#billy’s ‘too much of a girl’ to neil and max is ‘a tomboy’ to susan
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
something something max not being ‘girly’ enough and billy not being ‘masculine’ enough in the eyes of their parents
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groovinrightalong · 9 months
Do u have any trans masc Max Mayfield headcanons?
I haven’t thought much about it but now I have so MANY thoughts!
-Max hasn’t had a lot of positive relationships with the men in his life, so it takes a long while for the “hm I don’t feel quite right” to click. He doesn’t feel super comfortable as a girl, but he looks at his step-dad and Billy and is like “well I don’t want to be anything like that, so this has to be okay.”
-He definitely knows more about gender/sexuality stuff than the others because of growing up in California. So he’s thought a lot about it over the years, but just kept coming to the conclusion that he’s a tomboy (again, no positive relationships with men.)
-It’s actually because of Lucas (and the rest of the Party, by extension) that he really starts to get more comfortable with the idea. Because Lucas is sweet, and he’s gentle, and so unlike any of the other men he’s been around. Lucas is the first person that kind of cracks his view on gender roles and what exactly defines a man.
-He butts heads with Mike a lot at first just because of how insistent Mike is about him being a girl, how he’s different and unwelcome because of it, but (if this is also transmasc Mike) they realize they’re actually really similar and grow closer because of it, or (if this isn’t transmasc Mike) Max realizes that it isn’t the “girl” thing that bothers him, it’s the fear of replacing El.
-If it’s both transmasc Max and transmasc Mike, Mike comes out WAY earlier than he would’ve on his own.
-The boys are all really supportive when he comes out (which would probably be around the season 3 era). They don’t really get it at first, but he’s their friend, and they’ve always been very vocal about how they’d kill for a friend if needed. And really, seeing Max as a boy isn’t all that different from what they were doing already, so it’s an easy adjustment.
-In a similar fashion to Max teaching El about being a girl in the show, the guys take him out on a “boys only” night. It isn’t really any different than their usual hangouts- they go to the movies, play video games, eat way too much junk food, but the boys only title makes Max feel all fuzzy and warm inside.
-He comes out to Billy while he’s dying. He didn’t ever really plan on doing it at all, but his step-brother is dying in his arms and he needs to get it off his chest before it’s too late. Billy is a lot of the reason it took so long for him to feel comfortable as himself, and he thinks Billy knows that once it’s out in the air. Unfortunately, Billy’s dead before he can really give much of a reaction, just a weak little “I’m sorry.” And that’s nowhere near enough to make up for everything.
-He comes out to his family that night in a screaming match with his step-dad. Neil is an asshole about it, but it doesn’t really matter because the whole argument starts because he’s gonna leave them. Susan is incredibly supportive, and she turns around and kicks Neil out even though she’d been begging him to stay moments before. Gives Max one of those big, therapeutic hugs where Max just sobs into her shirt.
-Max cuts his hair off after Billy’s death. He’s never had a problem with his hair, he actually likes it long, but he’s messed up over everything that happened. He leans a lot more into the stereotypes he hated as a kid, acts rougher and more stand-offish. He breaks up with Lucas, stops hanging out with the rest of his friends. He feels awful, because this is the first time in his life that he’s only surrounded by people that support and love him, but he feels like he doesn’t deserve it.
-(Vecna has a field day with all that)
-Post canon, he does grow his hair back out again. Lucas dramatically informs him that men with long hair are hot (bi king), to which Max shoots back that that would mean Mike was hot. Lucas gives Mike a quick once over and is like I mean, yeah.
-Lucas likes to greet people and go hi, yes, this is my boyfriend Max. He’s so cool. He pretty much single-handedly saved Hawkins that one time. And Max stands there with his face bright red in his hands like oh my god shut up
-Lumax and Byler double dates with an obnoxious amount of homo, striking fear into the hearts of conservative smalltown Indiana
YES I love this sorry for making it angst near the end but yes yes transmasc Max I love him💞
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bowiebond · 2 years
Billy’s POV this time :)
Billy was getting weekly orgasms.
Yeah, you heard him right. Some creep kept climbing in through his bedroom window and violating his sleeping body.
It was always when Billy drank too much; Friday nights. Whether he came back late from a party or got depressingly drunk in his bedroom alone, he was always under the influence to some degree. Mind fuzzy and body too warm from the alcohol, occasionally weed.
Billy didn’t know why he kept drinking when he knew what was happening. The first time, he assumed it was a weird, fucked up dream his mind conjured up. But as it happened again and again, he became sure that it was real. That and he woke up in a sticky half-dried puddle most Saturday mornings. He hated doing laundry.
He couldn’t put a face to the voice, even now. Always too disoriented from cheap booze and his own afterglow, with the guy always covering his eyes or pushing his face further into the pillow.
He hadn’t fucked him yet. Played with him, toyed with his body and made him cum every time with his fingers and tongues, sometimes more than once, but he hadn’t shoved his dick in him yet so…
Billy didn’t know how to feel about it. The first instinct when he realised what was going on was fuck someone knows. Except no one did. Not a single slur had been thrown at him at school, no disgusted looks like he used to get in California. He had stubbornly put his foot down when he was ten, around the time his mother left. He sometimes wondered if she left him behind because he was no longer her ‘little girl’, the one every mother wanted, even if he had always been boyish.
God, he had his ass handed to him at school until he bulked up and started hitting back. His dad always wanted a son, and with Max being his new princess, he begrudgingly let Billy play ‘tomboy’, even if he still spelt his name with the ‘ie’ at the end instead of the ‘y’ and grunted at him to take his hits like a man, to stop preening himself if he wanted to parade around like he was a real one.
Neil often snapped at him for indulging Max’s more traditionally masculine hobbies, but she had always been like that according to Susan, so Neil rarely took a swing at him for it. Billy did sometimes wonder if Max was like him too, and he would be the first in her corner if she was, but she seemed happy as a girl, unlike him.
In this small town, he was able to be authentic self, sure, but he hated being here instead of just another city elsewhere. If his secret got out, it wouldn’t be forgotten like in the city. This backwater shithole loved gossip and his life? It would be talk of the town for years because what is more scandalous than a some ‘faggy butch dyke queer’ playing hot shot womaniser? He doubted half of them even knew what a ‘tranny’ was but god, they’d throw that at him too if they learned.
But of course, there hasn’t been a peep about him, or his body, outside of being extremely hot and having women fawn over him. It was easy to playing the ‘bad boy is a secret gentleman’ with them to avoid unbuckling his belt.
This creep didn’t care about what was under his belt though. In fact, he seemed to like it. Talked about his cunt like it was a gift from god but never fucked it.
Billy wasn’t condoning this fuckers actions. Honestly, he would wait for him and beat the shit out of him if the circumstances were different.
What were the current circumstances, you may ask? Well, he was hiding his abandoned womanhood, he was incoherent half of the time when he did sneak in, and…Billy was kind of touch starved, okay?
It was fucked up and disgusting but he was horny and this guy told him he loved him more than once. He spent all his time surrounded by sweaty testosterone filled guys with nice asses and broad shoulders. Plus girls who had soft tits just looking to be squeezed under his hand. Billy wasn’t all that interested in romance with a chick, but women weren’t unappealing. Just didn’t get him going the same way guys did.
And this guy? Fuck, he got him going. Played his body like the violin, working him up to his crescendo until he crashed into a sticky, shaking mess. One time he even cried from how intense it got, three orgasms in and drowning in the pained pleasure as his face was shoved deeper into his pillow.
This creep was dangerous, definitely, but he was also giving Billy the one thing he had needed since he got to this shitty fucking town.
Release, a reason to think about nothing for a few hours. Billy had feared for a long time that no one would really want him, not with his body, not entirely masculine or feminine. Yet this creep had debunked his worries with his praise, the way he still referred to Billy as man even as he plunged his fingers into his pussy again and again until he was squirting into his palm and up his wrist.
It was a heady feeling, being entirely accepted by this faceless stranger who claimed to love him so dearly. A fucked up, conflicting feeling, but addicting nonetheless.
It’s probably what led to him drinking again that coming Friday night, like he always did. It was probably a problem, but whatever. Billy had loads of those as it was. At least this problem made the others easier to live with.
He was out like a light by ten, and it felt nice to crash into bed without a thought in his head and a slowly growing ache between his thighs. His body had gotten used to it, taught itself to anticipate the strangers touch every time he went to sleep. He had woken up throbbing and sticky more than once because of it. His body was becoming less Billy’s, more his, and it should scare him but it felt too nice to try stopping it.
He woke up to his body already twitching, his cunt pulsing and sheets soaked from his first orgasm already. His head was spinning as he buried his face deeper into his pillow, rocking back into the fingers deep inside him. Fuck, he was so sensitive already. Two digits, long and slim, we’re curling and rubbing as he muffled his slurred whines. He couldn’t have been asleep long. He still felt drunk.
A third slipped inside, and that was something new. He mewled, spreading his legs further. God, was he actually gonna fuck him this time? Billy shouldn’t have been so wet and wild for it, this creep was technically a fucking rapist, a stalker too probably, but he wanted it. God, he wanted it so bad, to have his virgin pussy finally fucked open and filled.
Billy always knew he was fucked in the head, but this had to be a new low, even for him.
His eyes rolled back as a forth digit teased his hole. Fuck, four fingers? Did this guy have some monster dick, or what?
“Fuck,” He groaned, turning his head to catching his breath. “C’mon, fuck me.” He propped himself up on trembling knees, baring his cunt to him with a hint of desperation. It had been weeks, hell, months of this. If this guy was gonna keep pussyfooting around it like he hadn’t already violated him more times then he could count, then he’d give him the go ahead.
“I wish I could.” He groaned from behind him, that fourth finger squeezing inside. Billy clenched around them, aching at the intrusion. If he wasn’t so aroused, he didn’t think that fourth finger would have slipped inside so easy. “God, I wish I could sink my dick into you. It would be a dream come true.”
“Then do it.” Billy moaned, rocking back into his fingers. He needed to be filled yesterday. “Take your dick out and shove it in me, creep.”
“I can’t.” His voice sounded thin, strained, and Billy gasped as those four fingers stretched him out even further, testing his limits and rubbing at his velvet walls.
Billy sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, stifling a groan, slick smearing down his thighs as the stranger fucked his fingers in and out of his cunt, obscene sounds leaving his stuffed pussy.
He gasped when a thumb teased at his already tight entrance.
“You just wanna be full, right?” He sounded breathless. “Want me inside you, right? I can be inside you, Billy.” His thumb hooked into his hole and Billy winced, whining softly as he was stretched even further, every little thrust making his entrance ache. He eyes grew glossy as the pain ebbed away, rocking back into the hand.
“Please,” He slurred, drunk on the touch, tipsy on booze. “Please. Want you to fuck me real good.” Billy mumbled and the man cursed, pushing his fingers in further. Billy fumbled to cover his mouth as he cried out softly, feeling the knuckles of his hand breach his hole. It was too much, he felt stretched thin, edging his limit. Anymore and he might break. Might tear and bleed, blood mixing with slick as he cries. He didn’t want to break, but the stranger was being gentle, delicate with him like a fragile teacup, as he filled his cunt with something thicker than a cock.
It was dizzying, feeling those fingers so deep, rubbing at spots he couldn’t reach before. He clenched around him, sucking him further, the girth of his knuckles the worst of it before his hand slipped into his hole; hot and silky and so fucking wet.
Billy moaned as fingertips pressed against the deepest part of him, pressure he had never experienced before. It felt strange, but when his fingers stroked it, his pussy shuddered and flexed, dribbles of slick slipping down his shaking thighs.
His voice broke as those fingers curled slowly into a fist, firm and heavy in his pussy as a hand rested upon his lower back.
“God, you’re gorgeous. Fuck. So warm…” He flexed his fist and Billy moaned, unable to move from how weak he felt. He was completely at this man’s mercy and he was okay with that. He wanted him to fuck him, but this would have to suffice. More than sufficed. He was so full.
“My Billy. So beautiful. Beautiful boy.” He felt lips against his spine, just below his shoulder blades, and groaned. His fist began to shift, pulling back, tugging at his rim before pressing back in deep, Billy choking on his own tongue as his knuckles brushed his cervix.
“Fuck,” He whined. “C’mon, fuck me, ruin me, shit.” He begged, dignity far behind him as that hand began to fuck in and out of his cunt. His pussy squelched, the noise ringing in his ears as it continued, wet sounds and lewd moans being forced from his body by the fist stuffing every inch of space inside him.
Fuck dick, this was as good as it could get, Billy was sure of it. Every sensitive spot inside his cunt was getting the stimulation it craved, and Billy was sure a cock couldn’t do that. God, was he a size king? He hoped when this guy did dick him down, he had a monster that would break him.
His eyes rolled back as he started to pick up pace, really fucking into his puffy pussy now, red and swollen from the abuse as the blond whined into his pillow.
He squirmed when he felt those sinful knuckles press against his bladder, his free hand reaching between his legs to play with his clit. Billy tried to ease away from the pressure, but he was insistent.
“Stop,” He slurred out, mouth covered in the taste of the cotton pillowcase he had been biting. “M gonna piss myself, man.” And this was definitely not squirt, that intense rush of pleasure; this was a painful swelling in his bladder being enticed, ready to burst the longer he circled his clit. If he came, he knew his brain would shut off and he could not allow it, not when he was seconds from pissing himself.
“You’re so close though,” He breathed hotly against his lower back. “C’mon, I don’t care, wanna watch you, so pretty.” He was babbling now, fuck, there was no getting through to his intruder now.
Billy buried his face in his pillow, rocking into the stimulation, knowing he didn’t get much of a choice this close to the edge.
His body tensed up as he came, cunt tight around his wrist, squeezing his moving fist. He was writhing with pleasure as the man continued to roll his clit, even as it began to hurt. He slumped down onto the bed, legs too weak to hold himself up, and moaned softly as the fist began to unfurl, still thrusting slowly. His body went lax and Billy was mortified by the hot puddle of piss that grew under him, unable to hold it back any longer now that every muscle in his pelvis had stopped working.
The intruder groaned, pulling out of his drenched pussy. When he grabbed his ass, he could feel his own slick smearing across it, an apology somewhere on his tongue for the pee but unable to leave his lips as he drowned in his afterglow.
He groaned as the man straddled his thighs, pressing his scratchy trousers against his flushed, sensitive skin. Then he rutted against him and it struck Billy then that there was no bulge. It was completely flat, the heat of it permeating through the pants as the stalker panted into his ear, quiet moans pitched and breathy as he rolled his hips. Grinding on him to get off.
Billy moaned, eyes fluttering open as he reached back blindly to grab at his waistband. The man whined softly at being stilled, but he gasped when that same hand slipped into his boxers.
He was wet. Soaked. God, Billy was exhausted and his pussy still throbbed weakly at the knowledge.
He whimpered pathetically in his ear and Billy pitied him enough to rub at his slick sex, hooking his finger into the hood of his clit. He rocked into his touch, desperate, dropping his forehead against his head. Brown hair fell into his eyes and he catalogued it absentmindedly as he drove two fingers into his hole, bringing them back to his clit to circle it again and again.
“Billy, Billy, fuck, love you, shit, can’t believe you’re touching me,” He rambled in a wheezy breath, knees squeezing his thighs. The stranger had to be close. Billy could feel the piss beneath them growing cold, soaked into the knees of the others trousers.
“My wrist’s cramping. Hurry up.” It was mean but it made the man on top of him shudder and throb, taking his wrist in his dirty hand and grinding into his palm greedily. He was making his hand filthy just like his.
He came with a muffled cry into Billy’s curls, his squirt trickling down his palm and wrist as he continued to hump his hand.
“Love you, love you so much, thank you, thank you,” He panted against his face, and if Billy squinted, he thought he could make some features out in the corner of his eye, but it was too dark.
“You’re tired.” He said softly, removing his hand, linking it with his own slick hand.
It was gross. It was also kind of sweet.
“Sleep.” Billy groaned softly, eyes drooping. His fucking bed…it was going to smell like piss now. Gross.
A kiss was bestowed upon his brow.
“I’ll be back next week.” It should have been a threat. It felt more like a date. A weird, fucked up date.
Billy couldn’t care less. A date was a date.
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camaro-hargrove · 5 months
It's Broken
word count: 1.3k
billy breaks his nose and max gets to grow up
It happens a few weeks after the fight at the Byers.
Billy’s been on his best behaviour, hasn’t even spoken a word to Max or even looked at her little friends. He does everything that’s expected and more of him at home. But apparently that isn’t enough.
He knows Max hates him, everyone can tell. You’d need to be deaf and blind to not know and even then you’d be able to sense the tension between the two. So yes, Max hates him but he didn’t know she hated him this much.
Dinner at the Hargrove Mayfield house is always tense, Billy keeps his head down and finishes everything on his plate after being the last to be served. Says ‘no thank you, Susan’ when offered leftovers because he is not allowed to eat more than what he’s given. He answers when spoken to, never asks if someone could pass something to him. It’s a quiet ordeal most of the time.
“Billy was supposed to take me to the arcade today but he didn’t," Max says, stabbing a piece of potato with her fork.
“Is that true, Billy?” Neil asks, his gaze feeling like a loaded gun. Billy always has to sit directly across from Neil, always in perfect view to make sure he doesn’t misbehave.
“No, Sir,” Billy replies. He knows there’s no point in lying but it’s going to end the same either way. “I didn’t know Max wanted to go today”
“Yes, I told you this morning” Max is glaring at him from next to him. “Several times”
Billy pauses and fuck, she did mention it except he was distracted this morning because of a maths test he had to take in first period.
“She did mention it,” Billy says slowly. “I was just distracted this morning, I had a test”
“That’s not very kind of you” Neil takes a bite of chicken, chews thoroughly before continuing “Sounds like Max was excited to go”
“I was” Max pipes up “El was going to be there, you know, El? My only friend who’s a girl?”
Billy knows she only brought up El because Neil and Susan hate that she’s a tomboy and hate that she’s friends with boys. That they’d be even more lenient with her for being friends with an actual girl.
“So, Max was forced to not spend time with her friend because you were too distracted to pay attention to her?” Neil has a way of warping words into swords and viciously attacking him with them.
“Yes, Sir” Billy replies on autopilot because what else is he supposed to say? Anything he says will be twisted and used against him either now or in the future.
Neil dabs at his mouth with a napkin and stands up. Billy, frozen in his seat, doesn’t dare look away from his plate as Neil comes to stand behind him. He’s expecting a slap on the back of the head, maybe a hand on his shoulder pulling him up from the seat but instead he feels his dad’s hand in his hair and suddenly his face is full of pain.
He thinks Max screams and wonders why the fuck is she screaming. He gasps and chokes on blood that’s sliding down the back of his throat and brings his hands up to his nose, taking deep shuddery breaths when his fingers brush alongside it.
“My nose!” Billy manages to get out, still in a state of disbelief. There’s blood in his unfinished dinner.
Neil doesn’t say anything, just grabs Billy by the upper arm. Billy braces himself for more abuse but instead he’s led over to the front door and out to the truck. He doesn’t have any shoes on or a jacket and he’s cold. Neil has shoes and a jacket on.
They drive in silence to the hospital, Billy not daring to let out a groan of pain when his head moves along with the bumps in the road. Neil doesn’t turn his head to look at him once but he does catch his eye in the rearview mirror and Billy sees a warning.
The hospital is quiet on a Wednesday evening. There’s a woman coughing into her elbow and a man and a woman sitting with their arms crossed near the entrance. They walk over to the receptionist and she looks up in alarm at all the blood spread around Billy’s face.
“Oh my” she starts
“It’s broken,” Neil interrupts her. “Broke it playing basketball, boy wasn’t paying any attention”
“Yeah” Billy knows better than to tell the truth. He’d made that mistake before and he’s still here.
They clean up his nose and Billy bites his tongue so he doesn’t make loud noises. It’s crooked and they give Billy something to squeeze as they quickly snap it back into place. He does yell then, receiving a glare from his dad but he doesn’t care at that point. They clean up the blood once again that had been dislodged in the relocation and then place a thick wad of gauze from the tip of his nose to his forehead. He closes his eyes and grimaces as they stick it down with a beige bandage, one going across the bottom of his nose and onto his cheeks and the other across his forehead. It’s humiliating and Neil knows it.
The humiliation is an added part of the punishment.
He’s given a prescription for painkillers that will never get filled and they’re driving home. No comments had been made about his lack of footwear.
Max is still awake when he gets home. Looks at him with pity and he tries to glare at her and fails miserably. He walks past her and straight to the bathroom where he looks at himself in the mirror. There’s bruising around his eyes and on the gaps where the gauze isn’t.
Max is standing outside the bathroom, looking like she wants to talk to him but Billy doesn’t want to even look at her right now so he shoves past her and goes to his room. He carefully takes his tee shirt off, stretching the collar so it won’t brush against his nose and then he lies in his bed. He sleeps on his back so the bruises have no contact with his pillow and tries to sleep through the pain.
The next morning, he wakes up and gets dressed before facing the music that is breakfast. Susan is placing a cup of coffee in front of his father who says nothing. He folds it when Billy enters the room and looks at him.
“Max wants to go to school early today” he says calmly “You don’t have time for breakfast today”
“Yes, Sir” he says once again. Voice distorted from the way his nose is blocked and pulled. Max looks up from her bowl of cereal with an expression that this is the first she’s hearing about wanting to go to school early. “I’ll warm up the car”
He grabs his messenger bag from his room and the car keys from the bowl next to the front door and sits in the driver's seat. He pulls down the sun visor and tilts his head to get a better look at what he’s going to be dealing with today. The bruising is way more prominent today, dark under his eyes and purple in colour towards the edges. There’s a bit of dried blood and he grabs a tissue and dampens it with some spit to try and get it off. He hisses at the contact but grits his teeth and keeps going.
Max opens the door to the passenger seat and slides in quietly. Billy pulls out of the driveway and they drive silently to school, not even bothering putting a cassette in to listen to.
“I’m sorry” Max says quietly “I didn’t think he’d do that”
“Bet you’ll think twice now, won’t you” Billy doesn’t look at her. Keeps his eyes on the baron roads in front of him.
“I thought he’d ground you or something, not break your nose” She replies looking over at him. “I didn’t know he was that bad”
“Well, congratulations” Billy says dryly “You’re old enough to experience the real world now”
0 notes
18 | prologue
summary: billy has always loved the sea and his mother, and yet he has always known that love wasn't for him. Now that he's older he just has his Camaro and the routine of leaving girls bed's at dawn, yet nothing prepared him for what he saw on one of his nights out.
warnings: domestic abuse, swearing, mentions of sex.
listen to: Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince - Taylor Swift | Family line - Conan Gray | This love - Maroon 5 (playlist here)
word count: 1.5k
series masterlist
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Billy Hargrove had always known that love wasn’t for him. 
He might’ve not known it when he was too young when he didn’t manage to perceive what kind of relationship his parents had but god, as soon as he realized it, his perception of loved seemed forever tainted. 
He loved his mother, he truly did. She was always there for him, she knew about his dreams and his fears and she never judged him for them. She gave him all the love that a mother would, but even a bit more as it seemed like his father didn’t really like him. 
Neil Hargrove was a harsh man, he never showed even a drop of kindness to anyone and even less to his son. He was violent beyond words and although his punches were hard on Billy’s body, his words hit him even harder. It came to a point that Billy knew what his father would say about him as if it was a poem he had to memorize for school, it usually went as: you are worthless, how could I have such an idiot kid? I’m supposed to raise this pussy? Such a waste of space. 
It hurt him a lot, he would spend hours crying by his mother’s side. 
He didn’t believe it could get any worse, and yet it did. 
As he grew older, he didn’t hide in his room like before when the fights between his parents started. The yelling, the screaming, the broken plates, the insults, and soon the punches that ended up with him in the middle trying to defend his mother against his father. 
Not that he could do much at ten. 
It wasn’t long before the only place where he felt safe wasn’t at home but on the ocean. He loved the sounds of the waves crashing against the sand, he loved the warm summer breeze that cooled off his cheeks and nose when he came to breathe from the water. Soon, his mother got him a surfboard and he couldn’t have been happier. He was so good at it, that his mother and others called him a natural. He could spend hours surfing without a care in the world, he liked how his golden curls soaked with the seawater and feeling like he was all alone as he was draped on his surfboard while resting. 
And then his mother left him. 
Billy didn’t surf again after that, it hurt too much. He asked her for so long if she was going to come back for him and yet although she had assured her that she would with a trembling voice, it never happened. 
He has left with his dad.
He never went surfing again. 
After that, something changed in Billy. 
He remembered his first report cards, they described him as an extroverted and smart kid, who was kind to his classmates but soon the report cards turned into warnings of his violent tendencies and the multiple fights he got on with classmates of him over the smallest disagreement. People started to fear him at school and soon was known for starting and ending fights. 
Then, his father married Susan Mayfield who later turned into Susan Hargrove. She was a beautiful, feminine, and most importantly a quiet woman, who obeyed his father and would stay quiet, unlike his mother. She also had a kid that was the opposite of herself. Max was a tomboy and she didn’t like anything that normal girls would like, she was never quiet and had a lot of opinions. If Billy was being honest, he saw a lot of him in Max. 
Nonetheless, Billy’s distrustful demeanor didn’t allow him and Max to get along a lot of the time at first, although sometimes they did and Billy actually felt okay?
It started small, with Billy watching Halloween and Max joining in. Billy taught Max how to ride a skateboard that he was already getting bored as he thought about the car he wanted to buy when he turned sixteen. Billy then taught her how to actually fight. And the moments whenever Billy’s dad beat him, Max stood up for him and tried to protect him since Neil never got it in him to hit Max, she offered him ice after any fight and they would sit alone without talking while listening to music. 
He wouldn’t say he loved her as a sister, but he appreciated her.
Soon, after his sixteen birthday, his favorite place became his Camaro. He had worked almost every day since he was fourteen to save enough money to afford it and he spend every day in that car. A deep part inside of him knew that his car reminded him of surfing and the ocean. The waves crashing against the sand were replaced by the engine of his car, the warm summer breeze could also be felt if he pulled all of his windows down and he was an actually good driver although he could be a little reckless. 
Most importantly, his appearance plus the car allowed him to get some interesting attention from girls. 
He didn’t realize it probably until he started High School, how people would watch him arrive at his cars, how girls would stare at him and how her cheeks would be tainted pink if he got too close to them and soon Billy had his first kiss. Honestly, it was mostly a stolen one by Sharon Carter, who had grabbed Billy by the neck and put her tongue down his throat. 
He didn’t particularly enjoy it but with time everything got better.
Soon, Billy realized that if he didn’t enjoy his life and if his home was hell, he decided to take pleasure where he may find it since it was so scarce for him. He started to have fun with girls, multiple girls,  but if he was being honest he was pretty picky on who he decided to go out with. Some called Billy a slut and he got the reputation because it did precede him since he was no one’s boyfriend but still, he didn’t particularly enjoy it and he really thought he had a certain code of honor. 
He always was pretty clear about what he wanted, which was to mess around and have sex. He always was clear on what he wanted and what he was willing to give. So, he’d enjoyed the company of girls and enjoyed it well but as soon as he started to notice or feel like they were getting too close, too familiar, and have that glimmer in their eyes that only meant one thing, Billy would drop them and run away. 
He did it in California, and he did it in Hawkins. 
Nonetheless, with Summer over, Tommy and Carol had been all over Billy talking about how he probably should get a Queen otherwise his popularity would decline. He didn’t understand that if he was being honest, he believed that he was still on top but they gave him multiple reasons, such as the fear of the school wasn’t enough, that if he played with too many girls he would become an asshole and that if he wanted to graduate being Hawkin’s King, he should at least meet one girl to go to the major events and become the ‘it couple’. 
Billy really thought it was mostly bullshit that Carol had seen in a movie or a magazine but it made him wonder. Billy didn’t ever feel like he was worth something outside the halls of the school and if he lost that, although he didn’t even enjoy being King that much, what worth would he have?
Those were the thoughts that were plaguing him as he drove in the early hours of the morning after leaving the house of his latest fling. He didn’t get too much sleep after the fact or when Tina started to cry once he told her he was done. Honestly, Billy just wanted to cease his thoughts about everything as he drove slowly on the foggy street outside of the suburbs with no end. 
And then he heard the roar of an engine that snapped him wide awake. 
He turned to his right to see someone. 
On a motorcycle. 
Not any motorcycle but a fucking Yamaha Vmax. 
Billy squinted his eyes and then they opened wide as plates as they saw their legs, or her legs, the short skirt was riled up by the way she was leaning on her bike as she upped the speed. 
He didn’t understand if she was going so fast because of the fun of it or because she was actually running away from something. He understood the thrill of going fast in his own car but the way she was driving was right down insane, he was aware that if Hopper caught someone going on the road like that they would be detained as soon as possible, and yet she didn’t seem to care. 
And something lighted up in Billy. 
A thrill, a desire, something just made him throw his caution out the window.
Without missing a beat, Billy hit his pedals, and off he went behind you. 
author's note: Lmk your thoughts i'm extremely excited for this but I decided to wait until ST4 dropped and now that's out i changed so many things i hope you like it. moreover i would appreciate a bunch if you supported me on ko-fi even one dollar makes the difference! thank you so much!
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