#bill smithback
billsmithbackjr · 2 years
feel like absolute shit just want bill smithback back 😔
21 notes · View notes
nikki-writes-stuff · 5 years
Beauty In the Blood - Part Two
Summary: One day your friend convinces you to join a dating website that matches people based on their search histories, and when you match with Loki Odinson, a handsome, intelligent coroner who’s a fan of your murder mysteries, you’re absolutely thrilled. But there’s something off about Loki, and as your relationship progresses, you discover that his dark side is even darker than you could ever have imagined…
Pairing: Serial Killer!Loki x Writer!Reader
Read part one here!
Read part three here! 
A/N: This story is based off of this post! I hope you guys enjoy; this is my first time writing Loki, and this will probably be the darkest thing I’ve ever written. Please let me know what you think as the story progresses!
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Warning: This story contains graphic descriptions of death! This chapter also has mentions of smut in it, so read at your own risk! And, above all else, enjoy!
Your bottom lip was bright red from how ferociously you’d been chewing on it. The menu in your hands was crumpled from where you’d been gripping it, and your thigh was starting to feel sore from how fast your knee was bouncing under the table.
Another glance at your phone revealed the time to be 12:14, and your heart fluttered with a fresh wave of anxiety; you and Loki had agreed to meet at noon, and he didn’t seem like the type to be late. What if your first date with him hadn’t gone as well as you’d hoped? What if you were going to be sitting here, alone, for the next hour or so, waiting for a date who had no intention of showing up? What if-
Your musings were drowned out by a flood of relief when you saw the man in question walk through the bistro’s doors, and immediately you chided yourself on being so paranoid. His crystalline eyes scanned the small restaurant until they finally fell on you, and his face lit up when your gazes met.
Your heart squeezed as he started walking towards you, and you slowly scanned him up and down as he made his way to your table. Today, he was dressed in charcoal grey trousers with a light green shirt tucked into them, and though you knew it was silly, you couldn’t help but grin when you saw the briefcase he was holding. How professional.
“I am,” he huffed, sitting down across from you, “so sorry for being late. The police strolled in today ten minutes before my break with a body they’d dredged up from the Hudson this morning.”
“Just another day at the office, then?” you joked, and he chuckled under his breath.
“When you’re in my line of work, yes.”
“Well, it’s ok. You could’ve called to cancel if your work needed your attention-“
“No,” he shook his head resolutely. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since the café. Nothing was going to make me miss this.”
Your cheeks felt even hotter, and you tried to hide your enormous smile behind your menu. A cold hand wrapped around one of your wrists, and you glanced up as Loki pulled your hand to rest in his on the tabletop. You shared a small, almost shy, smile with him before your waiter approached.
“Good afternoon,” he greeted the two of you. “My name is John; I’ll be taking care of you guys today. May I start out with your drink orders?”
After you’d placed your order of iced tea and Loki had requested a water with lemon, you sat your menu down and turned to him.
“So… How have the past three days been for you?” you asked, and Loki’s eyes flicked up from the menu as he answered.
“Busy. But not unmanageable; the police have been particularly obnoxious this week, but then again, New York’s finest have always been a pain in the arse.”
You chuckled and took a sip of your tea.
“Well… I’m sorry they’ve been giving you a hard time.”
“It’s fine; after all, that’s what they do best.” Having apparently decided on what he’d have for lunch, your date set his menu on top of yours and squeezed your hand. “How about you, though? Any new projects you’ve been working on?”
“Maybe,” you hummed. “I actually just sent the second draft of my latest novel to my publisher, so hopefully it’ll be on shelves in a few months’ time.”
Loki’s eyes lit up, and he leaned forward on his elbow.
“Oh? What is it about?”
You laughed at the eager look on his face and quirked an eyebrow.
“You don’t really want me to spoil it for you, do you?”
“Spoil it? No, but just a brief summary of the plot would be enough to satisfy your most dedicated reader. For now, at least.”
You pretended to think for it a moment, biting your lip and tilting your head to the side.
“Hm… I don’t know…”
Turning back toward Loki, you watched as he lifted the back of your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles as he winked at you.
“Please?” he asked, his voice just a note huskier than it had been a moment ago. “I can think of a few ways I could repay you…”
You swallowed, the cadence and timber of his voice going straight to your core, and you clenched your thighs at the implication of his words.
“Wh-what do you have in mind?” you stammered, and Loki gave you a knowing smirk.
“The only way to find out is if you tell me what I want to know,” he murmured.
Before you could say anything else, though, your waiter arrived with your drinks, and Loki’s eyes didn’t stray from you for even a moment, not even while he placed his order. You hoped the waiter hadn’t overheard your conversation as he walked up, and you stuttered your way through asking for the lunch special.
Once he was walking away, Loki’s smile stretched into a full-on, mischievous grin.
“I believe you had something you wanted to tell me, love?”
You blinked a few times and cleared your throat.
“Ah, yes. So,” you started, “the title I finally settled on is Cracked Glass, and it’s about two detectives who are partners – their names are Smithback and Charles. And the premise of the story is that one of them is a serial killer who keeps dropping bodies all over Chicago, but you don’t know which one is the killer until the very end. I’m actually pretty excited about it! My editor said that it’s her favorite of my works to date.”
Loki grinned, setting his chin in his palm while tracing your knuckles with the thumb of his other hand.
“That sounds incredibly intriguing, my dear,” he praised. “I’m guessing that there’s a plot twist of epic proportions at the end?”
“Well, I don’t like to brag, but…” You trailed off with a laugh, shrugging. “I just hope people like it. Especially my ‘most dedicated reader’.”
“I know that I’ll adore it, just as I have all your other works,” he assured you.
After that, the two of you made small talk until your food came. You found out that Loki’s favorite color was green, that he had a black cat named Lovecraft, and that his brother was planning a trip to New York to come visit him.
“We decided on May,” Loki informed you, “which gives me two months to prepare myself mentally for the onslaught that is Thor Odinson.”
“I’m sure he’s not that bad,” you chuckled, and Loki gave you a skeptical look.
“My brother once ate two entire rotisserie chickens in one setting while singing ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ drunkenly with his group of Neanderthalic friends,” he deadpanned. “We were twenty-eight at the time, and he’d consumed… I want to get the number right; I think it was twelve Jaeger Bombs.”
You almost choked on your tea from laughing so hard, and the smile he gave you was so genuine, so full of affection, that it made your heart swell almost painfully in your chest.
After finishing your meal, Loki insisted on paying the bill, and the two of you walked out of the bistro arm in arm. It was a beautiful, albeit cold, day in Manhattan. The sun was shining; the birds were singing; a saxophone player could be heard performing on a nearby street corner.
“It’s days like this that make me fall in love with New York,” you sighed, tilting your head back as the wind whipped through your hair.
Loki’s eyes followed the curve of your neck as you tilted your head towards the sky, and he licked his lips as he imagined wrapping his hand around it. He wouldn’t do any permanent damage, of course; he would sooner destroy a stained glass window than take the life of the woman he was already madly in love with. But his cock twitched at the thought of you walking around with bruises he’d painted across your body, starting with that elegant neck…
He cleared his throat, snapping out of his reverie as you raised your eyebrow expectantly at him.
“I’m sorry, darling, did you say something?” he asked distractedly, and you chuckled before repeating yourself.
“I asked when you have to be back to work,” you said, and Loki glanced down at his watch.
“In about twenty minutes,” he sighed. “But the hospital is only a fifteen minute walk away.”
You hesitated, debating whether or not to ask the question that had popped into your head. You didn’t want to seem desperate, but at the same time, you didn’t want your date with Loki to end just yet.
“Would it be ok if I, um…walked with you to the hospital? If it’s ok,” you quickly added. “If you would rather have the time to yourself, then I can head home. It’s just-“
You were cut off by Loki’s lips as they pressed against yours, and you smiled as you sunk into the kiss, resting your hands on his chest as he nipped lightly at your bottom lip.
“Of course you can,” he whispered, running one of his hands through your hair. “I would leave work early, if I could, to spend the rest of the day with you.”
You grinned and stood up on your tiptoes to peck his lips again, warmth blooming within you.
Reaching down, you laced your fingers through his as he started off in the direction of the hospital, and the walk was mostly silent as you took in the sights and sounds of the city around you. People were milling about busily, oblivious to you as you watched them. Loki, for his part, was too focused on how warm your hand felt in his and how good your hair smelled when the breeze carried its scent in his direction. This was only his second date with you, but you were already driving him mad; he’d never desired another person this way before. All of his previous attractions had been fleeting and superficial, but your mind drew him in like a moth to flame.
Before either of you knew it, the Bellevue Hospital Center was rising before you, a monolith of brick and glass, and you couldn’t help but feel intimidated by it. After all, it was one of the oldest hospitals in the city; Loki must have been fantastic at his job to be able to work in such a prestigious establishment.
“This is the office,” he joked, leading you in past the front doors.
You weren’t able to form a response as you stepped into the modern entry hall of the hospital. Curved walkways lay overhead, and the walls and ceiling were mostly made of glass. People were milling about everywhere, not sparing the two of you a single glance as they went about their business.
Loki chuckled at your wonder, stopping next to a set of elevators as he rummaged through his pocket. You glanced down to see him pull out an ID card with his name, picture, and the words ‘Medical Examiner’ in bold font on it.
“I’ve never been to such a fancy looking hospital,” you admitted.
“After a while, it gets old,” he admitted, glancing around with an unimpressed look on his face. “It’s big and expensive, yes, but it nearly takes me twenty minutes just to walk from my office to the cafeteria.”
The two of you shared a laugh, oblivious to the detectives who had paused too look at you. Natasha turned to Steve, both of them shocked at seeing Loki actually laughing with someone. Not just someone – a pretty young woman who was currently holding his hand.
“I…don’t think I’ve ever seen him genuinely smile,” Rogers mused, and Natasha quirked an eyebrow, and unreadable expression on her face.
“Neither have I…”
They watched as you leaned up to press a kiss to Loki’s cheek, and something in Natasha stirred at the sight, something that hinted at feelings she’d never even considered having towards Dr. Odinson.
“I’ll text you tonight,” Loki said, oblivious to the officers staring at him from across the room. “Maybe we can do something this weekend? After all, I still need to repay you for letting me in on what your new masterpiece is about.”
Your cheeks heated up, and you playfully rolled your eyes.
“I definitely wouldn’t call it a masterpiece,” you insisted humbly.
“Mm, we’ll agree to disagree on that, love.”
You made to pull away, but Loki’s grip on you tightened, making you turn back to him curiously.
“Before you leave,” he murmured, “can I ask you another morbid question?”
“Of course,” you laughed. “I’m always up for one of those.”
Loki’s thumb traced your knuckles as he spoke to you in a hushed tone.
“Last time, you told me how you’d kill someone out of necessity,” he said, a twinkle of mischief alight in his eyes. “Tell me how you would kill someone who deserves to die. Maybe someone who’d done bad things to innocent people.”
You chuckled at the sincerity of the question; if it was anybody else, you’d be worried. But this was Loki; he had a morbid career just like you, and you knew better than to put any thought into his question.
“Is this going to become a game between us?” you giggled. “Exchanging ideas for murder?”
Loki snickered at the question.
“It can be, if you’d permit it.”
“Oh, I’m always down for some homicide.” You thought about it for a moment, biting your bottom lip in contemplation. “I guess… I would probably drown them. I’m not the strongest person in the world, but if you put someone in a bathtub and hold their legs up, it’s nearly impossible for them to right themselves. And, plus, it’s definitely not a painless way to die, so whatever horrible things they did will be paid for, I suppose.”
Loki nodded, filing away the information for later use.
“Elegant,” he praised, and you playfully bowed your head.
“I aim to please.”
After you said your goodbyes, the two of you parted ways, oblivious to the detectives still watching you. They were too far away to overhear your conversation, but both of them were intrigued to see Loki seemingly happy with someone.
As you walked out of the hospital, your eyes caught a flash of red hair, and you turned to see a drop-dead gorgeous redhead standing next to an equally attractive blonde man. Typically, you wouldn’t of given them a second glance, but… They were both watching you. Intently.
For a moment, you faltered in your step, the distinct feeling of being watched prickling at your scalp. But then the blonde man smiled at you and politely inclined his head, the way two strangers might do if they were both in line at a coffee shop.
You hesitantly returned his smile before walking out the doors, still feeling unsettled by the exchange. Because despite the friendly gesture of the man, the woman with him hadn’t even faltered in her stare. She’d just continued to watch you impassively, her arms crossed against her chest and her lips pressed firmly together.
The couple left your mind soon enough, though, and after sitting in a cab for twenty minutes, you were once again in your comfy townhome. You spent the rest of the afternoon in front of your computer, an empty word document open before you. It was true that you’d just finished up your latest work, but you knew you couldn’t get to comfortable. Bills would continue to come in whether or not you felt inspired, and though you had a comfortable cushion of money in the bank, you still didn’t want to get too comfortable.
And so, you’d decided to move on to the next project. But what would you write about?
Your mind, indubitably, strayed to Loki once more, turning over the last few minutes of conversation you’d had that day. He was so…elegant, with just a hint of a sinister edge that you were sure had come from his work. You were intrigued by his career, truth be told. How couldn’t you be? You’d written about death for years, now. But he’d lived it; he’d touched it.
And it was that thought that sent your fingers typing away at your keyboard.
It wasn’t that she’d chosen to live on the line between life and death; she liked to think that death had chosen her to be among its closest of companions, shaping her since her youth to be the walking Death Knoll that she’d become…
Loki didn’t consider himself to be a full-on sociopath, but it was typically hard for him to empathize with others. Or, rather, it wasn’t that it was difficult for him; it was that most of the time he simply didn’t care to try to feel sympathy for other people.
But even he had some broken semblance of a moral compass, and no matter how dark his inner feelings grew, he knew that he would never be able to harm a child. Unfortunately, not everyone agreed with that particular sentiment, but at least he could do something about it.
He stayed late at the hospital two days after your lunch date, that familiar hunger within him having only grown since seeing you again. Usually, he could keep the beast under control, but something about you fanned the flames within him until he felt as if he’d burn alive if he didn’t do something, anything, to satiate them.
And so he found himself sneaking into the pediatric ward at 7 pm, just as the day-shift nurses were finishing up and the night-shift nurses were starting to take their place. A pair of deep purple gloves clung to his hands, and he was careful not to make too much noise as he snuck into one of the doctor’s offices. He went down the hallway, trying three before he found one left unlocked. HIPAA would have a field day if they only knew…
From there, he searched the room for a password to the computer, not surprised to see it written on a sticky note hidden beneath the keyboard. Whoever this doctor was, Loki made a mental note not to trust him with any of his medical records.
Taking a seat at the desk, he located the file of patients seen that day, scrolling through them for what he was looking for. A case of the flu, a sick stomach, an allergic reaction – no, no, no. He let out a huff of frustration as he pulled up patients seen the day before, then the day after that, looking for something he could use.
And that was when he saw poor little Annie Rineback.
He pulled up a picture of the five year old, frowning when he saw the deep purple bruise around her left eye. Loki skimmed through her vitals, scrolling down the page until he pulled up the doctor’s and nurse’s notes.
Patient refused to say anything in regard to how she’d received her injury. Pt’s mother insisted that Annie fell down while playing in their yard, but could not answer specific questions as to what specifically had caused pt’s injuries, the nurse had written.
Suspected case of abuse, the doctor had followed up in his own records. When asked, pt’s mother said that her husband had been at work during the time of the incident, though I have my own personal suspicions. Will call pt’s mother in a week to follow-up.
Loki made quick work of retrieving the little Annie’s address before closing out of the browser and locking the computer once more. After doing a quick scan of the room to make sure he’d left no trace, he made his way out, a sinister smirk on his face.
Time to get to work.
It was Friday night when Loki got your call. His heart leapt with joy upon seeing your name flash across his screen, and he didn’t even hesitate as he answered.
“Hello, beautiful.”
Your own heart contorted upon hearing his voice; it had been Tuesday when you’d gone on your little lunch date, and the two of you had been texting each other at every opportunity ever since. But his voice just did things to you; you would always prefer it to texting.
“Hey, Loki. How’s it going?”
“Oh, same old, same old,” he replied, glancing around his basement. He’d recently dusted the space and sprayed it down with linen-scented air freshener, and he was quite happy with the result. The knives and saws gleamed against their white pegboard, and if he walked over to the examination table resting in its middle, he’d be able to see his reflection in its surface.
The only thing out of place was the large tub of water he’d dragged into the room. Well, that and the woman he had tied up in the corner. She was still passed out from the blow he’d landed to the back of her head, and he’d preemptively gagged her for whenever she woke up; his ears were still ringing from the way she’d screamed when he grabbed her in the alleyway near her apartment.
“How about you, darling?” he asked, leaning back against the metal sink behind him. “How’s the new book coming along?”
“It’s actually going really well; you’ve been quite the source of inspiration.”
Loki grinned widely, knowing that he must have looked like an infatuated schoolboy as his heart fluttered. But he didn’t care; the only person who could have seen the effect you had on him was currently passed out, and even if she hadn’t been, she would be soon.
“Really? I’m inspiring you? How so?”
“Well… The latest character in my book might be a suave, attractive medical examiner.”
His heart swelled at the idea of her basing one of her characters off of him, especially since he truly did love her work so much. He swallowed thickly before replying, internally berating himself for being such a sap.
“Oh? And do I have anything else in common with this fellow?”
“Not really. She also happens to be a woman. And she kills people, so… Yeah. I sure hope she doesn’t!”
Loki laughed along with you even as he cut his eyes towards his soon-to-be victim.
“Ehehe, yes. Well, I can’t wait to read all about her.”
His eyes widened when he saw Annie’s mom start to stir against her bonds, and he immediately straightened up.
“Hey, love?” he suddenly said. “Could I call you back in half an hour or so? I just got a text from Thor to call him, and I’d better make sure he isn’t setting something on fire.”
“Oh, sure thing,” you assured him, hoping that you hadn’t bothered him. “I’m sorry for calling at a bad time…”
“No, love, don’t apologize! I want nothing more than to hear your lovely voice,” Loki promised. “I’m just paranoid when it comes to Thor.”
You softened at that, letting the doubt you’d started to feel seep out of you.
“You’re a good brother, Loki,” you smiled. “I understand. Just give me a call back whenever you can.”
“I will,” he stated. “It shouldn’t take longer than thirty minutes.” He watched as the woman he had tied up started to blink her eyes open, and he knew that he needed to go before she started with her incessant screaming again.
“I’ll call you right back,” he said once more.
“Okey, doke. Bye, Loki!”
“Goodbye, love.”
Not a moment after he’d hung up, the woman made a small noise of panic, which amplified into a full-on wail once she saw the wall of torture devices Loki had constructed. With a roll of his eyes, and shoved his phone back into his pocket and marched over to her, kneeling down to her level to grip her throat.
“If you don’t shut up,” he growled, “I will cut off your fingers and toes one by one until you have nothing but bloody stumps left. Do you want that?”
The woman’s mascara was tracking down her cheeks, staining the rope that was currently gagging her, and after a few sniveling gasps she nodded her head.
“Good. Now,” Loki continued, “let me explain your current situation. You are in my basement right now under layers of concrete and insulation. This room is locked and sound-proof, and I live alone. No one will come to help you, and no one knows where you are.
“Now, I have a few questions to ask you, so I’m going to take your gag off. But,” he added when he saw the woman perk up, “if you start with that screaming again, I will slit your throat and call it a day. And neither of us want that, now do we?”
Once again, the woman shook her head, and Loki gave her a tight smile.
“Very good.”
He reached out and gripped the rope, tugging it out from between her teeth until it rested loosely around her neck. To her credit, she didn’t scream as he’d expected her to, nor did she persist in struggling against her bonds as she had been a moment before.
“Hm. Very good,” Loki praised as he stood up.
“Are you going to kill me?” the woman asked, looking up at him with pleading, tearful eyes. “Please,” she continued after a moment of silence, “please, I have a family.”
At that, Loki threw his head back and laughed.
“Oh, Mrs. Rineback, I’m aware,” he chuckled. “In fact, that’s exactly what I had questions about.
“See, I don’t have children,” he mused, starting to pace in front of her. “Nor do I think I ever will. But I do understand the general concept. You’re supposed to love your children unconditionally and care for them, nurture them, blah blah blah… But you, Mrs. Rineback, you do none of those things, now do you?”
The woman’s face grew guarded upon hearing that, and she stiffened.
“I… I don’t know what you-“
“Oh, don’t insult me,” Loki scoffed. “I already know all of your dirty little secrets. Poor little Annie… Originally, I’d started researching her, believing that maybe her father really hadn’t been at work the day she was brought into the hospital with a black eye and bruised rib. That was what the doctor assumed to be the case, at least.
“But all too often, the mother is overlooked as the possible abuser, is she not?”
Loki stood still in front of her, watching as horror started to fill her gaze. He took a moment to enjoy this intoxicating moment of complete power; he could get off on this alone.
“Yes, Mrs. Rineback,” he cooed. “I know. I know everything. I know of what you’ve put Annie through, and I know what you put little Micah through before his…untimely end.”
A whimper escaped her upon hearing her son’s name, and she looked away, no doubt feeling hot shame wash over her.
“Micha…fell down a flight of stairs,” she whispered. “It was an accident!”
“Oh, I have no doubt that he fell down some stairs. But I very much doubt that it was an accident.”
Silence hung heavily between them, until the click of his shoes accompanied his steps as he approached her.
“Tell me – how do you sleep at night with the murder of your seven year old son looming over your head? Evidently, not too restlessly, if you still continue to abuse your remaining child-“
“Stop!” she suddenly shouted, bowing her head. “Stop, please; I’m a good mother. I… I love my child. I loved… I loved Micah.”
“But that doesn’t stop you from drinking, now does it?” he snarled. “I only watched you for a day before knowing I wouldn’t be able to stomach another. Do you always start drinking with your breakfast?”
She didn’t look up at him, and he watched with a sneer as her shoulders shook with her sobs. He knelt down beside her, gripping her throat once more and forcing her to meet his eyes.
“You,” he whispered, “repulse me.”
With that, he hauled her to her feet, ignoring the way she writhed and twisted in his grip. Her attempts at fleeing were borderline laughable as he neared the tub, and with a kick to the back of her knee she was kneeling before it.
“The world will not miss you,” he assured her, twisting a hand in her hair and yanking until she was halfway in the water. “Nor will your family.”
And with that, he shoved her in, dropping to his knees and flipping her onto her back. Her restrained arms twisted, and most of her weight was placed upon her tied hands where they rested against her lower back as Loki grabbed her ankles.
From there, it was only a matter of time. He stood up, keeping her legs in the air, as she floundered under the water. It was delightful to watch her at this angle, and Loki once again said a silent thank you for the idea. He could clearly see her face as she fought towards the surface, resembling a fish flopping around on a pier as she struggled.
It didn’t take long before her harried motions started to slow down, though, and Loki almost was disappointed as the fight left her. He watched her chest expand as she took in a large lungful of water, and the sputters she made were music to his ears. And disappointment he had faded when she went completely motionless, and in her last moments, she opened her eyes and looked up at him through the haze. Even through the ripples in the water, he could distinguish the moment that she knew she was about to die, and the fear within her gaze was euphoric to him. He wondered, for a moment, if she was afraid of waking up in hell, even though he’d long since dismissed the idea of such fanciful, religious notions.
When he was finally sure that she was dead, he let go of his grip on her legs and took a step back, glancing down in disgust at the water that had gotten on his clothes. But, then again, he typically left his basement covered in blood, so this was amongst the cleanest ways he’d killed one of his victims.
Ten minutes later, he was in his bed, stroke Lovecraft as she laid against his side. He’d cleaned up and put on some sweatpants before settling in to call you, and butterflies flapped around his chest just at the sight of your name in his phone.
“This is ridiculous,” he huffed, sending a bemused glance towards his cat. “I’m a thirty-six year old man – I’m a fucking serial killer – and this woman already has me wrapped around her finger.”
His cat only blinked slowly up at him, not caring in the slightest about his internal distress, and with a small smile, he pressed the call button.
Meanwhile, you were in bed yourself, reading a book you’d picked up from the store a few days ago, when you heard your ringtone. With a squeal, you all but threw your book down and accepted the call, a huge smile on your face as you answered.
“Hello, again.”
“Hello, darling. Sorry again about earlier.”
“No, it’s fine! I totally get it. How is everything with Thor?”
“Thor is fine,” he smiled. “He needed my help installing photoshop on his computer. Why he needs photoshop, I’ll never know, but I walked him through it and now I only have a mild headache from the endeavor.”
“I really need to meet your brother in person. Just wait until I tell him all the things you’ve been saying.”
“I assure you, it’s nothing I haven’t told him directly in person. But he’s gotten me back a few times, despite his incompetence. One time, he tried to sell me on Craigslist.”
“Oh, no! That’s…that’s actually hilarious.”
“Mm, well. The concerning thing was that I had a few interested parties.”
You both laughed at that, and after a while you were both left in an almost awkward silence.
“So…” you finally began nervously. “I was wondering if you’re free tomorrow.”
“As a matter of fact, I am,” Loki said. “Did you have anything in mind for us?”
“Well… I was wondering if you would like to come over and be seduced by my cooking skills.”
“I think it’s fair to say that you’ve already seduced me,” he chuckled. “But I would love to. Can I bring anything?”
“Just yourself! …And actually, a bottle of wine would be awesome.”
“Then I’ll pick one up on the way.”
You grinned, sitting up in bed.
“Well, then. I’ll plan on seeing you tomorrow, Dr. Odinson.”
There was something about the way you said his title that made Loki’s cock twitch in his pants, and he absentmindedly reached down to give it a squeeze.
“I’ll look forward to it,” he breathed.
As soon as the two of you said your goodbyes, Loki practically leapt out of bed and hopped into the shower, both to wash the scent of Mrs. Rineback’s cheap perfume off of him and to quell his sudden lust for you. He couldn’t help but wonder what exactly you had in mind for tomorrow; he wasn’t sure how long he would be able to wait until he all but threw you onto the nearest horizontal surface and fucked your brains out. The way you made him feel was unlike anything he’d ever experienced, and he could only hope that you felt the same way.
Meanwhile, miles away, you were looking at the new set of lingerie you’d bought that evening as it lay atop your dresser. You closed your eyes and let yourself fall back against your pillows, fantasizing about the look on Loki’s face when he saw you in the dark green bra and panties you’d picked out just for him. A hand slipped into your pajama shorts at the thought, and unbeknownst to either of you, you both came at almost the same time that evening, your minds focused on the exact same thing.
Tomorrow night.
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imaginependergast · 3 years
Pendergast collector cards comming with certain pre-orders of Bloodless
According to the Pendergast newsletter, character collector cards are coming with pre-ordered, signed copies of the book if you order through the Poisoned Pen Bookstore. They'll include a portrait, the characters signature and a mini bio.
Apparently this is meant to be a new thing that will continue with subsequent novels and ultimately form a collection of your favorite characters and Smithback. Cards will be a one time deal, available only with the proper pre-order.
Bloodless will contain cards for: Constance, Coldmoon, a sinister mystery character featured in the book, and the cover.
Some thoughts:
The newsletter mentions "many other favorites" in future novels and lists Pendergast, Corrie, D'Agosta, Diogenes, Proctor, Nora Kelly, and Bill Smithback. It also mentions enough to form a "comprehensive collection". To me that implies we're also going to get cards for Hayward, Margot and maybe even Viola, at least. Seems like there will be a good amount of Pendergast novels in the future.
What are you thinking? The cards kind of temp me, but I'm worried they'll be in that really bad newsletter art style. And honestly, I kinda like not having a precise face to the name. Most of all I just want to read the book the day it comes out so I plan on snagging a copy from Barnes & Noble the day it comes out.
If anyone does get the cards and wants to share pics that would be super cool of you.
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keyofmgy · 6 years
Fandom asks: 3, 9, 14!
3. First ever ship and why.
Oh lawd. Um. Hmm. I’m gonna have to say Luke Skywalker and Callista Ming, from the old Star Wars EU (what is now called Legends), first introduced in Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly. I just... really liked that book. I felt like Hambly brought a bit of the boyish charm back to Luke’s personality, actually knew how to write Threepio as a character and not a caricature, and I thought Callista was an interesting character with a lot of potential. ‘Course, all that got fucking torpedoed by Kevin J. Anderson in Darksaber, but I’m going to refrain from spilling that salt here.
9. Character death you still haven’t moved on yet?
Bill Smithback in the Pendergast novels by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. THAT WASN’T FUCKING NECESSARY, GUYS. HOW DARE YOU. Lupin and Tonks from Harry Potter. Basically everyone in The Terror.
14. Favorite fanfiction read/written.
the Lust Over Pendle series by A.J. Hall - Harry Potter (her world-building is incredible. read the shit out of this even if you normally wouldn’t touch Draco/Neville with a ten-foot barge pole, because I’m sincerely glad I did)
every story by Nemo the Everbeing - Doctor Who (just. read that shit. it some real good shit. it some real good Classic Who shit)
the Ark series by klubin (sidonay) - Houdini and Doyle (honestly one of the more inventive AUs of a historical show I’ve ever read. also it’s creepy as fuck)
obligatory read my sister’s stuff because she is the bomb - Doctor Who, Star Trek, Agents of SHIELD
My favorite fanfic that I’ve personally written is the one I’m currently working on, All That’s Left To Chart. All my other stories were written so long ago that I’m a little embarrassed of them now and don’t feel they accurately reflect what skills I may have as a writer. If we expand past fanfic, though, my favorite work is the collection of RP logs I wrote as Adelaide Stratton and George Gudgett from Houdini and Doyle, with @ivelostmyspectacles as my Harry Houdini.
Fandom Asks: Send Me A Number!
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Agent Pendergast Novels Fan Casting
Special Agent Aloysius Pendergast - Either Damian Lewis or Michael Fasbender (dye the tair white blonde)
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Detective Vincent D’Agosta - Mark Ruffalo
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Margo Green - Jessica Sula
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Bill Smithback - Grant Gustin
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Doctor Frock - William Shatner
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Greg Kawakita - Ryan Higa
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Proctor -  Liam Neeson
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billsmithbackjr · 3 years
Watch this:
*ships Smithback with everyone*
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billsmithbackjr · 4 years
Have a Cursed Video lmfao
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billsmithbackjr · 4 years
me: *breathes*
anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love Bill Smithback, we know, you love Smithback so much, he’s the light of your life, you love him so much, you just love Smithback, we KNOW, you love Smithback you fucking love Smithback ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE BILL. WE GET IT.
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billsmithbackjr · 4 years
I love Vincent but acab haha
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billsmithbackjr · 4 years
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Bill: You have a nice ass
Pendergast: What was that?
Bill: You have, um, nice eyes.
Pendergast: Hm. I prefer yout first statement.
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billsmithbackjr · 4 years
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pa-pa-pa-pendergast sketch dump
Went thru my old sketch books and rounded up the unposted doodles i could find
Stay tuned the next one is AU-themed
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billsmithbackjr · 4 years
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AUs in order, left to right, top to bottom:
Merfolk au (Bryce Harriman is a hermit crab determined to steal Bill's house)
Indianna Jones au (wherein Pendy & Vincent are both Indie)
Tattoo-shop au
Monster au (Bill: "How is he so HOT with Blood dripping down his face?!" Pendergast: "You know, he asked me the same thing about you.")
Pendergast as Pendergast (not an au just a funny idea)
And Haunted House au (wherein Aloysius & Tristram are ghosts from the seventies)
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billsmithbackjr · 5 years
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I'm a very Talented and Serious artist
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billsmithbackjr · 6 years
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Be Gay Do Crimes
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billsmithbackjr · 6 years
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hey merry uh christmas
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imaginependergast · 6 years
Hello,I come from Italy, sorry for my English. I can’t be able to read Verses for the dead special edition by Barnes & Noble but a simple download on my kindle. I would like to know what is about the famous epilogue with Smithback’brother if you know.
No worries at all! I hope you can enjoy this blog, despite any language barriers (also if there’s any Norwegian speakers out there, hi! I’m learning your language). Basically, he interviews Pendergast at Riverside Drive about the murders. I don’t think you’re missing too much, unless your a Roger Smithback fan. Although we learn Bill was an older twin by 20 minutes. 
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