#bizarre food in india
suchananewsblog · 2 years
"So Much Drama": Viral Video Shows Bizarre Recipe Of Dum Ki Chai
For many of us, a cup of hot tea is the first thing we need in the morning. It is one of the most popular drinks around the world and continues to rule our hearts. The aroma of freshly brewed tea has the ability to lift anyone’s mood. Besides its deliciousness, tea has earned worldwide popularity because it is easy to make. All you need is a handful of ingredients. The recipe for classic tea…
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nowiamcoveredinyou · 3 months
Clandestine meetings (part 2)
Part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
Sherlock x (married) oc!
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England had been fascinating to Devi, yet scary. New but bizarre. All her life she stayed in her house, until she was married off to Debashish. 
Even after her marriage she remained at her in-laws most of the time. Though after she moved to London with Debashish, she always thanked him for bringing her here. 
She was delighted by the English ways, English people, and English food. She was still learning; learning of all the freedom she was getting here that was impossible in India. 
She didn’t know much about currencies yet, but enough to take out some money and pay it to the driver. She got down from the carriage as she arrived at her place, being careful with her pallu.
 “Mr Holmes” she muttered, her only hope to save her husband.
The chattering and busy London reminded her of Kolkata, except the British here were not cruel, unlike the ones in her country - torturing her men and those colleagues of Debashish. 
The carriage disappeared into the mist, leaving Devi upset in front of her house. The place she enjoyed with her husband. How could she stay a minute there without him? Will Mr Holmes ever write to her about taking the case? 
Mr Holmes, Mr Sherlock Holmes, thought Devi. That posh British detective. She couldn't help but recall his tall figure, his accent and voice, and his arrogance too. She walked a few steps closer to her house, took out her keys and unlocked the door. The inside was dark, not dissimilar to her inner state without her husband in this unknown place. “Mr Holmes,'' she muttered again and went inside.
As she got in and lit up a lamp, the flash of it brought Holmes' face back. She smiled to herself, her house so dark but Holmes' face brought a bit of light like the lamp she lit. She put aside the curtains letting more lights in, smiling to herself at Holmes' aloofness. He was pretty handsome. Not that Debashish was not but… somehow Mr Sherlock Holmes captured Devi's mind. Doctor Watson was rather humble, she admitted, yet there was something about the detective that she couldn't deny but got completely trapped in. 
Delighting herself with his thoughts she went to the mirror and that's when her smile faded away. 
That red Sindoor on her forehead reminded her of her marriage. She cursed herself, cursed herself for allowing another man's thoughts to reign her mind. Debashish, her Debashish, to whom she got married when she was 16. 
Four years of togetherness - though not always smooth, not always understood, not always heard - should have made her completely devouted.
Even their families said, “Devi and Debashish? Even their names are in for this union”. 
She was married. No matter how much Britain fascinates her, she was married to a respectable man, and came from a respectable family herself. 
Debashish's reputation was at stake, no time to allow sinful thoughts. 
She immediately looked straight into the mirror, deciding she'd do anything to save her husband.
She walked towards the kitchen, getting herself focused on his thoughts. She should make him some food, she thought, so that he could eat when he came back. 
Taking the vegetables out she only could wonder what might be going over him. 
“Are you sure about this, Holmes?” asked Watson as he watched his companion put on a deerstalker. Hair back brushed as usual, his expensive Inverness black coat and that golden string of pocket watch dangling from his coat button. He turned around to answer Watson. 
“Quite so. The lady is quite perceptive, Watson. To reject her case could be the gravest mistake of my career as a detective.” Saying so he recalled Devi, the desparation in her face when she came to meet her. She was so young and fighting for her husband alone. Sherlock couldn't deny but he found her strength quite endearing, also a woman confidently flaunting her traditional clothes and culture in a different country without getting intimidated by the natives. She… he stopped himself and shook off her thoughts away. It's just her case he's interested in, not her, he presumed.
“Where shall we go first? I do not believe The Daily Telegraph would give us all the information right away.” Watson's voice brought Sherlock back into the reality. He sighed as his dear companion made a valid point about the case. 
“Certainly not, my dear Watson. That is why I am inviting myself to dinner at Mrs Dey’s place. Meanwhile, I need you to go to The Daily Telegraph office and ask for as much information as you can from the manager. I have wired him just now. He should receive my message so that he does not create any obstacle with your investigation.” He said and stared at Watson for his reaction. he knew what he was doing, he was confident about his methods and ways of reaching the deepest point of any case that's submitted to him.
Watson knitted his eyebrows as he enquired , “Why are you going to Mrs Dey’s place? I thought we were in this together!” 
Holmes walked over to the door of the flat, opening the door he turned around to answer Watson before heading out, “You will see, old fellow,” said he with the utmost beautiful smile gracing his pensive and expressive face with confidence. He then shut the door behind him with a long and thin arm and went downstairs. 
Watson sighed and got out of the house after a few minutes. He climbed down the stairs with his shoulders hanging low. He hated being left behind like this with a few minutes notice. At least he knew what he was doing, for he had to follow Holmes’ instructions.
Watson stretched out his arm to hail a cab. A few passed by, so he sighed again. One cabbie was kind enough to slow down his carriage by commanding his horses to stop where they were. Watson got in, gave the directions to the driver and sat back. 
It was going to be a long day.
Devi was setting down the dinner plates to arrange the table with hundreds of thoughts clouding her mind, even those sinful ones, yet mostly her husband’s thoughts made her worry. She was startled back to the reality with a loud knock on her door. She stood for a few seconds, it took her time to get back to her surrounding and once she did, she put the plates down and went over to answer the door. She thought it was Debashish in the beginning, however, as his wife she knows Debashish hardly knocks the door like that. She knows everything about him, which facial expression to tell he's stressed, which tone to tell he's angry, which stare to tell he's joyous, everything, only if he could knew Devi like that. Only if someone noticed Devi in this detailed way. 
Her heart started to beat faster as she opened the door, she almost forgot to breathe and eventually her guest had the first impression of her at her house is she coughing, 
“Are you okay Mrs Dey?” Asked Holmes as he stood there staring at her with baffled eyes. Devi realised she made a full of herself infront of Holmes, she gathered herself, her heart, her breath and finally cleared her throat to speak, 
“Ahem. Mr Holmes! What brings you here?”
“There were some questions I forgot to ask you in the afternoon,” he replied, already coming in not even finding it necessary to ask her permission, which made Devi step aside to make room for him to enter her flat.
Mr Holmes took off his deerstalker and ran his hands over his frock coat briefly. He walked around the sitting room that made Devi stare at his tall figure, examine him from head to toe with an amazed look, until she really saw his feet, her expression changed into frustration. As Holmes was about let himself sit on an armchair, Devi came a few steps closer with her significantly little feet compared to Holmes' and forbid him saying, 
“Shoes off, please.”
Mr Holmes turned around to look at her with a confused look on his face. “I beg your pardon?”
“I just need you to take your shoes off,” she firmly replied. She was tired of having to explain the tradition everyone followed back in India, so she gave up on elaborating. Her husband's friends were always unwelcomed in her mind to her house just for this reason, but physically they were since it was what Debashish wished. 
Mr Holmes did not seem to mind though. He just nodded and went to the door to take off his shoes. He could see that Devi takes care of her traditions with all her heart so he went to the doorway and took his shoes of and made his way to the arm chair. Stealing a glance at Devi standing there crossing her arms over her chest and staring at him with her big dark eyes. 
There was another knock. As the door wasn't locked after Holmes entered so the one who knocked, seeing the door is open entered saying, “Devi, why's this door-” Devi's husband entered and ceased speaking as he saw Holmes sitting in his armchair and his wife standing a little far from him, he went furious instantly, even baffled to see his wife with some white British man alone in their sitting room.
“Who is this man?” Debashish spat. “What is a gora doing at my place, Devi?” Debashish turned to look at Mr Holmes, anger was evident from all that was going with him and more now to find one of those who are trying to prove him fraud. “What are you doing here? I’ll throw you out of my house!”
“Debashish, that is enough!” Devi went straight to him and put her hand on his chest, preventing him from going near to Holmes. She doesn't ever raise her voice to debashish, she's not allowed, but deep down she knows how much anger she has harboured for all these years, hence this is the first time she lashed out on him for insulting Holmes. It made Debashish stare at her, brows knitted, unable to believe little Devi showing anger. He took her by wrist furiously, forbidding her to stop touching him.
“You do not get to decide what is enough and what isn’t! This is my house.”
Devi furrowed her brow and gaped at her husband, for all this time she stayed silent , for they were in India and she was under her father and then under her husband, her mother and aunts and in laws taught her to never disobey the men of her family. However she's in England, she's smart enough to understand debashish doesn't have much support here, “Don’t forget whose country this is!” she snapped back, Holmes stood up and stared at them, mostly at Devi. He heard how Indian women were dominated by men, but this woman right here, is ready to fight, ready to take no shit from her husband, she's ready to learn.
“If these whites can treat my brothers back at home as dirt, so can I!” He calmly said to Devi, almost throwing her hand away. He turned to put his briefcase down and went to get a telegram card. Devi stood there looking down at the floor, fuming, not daring to look into Holmes' eye. Debashish turned swiftly to Holmes and pointed a finger at him saying, “Young boy, I’ll wire the police if you do not tell me who you are at this instant!”
“I am not a young boy, I'm sure we're quite same aged, and that would be hardly necessary, Mr Dey,” said Mr Holmes in his deep, velvety voice as he stood by the chair. God, that voice. Devi could not help but stare at him fondly. Probably for the first time someone raised their voice not at her, but for her. 
Mr Holmes walked to him and stretched out an arm, holding it out to Debashish. “Sherlock Holmes.”
The name made Debashish demeanour calm down a bit. “So, you are the private detective that this city keeps worshipping?” Debashish reluctantly shook hands with Mr Holmes. He would have preferred to fold hands in a greeting. However staying in London for two years now has made him comfortable with shaking hands.
“I’m a consulting detective.” Holmes corrected Debashish.
“Meaning?” he was rather baffled, not for once he's heard of consulting detective in his life, but private detective? Many.
“I am not here to have you interrogate me with your imbecilic questions, Mr Dey. My work is crucial. I am the one who does the questioning here, and I would rather you answer me as straightforwardly as possible.” Holmes spoke sternly.
“He’s only here to help,” Devi chimed in, not daring to touch him again.
“I can reject your case whenever I want, and you shall be left here, crying for injustice, strapped for cash, and whatnot. Not even your wife would be here for your constant moaning. You should be more grateful.” Holmes' calm voice echoed through their quiet flat. Debashish wasn't quite pleased with what he was, he objected, 
“I am not here to -”he stopped as Devi finally interrupted these two men.
“Can we please talk about the rest of it over dinner? The food is getting cold, it's takes alot to cook meals, would you two men please have some respect for my cooking?” said Devi keeping her hands on her hips in a childish manner as the two men stared at her blinking and then finally Debashish and Mr Holmes nodded in unison. “I believe we can,” said Holmes and the men walked over to the kitchen to sit down at the table, as Devi served meals to both of them in a few seconds. 
She then sat down to eat with them at the table as she began to listen with bated breath and wide eyes, like that of a child, house hold at India never delighted her, in her words it felt like being captive, but in London with such freedom she got her childlike nature back.
“When did you come to London?” asked Holmes after taking a bite.
“two years ago. we got married four years ago.” answered Debashish looking down at his plate.
“Why?” questioned Holmes, munching the rather spicy food of an Indian household. Devi saw his discomfort at his face and asked,
“Want water Mr Holmes?” 
Holmes nodded and let her hand him a glass of water.
“There were no job opportunities in India. Your people offered me an incredibly large sum. Now, you see, I’m a middle-class man, Mr Holmes.” He trailed off and looked at Devi, giving her a smile as she returned him an even wider one “who just wants the best for himself and his beautiful wife -” 
“How long have you been working in The Daily Telegraph?” Holmes interrupted the romanticism with his next question.
“almost two years. I had been enjoying my work during my first year. It was my duty to provide for my family, although breadwinning is not easy. Good that Devi gets to stay at home, doing nothing,” Debashish replied and looked at Devi with a wide, ugly grin, the joy of bringing her down yet again. He knows Devi's interest and talents but never let her be anything but a beautiful house wife. Devi loved him the moment she saw him at their marriage now that she's a bit grown she wonders if she ever actually loved him.
“You would have been dead long ago had she been doing nothing,” said Holmes. Holmes could even see the hard work she puts everyday to become better, to cook better to keep the house clean and he could deduce she wants more. Debashish opened his mouth to retort but Holmes cut him off again shaking his head, tired of his stupid ego. “Moving on. I heard that you have been accused of corruption in your office. Anything you wish to say in your defence?”
“Mr Holmes, believe me when I say I never even take a penny that isn’t my own. I can swear to you on Devi for that!” at this Devi stopped staring at Holmes and stared at her husband with knitted brows. She's sure that her husband can have a big ego but never he would steal. He'd beg before he steals, but why swearing on her? 
“Better you leave your wife out of this and get to the heart of the issue.” Holmes replied immediately. Devi again started munching her meal staring at the detective.
“I was taught to be an honest man, and I’ll be an honest man until the day I’m cremated. I was completing my paperwork - the usual calculation of how much money I was going to have to ask my manager for, so that we could print enough copies of the newspaper for this entire city comfortably.” Explained Debashish.
“We got enough funds by the next month, and everyone got back to work with better spirits than before because of more money. Turns out nobody needed this many newspapers in the town. I was the one in charge, and I am the only one who is not white at the office. So they have all turned on me”.
“Though I must confess, I did not expect my estimated amount to be that bad. Today, they gave me a suspension letter. Now I am going to have to stay at this dreadful place for God knows how long!”
“I should not have taken everything out on you when I got back from work. Apologies, Mr Holmes.” he apologized shaking his head and sighing. 
Mr Holmes waved it off. “You did not expect your estimate to be this bad, you say?”
“Never, sir. I am a well-educated man, with an expertise in mathematics. I never could have made such a mistake. Perhaps my luck was so bad, it made my brain foggy when I wrote out the estimate and expenditure. Look where I am, now!”
“Ah, that is curious. Awfully curious, Mr Dey.” he took his final bite of the spicy food burnt his tongue yet for the sake of the case he ate as long as it was needed to know the facts.
“Does that mean you have taken the case now?” asked Devi with a bit of excitement in her voice. Holmes stated at her sparkling eyes and mischievous smile with a little curve on his lips too. He gave her an amused chuckle. “Why, of course!”
Devi giggled in Joy now that he's taken her case until Debashis eyed her to behave.
Holmes got up from the kitchen table and made his way to the living room, towards the door of their flat. 
“Are you already full?” Devi asked in surprise, there was plenty left for him. But perhaps his spice tolerance isn't so much.
“I have got more important things to attend to, I’m afraid.” said Holmes grabbing his deerstalker, wore his shoes and headed towards the door. Devi left her plate and Debashish at the kitchen and followed him almost running. Debashish sat baffled, thinking about his state.
Devi walked out of the house briefly to see him off, “Mr Holmes!” she called holding the door, “Mr Holmes, see you” she said with the enthusiasm to see him again.
Holmes turned around to gaze at her, and at her wide smile. With a single nod he said, “Thank you, see you too.”
"Thank you for helping"
“You only have yourself to thank. You brought your husband’s problem to me. He would have been in serious trouble otherwise. You should go back in. Take care,” said Holmes, giving her a handsome smile he walked away. Devi stood a bit where she was, knowing his smile will linger in her mind until they meets again.
She kept standing there, gazing at Holmes until he hailed a cab to take off. What if she did not want to go back in and finish the awful dinner with her husband, of which she no longer even had the appetite for? What if she wanted to follow wherever Holmes went? Did anyone in this world care about what she wanted? Because all she wanted is to follow Holmes, his adventures, something more than this mundane marriage. Is he married? Doesn't seem so, is he in love with someone? This thought scared her. However her joy was greater than her fear. 
“Maybe he's not in love, I never heard of him with a woman” she muttered to herself. Devi sighed to herself as she went back into her flat, closed the door behind her, and joined her husband at the kitchen table again to finish off with her dinner.
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Ordeal Trials 9 Most Bizarre Punishments From Ancient History
Crushing By Elephants - This was one of the most terrifying methods of execution and it comes from ancient Southeast Asia. The convicts were executed by crushing them using elephants. This method was quite popular in India from the Mughal period until the late 19th century. The criminals were laid down and wild angry elephants ran over them repeatedly ensuring a quick yet painful death.
Death in a Cage -  Popular in Italy and Britain, if anyone was sentenced to death then it meant that they had to go through both agonizing torture as well as public humiliation. And being isolated naked in a cage was the way to do it. The criminal was put inside an iron cage in a public place without any clothes or food and starved to death.
Cutting the Nose - Ancient Egyptians used to cut people’s noses off if they broke the laws of the state. Once the punishment was served, the criminals were sent to prison city Rhinocorura, near Gaza. It was a place full of crooks without noses. No one was above the law in ancient Egypt and corrupt government officials too were given the same punishment. Once a Pharaoh's wife slit his throat in his sleep. She along with all the conspirators were sentenced to have their noses cut off.
Animal Masks And Humiliating Badges - People liked to ridicule and humiliate criminals in the Middle ages. The best non-violent punishment was forcing the criminals to wear horrifying animal masks and roam them around the city. Apart from these terrifying masks, criminals were given humiliating badges which they had to wear for their whole lives. The badges indicated that those criminals were not to be trusted with anything ever again.
Mud - Execution by suffocation was a very common practice in ancient times. However, in the Medieval period, a very strange kind of suffocation technique was used called mud, the glorious mud. Historians tell us that the criminal was killed by throwing him/her in a pit full of stinky mud. The convict either died by drowning or by suffocation. In medieval France, suffocation by mud was reserved only for unfaithful wives.
Death in a Metal Bull - In ancient Greece, people were punished by cooking them inside a giant bull made of bronze. The convicted person was put locked inside a metal bull and a fire was lit under it. This slowly burnt the person to death. The people passing by used to enjoy this act of brutality and thought of it as some kind of entertainment.
The Dunking or Cucking Stool - The Cucking stools were used in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth England and New England to punish women accused of doing something unwomanly. At that time gossiping, backbiting, having an argument with the husband, and fighting with the neighbors were considered unwomanly things. The convicted woman was tied up to a stool and then dropped into a lake or a stream again and again. 
Ordeal Trials -  The ordeal trials were a test of innocence or guilt by inflicting severe pain on the accused. If the accused survived the pain, they were innocent, if they didn’t, they were guilty. There were basically three types of ordeal trials. One was cold water, where the accused was tied up and thrown into the water. In this case, floating was a sign of guilt, and sinking to the bottom meant you’re innocent. The second one was hot water where a boiling stone was put on the accused’s body. If the wounds healed within three days, it meant you’re innocent, if they didn’t it meant you’re guilty. The last one was the hot iron, where the accused had to hold a hot iron without burning in order to prove their innocence.
Iron Maiden - “The Iron Maiden” was a very popular instrument in Europe in medieval times. It was basically like an iron cabinet with multiple lethal metal spikes on the inside. The criminals were forced inside the cabinet and it was slowly closed until they died. Sometimes it wasn’t fully closed if the purpose was just to torture the criminal.
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the-lupine-sojourner · 5 months
Meet Alicia Grace Speedwagon (was Hughes before she married)!
Welcome to my Jojo's OCs!
First up is my Phantom Blood OC, Alicia!
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Here's a picture I made on an avatar maker!
And I did write a bio for her, which I used to make the picture.
Name: Alicia Grace Speedwagon (Was Hughes before she married)
Species: Human
Age at the start of Phantom Blood: The same age as Dio, so I think 13.
Height when she’s done growing: 5’6.5
Hair: Dark brown, curly, down to her shoulders. She usually keeps it in a bun when working, but will have it in a half-up style when out on the town. 
Eyes: Ocean blue with forest green flecks throughout. 
Skin: Somewhat pale, but not terribly so. Freckles over the face and down to the shoulders. 
Build: Slender, but fairly strong. Nimble and capable. 
Outfits: Alicia wears a maid outfit when working. When not working, she wears a victorian blouse with a green and brown plaid vest over it as well as a brown skirt with buttons down the front. She has a few other vests and skirts, one set more formal and one more casual set for when she visits Ogre Alley on charity business. When it’s cold, she wears a dark blue cloak with brown fur trim. She also typically wears shin-high boots even while working, with a warmer, fur-lined pair for winter.
Abilities: Has some medical knowledge, but not much. No Hamon abilities whatsoever, though she is curious about it, asking Jonathan all about it. Speedwagon teaches her a little bit of self-defense when she starts going to Ogre Alley.
Personality: Friendly, kind, but not naive. Sharp wit when she wants it, and a good judge of character. Independent and capable. Would do about anything for her friends and loved ones.
Occupation: Maid for the Joestar family. 
Misc: Her father is William Hughes, the Joestar’s cook. She was taught by Mrs. Pendleton, going to the Pendleton house every school-day from about 6 years old to 15 years old, then Dr. Pendleton took his family to India and Mr. Joestar offered her a job as a maid and she accepted. She also starts bringing extra food and blankets from the Joestar estate to Ogre Alley every two weeks. That’s where she meets Robert Speedwagon and he begins to act as her bodyguard, slowly falling for her in the process. She falls for him too along the way.
Hope you guys like her!
Last thing is that the Maid in the Manor tag is for the fanfiction I'm going to post and the Bizarre Adventures of the Secondary Characters is the collection of all these fics. I got one for each part, so stay tuned!
Lemme know what y'all think of her! I'll be making posts of my other OCs, btw.
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Ordeal Trials 9 Most Bizarre Punishments From Ancient History
Crushing By Elephants - This was one of the most terrifying methods of execution and it comes from ancient Southeast Asia. The convicts were executed by crushing them using elephants. This method was quite popular in India from the Mughal period until the late 19th century. The criminals were laid down and wild angry elephants ran over them repeatedly ensuring a quick yet painful death.
Death in a Cage -  Popular in Italy and Britain, if anyone was sentenced to death then it meant that they had to go through both agonizing torture as well as public humiliation. And being isolated naked in a cage was the way to do it. The criminal was put inside an iron cage in a public place without any clothes or food and starved to death.
Cutting the Nose - Ancient Egyptians used to cut people’s noses off if they broke the laws of the state. Once the punishment was served, the criminals were sent to prison city Rhinocorura, near Gaza. It was a place full of crooks without noses. No one was above the law in ancient Egypt and corrupt government officials too were given the same punishment. Once a Pharaoh's wife slit his throat in his sleep. She along with all the conspirators were sentenced to have their noses cut off.
Animal Masks And Humiliating Badges - People liked to ridicule and humiliate criminals in the Middle ages. The best non-violent punishment was forcing the criminals to wear horrifying animal masks and roam them around the city. Apart from these terrifying masks, criminals were given humiliating badges which they had to wear for their whole lives. The badges indicated that those criminals were not to be trusted with anything ever again.
Mud - Execution by suffocation was a very common practice in ancient times. However, in the Medieval period, a very strange kind of suffocation technique was used called mud, the glorious mud. Historians tell us that the criminal was killed by throwing him/her in a pit full of stinky mud. The convict either died by drowning or by suffocation. In medieval France, suffocation by mud was reserved only for unfaithful wives.
Death in a Metal Bull - In ancient Greece, people were punished by cooking them inside a giant bull made of bronze. The convicted person was put locked inside a metal bull and a fire was lit under it. This slowly burnt the person to death. The people passing by used to enjoy this act of brutality and thought of it as some kind of entertainment.
The Dunking or Cucking Stool - The Cucking stools were used in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth England and New England to punish women accused of doing something unwomanly. At that time gossiping, backbiting, having an argument with the husband, and fighting with the neighbors were considered unwomanly things. The convicted woman was tied up to a stool and then dropped into a lake or a stream again and again. 
Ordeal Trials -  The ordeal trials were a test of innocence or guilt by inflicting severe pain on the accused. If the accused survived the pain, they were innocent, if they didn’t, they were guilty. There were basically three types of ordeal trials. One was cold water, where the accused was tied up and thrown into the water. In this case, floating was a sign of guilt, and sinking to the bottom meant you’re innocent. The second one was hot water where a boiling stone was put on the accused’s body. If the wounds healed within three days, it meant you’re innocent, if they didn’t it meant you’re guilty. The last one was the hot iron, where the accused had to hold a hot iron without burning in order to prove their innocence.
Iron Maiden - “The Iron Maiden” was a very popular instrument in Europe in medieval times. It was basically like an iron cabinet with multiple lethal metal spikes on the inside. The criminals were forced inside the cabinet and it was slowly closed until they died. Sometimes it wasn’t fully closed if the purpose was just to torture the criminal.
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amysgiantbees · 2 years
Genshin Vent
  1. There’s a way to deal with child protagonists in adventure stories. Either go with it or actually address it. Genshin does not commit to either and it’s immersion breaking. This would all be solved if the traveler and their sibling were adults but they decided to make them kids. It keeps reminding you all the time that these are kids, particularly with comments about how they’re too young to drink (apparently they’re 15). They don’t allow for underage drinking but never comment on the traveler fighting constantly. Adult characters like Lisa can sound like they’re flirting with the traveler which is really uncomfortable. Where are their parents? Are they orphans or can their parents not dimension hop? Who let them do this in the first place? No one brings it up. Characters ages are relevant but not logical. It’s bizarre that the only line the adult characters will not let the children cross is underage drinking. Not that I want the kids to do underage drinking I just want the game to be consistent. 
2. The game was already unrealistically and overwhelming white/pale before it decided to whitewash Sumeru, which is obviously based on southeast Asia and Africa (India and Egypt in particular). It’s not just racist but colourist. They have made the brown people not only scarce but as pale as possible with barely any variety in tones. 
3. I don’t like how Paimon struggles with names and is dismissive of food only in Sumeru - she eats slime but African food is too much for her? It’s gross and has racist undertones. 
4. The disability representation - despite this being a pretty combative world the characters live in - is aggressively lacking. Which makes the world unrealistic and boring. Collei’s Elazar could have been some great representation but it of course get’s cured (which you could see from a mile away). 
5. I hate that the women’s breasts bounce when they breath. Nearly half of players are women you do not need to pander to straight men only (I say straight men because I think most queer women still prefer fem characters to have a bit more dignity than this outside of porn).
6. I just wish we knew about the protagonists more, what was their home planet like? Have they realm jumped before? Why are they so chill about it? 
7. Dori is a Turkish stereotype, most cultures that aren’t white have harmful stereotypes around being greedy so maybe just don’t. Especially since she’s the only Turkish based character that I’m aware of. 
8. Eula’s quest is bonkers. I can’t tell if the writers are self-aware that she’s being classist or not. Because they seem to frame it like people are just prejudiced because of her family. But she’s the one who is unsolicited calling them plebs for no reason. You’re meant to be training to talk her uppity uncle, shouldn’t we be talking to the townsfolk like they’re royalty then?  It makes it seem like she deserves her treatment, especially with her threatening to fight everyone. 
9. Kuki Shinobu is my least favourite character. She calls Itto - a character that I read as ADHD - “crazy” and belittles him. Her outfit is also my least favourite. She’s meant to be this strict lawyer, no nonsense figure yet she’s in a tacky crop top and booty shorts. Jean and Sara both have outfits that show their authority and seriousness so why not her? I get that she wants freedom but otherwise her outfit does not fit her at all. 
10. I wish Takuya the blue oni was a member of the Arataki gang. Or even a playable character.
11. The government of Mondstaht makes no sense. It’s meant to be all about freedom. However, it’s essentially a police state ruled by a nepotism general. It should be a form of anarchy. 
12. Diona makes me so uncomfortable. Who let a twelve year old enter a bar, let alone work there? Is she staying up all night? Why can’t she just be an adult teetotaler. It makes her dad seem irresponsible that his drinking upsets his daughter a lot and he does nothing about it and that he lets her bartend. Which would be fine if anyone addressed that or tried to help them. It’s just uncomfortable as is. Like, an adult with a dead beat dad is sad but fine. But a child with a dead beat dad makes everyone around her look bad and irresponsible. Which seems to be a big Genshin issue to me. It creates lore that it’s not prepared or ill equipped to fully explore. 
13. Big tell not show problem. Especially with Kokomi.
14. I hate that the closest we get to a plus size main character is that Ganyu used to be larger and now stringently watches what she eats. She even comes across like she has an eating disorder sometimes. Genshin characters can look and act very similar, so not only would it be nice representation if she was plus size but it would help differentiate characters as well.
15. Paimon does not need to comment every time you fish. Once every few goes is fine. She also doesn’t need to re-explain what an NPC just said.
16. Having to go and pray at statues to change your power as the MC was fine in Mondstaht when you’d mainly just have the torch and totem puzzles. However, now that every five seconds I have to switch to anemo for sand, fire or water for flowers, fire for the lightning rocks, dendro for the flowers that shoot dendro teleportation sigils and more I want to be able to scroll and switch powers for the MC as long as I’m not in combat. Like I hate running over to the wolf boss in Mondstaht just to realize that I should teleport over to Inazuma to be electro and run all the way back.
17. More outfits, especially for the MC. It is SO annoying that Ayaka offers us a new outfit and we have to turn her down. It feels like the developers are laughing at me. Also, Ayaka and Ayako should at least have matching pastoral outfits.
18. I’m SO SICK of the male characters getting to be more clothed than the female characters on average. Also give some of the women flat shoes. I get having impractical clothes for flavour but sometimes it actively does not suit a character and makes them look incompetent. Like Ningguang suits heals and a sexy, impractical dress, she’s high society, but Beido does not. It doesn’t suit her personality and she lives on a wet, slippery ship so it’s even less practical for her than the other fighters. 
19. If they had more diversity the characters would look more interesting. Sometimes I feel like they add excessive and bizarre elements to the character’s designs to differentiate them instead of just having more shades of skin colour, different hair types (like curly, wavy or coily hair), physical disabilities, scars, or body size differences. Like Childe’s teacher looks like a discount Eula with a busier, uglier leotard and nice boots and gloves as the only saving grace.
20. Buying two things from the teapot traveling salesman at someone else’s place is a stupid thing to tick off in Battle Pass. Who buys from the salesman that much let alone from someone else’s place? He has hardly any stuff and no variety. Fish for twenty fish or something, that would be way better.
21. More of the furnishings for the tea kettle house should be indoor as well as outdoor. It’s bizarre that little things in particular can’t be inside like the Statue of Her Excellency. Red Kitsune Doll, or Storm Braver Ship would all fit really well inside the mansion. 
22. Hate the water diaper you get while swimming. It looks SO dumb and it’s so bizarre because Genshin is the one that puts most of the women in skimpy clothes so why are they trying to preserve the character’s dignity now? To look all the way up a mountain to see how far you have left you almost have to get an upskirt angle. It is baked into the game that certain characters do not get to preserve their modesty, so why this?
23. Important limited timed events should be character quests you can play later. They can have less rewards as a trade off. But it’s BS that if I go for a trip in the woods I could miss out on important plot in Genshin that I could only find on YouTube not even in it’s complete form on Genshin’s page. Like what do new players think when they play and theirs limited time events in areas they can’t even reach yet???
24. There are so many characters to keep track of I would love them to have less names. Like Childe being Childe and Tartaglia. There are so many irrelevant details and characters and it’s a lot to keep track of especially since only through replaying a game does everything sink in for me. But I’d never do that here. What am I meant to do replay the same limited time event twice immediately at the same time, farm for level up items a million more times????? No. But this might just be an issue for me and my ADHD and subsequent poor memory.
25. The lore is so much work. Between the manga, character texts, and overly wordy dialogue it’s too much. Edit things better. 
26. If there’s important NPCs PLEASE give them them a unique look! Otherwise they all blend together. Even the human adeptus’ at the latest lantern rite were boring looking and they were gods.
27. Why is Paimon not a big deal? Apparently stories of fairies exist because people call her one but it seems she’s the only real one. Can you imagine if a fairy just suddenly existed and no one was curious or surprised about it. It’s so bizarre.
28. The traveler should be a celebrity by now. Charlotte should have been begging us for an interview from day one. We’ve literally changed the landscape. We have fought dragons, know gods, fought gods, lit up mountains and giant glowing trees in the sky. We should have a MUCH bigger reputation by now. Sure a few people comment on us. We can’t compete in the Pankration ring because of our reputation but people should be TERRIFIED of us. Not even gods can use more than one element. We are half way to being a god. It’s just weird to be not that big a deal to most people. And then the characters that are obsessed with us, like Ayaka, it’s not about what we’ve done it’s romance coded who we are stuff. 
29. God I wish Watasumi Island never made peace with the rest of Inazuma. Hoyoverse should go back and add more to the Inazuma main quest in general they rushed it SO MUCH. Like the puppet should not be allowed to exist anymore or if it’s alive now like Scaramouch it should have to step down. Love Ei, but one traumatizing god is enough.
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tellywoodtrash · 1 year
hi tt! sorry for the random ask, but i'm moving to india next week and i was wondering if you had any tips for apartment hunting? (looking to rent a place in delhi)
Hello friend!!!
Gosh, idk if I'll be any help in this area; Delhi is a whole different beast from where I live down in the South, so I can't give you very specific advice about the area. Plus I'm generally quite useless at adulting in this country coz I just operate differently, having lived outside all my life (up until 5 years ago) But in general:
Take the help of someone who is familiar with the area and has your best interests at heart. Warna, broker se lekar landlord tak, everyone is out to screw you over and make maxxxx profit. So you really would benefit from someone who knows the places and rehen-sehen of Delhi well;
Plan your budget and shortlist the location you'd like to live in first, and then look out for location-specific facebook groups for this purpose for leads;
Make sure the area is safe and well-lit at all hours; best if it has allotted security for your building/society/etc.;
Check that all amenities (groceries, pharmacies, decent food places, etc.) you need are there around;
Check if electrical/plumbing/infrastructure/etc. everything is working properly before you move in, and who is responsible (you or landlord) for payment/repairs if something does go wrong (which it will. this is India. of course it will eventually.);
Do a vibe check with the neighbours/roommates. You'll have to live with these ppl long-term and it's best to only move in if the vibes match. Like if you like your peace and quiet, and they're the loud party type, then that's obviously gonna be a hellish year while you live there.
Make sure you clearly establish an agreement with landlord prior to moving in; India has absolutely bizarre rules they like to impose on renters - from what you eat (some people refuse to give houses to non veg eaters), whom you can have over (no friends allowed after blah blah pm types. Like, fuck, what kinda rules are these for a grownass adult living on their own?!?!?!?!) to pets being allowed. So yeah, make all these things really clear and get it in writing if possible before you move in so there's no scope for drama later.
If you're living solo, there's a bunch of these new age living setup thingies, like Stanza Living etc., where they give you a furnished room with all amenities included (like wifi, housekeeping, laundry, recreational facilities, etc.) If those are suitable for you budget/location-wise, check those out!
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texasmadehustler · 2 years
Would you rather feel safe and secure no matter if there is danger or never be in danger but always feel like you were?
Would you rather start a new religion or be high up in the rankings of a major religion?
Would you rather be reborn as a tree or an insect?
Would you rather wear a hat or put on sunscreen?
Would you rather go to a busy city or a quiet place for a vacation?
Would you rather talk to your friend on the phone or text?
Would you rather use the self-checkout line or go through a line with a cashier in a grocery store?
Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Would you rather jump out of an airplane or hang glide?
Would you rather stick with what’s comfortable for you or follow the latest trend?
Would you rather drive a car or ride public transportation?
Would you rather listen to a podcast or an audio book?
Would you rather go to a new restaurant every weekend for a month or go to the same restaurant that you know is good for a month?
Would you rather go on a resort vacation or a backpacking vacation?
Would you rather have four sons or four daughters?
Would you rather spend money on fine dining or brand name things?
Would you rather live in a run-down RV or a luxury tiny house?
Would you rather do cross-fit or yoga?
Would you rather do a physically hard job for a day or a boring job for a week?
Would you rather live in a city or a suburb?
Would you rather spend the last day of your life at home with friends and family or somewhere you always dreamed of going?
Would you rather have a lot of time or a lot of money?
Would you rather live your life with tasteless food or without friends?
Would you rather go to India or Egypt?
Would you rather go on a liquid diet or a meat only diet?
Would you rather dance in public or do a public speech?
Would you rather learn Korean or Japanese?
Would you rather go clothes shopping in a store or online?
Would you rather spend a day hiking or hanging out at a beach?
Would you rather buy something practical or pretty for your partner?
Would you rather go to Disney or Universal Studios?
Would you rather watch a horror movie or a bizarre artsy movie?
Would you rather drive a sports car or a Tesla?
Would you rather be really good at magic tricks or making jokes?
Would you rather save 10 children or 20 adults?
Would you rather lose your front teeth or all your hair?
In a heist, would you rather be in the action or work behind a computer?
Would you rather be more talented at singing or acting?
Would you rather deal with a hurricane or a tsunami?
Would you rather have the wisdom of elders or the energy of youth?
Would you rather be a leader or a follower?
Would you rather eat watermelon with mustard or drink coffee with orange juice?
Would you rather have a mosquito bite on your butt or the bottom of your foot?
Would you rather be good at creating ideas or taking action?
Would you rather not brush your teeth or not take a shower for a week?
Would you rather get be tickled for 10 mins or not be able to talk for a week?
Would you rather buy a small amount things as needed or in bulk from Costco?
Would you rather do your homework/task in advance and enjoy the rest of your time or enjoy your time first and do the work last minute?
When you are in a bad mood, would you rather cancel the plan with your friend or still show up?
Would you rather have a non-stop burping disorder or a non-stop farting disorder?
Would you rather raise newborn children or take care of elderly parents?
Would you rather save your child or partner from drowning in the water?
Would you rather have a poor but affectionate partner or a cold but rich partner?
Would you rather binge watch documentaries or reality shows?
Would you rather work hard to make yourself happy or towards a greater good?
Would you rather stick with eating only healthy food or enjoy life eating whatever you want?
When flying somewhere, would you rather pay less and have to do more lay overs or pay more for less layovers?
Would you rather learn to box or a martial art?
Would you rather go to see a Beatles or Queen cover band?
Would you rather drive at night with your interior lights or have someone follow you the whole trip with their high beams on?
Would you rather have food allergies or environmental allergies?
Would you rather have a partner who has a similar personality but different hobbies/interests or a different personality but similar hobbies?
Would you rather go out with someone who knows a lot of things or is good at sports?
Would you rather have words of affirmation or acts of service?
Would you rather to be able to run a long distance or be able to lift heavy weights?
Would you rather work alone at home or in the office with other people?
You had a long day. Would you rather go home or hang out with friends?
Would you rather go to a party with a bunch of people you don’t know or a small gathering with people you know well?
Would you rather get a tattoo or get your body pierced?
Would you rather eat a live octopus or cow cartilage?
When you receive a call from an unknown number would you rather answer the call or let it go to voicemail?
Would you rather to be the center of attention or in the background at a party?
Would you rather work in a quiet room or a cafe?
Would you rather filter what you are about to say or say what’s on your mind?
Would you rather read a paper book or on a tablet?
Would you rather have a plain looking plant that grows on its own or something that needs care but gives you fruit or flowers?
Would you rather go to an escape room or an axe throwing place with your friends?
Would you rather drink mixed drinks or something on the rocks?
Would you rather go on a snorkeling or a scuba diving trip?
Would you rather buy products from name brands or a small business?
You heard that your friend talked behind your back. Would you rather confront your friend or just stop talking to the friend?
Would you rather fix the education system or health care?
Would you rather spend hours to get something for free or pay for what you want right now?
Would you rather go to a museum or a concert?
Would you rather put up with toothache or headache?
Would you rather have anchovies or pineapples on your pizza?
Would you rather have friends who are similar to you or totally different?
Would you rather make something fun with a laser cutter or a 3D printer?
Would you rather have many options to choose from or just two?
When you have a problem would you rather talk with someone or try to figure it out by yourself?
Would you rather shave or wax?
Would you rather eat savory food or sweet and savory food?
Would you rather spend money on education or work more to build more experience in your field?
Would you rather sleep with someone snoring or grinding their teeth?
Would you rather go on domestic trips or trips to different countries?
Would you rather put Sprite in beer or wine?
Would you rather wake up one day as a different gender or stay with the same gender?
Would you rather spend your day off relaxing near the pool or at home?
Would you rather build a spa or a nice outdoor fireplace?
Would you rather go on a cruise or to an all-inclusive resort?
Would you rather read the book or watch the movie that is based on that book?
Would you rather use a porta-potty or go somewhere there are no people in the woods?
Would you rather ride a snow mobile or a jet ski?
Would you rather eat a juicy cheesy burger or a fresh ingredient pizza with an amazing crust?
Would you rather learn French or Russian?
Your airplane crashed and you are the only survivor on an island. Would you rather eat fish or birds for the rest of your life?
Would you rather get attacked by porcupines or skunks?
Would you rather drink coffee without cream or without sugar?
Would you rather be alone or with your family for Mother’s Day/Father’s Day? (If you are not a parent let’s imagine you are one)
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authorhenrywvinson · 18 days
Unveiling Fascinating Funeral Rites Throughout History
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The rites surrounding death have long been a reflection of the beliefs, fears, and hopes of different cultures, from the majestic to the bizarre in funeral practices. This history unveils fascinating imagery of how humans have thought of death. If you are one of those fascinated with the rituals surrounding death, then That Good Night by Henry Vinson is a must-read. Vinson, the expert in funerals and mortuary sciences, will walk you through the history and modern practices of death rituals.
Now, let's dive into an intriguing and sometimes unpredictable journey through some of the most unique funeral rites history has recorded.
The Viking Ship Burials: A Passage to the Afterlife
Mentioning a Viking funeral to most people would probably bring forth the image of a blazing ship drifting away. More than being a dramatic scene worthy of film reel material, this rite was an act steeped in deep belief. The Vikings believed that a warrior's journey to their paradise, Valhalla, should be one to remember. High-ranking Vikings were often buried in their ships, surrounded by treasures and weapons, and occasionally even sacrificed slaves to accompany them into the afterlife. Thus, the ship itself—a vessel of life—now became a vehicle of death, buried in the earth or set aflame on the sea. The flames licking up the night sky symbolized the soul's journey up to the gods—a sight just as awesome as terrifying.
The Sky Burials of Tibet: A Feast for the Vultures
Quite the opposite of the Vikings' over-the-top sendoff, Tibetan Buddhists have a funeral ritual that is at once as practical as it is spiritual: the sky burial. Following a death, the body is not buried or cremated but is taken to the top of a mountain and left exposed to wind and weather, serving as food for scavenging vultures. This ritual was created to serve a dual purpose and thus related to a belief that the body is a vessel for the spirit. It is both a final act of charity—providing sustenance for animals—and a grim reminder of the transience of life. To the vultures, considered sacred, it is an act of the divine carriers of the soul to heaven. It means serene acceptance of nature's cycle, a humbled return to the earth from which life sprang.
The Endocannibalism of the Yanomami: Consuming the Dead
Endocannibalism may sound like a grotesque practice of consuming one's own deceased body, but for the Yanomami tribe in the Amazon, it is an act of profound reverence. The Yanomami think that this way, the spirit of the deceased will keep living within the community since the ashes are said to be mixed with plantain soup. This ritual, done only after cremation, symbolizes unity between the living and the dead so that it is promised that the spirit shall not be lost in nothingness but part of the existence of the tribe. This is a far cry from the more common—Western—concepts of death, where the dead are generally removed from the living, placed in graves, and locked away. The Yanomami believe death to be yet another beginning, an entry point into an existence where the deceased does not leave.
The Mummification of the Pharaohs: Preparing for Eternity
Probably the most famous funeral practice in history, the technique of mummification was a ritual in many respects about life, wrapped up in linen-wrapped bodies and gold-laden tombs. That is, the ancient Egyptians believed a person's soul needed its body to be preserved in order to survive in the afterlife. It was a careful preparation for eternity, with elaborate processes of organ removal, drying of the body, and wrapping it in linen. Goods from food to furniture were placed in the tombs so that the dead person might continue his existence without want in the afterlife. It was a world where death was a doorway to another life, and the grandeur of the burial reflected the importance of the life yet to come.
The Funeral Pyres of India: Liberation through Fire
Cremation on funeral pyres, especially on the sacred River Ganges, is deeply grounded in Hinduism. To Hindus, therefore, fire purifies, and cremation is the release of the soul from the body, further attaining the next step in the journey: rebirth or moksha—liberation from life's and death's cycle. The Ganges is seen as the holiest of rivers; being able to wash away sins and have one's ashes scattered in it is believed to bestow moksha or liberation from rebirth. Seeing these funeral pyres burning simultaneously, hauntingly, and profoundly along the Varanasi ghats speaks to something basic in human beings: the transient nature of life and the hope of what lies beyond.
These funeral rites, though varied, share a common thread—they are all expressions of how different cultures understand and honor the dead. They reveal a deep connection to the natural world, a respect for the passage of life, and an enduring belief in the continuation of the spirit. In exploring these rituals, we see not just how cultures deal with death but how they celebrate life, continuity, and the eternal.
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Available on Amazon: https://a.co/d/9BP8Gs3
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javedakhtar65 · 6 months
Unlocking the Mystique of India: Embark on a Golden Triangle Tour
Travelers have been enthralled with India for centuries due to its unrivaled beauty, rich history, and different cultures. The Golden Triangle Tour India is one of the many experiences it provides, and it is a classic tour that takes you right into the center of this fascinating country. We explore the attraction of the Golden Triangle Tour India and the plethora of experiences it offers in this blog post, showing why it should be at the top of any serious traveler's bucket list.
Exploring the Golden Triangle Tour Packages
Three famous cities are included in the Golden Triangle Tour: Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. The trip is an incredible voyage through time and tradition, with each destination brimming with architectural wonders, cultural treasures, and historical significance.
Delhi: Where History and Modernity Collide
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Start your journey in Delhi, the vibrant metropolis of India, where history and modern culture combine. Explore Old Delhi's narrow streets, where the flavor of spices fills the air and ancient monuments tell stories of bygone times. Take in the striking pandemonium of Chandni Chowk, one of the city's biggest and oldest markets, and marvel at the majestic Red Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Don't miss the majestic Qutub Minar and the tranquil Humayun's Tomb, which stand as reminders of Delhi's architectural magnificence over the ages.
Agra: Home to the Timeless Taj Mahal
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Travel from Delhi to Agra, the city that is home to the beautiful Taj Mahal, India's crown treasure. You will be in awe of this exquisite marble work of art as soon as you set eyes on it. It was created by Emperor Shah Jahan as a symbol of eternal love for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Stroll through the bizarre scenery of Mehtab Bagh, offering breathtaking views of the Taj Mahal at sunset, and see the elaborate patterns of the Agra Fort, another UNESCO World Heritage Site. Agra also has a rich culinary history, with mouthwatering Mughlai food just waiting for you.
Jaipur: The Pink City's Regal Splendor
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Finish your Golden Triangle Tour adventure in Jaipur, the Pink City and capital of Rajasthan. With its lavish palaces, majestic forts, and vibrant bazaars, Jaipur is a city that embodies royal magnificence at every angle. Explore the stunning architecture of the City Palace along with the majestic Amber Fort, which is set atop a hilltop overlooking the city. Stroll around the Old City's busy streets, where craftspeople create beautiful jewelry, handicrafts, and fabrics. Remember to take in the vibrant colors of the Hawa Mahal, also known as the Palace of Winds, which is a well-known representation of Jaipur's architectural history.
Golden Memories Await
The Golden Triangle Tour India is not just a journey through geographical landscapes but a voyage through the annals of history, culture, and heritage. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a cultural connoisseur, or simply a wanderer seeking new horizons, this iconic trail promises an enriching and unforgettable experience.
Book Your Golden Triangle Adventure Today
With a plethora of Golden Triangle tour packages available, tailored to suit every budget and preference, there's never been a better time to embark on this transformative journey.  Explore the heart of India by traveling the Golden Triangle, where each landmark, street, and interaction unveils a different aspect of this fascinating country. Plan your trip across the Golden Triangle now to discover the mysteries of India's enduring appeal.
1. What exactly is the Golden Triangle Tour India?
The Golden Triangle Tour India is a popular travel route that connects three iconic cities: Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. It offers a comprehensive glimpse into India's rich history, diverse cultures, and architectural wonders.
2. What are the highlights of the Golden Triangle Tour Packages?
The highlights include exploring historical landmarks such as the Taj Mahal in Agra, the Red Fort in Delhi, and the Amber Fort in Jaipur. Additionally, visitors can immerse themselves in the vibrant culture, bustling markets, and delectable cuisine of each city.
3. How long does the Golden Triangle Tour typically last?
The duration of the Golden Triangle Tour varies depending on the itinerary and traveler preferences. It can range from a compact 3-day tour to a more leisurely 7-day exploration, allowing ample time to soak in the sights and experiences of each destination.
4. Are there any optional activities or excursions available during the tour?
Yes, travelers can customize their Golden Triangle experience with optional activities such as heritage walks, culinary tours, camel rides in Jaipur, or a visit to Fatehpur Sikri near Agra. These add-ons offer unique perspectives and enriching experiences.
5. Is the Golden Triangle Tour suitable for solo travelers or families?
Absolutely! The Golden Triangle Tour caters to all types of travelers, whether solo adventurers, couples, families, or small groups. The diverse range of attractions and activities ensures there's something for everyone to enjoy and cherish.
6. How can I book a Golden Triangle Tour package? Booking a Golden Triangle Tour package is easy. Numerous travel agencies and online platforms offer pre-designed itineraries with various inclusions, or you can opt for a customized tour to suit your specific preferences and budget. Simply research reputable tour operators, compare packages, and book your journey to embark on this unforgettable adventure through India's Golden Triangle.
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Watch: Indian Street Vendor Sells Masala Chikki Chaat. Would You Dare Try It?
Winter snacking in India is all about moongphali, rewari and chikki (gajak). Those with a sweet tooth just can’t stop munching on the sweet and crunchy delight of chikki. Made with jaggery, peanuts, and sometimes, fennel seeds, chikki is found in every nook and cranny of the country this time around. But what if your favourite sweet chikki is turned spicy and masaledaar? We were as baffled as you…
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 12.1
Antarctica Day
Applejack Day (My Little Pony)
Basketball Day
Battle of the Sinop Day (Russia)
Becky Thatcher Day
Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day
Bizarre Bazaar
Chia Pet Hunting Season begins
Civil Air Patrol Day
Commemoration Day (UAE)
Crossing of the Cattle at Diafarabe (Mali)
Damrong Rajanuhab Day (Thailand)
Data Innovation Day
Day of the First President (Kazakhstan)
Day With(out) Art
First Day of Meteorological Summer Day (Southern Hemisphere)
First Day of Meteorological Winter Day (Northern Hemisphere)
First President Day (Kazakhstan)
Flag Day (Saba)
Freedom and Democracy Day (Chad)
Fullveldisdagurinn (a.k.a. Self-Governance Day; Iceland)
Indigenous Faith Day (Arunachal, India)
International Prisoners for Peace Day
International Sweater Vestival
James Gandolfini Day (New Jersey)
Military Abolition Day (Costa Rica)
MMMHop Beer Day
My Husband Strung the Xmas Lights and Now I Can't Open the Garage Door Day
National Biliary Atresia Awareness Day
National Christmas Book Day
National Christmas Lights Day
National Cookie Cutter Day
National Day of Courage
National Grinch Day
National I Told You So Day
National Jandal Day (New Zealand)
National Online Risk and Compliance Day
National Sabbath-Keeping Schools Day
National Transit Tribute to Rosa Parks Day
National Twin With Your Dog Day (UK)
National Water Safety Day (Australia)
National Women Support Women Day
National Zinc Day
Operation Santa Paws begins [until 21st]
Peaceful Easy Feeling Day (San Diego, California)
Playboy Magazine Day
Prisoners for Peace Day
Proclamation of the Republic (Central African Republic)
Rosa Parks Day (Ohio, Oregon) [also 2.4]
Scrabble Day
Teachers’ Day (Panama)
University Student Strike Day (Myanmar)
Wallace & Gromit’s Great British Tea Party begins (thru 21st)
Wax Day (French Republic)
Wear a Dress Day [also 6.1]
Weather Service Day
White Rabbit Day
World AIDS Day (UN)
Yukon Order of Pioneers Day
Ziua Unirii (Romania)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Dr. Pepper Day
Eat A Red Apple Day
International Maratheftiko Day
National Baked Alaska Day
National Fried Pie Day
National Peppermint Bark Day
National Pie Day [also 1.23]
1st Friday in December
Bandcamp Friday [1st Friday]
Bartender Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
Eccentric Day (Bell's Brewery; Michigan) [1st or 2nd Friday or Another Day]
Farmer’s Day (Ghana) [1st Friday]
Faux Fur Friday [1st Friday]
Gospel Day (Marshall Islands) [1st Friday]
International Sweater Vestival [2nd Friday after Thanksgiving]
National Salesperson Day [1st Friday]
Open It! Weekend begins [1st Friday]
Purple Friday (UK) [1st Friday]
Independence Days
Great Union Day (celebrating merger of Transylvania & Romania, 1918)
Iceland (from Denmark, 1918)
Portugal (from Spain, 1640) [a.k.a. Restoration of Independence]
Sancratosia (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alexander Briant (Christian; Saint)
Ansanus (Christian; Saint)
Barbes Diena (Sheep Fertility Festival; Ancient Latvia)
Bruna Pellesi (Christian; Blessed)
Castritian (Christian; Saint)
Charles de Foucauld (Christian; Blessed)
Edmund Campion (Christian; Saint)
Eligius (a.k.a. Eloy), Bishop of Noyon (Christian; Saint)
Evasius (Christian; Saint)
Feast for the Death of Aleister Crowley (Thelema)
Feast of Saints Kyle, Stan, Cartman and Kenny (Church of the SubGenius; Saints)
Festival for Neptune/Poseidon (Ancient Greece/Rome)
Festival for Pietas (Goddess of Devotion; Ancient Rome)
Francia (Positivist; Saint)
Grwst (Christian; Saint)
Juner (Muppetism)
Kalends of December (Ancient Rome)
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (Artology)
Marijuana Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Mindfulness Day (Zen Buddhism)
Mothra Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nahum (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas Ferrar (Episcopal Church)
Ralph Sherwin (Christian; Saint)
Shiva’s Day (Pagan)
Ursicinus of Brescia (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Adventures of Don Juan (Film; 1948)
Alice and the Three Bears (Disney Cartoon; 1924)
Axis: Bold As Love, by Jimi Hendrix (Album; 1967)
Beebo Saves Christmas (WB Animated TV Special)
Blondie, by Blondie (Album; 1976)
The Booze Hangs High (WB LT Cartoon; 1930)
Candide, by Leonard Bernstein (Operetta; 1956)
A Charlie Brown Christmas, by Vince Guarldi (Soundtrack Album; 1965)
Christmas Vacation (Film; 1989)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, by Mark Twain (Novel; 1884)
Dark (German TV Series; 2017)
The Floating Admiral, by the Detection Club (Mystery Novel; 1931)
Follow Me Boys (Film; 1966)
The Girl Can’t Help It (Rock Music Film; 1956)
Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1836)
Happy Xmas (War Is Over), by John Lennon (Song; 1971)
Hi, Hi, Hi, by Wings (Song; 1972)
The House of the Rising Sun, by Frijid Pink (Song; 1969)
Kim, by Rudyard Kipling (Novel; 1900)
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentlemen, by Laurence Sterne (Novel; 1759)
The Maltese Falcon, by Dashiell Hammett (Novel; 1930)
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Film; 1989)
No Logo, by Naomi Klein Book; 1999)
Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1817) [#5]
The Philadelphia Story (Film; 1940)
Playboy Magazine (Adult Magazine; 1953)
Promises, Promises (Broadway Musical; 1968)
The Return of the King (Film; 2003) [Lord of the Rings #3]
The Shape of Water (Film; 2017)
The Simple Art of Murder, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1944)
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin), by Sly and the Family Stone (Song; 1969)
The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett (Novel; 1934)
Withering Heights, by Emily Bronte (Novel; 1847)
Today’s Name Days
Blanka, Charles, Eligius, Natalie (Austria)
Blanka, Florencija, Kazimir, Natalija, Naum (Croatia)
Iva (Czech Republic)
Arnold (Denmark)
Oskar, Osmar, Oss (Estonia)
Oskar, Oskari (Finland)
Florence (France)
Blanka, Eligius, Natalie (Germany)
Areti, Jacob, Naoum, Philaretos, Theoklitos (Greece)
Elza (Hungary)
Ansano, Eligio (Italy)
Arnolds, Arvaldis (Latvia)
Algmina, Butigeidas, Eligijus, Natalija (Lithuania)
Arnljot, Arnold, Arnt (Norway)
Długosz, Edmund, Eliga, Eligiusz, Iwa, Natalia, Natalis, Platon, Sobiesława (Poland)
Filaret, Naum (Romania)
Edmund (Slovakia)
Blanca, Cándida, Eloy (Spain)
Oskar, Ossian (Sweden)
Bianca, Blanca, Blanche, Eli, Ely, Sherwin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 335 of 2024; 30 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 48 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 19 (Gui-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 18 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 5 Zima; Fiveday [5 of 30]
Julian: 18 November 2023
Moon: 81%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 27 Frederic (12th Month) [Francia]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 69 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 10 of 30)
Calendar Changes
December (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 12 of 12]
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 12.1
Antarctica Day
Applejack Day (My Little Pony)
Basketball Day
Battle of the Sinop Day (Russia)
Becky Thatcher Day
Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day
Bizarre Bazaar
Chia Pet Hunting Season begins
Civil Air Patrol Day
Commemoration Day (UAE)
Crossing of the Cattle at Diafarabe (Mali)
Damrong Rajanuhab Day (Thailand)
Data Innovation Day
Day of the First President (Kazakhstan)
Day With(out) Art
First Day of Meteorological Summer Day (Southern Hemisphere)
First Day of Meteorological Winter Day (Northern Hemisphere)
First President Day (Kazakhstan)
Flag Day (Saba)
Freedom and Democracy Day (Chad)
Fullveldisdagurinn (a.k.a. Self-Governance Day; Iceland)
Indigenous Faith Day (Arunachal, India)
International Prisoners for Peace Day
International Sweater Vestival
James Gandolfini Day (New Jersey)
Military Abolition Day (Costa Rica)
MMMHop Beer Day
My Husband Strung the Xmas Lights and Now I Can't Open the Garage Door Day
National Biliary Atresia Awareness Day
National Christmas Book Day
National Christmas Lights Day
National Cookie Cutter Day
National Day of Courage
National Grinch Day
National I Told You So Day
National Jandal Day (New Zealand)
National Online Risk and Compliance Day
National Sabbath-Keeping Schools Day
National Transit Tribute to Rosa Parks Day
National Twin With Your Dog Day (UK)
National Water Safety Day (Australia)
National Women Support Women Day
National Zinc Day
Operation Santa Paws begins [until 21st]
Peaceful Easy Feeling Day (San Diego, California)
Playboy Magazine Day
Prisoners for Peace Day
Proclamation of the Republic (Central African Republic)
Rosa Parks Day (Ohio, Oregon) [also 2.4]
Scrabble Day
Teachers’ Day (Panama)
University Student Strike Day (Myanmar)
Wallace & Gromit’s Great British Tea Party begins (thru 21st)
Wax Day (French Republic)
Wear a Dress Day [also 6.1]
Weather Service Day
White Rabbit Day
World AIDS Day (UN)
Yukon Order of Pioneers Day
Ziua Unirii (Romania)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Dr. Pepper Day
Eat A Red Apple Day
International Maratheftiko Day
National Baked Alaska Day
National Fried Pie Day
National Peppermint Bark Day
National Pie Day [also 1.23]
1st Friday in December
Bandcamp Friday [1st Friday]
Bartender Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
Eccentric Day (Bell's Brewery; Michigan) [1st or 2nd Friday or Another Day]
Farmer’s Day (Ghana) [1st Friday]
Faux Fur Friday [1st Friday]
Gospel Day (Marshall Islands) [1st Friday]
International Sweater Vestival [2nd Friday after Thanksgiving]
National Salesperson Day [1st Friday]
Open It! Weekend begins [1st Friday]
Purple Friday (UK) [1st Friday]
Independence Days
Great Union Day (celebrating merger of Transylvania & Romania, 1918)
Iceland (from Denmark, 1918)
Portugal (from Spain, 1640) [a.k.a. Restoration of Independence]
Sancratosia (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alexander Briant (Christian; Saint)
Ansanus (Christian; Saint)
Barbes Diena (Sheep Fertility Festival; Ancient Latvia)
Bruna Pellesi (Christian; Blessed)
Castritian (Christian; Saint)
Charles de Foucauld (Christian; Blessed)
Edmund Campion (Christian; Saint)
Eligius (a.k.a. Eloy), Bishop of Noyon (Christian; Saint)
Evasius (Christian; Saint)
Feast for the Death of Aleister Crowley (Thelema)
Feast of Saints Kyle, Stan, Cartman and Kenny (Church of the SubGenius; Saints)
Festival for Neptune/Poseidon (Ancient Greece/Rome)
Festival for Pietas (Goddess of Devotion; Ancient Rome)
Francia (Positivist; Saint)
Grwst (Christian; Saint)
Juner (Muppetism)
Kalends of December (Ancient Rome)
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (Artology)
Marijuana Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Mindfulness Day (Zen Buddhism)
Mothra Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Nahum (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas Ferrar (Episcopal Church)
Ralph Sherwin (Christian; Saint)
Shiva’s Day (Pagan)
Ursicinus of Brescia (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Adventures of Don Juan (Film; 1948)
Alice and the Three Bears (Disney Cartoon; 1924)
Axis: Bold As Love, by Jimi Hendrix (Album; 1967)
Beebo Saves Christmas (WB Animated TV Special)
Blondie, by Blondie (Album; 1976)
The Booze Hangs High (WB LT Cartoon; 1930)
Candide, by Leonard Bernstein (Operetta; 1956)
A Charlie Brown Christmas, by Vince Guarldi (Soundtrack Album; 1965)
Christmas Vacation (Film; 1989)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, by Mark Twain (Novel; 1884)
Dark (German TV Series; 2017)
The Floating Admiral, by the Detection Club (Mystery Novel; 1931)
Follow Me Boys (Film; 1966)
The Girl Can’t Help It (Rock Music Film; 1956)
Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1836)
Happy Xmas (War Is Over), by John Lennon (Song; 1971)
Hi, Hi, Hi, by Wings (Song; 1972)
The House of the Rising Sun, by Frijid Pink (Song; 1969)
Kim, by Rudyard Kipling (Novel; 1900)
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentlemen, by Laurence Sterne (Novel; 1759)
The Maltese Falcon, by Dashiell Hammett (Novel; 1930)
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Film; 1989)
No Logo, by Naomi Klein Book; 1999)
Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen (Novel; 1817) [#5]
The Philadelphia Story (Film; 1940)
Playboy Magazine (Adult Magazine; 1953)
Promises, Promises (Broadway Musical; 1968)
The Return of the King (Film; 2003) [Lord of the Rings #3]
The Shape of Water (Film; 2017)
The Simple Art of Murder, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1944)
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin), by Sly and the Family Stone (Song; 1969)
The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett (Novel; 1934)
Withering Heights, by Emily Bronte (Novel; 1847)
Today’s Name Days
Blanka, Charles, Eligius, Natalie (Austria)
Blanka, Florencija, Kazimir, Natalija, Naum (Croatia)
Iva (Czech Republic)
Arnold (Denmark)
Oskar, Osmar, Oss (Estonia)
Oskar, Oskari (Finland)
Florence (France)
Blanka, Eligius, Natalie (Germany)
Areti, Jacob, Naoum, Philaretos, Theoklitos (Greece)
Elza (Hungary)
Ansano, Eligio (Italy)
Arnolds, Arvaldis (Latvia)
Algmina, Butigeidas, Eligijus, Natalija (Lithuania)
Arnljot, Arnold, Arnt (Norway)
Długosz, Edmund, Eliga, Eligiusz, Iwa, Natalia, Natalis, Platon, Sobiesława (Poland)
Filaret, Naum (Romania)
Edmund (Slovakia)
Blanca, Cándida, Eloy (Spain)
Oskar, Ossian (Sweden)
Bianca, Blanca, Blanche, Eli, Ely, Sherwin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 335 of 2024; 30 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 48 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 19 (Gui-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 18 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 5 Zima; Fiveday [5 of 30]
Julian: 18 November 2023
Moon: 81%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 27 Frederic (12th Month) [Francia]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 69 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 10 of 30)
Calendar Changes
December (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 12 of 12]
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The change seemed instant. One moment we worked, played, slept in the year of 2023, the next everything changed, as in literally. I blinked and the works looked different, was different. It seemed as if the entire human race got sent somewhere close to 50 years in the future, which we could tell by cutting down trees to count the rings. While the internet was down I watched my neighbour cut down the tree he planted just last year to count the rings… or I suppose he planted it 51 years ago. At first we were all confused. Even the greyest buildings of the middle off the city had turned green, overgrown. The air was lighter and the sky was more blue.
The fifty or so years without us allowed the earth to heal. The food rotted, the internet disappeared, the bikes rusted. Nothing works anymore but we’re trying to make do. We’ve been collecting in town. I found my friends and family and we walked to medborgarplatsen to listen to someone who decided to take charge. I know this will sound incredibly gen Z of me but the city almost feels more village like now that we have no real direction. It took a while and a lot of people starved to death, since we had no real agriculture. Luckily, since nature has healed, the sea and forests were full of game.
I try not to think about those who died. Not to be uncaring or apathetic but the whole thing is just so bizarre I find myself expecting to wake up in my bed in 2023 again. We got the fields up and running (is that the right words?), we managed to remove the rust from the factories and made a few of those gross gelatinous candies. Soon, we got contact to the rest of the world again. Amongst with theories of what happened, none of which make sense to me, three facts remained.
Number one: we’ve lost a lot of people, especially in high density city environments as the lack of food and transport really made the concrete jungles just… concrete. We have memorial services every Thursday now. Those in the area meet and we mourn. It’s nice.
Number two: the nuclear power plants obviously went under since there’s been no one to care for them. I don’t know how it works exactly but now a lot of land surrounding the nuclear plants is dead. Dead for us humans atleast, the mushrooms are having fun over there. As sad as it is, we lost a lot of people there too. More names to mourn.
Number 3: some areas have changed in different ways than expected. Söder has, for example, been painted wonderfully. Almost as if a human did it. Can you imagine? The entire world, everyone, get sent 50 years in the future. But not you. You’re left to live those 50 years. We haven’t found any of these people but we guess there’s been one in söder, one in Dalarna, one in Lapland. That’s just Sweden though, there’s been signs in Germany, Italy, India, France. Everywhere. But no one found alive. It must have been awful.
I farm now. I can’t really rely on a digital media education in the apocalypse, if you can even call it that. I’m writing this down in one of my book, we were lucky enough for our house to be newly built so while it is extremely dusty (and a bit mouldy) it is generally ok.
I try to keep up with the news, I’m much better at it now than what I was before it happened, but two years have passed. Nothing makes sense, none of the theories scientists have made make sense. All I know is that I should farm. Thinking too much about it just makes me nauseous, farming helps.
[transcript of book found in cave.]
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laveenayogi · 11 months
Immerse in Culture: Rann of Kutch Gujarat Tour Packages
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The Rann of Kutch, a vast stretch of salt marshes in Gujarat, India, is a monument to the wonders of nature and the richness of human culture. During the monsoon season, its unusual landscape changes from a desolate salt crust to a bizarre wetland, providing a variety of experiences. Rann of Kutch Book Gujarat tour packages online provide the ideal gateway to immerse yourself in this enchanting region.
Knowing the Rann of Kutch
There is nowhere on Earth like the Rann of Kutch. This enormous salt desert, which covers more than 7,500 square kilometers, is the biggest of its kind worldwide. It may appear lifeless at first, but it's far from it. The area comes to life during the monsoon season when water floods the salt flats, forming a distinct wetland ecosystem. It's amazing to see the stark change from a white-salt desert to a lush wonderland
This geographical wonder is known for its rich culture as well as its stunning natural surroundings. Kutch is renowned for its elaborate embroidery, vibrant handicrafts, and a multicultural group of artists who have been working on their trades for many generations.
Examining Immersion in Culture
The chance to immerse oneself in a different culture is one of the most satisfying features of Rann of Kutch Gujarat tour packages. Kutch has a deeply ingrained cultural heritage, which is well-known throughout Gujarat. Visits to nearby towns are frequently included in tour packages. There, you can engage with local artisans, observe them creating exquisite traditional pieces, and even take part in workshops. You can appreciate Kutch's genuine artistry through this authentic cultural exchange.
Customized Travel Packages for Every Passenger
The flexibility of tour packages is what adds to the allure of the Rann of Kutch. There's a package made to suit your interests and preferences, whether you're an adventurer, history buff, or lover of the outdoors. Your trip to Kutch can be customized to your preferences by selecting the experience that most appeals to you.
The Rann Utsav Attraction
The Rann Festival, or Rann Utsav, is a significant cultural occasion in the area. The month-long celebration of Kutch's culture and heritage runs from October to March, exactly when the full moon occurs. Tour packages frequently coincide with this event, giving visitors a front-row seat to its colorful celebrations. Rann Utsav is an event that promises an amazing time, complete with camel safaris, traditional dance and music performances, and delectable local cuisine.
Delicious Journeys in Kutch
Culture is largely shaped by food, and Kutchi cuisine is just as varied as the terrain. Choosing a tour package gives you the chance to sample a variety of Kutchi cuisine. The cuisine is a genuine representation of the customs of the area and has distinct flavors. Kutchi cuisine takes your taste buds on a delightful journey, offering everything from delectable sweets to savory treats.
The Art and Craft of Kutch
Kutch is well known for its elaborate and vibrant artistic creations. The area is well-known for its ceramics, needlework, and tie-dye products. By using tour packages, you can visit the workshops and studios of regional artists, observing their creative processes and recognizing the generational legacy of artistic brilliance.
Going Through the White Desert
The centerpiece of any tour of the Rann of Kutch is the White Desert, an enormous area of salt flats. You'll have the impression that you've traveled to a different planet as you enter this bizarre setting. The stretches of seemingly unending white provide an amazing background for a variety of experiences. The White Desert offers unforgettable experiences, such as stargazing under a flawless night sky and taking in cultural performances in this ethereal setting.
Rann of Kutch: Magnificent Photographs
The Rann of Kutch is nothing less than a photographer's paradise. There are countless opportunities to take breathtaking pictures because of the constantly shifting scenery, the traditional clothing worn by the locals, and the lively atmosphere of the communities. Guided photography tours are frequently included in tour packages, allowing you to discover the best locations and viewpoints for capturing Kutch's essence.
Exploration at Nature's Lap
The Rann of Kutch is a natural paradise as well as a cultural treasure. The area's seasonal changes, from the wetlands of the monsoon to the huge white salt pans in the winter, offer exceptional chances for wildlife safaris and birdwatching. It's an opportunity to observe the flora and fauna that flourish in this amazing ecosystem and establish a connection with nature.
Historical Treasures of Kutch
The area is known for its rich historical legacy in addition to its natural beauty and culture. Ancient temples, forts, and archaeological sites that tell the history of the area are frequently visited as part of tour packages. These artifacts from the past provide a window into Kutch's illustrious past.
Ordinary Travels in the Rann of Kutch
The Rann of Kutch offers unusual and distinctive experiences for those looking for them. Unconventional adventures such as camping in the desert, visiting isolated villages, or even experiencing the customs of nomadic tribes are also options. These adventures give us a better knowledge of the area and its people.
Source URL: https://justpaste.me/0GGj
Seasonal Wonders and Exclusive Events
The Rann of Kutch is a place that is always changing. A fresh spectacle arrives with each season. The area transforms into a vibrant wetland during the monsoon, and in the winter, the salt flats provide an amazing view. Travel packages frequently take advantage of these seasonal treats so that you can visit Kutch whenever you choose and experience it in all its splendor.
Plan a memorable Vacation
With so many tour packages to choose from, visiting the Rann of Kutch is easy to plan. There is a package waiting to be your ticket to this alluring location, whether your goals are natural beauty, cultural immersion, or a combination of the two. Expert guides can assist you in exploring the area and taking advantage of everything it has to offer.
The Rann of Kutch is a place that promises an engrossing and captivating experience with its breathtaking landscapes and rich culture. Gujarat tour packages provide an easy way to experience this fascinating region, whether you're drawn to it by its natural beauty, vibrant culture, or historical treasures.
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pepperzzz039 · 11 months
Indian street food is often regarded as delicious.
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Offering appetizers or other light bites to visitors while they wait for the main course is a great way to put them at ease. Indian food draws inspiration from the cuisine of India and tries to create delicious bites that are loyal to their roots and explode with flavor from aromatic spices. The appetizers include these ingredients rather often. The meteoric rise to fame of Indian restaurants throughout the world is really remarkable. The world over, Indian appetizers and snacks are renowned for good reason. Why are so many people interested in them? The appetizers in Indian restaurants are well-known for their powerful tastes, often characterized as fiery, thanks to the extensive use of a broad range of fragrant spices. Indian appetizers are the best option for whetting your hunger since they are not only delicious but also leave you feeling full and pleased. They're a great option for those who are just starting out in their profession. There has been a rise in interest in Indian starters as a result of the proliferation of authentic Indian eateries throughout the world. If you're looking for genuine, delicious food, avoid most other restaurants and go to one of them instead. This has led to a dramatic increase in the popularity of Indian appetizers over the last several years. You should try to get the indo chinese food for as little money as possible. Indian food is noted for its large range of delicious and well-known dishes, and appetizers are a particular forte of this cuisine. There are several Indians who have made it into lists of the world's most famous actors and actresses. Chicken tikka, hara-bhara kebab, paneer tikka, and chicken tandoori are the only remaining delicious meals in India. Picking one option from among numerous is like digging through a box of delicious cherries. Indian appetizers have been a client favorite for a long time, and with good reason. Antioxidants abound in Indian starters because to the wide variety of spices used in their preparation. Indian restaurants provide a wide variety of delicious meals, including those made with cottage cheese and potatoes, goat, chicken, and other forms of meat and poultry, and a variety of green vegetables and leafy greens. More and more people are learning about and enjoying Indian food for the extraordinary quality and variety of its flavors. Appetizers are often ranked as one of the best dishes served during Indian celebrations. In India, there is a great variety of delicious appetizers available for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians to pick from while placing an order. Indian food has a vast selection of appetizing starters, each with its own distinct aroma and taste. A person of Indian descent may choose from a wide variety of options, many of which hold considerable promise for personal development. The meteoric rise of the vegetarian food sector is due in large part to the fact that India has produced some of the world's most tantalizing vegetarian appetizers in recent decades, including tandoori aloo and paneer tikka. You're going to love the indian restaurant leicester menu. Pepperzzz is the clear choice here as the Best Indian Non-Vegetarian Starter. The last word The appetizers in Indian restaurants are works of art that both honor India's rich cultural heritage and showcase the innovative and often bizarre methods of preparation used by Indian chefs. People of Indian heritage may feel at home anywhere in the world since Indian food uses such a wide variety of spices, herbs, and other ingredients. Visitors to India get a new appreciation for Indian cuisine and a deeper understanding of the country's extensive culinary heritage. At some time throughout their journey, they will come to this understanding.
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