#big hero six spoilers
deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
Dead Guy Death Match Round 4 Poll: 7
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lotusmuses · 2 years
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they're honorary siblings your honor
update: if i see that you ship them romantically, i'm blocking you.
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writebackatya · 9 months
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Was looking through that Once Upon a Studio photo again and this section made me go, “Hey where’s- oh yeah, he’s dead.”
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ghostpebble · 2 months
chapter one is done
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I need a scene post-Strikers where the Phantom Thieves are in a car chase and Makoto's at the wheel but she keeps obeying all the traffic laws so Akira screams to let Haru drive. Haru's like "me? but why me? i don't know if i'm up for this--" but Makoto willingly gives up the wheel and everyone physically shoves her into the driver's seat and Haru's puzzled expression turns dangerous. She laughs under her breath, says something foreboding, and slams on the gas as the Thieves scream in both terror and exhilaration, and they're finally able to lose their tail.
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sorryiwasasleep · 2 years
Them chanting “Little Hero Six!” at the end of episode 6 of Baymax! was so precious
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irlwakko · 2 years
so have we decided on a ship name for mbita and yukio yet
i nominate “yukita” but I really wanna see if anyone can come up with any cute apple/fish puns
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ilivelikeimtrying · 2 years
I watched the Baymax series yesterday finally, and the Cass episode is the one I was most excited for and it did not disappoint.
Since the movie, I always wondered about Cass, since her feelings and emotions were barely ever talked about (either that or I've just never seen anyone talk about her) and when I heard about the series and this episode I was excited to see this side of her character, and it did not disappoint.
The line: "I promised to take care of this family" honestly hit hard, because this brings back a little more on the movie too, because she must've made that promise when she lost her sister and brother-in-law, and than, her nephew died only a few month or so (or a year maybe?) prior to that moment.
From my point of view, the line didn't just point to her worry about the Café and her customers, or her worry about financial stability, but to the fact that she had made a promise, and must've felt like she broke it/ couldn't keep it when she lost Tadashi (which must've hit her hard, not in the same way as Hiro, of course, but I'm inclined to say just as hard, because she raised these boys, c'mon), and than started pushing herself even harder for Hiro (and Baymax).
Seeing the kindness you have shown to others be returned in kind is one of the most emotional and beautiful things, and her customers being patient with Baymax so they could make sure she would get better was such a touching moment.
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drkineildwicks · 3 months
An update on the sequel to (Not So) Hated by Life Itself:
We have matched the halfway mark on the original fic
This does not mean this one is halfway done because oof this feels beefier
Mostly because I'm basically tying two separate seasons together
Because in breaking Season 2 down it's...definitely two separate seasons with separate themes outlined by their 'season finales'
It's just that the guys working on it had to smoosh them together, probably because they sensed the writing on the wall and the executive axe coming for their heads
Saying that, it's slowly coming along and I do have maybe three episodes fully written out
And a smattering across a good chunk of the rest of them at 267 pages currently we're not doing too badly
Some episodes and story lines from the show got axed because of events in (Not So) Hated by Life Itself
Examples being Globby and High Voltage being absent, since Globby never stole the chem purse and High Voltage got their redemption arc earlier
Also Sparkle got away in his debut episode but since he didn't....
"The Present" is going to be a separate special and a couple of the episodes after that got ported to this AU's season 3 since...*looks at actual season 3* yeah we're not doing that
Did manage to get the Mad Jacks into the AU though so that makes me happy
And in doing so and ironing out some plot threads (and taking notes so I don't forget) some earlier stuff got axed so...enjoy some deleted scenes :)
They went to the railing, looked down at the roiling water as the gold sank to the bottom of the bay. “Think anyone will notice?” Hiro asked. “Seriously?” Sparkles demanded, rounding on them.  “All that hard work to steal that gold and you just HYUWAA!” Hiro watched as Obake used one of the Doc Ock tentacles to slam Sparkles into the wall, dribble and bash him a few times before flinging him into the bay—turned to look at him.  “Seriously?” “I’ll take a moment to remind you he kidnapped Mochi with the intent to launch him into deep space,” Obake said, leaning on the railing to address him as he reeled the tentacle back in.
And also:
“Are we sure Sparkle is going to try again?” “We don’t know that he doesn’t have help.” “We do know he has help,” Obake said.  “Someone like that doesn’t have the brains to do this sort of thing by himself.”
Like I said, tying everything together and ironing out the plot threads ended up with some early stuff getting rewritten (pretty sure I started pecking at the sequel while working on (Not So) Hated by Life Itself, honestly)
(read said fic of (Not So) Hated by Life Itself) now on FFN and AO3)
Okay back to my radio silence bye
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merpancake · 2 years
Anyone else still sobbing over Kiko shoving Baymax and Sofia into the vent, closing it, and throwing herself on top of it to try and shield them when the building was going to be demo'd? No? Just me? Ok then
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fraac04 · 2 years
I wanted to talk about the miniseries baymax! too because I LOVED IT (disclaimer: my English it'll be maaybe a little bit broken sorry)
first of all I literally cried since the first short, I was really touched when kiko told baymax about her dead husband and the first thing that came to my mind was "now baymax knows how to help the duel of losing someone important because of hiro"
second of all: the short Sofía, YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE THAT SHORT, for me, a trans man, this short means a lot for me, and not just because of the trans representation but because of how they touched the first period, it was so wholesome that I literally cried AND THEN I cried MORE because of hiro in the post credits my God that kid loves that robot and so I love them both
AND DONT MAKE ME START WITH THE 6TH SHORT I missed hiro so much he's literally one of my comfort characters of all time and this short just made my little heart happy, when he was so nervous talking to kiko about baymax and then him hitting (edit: I meant tapping! TT) anxiously the window when they were searching for baymax just reminded me why I loved that character so much
I have a lot more to say about baymax! but my broken English don't let me express how I want so yeah! If you haven't seen baymax yet and you love bh6 you'll love this mini series! even tho there's no heros or the original gang present :( I hope this series goes well so we can see more of this characters!!
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
Dead Guy Death Match Round 3 Poll: 13
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lotusmuses · 2 years
you guys mentioned crying in the sofia and baymax episodes? i was crying during the kiko episode when it addressed her dead husband 😭 like the grief mentions again??? dealing with therapy and grief was baymax's first job for hiro. and i just think tadashi would be so proud since he designed him to be comforting. also you can't convince me that tadashi has never helped that lady before he died, i mean she literally lives across from the hamadas
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rocksandrobots · 2 years
Be free RB, tell me something <3
Varian's first real boyfriend will be Dae from 4 2 Sing.
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thedragonemperess · 2 years
What did Fall Out Boy put in Immortals that made it so fucking addicting
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caffeinewitchcraft · 1 month
Everything I've Ever Written (on Tumblr)
I have been writing online since 2016. As a result, I have quite the few short stories listed below! They're all from different parts in my writing journey and I hope you enjoy.
If you'd like to read what I currently put out, please consider supporting me on Patreon (X)
Cinderella Doesn't Believe in Fairy Tales
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Part 4 / Part 5 /Part 6
Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Destiny Universe
You Are the Demon King
The Hero and Hope (part 1) (part 2)
Being Villagers
Heroes and Villains
Therapist for Villains
Juniper and Discus
Self Destruct Villain (flash fiction)
Dandelion (A Villain Story)
You Help Kill Heroes
You are the Shark Hero
Mist into a Tempest
The Civilian and the Reluctant Hero
No Heroes Here
The Spoiler (humor, flash fiction)
You are Legacy
Hero in Title
Dark Lord's Former Coworker
One Minute
The Fae:
You Become Powerful
Your Friend Takes Your Name
Larkin and Yvette
Debt Must Be Repaid (humor flash fiction)
Going to the Hill
The Fae are Free
When They Don't Know (submitted to elsewhereuniversity)
The Chosen One
The Chosen One's Parents
Fate and Mercy and Dead Girls
Amulet to Save Her
Hero's Apprentice (Flash fiction)
The Aftermath of the Chosen One
Wizards Stole My Brother
You are the Chosen One's Knight
The Chosen One is a History Major
You are the Most Powerful Magic User
Time Restarts and She Remembers
Better the Witch than the Kid
It Was in a Name
The Good Witch of Hawthorne
Berthe the Green Witch
Cursed Mold (flash fiction)
Love isn't Enough
I Can't Believe it's not Proper Adjudication
Devil Deals
The Devil You Know
The Ritual
They Summoned Her on Halloween (flash fiction)
Fairytale Retellings
Ariel and Ursula (age appropriate)
The Gods
Zeus' Son
Faith in Technology
Six Red Bulls and Persistence
The Sound of Silence
Emmaline and the Apartment
Humans are Vengeful
Humans Know War (that's why we have diplomacy)
Criminals Forced to Live on as AI (flash fiction)
Misc Fantasy
Wind-Speaker and Her Wife
You Will Become
The Sirens and Leona (flash fiction)
Eldritch Princess (flash fiction)
Princess Maria and the Dragon
Princess Maria is Kidnapped
Immortals are Afraid of Change
Fiona the Dragon
A Violently Won War
Meta Stories
An Abstract Concept
Narrative Town
Narrative Town: Uncle Ralph
Princess Phaedra Breaks
You are a Horror Movie Villain
Ghost Stories
Malevolent Spirits
Your House is Haunted by an Anime Pillow
Don't Open the Door
Grandma's House
Who Is? (flash fiction)
A Face (flash fiction)
You Choose Your Fate in Hell
Time Paradox (flash fiction)
You are an Assassin
Multiple Dimension Serial Killer (flash fiction)
An Exercise in Mary Sue
She Comes Back from the Hospital (tw eating disorder)
Roses and Evil (mental health flash fiction)
Big Brother
A Conversation About Anger
Punching Depression
Two Sides (flash fiction)
Immortal Serial Killer in Prison
Theater Romance (flash fiction)
The Lady and the Knight (flash fiction)
Different (flash fiction)
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