#bioware make morrigan gay
cruelage · 2 years
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ryuto12-gaming · 3 months
I was gonna make a joke about Taash likely joining Tali, Miranda, Jack, Morrigan and Cassandra among BioWare’s totally gay/bi women being straight but never mind I dig the DA2 playersexual lifestyle
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thessalian · 30 days
Thess vs Gaming Circle-Jerks
The title for this one comes from a subreddit that is having a bit of a field day lately. I mean, mostly it's making fun of the neckbeard assholes who whinge about DEI and "forced diversity" and all the rest of it.
The main thing is how the bitching has now incorporated Dragon Age: the Veilguard. Apparently Dragon Age has "gone woke". Which ... erm ... James Stephanie Sterling did this whole thing where they mention that it's entirely possible that these twonks don't actually play the games they whinge about or even the ones they like all that much. Which seems fair enough, because if they think that Dragon Age only just "went woke" with Veilguard, they have never, ever played a Dragon Age game.
I figure part of it is Davrin. But ... even if you don't consider Sten, Zevran, and Isabela as POC (and some of these jackasses clearly did, seeing as how some of these jackasses had to make a mod that whitewashed Isabela, making her paper-pale and blonde), there's Vivienne and Dorian.
But apparently the other bit of it is the LGBTQ representation. Which ... erm ... Zevran? Leliana? These were the same people who screamed themselves half to death when Anders came onto their male Hawke. And then you had Sera and Dorian - for fuck's sake, Dorian's entire personal questline is exactly about his being gay.
Basically, if they're going to whinge about games "going woke"? They need to leave Dragon Age out of it, because the entire Dragon Age franchise started as "woke" and has only become more representative of people as time went on.
(Oh, yeah, they're bitching about Morrigan getting older. Because they haven't heard of the concept of a MILF. Also she's apparently less attractive because she's not showing sideboob and gaping cleavage. For. Fuck's. Sake.)
Seriously, they need to just give up on Bioware. They can't say that Bioware is "going" woke; IT'S BEEN WOKE THE ENTIRE TIME!
For fuck's saaaaaaaake.
(I just really wish that someone doing the reviews and trailers could actually show the fucking accessibility options because I don't give a fuck how "woke" it is or isn't, I just want to know if I will be able to actually play the fucking thing!)
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sapphosdirtyhoe · 10 months
if you see me buying the Morrigan romance bundle don’t look at me, don’t @ me, I hate capitalism and BioWare’s dumb choices but I am gay and wearing Morrigan’s ring makes my heart go brrrrr
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
not a head cannon question exactly, but who did you romance across the bioware games (mass effect and DA)? and who do you wish you could romance?
oh damn this is a good one, and the answer for dragon age is literally everyone at least once lmao. I played the games with a small armada of wardens, hawkes, and then a smaller number of inquisitors, because I just was not as into dragon age inquisition as I was da:o and da2. but if you made me choose my favourite romance option for each individual game, then I'm going to be horribly predictable about it: morrigan narrowly beats zevran out as my favourite origins romance (like by the thinnest of possible margins, mind you, they might as well be tied); in da2 I am absolutely trash for anders, tho I have watched playthroughs of his romance with lady hawke and do not vibe with it as much as I do with dude hawke; annnnd in inquisition, yeah, I love the egg elf ok. he's horrible and arrogant and condescending and I love him, and also my lavellan low key wants to kill him now, so maybe I don't romance him properly lol
in terms of who I wish I could have romanced in dragon age, oh hell, who doesn't want to romance varric? but also since I loved the awakening expansion, I absolutely would have thrown myself off a cliff for the legion of the dead companion that game gives us, sigrun, and maybe I wrote a few little stories about her with my lady aeducan warden!! just a few, more like drabbles honestly. anyway I hope we see her again even if she isn't romanceable.
for mass effect, I have romanced all the original me1 squadmates and don't feel particularly wow'd by any of them because I am ride or die for both garrus vakarian and tali'zorah until the end of time 🙌 back when I still played the games on pc I specifically modded my game to make tali romanceable by female shepard and still am annoyed over 10 years out that she and garrus are apparently down to fuck aliens but they draw the line at being gay about it. anyway tl;dr I tried to romance other squadmates in the original trilogy, i really did, but even tho kaidan and male shepard do have a sweet arc in me3 and I found the payoff for romancing miranda successfully from me2 into me3 compelling (her carmen san diego energy is very sexy), I just. I know the type of trash I am, and I am trash for relationships between people who derive transparent joy from each other's company, have each other's backs even when they disagree with each other, and also who need help from a doctor when it comes time to fuck because they come from different planets and might accidentally poison each other if they 'ingest.'
....shit I actually forgot that mass effect andromeda existed for a moment but that doesn't really change my answer much lmao. I romanced vetra but uh, hand to god I can't remember much else about the game because it didn't really do much for me, so I don't know if there's anyone else I really *wish* I could have romanced.
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toournextadventure · 3 months
What do you mean you never played Dragon Age 😠 it's even better than Mass Effect! The companion interactions make the game!
I spent 20m+ walking back and forth across a bridge just to trigger their conversations
If it helps... there's a sexy Pirate lady in DA2 you can be gay with
I wonder if there is a mod to gay Morrigan 🤔
Thems fightin' words, buckaroo 🔫
But okay listen LISTEN, I DID enjoy DA2, for what I played of it! It's not that I didn't like DA, but it's like any big game for me. I enjoy it, I get started, I get overwhelmed by how much there is to do, I stop playing :) but I wanna like it! I wanna play the new one! I know I'm a fake fan but I'm doing my best ✋😔
There's probably a mod, there's a mod for EVERYTHING when it comes to Bioware 🤔
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I still haven't forgiven Bioware for trying to convince me that Morrigan is straight and not letting my sheltered circle mage elf romance the cool bad girl apostate that 'corrupts' her by teaching her shape shifting magic and how to make it so that her fire ball spells can do more than boil a pot of water since the circle mages aren't allowed to learn super powerful offensive magic.
I mean. I do love Zevran, so I feel ambivalent about it since she romanced him instead. But I'm still mad. I'm pretty sure I own da origins on steam too,I should replay it so I can get the gay mod for Morrigan. I tried romancing her with a male warden but it just didn't feel the same, you know?
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elvesofnoldor · 5 years
every once a while i remember that valerie lavellan and cassandra could have been a butch4butch power couple but cassandra decided to be straight. like, romancing cassandra with a man can never replace what they could have ( lol if it could i would have romance cassandra sooner), and i don’t like the bi mod for cassandra romance cause the romance is CLEARLY made for a m/f pairing and the constant absent of voiced dialogues on your inquisitor’s part is taking me out of the scenes and reminding me that there is a mod installed that make this a possibility. the mod for da:i just isn’t as organic as it was in da:o lol. Also, cassandra x male inquisitor is dollar mart material, cassandra x butch female inquisitor is fucking gucci ok. sure cassandra might have big templar energy, and thats a bit of a turn off, but both valerie and cassandra has lost a lover (for cassandra it was her boyfriend, and for valerie it was her girlfriend/to-be wife), they could find solace in their grief together and bond over being warrior women. it could have been fucking great. 
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badasserywomen · 2 years
Tbh, I hate the bioware approach, they keep trying to make the "obvious" gay options not like you expect and tbh? It's getting stale.
They are like "obviously people will assume they would be bi or gay, BUT lets be different and make them straight." And honestly it got stale long ago. Morrigan, Aveline, Jack, cassandra….ENOUGH BIOWARE.
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emchovy · 3 years
for the ask meme; zevran bc he looks pointy
yeah this was sent like three days ago SUE ME anyway let's goooo Zevran
favorite thing about them: I think Zevran has a super interesting backstory. It's perhaps a little by the numbers, but I think it works well, especially in fleshing out the crows as a organization.
least favorite thing about them: that he's the first iteration of the Bioware Gay That's Used To Using Their Body thing? That's not really his fault tho, so I'll just say the way that he's Made White A Lot Of The Time.
favorite line: dsjkf okay this is so dumb but the joke he makes about Alistair "jumping borders" where it just completely goes over Alistair's head is so funny. also, pretty much every line him and Sten have together.
brOTP: Him and Alistair are extremely funny together, and I think some of his interactions with Morrigan are underappreciated. They can be very sweet.
OTP: Don't...really have one, unfortunately. I've read some very sweet fics with Zevran and people's HoF!
nOTP: mmmmm dunno!
random headcanon: That he'll braid beads into his hair occasionally. And that he gets an appreciation for dogs after his time with the HoF.
unpopular opinion: dunno if this is gonna be actually unpopular but it would've been cool if he was gay, as was originally planned.
song i associate with them: oTL I don't think I have one, Zevran I'm sorry for Failing You. ACTUALLY NO WAIT his was the first Really Awesome Origins sex scene I saw. It'll always be the soundtrack to that.
favorite picture of them: for sure the whole Origins sex scene but since I can't include that here's a screenie of him doing the "clearly you don't own an air-fryer" face
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Morrigan's whole friendship route as we all know is just very much FILLED with gay repression & dennseness about being gay which is very fun to watch but I personally, out of all her top 1000 gay moments, love thinking about the whole repressed gay implications of Morrigan "LOVE IS AN ILLNESS" "SELFLESSNESS IS AN IDIOTIC PURSUIT" MORRIGAN out of ANYONE looking at the warden during the proposal of the dark ritual (after the warden asked what was in it for her) and softly saying "there are still things worth preserving in this world. make of that what you will". Gay ass bitch thinking she's slick trying so hard to play it cool while her voice broke seven different times in the span of a conversation that pretty much lasted two to three minutes at best. Bioware please stop making repressed gay characters whose idea of a love confession is saying "I don't want you to die" challenge. Or keep making them whatever they're fun I like to study their mental illnesses
OH it literally did not occur to me to think of the "things worth preserving" line as being about the warden I am going to scream.
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lady-byleth · 4 years
sorry, what made dragon age fans hate dragon age?
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Oh you sweet summer children, I wish I were you ngl
I could go on a real big rant here but I'm just gonna keep it short and easy for everyone cuz you don't want me to rant about this, believe me
Before I get started though, just one thing: I love the games, they're some of my favorite games, even if it doesn't sound like it
So first off, the thing that keeps us from just packing our bags and moving away is the large number of amazing characters and, I'm assuming for many people who are also me, the ability to be gay in every game so far.
As much as we argue about characters and their actions and morality, the fact stands that we love the characters we love a whole bunch, maybe a little too much at times. Ain't that how it goes.
The problem is the writing outside of individual characters or concerning those characters
The biggest thing I think is probably the whole conflict between Templars and mages. For one, it's been played out. It's taken up large chunks of three games so far and the outcome has always been basically the same. You save mages left and right, but oh no they're so dangerous, we can't trust them boohoo
In the regular world, when we see a group of people locked in towers or in former slave markets (hello Gallows) for the crime of being born "wrong" our first reaction would be "hey that's pretty shitty actually"
And yet Dragon Age has made it a point to try and drill it into our heads that "hey, mages are dangerous actually, so they should be locked up or lobotomized" when normal people would say "yall, that's what they did to the mentally ill, can we not"
Treat the disease, don't punish the patient. Not that having magic is a disease but you get what I mean.
Meanwhile the Templars abuse, rape, kill mages and we're still supposed to see it as a grey and gray thing when it's really not. And we're not really allowed to change that either, despite them dangling that promise before us in a few instances
That's one big thing. The next is the Dalish. An enslaved race that's lost most of its culture, language, history to humans. And yet they're depicted as quite often unrepentant dicks and racist and what have you. Not a good scene. City elves meanwhile just wallow away in the Alienages and you can't change shit there either.
Inquisition gives you the option to be Dalish. There's a story quest to absorb hundreds of years of history by drinking from a well. You would think the default option would be your Dalish Inquisitor or one of you elven companions. Or Merrill, the girl who has been working to preserve her heritage since DA2, brought back for this game. It's Morrigan actually. She also happens to be the authority on elven artifacts when again, Merrill is right there.
The big problem with Bioware is that they introduce those big issues to us that should be fairly obvious - don't lock people up for being born different, don't make an oppressed faction shitty towards others, don't let former oppressors become the authority - and yet they try to make the whole thing complicated and grey and completely overlook the implications of that
On the character side of things, they introduce characters like Anders. He was beloved in Awakening and tragic in 2, but no matter your feelings on him or how close he was to his companions or if Hawke let him live or even agreed with him, everyone hates his guts in Inquisition. And apparently that is something his fans are just supposed to accept. Now, I don't like Anders, but that's not his fault. That's the writers fault who made him the biggest fucking hypocrite in 2 when he was a delight in Awakening.
Instead of having him and Fenris bond over shared suffering, Anders takes potshots whenever he can, and even approves of giving Fenris back to his master. And when it comes to innocents dying its apparently valid when it's not mages so he blows up half a city block and makes mages more hated than ever
Can't have an oppressed faction without showing that they're oppressed for a reason, no matter how much it goes against previous characterization, amirite?
And that's just the example of Anders, there are more. Like how Sera doesn't really address her internalized racism, how Alistair gets whiter with every game or how Cullen's last minute straight romance has more content than Josie's, which was planned from the beginning
Speaking of Cullen, let's not even get me started on Greg Ellis being in three games despite being literal human garbage.
There's just a trove of stuff that makes fans furious. But we still keep coming back because despite some things we love the characters, we love the interactions, the games are actually fun to play, the main plot tends to be good, the romances are sweet, and somehow we still have hope they'll pull their heads out of their asses eventually
But since like half the original writing team already jumped ship and Bioware is now owned by EA, we're probably hoping in vein. And yet.
So it did turn into a rant after all. The long and short of the story is I'll likely preorder DA4 but as God is my witness I will complain the entire time
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margareit · 7 years
tbf all I want from dragon age 4 is to see antiva and zevran
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garfunkelandgoats · 7 years
i mfuckign gay
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felassan · 5 years
assorted DA trivia from DGaider’s keynote @ Pax Aus:
he was handed a historical atlas of Europe & tasked with creating the setting
it took him roughly 6 months
when he was writing Morrigan, the voice he had in his head was Helena Bonham Carter’s
he initially asked his boss if he could make Zevran gay. he had been reading about how gay men were recruited as assassins in the CIA and KGB because they didn’t usually have family. his boss thought it would be better if the same-sex romance characters were bisexual however so that they could do double duty.
EA were surprised DA:O was such a success because they thought the game was too old-fashioned to be a hit. BioWare made the expansion (Awakening) and then started on a second expansion, but it suddenly got turned into a sequel (DA2), which it hadn’t really been designed to be.
to this day he thinks DA2 has some of their best writing in it, which, considering the characters, agreed
he calls Fenris a mage hunter 
both Anders and Bela can make a pass at the player without being flirted with because they wanted this to be the case for one LI of each gender
he rewrote and rewrote the DA:I prologue more times than he’d ever done before - 7 times
edit: @griiffn Yeah! his talk about his career after the announcement of his new game is where this trivia comes from!
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forlornmelody · 4 years
Video Game Questionate
Tagged by @joufancyhuh
Tagging: @sunnydae and @nym7, if you want to play. 
You’ll discover real quick here that I have not played many games. I like what I like XD
First game you ever played: Pirates of the Caribbean online? I burned through the free version in a couple days and then my friend bought me Sid Meier’s Pirates. 
Favorite game: Either ME2 or ME3. I just love how the second upends the optimism of the first game and shows you the dark underbelly of the galaxy. And I always love me a good lazarus story. And the raw emotion of the world ending in 3. And how it ties together so many threads of previous games (though sometimes it gets a little weird.)
Game you hated at first but now love: Can I say ME1? It was a steep learning curve getting through that game the first time. I nearly rage quit SO many times fighting that Krogan battlemaster on Therum. 
Game you used to love but now hate: I spend a lot of time in Skyrim. Hundreds of hours. But I don’t see myself going back. No matter how many times it gets remastered/rereleased. 
Game with the best group/companion(s): ME2. They sound like the literal worst of the galaxy, but then you get to know them all and realize they must be protected at all costs. God, even Zaeed won me over in the end.
A game with your favorite ending: ME3, destroy ending specifically. There’s something about Shepard shooting a wannabe god with a pistol. The anger on their face. Their resolve. The ensuing explosion. Everything that happens after I would have written differently, though, tbh. 
A game with the WORST ending: ....this might be an unpopular opinion, but I really hate how DA2 ends. It kind of feels like the main events of that game happen no matter what you do? I was kind of hoping to see a less violent side to the mages, especially since they seem queer coded to me. It feels like Bioware was trying too hard to justify the Chantry’s behavior. (Yes I’m aware that it sounds like Anders wrote this. xD)
Best character customization?: Of the one’s I’ve played? Mass Effect Andromeda. Though I feel like Femryder has better options than Maleryder.
-Hero and Companions-
Your favorite playable character:  Shepard << hands down. Though being gay in Ancient Greece as Kassandra was a ton of fun too.
The funniest playable character: Hawke
Your favorite companion(s): (in no particular order) Kaidan, Peebee, Aria (it was just a DLC, but STILL), James Vega, Grunt, Jack, Anders, Isabella, Zevran, Merill, Morrigan, Ikarous, Legion
Companions you could live without: Oghren.  Cora Harper. Liam Kosta. Wynne. Liara T’Soni. Leliana. 
Favorite game friendship(s): Vega & Cortez, Tali and Legion (as late as it was), Joker & EDI (hey it was total enemies -> friends -> lovers over the course of the game), Merill & Isabella, Hawke & Varric, Shepard & Joker
Favorite companion banter:  “You would be one to like grizzly bears, Mr. Vega!” “Heh, heh...huh?”
A relationship you loved but went bad: Alistair/Warden, Femshep/Vega (in game only. I don’t mind the fix it fics)
A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: Zevran/Warden
A character you wish you COULD romance: *deep breath*  Sloane Kelly. Jeff “Joker” Moreau, Kasumi Goto. Miranda Lawson (as Femshep). Ashley Williams (as Femshep). Jack (as Femshep), Aria T’loak (actual romance please), Morrigan (as a female Warden), Tali (as Femshep), Gianna Parasini. Honorable (or dishonorable??) mention to Brynjolf of Skryim Thieves Guild. 
A minor character you wish could be a companion:  I really can’t think of any? Unless we’re counting Clone Shep. :P Oo! Nyreen Kandros. 
Shoutout to a random NPC: That Salarian construction worker you find on his break during the Citadel DLC. May I have that much chill when meeting Commander Shepard. Rolan Quarn. 
A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: None. I hate watching playthroughs and only do it when I need dialogue for a specific scene. ^^This!
Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: see above <-
Online gaming or solo?: I may have got my start in online gaming, but I prefer solo. The only exception seems to be playing Among Us with friends.
Why do you play video games?: To be honest, I started playing games regularly because the hormone regulator I take (spironolactone) makes me kind of light headed sometimes. And when I first started taking it, my dermatologist gave me a much stronger dose than I needed. I was basically useless for two hours a day. I take a more reasonable dose now, but the habit remains. Eat lunch, take meds, and play games for two hours when I can. Now it’s more of a self-care thing. I find video games help me cope with PTSD. Combat situations that I can beat without too much challenge relieves that fight instinct my reptile brain is always trying to activate. Puzzle games like sudoku and mahjong (the matching game, not so much the original strategy game) help me with freeze responses. 
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