#big brother hyuga
chaoticriderlessb · 2 months
My extreme tiredness has been inspired by my own housecleaning chores to write some stuff with our sassy Daruma king.
Hyuga with a stubborn and very tired younger sister over chores.
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First off, his sister could be the type of person who gets hangry, and it's worse if she's also tired.
Hyuga would be used to it...until she gives him an attitude that he isn't a fan of.
There is no such thing as disrespect in this family, and he will not tolerate it from her.
His sister planned on going to bed, early, one day, as soon as she got home. Those plans were ruined as soon as her big brother reminded her of her chores.
"Wha?! No! C'mon, Norihisa! I'm way too tired!"
"I don't care. You told me you would get it done, yesterday. Yet, here we are. You should've gone to bed, last night, like you were supposed to."
"Ah, shut up, Nori! I'll take care of it, tomorrow! I swear!"
"No. You'll take care of it, now. You can sleep, afterwards. And don't take that tone with me. You know the rules of this house."
"Dammit! I don't care! You're such a jerk! I'm not in the mood for doing stupid chores! I'm going to bed."
But she knew she made a mistake when he raised an eyebrow at her, looking clearly irritated. He was always scary when he was mad.
Before she could think about running, he was picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Hey!! Nori!! Put me down! Norihisa!!" She would hit his back, scream, and put up a fight while he carried her over to where she was supposed to be, knowing how much she hated being picked up. "Nori, put me down!!"
Whenever she was like this, he would roll his eyes and ignore the beatings on his back.
Once in the room where she was supposed to be, he would "throw" her down onto the floor.
"Ouch!! Really?!"
Hyuga would never lift a harmful finger on his little sister...but times like this, just looking threatening was enough to make her drop the attitude, real quick. He was always wordless about it, too. And even when he wasn't, he never raised his voice at her.
If she still kept it up, he would step toward her with an angry look...you did not want to get the Daruma leader angry.
"Whoa! Ok...ok!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Nori!! I'll do it, I'll do it!"
Hyuga would then toss her a cleaning cloth to her, keeping that irritated raised eyebrow look on his face.
"Don't ever talk to me like that, again. Ya hear? I'm your brother, not your enemy. I know you're tired, but the sooner you get this done, the sooner you can sleep."
Then comes the one thing he really hated while she lived under his roof: the puppy eyes, and the lip tremble. "Nori...." And the hurt in her voice.
The corner of his lip would twitch. He hated scaring her like that, regardless if she brought it upon herself or not.
His face softened, and he rolled his eyes.
"Don't do a half-assed job, please...."
And just because he enjoyed being her big jerk of a brother, he would snack on something while making sure she got her chores done, knowing well that her attitude was partially her being hungry.
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ive seen a lot of hate get thrown at hinata for not abolishing the branch seal but like i think this is less of a case of "hinata doesn't give a shit about the branch members and the literal slave system her clan has" and more "kishi doesn't think women can be anything other than mothers and wives"
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sandreeen · 10 months
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Kayashima Naoya (Yamada Yuki) & Eguchi Kazuma (Hyuga Wataru) || Pending Train
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ap-kinda-lit · 2 years
An underrated concept: Neji as one of those guys who grew up with only sisters and it shows. Hanabi and Hinata are basically Neji's sisters and were most likely the closest (if not the only) thing he had to siblings. Imagine Neji doing hair, nails, and makeup, listening to Hinata talk about Naruto, dancing ballet, getting them treats or painkillers or pads/tampons when they're on their periods, etc.
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ambafaerie · 1 year
When I was young I had this naruto oc who was going to paired up either with Obito or Kakashi but then she had more chemistry with Anko. Happened again when I was planning to have my one piece oc start a relationship with Sabo then found out she fit better with Koala and was much happier for it.
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team7-headquarter · 1 month
I love that Kakashi was nowhere near being in a good place to deal with his first genin team, but the other jounins had their own "I'm no preprared for this" moments when it came to dealing with the Konoha 12.
Kurenai had just been promoted and they gave her the Hyuga heiress. Listen, she didn't even know who Ibiki Morino was! And they gave her Shino Aburame (am I mistaken or Danzo wanted him for Roots and his brother offered himself in Shino's place????) and freaking Kiba Inuzuka (a bomb of a personality for sure).
Just to make sure everyone understands the implications, they gave a rookie jounin sensei the heiress of the current most influential clan in all Konoha after the Uchiha massacre. They had a whole political crisis over the kidnapping of that kid? They almost went to war for that? Hello?
Asuma was blessed and cursed with his genin team because a) he had to guide the next gen of the Ino-Shika-Cho which is a pressuring task on itself and b) for once all the parents of his genins were alive and they were good at being parents. No crazy traumas, the most he had a tremendous lack of motivation was Ino's dramatic fall out with Sakura and, but he could work with that.
Still, given that he was part of the Sarutobi clan and all his previous jobs, I don't discard the idea that he had some serious political traumas that inclined him to be maybe a bit too loyal to a rotten Konoha— and that he passed them down to his genins (especially Shikamaru).
Gai is an excellent sensei, 10/10. The big problem is that he was not prepared for Rock Lee and Neji.
He did his best with Tenten and it was amazing, but the story itself failed them there because she was supposed to be Tsunade's student and when that failed, it's like the narrative forgot about her.
Gai's problem with Neji was similar to Kurenai's with Hinata and Kakashi's with his boys. How can you defend Konoha when you have the proof of its failures right in front of you? Kurenai could not speak against the abuse Hinata received. Kakashi was brainwashed to prioritize Konoha (and still he rebelled as much as he felt he could) and Gai ??? He couldn't speak badly about the Hyugas. He couldn't threaten the system. Naruto was able to because he was a genin and an outcast and most important, the protagonist of the story. There was no way for Gai to close that wound.
Finally, Rock Lee was more of a son than a genin. That moment when he realized that he almost allowed Rock Lee to kill himself during his fight with Gaara? When he realized that if he had stopped the fight sooner Lee wouldn't be so hurt? Multigenerational trauma for sure with those two.
Team 7 was a shitshow and nothing within their generation could compare to it, but the Konoha 12 as a whole??? Insane people.
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cheshirecatuniverse · 5 months
If Yamato's and Hyuga's little sisters snuck into Oya
Featuring: Yamato, Cobra, Hyuga, Fujio, Todoroki, Tsukasa, Jamuo, Yasushi
Notes: Post-Murayama Graduation. NOT EDITED.
Yamato's Baby Sister ->
Yamato's little sister is the toughest kid in daycare. You need someone to stomp a spider? She's on it. You need someone to pick up two chairs instead of one? She's the first one there.
So when she was having a play date with her friends from daycare, they were told that sneaking into the delinquent high school was the scariest and coolest thing other kids from daycare have been dared to do.
When Yamato's little sister learned that kids that had bragged going into Oya had only stepped foot in high school for only a couple of minutes, it was a call for a challenge.
"Excuse me," A small voice came out of thin air. Yasushi looked back and forth but saw absolutely no one. He swore he saw everyone leave the gymnasium after the fight with Kiyoshi and some other guy from the Chun-Chun faction.
Oh no. Was Jamuo actually telling the truth, that their high school was haunted-?
"Hello?" Something tugged the fabric of his pants. Yasushi was never so relieved when he looked down before reacting, he would have felt so bad for kicking the little girl in front of him.
He squatted down and looked at her for a long moment.
Yasushi scratched his head, "Um. Where did you come from?"
She blinked, "My mommy."
"That's not- Okay, never mind."
The little girl looked down at her shoes, tapping them together. "Uh.. I don' think 'm supposed to be here."
"Makes two of us." He jabbed a hand at her, "I think I should take you to someone that can help."
Yasushi took her down the hallways, and to her benefit, they didn't seem so scary anymore now that she wasn't alone!
Except she kinda got scared when a couple of guys came barreling down, not stopping for anything, and Yasushi had swiped the small child into his grasp before she got stomped on.
Finally, he found someone some-what responsible, Todoroki... as well as Fujio.
"Yasushi. Why do you have a baby on you?" Todoroki said trying not to sound startled.
"Nuh-uh not a baby, I'm turning five!" She pouted.
"Duh, Todoroki." Fujio crossed his arms and shook his head, "She's turning five."
She nodded very happily.
"She just popped out of nowhere. Y'know what? Maybe she's the ghost Jamuo saw here last month," Yasushi nudged the top of her head with the end of his finger. She looked up at him, almost like an exhuasted adult, as he treated her head like a bobble head.
Todoroki kicked him away, while Fujio crouched down to approach her.
Fujio smiled and patted her head, "Your mom must be worried sick. Do you know her phone number?"
She shook her head to all the guys' dismay, "No... and Mommy can't pick me up!"
"Why not?" Todoroki sighs.
"Mommy works. Yamato picks me up."
"Who's Yamato?" Fujio asks.
"My big brother!" She beams and pulls out a crumpled piece of paper out of her pocket. The two stick figures were her and her brother, she explained and babbled. Fujio and Yasushi both try to examine the drawing, trying to see if they can recognize anything familiar from the drawing.
While the two idiots looked closely at the child drawing, she sat with Todoroki, trying to get answers that would help.
"Do you know your address?"
"No!" She said while scribbling on a new sheet of paper Todoroki found for her.
"Okay, maybe you remember signs you've seen? Stores or restaurants you go to?"
"Oh!" She nodded and started to babble again, "Itokan! Naomi makes me yummy food and and and Cobra shares shakes with me. Strawberry shakes! Cause Yamato is a meanie... He don't like to share."
Todorki put his hands in face and cursed loud enough for Yasushi and Fujio to hear. The girl just giggled in her hands, kicking her legs back and forth.
She didn't really notice the panicked whispers and possible strangling noises as she drew her little drawings on the papers on the barely standing desk.
If this was high school, then high school is weird.
Todoroki managed to get a response from Murayama via text. Cobra's number as per requested, and reluctantly, he dialed it.
While that was happening, the little girl gave Yasushi a cat drawing with really pointy teeth and Fujio a dog with a big smile on it.
"Yamato!" She ran across the classroom and jumped right into his arms.
Yamato sighed, saying her name in clear exasperation, but held onto his sister tightly.
"Cobra!" She waved over Yamato's shoulders.
Cobra was busy taking in the situation, looking at the worn-down classroom for any suspicious activity. But it seemed that Todoroki was honest on the phone. She really did wander here on her own.
"Are you okay? Do you know what I've been doing all day? Looking for you, everyone was looking-" Yamato glared and held her up to get better look at her. She was covered head to toe in dust, her shoes turned grey and even her jeans torn a little on the bottom.
"Why are you dirty- why is she dirty?" Yamato stared down at his sister's (assumed) captors. "What the hell did you do to her?"
Cobra put a hand at his shoulder, trying to prevent him from doing anything serious.
"WHAT? She was like that wh-" Todoroki jammed a fist into Yasushi stomach to make him shut up. Meanwhile, Fujio put on his best customer service smile as his brain was racking for a suitable answer.
"Yamato, Yamato," She tugged on the collar of his shirt. "I was super sneaky. I went under the fence. I'm a spy! But, But, then they found me."
In a much gentler tone, he asked, "Pipsqueak, Did they hurt you?"
"Nuh-uh." She pointed at Yasushi, "He helped me! I was a little scared. But I like it here, they like my drawings! Can we come back Yamato??"
Still lurched over, recovering from Todoroki's punch, he rasped out, "...It's true."
Exhausted, Yamato rubbed his eyes and muttered under his breath, "I swear to god, this is the third time."
Fujio tried to offer the rest of paper they found for her to take with her but Yamato crumbled it up and threw it away. Before they left Todoroki got an angry looking cat drawing from Yamato's little sister and a subtle nod of acknowledgement from Yamato.
Cobra was the only who said "Thank you" and to "Not cause too much trouble."
Cobra turned around to look at Fujio, "Murayama said you were the best choice for Oya High. You better hope he's right."
Hyuga's Little Sister ->
• Hyuga's little sister is a problem solver. Her teacher says she applies logic well but her antics were a bit much.
• She currently was going through a bit a of a stubborn phase. When Hyuga said they were having miso soup for dinner but she wanted pasta. When Hyuga said not to stay up too late, she wanted to watch a movie right before bed. When Hyuga said she wasn't allowed to have spray paint because "You have crayons like a normal child."
• But to Hyuga's little sister crayons were so last season and she wanted her poster for her school project to look cool. When they drove by Oya High one time the spray paint looked so much better than markers and crayons.
The fifth time Hyuga said 'No' made her get on a train and end up at Oya High. She snuck into an open window (it was actually just broken).
She wandered around until she found spray paint bottles hanging around. She found the jackpot in an empty room, and this room actually had a door! She took all the spray paints and went further into the school to find more.
"What are you doing?"
She didn't flinch or jump when she got caught. She was busy standing on a desk, reaching for a can of spray paint on the shelf and successfully stuffing it in her backpack.
This room didn't have a door like the previous one. She was just about to move out of the room before this blonde guy came around.
"I'm busy. Shoo Shoo," She gestured, shooing him away.
"Are you stealing?" Tsukasa said, tilting his head at the stuffed backpack.
"No..." She pouted and crossed her arms, avoiding his eyes.
Tsukasa sighed and looked at the ceiling, thinking. "Okay, how about this? You tell me what you're doing here, and I can try to help."
"Big brother didn't wanna buy me spray paint..." She huffed again. "I don't wanna use crayons for my project."
"Does your brother go to Oya?"
"No," She shook her head and sat down, "He's older."
Then she realized she didn't know how to exactly get home.
Tsukasa asks, sitting on top of the desk across from her, "Do you know where you live? Your Mom and Dad must be really worried."
She seemed to get even smaller at his words. ".. I don't have a Mommy and Daddy. Only big brother."
"Oh," Tsukasa looked a little lost. He almost apologized but cleared his throat and smiled, "That's okay. So your big brother takes care of you, right? He must want to know where you are."
"But he might get mad," She frowns, hugging her backpack. She snuck out of school early to do this. Her brother must have been going crazy when Sakyo and Ukyo came home to tell him she was gone.
"He won't get mad," Tsukasa shakes his head, "I think he'll be happy to know you're okay."
He successfully managed to get her to agree to come with her on the rooftop. Tsukasa gave her a rubix cube he found on one of the couches for her to fiddle on while he went to get Jamuo and Fujio.
Fujio greeted her warmly, but still she scooted into the corner of the couch and fidgeted with the rubix cube.
Jamuo and Tsukasa looked through her backpack for anything that could help them find her guardian, but no luck there.
Tsukasa called her name, and she lifted her head up. "What's your brother name?"
"I'm not allowed to say," She said.
"How come?" Fujio asked.
"Big brother said not to tell people his name."
"Fujio, Tsukasa," Jamuo called out, pulling out a pink folder out of her backpack. His hands were shaking.
Alaramed, they went over while she pulled stickers out of her sweater. Graffiti was everywhere, so she thought it would be fine to stick things on the beaten up desks and chairs.
Jamuo pulled out a piece of paper out of the folder. Fujio was confused at the site of elementary school math homework. But then Tsukasa's eyes widened with a small 'Fuck.'
It had the little girl's first name and last name. Hyuga.
Tsukasa ran his hands through his hair, "We're so fucked."
Thankfully, Hyuga's casinos had phone lines. Unfortunately, they were notified that Hyuga would be arriving soon.
Tsukasa pulled all the spray paint out of her backpack to her dismay.
"But.. you said you would help me," She frowned.
"Spray paint can be dangerous to inhale," Tsukasa
replied, clearly distracted, cause he was barely paying attention to her as he put the cans of spray paint away.
There was no point in arguing, so she sulked and looked at Jamuo, who was on his knees on the floor. He was mumbling to himself, clearly not doing so great.
She tugged at Fujio's shirt, "Does he always do that?"
Fujio smiled, friendly, collected, even though his mind was in a very different place. "No, he doesn't. He'll be fine, don't worry."
Fujio let her put her stickers on the door to the roof. Letting her talk his ear off about the Hello Kitty ones and the Lightning McQueen ones her big brother bought for her.
Hyuga's presence had all of them with the same expression, like a deer in front of headlights. You could hear a pin drop before she scuffled over to Hyuga, Sakyo, and Ukyo.
She had her hands behind her back, pouting with her big puppy eyes.
"Are you mad at me?"
"Check her," Hyuga glanced at her for a moment before looking at Fujio.
Jamuo had his back bent all the way down in a deep bow while Tsukasa couldn't make eye contact or he would start sweating.
Sakyo leaned down, hands on his knees, "You okay Lil' demon? Are you hurt anywhere?"
She nodded frantically and stuck her pointer finger out, "Paper cut."
Hyuga's face became colder, and Fujio thought they were all going to die because of a paper cut.
Sakyo whistled and shook his head, "Well that's no good." His twin handed him a band-aid and Sakyo put it on her.
"Hello Kitty," She smiled at her wrapped finger.
"Are those hers?" Hyuga looked at Fujio's face and shirt. Stickers were scattered across his shirt and his cheek and chin.
"Oh, yeah," Fujio wanted to laugh, but he just smiled stiffly, "She's a good kid."
Hyuga grunted and grabbed the pastel pink backpack Ukyo handed to him. He looked down at his sister, "Did they try to steal you?"
"No, I got lost," She was using her best puppy dog eyes so he wouldn't get mad, "They gave me toys!" She stuck out her hand with the rubix cube.
Hyuga looked at the Oya students for a long time, then at the twins, and then at his sister. He gave her his hand before telling her, "We're leaving."
Just as he reached the rooftop entrance, he looked at Fujio, "Just because I made the sword alliance with Murayama, doesn't mean I made it with you. Remember that."
© 2023 chesirecatuniverse all rights reserved
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simpforchuchu · 4 months
Hi, are u okay?I found your profile this month and I'm already in love. If possible I would like to make a request for a continuation of Hyuga x reader x SWORD, part 3, maybe where in the middle of the mission in the past, y/n became close friends with Takeru Amamiya, and the two helped each other against Kuryu? I don't know why, but I figured y/n might be close to him. But of course, only if you intend to continue, and you don't need to join the idea, but this story became my top 3.
Hyuga x reader x SWORD | Part 3
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Prompts: DAY 27 - left for dead @febuwhump Characters: Hyuga x Sword Leaders x Amamiya Brothers x reader Fandom: High and Low Summary: Y/n telling the story about her past and Takeru Amamiya.
A/n for this fic: It’s been really very long time but I always wanted to write this one. Im sorry for being too late but I hope you like it 🥺💜
A/n for prompts: Hello guys! This is my first time trying a prompt challenge. I hope you like the short fics I wrote. I will finish them by writing some of the requests I have. I love you 💜
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of blood, fights, gunshots, murder, mostly angst
Part1 Part2
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After the doctor finished cleaning the wound, he gave the young woman a painkiller injection into her arm and y/n thanked him. It bothered her that people around him were looking at her. She was also very tired because she had been on the run for a while and she was injured.
Koo handed the package that Kaito and Kizzy gave him to the young woman and smiled.
“If you are uncomfortable with the blood and want to change your clothes, they brought clean clothes for you, y/n-san.”
While Y/n was looking at the man who handed her the package in surprise, Murayama came to them excitedly.
“We bought you food too, y/n-chan! You must be hungry.”
Y/n frowned at the young man's cheerful voice.
“Y/n-chan? I am older than you."
Cobra called from the other corner of the room as Murayama grinned and shook his head.
“I don't think it matters to him, y/n-san.”
When the blonde man rolled his eyes and spoke, Murayama stepped next to him to annoy him even more. Y/n smiled and took out the burger from the package and took a bite.
Since she had been hiding for a while, she realized how much she missed eating something delicious.
While the young woman was eating, Hyuga was watching her. Despite her messy hair, bloody clothes and scarred face, he thought the young woman was quite beautiful. Also, her rebellious side attracted her more to him.
The Amamiya Brothers came to the woman who was eating to talk. Y/n knew the two of them, so she put the half burger in her hand back into the package, anticipating what they would ask the moment she saw them. And she smiled at them.
“I know what you're going to ask, but I don't have the answer. I'm sorry.”
Hyuga was as surprised as the brothers. Y/n smiled and shook her head.
“You're going to ask about your big brother, right? I know him, but I don't know where he is."
When Hiroto excitedly took a step towards the young woman, Masaki pulled him back. He knew that the young woman still did not trust them and might be afraid.
“Can you tell us everything from the beginning?”
At Masaki's warm tone, y/n took on a serious expression again.
“I think you know I'm a former cop.”
When everyone in the room nodded, y/n continued.
“My family was killed when I was very young. So I became a cop to find their killer. But years later, I realized that the real killers of my family were Kuryu and that powerful people in the government were protecting them.”
Hyuga continued to listen intently as the young woman's eyes sparkled with hatred.
“It was a moment when I really thought it was over. I didn't know what to do, but a man appeared before me when I least expected it and changed my life.”
“Aniki?” y/n nodded when Hiroto whispered.
“Takeru-san… He gave me many documents from which I could learn all the facts. But unfortunately, I was dismissed and fired before I could disclose these documents. And they didn't even give me any reason. Is not it funny ?"
When the young woman gave a sarcastic laugh, no one in the room laughed. Y/n was tired, the painkillers were making her sleepy.
“They knew I had the documents. One night, while returning home, I realized that I was being followed. Even though I ran away for a while, they eventually shot me. “
When the young woman felt her wound sting, she looked at her arm and continued.
“I was tired from running away for a long time, and I fell to the ground in pain. They left me there to die.”
Hiroto asked in surprise. "And when they realize you're not dead?"
“I had to remove the bullet myself. I couldn't go to the hospital. But when I entered the nameless city to hide, I was seen and it turned out that I was not dead. I knew they were after me again, so I got scared when I realized you were looking for me."
Masaki nodded his head. Hiroto could sense that the young woman was telling the truth.
“Takeru-san helped me learn the facts. He helped me, he saved me and encouraged me. But unfortunately I never saw him again after I was shot. I am sorry ."
The Amamiya brothers remained silent. Even though they wanted to hear more from the young woman, Hyuga could see that she was injured and tired. That's why he said they could talk later and that she needed to rest.
Y/n leaned back on the couch and took a deep breath. She listened to three men arguing for a while. Then, when the two brothers left the room, he looked at the man whose nose she had been about to break hours ago. He looked calm but worried. But she was too tired to think about these things.
Her eyes were slowly closing. A few seconds after her eyes were completely closed, she felt a weight on her. She was startled but could not open her eyes.
It wasn't hard to understand that it was Hyuga who was covering her with his jacket, but what was surprising was his soft voice.
“You should rest, relax a little. I'm here, no one can take you while I'm here."
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy @koala-yuna @star2fishmeg @little-miss-naill
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13as07 · 1 month
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Coffee #2
(Neji Hyuga)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to omanee]
Requested by: @coldkittyfox
Word Count: 4,096
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Writing Shino as a sibling is so fun to me cause 1) I get to remind people that Shibi is literally a father by choice and 2) As a fellow adopted kid I love seeing people with similar history as me in the media
     Lee moves before I can, pushing himself off the wall and gently pushing me around the corner. "If it isn't the Aburame siblings!" He chirps, an arm around my shoulders to stop me from hiding away and mellowing in my embarrassment. How could I have been so clueless? How couldn't I have noticed their relation?
"Hello, Lee!" Aburame-Chan greets him, smiling at my friend as she waves. Her smile wavers for a moment as she shoves her brother's hands out of her hair again. He lets out a sigh, evidently unhappy with the situation.
"Lee," Shino grumbles, face tight and sights still set on his sister as he nods in acknowledgment.
Lee squeezes my shoulders, pushing me forward a bit before he lets go. I clear my throat, trying my best not to chicken out. The small sound gets Shino's attention snapped towards me. "Aburame....s," I greet, nodding my head to the older of the siblings before sending my date a soft smile.
"Hey, Neji," Aburame-Chan returns the greeting, her voice softer than it was while she was speaking to the others.
I can feel my composure slipping from the simple words. All the training on proper public etiquette, all the lectures about maintaining our clan's high-class behavior, all the times my Uncle reminded me how Hyugas behave with each other and outsiders, it's all melting away because of two words, because of the want to drop to my knees and beg the Aburame Princess to start a life with me. I need to get out more, this can't be normal.
A cough breaks the spell I seem to be under, tugging my attention back to the Princess's overprotective brother. I know the kind of trouble I am for Naruto, so I can only imagine the kind of trouble Shino is going to be for me. "Aburame-San," I mutter, nodding my head to him.
That gets me a pointed look before the younger man moves to cut off my view of his sister. Whispers are shared between the siblings, the Prince of their clan is angry and harsh while my date's are equally angry but still soft.
Lee bumps into me, tugging my attention away from the mini-fight. "And here I thought it would be you fighting with your Uncle instead of Shino fighting with his sister," he teases with his usual huge smile on his face and a hint of a chuckle in his words.
"They're not fighting," I mutter, flicking my eyes back toward the siblings.
"Probably not," Lee continues, letting himself shift so his body weight is pressed against my side for a moment. "But Shino is going to have it out for you. I guess this will be your karma for the overbearing 'big brother' role you play in Hinata and Naruto's relationship."
I'm a bit impressed Lee had the same thought process as me, but that's shortly lived. If even Lee can see the trouble brewing from Shino, I'm going to have a lot of work in front of me. I haven't been that terrible to Naruto, have I? I guess karma will tell.
     "You're being unreasonable," Aburame-Chan groans, sidestepping her brother before breezing past him. Shino grumbles to himself but doesn't move to stop her. From the glare, I can feel him shooting my way, a part of me wishes he had. Does my glares toward Naruto burn him as much as Shino's glare burns me? "Neji," she calls, stopping her footsteps in front of me.
     My eyes drape over her, her shared traits with her brother forcing their way into my sight. Even though the similarities are far and few, there still seem to be some. How could I have been so clueless about their relationship? "I wasn't aware you had a brother."
     Her face shifts into a closed-eyes smile, head tilted as she keeps her attention on me. "Shino and I are both adopted so the day-to-day people in our lives don't usually make the connection."
     Perhaps my mind invented the similarities. "I wasn't aware," I mutter, flickering my eyes upward. Lee's hyperactive behavior has been shifted to Shino, my squad mate bouncing around as he chats the brother-of-my-date's ear off. Shino is mostly ignoring Lee, his sights still set on his sister and me.
     "It's not exactly something we go around talking about. Don't get me wrong, none of us are ashamed of it. If anything it only means I'm certain my Dad loves Shino and me, but it's still not something that's anyone's business."
     I nod my head, dropping my eyes down to Aburame-Chan's face again. She has a sour look, like she's happy about the situation but also a bit sad. This is certainly not a way to start a date. "Aburame-Chan?" I softly call, her head shifting up and a smile instantly decorating her lips. "Are you ready for our outing?"
My question makes her smile grow, which in turn makes my heart thump faster and the hold on my composure starts slipping again. "I'm ready if you're ready," Aburame-Chan answers, moving forward to slide her hand around my arm.
She waves at Lee and her brother, bidding them both goodbyes before she leads us forward. The whole time all I can think about is the pressure of her fingertips against my bicep and the feeling of her elbow tucked between my arm and my side.
     Is this what Hinata feels when she's around Naruto? Is that why she's so love-struck over the foolish, idiotic boy? I've never done drugs and I haven't ever had a drop of alcohol, but I imagine this is what an addiction feels like.
There's a gentle tug on my arm, followed by Aburame-Chan's honey-like voice calling out "Neji?"
"Yes?" I answer the word coming out like a whisper instead of the normal volume I was trying for.
My eyes fall on her again; how couldn't they? Aburame-Chan's eyes are bright and around as she looks up at me, her smile a bit shallower than last time. "I asked you a question. Did you hear me?"
"My apologies, Fairest," I mutter, reaching over to pat her hand with my free one. "I was lost in my thoughts and didn't quite hear you. Do you mind repeating yourself?"
The light returns to her smile but confusion fills her eyes. "I asked where you're taking me to eat. If your mind is preoccupied, we could reschedule."
     "No," I breathe out slowly, wrapping my fingers around hers. "I don't want to reschedule. I wish to take you out. Perhaps I'll take you to dinner tomorrow too, as long as tonight goes well. My apologies for being preoccupied."
     The confusion melts from her eyes, the light of her smile reaching up to replace it. "What a sweet talker," Aburame-Chan giggles, flexing her fingers underneath mine. "Already asking me on a second date and we haven't even finished the first."
     I tear my eyes away from her, the familiar heat of embarrassment crawling up my neck. "I just hope to continue our outings. As for tonight, I am taking us to the Dango Shop."
     Aburame-Chan bounces on her heels, her excitement shimming through her body movements. Weirdly, I find this behavior mildly annoying from Lee but cute from her. "My Fairest," I coo, tightening my hand around her fingers. "Be careful or you'll trip."
     "I won't trip," she mutters, but the jumps in her steps settle down a bit, making my heart swell. I hope my Uncle was serious about removing the marriage traditions. If I'm already this wrapped up in Aburame-Chan, I can only imagine the overflow of emotions I'd have if I were ordered to stay apart from her. "So, what's at this Dango Shop?"
"It's a sweet shop. It focuses on dangos, of course, but there are a few other sweet treats as well. Afterward, we will find somewhere more appropriate to eat." That seems to be the right answer, my Fairest bouncing in her steps once again; good.
     She's so childish, so it makes sense that she likes the idea of a candy shop for our date. Maybe I should ask Lee for help more often, he seems to know how this whole dating thing goes.
     No matter what I order at the Dongo Shop, my name falling off Aburame-Chan's lips will be the sweetest thing I have today. I hum in acknowledgment, letting my hand fall away, settling back down at my side with the fear that it's more sweaty than I think it is.
     "I think I'm going to get a Hanako dango. Do you know why? Because it's the best dango, duh. I hear they have good tea there too, hopefully, caffeine-free teas, though I could always just get water or - "
     I nod along to her ramble, making a mental note that Hanako dangos are her favorite. Perhaps I'll start bringing her dangos instead of coffee in the morning.
I let out an annoyed sigh, one that Shino ignores as he goes back to fixing my hair for me. My brother is overprotective in every sense of the word. Rightfully so with the world we live in and our status as the children of the Aburame Chief, but still, my brother could lose a bit of the guard dog behaviors.
A big part of me was thrilled when Neji asked me on a date, but that part also dreaded telling my brother about it. He's been nitpicking Neji and trying to convince me not to go. Honestly, I know Shino is coming off as a jerk but he's just worried. Worried Neji is going to break my heart, worried about me being out past dark without him, worried that the Hyuga clan's not-so-up-to-date practices are going to end up being a problem.
My big old worry wort who swears up and down the only thing he needs in life is Dad and me. What Shino needs is a partner but he swears he's content with our family and his friendships with his old squadmates. As long as he's happy, I'm happy, whether that's with or without a life partner.
Before I can snap at him to leave my hair alone - again, movement snags in the corner of my eye. Shino's fingers stiffen in my hair, letting me know he caught it too. The two of us freeze, ready to pounce on the possible threat.
A bowl cut and bushy eyebrows round the corner, ending all possible signs of a threat. "If it isn't the Aburame siblings!" Rock Lee cheers, dragging his friend - my date - around the wall as well.
Lee is as thrilled as ever, huge smile and eyes as round as saucers. I swear that boy could find joy in just about anything. Neji on the other hand... looks almost mad. His lips are pursed, eyebrows shoved together, and a glossy far away look in his eyes. Shino notices Neji's disconnection too, evident from the expressionless front he's holding on to and the way his hands are still stiff on my head.
"Hello, Lee!" I return the greeting, trying my best to match his peppiness. My first thought is to move forward and hug the current Taijutsu master, but the weight of my brother's hands stops that. I slide my hand into my hair as well, trying my best to get Shino to let go of me.
He sighs in annoyance but gives in, letting his arms settle by his sides again. I can see the concern flicker across his face for a second before his attention is somewhat turned toward the other half of the small group. "Lee," he mumbles, stress coating his face. Shino is having a hard time trying to trust Neji alone with me. What a worry wort.
Neji is shoved forward, catching my attention and snapping him out of whatever thought bubble he was caught in. Once his footing is back under him, he clears his throat, causing Shino's eyes to snap away from me and lock on my date. "Aburame...s," he greets, making it plural at the end like he wasn't sure if he should address us together or separately.
He decides on both, verbally greeting us together but physically greeting Shino with a nod and me with a smile. The small gesture makes my stomach stir with giddiness and nerves. "Hey, Neji," I answer back, trying my best not to sound stupid or overly eager. A side-eye from my brother tells me I didn't succeed at that.
Silence falls over our group again, the emptiness filled with a lot of stares. My eyes flicker around the three men I'm standing with. Shino's eyes flicker too, jumping from my date to me on repeat, his annoyance growing every time his eyes shift away from me. Lee's attention is set on Neji, a half confused half scrunched up face that I read as a silent 'what are you doing?' being sent to his friend. As for Neji, his eyes fluctuate between being wide and being slightly compressed as he looks at me.
When Shino's annoyance becomes too much for him, he forces out a cough before quickly sliding on his stone face again. Neji is not winning any brownie points with my family at the moment. If this is how unpleased Shino is, Lord help Neji if he ever meets our father. If Shino is a steel wall then our dad is a wall of rock. There is no pleasing that man if you're not his family.
Neji blinks a handful of times before his eyes slowly slide off me. "Aburame-San," he mutters, repeating his nod.
That is not what Shino wanted, though I'm not exactly sure what he wanted. His composure slips long enough to send Neji a displeased glance. "Dragonfly," he calls in a hushed tone, purposefully placing himself in front of me to stand in the way of seeing Neji. He's trying to play it off as happenstance but he's not as slick as he pretends to be. "You should not go on your date," he mumbles, tone harsh like he's talking to a disobedient child.
"I'm going on my date," I counter, anger quickly coating my words as well. Unlike my brother, I'm able to keep my composure better.
"I forbid it."
A chuckle stumbles out, still soft but filled with disbelief. "You forbid it?"
"Yes, I forbid it," Shino repeats, less authority in his voice this time. "As your brother, you are forbidden from going on a date with Neji Hyuga."
A smile spreads on my face, even more disbelief filling me up. "You... you honestly think I'm going to listen to you?"
The question breaks what little authority and ego he was holding on to, making me chuckle again. "Yes...?" He drags out, the word starting strong but ending as a question. "Father would not be happy about this... arrangement."
"Father," I start, dropping my tone a bit to mock Shino. "Asked me to stay out with Neji or friends until his meeting is over. You know, the meeting you're supposed to be going to with him. I swear you two are way too protective. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself."
He grumbles, rubbing his nose at the reminder of the meeting he's about to be late for. "We're not overprotective. We don't like leaving you in a situation where you have to deal with an enemy alone. There's a difference."
"Is there?"
"Yes," Shino deadpans, looking at me like he can't believe natural selection hasn't taken me out yet. "I would just feel better if you were with a friend during our meeting instead of Neji."
"If anything happens, I'm pretty confident Neji and I can handle it."
"I'm not saying you two, or you alone, wouldn't be able to. I am saying I don't believe Neji would put your safety above his own like Kiba or Hinata or even Lee would. I do not ask things of you for no reason."
I let out a long sigh, mimicking Shino and rubbing my nose in frustration. "You're being unreasonable," I grumble, moving around my brother and leaving him to feaster. He returns my annoyance with mutters to himself but doesn't try to stop me. Good, he needed a nice humbling and a reminder that I'm an individual.
"Neji!" I chirp, heading towards him. I stop in front of him, closer than I probably should have. His head is tilted a bit, the far-away look in his eyes again. Maybe he's sick. Or maybe he's just stressed. Our positions within our clans are quite similar, so I understand the kind of expectations placed on him, to an extent at least.
I glance over him, looking for common signs of illness. No murmur is evident in his chest movement or breathing to indicate held-back coughs. No sweat or shivering, so no fever. He doesn't seem to be fatigued either. If he's sick, he's good at hiding it, but I'm going to assume he's stressed.
As I do my glancing exam, Neji looks me over too, his head tilting when he seems to find what he's looking for. The silence quickly makes me uncomfortable, as does all silence. This one weighs more the longer he looks at me. What is he thinking? What is he looking for? Is this some kind of test? Am I failing or passing? Is he rethinking our date? Do I look different in the natural light than I look under -
"I wasn't aware you had a brother," Neji rattles out, his eyes lighting up a bit as they keep skipping around my face. I guess whatever test it was, I passed.
His statement makes me both happy and a bit sad. I am so proud of my Father and my brother. My Dad is one of the top chiefs of our village, a legacy of a man. My brother is great too, an undefeated shinobi during his younger days, and leads one of the top-ranked classes at the academy. Unlike Shino, I don't look a lot like our Dad, or him. It brings up the touchy subject of my - and usually Shino's - adoption.
"Shino and I are both adopted so the day-to-day people in our lives don't usually make the connection," I inform him, carefully watching Neji for his reaction. His eyes go ghostly again, trapped away in his mind. "It's not exactly something we go around talking about. Don't get me wrong, none of us are ashamed of it. If anything it only means I'm certain my Dad loves Shino and me, but it's still not something that's anyone's business," I quickly add on, my sights on the ground more than on him. The lack of speech between us - echoed by Lee's rambling to my brother - and the look on Neji's face makes me second guess telling him. Maybe Shino was right about this date being a bad idea.
     His head slowly nods, like he's processing my ramble. "Aburame-Chan?" He mutters, causing me to slowly lift my head back up. The faraway look is slowly melting away from his eyes, making me smile again. Maybe Neji suffers from dissociation, after all, it's a common disorder in war veterans. Or maybe he just gets trapped in his thoughts too easily. "Are you ready for our outing?" He adds on, returning my smile.
     Butterflies flutter in my stomach again which in turn makes my cheeks hurt from how much I'm smiling. "I'm ready if you are." Once the statement is out, I move forward, looping my arm through his. Before my nerves can get to me from the bold movement, I turn my attention away from him. "Bye Lee! Bye Onii-San!" I shout, waving at both men before I pull the two of us forward.
     The movement helps to ease some of my nerves, but Neji's eyes locked on our connection counteracts the calm. Quickly, his staring and the silence start to eat at me again, leaving the opening for Shino's disapproval and worries to filter through my mind. "Hey, Neji? Where are we going for our 'outing'?" I ask, gently squeezing his arm as I look at him, hoping it'll catch his attention. I wait for a response, which I don't get. "Neji?" I call again, pulling on his arm this time.
     "Yes?" He asks softly, so soft that I almost don't hear him. He still seems far away, the glaze of thought still covering his eyes as he looks at me.
     Is he not going to enjoy our date, even before it's started? What is he thinking so intensely about? Was Shino right? Is Neji too busy for a partner? Is he second-guessing asking me out? "I asked you a question. Did you hear me?" I manage to push out, the last unspoken question rattling around my head. Neji is the kind of guy to stick to his word, so even if he did change his mind on our date, he'd still take me out because he said he would. Is that what's going on?
     "My apologies, Fairest," he says softly, the arm I'm not wrapped around being lifted. Neji rests his free hand on top of mine, wrapping his fingers around mine as he smiles at me. "I was lost in my thoughts and didn't quite hear you. Do you mind repeating yourself?"
The word 'fairest' rings in my head, instantly silencing the mix of Shino's and my negative thoughts. How can I single-word silence my worries so easily and make my stomach flutter even more? "I asked where you're taking me to eat. If your mind is preoccupied, we could reschedule," I give Neji an out, just to be sure this is something he wants to do.
     "No," he rushes out, the tone of the word formed like he was kicked in the chest. "I don't want to reschedule. I wish to take you out. Perhaps I'll take you to dinner tomorrow too, as long as tonight goes well. My apologies for being preoccupied," Neji rushes out just as quickly, his fingers tightening around my hand as if I'll run if he lets go.
His answer is perfect, neatly closing any possibility of him feeling forced to be here. "What a sweet talker," I tease in hopes of lightening the mood, a laugh slipping out with my words as I move my fingers around as well. "Already asking me on a second date and we haven't even finished the first one."
     Neji snaps his head away from me, a soft pink poking out from his shirt collar. "I just hope to continue our outings," he mutters quietly before slowly turning back toward me. "As for tonight, I am taking us to the Dango shop." The answer makes me excited, shown through the extra movements I add to our walk. I've never been to the Dango shop but I've heard good things about it.
     "My Fairest," he calls again, tightening his hand around mine again. "Be careful or you'll trip."
     "I won't trip," I mutter, the newfound nickname instantly making me abide by his gentle command. Silence falls between us again, Neji back to his distant look as he stares at me. "So," I start when the silence becomes too much again. I get the feeling I'm going to do a lot of the talking between us. "What's at this Dango shop?"
     "It's a sweet shop," Neji answers, instantly snapping out of his thoughts this time. "It focuses on dangos, of course, but there are a few other sweet treats as well. Afterward, we will find somewhere more appropriate to eat."
The promise of sweets and a long date instead of a simple dinner and done makes me excited, adding a pep to my step again. "Neji?"
     He hums, squeezing my hand once before moving it away. His arm shifts, keeping my arm tucked away like he's worried I'll drop my hold on him.
     "I think I'm going to get a Hanako dango. Do you know why? Because it's the best dango, duh. I hear they have good tea there too, hopefully, caffeine-free teas, though I could always just get water or maybe lemonade." My ramble continues, eating away at any signs of silence between us. Neji nods along to my words, his eyes bright and present as I speak. Well, I guess my thoughts weren't too far off; In this relationship, I'm going to be the speaker and he's going to be the listener.
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chaosnojutsu · 1 year
a running list of what we COULD have if the frontrunners of the narutop99 poll weren’t basic:
• childhood era kakashi/gai/asuma/kurenai
• the adventures of genin mirai and her self-appointed big brother shikamaru
• single mom tsume inuzuka doing her best
• tenten origin story
• sand siblings acting like actual siblings for longer than one scene
• the fall of orochimaru from his/their pov
• yamato having a life
• shino/hinata/kiba being weird, wholesome kids together
• the actual changes that allegedly happen within the hyuga clan, preferably through neji’s eyes
• gen 15 ino-shika-cho in their prime
• who the hell procreated with rock lee
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tired-biscuit · 20 days
this is like maybe a little specific and really just me rambling
but FIRST of all im obsessed with your portrayal of kiba. he's like always been my fav but his content is so limited so its been away since my imagination flew but phew these last few days reading your blog has been a journey.
but back to the ramble ive been thinking a lot of the brother's bsf trope for him. at first i was riding naru bc bros but then i thought about sasu and the whole prideful uchiha vibe. even in the modern version, then just being like these corporate giants alongside the hyugas and the other ‘noble’ clans. and like maybe kiba isn’t really bsfs with sasu but like the whole ‘genin’ growing up around each other thing. probably all just went through the same school system.
ANYWAY rambles
i imagine like the uchiha ‘princess’, the only daughter and youngest sibling to sasu and ita. and like she’s just really grown up with that whole corpo royalty vibe, getting everything she wants, always supervised low key suppressed LIKE NOTHING NEW HERE low-key maybe even loosely in talks of being engaged to one of the ally corps like hyugas or something the point is its SCREAMING corruption for kiba. like the forbidden fruit. subtle classism, like kiba’s family isn’t what the uchihas would envision for her but like I just imagine her sneaking out with her brother to a uni party or something (like maybe sasu got to go to a public uni and she got the private treatment) and just like bumping into kiba in all his alpha buff man-ness and just like that first spark of lust just like overwhelms her like doesn’t even know whats going on but OH BOY KIbA does and he’s just like ‘yeah I got what you need bbygirl’ and yeah. Asdfsjhkgrhgo I have a lot of thoughts sorry for all the words 🐣
i don’t see kiba and sasuke being friends because kiba is too big of a hater, BUT i think that would even add more to the appeal because, like… he can act like a real proper shithead towards the people he doesn’t particularly like, so scoring sasuke’s little sister? yeah, he’d definitely try it just to get a sense of some kind of victory from it.
and i think it’d be the initial motive at first — the whole ‘haha, i fucked your sister, whatcha gonna do ‘bout it?’ — but then one thing leads to another and suddenly he’s caught… feelings. feelings that he doesn’t really know how to comprehend yet, and it’s weird because you’re like his exact opposite; so fancy and with your nose upturned whenever he winds up in your presence, pushing your whole princess agenda forward. and he knows that he should find it annoying because you’re acting just like your equally as annoying brother, but instead he’s catching himself thinking about you more and more and he’s almost finding it entertaining. pestering you is almost fun to him.
i think he’d wonder what you’d look like without the make up and the pretty skirt. what you’d look like with messy hair instead of it being in that almosy eerie state where each strand is sitting perfectly in place. he wants to see actual sweat coating your face instead of that matt powder he’s seen you reapply once or twice before because you hate the shine on your forehead. he wants to fuck you nasty and ruin that idea of you being a perfect girl in every single situation just so that he can see what you’re really like underneath.
besides that, i also imagine him initially pursuing you because he hates, hates, hates the whole idea behind noble clans, as well as the set of strict, mostly unfair rules that they’ve got going on, because of what they did to hinata. so if you’re his ticket to fuck with them a little bit, hey, why not?
you would find him appealing because he just simply does not give a shit what anybody thinks. he might get pissed off if someone insults him, sure, but he still ends up doing whatever it is that he wants in that moment and he doesn’t apologize for it. plus, his clan is more like one big family instead of a picture on the wall where everyone is smiling their most perfect grin despite the fact that their eyes still end up looking cold.
he’s warm, you know? carefree and dumb and not uptight at all. he finds joy in the little things and instead of spending money on fancy dinners, he buys things cheap because he’s saving up for a roadtrip that he’s planning to go on this summer with his shitty truck. he doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty and he loves his dog more than most people.
…and he’s also the first man who actually looks you in the eyes and tells you you’re full of shit when you start acting bratty and deserve to be called out for it. he treats you like a person instead of delicate glass.
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banananuttrash · 1 year
How would Hyuga be with the naive and graceful gentle (i.e. the opposite of him) sister
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Hyuga w/ Gentle Sister
Notes: I freaking love this dynamic! I was so glad to get this request. Back at it with the head cannons, which I don't think is a forte for me, so let me know what you think. You can find Part 2 here.
⋈ *. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿ * ⋈
You guys will probably be around 7 years apart.
When you were born I think he would pretend to be unbothered, but in reality wants to really take care of you.
His parents were probably like, "Want to hold her?" and he'll respond with "I guess" but in reality is excited to meet you.
Growing up, he beats up every boy around you.
You're super naive and take people's words as truth. So there are many times that people have taken advantage of you. Without you knowing, Hyuga beats them behind your back.
You haven't had many boyfriends, and the few ones you've had have been scared off by Hyuga.
He annoys the living daylights out of you, but that's how he shows he cares.
As adults, Hyuga gives you some freedom, but he also keeps his tabs on you just to make sure you're okay.
Honestly, without you knowing he probably has your work place watched, but does not make it super obvious.
He definitely wants you home before nightfall, but after you bat your eyes and tell him how he's the best big brother ever, he lets you stay out till 11pm.
Does not trust anyone with you (maybe just Ukyo and Sakyo).
Now, we all know he's crazy but I don't think he would be like that with you.
He's a really good older brother, who jokes around with you and messes with you. He won't be this way in front of others though.
Honestly, I don't even think the other SWORD members would even know about you. Only Daruma Ikka, of course.
He knows how much you hate him fighting, so whenever he does, he tries to clean up before he goes to see you.
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usakiboi · 1 year
My art ain’t exactly arting lately so until I get my groove back (my desire to draw gay people in 4k) here’s a list of my naruto headcannons but it’s specifically for my au
Naturally blonde like her mom but dyed her to match her fathers, unfortunately the colored ended up being lighter than she planned
She isn’t a terrible cook but she gets distracted easily and burns the food she makes
Sleeper build
Went on strike when the public became outraged with her decision to marry Hinata
Acts super girly but is a huge tomboy
allergic to cats
Retired jounin and focuses on her hospitals as well as her family
Sakura regularly checks on Hinata’s heart and goes doctor mode immediately even if all Hinata is doing is catching her breath
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Plus size
Chinese on her Father’s side and Japanese on her Mother’s
Can eat a lot but doesn’t in fear of what other people would think
Her dream is to prove her self worth to her clan, as she grows her dream changes from simply wishing to prove herself to also wanting to free the branch members from their seals
She becomes the Hyuga advisor and right hand man to Clan Head, Hanabi
She’s retired from active duty to handle clan matters
Hyuga in general are one of the shortest in terms of height when it comes to Konoha. Hinata is the shortest
Has a glare that can rival her father’s but she’s naturally patient and easygoing that you almost never see it
Knits gifts for her friends
Due to the Pein fight as well as her fight with Neji her health isn’t the greatest and if she exerts herself too much she will become sick. After falling ill immediately after the war she and her family made the decision to take her off the roster
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Is stupidly smart but can’t focus for shit so he fails his test simply because he doesn’t get enough time to fill out the paper
Can cook
Has on multiple occasions argued why pink is in fact a manly color
Never hits his growth spurt and is only slightly taller than his mom when he gets older
Regularly argues with Momoshiki when he gets bored
Would willingly jump off a mountain if you dared him
Has a scar on his forehead from where he broke Momoshiki’s horn
Cant dress for shit
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Secretly into really nerdy and geeky things
Takes over the cooking when her mother gets distracted
Her glasses classify as a help aid both normally and when she uses her sharingan. Taking them off while using her sharigan could permanently damage her eyes
A majority of her strength comes from enhanced chakra but in her free time she does strength workouts to build her muscles so she can use less chakra when fighting
Would rather her team see her as useful and someone to depend on than someone they need to protect
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Like far on the spectrum
Gets sluggish in the cold
has the same marks around his eyes like his parent along with scales on his skin
Refers to Jiraiya and Tsunade as Aunt and Uncle
Also refers to Team taka (excluding sasuke) as aunt and uncles
He calls sasuke big brother in private and Mr.Sasuke around other people
Was responsible for the cut on Log’s face
Baggy top skinny jeans/leggings gay
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Gender-fluid and currently presents as feminine
Cant handle spicy food
Cant handle cold foods
Cant handle cold weather
The stretchy neck, long tongue, and ofher snake features are all clan related traits such as the Inuzuka and their sense of smell
Orochimaru’s mother could also stretch her arms just like Mitsuki can
Orochimaru is still in possession of the Zetsu body and much more prefers it as it last longer than the human bodies and is also moldable, making them able to keep a youthful appearance like they have in Boruto
Horrible self-regulation skills and will starve if they aren’t checked up on
Everyone they’ve ever met has a personal journal made about them stored away in their library
Same height as Hinata
Doesn’t curse or raise his voice ever so it’s really hard to tell when he’s upset
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suzakisbbygirl · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for the Tsuji x Shy Reader! Could you please do a part 2? When he actually meets Hyuga and the rest of Daruma and tells them how much he cares for Reader.
It was so cute and I loved it! I wanted to ask if you would be willing to write anything that involved the Mighty Warriors? Please keep writing! You’re doing amazing.
Alas, it is finally here!! Part two!!
Thank you for both of these requests, I had so much fun writing them! Apologies for part two taking so long
I am willing to write for Mighty Warriors, and I have a few requests for them already, though it will take me longer to get those ones done, being that I would like to portray the characters the right way :)
I hope you enjoy <3
Much love ~ ember
Out of Character (part two)
Part 1
Wc: 1.7k
Pairing: Tsuji x shy reader (Hyuga’s sister)
Warnings: the fluffiest of fluff
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The Next Day
You wake up the next morning, still smiling from the night before. Laying in bed, you think of his words to you, “I love you”. You can’t stop thinking about those words, and how deeply happy Tsuji makes you feel. Thinking about all of the dates that the two of you have been on, all of the conversations the two of you have had, even silently thanking Hyuga for sending you to the market alone that day.
Hyuga?! Oh no, he’s gonna scream at me for sneaking out… you thought to yourself. After a few minutes of contemplation, you decided to get the lecture over with, rather than to prolong the outcome. Whatever happens, whatever Hyuga says, there is not a single trace of regret in your heart. For once, you were happy to break the rules. Happy that you did what you wanted to do. Happy that your boyfriend convinced you to step out of your comfort zone, even for one night.
Removing yourself from the bed, you start your morning routine. Getting dressed, washing your face, brushing your teeth, the usual. After you are leaving your bathroom to go and cook breakfast,you are stopped by a figure standing at your door. Hyuga. He looks oddly calm considering the events from the night before.
“Hey Hyuga” you said quietly, turning your gaze from his stare
“Y/n, we need to talk about last night. Please, sit down.” His calm demeanor is sending chills down your spine. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he joins you, fiddling with his own hands.
Why is he the nervous one, that’s supposed to be me? And why is he so calm right now? Your thoughts rolling through your mind as silence fills the room. But before you can say anything, he beats you to it.
“I’m sorry, y/n.” He said quietly looking down to the ground. Shock takes over your mind, knowing that hearing an apology from Hyuga is one of the rarest things from him.
“I’m sorry for keeping you from doing things that you want to do. I didn't realize that was what was happening, I thought that I was protecting you. You're the only real family that I have left, I just didn't want anything bad to happen to you, but I shouldn’t have gone as far as I did.” He continues, still gazing at the floor. “I’m not particularly happy that you snuck out, but I don't really blame you for it either. But I’m sorry that I made you feel like you couldn't come to me directly.”
“Hyuga, it's okay. I know that you just want me to be safe, I’m sorry for sneaking out and being so reckless. You’ve been nothing but the best big brother to me. So thank you.” You knew if you didnt say something he would continue rambling on. With your words, the tension in the air fell, and things felt normal again. He pulled you into a hug and ruffled your hair a little bit, showing that he loves and cares for you.
As the two of you stand to exit the room, he becomes slightly tense again, and you know immediately, he’s thinking about the arrival of Tsuji. Honestly, you were nervous too. When it comes to outsiders, Hyuga is either dismissive, or he is beating them up. You are hoping, praying, that he will see how happy you are, and not kick your boyfriend's teeth in, but at the same time, you don't want him to be dismissive. You and your kind heart are hoping that everyone can get along, without any awkward tension.
Walking out of the room, everyone is standing there waiting to give you a comforting hug. They all want you to know that even with what happened the night before, they still love you and want to protect you. After being smashed with all of the hugs, you are finally able to start making breakfast for everyone, to which you earned a loud cheer of praise for, something that is part of the morning routine, yet it still shocks you sometimes.
About an hour after breakfast, you receive a text from Tsuji.
Tsuji: Good morning my love, I’m on my way
Y/n: Okay darling, be safe, see you when you get here
With that one message, your heart starts racing, though you can’t tell if it is excitement to see him, or nerves that someone is going to hurt him.
“When will he be here?” Hyuga questions, lowering his voice in a way that frightens you a little.
“Soon, he's on his way now.” You replied quietly, unable to hide the nerves that are coursing through you. A small hum from Hyuga, and he disappears into the meeting room, with everyone following behind him. You know that he wants to intimidate Tsuji, which is why he has left open all of the doors, leading directly to the meeting room, and locked any other in sight. He told you to wait somewhere else, and not to greet him, but wait somewhere for when they are done talking. Naturally, you make your way to the garden, your favorite place to go when everyone else is talking.
Tsuji’ s POV
Well I made it, here we go…
Finally, he made it to the Daruma Family House. He’s not so nervous about talking to Hyuga, more so about not messing up and getting on his bad side. Tsuji is optimistic that he will be able to express the love that he feels for y/n, and win the approval of Hyuga. But this is Daruma, you never know what will happen. Rivaling gangs meeting could either end well, or really bad. There is no in between.
Walking up the stairs, Tsuji does his best to keep his confidence, and refuses to let anyone see the nerves that he is feeling. As the gates open, he can already see Hyuga sitting in a large room, as the entire walkway is lined with the Daruma Family. Tsuji keeps his composure as he walks forward, only looking at Hyuga. As he enters the room, the doors close behind him with a loud bang, yet Tsuji is still unfazed. Well, on the outside at least. He takes a seat in front of Hyuga, and silence fills the room.
“So. You and my sister huh? I’m guessing it was your idea for her to sneak out?”
“Yes it was. I apologize for that, I should have talked to you directly in the first place.”
“So you thought that sneaking around with my sister was a good idea? What if she had gotten into trouble, or if she had gotten hurt? Then you should have too I suppose. All I want to know is why. Why her?” Everyone can tell what Hyuga intention with this question is. He doesn’t mean it in a negative way, more so, he wants to know if Tsuji is good enough for his sister. He wants to know if he is going to take care of his sister the way that he knows she deserves to be taken care of.
“Why am I with your sister? Because she makes me happy. And I don't mean a generic happy, I mean an excited happy. When I think about her, everything makes sense. Like the world is perfectly in place. When I’m with her, it's as if all of the fighting and gang activity stops, and it's just her. When she’s not around I feel empty, like I’m missing something. And I am. I’m missing the person who makes my heart full. When she’s not around, I’m missing my other half. There is nothing I want more than to take care of her and protect her. She's everything to me. And without her, there’s nothing. She fills all of the broken spaces in my heart, and she shines a light in my world, that I would be a fool to lose. So yeah, maybe to you it seems like it's a silly relationship. Maybe it seems like I don't want her for the reasons anyone else would think. But in reality, I don't just want her, I need her. I need her to even get through my day. I can’t imagine a life without her. Cause without her, I see nothing.”
Tsuji, knowing that his hard core reputation was going down the drain with every word he spoke, let all of the love that he feels for y/n out into the open. He knew that Hyuga wanted to hear the reason, and he knew that his reason would make him seem soft, rather than the image that he typically portrays, but he didn't care. He needed everyone to know that y/n is the woman who owns his heart. The woman that he would do anything and everything for. And now it's finally out in the open.
The room fell silent, as everyone took in the words from Tsuji, realizing how much he truly does love y/n. Realizing that maybe the two of them being together isn’t such a bad thing.
“She’s out in the garden. You have my blessing. However, Mess up one time, and you will be dealing with the entire Daruma Family.” Hyuga states bluntly, unable to form any other thoughts.
With that Tsuji rises, and makes his way to the garden. When he sees you admiring the flowers, he takes a minute to admire you and all of your beauty. When you finally realize someone is with you, and you see that it is him, you are unable to hide the smile that covers your features.
I really am the luckiest man alive. This woman, this woman is the woman I am meant to be with. Nobody will ever compare to her. She's the one.
His thoughts are only filled with you and the love that he has for you, and you are running to him. Jumping into his embrace, everything in the world feels right. As if nothing could ruin this moment. And in that moment, the two of you are connected as one soul. Nothing could break the two of you apart, and nothing will. Finally freely together, the two of you share a sweet yet passionate kiss, as everything in the world falls into perfect harmony.
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mangasstuffcomics · 6 months
Uchiha apologists are something else
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Calling senju clan racist war mongering evil while victimising the uchiha clan no the uchiha and senju don't represent anything in America Naruto is Japanese manga
The senju and uchiha are not equivalent to to those races the uchiha and senju aren't races clans are big families and the senju uchiha ancestors are brothers
But the uchiha clan has black hair and eyes so alot of the senjus including hashirama and toka
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The uchiha are so related that izuna and sasuke look alike
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And the senju and uzumakis there blood related to such extent that Naruto looked so much like nawaki that Edo Dan thought he was nawaki Naruto and nawaki are only distant cousins due the senjus and uzumakis being related to one another and nawaki grandma being a uzumaki yet they look so similar
We know that uzumakis and senjus married into each other but to this extent
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Safe to say even with the 1000. Year gap the senjus uzumakis and uchihas are very related to each other there family cousins clans
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Hashirama saying this and me remembering that senju and uchihas are kin they just don't know that they are
Black zetsu didn't exist the hyugas uchiha senjus uzumakis would all just be the the otsusukis
so we have the Matriarch of the families kaguya uchiha senjus uzumakis hyugas hagoromo the souls Indra and ashura alll in one war the forth shinobi war aka the world's worst family reunion
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dark-elf-writes · 11 months
Sharing the sharingan:
Itachi being like “huh, what? You just told me to kill all the Uchiha’s Mr.Danzo. And this piece of paper clearly says that man is NOT an Uchiha. You’d think the shadow hokage would know how to fucking read.”
What to do when your teammate uses you to commit suicide (a self help guide for the lost, confused, and used)
the book is blank because hey it’s a first for me too kid.
An Uchiha who turns to love rather than hate.
Them taking care of Sakumo’s body and cleaning the blood off kakashi :’(
Kakshi double fisting a weirdly accurate self help book and pure smut while white knuckling his mental health.
Two bros chilling in a one room apartment with a hoard of semi-adopted kids co-writing porn for their little brother’s mental health because they’re not gay
ADHD Hyuga 0-0
Naruto buying Kabuto and scaring him with his teeth cuz he won’t go to any other healer but the Uchiha
“Destroy eyes” pact now including one traumatized dog man
May the lord have mercy on your insignificant soul because I swear to god if I ever see your bitch ass again I will not.
Gordon Uchiha
As much as it hurts to see the light come for his pups he’s so fucking glad they get to live another day, get to break the cycle of the Hatakes (because they are all Hatakes no matter what clans two of them were born into) dying young.
Big Lap Dog problem where the pups grew bigger and Sakumo did not as he is dead, so where two scrawny teenagers and an actual toddler never knocked Sakumo over three ANBU who have long since grown out of the gangliness of youth and have spent years packing on muscle through training very much do.
But you are incredibly correct imagining them as different heights is somehow deeply upsetting and they have to be the exact same height for Reasons
The three friend killers. With phantom blood of enemies and once allies forever staining their hands. The three remaining sharingan users. All of them with a flee on sight status in most bingo books. All of them cuddling in the nearly empty lounge.
The Uchiha: oh yeah…sorry I called you a bitch. The Hyuga: it’s fine. I am a bitch.
So when she knows she can't escape (She was never going to beat them, they have always been better than her no matter how hard she tried) she decides to just.... let their jutsu hit her. To die by her brothers hands is probably the best end she could hope for.
She stands back from the fire at first when the boys finally meet them (too soon. Far too soon) but kakashi spots her in the dark just like he always had. And what chance did she have not to be buried under the weight of her brothers (what were they all eating that they had gotten so damn tall.
one soul in two bodies, the closest someone could be to another person without cracking their chest open to crawl inside (she wondered one day if one of them would. Would take that final step to rejoin their hearts until they were one whole being again.) they had taken different approaches to the hatred
Seeing two Byakugan split between two faces. Knowing that the eyes once called the true heart of a dojutsu user were swapped between the two in actuality.
Sasuke constantly stuck in a game of catch-up he never seems to win. Chasing after distant goals and figures he can barely see, let alone match.
The third teammate in sharing the Sharingan: “But she’s still the outsider, she doesn’t share their strange pack mentality…”. Me: it’s the neurodivergence babe.
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