#bianca and adonis
marvelous-alexa · 1 year
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illlbebetteronsaturn · 8 months
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melaninpov · 1 year
Tessa, Jonathan and more speaking about Michael B Jordan as a director
I got teary eyed watching this. The love and admiration they have for Michael is really touching. He seems like a genuinely nice person and I know his parents are proud.
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Netflix & Chill
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Adonis was cool peoples.
Of course, Nyla didn’t really have any worries that he wasn’t, but it was nice to confirm what she already thought.
Baking him a cake seemed to be the easiest way to get him to like her. Which she was grateful for because honestly, she didn’t care to do anything more to make him like if the cake didn’t work. She watched with an amused look on her face as he practically devoured the entire cake before him. She never understood how men could just eat so much and not gain a single pound. It made her wonder why they got that little superpower and not her.
He would take moments to stop eating to ask if she wanted any more than what she got or to tell her that she was a master at baking, which she surely appreciated. She was good with her one slice though, that was already too much sugar for her. 5 minutes had passed and it seemed like he was done eating for now. He only had like two slices left but she figured that he had ate enough to last him for the entire week, so she took it upon herself to grab the rest of the cake and put it in the fridge for him to eat later on.
“So, why move to Philly?” Nyla asked him as she closed the fridge after she placed the cake pan in there.
“Let’s just say I got some business to handle.” He shrugged.
“Oh, so you’re a dealer?”
“Girl what?” Adonis scoffed, furrowing his eyebrows at how she even came to such a conclusion. “No. Why you even guess that?” He asked.
“So… you’re a nigga with nowhere to go?” Nyla asked.
“Ain’t I just say I got shit to do here?”
“That’s what everyone says.” Nyla argued. “Truth is, nobody moves to Philly for anything other than the schools. It’s not like y’all aren’t aware of how dangerous it is.” She explained, shrugging her shoulders as she pushed her plate to the side.
“You not repping your city?” Adonis asked her.
“What’s there to rep? I’m leaving the moment I can.” She told him.
“Where to?”
“New Orleans maybe. Or maybe somewhere on the west coast. L.A. comes to mind.” Nyla said.
“I’ll take you one day.”
Nyla’s eyes lit up as she let out a cute little snort. “I knew you were from there!” She exclaimed.
“I don’t know, you just give California. And I’m never wrong when reading someone’s vibe.” Nyla explained.
“Didn’t you just call me a drug dealer with nowhere to go?” Adonis asked her, amusement written on his face as she blushed out of embarrassment.
“I was simply asking.” She shrugged.
She walked around the counter, looking down at him as she stood by his side now. “So, what did you do before you moved?” She wondered.
“Boring ass office job.” Adonis muttered, clearly uninterested in talking about that aspect of his life.
“Oh yeah, that totally doesn’t seem appealing. I can barely stand still for more than 30 seconds.” Nyla chuckled.
“Nope. The will to explore.” Nyla grinned, placing her hand on her hip as she stopped by his side.
“How about you? What do you do?” Adonis wondered.
“I’m just your average waitress.” She shrugged.
“Doesn’t sound like much of a career to me.” He said.
“It’s a job. Not a career.” Nyla corrected him. “I’ll get started in my career soon though.” She said.
“What you thinking of?”
“Interior design.”
“Oh, that’s why you been disgusted and judging my empty ass apartment this whole time.” Adonis pointed out.
Nyla snorted as she hit his shoulder. “I have not been judging your place.” She giggled.
“You lying.”
“Am not!”
“Name three things in here you like then.” Adonis told her.
Nyla took a look around the very crappy— yet still beautiful in its own way— apartment for a few seconds. “Well, the cabinets are very evenly lined—“
“Don’t play in my face.” Adonis grinned.
“I’m not!” Nyla exclaimed. “The floors are nice. Love a good swept floor.” She told him.
“You really playing with me right now.” Adonis chucked, shaking his head in amusement as she rolled her eyes playfully.
“And the man that’s renting this place happens to be fine. So, that’s a good sign.” Nyla finished, smiling innocently as she batted her eyelashes at the man.
“How fine we talking?” Adonis wondered, raising an eyebrow.
“Real fine.”
Adonis grinned in satisfaction, patting himself on the back while she just rolled her eyes. He already knew he was fine. He just wanted her to validate it. He was so corny and it made her wanna rip her eyes out. She liked it though. It made him different than most of the men she had encountered in the past that took themselves way too serious for her liking. She actually liked being around Adonis. He wasn’t boring. And while that wasn’t anything special if we’re being honest, it still made him stand out.
The man stared at Nyla as she tapped her nails on his counter top, wondering if she was bored or not. He was enjoying himself, but of course, it didn’t take much to make him enjoy himself when he was in the company of the most beautiful girl he ever saw. Nyla was just enjoying the silence. There weren’t many people that she could be comfortable enough with to just sit in silence with them and enjoy their presence. Adonis happened to make himself one of those people in less than 24 hours of knowing Nyla. She couldn’t pinpoint it. Why him? What made him someone that she liked being around? Out of all the men that desperately tried to get her attention, here came Adonis, not even trying yet still getting something most men in Philly would die for.
“You got plans for tonight?” Adonis wondered, interrupting Nyla’s train of thought.
“Just staying in.” Nyla shrugged.
“Stay in with me.”
Nyla blinked a few times at his very bold statement, shaking off the feeling in her stomach that she felt as she bit her lip. “To do what in this lavish apartment?”
“You like movies?”
“What type of question is that, Adonis? Of course I do.” Nyla scoffed.
“My bad, some people don’t.” Adonis shrugged as he walked away from the counter. “Let’s see what we can find on Netflix.”
“Netflix and chill is what they call this.” Nyla told him, eagerly following him over to his couch.
“We just Netflix-ing. No chilling involved.” Adonis reassured her.
“Unfortunate.” Nyla muttered.
Adonis smirked as he looked at her over his shoulder. “You say something?”
“No, not at all.” Nyla chuckled, waving her hand dismissively. He had clearly heard her though. Didn’t mean she would give him the satisfaction of seeing her blush.
“Wanna watch The Purge?”
“What’s that?” Nyla said, gently sitting down next to him.
Adonis eyes widened as he looked at her. “You’ve never seen The Purge? You living under a rock or something, shorty?” He asked her.
“One, you’re cute but not cute enough to call me that. Two, I prefer dramas.” Nyla told him.
“One, thank you. You cute too. Two, but you not cute enough to get out of watching this tonight.” Adonis told her, making her laugh as he put on the movie.
“Oh God, am I going to have nightmares?” Nyla asked him, already whining and the movie didn’t even start yet.
“If you do, just scream my name and I’ll come running.” Adonis told her.
Nyla chuckled as she held onto his very strong arm, surely aiming on using him as comfort whenever she got scared. “My Knight In Shining Armor.”
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Opening her eyes, she was shocked to be met with the view of something other than her own ceiling.
Nyla shot up with panic coursing through her veins as she looked around to see where she was at. She felt dumb when she realized where she was at. She didn’t realize that she had fallen asleep in Adonis’ apartment. How long had she been asleep for? The last thing she remember was the movie beginning and now she was waking up. And where was Adonis? She was shocked to see the answer to her question being right in front of her eyes. She looked over to her right to see Adonis knocked out just like she was a few seconds ago.
She had tried to get up, but she was weighed down by the man’s heavy ass legs in her lap. How did they even end up in such position? Nyla shook her head in disbelief as tried to push them off of her, only to fail. Turns out she was no match for his muscle. Even when he was asleep, he was still stronger than her and he wasn’t even trying. Jesus. She really needed to start working out more.
“Adonis.” Nyla whispered, shaking his legs a bit. “Adonis, hello? Wake up.” She said, starting to shake him harder and harder.
“Leave me alone.”
Nyla groaned in annoyance, but that’s when an idea popped into her head. Her sister always used this trick to wake her up when they were younger. She put her finger in her mouth to wet it, which made her cringe but she managed to fight that, and then reached over to Adonis’s ear. It was a bit gross to do on a stranger, but hey, Nyla was desperate to get up. When she put her finger in his ear, she couldn’t help but laugh. She was so childish cause what the hell was she even doing right now? However, her amusement was cut short when Adonis suddenly shot up and snatched her by her wrist.
“Jesus! Don’t break my damn arm!” Nyla hissed.
Adonis’s eyes widened when he realized that he wasn’t man handling an intruder, instead the pretty girl he let spend the day with him. He cringed at himself, letting go of her arm immediately. Nyla sighed in relief when she got her arm back, looking down at the slight bruise that his grip left behind. And when he realized that he had his legs laying on top of hers, he took those off. Much to her relief. Though, she kind of liked having him touching her.
“Shit, my bad. I ain’t mean to be all in your space like that. And I definitely ain’t mean to hurt you.” Adonis apologized.
“Don’t worry about it.” Nyla muttered, rubbing her sore arm with a pout on her face.
“What time is it?” Adonis asked her.
“Almost 10.”
“Damn, you been here the whole day. We must’ve been knocked out.” Adonis said, laughing a bit.
“That’s what happens when you eat a ton of cake.” Nyla told him as she stood up from the couch finally.
“Where you going?” Adonis asked. He sounded a bit worried that she was leaving. A part of her believed that he wanted her to stay, but then again, she made a lot of shit up in her mind so who knew?
“Can I use the bathroom?” Nyla wondered.
“Oh, yeah. Go head.”
Nyla hurried and did her business. She wanted to leave and go sleep in her own bed, but a part of her wanted to stay and spend more time with Adonis. She wasn’t sure if he was giving the signs that he wanted her to stay as well. Maybe he was just being a good host and making her comfortable. Nyla surely want some stranger staying too long in her own home, but that was the thing. Adonis wasn’t just some stranger. She sounded crazy saying that but it was true. She felt as if she knew him for years now, so she didn’t feel the need to treat him as what he was. Which technically was a stranger.
She walked out of the bathroom, tossing the paper towels she used to dry her hand in the trash as she passed it. “How did you feel so comfortable letting yourself fall asleep around a stranger?” She wondered, leaning against the back of the couch.
“You fell asleep first so ask yourself that.” Adonis told her, shrugging his shoulder.
“I don’t even remember being tired.” Nyla said.
“Even if you didn’t, I like your vibe. It’s trustworthy. I don’t think you’d do anything to harm anyone.” Adonis admitted.
“Awe, well that’s true. I’m glad you can tell that off the bat.” Nyla smiled, slipping her sandals back on quickly.
“You leaving?” Adonis asked.
“Yeah, Adonis. I’ve been here for almost 5 hours.” Nyla told him, scoffing.
“You right. I just thought you’d want to watch another movie or something.” Adonis shrugged.
Nyla smirked as she sat back down next to the man, “You really don’t want me to go, huh?”
“It’s not even like that.” Adonis said, waving his hand. It was totally like that. “We just fell asleep for the first movie so we gotta make up for it.”
“Mhm.” Nyla grinned. “If we’re watching another movie, it’s my turn to pick a movie now.” She said.
“What movie is it?” Adonis asked, leaning back into the sofa.
“Hmm… ooh! I got it.” Nyla chirped, her favorite movie of all time popping into her head. “Hold on, lemme go get it.”
Nyla ignored his questions as she got up and ran out of the apartment as fast as she could. She hissed as her bare feet collided with the cold wood of each of the steps she ran down but she ignored that as she arrived at her destination. She started banging on the door immediately, already knowing that the person she needed at the moment was well awake. It took a few seconds before she finally decided to stop, pressing her ear up against the door to see if she heard footsteps approaching the door. And indeed she did.
“If you’re not bleeding or dying, go back where you came from!”
“It’s an emergency, Bi.” Nyla lied, grinning proudly when it worked and Bianca opened the door immediately. “You still got my Titanic dvd?” She wondered.
“Bitch.” Bianca scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. “It’s on my dresser. That jawn was too long. I gave up on even finishing it.” She said.
“Your attention span for anything other than music is shorter than ever.” Nyla pointed out, brushing past her friend into the apartment.
“It was too boring!” Bianca argued. “How you gonna blame me for that?”
Bianca stood in the doorway of her room as Nyla searched for her movie, arms crossed as she noticed how late in the night it was. “How did giving Adonis the cake go?”
“Good. Real good. We’re actually about to watch this right now.” Nyla said, picking up the dvd under Bianca’s pile of records.
“Wait, hold up, you been there all day?” Bianca asked.
“Yes.” Nyla nodded curtly. “Is that a problem?” She asked, turning around to face her best friend.
Bianca shook her head before a grin slowly spread across her face. “Did you fuck him?”
“Don’t ‘Bianca’ me, Nyla. Did you sleep with him or not?” Bianca questioned.
“No! I didn’t!”
“Boring!” Bianca sang. “Get out of my apartment.”
“You’re sick in the head.” Nyla scoffed, rolling her eyes as she made her way back to the front door.
“Tell me everything after y’all done fucking. For the 6th time tonight probably.” Bianca told her, snorting at her own joke.
“I hate you so much.” Nyla muttered, walking out into the hallway.
“Love you too!” Bianca exclaimed, slamming her door shut after Nyla was far enough from it.
Nyla hurried back up the stairs, hoping that Adonis didn’t fall asleep on her. When she entered the apartment, she was beaming with excitement as she stared down at the dvd as she walked over to the couch. She could watch Titanic a million times and never get bored of it.
“I found it—“ Nyla raised an eyebrow as she approached Adonis, who was setting up pillows and blankets on the couch. “And what is all this?” She chuckled.
“I just got some pillows and shit incase you got uncomfortable. I don’t want you twisting and turning like I be on this hard ass couch.” Adonis explained, shrugging his shoulders as he tried desperately to hide his blushing cheeks.
“Thank you for the kindness.” Nyla giggled. “Now, you ready to watch the best movie ever made?” She questioned.
“Close.” Nyla lied, revealing the disk she had behind her back with a wide grin on her face. “Titanic!”
Adonis sighed, but he already knew he wasn’t going to win the argument if started one. So sighed and laid back. “I’m going to die of boredom…”
“No you are not.” Nyla scoffed, sticking the disk inside the dvd player. She was surprised he even had one, but thankfully he did!
“What did you say? I’m already fading away.” Adonis said, making Nyla roll her eyes.
“You’re so dramatic.” Nyla chuckled.
“You like it.”
“Why you still over there?” Adonis asked her. “Come sit down.” He said, beckoning her over to the couch. To which she gladly obliged.
“Get comfy.” Nyla told him.
Adonis did that corny yawning move so he could put his arm around her, pulling her into his side as the movie started to play. “I’m comfortable enough being with you—
“Shh! It’s starting!” Nyla hushed, slapping his shoulder so he would shut the hell up.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 2 years
Tessa and Bakari 🤗
#Repost @michaelbjordanfan94
Clip from Tessa’s interview with PopSugar
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forgotn1 · 8 months
One part of Creed that I really love is that it paid homage to Rocky in one of the most unexpected ways by having a major part of the plot be a love story. While Rocky was primarily a boxing movie, the romance between Rocky and Adrian was a huge, integral part of the plot. Creed did the same thing with Adonis and Bianca, which was a beautiful touch and really helped elevate it above just being a standard sports flick.
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endeavornetwork · 2 months
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Creed movies + Text post memes
Part 3 of Rocky/Creed memes (Part 1, Part 2)
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grande-caps · 1 year
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Creed II
Quality : HD screencaptures Amount : 3.400 files Resolution : 1.920 x 800 px
-Please like/reblog if taking
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cemfilmes · 1 year
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#19 - Creed 3
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nyx101sthings · 1 year
need more donnie x bianca fics it’s not even funny… there’s a drought out here
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illlbebetteronsaturn · 9 months
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What I’m getting from the Creed III trailer is that it has the set-up of Rocky III (Adonis is on top of the world but now has to face off against a very hungry challenger) with the emotional struggle of Rocky V (Adonis’ opponent was someone he was close to but drifted away from due to the opponent’s ego). It’s interesting, and I’ve been wanting to see the Creed series move away from the Rocky movies by giving Adonis his own rivalry. Nothing to do with Apollo or Rocky, just solely on Adonis.
I’m intrigued, let’s see where this goes.
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mysteryuz · 1 year
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headphonesthoughts · 2 years
Creed 3 was Better than I thought
Adonis is back in the ring but this time for different reasons. Fans of Creed 1 and 2 know that after Creed 2 Adonis retired to spend time with his family. Now Adonis feels forced back into the ring to finish what he has started. What I liked If you like Rocky movies you will like this movie. Personally, I liked how the movie was short and straight to the point. It didn’t waste time on…
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mannytoodope · 1 year
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