#hanzo found peace
lament4piligrim · 7 months
МК1 AU, where Hanzo Hasashi is not rebirthed
After Ahsoka's ending, I cried my eyes out all over and then thought of my AU.
[Hanzo Hasashi] What if Hanzo became a ghost again? But he was no longer seeking revenge, but peace?
It took him a long time to forgive Lin Kuei, yet even longer to forgive himself.
He quietly watched as Liu Kang restarted the timeline. As the universe breathed life, and with it came death. Thousands, millions of lives drifted away through the eons, and Hanzo realized for a moment that being human was much harder and more exciting. As much pain as he saw in the hearts of humans, he also saw boundless happiness.
He learned to rejoice in the little things and to have a deep understanding of those who had stepped on the path of evil. He learned how to curb anger and hatred.
But the hardest part was learning to let go of those he loved more than his own life.
After many more eons, he finally saw them.
Harumi was still as beautiful and majestic as ever. There was a goodness and strength in her soul that Hanzo could not have had in his lifetime. She cared for other people she didn't know in her previous life. But Hanzo couldn't blame these 'children', they weren't the ones who had hatred and dislike for Shirai Ryu. They were the ones who had created it.
Hanzo would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it. If his Kuai Liang had found out that his counterpart was now Scorpion, he would have definitely frozen with shock. If his Harumi found out that she was now married to someone else….. Hanzo didn't know how his beloved would react.
It all seemed unfair.
But on the other hand, if he wasn't with them, maybe they could have the happiness they deserved. They could give Satoshi a long life full of joy and adventure.
A lot had happened since they had defeated Shang Tsung, defeated Havik….. and made peace with Bi-Han. His worst enemy… and his sin. Watching this man who dreamed of becoming Grandmaster of a powerful clan manage to escape the clutches of darkness, avoid his fate of becoming Noob Saibot, was a true blessing. Bi Han was able to suppress his insatiable greed, learned patience and forgiveness, and restored his clan's honor, once again becoming the protector of the Earthrealm with Shirai Ryu.
Kuai Liang regardless of whether he was Sub-Zero or Scorpion, he was still the same Kuai Liang he had once known. Loved. And still does. He was brave and righteous, knew regret and pain, but unlike Hanzo he was able to muffle it all and not follow the path he himself had once walked. Kuai Liang deserved his title, bestowed upon him by the clan for his strength and heart. Just as he deserved to be Shirai Ryu's Grandmaster and, as bitter as it was, to be Harumi's husband. To be Satoshi's father. With him, his family has a chance to live happily ever after.
A chance they wouldn't have if he was with them.
Perhaps it was time for him to let go and forgive himself.
"You will not show yourself to them, my dear friend?" "They don't need to." "They miss you."
Liu Kang never lied. Not to friends, not to enemies.
The very thought that his loved ones, even without knowing much about him, still missed him warmed his dead heart.
"My place is in the old world, amidst the agony and pain we endured. I will keep them until my time comes." "When they remember, they will be miserable, Hanzo. They will look for you, all of them." "Then I entrust them to you, my friend. You will do the right thing." "That is cruel. But I respect your choice. Farewell, Hanzo Hasashi."
The two once allies bowed to each other.
Hanzo took one last look at the happy faces of his loved ones and disappeared with the falling fire petals of the Fire Garden.
He was at peace at last.
P.S. I'm crying Anakin is so😭
P.S.2 Now I need a fullstory for this AU, but I don't think I could handle this(
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
hi i just watched another one of the mortal kombat movies! that was great
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
I had this idea based on Tomas's intro with Ashra about having nightmares about demons, that Tomas would have nightmares on the enenra but the nightmares would also include the reader getting hurt and fearing for her safety that something might happen to her, Tomas would keep his distance and avoid the reader as much as he can to try to keep her safe even going far as talking to other female warriors to make the reader think he has no interest in her which would leave her confused and heartbroken where she struggles with training and shuts down a lot leaving Hanzo, Kaui Liang and Harumi worried about the reader enough to send her to Wu She Academy.
Kuai Liang finally gets answers from Tomas and sends him to the academy to have Liu Kang help Tomas with his issue. Upon arrival, the reader does everything she can to avoid Tomas who feels extremely guilty, chases her down until they are in a room alone together and he breaks down to the reader.
The Pain You Made Me Face
Yip notes: It appears that we don’t want peace WE WANT PROBLEMS
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: Angst
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“The worst are the Enenra,” that’s what Ashrah told Tomas once. He found her words to be true.
For many nights he has experienced the horrors of demons that were made of pure smoke and darkness. Malevolent beings that only the purest of hearts could witness. Yet they decide to infect his dreams with their retched forms.
With mouths as their heads and claws for hands, they’ve come to cause harm to the one he loves the most. You.
A low, continuous groan is let out. There is a slight wheeze to it like the body it’s coming from has little to no air left. Tomas’ eyes turn to look for the source of the pained noise. His eyes land on your body as you lie on the ground.
He doesn’t want to believe it’s you but it seems too real. The cuts on your back are as fresh as could be. Your clothes were sunken into cut flesh. It looked like a ravenous beast ambushed you. Tomas wanted to run to you and help you, he needed to know who attacked you. The moment he took a step towards you a figure manifested behind you. A hunchbacked monster stood above your body. Its body waved like smoke off of a flame.
The Enenra started to shift and change its body. It slowly morphed into a more human shape. Tomas was frozen in place, forced to watch the Enenra become something else. It was changing itself to look like Tomas.
It was the shape of Tomas, but it was not him. Its body was still made of black smoke. Its hand reached down and grabbed hold of your hair. You didn’t make a sound. You were too tired to make a sound. You’re not gonna survive through this. Their other hand came around and showed that it was holding Tomas’ karambit. It gripped it tightly like there was rage involved. The hand lifted with the intent to strike your head with the sharp blade.
“NO!” Tomas yelled as he ran towards you.
The hand swung down with the point being inches away from your frontal lobe.
And just like that Tomas was back in his bed. His body broke out in a cold sweat. His heart slammed against his chest before realizing that it was just another nightmare. A nightmare that is always the same. Visions of demons that come to attack you. This was the worst of them all. Morphing into him was a foul move. Yet it got him badly.
Tomas has been theorizing that his nightmares were bad omens. They were signs that something bad would happen to you. Why else would you be involved?
But this one really struck a nerve in him. He took a moment to think about what this nightmare meant. The Enenra became him before striking you. Could that mean that…he will hurt you? His heart dropped the second he thought of that conclusion. Even if it won’t be him that hurts you he feels like this demon will harm you because of him. He doesn’t want any harm to come to you. He’d never forgive himself.
This concern has been building up for so long and that last nightmare was the nail in the coffin. He loves you. You’re the one person who he finds solace in. When he’s with you he feels safe. The moment he sees you, the nightmare flashes in his head before he remembers it’s just a dream. You’re alive and well right in front of his eyes. And you look as beautiful as ever.
But he doesn’t want to sit around and wait for something bad to happen. He doesn’t want to wake up one day and find that you are no longer alive. A shiver ran up his spine just thinking about finding you the same way he sees you in his dreams. It’s sickening.
He had to make a choice. Continue spending time with you and risking your death, or distance himself and save you from a painful demise. He preferred the second option.
It’s been nearly a month since Tomas started ignoring you. At first, you thought he was just tired from hunting down Bi-Han and dealing with restless sleep. He told you at some point that he was having nightmares constantly. He never went into specifics of what they were about, he just said they were nightmares. You reassured him that they were probably due to stress.
But no matter how hard you tried to make him relax he always experienced nightmares. You did everything you could, made him food, cheered him on during training, helped out with Hanzo, and much more. It did nothing to ease the tension inside of him. What did that leave you with?
Nothing. You had nothing. Not a thank you or a question if you could do something specific for him. All you got was him ignoring you.
You saw he wasn’t eating your cooking. Alright, maybe he wasn’t craving the dish you made. But then he started training by himself. The moment you’d walk up to him he’d say he just finished and walk off. He always seemed to be in a hurry to leave, like he wanted to get away from you immediately. It broke your heart when Hanzo started talking about how weird Tomas was when it came to you. When you asked what he meant he laid it all out.
“He won’t allow me to practice with you. When I’ve asked why, he says I can but he won’t stick around for it. And when I asked if he could bring you over so you could rewrap my wounds he told me to find you myself. That was rude.” Hanzo let out a huff since he was irritated by his mentor’s aggression.
You immediately reacted to that news. You felt your heart squeeze, it physically hurt.
“O-oh well…let’s deal with your bandages first.” You said softly.
Hanzo could see that you were trying to hold yourself together. You gave him a weak smile to reassure him that things were fine. But the sadness in your eyes says otherwise. He’s not dumb, he understands that something is wrong. Though he can see that you are just as clueless as him. He doesn’t say anything else for the remainder of the time.
Later that day you decided to confront Tomas on his behavior. You needed to know what was going on with him. Was he stressed? Did you say something? Was there an unknown reason? You had to find out. When you found him you were surprised by what he was doing.
He was surrounded by some of the female members. They were acting like lovesick teens who were talking to their crush at school. You could hear what they were saying to him.
“I wish you talked to us earlier, you’re so nice.” “Do you think you can help me practice later? I could really use your help.” “Damn, you’re really strong. I bet you could pick me up.” “You seem cuter up close.”
What is going on? Since when did he become a womanizer?
Your heart shattered the moment you realized what he was doing. He wanted you to see this. He wanted you to hear everything they were saying. How do you know? He was looking at you. Tomas was occasional glancing at you. He knew you were there. And yet he wasn’t giving you the time of day. He was smiling at these girls as they praised and flirted with him.
All went numb. You barely felt your heart pumping. The noises around you became dull as you turned around and walked away. With your back towards Tomas, you missed as his eyes lost any hint of happiness in them. When you were out of sight he excused himself from the girls and walked away. There, it was done. Maybe now you’ll keep your distance.
You did just that. You kept your distance…from everyone. That wasn’t his plan.
You were so confused and heartbroken by Tomas’ actions. You felt like you were being led on this whole time. He was playing with your heart, pulling at the heartstrings before cutting them in one fell swoop. You are left with the remnants of your heart. You tried to put it back together and continue living but it was harder than you could imagine. Everyone could see how you struggled except Tomas.
Hanzo already knew you were in a tough place. He went to check on you the day after he spoke with you, only to hear you crying in your room. He felt in his gut that something bad happened. He’s not good at dealing with other’s emotions, he can’t even control his own, so he walked off. He tried getting your mind off whatever happened by asking you two to train together but that fell flat. He would ask if you could teach him something you’ve been wanting to teach him, only for you to forget what that move was. When you two tried to spar, your arms were in a weak position. It was like you forgot how to fight. Hanzo knew that it was really bad then. He told Kuai Liang about your situation since he could only do so much.
Kuai Liang thought it would be good if Harumi checked in first. It might be a woman issue. One day she came knocking at your door and asking if she could come in. You let out an unenthusiastic ‘sure” and she came in. She thought bringing you some mixed fruits would make you feel better. A fresh bowl of your favorite fruits, how could you say no?
She sat with you and slowly tried to work her way into the issue. She would ask how you’ve been feeling and how training was going. You’d start talking but then just stop. Harumi thought you were trying to think but then you would tell her you forgot what you were about to say. You did the same with the fruit. You would start taking bites then suddenly stop. It’s like you were repulsed by it and would put the half-bitten honeydew back into the bowl. Then a minute later you’d go back to eating. There was certainly a disruption in your mind to be causing these pauses.
Harumi made the mistake of saying something about Tomas. She never knew there was a problem between you two.
“Did you want me to bring Tomas here? I know he makes you feel better.” She gave you a warm smile, thinking that was the right move.
She grew worried once she saw your lips quiver before you bit your bottom lip. You swallowed hard; she could see it was difficult for you to do that. You looked like you were in pain from doing that.
“I’m…feeling tired. I think I should take a nap.”
You didn’t give Harumi time to respond to that. You lay down and curled up. She took the bowl of fruit and said okay. All the progress she made was trashed the moment she talked about Tomas. It did give her an idea that it was him that was troubling you. She said goodbye and to rest well. The moment she closed the door you felt tears slip down your face.
Harumi informed Kuai Liang of everything. Now he believes this is more of a him issue since it’s his brother. He gave you time to nap, or cry actually, and he would talk to you the next day.
The next day rolled around and he saw you wandering around outside. Your movements seemed as sluggish as a zombie’s. You were clearly not okay. He went up to you and walked by your side. He didn’t say anything for a minute, he waited to see if you wanted to speak first. But since you didn’t he would say something.
“I have heard from others that you have not been yourself recently. Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked in a firm but warm tone.
“…no, I’m fine, just tired.”
“Is that so? Are you sure it has nothing to do with Tomas?” he asked bluntly.
You stopped in your tracks. Your body shook as the tears came rolling out. Your loud cries told Kuai Liang how upset you were. He pulled you into a warm embrace in an effort to comfort you. He hears you ask why continuously. There was more that you wanted to say but your tears choked you up. Kuai Liang guided you to a nearby bench to sit on.
He waited for you to calm down so he could ask what the problem was. For a good five minutes, you were unable to say much. You’d cough and stop breathing for a second every time you wanted to say something. You collected yourself eventually and you spilled everything. You talked about Tomas’ distance and how he’s purposely doing it. You saw it with your own eyes and you don’t know what you could have done to deserve this.
Kuai Liang was shocked to hear that his brother was doing all that. He knew how crazy Tomas was about you. He knew he was planning to ask you out eventually. Why would he switch up like this? No one said this grandmaster mess would be easy.
This was a messy situation and he had to organize it. He knew keeping you with the Shirai Ryu would do no good. Having Tomas close by and having people continuously ask you what’s wrong won’t help. He would have to sadly send you away. But he knows a place that will openly accept you.
“I want you to listen to me. I want you to go to the Shaolin at the Wu Shi Academy. They will help with this heartache. I will figure out the problem. But you cannot continue going on in this state. I want you to feel better. Once you are better, you will be with the Shirai Ryu again.”
You listened to Kuai Liang and what he suggested. You knew he wasn’t kicking you out. He only wants you to heal. To heal, you must separate yourself from the situation. The Shaolin will definitely help with that.
You accepted his proposal. He said he would send you off in the morning and told you to pack your essentials. You got up and started packing for your healing journey.
A few days passed since you went to the Wu Shi. That information stayed between Kuai Liang, Harumi, and Hanzo. Only they knew where you were. Word spreads fast however and soon lots of people realized you were missing. That word got to Tomas. His heart stopped the moment he found out you with MIA. His thoughts were interrupted when Kuai Liang asked to speak with him.
Kuai Liang took him to his office to speak in private. The moment the door closed Tomas was quick to ask if he knew where you were.
“Kuai Liang, I’ve been hearing from others that they haven’t seen-“
“Yes, I know. She is fine. I know where she is.” He responded bluntly.
Tomas let out a sigh of relief knowing that you were still alive. Worry set in again once he saw the disappointed look in Kuai Liang’s eyes.
“The reason I had to send her away,” Kuai Liang hesitated to say the last part, “…was because of you.”
“What?! Me? I know I wanted to distance myself from her but I didn’t mean for her to leave the clan.”
“So you admit that you did it on purpose? What is the matter with you? I thought you loved her. You do not drive people that you love away. So tell me, why did you do it?” Kuai Liang’s harsh tone got to Tomas. It made him feel like the bad guy when all he wanted to do was keep you safe.
He gave in. He told his brother the truth. He explained the dreams about the Enenra and how you always got hurt. He explained how traumatic the last one seemed to him and it was his breaking point. He felt like he would be the cause of your pain or even your death. He could never live with himself if he saw the signs and did nothing about it.
Kuai Liang saw how erratic Tomas was acting. The guilt and fear were eating the man alive. He found Tomas’ actions to be idiotic but he knew he would make a mistake himself if he were in the same situation. If this Enenra issue was truly a cause for concern he would have to fix it immediately. He can’t help his brother but maybe Liu Kang could. He’s a god, why wouldn’t he deal with demons?
“Tomas, you need to fix this, all of this. Go to Liu Kang to see if he can help you. If not, the Wu Shi could definitely do something for you. While you are there, I want you to apologize for what you have done.” He left it at that.
Tomas was a bit confused by the last part but he understood that he needed help for this. He agreed to leave in the morning to see Liu Kang at the Wu Shi Academy. After that, he will make everything right with you. That’s if he can fix your broken heart.
Tomas was at the academy by the next day. He urgently asked to see Liu Kang but the monks informed him that Liu Kang was in Outworld right now. They told him he would return in a few days. They let him know he could stay in a spare room until Liu Kang returned since they could see Tomas was a mess. He was in desperate need of the fire god.
He settled down quickly and thought about finding Kung Lao and Raiden to catch up with them. When he went around looking for them he was surprised to see a familiar face. It was you. You were with Kung Lao and Raiden. You were sparing with Kung Lao who was going easy on you since you were still recovering. What Kuai Liang said before now made sense to Tomas. He needed to apologize to you. He walked up to you which stopped Kung Lao in his tracks. You were confused until you turned around to see the man who broke your heart. Your expression turned sour quickly.
“Hey…” He said softly.
“Hey…I gotta go.” Without letting him speak you walked away from him. It didn’t matter if you weren’t finished with your fight, you needed to leave.
You left Tomas stunned as Kung Lao gave him a disapproving nod. He would be experiencing that until Liu Kang returned.
Tomas wanted to apologize for his actions. He wanted to say he was sorry for hurting you and explain why he did it. He knows his fears are not an excuse, but you still deserve to know the reason. But every attempt was a failure. You treated him like he treated you.
You walked away and acted like you had somewhere to be. You spent your time around Raiden and Kung Lao, almost using them as bodyguards. You would meditate for hours with the other monks to prevent Tomas from disturbing you. You pulled a reverse on him.
Every failure made his heart hurt. He sees that what he did was stupid and did more harm than good. He learned his lesson and he wants to beg you to give him a chance. The guilt inside of him will drive him insane. Even if Liu Kang helps him with his Enenra problem the guilt will stay with him forever. He’s made everything worse by being a fool.
It got to the point that Raiden and Kung Lao had to confront him. Raiden was more passive while Kung Lao was giving him a mean eye. They told him to back off. They said they knew what happened and don’t think it’s a good idea to make amends now. Tomas begged them to help him out. He explained everything and Raiden actually grew concerned about the Enenra problem.
Although they understood, they told him they couldn’t force you to accept an apology right now. They will be easier on him but they won’t force you to do anything. Tomas was still on his own in this situation.
It would still be another day till Liu Kang returned. If Tomas is gonna make it up to you he has to do it now. He had patience and waited for nighttime. You’d be pretty tired by the point so it’d be easier to catch you. The moment he saw you walking into the building you were staying in he followed you.
You didn’t see Tomas once and you thought he took the hint to leave you be. But when you went to close the door to your room it was stopped by someone. You looked back to see Tomas who did not look like the same man you loved before. His eyes were tired like he hadn’t slept for days. There was no sparkle to them. It’s just a void of guilt left behind. For a second you wanted to forget the pain he put you through and hug him. But to deny what happened won’t fix anything. He has to live with the consequences of his actions.
“Please, I know you are mad at me but I want to make this right. I’m sorry.”
“Sorry is not gonna cut it. Just leave me alone already.” You tried pushing the door but he was much stronger than you. He pushed his way in and shut the door behind him.
“I know it won’t but I’ll make it up to you. I never meant to hurt you I swear. I just wanted to keep you safe.”
“Safe? From what exactly? You’re not making any sense!”
“I’ll explain everything if you give me a chance! Just please believe me when I say I never meant to harm you.” His voice cracked as he struggled to keep himself together.
Your eyes widened after hearing him speak. His eyes grew wet and soon you heard him take deep, shaky breaths. Tomas ran up to you and hugged you tight. He hugged you as if he were to lose you again. He let out all of his emotions. Tears streamed down his face and droplets fell onto your back.
“I’m…so sorry. You’re the best thing…that’s ever happened to me. I’m an idiot for driving away the woman I love.”
Your arms slowly went up as you decided to hug him back. It was by instinct; your mind was more occupied with what he was saying.
“I just couldn’t imagine finding you dead one day…because of me. I saw it happen so many times I couldn’t take it anymore!”
“Tomas!” You had to yell to get his attention, “You’re still not making any sense. Breathe, we’re gonna figure this out right now.”
You pulled away from him so you could guide him to your bed. You had him lie with you. You waited for him to calm down and gather his thoughts to tell you why he was acting up. Once he did, he explained the whole situation. The nightmares, the Enenra, your death, and the mimic. He told you how scared he would be in his dreams and when he’d wake up. He talked about how he thought it was a bad omen that would eventually happen and it would be his fault for not doing anything.
“Tomas…why didn’t you tell me from the start?”
“I didn’t want to scare you. I was scared myself.” His eyes shifted down as he struggled to look into your eyes after saying that.
You took hold of his head and forced him to look at you, “Even if I was scared, I’d know you would never hurt me. I would have done everything to help you figure out what was wrong. I love you too much to let you go through this alone.”
Your vision blurred as the tears came up again. It’s fine, Tomas has the same blurred vision since he’s about to cry as well. You brought his head closer to yours and gave him a gentle kiss. It was a kiss that told him that everything would be alright and you loved him.
He brought you close to him and held you in his arms. He wanted to have you close after distancing himself for so long. He wanted to smell your scent and have his fingers play with your hair. He wanted you.
Emotions are quite draining. It sure made you two sleepy. The tears died down and the only emotions left were relief and love. You held each other and slowly fell asleep. Your once weakened bond was now strengthened.
That was the first night Tomas had no nightmares.
Morning came and Tomas told you that he had to see Liu Kang immediately. He let you know that he wanted to ask the god for help. You two walked hand in hand to find Liu Kang to sort out this situation.
The fire god was surprised to see you two here. He immediately knew something was wrong when he looked at Tomas’ tired expression. Once again he went over the whole Enenra problem which Liu Kang took seriously. He asked Ashrah for help to deal with this pesky demon. The duo got to work as you stayed by Tomas’ side.
For hours they tried to figure out where this all was coming from. And although there was an Enenra messing with Tomas’ mind, that’s all it did. It could do nothing else to him. It was only there to weaken him into an unhealthy state. It wanted to gain a hold of his physical form. Seeking out Liu Kang was the right decision since the task became unworthy to the demon.
So in the end, the Enenra failed. Those nightmares were purely nightmares.
“See, told you they were just dreams.” You said.
“No need to rub it in.”
Yap notes: So when I first started writing this I was watching As Above, So Below cause I'm a sucker for Dante's Inferno stuff. Tell me why they threw a smoke bomb in the movie. Where do you just casually get one? It was in France so things could be a little unorganized. Also I'm too emotional sometimes. I want to sleep now. Adiós!
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Hear me out this. Hanzo falls in love with a woman who's in the Lin Kuei.
(You can make it as horny as your brain wants)
Oooooooh our resident spicy boy!
Fire & Ice
Hanzo Hasashi x Fem!Lin Kuei!Reader)
TW/CW: NSFW, Smut, Sexual tension, pining, opposites attract, slight spanking (briefly) unprotected sex, bath sex, PiV sex, temperature play(?) wee bit of Kanon fudging
A/N: Hanzo is just MMMMF also Raiden is Light Aligned here for a wee bit of context
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It all started during one of the first peace talks after the budding brotherhood of your Grandmaster, Kuai Liang (AKA Sub-Zero) and the Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu.
Once the cease-fire between the clans was initiated, it was met with mixed results. The original Shirai Ryu were annihilated (including Hanzo's wife and child) by the forces of the previous Grandmaster, Bi-Han (whom everyone later discovered was actually the evil sorcerer Quan-Chi in disguise).
However it came to light that the initial fires of hatred that were lit were orchestrated by the Grandmaster before Bi-Han himself; before Bi-Han became the void-creature known as Noob Saibot, before Cyrax and Sektor were "cyberized".
All of course, with Quan-Chi's aid...
But when Kuai Liang and Hanzo Hasashi buried old prejudices and hatreds and pursued an avenue of peace and allyship, they proposed training scenarios between the ninjas.
You were one of Sub-Zero's top members. Your flexibility and cryomancy a deadly and graceful combination.
Naturally, at some point you found yourself pitted against your complete elemental opposite, Scorpion.
Not only was he your elemental opposite, he was vastly more skilled than you. Having spent years as a revenant under the control of Quan-Chi, training others in the way of the Shirai Ryu, working with Lord Raiden... Yeah. You were a child compared to his prowess.
But you however, did get some ideas for your own weaponry from him. Instead of a normal kunai attached to a chain, you settled for a chain with blunt ends, allowing your cryomancy to shape various weapons at the ends. After all, they'd been useful for making things like spears, scythes and various others in the past...
And to say the man was floored when you used his own techniques against him--and mastering them with your own twists while you were at it--was an understatement.
It became rather normal for Hanzo to seek you out for sparring sessions, seeking to experiment with your respective powers you both created various attacks and techniques to better battle one another.
However it was during one of your sessions, where you were to be chased and he the hunter, that the two of you finally figured out that what was between the two of you was more than camaraderie, more than diplomatic friendship.
Hanzo himself realized a lot sooner than you did. The warmth in his heart (and not from his flame) and the increased rate of beats when you were around, how his thoughts would drift back to you when it was quiet, when he would pace the Fire Gardens...
It was a feeling he hasn't felt since Harumi.
He was hesitant to bring it to your attention, for fear of a repeat performance of some cruel twist of fate robbing him of the one he loved once again.
He couldn't dare hope one as vibrant and beautiful as you could feel the same.
Until that night, when he had you pinned to the tree, breathing hard from the chase.
He barely had a moment to realize how close he was to you before masks were torn from faces by your hand and lips met lips in a kiss balanced in his hot and your cold; a kiss so passionate steam wafted as your mouths parted.
It was under the snow-heavy branches of that tree where your hands first explored each other. Not in heated sexual passion, but with the desire to map out every detail you could, so when the two of you parted ways again you would always be able to mentally trace those lines, commit them to memory like a well-read book.
Kuai Liang had suspicions of a budding relationship between the two of you. If anything, you had to wager that he probably knew your true feelings for one another even before the two of you figured it out for yourselves; but he wouldn't bring it forth. He knew you two needed to figure it out at your own pace.
After all, his friend was still nursing a broken heart from the loss of his wife and child. But he knew this was still good for him, for the two of you, for both clans.
Hanzo Hasashi had finally fallen in love again.
Your first real "intimate" moment with Hanzo was when you showed him to the hot springs in the mountains. Heat, ice and snow all together in a blissful harmonious oasis.
Not unlike your love for one another, a peaceful respite in tumultuous times.
"This is... Beautiful." Hanzo said, his breath coming out of him in a cloud that swirled with the snowflakes. "But won't it still be too cold to bathe?"
You chuckled and pulled off your mask. Shaking your hair free of icy flakes. "Well, Hanzo, that's why the goal is to stay in the water. Where it's warm."
He blew out a chuckle and shook his head. "Obviously." He turned and looked around, the red leaves of the maple trees surrounding you casting a beautiful scattering of color among the white and gray.
"But it--"
His voice died in his throat as he watched you strip your uniform from your body.
You held no shame, clearly, as you stripped bare in front of him, your wonderous body on full display for his longing, hungry eyes.
You took pride in your athletic frame, muscles and soft curves in all the right places, your body a gorgeous shell for the violence you were capable of committing.
His dark eyes met yours, a twinkle dancing in their depths as your smile reached your ears. You beckon him towards you, your fingers curling in a silent request for him to come closer.
It is a silent request his body obeys before he realizes he's even moving, his blood rushing in his ears.
When your fingers wrapped around his tabards you begin undoing each bit of his ornamentation slowly, peeling it off of him like a juicy piece of fruit you couldn't wait to take a bite out of.
Maybe you would... later.
Once he was naked, you gave him enough dignity to spare looking between his legs, knowing he wouldn't be ready for you to look at him there just yet, you felt like he would set the very air ablaze; each snowflake that landed on his body melted with a soft hiss as it came into contact with his skin.
At first you were concerned that maybe he was too hot, that the spring might make him sick with the extra heat added to his body; but as you sank into the water, he didn't seem bothered in the slightest. In fact, his eyes continued to take your form as he thought you weren't looking.
Every scar told a story, and he wanted to hear them all, wanted to hear a symphony of your voices together as you breathed your love into one another s lungs as you shared scorching kisses.
You could have sat next to him. You could have.
But you didn't. As shameless as you were, you sank down in front of him between his parted knees, slowly, a soft noise escaping you as the water crept up your cold body and you pressed your back against his chest.
You pretended not to hear the sharp inhale of breath as his raging erection pressed firmly against your back, the heat from it almost hotter than the water you were reclining in.
You hummed softly as he slipped his arms around you, pressing a hot, damp kiss to your icy shoulder.
You'd swear he could probably leave burns with those lips of his.
"Hmm... How did your meeting with Lord Raiden go, Hanzo?" You ask him, sliding your hands up his thighs and to his knees, feeling the knotted muscles tighten and flex beneath your touch.
"Ah..." He said, his voice tight in an effort to control himself.
"It... Went well. Young Takeda was there, it was good to see him again."
"How is Takeda doing?"
"He's spending more time with his father, and I believe he and Jacqui Briggs are officially a couple." Hanzo chuckled.
"That's good, they're a nice match." You sigh, relaxing into him more, maybe, just slightly intentionally grinding your ass against his cock.
His arms tighten around you and he leans in, his lips at the shell of your ear.
"You're playing a dangerous game, my lotus." He growls.
"You know me... I live for danger." You purr, grinding against him once more.
He groaned in your ear and rolled his hips to meet yours.
"I have to ask..." Hanzo said, one of his rough and calloused hands rising to give your ribs a feathery touch.
"I'm experienced, don't worry." You assure him playfully.
Was that... disappointment you heard in his voice?
"Awww..." You reach back and comb through his ebony locks. "Hanzo... Are you sad you're not my first?"
"No..." He lied. "I'm merely content to know this will be fully enjoyable for you, then."
You gladly take a mental note and stow that information away for a later scenario you wanted to play out with him...
You turn your head slightly and capture his mouth in an awkwardly-angled kiss, teeth and tongues grazing, nipping, and twining together in a passionate affair.
You lift your hips enough in the water so the head of his cock is squished between your thighs. You roll yourself against him, letting his cock stroke between your legs as you flex your muscles, gripping him as tight as possible.
"Agh... You truly live for danger, hm?" Hanzo groaned hotly in your ear. His hands kneaded your breasts, his fingers heating up as he pulled and twisted your nipples in time with the lazy rolling of your hips.
"Hanzo..." You keened softly.
"You need to stop." Hanzo said, gripping your hips, effectively stilling you.
You pout in protest, and look at him over your shoulder, waiting for an explanation.
Hanzo's tongue darts out to lick at a bead of water that rolls down your shoulder, and nips at the skin, there.
"When I finish, I want it to be inside you." He growled against your skin.
His voice and the way he was touching you sent a jolt of excitement racing up your spine.
"Yes." You breathe, your heart beginning to flutter in your chest like a flighty bird.
"Do you want me, my lotus?" Hanzo asked you. "Do you want me inside you?"
"By the Elder Gods, yes." You reply, your voice shaky but certain.
Hanzo quickly helped you up, turning you around so your breasts were squished against the rocks below you, your hands balling in the snow, ice creeping out from beneath your fingertips.
You eagerly spread your legs for him, water rolling off your body as his searing grip kneaded and squished the flesh of your ass, spreading your cheeks as his chest heaved while his eyes drank in your swollen and waiting sex and prone form.
"Hanzo, please?" You pant, pushing back into his grip.
His cock twitched at the sight of you, at the feel of your icy skin in his hands. Any normal person would be a shivering mess, being practically face down in the snow. But not you. You were Lin Kuei, a cryomancer.
His little ice lotus.
He gripped the base of his cock and took his time lining up, a small smile crinkling the corners of his eyes as you squirm impatiently.
He wasn't sure why, but something told him to raise his hand and slap your ass in a reprimand.
The squeak you made at first gave him the impression that he'd seriously hurt you, but when he noticed how demure you became, he chuckled softly.
"Behave, lotus. You must learn patience. It is a ninja's greatest asset." He said, his chest tightening as the tip of his cock slipped through your wet folds, the walls of your pussy gripping him in a greedy vice.
"Please, Hanzo..." You cried softly, trying to sink yourself deeper against him to sheathe his cock fully in the waiting velvet of your body.
Hanzo's hands prevented that, and it frustrated you, but your complaint died before it could form as he slowly eased himself inside, inch by torturous inch, until the tip of his cock just barely kissed your cervix.
He certainly had girth and length that was definitely going to make you see stars, tonight... His size complemented the roped muscles all throughout his body.
You make a deep, throaty moan as his weight settles into you, your muscles squeezing him down, trying to pull him deeper.
You feel the short coarse hairs that reached his navel brush the skin of your ass as he brought his hips firmly against yours.
He leaned in, kissing up your back and over your shoulder until his mouth was at your ear.
"How do you want me, love?"
"Fuck me hard. Please?"
He kissed your shoulder, biting down and sucking the skin, marking you as he pulled out and slammed his hips back in.
Your cries shook birds from the trees, the sensation of his balls slapping against your clit sending shivers up your spine, the pressure of his cock pounding you and pressing against that one divine spot within you, each drag of the vein running up his length driving you further and further into madness.
No other man you'd ever been with had been so precise or skilled in the art of sex.
Your previous partners were paltry compared to the sharp, angled thrust of Hanzo's hips, his cock cramming into you at such a harsh and heavy rate that you swore you were going to cum at any second, gushing around him, leaving a nice creamy ring at the base of his dick as he fucks into you like a man possessed.
He grips your shoulders and pulls you up against him, so your back is pressed against his chest.
His hands rise to your breasts, his fingertips almost glowing as he pinches your nipples, the soft mounds bouncing and jiggling in his hands with each upward thrust of his hips into yours.
"Hanzo!" You cried out, tossing your head back with a wail of ecstasy, your vision going cross as he brings one of his searing hands to your clit, rolling vigorously, the heat feeling like it set every nerve in your body alight with fire.
"Come for me." He softly commands.
And just like that, your body obeys him, clamping down, squeezing him, trying to mold yourself around him; commit his shape and size to memory so he and only he could ever fuck and satisfy you ever again.
He hisses out a breath, steam rising in waves off his body as he fucks up into you again, riding out your orgasm as he rapidly approaches his own.
Hanzo eases you back down, his hand sliding up your sweaty, chilly spine as he tips his head back, his lips parting in a moan as he cums, jerky thrusts and loud whimpers from you as his boiling hot load paints your insides a nice, pearly white, threatening to burn a hole right through you.
He lazily fucks you, some of his spend leaking out around him and dripping down your thighs as he rides out the blinding high that took over every range of his senses.
Once the two of you regain your breathing, he keeps you firmly seated on his cock as you both sink back into the water, relaxing as the heat soaks through your chilled core while Hanzo gently pours palm fulls of water on your skin, massaging your shoulders.
"Mmmh..." You sigh, relaxing against him as he kisses the top of your damp head.
"You seem content." He chuckled.
"Hanzo, I'm pretty sure you're going to have to carry me back home." You laugh. "Had I known what kind of weapon you were packing, I would have been just slightly more hesitant..."
"Only slightly, hm?"
"Just a bit." You murmur, kissing the knuckles of one of his hands.
Hanzo grins and plants a kiss over the bruise he'd left on your skin.
"You will get used to it, my lotus."
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unwishablestars · 7 months
Hi I’m not sure if you take this type of requests and if you don’t you can just ignore it. Could you do Cassidy, Hanzo, Genji, Lifewaever and Mauga (not sure if you writ for him) comforting their s/o after they got rescued from being kidnapped. Can you also add that the s/o was pregnant but had a miscarriage due to the kidnapping? If you don’t want to add the last bit that’s fine.
Thank you. 😊
I failed
Pair(s): Cassidy x Pregnant!Reader | Hanzo x Pregnant!Reader | Genji x Pregnant!Reader | Lifeweaver x Pregnant!Reader
Genre: Angst , Hurt/Comfort (little comfort ngl)
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags: Headcanons, Angst, Miscarriage, Multi-Character, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TWs: Miscarriage, Kidnapping, Angst, Mildly-described violence
Summary: Cassidy/Hanzo/Genji/Lifeweaver's partner get kidnapped while pregnant leading to reader's miscarriage.
A/N: HIIIII ANONNNN!!! Thank you so much for your request!<3 I'm really sorry about the delay since life got in the way a bit :( And sorry I don't write for Mauga cuz idk how yet--- fresh hero ykyk</3 I hope you like this though!! Sorry for the delay again :(
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Even before joining overwatch Cassidy was already a pretty wanted man due to him being part of the dead lock gang
And it never really changed when he joined overwatch
Though this time he wasn't a criminal but he was still in a dangerous field, but you always loved him because you've seen him in all the ways he loves you.
He was swooned when he met you.
One cheesy love story later, BOOM, you're preggers.
Whether you were a civilian or an agent, Cassidy WILL NOT let you get involved with his work while pregnant.
So he was absolutely distraught when he couldn't find you in you're shared home.
He walks through the door calling out for your name, ready to pamper you for the night, only to get no response.
Suddenly, he sees the signs of struggle. Knocked over furniture, thrown books, and just a general mess of your home
He is frantic.
Starts yelling your name, running around the house trying to look for you. "..Fuck..FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK"
After a few hours, they eventually locate you. They waste no time at all.
The plan was simple, (maybe even too simple), just get you out of there. Unharmed.
Cole, with worry and adrenaline as strong as ever, finds you tied to a chair. Crying, distraught, and bleeding.
Now you lay on the base's medic bay, face showing numbness as you learned the news of your baby.
Everyone had left after attempting to comfort you. All except for you lover.
He held your hand as he felt a familiar pain of loss, holding back tears, he just wanted to make sure you knew you weren't alone. And that he is so sorry.
"Darlin.. fuck.. I'm so sorry.. I was supposed to protect you. Our child.. it's my-- I'm so fucking sorry, love. Please.. please don't hate me."
Of course you didn't hate him. But too exhausted to speak, you brought his hand up to your cheek and weakly said "Just.. stay.."
"Darlin.. I will never leave your side."
Hanzo has been hiding in the shadows and constantly on the run for years. Alone. Until you, of course.
You offered to give him a place to stay after seeing him about to doze off sitting on a bench in the park
"No, it's fine. I'm just resting." He was literally about to pass out--
He had eventually opened up to you after much persistence and kindness, and grew incredibly fond of you.
To him, you brought him peace.
For a while, he tried to lessen contact with you as to avoid any conflicts with the people searching for him.
But he was conflicted when he found out you were pregnant. He did not want to leave your side but he also did not want to endanger you, especially in this state.
After some reassurance, he agreed to stay and take care of you.
He had hoped he would lay low enough that not only would he have to worry about your safety but also be able to be a present father to his child.
But when he came to your shared home and the door wide open, he fuckin lost it.
Frantically looking for you in your home, swearing all sorts in his home tongue didn't solve the issue.
He couldn't find you but he did find an envelope containing you're whereabouts.
They've been planning this for a while, how long were they watching him? Why did they only strike when you're health was so critical.
Hanzo was livid realizing this.
He headed to your location and found you tied to a chair, sac over your head, in a dimly lit warehouse
He knew it was a trap but ain't no way he would let anyone put a finger on you.
After being roughed up himself, (but ultimately beating the shit put of a of em) he took a look at you and saw the bruises, the scrapes
and the blood down there
he held you close, forever blaming himself for what happened
Genji and you met during your time in overwatch while they were in their prime
He was emo back then but you liked that,
And when he realized he liked you're unconditional admiration, he liked you too.
He didn't admit it of course, neither to himself nor to you but whatever.
Years later, Winston sends the recall.
And he was pleased to find out you had come back,
With a new mentality, a new acceptance of himself, and a more open acceptance of your love.
This time he made the first move, trying to act smooth like his pre-overwatch days, but his stuttering and nervousness gave it away though.
He was worried you'd remembered him as the angry and vengeful man he once was, but you saw who he was deep down
Which is the exact reason why he fell in love with you.
Eventually, after feeling a bit of morning sickness he urged you to go Mercy or Bap or anyone to help you get better.
Only for you to find out you're pregnant.
You stayed away from missions for a while as Genji requested, at most doing paperwork and helping a bit around the base.
But when the base was suddenly attacked, Genji pinned, yelling at you to stayed back.
You tuned out his pleads and gripped your weapon to help the father of your child.
And you did, but you were knocked out and taken away. He was too weak to reach you.
They immediately set out to rescue you, fully aware of your vulnerable state.
Though they had insisted for Genji to heal up first, through his broken visor, he shot them a glare that wouldn't stop him from saving his love.
After finding you in a cell, bruises all over in a weakened state, unconscious, he carried you back to the ship and held you close, eye getting watery.
You woke up in a hospital bed in the medbay, the first thing you notice being the ache your body feels, and the pain in your stomach.
Then, you notice your lover hold you close and tight.
Followed by the sorrowful looks of the doctors.
They left to give you two some space.
"I'm.. so sorry.. please.. forgive me.."
With tears in your eyes, you held each other close, never wanting to let go again.
You had worked alongside Lifeweaver in his development of biolight,
He loved having you at his side.
Soon he took you dates, brought you gifts and food, too show appreciation.
Not realizing he was indulging in his growing love for you.
After giving him some clarity of his feeling with a bold kiss, you two were inseparable, even more than before.
After you had missed you're period, you showed your lover the positive test and he way beyond joyful.
He always urged you to rest and didn't let you lift a finger. He didn't want you to be stressed or worried, he saw such beauty in you.
But those you wanted his biolight saw opportunity.
He was out buying food for you and his future baby but he came home to an open door, silence, thrown trinkets and portraits.
In his panic, he wondered whether or not he would need to contact his family. Or Satya. Or Baptiste. Anyone.
He received a video file on his desktop.
Asking for the acces to his biolight as well as the information to it's creation.
He was shaking, he wasn't strong enough to fight them on his own, he needed help. He needed you. Please come back to me.
He cannot wait any longer. He caved. Only for you. And for them.
He had sent all the information they needed. And as breathed heavily on his knees. He heard a vehicle arrive at his estate.
He hurried out, even almost tripping in the process, he needed to see you were okay, that you were both okay.
He saw you being lead to the front gate, and the abductors lackey walking back to their vehicle.
Giving him a face of no remorse.
As he held you in his arms once again, the look in your eyes had told him everything.
You two stayed there. Just feeling the comfort of what you two still had. Each other.
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ya-zz · 1 year
Can I request Ramattra, Genji and Hanzo headcannons of them saying 'I love you' for the first time? 💗
Here we go! Hope they're okay! Again, I apologise it took awhile to get to!
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He wasn’t used to love, but when he felt strange, feeling his circuitry warming up just at the thought of you, he would scoff.
At first, he would dismiss the entire notion, never even letting it see the light of day. 
His sensors would go off every time he passed you, his systems heating up rapidly.
He’d do his best to avoid you, keeping his distance whenever possible. 
Overtime, however, he was beginning to feel drawn to you, not wanting to leave your side no matter what you were doing. 
He was like a clingy child, not wanting to let go of you no matter the circumstances. 
His feelings only grew as the days went by and he felt you shift in the same direction. 
The two of you would get closer each day but when you uttered the three words “I love you” he felt his omnic heart almost stop. 
He wasn’t sure what to say. 
Conflicted feelings rose - Did he love you? Is that the right term? Can a human and omnic really love each other? 
He noticed you were absent after not responding back to you, and he felt guilty.
No matter what he would try, nothing seemed to make you happy. Small gifts, flowers, even handmade items didn’t give you the spark he had hoped. 
He felt like he had fucked up, but a few nights after his last attempt to make you smile, he sat down and thought long and hard about everything. 
Over the night, he went through his memory files, going over the files with a fine tooth comb, searching for clarification. 
As he kept watching, he’d noticed the way you smiled, the way your eyes sparkled no matter the light around you. The softness of your skin against his metal frame whenever you hugged him. 
Gradually, he learned that he did love you. 
He left his room, seeking you out and when he found you, he didn’t hesitate, although he was nervous for the first time in his life. 
“I love you.” 
It came as a shock to you, but to him, it felt like he finally had another purpose to his life. 
His fans whirred loudly, his systems heating up as if he was blushing. 
“I love you.” 
He repeated it again, more for himself. A confirmation of his feelings towards you. 
“I love you.” 
They were words he never thought he’d say, especially towards a human.
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He never hesitated. Straight up just told you. 
“I love you.” 
While his heart was racing, every sort of love emotion flooded through him. 
He watched on, gauging your reaction and when you returned the gesture, his heart felt like thumping out of his chest. 
He hadn’t exactly known you long, but he knew that he had feelings towards you. 
It wasn’t like anything he had felt before. 
This wasn’t like him, and everyone knew it, but he didn’t want to lose you.
His playboy days were over, he had someone he truly loved. 
Everything about you was everything he had ever wanted. 
“I love you.”
Every day when he’d wake up, he’d tell you how much he loved you. 
Every night before bed he’d tell you the same. 
He was giddy, like a school kid coming home for the holidays. 
He would always remind you, especially on days when you were feeling low. With his arms wrapped around you, he’d offer you comfort, listing all the reasons as to why he loved you. 
Sometimes he felt like he was being obnoxious, quietening down some days and not expressing his love, but when you asked him and told him you missed it, he’d instantly chirp back up. 
You were like a drug to him and he wanted you. Seeing your smile only made him want you more. 
He would never forget the frist time he expressed his love for you. The first “I love you” would be engrained within his memory for as long as he lived.
A nervous boy expressing their love for their crush, he thought, which would make him chuckle whenever he looked back on it. 
His heart would flutter each time he remembered it, and it brought him some peace and comfort each night before he slept.
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The archer would keep quiet, not wanting to move too quickly. 
His mind would wander to how he would say it. Was he to prepare dinner? Ask you out for the evening? You were just friends with him, did you even think of him the same way?
He would overthink everything for days, eyes always vacant and looking off into the distance. 
He enjoyed being around you, he wouldn’t deny that. He enjoyed your very presence, wanting more as the days turned into weeks. 
No matter what he would think about, he couldn’t get you out of his head, even when he was meditating. 
He’d try to keep his composure as he asks you to join him up on the roof, something of which the pair of you did almost weekly. 
You thought nothing of it, thinking it was just the usual late night conversations. 
Hanzo, however, thought everything of it.
He even went the extra mile to prepare drinks and a small helping of food and snacks for when you were up there with him.
His heart was pounding in his chest. The last time he felt this nervous was several years ago after seeing his brother was still alive. 
He made his way to the roof, setting every down like everything had a place already.
When you arrived, the soft moonlight glow on your face, his heart skipped a beat. 
Cue the panic rising. 
He didn’t want to fuck things up, but the way you smiled as you noticed the arrangement brought some peace of mind. 
He watched you sit next to him and then the conversations started.
Hours went by as the two of you spoke, seeming as if you hadn’t seen him for months. 
It was a perfect night, and it was slowly building into the perfect moment. 
Hanzo waited, the silence practically deafening in his ears before he speaks out. 
“I love you.” 
When greeted with silence, he felt a pang of worry as he looked off to the side. 
I fucked up, I fucked up, I fucked-
When your hand caressed his cheek, pulling him to look a you before your lips connected with his, his cheeks grew instantly warm and red. 
It was all the confirmation he needed, hand coming up to behind your neck as he deepened the kiss.
“I love you too…”
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
Naruto Roleswap AU: Kakashi's a wifeguy, Rin's a Girlboss, and Itachi gets adopted
“Do you think we’re the baddies?”
The Mizukage’s pen froze on her paperwork. She looked up and squinted at Kakashi, as if attempting valiantly to discern his twisted mind and failing utterly. “‘Baddies’?”
“You know,” Kakashi elaborated, “the bad guys. The bullies. People who enjoy indiscriminately murdering, maiming, genocide, the works.” 
The Mizukage looked appalled. “Of course we aren’t. Where did you get that idea?” Kakashi shrugged limply. “We’re working for world peace, Kakashi. Of course we’re the good guys. What else would we be?”
Kakashi scratched at his neck. “Do traditional definitions of world peace include putting the world under a mass genjutsu? Or destabilizing foreign governments?”
“We did those governments a favor,” the Mizukage said frankly. “Kiri’s prospering. And mass genjutsu is the only way to keep people from killing each other. Honestly, Kakashi, if there’s one good guy in the world then it’s us.”
“I thought that was Yahiko.”
“Us and Yahiko,” the Mizukage amended. She thought for a second. “And Tobi, of course.” She thought harder. “No, it’s unfair to put us on the same level as Yahiko and Tobi.”
“So we are the baddies.”
Kakashi and his girlfriend are in the market to adopt, and the Akatsuki is a great place to raise two rambunctious children. The consent of the children isn't neccesary for this. Oneesama knows best, and if you trust in the process then a beautiful utopia can become possible. Or, alternatively, if you don't care about the process or how many atrocities you commit, then you can put off killing yourself from sheer boredom for a few more years.
Tragedy plus time equals a comedy, and you can believe anything if you have no other choice.
This one's very different tonally from the rest of the AU, but that's what I like about it. I ended up really loving writing Kakashi, and I'll have to find the exuse to write more of this funny narration in the future. Parts of this crossover with the previous installment of this AU, and they're very much intended to be read side by side. The good guys sitting around sobbing from despair as the bad guys have yakety sax hijinks was very funny to me. 7k of Kakashi's Crippling Depression Adventures In The Akatsuki under the cut.
“Do you think we’re the baddies?”
The Mizukage’s pen froze on her paperwork. She looked up and squinted at Kakashi, as if attempting valiantly to discern his twisted mind and failing utterly. “‘Baddies’?”
“You know,” Kakashi elaborated, “the bad guys. The bullies. People who enjoy indiscriminately murdering, maiming, genocide, the works.” 
The Mizukage looked appalled. “Of course we aren’t. Where did you get that idea?” Kakashi shrugged limply. “We’re working for world peace, Kakashi. Of course we’re the good guys. What else would we be?”
Kakashi scratched at his neck. “Do traditional definitions of world peace include putting the world under a mass genjutsu? Or destabilizing foreign governments?”
“We did those governments a favor,” the Mizukage said frankly. “Kiri’s prospering. And mass genjutsu is the only way to keep people from killing each other. Honestly, Kakashi, if there’s one good guy in the world then it’s us.”
“I thought that was Yahiko.”
“Us and Yahiko,” the Mizukage amended. She thought for a second. “And Tobi, of course.” She thought harder. “No, it’s unfair to put us on the same level as Yahiko and Tobi.”
“So we are the baddies.”
“We’ve made some compromises,” the leader of the violent coup that overthrew Hanzo and made her a dictator of a hidden village allowed. “But anything’s worth it if it keeps the world safe, right?”
“Hm,” Kakashi said, contemplating the Kyuubi’s attack on the village and the Minato/Kushina dual murders. “Well, can’t argue with that.” 
“What a silly conversation.” The Mizukage went back to her paperwork, signing away at form after form. How she found the time to lead a village and shadow-lead the Akatsuki, Kakashi had no idea. Maybe she just didn’t need to sleep as often as the mere mortals. Jinchuuriki were so unfair. “Now, can you do me a favor and go pick up the baby ninja we manipulated into mass-murdering his family? He’s probably very stressed out right now, he could use some comfort.”
“I’ll drop him off with Konan.” Kakashi paused, then amended, “Yahiko.”
“Sounds great. Love you, Kakashi.”
Kakashi halted at the window, pulling his ceramic mask over his face. “Love you too, Rin.”
And, as Rin would proclaim: could you really be the baddie if you loved someone?
Truthfully, Itachi had barely left Konoha.
The kid had been locked in a permanent dissociative daze since he started his little genocidal adventure and it hadn’t quite lifted. He had clearly found an inn in the closest city on autopilot, paid for it via the multiple stab wounds and bloody cloak, and passed out. He had the presence of mind to perform basic first aid on himself, which was probably the only reason his wounds weren’t grievously infected. He was also pretty strung out, and clearly hadn’t slept in five days. In short, the kid had an altogether pathetic vibe to him. Kakashi would sympathize if he was the type.
Kakashi knocked on the door to Itachi’s room. He waited a polite thirty seconds before knocking again. Then he teleported the door into Kamui - he always made a little ‘yoink!’ sound effect in his head - and walked into the room. 
Itachi’s attempt at stabbing him was, frankly, tragic. The Uchiha must have been half grannies. Kakashi blocked the blow with his sheathed tanto, exquisitely bored, before pushing the boy backwards. Itachi turned his stumble into a flip and landed on the bed, already charging another fire jutsu in his hands. Some people really were overachievers. 
Kakashi sheathed his tanto and lazily raised both hands. “Is this how you welcome your friends, Itachi-kun?”
Itachi’s face was bone white, and his entire body was shaking. His first aid attempts were lacking. He needed a doctor badly. It was a testament to the sheer dissociative power of his insane little mind that he was conscious at all. “I have no friends.”
Objectively true statement. Kid caught on fast. “You have me, if that counts for anything.” Judging by Itachi’s murder eyes, it did not. “I’m a representative of an organization that’s interested in recruiting you. Why don’t you hear us out?”
“You know what I just did,” Itachi said dully. “No organization I should join would have me as a member. I’m uninterested. Leave.”
“Maa, that’s too bad.” Kakashi scratched at his neck, jostling his ceramic mask. “You don’t want to see your friend again? What was his name - Shisui Uchiha?”
Itachi froze. The fire jutsu flared upwards, and his Sharingan began to spin. 
“Relax, we didn’t kidnap him. We rescued him. Like we’re interested in rescuing you.” Kakashi held out his hand, tilting his head. “Nobody in this world will help you now, Itachi-kun. Nobody but us. We will help you.”
Itachi pulled backwards, mouth thinning, but Kakashi could see it. He knew how Itachi wanted to lean in. He was thirteen years old and his parents were dead. Never mind the details. “Will you take me to Shisui?”
“Sure. We got the best doctor in the continent too.”
The conclusion was foregone. Itachi had no other choice. He was alone, and he was dying, and he didn’t care if he died. People like that always took the first hand that came along. It was the best time to nab people: when they were at their most vulnerable, their most susceptible, their most trusting. Ask Kakashi how he knew. Better yet - don’t. 
Itachi took Kakashi’s hand, and he teleported them both away. 
Akatsuki HQ was nice digs. 
For Ame. By the standards of anywhere that wasn’t Ame, it was the dreariest yet most nondescript building anybody had ever seen. The sky was always dark grey and the clouds were always pouring rain. The buildings had a pre-fab brutalist flair and you could always count on some ominous lightning to provide atmosphere. Ame permanently felt like the setting of a horror movie. Seeing as Kakashi’s life was a horror movie, it had to feel a little appropriate. 
But Yahiko brought the sunshine. Wherever he went was all good weather. Shaking his hand made you feel as if the sun was shining, and when he entered a room he brought blue skies. It was like the rain didn’t even pour on it. He reminded Kakashi of Tobi’s best friend, which was the most back-handed compliment you could give a person. 
The major difference between the two was that everybody liked Yahiko. Ame had one political party and it was the cult of Yahiko. Konan would blow up a small village for him. Even Rin waved her M/F/M/F polycule books in his face and gave him significant eyebrows. If Rin died overnight, he was their best hope for world peace. No genjutsu necessary - just sheer force of personality and beautiful vibes.
Personally, Kakashi just liked how easy he was to manipulate.
“Konoha made him do what?” Yahiko gasped. “Those bastards! They call themselves the nice village?”
Kakashi shrugged. “What can I say. We defected for a reason.” 
“That’s disgusting. They’d make a thirteen year old do that to his own family? He’s a child!” Yahiko chewed at his thumbnail, thinking furiously. “Even Kiri at its worst never forced its children to cleanse their own bloodline! After what they did to your teammate, too…maybe it’s just something about those Uchihas.”
“Guess we don’t have to worry about them anymore,” Kakashi said diplomatically. 
They were waiting in the hallway outside of Itachi’s operating room. Yahiko had done the absolute predictable and called Rin the second he saw Kakashi lugging a half-dead teenager into his HQ. She flew in like an angel and descended on the poor child in her infinite grace, earning Yahiko’s eternal gratefulness for her beneficence upon the infant he had met five seconds ago and loved as if he was his own. What could Kakashi say? Some people were heavenly spirits walking the earth. 
“We can bring him into Ame for sure,” Yahiko said, truly fired up. Kakashi hadn’t even asked? “I’ve invented this new thing, I’ve tentatively named it therapy no jutsu, and I think Itachi-kun would be a perfect early adopter. I have this dream, right, that we can take insane people and make them less insane -”
“Sounds like a great idea,” Kakashi lied. Spirits above, what a freak. “Why don’t you go get Itachi’s new citizenship settled out? My partner and I will catch him up to speed.”
“Good idea. I’m not doing much just loitering around like this.” Yahiko nodded professionally at him, and Kakashi bowed back. As always, Yahiko ruined any sense of propriety with a bright smile. “Then we’ll finally go on that double date, right? Rin-sama and I have been trying to find a time that works with our schedules for ages. We’re thinking that seafood place near the harbor.”
No. The double date was not happening. The double date would never happen. Because Kakashi knew full well what Rin and Konan were angling for and he was not going along with it. Even if Yahiko and Konan were admittedly kinda - 
The door opened, saving Kakashi from a train of thought even worse than the denial. Rin poked her head out, sweaty but fresh and smiling. Yahiko immediately smiled at her, and she smiled happily back at him. Like Kakashi, she was dressed down in her Akatsuki gear. She didn’t wear a mask in her Mizukage or her Akatsuki get-up, but at Akatsuki HQ she tended to pass herself off as an unassuming household medic. After all this time, Rin was still excellent at playing innocent. 
“Itachi-kun’s well enough to receive visitors,” Rin said cheerfully. “Do you want to meet him, Yahiko-sama?” 
Yahiko pumped his fist, grinning. “Yeah! We���ll give him a real Akatsuki welcome!”
As it turned out, a ‘real Akatsuki welcome’ involved mochi. Itachi stared at it, flabbergasted. He still looked pale, but Kakashi could tell that Rin had done her usual excellent job - his body seemed to be free of injuries, and he probably felt like a spring chicken. She had moved him from the ominous operating room (never there for a good reason; bad vibes) into the infirmary (worse than the operating room because you were generally awake to experience it; atrocious vibes)
“I’m so sorry to hear about your family, Itachi-kun,” Yahiko said firmly, shoving the mochi at Itachi. Itachi blinked at it, somehow violently. Rin sympathetically took the box and placed it at his bedside. “We know how hard losing your family can be.”
Itachi stared at Yahiko for a long second. Finally, he rasped, “I killed my family.” 
“Konoha forced you to kill your family,” Yahiko corrected. “It’s hardly your fault, Itachi-kun. You were manipulated. You can’t ever forget who your real enemies are.”
“Or your real friends,” Rin said gently. She sat down next to Itachi, blasting her best ‘soft and motherly’ smile at him full throttle. “You can call me Rin-san, Itachi-kun. The man in the mask is my partner Hound, and the ray of sunshine over there is the leader of Ame, Yahiko-sama. If I know him correctly, I can guess he already has a proposition for you.” 
Itachi immediately shook his head, pushing himself fully upright. “I’m not interested in any -”
Rin put a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back down. Itachi fell back onto the bed, shocked by the force. “Just hear us out.” 
Itachi’s eyes flickered to Kakashi. He undoubtedly recognized him, Hound mask or clean faced. Kakashi winked at him. Itachi’s eyebrows tilted. Long experience with Uchihas helped him interpret the gesture. Kakashi held up one finger. Patience. 
“You’re welcome to live in Ame if you want, Itachi-kun. We’ll protect you. But I have another proposal for you.” Wow. Wonder what that would be. It couldn’t possibly be the same proposal Rin had been hinting at ever since Kakashi lugged Itachi’s sorry ass back to the village. “Are you a pacifist, Itachi-kun?”
Itachi was silent. His eyebrows screamed - ‘I killed my family!’.
Amazingly, Yahiko was able to interpret that. Must be Konan’s influence. She was a stoic one. And somewhat surly. “Only those who’ve experienced the worst violence know the value of true peace. Those of us who truly seek peace and prosperity have all experienced the worst of humanity. Your experiences are why I think you can become a pacifist who can protect your precious people. That can become the purpose of your life.”
It was abundantly clear that Itachi did not give a single fuck about any sort of philosophy right now. The second Rin removed her hand he forced himself upright again, and he ignored her danger eyebrows. One was only foolish enough to ignore those once, Itachi. “Where’s Shisui.”
Yahiko glanced at Rin, frowning lightly. “Do you know who that is?”
“Remember the half-dead kid Hound fished from the river?” Rin said cheerfully. Yahiko made a noise of comprehension. “Apparently he’s a Uchiha too. He faked his death before the massacre. He’s the reason why Hound investigated the massacre at all. He’s been in a coma since we rescued him. He didn’t have to work very hard to fake his death - he was very badly hurt.” She looked down at Itachi, who was pale with shock. “Would you like to see him? He’s in the long-term infirmary in the other room.”
Dumbly, Itachi nodded. Kakashi silently tallied up the lies and omissions of truth in those sentences. Nowhere near her best, but not nothing. 
“Then I’ll get somebody on Itachi-kun’s citizenship paperwork.” Yahiko jokingly half-saluted, which was a terrible look on a leader of a city state. “I’ll put Itachi-kun’s future in your capable hands, Rin-sama.”
Rin smiled gently at Yahiko. “There’s nothing I value more.”
They waited until Yahiko had left the room and his chakra signature had long since retreated before Rin spoke again. Itachi was looking increasingly wild, and when he forced himself to stand up Rin didn’t stop him. She just rose with him, carefully straightening the infirmary bed behind him. 
“Yahiko-sama truly is one of the kindest people I know,” Rin said to Itachi. He still looked a little flabbergasted by the welcome. It was all in the eyebrows. “You’ll see things our way. Everybody does eventually.”
“Darling, let’s save talk like that for after the recruitment.”
“What did I say?” Rin asked, for all appearances genuinely surprised. “Isn’t it a good thing that people agree with us?”
Yes, after the - let’s count it, the military coups, manipulations, genjutsus, etc, etc…
“Can’t argue with that,” Kakashi said blandly. 
Itachi brushed past them both and walked towards the long-term infirmary door, opening it immediately and walking inside. Guess they had been too busy teaching this kid how to kill people instead of any manners.
Atrociously, Rin crossed her arms and sighed fondly. “He really reminds you of him, huh?”
“If I remember correctly, that seems to be the whole problem.” Kakashi shot Rin a canny look, who looked innocently up at the ceiling. “No adoption.”
“You’re always saying some needy orphan will come our way! He’s the definition of a needy orphan, isn’t he?”
“Darling, he killed his parents.”
Frankly, Rin said, “He’s not special.”
True but very unwelcome sentence. As usual.
Rin was good on her promises, as always. Shisui was the sole inhabitant of the long-term infirmary, hooked up to a few monitors but otherwise sleeping peacefully. He seemed completely cured of his extensive injuries. His face was flush with color and both of his eyes were intact. A testament to Rin’s skill - he had been found gripping one eye in a chakra-infused bubble. But she had some practice with fucked up Sharingan transplants. It had taken years before she figured out how to undo Madara’s patchwork job and re-implanted Kakashi’s eye with a functional chakra network. 
Itachi was already at Shisui’s bedside. The kid had his Sharingan activated, scanning his body for injuries and finding none. Kakashi idly wondered whose Mangeyko was stronger. Itachi probably beat him out by virtue of having two and his ability to summon Susanoo, but kamui was a far more useful skill than Amaterasu or some lame torture dimension. As always, Obito was the best. Or he would be, if he was intact.
“He’s healthy.” Again, only long experience with Obito gave Kakashi the ability to interpret his frustration. “Why is he still asleep.”
“Oh, that’s all me,” Rin said cheerfully. “The coma is artificially induced.”
In the course of a millisecond, Itachi’s kunai were flying. Kakashi was faster. He opened up kamui and swallowed up the kunai. Itachi paused half a second, stunned and confused. It was more than enough time for Kakashi to press his own kunai to Itachi’s neck, standing behind Itachi with his other arm looped over his neck.
“You aren’t irreplaceable, Itachi,” Kakashi panned. “There’s a spare. Right?”
Itachi froze. Rin titled her eyebrows at Kakashi, relentlessly good cop’ing. “Let’s not threaten our new recruit, Hound. Let’s all put the kunai away and talk like civilized ninjas, huh?”
 Seeing as Itachi’s kunai had been warped to the Box Dimension (Feat. Box, Guest Starring Box), the comment had been directed at him. Kakashi stepped away from Itachi, making a show of putting away his kunai and returning to Rin’s side. More than one person had remarked how accurate his codename was. Got funnier each time. Not. 
“Here’s the shakedown, Itachi-kun. Listen closely.” Rin sat down at Shisui’s bedside, graceful and refined. “You’re alone in the world. Yes or no?”
Itachi, standing at the opposite side of Shisui’s bed, stared at her in hostility. 
“You’re a missing nin. You’re probably already in the Bingo Book with an SSS class bounty on your head. Yes or yes?”
Itachi was silent.
“It must be scary. But Konoha’s still backing you, isn’t it?” Rin hid a smile behind a hand. “You’ve been instructed to act as a spy when necessary. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were even asked to infiltrate our organization in a few years. Yes?”
Itachi was silent. He was thirteen, and he was scared.
“They’re still relying on your naivete, Itachi. After everything they’ve asked of you they still want more. They will ask for more, and more, and more. Until they ask for your death. And you intend on giving it to them, don’t you?” Rin shook her head, tsk’ing. “What a waste. The good you can do…the peace you can bring, the people you can help…the reason why you’re a genius in the first place. You’ll never realize it. You could have truly helped people, and you let the evil people use you for evil instead. It’s unfair.”
Itachi looked away, jaw clenching. He was thirteen, and he was insecure. 
Rin leaned forward, eyes arresting Itachi in place. He could not know why they felt so powerful, why Rin’s sheer presence carried such incredible weight. Maybe the weight would feel like the weight of her words - powerful, affecting, true. 
“You don’t have to make a decision now,” Rin said gently. “Spend some time here. Recover from your ordeal. Get some rest. You can make your decision when you’re ready, alright?”
And Yahiko said that he had invented therapy-no-jutsu. Rin was the undisputed master. 
Itachi looked down at Shisui. He could have been sleeping. But Kakashi knew what Itachi was seeing: his best friend killing himself, falling into the river. His pleading not to listen to Danzo. Ineffectual, in the end. Perhaps this was destiny. 
Maybe the Uchiha were always in a state of dying, died, dead. Maybe they would continuously live out this immortal cycle of fatality. Chained by their hatred. Imprisoned by their love. It was the sickest combination of all. Kakashi would know.
“Why are you keeping him in a coma?” Itachi rasped. “What do you want?”
Wow, two question marks from him. New record. Rin’s eyes flickered to Kakashi, and he took his cue. Blandly, he said, “No offense, but you have a history of double crossing. We wanted some insurance. You don’t sell us out to Konoha and we take good care of your bestie. Fair trade.”
Itachi’s expression darkened. “You’re blackmailing me.”
“If we were blackmailing you, we’d be making you join us now.” Kakashi shrugged one shoulder. “We want you to make a choice. We’re just taking care of Shisui-kun until you do.”
And, in the end, Itachi didn’t hesitate. Maybe that was his problem. Maybe it always would be. Five days of no sleep and a Uchiha’s love and a ninja’s tendency to choose violence first - shaken and stirred, you ended up with a dangerously impulsive thirteen year old. The importance of the thirteen year old aspect here really couldn’t be understated. 
“I’ll join,” Itachi said immediately. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just wake up Shisui.”
Hilariously, Rin looked crestfallen. “We aren’t trying to blackmail you, Itachi-kun. A mission of peace and goodness can’t start on a bedrock of pain. How about you take some time and -”
“I don’t care.” Wow. Nobody interrupted Rin anymore. “I don’t care about anything anymore. I will kill whoever you want. I will be whatever you want. Wake him up.”
Rin pressed her hands to her cheeks, sighing. “Oh, you are just too cute! You’re like a little copy of Hound! Hound, don’t you see why -”
“This is a bad start to that sort of relationship.”
“Oh, what does that matter!”
A lot, Rin. It mattered a lot.
Meanwhile, Itachi was looking increasingly frustrated (eyebrows at 20 degree angle instead of 15). “Wake him up.”
Wow. That was dangerously close to an inflection. Rin just tilted her head, affecting a somewhat thoughtful look. “I don’t think I will, actually.” Itachi’s face did a dangerous thing. “Calm down. Let’s say…in a month? That seems fair.”
Itachi clenched his jaw. What could he say? It was either Shisui waking up in a month or not at all. If Rin wanted to stretch this out for half a year, she could. Goodness knows she could keep Itachi on the hook for that long. Under other circumstances she would probably do it. But keeping Shunshin no Shisui off the board for that long was a stupid move. Privately, Kakashi thought he might be a bit of a wild card. Shisui was even more idiotically loyal to his village than Itachi. He definitely loved his family more, and he might have beef about the clan genocide thing. They couldn’t exactly genjutsu him into submission. But Rin was confident in her ability to control him - sorry, ‘recruit him’ - and Kakashi would always follow her lead.
Rin affected a look of surprise. “Didn’t your parents ever punish you? Maybe you were an obedient boy, but I hear the Uchiha have a ‘spare the rod, spoil the child’ philosophy.”
Yeah, Obito had been beaten by his Uchiha mentors regularly. Team Minato all knew and none of them talked about it. Much later, Rin told him that Minato had tried speaking to Obito’s family about it and had gotten royally shut down. Rin always healed him in silence, and Kakashi already read out passages from his mystery novels that were guaranteed to drive Obito insane with their stupidity. 
Tobi cried when people yelled at him. Surprise, surprise. 
“You are not my parents,” Itachi said harshly. Not if Rin had anything to say about it. “You look twenty three. Do not play pretend.”
“Wow,” Kakashi said. “That was so accurate. The white hair always throws people off.”
Rin just looked a little crushed. “I guess onee-sama’s alright for now.”
“What did I do.”
For the first time, Rin sobered. She leaned forward, elbows resting on her knees, and brought the full force of her deceptive brown eyes down upon Itachi. He probably wasn’t used to such power anymore. He couldn’t possibly identify it. Kakashi wondered idly if Rin was scarier than Danzo. Damn, he hoped so. If she wasn’t…well, he’d learn.
Crisply, Rin said, “You were given explicit instructions not to hurt Obito Uchiha.”
It was clearly not what Itachi expected to hear. His eyebrows furrowed minutely. “How did you know that.”
“How did we know about the true nature of the massacre at all?” Rin asked rhetorically, dodging the question. “You were told to use Tsukuyomi to place him under a non-tortuous genjutsu. You ended up fighting him. I saw his injuries.” Left unsaid: yeah, and they had seen Itachi’s injuries too. Only half of them were from killing 200 plus people. The other half was from one extremely angry guy. “It was against instructions.”
“Your instructions?” Itachi asked sharply. “What -”
“Of course not,” Rin blatantly lied. “Many people are interested in keeping Obito Uchiha intact. You shouldn’t have touched him.”
“He broke out of the Tsukuyomi. It should have been impossible.” Itachi frowned lightly. “Sparing Sasuke is explainable. It would have been suspicious if I had left Tobi untouched.”
“A lack of injuries could have been explained as a complete avoidance of a fight. Injuries implied that he fought you and won. It’s more suspicious.” Left unsaid: Rin had been harvesting a shitton of eyes and swooped in at the last minute to heal his injuries before anybody noticed. Entirely possible that Obito thought the entire fight was one awful dream. Sure as hell had repressed way more minor shit. 
“It should have been impossible to break free of the Tsukuyomi,” Itachi repeated. “He possessed the Mangekyo and an arm that could imitate the Mokuton. That should have also been impossible. I came far closer to losing that fight than I should have. That should have been impossible too. At his prime - perhaps. But not now. He clearly does not know he can protect himself. That is why Shisui and I -” Itachi stopped short, and did not resume speaking.
Kakashi stuck his hands in his pockets, slouching magnificently. “You tried to negotiate to spare Obito Uchiha too, didn’t you?” Itachi’s lips thinned. Rin’s expression softened, which was the real reason for saying it. “Of course they didn’t let you. The village has wanted him out of the way for years. He’s an embarrassment. And Danzo’s always suspected that he had an undisclosed gift. But he’s one of three people left who you love, isn’t he?” Rough not to count his parents - he probably thought he did love his parents - but the truth was the truth. “It’s not too late to make up for what you’ve done. How you almost killed him. We can help you protect him.”
“And what do you have to gain from that.”
“You have people you love who can’t give anything in return,” Rin said softly. “Is it so strange that we feel the same?”
Itachi hesitated. Conflict warred in his countenance. Goes to show - when he’s actually in the  process of being convinced, he’s far less compliant. Maybe they should have just told him to shut up and get with the program. But Rin did have ‘Rin-oneesama’ dreams. Couldn’t crush those.
Kakashi scratched the back of his head. “Of course, you tortured Sasuke Uchiha into becoming a tool for your suicide for…power or something? Who knows. So maybe you don’t know.” Ah, there was the good old Itachi Uchiha self-hatred. Kakashi could read this kid like a book already. “Don’t blame us for wanting a little insurance. With the program?”
Quietly, Itachi said, “Yes.”
“That’s a yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Address Rin-sama first, usually.”
Itachi turned to Rin and bowed at the waist.  “Yes, Rin-sama.”
“You are so cute,” Rin gushed. “Why don’t you run off and get the grand tour of the place from Yahiko? He’s always wanted a kid around to big brother. It’ll be a lot of fun for you, promise!” Lie. Yahiko was overwhelming when he decided to big brother you. Nagato had probably killed himself in self-defense.
“Yes, Rin-sama.”
“He’s so polite, Hound!”
Rin in a nutshell. 
As Itachi’s hand lingered on the doorknob, he turned back to look at Shisui one last time. It was clear he wanted to stay in the room with him. It was clear that he didn’t want to leave. But Itachi understood that he had jumped from the frying pan into the cleansing fire, and the bright boy already knew the score. When he returned to the long-term infirmary the door would be locked. He would know better than to try and unlock it. Rin really was a little pissy about the Obito thing. 
They waited a little while for Itachi to leave earshot before speaking again. Rin smiled, clapping her hands. “What did I tell you, Kakashi? He’s just too cute! Doesn’t he need a helping hand?”
“Slow your roll,” Kakashi drawled. “He needs a master more than love right now. He won’t believe he deserves the love. He only understands a master. I know a dog when I see one.”
“That’s why we’re a tag team.” Rin winked at him. It was adorable. “A master holds a leash to contain their hound. But the hound that truly loves the master stays at his side voluntarily.”
They really had to do something about his codename. But, of course, that had been the point. Although he knew it would be completely pointless, Kakashi said, “So the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan…which one do you think that might be? The leash or the love?”
“It’s both. A leash is the kindest thing you can do for humanity. Stops them from running off cliffs, getting run over by carriages, running afoul of cruel humans…you have to train with a leash before a hound is ready to run on its own.” Rin sighed, leaning on the nightstand and looking at Shisui. “But the regular person won’t understand that. We have to save them one person at a time until we can save the world. We saved Itachi from those monstrous, uncaring Uchiha. He’ll understand that one day. Everybody deserves a utopia except the system that would ruin it, right?”
Kakashi shrugged. “Sure.”
Rin shot him a flat look. “One of these days I’ll convince you to have an opinion about something.”
“I have an opinion about you and Obito,” Kakashi said cheekily, and he was rewarded with a soft smile. Granted, it was indistinguishable from her fake ones, but he had the benefit of trust. “Speaking of which, I think I’ll go visit him. Want to come with?”
But Rin just looked away, ghosting a hand over Shisui’s prone face. “No. If you say he’s safe, he’s safe.”
Kakashi lowered his voice. This, of all things, was her one true point of vulnerability. But Obito had always been their weakness. “You deserve to see him.” Rin’s hand halted over Shisui’s nose and mouth. “You aren’t dirty, Rin.”
“I’m weak,” Rin said softly. She placed her hand over Shisui’s nose and mouth. “If I saw him…I’d ruin it all.”
She pressed down. 
“You’re the strongest person I know. Seeing his face might make this easier to bear.” Shisui’s chest began to rise and fall faster and faster, struggling for breath. “You should at least try.”
“When the world is good,” Rin whispered. “When we have a world good enough for him. Obito or Tobi…I’ll create a world where either can be happy. One where he can be whoever he wants to be. He’ll feel safe. That’s when I will be able to face him again.”
And, left unsaid: only an Infinite Tsukuyomi could create that world. Nothing less than a completely controlled utopia could create a world where Obito Uchiha could be himself. In that way, it was all for him.
Of course, that would leave them with a secondary problem - i.e. he would probably be terrified of them. Because they were the baddies. 
Eh. Obito was nuts too. Maybe he’d roll with it. All else fails, they could just have Shisui genjutsu him. It didn’t matter. What did?
“Call me selfish,” Kakashi drawled, sticking his hands in his pockets, “but I hope he chooses Obito. Things could be…a little closer to our hopes and dreams that way.”
If Obito was terrified of them, Tobi was all they would ever get. Sacrifices and compromises must be made. And hopes and dreams would forever remain far away.
Rin smiled, sticking out her tongue at him. “We love him no matter what,” Rin said loyally. She paused a beat. “But…call me selfish too.”
Shisui’s chest grew still. Boredly, Rin’s hand glowed with green chakra, and his heart beat again. He gasped for breath, unconscious yet fighting for his life, and his breaths evened out again. He would never even know.
Kakashi saluted her, and she blew him a kiss, and he disappeared into the world that he and Obito shared. Even if he didn’t know it yet. 
Who was the worse person: the woman who thought her actions were helping the world, or the man who knew their actions were evil and simply didn’t care?
Of course, this was not a question Kakashi cared about either. He always ended up asking himself these questions, because despite everything he was a chronic thinker, but he alway dismissed them just as easily. They never captured his attention. Almost nothing did, save Rin and Obito. 
And maybe Yahiko and Konan, just a bit. A little bit more every day. Some distant part of Kakashi was horrified by that. Again, most of him didn’t care. He and that sulky Konan had an understanding. 
The one man Kakashi cared about (Yahiko did not count) was sitting in a hard plastic chair in a hospital room. A child was lying in a hospital bed. Probably Sasuke, recovering from his brother’s torture genjutsu. Kakashi’s eyes glossed over him. As always, there was a helpful branch outside the window, and Kakshi settled in to watch. 
Obito - might as well call him Tobi, for clarity’s sake - seemed very out of it. He should probably be in his own hospital bed, but there was no way he would stay in another room when a baby cousin needed him by his side. So tsundere but so caring. Kakashi missed Obito’s unique brand of care. The world had tried to beat it out of him, but it just couldn’t be suffocated. How often had he scorned Rin and Kakashi for their weakness, yet took every hit for them he could in battle?  How many lunches had he packed, civilians had he rescued, lectures he had inflicted upon Kakashi about how his laziness was going to kill him?
Kakashi hesitated. He…he really wanted…
Obito had lost everything, and today he had lost the rest. His family was extinct and featured only two incompetent children. Kakashi…wanted to…
Would Rin scold him for going against orders? Undoubtedly. Who was the worse person: the woman who thought her actions were helping the world, or the man who knew their actions were evil and simply didn’t care? The woman who thought she was helping Obito, or the man who knew that they were only hurting him and simply hurt him more?
Because it was Obito, it was a question that Kakashi bothered to answer. The man who tortured him with full understanding that they were torturing him was far worse. He could stop at any time - he knew how to stop, he knew that he only needed to break away from his mindless obedience to Rin - but he never would. That would involve making his own decisions. Can’t have that.
It was a useless question anyway. Obito would never forgive either of them. And yet, Kakashi wanted…
Kakashi balanced delicately on the windowsill. He tapped on the window three times, and when Tobi didn’t respond he disarmed the security seals and let himself in. 
Only then did Tobi respond. Barely. He roused himself, blinking sleepily at the intruder in a dark cloak with red clouds and a white mask. He probably should have dressed up as an ANBU, but - well, too late now. 
Immediately, Kakashi let his Sharingan spin. He cast a minor genjutsu over Tobi - there was no minor genjutsu with the Mangekyo, but it was the best he could do. Their eyes were equally matched…obviously…but between the shock and the tiredness and barely healed injuries Kakashi’s eye came out on top. 
Tobi’s eyes immediately unfocused, and he slumped a little in his seat. The genjutsu didn’t do much - it would make this event feel unreal, closer to a dream. Prevent him from panicking or remembering this encounter too well. Alright. That worked, somehow. Bizarre to get one up on Obito. Should have felt more satisfying. Really didn’t. Kakashi just felt kind of awkward now.
Unlike Rin, he had never…really interacted with Tobi. He saw other people interacting with him all the time, but Kakashi never had the pleasure. How did other people talk to him? Smaller words, simple sentences, clear directions? Kakashi could tell that it took practice for most people. He had no idea how to do it.
Since Obito was obviou - maybe - anyway, since Obito was more mentally present than he seemed, Kakashi would just talk normally and not care. But a) Obito was committed to this bit - uh, better at understanding things than he appeared to be, and would act as if he didn’t understand anyway, and b) there was no possible way that Obito was home right now. If Obito was ever home, obviously. But Obito had been home less and less as the years went by, and Kakashi could already tell that he would withdraw deep inside of himself for a while. 
Uh. What did he do. What did he do. Act as if he was talking to a dog, maybe? Kakashi knew dogs. He knew Rin and he knew dogs. Was that condescending?! Without a doubt, but - ah, fuck it. Kakashi couldn’t believe he was feeling some sort of anxiety about this. When was the last time he had felt anxiety? When he and Rin spent way too long trying to exterminate Zetsu from this green earth?
“Hey, Tobi,” Kakashi said softly. “How…are you?”
Tobi just frowned. Kakashi wanted to spin his Sharingan, remember the sight of him so close and speaking to him forever, but that would be more than suspicious. “Who are you?”
“A friend.” Would even Tobi buy that?! “Are you okay? You seem like you’ve been through a lot.” Did that work? Damn, at least he could normally depend on Obito to filter this shit. “Um. I know you’re hurt.”
“Tobi’s not okay,” Tobi said frankly. He looked over at Sasuke, sleeping so peacefully. So he either bought it or didn’t give a shit. Relatable. “Tobi’s not gonna be okay again.”
“That’s not true. One day everything will be okay.” A lump formed in Kakashi’s throat, and he forced himself to swallow it down. “I know it hurts now. But it has to hurt now.”
“Why?” Tobi asked. So plaintively. He didn’t understand.
And Kakashi could only hesitate. How could he explain this? How could he possibly explain the true nature of the world in a way that Tobi - right here, right now - could understand? Sacrifices and compromises had to be made. Kakashi and Rin were the only ones who knew that. 
Maybe Rin was good at explaining it. But she was a zealot - a fanatic who truly believed what she was saying. She was persuasive, earnest, manipulative. Kakashi was absolutely none of these things. And everybody said she had been good with Tobi. She would have been able to explain the world in her simple, beautiful way. Kakashi thought too much. He always had. There was nothing else to do, staring at clouds.
Slowly, Kakashi said, “You know how…when you break a bone, and it heals badly. You have to break it again so it sets right?” Tobi frowned, but he nodded. So he still remembered the many, many, many broken bones he had suffered. “It’s like that. The world has to heal. So it must be broken. When it heals, we’ll all be happy. Got it?”
But Tobi just frowned. Damn, and Kakashi had been pretty proud of that one. “Itachi-kun broke. Is he gonna heal?”
Kakashi hesitated. Rin would have said yes. Rin would genuinely believe that this suffering was necessary to heal Itachi, and that through her loving oneesama guidance he would become happy and fulfilled. Kakashi couldn’t say the same. What the kid needed was retirement and flower garden and a normal-ass foster parent, not a war under another flag. 
Well, time to pull an old Rin special. Also, like, a frequent tactic anybody used when dealing with Tobi. 
“Sure,” Kakashi lied. “Wait a little bit. He’ll become your friend again. You’ll like that, right?” Tobi nodded eagerly. Wow, he was stupid. “Do you…want to see your friends again?” Tobi nodded even more empathetically. “I can show you your friends again.”
Kakashi hadn’t thought about the words before he said them. Maybe Tobi was contagious like that. But Tobi’s unfocused eyes were already widening, his posture straightening a little. “Gai’s here too?”
And before he could think about it, before he could realize what a bad idea it was, Kakashi stretched out his hand. He found his voice lowering, falling into a gentle lilt. “I can take you to Itachi-kun. But I can take you to Shisui too. And Rin. And…Kakashi. Would you like that?”
Tobi looked a little skeptical. Well, even he understood the concept of mortality. “Shisui-kun and Rin-chan and Kakashi-kun are dead. Um, that’s why I have their stuff. And why Kakashi-kun’s house is lonely.”
“Minato-sen - your sensei and your nee-chan are dead.” Rin would say good riddance. Kakashi - eh. “But Shisui and Rin and Kakashi just went somewhere else. I can take you to them. Is that what you want?”
“Someplace else?” Tobi asked, eyes widening. “No…I saw them…”
“Just a bad dream,” Kakashi said. “That’s all.” He stretched his hand out further, leaving it in early reach of Tobi. “You can at least see them. Just to be sure. Then you can see for yourself that they’re okay. We’ll be quick.”
Tobi's face was so innocent. It was impressive - the clearest contrast to Rin’s own innocent face. There was no similarity. It shouldn’t be true. Weren’t they equally…?
Tobi reached out to Kakashi. Kakashi held his breath. He hadn’t realized how much he wanted this. This, this one thing, this desire - so overpowering, like a raging flame, like a bolt of lightning. It was addictive. If Obito just came home, then -
Tobi froze. “What about Sasuke?”
“What about him?” Kakashi asked blankly. 
And Tobi’s hand retreated. He looked to the bed, at the sleeping child. “If Tobi goes, Sasuke’s alone. I can’t let him be hurt alone. He needs me.” Tobi looked back at Kakashi, shaking his head firmly. “Tobi’s friends don’t need Tobi. Sasuke needs me. Tobi’s sorry, Dog-man, but Tobi can’t leave.”
Of course he couldn’t. He wouldn’t be the Obito they knew if he could. He wouldn’t be the man he and Rin loved if he made that choice.
If there were baddies, there were good guys. That was inherent. Obito was, and always would be, a good guy. That - and only that - would always keep them apart. 
“Your friend will be watching over you,” Kakashi rasped. “Always. So…don’t be sad. And don’t be scared. Your friends are doing it all for you.”
Tobi…squinted at him. For just a second, his eyes seemed clear. “Doing what?”
Uh oh. Kakashi cast a hasty genjutsu, and Tobi - Obito? Just for a second? - slumped in his seat. Kakashi stepped through kamui into…Kamui, just as quickly. This had been his worst idea of the last two years, which said a gratuitous amount.
Why was Rin breaking the bone? Well, for world peace. Love, friendship, harmony, death to the real baddies, etc. For Obito. For a world that deserved him, and where he could feel safe. Where Tobi could put Tobi down and become Obito again, if that was what he wanted. If he could. If that wasn’t possible - if Kakashi and Rin were too late to save him - then all Rin wanted was to create a world where Tobi could live happily and safely.
Why was Kakashi doing this? So he could be with Rin and Obito.
And the worse person of the two was obvious.
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badschmitt24071994 · 10 months
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Hanzo hattori - samurai shodown
Hanzo Hattori is a legendary ninja and the leader of the Iga ninja clan. He has two sons, Kanzo and Shinzo, one of which has been possessed by Amakusa. When it comes to the skills in Taijutsu, it is said his skills are un-matched. Although he never shows much emotion, he cares for his family very deeply. When Amakusa took over the body of his son Shinzo, he set out to rescue his son. Although Amakusa was defeated at the hands of Haohmaru, Hanzo was not able to retake his son Shinzo. The following year, Amakusa's castle appeared again and he was ordered to destroy the castle to restore peace. There, he found the body of his soulless son. Although he was able to retrieve Shinzo's body, his soul was still lost in Makai. In order to free Shinzo's soul, he leaves his village to find and defeat the source of the evil. After Mizuki was defeated by Haohmaru, Shinzo's soul came back to its body. But because Shinzo's soul was weakened, his mother Kaede gave away her life to save him. Hanzo was good friends with Zankuro before he became a demon.
Hanzo is based on a real historical figure, Hattori Hanzo Masashige, the leader of the Iga ninja clan of Japan. Fellow SNK character, Hanzou, is also based off of the same person. The name "Hattori Hanzo" also appeared in the 1980 movie Shadow Warriors, Makai Tensei, and 2003's Kill Bill.
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montcumbry-gaytor · 2 years
Eternally yours
Hanzo x Amab!Reader x Cassidy! Smut
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A/N : Anotha one, I have trouble being consistent but yk I'm getting shit done.
WARNINGS : Threesome, Smut, what is to be expected from a cowboy and an archer.
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Cigar smoke and Incense, very contrasting smells, and yet they always seemed to linger around eachother, it's not something you'd expect, but it was a delightful smell.
Of course, scents weren't what you were thinking about, you were thinking about Cassidy and Hanzo, The ex-blackwatch cowboy, and the Ninja who could control dragons and abandoned his responsibilities.
At times like these you could only swoon for men like that, not only were they morally attractive, but physically too, and don't get started on personalities.
Damn- what was god putting in men these days?
Nonetheless, you carried out your day, finding either Hanzo, or Cassidy's, or both of the two's gaze on you, like lasers in the back of your skull, made it very difficult though.
You hadn't talked to either of them much, especially not Hanzo, as he was more shut off as Cassidy, who was very friendly and struck conversation with you often.
Which is how you found out Cassidy and Hanzo were dating, Through simple conversation, you listened, Cassidy had been chatting up a storm as he found you eating.
You couldn't pinpoint when exactly this crush bubbled up for the strange duo, but your heart did flips anytime you interacted with them, but you didn't want to initiate anything, taking as they were happily together, and you didn't want to change that.
The base of Overwatch was mostly empty, save for you, Hanzo, Cassidy, D.va, and Hammond, who you hadn't seen much of, but the base was big enough that it was natural.
As you traveled outside to get some fresh air, you were quickly greeted with a puff of smoke traveling your direction, bringing your eyes to the source, Hanzo and Cassidy stood, conversing as a cigar hung out of Cassidy's lip.
"Oh- My bad Partner, didn't mean to get that in your face."
"It's alright, I'm just out here to breathe."
You explained, blush tinting your cheeks as Cassidy lightly patted your shoulder.
"Me 'n Han were just talking about you, we've got something to tell you, if you'd be willin', Not right now though, we were wonderin' if you'd meet us in my Room later in the evening?"
"Oh- sure! is it anything important?"
"You could say that."
Hanzo spoke, pushing himself off the wall, coming to stand next to Cassidy, before whispering to him something unintelligible.
"Well I'll see you 'round, Han's gettin' cold."
He chuckled, wrapping an arm around Hanzo's waist.
"See you tonight Cassidy, and Hanzo."
"Just call me Cole."
"Right, Cole, See you."
You said one final time, watching them both enter the building, letting you finally hear the silence, the safehouse was amazing, in an open field, it was peaceful.
You stayed out there for hours, watching time fly by, the moon coming out to shine white light on your face, bringing a chill with it, you decided it was finally time to retreat back inside.
Then your mind wandered back to your interaction with Cole and Hanzo, asking ATHENA for the time, thanking her for her response of "7:30" and wandering through the halls, Angela's medical office, a meeting room, down to the deeper parts where everyone's quarters were.
Finally, you reached Cole's room, fidgeting for a short while before knocking your knuckles against the metal door, quickly pulling away as Cole stood between the opening it had made.
"Glad you came, Make yourself at home."
He said, gesturing to his bed, both him and Hanzo we're in more casual attire, Cole's glove, Shawl, Hat, Belts, and holster were all off.
Hanzo had done the same with his belt, and his bow had been placed soundly on a shelf of Cole's, his boots taken off and sat by the door.
You had never seen them so casual, so you could say you were more awkward than normal, standing stiffly near Cole's wall.
"Why so tense? C'mon sit down, We got somethin' we wanna tell ya."
You quietly came to sit between them, keeping your hands in your lap and eyeing them down, almost as if you were shooting lasers out of your eyes.
You heard a sigh from your left, eyes flashing to Hanzo, who had his attention on Cassidy, jumping as a cold metal hand came to rest on your shoulder.
"Listen, Darlin' we don't wanna push you into any of this, but we both think you are a very good lookin' kinda man."
"-Ahem, we would like to ask you if you would, consider, becoming our partner."
Hanzo said shortly after Cole, eyeing you down, as you could do nothing more but stare down in shock with a blush lighting up your face.
"I uh- I'm not sure I understand-"
You muttered, biting your lip, eyes locking with Cole as he brushed hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek to bring you to face him.
"We like you, Darlin' we want you to date us."
You heard Hanzo hum in agreement from behind you.
"We both have deep interest with you, but only if you would like to, please."
Hanzo said, grasping one of your hands and leaving a chaste kiss on it.
"Im really surprised you feel that way, I mean since I've been pining on both of you since you joined."
You laughed under your breath, eyeing them both who raised their brows awaiting your response.
"Yes, I'd like to be you both's boyfriend."
Hearing the pleased sigh of Hanzo, and seeing the Toothy grin of Cole's, sent butterflies right to your stomach.
"does this mean I can kiss you guys now?"
You asked, looking at Hanzo, and then Cole, who grasped your chin, pulling you to kiss him, smiling as you melted into it, running a hand through his hair and tugging it gently.
You felt your muscles tense at the feeling of Hanzo kneel at your feet, hugging around your waist, causing your breath to hitch.
"You're excited."
He stated, dragging a finger down the seam of your pants, right over the forming tent in the fabric.
"I can do something about this, if you'd let me."
He added, eyeing you for an answer, smirking as you nodded in time with your erection twitching as Cole took to leaving gentle hickey's on your neck.
You couldn't help but smirk at how Cole whimpered as you gently tugged him by his hair away from your neck to kiss him once again, slipping your tongue into his mouth.
You felt hazy as Hanzos mouth met your tip, slipping down your length, running his tongue on the underside, leaving you to pull from the kiss in a helpless groan.
"Oh fuck Hanzo.. your mouth is so hot.. ah.."
You whispered, whining as he slipped a finger into your hole, easier than he expected he slipped in his ring finger in aswell and curling them towards him, pressing against your prostate as he bobbed his head on your length.
The overwhelming pleasure leaving you to lean on Cole who slipped his hands under your shirt, the warmth of his flesh hand and chill of his metal hand meeting your nipples causing your back to arch.
"Mm gonna cum! Hanzo- Please~'
You whined, moaning as Cole's lips met yours, muffling the lewd noises spouting from you as you came into Hanzos mouth, who pulled off of you before swallowing, pumping you in his hands to let you come off your high.
As you caught your breath, you sighed as you pulled Hanzo into a kiss, pulling on the ribbon in his hair, letting it fall around his face.
"You look hot like this."
You hummed, twirling a strand of his hair around your finger, turning to Cassidy, who watched you both with admiration and frustration as his erection pressed uncomfortably in his pants.
You took no time slipping off your clothes, time passing quickly as you all stripped, coming into a position as you pinned down Cole while Hanzo pressed against your backside.
"He needs little preparing, he can't bear going without something in his hole each night."
Hanzo said, watching as Cole blushed, averting his eyes, which soon closed shut in pleasure as you pushed into him, as Hanzo has stated, he squeezed around you comfortably, you smirked at the noises he made as you bottomed out into him.
The smirk soon faltered as Hanzo pushed into you, it was hot in your stomach, causing you to pant, melting into the both of them as Hanzos chest pressed into the arch of your back.
Cole's hand met your face, you leaned into it as you took the hint to move your hips, Hanzo meeting your pace to thrust in as you thrusted out of Cole, the combined pleasure made your brain feel like mush.
"Ah- shit.. "
You whined out, huffing out short breaths, which Hanzo quickly shut down by kissing the back of your neck.
He muttered out, leaving small hickey's in his wake, smiling in satisfaction as your breathing evened out, the feel of his facial hair scratching your skin soothed you in a odd way.
You kept your right hand holding Cole's hip, while your left one held Hanzo's left from over your shoulder, whilst Hanzos right stroked over your stomach, Cole's right clung to your shoulder, whilst the left dug into his sheets.
"Oh fuck Darlin' I'm gonna cum..."
Cole whimpered out, his chest shuddering with his shaky breaths.
"I am too- ah.. you're so tight Cole.."
You hummed, stroking his hip with the pad of your thumb, leaning into Hanzo, who's cock twitched inside of you.
Cole came first, his cum spewing onto his stomach leaking through his abs, his hole tightening around you with his release, unwillingly, your dick slipped out of him as Hanzo pulled you close to him, fucking you without mercy.
"Doesn't he look pretty like this, Cole?"
"-Fuck yeah he does Han'."
Cole hummed out, laying back as he watched you cum, the white substance leaking down your cock and spurting onto his legs, Hanzo pulled out, fucking into your thighs before his seed spilled down your legs, which quivered weakly.
Cole grabbed you by your waist, raising up to lay you on the bed, letting you catch your breath as he got up, kissing Hanzo deeply as his hand landed on Hanzos left hip momentarily.
"I'll get a towel for us, catch y'all's breath."
Cole hummed, winking at you as he disappeared into his bathroom, returning shortly after, already cleaned up as he tended to you and Hanzo, who unwantingly separated from a small cuddle you had formed.
"Hate to stop y'all from bein' cute but I want a clean cuddle pile."
Cole said, leaving kisses over you and Hanzos body as he cleaned you both up.
He tossed the towel into the floor, joining you both in the cuddle as he pulled a blanket over all of you, leaving you to shortly pass out from exhaustion
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A/N : Mental illness teehee, hope y'all enjoyed, I made Cassidy use a accurate country accent because I myself am southern and cannot stand when then make him talk inaccurately
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delugedecade · 4 months
Mirrorwatch: The Overwatch What If
This is for the mutuals and anyone who hasn't touched Overwatch in AGES. Overwatch 2 has been pumping out new content in monthly seasons, and here in Season 10, we have the Non-Canon Mirrorwatch Event.
(If you want you can watch the announcement video for Season 10)
{What is Mirrorwatch?}
A fierce fight between Overwatch and Talon rages upon Watchpoint: Gibraltar. And in a single moment, an unstoppable object would collide with an immovable force. A Punch from Doomfist against Reinhardt's shield so hard it shatters reality. Among its pieces, an alternate reality.
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{Who's Who Now?}
Alignments have shifted in Mirrorwatch, Overwatch Agents are now part of Talon, and Talon Agents now Overwatch. But let's see who specifically, with some explanation as to why I think things changed
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Overwatch is led by Strike Commander Ogundimu. It's likely in this reality this Doomfist was mentored by the First Doomfist, Adhabu "The Savior" Ngumi, As opposed to the canonical universe, where Akande was mentored by the Second Doomfist, Akinjide "The Scourge of Numbani" Adeyemi, who was the person who recruited him into Talon.
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His second in command is Captain LaCroix. Whether or not her husband Gerard was assassinated, Lacroix joined Overwatch and climbed the ranks as their lead sniper, and I can tell you for sure, there's a lot of lore for her considering who she's fought with in canon.
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The last Overwatch agent in this event is Agent Colomar. Overwatch likely had more involvement in the displacement of orphans after the Omnic crisis, So instead of finding power in manipulation and information, she found power in helping others improve. Plus her Hack symbols have smiley eyes
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In Mirrorwatch, Angela Ziegler takes the moniker of Vengeance as the leader of Talon. Not much is know as to why she chose this path, all that we know is that her nefarious plans are for humanity's future. Vengeance Mercy is this Season's Mythic Skin, and so has variations to her design, and during the event, her resurrection has changed from reviving to detonating fallen souls.
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Second to Vengeance is Arch-Commandant Ana. Once again, there are some details I'd like to go further into later, And much like Doomfist of canon, Ana believes the world has grown complacent.
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The first Talon Agent I'll talk about is Reinhardt, taking the name Fallen Knight, which implies at some point he defected from Overwatch to Talon's side. Judging by his voiceline when eliminating Ana, He doesn't like being leashed around.
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Talon Zarya. I got nothing for Zarya being a Talon Agent other than Volskaya Industries being evil and loaning her out to Talon.
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Now this is menacing~ Talon Brigitte has some real lore to theorize about. Either she's been raised under Talon if Torbjorn was sided with Talon to begin with, or she enlisted with Talon after learning Reinhardt defected to it. Also look at Mitzi, looking all evil and forboding.
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And lastly Operative Oxton, where to begin~ A few fan comics have head-canoned that Lena's chrono-accelerator was faulty/damaged, leading to an explosion that killed Emily, which would be quite the dark backstory to join Talon in revenge against Overwatch. This actually plays well with how her Blink ability works in the Mirrorwatch event, where she take make more teleports at the cost of her health. And if it isn't obvious by her pose, she's sort of the Reaper equivalent.
Other Affiliation Changes
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Genji and Symmetra have both landed themselves in Australia as Junkers
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Kiriko and Hanzo have joined the Shimada's rival Clan, the Hashimoto.
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Zen is part of Null-Sector this time as Z-EN Destroyer, with Ramattra taking his place as the monk who wanted peace between Human and Omnic.
{Changes to the story}
Of course with Affiliation changes, there are lore changes. Here are the main two that are most prominent.
LaCroix VS Amari
In canon Overwatch, Ana loses her eye after hesitating to shoot a brainwashed Lacroix turned Widowmaker. But if you noticed earlier, Arch-Commandant Ana doesn't wear an eyepatch. In Mirrorwatch, because of the shift in alignments, It's Widowmaker who loses an eye in the shootout and she has a cybernetic one to replace it.
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Widowmaker VS Tracer
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Back in the Alive Cinematic, Tracer fails to stop Widowmaker from assassinating the Omnic Monk and leader of the Shambali, Tekhartha Mondatta. But in Mirrorwatch, instead of Mondatta, Ramattra becomes Tekhartha of the Shambali Omnics and is assassinated by Tracer. And if one of her elimination lines against Tracer says anything, Widowmaker was the one who failed to stop the assassination.
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So yeah, that's why I said Widowmaker is like the Tracer of Mirrorwatch, getting the most lore to pull from.
{More Mirrorwatch?}
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There's definitely possiblity there could be more Mirrorwatch skins, if we go by an interview between Twitch Streamer Skiesti and Overwatch 2's Art Director, Dion Rogers. Vishkar Lucio, DJ Symmetra, Junker Winston, Overwatch Reaper, Talon Soldier: 76 were all ideas that were cut.
And that's Overwatch 2 Season 10's Mirrorwatch.
If people would be interested in me roleplaying as some of these alternate universe characters, or want to learn about some of the other Overwatch 2 Story Events, like Starwatch or Questwatch, let me know.
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prime-adeptus · 2 months
Okay, first of all: I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN I SAW YOU DIS MY REQUEST!!! 😍 Secondly: I'm back to order another one if you don't mind. Hanzo x reader where reader worked/lived in the Shimada mansion as a child because reader's family is a family that has served the Shimadas for centuries. Hanzo reader and Genji were friends when they were kids, they played together in secret and everything. Hanzo had a crush on Reader, but as Reader was not from a noble family he knew that this relationship would never be accepted, so he hid his feelings (although Genji knew because come on Hanzo you can't look at them with love eyes and think that he won't notice). Years pass and what we already know happens between Hanzo and Genji happens, now in the present, in the Overwatch recall Genji called Hanzo to be part of Overwatch and he went, even hesitantly, but what he didn't expect was to find reader there, also being part of Overwatch. Basically a scenario of their reunion and how Hanzo's feelings never died, but now more than ever he don't think he is worthy reader love, even though the reader also likes him (extra points if Genji tries to play cupid between the two).
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The Winds of Tomorrow [1/3]
In which you find that Hanzo, the man who’d become a stranger over the years, becomes a loved one once again.
✧ PAIRING: Hanzo Shimada x GN!Reader
✦ CONTENT: Childhood friends to lovers, class differences, blood and violence, drifting apart, reunions, hopeful ending. AU - Canon divergent.
✧ NOTES: HI ANON I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO THIS, I’ve been really uninspired and;; but I’ve been playing Overwatch again and I WILL feed you these crumbs. Hanzo loves you he’s just a little quiet about it
AO3 | Masterlist | @houseofsolisoccasum @interstellar-inn
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Hanzo has always had a special place in your heart since you were children.
You remember it clear as day — you, much younger than you are now with a flower tucked behind your ear and a toothy grin as you drag him through yet another clearing with joy. It was a sunny afternoon and your parents were away doing their respective duties. The elders weren’t quite happy with a servant child being so comfortable with the future successor of the Shimada clan, but that never stopped you. Master Sojiro, for one, was glad to see that his sons had a friend and got to have some semblance of a normal childhood.
It wasn’t as if you were unaware of the things those elders said. It wasn’t as if they were afraid to say it to your face, either. But your mother taught you to hold your head up high and ignore them, because what mattered was that you were happy and the brothers were too.
Genji was away for his tutoring session (“Seriously? I want to train with them!”) and Hanzo had fulfilled his duties for the day, leaving him available for your shenanigans. Your parents were helping take care of the guests whose arrival was imminent. All they told you to do was stay out of trouble.
Hanzo sat cross-legged under the cherry blossom tree with his arms over his chest, a small pout forming at his lips as you attentively adorned his hairs with flowers you’d found. He had a hidden love from the arts. It showed in his calligraphy and poetry, but he was also one to take his image seriously. It never mattered much to you. He was your only other friend, which left him no choice. Though he made it seem like an obligation, you knew he liked spending his downtime with you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let you read some of his works or play with his hair like this.
“I can’t return to the manor like this,” he grumbled. You grinned to yourself, gently tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear. “What will they think of me?”
“They’ll think you look like a prince!” you chirped. “Come on, do me next!”
Memories of your childhood have become a blur, but you remember this very well. How comforting it felt to feel his fingers running through your hair, how he’d huff every time you cracked a joke. It was one of the last moments of peace you’d ever have.
The next time you saw him beneath that tree, blood was dripping off of his hands. He held on to the sword so tightly that his knuckles turned white and his shoulders were shaking as the rain poured and washed away his doing. You were watching him from behind the corner, a frown tugging at your lips before you dragged yourself away. You couldn’t bear to see him in such a sorry state, but a greater part of you was furious — furious that he cared more about honour and duty than his family.
And so, you left. With everyone you loved dead and gone, there was nothing left for you in Hanamura.
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Obsessed w da subscorp hcs, please sir may I have some more 🙏🙏
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE alright lets go!
Hanzo fell first but Kuai Liang fell harder. Not to say that Kuai Liang love Hanzo more tho, more like he's a lot less normal about it.
Hanzo realized he was in love with Kuai Liang about a year or so into their alliance and felt very guilty about it for two main reasons. 1) Harumi, though he knows that she wouldn't hold it against him it still feels a like he's betraying her, especially bc Kuai Liang is Lin Kuei and 2) Bi-Han. It feels cruel to love Kuai Liang when he robbed him of his brother and Hanzo doesn't know how to deal with it.
He makes his peace with that eventually, mostly he comes to terms with his feelings after Quan Chi is dead and both Harumi and Bi-Han have been avenged (which would be about four years of angsty pining) and then just hides them bc he doesn't want to put pressure on Kuai Liang, he doesn't want Kuai Liang to feel obligated or like he has to reciprocate and he's also afraid that Kuai Liang will hate him for it (bc Bi-Han) and that he'll lose his best friend.
Kuai Liang on the other hand has absolutely No Idea that he is in love with Hanzo for the longest time. Like, it is obvious to everybody else, and he knows that he feels Something, but he just thinks its friendship (bc he's experienced so little of that in his life)
There's nothing serious that sparks the realization for him it just sort of happens one day and Kuai Liang kinda shuts down from shock.
He tries to hide his feelings too, bc he knows that Hanzo is still grieving his wife and doesn't want to hurt him by acting like he can replace her (which neither of them would do but yknow, he worries) but Kuai Liang is not as good at being subtle about his emotions as Hanzo is so pretty much everybody but Hanzo can tell
It all comes to a head when Hanzo almost dies and Kuai Liang just refuses to let that happen. Like, Hanzo is bleeding out as they're trapped and Kuai Liang fights their way out like a god of war (which Hanzo thinks is hot) and then, as soon as they are safe, Kuai Liang is kissing the daylights out of him in relief
Johnny Cage runs a betting pool on when they are going to get together and Kung Jin wins thanks to help from Takeda.
Hanzo is incredibly protective of Kuai Liang even though he knows full well that the cryomancer can protect himself, he simply refuses to risk it so whenever Kuai Liang is in danger, Hanzo is there with him, taking hits to protect him.
They do fight about that sometimes, bc both are worried about losing the other and neither is willing to compromise.
Kuai Liang is incredibly possessive, not in a "You are my property" kind of way but in a "I need people to know that you are spoken for and that we belong to each other" Kind of way, so he tends to leave a lot of hickeys on Hanzo whenever he gets the chance
Hanzo is Fully on board with that plan and will sometimes, when not wearing armor, wear clothes that show off as many of the hickeys as possible. He also tries to make the hickeys last longer by pressing down on them with his fingers, which doesn't really work but he tries
whenever Kuai Liang sees him do that he drags him off to a darkened corner to leave more hickeys
Both of them have nightmares and even before they get together are the only people who can calm each other down afterwards.
Hanzo once had a nightmare of Quan Chi coming back from the dead and killing Kuai Liang and teleported over to the Lin Kuei temple (directly into Kuai Liang's bedroom) in a panic to check that he was still alive. Kuai Laing woke up and stayed up the rest of the night talking to him and calming him down
That led to their habit of sleeping in the same bed to ward off the nightmares, which is the only remedy they have found that works.
Frost gives Hanzo a truly terrifying shovel talk after he and Kuai Liang get together, and while he used to think she was arrogant and rude (not that he'd tell Kuai Liang that) he now counts her among the very small number of people he actually fears bc he knows that come hell or high water she will make good on that threat.
That's all I've got atm, but lemme know if you want more!
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nightmarerodent · 4 months
Expecting the Unexpected (part 1? IDK)
A Jakeda one shot that’s no longer a one shot because it got a bit out of hand (as they tend to do)
Jacqui’s heart dropped to her stomach and lodged itself in her throat all at once when she was read the results from the doctor. Positive. Without a shadow of a doubt. The test she took at home wasn’t a fluke. She was pregnant. She was undeniably pregnant. What the hell was she going to tell Takeda?
They were carful. Usually. As careful as two people that rarely got any alone time could be, married or otherwise. Her father was still pissed about that. He never got behind the idea that her and Takeda were going to be a forever thing. He hated that he, and by extension now her as well, was a Shirai Ryu, and Scorpion’s adopted son no less. News that she was now knocked up might just put her dad over the edge enough for him to finally make good on his promises and actually kill the poor boy. It was not a conversation she was looking forward to. At all.
She went home that day in a daze, mind a million miles away from her body. At least she had the wherewithal to go to a clinic in town and not the hospital on base. This way news wouldn’t spread as quickly. If people were going to find out, she wanted it to be on her terms. And putting off the lecture Auntie Sonya was undoubtedly going to give them would be nice too.
Cassie was the first to find out. Takeda was still gone, out on some mission for the clan, and probably wouldn’t be back for the next few days. She was bursting to tell someone, to get advice or reassurance, something, and Cassie knew something was wrong with her best friend. She’s noticed Jacqui behaving strangely; she was more tired and had excused herself more than once to use the bathroom, only to be found vomiting a few moments later. So Cassie showing up at her on base housing with take out and a worried look after Jacqui’s visit to the doctor was unsurprising. Nor was her reaction.
“Pregnant!?” Cassie was out of her chair in an instant, “Are you sure? For how long? Does Tak know?”
“No. I only found out yesterday. And I’m only seven weeks along.” Jacqui told her.
“Am I the first you’ve told? Aw, JB.” Cassie moved to hug her and Jacqui gratefully accepted.
A small weight felt like it lifted off Jacqui and it was enough for what strength she tried to carry since receiving the news to finally break. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to tremble.
“What am I going to do? This wasn’t part of the plan. Not yet. I’m going to be discharged. My career is over.” Jacqui sobbed.
“Hey, no it’s not. Briggs’s don’t quit,” Cassie reassured her, “You’re the smartest, most badass, most determined person in SF and you’re going to have the smartest most badass baby to ever grace Earthrealm. If the brass has a problem with that then they can kiss my glowing green fist.”
“I can’t defend Earthrealm and have a baby, Cass. They’re going to kick me out. It’s protocol.”
“Says who? Have you forgotten who runs this place? I mean, I wasn’t planned and I sure as hell didn’t stop my mom from pursuing her career.” Cassie pulled back on the hug so she could look her friend in the eye but still held her close.
“Auntie was way further along in her career than I am. She was a commander when she had you, I’m just another Sargent.”
“That’s married to the second in command of one of our most important allies. No one if firing you without pissing off Hanzo. Or me. Or Tak, but most importantly me. Trust me, we got you. You’re not going anywhere. I promise.”
Jacqui wanted to believe her. She really, truly did, but the fear was overwhelming. This whole situation was overwhelming. She didn’t even know if she wanted to be a mom. She was open to the idea. Her and Takeda have talked about it, sure, but always as some vague eventuality, off in the far distance that was some undefined future. A wishful daydream of peaceful times not filled with oni from the netherrealm or some new nightmare crawling out of god knows where in Out World. Now it was being thrown into her face in a time of such uncertainty. And Takeda wasn’t here.
But he will be, she reminded herself. He will be back in a few days and they’ll figure this out together. Always together. That was their promise. And Takeda never breaks a promise.
“You’re going to be an amazing mother,” Cassie believed every word she said with her whole being, “And Takeda is going to be the greatest dad. He already has the humor of one.”
That actually got a chuckle out of her, “His jokes are so bad but he looks so happy when he tells them.”
Over the next few days Cassie kept her promise and didn’t tell a single soul what she knew. She covered for Jacqui too, claiming a stomach bug that Jacqui was too stubborn to acknowledge whenever she was caught throwing up. Cass was always ready with a convincing lie and had the acting chops to pull it off too. She was a Cage after all.
Jin at one point commented that she looked terrible, causing Jacqui to start crying uncharacteristically, blabbering that she felt gross, freaking him out. He immediately started apologizing, saying that she looked fine, it was a joke, she was supposed to snap at him and they’d have their witty back and forth and then she’d punch him like always. It was their thing. She just cried more. She didn’t want to punch him. She never wanted to punch him. He was her friend and she was always so mean to him and she was sorry. This only freaked him out more. He just bear hugged her and desperately looked around for Cassie because this was not his department. He had no clue what to do with a crying Briggs or what was causing it. Was she possessed? Did she need medical attention? Chocolate? A cat? Where was Takeda when you needed him? What was happening? Eventually Cassie showed up and got Jacqui to calm down back to normal but Kung Jin was thoroughly freaked out by that point and refrained from being his usual sarcastic self for the remainder of the day.
All the while, Cassie kept an ear out for news about Takeda’s return. She was hell bent and determined to have Jacqui be the first thing he sees when he exists the transport or portal. When she finally received word after a few days that he’d be returning within the hour, she booked to tell Jacqui. She’s never run so fast in her life.
The second Takeda stepped out of the portal he was hit with the force that was his wife barreling into him and wrapping him into a desperate hug. One he was equally as desperate to return. Before he could even breathe so much as a word, she had already grabbed his face and pulled him into a forceful kiss. He wasn’t complaining. He chuckled as they pulled away from each other, jokingly asking if she missed him, only for the smile to drop and worry to set in as he noticed her nervous smile and wet eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He asked.
“Only good things,” she told him, “I just- I really missed you.”
As soon as they were alone back at home she told him. A whole mix of emotions flew across his face in a matter of seconds. Shock, disbelief, confusion, fear, joy. He finally settled on ecstatic as he hugged her tight, laughing, and asking her a whole slew of questions. She was relieved he took it so well, though she wondered why she had thought any different. He was always the one that brought the topic up, even if it was just as a hypothetical. He wanted kids. He never said it in as many words or so directly, but it was clear to her it was a thing he desired. His infectious joy was evidence of that.
They celebrated the way couples that were young and in love do, Takeda becoming completely unable to keep his hands to himself for more than a fraction of a second and her being more than willing to receive any and all affection he was able to give. By the end of the night they were curled up together, his arms wrapped around her and a hand pressed gently against her stomach where their future was growing, peppering her with kisses and muttering sweet nothings.
Uncertainty still hung in the air. How they were going to make this work. How they were going to tell people. What their positions as Earthrealm’s defenders would look like now. How and where they were going to raise the child. If they were even fit to be parents in the first place. All conversations they were going to have to have sooner rather than later. But, for now, for a moment, they were allowed to be happy and unashamed. Opinions and outsiders be damned.
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1-up-chump · 1 year
Look i know your requests are closed for now. But whenever you can. Could i have fave foods,food preferences,and dislikes for mk characters?
Maybe the basic roster? Liu kang,kung lao,sonya,jax,kano,johnny cage,sub zero(s),scorpion,raiden, kitana,and shang tsung? Maybe a reptile thrown in there.
Ok this might be long but I'll try!
Mortal kombat characters and their food preferences.
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Liu kang:
He likes bold flavors, spices and savory dishes are his go to. He likes dry heat but not so much he can't taste anything. He also likes sweet fruits like peaches and mangoes. He likes mango flavored shaved ice
Kung lao:
He mostly eats vegetables, fresh and delicious with noodles is his go to. But he does rarely eat chicken (don't tell his white lotus masters) and on very special holidays he eats pork (again, don't tell his white lotus masters.) He adores soup dumplings and thats his favorite.
It might be typical, but she loves a nice juicy classic all American burger, fresh off the grill. Other than that she drinks a lot of coffee and prefers light and quick easy meals to get her through the day.
The man is simple, he loves a good barbecue pulled pork. Anything high in protein that's also delicious. He also loves strawberry ice cream.
Barbeque, beer, and mochi. Surprising to some, kano has a varied palette. While he can eat anything (had to at some points) he also knows whats delicious and whats mediocre at best.
Johnny cage:
The most well coordinated diet you expect from a well active celebrity. But Johnny prefers homemade and authentic food, which often he goes to any obscure family owned ethnic restaurant. His favorite is one noodle dish from a restuarant owned by a very old Chinese man who taught him how to make it, after Johnny practically begged on his knees to know.
Sub-zero/kuai liang:
Kuai is simple, rice and vegetables with beef. But his absolute favorite is ice cream, his eyes light up whenever he sees the delicious frozen treats.
Bi-han has similar tastes to kuai. But prefers his meats to be burnt to a charcoal. Loves chocolate ice cream.
Scorpion/hanzo hasashi:
Hearty, warm, homemade dishes. Lots of fish, lots of rice. He likes spicy but prefers to be in the mood to fully enjoy it. Likes citrusy desserts.
He loves spice an abnormal amount. Giving him spicy chicken is the quickest way to earn his favor. He also loves milk too. Even his brother is unnerved by how much spicy food raiden can eat and not suffer tremendously, he's just built different. He likes lightly sweet desserts like marshmallows or cotton candy. Or dango.
Edenian dishes are as colorful as delicious and varied. Herbs and spices are used generously and most are vegetarian. Kitana's favorite is an edenian dish with an outworld goat meat marinated in a special edenian orange. Peaches do not exist in outworld but kitana loved the white peach liu kang once offered her. She longs for it's taste again.
Shang tsung:
He loves vegetables, fresh and well prepared. Noodles and broth must also be to his liking. There is one dish that will make him feel so content and at peace, it's a simple peasant dish from a long time ago in china. Shang tsung also loves fruits that are especially juicy and sweet, or tangy. Loves lychee and mango the most.
Bonus reptile/syzoth:
Saurian's diet consists of fish and special leafy greens no longer found in outworld as the plantlife went extinct (thanks shao kahn). But a similar dish is catfish and collared greens.
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agvarina · 9 days
Lord liu kang finds a peaceful timeline where the brothers dont exist
The girls are sad but happy to see there 'little brother' go
Thanks to Frost and Bimings involvement Noobs precensse was discovered by The adults and his reason for being there, this lead to Liu Kang getting involved to figure out what to do.
Sadly in The process of Looking for a solutions to The proplems Noobs and Kid Kuai had, The Faith of little Kuais Bi-han was discovered.
With a heavy heart Liu Kang told little Kuai of this and trough tears The young boy confessed that he already knew it in his heart that his Brother was no More.
Noob moved to comfort the boy wich gave Liu Kang an idea, asking Geras to search for a timeline for The two to inhabit together.
Once a timeline were Bi-han nor Kuai was born was found, The newly made brothers thanked everyone for their help and little Kuai promised to come visit young Hanzo and his "big" sisters Before Leaving to start a new Life in a new timeline with his new big Brother.
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leorawright · 2 years
heeyy! love your writing sm <3 could i get genji, hanzo, cassidy, reaper and ana with an autistic reader who's special interest is marine biology? reader especially loves deep sea animals, especially the freaky ones like the goblin shark! that's personally my favorite animal hehe, i think they're cute
Overwatch with s/o who loves marine biology
He'd definitely take you to every aquarium he can
His personal favorite is the sunfish because he likes how flat it is
But going to the deep-sea area is a bit creepy but you like it so Genji will endure
On most of Genji's off days, you two are found in an aquarium looking at the different sharks and anglerfish etc.
He used to take Genji to aquariums but Genji never had your level of interest in aquariums
Hanzo always thought they were incredibly peaceful
He likes watching the manta rays but he always goes to the deep-sea section with you
He doesn't find it too creepy and he likes the dark atmosphere of it
Whenever you want to go to an aquarium just ask Hanzo because he's a simp and will always take you
Cassidy is one who's never really been to an aquarium
His parents never took him and he never was able to in Blackwatch or the Deadlock gang
So when you ask him to take you he shrugs and decides to go
He actually enjoys it quite a lot
He loves watching the dolphins speed around and jump out of the water
When you take him to the deep-sea area to show him the goblin shark he loves it as well
He adds aquariums to his lost of favorite things right after you
He's never been a fan of aquariums all that much but seeing how excited you are about he takes you anyway
No Sombra he's not a simp
If you know a lot about different fish feel free to info dump on Reaper he'll listen casually to every word
He honestly really loves the deep-sea area and that's the part he always wants to spend time in
Just like you he loves the Goblin shark and Anglerfish and everything else dark and creepy
She's perfectly happy to take you to the aquarium all the timr
She personally loved the bright tropical looking reef fish
But she's happy to go to the deep-sea area in order to see your favorite fish
Her favorite in the deep sea area blobfish because it looks much more put together than when it's on land
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