#giant jerk with a heart of gold
chaoticriderlessb · 5 months
My extreme tiredness has been inspired by my own housecleaning chores to write some stuff with our sassy Daruma king.
Hyuga with a stubborn and very tired younger sister over chores.
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First off, his sister could be the type of person who gets hangry, and it's worse if she's also tired.
Hyuga would be used to it...until she gives him an attitude that he isn't a fan of.
There is no such thing as disrespect in this family, and he will not tolerate it from her.
His sister planned on going to bed, early, one day, as soon as she got home. Those plans were ruined as soon as her big brother reminded her of her chores.
"Wha?! No! C'mon, Norihisa! I'm way too tired!"
"I don't care. You told me you would get it done, yesterday. Yet, here we are. You should've gone to bed, last night, like you were supposed to."
"Ah, shut up, Nori! I'll take care of it, tomorrow! I swear!"
"No. You'll take care of it, now. You can sleep, afterwards. And don't take that tone with me. You know the rules of this house."
"Dammit! I don't care! You're such a jerk! I'm not in the mood for doing stupid chores! I'm going to bed."
But she knew she made a mistake when he raised an eyebrow at her, looking clearly irritated. He was always scary when he was mad.
Before she could think about running, he was picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Hey!! Nori!! Put me down! Norihisa!!" She would hit his back, scream, and put up a fight while he carried her over to where she was supposed to be, knowing how much she hated being picked up. "Nori, put me down!!"
Whenever she was like this, he would roll his eyes and ignore the beatings on his back.
Once in the room where she was supposed to be, he would "throw" her down onto the floor.
"Ouch!! Really?!"
Hyuga would never lift a harmful finger on his little sister...but times like this, just looking threatening was enough to make her drop the attitude, real quick. He was always wordless about it, too. And even when he wasn't, he never raised his voice at her.
If she still kept it up, he would step toward her with an angry look...you did not want to get the Daruma leader angry.
"Whoa! Ok...ok!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Nori!! I'll do it, I'll do it!"
Hyuga would then toss her a cleaning cloth to her, keeping that irritated raised eyebrow look on his face.
"Don't ever talk to me like that, again. Ya hear? I'm your brother, not your enemy. I know you're tired, but the sooner you get this done, the sooner you can sleep."
Then comes the one thing he really hated while she lived under his roof: the puppy eyes, and the lip tremble. "Nori...." And the hurt in her voice.
The corner of his lip would twitch. He hated scaring her like that, regardless if she brought it upon herself or not.
His face softened, and he rolled his eyes.
"Don't do a half-assed job, please...."
And just because he enjoyed being her big jerk of a brother, he would snack on something while making sure she got her chores done, knowing well that her attitude was partially her being hungry.
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I Remember Everything - Rafe Cameron (Chapter 7)
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Summary: You left the island two years ago, leaving the love of your life a shattered man in your wake. Now, when you return, you find the sweet boy you once loved has transformed into a monster of a man. How can you detangle the real Rafe from the terrible things he's done?
Timeline: begins toward the end of obx season 3 and is mostly canon.
Content: this story contains sexual content, alcohol and drug abuse, and brief mentions of violence. All chapters are 18+, minors do not interact!
(Prologue and Ch. 1) // (Ch. 2) // (Ch. 3) // (Ch. 4) // (Ch. 5) // (Ch. 6)
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“You should put that down.”
Rafe stood in the doorway, glaring at you as you held up the gun you’d discovered in his father’s office. Your mind was whirling with questions as you looked back at him, the sunlight leaking through the windows reflected off the giant pile of gold and onto your face.
“What is all of this, Rafe?” You nearly whispered, your stomach twisting in sickened awe.
“Put the gun down,” his eyes were dark and his jaw clenched as he stalked toward you, arm outstretched.
You just looked back at the treasure you had uncovered, mesmerized by the enormity of it. There had to be hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold and precious stones here. You weren’t even thinking of the gun in your hand when he reached you, taking it from you slowly and tucking it into his waistband. 
He crowded your space with his towering frame, his stare menacing. You looked up at him nervously.
“You shouldn’t have come in here,” he growled.
“Rafe, you’re scaring me,” you warned him, your bottom lip quivering slightly.
“What are you doing tearing my house apart? Were you looking for the cross?” His mind was clearly somewhere else, flooded with a paranoia you’d never seen before. His pupils were dilated to pinpoints as he asked you questions you didn’t understand.
You started to back up and he followed you, his chest heaving as he berated you. “Is that why you came back, huh? Are you trying to get the gold? Are you working with those fucking pogues?”
With every sentence he stepped closer, and you continued to back away from him. You’d never seen him like this, so menacing, so unhinged.
“It wasn’t enough for you to break my heart?” His voice got louder with every word. The back of your legs hit the edge of his father’s wooden desk, nowhere left to go. “You had to come back to take what’s MINE?!”
On the last word, he raised his hand to gesture to the gold behind him, and you flinched. A terrified gasp left your lips and your eyes widened at the hand he was waving so close to your face.
Rafe’s whole body fell when he noticed your response. It dawned on him slowly, you flinched because you thought he was going to hit you. The fear on your face snapped him back to reality. You were scared of him. 
“Baby, I-” he tried to rest his hand on your cheek but you jerked away from him, ducking under his arm so you were no longer pinned between him and the desk. 
“Stay away from me,” your voice shook as you crossed the room to put space between yourself and Rafe.
Rafe took you in, your eyes wide like an animal caught in a trap. His heart shattered at the thought that you, the only person in the world he didn’t want to be intimidated by him, truly believed that he was about to hurt you. Tears stung his bottom lashes and he searched for the words to undo the damage he’d just done. As he looked at you cowering in the corner, barely able to meet his eyes, he realized he suddenly wasn’t seeing you anymore, he was seeing Sarah.
“It’s me, Rafe - your sister,” She had cried when he lunged for her, before she couldn’t speak anymore because he was holding her under the water.
He hadn’t had a full night’s sleep since he’d heard those words. His brain never gives him reprieve from the crushing guilt of seeing her gasp for air, trying to flee him, fearing for her life due to her big brother’s temper. He hadn’t meant it, he wished he could take it back. Now Sarah would hate him forever, she’d made that much clear. Was he about to lose you the way he lost her? He’d find a way to manage through life without his sister, but if you stopped loving him, he might just sink into the floor and die.
“Baby, please, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he tried to keep his voice steady as he raised his hands, like he was trying to prove they weren’t dangerous.
“Don’t call me that,” you snapped, tears flowing freely now.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Just please come back over here,” he begged.
“No, I don’t trust you” you sobbed.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” his voice was pained. “I would never hurt you.”
“Something’s wrong with you, Rafe,” you spat. “You need to tell me what’s going on. Where’d that gold come from? What’s the cross? Is it the reason you were arrested?”
“I can’t,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to maintain his composure even though he could feel his blood pressure rising again. “It’s just business stuff. It’s not important.”
You snorted bitterly, “clearly.”
“Why can’t you just mind your fucking business?” He bit back, unable to control his tongue.
That was your final straw. “I’m leaving,” you said as you hurried out of the room.
“No, no, wait!” Rafe called after you, following you into the hall.
“If you don’t want to be honest with me, then I don’t want to be here,” you don’t turn around, even though he’s right on your heel.
He stepped in front of you, his long legs besting yours. You step back instinctually and he cursed himself silently for losing your trust.
“Don’t go,” he begged, grabbing your hand. “Don’t go back to them. Stay here, be with me, we can finally have the life we wanted. I have the money now, I have everything. I can be the man you need. We can do this, finally.”
“I can’t be with someone I don’t really know,” you shook your head.
“What are you talking about? It’s me,” he actually smiled, as though he could charm his way out of the massive hole he’s dug. You snatched your hand away.
“That means nothing to me now,” you snarled, side-stepping him and fleeing quickly down the stairs.
He watched you go, feeling like his heart was being dragged with you, an emptiness left in his chest. He watched the hem of your dress as it flew behind you, and you disappeared like you had so many painful times before.
Three Years Earlier…
“This color was made for you!” Sarah chirped happily as she applied one of her MAC lipsticks to your lips. 
You fought back your smile so you could keep your lips steady for her to finish applying the makeup.
“Okay,” she said as she passed you her hand held mirror so you could inspect the full face of makeup she’d spent the last hour applying for you. “All done!”
You smiled at your reflection, you had never been particularly skilled at makeup, preferring a natural look. It helped that you had a boyfriend who constantly told you how gorgeous you were without it. “Don’t need all that shit on your face, baby, you’re already perfect,” he’d say.
But you wanted tonight to be different, you wanted his jaw to drop to the floor when he saw you. Plus his eyes wouldn’t be the only ones on you tonight, this being the first time you’d be attending Midsummers together as an official couple. Everyone on the island knew you’d been together since forever but, as Rafe had pointed out when he’d asked you to go with him a few weeks ago, you had never made a formal debut.
“Need everyone on this damn island to know you’re my girl,” he had whispered in your ear as he held you in the bed of his new truck while you stargazed by the beach.
“I think it’s pretty clear,” you giggled. “We already spend every waking second together.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he explained. “I wanna see their dumbstruck faces when they see the most beautiful girl in the OBX walking in with me.”
You nuzzled into him lovingly, “you’re too nice to me.” You kissed the tip of his nose.
“Impossible,” he shook his head, making you laugh as his nose rubbed against yours playfully. “You deserve all the niceness. You deserve all the good things, ‘n when we’re older, I’m gonna give you everything.”
“I don’t want everything,” you said, making his brow furrow slightly. “I just want you. You’re all I ever wanted.”
He knew he’d never hear more perfect words in his life, and he’d spend forever keeping them true.
Three weeks later, you were getting ready for Midsummers with Sarah, while Wheezie watched you wistfully from the corner. You sat on a tufted pedestal in the middle of Sarah’s walk-in closet as she added a few more bobby pins to secure the up-do she had crafted for you.
Wheezie wasn’t old enough for Midsummers yet and would be left home with a babysitter, an arrangement she made very clear she didn’t agree with.
“You’re so pretty,” she pouted. “Are you gonna marry my brother?”
You went red, completely caught off guard by her intrusive question.
“Oh! Well, I, uh,” you tried to think of an appropriate answer that a ten year-old would understand.
“Wheezie!” Sarah scolded her, saving you from having to respond. “You can’t just ask somebody that.”
You smiled up at her gratefully as she shielded your eyes from the hairspray she was adding to the front of your head.
“But of course she is, they’re like made for each other,” she continued. 
Though you were slightly caught off guard by her abruptness, your cheeks hurt from the smile you failed to stifle. You loved the idea that it was so obvious to everyone else, it made you feel like your certainty that you’d already found the love of your life at seventeen wasn’t so crazy after all. Your mother would call you naive, but here in this house with the family that already felt like yours, you had never felt so sure that he was your forever.
“You’re all done!” Sarah beamed at you as she stepped away so you could stand and look at yourself in the full length mirror. 
You tried to hide your blush, not wanting to seem conceited, but you felt absolutely beautiful. You wore a white dress, the snug bodice hugging your torso while the flowy skirt swooshed dreamily with every step you took. You had borrowed everything from Sarah, your mom refusing to take you shopping for an event she fundamentally protested, both for the flashy kook-iness of it all and the fact that you’d be going as a pseudo-Cameron - her worst nightmare. 
“You did such a good job!” You told Sarah, leaning closer to the mirror. “Thank you so much!”
“Anything for my future sister-in-law,” she nudged you with her elbow. “Oh, wait! One more thing!” 
She padded into her room and returned quickly, holding a stunning, sparkly diamond necklace.
“Oh, Sarah,” you said, eyes widening at the blinding jewels. “It’s too much.”
“It was my mom’s,” Sarah explained. “And it doesn’t go with my dress. But she’d want it to be worn for sure.”
You teared up a bit as she fastened it around your neck, the sunlight pouring through the tall windows causing the diamonds to glimmer against your skin. You blinked fast trying not to ruin your makeup, or let the girls know how emotional you were getting, but Sarah caught your eye in the mirror and gave you a knowing smirk.
Before you could thank her again, the wind was knocked out of you by Wheezie, who threw her arms around your waist and hugged you tight from behind.
“Please marry my brother,” she said with her face squished against your back, causing her words to come out in a funny whine. “He’s so much nicer when you’re around.”
You laughed and turned around to hug her back. “Aww, Wheeze! Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
She looked up at you with a pout, “I wish I could go to Midsummers, and be as pretty as you.”
“Oh, but you are!” You assured her. You grabbed the lipstick Sarah had used on you from the vanity and dabbed some onto her lips. “There,” you smiled down at her. “Now we match!”
She beamed at you and skipped over to the mirror, smiling wildly at her reflection. Sarah rolled her eyes amusedly at her.
“Time to go,” she reminded you, handing you a pair of heels she had picked out for you. 
Rafe checked his watch anxiously as he paced back and forth at the bottom of the stairs. He wasn’t sure why, but tonight just felt like a big night. His dad and Rose knew you well, you had been around the mansion everyday since you were kids, but they never fully accepted how serious Rafe was about you. Whenever he’d bring you up in conversation, they’d give each other a knowing smirk that made him feel like he was five and they were discussing whether it was time for him to go to B-E-D.
The truth was, while he said tonight was about showing the island how serious he was about you, it was really about showing Ward. Maybe if his dad could see how mature he was around you, he’d finally acknowledge that you’re good for him and give his wholehearted blessing. 
But proving that the two of you were mature was going to be hard to do if you showed up late. Ward and Rose were already at the club, they were the co-chairs of this year’s event, which put even more pressure on the evening. 
Just as Rafe was about to yell to hurry you and Sarah along, you appeared at the top of the steps.
It was like he’d been punched in the gut, the way the air left his body. Everything stilled as he watched you descend the steps, floating to him like an angel in white. When you made it to the second to last step, you were finally at his eyeline, you gazed at him with a twinkle in your eye. 
“Hey mister,” you said sweetly, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands found your waist, thumbs circling your skin through the soft fabric of your dress.
“How are you real?” He mumbled, eyes wide with infatuation.
“You’re too nice to me,” you giggle.
As your chest rose with your laughter, his eyes caught the necklace Sarah had given you. Your smile faded, taking in the way his lips curved down slightly as he realized where the necklace came from. Maybe wearing his mother’s necklace was a step too far, maybe he’d feel like it was a violation somehow. He didn’t like to talk about his mom, the memory too painful, and here you were wearing a big, shimmering reminder of her on what was supposed to be a special night. 
“I can take it off,” you offered, removing your hands from him to reach back and unclasp it.
He stopped you, gently grabbing your arm and bringing it down to your side.
“No,” he said softly, eyes beginning to water. “It’s perfect. She would’ve loved you.”
You reach your other hand up to his cheek, gently thumbing away the teardrop that had slipped through.
“I love you,” you whispered soothingly. 
“I love you, too,” he said before placing a peck to your lips. “Even though you’re making us late.”
With his teasing remark, he lifted you by your waist and spun you around, whisking you off the stairs. You yelped in surprise and smacked his arm playfully when he set you down. You stumbled slightly on your heels, being swept off your feet throwing your balance off. 
“Woah there, baby,” Rafe laughed, grabbing your hips to steady you. “What were you three doing up there, pre-gaming?”
“No, just wedding planning,” Sarah said from the top of the stairs as she and Wheezie descended.
You and Rafe both jumped slightly, too lost in your intimate moment to have noticed their arrival. 
“Wedding planning, huh?” Rafe smiled at you.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be the flower girl!” Wheezie informed the room, making your eyebrows shoot up as you chuckled at her excitement for your fictional wedding.  
“Nah, Wheeze,” Rafe said, grabbing your hand and his truck keys off the hook by the door. “If you’re the flower girl then who will be my best man?”
“You promise?” She asked hopefully.
“‘Course, I need my best bud up there with me,” He told her, winking at you as you looked up at him with a loving look that made his heart soar.
The evening hadn’t even technically begun yet and you already felt like you gained a husband and two little sisters. Your future was a bright, glowing light on the horizon. Rafe had told you someday he would give you everything, but he didn’t understand - he already had.
It was too late to make it to the actual rehearsal, but you had plenty of time to swing by the dinner. You pulled up outside the nice restaurant on the water that Chip had rented out, surely burning through his life savings to do so, not that your mother would care. 
You followed the sound of classical music and echoing voices around the back of the restaurant to the patio overlooking the ocean, black tie party in full swing. The crowd chattered with small talk as you searched the sea of people for your mother. You saw her standing by the champagne table, talking with some of the ladies she played tennis with. You steeled yourself with a deep breath and approached the group.
“...they had to sell their house in Cabo-” the ladies’ gossip was cut off as all of their heads turned to you, eyes wide in surprise at your arrival. 
“Don’t let me interrupt, ladies, just wanted to let my mother know I’m here,” you smiled at them, trying to recall the way you used to charm all the adults at these kinds of events.
Your mother smiled tightly, trying to play off her surprise, but you could read her better than anyone and you knew she was not happy to see you.
“Excuse me, everyone,” your mother set her champagne flute down and wrapped her hand around your arm. “Just need to catch up with my beautiful daughter real quick.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s necessar-” your mother cut you off, squeezing your arm hard as she pulled you away. “Okay, okay, geez.”
Once she had led you away from the crowd, around the corner of the restaurant, out of view but not totally out of earshot, she whispered, “where the hell have you been?”
“What are you talking about?” You weren’t whispering, and her eyes shot past you to make sure no one could hear. “You kicked me out, remember?”
“I didn’t- keep your voice down first of all,” she said, making you roll your eyes, “and I did not kick you out, you ran away.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, mom.” You really had come here to try to make things right with her, but you couldn’t help the rise she got out of you, her tone so condescending.
“Were you with him?” She asked. 
“No,” you didn’t even think about the lie, it was just your instinct. You’d been lying to your mother about Rafe your whole life.
“Oh really?” Your mother raised her eyebrows. “Then why did I get a call from the credit card company asking if I authorized a bail payment at the Kildare County Sheriff's Office? And why did I hear from three of my friends that they saw you running out of the Cameron’s driveway this morning crying?”
“These kooks really need to get some hobbies,” you huffed.
“Don’t change the subject!” She snapped, trying and failing to keep her voice to a whisper.
“Well if you already knew the answer then why are you interrogating me?” You snapped back.
“You know what? Everyone has already seen you and I don’t want to have to answer more embarrassing questions about you, so you can stay for dinner, but then I’m done. I don’t want any more drama surrounding my wedding. When we’re done with toasts, you can go back to him and we’ll just stop trying to force the happy family act.”
You sighed heavily, “I can’t.”
“You can’t sit politely through one dinner?”
“No, I can't… go back to him. He’s, uh, that’s over.” You saw what could almost be mistaken for concern flash through your mother’s eyes, but she quickly regained her impassive composure.
“Well, that’s not my problem. You wanted to be an adult? You got it. You’re on your own,” she squared her shoulders, stepping back from you and returning to the party.
You just rolled your eyes, your mother always made empty threats. You knew if you did what she wanted and smiled your way through the party, not drawing too much attention to yourself, she’d forgive you by the end of the night and soon you’d be sleeping in your own bed again.
So you returned to the party, the picture of a dutiful daughter. You made small talk, carefully weaving a web of little white lies to cover up what you’d really been up to for the past two years. You listened to the toasts from your mother’s friends, faking a pretty, charming laugh as they made terrible jokes. Finally, Chip stood, tinking his fork against his champagne glass and clearing his throat. You turned to watch his speech. 
Chip began with the story of how he met your mom, and she beamed at him as he spoke. Even though you were angry with her, it made you happy to see her so in love. Chip was so…uncomplicated. You ached for the days when your love felt so simple and clear.
“...what I love most about my soon-to-be-wife is…” Chip’s words faded. “I love that she, uh-” You followed Chips’s distracted stare to the back of the patio, where you found Rafe leaning against the brick wall of the restaurant. He had put on a suit, looking like he was just another party guest. The blood drained from your face at the sight of him, afraid of what he might do.
Your mom had spotted him, too. She shot you a fiery, warning glare. You mouthed, “I don’t know why he’s here,” but she didn’t understand what you were trying to say.
Chip decided to continue with his speech. “...she’s so selfless, she always puts others before herself.” 
A loud scoff came from the back of the crowd, several people turning their heads to see who was protesting, shocked when they saw Rafe Cameron was here. Your mother’s face went red with anger.
Desperate to defuse the situation, Chip just continued, eyes darting helplessly between you and your mother, who’s stare was fixed on Rafe.
“...she’s also kind and generous.”
“Bullshit,” Rafe spat.
Tick, tick, tick…boom. Fourteen years of tension exploded all at once.
“Excuse me?” Your mother rose from her chair abruptly, and pushed her way through the crowd as she approached Rafe, who started stalking towards her as well, the two meeting in the middle of the crowd, staring daggers. You and Chip both rushed over to them.
“I said it’s fuckin’ bullshit, calling you generous when you can’t even take care of your own kid!” Rafe yelled in her face. 
“What the hell would you know? You’re just an irresponsible waste of a trust fund!” She shouted back.
“And you’re a selfish bitch!” He bellowed.
You finally reached them, placing your hands on Rafe’s chest so he’d have to back away.
Your mother watched with poison in her stare, ruefully glaring at the sight of your hand on his chest.
“Ward was right,” she said quietly.
Both you and Rafe snapped your heads towards her at the shocking sound of Ward’s name coming from her lips.
“What did you just say?” Your hands left Rafe as you started walking towards her, Chip moving to stand between you and your mom.
“Hon, I think you and your boyfriend should just go,” he put his hand on your shoulder, but you shook it off and side-stepped him to get closer to her.
“No. What does that mean, ‘Ward was right?’ Tell me, now,” you raised your voice more the closer you got to her, her face completely impassive, unflinching as you yelled at her.
“Leave,” she said.
“What did you do, mom?” You questioned, desperate for understanding.
“What I had to,” she said, shrugging her shoulders as if it was the simplest explanation in the world. “What you couldn’t.”
“What does Ward have to do with that? What did he do?” Your voice shook with tears. Rafe looked around the party, all eyes were on you as you teetered near the verge of full meltdown. He hated the way everyone was looking at you, entertained by the drama of it all. He knew everyone on the island would hear about your meltdown within hours. He had to get you out of here before things got worse.
He walked up behind you as you continued in on your mom.
“What kind of mother are you? To let me suffer like that for two years?” Rafe placed his hand gently around your elbow, saying your name, trying to calm you. It has the opposite effect. 
“No, no!” You turned on him. “You’re just as bad as her! I’m not leaving here until someone tells me the fucking truth for once!” You ripped your arm from him, stumbling backward and into the champagne table. A dozen glasses crashed to the ground dramatically, shattering loudly. The crowd watching gasped.
You didn’t even care about the mess you’d created, you wanted to keep going until you got the answers you needed, so tired of being in the dark, of your life being decided for you. You opened your mouth to yell at them some more, but when you saw Rafe’s eyes flash around you to the rest of the party, you realized for the first time just how many people were watching and your voice died in your throat.
“Are you done making a scene?” Your mother snarked from behind you.
“Yeah,” you nodded ruefully. “I’m so done.”
Done with her, done with this family, done with this whole fucked up island. 
You stepped over the broken glass and pushed through the party-goers, hearing them murmur about you as you exit. You took off into a run as you exited the patio onto the beach, disappearing into the night.
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“I’m sorry ma’am, it appears your card has been declined.” 
The fluorescent light in the motel lobby flickered, casting a shadow across your face as you nodded ruefully.
“You’re on your own,” your mother had warned you. 
She must’ve canceled your credit card, and now you were alone, being turned away from a motel in the middle of The Cut. No money, no family, no home.
When the front desk agent tried to hand you back the card, you shook your head, “no, it’s okay, you can toss it.”
You turned and exited the motel, wrapping your arms around yourself in the chilly air. You stood in the parking lot for a moment, at a complete loss for what to do next. You pictured yourself spending the night on a park bench. This was officially rock bottom.
You started walking, not sure where you were going to go, but you stopped short when you saw a familiar black truck parked across the street. Rafe leaned against the car with his arms crossed, illuminated by the dim streetlight. 
He lifted his chin, staring you down. Your shoulders fell as you shared a knowing look. You both knew you had no choice but to get in the truck.
(to be continued)
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a/n: feels like this story kind of found a second life this past week and I'm so grateful! We're nearing the end, I think there will be 9 or 10 chapters and an epilogue. Now that work is less crazy I should have more time to write so I won't leave ya hanging as long! Thank you for sticking around it means the world to me!!! 😘
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lady-phasma · 6 months
A willing pawn
Daemon Targaryen x fem! Dornish!reader
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A huge thank you to @zaldritzosrose for this amazing board. You read my mind and I don't know how you did it! An equal thank you to @black-dread for providing the missing puzzle piece to make this fic work.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, hurt/comfort if you squint, little bit of size kink, use of an infantilizing pet name (because Uncle Daddy Daemon), flimsy plot, creampie (and I truly did not plan what was going to happen there, Daemon just does whatever he wants in my brain, cheeky bastard)
Summary: You had a mission in the Stepstones, but he wasn’t as fearsome, this prince, as you had been led to believe. I’m not sure about my soft!Daemon but here he is. 4k words
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The encampment was dark, lit only by dying fires. This night had been chosen because it would be moonless. Your soft-soled shoes were silent on the rocky earth as you crept between tents. You had planned your path at sunset, marking in your memory where the prince’s tent stood. As the orange light had faded from the sky, your stomach had begun to knot and twist with anxiety.
Could you really follow through with this? You knew you were able but were you capable of such a thing. The circumstances didn’t offer you any choice in the matter. Prince Qoren Martell wanted to avoid the costs of war, in gold and lives. His war counsel thought of every possible measure they could take to win this war, including involving House Yronwood. You were a cog in a larger plan and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
You ducked around another tent and tiptoed to the edge of the large royal tent. This is as far as you had gotten in your strategy. From this point forward you could only hope for luck, as stealth wouldn’t matter when faced with the prince’s guards. You were sent here with the barest of plans and what little plan there was, was foolish. You listened for movement inside the tent and heard none. As you neared the front you expected a half-dozen guards but saw only two. You held your breath.
You couldn’t walk right up to the tent and demand to be let in. Sneaking in seemed to be impossible, but if you could, what next. Your heart pounded in your ears. Godsdamn it, you thought. You let out a shaky breath and slunk back into the shadows. When you turned around you almost walked face-first into a giant wall of armor.
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The guard almost threw you into the tent but did not relinquish his grip on your elbow. You grunted and jerked your arm away from him as you stumbled into the large room. You caught your balance and stood up straight. The ground was covered in rugs. A table laden with maps and documents stood in the center. Next to it sat the Prince.
“We found this creeping about outside, your highness,” the guard grumbled.
Prince Daemon lounged in his chair, legs outstretched, crossed at the ankles. He was peeling a pear, paused mid-knife-stroke, and looked up from under his brows. They raised slightly, seemingly amused, but he didn’t bother to lift his head. He resumed his peeling.
“Leave us,” he commanded without looking up. You heard the guard’s armor as he left but didn’t take your eyes from the prince.
“What terrible deed have you been sent to do child?” He didn’t look at you, only sliced a bit of pear and popped it in his mouth. When you didn’t respond he brushed aside papers to make space on the table and laid down the knife and pear. He wiped his hands on a napkin, dropped it next to them, and stood up. Finally, he looked at you. He finished chewing, swallowed, and wiped one corner of his mouth with his thumb.
He strode toward you, sucking the pear juice off his thumb and assessing you. Much of your face was covered by your hood, stay strands of dark hair were visible but your features were cast in shadow. He dipped his head slightly and looked closely, standing only a few paces in front of you. His silver hair swung loose from his shoulder. The violet of his eyes was unnerving. You squared your shoulders.
“I am no child,” you replied, leaving off the honorific. He was no prince of yours.
“Is that so?” Daemon reached for your hood and flicked it back from your head. The only hint of surprise he allowed to show was a brief widening of his eyes. You were well aware the effect your father’s blue eyes had when set against the sienna skin you got from your mother. You narrowed your icy eyes at him.
“I’m gown enough to make it this far into your camp, am I not?” Daemon chuckled and flipped his hair back over his shoulder. He clasped his hands behind his back and smiled at you.
“I suppose so… but you did get caught, little one.”
Your cheeks flamed and you wanted to strike him but the smile on his face caught you off guard. Had he just winked at you? You were too frustrated to think and that wink made your blood boil. This was not going at all how you had expected when the guard snatched you up. Daemon didn’t so much as blink when you moved your hands from inside your cloak to push your hood back further. He was amused with you. The handle of your dagger glinted in the candlelight and caught his eye.
“So you were sent here to assassinate me?” He smiled that infernal smile. “Would you say it is going well?”
“Time will tell,” you answered through gritted teeth. Then he laughed at you, actually laughed. You clenched your hands into fists at your sides.
He took a step toward you and you tensed. You hadn’t the faintest idea what this man would do. You had only heard the rumors and propaganda in Dorne. When he reached out, you tried to take a step back from him.
“Uh-uh,” he commanded quietly. Then his hand dipped into your cloak and before you could move to stop him, he snatched your dagger out of your belt. He spun it lazily around, watching it dance in the light.
“This might have done the trick,” he spoke to the blade, not to you. “But I imagine someone with more experience should have been entrusted with it.” His eyes flicked back to your face. “Though, perhaps there were none as fierce as you.”
With absolutely no thought in your mind, you lunged forward and tried to grab the weapon from him. He deftly moved it out of your reach and grabbed your wrist with his other hand.
“As I said: fierce,” he quipped. You tugged your arm against his grasp to no avail.
“But I must!” You almost snarled at him. His expression wasn’t surprise but interest. He let you go and turned to lay your weapon on the table. When he faced you again a small smile was set on his mouth.
“Must you?” He raised an eyebrow. “If a child assassin has been sent to slay me, Dorne must be desperate indeed.”
“I am not a child! I am a woman grown, of 20 years!” You had no idea why this infuriated you but the prince knew that it did. He grinned again.
“Pardon me, my Lady. I should have said a ‘small’ assassin,” he mocked you. It was somehow kind. You were taken aback by his jest, by his demeanor. You hadn’t taken the time to pause and evaluate Prince Daemon. You had only been concerned with the ramifications of your failure.
Now that you looked, you saw a man not much older than yourself. A man who moved with experience in battle, with an ease not unlike your own. Graceful, even. Then he did the most unexpected thing. He extended his hand, offering you to sit in the chair opposite his. You had come here to threaten his life and now he was treating you like a guest! You gawped.
Before you could decide what to make of the situation, Daemon slid down into his chair and stretched his legs out again, completely unwary of you. He glanced at you one more time as he reached for his unfinished pear. You were too shocked to do anything other than sit. You closed your mouth and sat down across from him. You slipped your cloak off of your shoulders as you sat. Your common clothes weren’t uncomfortable but you weren’t used to them. You tried to adjust them as you sat but instantly became more frustrated. Daemon’s eyes on you didn’t help to easy your new-found insecurity. You were meant to have been unseen.
“Who sent you?” The blunt nature of his question startled you.
“And why should I tell you?” you retorted. You were behaving as if you were at home entertaining men you had grown up with. This was madness.
“I believe I am owed an explanation as it was my life you were planning to take. Also, what else is there to do?” He popped a slice of pear in his mouth. His eyes didn’t leave yours. “Let’s start with your name, shall we?”
You hesitated, but he was right: what else was there to do. You could sit in silence until he decided to have you executed. You could try to run from the tent only to be caught and executed sooner. So you told him your name and your house name.
“Very good,” he tossed the knife and pear back on the table. “What did Martell threaten? What predicament did he put you in?”
Your eyes widened. Was Prince Martell’s reputation so tainted, so sullied, outside Dorne?
“Not him,” you spoke quietly. “Though I suppose, ultimately, he knows. We are not a political house but we have wealth that is necessary for Dorne to succeed.” Your eyes flicked down from his at the last word. You weren’t sure why but you felt ashamed for being in this position, had all along if you thought about it.
“So if not the prince himself…” Daemon paused, waiting for your answer.
“His war counsel,” you replied. “They have many strategies in play, I’m sure, but one is to ‘motivate’ certain houses to bring the war to an early end. I have no knowledge of the other plans. I only know that my father was threatened. Whatever that threat was, it was powerful enough for him to send his youngest daughter to the Stepstones.”
There it was. You had spilled it out to the enemy in a gush and felt like vomiting or crying or fleeing. You looked up from your lap. Daemon was studying you. Once again he surprised you. Perhaps you expected him to mock you but the kindness on his face somehow made your situation more real. You bit your lip to stop the tears. You would not cry. You were angry and frightened and when the prince had called you a child it made those feelings more real.
“What choice did you have?” He sounded almost compassionate. This couldn’t be the petty tyrant you were warned against, who would rape, or torture, or kill you if you were caught. “You came all this way on an errand not of your choosing and meant to go through with it. That’s more than a little honorable, don’t you agree?”
You had no idea. You were confused and overwhelmed and angry. You had never been a zealot, but you had been more sure of your mission when the target was evil or cruel. Perhaps he was at times, but not now.
“I suppose so,” you muttered, trying to look anywhere but at him.
“Well what do I do with you now?” He leaned forward in his chair. “I can’t set you free. Yet I don’t want another prisoner. And you don’t want to return home as a failure. I can see that. I could keep you as a hostage and demand gold for your safe return. Would that keep your honor intact?”
You blushed, not just from his nearness but from the fact that he could see your thoughts so clearly on your face. You and your family would be dishonored if you returned unsuccessful. It would also be unfavorable to the prince to appear compassionate to would-be assassins.
“It would,” you answered. “But I do not think the ransom would be paid.”
“No? Not for a young woman as fierce and cunning as yourself? Not for someone so precious?”
Your eyes flicked up to his at this curious word. You watched him, suspicious, as he slid out of his chair and knelt in front of you.
“I think you’re quite frightened of either choice: being sent home or being held here. I don’t want you to be frightened. Maybe the Crone had a purpose for bringing you here.”
You felt your breath catch. He looked so sincere. He was intoxicating but you believed him. You didn’t want to feel relief at the prospect of no longer sneaking, hiding, being a stowaway, but you did. Almost instantly, you imagined a hot bath, a dress and not these rags, and food that wasn’t brown. Then something else flashed in your mind and the heat returned to your face.
Daemon slowly reached out to you and stroked the side of your face. He skimmed a lock of your hair with his fingers, watching it catch the light. Its deep brown shown with hints of gold. You studied him closely. When he turned his gaze back to you, your heart pounded in your chest. His eyes searched yours as he cupped your cheek in his palm.
“Gevie,” he whispered. You thought it was High Valyrian but you weren’t sure. Your lips parted almost involuntarily as you looked up at him. He leaned toward you, silver hair cascading off his shoulders. You felt his lips on yours and closed your eyes.
His hand holding your face felt safe. His lips were warm and tasted of pear. You dared not move. You were overwhelmed and confused. However, there twisted in your belly some need, some desire for him. Your chest ached with the delicious feeling of being safe. You didn’t question how this was possible so far away from home and with your “enemy” no less. So you kissed him back.
Daemon slid his other hand to frame your face. His kiss wasn’t rough, but it was deep. You had kissed men before, you were experienced in the most basic of ways. You realized now that all the men before had not kissed you, they didn’t see you. They saw a Yronwood daughter or practice for their marriage beds. You had made those choices willingly. You weren’t concerned with being married for political reasons and had enjoyed your freedom. Until now. In this moment, you felt… precious.
Tentatively, you raised a hand to him, your fingertips grazed his jaw and neck, and came to rest on his chest. He slid his hands from your cheeks as he broke the kiss. As if waiting for your permission, Daemon rested his hands on your upper arms. You kissed him in answer. His arms swept around you and scooped you up as he stood. Your head spun but you steadied yourself by putting your hands on the back of his neck.
Daemon sat you on his bed and smoothed your hair back from your face. He stepped back and pulled his shirt over his head. He dropped it on the floor as he leaned down to kiss you. You made room for him on the bed, drawing him toward you with your kisses. He knelt between your legs, kissed your neck, and slid a hand under your shirt. You arched your back, pressing into his palm.
He brushed the underside of your breasts with the tips of his fingers and his other hand glided up your ribs. He pushed your shirt up above your breasts, fixated on your hardened nipples. His hair slid over your chest as he took one nipple in his mouth. He propped himself up on one hand and cupped your breast with the other. You moaned and writhed under him. You instinctively ran your fingers through his hair and held him against you. Daemon groaned and the sound vibrated from your chest to your core. When he pulled away you realized you had been grinding against his leg and flushed. He smiled down at you.
Wordlessly, he guided you to raise your arms so he could remove your shirt. Then he began to unlace your breeches. You watched his muscles move as he slid your pants off. You lifted your hips and giggled a little when you plopped back down on the bed as he tugged them off your legs. You weren’t shy but the action was awkward and you were quite exposed now. He tossed the breeches on the floor and smoothed a hand up your thigh. He stared, rapt, at the dark hair between your legs, so different from the silver of his own.
You bit your lip as you looked from his face, down his chest, and to the evidence of his arousal. His breeches looked uncomfortably tight now. His hands absently stroked your legs and your lower belly but paused as you sat up. You held him between your legs. When you kissed his stomach he hissed in air through his teeth. Your hands grazed over his hips and to the laces in the front of his pants. You let your fingertips glide over the shape of his erection before undoing the knot. You kissed seemingly every inch of his stomach then looked up at him as your hand dipped inside. His face was curtained by his hair as he looked down at you. You smiled as you stroked him.
Daemon moved his hands from your legs, smoothed over your hair, and then gently pressed your shoulders back. You laid down, already missing the feeling of him in your hands, but the sight of him between your legs was almost as pleasant. He leaned over you, kissing your forehead gently, then your lips, and pressed his forehead against yours.
You gasped as his fingers slid between the lips of your cunt. He licked his lips and continued to explore your wetness. Stroking, searching, learning. He circled your opening, your clit, and back again. One finger slid in easily and he grinned. You lifted your mouth to his as you lifted your hips to his hand. He slid in a second finger.
“You are so tight, little one,” he grinned down at you. You rocked your hips against his hand and moaned in reply. You placed one hand on his arm, pulling him deeper into you. With the other you smoothed his hair behind his ear and trailed your fingers down his jaw. You drug your fingertips over his lips. His eyes were dark as he watched you pleasure yourself on his hand.
“More, Daemon, please,” you moaned, saying his name for the first time. Hearing his name come from your lips pleased him immensely.
“Say it again,” he breathed as he curled his fingers inside you.
“Daemon, please.”
Slowly and with a tinge of disappointment on his face, he pulled his fingers from you. He was enjoying the sight of you but couldn’t wait any longer. He freed his cock from his breeches. Then he slid his hands up your thighs to your lower back. As he sat back he guided you onto his lap. The transition was clumsy at first, legs bumping and twisting. You both smiled as you held onto his shoulders. When you knelt over him you rubbed your clit against his cock. You rested your lips against his forehead as you rocked your lips. You moved your mouth nearer to his ear and murmured his name.
Daemon lifted your ass and placed you above his cock. With one hand between you, he guided himself into you. You sank down onto him slowly, watching his face. He clenched his jaw tight. You felt his hand move back to your ass. He let you set the pace, let you move against him. You pulled up and then sank down again, taking all of him. The moan that came from your lips was lewd and deep. You clutched at his neck, the back of his head, fingers entwined in his hair. He groaned but did not move to meet your hips. You rocked back, then forward, finding your rhythm.
He kissed your chest and breasts. His hands stroked your ass and lower back, constantly moving. You leaned forward slightly and pressed yourself against him. At this angle he wasn’t as deep in you, but you found friction against his stomach. You ground your hips into him, almost, but not quite able to get what you needed.
“Seven hells,” he panted against you. His hips had begun to move in time with yours. Your fingers twisted tighter in his hair and you tried to find that much-needed angle again. When he realized what you needed he slid a hand between you. You threw your head back as his fingers circled your clit. You sped up, fucking him hard. He kept pace with you, circling and pressing his fingers against you. You couldn’t keep a steady rhythm. You felt him brace your lower back with his hand and pull you closer to him, steadying you, supporting you. You felt your climax tug at your core and sank further onto his cock with each stroke.
“Come for me,” Daemon whispered into your neck. You did. You cried his name, clinched your fists in his hair, and buried your face against his head. You sank all the way down onto him, thighs resting on his as you shook. Your cunt spasmed around his cock but he didn’t stop moving his fingers. He pressed into you with his hips, rocking under you, and bringing forth tiny gasps from you. You lips found his and you panted into his mouth. Tiny sounds mingled with his name flew out of your mouth with every movement of his fingers.
When you thought the overstimulation might be too much he moved his hand from between you. He slid his hand under your arm and pulled you down onto him by your shoulder. A new wave of pleasure crashed into you as he spilled into you. His hips stilled, holding his cock deep inside you. He came panting and moaning your name.
You wanted to sink all of your weight onto him. It took too much effort to support yourself on your aching knees. Neither of you wanted to move yet, though both of you needed to. You released your hands from his hair. You kissed him and smoothed his hair back from his face.
You smiled at him as you rose shakily from his lap. He helped you as much as he could, but your legs were numb and your head was empty. You all but fell back onto the pillows. He watched you grind your hips against the air as the last of your climax left you. His eyes were locked on his seed sliding out of you. He leaned forward, his legs shaking as well. You watched him through half-closed eyes and settled yourself on the bed. His fingers slid through his cum and you twitched as he grazed your throbbing clit. He looked into your blue eyes as he gathered more of it on his fingers. You smiled seductively as he leaned over you and raised his fingers to your lips.
You opened your mouth, your eyes never leaving his, and he painted your tongue with his seed. You closed your lips around his fingers and let him feel you swallow. He slid his fingers out and surprised you by kissing you deeply, tasting himself in your mouth.
You moaned into the kiss and wrapped your legs around his waist. You playfully pulled his weight on top of you. He let you but also guided you both to lay on your sides. Your legs intertwined and you were a tangle of limbs for a moment. Then you buried your face into his chest and breathed in deeply. You sighed as he smoothed your hair and rested his chin on the top of your head. You were quite small in his arms. Daemon breathed deeply as he stroked down your back, your buttocks, and up again. You curled against him, one hand between you, the other resting on his hip.
“I have you now, little one,” he murmured against the top of your head.
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owlphibiaisthebest15 · 2 months
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Hi guys! I want to talk about a minor problem I have with Amphibia and how they could've been done better. I will not be talking about any of the big problems that people have already complained about, like Sasha and Marcy's lack of screentime, their character arcs, parents, nobody talking about Marcy after "True Colors", yada yada yada, because we don't need another post like that, and I want to keep this overdue rant as short as possible. This is based on my personal opinions along with a few others, but feel free to disagree with me if you want. But with further, let us begin...
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Anne almost always gets way too easily forgiven for f*cking up.
Okay! This one may be a hot take because I have never seen another person complain about this. But this has been eating me away for MONTHS, and if no one else is going to say it, then I will. While this occasionally extends to some other characters depending on the episode. The one I want to talk about most is Anne. Now, at the start of the series, Anne was pretty much a jerk with a heart of gold. She was selfish, bratty, lazy, and irresponsible, but she did learn from the mistakes that she made and became a true hero by the end of the series. While some of these flaws and mistakes are not worth talking about, there are still others that are actually worse than what the show's narrative portrays them to be.
They may not be as bad as leading a toad army to invade the capital city, burying the only thing that could get Anne home, or sending your friends to another world on purpose. Anne has still made some pretty questionable decisions, even to the point where they often cross the line.
Here's a list of some of the worst things Anne Boonchuy has ever done from Season 1 and 2:
Breaking Hop Pop's favorite cane that also happens to be a keepsake of his father and grandfather all while making fun of him.
Manipulating Sprig into taking Bessie the family Snail on a Joyride without reading. Which is like someone taking a car out for a spin without a driver's permit.
Forcing Sprig to marry Maddie despite his obvious discomfort for Pizza Dough and later forces him to date Ivy while he's still engaged to Maddie.
Faking being sick to get out of farm duty, which led the Plantars getting sick themselves and even thought they were all going to die from red leg.
Slacking off while she was supposed to be protecting the frozen townsfolk, while aware of what happens to one of them while they're frozen. Which, of course, led to Polly almost getting eaten by a giant weasel.
Causes massive property damage with Polly while on the streets of Newtopia, and later breaks into Newtopia University in hopes of finding a rad college party. The second one was Polly's idea, but Anne had no problem going along with it.
A team effort along with her frog family. Sending a giant chicken to attack Wartwood. Which BTW can create tornadoes, breathe fire, and even turned their loved ones into stone, all because they forgot to buy everyone gifts. Sure, Anne was against the idea, but she still went along with it.
What do characters usually respond with when Anne admits her mess ups?! "It's okay! You're good! What you did was serious, but it doesn't matter that we almost died, as long as you learned your lesson."
Though Anne still at least got a lot better, as the worst things she's done in Season 3 were covering up some major plot points from her parents, robbing a museum to get a clue on how to find a way back to Amphibia, and tricking Blair the Balloonist into flying a hot air balloon. Though, the first one is still a little f*cked up, but she did have selfless reasons for doing these, and she came clean for 2/3 of these.
But still, 90% of this show is just a lighthearted slice of life cartoon, but when it shifts to its dark story driven and plot twisting side, this is where the narrative (and by some extent Anne herself) gets pretty hypocritical. It's pretty much when Anne messes up and lies to other characters. It's a simple error in judgment. But when other main characters such as Sasha, Marcy, and even Hop Pop do the same to her, first they gotta face hell for it, and then they get their redemption arc.
Yes! They did do some serious sh*t, and Anne had a right to be mad at them. But it seems that other characters are just not allowed to even stay mad at Anne when she does pretty similar sh*t. I mean, yes, she does try to make up for it, and yes, she admits what she's done most of the time, and eventually, she does become a better person from them. But so have Hop Pop, Sasha, and Marcy. But again, they didn't get the protagonists treatment. They got hurt and thrown around like ragdolls because of one or two big mistakes, and even that wasn't enough.
While Anne sometimes faces some consequences for her actions, like breaking Hop Pop's heirloom cane with HP giving her dish duty for a month (Cmon man! You should've given her way more than that!), gets banned from an arcade because she threatened to eat newt kids for cutting in line (which is not important), and most importantly, gets stranded in Amphibia after being peer pressured by her friends to shoplift it, all on her 13th birthday. Which I guess was enough for karma itself to feel so bad for her that she will hardly ever worry about facing any lasting consequences for her misdeeds ever again. While karma beats the cr*p out of others who would dare lie and betray our precious protagonists, even when they have sympathetic reasons for doing so.
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Speaking of, this leads to me to clarify something that some fans have misinterpreted since the beginning of the series. The flashback scene in the second episode, "Best Fronds," was intended to show where Anne's distorted views on friendship and some of her toxic traits come from. Not to justify every single bad decision Anne has ever made, like what some fans think.
While I'm not gonna say that Anne was just as bad as Sasha before Amphibia, as it does show that Anne had her own personal flaws that she had to get through without depending on her friends. Who were more enabling her flaws than causing them.
However, while the show does try to show that Anne wasn't exactly much better in their friend dynamic than they were. For the reasons I mentioned earlier, it instead paints Anne as the least toxic one or not being toxic at all. With them only making a handful of moments that show that even after their betrayals, Anne still isn't much better than them. But the usual wacky slice of life narrative in her character development episodes downplays the severity of her actions, with Anne only just getting an emotional lesson after nearly getting everyone killed, and some of the said lessons being brought up in a few episodes to test her character or as examples to show others how much she has grown.
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Now, I'm going to do some comparisons between Amphibia and The Owl House. While there are several things that Amphibia did better than TOH and about an equal amount of things TOH did better than Amphibia. One of those things that The Owl House did better than Amphibia was the writers treating each and every character fairly. The characters make mistakes and learn from them without the narrative downplaying the seriousness of their mistakes, and it isn't always "Okay! You're forgiven! What you did was serious, but it doesn't matter that we almost died. You learned your lesson, and that's what matters." While it doesn't give other characters the short end of the forgiveness stick for doing similar sh*t. With that, it also makes the character arcs a little bit better, in my opinion.
However, I'm not saying that Anne's character development was bad or that Matt Braly is treating Anne like how some see Alex Hirsch did with Mabel. The show did alright with changing a bratty teenager with flawed views of friendship into a true and selfless hero. All of what I described seems to what TV Tropes would call "Protagonist Centered Morality," and if I'm being honest, but because of that reason, I don't find Anne to be the most appealing character to me. I'm sorry! I know that a lot of you love her, and she's the second most popular character in the show; with the first being Marcy (my favorite), but I don't even dislike her either. I just feel that the narrative could've done better in treating the characters more fairly, like how TOH did with their characters. I really want to like Anne more than I do now, but for what I described, it makes it kinda hard for me to.
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That's it for my opinions on this. This was longer than I thought, so if you read it this far or read it at all. You either think that I have a point and should do more of this or my analysis stinks, and I should never speak my dumb mind again. I'll probably see how this goes either way. If anybody else here still cares about this show.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 months
"King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar" Chapter 6
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
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"Love Ever since the first moment I spoke your name From then on I knew that by you being in my life Things were destined to change cause
Love So many people use your name in vain Love Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray Love Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt Love For better or worse I still will choose you first"
Musiqsoulchild – "Love"
His heart was in the shape of his woman.
King N'Jadaka held out his big hand next to Queen Yani's and let their wedding bands touch so the Wakandan media could snap holopics of the bride and groom exiting the Temple of Sekmet. He gazed at his new wife and her smile increased the size of her shape on the left side of his chest.
They were made for each other.
No queen on earth had ever come to the throne like her or had the power she commanded by his side. What the world couldn't see was that she held a priceless leash around his neck and could make him do things that no other woman before her ever did. Yani dominated his every waking moment and was the one he wanted to see first when his work day in the West palace was over. Their wedding cemented a holy bond and he preened before his citizens letting them see how blessed he was to have her and his beautiful children.
He lifted her ring-clad hand and kissed it, then led her down ancient fawn-colored stone steps toward a wedding carriage drawn by two mighty water buffalos whose bloodline his greatest grandmother Queen Shuriya had bred and tamed her entire life. The two giant beasts were direct descendents of the one she rode in a painting hanging in his royal office.
Sydette clapped her hands excitedly as she peered at the giant animals and the decorative vibranium blue colors painted on their flesh.
"They are so huge, Baba!" Sydette yelped.
"Come on, watch your step Sweet Pea, we have to ride through the street," he said, clasping her hand.
Riki climbed down the last step and latched his eyes onto one of the buffalo and raised his arms out wide to try and match the length of the giant curved horns adorned with gold and silver jewels that jutted forward making them dangerous for potential gorging. He glanced back at N'Jadaka and grinned. The great beast's head turned and stared at the little prince. Joba moved closer to her brother and both children peered with quiet curiosity at how massive Wakandan animals could be.
"Yani," N'Jadaka said, helping his wife onto the carriage where she took her seat and fixed the train of her dress.
He lifted Sydette into it next and his younger children waited for him to place them on board. His family seated, N'Jadaka stepped onto the roomy carriage and he and Yani waved at the crowd. Their children sat across from them with booster seats so they could see better.
The two coachman sitting in the driver's seat awaited a signal from the Kingsguard escorting them on foot. There was a slight jerk and the carriage began to move at a steady pace. The proud king kissed his queen and the crowd cheered louder. Flowers and soft palm seeds were thrown at them and the children tried collecting as many as they could catch with delighted smiles on their faces.
He held Yani's hand tight and they all watched their citizens celebrate. Behind them, the rest of the royal family rode in a protected motorcade and they wound their way through the streets of the golden capital.
The feeling of watching himself from afar took over and N'Jadaka took a deep inhale of fresh air. His emotions rested in his chest and throat. This was the fairy tale made real. He had a queen. A kingdom. A giant double palace. To lose so much, but to be given much more in return overwhelmed him.
He gazed at Yani and she continued waving at their people. They waited to cross over a bridge that would take them deeper into the heart of Birnin Zana and a flock of prized river birds flew across their carriage, their purple and blue wings a brilliant flash of color over their heads.
"That's a good sign, kumkani," the lead driver of the carriage said, "it means you will be blessed with many children."
Yani laughed and patted N'Jadaka's hand.
"Listen to the man, Yani, the heavens have ordained that we get it poppin'."
"Any excuse to get me pregnant right away," Yani said.
Riki slipped a hand in his side pocket and pulled out a folded square of money. He gave it to the king.
"What's this for Lil Man?" N'Jadaka asked.
"A boy. If you and Mama insist on making more of us, please let it be a boy. Toussaint and I are struggling to catch up in our age group," Riki pleaded.
"I will do what I can."
Yani took the money away from him and stuffed it into her bodice.
"Not you two plotting," Yani quipped.
N'Jadaka threw his head back and laughed.
"Mama, it's time to throw the bouquet," Sydette squealed.
The carriage crossed over the bridge and stopped once it got to the other side. As tradition dictated, Yani stood inside the carriage and tossed the bridal bouquet into the river water to signify the queen's blessing to become the new mother of the nation. The flowers floated away and spectators snapped holopics and cheered for their new queen.
"They were so pretty, I wish you didn't have to throw them away," Joba said, her face peering over the side of carriage.
Yani caressed her cheek.
"I will have more flowers given to me back at the reception," Yani said.
Joba looked happy about that and climbed onto Yani's lap for the rest of the ride through the city.
Admiration, awe, and even love flowed out to the new Udaku family taking over the throne. A tide had shifted yet again in Wakanda. His popularity was at an all time high with younger citizens, and even some of the old heads begrudgingly accepted his leadership. They finally accepted his love for the nation as genuine.
Their carriage ride continued until they reached Old Village, a section of Birnin Zana that had been the social center for centuries until Queen Shuriya pushed them into a new technological age that shifted the heart of the city elsewhere by the riverbank. While the rest of the world was barely entering the early modern era, Wakanda had already settled into post modern advances.
The family stepped out of the carriage and walked a quarter mile to another temple dedicated to Mama Wati that rested across the mouth opening of the Ibukan River which connected the water flow through the city to the ocean miles away. Priests of the water deity stood outside waiting for them. He and Yani were both anointed with fresh oils and smudged down with dried plants that only grew there. They were prayed over and then led out into an open street where citizens cheered them on while they made the final trek to the edge of the great mound, the place where vibranium crashed into the earth. Singers and dancers greeted them in a secured area where the family could all see the enormous rise in the distance where the glowing blue metal rested underneath.
Ogum shifted inside of N'Jadaka. So did Bast. He pointed to the majestic sight making sure his children studied it. "That's the place where it all began," he said.
Sydette, Riki, and Joba nodded and stared at the mound. At its tip, it stood nearly a mile high, but deep inside the earth where the rest of the vibranium sank itself, there was enough to supply his people for another millennium or more. They all felt the energy emanating from the ground they stood near. His vibram tattoo itched from the mighty source. The great mound wasn't just a mining area, but a holy place too. From their vantage point they couldn't see the mining side of the mound. Their view looked like an image one would see on a postcard or tourist advertisement. High above them the Royal Talon Fighter floated into view. It was time to return to the palace for a twelve course feast, with music, dancing, and a full evening of celebrating the new king and queen.
N'Jadaka gathered his family close as they were lifted up into the air by the gravity beam and gently pulled inside the aircraft.
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The cheers from their guests were loud as they exited the Talon Fighter and Yani had to pause in her steps to take in all the love. She gazed across the royal garden at the number of people calling out her new name.
"Queen Yani!"
She grinned and the children ran away from her toward Umama and Dante where all their young cousins stood gathered waiting to run around and play. Yani felt the shift in power in the royal garden. With her new isicholo firmly rooted to her scalp, she absorbed the way all the spectators watched her closely, especially the Wakandans of the noble class. No longer viewed as a separate entity from the king, she was now ogled openly as an extension of Udaku power.
Hugs and kisses were shared and the immediate royal family and the wedding party were gathered up near a view of the river and the backdrop of Mount Bashenga where a photographer snapped holopics before taking different groupings of Yani with the bridesmaids, the children, her husband, and then a lovely shot of three generations of queens. She stood in the center as Umama and Ramonda flanked her, their crowns breathtaking. Sydette and Joba were brought in for a candid, and then N'Jadaka and his groomsman and grandfather were photographed with Riki. Forty minutes later the bridal party was paraded around the guests and Yani saw the breadth of the decorations and reception set up. It took her breath away at how massive the royal garden was and how simply setting up where the sun would set behind them looked so different and unexplored.
N'Jadaka clasped her hand and led her to the head table. Guests were given a brief amount of time to personally greet the king and queen before their twelve course meal began. Love surrounded her and the enormity of her place as the queen of the nation sank down deeper.
Although it seemed like twelve courses would be a long grueling process, Yani found it to be relaxing and paced well. Everyone feasted, laughed, cried, caught up with each other, and dabbled in intrigue with so many important people in one place. By the time the royal orchestra kicked up the music for the first bridal dance, Yani was ready to move around and help her digestive system handle her stuffed belly.
N'Jadaka held her close as they shared their first dance as husband and wife. They then split apart to dance with their elders and then others were invited to join them. She took that opportunity to walk around and greet nobles with N'Jadaka once the dancing area filled up.
Heads bowed at her approach and she shared small chat with dozens of guests on the east side of the reception area. Umama and Ramonda had taught her how to move her eyes so that people around her felt appreciated even if she couldn't get to them one on one. She waved, blew kisses and kept her momentum moving through the hundreds of people yearning to see her up close with the king.
N'Jadaka held her hand like he would never let her go. His love flowed all around her and his gaze never left her unattended. They quickly moved back toward their own table and noticed Mpilo with his mother and sister speaking with Dante. N'Jadaka lowered his mouth to her ear.
"Should we make our announcement now before the party gets a little wilder with all the dancing?" he asked.
Yani squeezed his hand.
The month prior they had been meeting with Umama and the Council of Elders regarding an important decision about Mpilo and his baby sister, Nandipha who had recently turned fifteen. They took their place back at the head table and N'Jadaka gestured for Mpilo to come to him with his mother and sister. Yani sent word to the orchestra leader to finish the song they played that had the wedding crowd cutting up.
Mpilo's eyes grew wide with curiosity as to why he was being summoned by the king in front of two thousand guests. N'Jadaka was handed a mic and Yani stood next to him. The king cleared his throat and gazed upon the audience.
"This is my executive assistant, Mpilo, and he has worked for me since leaving primary school a couple of years ago. Next year he will begin his mandatory military service, and that is a very important and serious undertaking for our young people. My father proudly served and I understand the pride that comes from serving a country such as this…"
Yani watched Mpilo's face as N'Jadaka spoke. He was nervous and shy at being put on the spot, but his mother's and sister's faces beamed at being addressed directly by the king.
"As many of us have experienced in the Great Removal of the last war, Mpilo's father and brothers were taken. He has taken the great responsibility of caring for his mother and sister…however, I feel this is a great burden for such a young man starting out his life. Queen Yani and I have spoken in private about this and we've made the decision to have me step in as Mpilo's unvikeli."
Mpilo's legs almost buckled and his mother and sister kept his body steady. Whispers among the nobles could clearly be heard moving rapidly around dining tables. Yani held out her hand toward Mpilo and pulled him next to N'Jadaka. Her personal attendant Sindiswa handed her the same matching unvikeli necklaces that her own children once wore for T'Challa. Mpilo lowered his head and spoke with a soft voice.
"King N'Jadaka…Queen Yani…I am not—"
"You are not what?" Yani asked.
She touched Mpilo's chin and lifted it so their eyes could connect. The young man pressed his lips together. Yani unfastened the necklace and handed it to N'Jadaka. He turned Mpilo to face the guests while he hooked the necklace in front of everyone.
"Fatherhood is very important along with a mother's love and guidance. Queen Yani has told me time and time again that I have become a father figure to you in these hard times after the war. I humbly ask that you allow me to step in for your father to help guide you until you reach legal adulthood when you turn twenty-six. At that time you and your sister will be registered in our ancestral rolls as extended kin. When you turn thirty I will petition the Council of Elders to grant you a title with a rank that they deem appropriate. I will do the same for your sister when she also turns thirty."
Mpilo's mother and sister wept openly.
Yani touched Mpilo's hand.
Mpilo's chest shuddered and he wiped his eyes quickly. He raised himself higher and pulled back his shoulders.
"I will accept this kumkani," Mpilo said.
The guests clapped and Yani had other wedding attendants escort Mpilo's small family to one of the royal's tables near Umama and Dante. Yani and N'Jadaka followed, giving heartfelt hugs to their new kin. Music played again and the wedding celebration continued late into the night. Once the moon had risen and the children were allowed to stay at the reception for another hour before their bedtime. Yani sensed N'Jadaka's energy depleting. He was ready for the night to end so they could be alone. Their children would stay with Umama and they would have their home to themselves for the night before they had to finish the rest of the wedding duties the next day in Necropolis City. After that, they would be whisked away to their boat where they would have two solid weeks with no one else but them.
She strode past a crowded table of elder relatives from Umama's side of the family and zigzagged to where Twyla and her husband Bibi sat talking big talk with Kendall. Twyla gently grabbed Yani's wrist and pulled her down in the seat next to her.
"Look at you," Twyla said.
"I feel wonderful," Yani purred.
Twyla stared into Yani's eyes and cradled both of her hands.
"Are you finally happy? Have everything you want?"
Yani glanced over at N'Jadaka who strode past with his male cousins from the states. Every eye was on him and his bold steps made her heart thump faster. She patted Twyla's hand.
"It's like being back home when it was us against the world. That peace that we stole together…the peace I thought I would never have again…I have it forever now. Mi can breathe and not fear anything or anyone," Yani said.
"He is so in love with you. Everyone can feel it…oh look, here he come," Tywla said, her voice bursting into loud laughs as N'Jadak reached for Yani's hand and pulled her back by his side. He bent down and kissed Twyla's cheek.
"Tryna steal her again?" N'Jadaka said,
"No king, I would never," Twyla teased. "That was a nice thing you did for Mpilo and his sister. Did Nakia take you up on your offer to be Toussaint's unvikeli?"
"She's still considering it. Her mind is still bent on going to Haiti. I don't think she wants the pressure of the throne on her son. She likes being out of the public with Toussaint," N'Jadaka said.
"Well I think she should let you take care of Toussaint the way T'Challa watched over your brood," Twyla said.
"I agree," Yani interjected, supporting Twyla's declaration.
"Maybe she'll come around. But I won't force it. Umama and Ramonda are worried about her leaving and if I push to protect Toussaint, then she might flee sooner."
Sydette rushed forward and pulled on her parent's hands.
"The magic show is about to start!" Sydette shouted.
"Did you have more cake?" Yanis asked, wiping the side of her daughter's lips that were smeared with blue and purple icing.
Sydette licked the side of her mouth and grinned.
"I only ate a tiny piece. Come on, we have to watch the show!"
They followed Sydette toward a circular stone amphitheater hidden behind the tall row of forty-foot tall ironwood trees. The wedding guests trailed in finding seats and the royal family sat in the center front row. A female magician delighted the audience with an astonishing show that lasted forty minutes. There were acrobatics, visual illusions, mystery and panthers used to entertain a mesmerized crowd. The show ended with an acrobatic troop from Ghana, a gift from First Lady Vivienne Tettah and her husband President Kojo Tettah.
Music back near the wedding gazebo started up again and the guests waited to disperse and party far into the night. N'Jadaka led Yani to the center of the open garden theater and bid their guests a fun evening. They herded their children with Umama toward the East gate of the palace, waving and accepting the cheers and final well-wishes.
Parting ways with Umama and the children inside the palace, Yani and N'Jadaka braced their backs against the private elevator glass that whisked them up to their home. There were no night attendants or servants to pamper them. They were completely alone the way they wanted to be.
N'Jadaka helped Yani out of her dress in his bedroom and then she pulled off his robes. They took a quick sonic shower and scrambled to get into bed. Exhaustion prevented any frisky behavior. Happiness and love cradled them in the quiet privacy of the large round bed. Fireworks lit up the sky from their wall window. The king pulled his queen onto his chest and held her in a tight embrace.
A restful slumber guided them the rest of the night.
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N'Jadaka watched Yani sleep curled into his side.
He kept his left arm around her as her soft warm breath blew across his left pec. He checked his kimoyo beads on his right wrist and whispered instructions for their breakfast to be brought to his bedroom within the hour. Snuggling against his wife he caressed her cheek and then carefully kissed her forehead. They both needed rest and quiet before leaving for the family tombs in the city of the dead ancestors. Yani's name would be added to the ancestral rolls as they paid their respect to the past queens and kings. Afterward, they were free to honeymoon.
The wedding had been a tremendous affair and the Wakandan news and the global media had a field day reporting on the splendor and the grand entrance of Queen Yani. The outside world was permitted to see them leave the temple, but only the Wakandans could relive the experience on vids at home. World leaders who were still in Wakanda gave vid chats to their own people describing the experience. Royal images of the wedding party circled the globe.
Yani murmured into his chest and he looked down. Her eyelids fluttered open and he smiled at her.
"Hey Mrs. Udaku," he said.
She grinned and stretched her neck to kiss him.
"Since we never consummated the marriage, does that mean we failed our first duty as a couple?" she asked.
He laughed.
"We were too damn tired, girl."
"You must be getting old then, I could've done a little something," Yani bragged.
"All this talkin' now when you were snoring the moment we hit these sheets last night. Stop lyin."
"Hmmm," she said stretching, "It was a long day. A glorious day, but very long."
She pushed back the covers and slid down his body, engulfing his penis, sucking on it until the hot flesh hardened like a brick.
"Aye, Ma…protocols are in order. You make me nut and we don't pay our respects to Bast, we'll curse this union."
He pushed Yani's mouth away. She rose and left their marriage bed, naked as a jay bird and picked up the ceremonial bundle.
"Should we do this now, or after breakfast?" she asked.
She stood holding the bundle looking sexy and ready for anything he had in mind. His gaze dropped to her vulva. The piercings they marked her as his precious gift sparkled in the morning light that spilled from the window.
"You make it sound so clinical saying it like that," he said.
Yani padded back to the bed and stared at him.
"If we don't do it now, we might forget and mess up later. We'll get on the boat and be so happy that we're alone that I know you'll make love to me and overlook the rules," Yani said.
"We can set an alarm on our kimoyo beads," he suggested.
"So you don't want to do it now."
"I don't want to rush getting intimate with you."
She fondled her vulva, peeling back the outer labia. The pink inside already glistened. His dick jumped at the sight.
"Let's just do the ceremonial part now, pay homage to Bast and then we can relax until we are alone again. Our first time together as husband and wife shouldn't be quick," she said.
She reached for his dick and stroked it, letting the pre-cum pearl down the taught flesh. Fully engorged, his erection looked darker than the skin surrounding it.
"Okay," he huffed, watching her soft hand go up and down the shaft. A thick tear-drop shaped bit of pre-cum slid over the crease in her hand and he groaned. He didn't have to choke back on sound. The home was theirs to be loud.
Yani unfurled the ceremonial leather bundle and they touched the inscriptions of symbols and words etched into the leather. He helped her tie it using the strings on the four corners like a corset around her midsection. She used pillows from the bed to make her head and hips comfortable as he knelt between her legs.
"Ready?" he said.
She nodded.
N'Jadaka began to kiss and lick her clit, pulling soft moans from her lips as his tongue slathered her tender parts with saliva. He stroked his dick while working his mouth magic on her. Yani's thighs parted further while she cupped her breasts.
His lips dripped with her sticky love offerings, and by the time he was flicking the tip of his tongue just under her clit, Yani was calling out his name, letting the sound fly up to the high ceiling. It echoed like angels around them and he grunted a satisfied noise that helped her release into his mouth. Her vulva throbbed against his moist lips, the strong pulses pulling him up to his feet.
"Yani!" he shouted, jerking his dick faster hunched over her.
He aimed his release all over the leather corset, soaking it with hot white semen that continued to spurt as he squeezed his balls. Yani quickly unfastened the strings keeping the offering of cum from spilling away. His sweat fell onto her breasts and he gave one final tug to his dick.
"I've got it all," Yani said.
She curled the sides of the leather back into a bundle and he walked with her out to the balcony. A brass burning ring sat near the center of the space. Yani placed the semen-soaked bundle into the ring and they both struck a long match together, setting it ablaze. They each added small tied bundles of herbs to the leather and the smoke turned from white to purple and sent a trail of thick color up into the morning sky. N'Jadaka held Yani's hand and they spoke out loud ancient words to bless their union in the sight of Bast's offering.
The leather and herbs burned down quickly, and they showered together in his bathroom, taking their time lathering each other up and allowing steamy water to cascade down their wet bodies. He kissed and fondled his wife, enjoying the taste of her in his mouth and the scent of her skin in his nose.
Breakfast was full of them laughing and recounting the events of the day before. Yani held his hand tight when they left the palace together dressed in long white robes.
The trip to Necropolis City was taken in the Royal Talon Fighter with their children.
Walking the steps holding Yani's hand, N'Jadaka stared at the building that his body once rested in. Joba paused walking up the final step and N'Jadaka took her hand. His youngest daughter's body shook and he sensed her hesitancy.
"I'm right here Sunshine," he said.
Joba squeezed his hand and they entered the building following Umama and Ramonda. They walked along a long hallway that led to a special room away from the tombs. The walls in the room were covered by a gigantic purple and silver silk tapestry that displayed all the family names since the time of King Bashenga and Queen Tiye.
The only people allowed to witness the addition of Yani's name in person were their immediate family members. A small ceremony led by a Necropolis City elder didn't take long. Next to N'Jadaka's name was a space for Yani, and she signed a slender tablet that burned her name into the silk for all of time. A small sample of her blood had been taken to make the ink that burned into the material. Sydette and Riki watched with wide eyes. Joba clung to his hand.
Ushered back outside, the rest of their wedding party and familial guests waited for them, tossing flowers at Yani and N'Jadaka. Kisses and hugs were passed around and given to their children last. The ramp to the Royal Talon Fighter awaited them. N'Jadaka and Yani both fought the urge to run away from everyone.
"Have a beautiful trip!" Umama called.
N'Jadaka glanced at his children standing with his grandmother and grandfather. He waved, took Yani's hand and guided her into the Royal Talon Fighter.
Gliding along the Ibukan River, they spotted the royal house boat in the distance. Yani hugged him tight.
"Finally…our honeymoon," she whispered.
The Talon Fighter touched down on the ground near a dock. Okoye and Ayo departed the Talon Fighter first and spoke with the Doras guarding the boat. N'Jadaka squeezed Yani's hand and they both ran toward the boat, flinging off their ceremonial robes revealing swimsuits under neath. Okoye threw back her head and laughed.
"Be safe my king. We will track your trip discreetly and bring the royal children to you in two weeks," Okoye said.
"Bye!" Yani squealed.
N'Jadaka activated the onboard system and programmed it to sail away from the dock. He poured Yani a glass of champagne and they stood on the bow to watch it sail out of the golden city.
Yani toasted his glass again and he held her waist.
"To us, my king," she said.
"To us, my queen," he said back with all the love he could muster in his voice.
Chapter 7 HERE.
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slippinninque · 6 months
✨📱Kiss me Through the Phone 📱✨
Fontaine x black!fem!reader
Warnings/content: fluff, cursing, mentions of smoking/weed, long fic. Black!Fem!Reader, ramblings
He treated his phone like the tool it was. There were few apps for entertainment, and the necessary apps to stay updated on what was going on in his streets.
Fontaine was never one for taking pictures until he met you. Now he has a nice collections of you on his phone.
Particularly, there is a folder of photos in his phone dedicated to your stuffed face. You turned full hamster when you were hungry and he thought it was adorable. This is top secret.
You have a folder of photos in your phone dedicated to catching him sleeping during movies. From cozy shots of him latched on to you like a giant octopus to the bent neck, open mouthed snooze. What started off as a cache of evidence became an absolute delight. This was also top secret.
Fontaine didn't save many numbers. Due to his business, the less information he made available the better. You swore his memory was his super power.
The first picture you ever sent Fontaine he'd swore he would get framed. It was purposely unflattering with an expression he didn't think your pretty face could make. It was sent to him by mistake but made him nearly choke on his '40 and he knew then he needed more of you.
A little bit of sun was all the Glen needed for it's parks to come alive with get-togethers and hang-outs. That was the whole reason you and your girls were out in the first place, looking to get some warmth before the heat vanished again,
You were sitting close to each other sharing whispers and smoke. It was a lovely day though the breeze was relentless. Fontaine was already unzipping his jacket when you shivered for the umpteenth time.
The sight of him was poetic. Leaning up a bit just to whip his jacket over your shoulder, the sun taking it's place immediately with delicacy. Fontaine's face was soft at least enough for his golds to glimmer between full lips.
He was gilded in the setting sun as he stepped a bit closer to zip you properly into the jacket. You felt like you were staring, but you couldn't look away.
"There we go," he grinned at you as he passed the blunt to you and resetting your brain, "Wear it better than me."
"Better stop before this hoodie come up missing." You took a puff and laughed a bit,
"Y'know how clothes just be adventuring off on their own..."
"Is that so? You wanna takin' down my number so you can let a nigga know if his thermals come knocking at your door?"
"Your-your weed is good, so I suppose I'll be neighborly."
He laughed and you couldn't even feel the full thrush of embarrassment at your fumbling. You could only shake your head at yourself as you handed over your phone.
Fontaine typed in his number and you traded the blunt for your phone. He didn't save it at first and you added him to your contacts with the quickness.
Just as you always did, first thing that came to mind--
Quickly after that you keep you eyes to your keyboard as you sent Fontaine a wave with a smiley face.
You jerked awake, hearing hard knocking and loud voices seeping in through your cracked window.
Heart pounding as you stared up at the ceiling, you scrambled for your phone to see it was well past midnight. The TV was still going from when you fell asleep on the couch, but it wasn't enough to drown out the slurring call of your name.
Clutching your throw blanket, you swallowed as much of your panic as possible. It was your neighbor, drunk again and "confused" despite it being the third time this month.
As much as you tried to be understanding, it made you more than uncomfortable. The man was all grins and half-apologetic in the daytime, insisting that their front doors were nearly twins despite there being 3 houses between them. His roommates thought it was funny and made a few comments about how you even resembled his ex.
He even asked what the issue was with letting him linger until he sobers up enough to go home.
The next knocks were thunderous and got you out of bed. You weren't keen on opening the door or even speaking to him, it would only make it worse...
Tearing up as you heard the stumbling and nonsense filter through your door, you chewed your lip as you slowly typed out a text.
[Are you up?]
You winced. It sounded so dirty to you at the moment but you were scared and tired--
The sound of your ringer startled you enough to answer.
"Um, hi, sorry." You crept to your room in the dark, afraid to turn on the lights, "Did-Did I wake you?"
Fontaine made a soft noise, "Ain't doin' shit but runnin' to the store. What's got you up so late?"
You struggled for words for a moment but hissed when the banging came again. This time it sounded like he was hitting the front room's window.
"What the fuck is that?"
Fontaine's tone broke you, a sob stuttering out as you told him everything. You curled up and tried to make sense but a headache was beginning to grow.
"I'm comin', sweet heart, I'm on my way." Fontaine's voice was soothing in his promise, "Stay on the phone with me."
"Okay, 'm so sorry."
"Don't be. Just keep listening to me, you hear me? 'M on my way."
Fontaine's voice flowing through that little speaker was your life raft. You did as you were told, listening to the sound of him getting into his car and driving.
Your neighbor went quiet and it knowing where he was was worse. Imagining him stalking around the perimeter of your home, looking for things to "accidentally" break, ways into your home, would he do something to your car? In the dark feeling small, you quietly hoped that there were no red lights to keep Fontaine long.
The call ended and before your panic to dwell to hysteria, there was commotion from outside your house.
There was hollering and another terrible clattering noise. Running back into the living room, you peeked through the blinds with shaky hands.
Fontaine had your neighbor on the ground, bent up and yelping next to your overturned trash can. You could only see the back of him as he wrangled your neighbor.
You felt rooted to the spot, watching from somewhere else as you watched the terror that's been stealing your peace get the ragdoll treatment. Fontaine tossed him here and there, his voice furious and low.
Fontaine hauled your neighbor up enough to walk him down the street and out of sight. Still shaking, you took a seat on the couch and tried to pull yourself together.
You aren't sure how long you say there with anxiety eating away at your stomach. When your phone rang again, you hurried to answer.
"Hello, hi..."
"C'mon to the door, it's okay now."
You peeled yourself off the couch and went to the door, flinging it open but still unable to look him in the face. He was wearing only sweats and a grey long sleeved shirt. Quietly letting him in, you couldn't stop the tears when they returned.
Fontaine told you that he made absolutely sure that your neighbor knew what his porch looked like. You could only imagine what he meant by that.
"Don't cry anymore, you're okay now," Fontaine came near you, hand hovering your shoulders in a mimic of touch. You leaned forward until you could feel the softness of his shirt.
"You did good, I'm glad you let me know. Promise he ain't gonna bother you anymore, trust thayt."
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you asked if he would mind staying until morning. Fontaine cupped your face and ran his thumbs along your stinging cheeks.
"Of course."
He went toward the couch but you pulled lightly, leading him to your bedroom. Fontaine was quiet and you still sniffled as you crawled into bed. You only had to look at him and Fontaine hurried to follow.
Cuddled close and worn out, your nerves cooled enough for exhaustion to wander in.
"You can always call me. Just know that, yeah? If you're scared....call me. Don't matter what it is, I'm gonna be there."
Grateful, you could only nod again. Fontaine's hand splayed along your back and to the sound of his steady heartbeat, sleep finally came back for you.
"It's probably somewhere in the car," you said to Fontaine as you searched your bag, "I think I left my lip chap anyway."
Fontaine paused in searching himself and pockets to give you a grateful nod.
" 'Preciate you."
You tossed a wink over your shoulder, turning to jog the short distance between the porch and Fontaine's car. He stayed behind, sorting the grocery bags more comfortably to key into the house.
The car was still unlocked and you whipped out your cell, dialing Fontaine's phone to hone in on its hiding spot.
I'll be your groupie, baby (oh whoa)
'Cause you are my superstar (ha, superstar, yeah)
No way. You nearly knocked your head trying to look beneath the driver's seat. Legs nearly hanging out the car as you laid as flat as you could. You were cheek to seat as you scrabbled beneath the seat, the song playing on.
I'm your number one fan, give me your autograph
Sign it right here on my heart (I'll be)
Pushing aside some loose change and grabbing Fontaine's phone, you went to decline your call when your eyes caught on the screen.
My Baby
The big softie, giving you butterflies and he isn't even near you. Wriggling and utterly smitten, you couldn't believe how much you liked this man.
Fontaine gave you such shit for having a crush, but then he goes and lets his homies hear your favorite song every time you call.
Grabbing carmex from the cupholder you could finally wriggle out of the car. Closing the door, you turned and saw Fontaine had been holding the door waiting for you the entire time.
Fontaine texted and you sighed, wishing that you could see him in person. Sometimes the phone just wasn't enough.
Your phone vibrated again, the notification sound pinging through the earbud in your ear. Music definitely made the time spent pouring over technical details a bit more managable.
Fontaine's texts were little nuggets of gold you hoarded through the shift. An aimless sort of conversation that didn't make you feel pressured to answer so soon.
He sent you a picture of a stay cat you looked out for, hunched over what looked to be a half of sub sandwich. You sent him a picture of a goose sitting in one of the managerial parking spots at with all the attitude of a Cadillac.
Only you and a few other ladies jumped at the chance for a short shift the following day, but of course it mean sudden overtime. You glowered at the dwindling piles straight tab files and binders.
There were still records to edit and submit. Then a well deserved long-weekend after to look forward to.
Your phone vibrated in your lap, the only safe place for it since your desk turned into a disaster of binders, white-out, and sticky notes.
Sunglow: [come out side]
[I'm not at home remember?]
Sunglow: [never said you were]
You frowned at your phone. What the hell was he talking about?
You jumped when you heard the blare of a horn. It echoed in the empied parking lot and you were sure you aren't the only one who was leaving their desk to check.
Your cubicle had one of the best views of the parking lot and a few streets over, you put your face to the glass at the same time another horn sounded.
In all his glory, Fontaine leaned up against this car with his phone visibly in hand and the other tucked inside to rest on the steering wheel.
Surprised and fumbling back to your cubicle, you managed to dial Fontaine before he tried summoning you again.
"Romeo, Romeo, stop bein' so disruptive!" You hissed into your phone,"Stop honkin' that horn, you're going to wake up the guard!"
"I know you better bring yo' tail down that tower and give me what I came here fo', Juliet."
With only a sheepish grin to offer "mhmmm" and "okay, then, girl" looks you got, you hurried down the stairs while Fontaine grumbled about the integrity of your building's security through your ear.
Smoothing out your cardigan as you exited the building, you were wishing that you wore something a bit more flattering when Fontaine was already meeting you at the double doors.
You went when your hand was pulled and you were hugged by Fontaine as he rested up against the brick wall of your office. It was a little hiding spot that was mainly used by the night shift.
It was the perfect spot to hide away from supervisors and sudden rains.
"You got somethin' for making yo' man wait for so long?" Fontaine asked, keeping a hand at your waist while the other one steadied you by the chin. You chuckled before looking up at him and pursing your lips.
"Mhmm, don't mind if I do..." Fontaine purred and pressed his silky lips against yours.
Sweet and slow. Fontaine took hold of your hands, left them to massage your shoulders, used on hand to settle at the dip of your waist.
"I can't stay down here for too long," you breathed after parting, "Very tempting to hop into that passenger seat, though."
"Give the word, I'll peel out this bitch."
"Oh, I know you will," you laughed and kissed his cheek before pressing yours to his, " 'M happy you came to surprise me. I think I can make it to the end now."
"I aim to please."
The wind blew a bit tougher and you burrowed into him as best you could. He rested his chin on the top of your head, hands locking at the small of your back.
It felt like being set out in the sun to dry. A nice, long stretch after an afternoon nap. Just...good.
"How much longer do you have?" He asked voice quiet. You probably had another five or so minutes.
Shifting around so your phone could be brought up between you, "About this long."
Hitting play, you both listened to Ms. Hill remind you how nothing mattered more than where you wanted to be most.
ending notes: this felt kinda long lol! thank you soo much for reading! I appreciate every pair of eyes that lands on my writing, it means so much to me! 🥹
taglist✨: @megamindsecretlair @thadelightfulone @mag1calenchantr3ss @cocoeffects @wide-nose-and-wonderful @8ttached @thadelightfulone @hobiesmain @thickeeparker @longpause-awkwardsmile @ms-angiealsina @educatorsareslutstoo @mysterychick93@mcondance@sageispunk@kindofaintrovert@hunnishive@notapradagurl7@blowmymbackout@educatorsareslutstoo@blackerthings@miyuhpapayuh@westside-rot
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violettduchess · 1 year
I am so in love with your Comte domestic au, I have read it so many times! What about a continuation for au week? It would have to be the "free space day," so if you have something in mind, obviously disregard this. But what about more domestic with Comte and his family spending time together? Or maybe for the soul mate au, it could take place before your other au fic, where Comte finds his soul mate? Oooh, or it could still be soul mates, but the kids are grown, and he's reflecting on big moments they've spent together?
Anyway... obviously, just delete this if you're not taking requests anymore or if you don't wanna use them. Sorry this got so long.
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A/N: Hello anon! Here you go! This is a Soulmate au explaining how Comte met the mother of his children from this Domestic Bliss au from last years event! (and to the anon who asked for Comte and Bookstore au and the anon who asked for Comte and Coffee shop au....I combined them all 💜)
An entry for @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady 's Different Universe Same Love CCC
Comte x female reader
WC: 1349
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Inked into the skin of your right shoulder, your black and white tree tattoo reaches towards the sky with its bare, spindly branches that echo the gangling shape of spider legs. You chose the image after going for a walk on a stark winter's morning. Something about it resonated with you, echoing the vacuity of your lonely heart.
You’re shelving the latest bloodsucking Young Adult novel, breathing in that delectable new paper smell, when a voice rich as caramel, interrupts, asking if you could please direct him towards the foreign literature. You turn to find yourself looking into arresting, honey-colored eyes set in a face that jerks your heart awake from its lonesome stasis. It begins beating a lively, almost frantic rhythm in your chest.
You give him directions even as you try to fit all the pieces of this beautiful man together in your mind: wavy dark blond hair, slanted cheekbones, lips that smile easily and with such warmth. He thanks you but doesn’t move. Neither do you. The moment your eyes met, something took its first breath, something cocooned deep in the chambers of your hearts and sparked to life by your connection, like the fertile meeting of sunlight and water. 
A few minutes later you have a date to meet for coffee.
It feels so much larger than it sounds. 
That night, as you lay in bed, dreams inhabited by a man with desert eyes, your tattoo changes. The branches are peppered with small, newborn leaves the color of limes. Fragile. Delicate. Hopeful.
The coffee shop is small, a hidden gem tucked into a side street you’ve never ventured down. You arrive too early, a habit you usually pride yourself on but now is causing waves of anxiety to rush through you. Will you look too eager? Who cares because it is truth. You are eager. You are so very eager to see Comte again.
And then, as if responding to the siren call of your longing, he appears in the doorway, gilded in sunlight. He looks damn near angelic as he enters the shop, a place that suddenly seems so mundane with its walls covered in glossy photos of coffee beans and faded tile floor. 
He joins you, ordering tea, so much more civilized than your giant cappuccino topped with cinnamon and chocolate dust. Your eyes meet his and you flush, looking away. What now? Panic rears its ugly head, trampling the excited beat of your heart into the ground.
“Is that the latest X. Sycamore novel?” He notices what you have laying casually on the table by your drink, the beautiful indigo cover and gold lettering. It may be old-fashioned but you are a lover of books you can wrap your hands around, covers you can touch. Someone who has a tactile love of words. You nod. “Do you like her work?” In answer he reaches behind him, into the pocket of his beautifully-tailored beige coat and pulls out the exact same book.
From there it’s easy. So easy. One cappuccino becomes two. One cup of tea multiples like flower buds in spring time. Conversation flows like a current between you, rife with warmth and crackling with soft electricity. You decide you can’t pinpoint the exact color of his eyes because they are always changing. The brightness of Goldenrod when he is happy, dark as pyrite when he’s contemplating, animated as the sun’s shimmering caress of the sea when excited. You learn all his facial expressions and soak in the sound of his voice, burying them deep inside your heart to recall at any time.
When he checks his wristwatch and sighs, you sense your time together nearing its end. You stand abruptly, a motion spurred by the wild desire to beg him to stay and the need to act as though you are perfectly fine with him leaving. Unfortunately you knock against the table, sending your half-full cappuccino toppling just as he’s gathering his coat. Your heart, so light and breezy, turns to stone like a gargoyle in sunlight, sinking down into the twisting pit of your stomach. The stain across the expensive wool looks garish, something out of a horror movie.
At first he refuses your offer to pay for the dry cleaning but you are insistent and he relents. You feel oddly giddy. If the price of seeing him again is a cleaning a soiled coat, then you are willing to pay it. Gladly.
That night, your tree changes yet again. The branches are fuller, anointed in thick, lustrous green. Leaves unfurl themselves towards an invisible sun, towards a welcoming sky.
You hold the freshly cleaned jacket as if it is a child in your arms, tenderly so as not to wrinkle it. The garment bag is a soft blue, a stark contrast to the dark, rich colors of the mansion you find yourself walking through. If elegance were to fashion itself into a home, this would be it. Your heels click across the polished wood as the butler leads you to where Comte is waiting for you. His library.
The garment bag is removed from your arms and he is speaking in that sonorous voice as he greets you but you are not listening. Your mind is trying to soak in the sight of the shelves, rows and rows of shelves, towering above you to meet the breathtaking molded ceiling. Surely this is heaven. Surely he is its keeper.
His hand on your shoulder steadies you, brings you back down to earth, to his warm gaze and the scent of sandalwood. Would you like a tour? You nod and his hand slips down until it takes yours, gentle at first, questioning. You tighten your grip, wordlessly telling him yes, this is ok. Yes you want this. His exhale of relief is audible. 
“Let’s begin over here, with Molière.”
That night, your tree has added hundreds of tiny buds clustered throughout its green branches. Each flower bud a tiny pink universe waiting to be born.
He invites you to the cinema where you hold his hand, fingers interlaced as you lose yourselves in the story playing across the screen. The dream ends when the lights come on, scattering the wispy remnants of magic the movie spun around its audience.
You step out of the theater, hands still clasped together and stop as you notice the light haze of rain that has started falling. You glance at Comte. The bus stop you need to get to is several blocks down. He squeezes your hand. 
"It doesn't look so bad, chérie. Shall we?"
You agree and together step out into the cool rain. For the first minute it really isn't so bad. The rain dampens your clothing, kisses your skin gently. But after that, it's as if the clouds decided the warm-up is over. The storm gathers its thunderous drums and flashy lightning guitars and the real show begins.
You jump as his arm gathers you close against his side for protection, a bulwark in the sudden downpour. Together you search for shelter through the blur of rain. It only takes you a second to remember where you are. 
The oversized awning of the bookstore shields you from most of the heavy rain. You turn within the circle of Comte's protective embrace, your gaze slowly tracing a path up the pale column of his throat, the angle of his jaw, the curve of his lips where it stops, caught there like a thread on a nail. Something warm is unspooling within you, lifting you up to meet him as he leans down, both of you moving in unspoken tandem. Your eyes flutter closed and the world shrinks down to the feel of his lips on yours, cool with rainwater. 
The moment your lips touch, you glow with the warmth you have felt in his presence from the beginning. It plunges into the furthest corners of your heart, taking root. As he cradles your head in his gentle hand, his mouth moving over yours, seeking and finding, you know. 
You know. 
You know. 
He is yours, now and forever.
That night, you sleep in Comte’s strong arms. Your tattoo is in full bloom, a symphony of soft, pink cherry blossoms, a timeless concert of exquisite joy and breathtaking tenderness. A testament to the love of two souls, meant to be.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @bubblexly
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awkwardbeartrio · 8 months
I loved your imagine! It’s so cute. I love your writing style and the detail you put in. I was wondering if you could write something for the episode “I am Ice Bear.” Like how his S/O would react his drastic personality change, and how he’d react to them. I just thought it’d be a fun concept, but no one else has written it yet. It’s totally okay to ignore this if you’re not interested. 💕
Oh man! I loved this episode. It was such a cool thing to see. I haven't seen anyone else write this particular request either so I am happy to do this! Thank you very much for your patience, hope you enjoy! <3
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It was as if suddenly the whole world had come to a complete halt.
"Oh no! Little bro!'' Grizz exclaims as the hard wooden mallet slams to Ice Bear's head. You're quick and exceptionally fast when you squeeze yourself between the worrisome brothers. Your heart thuds in your chest as you try and shake your dearest awake.
"Ice Bear?! Ice Bear please be okay...'' You beg and frown deeply at the sight before you.
A low groan emits from Ice Bear and suddenly, his eyes open.
"Little buddy, hey! Are you okay?'' Grizz slowly asks and Panda bites his lip anxiously.
"Oh gosh, that bump on his head...'' Panda says and your brows furrow trying to make out what Ice Bear was saying as he gained consciousness.
"Oh man! Oh man! That was a big fall, huh? I mean, talk about a total knockout!''
You along with Grizz and Panda stood absolutely slack jawed at the realization that . . . Ice Bear just talked normally. The bear hops up to his feet, a grin plastered on his face.
That was only the beginning.
Ice Bear had completely lost himself within the confines of jerk popularity. The more and more you had tried to do some of the things you used to do, he'd shrug you off and dismiss you.
"Sorry, Y/n. Well, not really. You see, that uhh, whole cooking show business is not my style, yeah? I got too many people digging my vibe and I'm not gonna dull it down.'' He says as pulls out his phone from his pocket.
You scowl at Ice Bear who only raises a brow at you questioningly. Your heart absolutely aches at the outcome of this accident. Tears glazed your eyes.
"So you're telling me that I...dull you down? Is that it?'' You prod slowly and Ice Bear can only chuckle and shrug. His claws click against the screen, making another ridiculous post on his ever growing social media page.
"No. Actually, yeah. Yeah you do. Not gonna say I'm gonna ditch you for cooler babes but. . .that's what exactly I'm gonna do. But hey, if you ever want to hang with the cool peeps and ditch the Food Network channel, you know where to find me.'' Ice Bear turns on his heel to walk away from you.
And your heart sinks and shatters.
You stand there in disbelief and teary eyed when Panda and Grizz come to your aide.
"Don't worry, Y/n. We'll figure out how to get him back.'' Grizz says, determined as he watches Ice Bear ditch all three of you for some pretentious posse.
"Yeah,'' Panda chimes in, "We'll get him back and...and everything will go back to normal. I hope. . . "
Your lip quivers and you can't bring yourself to watch Ice Bear wrap his arm around another girl. It hurts too much and by the time you start to cry, you're far away from where anyone could find you.
It stayed that way until deep within the night.
You hid away within your hurt of missing your beloved Ice Bear. You understood that it was the amnesia that caused such a drastic change but within that change, you lost such a giant piece of yourself. You couldn't even imagine the confusion and loss Ice Bear was going through himself but his words struck you down hard.
You felt like you lost him forever.
Knock Knock Knock!
Your head lifts to the thuds that emit from your front door. You drag yourself off your bed and to the entryway and pull the door open. There stood Ice Bear, almost expressionless with countless gifts stacked behind him. There was no gold chain, no necklace, black shirt or man bun.
Just regular Ice Bear.
"Ice Bear is sorry for causing you heartbreak.''
His monotone voice makes you feel utterly joyous and yet you're still cautious. His brothers stand a bit behind him for moral support and they signal that he's back to normal. Presumably, his hair got cut short again before the arrival. Just how Ice Bear always tends to his haircut.
"Ice Bear you. . . you're okay?'' You sniffle and you're immediately taken aback when his arms wrap around you in a meaningful but gentle hug. Your body is taken over the threshold of the doorway and he holds you close, lifting your feet off the ground.
"Ice Bear loves you and always wants to watch Food Network. Ice Bear thinks you are cool. . . and the only girl for Ice Bear.''
Without hesitation, you envelop Ice Bear in a big hug. A few tears slip down your flushed cheeks.
"I love you too. I'm so glad you're okay.'' You sniffle and when you pull back, he rests his forehead against yours. He hums in thought and then promptly sets you down to showcase all the gifts he had made and or bought to show his apology.
"Ice Bear remembered everything you like.'' He says softly, handing you a basket filled with self care things like lotions, soaps, flowers, chocolates...
"Ice Bear will always remember.''
Your gaze lifts from the basket and then it trails over to the copious gift pile that his brothers had began to haul inside. You kiss his forehead sweetly and hug him once more.
"I know, Icey. I forgive you. Now lets head in and have a sleepover. There's a new episode on the Food Network. It's a brand new casserole recipe.'' You smile and Ice Bear briefly smiles back with a little nod.
"Ice bear would like that very much.''
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mrs-takami-keigo · 4 months
King of the Clouds Chapter 7
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Main Pairing: Hawks/Quinn(OC)
Story Rating: Explicit! 18+
Genre: Romance/Action/ Smut
Words: 4.4K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Pain….that's all I felt. From my head all the way down my body, just pain. I groaned as I turned my head, I could feel something soft underneath my head, a pillow. Cracking my eyes open slightly I could see the faint outline of my posters of the artist I love decorating the pale blue walls of my bedroom. My room? My apartment! I was in my apartment. Slowly I moved my arms, using my elbows to help me sit up. 
The room was dizzy, as if it was constantly spinning, like a merry go round. My legs felt like jelly as I placed my bare feet on the cold hardwood floors. Moving the blanket off my legs I realized my brunt up dress was long forgotten. The garment was replaced with sweat pants and an old band T-shirt I got from a concert years ago. 
‘How did I get up here?’ I remember getting dropped off by Daichi, the fight with the league and… “The boys!” I stood up fast, too fast. But I had to make sure they were okay, I will not be the one responsible for them getting hurt! My heart was racing in my chest so fast I could feel it against my ribcage. My eyesight was shit, everything was hazy, I slammed my knee against the vanity as I stumbled towards my bedroom door Swinging it open I was met with someone sitting on my couch. WIth my sight being so distorted I could only see a silhouette of the person. My breath felt shallow in my chest as the person stood up, facing me. 
“Whoa there firebird.”
“TOGA!!” I will not be fooled again. Grabbing the white and gold lamp on the small table closest to me, I used what little strength I had left, throwing it at his head. Those damn fake vermilion feathers were able to block it from making contact. I could feel my rage coming back consuming me again, the feeling of heat encased around my arms. I still didn’t have enough strength to use my powers to fend this person off, but I’ll be damned if I get taken out like this.
“Toga?! Quinn it’s me, real me!” Using fierce wings the fake floated through the room dodging whatever I could find to throw at them. 
“Like I would ever believe you bitch!” Mustering up as much strength as I could I ran straight for the imposter, pushing him up against the large window. My left forearm was pressed against their throat, pushing them harder into the glass. Raising my right arm, I aimed for their face, ready to send this villain flying out the window. The person growled before I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt pulling at me. I knew I was running on adrenaline alone, but that didn’t stop me from being flipped over. 
“I said,” Now my back was pressed against the glass. The arm that was pressed against their neck was now above my head. Jerking my body forward trying to escape their grasp they had on me, I was met with another low growl. A large hand grabbed my other arm, pressing against the glass as well. They pressed their body against mine, ceasing all movement from me.  I could feel body heat, and not my own, it was his. 
“It’s me Quinn, Hawks…Keigo!” I was starting to see clearly again, his golden eyes staring into my own brown ones. They were intense, filled with worry and conviction. His chest was pressed against mine, Hawks was breathing heavily. My own breath matched his rhythm, his scent of orange blossom and wood accord invaded my senses. The fog of rage lifted from my body, allowing me to take in my surroundings. My once clean and neat apartment was a giant mess, glass broken everywhere, a couple of my throw pillows split open. The coffee table in the center of my living room was flipped on its side, whatever was on top of it was thrown to the ground.
“Keigo?” My voice came out as a shaky whisper. I felt like all the air rushed back into my lungs. He was real, he was really here. I couldn’t stop the tears starting to build in the corners of my eyes. “Is it really you?”
“Yeah fire bird it’s really me.” The hands holding both my arms slid down them, slowly making their way to the sides of my face before finding purchase on both sides of my jaw, his fingers on the side of my neck, his thumbs gently rubbing my cheek. His eyes had never left mine, not for an instance. Those once fierce golden eyes had turned into a soft molten, as if he was staring at something that was going to break at any second. And boy was he.
My body went limp against him, my eyes shut. I overdid it once again, I should have known better but I guess you could say that is one of my true weaknesses. I just don’t know when to stop. 
“And there we go, I got cha.” One of his arms wrapped itself around my waist holding me up. I felt as he slightly bent down to scoop the back of my legs with his other arm.  My arms wound themselves around his neck, my head was laying on his chest. His heartbeat was like a mesmerizing metronome.
‘Ba-dum, Ba-dum.’ 
The soft feeling of my mattress met my aching back, Hawks’ body still hovered over mine as he laid me down. He made sure to add support to my neck and head as he guided the pillow behind me making sure I was comfortable. The soft and hefty feeling of my comforter covered my body, I felt warm, felt at peace. 
“You need anything?” He whispered, even as a whisper his voice still had a soft roughness to it. It was calming, his presence was calming. Each breath I took was deep, trying to regulate my heart beat from the rush of what transpired earlier.
“No, I just need to sleep.” He hummed at my response. Standing up straight, the younger man turned to leave my room. And without me even thinking I reached a hand out grabbing the loose part of his cargo pants. I watched as he turned over his shoulder, shock in his eyes. 
“What’s the matter?” 
He turned his body towards me, crouching down beside my bed. That large hand had returned to the side of my neck again, continuing the same soft caress with his thumb like before. “ Stay.” I looked at him, my eyes were pleading with him, I just couldn’t be alone right now. 
“Of course dove.” Last thing I saw before sleep grabbed a hold of my consciousness was Hawks smiling a soft smile and him sitting on the ground next to my bed, his hand still where he left it. 
 I awoke to the feeling of bright rays of sunshine creeping through the tall windows of my room. The only difference from last time and this time was that I felt at least seventy percent better. Still had a few aches in my body, but that was nothing that a hot bath couldn’t fix. 
Another difference was that my hand felt heavy and there was something brushing against my arm. Looking down to my right, Hawks was right where I last saw him. Sitting on my floor, slumped on the side of my bed, hand holding mine. His fluffy blonde hair had fallen in his face, framing it ever so beautifully. His face looked so serene as he slept, his plump lips were slightly apart allowing small even breaths to flow past them. His large calloused hand was still in my soft ones, every so often I could feel him squeeze it. It was like he was subconsciously making sure I was still there.
‘Oh crap.’ I could feel those butterflies soar in the pit of my stomach and my heart racing so hard in my chest, I thought it was going to pop out. 
“Hey bird boy wake up.” Taking my left hand I reached over to shake his shoulder. “C’mon Hawks it’s time to wake up.” He wasn’t budging. ‘I wonder?’ I am not sure why I did it but it only felt right. Gently I took the hand I was using to shake his shoulder, to card through those wild blonde locks. It felt like my hand was passing through silk. Using my nails I passed them over his scalp, before keeping my hand against the base of his neck.
“Keigo…” I leaned over and whispered to the sleeping man, giving his hand that was in mine a squeeze back.
“Quinn?” The blonde lifted his head, eyes still trying to stay open as he did so. Once he realized it was me that woke him up he was on his feet. “You okay? Are you hurting anywhere?” His eyes were frantically scanning my body. I couldn’t help but chuckle at how wild he looked at that moment.
“I’m fine. I just need to take either a hot bath or a hot shower.” I sat up in my bed, pushing my back against the headboard. “You stayed down there all night?” I could see the relief wash over his body as he sighed. Grabbing the chair at my vanity, he sat beside me again. 
“Uh, yeah I guess so. I pretty much passed out right after you did.” Hawks scratched the back of his neck, his eyes closed as he sent me one of his charming smiles my way. Pretty sure those damn butterflies turned into a swarm now. 
“What happened after I blacked out?” I looked down at my hands as my thumbs played with each other. “Deku and Bakugou, are they okay?” My voice was sullen, quiet as I spoke.
“Yeah they were fine, by the time some pro’s showed up Deku was the first one to reach you breaking your fall and Bakugou was trying to do crowd control.” 
I chuckled at the thought of that, maybe it should have been Deku taking care of the crowd, not that firecracker. 
“I’m glad they are okay.” I looked up at him, “And what about Daichi, is he alright. He shouldn’t have been caught in this mess, he is just a civilian.” 
“Well about that,” Hawks’ face turned serious, his voice had dropped a pitch. “There was no real Daichi, that was a clone from the villain Twice.” 
The pretty butterflies were gone and all that was there in the pit of my stomach was hellfire. “Are you telling me that all of that, all that I did to save him was a fucking LIE!” Even as the words passed through my teeth it felt like pure venom.  My fists clenched my sheets, my knuckles turning white. The villains used a fake Hawks against me and a fake Daichi. I was played, played like a fool. 
“You had no way of knowing that. You did what you knew to do, be a hero.” He reached for one of my clenched fists, only for me to pull away from him. Blinded by my own rage, I didn’t even see the quick flash of hurt pass through his eyes. 
“No, they toyed with my emotions! God first they pretended to be you, I was about to bring them up here to my home Hawks! Then they used an innocent person…a friend against me.” I was seething. “They got me like a fool.” Tears, I could feel hot tears start to fall from my eyes as I stared out my window. I couldn’t even look at the man beside me, too embarrassed to face him. 
“I know. But we won’t let them do that again.” He reached for my hand once more, this time I didn’t pull away. “I will make sure of it.” His hand squeezed down on mine, grounding me. Letting me know that I wasn’t alone. Sighing I turned my gaze back to him.
“I have to move, don't I?”
“I have to tell my uncle.”
“Oh he knows.” 
“QUINN!!” I heard my uncle scream from the top of his lungs as I reached his office. I sighed as I walked in, Hawks right beside me
He never left my side. After we spoke a little more about what happened in detail, I went to go take a shower to try and rid my body of these damn aches. Which did help but my side where I was hit still felt sore. Hawks was still in my apartment, pacing in my living room on the phone. His feathers were bruising themselves around my apartment, cleaning the mess we had made from our encounter. He was speaking fast and quietly, once I reached the living room he quickly hung up. I asked him who he was talking to in such a hushed tone. Hawks responded that he was talking to one of his sidekicks. Which could be true, but why the secrecy?
“Hello un-” Before I knew it he was in front of me, his large hands on both my shoulders. 
“Are you alright?” Endeavor turned me around scanning me to see if there was any damage. He was moving me so fast that I started to get whiplash as his office started to blur together. 
“Hey big guy, be easy there.” Hawks gently pulled me away from my uncle's arms, a red wing covering me, as if to shield me from him. Turning my gaze to look at Hawks. His lips were graced with a joking smile that he always had when speaking to other heroes. The only problem was his eyes, they were narrowed, glaring at the number one hero. 
‘Well that’s new.’ I thought as I watched my uncle stare at him, his head slightly tilted while looking at the younger man. I could feel the heat from my uncle raise ever so slightly at the stance Hawks was taking. ‘Not good.’
“Thank you Hawks for bringing her here, but you can leave now.” Endevor crossed his large arms over his chest, returning the same stare he was receiving from Hawks. 
“Nah I’m good where I am.” Hawks shoved his hands inside his pockets, as if letting my uncle know that no matter what he says, I wasn’t leaving his sight. 
“Okay gentlemen, let's all breathe.” I stepped away from the wing that was still covering me to stand between the two hot heads. “As you can see I am fine, no harm was truly caused. Can we look at the bigger picture here?” That seemed to catch their attention, instead of staring at each other they were both looking at me. “The villains came straight for me head on. Why?”
Stepping away, I made my way to the leather couch in the middle of the room. In front of me was a small round table with a silver tray of black ceramic cups and a black tea kettle. Reaching out I took the small kettle in my hand, letting it heat up from my small flames. Once I saw the stream of steam come from the spout, I poured three cups of tea. 
“Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?” I raised my hand, gesturing for them to join me on the two chairs opposite of me. With a huff my uncle was the first one to move, taking a seat to my right with Hawks right behind him, sitting to my left.
“It might have to do with your short fight with Dabi.” I offered a cup to each of them as Hawks spoke. When he took the cup from my hand, his fingers gently grazed mine. Those small electric shots were felt through my fingertips from the contact. ‘Yeah definitely not good.’
“He seemed to have more of a grudge against me than he does my niece.” I watched as he leaned back against the chair, taking a sip of the freshly made tea. I could see that he had been thinking about this for a while, probably since he first heard about the fight.
“While that is true, Phoenix went toe to toe with him. It probably hurt his pride to have a newcomer be able to put the jump on him like that.” His arms were placed on both his thighs, narrowed eyes staring into the cup of tea.
“So because I hurt his fragile pride, I became someone of interest to not him, but the whole fucking group?” 
“That seems like the only plausible explanation for the moment.” Hawks looked up at me as he spoke. 
“Fine, let’s say that’s  the reason why. What do we do now? I have to find a new place to live, my apartment has been compromised. I will not subject the civilians in that building to the threat of me being the league's target.” 
“Well, the commission had already given me a call about that.” Surprised by what my uncle said I placed the now half empty cup of tea back on the table. “They are relocating all of the people in the building and offering you an apartment in their secured building.” 
“What?!” Both me and Hawks exclaimed at the same time.
“I was just as shocked as you when they offered. I told them yes.” I watched as my uncle got up from his seat making his way towards me. I felt the couch sink down as he sat next to me, his arm wrapped around my shoulder, bringing me closer to his side. He was always warm because of his flame quirk. Without me realizing I leaned my head on his shoulder. “Your safety is my priority Quinn. I feel as if this was my fault, I shouldn’t have told you to come here.”
“Thank you Uncle Enji, but I’m a big girl now.” Leaning away from him, looking up at him. “The next time they dare try it, they will be nothing but ash.” and that was a promise, not a threat. 
Within the week I was moved from my apartment into the apartment given to me by the commission. It was at the top of the large skyscraper in the heart of the city, I still was able to have floor to ceiling windows but this place was twice the size of my last one. 
As I walked around the room I couldn’t help but marvel at its beauty. The kitchen was an open concept looking over a sunken living room. White countertops and cabinets lined the back wall, a medium sized white and blue island in the center of it and a small round table to its right, overlooking the city. 
There were about 4 steps that lead down to the massive living room. A black ‘L’ shaped couch faced away from the kitchen on top of a fluffy sky blue area rug. The rest of the furniture around the room; the coffee table, entertainment center and other small tables that were scattered around were also black. It gave off a modern feel but still playful with the small accent of blue.
My room was down the hall, and boy was it massive. It fit a king size bed, two night stands and my vanity nicely, plenty of room for me to add more enhancements if I wanted to. A walk in closet that I am positive was the same size as my childhood room. The commission was nice enough to send me at least three more hero costumes and apparently was able to make all of my regular clothes fire resistant. Since I seem to have a tendency of burning my clothes off. 
The bathroom was probably my favorite by far, it was all black and gold. The massive claw foot tub, toilet, sink and shower were all black with small gold accents. The floor tiles were black as well even in between the tiles were black. Towels hung by the sinks and outside the shower were red, looks like they get my hero color theme. 
Stepping out of the bathroom, I went back into my bedroom. Another small detail I appreciated was the balcony. It overlooked the massive city below, sliding the door, I stepped out, pulling at the sleeves of my gray sweatshirt. It was a chilly September night, right when the weather starts to change from summer to fall. Breathing in the fresh air I hummed, thinking over the events that had transpired since I moved here.
The whole agency was looking for any leads on the league. Endeavor was leading the front, from what Fuyumi told me he was barely at home any more. I told him to keep me in the loop and when I come back I would take over. It was personal now at this point, putting a target on my back was a mistake. My uncle at first had denied my request but he knew that even if he didn’t give me any intel he may gain, I was just gonna do it on my own. He knows better than anyone that I don’t back down from a fight, I tend to embrace it. Hell I welcome it even if they want to take me out, I will go down fighting. My train of thoughts were broken by the sudden change in wind.
“Well if it isn’t the other winged hero of Japan.” I felt his presence this time. Hawks. The man that has plagued my mind this past week. After leaving my uncle's office, I hadn’t heard from him. I had asked my uncle if he heard from him at all, he only said “He’s on a mission.” 
“Oh I believe I’m the winged hero of Japan.” He floated down, landing next to me. His scent swept over me in an instance, surrounding me. I hate to admit it but I did miss him, only a little though. 
“Not according to the latest poll.” Pulling out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans, I pulled up an article. “See for yourself.” Looking over at him with a smug smile tugging on my lips. 
‘Phoenix; our new star in the sky’ 
‘Phoenix has joined the rankings of our top three heroes! She has fended off the league’s assault on our city not once but TWICE. Ever since her smashing debut only a few months ago she has been nothing short of a true hero for Japan. Ms. Phoenix has kept the people of this fine country protected even if she wasn’t born here, gaining the love and respect of its people. She is currently ranked as number 2 tied with the other winged hero of Japan; Hawks.’
“Wow, I've been betrayed by my own country, I see.” Hawks laughed as he passed my phone back to me. Taking the phone back I placed it back in my pocket. While he read the article I took in his appearance. A jean jacket was draped over his broad shoulders, a white tee shirt underneath it. His legs were covered in washed out jeans with a few intentionally placed rips in them and black docs. The sleeves of the jacket were rolled up to his elbows, showing off the bracelets that were on his right wrist and a gold watch on his left. He looked good, too good.
“Got a hot date or something?” I had fully turned towards him, leaning against the railing of the balcony. I watched as he turned towards me, a devilish smirk gracing those lips.
“Why? Are you jealous?” His eyes, it's always his eyes. They were playful, and flirtatious. I was a little bitter at him shutting me out for a week, plus two could play that game.
“And what if I am?” I invaded his space, my eyes half lidded as I stepped closer to him. I kept eye contact with him as my hand reached up, playing with the gold necklace around his neck. A manicured nail lightly grazed the exposed skin of his v-neck t-shirt. His breath hitched in his throat as I did. 
“What then Keigo?” His hand that was resting on the railing gripped as I took another step, my chest lightly teasing his own. My face was so close to his own, I could feel his breath on my lips. Golden eyes started into mine, shock, disbelief and what looked like lust flashed through them.
“What happened, fire bird got your tongue?” I traced my other hand up his chest, wrapping around his neck, my fingers playing with the soft short hairs at the base of his neck. Ever since I did that the morning after I attacked him, it’s all I could think about. How soft it was when I ran my fingers through it, I couldn’t help myself. 
“God you are so easy!” I pushed him on his chest as I chuckled, the hand that was in his hair gave it a slight tug before detaching itself. I returned to my spot on the balcony. He was silent as if processing what I had just done. 
In an instant I was flipped around, my back being pressed against the cold metal bars. Hawks’ hands on my hips, slightly gripping them. His chest against mine fully, and a leg between my own. His breath was hot against my neck causing me to silently gasp. The tip of his nose ghosted up my jaw, the soft chin hair he had followed the same path, sending shuddering waves throughout my body.
“You, out of all people, know you shouldn’t play with fire.” He whispered, soft lips tickled on the shell of my ear. His voice was low, a growl as he spoke. “I am a bird of prey, and you are looking good to eat, little dove.” His hands gripped me even hard, holding me in place as he pressed himself against me further. A low groan escaped his throat as I placed my hands against his chest. His heart was beating as fast as my own. He pulled back slightly to look me in my eyes. This time it was me who had their breath caught in their throat. I could see the light of the city reflecting in his now dark golden eyes. His wings had slightly expanded, showing off their length. He looked taller, intimidating and fucking sexy. 
He chuckled when he was met with silence as he stepped away from me. His warmth was gone the second he stepped away and I felt like I could breathe again. “See ya later.” 
Just as fast as he showed up, he was gone. Placing a hand on my chest I could feel my heart beating out of my chest and the butterflies made their grand return.
“Well shit.”
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itspkuwu · 8 months
EEnE characters ranked (MY OPINION)
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Let’s cut right to the chase, because I really wanna put this out there.
Lee Kanker is in last place. She gets lower than F tier. Where Marie and May had moments where they seemed to genuinely care about each other, Lee just sits there, manipulates, and spreads cruelty. And as for the times where Marie and May were fighting/being mean etc? Well, I have a theory. Remember in Big Picture Show where we see that Lee has a third eye? You know who else has a third eye for no good reason…?
And remember when Nazz kissed Double D and Eddy on the cheek? Compare that to how they react to the Kanker’s kisses. How big those lips are… that specific shade of red… the way the Ed boys become horrified every single time…
(that was a joke lolol)
Everybody in the “lol why” tier it’s just an object that isn’t Plank or I haven’t seen those episodes yet. So I can’t really give my thoughts yet.
Rolf’s animals get their own tier. They have an amazing caretaker :3
except his bike.
Eddy’s brother (whose name is apparently Tarry??) is also a jerk. But he makes a pretty cool antagonist. And he just makes me like Eddy even more.
also i feel like he would be a tumblr sexy man
Mildred blinks at you :D
Plank is an immortal God who will one day rule the world. This is my canon.
I REALLY wish we could have seen more of what happened to Jonny post Big Picture Show. Him being “The Gourd” and having a villain arc just sounds super fun. Other than that he’s just a weird kid. I like him.
Don’t let Jimmy fool y’all. He’s a lil maniac. He probably gets it from Sarah. And it’s always a shocker to me given how much he acts so innocent and harmless. He’s a pretty neat anti hero.
I KNOW I SHOULD HATE SARAH. But I feel like there’s more to her than meets the eye. I honestly think her parents taught her the hate her big brother. If they weren’t around, she probably wouldn’t been to mean to him. Making me feel extremely sympathetic for both of them. And at least she looks after Jimmy, giving her redeeming qualities.
To be honest this show needs a character like Nazz. Everything has to be balanced out with someone who isn’t constantly out to get something, being mean, or acting like a weirdo. But yes, she does have her moments, which are rightfully deserved. Plus, I just really like her chill and hippie way of going about.
Marie Kanker and May Kanker are being ranked together. The potential they have to be redeemed is through the roof. They deserve so much better. If Lee wasn’t around to mess with their heads, I think they would be truly happy. Marie could spend her days jamming out and living on the edge, while May is cute and ditzy and a voice of reason at times. Plus both of their hairstyles are really eye candy for me.
The Ed boys are also being ranked together. What else can I say that hasn’t been said already? The way these three bounce off of each other is extremely enjoyable and definitely gets good laughs out of me. I know they have their moments where they aren’t so friendly, but you don’t always have to get along with someone for you to still love them. And when the gentle giant goof, the soft hearted nerd, and the selfish man with a heart of gold do get along, it’s sweeter than jawbreakers :)
Rolf is hands down one of if not the best side character in animation history. He’s a goober for one thing. But a goober that’s gets us to take him seriously. You do not mess with this man. His pride is enough to break you leg. And yet, he still manages to be one of the nicest characters in the show. He’s so friendly and upbeat! And when he isn’t… his dark side is also a fun time.
And another thing, he’s a fish out of water. Which also allows the viewer to feel sympathetic for him. Like in Wish You Were Ed. Seeing Rolf cry is something you’d never think you’d see, but when you do, it makes you feel a somber emotion you had no idea existed. It’s amazing.
yeah, Rolf is amazing.
Also I asked my sister if she wanted to dance to That’s My Horse at her wedding and she said no. What a loser right?
So uh, that’s my list. Hope you enjoyed.
Go hug a chicken.
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muses-inn · 16 days
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My Muses and Tropes, Part 1
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Big Brother Instinct / Dark and Troubled Past / Tragic Villain / Heel-Face Turn / Big Brother Mentor / Bruiser with a Soft Center / Moral Event Horizon / Honor Before Reason / The Atoner / The Reliable One / Don't Think, Feel / Heroic Sacrifice / Actually Pretty Funny / Identity Breakdown
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The Big Guy / Badass Pacifist / Gentle Giant / The Mentor / Knight in Shining Armor / Honor Before Reason / The Heart / Defector from Decadence / Old Soldier / Cool Old Guy / Devoted to You / Friendly Enemy / The Conscience / I Need a Freaking Drink
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The Medic / Deadpan Snarker / Jerk with a Heart of Gold / Old Soldier / Grumpy Old (Wo)man / The Cynic / Cat Folk / Jaded Professional / No-Nonsense Nemesis / Hidden Heart of Gold / Team Mom / Mad Scientist (Lite) / I Need a Freaking Drink / The Reliable One
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The Leader / The (Unwitting) Straight Man / The Cynic / Control Freak / Small Name, Big Ego / Team Dad / Deadpan Snarker / Genius Bruiser / Heroic Self-Deprecation / Lovable Nerd / Eccentric Mentor / Took a Level in Smartass / Amphibian at Large
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followmetoyourdoom · 2 years
Lab Partners - Chpt 1: Realisation
A decade or so after defeating the Kraang, the turtles continue to protect New York City and Donnie continues to protect his heart. Until feelings hit him in the face like a sledgehammer.
Read on Ao3 or below the cut:
Leo had had a sneaking suspicion for a while now about April and Donnie. There had to be something going on there. She had complete free access to his lab, frequently invaded his personal space, and sometimes just popped over randomly in the middle of the night. Like now. He slouched at the door to his brother's lab. "Hey D, your girlfriend is here!" "Not my girlfriend." Donnie didn't even turn around. "You still knew who I was talking aboooout." "Go awaaaay, Leo!" Now he did turn around and lift his goggles up. "April is bringing me a component I've been looking for." "Mhm, is she now~" Donnie glared. "Why must you say it like that." "Mm, I what now?" With a sigh, Donnie dragged his hand down his face. "Just go." "Alright alright," he held his hands up. "I see how it is. I'll give you two some alooone time." He started backing away, a giant shit-eating grin on his face. About to retort when April walked in, Donnie instead huffed and turned back to his work. "Hey, Donnie." "Hello, April," he sighed wearily. "It's so hard being surrounded by idiots." April patted his shoulder. "I know, but I manage." Donnie snorted and shook his head. "Ha, ha, very funny. Did you get the part?" "Mhm!" She pulled out a gold ring with a mesh attached to either side. "Behold, the diaphragm from an AKG 414!" "It's glorious!!!" A metal claw held it up to the light. "This will do nicely indeed, thank you for... procuring the item for me." He cackled a little and set it carefully aside while he prepared the rest of the device. April watched for a moment. "You know, if you integrate the diaphragm fitment with gold plate into the motherboard-" "It'll prevent disconnect issues but still allow for optimal performance and fluidity in parts! April that's-" "Genius, I know," she grinned at Donnie and thumped his shoulder gently. "I am mid-PhD, give me some credit." "To the electroplating machine!" April laughed and watched on fondly as the purple turtle sent himself across his lab on a spiny chair, skidding a little too far and falling off into a heap of limbs. "Need any help?" she called, not moving. "Nope! I'm good!" A thumbs up popped up from the heap and Donnie soon gathered himself, goggles down as he started to work. Still laughing, April wandered over and sat down next to him. She always loved watching him work, the concentration as fingers moved deftly across parts, mechanical claws from his battle shell holding the more delicate ones. Over the years they'd been inseparable, bouncing ideas off each other, protecting each other in fights, going all out when needed. They were a chaotic duo. "Snips-" and they were already in his hand, April having anticipated this need. He took them without a word, clipped the wires down to size, and passed them back. They continued like this for a while, both concentrated on the work at hand. "Hey guys, pizza's here!" Donnie's head jerked up at Leo's voice and almost bumped April's. He hadn't even realised how close they were. It had just felt so natural. "Uh, just-" he glanced back at his work. "Five minutes?" "The pizza will be gone by then, you know what Raph's like." April laid a gentle hand on his arm. "You go, I'll finish this off, it just need soldering to the motherboard now." "You sure?" When she nodded, Donnie grinned. "Thanks, April." He had the sudden instinct to kiss her cheek in thanks. He caught himself and squeezed her shoulder instead before hopping off his chair and racing out the lab. "You're the best!" He yelled back. "I know!" "Did I interrupt something with you two?" Leo teased. "You were like this." He spun to walk backwards and put his fingertips together, making a cutesy face. "What? Psh, nooo." He slapped Leo's hands apart. "We were just working." "Riiiight," Leo folded his hands behind his head, still walking backwards. "Because you always like working as a team and definitely enjoy your personal space being invaded." "What I enjoy is-" he stopped and grinned just as his brother walked backwards into a wall. He stepped over the crumpled turtle pile. "That. That was very enjoyable." Leo just groaned and reached out, missing his brother's ankle by a mile. "Don't forget about me! Save me some pizza!" "Sorry, what's that?" Jogging down the hall, Donnie held a hand out at the side of his head. "I can't hear you!" "Donatello!" "Buh-bye, now!" And he rounded the corner. That was a close one. Though there was no way he was going to mention that he'd wanted to kiss April on the cheek. Especially not to Leo. Besides, it can't have meant anything serious. April was his oldest friend and lab partner, of course he felt close to her. That was just natural, right? Donnie shook himself and set his sights on pizza. He wasn't much into his first slice (okay maybe it was his fourth or fifth) when Leo slid in. "Our brother dearest here has a crush~" Mikey's eyes sparkled and he sprung up into Donnie's face gasping. "Who is it? Kendra?" "What, no!" "Sunita?" Raph suggested. "She did rescue you that one time." "I don't have a crush on anyone." Leo chuckled and pulled Donnie's arm towards himself to eat his slice of pizza. "You absolutely do-" "Give me that," the cheese fell off into his lap. Donnie sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Get off my pizza and out of my business." "So you admit there's business!" Leo pointed accusingly. "Why won't you talk to them, bro, c'mooon." Donnie threw his hands up, pizza sauce splattered on a wall. "There's nothing to talk about!" Mikey's eyes went wide. "Ooooh, it's Cassandra isn't it!?!" "No!" "You guys are really missing the obvious, here~" Leo sing-songed, slouching across the floor and letting a slice of pizza drop into his mouth. Raph furrowed his brow and Mikey supported his chin with his free hand, squishing his cheeks a little. "Works with us a lot. We all know her. We go waaaaay back." "Leonardo." There was a firmness to Donnie's voice which was immediately set aside by his twin. "Cute space buns, very smart, red glasses-OW!" Leo rubbed the back of his head where one of Donnie's battleshell claws had flicked it. "C'mon, bro, it's obvious! You're head over heels for April." "Leonardo!" Mikey and Raph both spat out the pizza they'd been eating. "O'Neil?" "Yeah, duuuh. They spend all day together in his lab, I bet they're just smooching up a- OW, DUDE!" It was two claws this time. "We are not smooching!" "Would you like to?" Mikey tilted his head. Donnie couldn't hide the blush that snuck through below his mask. "You do have a crush!" "It's not a crush, Mikey! She's my best friend!" Raph shurgged. "Your partner should be your best friend." They all turned to look at him. "What? They should." He held a finger up and recited. "The best relationships are built on a foundation of support, trust, and mutual understanding." "Wow, did you get that from Teen Vogue?" Leo smirked. "Yeah, they had an article on healthy relationships last month. It's the double spread with a couple holding hands." "Oh, fair." Leo shrugged. Donnie thought about this. It was true that he trusted April, and he knew that she trusted him. They supported each other and did understand each other better than anyone else they had around them. He thought about holding hands with her, rubbing his thumb over the back of her tiny hand... He blushed again. "Hey, guys, you saved me some!" April flopped down next to Donnie, seemingly non-plussed and reached into his space to take a slice of pizza. "What're we talking about?" "About Donnie's crush-" Donnie quickly elbowed Mikey to shut him up. "How I crushed it last night during patrol." April raised an eyebrow. "Riiiight." "Is our little project complete?" Donnie tried to distract her. "Oh, almost! It just needs your magic touch~" He grinned and framed his chin. "My touch is magical." Leo audibly snorted. The twins exchanged a very fast series of looks that ranged from dude seriously, do you not hear yourself to shut up before I shove an entire pizza down your gullet. April sent Raph a questioning look who just shrugged and carried on eating pizza. Eventually, it seemed like Leo backed off, though he was still grinning. "Back to the topic at hand," Donnie glared at Leo one last time. "The sonic boom launcher is almost complete!" "Isn't that a video game?" Mikey pipped up. "What? No! It's a scientific term first and foremost." Leo smirked again. "Pretty sure it's a video game dude." "I thought it was a TV series?" "It's both! But it is first and foremost a scientist term!" Donnie hated having to repeat himself. April patted his shoulder sympathetically. "Just tell them what it does." Donnie clutched a hand to his chest dramatically before standing up, pulling out a prototype of the weapon and striking a pose. "Behold the SBL! Designed to amplify the smallest sound to deliver a sonic boom directly into the eardrums of our foes to deafen them so we can strike while they're clutching their head and reeling from the pain of a hundred and ten dBs!" He cackled manically as the tiny device hovered into the air and made a tiny beeping noise. "Uuuuh, did it work?" "This, my dear blue brother, is just a design test." Raph gave him a doubtful look. "And will it actually work? Or will it deafen us too?" "Raphael! Of course it'll work. Are you really going to question my work?" "Uh, yes." Leo deadpanned. "Okay, fair. Hurtful, but fair. But! Are you going to question the work of the amazing and wonderfully talented April O'Neil?" He gestured to her as she was mid pizza bite. April stopped and looked up. "Mmph?" Leo leant across to Mikey. "See this is what I mean, he's smitten with her," he staged whispered. Donnie rounded on him, eyes twitching and full of fury. With a SHIIIING his claws sprung up from his battle shell. Raph leaned over. "You should probably run." "I am thinking about it, yes..." "Leonardo." Donnie took a step forwards. "Brother. Compadre." "Mmm... you should definitely run." "Yes, thank you, Michael." Leo slowly stood up, took a deep breath, then bolted out the door. There was a scramble as Donnie flew after him, and the sounds of screams, threats, and crashes slowly dissolved into a background cacophony. Raph and Mikey eyed April, inching closer. She hadn't reacted yet... She was just, eating pizza. No cares in the world. "I'm sorry, can I help you boys?" she said sarcastically, making them jump. "Didn't you hear-" "Nono, let me handle this," Mikey pulled Raph aside. "I'll be as smooth as a cucumber." "Do we need to be smooth?" "Duh, she's about to break his heart! I mean, c'mon, April is waaaay out of Donnie's league." "I can still hear you," April raised an eyebrow and leant back with her pizza. "Also I already knew about Donnie's crush on me." "You knew?" Mikey swung around and sprawled across the floor in front of her. "He's not exactly subtle about it." The two remaining brothers exchanged a look. "That he is not! Haha! We definitely knew that, right Raph?" "Oh yeeeeah, we've known for months!" "You only just realised about five minutes ago, didn't you?" she gave them a patronising look. Mikey touched his fingertips together. "Maaaaaaybe." He moved closer and popped his face up in front of April's. "Soooo are you going to let him down gently?" "What? No!" Raph gasped and stood up, pointing down at her as tears started streaming down his face. "She is going to break his heart! How could you?!?" April gave him a deadpanned look and moved his finger out of her face. "Yeah, no. I like him too. I've just been waiting for Donnie to realise." She looked behind them at the dust cloud of green limbs, blue flashes, and purple explosions. "Though I get the feeling he hasn't fully admitted it to himself yet." "Nu-uh." "He is in deep denial." Raph nodded solemnly. "Idiot," she said fondly, then stood up and yelled, "Splinter is giving away free hugs!" The chaos immediately stopped and the twins' heads popped up from the cloud of dust. "Oh maaan, free hugs!?" "Fatherly affection?" And they sped off to find Splinter. Raph almost followed before Mikey placed a hand on his arm. "Oh Raphael... I'm afraid it is a ruse." "Yeah, it was just to get them to stop fighting." "A ruse... So father doesn't want to hug us?" The tears were back. April glanced at Mikey. "Nono, I'm sure he does!" she said quickly. "Why don't you go ask him yourself, hm?" He beamed and ran off. With a chuckle, April shook her head. "You should probably cash in on these hugs too. I'll be in Donnie's lab, let him know for me, will you?" "Will do!" He gave her a two fingered salute and was off. "Oh no, not another-" Splinter sighed as he was tackled once more. "What has gotten into you boys?" But he did smile, ever so slightly, and continued to hug them. When they pulled back, Leo nudged Donnie's arm. "See, I told you April wouldn't lie about hugs." "I never said she did! I just found it suspicious how she knew-" "Yo, Donnieee! April's waiting for you in your lab." "Thank you, Mikey-" "I think she wants to ask you out." Donnie reached his hands out in a strangling motion. "No, she does not! Why do you all think that? Why do you insist I have a crush on April?" "Because you do," Splinter muttered as he settled back down into his armchair. "Even I see it. And I am legally blind!" He laughed and hit the TV remote, shooing his sons away from in front of the projector. "This is ridiculous! I'm going to my lab," he stormed off then moments later popped his head back in. "And not because April is there! It's because I'm working!" The remaining brothers shook their heads. "Oh Donnie..." "He will get there," Splinter reassured them. "Now shush! I'm trying to listen to myself." There was a pause. "Sooo shall we follow him?" "You're the leader!" Mikey beamed, and so off they went, stopping just outside the lab and listening carefully. "Ah, true love~" "Shush, I'm trying to listen, Leo." Raph repositioned himself, bumping into the door as he did so. Eyes went wide and they held their positions. "We've been compromised..." Mikey muttered. "Nooo, we haven't, it's fiiiiine-" The door slid open. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" There was a scramble backwards and Leo pretended to look for something. "Ah, there my contact is." "You don't wear contacts." Donnie deadpanned. "And if you did..." He pointedly looked at some ooze as it dropped onto the floor. "You'd have a permanent case of pink eye." "Haha, they're red, thank you very much," he pointed to his stripes. Donnie sighed. "Look, I just want to be left alone for a while- and why are you all suddenly very tense?" He glanced behind him and jumped. April was looming in the door glaring down at the brothers. "I would like. To speak to Donnie. In private," she said through gritted teeth. "OoooOOoo-" "LEO." "Going, I'm going, we're going," he hastily started pushing Raph and Mikey away. "See, we're out of your hair!" Donnie slammed the door shut, extra security locks clamping shut one after the other. "There, now we won't be disturbed- whu-what are you doing?" "Getting reeeeeal close to your face, that's what." "Whhyyyyyy?" Usually he didn't mind her being in his space, but this was extreme. Even for April. "To see if you've realised yet..." He blushed and felt the sweat beads dripping down his face. "R-realised what?" She smiled and stepped back. "Nothing." "Phew. I mean uh, oh no?" He gulped. "A-anyway, what did you want to talk to me about?" "Oh I wanted to ask you out." There was a thump, then a hiss as the lab doors opened back up and April's head popped out. "Hey guys..." She called down the hall where she knew the turtles would be waiting, and sure enough they were. "Donnie passed out." Ever so slowly, Mikey passed Leo ten bucks, who then passed it to Raph. "SERIOUSLY?"
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splendidissimus · 1 year
Christmas 1999 - Hate Mail
((Content warning: fear (boggart), dead body))
Genre: whump
Romance level: some
Angst level: 3/5
Draco's headspace: terrified
((words: ~900))
While he waited, Draco started poking around the small pile of gifts that had been sent to the family, and were stacked in the hall on a table near the tree. Historically, it had always been his role to open them. He vaguely recalled declining it last year, but he was in a better place, mentally, this year, and it was a simple, familiar pleasure he indulged in. 
None of the gifts were anything special, really, just little social lubricants. A silver picture frame, a bottle of French wine, an invitation to a Quidditch exhibition…
There was a package of unwieldy enough weight he used his wand to levitate it instead of moving it, and it thumped intriguingly when it was jostled, making him wonder what was rolling around inside and who had been so poor at packing. It had no label, which only made the mystery more intriguing. 
He sliced the gold paper and began to lift the lid from the box, and then it moved itself, jerking out of his hands. Black smoke poured out of the box and down onto the floor, and then coalesced into a figure, a horrible white figure with red eyes draped in darkness, looming over him to fill the space. 
Draco scrambled backward with a scream he didn't recognise, tripped on nothing and fell, pushing himself away from Voldemort's reaching hand and cold laugh. His mind was just screaming emptily.
With the scream nearly right outside his study, Lucius was the first to respond. At the edge of the staircase he was able to see Draco across the room, cowering before Voldemort; he barely had time to comprehend the enormity of that and begin to reach for his wand when Voldemort whirled toward him, and then his face twisted. The Dark Lord morphed into a ghastly Dark Mark of shifting green smoke and sickly light that loomed above them, filling the high ceiling. He recoiled from the sight automatically.
Narcissa's steps quickened above him as they reached the stairs, with Nott's heavy ones following. "Draco!" She was only in time to see the Dark Mark hanging over Draco on the floor, and that must have been heart-wrenching. 
The Dark Mark fell to the floor and solidified into a blond corpse covered in blood; from a distance it wasn't clear if it was him or Draco, and maybe it didn't know itself or was a mix of both. She stopped and hissed in a breath.
He pointed his wand at the apparition. "Riddikulus." With the sound of a whip-crack, the corpse was dressed in a frilly pink nightgown, which at least made it less realistic. 
The boggart's attention turned toward him and it resumed the form of the Dark Mark again, but this time he was prepared for it. "Riddikulus," he cast again. The skull bit down and severed the snake's head, and started choking as the decapitated snake strangled it — not funny, necessarily, but at least satisfying. 
Nott barked out a laugh and came down the stairs. "Riddikulus." The altered Dark Mark turned pink and disappeared; the boggart focused on him and turned into Draco, not a corpse but clutching his chest and gasping for breath. When he cast the charm this time, dying Draco coughed out a Snitch and was fine, then transformed again.
There were too many of them for it now; it couldn't focus and flickered into unstable shapes, like Voldemort with a Dark Mark for a head (mildly unsettling), a giant looming Voldemort head (horrifying), a Dark Mark with Draco's face in place of a skull (horrifying), and for one brief glorious moment, Voldemort's bloody corpse. Nott was the only one who could actually laugh at it, and he was the one who drove it back into the box with Lucius and to a lesser extent Narcissa casting the charm to keep it off balance; Draco had regained his feet, but he never cast the spell. 
"That sucked," Nott said as he sealed up the box with probably more locking charms than strictly necessary. A paper fluttered away from the bottom of it, from underneath the wrapping paper, and he picked it up curiously, then glanced up at the rest of them. 
"What?" Lucius came to collect it, while Draco was insisting shortly to his mother that he was fine, 'just surprised', never mind that his hands were visibly shaking.
Nott handed the paper over, but also relayed what it said. "'Death Eaters, never forgiven'."
The room went quiet. Lucius narrowed his eyes and swiftly scanned the note, but that was all there was. "Take that outside," he instructed, flicking his wand toward the doors, and turned back toward his study. "I'll have the Ministry come for it." 
"Can you find out who's behind this?" Nott asked at large. He found Draco's wand rolled up against the bottom stair, and retrieved it in the ensuing silence.
Draco was the only one who answered, after he finished the Calming Draught his mother had the house elf bring him and accepted his wand back. "It doesn't matter." 
"It does matter. They can't just get away with doing something like this. What else are you supposed to do? Just take it?"
"You don't validate them with a reaction," Draco said flatly. "You don't sink to their level."
Not publicly, anyway. Lucius was going to find the responsible party.
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darkmatter-nebula · 7 months
Colli explores a swamp
Hello! Thank you for the request!
This takes place shortly before Eclipse Lake. Lilith and Colli are on a little adventure to explore a hidden swamp.
Drabble: The Mysterious Swamp
It was a very foggy day on the Boiling Isles as a certain small starboy with otherwordly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold, along with his Aunt Lilith, was exploring a mysterious swamp. This place was quiet... too quiet.
Colli's small body was trembling as he was floating next to Lilith. Lilith looked at her nephew with sympathy. The smart woman was ready to protect him at any cost! She took protectively Colli's small hand. "Thank you, Aunt Lily."
The kindhearted eternal little boy had a tiny smile on his adorable multi-colored face. "I'm going to keep you safe, Colli. No one is going to hurt you." Lilith said softly as she pulled him into a tight yet soft embrace. "I hope that no one hurts you either." Colli chimed in.
Out of a sudden, Colli and Lilith heard a loud growl. A giant turtle-esque creature showed up and immediately tried to attack Lilith. Colli didn't hesitate to protect her with a star-shaped barrier. "Please, just go away! We don't mean any harm!"
Colli's words were ignored by the monster as it charged at him. "STAY AWAY FROM MY NEPHEW, YOU UGLY JERK!" Lilith's love for Colli gave her the strength to land a critical hit as she smacked the creature as hard as she could.
The monster fell unconcious and was out cold on the ground. "Can we go home, Aunt Lily?" Colli asked. The immortal celestial boy was definitely still shaken. "Of course, Colli." Lilith whispered softly as Colli floated into her arms.
On their way home, Colli fell asleep in Lilith's arms. 'He may be immortal and nothing can kill him, but no one is allowed to harm a single hair on his head!' Lilith thought as she tightened the embrace. Thankfully, Colli wasn't trembling anymore.
The End
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wolfsetfree-if · 2 years
can we go against the grain and be a sort of stoic/strong omega? I love that sort of trope of a stoic but soft hearted giant. or even the jerk with a heart of gold trope
You can be more silent/stoic. You'll still be docile, but you can more reactive to certain situations
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hrodvitnon · 9 months
Hello again, back on my “what would x kaiju be like in Abraxasverse” bullshit, and I’ve got like, nearly half a dozen so I’m just gonna get right into it.
Ebirah: One of the few earth based kaiju with an extremely fast healing factor (to the point of being able to regrow entire claws within weeks/months), Ebirah is just, well, kind of a little shit. He’s long made the water surrounding Leichi Island his home, but he’s always desperate for a little more territory. While acknowledging Godzilla’s status as the king, he does his best to stay under the radar and try to gain more territory without alerting the “big players”. However, he is nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is, and he’s gotten himself into trouble with Godzilla more than once over his blatant territorial fuckery. He’s also one of the few people on Mothra’s permanent shit list for attempting to attack an island she had long ago called home. When push comes to shove, he’ll help defend earth from threats, but he’s always scheming in the background and he’s not exactly liked or trusted by the other Titans. Hes kind of a “starscream” archetype.
Kumonga: Queen of Solgell Island, Kumonga is ancient and perhaps amongst the crankiest of all the titans. She’s content with her small island home, even if she does somewhat get into conflict with Kamacuras and his brood. However, she’s not very pleasant to be around, basically being the equivalent of a nagging senior to the other titans, constantly complaining and insulting them. She has respect for Goji however, and is more than happy to help him when called upon. Also likes to mess with Ladon, so that he’ll “respect his elders”. Think, “jerk with a heart of gold”.
Kamacurus: a Titan which by pure dumb luck, managed to survive when most of his species died relatively young, as food for other titans. Due to this, he managed to grow much larger than others of his species tended to, and came, like Kumonga, to call Solgell Island his home. He is fairly content with his abode, aside from the occasional spat with Kumonga. However, he absolutely hates humans, and while usually pretty amiable to other titans, he will attempt to outright murder any humans he sees in his territory, leading to conflicts with other titans such as Ladon and Goji. Recently, he’s discovered a small nest of eggs that seem to be others of his kind. He will protect them with his life.
Oodako: “The scavenger” Titan of the sea, Oodako isn’t one to normally engage with other Titans, preferring to sift through what remains after a battle or attack human settlements in remote areas with no fellow Titan presence. Unlike other titans who have more positive or negative ideas about humans, Oodako is indifferent, simply seeing them as a particularly tasty form of sustenance at best. He does his best to avoid the likes of Goji, but did accidentally make an enemy of Kong when he mistakenly wondered into Skull Island’s shores and attempted to devour an Iwi camp. He also has begun to form a rivalry of sorts with Baragon, after thinking the young Titan dead and attempting to devour her. He’s basically a giant coward who knows he’s out of his league and does his best to stay under the radar.
Megaguirus: Queen of the Megnula swarm, she is the ancient enemy of Rodan’s species, much in the same way the MUTO’s were to Godzilla. Cruel, vicious, and utterly deranged, she is a complete and utter wild card in Earth’s Titan ecosystem. She often prefers to have her subjects do most of the “dirty work” for her, with her staying in their hive and only coming out when a particularly appealing opponent presents themselves. Her and Rodan bitterly hate eachother, with her attack on their home being what led to his parents demise centuries ago. While most of Earth’s titans will at the very least reluctantly follow Godzilla and Mothra when push comes to shove, Megaguirus only allegiance is to herself and her brood.
Hope this wasn’t too much rambling, just some thoughts I’ve had and thought I’d share. Hope you’re doing well and having a good 2024 so far!
No worries, these headcanons are fun, and happy 2024! I like the idea that some Titans are just Little Shits, it helps them stand out; plus Rodan and Megaguirus being foes is a neat spin – not everyone can have a grudge match with Godzilla.
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