#birds of a feather flocking together
cto10121 · 1 year
Not anti fans saying they finally understand Bella’s (romantic) appeal to Edward in Midnight Sun…when it was also obvious in the original Twilight.
I think a lot of people really struggle with the fact that Bella is a bit of an unreliable narrator with regards to herself, due largely to her major self-esteem issues. Also, she is not in the happiest of moods re: her hatred of Forks. But even beneath her self-deprecation you see her selflessness and her consideration of others. The very first thing she does in the books is to sacrifice her life in Phoenix for Forks so that her mother could be happy with her new husband. She cooks and cleans for Charlie without prompting and lowkey considers Renée as a kind of daughter from years of having to be the mature one—and thinks nothing of it. She diverts conversation away from Angela when Jessica starts to grill her on the type of guys she likes. She encourages Mike/Jessica, making them sit together in the van. She enjoys her time at Port Angeles with Angela and Jessica and helps them find dresses, perfectly content in her auxiliary role. She is diplomatic in her rejection of her three suitors. And then there is the fact that she demands answers from Edward, sees through his lies, notices his vampiric qualities, but also keeps his secrets and is not afraid of the vampiric side of him (as we all know). She is very perceptive; hence how she solves his mystery in virtually no time at all with just a tiny bit of sleuthing.
All of this is downplayed because Bella doesn’t like to boast about herself or even attract attention to herself. Not in Edward’s POV, though. Since he is fascinated with her, he picks up on all these qualities and focuses on them. We get the full, truer picture of Bella’s personality without her self-deprecating narration, and many of her graces in Twilight are highlighted and reinforced in Midnight Sun. And this time we go into detail on Bella’s likes and dislikes, past the cursory summary in Twilight, because Edward is interested in all that. Bella’s humor also comes across more in MS, since Edward finds her funny—both intentionally and not.
Because that’s how first person narration should work. You get the full internal sense of a character, but also their biases and blind spots as well. Just as Bella’s narration is wholly focused on Edward and other people and her own appeal is diminished and backgrounded, Edward’s narration is focused on Bella and other people and his own appeal is diminished and backgrounded. When both have evidence of each other’s attraction to them, they both try to justify it, sometimes correctly, but always with psychic discomfort. The smart reader was supposed to pick up on the subtext in the original book…a subtext that is then made explicit text in the companion novel.
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mortysmith · 1 month
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all of the worlds transgenderism is concentrated into this five member friendgroup
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yuwuta · 5 months
Nanami ver of bsf upstaging bf?? ❤️
listen… i meant what i said when nanami is just as bad, if not worse when it comes to driving your boyfriend away/upstaging him... maybe his tact makes him a better man than satoru, but you could also argue that it doesn’t; you could argue that kento is is only as respectful as necessary and consciously pushes boundaries, whereas satoru just does!! he just IS!! satoru IS overbearing and knows no consequence, but kento is not and he is very aware that evert action has a consequence, but he weighs it, determines it’s worth it, or—arguably worse—determines that the threat of your boyfriend getting mad or figuring him out isn’t high enough. kento is premeditated murder, he is going to drive your boyfriend so insane, to a place where he fully believes he cannot compete where he cannot compares, and kento will not feel bad about it. so, i rest my case, vice president of the not shit club, and their children are NO better!! 
also, having been friends with kento sets a bar that your past and/or current boyfriend must quickly learn to meet, and more often than not, they don’t even come close. why go on random dating-app dates when kento sends food to your house just because he had an inkling you were sad (you texted him in a certain way that tipped him off). dates meeting you halfway at a restaurant/bar isn’t nearly as flattering when kento drives an hour in heavy rain and traffic after work to pick you up, just to make good on seeing a movie you told him you were excited about. expensive dinner dates and bar hopping becomes mundane when that’s the normal for you and kento, when he regularly takes you out to dinner, if not weekly, then at least bi-weekly, because he’s intentional about your friendship and having time to spend and catch-up with each other in between busy work days. it’s hard to be impressed with a boyfriend when your best-friend takes you on his twice-yearly vacations and pays for everything, citing that even though getting a proper vacation is hard, he loves the time spent with you, so it’s all worth it. kento doesn’t even have to wait for some guy to become your boyfriend, he puts any potential partners out of the running by the standards he’s already set for you. 
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eggo-tistical · 1 month
loving the idea of light complaining up and down about how L is nocturnal with his work schedule, but he as kira does all of his heavy writings at night… hypocrite.
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h3llofaday · 7 months
Bro how tf did two different mcyt admit to abuse allegations then send out the same bullshit “I thought she liked me hurting her!!” Statement in one month what the fuck is going on
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achiepy · 2 years
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elitehoe · 2 months
They deadass formed an unhealthy attachment to each other and continue to make it everyone's fucking problem. Strickpage just like me fr fr
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thelikesoffinn · 1 year
Astarion: "I don't...think I want you to think of me in terms of sex. I don't know if I want anyone to."
Tav: "How do you want me to see you?"
Astarion: "As a person. Would that be so much to ask?"
Me: **sobbing on the floor like she's just been drop kicked**
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sea-lanterns · 4 months
Cannibal Angey eating her own fishies- kinda hot.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 3 months
hmmmm buddie fic based on that Reddit post of that guy worried he’s being homophobic to his roommate when he actually just has a crush on his is that anything?
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frostbittenfemme · 27 days
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As always Lyndaxy did an awesome job! Look at her and her boys 🥺😭🩵
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goetiiaprince · 27 days
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This time, I am going to be responsible, and head to bed! I'll be lurking on discord/mobile for a bit longer, but the rest of the starts + any other replies will be continued after work tomorrow! ♡ I must say, today was interesting, to say the least. I have decided to grit my teeth and dig my heels in. I will not be swayed or chased away so easily. Should there ever be any questions, concerns, or curiosities otherwise - do not hesitate to privately message me. I don't bite (I only ever did ONCE and he had it coming ---). Hello to the new friends! Thank you for looking over my space and deciding to follow. Please know I might be a bit delayed in reaching out to you! But I promise I am delighted and admiring you from afar! My ask, IM's, and discord are ALWAYS available to mutuals for whatever is necessary/desired (though I largely prefer my ask be used for IC things and the IM section for OOC).
anyway, drink your water, unclench your jaw, stretch, & goodnight fiends and friends!
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i went to go shower for 10 minutes and i see chaos has ensued w/ the other anons... 😰 -🐊
Dawg idk my anons are insane
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a-neverending-story · 8 months
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@exsecrabar , @thisis-elijah , @caughtbetweenworlds , @trauma-report , @ertraeumte & @phasmophobie
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gracedbybattle · 4 months
Just working on some of my wips tonight, here are some snippets:
never gonna hold the name (of another guy) [justified; tim/raylan]
The music is so loud he barley hears Winona say like a confession, “You know I really liked you then.”
“What?” Raylan hollers back at her, feigning like he didn’t catch her words. He’s half drunk and wonders if she is too, confessing old wants and desires like it means something right now. 
Winona rolls his eyes. She’s close enough that she knows he heard her. “I said, that I really liked you back then,” she repeats with exaggerated patience. Then for further clarification, “Sophomore year.”
“Really,” Raylan intones back, not that interested in reliving this part of his past. They had had a thing then, a thing that he’d thought they’d left behind. He likes Winona, always has, her pretty smile and blonde hair and big blue eyes, sharp mind and body. But there’s a small problem. He likes Winona. But he’s been in love with Tim for quite sometime. And now, it might finally be in his grasp.
heaven knows [star wars; codywan]
The silence is deafening. For a hysterical second, he wishes for a cigarette even though he’s never smoked a day in his life. It’s what people do, in times like these he thinks. At least to have something to do with their hands and so they don’t have to say anything at all. Plausible deniability.
“I didn’t know Fives’ name,” he blurts out. “His given name,” he corrects when he sees Cody’s baffled look. He wasn’t even aware that it was something he was hung up on, until he said it out loud. Strange to not know a student’s full name. It has just said Fives Fett on everything.
Understanding and maybe even a bit of pity dawns over Cody’s face and Obi-Wan immediately hates it. The pity. He always has.
birds of a feather (flock together) [top gun; icemav]
He hits the answer button with shaking fingers, trying like hell to not drop it. It takes a second or two to raise it to his ear, and it's like white noise in his head.
"Mitchell," he says automatically, trying to push the shakiness from his voice. Act natural, Ice says in his head, just be cool.
"Hello?" a unfamiliar voice says back. A female voice. Ice water rushes in the side of his stomach, a rock of disappointment hitting the pit.
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nwjws · 5 months
i’m sorry i sent it privately :( i clicked by mistake BUT HEY
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LOL dw about it but yes omg i was on hiatus for so long... i should've joined discord conversations or something but honestly i'm always too scared to 😭
ALSO RIGHTT everyone's like 04 or 07 when i see another 05 baby i'm like that's my sister/brother right there!! we should definitely interact more
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