#biohazard remediation
i-call-me-clarence · 9 months
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on-guardsanitisation · 4 months
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proservicesbiohazard · 3 months
What to Expect During a Crime Scene Cleanup in Rochester, MN
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Crime scenes are distressing, and traumatic, and often leave behind a myriad of biohazardous materials. In Rochester, MN, dealing with the aftermath of such incidents requires professional crime scene cleanup services to ensure safety, proper sanitation, and restoration of the affected area. Understanding what to expect during this process can help alleviate some of the stress during a challenging time.
Initial Assessment and Planning
Before any cleanup begins, a reputable crime scene cleanup company in Rochester will conduct a thorough assessment of the scene. This assessment involves evaluating the extent of the contamination, identifying potential hazards, and creating a detailed plan for the cleanup process. Expect the professionals to communicate openly with you, explaining their findings and the steps they will take to restore the area.
Safety Precautions
Safety is paramount during crime scene cleanup. Expect the cleanup crew to arrive in protective gear, including gloves, masks, and suits, to minimize exposure to biohazards such as blood, bodily fluids, or chemicals. They will also set up barriers or establish a perimeter to prevent unauthorized access to the site during cleanup.
Biohazard Cleanup and Disposal
Crime scenes often contain biohazardous materials that require specialized handling and disposal. Expect the cleanup team to meticulously remove blood, tissue, and other bodily fluids from surfaces using appropriate disinfectants and cleaning agents. All contaminated materials will be carefully packaged and disposed of according to local regulations and industry standards.
Deodorization and Sanitization
Beyond visible contaminants, crime scenes may also emit strong odors and harbor invisible pathogens. Expect the cleanup crew to employ advanced deodorization techniques to eliminate unpleasant smells and sanitize the area thoroughly. This may involve using ozone generators, foggers, or other specialized equipment to ensure that the space is safe and habitable once again.
Restoration and Reconstruction
Depending on the severity of the incident, the cleanup process may also involve restoring the affected area to its pre-incident condition. This could include repairing or replacing damaged flooring, walls, or other structural elements. Expect the cleanup company to work efficiently and with attention to detail to ensure that the space is fully restored, allowing for a smoother recovery process.
Compassionate Support
Throughout the entire cleanup process, expect the cleanup professionals to approach their work with empathy, respect, and professionalism. They understand that dealing with a crime scene is emotionally challenging, and they will strive to provide compassionate support to you and your loved ones during this difficult time. Feel free to communicate any concerns or preferences you may have, as they are committed to accommodating your needs to the best of their ability.
Experiencing a crime scene cleanup Rochester MN, is undoubtedly a harrowing ordeal. However, knowing what to expect during the cleanup process can help ease some of the burdens associated with such situations. By entrusting the cleanup to experienced professionals who prioritize safety, thoroughness, and compassion, you can take the first steps toward restoring safety and peace of mind to your home or property.
Biohazard Pro Services 6105 Rome Cir NW Rochester MN, 55901 507-607-5776 https://biohazpro.com/rochester-mn/
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hotsprings0382 · 3 months
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Our Premium Water Damage Restoration Services in Hot Springs AR offer a swift, reliable, and professional solution to the daunting aftermath of water-related emergencies. When faced with the unexpected challenges of water damage, our dedicated team is your steadfast ally. With a commitment to swift action, we promptly assess and address the extent of the damage, working tirelessly to restore your property to its former state.
Hot Springs Restoration 316 Plum Hollow Blvd Hot Springs AR, 71913 501-214-4733 https://hotspringsrestoration.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8412020258367260095
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biohazardproatlanta24 · 4 months
Essential Role of Professional Biohazard Remediation: Safeguarding Health and Environment
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Biohazardous incidents can occur unexpectedly, leaving individuals and communities grappling with the aftermath of potentially dangerous substances. Whether it's a crime scene, accident, or infectious disease outbreak, the importance of professional biohazard remediation cannot be overstated. In this article, we delve into the critical role played by biohazard cleanup specialists in safeguarding public health and the environment.
Understanding Biohazards:
Biohazards encompass a broad range of substances, including bloodborne pathogens, bodily fluids, chemicals, and infectious materials. Cleaning up these hazardous materials requires specialized knowledge, skills, and equipment to ensure thorough decontamination and prevent the spread of diseases.
The Professional Biohazard Remediation Process:
Risk Assessment:
Professional biohazard cleanup begins with a thorough risk assessment. This involves identifying the nature and extent of the contamination, potential hazards, and the appropriate remediation protocols. Choose Hazmat Cleaning Atlanta GA.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Biohazard cleanup specialists are equipped with high-quality personal protective equipment, including suits, masks, gloves, and boots, to shield themselves from exposure to hazardous materials.
Containment and Isolation:
Establishing containment zones is crucial to prevent the spread of contaminants. Biohazard remediation experts use barriers and specialized equipment to isolate affected areas, minimizing the risk of cross-contamination.
Cleaning and Decontamination:
The cleaning process involves using specialized chemicals and disinfectants to eradicate biohazards thoroughly. Decontamination is a meticulous process, ensuring that all surfaces and materials are safe for human contact.
Proper Disposal:
Disposing of biohazardous waste is tightly regulated. Specialists adhere to strict guidelines for packaging, transportation, and disposal to prevent environmental contamination and protect public health.
Verification and Testing:
After remediation, professionals conduct thorough testing and verification to ensure that the affected area is completely free of biohazards. This step is critical for confirming the success of the cleanup process.
The Importance of Professionalism:
Professional biohazard remediation goes beyond technical expertise. Compassion, discretion, and respect for the affected individuals and their families are essential elements of the process. Biohazard cleanup specialists often work closely with law enforcement, emergency responders, and healthcare professionals to address the emotional and psychological impact of traumatic incidents.
Environmental Responsibility:
In addition to protecting human health, biohazard remediation specialists are committed to environmental responsibility. Proper disposal of biohazardous waste is carried out in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations to minimize the ecological impact.
Professional biohazard remediation is a vital service that plays a pivotal role in maintaining public health and safety. These specialists operate at the intersection of science, compassion, and environmental responsibility to restore affected spaces and communities. By understanding and appreciating the significance of biohazard cleanup, we can better appreciate the unsung heroes who work diligently to protect us from the unseen dangers that lurk in the aftermath of biohazardous incidents. Biohazard Pro Atlanta 470-893-0016 963 Moores Mill Rd NW Atlanta GA, 30327 https://www.biohazpro.com/atlanta/
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arcrestoration · 4 months
When disaster strikes, hiring a damage restoration company is essential! From fire and water damage to mold remediation, ARC Restoration provides rapid response, expertise, and comprehensive solutions to restore your property safely and efficiently. Don't risk further damage – trust the professionals to get your space back to its best!
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Restoring Hope: Effective Strategies for Fire-Damaged Property Recovery
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In the wake of a devastating fire, the process of rebuilding can seem overwhelming. The emotional toll coupled with the physical damage requires a comprehensive approach to restore both property and hope. This article explores effective strategies for fire-damaged property recovery, offering guidance to those navigating the challenging path toward restoration.
Safety First: Assessing and Securing the Property
Prioritize Safety: Before any restoration efforts begin, ensure that the property is safe for entry. Work with professionals fire damage to assess structural integrity and address immediate hazards.
Securing the Site: Implement temporary measures to secure the property, such as boarding up windows and doors, to prevent further damage from weather or potential intruders.
Documenting Losses: A Crucial Step in the Recovery Process
Thorough Inventory: Create a detailed inventory of damaged items, including photographs and descriptions. This documentation will be essential for insurance claims and can help prioritize salvageable possessions.
Communicate with Insurers: Initiate contact with your insurance company promptly. Provide them with the necessary documentation and stay in regular communication throughout the claims process.
Engage Professional Restoration Services
Choose Reputable Contractors: Research and select reputable fire damage Rochester MN professionals with experience in fire-damaged properties. Obtain multiple quotes and references before making a decision.
Comprehensive Assessment: A professional assessment can uncover hidden damages, guiding the development of a thorough restoration plan. This may include structural repairs, smoke damage mitigation, and cleaning services.
Developing a Detailed Restoration Plan
Prioritize Essential Repairs: Work with restoration experts to prioritize essential repairs. This may involve addressing structural issues, electrical systems, and plumbing before focusing on cosmetic improvements.
Setting Realistic Timelines: Establish realistic timelines for the restoration process. Understand that rebuilding takes time, and patience is crucial for achieving the best results.
Community Support and Counseling
Community Resources: Reach out to local community organizations that offer support to fire victims. They may provide resources such as temporary housing, clothing, and other essentials to ease the burden during recovery.
Counseling Services: The emotional toll of a fire can be immense. Seek counseling services to help cope with the trauma and stress associated with the loss. Many communities have support groups specifically designed for disaster survivors.
Environmental Considerations and Sustainability
Green Restoration Practices: Incorporate environmentally friendly practices into the restoration process. Choose sustainable materials and consider energy-efficient upgrades during reconstruction.
Landscaping and Vegetation: Evaluate the impact of the fire on the surrounding landscape. Implement reforestation and landscaping initiatives to restore the natural environment and prevent erosion.
Restoring a fire-damaged property requires a multifaceted approach, combining safety measures, professional expertise, community support, and a commitment to sustainability. By following these effective strategies, individuals can navigate the challenging journey of recovery, gradually rebuilding not only their homes but also restoring hope for a brighter future. Choose Service Pro Restoration for your fire damage needs!
Service Pro Restoration 2001 2nd St SW Rochester MN, 55902 507-229-5554 https://rochesterwaterdamage.org/
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sorcerous-caress · 2 months
I'm so jealous of Daniil. Having only played the Haruspex route so far in both game, each time I'm invited to the Bachelor's place I turn green with envy at how he resides at an actual proper house with a real room and a real bed.
A real bed with a whole bedframe. A pillow with an actual pillowcase!! His bed even has sheets!
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He has WINDOWS. His house is in a nice neighbourhood, and his roommate is a very attractive woman. There is actual furniture in his room. Not one hint of fungus growing on the walls or rust!
Can you imagine living there as your lair? Spending the whole game knowing you have a real house with a real bed to go back to at the end of each night? Seeing Eva's face every day before leaving to do quests?
Meanwhile, Artemy is stuck in this dumpster room of an abandoned factory. Cuddling with rats on his makeshift bed, held by nothing but a wooden panel, some boxes and a dream.
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A pillow so yellow it has its own ecosystem where bugs established real estate. Is that even a pillow or is it some random rock Artemy found and chucked in there? Is it a stale loaf of bread?? Why is it hard looking?
But no, you don't even get to keep the rock roach pillow because in P2, they take it away.
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Fuck you Artemy, you had it good for too long. No pillow now because what are you gonna do about it?. Fold your mattress instead to have a resemblance of a faux sense of protection under your most vital organ during the long hours of death rehearsal that you call sleep.
Somehow, they made the bed even more unstable looking. As if that thin panel in the middle could hold Artemy's weight without caving in. Oh, and apparently, I ran out of boxes to use for furniture because the bed and the table have to share custody of the same box.
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We have downgraded into barrels now, as you can see :) No, I don't know what they used to contain inside.
Waking up every day to Sticky's snotty face telling me not to spit in the wind and nagging me about cleaning up the week-old human organs thrown around that are stinking up the place.
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This single wall holds so much mold and fungus that they started crossbreeding and evolved into new, never seen before types of bacteria. Satan's asscrack is more hygienic than whatever biohazard plagues of Egypt this slab of concrete contains.
I live in the gutters. My only neighbours are an illegal gang of minors with a hatred for furries and another illegal gang but of adults this time who sell me bullets way above the market price. A dangerous neighbourhood where you can't have shit because SOMEONE STOLE MY BULL.
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The basement I reside in has no windows, the smell is pungent and fucking vile down here. There isn't even a space for a bathroom.
This is my kitchenette/bathroomette/showerette/cupboardette/surgery tools disinfection stationette/sinkette/watercoolerette/toilette/fridge.
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also my buckets yk.
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One bucket for the makeshift bathroom, another for holding important organs and loose guts during surgery, a third one as a cooking pot for making tasty meat grub soup and the final one for murky water after sweeping the floor.
What do I use to tell them apart? Oh nothing :) I just mix em up every now and then, oppsie daisy.
Oh and the floors are CONSTANTLY wet for some reason. Yeah sticky slipped and almost broke his neck the other day so watch your steps.
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There is also this eerie room with literal garbage and broken furniture right next to the entrance. Don't worry about it, sometimes I hear someone crying and screaming for help when I'm trying to go to sleep but it's just the factory being silly lol.
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Now this? This is where the M A G I C happens. This is where Artemy the Menkhu makes his famous herbal remedies and natural mixtures. This is where the Panacea for the infamous sand plague gets made!
In a rusty empty food can.
Falling into a bucket with shit stains.
Meanwhile, dickovsky has the view of the cathedral and polyhedron just around the corner from where he resides. He has a backyard with a lake, and all I have is a swamp behind my basement. I trudge through the mud each night, collecting weeds and herbs to mix and trade so I and the two orphans who adopted themselves into my life don't go starving.
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Not to mention the gaggles of herb brides loitering outside and giving me a false bad reputation.
That dandy douchbag has a pharmacy, a grocery, and a tailor right next door. The closest establishment to my shrekcore place of resident is a dingy basement bar with shady drinks and no bouncer to check for ID, I saw two kids in there once.
Pov: a qt3.14 surgeon says his dad isn't home and invites you over.
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purocleanofbarlett · 2 years
PuroClean of Bartlett
PuroClean of Bartlett is a locally-owned and family-operated business specializing in the restoration needs of homeowners and properties in distress. We are professionally trained in the latest restoration technology, techniques, and procedures. At Puroclean, we are honored to have received nationally recognized certifications in fire damage and water damage restoration.
We are a family-owned business specializing in the restoration needs of homeowners and properties in distress. At Puroclean, we are professionally trained in the latest restoration technology, techniques, and procedures. Our certified contractors are able to restore your property quickly and efficiently. We proudly serve the cities of Bartlett, Elgin, South Elgin, Streamwood, Dundee, Hanover Park, Wayne and St. Charles.
Your home and property are irreplaceable. PuroClean, a family-owned business specializing in the restoration needs of homeowners and properties in distress, can help. At Puroclean, we are professionally trained in the latest restoration technology and techniques, making it possible to restore your home or office to its original beauty. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and strive to exceed your expectations.
Contact Us:
160 Bartlett Plaza, #8345 Bartlett IL 60103
(630) 823-0424
Find us on Google Maps:
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chestcongestion · 8 days
I am finally back from work/ getting my oil changed and here to deliver snzcanons for my favorite pretty kitty <333
Loud ass dad sneezer, sneezes with his entire head, if he was a weaker person he'd sneeze with so much force he'd knock himself over.
Very heavy on the "R"s, they're almost rolling sneezes.
Lots of "HRR'SssCHUHH!" "HRr'SsHOO!" and the occasional "HHNP'TSSHHUH!"
Usually sneezes in multiple singles spaced apart, doubles or more usually indicates that he isn't feeling well (allergies or illness...or both if he's so unlucky)
Allergic to cinnamon, roses, and the ingredients in a lot of mass-marketed forms of glitter (something he had to learn the hard way when he and An/gel were intimate while Ange was still decked out in full glam from work)
Covers pretty religiously, albeit with some sketchy technique. Tends to use the back of his wrist a lot which manages to cover sweet F.A. 80% of the time.
Is a very wet sneezer, every single one produces enough for a biohazard Jackson Pollock painting.
Can stifle, but it's both very uncomfortable and very obvious when he's doing it because he has to use his fingers and pinch them over his nostrils, and his fur stands on end with every sneeze.
Prone to his sinuses getting very congested, garbled consonants and a nerfed sense of smell, holding a cloth up to his nose to try and keep it from leaking. It almost always spreads to his ears, too.
Whenever his nose is itchy his precious little jellybean twitches and wiggles like a rabbit's nose, even as the skin around it turns pink from all of the pinching, wiping, and blowing.
Has no problem telling people when he isn't feeling well, but hates being fussed over so he usually downplays it.
Best cold remedy that isn't OTC meds: chewing on a piece of goldenrod and getting absolutely sloshed on tea with honey, lemon, ginger, and enough whiskey that it could be used as molotov fuel.
Very drowsy when he's sick, will fall asleep basically anywhere and has to be jostled pretty intensely to be woken up. Favorite place to fall asleep when he isn't feeling well is tucked between An/gel's legs.
Immune system is very good! But when sicknesses do hit, they hit hard in retaliation.
About 2/3 of the time he gets a cold he ends up with a lingering cough that annoys the shit out of him, but upon experimenting with treatments and different positions, they aren't nearly as insufferable as they used to be- coughing on your stomach while your boyfriend pats your back is apparently the prime spot for old grouchy catboys...who knew?!
Finds sneezing fascinating...unsure if it's in a kink way or not, but when the place is empty and he's bored, sometimes he induces either with a cinnamon stick or one of his feathers.
If you scratch a particular spot behind his left ear, he sneezes.
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i-call-me-clarence · 9 months
You guys Biohazard Remediation classes are kicking my ass! Running your own business is hard, but running a business where you deal with biohazards on a daily basis??? It’s ridiculous the amount of laws I have to learn by heart Dx
Also, THEY DONT PICK UP THE BIOHAZARD BOXES THE SAME DAY WTF!!! I have to STORE BIOHAZARDS for up to TWO WEEKS before they come grab them. TWO WEEKS! That’s so gross Dx Plus finding a storage unit facility willing to store biohazards is uh… it’s a bit of a struggle (understatement of the century -_-)
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 6 months
‘Mourning Doves’
Despite the fact that it had been years since Valdelobos- years since Leon saved Luis from that knife to the back- Leon still can’t help but remember that day. He still can’t help but get triggered by the smallest of things and dissociate as a result.
But luckily, Luis is always there to comfort him, hug him, and offer him a distraction. Oddly enough, in the form of Mourning Doves
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,000
Trigger Warnings: Panic attacks, dissociation, depression, anxiety, derealisation
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff and angst
Fic under Cut!!!!
Leon sat on his unmade bed. Completely motionless. He had his legs crossed and arms folded tightly against his chest in some vain attempt of self-soothing; not too nonadjacent to a young child forcing themselves out of a panic attack.
Except Leon had nothing to be upset over. Nothing tangible or real, at least.
But that didn’t stop the horrible, yet ever-familiar grip on his chest from tightening its claws around him even firmer. That didn’t stop the sickening, ill, and all-consuming pit of anxiety to worm his way deep into his sternum; pulsating like a virus Leon was familiar with destroying.
Leon could deal with Bioweapons. He could deal with viruses and plagues and whatever manmade horror the sick freaks he fought against could think to create.
But his own mind? He wasn’t trained for that. He was never taught how to deal with his mental health in a way that seemed healthy. He was never taught how to deal with his problems without the use of alcohol- Which led him to where he was right now.
Sitting on his bed, effectively paralyzed, staring out the window while internally screaming for his brain to stop replaying the same series of events over and over again like some kind of sick and twisted form of torture.
Leon couldn’t think about anything else. He couldn’t think about how the sheets under his hands felt or how the breeze from his window smelt like early-summer; he was trapped in his own mind.
So much so, that even when Luis silently slipped through their shared bedroom door and sat down on the bed beside him, Leon didn’t even notice the weight dip beneath the both of them. He hadn't even noticed Luis was there at all until a familiar hand crept up his shoulder.
“ Mi amor,”
His voice was soft. Characteristically so. He
spoke like Leon was made of fragile porcelain. Which, in that moment, he felt like he was.
Luis paused, waiting for Leon to respond. A sign of life from behind those distant blue eyes. Something, anything.
“What’s got you so upset, ¿mi vida?”
And oh, how Leon was so easy to break down by just a simple question.
He turned to Luis with big, watery blue eyes and a trembling lip- trying his damned to not shatter right then and there- but the second he came face to face with Luis’ kind, ever-understanding and patient expression, he had no choice but to break down in his arms.
He sobbed as Luis held him. He sobbed like he’d never cried before; like a baby taking their first breaths and finding the world too overwhelming. Everything felt overwhelming to Leon. His body felt like a prison of fear and relentless anxiety and all he could do to remedy that was to cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and-
“ Ssssshhhhhh… está bien, mi amor… te tengo, te tengo…”
Luis ran a hand through Leon's hair, keeping him grounded- protecting him from his own memories. Like the tried and true knight in shining armor he was.
He was so patient. So comforting and reassuring that it only served to make Leon cry even harder. He waited for what felt like ours for Leon to stop crying- and was right there to dry his tears with his thumbs once Leon had finally gathered the strength to sit up from his curled-up position on Luis’ lap.
“I-I’m s-sorry-“
“Don’t be,”
Luis kissed him on the cheek.
“You don’t ever need to be sorry. I just worry for you, cariño-“
“I-I k-know you do… I just…”
Leon trailed off, sighing like an old dog. Words were hard to express, especially when Luis already had an idea of what was coming.
“What’s got you so upset, mi mundo?”
Leon’s lips tightened as he pressed them together. He could feel his own heart thump against his chest- sickly and repetitive.
“….I don’t know”
“You don’t know?” Luis cocked his head. Leon shook his own, sinking further into his partner’s arms.
“I don’t know why I’m so upset. I don’t know why I’m so anxious. I just… am.”
“Do you know if there was anything that, ah, what’s the word-“ Luis snapped his fingers, “triggered it?”
Leon paused.
He knew exactly what had ‘triggered’ this train of emotions. He knew exactly where it had started; but part of him didn’t want to admit it out loud.
The thought had come to him early in the morning and left him feeling rotten all day.
How on earth was he supposed to explain to Luis that a single, made-up scenario in his mind had left him practically glued to his bed like this? He felt pathetic, to say the least.
“…. You can be honest with me,”
Luis whispered into his ear, as if he were able to read his mind.
“ I promise, I only want to help..”
“ I know you do,”
Leon mumbled back, burying his nose in the familiar fabric of Luis’ jacket. It smelt like cigarettes and leather.
“ I jus’ dunno how to explain it…”
“Take aaaaaaaaall the time in the world you need, mi vida,”
Luis pressed a kiss to the crown of Leon’s head and began rubbing circles into his back. Slow, repetitive and comforting.
“ I’ve got all the time in the world for you.”
And true to his word, Luis didn’t pry. He didn’t try to coax anything out of Leon when he remained silent for god knows how long; he just… stayed with him. Holding him. Being the pillar of comfort Leon so desperately needed in his life right about now.
God, where would he be without Luis?
That thought made him shudder.
Luis must’ve noticed it, too.
“I was thinking about what would’ve happened if you died,”
Leon blurted out. Rather ungraciously. The panic that teetered on the edge of clawing at his chest and ripping his ribcage wide open was far too threatening for Leon to stay silent over any longer.
“T-This morning,” Leon managed to collect his words best he could, voice shaky and uneven.
“I-I w-woke up- a-and y-you weren’t there- and- and- and I thought to myself- w-what would it have been like if- if I didn’t help you? If I- I- I- if I left you there to-“
“ Oh, mi amor…”
Despite the very-much-so-alive Luis’ gentle voice being audible in Leon's ears, the mental image of his bloody body strewn across the floor with Krauser’s knife lodged firmly into his spine was too much for the anxious man to handle.
So Leon cried. He cried and he cried and he cried. He sobbed so loudly his own ears rang and his knuckles went white from grabbing onto Luis’ leather jacket so tightly. He cried so hard he thought he might vomit.
It was awful. He felt trapped in his own body with no way of escape. All his mind would let him do was replay that same imaginary image of Luis’ corpse sitting lifeless against the wall like a Ragdoll; cruel and taunting. No matter how much Leon tried to break away from that picture in his head, it just never left.
He wanted it to stop. He’d do anything to make it stop. He’d drink he’d throw himself in front of a van he’d bash his head against a wall he’d-
“Oh, huh, would you look at that…”
“ W-What??”
Leon was broken out of the sickly and unending grasp of his brain for just a moment when Luis spoke up; his voice weirdly lighthearted and… distracted?
The brunette was staring at something on the opposite end of the room with an expression of mild curiosity.
“¿No puedes ver? Look,”
Luis ever-so-gently grabbed Leon’s chin and gingerly tilted his head towards the window;
Where, sitting on the sill that had been overgrown with weeds at this point, were two mourning doves- preening each other and cooing into the sky.
Leon sniffled, a little confused.
“Oye, I wonder how long they’ve been there”
“I haven’t seen them before,”
Leon mumbled against Luis’ chest, instinctively sinking against his body weight a little as his attention fastened entirely on the two birds sitting on the windowsill. They fluffed up their feathers and began to nestle down into the thick ivy, and silently, Leon thanked himself for not ripping it out earlier. Their little eyes closed in comfort as they squished against one another.
“I wonder if they’re building a nest”
“I hope so,” Leon mumbled again, suddenly feeling oddly… calm?
“I’ve never had, like, a bird nest on my window before”
“My old home used to be a paradise for birds,” a smile was evident in Luis’ voice as he spoke,
“They’d nest in the attic, in the windowsills, in the chimney- anywhere you can imagine, they’d be there.
“My Abuelo used to help me feed them, too. We’d tear up bits of bread and feed the crumbs to the sparrows outside…”
Luis began to trail off, recalling a memory in which as a little boy he slipped off the roof of his home while trying to throw the baby birds sitting on the chimney some bread crumbs- and Leon listened to every single word that left his partner's mouth. All the while watching the doves slowly nestle their way to sleep.
It was as if the bird's exhaustion rubbed off on Leon, too; because in mere moments, the poor man was slowly starting to struggle keeping his eyelids open, let alone make out the convoluted sentences that left Luis’ mouth.
It was like he had suddenly become so very aware of the way his body sat in his partner’s arms; the way his jaw ached for clenching it for hours on end and the way his limbes screamed as though he’d just run a marathon. The way his eyes stung and the way the puffiness clogged up the little amount of vision he did have left.
Leon’s brain felt thick; foggy, heavy and swimming with emotions so fickle and impossible to grasp- like fish in a pond- yet so impactful it left him rotting in his bed for hours on end. Funny how the mind works like that, right?
What was Leon worried about again? He couldn’t even remember. It was as if his mind couldn’t fathom a world beyond the methodical melody of Luis’ familiar pattern of speech and the low purring the doves outside cooed. It was as if Leon had been snapped back down to his reality and could finally feel the sheets beneath his fingers again and-
That’s probably why Luis pointed out the birds. That’s why he started talking about something totally unrelated.
He was trying to provide Leon a distraction. Some semblance of relief.
Leon didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the realization.
And even if he wanted to, he felt far too exhausted- emotionally and physically- to bring his body to do either of those things.
What he could do, however, was sink even further down into Luis’ lap; resting his head on his chest, which was characteristically showing through an unbuttoned shirt just how he always wore it.
That was one thing Leon was grateful for; that no matter what life threw at him, little habits like that never changed with Luis. Little habits that Leon learnt to adore so thoroughly over time made him feel overwhelmed. Little habits he wouldn’t trade for the world.
Leon instinctively nuzzled his nose against Luis’ chest hair and practically melted the second his partner ran a hand through his hair- cold rings clinking against his scalp was a welcomed replacement to the way his skin burned and stung from his tears.
Luis’ heartbeat reverberated against Leon's ears and the rumble of his voice soothed his already tired body down to a mere puddle of exhaustion. It was repetitive. Comforting. Real.
Luis was real. Here was right here, holding him, talking to him in time with his beating heart. Telling him stories of a time long-gone while simultaneously pointing out all the little things that still remained.
Speaking of, the doves on the windowsill had fallen asleep a long time ago now. And Leon wasn’t far behind.
Maybe Luis didn’t notice it. Maybe he did, but still kept talking just to be safe- but Leon had fallen inbetween the cracks of wakefulness and sleep long ago. His mind was still active yet there wasn’t a chance in the world he could be moved from his position anytime soon.
And if Luis didn’t notice it earlier, he certainly had now with the way he so delicately kissed the crown of Leon’s head, mumbling into his ears;
‘‘ Go to sleep, Amor,’’
Luis kissed him again. This time on the forehead.
“ I’ll be right here when you wake up. Te amo.”
Leon trusted him. By god, he trusted him more than anyone else in the entire world; and he loved him even more than that, too.
So he trusted that Luis would be there when he woke up.
He trusted that he wouldn’t leave him- that he wouldn’t stop holding him in his arms like this. Safe, quiet, and loved.
Leon didn’t have to listen to the cruel torment of his mind anymore- and, yes, saying that was easier than done- but he at least knew that if did fall down that sick, dark and neverending rabbit hole ever again;
He’d have Luis by his side to help pull him back up.
And Leon would do the same for him in a heartbeat, too.
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proservicesbiohazard · 4 months
Tips for Choosing the Right Crime Scene Cleanup Company in Rochester
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Dealing with the aftermath of a crime scene is a challenging and sensitive task that requires the expertise of professional crime scene cleanup companies. In Rochester, finding the right company to handle such situations can be crucial for the well-being of those affected. This article provides valuable tips to guide you in choosing the right crime scene cleanup company to ensure a swift and thorough resolution.
Certifications and Training
When selecting a crime scene cleanup company, it's essential to verify their certifications and training. Ensure that the technicians are certified by reputable organizations, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American Bio-Recovery Association (ABRA). Proper training guarantees that the team is equipped to handle biohazardous materials safely and effectively.
Experience in Crime Scene Cleanup
Experience matters when it comes to crime scene cleanup Rochester MN. Look for companies with a proven track record in handling a variety of crime scenes, from homicides to traumatic accidents. An experienced team will be better equipped to handle complex situations, ensuring thorough cleaning and decontamination.
Compliance with Regulations
Crime scene cleanup involves dealing with hazardous materials, and the chosen company must comply with local, state, and federal regulations. Confirm that the company follows the guidelines set by agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and adheres to any specific regulations in Rochester.
Insurance and Licensing
Verify that the crime scene cleanup company is properly licensed and insured. This not only protects you from liability but also ensures that the technicians are covered in case of accidents or injuries during the cleanup process. Ask for proof of insurance and licensing before making a decision.
Availability and Response Time
A quick response time is essential in crime scene cleanup to minimize the emotional impact on those affected and to prevent further contamination. Choose a company that offers 24/7 availability and can respond promptly to emergencies. This ensures a swift and efficient cleanup process.
Discretion and Compassion
Dealing with the aftermath of a crime is a highly sensitive matter. A reputable crime scene cleanup company understands the importance of discretion and compassion. Look for a team that approaches the situation with empathy, treating clients with respect and understanding throughout the entire process.
Client Reviews and Testimonials
Researching the company's reputation is crucial. Read client reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the experiences of others who have used their services. Positive feedback and a good reputation are indicators of a reliable and professional crime scene cleanup company.
Transparent Pricing
Choose a company that provides transparent and detailed pricing information. The cost of crime scene cleanup can vary based on the severity of the situation, but a reputable company will provide clear estimates and discuss any potential additional charges upfront.
Selecting the right crime scene cleanup company in Rochester requires careful consideration of certifications, experience, compliance with regulations, insurance, availability, discretion, and client reviews. By following these tips, you can ensure that you choose a reliable and compassionate team to handle the challenging task of crime scene cleanup. Choose Biohazard Pro Services!
Biohazard Pro Services 6105 Rome Cir NW Rochester MN, 55901 507-607-5776 https://biohazpro.com/rochester-mn/
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portraitoftheoddity · 2 years
So, I've been displaced from my home since late April after a bunch of sewage water got dumped through my apartment and it had to be gutted as a fuckin' biohazard, and then because I'm the owner, I had to deal with insurance and remediation and supply shortages and contractor shortages and ALL KINDS OF FUN SHIT for the next three-and-a-half months while moving up to live with my family in the mountains in the meantime (I work remotely, thank god, and my fam is awesome).
...Granted, I live on the second floor and have a broken leg, and also can't drive, so there will be some logistical challenges, but that's gonna be Later-Lena's problem. And there are movers bringing my stuff in and they said they'd help with some basic set up like getting my bed put together, etc., plus my angel of an aunt is driving me down and offered to do a grocery run for me.
I'm excited. :3
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Business Name: Arizona Water and Fire Restoration Services
City: San Tan Valley
State: Arizona
Zip Code: 85140
Country: United States of America
Business Phone Number: (480) 525-9799
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://www.arizonawaterandfirerestoration.services/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Arizonawaterandfirerestorationservices
Twitter: https://twitter.com/azwaterandfire
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/azwaterandfire/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/arizona-water-and-fire-restoration-services/
Description: Arizona Water and Fire Restoration Services provides water, fire, mold, and biohazard cleanup services for residential and commercial property owners in the Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, San Tan Valley, Queen Creek, Fountain Hills, Gold Canyon, and surrounding areas. We work with IICRC certified technicians who are specially trained for water, fire, mold, and biohazard issues. We work with Insurance based claims and self pay customers. If we do not have technicians available, we will help you find someone to take care of you. We don't want any customer to leave a call with us not sure of what is going to happen next. We are here for you!
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=10959953194796721368
Business Hours: Sunday 24 hour Monday 24 hour Tuesday 24 hour Wednesday 24 hour Thursday 24 hour Friday 24 hour Saturday 24 hour
Services: Water damage restoration,Fire damage restoration,Mold remediation,Biohazard cleanup,Air duct cleaning,Dryer vent cleaning,Reconstruction
Keywords: Water damage restoration ,Water extraction,Water damage,Storm damage cleanup,Biohazard cleanup,Biohazard cleanup san tan valley az,Water extraction san tan valley,Water extraction queen creek az,Mold remediation san tan valley az,Mold remediation queen creek az
Payment Methods: Cash, Check, Credit/Debit Card
Business/Company Establishment Date: 2/28/2018
Number of Employees: 8
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Cary Schellenberg, [email protected], (480) 525-9979
Service Areas:
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