Hello! Sorry to pop in very randomly, but I saw you saying in the tags on some post that you had a powerpoint on gwyneth paltrow goop and feminism and now i am DEEPLY intrigued, would you mind sharing if you still have it? No worries if not! Have a good day :)
God I wish I still had the PowerPoint. I was genuinely so proud of it because I was like, I'm gonna format this as if I'm actually giving a presentation for uni so it had actual references and everything.
I don't remember too much of it because it was Quite A While Back, but I remember I split it up into different areas of life that feminism often addresses like education, the workplace and home life.
Iirc, I got the inspiration for it being goop and feminism from looking at the vibrators they sell on their website. I was already set on doing a goop PowerPoint, but it was the way the vibrators are named that gave me the idea. Case in point:
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The idea behind including these was that Gwyneth Paltrow was selling women the ability to be whatever they want and pursue any career that they wanted to no matter what such as an artist or a ballerina or a billionaire or a firefighter or a tennis player or French.
And that's about all I can remember from it besides me throwing either Gwyneth or goop into "gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss" all throughout. I think I ended on "Gwyneth, girlboss, guillotine."
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lfcrobbo · 8 months
Also! Can we see Clara please? 🤩
of COURSE you can see klara!!!! my mum sent me this pic a few weeks ago.... silly weird lovely cat🥰
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vetteldixon · 1 month
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Jay i hand to god went to check the actual news im 😭🤡
SKFKFKFK i’m sorry for accidentally spreading misinformation via what i thought wasn’t a particularly obscure beatles lyric
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princemick-archive · 2 years
Hi! Would you mind directing me to the original post with the gif from here: https://at.tumblr.com/jetskisonthemoat/i-thought-you-said-nando-being-horners-hole/4tk9c1skosqf ? Its hilarious i want to reblog it but i cant find it on your blog :(
lol yeah no worries here ya are.
and see AG THATS why u credit gif makers. smh @jetskisonthemoat so disrespectful fr
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meova101 · 28 days
Hiii it's good to see you 💜 hqve a wonderful day
It's good to see you too 🧡 hope all our blorbos do well today 🕯️
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antimonyandthyme · 2 years
Athy you have to watch mamma mia one day🥺 it is very delightful movie and imagine seb as single mom with strong willed child who has a greek wedding (part of plot, the child invited three old flares from seb's youth) and no one know who is child's dad. all it with abba songs on top :3
but do you want another au? okay, what about your pacific rim au, martian one?🥺
🌻 anon
sweet sweet sunflower anon @rosyjuly and @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm have promised a sleepover where they sing and i don't so i will watch it one day. @bigbluelemon thinks that seb should be in a foursome in this au
will you denounce me if i say i do not enjoy abba? uh oh uh oh uh oh! ANYWAY here's some martian pacific rim au hcs! under the cut because it got long because i will talk about giant robots at length
Firstly, they do NOT get along at the start. Obv obv. Here comes this prodigy jaeger trainee hotshot and he thinks he knows everything and Mark just wants to strangle him because he's cocky and sometimes bats his eyelashes at Mark and Mark can't tell if Seb's mocking him or flirting with him. What Seb makes up for in lack of physical strength he makes up for in pure speed and on the training mats he's a menace and very unashamed about it. Jenson nudges Mark and goes, hey, hey, think you can take him? Mark scoffs in bravado, like duh. Staff whipping toward Seb he stops just short of clocking Seb in the head and Seb stops just shy of jabbing the pointed end of his staff into Mark's belly and they both go, aw shit.
Their first neural handshake goes poorly. Their minds are very closed off from each other, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. There's a portion of good pilot pairups that manage to keep their minds from drifting even while drifting, and they get the job done. But with Mark and Seb there's a lot of friction in that Mark says go left here and Seb will be like no, go right, and they're so non-communicative inside the robot that they don't actually know why the other wants to do what. They just think the other isn't listening. They step out of the first sync test absolutely loathing it. Mark mouths off to the superiors and says they can go find someone else to pilot with their golden boy and Seb fumes when he hears it because there is no one else. There is no one else who's drift compatible. Oops. Mark doesn't know this.
There's a Kaiju attack that no one saw coming off the coast of Melbourne and fuck, fuck. No one's prepared. Mark's mouth goes dry. That's his home. I'll pilot, he tells the PPDC bosses in desperation. You'll need a partner, they tell him. I'll do it, Seb says, and Mark thinks he might not hate the kid after all.
Their Jaeger is unwieldy and awkward and they're struggling, when Mark realizes that Seb is shaking next to him. Seb is... scared. Kid, Mark hisses, get your head in the game. They barely avoid a swipe of a leathered tail in their direction. For a span of time it's like Mark's trying to pilot the Jaeger by himself, and it pulls brutally at his mind and saps the strength from his limbs. Kid, he tries again. Sebastian. Please. I need you to back me up here.
There's a shift in their neural link and something opens up and Mark feels it, Seb's fear and I'm sorry for being so cocky when I didn't know shit and Mark's like, I don't care about that now. Are we doing this together? You with me?
Seb nods. I'm with you.
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racingliners · 9 months
hello and lots of writing questions right back at you...! 2, 6, 18, 22, 27 & 29 <3
*rubs hands together* yeah let's go off about shit!
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
Yes, I absolutely do. Mainly because I write stuff that I want to read, so I will 100% go back to chapters or works when enough time has past that I can actually enjoy reading it without thinking about grammar or pacing or anything like that (keeping the editing hat off is difficult though, has to be said).
And while undertaking The Great LITFL Re-Write Project, I've been reading that back through as I work on each chapter just to make sure there's enough of a connection between the two works.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Again, yes! Some more then others due to recency bias and the fact I have so many bookmarks and my autism brain means I have the 'out of sight, out of mind' problem where I just forget about stuff. What I re-read can depend on what mood I'm in, or if something just wafts into my head out of the blue and then I instantly have to pull it up and read it to satisfy the itch.
My recent favourite re-reads are 'tomorrow is a place' which is quite possibly my absolute favourite Star Trek Picard fic, 'Solar Flare' by Tianvette - a truly fantastic work but 100% read through the tags before reading, 'Elevator' by BigBlueLemon which was recced to me and I'm so glad because I enjoy reading it every single time (it's just! so! soft!!!!!!), and 'Saltwater and Gasoline' by Kaytheologie for Reasons™️
18. What’s one of your favourite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Going for a deep dive into my archive and pick this from 'Where You Go, I Follow', because it comes back into my head now and again a very surprising amount (and I'm always on my Team Seb bullshit)
“Oh by the way, Seb finally asked me to prom!” As Antti grinned at his colleague, Sebastian strongly contemplated kicking Antti under the table while Britta just laughed.
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
I like to have a rough idea in my mind, since I can get quite easily overwhelmed, especially by a big multi-chapter project. Sometimes I'll come up with the ending first (like the parallels in 'I'll Be Okay, Someday' which also acts as the motivation to write. But for longer works I'll have everything laid out in my chapter outline doc, and go from there.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
my ongoing re-write of Life In The Fast Lane, because it had been so long since I'd written and finished the rpf version and I wasn't sure how people would take to the re-write being an original work (and while feedback has been about as minimal as expected, what I have had back has been really lovely!)
I was pretty nervous about posting I'll Be Okay, Someday as well because I hadn't written f1 rpf in years, hence why it's still listed as Anonymous 😅
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Diving back into LITFL for this one! This snippet was written before I'd swapped Spa out for Istanbul on my season calendar (mainly due to somewhat recent events I just found it too difficult a prospect for me to write about races at Spa, hence the switch).
I edited this snippet to make it fit for the Turkey 2023 chapter, but here it is in it's original form.
It was the kind of wind that chilled you right to the bone no matter how many layers of clothing you wore. Yet Vanessa, Sophie and her engineers tried their best to brace themselves against the erratic gusts as they exited the pitlane and approached Eau Rouge. Even now, in what was Sophie’s umpteenth visit to the track, the sight of it still filled her with awe. “Now, oh sh-” Chris went to speak, but ended up pulling his team branded beanie hat further down his head with one hand, with the other trying to keep his notebook shut as he was hit by another icy cold gust. “I know you were here last year in F2. But, you’re still going to notice a huge difference in the amount of horsepower you’ll have going up here” Chris glanced at Eau Rouge, then looked right into Sophie’s eyes. “I know you’ll want to be a bonkers racing driver and go up here full throttle. But if you do, you’ll crash. So please take it easy for your first few laps in practice tomorrow, okay?” Despite the sternness in Chris’ voice, Sophie knew by now that it had nothing to do with her race engineer’s trust that she was able to do her job properly. It came from the unspoken part of Chris’ job description, the part where he had a sizeable chunk of responsibility to keep his driver safe. “I will try especially hard to be careful tomorrow. I promise” Chris huffed and affectionately rolled his eyes before he stuffed his hands in his coat pockets, hunched his shoulders almost all the way up to his ears, and continued on walking up Eau Rouge and Radillon with his already chilled colleagues. They had some shelter thanks to the colossal pine trees that ran alongside the Kemmel straight, but the rest of the track walk left everyone once again exposed to the frozen gusts of wind. At least, they all knew each other well enough by now to not bother hiding how cold they all were. “I texted Richard, he’ll have teas and coffees waiting for us when we get back” At that, Vanessa suddenly became everyone’s favourite Hintsa employee as they neared the Bus Stop chicane at the end of the lap.
fan fic writers asks
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forineffablereasons · 5 years
Hello! I'm in love with your idea of Aziraphale having a food blog and Crowley messing with his subscribers by sticking his hands into frame every now and then and would like to write a fic about it. Can I (with all the credits given)?
sure! credit in the fic and send me an ask when you post it so i can read it!! thanks for asking!!
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sebchalsecretsanta · 3 years
Hi! Is there any way to make sure my sign-up got through to you? Tumblr has been funky lately, I'm worried it could've munched it up along the way 😅
Hey! 🥰
Omg Tumblr noooo! That’s totally understandable. But no worries, we got your sign-up! Thank you for sending it in 🙏🏻🎄
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lfcrobbo · 8 months
I have chickened out of semi public crush talk, sorry :( come look at einstein doing jack shit instead
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also yes i do indead have sweats with a print of his face we are Like That
totally get you!! if you still wanna gush feel free to slide into my dms i will be all ears hehe🤫
omg HELLOOOOO EINSTEIN I LOVE YOU EINSTEIN!!!!!! he's so fluffy i wanna smooch him😭🥰😚😚😚😚
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warriorbarnes · 2 years
@thundercrack tagged me to post one song and NINE photos from my camera roll!! believe me when i say it was a struggle to not just go w nine different pics of klara
song (that i have been obsessed w for the past month):
and pics (mostly klara, but some vacay/nature pics for variety):
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i tag @willasferreyra @krysten-knitter @littlepetbee and @bigbluelemon and anyone else who wants to do it (no pressure obviously!!)
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estiebestieban · 2 years
Im kind of playing the reverse uno card on you here lmao but i feel like being Original isnt worth missing out on the content, so PLEASE "hand(s)" and "smile(s)" for the wip game 🙏 (your writing is heartbreaking when you aim for angsty and adorable when you aim for comfy and i just go 🥺🥺🥺 every damn time ty you are a gem)
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receiving this ask gave me the biggest hearteyes !    you know i’m the biggest fan of your writing so this is me, tossing the love right back at you.
anyway, here we go !
Perhaps he had asked too much, tried to build the tower of Babel with his own callused hands, believing faith not to be cruel. Believing that they could stand the test of time and fleeting youth. 
but also this one - from the same fic (because it’s got me really emotional, okay) 
Pierre gets promoted for the following season, and Esteban is left permanently in the dust. A driver without a seat is nothing more than a ghost, a reminder of what once was. He is well aware that he does not come with the funds, does not have a father who spills money like prayers around the paddock. His own father puts his hand on his shoulder, while his mother makes his favourite dish on the evening his final chance of a seat falls through. In the absence of a followed dream, he truly is rich.
There’s a picture still kept behind glass at his parent’s place, near the back of a collection which feels like a shrine. Two kids clad in red, an arm around Pierre’s shoulder, bucktooth smile and not a care in the world. Neither one of them knew how bitter it would all become back in the endless vastness of childhood. Mother keeps it there, undisturbed, as if she still cradles some hope within her chest.
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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section-69 · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me @ofhouseadama !
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
- Vent about bleeding walls
- Probably a precursor to lizard porn tbh
- Late Night Chats
- Stuck In The Wormhole
- Julian suffers (Sorry Julian)
- Refuse / Produce
- The Alien x2
- If She Had Lived
- Dukat Egg Fic (not that kind of egg fic)
Okay I Think that's all of them. I keep my uni work, fanfic, and original writing in the same folder so this is everything that isn't an essay lol. Feel free to ask about any - you'll either get DS9 ramblings or general writer ramblings, but it's an insight into my brain either way lol.
Tagging: @aseaofhoney @tirlaeyn @autumnleafauthor @talvenhenki @lorenzobane @nostalgia-tblr @rikerxworf @ezrisdax @bigbluelemon @stopthatbluecat
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hungriestheidi · 6 months
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GOOSE I AM IN TEARS youre an icon
Sadly didn't acquire a man but FOOD I DID. SANDWICH TIME BABY.
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sebchalsecretsanta · 3 years
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Masterlist Sebchal Secret Santa ‘21
Now that all of the gifts are in and have had some time to sink in, we think it’s time for a final masterlist to round off the season! Feel free to read everyone’s offerings, leave some love if you’re so inclined, and we’d like to thank you all for making this Sebchal Secret Santa a truly memorable experience and a great first exchange for us! 🥰🎄🎀
the sweet fruits of waiting for @bigbluelemon
futile devices for @sebchalex
Catch Your Devils On the Tip of Your Tongue for @that-was-a-lie
one ray of light for @getrare
green gloves for @juncosracing
time and again for @streetlightsky
it is a cruel business, to love for @serendipitous-starlight
december makes me quiet for @badboy-george
Ground Rules for @wdcseb
Feel My Bones Ignite for @tetrapod7
Untitled for @meova101
Untitled for @leqclerc
That’s why we’re making headlines for @saintlysebchal
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lfcrobbo · 9 months
U r green sparklccc 🍀✨️
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lemon🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank u love u MWAH!
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