you want to interpret them that way - Qian Qiao/Xi Sang Gui, Xie Wang/jerkface-mcEvil, the Prince calling Zhou Zishu his soulmate, Zhou Zishu arguably loved that fellow sect member guy of his and grieved his death MAJOR, a lot of guys in Four Seasons Manor (especially the one disciple who runs into Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu when they’re wearing the masks) arguably Loves Zhou Zishu. You could very easily interpret a lot of these characters as queer, and in many cases its already implied. 
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cto10121 · 3 years
Rule of Wolves, in a nutshell (spoilers):
A good, practical how-to guide on turning two fun side characters into dire awful joyless main characters. It’s easier than you think!
Hello, dear readers, this is your author speaking! Friendly reminder that Evil Darkling Is Evil because [copy paste list of crimes] and he definitely never loved Alina and will say so (like a retconned cartoon villain) and Alina never loved him and will say so (like an OOC author mouthpiece). But don’t worry, he will get a random redemption arc anyway by turning into a tree and if you still stan the Darkling after this, you are an abuse apologist :)
Nikolai quickly forgetting his pursuit for the crown and love for Ravka moments after he got confirmation that he was indeed illegitimate and has decided to fuck off and return to being a side character privateer again. But hey, Zoya is now Power Sue Queen, and Nikolai her unabashed simp so progress!
Nina and Hanne having zero romantic chemistry and development (hell, Nina showed more fire and passion in wanting to kill Matthias’ killer than her fade-to-black sex scene with Hanne) but we have to convince remind the reader that Nina is indeed bi and this author is thirsty for those sweet Gay and NB Representation(tm) woke points
The Crows waving hi and then bye for their contrived pointless cameo
Alina and Mal waving hi then flipping off the Darkling for their contrived, barely relevant cameo
Zoya being Ravkan then retconned as brown half-Suli and then retconned again as white-passing half-Suli when readers with a brain pointed out her description in the trilogy, because again, anything for that POC Representation(tm) woke points
Decent Zoyalai mutual pining, though with an unfortunate copy-paste Kanej dynamics
“The Darkling still being the most interesting character in this mess despite everything including craven authorial interference to make him as OOC as possible and the inherent pointlessness of his return” (reprise, Op. 7 in Bb major, allegro più vivace con grande crescendo)
Goodbye consistent rules for this barely coherent magical system, we hardly knew thee, YEET
Ravka being once again locked in war with Fjerda and Shu Han, the Grisha still being persecuted and forced into horrible supersoldier programs with definite Holocaust imagery, and now there is a random blight that appeared and disappeared until the end of the book. Literally nothing changed and gotten worse. But let us remind the reader again the Darkling was the worst thing for Ravka ever even while lowkey admitting that he was right about some things and his plan would have worked and while he had strong motivations his methods were just too ~extreme~ for the 94377383th time shall we
Nina being a proud Grisha Ravkan still obviously mourning Matthias and still casting shade on Fjerda...content to marry a Fjerdan she has known for months
*insert toy story meme* Retcons, retcons everywhere
Author-approved soap opera fanfiction I guess
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ninasfireescape · 5 years
The ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ review no one asked for
I wanted to enjoy it. I really did.
I was one of the people who didn’t dislike The Last Jedi. Sure, I didn’t love it. When I watched it, I thought it was too long and had made certain characters choices I wasn’t too happy with, but overall it was enjoyable and left me feeling satisfied. It was not as good as The Force Awakens however and hearing JJ Abrams was returning, I thought he might be able to restore the final episode to its former glory.
That indeed seemed like the case for the first hour. The gang were back together, it was quick-paced, I had an emotional investment in what was going on (and it seemed like they were taking the Finnrey route I wanted them too). I couldn’t exactly follow every plot specific but does that really matter in Star Wars when it’s so exciting? The bit on Star Killer base was genuinely inspired, I was laughing away at once again what terrible shots the stormtroopers were and at Hux being the spy. Every scene with Lando in was gold.
It was just after they got to the water planet that things started to go wrong. I’m not sure quite what it was exactly that made it so disappointing from this point onwards. Perhaps the gang splitting up or the rather horrifically done Leia death scene. I know they didn’t really have much choice with what footage they had but having watched each member of the original trio died, this death was devoid of emotion and predictable. And she died to make Kylo Ren hesitate for one moment. What a waste!
Then the pointless force ghosts! Seeing Luke was nice but it felt like he was just there to add clunky explanation since the plot made so little sense at this point. And when Han appeared, I actually laughed. It was so inconsistent with the tone of the film and he appeared all while Kylo Ren was standing in the middle of a stormy sea that he could fall into at any moment, right in the most climactic section of the film, just to have a conversation with the son who killed him! It was the most outrageous example of a fan service cameo that just didn’t assimilate with the rest of the film.
I don’t actually have a problem with Rey Palpatine. If anything, I thought it was really cool she was a Palpatine. I really didn’t want her to be a Skywalker because I felt it would be predictable and repetitive. Her being a Palpatine also sends the message to young viewers that blood relations don’t make a family which I think is very important for children to hear. Honestly, the only problem I have with it is that it means some poor lady had sex with Palpatine. I agree that it was a ridiculous retcon of The Last Jedi but then I didn’t like the reveal about her parents in TLJ anyway because of how it was executed. Another thing that bothers me about it is the utter lack of information we get about Villanelle Rey’s mother. Already we don’t know much about her father other than that he’s Palpatine’s son but with her mother, we get nothing. With Rey having wondered about who her parents were for so long, surely it would make sense for her to want to know more about her mother and maybe even take her surname in place of ‘Palpatine’. I also firmly believe Rey’s mother should have been played by Hayley Atwell because she looks so much like Daisy Ridley. And while Jodie Comer is an amazing actress, I think 1. She deserves a bigger role in the Star Wars franchise and 2. Her casting as Rey’s mother exemplifies Hollywood’s fear of casting older actresses as mothers. A twenty six year old as a mother!?
About Zurii, I always appreciate new female characters in Star Wars and I thought she had a great design. However, it is blatantly clear what her purpose in the film was. It was to stop people calling Poe gay, inserting a female character for one scene (she barely spoke in her other scenes so I’m not counting those) with no backstory of her own, just to prove he is attracted to women. Well, first of all, he can be bi, secondly, that’s not going to stop people shipping Finnpoe at all. I didn’t clock until afterwards when I saw people talking about it online, but it was super problematic to make Poe a former drug dealer. Sure, the only Latino character in this trilogy. Also, it in general complicates the little we know about Poe’s backstory so far.
With Rose, all our worst fears were confirmed. She just wasn’t there. She appeared in a couple of scenes and had some lines but you’d think she was no more than another miscellaneous rebel, no more significant a role than Billie Lourd’s character. Did they really give into the white fanboy pressure? How could they erase Rose when she was such a good character? She was tough and fought strongly for her beliefs, but she was also compassionate, sensitive. Now, I never particularly shipped Finn and Rose in TLJ. I thought it seemed a bit of a rushed romance and Finn didn’t seem that invested in the kiss they shared. However, you can’t just pretend they didn’t kiss in the last film. They interacted a few times but there was no sense of any bond between them. Where there relationship stood was unclear. Were they now a couple or had they had an offscreen conversation where they decided they were better off as friends? Who knows?
And now onto the worst part of the film: Kylo Ren and more specifically that kiss. Gross. Okay, to be clear, I wasn’t entirely opposed to a redemption arc for Kylo Ren. Sure, it would be predictable, but it’s not like Kylo Ren’s crimes are any worse than those of Darth Vader and he was still capable of redemption. I liked Kylo Ren as a villain. He perfectly depicted that type of whiny, entitled white man who we see so commonly in real life, but again, he could have achieved some redemption if it were implemented correctly. What we got in the film was not this. He was still committing genocide at the start and carried out one good deed which was saving the woman he had a crush on. For this one good act, he was entirely forgiven and somehow all of the genocide wasn’t his fault. And he got rewarded with the woman! If anything, I’d call that act selfish since he only wanted to save the woman he liked. Adam Driver did the best he could with it but everything about it was awful. And it was out of character for Rey to kiss him and forgive him. She stabbed him little more than half an hour earlier! At the end of the last film, she slammed a door in his face. It makes no sense to me how she could suddenly be so invested in him becoming a better person. There’s also the fact that wasn’t included in the films that Rey and Kylo Ren are related (aunt and nephew to be exact). I wasn’t aware this was Game of Thrones! And according to Wookiepedia, Rey was 18 at the start of the films and is now 20 whereas Kylo Ren is now 30. A ten year age different would be fine if Rey were older but at this point, the age gap is uncomfortable and very borderline.
If they’re going to make the claim that it wasn’t actually Kylo Ren who was doing the evil deeds but some dark force corrupting him, they should have explained how the mechanism works. At least in the prequels, we got some sense of Anakin slowly being corrupted. To me, it reads like in some horror films when the abusive characters are found to have been possessed by demons or something. It trivializes abuse which is something very real, acting instead as if no abusers can actually be responsible for their actions and it is the cause of some supernatural force instead. I suppose the kiss doesn’t have to mean anything. After all, Leia and Luke kissed in the original trilogy and Finn and Rose kissed and apparently that meant nothing.
I firmly believe the series intended a Finn and Rey romance. Lest we forget The Force Awakens, Finn awkwardly asking Rey if she had a boyfriend. That was clear coding for him having a crush on her. In that film, the two developed such a strong bond, and they have so much more chemistry than Rey and Kylo Ren ever had. All the scenes with Rey and Finn (and Poe) were full of light and emotion. The scene at the end where the three of them hugged was honestly the high point of the film. Now, when I left the cinema, what was plaguing my mind the most was that throughout the film, Finn had a secret he wanted to tell Rey. It was first suggested when they thought they were going to die in the quicksand. “Wait, Rey, I never told you!” It had to be that he loved her. What else could it be? Supposedly, it was that he was force sensitive. I don’t believe that for one second. If he needed to tell her that, why couldn’t Poe be included? And why did he never get the chance to tell her? It was a build-up I got invested in with no payoff. It must have been that he loved her. So, if that was the case, that leaves us with two options. Either there was a Finnrey subplot that got cut but they forgot to cut these scenes out (or simply couldn’t be bothered to), or they thought it would be funny to have the black supposed male lead chasing after the white female lead who didn’t love him back because she was instead in love with the genocidal white villain. I ship Finnrey so much and find the second option so horrific but I wouldn’t put it past the writers. Finn played such a significant role in the first half of the film, as he should since he’s meant to be the male lead in the series, but after that, he was dangerously underutilized. At least the ending where no one ends up with each other is compliant with my headcanon that Rey, Finn and Poe (and I don’t mind Rose being in the mix too) all end up married to each other and adopt a bunch of porgs.
And lastly, the lesbian scene. Pathetic. We don’t know the character names and I can’t even find out who the actresses were that played them. Okay, they kissed which is a pretty big deal (even though kisses apparently mean nothing in Star Wars) and it’s certainly a step forward from the Avengers: Endgame ‘’’’representation’’’’, but it’s still rather useless considering the big deal JJ Abrams made about how there would be representation.
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