#bingqui fic recs
idlebeks · 3 days
A few more SVSSS recs for the pile
right from the start, I gave you my heart by nex_et_nox
"Bro, you know how many words I wrote per day, and how many plants I created!” Shang Qinghua whines. "I can't remember them all, it's impossible."
Shen Qingqiu narrows his eyes. "It was used with Wife #418.”
"That doesn't narrow it down any further. I'm not going to be able to guess it, so stop punishing me and just tell me how the flower nerfed you."
Shen Qingqiu grits his teeth. Obviously he wants to draw this out to punish Shang Qinghua, but it kinda looks more like he's punishing himself. There's a muscle flexing in his jaw, and if he puts any more pressure on his fan's guard, it's going to snap. Uh, actually, Shen Qingqiu kind of looks like he's in pain—
“A false dragonhead is also called an obedient plant. It’s in the name—the flower forces you to do whatever you're told," Shen Qingqiu spits out.
or: Shen Qingqiu runs afoul of one of Airplane's stupid wife-plot devices...just before a mission to Jinlan City.
stuffed with fluff (and blood and bones and rage) by nyoomerr
Ever since he was pushed into the Abyss, Luo Binghe has been dreaming of a strange world. In it, Luo Binghe's own face is everywhere, and his story is written out in humiliating detail for some stupid twink to read about. Luo Binghe hates the story, and he hates the dream realm, and he hates the godling within it - Shen Yuan - most of all.
Unfortunately, Luo Binghe can't do anything about it - within these dreams, Luo Binghe is stuck within the body of a doll.
second-hand alibis by nex_et_nox
“All right. I’m in Proud Immortal Demon Way," he says, once he's had a chance to compose himself again. He sits back up, tossing his stupidly long hair back over his shoulders where it belongs; he is totally calm and ready to grill the System for more information.  "Who am I supposed to be?"
Please please please don't let it be someone who Bingge violently murders.
Though given the fact that he's a man in PIDW, his chances are already skewed, and not in his favor. Ugh.
[Bound Role: Shen Yuan, Rogue Cultivator. Weapon: the sword Heng Li. Starting B-points: 100.]
or: Shen Yuan transmigrates as a rogue cultivator, one completely unconnected to any canon characters or events. Right, System? Right?
Type Casting by pallas_rose
Shang Qinghua’s fertilizer has unexpected effects on the mushroom body. In addition to... that, Shen Qingqiu doesn’t remember his death. Or anything at all after planting the Sun Moon Dew Mushroom seed in the dirt.
But he doesn’t need to, right? Shen Qingqiu knows PIDW and Luo Bing-ge like the back of his hand. He’ll be fine. He just has to avoid getting noticed—you know what happens to beautiful women in PIDW!
…though would life in the harem be so bad?
says the shadow by tciddaemina
Luo Binghe wakes up to the heavy, suffocating feeling that something is wrong.
His back aches, sleeping on the floor of the woodshed has left him stiff and sore, and yet all the pain and agony of his latest caning fades into inconsequentiality, washed away in the face of the sheer, suffocating, heavy dread pressing down on his shoulders. It steals the oxygen from the air, swelling to fill every inch of the room, the pressure crushing.
His eyes open too quickly, and he scrambles up, heart pounding in his throat, head snapping towards the door of the shed. There's a knot in his throat, thick, and he struggles to swallow around it, throat suddenly dry.
The woodshed looks as it always has. Nothing has changed.
Everything has changed.
Luo Binghe's shizun has a qi deviation and the thing left afterwards isn't Shen Qingqiu.
Shen Yuan's School for Unrepentant Assholes by TGP
Shen Yuan has been dealt a rough hand at the beginning of his life. Then he gets sort of adopted by Shen Qingqiu, who desperately needs someone to help smooth out his interpersonal relationships. Thankfully, Shen Yuan is awesome at understanding people and what they want!
Shen Qingqiu can't decide if he regrets claiming this chaos gremlin as his own or not, but now that Shen Yuan is here, he's never letting him go. He'll have to be pried out of Shen Qingqiu's cold, dead fingers first.
Meanwhile, Luo Binghe is just caught up in the wake of both of them and trying not to be dragged under.
(Or, a drama of errors with comedic moments, exploring the growing relationship between an unforgiving misanthrope with serious issues and a traumatized kid that just wants to teach him what family means (and maybe learn it, himself))
dreaming you the same sun in a different place by JRaylin441
[Activating: Bonus Chapter – In Another Life]
[We notice that you are searching for someone. Would you like to accept the bonus chapter mission In Another Life in order to reunite with User: Shen Yuan, Bound Role: Shen Qingqiu?]
Shen Qingqiu disappears. Luo Binghe isn't going to let that stand.
Written for a Gotcha for Gaza prompt "Luo Binghe sucking Shen Yuan's dick (any dynamic)" from an anonymous prompter
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Renegade 2023 Typeset Exchange: Achievement Unlocked by The Feels Whale
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So for those of you following along with my @renegadepublishing typesetting exchange saga, I typeset a social media MDZS fic! Another MDZS fic! A pinch hit SVSS fic! Another shorter MDZS fic for the pinch hit (do it half-size, smaller is quicker, suuuure...) And then one more for @admiraltypress. Because I could.
I wasn't truly planning on doing this one. Not really. I'd sent off a request for permissions, hadn't heard back yet, and because it was a pinch hit, the timeline was pretty tight.
The typesets were due Monday. But Saturday night, I got a message back from @thefeelswhale! Sunday typeset speed run? Sunday typeset speed run!
Achievement Unlocked is a post-series SVSSS fic where Shen Yuan ends up back in his old body in our world, and Luo Binghe is pulled after him, and accosted by The System with a mission. Or, as the summary goes, "That one where Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe don’t realize they’re in a domestic fluff bonus chapter." This is fun. SO much fun, with some emotional depth that will sneak up on you, and a couple of plot twists that are delightfully bonkers as the source material.
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This was a Big Bang fic, and I had a really lovely piece of fan art by Ataratah to include, and pulled the colour tones from there. Circuit board graphics are all public domain stock art, and the scene breaks are designed to mimic the typing dots in a text message. I am supremely happy with how this turned out, ESPECIALLY given the time crunch.
And that's how I ended up making five typesets for an event where I was only obligated to make one.
.... okay, technically, it's seven. Because I did the bound book exchange too, and made two books for that one. But I'll have actual physical book photos to share for that one soon, plus the saga of the Great Textblock Disaster of Late 2023. (It was all okay in the end!)
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missakylea · 2 years
Fic Rec!!!
Just discovered this amazing fic, great use of an original plot device, amazing character study, competent SQH, bingqui preslash
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
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Follower Recs
I'd like to make a rec or two for WIP week!
The first is this one, a SVSSS crossover where BingQui raised WWX, and it's a fix-it from the point after WWX breaks the Wens out of Qiongqi pass. The author said they only had a couple scenes left before it was complete, and despite it's unfinished state, it's still a pretty complete read!
回家/Huí jiā
by Exaigon
T, WIP, 68k, Wangxian & Bingqiu
Summary: Wei Wuxian makes his way back to the parents who raised him. Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe are inordinately pleased by this, and aren't willing to entertain the cultivation world's silly thoughts about their son being evil and needing to be killed.
Next is a Royalty AU with Royal Lans and Concubine WWX playing identity shenanigans on everyone but LWJ. Political intrigue! Mystery! Angst! Silly outsider POVs! The first two parts of the story are complete, but the third is not, but what is there is very good!
The Concubine Mo Chronicles
by Enigmatree
T, Series, WIP, 99k, Wangxian
Summary: An AU where the Lan Xichen is the Emperor; Lan Wangji is the Crown Prince; the Jin, Jiang, and Nie are Dukedoms; and even 13 years dead, Wei Wuxian is still the most feared man in all of China. Newly resurrected, Wei Wuxian would love nothing more than to cultivate a core and go become a rogue cultivator. Except, there's something very suspicious going on in the Imperial Palace, and while Wei Wuxian might not be able to help Lan Wangji in solving it, the unassuming and soft-spoken "Prince-Concubine Mo" sure can.
And finally, one of my new faves. An Addams Family AU! A locked fic though! Each individual chapter is it's own story that are all loosely connected, but it's still very funny!!
The Altogether Ooky WangXian Family
by FluffyHippogriff
T, WIP, 64k, Wangxian
Summary: This was a perfectly normal town, once upon a time. Perfectly normal people with perfectly normal hobbies and perfectly normal jobs leading perfectly normal lives. And then the perfectly abnormal family at 0001 Cemetery Lane enrolled their oldest child in school, unleashing countless "horrors" upon their fellow citizens. [Chapters are individual stories, with loose sitcom-esque overarching narrative]
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – these stories.)
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linya333 · 10 months
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Svsss fic rec: species swap
Absolutely hilarious given this is an au where airplane set up the world to be humans are pent up and demons are always horny - at least for demons who are as strong as they are. Fun world building for original PICW and such. Also no SYSTEM
Extremely NSFW - story is definitely explicit. With bingqui, bingliushen, background moshang with mentioned others
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sirladysketch · 2 years
SVSSS Fic Recs for Friends
Putting the links and a brief description below the cut to avoid clogging the feed. I'll come back and update this as I find more/have time to find and add them in . ^_^
A Child Once by Tossawary - Teen+, Moshang, Bingqiu
Shang Qinghua is cursed to become a child again, with no memory of Mobei-Jun or of his life in this world, and many long-held secrets come tumbling out for both transmigrators.
Cold Hands, Warm Heart by Zizzani - Teen+, Moshang, bg Bingqiu
Shang Qinghua and Mobei-jun have their spiritual powers sealed before getting dumped in a white-out snowstorm. Mobei-jun quickly learns that humans are far more susceptible to the cold than he thought.
High Mountain, How I Long by Minimalistless - M, Bingqiu
Shen Qingqiu, after enduring his trial, is placed into Luo Binghe’s custody at Huan Hua Palace.
When I Speak, Will You Listen? by ForgottenVice - T+, Bingqiu
To speak things into existence was a talent only those who cultivated were able to do. [....] Shen Yuan been too young to use words of power, so they had taken his away
AN IDIOT'S GUIDE TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE by tagteamme - E, Moshang, bg Bingqiu
Modern AU - In order to pay off a debt that's not his, Shang Qinghua agrees to marry a man that's as cold and unyielding as he is stupidly rich.
Icing the Cherry by minhyukwithagun (deadlylampshades) E, Moshang, bg Binqiu
PWP In which SQH desperately wants to get laid, haha.
Wife Swap by LuckyLuoc - E, LB/SQQ, MBJ/SQH, LB/SQH, MBJ/SQQ
In which Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe fall into another wife plot and swap bodies, much to Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu's distress.
so you have a bad day by tagteamme - E, Moshang, bg Bingqiu
Shang Qinghua is not stupid.
It does not take a genius to know what it means when you ask a servant where your lord has left to and they readily supply the name of an exclusive brothel in between the two realms. Especially when it's after your utterly disastrous first time together.
So he goes away for a bit to clear his head. And promptly gets kidnapped.
you still eat away at me by martyrsdaughter - T, Moshang, bg Bingqiu
Eleven years after losing touch with his former boarding school roommate, Shang Qinghua encounters him in a bar, all grown up and in need of his help.
He's a simple man. From the moment he said yes, he should have known he didn't stand a chance.
That's NOT A REAL TROPE you Hack Author! by Boom_After_Dark (Boomchick) - E, Moshang, Bingqiu
So. It turns out that Shang Qinghua was taking commissions on the side to write fanfiction of his own novel. Truly, his shamelessness knows no bounds, ect., ect., what else is new?! The problem is, now the System has found those stories, and shoved them in the middle of Shen Qingqiu's Happy Ever After!
We are Not Wise by Boomchick, Suzoomie - T, Bingqui, Shen Yuan & Shen Qingqui
Transmigrated into a version of Proud Immortal Demon Way where cultivators manifest their own souls into spiritual weapons, Shen Yuan finds himself sort of kind of…accidentally blackmailing Shen Qingqiu into taking him on as a disciple before Luo Binghe joins the sect.
That should give Shen Yuan plenty of opportunities to make sure nothing goes wrong for his favorite protagonist, right? RIGHT!?
A story of twists, turns, hope, despair, and soul swords.
Cold Brew by Neyasochi - E, Moshang, side Bingqiu
Modern AU, unfinished - Shang Qinghua works a day job that doesn't quite pay the bills and churns out several popular web novels for supplemental income; somewhere along the way, his quiet crush on a very cool, very intimidating customer begins to seep into his works.
Or, the one where Shang Qinghua unwittingly starts basing several of his side characters and romantic interests on Mobei Jun.
Living With a Tiger by x_los - E, Bingqiu
Shen Yuan has been engaged to Emperor Luo Binghe from almost the hour of his birth. He grows up knowing his place in the world exactly; he is far less certain of his place in his betrothed's guarded affections.
A Deer in Headlights by NeonCandies - E, Mobei/Shang Q./ Original Luo Binghe
Mythology AU, In progress - SQH transmigrates into a mythical creature that happens to have exactly what Luo Binghe needs to counterbalance the effects of Xin Mo. Threesome ensues, lol
Spill the Tea by tabulaxrasa - E, Bingqiu, bg Moshang
Shen Qingqiu has learned his lesson and had enough of misunderstandings and miscommunications. He would actually like nothing better than to tell Binghe who he is, really, and where he comes from-- all of it. In fact, he's been trying for years. But every time he tries, he's still blocked by the System.
So... maybe it's time to shut down the System.
He Was Made For Untidy Rooms and Rumpled Beds by Bluethursday - E, Bingqui Shen Qingqiu kind of, sort of, does not have the same modesty standards as a xianxia novel set in some form of Ancient China? He also hates the heat, who knew right?
Bend, So I Don't Break by Camorra - T, Bingqiu
After escaping the Abyss, Binghe uses an artifact to sneak back onto the peak to see how his Shizun fares.
Idle Dream // 闲梦 by tarkus -- M, Moshang, side Bingqiu
the one where Shang Qinghua dreams, and Mobei Jun yearns
A Transmigrator and a Time Traveler Walk Into the Bamboo House by VeryCharismaticDragon - T, Bingqiu
A story in which post-Abyss Luo Binghe relives his disciple days, while juggling his secrets, traumas, and some unexpected revelations about the man he loves on top of that.
since you could endure my bitter cold by hanxues - T, Moshang, bg Bingqui
Shang Qinghua is tasked to stay by Mobei-Jun's side until his memories return. The twist? He technically does not own the memories that the Cryo Archon wants from him.
The Shang Qinghua Effect by Yuu_chi - E, Moshang, side Bingqiu
Shang Qinghua knows better than anybody that he doesn’t get a second look so long as Shen Yuan is around.
Shadows can bleed by SenZen_Travers - E, original LBH/original SQQ
Set after Original!Luo Binghe's visit to Shen Yuan's timeline.
Shen Qingqiu owes everything to Luo Binghe, and Luo Binghe is determined to get it all. When he resurrects his master, it's to make him into the kind Shizun he saw in another world, the one who loved this meek version of himself.
Of course, Shen Qingqiu isn't that sweet - nor that harmless.
every star in the sky by haysel - T, Moshang, bg Bingqui
Shang Qinghua doesn't have a romantic soulmate. He meets Mobei Jun. He doesn't have one either.
The Most Ordinary Flower of Cang Qiong by isianobasho - E, Moshang
Shang Qinghua is an unpopular prostitute in an upscale brothel. His dreary everyday becomes much more interesting with an arrival of a demanding but so very handsome customer, that favors him exclusively.
Stepping Up by Tossawary - M, Moshang
Shang Qinghua accidentally brings Luo Binghe in as a disciple of An Ding Peak instead of Qing Jing Peak. Thankfully, there don't seem to be any requirements that he step up and become the new villainous mentor figure, so he decides to ignore the problem until further notice. Luo Binghe looking up to him is a dangerous sign. But as long as he keeps young Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun away from each other, everything should be fine, right?
To Conquer an Emperor by zarasu - E, Bingqiu
(ongoing) Transmigrating into the stallion novel he hates most is bad enough, but why did it have to be into the body of one of the protagonist's wives? Shen Yuan spends exactly two months dealing with harem intrigues, sullen maids and his husband utterly ignoring him before he decides to go on an extended holiday. Very extended. Surely no one will care if he just forgets about being married and becomes a cultivator, right? …Right?
fuel the embers with the flames of your soul by MissParasol - M, Bingqiu
(Abandoned?) Trapped in Huan Hua’s Water Prison, Shen Yuan’s illness from his previous life relapses.
Shen Yuan's School for Unrepentant Assholes by TGP - M, Bingqui
(Ongoing) Shen Yuan has been dealt a rough hand at the beginning of his life. Then he gets sort of adopted by Shen Qingqiu, who desperately needs someone to help smooth out his interpersonal relationships. Thankfully, Shen Yuan is awesome at understanding people and what they want! ... (Or, a drama of errors with comedic moments, exploring the growing relationship between an unforgiving misanthrope with serious issues and a traumatized kid that just wants to teach him what family means (and maybe learn it, himself))
The Moon's Beloved Shadow by mofumofu - E, Binqui, XueJiu
Shen Qingqiu is a man who hides his twin brother from the world with the ferocity of a phoenix-eyed mother crane.
Shen Yuan is a helpless transmigrator who wishes Airplane-bro had given even a single bit of backstory for this side character he's inhabiting!
Luo Binghe isn't doomed to face the Endless Abyss, but he is forced to confront something infinitely more frustrating: an overly protective brother.
Entirely Out of Spite by Bgtea - Teen+, Zhongchili
(Technically not SVSSS but very much inspired by it)
SVSSS inspired Genshin fic where the main character, Ajax, wakes up in the body of the scum villain Tartaglia and he has to figure out how to not die a gruesome death.
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flamevbirdv · 7 months
Fic rec friday
The sharp things I've keep in my mouth by alumiblossom1
Looking back on his life and marriage to his First Husband, Luo Binghe may have made a mistake or two.
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I just read a bingqui fic that ticks all my boxes. It has a "traveling back in time after death" plot like erha, Bingge's harem, shen brothers (but with canon awful shen jiu), moshang, and more, it's only 7k but has a lot of stuff I really liked
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thebookewyrme · 2 years
So, today is the one year server birthday of Ghost City MXTX server! I’m really proud of the thriving little community we’ve created over there. It’s adults-only because I wanted an adult space to be fandomy in, but we have a range of ages from early 20s to 50-60s. Mostly queer, many disabled, and all good folks. We have everything from the fluffiest HuaLian content to actual Liquified Dove BingQui, and as some of us move through the MDZS books that part of the server is growing as well!
Anyway, if you want to see what shenanigans we get up to in year 2, you are welcome to join as long as you’re 18+ and not looking to start drama (we bitch about drama, we do not indulge in fandom drama!)
We have regular art shares, fic Rec channels that are active, the deadest of doves, the fluffiest of fluff,communal headcanons that sometimes turn into fic, a dedicated Shang Qinghua jar shaker, regular watch parties (currently Word of Honor!), and a very active bitching zone for those times you just want to rant in private to a sympathetic audience! Join us!
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poprocksromance · 2 years
Now that I finished book 3 of SVSS (which correct me if I’m wrong leaves just extras for book 4?) I’m going to rank the MXTX protags first times.
1. HuaLian: Heavenly. While we don’t actually see this scene, we know that Hua Cheng treated Xie Lian like the god he is in that temple. You know this was cute as shit and HC was checking in on his man the entire time. If only I could have a man half as devoted to me as HC is to XL.
2. WangXian: On the ground (literally). I’m gonna be real, I’ve only read a shoddy translation of this and I didn’t finish it because it was very much not my cup of tea. In the bushes, really?? Actually yes really, these two are too horny for their own good. I’ll have to wait to read the proper translation to see if it’s possibly any better than my first impression, but they’re solidly the middle child here.
3. BingQui: In hell (literally). -100/10, very sorry you had to get dicked down by LB’s Giant Dong to save the world SQ. You did it for humanity and we respect that. Please dear god someone tell me that Luo Binghe gets better at sex or send me fanfiction that I can use as bleach to forget that massacre of a sex scene. Only saving grace is that isn’t supposed to be sexy and we’re right with SQ having a bad time.
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idlebeks · 9 months
Masterlist of SVSSS Fic Recs
Updated Sept 2024. Mix of all ratings and themes. All Lou Binghe/Shen Yuan. A couple WIP but mostly completed works. This fandom truly is a treasure trove of great fic.
right from the start, I gave you my heart by nex_et_nox
"Bro, you know how many words I wrote per day, and how many plants I created!” Shang Qinghua whines. "I can't remember them all, it's impossible."
Shen Qingqiu narrows his eyes. "It was used with Wife #418.”
"That doesn't narrow it down any further. I'm not going to be able to guess it, so stop punishing me and just tell me how the flower nerfed you."
Shen Qingqiu grits his teeth. Obviously he wants to draw this out to punish Shang Qinghua, but it kinda looks more like he's punishing himself. There's a muscle flexing in his jaw, and if he puts any more pressure on his fan's guard, it's going to snap. Uh, actually, Shen Qingqiu kind of looks like he's in pain—
“A false dragonhead is also called an obedient plant. It’s in the name—the flower forces you to do whatever you're told," Shen Qingqiu spits out.
or: Shen Qingqiu runs afoul of one of Airplane's stupid wife-plot devices...just before a mission to Jinlan City.
stuffed with fluff (and blood and bones and rage) by nyoomerr
Ever since he was pushed into the Abyss, Luo Binghe has been dreaming of a strange world. In it, Luo Binghe's own face is everywhere, and his story is written out in humiliating detail for some stupid twink to read about. Luo Binghe hates the story, and he hates the dream realm, and he hates the godling within it - Shen Yuan - most of all.
Unfortunately, Luo Binghe can't do anything about it - within these dreams, Luo Binghe is stuck within the body of a doll.
second-hand alibis by nex_et_nox
“All right. I’m in Proud Immortal Demon Way," he says, once he's had a chance to compose himself again. He sits back up, tossing his stupidly long hair back over his shoulders where it belongs; he is totally calm and ready to grill the System for more information.  "Who am I supposed to be?"
Please please please don't let it be someone who Bingge violently murders.
Though given the fact that he's a man in PIDW, his chances are already skewed, and not in his favor. Ugh.
[Bound Role: Shen Yuan, Rogue Cultivator. Weapon: the sword Heng Li. Starting B-points: 100.]
or: Shen Yuan transmigrates as a rogue cultivator, one completely unconnected to any canon characters or events. Right, System? Right?
Type Casting by pallas_rose
Shang Qinghua’s fertilizer has unexpected effects on the mushroom body. In addition to... that, Shen Qingqiu doesn’t remember his death. Or anything at all after planting the Sun Moon Dew Mushroom seed in the dirt.
But he doesn’t need to, right? Shen Qingqiu knows PIDW and Luo Bing-ge like the back of his hand. He’ll be fine. He just has to avoid getting noticed—you know what happens to beautiful women in PIDW!
…though would life in the harem be so bad?
says the shadow by tciddaemina
Luo Binghe wakes up to the heavy, suffocating feeling that something is wrong.
His back aches, sleeping on the floor of the woodshed has left him stiff and sore, and yet all the pain and agony of his latest caning fades into inconsequentiality, washed away in the face of the sheer, suffocating, heavy dread pressing down on his shoulders. It steals the oxygen from the air, swelling to fill every inch of the room, the pressure crushing.
His eyes open too quickly, and he scrambles up, heart pounding in his throat, head snapping towards the door of the shed. There's a knot in his throat, thick, and he struggles to swallow around it, throat suddenly dry.
The woodshed looks as it always has. Nothing has changed.
Everything has changed.
Luo Binghe's shizun has a qi deviation and the thing left afterwards isn't Shen Qingqiu.
Shen Yuan's School for Unrepentant Assholes by TGP
Shen Yuan has been dealt a rough hand at the beginning of his life. Then he gets sort of adopted by Shen Qingqiu, who desperately needs someone to help smooth out his interpersonal relationships. Thankfully, Shen Yuan is awesome at understanding people and what they want!
Shen Qingqiu can't decide if he regrets claiming this chaos gremlin as his own or not, but now that Shen Yuan is here, he's never letting him go. He'll have to be pried out of Shen Qingqiu's cold, dead fingers first.
Meanwhile, Luo Binghe is just caught up in the wake of both of them and trying not to be dragged under.
(Or, a drama of errors with comedic moments, exploring the growing relationship between an unforgiving misanthrope with serious issues and a traumatized kid that just wants to teach him what family means (and maybe learn it, himself))
dreaming you the same sun in a different place by JRaylin441
[Activating: Bonus Chapter – In Another Life]
[We notice that you are searching for someone. Would you like to accept the bonus chapter mission In Another Life in order to reunite with User: Shen Yuan, Bound Role: Shen Qingqiu?]
Shen Qingqiu disappears. Luo Binghe isn't going to let that stand.
Written for a Gotcha for Gaza prompt "Luo Binghe sucking Shen Yuan's dick (any dynamic)" from an anonymous prompter
Lotus Seeds by Anonymous
Upon transmigrating into the body of a xianxia antagonist destined to die after being gruesomely tortured, Shen Yuan decides he won't give in to the demands of the System to meekly accept his fate. Instead, he runs away. (WIP)
High Mountain, How I Long by Minimalistless
Shen Qingqiu, after enduring his trial, is placed into Luo Binghe’s custody at Huan Hua Palace.
Tarnished Gold by Prim_the_Amazing
Becoming emperor of the cultivation world will start with a first step as small and basic as becoming Head Disciple of Huan Hua Palace. For that, he must steal the position away from the current Head Disciple. Luo Binghe will sabotage, upstage, and completely and utterly best him.
The road to destroying everything and everyone who has ever wronged him, to becoming the highest ruler so that no one will ever have the right to control him ever again - it will start as simply as ruining Gongyi Xiao’s life.
Compared to everything else he’s already done, this should be easy.
Luo Binghe brings all his skills of cunning and brutality to bear on Gongyi Xiao, Head Disciple of Huan Hua Palace Sect. It… doesn’t go too well for him.
prophets on hold by nex_et_nox
Luo Binghe led the charge in the trial against Shen Qingqiu in < Proud Immortal Demon Way >. By all rights, the concept of a trial shouldn’t even be a glimmer in anyone’s eye until Shen Qingqiu’s blackened lotus has crawled his way out of the hell Shen Qingqiu tossed him in.
So why is Shen Qingqiu wrapped in immortal binding cables and locked away in the Huan Hua Water Prison?! 
[or: Luo Binghe is precisely one (1) year late getting out of the Abyss. This does not put a halt on anyone else's plans.]
Starstruck by Camorra
His phone buzzes again and Shen Yuan scoops it up irritably. It’s another message from DemonHeart.
DemonHeart: you seem to be a Luo Binghe fan
DemonHeart: we can get you access to him
Shen Yuan scowls.
PeerlessCucumber: do I look like I was born yesterday?
The response is instantaneous. A picture pops up on screen. Shen Yuan vaguely recognizes the woman that plays the drums, still in full stage makeup. Next to her, arm slung around her waist, is a face Shen Yuan would know anywhere. Luo Binghe, giving a wry smile to the camera.
DemonHeart: he’s a fan, you know
PeerlessCucumber: where exactly would we be meeting
Immortal Lamb Crusader Way by Mikkeneko
Shen Yuan finds himself transmigrated into the last video game he played before his death -- the dungeon-delving, cult-building anthro hit game of the year, Immortal Lamb Crusader Way. Much to his dismay he finds himself in the role of the BBEG, the God of Death, He Who Waits -- Shen Qingqiu! Is there any way he can guide the protagonist, Luo Binghe, to level-up and victory without falling victim himself to the Lamb Crusader's blade?
And why does he want to pet the Lamb's fleecy head so badly? He's not a furry, okay! He's not!
The Scum Villain's Second Save File by the-night-gods-moon (HelloMyNameIsAlias)
Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua's shroom scheme falls through in a big way, and Shen Yuan is forced to re-transmigrate into another world that revolves around half-demons and messy, convoluted romances. Good thing he's an expert!
anachronism of the moment by plutoisgay
daemon au that follows Shen Yuan through his transmigration and life in PIDW
Shen Yuan transmigrates to a world of demons, harem-politics, and the ineffable notion of being perceived. His daemon, at least, seems to share his concerns.
We Are Not Wise by Boomchick, Suzoomie
When Shen Qingqiu drew Shen Yuan’s soul sword, it felt like being burned from the inside out. The fire wasn’t cruel, but it was still fire—hot and destructive, searing the softest pieces of him.
When Binghe’s fingers touch the hilt, he is ready for pain.
Transmigrated into a version of Proud Immortal Demon Way where cultivators manifest their own souls into spiritual weapons, Shen Yuan finds himself sort of kind of…accidentally blackmailing Shen Qingqiu into taking him on as a disciple before Luo Binghe joins the sect.
That should give Shen Yuan plenty of opportunities to make sure nothing goes wrong for his favorite protagonist, right? RIGHT!?
A story of twists, turns, hope, despair, and soul swords. Written for the Bingqiu Reverse Minibang 2023, illustrated and conceptualized by the incredible Suzu!
Protagonist Rehabilitation Programme by cinnamonsnaps
(oh my god they were roommates)
"Thank you, valued user, for accepting the Protagonist Rehabilitation Programme. Your task: Ensure the protagonist's happiness."
Shen Yuan is convinced that his favouri... least favourite novel's main protagonist isn't really happy. He has babes, money and power, but does he have any friends?
Cue the system handily dropping Demon King Luo Binghe into his bedroom. Can Shen Yuan make him happy before the timer runs out?
(90% light-hearted comedy, 10% existential horror and fear because this is the OG PIDW Binghe we're talking about)
Can't we just skip to the end? by chaoticgoodlawyer
When it was all said and done, Shen Qingqiu comforted himself that the end of the plot meant that, surely, all major events were out of the way. They were firmly in HEA territory and he could relax a little. Right? Right.
A year and a half into his marriage to the protagonist, he cursed himself for a fool when he woke next to a Luo Binghe from ten years in the past.
Meanwhile, a recently transmigrated Shen Yuan struggled to retain what little face he had when confronted with an overgrown, disturbingly gorgeous demon lord claiming to be his husband. Which is impossible, because he’s straight, the most hetero heterosexual to exist. System? A little help here??
Sit With Your Soul by Tossawary
The original Shen Qingqiu suffers a severe deviation that unsettles his daemon, transforming them into a childish and inconstant creature, too curious and without any memories of the life that has made him so bitter. His soul is now unrecognizable to him and everyone can see his humiliation.
Shen Yuan isn't exactly happy to have transmigrated into Proud Immortal Demon Way at all, much less as this doomed scum villain's daemon.
A His Dark Materials Fusion AU. Knowledge of HDM not required.
Celestial Afterglow by elanor_pam
Shang Qinghua, also known as Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky, stared flatly at what had once been a field boasting near sect-level Feng Shui alignment, and the drowned, bloated remains of the Sun and Moon Dew Flower cuttings that had sprouted within it. Their plan was now quite literally a wash.
If only he could consult Cucumber Bro on how to save Cucumber Bro! But in the absence of Cucumber Bro, he could but rely on the one plot coupon the infamous Peerless Cucumber had ever applauded.
Tongfang by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Shen Yuan is reincarnated as a cannon fodder character and eventual murder victim in one of the whodunnit arcs in Proud Immortal Demon Way. Things escalate quickly.
Or: that one where young Luo Binghe’s career goal is ‘Bride’.
Shen Yuan shut his eyes as a young man waiting to die in a hospital and opened them again as a wrinkly infant covered in substances best left unimagined.
[Welcome to the System! The System is based on the concept ‘YOU CAN YOU UP. NO CAN NO BB.’ We hope to provide you with a rewarding experience. It is our sincere hope that during the course of your adventure, you can achieve your desire to transform a ‘Stupid Novel’ into a high-end and impressive classic. We pray for your happiness,] a mechanical and inflectionless voice announced over the general hubbub of the group of women handling him. Then it added, somewhat more worryingly, [Error.]
In Service by x_los
Emperor Luo Binghe goes looking for a Shen Yuan of his own. The one he finds has yet to fully ripen, but Luo Binghe is used to turning adversity into advantage.
Every Binghe/ge deserves a Happy Ending [buy one SY, get one free] by Shireyaki
You can have a Shen Yuan
YOU can have a Shen Yuan
Scum Villain AUs by Feynite
Various random alternate universe fics.
Supervillain AU
Genderswap AU
Hades & Persephone AU
Dragon Monster AU
Mermay AU
Free Guy AU
& Many More!
Into the Abyss by esama
In which Shen Yuan pisses the System off and it sends him straight into the Endless Abyss.
Four years later, Shen Qingqiu does the same to Luo Binghe.
Fruiting Body by Calamity Butterfly (Calamity_Butterfly)
“A new body? What has my Shizun done?” Luo Binghe asks mildly.
“Oh, I died again, didn’t I? This time, I died saving you from a qi deviation brought on by that sword,” Shen Qingqiu answers, stroking the caps of the trembling mushrooms still pressed up against his sides. “I suspected I was going to die so I prepared a new body, just in case. But it’s taking a long time to remember myself, and I’m not sure I want to go back once I do.”
Shen Qingqiu awakens in the Sun and Moon Dew Flower body, more fungal than human, and networked into a vast, sentient mycelial network. His new body is more complicated than he anticipated. Luo Binghe finds him, and that is also more complicated than he anticipated.
The Many Trials and Tribulations of Ming Fan by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Ming Fan just wants to get through ONE supervised night hunt without this happening.
Or: the one where Shen Qingqiu continues to be attractive to people who aren’t Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge. It's a problem.
“Da-shixiong.” Ning-shimei’s groan was barely audible to anyone who didn’t have a cultivator’s enhanced senses. To him and the rest of their assembled siblings, though, it rang out like a bell. The only one who didn’t notice was Shizun. He was up ahead and deep in conversation with the Lord who’d summoned them to investigate a series of local disappearances.
“I saw,” Ming Fan sighed. “Eyes front. Everyone knows their roles.”
Frankly, he’d been braced for this moment since he’d asked around about the family hosting them for the duration of this investigation. He’d discovered that they had two marriage-aged daughters in the household, neither of whom were engaged.
Loaded God Complex, Cock It And Pull It by Camorra
There were three things of which Shen Yuan was absolutely certain.
The first, that Luo Binghe was an irredeemable jackass.
The second, there was a part of Luo Binghe, and Shen Yuan didn't know how large, that wanted Shen Yuan dead for trussing him like a pig and dumping him on his own front porch.
And the third, that Shen Yuan was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Luo Binghe.
P S Y C H !
omg they were roommates by smellslikecitrus
Shen Yuan was a normal chemistry major. What did he do to deserve getting booted into his least-favorite novel?!
Silver lining: Binghe makes really, really good food.
Plastromancy by x_los
"One night, Luo Binghe notices something odd about the way his blood is pooling on the floor of the woodshed."
A twelve year old Luo Binghe meets his Other Shizun.
AQ by x_los
Before he rose to captaincy, Shen Yuan attended a briefing given to all command level officers in Star Fleet that outlined the scope of the Q threat. According to Admiral Picard's report, the omnipotent Q are devious, amoral, unreliable, irresponsible and definitely not to be trusted.
Orphaned stowaway Luo Binghe doesn't even know he is one.
Living With a Tiger by x_los
Shen Yuan has been engaged to Emperor Luo Binghe from almost the hour of his birth. He grows up knowing his place in the world exactly; he is far less certain of his place in his betrothed's guarded affections.
Scum Villain's Accidental Romance System by BurnerAccount
Shen Qingqiu has accepted that yes, this is a novel. And yes, it is going to have stupid plot points that he can (probably) do nothing about. His inevitable, horrible fate is his most probable future - but hey, it's at least a ways off yet, right?
A Stallion novel has stupid tropes, but he's 100% - no, 1000% sure, that these aren't in the standard package.
Anyways, Stan Shen Qingqiu by x_los
Millennial vs Gen Z? Shen Qingqiu wishes.
A young transmigrator has a new idol; Shen Qingqiu is very tired
How To Stop Being Strung Along By A Guy & Get What You Deserve: 5 Steps to a Serious Relationship! by x_los
'Madam Meiyin said: “Milord’s fated lover pays very little attention to others. But the moment they come to care about someone, they will care with their entire heart and soul.”'
Shen Yuan transmigrates into Proud Immortal Demon Way with a firmly-tied red string of fate. It takes Luo Binghe roughly two hours to notice this.
The Favourite by x_los
Demonic Emperor Luo Binghe's reputation precedes him. It's just not very accurate.
I Wish You Were My Husband by Feynite
AU based on The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir (familiarity with that story's not required).
Wherein Shen Yuan transmigrates into a harem intrigues romance novel (gay edition), Yue Qingyuan really fucks up, Liu Qingge is not suitable for his job, and no one even remotely sees Luo Binghe coming.
Always the Light Falls by Letters2Elvinscend 
Growing up is hard. Living up to your mother's expectations is harder. Realizing your Shizun is actually kind of hot is damn near impossible.
System Temporarily Unavailable, Please Don't Abuse The Substitute! by Asymptotical
The System has to go bail another System's world out of a plot crisis.
It told them that its Host would notice, but did they listen? Of course not.
We Never Dreamed These Walls by straightforwardly
When Luo Binghe falls into the Endless Abyss, he accidentally pulls Shen Qingqiu down with him.
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idlebeks · 2 years
SVSSS Fic Recs
I'm working on a podfic list. But here, have a couple of Scum Villian recs in the mean time. All BingQui, mostly rated E. This is a fun fandom, there is so much potential for both extreme angst and extreme crack, often at the same time.
Every Binghe/ge deserves a Happy Ending [buy one SY, get one free] by Shireyaki
You can have a Shen Yuan YOU can have a Shen Yuan WE ALL CAN HAVE A SHEN YUAN
Scum Villain AUs by Feynite
Various random alternate universe fics.
Supervillain AU Genderswap AU Hades & Persephone AU Dragon Monster AU Mermay AU Free Guy AU
& Many More!
Into the Abyss by esama
In which Shen Yuan pisses the System off and it sends him straight into the Endless Abyss.
Four years later, Shen Qingqiu does the same to Luo Binghe.
Fruiting Body by Calamity Butterfly (Calamity_Butterfly)
“A new body? What has my Shizun done?” Luo Binghe asks mildly.
“Oh, I died again, didn’t I? This time, I died saving you from a qi deviation brought on by that sword,” Shen Qingqiu answers, stroking the caps of the trembling mushrooms still pressed up against his sides. “I suspected I was going to die so I prepared a new body, just in case. But it’s taking a long time to remember myself, and I’m not sure I want to go back once I do.”
Shen Qingqiu awakens in the Sun and Moon Dew Flower body, more fungal than human, and networked into a vast, sentient mycelial network. His new body is more complicated than he anticipated. Luo Binghe finds him, and that is also more complicated than he anticipated.
The Many Trials and Tribulations of Ming Fan by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Ming Fan just wants to get through ONE supervised night hunt without this happening.
Or: the one where Shen Qingqiu continues to be attractive to people who aren’t Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge. It's a problem.
“Da-shixiong.” Ning-shimei’s groan was barely audible to anyone who didn’t have a cultivator’s enhanced senses. To him and the rest of their assembled siblings, though, it rang out like a bell. The only one who didn’t notice was Shizun. He was up ahead and deep in conversation with the Lord who’d summoned them to investigate a series of local disappearances.
“I saw,” Ming Fan sighed. “Eyes front. Everyone knows their roles.”
Frankly, he’d been braced for this moment since he’d asked around about the family hosting them for the duration of this investigation. He’d discovered that they had two marriage-aged daughters in the household, neither of whom were engaged.
Loaded God Complex, Cock It And Pull It by Camorra
There were three things of which Shen Yuan was absolutely certain. The first, that Luo Binghe was an irredeemable jackass. The second, there was a part of Luo Binghe, and Shen Yuan didn't know how large, that wanted Shen Yuan dead for trussing him like a pig and dumping him on his own front porch. And the third, that Shen Yuan was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Luo Binghe. P S Y C H !
omg they were roommates by smellslikecitrus
Shen Yuan was a normal chemistry major. What did he do to deserve getting booted into his least-favorite novel?!
Silver lining: Binghe makes really, really good food.
Plastromancy by x_los
"One night, Luo Binghe notices something odd about the way his blood is pooling on the floor of the woodshed."
A twelve year old Luo Binghe meets his Other Shizun.
AQ by x_los
Before he rose to captaincy, Shen Yuan attended a briefing given to all command level officers in Star Fleet that outlined the scope of the Q threat. According to Admiral Picard's report, the omnipotent Q are devious, amoral, unreliable, irresponsible and definitely not to be trusted.
Orphaned stowaway Luo Binghe doesn't even know he is one.
Living With a Tiger by x_los
Shen Yuan has been engaged to Emperor Luo Binghe from almost the hour of his birth. He grows up knowing his place in the world exactly; he is far less certain of his place in his betrothed's guarded affections.
Scum Villain's Accidental Romance System by BurnerAccount
Shen Qingqiu has accepted that yes, this is a novel. And yes, it is going to have stupid plot points that he can (probably) do nothing about. His inevitable, horrible fate is his most probable future - but hey, it's at least a ways off yet, right?
A Stallion novel has stupid tropes, but he's 100% - no, 1000% sure, that these aren't in the standard package.
Anyways, Stan Shen Qingqiu by x_los
Millennial vs Gen Z? Shen Qingqiu wishes.
A young transmigrator has a new idol; Shen Qingqiu is very tired.
I Wish You Were My Husband by Feynite
AU based on The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir (familiarity with that story's not required).
Wherein Shen Yuan transmigrates into a harem intrigues romance novel (gay edition), Yue Qingyuan really fucks up, Liu Qingge is not suitable for his job, and no one even remotely sees Luo Binghe coming.
Always the Light Falls by Letters2Elvinscend
Growing up is hard. Living up to your mother's expectations is harder. Realizing your Shizun is actually kind of hot is damn near impossible.
System Temporarily Unavailable, Please Don't Abuse The Substitute! by Asymptotical
The System has to go bail another System's world out of a plot crisis.
It told them that its Host would notice, but did they listen? Of course not.
We Never Dreamed These Walls by straightforwardly
When Luo Binghe falls into the Endless Abyss, he accidentally pulls Shen Qingqiu down with him.
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linya333 · 1 year
fic rec: bingqui omegaverse edition
Okay this fic is my absolute favorite. Because I go absolutely crazy over courting rituals and food as meaning and different societal expectations in a/b/o worldbuilding. And this fic is short and has absolutely everything I adore in it.
It's only shameless if you had any shame to lose in the first place by avourel
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