#bis certificate documents
fusioncompliance · 1 year
BIS Certificate Consultants: Elevate your products with BIS certification expertise. Our consultants streamline the process, ensuring compliance with quality standards, opening doors to the Indian market's vast potential.
FMCS Certificate: Obtain Factory Mutual Certification Services (FMCS) to bolster safety and resilience. Trust us to guide you through FMCS requirements, fortifying your business against risks.
CRS Certificate: Navigate the complex world of BIS Conformity Requirement Scheme (CRS) certification effortlessly. We specialize in simplifying compliance, enabling you to thrive in India's demanding market landscape.
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kangals · 2 years
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Galatean Riverrun Curiosity CGC - 3.5y
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narrans · 7 months
My Borrowed Son | 6 | Learning to Play
Chapter Six | Learning to Play
That night, Amanda and Mel went back to the park with the hand-sized boy and searched around the ground in hopes of finding some additional clues as to why he was all alone. Amanda showed Mel where she had found him and, sadly, there was no sign the area had been disturbed or returned to.
It was heart wrenching.
Was no one looking for him?
Amanda and Mel even set him back down by the base of the bench and walked several steps away, but that proved to be a disaster when the little boy chased after Amanda, whimpering and crying. He even charged into the thick blades of grass after her. It must have looked like a menacing jungle forest, but it didn’t seem to matter.
When Amanda approached, he timidly sniffled and held up his arms, as if to say “hold me” as his little fingers grasped at the air.
Amanda feared that the little boy might have seen something happen to one or both of his parents and that he knew Amanda was his only chance. She brought this up to Mel, who silently seemed to agree.
Needless to say, Mel and Amanda returned back to Amanda’s apartment and spent the evening discussing other facets of life. They had a picnic on the boxes and kept the boy between them as they ate and made plans for how to proceed. He had room to roam, but he mostly kept himself curled in Amanda’s hand and looked back and forth between Mel and her while they talked. He absorbed every word and seemed to know they were talking about him.
Specifically, how they were going to come up with an explanation for his existence without revealing him to the world.
“I’m just afraid of what’ll happen if I take him anywhere else to get him checked out or if they want too much proof. If he’s some kind of new species of human or some kind of government experiment that got out, I don’t want him shuffled off to some containment unit to be experimented on,” urged Amanda.
“I get what you’re saying, Mandy. But, that whole delayed birth certificate is going to be tricky,” reminded Mel. “Are you sure you’re up for it?”
Amanda felt the pressure of the little boy climbing back onto her fingers after retrieving another fragment of cracker and knew her answer immediately.
“Yes, I’m sure. If something happens or if I’m questioned, I’ll find the right things to say. Until then, I can’t just leave him,” replied Amanda. She brushed the boy’s shoulder with her thumb, which he leaned into. His thoughtful brown eyes gazed up at her as he gave her a crumb filled smile.
It was the look on the child’s face that said it all.
Mel and Amanda continued to talk well into the night as the infinitesimal boy fell asleep in Amanda’s hand, cracker on his chest and part of a blanket on his torso. Plans were made to meet up and have another check-up with the boy in a few days as well as plan out how they were going to get some documents for the little boy.
“I guess I’ll be seeing a lot more of you then,” grinned Mel. “No more monthly calls. I got promoted to weekly. Maybe even bi-weekly. All right!” They hugged and then Mel headed home for the night while Amanda shut herself in for the night.
The rule usually is never wake a sleeping baby, but the reasoning of making sure he was cleaned up and ready for bed was too much for Amanda to resist. She made sure the boy was tidy and had a little to drink before carrying him to her room where she placed him back into the box on his bed, fingers laying against him, as the two of them drifted off to sleep.
When Amanda woke up, she saw the little boy was curled fully into her hand using her thumb as a pillow. It was mesmerizing seeing the way his light sandy blonde hair fell over his eyes as he slept peacefully. Amanda had slept much better than the night before, which wasn’t much of a challenge, and was thankful the boy was getting some rest.
Not willing to wake him, Amanda carefully proceeded with the events of her day while keeping her hand level and steady. She kept the blanket from the box draped over him as she washed her face, retrieved her morning coffee, and brought her laptop to her room where she continued to type up her reports with just one hand.
Then, just like the day before, he stirred awake. He looked a little less confused than he did the day before, and his smile was the sunshine of the day as he looked up into Amanda’s eyes.
“Good morning,” she said. “Did you sleep so good? Ready to get some breakfast?” He nodded sleepily and pushed himself upright, looking up at Amanda thoughtfully before she stood and brought him to the bathroom.
While he ate on the kitchen counter, taking little bites and looking around while he chewed, Amanda thought about what kind of life he must have been living up until this point. Specifically, she was concerned when she brought up the concept of “play” and he had little to no reaction.
She wasn’t sure whether or not the boy knew how to play, which made her very sad. He was so sweet and deserved to know how to have fun.
In the meantime, she needed to get back to work. She would have time to devise a way to have fun with him during her lunch break and during dinner. She collected the little boy, making sure he wiped up with a wet washcloth, before bringing him back to her room.
The moment Amanda sat down, she knew working and keeping an eye on the child were going to be a challenge. For one, the little boy was gaining some energy back. Barely thirty-six hours after giving him some food and water and the boy was already climbing over the mountain of blankets on Amanda’s bed. Each one must have looked like a massive, fuzzy hill to the boy, but he didn’t seem to care. He climbed, hand over fist, to the top of each mound and rolled back down.
He never went far, but how quickly and how easily he tumbled down the soft, squashy surface of the comforter made Amanda’s heart pound and skip like a flat stone on water.
Then, the boy took to climbing on Amanda, clambering up her leg and then to her arm where he would try to get to her hands. He was gently plucked up and set to the side each time, which made him smile and, at one point, giggle even.
He seemed like he was having a good time, which was what mattered.
Maybe he did know how to play.
It was finally lunch time, and it was obvious the miniscule boy was hungry. When Amanda asked if he wanted to eat, he nodded and made no protest in climbing onto Amanda’s hand.
His ability to adapt is absolutely astounding. Seriously, he’s already showing so much trust. Is it meant to endear me to him? Like a survival technique? Or is it him actually trusting me?
Amanda thought about it from a perspectives point of view, and she shuddered to think of what it would be like to have something – someone – loom over her and be able to pick her up in a single hand.
He truly is remarkable.
Lunch was a very simple hot ham and cheese sandwich, which Amanda had to pinch because she was worried the boy wouldn’t be able to bite through the thick meat. She made a mental note to get the finely sliced meat next time she went to the store.
It was a surprise when he had no issue with it, small teeth obviously durable and able to tear apart meat.
Good to know thought Amanda.
The second half of the day involved Amanda giving the boy some cotton balls to toss around as well as watching him once again play daredevil and climb the new obstacle course Amanda had created out of pillows and blankets. His youth and size had nothing to do with how quick the little boy was as he darted around and climbed over the tall pillows.
The few times he took a tumble down the blankets, his body seemed to move on its own and instinct let him find the best way to slide down without getting hurt. It made Amanda more curious about what he could and could not do, but she would save those questions for another day.
She had something better in mind than pillows and blankets to test his abilities.
Amanda sent her final emails and messages to her co-workers before hoisting herself off of her bed. Dinner was going to be simple tonight and it was a good thing too. Tonight was going to be about play and fun.
Bringing him with her, Amanda set of into the living room and began laying out all of her boxes that needed unpacking in a kind of maze, creating passages and hallways while the boy took a nap in his much smaller box. She also included other elements like things for him to climb and jump off of.
It was having something occupy her mind that made her feel almost back to normal. She remembered fondly how her father would make elaborate constructions of cardboard and bedsheets just so she and her brother and sister could live in tents for months on end. They even made a joke that they wouldn’t need their rooms because they were going to live in tents for the rest of their lives.
Getting to make something like this now really and truly made Amanda feel like she was sharing part of her childhood with the boy. It made her heart ache slightly. She genuinely thought she would be doing this with her own children one of these days, but getting to do it now let her feel like she was glimpsing a reality that might have come to pass.
Perhaps one day, this dream could happen. Perhaps it wasn’t out of reach. Just the thought of it made her choke up, chest tightening uncomfortably as she stared longingly at the door, expecting the man she once loved to come through the door so they could begin again. Her mind raced and began filling in the blanks when she heard a soft coo from the box.
Amanda was brought back to the present as she glanced toward the sound, reminded of reality and saved from the life that could have been.
Clearing her throat and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she knelt and peered into the box where she spotted the child standing, hands pressed against the cardboard as he looked for a way out or up onto the ledge.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” smiled Amanda. He looked around and instantly smiled, holding her hands up and making a little grasping motion with his fingers to he could be held. “Good nap? I know. I know. Come on. Let’s get you out of there. I have a surprise for you.”
She rested her hand in the box and the little boy clambered up onto her curled fingers as though he had done it all of his life.
“We’re going to play maze, okay? Like you were playing earlier with the blankets and pillows,” said Amanda. He looked a bit confused at first, but the mention of the pillows and blankets earlier seemed to connect in his youthful mind. So, when Amanda sat on top of the nearest box and laid her hand down into the columns of boxes, it took a few moments for him to see the mounds of pillows for what they were – a playbox.
He carefully walked off of Amanda’s hand and approached the pillows before climbing on top of them. His fists snagged handfuls of fabric as he climbed to the top and, seeing the sheet slide, tumbled all the way down before looking back at Amanda and smiling.
It was like watching him take his first steps, a happiness sparking in Amanda like nothing she had experienced. The boy scuddled up to the edge of the next box and instinctually peered around it before running to the next bundle of blankets and climbing up them. This next one was taller, and his slide down actually made him laugh as he slid down the taut sheets.
It made Amanda’s face light up as she watched him go from activity to activity.
Another element that fascinated her was how the little boy approached the maze. Despite his age, he took the same left turn until he seemed to recognize an area. Only when he recognized where he was that he would add in a new left or right turn. It was almost like he was memorizing the paths Amanda had laid out for him.
The other activities were a little harder for the young child to get. Rolling the marbles and hitting the others made Amanda realize he was strong, but not quite that strong. Chasing him with her running fingers made him squeal in fear until he realized Amanda wasn’t actually chasing him, and soon it was his second favorite next to tumbling down the sheets.
The two of them played in the box maze for nearly an hour before the boy showed any indication of tiring, and even then he was reluctant to return to Amanda because he wanted to rest in the maze and keep playing once he had recovered.
Amanda’s compromise was to let him stay and play as long as he stayed close to the pillows she left him by while she got dinner started. She hurried over to the kitchen and quickly poured in noodles for macaroni and cheese and set the water to boil before hurrying back to the boxes to see the boy. Like she asked, he hadn’t moved from the stack of pillows and was waiting patiently for her to come back just as she said she would.
It wasn’t until the two of them made eye-contact, however, that made Amanda question her action. The boy looked worried, his little chest rising and falling quickly as he looked up at Amanda, before melting into relief. His hands immediately lifted, and he made the familiar grabbing motion for her to pick him up.
Amanda’s mouth slackened as a horrid thought occurred.
Was that what his parents told him? Did they ask him to stay… and he obeyed? Only to be abandoned and left alone?
“Come here, sweetie,” smiled Amanda. “See? I’m back, just like I said I would be.” After a minute, Amanda realized he didn’t want to be left alone, no matter how fun the boxes were, and elected to stay with her. It made her feel guilty and was something Amanda wanted to work on to give him a secure attachment, but it was alright for now.
The rest of the evening went smoothly as they fixed dinner together and ate in relative silence. Amanda decided she needed to wear something with a front pocket so she could place the little boy there while she worked on baking and cooking. The two of them cleaned up in the bathroom, Amanda needing to coax the boy into the water once again, before tucking him into bed all snuggly and clean.
She drifted to sleep with her hand in the box and the feeling of the boy pressed against her fingers. Today was the first of many steps for the two of them. Tomorrow, she would investigate the playground again and keep doing so until she was satisfied no one was truly coming for him.
The thought, however, made her heart hurt. He was growing on her so quickly, but it would be the right thing to do. Even if she, only after a couple of days, was already so attached to the little guy.
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sergeantsporks · 6 months
Do you think Hunter had a birth certificate while living in the castle?
I don't know! We know the Boiling Isles has SOME sort of laws regarding children. After all, if King could get legally adopted by Eda, then there's probably some kind of effort to keep track of who's born to whom. And, of course, there's apparently some sort of child safety laws in place. So it wouldn't surprise me to find out that the BI at least has some form of birth certificates. And Belos, being The Government, wouldn't have too much issue forging one.
That being said, it might be MORE of a risk to give Hunter a birth certificate compared to the risk of someone questioning the emperor bringing in some kid. Depending on the kind of information that's on a usual birth certificate, Hunter might try looking for more information about his family and quickly find out that they don't exist.
The more complicated a lie, the harder it is to keep up. "Our family has a history of powerless witches and were all killed by wild magic" okay, sure. "Our family has a history of powerless witches and were all killed by wild magic. Here are their names, something you can easily look up or try to find information on or even just ask people around" is a harder lie to keep up. Belos can always pretend Hunter's certificate got lost in the shuffle, or his family didn't officially register him yet, or even that they didn't think they NEEDED to register him, since his uncle was the emperor. Put an actual birth certificate in the mix, and you might have a problem. Hunter might be scared or nervous about asking Belos the names of his parents verbally, but we already know he has less of a problem sneaking looks at forbidden texts/documents.
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bihansthot · 1 year
Now I'm curious about how the story went in canon with you and Bi Han...
- I imagine he's the type who gets nervous if you're 5 minutes late. -
Honestly bestie it was nothing special lol I was working teaching English in Fengjian at the middle school and one morning after seeing Bi-Han for well over a year or so he woke me up and told me to call in sick. He didn’t give me any explanation, just told me to put on a nice dress and come with him. I was young and curious and always eager to please him so I did as he asked, I called in sick, put on the only dress I owned which was a bohemian esque lilac babydoll dress and followed him into town. He took me to the Civil Affair Bureau and started filling out the paperwork for a marriage certificate, which of course I had no clue he was doing because he didn’t bother to say anything and I can’t understand Chinese. Eventually he was finished with everything, told me to sign next to his name and that we had to wait for the officiate. Still perplexed as to what we were doing and what was going on we sat there waiting until we were called back and the officiate went through the documents and stamped a few pages and congratulated us.
Still clueless I finally ask Bi-Han what was going on and what all the paperwork was for and he just casually replies with “oh that? It was all formality to let you stay here legally, you don’t have to worry about having to go back to America anymore.”
I stared at him incredulously still not understanding, “how did you manage to do that? I’m here on a work visa, I’m not eligible for any others.”
Bi-Han is clearly frustrated at my lack of understanding, “it doesn’t matter if you work or not anymore, you’re my wife you can stay here legally now, I filed everything we need, it should be approved in a few months.”
“Your what?!” I exclaimed utterly shocked by his easy explanation of what just transpired.
“My wife. What did you think we were doing at the Civil Affairs Bureau??” Bi-Han shoots me the oddest expression unable to comprehend my confusion.
“You-you could have at least asked first!” I sputter, clearly flustered by the situation.
“What was the point? I knew you’d say yes so why bother?” He answers confidently, giving me his infuriating -I know I’m right- smirk.
I flush a deep pink at his arrogance and accuracy, “it still would have been nice…”
“Sol, will you marry me?” He holds his hand out as he reluctantly acquiesces to my request.
“It’s a little late now,” I huff childishly and swat at his hand.
He grabs my hand with his lightning fast reflexes and presses a soft kiss to my palm, “come on Mrs. Zhang let’s go celebrate at Madam Bo’s.”
So, yeah that’s basically how it happened, Zhang is the fictional last name I’ve given Bi-Han over the years, though I do have a tendency to use Mrs. Zero in stories too haha We kept saying we’d have a real ceremony someday but 10 years and four kids later and we still haven’t done anything. Later on though he did eventually get me a wedding ring but he doesn’t wear one as it’s a modern tradition and not commonplace for someone like Bi-Han. He’s not exactly romantic so I don’t really push him for a traditional ceremony or for him to wear a ring, his happiness is all I need. Maybe one day we’ll have a traditional ceremony but if we did it would be very small, my family would never travel to China and his strained relationship with his siblings is another huge obstacle so why have a big hoopla just for Sektor and Cyrax lol
Thanks for asking love!
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anjali-rawat · 1 month
Who can apply for a BIS certification?
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification is available to various entities, including:
Manufacturers: Both Indian and foreign manufacturers can apply for BIS certification for products that require mandatory certification or if they voluntarily wish to certify their products for the Indian market.
Importers: Importers can apply for BIS certification if they are importing products into India that require mandatory BIS certification.
Traders: Traders who wish to sell products that fall under the mandatory certification scheme must ensure that the products they trade are BIS certified.
Exporters: Exporters intending to sell products in India may apply for BIS certification to meet Indian regulatory requirements.
Foreign Entities: Foreign manufacturers can directly apply for BIS certification or through an Authorized Indian Representative (AIR) if they want to sell their products in India.
The application process involves submitting necessary documents, undergoing testing and inspection, and complying with the relevant Indian Standards.
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lunis-associates · 10 months
Decoding the Significance of BIS Certification: Ensuring Quality and Compliance
In today's rapidly evolving global marketplace, where consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of product quality and safety, regulatory standards play a pivotal role. One such crucial certification is the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) certificate. This blog aims to unravel the importance and impact of BIS certification, shedding light on its significance for both businesses and consumers.
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Understanding BIS Certification:
What is BIS Certification?
The BIS certification is a mark of quality and safety awarded by the Bureau of Indian Standards. It serves as a testament that a product complies with the specified Indian standards, ensuring that it meets the necessary criteria for quality, safety, and performance.
Products Covered by BIS Certification:
Explore the diverse range of products that fall under the purview of BIS certification, ranging from electronic goods and appliances to industrial machinery and consumer products. Understanding the extensive list of items requiring certification underscores its widespread applicability.
Why BIS Certification Matters:
Consumer Confidence:
Discover how BIS certification builds consumer trust by assuring them of product quality and safety. Uncover the role it plays in enhancing the credibility of a brand and how consumers have come to rely on this certification as a marker of excellence.
Legal Compliance:
Examine the legal implications of BIS certification for manufacturers and businesses. Delve into the regulatory framework that makes BIS certification mandatory for certain products and the consequences of non-compliance.
The BIS Certification Process:
Step-by-Step Guide:
Demystify the BIS certification process, breaking it down into comprehensible steps. Gain insights into the documentation, testing, and verification stages, helping businesses navigate the certification journey seamlessly.
Cost and Time Implications:
Explore the cost and time factors associated with obtaining a BIS certificate. Understand how this investment contributes to long-term benefits for businesses, outweighing the initial challenges.
The Vital Role of a BIS License
Shed light on the importance of obtaining a BIS license for manufacturing and selling regulated products.
Explain how a BIS license contributes to legal compliance and market acceptance.
Showcase success stories of businesses that have benefited from holding a BIS license.
BIS Certification and Sustainable Practices:
Environmental Considerations:
Explore the role of BIS certification in promoting environmentally sustainable practices. Discuss how adherence to BIS standards contributes to reducing environmental impact and ensuring the longevity of products.
Social Responsibility:
Examine how BIS certification aligns with corporate social responsibility initiatives. Discuss the positive social impact of ensuring that products meet BIS standards, including improved working conditions and fair trade practices.
Empowering Businesses:
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):
Highlight the role of BIS certification in empowering small and medium enterprises. Discuss how obtaining BIS certification can level the playing field, allowing smaller businesses to compete on a larger scale.
Innovation and Competitiveness:
Explore how BIS certification fosters innovation and enhances the competitiveness of businesses. Discuss real-world examples of companies that have thrived by prioritizing quality through BIS certification.
Challenges and Opportunities:
Overcoming Hurdles:
Acknowledge the challenges businesses may face during the BIS registration process and explore strategies to overcome them. From understanding complex standards to addressing testing requirements, businesses can navigate these challenges effectively.
Market Access and Opportunities:
Uncover the market advantages that BIS-certified products enjoy, both domestically and internationally. Discuss how BIS certification opens doors to new opportunities and markets, contributing to the overall growth of businesses.
 In conclusion, obtaining a BIS certificate, completing online BIS registration, and acquiring a BIS license are integral steps for businesses aiming to thrive in the Indian market. By prioritizing quality assurance and regulatory compliance, companies can build trust among consumers, gain a competitive edge, and contribute to the overall safety and reliability of products in the marketplace. Embrace the journey towards BIS certification and position your business for success in the dynamic landscape of Indian trade and commerce.
By delving into the intricacies of BIS certification, this blog aims to empower businesses with the knowledge needed to navigate the certification landscape, fostering a culture of quality and compliance in the ever-evolving market.
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usenterprises · 10 months
Our company offers a comprehensive suite of services catering to BIS certification and CE mark registration, ensuring your products comply with industry standards and regulations. We specialize in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) certification, guiding you through the intricate process to meet the environmental compliance obligations efficiently
With a deep understanding of the complexities involved, our expert team provides end-to-end support, from documentation assistance to facilitating the certification process, ensuring your products meet the stringent quality benchmarks. We streamline the often intricate CE mark registration, allowing your products to access European markets seamlessly, boosting your business prospects.
Our services are tailored to suit your specific needs, alleviating the burden of navigating through regulatory frameworks. We prioritize accuracy and timeliness, ensuring your products are compliant, enhancing consumer trust and market competitiveness.
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elancholia · 1 year
You have to feel sorta bad for the Republican oppo researchers who failed to find those gay Obama letters or whatever. What a bag to fumble! It would have absolutely destroyed the man's career in 2008. He himself wasn't even in favor of gay marriage when he first ran. All those years spent impotently gibbering about Kenyan Muslim Marxism and going Zapruder film on poorly photocopied birth certificates when there was written documentation of him being kinda bi the whole time. Amazing.
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odishagovtjobss · 17 hours
Odisha Police Recruitment 2024!!!! Apply Now For 1360 Vacancies
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Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 has announced 1360 Constable/Sepoy vacancies across battalions like OSAP, IR, SIR, and SS. The online application process for these positions will run from September 23 to October 13, 2024, via www.opssb.nic.in. Breif Details About Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 Educational Qualification For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 Vacancy Details About Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 Selection Process For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 Examination Pattern For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 Subjects/Sections: OSAP IRB Constable Physical Test 2024Physical Measurement Test (PMT) Physical Efficiency Test (PET) Age Limit For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024Age Relaxation as per Government Rules: Application Fee For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 Documents Required For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 Salary For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 How to Apply??? Important Links FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Breif Details About Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 OrganizationOdisha PoliceConducting BodyOdisha Police State Selection Board (OPSSB)Post NameConstable/SepoyVacancies1360CategoryOdisha Police JobsMode of ApplicationOnlineOnline Registration Dates23rd September to 13th October 2024Selection ProcessWritten Exam, PST, PET, Certificate Verification, Medical TestOdisha Police Official Websitewww.odishapolice.gov.inOPSSB Official Websitewww.opssb.nic.in Educational Qualification For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 - Candidates applying for IRB Constable Recruitment 2024 must have completed at least Matriculation or 10th class. - The qualification should be from B.S.E Odisha or an equivalent recognized board. - Odia must be studied as a compulsory subject. Vacancy Details About Odisha Police Recruitment 2024
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Selection Process For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 - Written Test - Physical Measurement Test (PMT) - Physical Efficiency Test (PET) - Driving Test (Optional) - Medical Test and Document Verification Examination Pattern For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 - Mode of Exam: Online Examination (CBRE) - Total Questions: 100 - Total Marks: 100 - Duration: 120 minutes (2 hours) - Language Medium: English and Odia Subjects/Sections: - Odia Language - English Language - Arithmetic - General Knowledge - Situational Awareness - Logical Reasoning - Basic Computer Knowledge OSAP IRB Constable Physical Test 2024 Physical Measurement Test (PMT) - For UR/SEBC: - Height: 168 cm - Weight: 55 kg - Chest: 79-84 cm - For SC/ST: - Height: 163 cm - Weight: 50 kg - Chest: 76-81 cm Physical Efficiency Test (PET) - Running: 1.6 km in 6 minutes - Broad Jump (Long Jump): 4 meters (up to 3 attempts) - High Jump: 1.38 meters (up to 3 attempts) Age Limit For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 - Minimum Age Limit – 58 years.  - Maximum Age Limit - 50 years Age Relaxation as per Government Rules: - For OBC Candidates – 03 years. - For ST/SC/PWD Candidates- 05 years. - For Ex-Serviceman – 05 years. - For PWD+SC/ST Candidates- 15 years. Application Fee For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 i) For the post of Assistant Director (Hindi), Assistant Director (Finance) and Assistant Director (Marketing & Consumer Affairs), the application fees will be Rs 800/- and for the remaining posts the fee will be Rs.500/- ii) No fee to be paid by SCs/STs/PWDs/Women and BIS serving employees Documents Required For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024
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Salary For Odisha Police Recruitment 2024 - The basic salary for OSAP IRB Constables is offered within the pay range of Rs. 21,700 to Rs. 69,100. - This salary structure is set by the Odisha Police State Selection Board. How to Apply??? - Now interested candidates use your any device then go to Google and go to our official website link and then search the  notification about latest job notification. - Candidates carefully read all notifications before apply this job. - Then Which details required please enter. - When registering the form the candidates must have notes  all the required documents. - Upload your recent passport size photo & signature. - And then a declaration form the candidates carefully read it & agree to it. - If fees is to pay then the candidates pay application fees. - Candidates can use any online payment such as credit card/ Debit card through UPI& net banking etc. - You have to pay fees for this form apply online. - Then last click on submit button. Important Links - Notification PDF - Online Application Link - For More Job Information FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) QuestionsAnswersWhat is the qualification for a police officer in Odisha 2024?Candidates should be between 18 and 27 years old if they belong to the GEN category. Additionally, candidates must have completed their class 10+2 education from a recognized board.What is the minimum qualification for Odisha Police?Odisha Police Constable Eligibility 2024: Candidates must have qualified 12th from a state or central board.What is the minimum salary of Odisha Police?The monthly starting salary for an Odisha Police constable is Rs. 21,700.What are the physical tests for Police?Karnataka Police Constable Physical Efficiency Test 2024: Males - 1600m running (6 min 30 sec), High Jump (1.20m), Long Jump (3.80m), Shot Put (5.60m). Females and Ex-Servicemen - 400m running (2 mins max).How to become an SI in Odisha Police?Odisha Police SI Selection Process 2024: Written Examination, Physical Standard Test, and Physical Efficiency Test.What is the salary of RI in Odisha?The monthly Odisha RI salary is INR 16,880, excluding allowances. The in-hand salary is expected to be more.How much chest size for police?For males: Height 170 cm, Chest Unexpanded 80 cm. For females: Height 157 cm.Which type of questions are asked in police exams?Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) covering law enforcement principles, criminal justice, and public safety regulations. Read the full article
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"Top 5 Benefits of Learning SAS for Career Advancement"
Learning SAS offers significant advantages for career advancement in the data analytics field. Here are the top five benefits:
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Career Growth: SAS certification can lead to career growth opportunities, including promotions and specialized roles, as it demonstrates your expertise and commitment to the field of data analytics.
SAS Online Training Institute, Power BI, Python Pune, India (saspowerbisasonlinetraininginstitute.in)
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ercsprivatelimited · 5 days
How to Check BIS Certification - Process Guide
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the national standards body of India, established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986. It aims to ensure that products and services meet specific quality standards, thereby promoting consumer safety and confidence. BIS certification is crucial for manufacturers, as it signifies compliance with Indian standards and assures consumers of product quality.
Step-by-Step Process to Check BIS Certification Online
Checking BIS certification is essential for consumers and businesses alike to ensure that products meet safety and quality standards. Below is a detailed guide on how to check BIS certification online.
Step 1: Visit the Official BIS Website
To begin, navigate to the official BIS website: www.bis.gov.in. The official website is a reliable source for all information related to BIS certifications.
Step 2: Access the "Conformity Assessment" Section
Once on the homepage, look for the "Conformity Assessment" section. This section provides information on the various certification schemes and services offered by BIS.
Step 3: Use the "Manak Online" Service
BIS has introduced the "Manak Online" service, which simplifies the process of checking certifications. Click on the "Manak Online" link, which will redirect you to the portal where you can check the certification status.
Step 4: Input Product Details
In the Manak Online service, you will need to enter specific details about the product. This typically includes:
Product Name
Brand Name
Model Number
License Number (if available)
Ensure that the information you enter is accurate to receive the correct certification status.
Step 5: Verify Certification Information
After submitting the product details, the system will display the certification information. This includes:
Certification Status (active/inactive)
Validity Period
Standards Met
Manufacturer Details
Review this information carefully to confirm the product’s certification status.
Offline Methods to Verify BIS Certification
In addition to online verification, you can also confirm BIS certification offline through the following methods:
Step 1: Contacting the Manufacturer
You can reach out directly to the manufacturer or supplier of the product. They should provide you with the relevant certification documents or details. Ensure that you ask for a copy of the BIS certification for your records.
Step 2: Using BIS Offices
You can visit your nearest BIS office. The staff can assist you in verifying the BIS certification status of any product. Bring along the product details for quicker assistance.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Checking BIS Certification
When checking BIS certification, it’s easy to make mistakes that could lead to misinformation. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:
Incorrect Product Details: Ensure you enter the correct product name, brand, and model number. Small errors can lead to inaccurate results.
Assuming All Products Are Certified: Not all products require BIS certification. Check the list of products that are mandatory for certification.
Ignoring Expiry Dates: Always verify the validity period of the certification; an expired certification does not guarantee product safety.
Relying on Unofficial Sources: Use only the official BIS website or authorized personnel for verification to avoid scams.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can BIS certification be revoked?
Yes, BIS certification can be revoked if the manufacturer fails to comply with the standards or if there are significant changes in the product that affect safety and quality.
How often does BIS certification need renewal?
BIS certification is typically valid for a specific period, usually ranging from one to five years, after which it must be renewed. The renewal process involves re-evaluation of the product to ensure continued compliance with standards.
What should I do if a product doesn't have a BIS certification?
If a product lacks BIS certification but is required to have one, refrain from purchasing it. You can report the manufacturer or seller to BIS, as selling uncertified products can pose safety risks to consumers.
Final Thoughts on Maintaining Product Standards Through BIS
BIS plays a vital role in ensuring that products meet safety and quality standards in India. Checking for BIS certification is essential for consumers to make informed decisions and for manufacturers to maintain credibility in the market. By understanding how to verify BIS certification, consumers can protect themselves from substandard products and contribute to a culture of quality and safety.
For manufacturers, obtaining and maintaining BIS certification not only enhances product value but also instills trust among consumers. As markets become increasingly competitive, adherence to BIS standards will remain crucial for long-term success.
By following the outlined steps and avoiding common mistakes, you can effectively check BIS certification and contribute to a safer consumer environment in India.
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promptedify · 5 days
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SAP Software Training & Certification in Johannesburg at Prompt Edify provides a robust educational experience designed to equip professionals with the skills needed to effectively use SAP software. Here’s a detailed description of the program in 8-9 points:
Comprehensive Curriculum:
Modules Covered: Includes key SAP modules such as SAP S/4HANA, SAP MM (Materials Management), SAP SD (Sales and Distribution), SAP FICO (Financial Accounting and Controlling), SAP PP (Production Planning), and SAP HR/HCM (Human Capital Management).
Specialized Tracks: Additional training in SAP BI (Business Intelligence), SAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management), SAP SuccessFactors, and other specialized areas.
Training Formats:
Classroom Training: Hands-on, instructor-led sessions at Prompt Edify’s Johannesburg facility, offering interactive learning and practical exercises.
Online Training: Live, virtual classes providing flexibility and remote access to training materials and instructor support.
Hybrid Options: A combination of in-person and online sessions to accommodate various learning preferences and schedules.
Certification Preparation:
Exam Readiness: Preparation for SAP certification exams such as SAP Certified Application Associate and SAP Certified Development Associate.
Study Materials: Access to comprehensive study guides, practice exams, and simulation tools to ensure thorough exam preparation.
Expert Instructors:
Certified Trainers: Courses led by experienced SAP professionals with extensive industry knowledge and practical experience.
Personalized Support: Instructors provide tailored guidance to address specific learning needs and business processes.
Hands-On Experience:
Practical Labs: Real-world scenarios and case studies for applying theoretical knowledge in a practical environment.
SAP Sandbox Access: Opportunity to work in a live SAP environment for hands-on practice with various SAP functionalities.
Learning Materials:
Courseware: Detailed manuals, guides, and reference documents provided to support learning and application of SAP software.
Additional Resources: Access to online forums, support materials, and resources for continued learning and problem-solving.
Benefits for Professionals:
Skill Enhancement: Develop practical skills to improve business process efficiency, reporting accuracy, and overall performance.
Career Advancement: Achieve SAP certification to enhance job prospects and professional recognition in the ERP field.
Organizational Impact:
Process Optimization: Equip teams with the skills to streamline processes, reduce costs, and drive operational efficiency using SAP software.
Strategic Advantage: Gain expertise to leverage SAP solutions for competitive advantage and improved business outcomes.
Enrollment and Scheduling:
Flexible Options: Various training schedules available to fit different professional and personal commitments.
Easy Registration: Simple enrollment process with options for customized training packages and group discounts.
SAP Software Training & Certification in Johannesburg at Prompt Edify offers a structured and flexible approach to mastering SAP software, ensuring participants gain the skills needed to excel in their roles and achieve certification.
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daphned1166306 · 7 days
Selling Old Gold for Your Children's Education: How to Get the Best Value from Gold Buyers in Hyderabad
When it comes to investing in your children's education, finding the right financial resources is key. One practical option is to sell old gold that you may have tucked away. finding reliable Gold Buyers in Hyderabad can help you unlock the value of your unused jewelry or gold items and turn it into a substantial amount of money for educational expenses. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this process effectively.
1. Assessing the Value of Your Gold
Before selling your gold, it's essential to understand its value. The worth of gold is influenced by several key factors:
Purity: Gold purity is measured in karats (K). Common purities include 24K (pure gold), 22K, 18K, and 14K. Higher karatage means higher value.
Weight: The weight of your gold, usually measured in grams or ounces, affects its overall value. More weight generally results in a higher price.
Market Price: Gold prices fluctuate based on market conditions. Check the current gold price to estimate how much your gold might be worth.
2. Choosing the Right Gold Buyers in Hyderabad
Selecting a reputable gold buyer is crucial to ensure you receive a fair price. Here’s how you can find trustworthy gold buyers in Hyderabad:
Research Local Buyers: Use online reviews, ratings, and local recommendations to identify reputable gold buyers. Look for those with a positive track record and transparent practices.
Check Credentials: Verify that the gold buyer is accredited by authorities such as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) or the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC). Certification ensures adherence to industry standards and fair dealings.
Evaluate Transparency: A reliable buyer should explain their valuation process clearly and provide detailed information about how they determine the price of your gold.
3. Gathering Multiple Quotes
To maximize the value you receive for your gold, it’s important to get quotes from several buyers. Here’s how to approach this:
Obtain Quotes: Visit multiple gold buyers in Hyderabad and request written quotes for your gold. This will give you a comprehensive view of the market rate and help you identify the best offer.
Compare Offers: Review the quotes you’ve gathered and compare them. Look at factors such as price per gram and any additional fees that might be charged.
Negotiate Terms: Use the information from different quotes to negotiate with buyers. If one buyer offers a higher price, leverage that information to get a better deal from others.
4. Understanding the Selling Process
Knowing the selling process will help you navigate the transaction smoothly. Here’s what to expect:
Prepare Documentation: Have any relevant documents ready, such as original purchase receipts or certificates of authenticity. This is particularly important for high-value items.
Purity Testing: Be prepared for the gold buyer to test the purity of your gold. This is a standard procedure and helps determine its true value.
Secure Payment: Discuss payment options with the buyer and ensure you receive a receipt for the transaction. Opt for secure payment methods to avoid any issues.
5. Utilizing the Proceeds for Education
Once you’ve sold your gold, it’s time to allocate the funds wisely for your children’s education:
Budget Effectively: Create a comprehensive budget that covers all educational expenses, including tuition fees, books, and extracurricular activities. Plan for both immediate and future needs.
Explore Financial Aid: Look into scholarships, grants, and other financial aid options that can supplement the funds from your gold sale.
Invest in Education: Consider investing the proceeds in educational savings plans or investment vehicles that can help grow the funds over time, providing more financial support for your children’s future.
6. Additional Tips
Stay Informed: Keep an eye on gold market trends and prices. Selling when prices are high can help you get a better return on your gold.
Ensure Safety: Conduct transactions in secure environments and use safe methods for handling and transporting cash and gold.
Selling old gold can be an effective way to fund your children's education, particularly when you find reliable gold buyers in Hyderabad. By understanding your gold's value, selecting trustworthy buyers, obtaining multiple quotes, and managing the proceeds wisely, you can make a significant investment in your child’s educational future.
Start by researching reputable gold buyers in Hyderabad and explore how your old gold can help provide the education and opportunities your children deserve. With thoughtful planning and informed decisions, you can make a meaningful contribution to their academic journey.
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agileregulatory1 · 8 days
BIS Certification in India
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BIS certification is mandatory for manufacturers producing a wide range of goods, from electronics to building materials. Agile Regulatory helps companies navigate the BIS certification process from preparing documents to submitting applications. With our expertise, you can get your products certified smoothly and focus on expanding your business in the Indian market.   
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Obtaining BIS certification for electrical appliances used in hair care and skin care is crucial to ensure safety, quality, and compliance with Indian standards. At Fusion Compliance Services, we specialize in facilitating BIS certification for a wide range of personal care electrical appliances, including hair dryers, straighteners, trimmers, and facial steamers. Our team of experts provides full support in documentation, testing, and regulatory processes, ensuring that your products meet the required standards for safe market entry.
Trust Fusion Compliance Services to handle your BIS certification needs with professionalism and efficiency, enabling your business to comply with regulations and build consumer trust.
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