#biana vacker-sonden
corruption-exe · 2 years
Keeptober 2022
Prompt 4 combined with 5: Human AU and Headcanon (moodboards with explanations) @keeptober
i'm a bit late, hehe, but here is what I've been working on! i've gotten a story too, but it's coming a bit later
disclaimer: none of the pictures are mine! i just found them on pinterest.
side note: i've added posts from various socials that i think they'd have
Sophie Foster-Ruewen
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she/he/they | bi and genderfluid | her older sister, jolie, lives in LA with her girlfriend, vertina, and boyfriend, brant | amy is in a boarding school somewhere in texas | he is a literature nerd and spews references all the time | lowkey loves sharing music with their friends | when she was 12, his dog, iggy, was recued by them when iggy was left wounded from a dog fight | was that one person who'd usually stay in from recess | good thing she did bc he'd tear you apart if you taught them the rules | coffee addict | works at starbucks, but doesn't romanticize it | 'SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK' -sophie to her parents when he had pulled an all-nighter to study | phone case is clear with photos of their friends on the back | no password | home screen is the nicest photo they have of their friends | trades musicals with tam | loves hadestown | wants to tear his friends apart when they visit starbucks just to watch her make coffee | buys "guy" jeans because of *pockets* | favorite order is a caramel frappe | their parents own a farm and they visit the farm each summer | learned how to wrangle animals from a young age | still clumsiest of the group smh | really bad at chem |
Marella Redek
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fi/fire/they/them | poly lesbian, gender undecided | gay disaster tm | type of person to have obvious gay panics | secretly writes fanfic | subtle fan | self-projects on characters too many times | fi's dad left when fi was a kid and fi got raised by fire's aunt and her wives bc fi's mom died of heartbreak | not afraid to voice their opinions | has tiktok, but is stuck on the straight side no matter how hard fi accentuates their fruitiness | has the most chaotic photos of fi's friends | keeps photos, videos, and voice recordings as blackmail | if you ever reach their phone, you'll need to go through facial, thumb, and password | only few can go through it | you insulted princess purryfins? expect something of yours to be burnt tomorrow | magnet for other queers | there's always an element of gay in their outfit | the one that gets the sweetest thing on the menu | if you tell fi to chug, fi will chug | works at mcdonalds | 'my name's jared i'm nineteen and i never learned how to fucking read' - marella to people when fi first introduces themself | convinced tam, keefe, fitz, maruca, stina, and lloyd to make a band and got hired as their manager | the name of the band is the unmanageables | depending on lighting, their hair can look blonde, strawberry blonde, or brown |
Linh Alenefar-Endal
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she/they | transfem lesbian | divorced parents | she and tam got adopted by tiergan and prentice because they got kicked out by their dad when they came out as trans | definitely didn't adopt tam's deadname | adopted princess purryfins to spite tam | claims that princess purryfins loves you when her cat hates you | in retaliation to princess purryfins, tam got a dog and named it sir barks a lot | joke's on him. the dog is the sweetest | wears a lot of jewelry | gives sentimental gifts | will passive-aggressively leave something she doesn't like on your bed if they're mad at you | really good at disguising anger if you're a stranger | don't get her demeanor wrong. she can strangle you, but won't | really strong swimmer and is always in the top 3 in meets | will sneak out at 3 am just to get ice cream | hides in every possible space | hates the fact that they only have a lock and home screen bc she has too many photos that would be good wallpapers | lock screen is her friends and home screen is her family | don't tell her i told you this, but wylie is her favorite brother | loves wicked | orders the fun drinks | curses much more than you think | 'what do you mean this isn't my juice? *checks label* oh fuck, it isn't my juice!' -linh to wylie about a cleaning product | works at dq |
Biana Vacker-Sonden
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ae/aer/they/them (she/her sometimes if ae's feeling it) | ae, surprisingly, has no insta; ae thinks it's too toxic | loves aer step-parent, so ae took cer last name | takes too many selfies; with or without other people, it doesn't matter to aer, but it does to aer phone's storage | ae has too many scrunchies and hair ties | ae loves holding the fact that ae is in ap math over fitz's head although they're shorter than him | heels give ae such gender | loves six: the musical | favors aesthetic things and aer room is too aesthetically pleasing | aer room is messy 50% of the time bc ae's always reorganizing the aesthetic | aer outfits always match aer room's aesthetic | y'know is that vine where a baby had smudged makeup? that's aer fave | that one pjo fangirltm that was "not like other girls" at 12 | had a pinterest board for edits, but it's abandoned and nO THAT NEVER HAPPENED- | only stina, marella, and maruca know abt it | you can bet that whatever drink ae orders has to match aer outfit | strongest of the group | encourages body positivity | birthmarks | 'no, she's beautiful, you misogynistic bitch' -biana to quan song at some point | costume designer for school stuff | loudest laugh in a nice way | most rings make aer itchy | works at starbucks, but in a different branch |
Tam Alenefar-Endal
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he/they | transmasc and pan | surprisingly a theater nerd | usually in the backstage crew, but he occasionally gets a role | belts really well | linh has caught him humming 'how bad can i be?' from the lorax on more than one occasion (you can pry the tamcler out of my cold, dead hands) | favorite musical is hamilton | secretly a romantic person | won't admit it, but they love his friends | bed full of squishies | sir barks a lot loves licking his face | intro to musical theater was hadestown | forced to learn violin as a song, but learned piano on his own accord | will silently murder you with his eyes if you hurt his friends or family emotionally or physically | will eat anything if distracted | doesn't usually curse | backgrounds are skeletons | his password is dansemacabre | has the best song recs | don't insult his music taste unless you wanted to die | has the most diverse music taste | orders lattes | a sign of trust is insulting you in your face | salty as fuck | 'DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU PUT SHAMPOO IN YOUR MOUTH?!' - tam to keefe after leaving tam's house | prettiest laugh, but rarely laughs | will passive aggressively play a rock song on the piano to prove you wrong |
Keefe Heslege
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he/it | the dogs are actually theirs | fitz sent those messages. dw, it's capri sun he's talking abt | he's good at art and decorated the cake itself | bi disaster | that one guy that you'd rarely see in fancy clothes, but would look good in them | he doesn't stress-bake; he stress paints like lily | jokes about hating his cousins, but defends them bc someone else but him dares to insult his cousins?! | its ears turn red instead of blushing, but his hair covers it | if you make it blush enough, pink shows on his cheeks | listens to cody fry | has 1000 blankets, but huddles for warmth | fre shavocado | paint splatters for phone case and bgs | password is hunky hair | chaotic tiktok all the way | has tried straightok once, but regretted it | lily knows too much, so it treats fae like a goddess | emoji addict | caramel drinks all the way | 'what do you mean by you're not supposed to stick that up your secret tunnel?' - keefe about a period pad | has a nice voice, but abuses it | gives you a cold stare if it's mad at you | works at subway | it's goal is to make tam laugh | will do anything on a dare |
Fitz Vacker-Sonden
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he/him on thin ice | gay awakening was ironically prince eric and aladdin | was sheltered a lot as a kid, so he rarely watched movies and shows other kids did | his favorite movie is 'in a heartbeat' | he kins zuko from atla | the gay that can't do math | history nerd | 'no i won't help you with your homework' | he can do basic math like addition, subtraction, etc., | human embodiment of gifted kid burnout | very basic room scheme | he wasn't a very creative kid, so that's why he has a red dragon and border collie that are both named mr. snuggles | cried when they watched inside out | not the prince of the group lol | dies of cuteness bc of the smallest cute thing | face recognition and photos of the gang | type of person to walk into a starbucks and order a black coffee for the "taste" when he just wants to impress a certain someone | 'I'm gonna pretend that I didn't see you eat that' - fitz to sophie about a tube of marshmallow disguised in a toothpaste tube | plays the guitar | most illegible handwriting |
Dex Dizznee
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he/xe | had an obvious crush on fitz, but sophie was oblivious to it | self-taught himself coding | his family is middle class, but his grandparents are loaded | best friends with biana and they enjoy berating fitz for being in ap math | fitz bashes on xem for not understanding history in turn | ap science, math, and computer class are his best subjects | a natural cuddler | can, will, and does approach you from behind to hug | best hugs | won't give you candy from xor share, but will give you your own pack | has a lot of respect for his mother and treats her right bc she pushed out three human beings within the span of a few minutes | always makes time for family | best movie and show recs, but xe is very casual abt it and you have to pay attention to the way he says something | cried in mulan 2 when xe thought shang died (no, I'm not self-projecting, haha. why do you think that, hehe?) | don't insult iced coffee in xor presence or your phone will be hacked in the morning | 'wait, weren't we supposed to explode something?' - dex abt a reenactment for a history project | became the producer of the band | works part time at his parents' pharmacy |
Maruca Chebota
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she/they | second tallest of the group | book nerd | second to learn how to drive | has two moms and a cat named cupcake | favorite subjects are math and english | rarely watches shows | the one on booktok | wants to be a makeup artist when they grow up | really good at math, but not enough to be in ap math | sleepwalker and midnight snacker | will greet you good morning no matter how late she has to stay | bi poly, but boys are out of the question | gone when sweets are in the problem | will read anything if bored | babytalk? never heard of it | has philosophical debates with babies | katara kinnie | has been to the most countries | buys the foamiest shit on the menu | 'don't touch me. I'm eating' - a sleepy maruca who was very obviously not eating | sends memes as replies | gif addict | plays the bass | the band has music like truslow | buys those door mats that have a pun on them | most productive when they're sleepy | nicest handwriting | works at burger king | meows back at cats |
Stina Heks
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they/she | they used to live with her grandparents on a farm until she was 8 | her parents married young, so she was given to her maternal grandparents until they settled in | they're really good with horses and has one named sugarcube | nonbinary lesbian | cried when she had to leave sugarcube | they still visit the farm once or twice a month | can't leave the house without cuffing her jeans | binge watches shows and movies | earphones with cords; nothing else | phone case is minimal with cow pattern | lock and home screens are always the same, but it changes a lot | cried at the kitchen table doing math | likes heathers: the musical and the movie | likes bitter and sour things, but not bc of spite | ironically, they don't really give good show recs | snapchat photos as bgs | thumbprint | isn't the sasser; is the sassed | 'you mean to tell me that we forGOT TAM AT THE GAS STATION?!' - a sleep-deprived stina on a road trip | scariest when she hasn't had their morning coffee | coffee with two sugars, creamers, and a huge whip of cream | plays the electric guitar | gets sentimental when they're sleepy |
Wylie Endal-Alenefar
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he/they | he sends the slap picture a lot | adopted himself as the older brother of the group | he plays the drums and when they're home from college, he has duets with tam, who can play piano, and linh, who plays violin | he majors in history and literature | aro-spec and gay | was the first person the twins came out to | cyrah and prentice only got married and had him because of societal and cyrah's parental pressure | when cyrah's parents died, they divorced on good terms | cyrah is a good mom, but she's running a business, so wylie is left with his dad a lot | wylie has nearly no posts on his social platforms bc he only got it to look at the posts of the twins and his friends | when he's left to babysit the twins, they're chill with his younger sibs bc | he's usually the designated driver for his college friends | mom friend | helps the twins with homework | is still approached by relatives who changed their diapers | overachiever | works at a library | 'so you're telling me that your cat did all this?' - wylie grumping to linh about one of his sweaters | practically adopts a freshman called glimmer at college |
(+ my ocs)
London Ethiopia-Sonden
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she/cer | step-sister of biana and fitz through livvy | not the bio child of livvy, but she was adopted by quinlin and livvy when cer (abusive) parents were sent to jail for child abuse | livvy and quinlin might not have gotten along, but they were good parents | livvy married della and quinlin married alden, so she comes with biana and fitz when it's their dad's turn with them | is the most disastrous gay of the group | added ce/cer to cer pronouns at 13 | genderqueer lesbian | different nail colors each month | customizes cer own sneakers | her best friend, xaden, used to date her bc their parents wanted it, but they broke up when cer parents were arrested; wlw and mlm solidarity | has a pride flag with a middle finger and the words 'fuck homophobes' as cer home screen with a passive-aggressive message on her lock screen | WILL judge you for having too many textures in an outfit | 'you're not coming to my tea party? betHANY, I MADE BISCUITS' - london to lloyd when he got lost on his way to cer birthday party | will be personally offended if you judge anything she's wearing | orders an iced drink; as far as anyone's known cer, she hasn't bought the same thing twice | queen of gay panics. marella, move over | has a yt channel, but only a few people know of it. rants about cer life in videos |
Lloyd Vixen
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he/him but thinking of they/hir and ey/em | thought he was aroace at first, but he realized he was gay when he saw liam hemsworth | lily loves bashing on him for having a crush on kovu from the lion king 2 | curses the most | best actor; like, you wouldn't be able to tell if he were really crying or not | would sit in the trunk if there were no seats available | absolutely gone for london's best friend | actually, all of my light-skinned ocs have ears that turn red | lily has the subtlest obvious panics, lloyd has the you wouldn't tell gay panics | orders the sweetest and overcaffeinated drinks | darkest humor | adhd by truslow is his fave song | he and fitz rarely get the arm rests bc they're cis | 'move, i'm gay' - lloyd to xaden as an attempt to flirt although he knows that both of them swing that way | shit at art, but he makes up for it by playing the drums really well | definitely doesn't do things to make him seem hotter to the guy he likes. definitely | he and keefe have matching earrings | meanwhile, he has matching necklaces with lily | has a working doorbell, but claims it's broken so they have to yell | lily knows how to cry on cue, but lloyd can hold back crying |
Lily Vixen
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casual she/faer | chaotic lesbian | forms an immediate bond with tam and marella | has the most subtle gay panics that fade into obvious ones when the cause is gone | like faer cousin, she blushes through her ears | for her 16th birthday, london gave fae customized sneakers | out of all the people in the friend group, she's the one that pesters sophie at work | stubbornest gay you've ever met | rarely takes selfies; her phone storage has memes, photos of her friends, photos she wants to save, etc., | her phone case is a pop-it | has the lesbian flag as a lock screen with the words sappho in cursive | bonus points: her password is sappho | vent art for all her emotions | there's even an artwork for faer gay attacks; that's why they're contained so well | while she bothers sophie at their work, she orders chocolate frappes | matching bracelets with london. definitely a "no homo" move | can pull off a really elaborate prank, but won't | owns the most rings and always has a matching set on her hands | shortest of the group and marella loves holding fi's 2 inches over faer head | only cries in private | 'do you ever wonder if trees feel sad that they can't walk?' - a sleep drunk lily | acts drunk when sleepy |
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yourtwistedlies · 1 year
can we seriously get livvy her proper appreciation? she is such an amazing person 🥰🫶 we stan a queen who knows her worth, and that’s exactly the energy livvy is radiating. we don’t get to know her very well in the book, but from what we do know she seems pretty great. also her disguise as physic was described to be really pretty in my head. i love a fashionable queen too. 💕 plus her hair 😩 is SO PRETTY in the photos of her in unlocked. livvy sonden/physic is my idol
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please reblog if you vote!
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flori-doodles · 2 years
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I am so unapologetically gay for them. (Click on the image for better quality)
taglist under the cut (ask to be added!)
@appleflv @never-mourn-the-good @callas-pancake-tree @that-glasses-dog @katniss-elizabeth-chase
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
i don’t know how to word this eloquently but. my brain. has been screaming. about a fic idea. (in more detail than i’m about to share so if you want details shoot me an ask.) 
anyway. au where fitz reaches a breaking point with vacker expectations and emancipates himself. and the first person he turns to for help on what the hell to do with his life now is livvy. because if he were to list people that are parental figures to him, right behind alden and della is livvy. and livvy took in amy for a while, so her taking him in for a while so he can get on his feet isn’t unreasonable. livvy ends up being way more concerned about fitz’s wellbeing than fitz expected and they have a really soft found family arc. fitz casually mentions that being livvy’s adopted son would be “the dream”, but he knows that’s unrealistic. livvy goes ‘um excuse me since i was thinking the same thing i don’t care that it’s unrealistic we’re gonna make it happen’. so she adopts fitz legally. 
but. della wants to visit fitz. and he’s not super opposed to the idea, since she’s always been more open to change than alden. but she doesn’t have legal custody nor legal claim to him anymore. so she has to talk with livvy about visitation rights/privileges as if they’re a divorced couple even though they’ve never dated. (emotionally they dated, but della’s not willing to admit that to herself yet.) cue scheduling meetups where della and livvy spend time together with fitz (and biana, at least half the time) that turn into a true found family + acquaintances-with-complicated-history to lovers arc. 
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presidentroarie · 2 years
I can't believe I haven't talked about this yet, but I have a headcannon that Alden had the Vacker Legacy pushed onto him like he does with Fitz but Alden fell in love with Quinlin, and even the "It's not gay if you're cognates" doesn't really work for him because he's a Vacker, but his dad keeps pushing him to date his best friend Della who is secretly dating Quinlins best friend Livvy and the four of them make a deal: Quinlin and Livvy get married, Alden and Della get married and they can all be friends and Della and Alden and Qunlin and Livvy can pretend to be together in public but they can be with their actual partners in secret. Well, Alden and Della keep up the act very well and both of them wanted kids, so they agree to have them together. They realize after having Biana that suddenly the Elvin world is paying attention to their kids and not them, so they decide that when Alvar, Fitz and Biana grow up they'll get divorced and pursue their lovers publicly. So after Sophie and Fitz get married, they're technically a bad match and only the douches really look down on them, but Alden and Della sit Fitz, Biana and Sophie down with Livvy and Quinlin (Fitz insisted Sophie be there because she was part of the family now and deserved to be there) but before Della could explain, Sophie says, "Let me guess," and whips the whole thing out and Alden's like "How didyou know?" and Biana and Fitz are like, "It's pretty obvious, guys." And so anyways, Fitz and Biana completely support it and Della and Alden get divorced and get remarried to Quinlin and Livvy each and they're much happier but they still see each other for breakfast and Alden and Della go back to being just best friends, as do Quinlin and Livvy.
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winterfireice · 1 year
Chapter 1 & 2 of my sophiana coffee au are now posted please enjoy 
Taglist: @you-have-been-frizzled @the-one-and-only-aroace @geraldtheanon @oraliefathdon4eternalia @official-kenralie-fanbase @oracle-cookies-deactivated114070 @stopstealingtomatoes @amandayetagain
Chapter 1 - Sophie’s Pov
Amy was supposed to be working today, but she ended up getting the flu and had to call out and everyone else was busy so I'm working the morning shift this Saturday at my family’s coffee shop. 
Im in absolute hell, the line has at least twelve people in it and one of the coffee machines just broke, I’m trying to fix it as quickly as possible when I hear the door open again it takes everything in me not to scream out of built-up stress 
“Need some help?” My best friend asks 
“Oh my god yes, Keefe you're a fricken goddess, help me,” I look up relieved to have someone else here “can you fix this while I take orders?” 
“Wait didn't you have a date, shouldn’t you be having bacon or something with that redhead you were talking to?” I add quickly remembering why he wasn't available earlier
 “He stood me up so I thought I’d come here” Keefe shrugs putting on his apron,
“You ok?” I ask him,
“Yeah it was just the first date no big deal, now move because your terrible at fixing anything that has a power button”
He has a point, and I still have customers to deal with who are getting more annoyed by the second,
After half an hour Keefe and I have gotten a system down and everything is running smoothly, 
Keefe and I have been friends since my first day of school when I ran into him on my way to my first class, literally I crashed him and his jelly donut exploded all over us. I thought he was going to get pissed but instead, he started laughing and then brought me to his locker where he had some extra shirts after school, I bought him another donut, and since then he’s never more than ten feet away.
“I’ll be with you in a moment,” I say placing two teas and one hot cocoa on the counter and calling out a name
I turn to an extremely pretty brunette and lose the ability to speak for a minute “Hi-llo” dear god what is wrong with me “Hello, what can I get you today?” 
“Two green teas, an iced coffee with cream and sugar, and then a mocha iced latte with oat milk, double shot of espresso, two sugars, and two creams, the last one would be my brothers and I am sorry” She laughs and the sticky note she was reading the orders off has fallen off her hand and somehow ended up sticking to her grey skinny jeans.
“No problem it will be ready in a few minutes, can I have a name so I know who to call when it's ready,” I say feeling my face blush.
“Biana Vacker, or just Biana you don't have to say my last name that would be weird,” she awkwardly laughs and I forget to breath
She walks over to the other side of the room after a moment of silent eye contact and sits down on one of the empty chairs I look at her for a few seconds too long,
“Wow you’re a disaster,” Keefe says chuckling
“Shut up” I respond not looking at him
“Want to make her drinks so you can talk to her again?” he asks
“Yes please”
Keefe nods taking my place at the register as I grab the milk.
“Biana Va-, Biana!” I call out. Biana walks over and I slide her drinks over to her one of my fingers grazing her hand. 
“I like your nails,” I tell her they’re a light shade of blue with little daisies painted on them, 
“Thanks, I did them myself I really enjoy painting and nails are just really small canvases, I like your hair,” she says sheepishly,
My hair is in a messy ponytail because it kept getting in my face and I didn't wash it yesterday so the compliment catches me off guard and I just smile and nod at her. She walks away and I take a moment to mourn any confidence I once had.
I turn around and see Keefe trying his hardest not to laugh, “I’m going to go restock the whipped cream” I tell him to avoid being laughed at more.
“Uh so glad the day is over, now I can just sit back and ignore all of my homework,” I say throwing my bag down by a beanbag in my room,
Me and Keefe’s shift ended over an hour ago but we stayed a while after talking to Jensi and Dex when their shift started.
“Ha you're taking after me, love,” Keefe says sinking into the chair “Now would you like to talk about the girl you were talking to today?” 
“Oh god she was so pretty” I dramatically fall onto my bed letting myself be consumed by my blankets and pillows 
“You realize you talked to her for like five minutes right?” He asks me, getting up and lying down next to me,
“Yes and I know I will probably never see her again which is a shame because as I say again she was pretty, and she had such a nice voice it was somehow soft and commanding at the same time,” I sigh feeling like every cliche ever,
“I love you and your, for once, semi-active love life” 
“Could you go five minutes talking about this without laughing?” I ask him after he barely got through the second half of his sentence.
“I don't think so. Hey!” 
the pillow I threw at him hits him right in the face, “back to what I was saying before being rudely interrupted is that I'm sorry, but let's be honest your love life has been pretty boring since you and Marella broke up last year, and I'm happy it is possibly getting more interesting because that means my life gets more interesting, you’re my favorite form of entertainment.” Keefe states 
“You’re mine, and on an unrelated note are you sure you’re ok about your date today?” I ask him wanting to get off the topic of my love life, shifting my position so I’m more comfortable and can see Keefe better, he looks fine but I learned long ago never to trust his face in these situations.
“Seriously I'm ok, I talked to him for like two weeks and only waited at that diner for like an hour plus they had really good hashbrowns so I found it a very nice morning,”
“Your sarcasm says otherwise but I can tell you do not want to talk about it so I’ll leave the subject for now but if you want to later I’m all ears,” I tell him 
“Yeah yeah I know, let's just talk about something else,” 
A few hours later we've both finished most of our homework and now Keefe is finishing up a sketch of my cat Iggy while I work on a creative writing assignment,
“Hey, you two hungry?” my mom Edaline comes in asking us,
I look at Keefe and see him nod, “Yes,” I respond for the both of us 
“Ok dinner will be ready in a few minutes can you guys come down and set the table?”
“Of course, we'll be right down,” Keefe says putting away his drawing materials 
Keefe spends most of his nights here and my parents have stopped asking if he's staying for dinner, they’re usually more confused when he doesn't come home with me.
“So anything interesting happen today?” Edaline asks 
“No not really, I mean one of the coffee machines did break again but Keefe was able to fix it,” I respond,
“Yeah because that was the most interesting part of the day,” Keefe is looking down at his plate with a smirk and I have never hated him more.
“What is he talking about Sophie?” My dad asks confused
“Nothing I just spilled a cup of coffee over myself during rush hour and it was super embarrassing,” I don't need my parents knowing that I spend half the day thinking about a girl I know nothing about,
“We’ve all been there” Grady chuckles,
“Hey, how are you feeling?” I walk into Amy’s room holding a cup of tea for her and wearing pajamas,
“Like I’m dying, so, better” she laughs while curling more into her blankets 
“Well, I have the universal cure for any illness, sibling snuggles, and honey in tea because I heard you had a sore throat,” 
“You’re the best almost oldest sister,” She coughs a little and I set down her tea on her nightstand in case she wants it,
“You sure you want to stay in here, I think I may be carrying a very contagious disease that could destroy the world,” Amy says wiping her nose
“You are one of the most dramatic people I've ever met, and besides remember when I was sick last week? I think I got you sick so I'm not worried,” I respond, and lay down next to her then feel my back pocket buzz,
“Wait for one second, I think someone is trying to call me,” I say fishing my phone out and seeing my older sister’s photo pop up 
“Oh it's Jolie,” I tell Amy 
“Answer it!” my younger scooches closer so my camera can see her and I answer my phone,
“Hello smaller versions of me, how were your days?” Jolie asks, my sister has been off at college for the last two years and usually calls someone in the household to talk about random things, I think she misses us making noise all day and distracting her not that she will admit it,
“I made a fool of myself and Ames can't breath,” I say deciding to give no background information,
“Yeah I'm going to need more context bud,” Jolie responds after a second,
“Honestly I wouldn't mind hearing about the part where you made a fool out of yourself,” Amy says
“I have no game when it comes to sky-blue eyes,” I shrug,
“And this happened at work?” Amy asks,
“Yes, why do you ask?” 
“Because I'm going to have to ask Keefe about this later since I'm guessing he will tell this story better,” Amy replies,
I shake my head and tell her she’d better not call him when Jolie interrupts 
“Sounds like your day was interesting,”
“Well mine was not, I laid in bed all day,” Amy adds,
“Yeah mom told me you were sick, I'm sorry you aren't not feeling great,”  Jolie’s roommate must have just come home because Jolie talks to someone in front of her for a moment,
“It's ok, I’ll probably be fine in a few days but I'm planning on milking it for as long as I can.” 
“Well, we can't say she doesn't know how to work a crowd,” Jolie says nodding her head,
“Learned from the best!” Amy high-fives me, 
“But if any authority figure asks, you figured it out yourself,” I say. I don’t need to be blamed for my sister’s actions, even if I did push her in the direction,
“Well apparently I'm going to some party tonight and have to go,” Jolie side-eyes her roommate, “but I love you guys,” 
“We love you too, have fun at your party,” I say, and me and Amy wave goodbye.
I end up falling asleep next to Amy thinking of one particular coffee order.
Chapter 2
“Good morning sweetie,” Livvy says,
“Good morning, did I sleep in late? I ask rubbing my eyes trying to wake up a little more.
“A little, but we saved you some breakfast though we are out of coffee,” my mom, Della says.
“That's ok I’ll find a new coffee place today,” 
My family moved across the country about a month ago and ever since then every Saturday I've been trying out a new place, whether it be a coffee house or diner. 
“You have any ideas of where you're going this morning?” Fitz asks,
“Yeah, I saw a flyer for this cafe, Calla’s Coffee it looked good and most of the reviews on their website say how it’s great,” I tell him sitting down at the kitchen island to eat breakfast,
“Sounds nice, would you grab me a coffee?” Fitz asks,
“I just watched you down a cup in under five minutes that amount of caffeine can’t be good for you,” Livvy tells him,
“But you see that was regular coffee and the drink Biana is going to get me is iced with more ingredients so they are two completely different drinks and are both extra,” Fitz responds and I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not,
“Oh so you just assume that I’m going to get you something,” I say,
“I’ll pay for both of our drinks.”
Sitting in my car I put the Cafe’s address into my GPS and then start driving. It's weirdly warm here and there are beaches everywhere which is definitely a different view than what I'm used to but very pretty, though I kind of miss all the tall buildings in the city.
The street signs are easier to read too, but somehow I still always get lost. After I take three wrong turns on my drive I finally get there, I get into line and look around a clearly family-owned business with hints of modern decor that I bet one of the owners' kids made them add. It has a comfy almost homey feeling to it, looking over to the counter I see an absolutely gorgeous barista, her blonde hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail to keep it out of her face and her apron looks like it’s recently been washed but didn't get out all the stains. Which is a kind of work outfit I wear often but definitely don't look as good in.
After way too short of an interaction I'm sitting in an empty chair waiting for my drinks having the barista in my view, taking out my phone and texting my friends,
“Currently panicking because the woman I just gave my order to is so hot.” I quickly type,
“Oo how fun, what does she look like?” Marella responds,
“Blonde with brown eyes and is taller than me even with heels on,” 
“How much taller?” Stina asks,
“Just about an inch but still I’m intrigued.” 
“What’s she like?” Linh adds to the conversation,
“No clue I talked to her for about three seconds but she seemed nice, she also tripped over like every word while talking to me which definitely felt nice,” I hear my name being called and tell my friends I’ve got to go. After getting my coffee trying not to make a fool of myself I get back into my car and my phone starts ringing, Answering it Fitz's voice fills the silence,
“Hey where are you? That cafe you were going to is like twenty minutes away and you've been gone for an hour and a half,”
“I got lost plus Calla’s was super busy but I'm on my way home now and should be there relatively soon,” I tell my older brother,
“If you can find our home,” he says teasingly,
“Ha ha, very funny I’m hanging up on you now,” 
After getting home and parking, after only a few accidental detours, I enter the elevator punching the level four button, 
Entering my apartment I set the drinks on the kitchen island,
“Hey pumpkin I was wondering when you would be home,” my mom says picking up her tea,
“I’m making popcorn, want some?” Fitz asks,
“Yeah, extra butter please,” I say putting his latte down on the counter beside him,
“Thanks for the popcorn,”
Popcorn and coffee in hand, Fitz and I head to my room and sit down on my bed. 
“Why are you smiling so much?” Fitz asks,
“No reason,” I say a giggle slipping out accidentally,
“Well, that's extremely unbelievable,” 
“There was just a girl at the coffee shop I went to that's all,” I tell him,
“You’re blushing, so when did you meet her?” Fitz asks,
“Today, she made our drinks,”
“Did you get her name?” my brother asks,
“No, her name tag had fallen off I think, she seemed pretty busy,” I say,
“So you’re over here blushing and giggling like a little kid that just got free ice cream over a girl you saw for maybe ten minutes and didn’t get the name of?”
“Yes I am and I will not be judged for it, and on another note, I still get excited when I get free ice cream,” I respond,
“You’re unbelievable,”
“Some people would say that's a good thing,”
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camelspit · 3 months
Best Keeper Character Portrait Signups 2024
All portraits are due by July 20th
please please please for the love of god please try not to turn them in late 🙏🙏🙏i had a lot of trouble with this in the sexywoman comp
You can request to draw 1-5 characters (You can go over that, but I don't recommend it as it will be harder to finish in time)
Just Tumblr message me what characters you want! Please dont send me an ask! (theyre easy to lose track of)
Please use a square canvas!! It can be however many pixels you want, but the width and height need to be the same! (This helps format the posts lmao)
The portrait does not have to be entirely canon accurate, it just has to be somewhat recognizable as the character
The list of characters to choose from is below the cut. I will try to keep it updated. If a character name is colored pink that means they have been taken.
If you want a character, please try to tell me sometime in the next week 👍
Alvar Vacker
Amy Foster
Bex Dizznee
Biana Vacker
Councillor Bronte
Master Cadence
Councillor Clarette
Cyrah Endal
Della Vacker
Dex Dizznee
Edaline Ruewen
Ella the Elephant
Elwin Heslege
Emma Foster
Fallon Vacker
Fintan Pyren
Fitz Vacker
Garwin Chang
Grady Ruewen
Harry the Jackalope
Jolie Ruewen
Keefe Sencen
Linh Song
Livvy Sonden
Luzia Vacker
Marella Redek
Maruca Chebota
Queen Nubiti
Councillor Oralie
Prentice Endal
Rayni Aria
Sophie Foster
Stina Heks
Tam Song
Tiergan Alenefar
Lady Vespera
Wylie Endal
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kotlc-rp-official · 7 months
Welcome to the KOTLC RP<3
Hello there! You may have heard of us from time to time, but we're a tumblr KOTLC roleplay that just kinda vibes from time to time.
This blog is the MAIN KOTLC RP blog. If you have questions, wanna join the rp etc. you can just drop an ask or tag us in a post. All roleplayers have access to this account so we'll be able to answer your questions at any time of the day
I am writing this as if theres some random entity who is in charge of the account, but we're all in charge of the account.
(The person writing this is Red, owner of the forkle and leto accounts)
⬇️ scroll down to meet the roleplayers ⬇️
MEET THE ROLEPLAYERS side note: i added the names of the actual roleplayers because timeo asked
Sophie - @therealsophieelizabethfoster
Fitz - @fitz-avery-vacker
Keefe - @keefe--sencen
Tam - @tam-shade-song
Dex- @dex-the-smart-one (Everett)
Biana- @sparkles-make-anything-better
Linh - @linh--song (Kory)
Maruca - @the-only-maruca-chebota
Wylie - @flasher-boi-endal
Amy - @amy-rose-foster
Stina - @im-just-cooler (Stella)
Marella - @shut-up-i-will-burn-you (Kay<333)
Jensi - @jensi-babbles-lots
Rex - (i do not know the @ but i know kale runs the account)
Alden - @alden-dendrick-vacker
Quinlin - @quinlin-sonden
Grady - @not-a-fan-of-that-boy
Edaline - @edaline--ruwen
Elwin - @elwin-at-your-service (Elle!!! hi mom! /hj)
Magnate Leto - @magnatetheleto (Red aka me)
Cassius - @thebestsencen
Juline Dizznee - @julinekdizznee-off (brooke)
-Black Swan Members-
Squall - @the-prettiest-ice-cube (Brooke)
Blur - @blurrieidentities Mr Forkle - @norwegian-trickster-god (Also Red)
Tiergan/Granite - @prentices-husband
Livvy - @candies-and-sparkles (Eve)
Jolie - @jolie-lucine-ruewen (venus)
Terik - @terik-the-councillor
Bronte - @bronte-the-inflictor
Oralie - @oralie-pretty-in-pink
Emery - @emery-is-a-king
Fintan - @fintan-pyren
Lady Gisela - @lady-gisela (kale i think)
Vespera: @vespera-neci-folend
Ruy: @chronically-ill-psionipath and or @ruy-tonio-ignis
Alvar - @alvar-not-vacker (also kale, I think)
Glimmer (Rayni) - @little-miss-neverseen
Trix - @trix-up-my-sleeve
Brant - @brant--redacted Umber - @umberthebettershade
other people (animals???)
Sandor - @igowhereyougo
Silveny - @therarestprattlespin (AEYLIS)
Ro - @hunkyhairs-backup
Iggy - @iggy-the-imp (THERE ARE YOU HAPPY TIMEO?)
Black Swan official acc (onyx runs it) @black-swan-official (Asta)
Nerverseen - @neverseen-official
Foxfire - @foxfire-official (I actually do not know)
Exillium - @exillium
Matchmakers - @thematchmakingoffice and @the-official-matchmaking-office (Denny and Timeo)
The Council Intern - @thecouncil-official
Eternalia's Library - @eternalialibrary-official
The official tags for the main rp blog are: asktherp, kotlcrpofficial
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greyfell-the-horse · 9 months
I am required to link all of the humans as well as Silveny. Here they are:
My beloved mate
Silveny- @therarestprattlespin
actually trustworthy ones
Sophie- @therealsophieelizabethfoster
The fork man- @norwegian-trickster-god
Tam- @tam-shade-song
ok ones i guess
Dex- @dex-the-smart-one
Biana- @sparkles-make-anything-better
Fitz- @fitz-avery-vacker
Keefe- @keefe--sencen
Linh- @linh--song
Maruca- @the-only-maruca-chebota
Wylie- @flasher-boi-endal
I do not like them but I will not kick them
Marella- @shut-up-i-will-burn-you
Stina- @im-just-cooler
This one stinks of human. I do not like humans.
Amy- @amy-rose-foster
Big elves I like (heard good things about this one from Silveny)
Alden- @alden-dendrick-vacker
Big elves that are apparently swans
Quinlin- @quinlin-sonden
Elwin- @elwin-at-your-service
Edaline- @edaline-ruwen
Sandor- @igowhereyougo
Bad ones I will kick
Fintan the fire man- @fintan-pyren
King Dimitar- @king-dimitar
Lady Gisela- @lady-gisela
Gethen- @gethen-inar-ondsinn
Alvar- @alvar-not-vacker
Vespera- @vespera-neci-folend
Ruy- @ruy-tonio-ignis
Glimmer (Rayni?)- @little-miss-neverseen
please keep in account which of you I will kick and stay far away from the ones I tolerate.
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kotlc-hub · 9 months
Welcome to Kotlc-Hub!
Kotlc-Hub is a hub where all the characters from kotlc like to hang out! Comment if you would like to be one of the characters!
Marella: @pyro-marella
Dex: @dex-the-smart-one
Maruca: @the-only-maruca-chebota
Foxfire: @foxfire-official
Tam: @tam-song-the-shade
Sophie: @therealsophieelizabethfoster & @theofficialmoonlark
Elwin: @elwin-at-your-service
Ruy: @chronically-ill-psionipath
Bronte: @brontekotlcyan
Blur: @blurrieidentities
Keefe: @keefe--sencen
Fitz: @fitz-avery-vacker
Black Swan: @black-swan-official
The Council: @the-council-official
Exillium: @exillium
Oralie: @councillor-oralie
Livvy: @livvy-sonden-aka-physic
Ro: @hunkyhairs-backup
Biana: @lady-biana-amberly-vacker
Tiergan: sir-tiergan-andrin-alenefar
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jolie-lucine-ruewen · 4 months
(official intro!)
hi im jolie she/her, member of the black swan, @brant--redacted’s (ex?) fiancée (i mean he did kill me so…)
(ooc intro)
im venus they/them, main blog - @cosmxc-ars3hol3
other rp accounts - under the cut!
Sophie & Co:
Sophie - @therealsophieelizabethfoster
Fitz - @fitz-avery-vacker
Keefe - @keefe--sencen
Tam - @tam-shade-song
Dex- @dex-the-smart-one 
Biana- @sparkles-make-anything-better
Linh - @linh--song 
Maruca - @the-only-maruca-chebota 
Wylie - @flasher-boi-endal
Amy - @amy-rose-foster
Stina - @im-just-cooler 
Marella - @shut-up-i-will-burn-you 
Jensi - @jensi-babbles-lots
Alden - @alden-dendrick-vacker
Quinlin - @quinlin-sonden
Grady - @not-a-fan-of-that-boy
Edaline - @edaline--ruwen
Elwin - @elwin-at-your-service
Magnate Leto - @magnatetheleto
Cassius - @thebestsencen
Juline - @julinekdizznee-off
Black Swan:
Black Swan official acc @black-swan-official
Squall - @the-prettiest-ice-cube
Blur - @blurrieidentities
Mr Forkle - @norwegian-trickster-god
Tiergan/Granite - @prentices-husband
Livvy -  @candies-and-sparkles 
Terik - @terik-the-councillor
Bronte - @bronte-the-inflictor
Oralie - @oralie-pretty-in-pink 
The Council Intern - @thecouncil-official
Nerverseen - @neverseen-official
Fintan - @fintan-pyren
Lady Gisela - @lady-gisela
Vespera: @vespera-neci-folend 
Ruy: @ruy-tonio-ignis & @chronically-ill-psionipath
Alvar - @alvar-not-vacker 
Glimmer (Rayni) - @little-miss-neverseen
Trix - @trix-up-my-sleeve
Brant - @brant--redacted
Umber - @umberthebettershade
Foxfire - @foxfire-official
Exillium - @exillium
Matchmakers - @thematchmakingoffice and @the-official-matchmaking-office
Eternalia's Library - @eternalialibrary-official
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bronte-the-inflictor · 6 months
Hello. I decided to hop on this ‘tumblr’ thing I have heard many people talk about.
You can ask me questions as your Councilor, but I cannot be sure I will answer, as there is a lot going on currently in the Lost Cities
Mr. Forkle: norwegian-trickster-god
Livvy SONDEN- @the-psychic-physician
Squall/ Juline Dizznee- @the-prettiest-ice-cube
Edaline RUEWEN- @edaline--ruwen
Alden VACKER- @alden-dendrick-vacker
Quinlin SONDEN- @quinlin-
Elwin HESLEGE- @elwin-h3slege @elwin-at-your-service
Kesler Dizznee- @keslerdizznee
Sophie Foster: @therealsophieelizabethfoster
Fitz Vacker- @fitz-avery-vacker
Keefe Sencen: @keefe--sencen
Tam Song:@tam-shade-song, @tam-song-the-shade
Biana Vacker- @sparkles-make-anything-better
Linh Song- @linh--song
Dex Dizznee - @dex-the-smart-one
Rex Dizznee - @rex-dizzneeeeeeee
Lex Dizznee - @lexicle-the-third
Bex Dizznee - @bexisthecoolest
Maruca Chebota - @the-only-maruca-chebota
Wylie Endal- @flasher-boi-endal
Amy Foster - @amy-rose-foster
Stina Heks - @im-just-cooler
Marella Redek- @shut-up-i-will-burn-you
Jensi Babblos- @jensi-babbles-lots
My boo:
Fintan Pyren - @fintan-pyren
Lady Gisela Sencen - @lady-gisela
Vespera Folend: @vespera-neci-folend
Ruy Ignis: @ruy-tonio-ignis
Alvar Vacker - @alvar-not-vacker
Ex Neverseen:
Rayni Aria- @your-black-cloaked-bestie
Councillor Oralie - @oralie-pretty-in-pink Councillor Terik - @terik-the-councillor
People from other species:
Sandor - @igowhereyougo
Ro - @hunkyhairs-backup
Calla - @callas-panakes-tree
Silveny - @therarestprattlespin
Iggy - @the-official-iggy-the-imp -
Black Swan official acc @black-swan-official
Nerverseen - @neverseen-official
Foxfire - @foxfire-official
The Sanctuary - @sanctuary-official
The matchmaking office -@thematchmakingoffice
Exillium - @exillium
ooc: Hi!!! I’m Benji, and my ooc blog is @just-a-musical-nerdy-guy
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Official intro!
Hi I’m Sophie :D or the mysterious ms.F , foster, fos boss, miss independent. Ect.
Anyways hey y’all I’m just a elf doing her best….
Friends :))))
my besti dex: @dex-the-smart-one
My uh…???? Keefe: @keefe--sencen
Fitz. ( they guy my cousin totally dosent like) : @fitzroy-avery-vacker or @fitz-avery-vacker
The amazing, lovely Biana vacker: @sparkles-make-anything-better
The great pyrotechnic Marella: @shut-up-i-will-burn-you
The “spooky shade”: @tam-song-the-shade or @tam-shade-song
The graceful hydronetic: @linh--song
My friend and one of the smartest guys in school: @jensi-babblos-rules
The it girl maruca: @the-only-maruca-chebota
…….stina: @im-just-cooler
Wylie: @flasher-boi-endal
Keefes body guard, plus the cool ogre: @hunkyhairs-backup
Calla: @callas-panakes-tree
Rayni: @your-black-cloaked-bestie
Mister forkle…he’s….interesting: @norwegian-trickster-god
Totaly not forkle, magnate Leto: @magnatetheleto
Elwin, of whom I’d be dead without: @elwin-at-your-service or @elwin-h3slege
My t-Rex wrangling mother: @edaline--ruwen
The somewhat questionable adult: @alden-dendrick-vacker
My body guard Sandor: @igowhereyougo
Squall: @the-prettiest-ice-cube
The organization that’s made me and is trying to save and kill me, I’m not quite sure: @black-swan-official
Quinlin: @quinlin-sonden
People currently trying to kill me…
The Neverseen….: @neverseen-official
A neverseen technopath who I destroyed the life long work of….(sorry) : @neverseen-techn0path
Fintan: @fintan-pyren
Vespera, who I have beef with given bia: @vespera-neci-foland
Ruy: @ruy-tonio-ignis
The traitor: @alvar-not-vacker
In my opinion, the worst of them all: @lady-gisela
Foxfire. (I go there): @foxfire-official
The sanctuary: @sanctuary-official (home of silveny: @therarestprattlespin )
Exillium. I went there for a moment: @exillium
The lost city’s! : @theofficallostcitiesblog
Oralie: @oralie-pretty-in-pink
If I forgot anyone please tell me!
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..So I guess I should make an introduction.
Hi. Its your favourite Neverseen gal, Rayni
My pronouns are she/her and I am bisexual. Im a flasher, and.. yeah.
I saw the others on a ‘tumblr’ and decided to check it out
if you need to talk to me personally, my main acc is @oc3an-w4ve
Uh.. So I guess I should list my ‘friends’
Sophie- @therealsophieelizabethfoster
Fitz- @fitz-avery-vacker
Dex- @dex-the-smart-one
Keefe- (Idk which one to add) @keefe--sencen @lord-hunkyhair
Biana- @sparkles-make-anything-better
Tam- (theres two?) @tam-song-the-shade @tam-shade-song
Linh- @linh--song
Marella- @shut-up-i-will-burn-you
Wylie- @flasher-boi-endal
Stina- @im-just-cooler
Maruca- @the-only-maruca-chebota
Jensi- @jensi-babbles-lots
Amy- @amy-rose-foster
Alden- @alden-dendrick-vacker
Quinlin- @quinlin-sonden
Elwin- (Theres two) @elwin-at-your-service @elwin-h3slege
Sandor- @igowhereyougo
Forklenator- @norwegian-trickster-god
Edaline- @edaline--ruwen
Ro- @hunkyhairs-backup
King Dimitar- @king-dimitar
Livvy- @psychic-physician
Squall- @the-prettiest-ice-cube
Blur- @blurrieidentities
Calla- @callas-panakes-tree
Fellow Neverseen people (Idk how to feel about them..)
Fintan- @fintan-pyren
Gethen- @gethen-inar-ondsinn
Alvar- @alvar-not-vacker
Vespera- @vespera-neci-foland
Ruy- @ruy-tonio-ignis
Gisela- @lady-gisela
Neverseen- @neverseen-official
Black Swan- @black-swan-official
Matchmaking Office- @the-official-matchmaking-office
The Council- @thecouncil-official
Exillum- @exillium
Foxfire- @foxfire-official
The Sanctuary- @sanctuary-official
Silveny- @therarestprattlespin
Iggy- @iggy-the-imp
Princess Purryfins- @adorablevenom
…..Stuffed animal..?
Ella- @elephantinahawaiianshirt
Holy crap, that was a lot of writing.
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