#sophie foster-ruewen
corruption-exe · 2 years
Historians Wouldn't Call Us Lovers
i know the prompt was "valiant" but you never specified the type of valiant, so i twisted it.
and just so you know, i spent most of my afternoon on this and had a dilemma, so please enjoy it!
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Day 2: Valiant
Sophie, the princess of Havenfield, could hear trumpets coming from the castle walls.
She looked out the window and saw that a special traveling party had come back from the outskirts of the kingdom.
A smile grew on her face and she hitched up her skirts so she could descend the stairs to greet them before her father did.
“Do you think Mare and Linh are going to be there?” one of her best friends, Princess Biana of the Everglen kingdom, joined her as she passed one of the many hallways.
In some of the years prior, Biana had gotten to know two knights-in-training, Lady Marella of the Fluttermont estate and the exiled princess who was adopted, Lady Linh of Solreef, and had confided to Sophie that she was in love with both, but they were in a relationship with each other and Biana didn’t want to intrude.
It broke Sophie’s heart a little because she could sense that both knights had shared affection for Biana as well.
“I don’t care.” Fitz, Biana’s brother, remarked. “I want to see if-”
“If Dex went home, I know.”
“N- no I don’t!”
“He definitely did.” Biana whispered to Sophie and they both giggled.
Fitz had also fallen in love with one of Havenfield’s knights, and Sophie’s cousin, Dex. 
Fitz wouldn’t admit it, but there was no denying how flustered he got when Dex was mentioned in the smallest way.
And, by the looks of it, Dex felt the same, but was better at covering it up by using his one-sided rivalry with the Crown Prince of Everglen.
“Well, a lot of them seemed to come back, so I’m positive.”
They came to a stop as they reached the doors that would open to the foyer.
Sophie could see the doubt on Biana’s face and patted her arm.
“We don’t have to see them if you don’t want to.”
“No, I do. Open the doors, please.”
The three royals hurried down the stairs as soon as the doors opened.
As soon as they passed the bottom step, the knights knelt in front of the princesses.
They were arranged according to rank and Sophie took pride in the fact that they were organized in a straight line. That must have been her lover, Stina’s, doing.
“You may rise and take off your helmets. I want to see the heroes that saved my kingdom.”
The knights did as she said and took off their helmets one by one.
When Linh and Marella undid their helmets, Biana ambushed them both with an embrace, causing all three girls to fall down, laughing.
Eventually, when Dex took his off, Sophie gave him a quick hug and went on her way.
When she looked over her shoulder, she could see Dex blushing and Fitz talking animatedly with his hands.
As Sophie moved to the left, she got worried each time someone took their helmets off and it wasn’t her lover. 
She tried to stay positive, but she was starting to lose hope like she’d already lost her love.
When it came to the last knight, she held her breath as they lifted the helmet and… long blond hair spilled out of it instead of the coily brown hair she was used to.
The face behind the helmet was her lover, Stina’s, second-in-command, Keefe.
His face bore the familiar look of a soldier who lost a loved one to a war and she feared the worst; for Keefe was known for his jokes and smirks.
“Where- where is she?” Sophie whispered softly, willing herself not to cry.
“She- Stina insisted on staying back. She was convinced that she made a discovery about the dragon. I- I tried to go back, but she kicked me away as the cave collapsed. I’m sorry. I tried.”
 Sophie could feel a tear sliding down her face.
It couldn’t be.
How could the gods let this happen to her?
She’d done nothing wrong.
How could the gods take her love away from her? 
After everything she did-
Sophie let out a sob and collapsed onto Keefe.
For the next two weeks, Sophie mourned her lover.
Her mother had tried cheering her up by saying that there was a possibility Stina was still alive.
It was no use.
She was inconsolable and didn’t leave her room.
Food and beverages were either tasteless to her or left cold.
A month later, a handmaid went in and woke her up.
"My lady, a suitor has come. They claim to have done something unachievable before. The king sent me here to get you ready.
Sophie could feel her head nod although she felt numb inside.
Her senses were numbed as she was led away to get ready.
Years ago, when she turned 15, her father had started a contest for her hand in marriage.
Ever since then, suitors had come far and wide in attempts to woo her, but none of them struck her like her friend from childhood, Stina.
Stina was the daughter of the Stable Masters and had made her ambition to be a knight obvious.
Originally, Sophie disliked Stina because she’d caught Stina saddling a horse in a way that made her think that the horse was being mistreated.
She’d come to her father and told him what she saw, but he simply laughed and told her that it wasn’t harmful to the horse in any way.
Sophie, being only 10 at the time, huffed and promised that she’d never ride a horse without its consent. 
Her mother, who was sewing nearby, had laughed and accidentally pricked her finger on the needle.
When she was 12, Stina teased her for falling off a pony.
Sophie ignored her and got back on.
When she was 14, she became friends with Stina and they put their past behind them.
That was also the year Stina started training as a knight.
When she was 15, she found out she was in love.
When she was 16, they became lovers.
At 18, Stina had been bestowed the official title of knight.
But despite the fact that she had fallen in love with Stina and had made their love public, the contest would carry on until she was too old to marry or Stina proposed; which would never happen now that she was dead.
She was currently 21; there was plenty of time until she was illegible for marriage.
As she was preparing to be presented, Sophie couldn’t remember anything. She felt numb and emotionless as she went down the stairs despite most princesses’ excitement at a suitor.
Her father smiled when he saw her.
“You’ll like this suitor.”
Sophie nodded with no emotion behind it.
She was brought into the throne room and seated on her throne.
A knight was brought in after a few minutes of sitting.
They had a familiar figure, that crest seemed familiar, and, wait, was that-
The knight kneeled in front of Sophie and Sophie had a weird feeling that this had happened before, but she forgot when.
“My lady.”
Sophie’s eyes furrowed as she tried to remember where she’d heard that voice before.
“Rise and take your helmet off, please.”
The knight rose, but didn’t take their helmet off.
“I can’t take my helmet off, my lady.”
“Why not?”
“I’m quite hideous.” 
“That’s no excuse to deny my request.”
“I- I do believe that you would not like my appearance. People have fainted at the sight of it.”
“I have seen worse. Take. It. Off.”
They went back and forth over the helmet with the knight changing their argument every few sentences.
When the knight changed their argument once more, Sophie finally lost her temper and stood up.
She walked over to where the knight was standing and grabbed the sides of the helmet.
“Suitor or not, I am your future queen and I am determined to find out who managed to accomplish something that hasn’t been done before.”
Sophie started to pull the helmet up.
“Wait, I don’t recommend-”
But it was too late.
Sophie had pulled the helmet and-
It- it couldn’t be.
She had to be dreaming again. 
Standing in front of her was Stina; the lover she thought was lost.
She burst into tears.
“What- but- how- Keefe said-”
Stina sighed and smiled.
“This was supposed to be dramatic, but I guess we’ll have to make do.”
Stina held out her arms and Sophie tackled her to the ground.
“Never do that again.”
“Do what?”
“Scare me like that.”
“It wasn’t intentional. I found out that the dragon was just lonely. She needed some company, so I gave it to her.”
“That’s so you.”
“She’s also flying above the castle, just in case you didn’t know.”
Sophie quickly pulled away.
“Don’t worry, she’s harmless! She wants to negotiate with you!” 
Sophie sighed affectionately. 
“One of these days, you’ll give me a heart attack.”
“Of course.”
Stina stood up and helped Sophie up, but then went back down on one knee.
Sophie could feel her face turn red and her heart beat even faster; a feat she didn’t know could happen.
“Stina, don’t you think it’s too soon? I mean, I just found out you’re alive and there’s a dragon circling our heads and oh my stars, YES.”
On the day of their wedding, Sophie started panicking inside when she saw Stina in a wedding dress.
Stina had chosen to wear the dress when it had come to choosing wedding apparel and seemed to be bent on keeping it. 
Now, Sophie was glad that Stina had fought to keep it, but was kind of regretting not getting a dress that gave her more room to breathe.
Stina’s cheeks turned pink seeing Sophie and gave a soft smile. 
“You’re beautiful.”
“Not as much as you.” Sophie replied without thinking.
Everything was perfect. 
Sophie finally had things the way she wanted and needed.
Stina was beside her as her bride; 
Biana had gathered up enough courage to confess to both Marella and Linh and all three of them were dating; 
Fitz had finally asked Dex out and were in the over-sweetened beta stage of their relationship;
And even Keefe seemed to have gotten a crush on Linh’s brother, Tam, who had been visiting from their adopted country, Solreef, and they were busy arguing over hair, but Sophie could see that they were both smitten.
Really, there was nothing else the gods could do to make her happier.
@camelspit @heksterweek
People I keep locked up (tell me if you want in or out. Sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged out of loyalty):
@/camelspit (you're already tagged; i don't want to give you extra notifs)
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castleofravens · 2 months
grady and edaline are probably terrified at the idea of sophie dating because their other daughter was killed by her partner, like yeah they know all of sophie’s friends but they thought they knew brant too
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alwaysakookie · 22 days
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I finally finished the kotlc poll drawing!!!! I love these guys so so much💗
I even learn rendering for it (At least I tried)
Ignore how I drew the hands mkay 🫣
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Sophie: Am I in trouble then? Grady: Have a guess sophie: No? Grady: Have another guess
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
If Elwin ends up being the father, he’d better tell her without permission from the Black Swan. That is the only way I will accept this.
Elwin just decides that she deserves to know, screw Mr. Forkle, screw the collective, and he hugs her and says he’s sorry without even being prompted and says he’s always loved her but understands if she needs time.
And it feels different than it did with Oralie because Sophie didn’t force the answer out of him, wasn’t met with a lie to her face, and he understood how hard it was. How much it hurt.
And her relationship with him isn’t ruined at all.
And then they yell at Mr. Forkle together as an unstoppable father daughter duo
ONLY way I will accept that reveal
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itsmeagain-lezabeth · 2 months
fintan-marella found father-daughter relationship anyone?
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art-isnt-arting · 1 month
Sophie is the gun.
They both reached for the gun.
The Black Swan and the Neverseen.
The Vackers and the Ruewens.
Mr. Forkle and Lady Gisela.
Fitz and Keefe.
Jolie and Amy.
Edaline and Oralie.
Foxfire and Exillium.
The Collective and the Council.
The Lost Cities and the Forbidden Cities.
They all reached for the gun.
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clarissaweasley-10 · 3 months
Alright so l saw a few people on the internet saying that Sophie Foster is a pick me because she doesn't like make up ,gowns,or anything figuratively feminine.STOPP.I am on full fledged mamma bear mode.Because,pick me is a term used to describe someone,a girl in most cases (i think)who puts down other girls or claims that she is different, to get more attention(from guys.)And Sophie Foster is nothing like that.Sure she doesn't like to wear gowns because she doesn't feel comfortable in them.And come on if you have to wear a 3-5kg gown everyday,every hour of the day,then you would be uncomfortable too.The other elves in the series don't mind it that much because they have always lived like that,and those who feel uncomfortable switch to tunics like Sophie did,and there is nothing wrong with that.You should wear what you are comfortable in.About accessories and makeup,it's clearly stated that Sophie hates make up and fancy accessories(dramatic pause) because she doesn't want to stand out.Sophie has always been uncomfortable with attention (till the last two books)and just wants to blend in with the crowd.She doesn't like the attention that comes with dressing up, because she doesn't want to stand out.And another thing,Sophie never criticised other girls for dressing up.She never put them down to get attention.Like she doesn't think it's WRONG to dress up or attract the crowd.For example,Sophie has always admired Biana for her fashion sense and beauty tho they both have very different styles.Sophie respects Biana's fashion and doesn't judge her for being girly nor does she EVER compare herself to other girls in a narcissistic manner to prove how different she is from "other girls."She is NOT a pick me and DOES NOT give "l'm not like these other girls at all" vibes.Thank you.
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sophiejacksonchase · 5 months
Della: My children's diet is entirely organic.
Grady: that's cool. When Sophie eats, which happens almost never, she eats candy only.
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mallowmelt-down · 2 months
I really wish that Sophie was a pyrokinetic because the plot has SO much potential.
The Ruewens would have to get over their fear of fire and anger towards pyrokinetics (imagine them finding Sophie asleep while engulfed in flames and all they can think of is Jolie). Sophie would need to get over her own trauma with fire because of her kidnapping and seek training from the Neverseen with Brant and Fintan (pre-Lodestar). Dex would need to face his own trauma as well because he wants to be there for his best friend. Fitz would have to face the fact that Sophie was a bad match for him and they might lose the ability to be cognates. If she got the ability later, the Council might have kicked her off of Team Valiant or reconsidered the ability restricter. Oralie would have to address her anger towards pyrokinetics and trauma from Kenric’s death while trying to support her daughter. Sophie would also gain an interesting perspective from having the most hated ability and possibly start to understand the Neverseen, especially Fintan given his backstory, a little better (which would terrify her.) Bonus points if the ability was an accident and the Black Swan didn’t plan for it.
The pure angst of it all would have been so cool to read.
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corruption-exe · 2 years
(for the heels one). Keefe secen
Oh ho! You've picked a bold one. These ones with the outfit as a bonus:
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No questions asked.
At first, it started as a joke, but Keefe found out that he could tower over everyone else, including Wylie, so they stayed. Keefe adapted to them quickly.
Also, Assius was being a heteronormative bitch, so Keefe bought 6-inch heels to spite him. Elwin supports him.
He can run really fast in them and to annoy biana, he bought the most hideous ones he could find and strut into the room like that mean boss character while singing musicals in the most annoying off-key voices.
Sophie and Biana both regret it. Biana for the dare and Sophie for the human culture she exposed to everyone (more on that on later things)
Thanks for the ask!
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rusted-phone-calls · 7 days
hi thnking. about if edaline ever looks at sophie and sees jolie. like the first few months they have sophie edaline wants to cry when she sees sophie because thats her daughter but shes not jolie. she looks so much like jolie. maybe one day edaline wakes up tired and startles when she sees sophie thinking that its jolies ghost. maybe one day she apologizes to jolie(sophie) and sophie gets it. maybe its only during when sophie is presumed dead edaline realises she doesnt see sophie as jolie that much anymore. maybe she grieved sophie as sophie and not the ghost of her daughter. what if
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autistic-daydreamer · 6 months
Book 10 should just be Grady going loose on the Neverseen while the kiddos work through their trauma and issues with one another
Also Keefe should set up a rage room for Sophie and Fitz
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begayandstabpeople · 7 months
KotLc would have ended so much sooner if they just gave someone like Grady, Sophie or Tam a gun and just pointed them towards a Neverseen hideout. Please can Shannon Messenger just let them shoot some people
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myfairkatiecat · 7 months
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She is literally me
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doodle-do-wop · 1 month
Halloween at the Ruewen's!!!
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Zooms under cut + Enlightened Translation
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Costumes!! No one is going to guess Sophie's but she's Gandalf the Grey. Grady and Edaline are in a matching couple's outfit for two DC superheroes Green Arrow(Grady) and Black Canary(Edaline). Iggy ate his costume
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