#biden crime syndicate
icubud · 1 year
The direction that this country is going (very quickly now) really has me concerned. What the supposed DOJ is doing to DJT is unethical and in some cases illegal. Meanwhile, yet again, those who should be indicted, found guilty and punished are getting away with it. I have suspected for a long time that elections for state positions were often fully compromised. I point at states and cities with…
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mylionheart2 · 4 months
And the hits keep coming. (Updated 6/7/24)
Meet Donald Trump's Criminal Enterprise.
Donald Trump: Former so-called President & Convicted Felon: Found Guilty On All 34 counts Of Business Document Fraud. Found Liable For Se*ual Assault of E. Jean Carroll 
Rep. Chris Collins: Trump's Former Mouthpiece in Congress - Convicted
Rick Gates: Trump's Former Deputy Campaign Manager - Convicted
Paul Manafort: Trump’s Former Campaign Chair - Convicted
George Papadopoulos: Trump's Former Foreign Policy Advisory - Convicted
Mike Flynn: Trump’s Former National Security Adviser - Convicted
Michael Cohen: Trump's Former Attorney and Fixer - Convicted
Roger Stone: Former Political Consultant for the Trump Campaign - Convicted
Steve Bannon: Former Trump White House Chief Strategists and Senior Counselor To Trump - Convicted
Allen Weisselberg:  Chief Financial Officer of the Trump Organization - Convicted
Jenna Ellis: Former Trump Lawyer – Convicted
Sidney Powell: Former Trump Attorney – Convicted
Peter Navarro: Former Trump Advisor – Convicted
Mark Meadows: Former White House Chief Of Staff - Indicted
Rudy Giuliani: Trump's Former Attorney -  Indicted
John Eastman: Former Trump Attorney – Indicted
Christina Bobb - Former Trump Attorney – Indicted
Boris Epshteyn: Former Trump Attorney – Indicted
Walt Nauta: Trump Aide - Indicted
Kenneth Cheseboro: Right-wing Attorney – Indicted
Michael Roman: Former Trump Campaign Official – Indicted
Jeffrey Clark: Former Trump Administration Official - Indicted
The Trump To Prison Pipeline:
18 People Indicted In Fulton County, GA
18 People Indicted For Election Interference In AZ
15 People Indicted For Election Forgery In MI
3 People Indicted For Fake Electors Scheme In WI
2 People Indicted For Obstruction Of Justice And Mishandling Of Classified Documents In Florida
1,400 people Arrested For January 6th, 2021 Insurrection At the U.S. Capitol
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angelx1992 · 4 months
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ablogofcourage · 3 months
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chargetheintruder · 3 months
I've been holding back for a bit.
This has been mainly to save my strength for things that matter, because my health's no good, and this has been a busy month (lots and lots of packages to snag). And now a few items have come to my attention as being urgent. Bear with me, I'll try to keep to the point.
Edit: I cut and pasted the aggro/political stuff so that this post isn't such a rude shitpost. Not that I think most of Tumblr is that conservative, it's just that the tonal whiplash was a bit much even by my own pathetic standards, my apologies.
Oh, and this happens. No, not my being aggressive when I'm aggressive, but this Media thing. Many of these bought, paid-for and kept hacks either can't (can not, as in are unable to) or won't (will not, as in refuse to) distinguish fantasy from reality. Do Dark Mirror stories make for some fascinating fiction for me? Sure. Does that mean I want to live there? Absolutely not.
But let's get back to this . . .
--In other news? Not that anyone's going to see this, but for real, Mr. James Gunn? You there, the guy doing a Superman film currently? I'm not sure what to make of your behavior over there on that thing Elon Musk made out of Twitter, okay? Because I thought for sure you were a nerd who knew his stuff and knew the difference between a Bizarro (Clone of Superman) and a Dark Mirror Universe Superman. Among other things. So I'll just keep it simple.
Based on the earliest evidence from your casting of guest heroes, I'm guessing that when it comes to Formerly Twitter, you're that guy, flipping the coin and saying, "Heads I tell the Truth . . . aw shucks, gotta lie some more," because it superficially looks like you're making a Superman (and a few bros of his) versus The Crime Syndicate movie (or two). And all I have to say to that is: Lean into it. LEAN INTO IT. If you're not doing that it'll be the slickest deception ever.
And if you ARE doing that, and you have to go Kill Bill on it and make it two tightly released volumes, please do that. Really, your whole superhero thing so far (based on your Guardians work and your work on The Suicide Squad) suggests that big honking clusterfucks like that are your jam. :) Just say something like "The Justice League's off-world currently, something's gone bad to screw Clark out of most of his powers, and he's having to scramble to get what help he can."
Full Disclosure: I am biased here. I admit I might be a fan of the Syndicate here. The concept of 1980s Yuppie Scum (and worse) getting together as a Gangsta League, that just hits the twisted buttons in all sorts of places. If I could draw worth a damn and still had my health I might do a bootleg comic or something called Challenge of the Super-Fiends, featuring the Syndicate, just so I could see my bad guys doing bad things more than once a decade. But hey.
Edit: And now for the political stuff for those who care about it, and only those. Sorry to burden the rest of you.
--This so-called "debate". This Media-orchestrated alt-reich mugging is more like it. No, who the fuck wants a proper debate with "no notes, no props" as their rules? No professional public speaker and/or politician since 1900 has debated this way, entirely from memory, for good reason. IT'S HARD, even when you're young and in your right mind. Way to throw Trump and Traitor Party YET ANOTHER fucking softball, you bought and paid-for psychos. No really, we get it, competence bores you, but you really WANT society to be ransacked and ruined by every petty fascist ever? Really? Fuck this noise, vote BLUE, fuck these experts, fuck all traitors, like the Trumps.
--And YES, I do have a PLAN for this godawful election in these so-called United States. It's still too early to discuss it in detail but I am going to need help with it--my health is too bad to do it all myself, even if I had the money to do so. No, it doesn't involve firearms (directly). We won't have to do much more than make well-timed phone calls, by the hundred, from burner phones.
And that's it for now, I might add more to this if it comes back to me tonight. Thanks for your patience.
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The north star here is truth. We tell the truth, even when it offends some of the people who pay us for information. [...] The facts involving Trump are crystal clear, and as news people, we cannot pretend otherwise, as unpopular as that might be with a segment of our readers. There aren’t two sides to facts. People who say the earth is flat don’t get space on our platforms. If that offends them, so be it. --Chris Quinn, Editor of cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer
THIS is the kind of attitude that journalists and editors should have regarding reporting on Trump!
Chris Quinn, the editor of cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer wrote this excellent column explaining to his readers why opinion columns on his platforms are so critical of Donald Trump. His response is a credit to his integrity as a journalist/editor, and should be emulated by others in the mainstream media. Below are some excerpts:
A more-than-occasional arrival in the email these days is a question expressed two ways, one with dripping condescension and the other with courtesy: Why don’t our opinion platforms treat Donald Trump and other politicians exactly the same way. Some phrase it differently, asking why we demean the former president’s supporters in describing his behavior as monstrous, insurrectionist and authoritarian. I feel for those who write. They believe in Trump and want their local news source to recognize what they see in him. The angry writers denounce me for ignoring what they call the Biden family crime syndicate and criminality far beyond that of Trump. They quote news sources of no credibility as proof the mainstream media ignores evidence that Biden, not Trump, is the criminal dictator. The courteous writers don’t go down that road. They politely ask how we can discount the passions and beliefs of the many people who believe in Trump. This is a tough column to write, because I don’t want to demean or insult those who write me in good faith. I’ve started it a half dozen times since November but turned to other topics each time because this needle hard to thread. No matter how I present it, I’ll offend some thoughtful, decent people. The north star here is truth. We tell the truth, even when it offends some of the people who pay us for information. The truth is that Donald Trump undermined faith in our elections in his false bid to retain the presidency. He sparked an insurrection intended to overthrow our government and keep himself in power. No president in our history has done worse. This is not subjective. We all saw it. Plenty of leaders today try to convince the masses we did not see what we saw, but our eyes don’t deceive. (If leaders began a yearslong campaign today to convince us that the Baltimore bridge did not collapse Tuesday morning, would you ever believe them?) Trust your eyes. Trump on Jan. 6 launched the most serious threat to our system of government since the Civil War. You know that. You saw it. The facts involving Trump are crystal clear, and as news people, we cannot pretend otherwise, as unpopular as that might be with a segment of our readers. There aren’t two sides to facts. People who say the earth is flat don’t get space on our platforms. If that offends them, so be it. As for those who equate Trump and Joe Biden, that’s false equivalency. Biden has done nothing remotely close to the egregious, anti-American acts of Trump. We can debate the success and mindset of our current president, as we have about most presidents in our lifetimes, but Biden was never a threat to our democracy. Trump is. He is unique among all American presidents for his efforts to keep power at any cost. Personally, I find it hard to understand how Americans who take pride in our system of government support Trump. All those soldiers who died in World War II were fighting against the kind of regime Trump wants to create on our soil. How do they not see it? [emphasis added]
I encourage you to read the entire column. It is worth it.
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meandmybigmouth · 6 months
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awesomecooperlove · 11 months
_The Whites Hats are publicly putting Obama on the center stage for 2024 and and his life corruption and AGENDAS connected to ALL DEEP STATE OPERATIONS< :
>TUCKER Carlson coming after Obama as being gay is a very important operation that WILL discredit the OBAMA'S for their next presidential big run
_but the EXPOSURE of Obama as a gay President WILL lead to DC Elites and EXPOSURE of the intensional WOKE movement involving the United States military and the chain of commands and operations targeting children,/ intentionally weakling the military on[ ds] military operations connected to CCP infiltration
_The Obama hidden gay agenda WILL be uncovered as the world watches and a clear
Gay militarized operations took place to control the media and place prominent positions through Hollywood, media, courts
Banking sectors, the u.s. education systems to indoctrinate the children into being sexualized at a very young age ( placing planned agendas on children's sexuality and orientation/sexual genders is pedophilia)
_The Obama EXPOSURE WILL >COINCIDE< with the EXPOSURE of the Biden laptop which Congress will push into light and connect world banks to Biden family. These same banks will connect JP Morgan and other world banks to pedophilia and their association with EPSTEIN PEDOPHILIA RING AND BLACKMAIL WORLD NETWORKS RINGS.>>>HUMAN TRAFFICKING RINGS
THE EXPOSURE OF OBAMA IS VITAL and connects deep state MILITARY OPERATIONS protecting pedophilia rings
( [ ds] mil intel. Agencies protect ELITE PEDOPHILIA RINGS due to their own involvement in the human trafficking/ child/ sex trafficking trade)//// >>> EPSTEIN WAS CREATED BY MOSSAD/ FINANCED BY MI6/cia/Rothschild , Rockefellers etc ect AND KEPT HIS MONEY IN CIA OPERATIONAL BANKS AS JP MORGAN AND OTHER WORLD BANKS AS DEUTSCHBANK in Germany and much much much much more....
The Exposure of Obama as gay and pushing a military WOKE movement and government aid and financing into Gay Agenda movements through several U.S corporations that were intentionally pushed on children/military and created a 4rth generations warfare between civilians is all connected to TREASON/ PEDOPHILIA/ CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY/ UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE ORDERS pertaining to Foreign interference in ELECTIONS ( tens of Thousands of Government officials . Military personal and people of influence were blackmailed through Gay agenda operations that targeted their computers , phones, Email etc."' X'''' > ( the PATRIOT ACT in the 2000's gave the cia and [ ds] the power to install fake pedophilia blackmail operations programs on millions of U.S. (EU.> world) citizens computers and phones... And they were blackmailed into complying with the oppositional deep state forces....... this was
A large part of 911 inside cia job to create the Patriot act and take control of deep state U.S. interest )////
ADRENOCHROME crime syndicate operations ///// and how social media Giants. MSM. Elites/ politicians/ tv personalities as jimmy Kimmel all covered up for the CRIMES OF CENTURY. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND ALL WORKED IN UNISON IN A CIA. GUILDED MILITARY COUP AGAINST DONALD J. TRUMP AND SEVERAL COUNTRIES AND NATIONS ACROSS THE WORLD
PATRIOTS///the world is testing EBS through countries and all is Preparing for EVENTS ( they will tell you the EBS is for other reasons or blame Putin or Patriots or something other for coming blackouts...
But remember GAME THEORY OPERATIONS ARE IN PLACE.... it's very important the coming EVENTS that are going to happen
Including massive protest. Riots against the new pandemic/ vaccines/ lockdowns/.....
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Mark Sumner at Daily Kos:
The Supreme Court is expected to return a ruling this week that could grant Donald Trump absolute immunity for any actions he took while in office. But even if the court comes down at the most extreme end of Trump’s SEAL Team Six fantasies, it still won’t match some of the magical solutions Republicans are inventing to avoid dealing with the fact that their candidate for president is a convicted felon. In the Senate, a group of Republicans has vowed to block all judicial appointments in protest of Trump’s conviction on 34 counts of falsifying business records. However, considering that everyone in that group wasn't about to vote for a Biden nominee in the first place, it’s not clear how this is anything more than the weakest form of political grandstanding. It barely merits a “1” on the MAGA vs. Law and Order scale. But while Josh Hawley and J.D. Vance can only threaten to continue to do what they’ve been doing all along, other Republicans are getting more inventive. Some of their solutions go beyond ridiculous—and straight into the impossible.
There’s no point in looking for the reasonable GOP position in reaction to Trump’s conviction. There is none. Even the Republicans whom the press generally treats as sensible and moderate are well up the ladder of fanciful answers, with solutions to the problem that are arguably far worse than the pointless foot-stomping of the no-more-judges letter. In the House, Speaker Mike Johnson has announced Republicans will investigate Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and special counsel Jack Smith for doing their jobs. 
[...] To justify their support for Trump, Republicans are willing to throw away the whole judicial system. While the extreme solutions suggested by Greene and Loomer may generate more outrage and ridicule, the lower-scoring names on the list—from Johnson to Romney—may be more insidious. Because in buying into Trump’s claims that his prosecution was political, Republicans appear to have concluded that the only answer to Trump being prosecuted for his crimes is to make sure that the judicial system is as unfair and political as their dear leader claims.
The reaction to the People of New York v. Trump verdict by Republicans reveals that they are acting like a terrorist organization and crime syndicate masquerading as a political party to protect a 34x convicted felon.
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icubud · 2 years
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mylionheart2 · 4 months
Vote Blue
Republicans aren't freaking out because they think Joe Biden will be President again.... They are freaking out because they think Kamala Harris will be President.... and a Black-South-Asian-Multiracial-Female-Daughter of Immigrants is just too much for them to bear.
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angelx1992 · 3 months
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futileexercise · 1 year
The mouthy conspiracy maven is spewing her fanciful mind sludge for all to slog through. Someone install a ball gag and finger cuffs (no typing). 🤦‍♂️
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The Biden administration announced a series of measures Thursday to track down and punish fraudsters who scammed billions of taxpayer dollars that were supposed to provide relief to Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Biden is pledging $1.6 billion to bolster law enforcement manpower and new programs that will be used to prosecute scammers, prevent fraud, and provide assistance to victims of identity theft.
“We want to not only capture them and get their funds, we want to send a signal to them that you can run, but you cannot hide,” said Gene Sperling, a Biden senior adviser who is overseeing the implementation of the COVID-relief plan.
• The administration’s plans call for creating 10 Department of Justice “strike forces” that will include U.S. attorneys and other law enforcement officials to investigate COVID-relief fraud and help recover stolen tax dollars. The teams will target criminal syndicates and other major fraudsters. Three strike forces already are in place and have recovered millions of dollars in stolen relief funds, officials said.
• The administration also will propose increasing the statute of limitations to 10 years for fraud involving the pandemic Unemployment Insurance program, which has been hit especially hard by scammers.
• Some $300 million will be distributed to inspectors general at the Small Business Administration, the Department of Labor and the staff of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, a government watchdog over pandemic spending. The money would be used to hire investigators and make sure they have the resources needed to pursue specialized cases of pandemic fraud.
• In his proposed budget to be released next week, Biden will offer a package of legislative reforms to prevent, detect and recover payments made improperly through the Unemployment Insurance program.
• Federal grants would be made to states to help modernize their information technology systems to enable them to respond more quickly to fraud, decrease erroneous payments and provide more efficient claims processing.
• New initiatives also would be put in place to identify victims of identity theft, including an early warning system to stop potentially fraudulent transactions before they occur and a one-stop shop to report identity crimes.
The federal government distributed more than $5 trillion in pandemic relief under programs approved by Biden and former President Donald Trump. The money was distributed quickly, leading to an increase in fraud and other improper payments, such as those that shouldn’t have been made or were made in the wrong amount.
The Government Accountability Office reported last month that the extent of fraud in COVID-relief programs is not yet known but that the Unemployment Insurance program alone was believed to have made more than $60 billion in fraudulent payments.
From March 2020 to last January, at least 1,044 people pleaded guilty or were convicted of defrauding COVID relief programs, the GAO report said. Federal charges were pending against another 609 individuals or entities for attempting to defraud COVID-relief programs.
Also, the federal government gave $5.4 billion in COVID aid to small businesses with “questionable” Social Security numbers, the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee reported in January. The watchdog identified nearly 70,000 questionable Social Security numbers used to obtain pandemic aid from two programs run by the Small Business Administration.
The Republican-led House Oversight and Accountability Committee has opened an investigation into fraud in COVID-relief programs. The committee held its first hearing on the subject last month.
Sperling, however, said the administration’s anti-fraud package isn’t a direct response to the GOP investigations. Most of the proposals were being prepared before last November’s election, he said.
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azspot · 1 year
Trump, like most of his opponents in the Republican and Democrat parties, serves the interests of the billionaire class. He, too, is hostile to the rights of workers. He, too, is an enemy of the press. He, too, backs the diversion of hundreds of billions of federal dollars to the war industry to maintain the empire. He, too, does not respect the rule of law. He, too, is personally and politically corrupt. But he is also impulsive, bigoted, inept and ignorant. His baseless conspiracy theories, vulgarity and absurd antics are an embarrassment to the established power elite in the two ruling parties. He is difficult, unlike Biden, to control. He has to go, not because he is a criminal, but because he is not trusted by the ruling crime syndicate to manage the firm.
Chris Hedges
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An Organized Crime Syndicate.
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