kronika-ilustrowana · 10 months
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12 сентября 1683 года. Король Ян Собеский во главе гусар под Веной
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WWI postcard - battle in Gałdowo (GOLDAU) near Iława, Poland.
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sad-dziewczyna · 1 year
Czasami myślę że nikomu nie jestem potrzebna
Cały świat mnie przytłacza
Zabija od środka
Powoli i boleśnie
Brakuje mi czułości
Coraz bardziej jestem smutna i walczę z samotnością
Nie mogę znaleźć miejsca na ziemi wszędzie jest mi źle
Nawet nie wiem czemu
Potrzebuję pomocy ale jej nie szukam
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pustazapalniczka · 1 year
Musisz walczyć
Jeśli rzucą cię wilkom na pożarcie wróć na ich czele
Miej mentalność zwycięzcy
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witekspicsbanknotes · 1 month
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Commemorative art note, 1400 denarov, battle. Below uv light & watermark:
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arekmiodek · 1 year
Pył uleciał postrzępiony skazą, skazą życia jak rozebrana budowla, która służyła kiedyś za schronienie, nie ma już śladu człowieka Matka Ziemia goi rany jak po bitwie, bitwie o przetrwanie…
"PO BITWIE" (Arek Miodek)
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gdanskstrefa · 2 years
Fałszywa husaria Sobieskiego
Była sobota 24 sierpnia 1675 roku. W Bitwie pod Lesienicami (Lwowem – Lesienice położone są 7 km od Lwowa – lub bitwą na trakcie gliniańskim), armia Rzeczypospolitej pod dowództwem króla Jana III (6 tysięcy wojska – w tym połowa piechoty) zwyciężyła liczącą 10 tysięcy żołnierzy armię tatarską. Na trakcie gliniańskim 24 sierpnia pojawili się Tatarzy, idąc wzdłuż rzeki Pełtwi. Była to zwężająca się…
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View On WordPress
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Fiodor Dostojewski – Zbrodnia i kara
Juliusz Słowacki – Balladyna
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polishwave · 7 months
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11.11 pamiętamy
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surfingkaliyuga · 8 months
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“Rok 1920 / Year 1920” Kazimierz Mańkowski 1930
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happyemoqueer · 8 months
Here's a poll for you about polish paintings
Which one of these paintings do you recognize the most?
1. Rejtan by Jan Matejko
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2. Stańczyk by Jan Matejko
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3. Bitwa pod Grunwaldem by Jan Matejko
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4. Pełzająca Śmierć by Zdzisław Beksiński
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msbhagirathi · 3 months
A Note On Some Things From Episode 2
1. Expressions :
I don't have words to describe the magic, that these two bunch of talents (Mr. BS & Mrs. SI), have casted on us through their soulful portrayal of Arnav and Khushi.
They have often bragged about being able to do the scenes easily without any visible discomfort because of their heartfelt friendship. But, let's also not forget the professionalism that they showed while performing the initial scenes. Because friendship between all the star cast came later on, as they kept shooting.
There were the initial scenes, for example the first scene of Arnav with his Di, on the stage or the dori scenes with Khushi, were the first, the very first of Barun's scene with Dalljeet and Sanaya. In an interview, it was mentioned that he was a very shy person at first. But, still he didn't let the awkwardness of not knowing them properly, affect his scenes with them. (I know that's the job of an actor but still it is indeed difficult to maintain it.) I am sure, the same must have happened with everyone else as well, and Kudos to the whole team for maintaining the work ethics. Such level of professionalism! Wow!
The scene, where, on hearing Di's voice, on the stage, Arnav turns back and smiles at his Di. That's so natural. Like, you can see that he is surprised to see her there, but also kind of 'I knew it!'.
Hehehe. Lol. I didn't do much mehnat in to this, this time. Hope you don't mind. :')
Yeah, so my point is just look at his (positively)delicious face look at the smooth change of expressions. The transition from being irritated to surprised to some more surprised to something akin to 'I knew, it would be you!'
And how did I forget to mention our beloved 'Dolly' here [ ;)] yeah, Anjali Di's inviting and warm smile, made us feel like "I wish I had an elder sister like her."
And the brilliance and brutality of Arnav, in the dori scene, with Khushi, being all scared, nervous and trying to convince the people around her that she is innocent. I don't know 'bout you but I definitely felt so desperate to go inside the screen and yell at those assholes (Arnav included.) to stop harassing her. And, I remember I was so so so so like so shocked so horrified, so much so that my heart started beating faster.
Am I evil enough to give you a snippet of this scene?
Absolutely, not.
Okay, coming to this scene. This is just one of the many scenes where Sanaya literally gave out her soul. The Infamous Dori Scene.
The horror, the panic, the trembling lips and the realization that her back is exposed and that she has to cover it. Although, Arnav wasn't looking at there but when she slapped away her hair (can't find any other term coz week inglis.) he definitely looked at her long, black, straight -kind of - beautiful hair (or rather hair extension. Lol. I am kidding, ok? Sanaya's hair is indeed beautiful.)
The turning back and taking a look at his face to gauge his reaction, the tears and the way she flees away, everything is just- *chef's kiss*
2. Arnav's 'Triggered' Moment
When I was watching this, I wondered what did actually happen here?
Do you ever have this moment when you feel you are SO angry that your body starts shaking with rage? You can feel your body getting all worked up, heat simmering up to your ears and you almost see red?
You are so angry that you are not even thinking anything, you just do whatever comes to your mind, without giving it a second thought. You speak without thinking, the extent to which your words might hurt someone. Although, it may last a few seconds but is powerful enough to engulf you wholly.
And what happens when you calm down? You almost feel as if your body has gone limp, after all that rage. Your hands and legs feel weak and wobbly. Your stomach feels like someone churned it, with one hard smack. You come back to yourself. You return back to where you were, before you'd got triggered like that. And how often does this happen to you? Very rare. Depends on the situation as well.
But, guess what, this type of anger comes to Arnav, as naturally as breathing. Sad. But, true. I am not justifying what he did to Khushi, here, I am just giving an insight as to how he feels every time someone, more or less accidently, reminds him of his trauma.
This is, exactly what happens, with Arnav, each time, he is 'triggered'.
And that is why he needs serious therapy. Mental and emotional healing. Being with the right person still might not guarantee one's healing. A trauma, as deep as his, needs serious treatment.
He doesn't like to go back to his past. It makes him feel weak and vulnerable. Although it's very natural to feel so. But, he CANNOT--WILL NOT let himself, be in that type of a situation ever again, where he does not have the upper hand.
And, hence, whenever someone or Khushi (mostly Khushi, I think.) unknowingly triggers him, he has the worst reaction to it. He gets so livid, where he feels the need to 'punish' that person. He feels the need to make that person realize what a grave mistake they have committed, albeit unintentionally.
So, maybe when he sees her tear-stricken face, he jolts out of that state and thinks out of all the kind of reactions that he knew, he hadn't expected it to be this.
And so, he is -kind of- shocked, that maybe, this girl is not, whom he had thought her to be.
Therefore, he let's it pass, to be what it was, a mistake.
3. Marriage, Dowry and The Society
In today's world, getting married is just another grand event and not something directly related to one's 'honor'. ( I feel like I am writing an essay for some school's essay writing competition. Lol.)
But, back then, this was not the case. A broken marriage or even getting divorced used to be look down upon, like some kind of disgrace or 'curse' for that family and their 'honor'. And accepting dowry was just as normal as accepting gifts from someone (anyone).
The sheer audacity of the boy's family for asking it after imposing most of the financial burden on the girl's family. As if, they are doing some kind of favor to them by getting their SON married to their daughter. You see what I did there?
That's the thing. The inequality. It SO gets on my nerves, every time I think about the inequality, the patriarchy. The superiority complex & the inferiority complex. The misogyny. The chauvinism. UGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Ok so, that is it, then. I will add if I find something else. Bye, then. Have a great day/night ahead. God bless you.
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Gustaw II Adolf = swedish king was beaten and died in a battle near Lutzen (1632), a german postcard showing german victory.
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myloveforstuff · 2 years
IPKKND Color Analysis: Arnav's outfits [Payash Wedding Track]
If you'd like to read my analysis of Khushi's outfits during this track, click here!
Note: Since the colors Khushi's wears are vivid and varied, they explicitly reflect her state of being and the emotional graph of their relationship. On the other hand, the colors that Arnav wears are often limited and minimal, and so the symbolism of his color palette is multi-dimensional and each individual color serves several purposes. Every color he wears takes a different meaning depending on his emotional state and the context of the situation, as I will attempt to analyze here. These are just my personal observations based on research - I'd love to know what you think!
The Sangeet Ceremony
Showing up on stage to dance with her, Khushi's knight in shining armor is dressed in all black - a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up, paired with a black waistcoat and black pants.
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"As a color of mystique, black conjures elegance, sophistication, and sexual prowess."
He is walking (or should I say dancing) seduction to Khushi, and he knows it. He confidently touches her, displays his haq over her, intimately moves in sync with her because he is aware that she feels for him what he does for her. There is love, but in this moment it is overpowered by the undeniable attraction between them. This is evident not just by the dance that they share, but also by her dhak dhaks and his flirtatious remarks and actions post the performance, both of which fluster Khushi while adding fuel to the burning lust she feels for this man she has fallen for.
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Arnav keeps the collar of his black shirt open: while a closed collar may convey formality and reserve, an open collar and exposure of the neck is perceived as being relaxed and vulnerable. It may also indicate flirtation or seduction, as the neck is seen as a sensitive and erogenous part of the body. Arnav has no guards up here; there is no pretense. He bares his emotional and physical feelings for her, urging her to do the same.
Adding to that, he's got his sleeves rolled up. "Women usually perceive this body language as masculine and sexy since it puts the forearms on display." I mean, need I say more? ;)
Dressed in all black, Arnav mystifies, seduces, hypnotizes and possesses his lady love.
The Mehendi Ceremony
On the day of the Mehendi, Arnav wears a white shirt with an open collar and rolled up sleeves, paired with a black waistcoat and black pants.
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While black oozes seduction and confidence, white symbolizes new beginnings, just as a blank canvas. Nothing is the same after the dance they have shared the night before. This is new territory: the misunderstandings of the past are forgiven, stolen glances are replaced with lingering gazes, and there is hope, of a new beginning. Once again, his collar is open to expose much of his chest, representing his vulnerability and lack of reserve.
"Black traps space, while white opens space. Black evokes sophistication; white communicates innocence. It’s clear: black and white are opposites."
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The black waistcoat paired with the white shirt functions as a beautiful dichotomy. As opposites, sensuous black and innocent white work well together to mirror the dynamic swirl of emotions Arnav is feeling for Khushi. He is flirtatious, but it is laced with purity. He pulls her closer by her dupatta and plants a searing kiss on her cheek, but he is also touched when she is anxious about his absence, and pleased when he sees his initials on her mehendi. While the sangeet was all about attraction, here there is more. The feelings are new and represent blooming, innocent love.
Dressed in black and white, Arnav is both a playful flirt and a charming lover.
Payash’s Havan
During Payal and Akash's havan ceremony, Arnav is dressed in a navy shirt without a collar (this time it’s a fancy version of a v-neck!), paired with a steel grey waistcoat and grey pants.
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"Navy blue is just as easily reminiscent of the deep, blue ocean."
The blue that Arnav wears represents the blue ocean that his name represents, as he watches the ambulance drive away with the belief that his Khushi is inside. He is struck by disbelief, reduced to an almost childlike state of panic with the fear of loss. The child in him is still in grief from his parents' death, in particular his mother’s - so when he believes he’s lost the woman he loves, the ocean that so effortfully tries to stay unaffected rages into a devastated storm.
"Do you even know what I'm going through? Do you know how worried I was? I thought I lost you. What if you were in that ambulance? What if I lost you?"
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When Khushi asks him why it matters, why he cares, he is unable to voice his feelings and acknowledge the reason. "It’s neither one thing nor the other–as in "grey area." The grey of his waistcoat and pants mirror the grey area that their relationship is in - without a name. On one hand he buys her bangles, yet on the other, he refuses to confess why he does so.
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Unlike in the past, this time Arnav wears a shirt that is more of a v neck. While an open collar indicates openness and vulnerability, the complete lack of a collar presents him in his utmost vulnerable state as he falls deeper in love, which leads to the self realization of his feelings later that night.
Dressed in navy blue and grey, Arnav grapples with the potential trauma/past trigger of loss, and struggles to define and utter his feelings.
Morning/Afternoon of the Wedding Day
Arnav wears a white shirt with the collar buttoned, along with a black waistcoat, tie, and suit.
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At this point, Arnav has admitted and accepted his feelings regarding Khushi to himself. On this day, he makes the monumental decision of confessing his feelings to the woman he loves, which is why it's no wonder that he is seen wearing a three piece suit for the significant occasion. Formal wear elicits feelings of power, control and confidence. He is a man on a mission, and he sure looks the part.
"The suit and tie indicate alpha male power traits, which adds to the appeal."
Arnav has switched from the relaxed, open collar shirts we have previously seen to a closed collar paired with a tie, mirroring his state of mind accordingly. If he was lazily exploring his relationship with Khushi previously, at present he possesses resolve. He has clarity. He wishes to name this relationship, and he means business as he makes up his mind to confess.
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White represents new beginnings, a blank slate on which Arnav and Khushi can dream of a future together as they move past the misunderstandings and pains of the past. Black represents self confidence and taking control, both reflected in his decision to voice his emotions, which he is now fully resolute about.
Dressed in formal wear of black and white, Arnav decides to come forward with his feelings for Khushi with confidence and hope for the future.
Evening of the Wedding Day
Arnav is seen in the same outfit as the morning/afternoon of the wedding day.
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Arnav opens the terrace door and witnesses Shyam hugging the woman he loves, listens to her telling his brother in law to leave his sister. Earlier, I mentioned how white symbolizes new beginnings. This is truly a new beginning, but a catastrophic one: the beginning of the end. This time, every last hope for the future is erased, and his image of Khushi is shattered. White symbolizes a blank slate once again.
"White is often used to depict purity and the redemption of sin."
Arnav becomes the catalyst for redemption, but not for sins of his own, but for Shyam's. He's desperate to correct calamities. He's desperate to avoid history being repeated. He has watched his parents crumble and die due to infidelity; he cannot let it happen once again to his Di.
The color black, again, reflects taking control. Arnav, although distraught and shaken, takes control of the situation in ways he sees fit. He confronts Shyam, decides to reveal the truth to Anjali (albeit couldn't), and eventually, decides to coerce Khushi into marrying him. All of these decisions are made in an attempt to take control.
The same closed collar that represented drive and intention now symbolizes constraint and suffocation after seeing the woman he loves in the arms of his sister's husband. His tie in particular represents his suffocation. When Arnav reaches his room after witnessing Shyam and Khushi on the terrace, he yanks off his tie and blazer and flings them away in an attempt to release his overbearing emotions.
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With the physical representations of his suffocation thrown away in an act of anguish, the now open collar conveys just how emotionally vulnerable and helpless he feels.
Dressed in black and white, this time the colors represent Arnav taking control to amend sin.
Night of the Wedding
On the night of the wedding, Arnav is seen wearing a black shirt with a buttoned collar, a midnight blue tie, a midnight blue waistcoat, and a black suit.
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At this time, Arnav has already taken the time to momentarily grieve and process what he had witnessed on the terrace. Not only has he just found out that his brother in law is a vile traitor and the woman he loves is (in his eyes) a lying cheat, he has just come to terms with the monumental news that his sister is carrying her traitor's child. He has now come to the decision on how he will play the cards he's been dealt, in the way he sees fit. According to color psychology, blue is associated with trustworthiness and reliability. For the sake of protecting his sister, he manipulates Khushi to marry him, regardless of how much it pains him to do so because to him, everything is justified in order to be his Di's protector.
"Midnight blue also conveys confidence, power and authority, while its deep hue can also come across as dark and mysterious."
By forcing her to marry him, Arnav abuses his power over Khushi as he intimidates her with breaking her sister's marriage if she doesn't comply. The mysteriousness of midnight blue is reflected through the mystery behind his actions in Khushi's eyes. Why is he doing this? What has changed? The Rajkumar has morphed into the Raakshas.
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Although he wears a midnight blue waistcoat and tie, they almost look black in certain lighting, which makes it seem as though he is dressed in all black. Arnav wore all black during the sangeet as well - though at that point - it represented the seductive and mystifying side of the color. Now, the symbolism is drastically different, showing the dark and gritty side.
"Black hides vulnerabilities: It conceals weaknesses, such as weight, feelings, and emotions." Arnav does not, cannot have any place in his heart for vulnerabilities as he stands by duty. His two weaknesses, his Di and Khushi, are now pitted against each other in his mind. The woman who is having an affair with his pregnant sister's husband. And so, he has chosen to destroy one weakness to protect the other.
"Black intimidates: Its boldness intimidates those around, creating an invisible sense of power." Arnav utilizes fear to present his demanding ultimatum to Khushi, instilling trepidation regarding the potential destruction of Payal and Akash's marriage.
"Black depresses – It brings moods down, allowing sad and depressive thoughts." His actions lead to a domino effect resulting in a devastating shift within and between the two families. Relationships are fractured and pain becomes the ruling emotion. Black is also the color of mourning in many cultures, symbolizing the visible death of what had blossomed between Arnav and Khushi in the days leading up to this point.
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Dressed in black and a shade of midnight blue that gives the illusion of an all black outfit, Arnav protects by using power and fear, which eventually leads to turmoil and suffering.
Quoted sentences and color meanings taken from the internet.
Tagging some of my fav accounts because I’m curious to hear your thoughts 🥹 @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @honeybellexox @chutkiandchotte @herelivesahobbit
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tomorrowusa · 10 months
Today, August 15th, is the anniversary of the 1920 Battle of Warsaw during the Polish-Bolshevik War in which Poland defeated Russia.
The war featured overconfident and squabbling Russian invaders, determined Polish defenders, jamming of a military communications system, a counteroffensive against the invaders, and Westerners surprised at Poland's success. Sound a bit familiar? 🤔
Because people outside Eastern Europe usually know little about Eastern European history, it's worth reminding everybody that Russia has been stopped by smaller neighbors in the past.
The Battle of Warsaw became known as the Miracle on the Vistula (Cud nad Wisłą).
Russia has been trying to undermine and neutralize Poland one way or another for about 250 years. Just today I saw this news story at Meduza.
'We are here': Two Russian nationals detained in Poland after allegedly hanging Wagner recruitment posters around Krakow and Warsaw
At the best of times, Poland is suspicious of Russia – and with good reason. Joining NATO on 19 March 1999 was a great relief for Poland.
The Polish attitude towards Russia could be summed up by this joke which may have been inspired by the September, 1939 invasions of Poland from the west by Nazi Germany and from the east by Soviet Russia.
A Polish soldier is being charged by a Russian and a German. Who does he shoot first, and why? The German, because business before pleasure.
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witekspicsbanknotes · 8 months
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ZERO EURO Poland souvenir banknote: Bitwa Warszawska. 2nd photo = project.
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