#bingo boffin
ach-sss-no · 12 days
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My new best friend Bingo Boffin
he can totally swim and he's going to save middle-earth all on his own
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a-lonely-dunedain · 5 days
wait i just had a thought. Bingo Boffin ponysona.
hey look at this freaking thing. he wants to go on an adventure. isn't he fantastic!
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Bingo Trottin'? well heck dude he sure is
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merilles · 1 year
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bingo boffin writing about his adventure thus far in his little journal and reading it all out loud to my beorning OC medwed~
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shiremenace · 1 year
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Found this in my IbisPaint folder and I forgot when I did this or what prompted me to make it
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ladyswillmart · 6 months
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Hooray for spring! To celebrate the Spring Festival in LotRO (for real this time), have a couple gussied-up Hivallion Pellithorns! Yes, one can assume that fabulous bouquet he is holding contains all the primroses, violets, and marigolds that he's been collecting for Avery Crabapple (and hopefully his jeans aren't breaking anyone's Tolkien Fantasy immersion)...
PLUS, an appearance by a SPECIAL identically dressed GUEST whom Hivallion absolutely did not leave somewhere down in the Mines of Moria, no sirree!
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chaos-corvus · 11 months
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3 hobbits eating all your food stores, Elrond? Noooo, we will behave 🤭
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phantom-september · 2 years
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Happy Tolkien Secret Santa to @poetry-draws!!! I didn’t know anything about the Lord of the Rings online game before this, and I learned so much! I did some research into it and chose to paint Bingo Boffin from The Ballad of Bingo Boffin quests! The composition is inspired by Impressionist garden and picnic paintings, especially "The Luncheon" by Claude Monet.  Happy @officialtolkiensecretsanta Secret Santa 2022!
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poetry-draws · 2 years
Art block you say? Might I suggest drawing a Bingo Boffin? I know he’s not a ranger but I have a mighty need to see more of that funky lil guy and his silly haircut. A bingo to cure what ails you (in this case, art block)
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Bingo Boffin himself! as rendered in clip studio paint
i'm still adjusting... 10+ years of photoshop doesn't make the learning curve easier
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hallothere · 2 years
what about bingo for bingo :D
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bingo for Bingo!
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centawen · 2 years
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"I sought a recipe at the beginning of this adventure, and indeed I found one."
"The perfect recipe for a happy life: the very best friends a hobbit could hope to have."
"Every adventure comes to an end someday."
"But I am so grateful to have taken this adventure with you."
"Ah, as usual, I have let my words get away from me."
"Thank you again, my dearest friend."
"Now let's eat!"
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lotro-tooltips-daily · 10 months
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For the Sweet and Spice Bingo: cooking together with Bofur and Bilbo please? <3
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First off Lathalea, I'M SO SORRY ABOUT HOW LONG THIS TOOK! Not to sound too much like a fanfic writer, but my health has taken a bit of a hit this month...on top of various natural disasters. 🤣
But this was something different for me and I do appreciate the challenge! 😊 I hope you enjoy.
Pairing: Bilbo x Bofur
Words: 928
Warnings: mentions to canon character deaths (but literally just in passing, this is actually a fairly fluffy fic)
“Now Bilbo, you should know I’m not anywhere close to as good a cook as my brother.” Bofur explained as he let the hobbit drag him along.
“Well I suppose it’s rather a good thing that I do know what I’m doing.” Bilbo remarked wryly. “I just need someone handy with a knife to dice for me, and you seem to fit the bill well enough.”
“Alright, alright.” He laughed.
The truth was Bofur was rather excited to get to spend some time with Bilbo. He had taken the Durins’ deaths just so hard, not that any of the rest of them were any better. Bofur was more than happy to be the one to put a smile back on the hobbit’s face. Without any more complaints, Bilbo had Bofur shoved into his small kitchenette, halfing cherries and other assorted berries.
“What is it that we’re making here again?” He asked as his knife slid smoothly through the blackberries.
“This is my Mam’s magic berry tarts.” Bilbo explained as he rolled out the dough.
“And what’s magic about it?” Bofur teased.
Bilbo gave a sort of breathless laugh, before his smile turned bitter.
“She always used to pull them out and let me help make them any time I was upset. Slipped down the Hill and scraped my knee? Magic berry tarts. It’s a rainy day with nothing to do? Magic berry tarts. Theo Brandybuck turning down my flower? Magic berry tarts. Somehow the process of making them helped me forget about whatever was on my mind.”
“And what exactly am I helping to distract you from?” Bofur asked softly.
Bofur half-expected to see Bilbo’s expression turn sour, but the little hobbit merely gave a sigh and a considering look. 
“Spring is almost upon us. I’ve been thinking about the Shire more and more with each passing day.”
It was a rather innocent statement, but one that caught Bofur off-guard all the same. He should have been expecting it. They had all wondered what Bilbo's plans would be, especially after he declined Gandalf’s invitation to travel with him after the grizzly battle that named Dain king rather than the one they followed. 
“And you’re thinking of…going back?” Bofur asked carefully as he placed the cut berries in the bowl next to Bilbo’s elbow.
“I’m not sure.” Bilbo admitted as he directed Bofur to cut his dough into squares. “There are many reasons to leave, only one really left on why I should stay. But I dare say it’s a worthwhile reason.”
Bofur slowed down on cutting the dough as he observed Bilbo. His attempts to keep from making eye contact. The blush that carried all the way up to his pointy little ears. Bofur felt like he had been stabbed in the stomach, but he forced a teasing grin anyways.
“Oh! So someone has caught our illustrious burglar’s eye then! Well out with it. Is it Nori? Is it that bloke from the Iron Hills who you’ve been talking to about pipeweed? There’s no shame a-course! He’s a fine lad with a rather lovely beard…”
Bilbo’s brows furrowed together as he shook his head, pausing in folding in the berries.
“No, how did you…? Ahem. No, it’s not Nori. And it’s not Durlik.”
Silence settled between them at the confirmation that there was someone in the mountain Bilbo was being sweet on. Bofur cut the last square, wiping his hands off on his pants when he was done.
“There now! Well then, if that’s all I should probably go. I think Bif was waiting for me down in his workshop after all. But I will happily accept some of these delicious magic tarts when you’re finished baking them!”
“WAIT!” Bilbo cried out, reaching out for Bofur’s sleeve.
The dwarf froze as the hobbit stood there. Wide-eyed. Almost shocked by his own actions. 
“I, uh…” Bilbo coughed as he began to fidget in place. “That is to say…part of the magic of magic berry tarts…is that you make them with someone you care for.”
Bilbo looked up at him from under his lashes as his formed fists bounced against the side of his thighs. Bofur stared at him blankly. Well of course, that’s what being a friend was…oh. Oh. He wasn’t quite certain what look was on his face as he figured it out, but he could tell Bilbo knew as the perceptive hobbit’s mouth quirked into a quick weak smirk.
“You know…” Bofur began, his voice unusually hoarse. “I would think if your only reason for not going back to the Shire was because of a single person…well that’d be a mighty silly reason.”
Bilbo’s entire expression drooped as his eyes turned straight down to his furry little toes. Bofur had to put his hand under his chin to get him to look back at him. 
“After all, I’m a rich dwarf now. I could plant roots just about anywhere I want to, I reckon. Also I’m not afraid to tell you that I’ve never met him, but Theo Brandybuck sounds like an idiot. Anyone would be lucky to accept a flower from Bilbo Baggins, this dwarf included.”
Outwardly, Bilbo didn’t seem to react much beyond a soft sigh and a twitching nose. However, his soft hazel eyes were practically brimming with emotions. 
“Well then.” Bilbo breathed. “I guess that’s that then. See? I told you. Magic berry tarts.”
Bofur laughed as he pulled Bilbo in for a hug, not feeling quite brave enough to kiss him. Luckily, bravery was not a trait the hobbit was short on. 
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merilles · 8 months
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forest contemplations 💚✨
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shiremenace · 1 year
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Questin' with Bingo Boffin
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ladyswillmart · 13 days
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Loving the tonal whiplash from trying to do the Epic Book II epilogue quests AND Bingo Boffin's quests at the same time.
"Now, this recipe DOES seem to be rather exotic, but I think that will be just PERFECT for our stay within Mirkwood! It calls for marshy taters, a little sage, some mint for seasoning, the meat of... several crows? And... choice cuts of SPIDER? Oh my. I do not know about that, Hivallion! Perhaps if the meat is prepared just right it will... ... ...Hivallion? I say, are you crying?"
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"Now now! No need for all that pathos, old pidge! In fact, you'd best prepare to turn that frown arse over tit, because I'm going to let YOU collect all the ingredients to ensure that nothing too disgusting ends up in my breakfast! Eh? Ehh? C'mon, Hivallion, give us a little smile! Think about it! Marshy taters, haunted sage, g-giant spiders... doesn't that sound like a fun way to spend your morning?"
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ach-sss-no · 7 months
i know this is an rpg thing in general and not just a lotro thing, but i'm getting so much enjoyment out of the cycle of 'a mysterious grim hooded ranger tells me so-and-so is in imminent danger and his men are in place for a rescue right now and it's terribly urgent and the fate of the world's at stake' and i say 'how terribly upsetting, i will see you in three weeks, my new best friend bingo boffin wants me to look at a pie' and i jet away at mach speed under the power of my 'run fast to look at pie' skill
anyway i see how it took frodo 17 years to leave the shire. i might be here for the next 17 years myself
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