#black blade yoru
bastardofodin · 5 months
Some of my favorite stills of Dracule "Hawkeyes" Mihawk from the live action. He is both beyond intimidating and unfairly handsome at the same time.
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miihawkss · 9 months
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Fighting the people ( paraphrasing ) And he's very good-looking! -Fearless 'Hero'.
Translation if you can't see the lettering, the photo's say: Honrado (Honored) Victorioso (Victorious) Humilde (Humble) [ yes this is a joke from both him and the Puss in Boots 2 movie ] Poderoso (Powerful) Guerrero (Warrior) Lo más fuerte (the Strongest) Leyenda (Legend) A LEGEND FOR ALL!
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Midnight Lessons (Mihawk x gn!child!reader)
A/N: Here we go, stoic dad time! Guys please drop by my ask box, wanna get to know my audience!
Dividers by @saradika
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Night had fallen in Cross Guild’s headquarters, the members still busing around completing their chores. In the main office, quiet reigned between two of the founders, the only sound echoing in the office being of Crocodile’s exhaling his cigars in a thick mist, sitting at his desk and looking over the current paperwork, and the sound of Mihawk sharpening and polishing Yoru, on the office’s couch, his sharp gaze examines his black blade for any blemishes or imperfections.
A knock rings on the door to the office the two reside in
Crocodile’s eyes narrow slightly as he bellows smoke from his cigar and looks up. He sighed, remembering he had locked the door so he and his co-worker could have a meeting, so he stood up and opened the door, grunting when he saw who was at the door.
“Mihawk, it’s your brat,” he called out, staring at the child in front of him
Mihawk puts down his sword and walks over to the child. He squats down to the child’s level*
“Why are you awake at this hour?” Mihawk asked in a deep, quiet voice
The small child mutters something under their breath, sniffling.
Mihawk raises an eyebrow and nudges their arm with his finger, asking them to look at him instead of hiding their face.
“Do not mumble; speak up.” Mihawk’s voice is like a whisper, but his stare was piercing like a sharp blade
“Can I stay with you, Dad?” They cry out, voices still barely above a whisper
Seeing the child’s sad expression, Mihawk frowns and sighs quietly.
“Yes, you can stay. But not for long; you must return to your room soon. Mihawk’s voice was still quiet, but his tone had an unmistakable gentleness as he easily lifted the child carrying them back to the couch.
The small child hugged his dad tightly, trying to muffle their sobs so as to not bother their father at work.
Reader tightened their arms around their father; in response, Mihawk gently caressed their head and patted their back, silently reassuring the child.
“Why are you awake?” he repeats his previous question.
Crocodile glances at the pair once more before turning his attention back to a stack of paperwork on his desk.
“I had a nightmare,” they cry.
Mihawk’s brow furrows, and he looks down at the child.
“What was it about?”
“Y-you were gone.”
Mihawk’s expression tightens when he hears this. His eyebrows narrow, and his lips pull into a thin line. He stays silent for a moment.
“Do not worry about such things, I will not leave.”
Reader nods, comforted by their father’s short but meaningful words.
He pulls the child close to him until their head is lying on his chest, and their face is buried into his neck. The child can feel Mihawk’s heartbeat in their chest. He wraps an arm around the child, holding them close while they sniffle and sob.
Mihawk’s expression remains blank, and he does not say a word until the child’s crying stops.
Reader nuzzles closer to him as they are slowly lulled to sleep.
Mihawk’s arms enfold the child, gently caressing them and providing comfort. The child soon falls asleep, wrapped tightly in Mihawk’s warm embrace.
“Did they fall asleep?” Crocodile’s deep voice cuts in
Mihawk remains silent. He continues caressing the child, gently ruffling their hair. Then he softly turns his head to peer up at Crocodile, still sitting behind his desk.
“Yes.” Mihawk’s voice is still calm and tranquil despite his expression turning cold and serious
That soon changed, however, as the third founder slammed open the door as he came in, startling the child wide-awake, childish cries echoing through the office.
Mihawk tightened the grip around the child slightly.
Crocodile looks up from his desk, and his eyes narrow as he sees the third officer standing at the door.
“What are you doing, Clown?” he asks coldly.
Buggy’s eyes widen in surprise at his tone. He stumbled back, and then tried to compose himself*
“I…I was just-”
Before Buggy could finish, Mihawk’s gaze pierced through him. His eyes are dark and menacing, looking like he’s about to attack him at any moment. Mihawk’s hand tightened around the child again, and he was clearly agitated.
“Out!…” a low, deadly tone leaves Mihawk’s voice. Buggy’s eyes widened in shock, even he could not ignore the seriousness of Mihawk’s tone and expression. His eyes darted to the child, still sobbing and buried in Mihawk’s arms. Buggy gulped before quickly turning to leave the office. The whole place became silent again, with only the sound of the child’s soba as they cried into Mihawk’s chest.
“I’m going to pulverize him,” grunts Crocodile
Mihawk’s attention goes from the doorway towards the crying child in his chest.
Eventually, and with the help of Mihawk’s warmth and comfort, Reader’s cries recede. They are still snuggled close to Mihawk and can feel themselves surrounded by his warmth and presence. His fingers still brush through their hair while his other arm holds onto the child firmly.
Mihawk gently moves Reader from his chest to between his legs, grabbing his sword and continuing to sharpen it
Reader looks at his actions entranced, his attention captured by Mihawk’s strong but careful sword care.
Mihawk’s hands move gracefully over the blade, which shines brilliantly in the candlelit room. His motions are quick and efficient, and he works accurately and skillfully. His face remains calm and unconcerned as he continues sharpening his sword. From the corner of his eyes, he can see Reader staring at him with a mix of curiosity, fascination, and admiration. The unspoken question lingering in the air.
“No, you cannot work on this sword.”
Reader frowns at the rejection without the child having the chance to ask but makes no comment.
Mihawk notices the expression but does not say anything. He looks at the child and raises an eyebrow before turning his attention back to the sword. He runs his thumb caressingly along the blade but then stops abruptly.
“However, I can find a sword you can work on if you so desire, Blade Child.”
They smile and nod.
“I want to. Can you tell me how to do it?”
“Yes,” Mihawk replies in a low tone as he finishes sharpening his sword. Pulling Kogatana out from its sheath in his pendant and showing it to Reader.
“You may use this sword to practice on,” he says as he puts Kogatana down and hands Reader the sharpening stone, helping them grab it correctly and guiding their hands in the appropriate motion.
The child laughs gleefully, excited to be able to repeat the similar actions they saw their father do minutes prior
Mihawk relaxes slightly at the child’s enthusiasm; he watches as Reader sharpens Kogatana with gentle but firm guidance and hand placements. After a few minutes of instruction, Reader feels comfortable enough to sharpen the sword on their own. The light sound of the sharpening stone against the blade echoes through the office.
“I did it, Dad!” Reader exclaims, showing Mihawk the freshly sharpened Kogatana
Mihawk’s expression softens as he looks at the blade with the sharp edge.
Then he looks over at Reader proudly.
He nods his head.
“Yes, this is much sharper now. Not a bad job for your first time.”
Mihawk places the blade back on the sheath on his pendant.
The child laughs at the praise, knowing it is as strong a compliment as he could pull from their stoic father.
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Not sure how to feel about this one; what do you guys think? Please send in requests for what you guys would like to see next!
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grandlinedreams · 8 months
The little beast is getting on Mihawk's nerves.
He usually prides himself in very little truly bothering him ㅡ after all, there's also very little a sharp look and the threat of a blade won't fix ㅡ but for such a small cat, Kurai has a supernatural talent for irritating him.
From the shredded feathers to stealing your attention and time from Mihawk as a whole, Kurai has embraced his nature as a little four-legged menace.
Tonight takes the cake though. When Mihawk enters the bedroom, he fully expects to be able to take his place in bed next to you as he always does when he's here.
Only to find a frustratingly familiar mass of black fur in his space. And as if knowing that Mihawk is staring at him, Kurai opens his eyes and stares back.
"Little beast," he says, "you need to remove yourself from my bed."
Kurai blinks slowly, stretching ㅡ and then yawns and curls back up. Mihawk's eyes narrow. He entertains the brief thought of using Yoru ㅡ and honestly he would, if he thought it'd work on Kurai.
You shift, and both he and the cat still as you roll over in your sleep. Mihawk's expression softens as he takes in the peace of your face before he reaches for Kurai, scooping the kitten up.
Kurai squirms in his hold, mouth parting to sink tiny white teeth into his hand ㅡ only to freeze when Mihawk gives him a look of icy warning. He keeps hold of the kitten as he climbs into bed, taking his rightful spot beside you.
You subconsciously move closer, curling into him, and Mihawk finally lets go of Kurai, who mews in disappointment that he can't curl up with you the way he normally does. The kitten gives him a look of disdain as he's forced to settle on your hip instead, watching Mihawk as he kisses your forehead. Smirking at Kurai, the kitten all but glares daggers at Mihawk in return.
The war is far from over, but at least he's won this battle.
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goddessofmischief · 8 months
can i request anything mihawk related and him pining after y/n
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A/N: this is part of this series, which requests are open for! These fics are all one-shots, so they can be read separately.
He'd been thinking about you a lot lately.
You, the pretty girl who sailed with the Roger Pirates and made port in the same towns he did from time to time. You, who seemed to always be flanked by the boy with the red nose and the other boy with the red hair.
You. You. You.
You were clever - he noticed that at once - you had to be, to hold your own with so many men stronger and older than you, and he watched as you navigated through one dangerous situation after another, always escaping unscathed. The other boys tried to help, of course, but you didn't need them at all. Mihawk noticed that, too.
He liked the sort of clothes you wore - usually a bit oversized, which made sense, so you didn't have to buy new ones every time you grew, an unfortunate practicality for anyone growing up at sea - and often velvet, or satin, or with embroidered patterns, and usually in dark shades of olive, maroon or black. Sometimes cotton dresses of the palest ivory, which he also liked.
Mihawk had made a habit of always noticing the appearance of others, and judged them quite harshly on it - not their looks or dimensions or things they could not change, but how well they presented themselves. Living the way he did, the way you did, did not lend itself to luxury or composure or cleanliness, so he noticed whenever anyone paid special attention to how they looked.
You did. He never caught you without loosely wound curls, brushed out, or loose buns, or intricate braids that he sometimes heard the red-haired pirate protesting at doing for you. Mihawk noticed all of these things because they were things he liked about himself, and he liked them about you, too.
But even after all this liking and appreciating, which had gone on for many months now, he could never have the strength to talk to you. It wasn't for his own insecurity, although Mihawk was a good deal less boastful and more shy than most of the pirates his age, but more for fear of what he might say when he actually spoke to you for the first time. He had never struck out with girls before, but that was mostly for lack of trying. They found him, most of the time, and either liked his Hawk-Eyes or they didn't.
It was on one of those days, where Mihawk had made port at a small island and was sipping on a flute of wine at a small bar, that he found himself gazing at you again. You'd just stumbled off Roger's ship, and seemed in awe of your surroundings. Your friends already held drinks far too big for them and had wandered off, staring at the skyline, but you were clearly unsure of what to get. Mihawk watched as your fingernail dragged against a small menu, tracing every option, hesitating around the ones with dried flowers in them. You liked dried flowers, evidently, and he would remember that.
The thought crossed his mind that he might go get a drink for you, and perhaps begin some sort of conversation-
No. No. Stupid.
You could get your own drink.
And you were about to, it seemed, when a rather terrifying-looking mercenary pressed a blade to your back. Mihawk immediately reached for his own, which he had fondly nicknamed 'Yoru,' and had not yet seen much action.
"How'd you find me?" you said, voice trembling.
"Followed you," said the mercenary. "You owe us. We know you only gave us half of what you found when you raided that vault."
"That's not true," you said, and Mihawk felt you were telling the truth, although he may have been biased. "It just wasn't as much as you thought it would be-"
The mercenary forced his blade closer, and Mihawk decided he couldn't allow this to go on for one more second. Moving quietly, he removed Yoru from his scabbard, and drew the blade against the mercenary's neck.
"Move aside," said Mihawk, trying to make his voice more steady than it felt.
The mercenary stared him down.
"Who are you?"
"Dracule Mihawk," he said. "And I'd like you to step away."
"I refuse."
What happened next was completely uncalled for and also fated. Mihawk simply moved the sword very quickly to the side, and the mercenary fell, and that was the end of it.
It was not the first blood Dracule Mihawk had ever spilled. It was, however, the first blood he had spilled with this particular sword.
This sword, which would live on in infamy long after he was gone, this sword, which would become synonymous with not only his name, but swordsmanship itself.
First blood, this sword, and it had all been over you.
History would forget.
...But you would remember.
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i-am-vita · 3 months
Fic Teaser: A Diversion Fight
So, Stupid Brain made me go into full new Ghost Rose and Phantom Pirates Lore just for writing some unconnected scenes. I promise I'm working on them but meanwhile suffer with me enjoy a little advance of next chapter:
If you haven't read Part 1 go before keep reading.
👉 My Masterlist & Oc Ghost Rose Masterlist.
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Warnings: SFW but sexy, fighting with knives, smooching against a tree.
Upon seeing his arm rise towards Yoru's handle, you reacted immediately by throwing your knife towards him to halt his movement. You knew the moment he unsheathed his sword you'd be doomed.
With a swift movement, Mihawk detained the blade with two fingers. His eyes roamed the stylized form and elegant carvings in recognition.
"Bara no Toge... The Rose's Thorns..." He murmured, a hint of admiration in his voice. "It is said a swordmaster melt the O Wazamono twin swords Bara and Toge into a set of knives as a gift for his beloved, the ancient Queen of Daggers of the Shikkearu Kingdom." He toyed with the blade within his fingers, testing its perfect balance. "They disappeared from her tomb years ago." His sharp gaze focused back onto you. "This doesn't belong to you, little rose."
"Neither did to Do Flamingo, but they like me enough."
A sense of pride permeated your voice while the iron ring on your finger glowed and, with a flourish of your hand, the blade escaped Mihawk's fingers back to yours, the black metal pulsating in harmony with your Haki.
It had been one of your firsts and only infiltration to Dressrosa. The Phantom Captain was set to recover a treasure of his after "That Fucking Flamingo Bastard" stole one of his ships.
You have found the chest by mere chance, thrown away in Dressrosa's treasury like some minor antique instead of the lofty weapon from a queen that it was. They've been yours since then, honing your abilities and Hakis until mastering the knives to obey your will.
"You retrieved a Kuraigana treasure right under the nose of the King of Dressrosa and submitted them to you."
Mihawk stoic countenance softened with a flicker of surprise, eyes slightly widened and a knowing smile hinting in his lips.
His right hand pinned your left against the tree bark but your right managed to escape his hold, aiming your knife against him. His free hand halted your arm, stalling the sharp edge before it pierced the skin of his throat.
"A fitting master for a queen's weapon." He sighs appreciatively in your ear, his lips grazing your skin deliciously. "Although, the Queen of Daggers wore her rings on another finger." More nimbly than you could react, his fingers removed the ring from your middle and slipped it on your third finger. "My lady..."
Something in Mihawk's teasing tone nagged at your mind but his lips started wandering to your neck like before, when you dared to steal a kiss from him.
The blade on your right hand slipped away from your idle fingers and tangled in his dark locks to bring his lips towards yours once more.
To be continued...
Yes, that's my writing process. Throw around some scenes and find the way to make them coherent together. Sorry, not sorry 🤭
Originally, Mihawk was NOT suppose to catch Ghost Rose after the fight but, as we know, he does as he wants 😂
Yes, The Phantom Pirates have messed with Doflamingo (and viceversa) and came out whole and without witnesses. Doffy was not pleased but would die before acknowledge he was rob.
Tags I remember: @white0x0rabbit, @h0n3y-l3m0n05, @gingernut1314, @cinnbar-bun, @jintaka-hane, @fanaticsnail, @writingmysanity
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hi there! Can I request Female Mihawk Reader with Yandere Lu Bu, Jack, Raiden, Buddha, Qin Shi Haung, Thor, Poseidon, Hercules, Loki, Hades, Rudra, Indra, Hajun and Sasaki?
Reader comes from another World and is revealed to be the ‘Strongest Swordswoman in the World’ with her God opponent being the God of Swords (Reader has Yoru, her Black Blade on her back) and has her Valkyrie Partner transform… to everyone’s shock into a small crucifix pendant, that’s actually a small dagger, which her God Opponent demands in annoyance what exactly is Reader’s game, only for Reader to explain “I’m not the the kind of beast who uses all her might when hunting down a mere rabbit” then has a condensing look as she ‘pitifully’ says “Unfortunately, this is apparently the smallest blade my Valkyrie Partner can turn into, so this will have to do”
Which makes all the Gods and Reader’s Opponent FURIOUS, believing Reader is to arrogant and stupid… until she proves them all wrong by DESTROYING her opponent (The fight ends similar to Zoro and Mihawk’s fight, but the only difference is Reader doesn’t use Yoru, as her calls her opponent ‘Too Weak’ and a ‘Disappointment’ to her, when she kills him, stabbing God’s heart with her tiny blade as he starts to disintegrate) and to add more salt to the Gods’ crippling egos, Reader admits this fight was just like every other fight she’s had “Boring and Unsatisfactory” as she leaves, just as stoic as she fought
However, to everyone’s surprise, Reader shows interest in Sasaki and tells him how he’s the only man worthy of her time (Reader can tell Sasaki is strong, especially since can adapt in battle) and even tells him that she’ll wait for him, no matter how long it takes for him, until he can surpass her, since both are Swordsmen with Honor (Everyone is jealous of Sasaki getting Reader’s attention) and she even asks him every day to spare with her
Reader even tells Sasaki that he should be honored that she uses Yoru when they spare (Sasaki feels honored that a woman like Reader gives an old man like him attention like this, and he could ‘Die a happy man’, which causes Reader to laugh, which is a shock to everyone since Reader is always stoic with a resting bitch face)
-You were regarded as the strongest sword user in the world, even as a woman, you were the strongest, your skills with swords were legendary.
-You enjoyed your time in Valhalla, able to live in quiet comfort, drinking wine, reading books, and meeting other legendary humans, one that you didn’t know, but that was because you were from another world entirely.
-When you died, being caught in a sudden explosion, you were brought here to Valhalla by Brunnhilde.
-This new world was unlike your own, the only people with unique powers were the gods themselves.
-You didn’t fuss with the gods much, getting your own quiet room and plenty of areas to choose from to train in.
-Many of the warriors you faced while training, both humans and gods, were very strong, giving you a challenge, but only for a short while.
-Your skills were too much for them, easily able to overpower most anyone who would challenge you.
-When Ragnarok was announced, you were one of the first people that Brunnhilde approached, asking you to fight against the gods themselves.
-Hoping for the challenge you were finally looking for, you agreed.
-You were fighting first, something you requested and Brunnhilde arranged it for you, and your opponent was announced first as the god of swords himself!
-You smirked for only a moment as you walked out, a massive sword strapped to your back, carrying it with ease.
-Your sharp golden hawk-eye like eyes pierced into your opponent as he was holding two large swords with ease, but everyone was stunned as you made no move to grab your massive sword.
-You touched the cross-shaped pendant hanging around your neck as your Valkyrie partner appeared beside you, “You’re sure this will work?”
-You glanced at her as she was hugging you around your neck, looking like a child, but you instantly pulled out, the tiniest sword that anyone had ever seen, more like a baby dagger!
-Your opponent’s eyelid twitched before he pointed a sword at you, “What the hell is that?!”
-You held your blade, your Volundr, ready to strike, “A weapon that is more than enough for you.” His eyelid twitched again before the gods were quick to yell at you, calling you a cocky human and that you should know your place.
-He shouted at you, charging you with his swords, demanding to know why you weren’t using your big sword, as he wanted to take it from you, seeing the quality.
-You looked almost bored, dodging his strikes before kicking him away from you, your foot in his stomach before you spoke, your voice cold, “I’m not the kind of beast who uses all her might to hunt down a mere rabbit. A pity-” as you looked down at him as if he were dirt, “-that this is the smallest blade my partner can transform into.”
-More shouting from the gods while the humans were in awe of your confidence.
-You rolled your eyes as he shouted out his most powerful attack, trying to take you out and you took a step to the left, dodging it completely, much to his shock as he had turned white, his eyes wide as he gawked at you.
-Your eyes narrowed slightly, “Such a disappointment.” You then slashed at him, cutting him down with an X shaped slash, winning easily.
-Gawking faces filled the arena before the humans went wild, seeing that you had defeated a god and you made it look so easy!!
-You sighed as your partner returned to her normal form, holding onto your hand, making her look like she was your child before you turned, looking up at Zeus, “Was that really the strongest god you had?”
-You ignored the fury of the gods, many who shouted at you, but they couldn’t argue that you did handle your match so easily, it was almost embarrassing for them!
-When Heimdall approached you, inquiring about your thoughts of the match, your words resonated with so many people, “Boring and unsatisfying.”
-The rest of Ragnarok came and went, wins and losses on both sides until humanity was standing in the winner’s circle, and to further prove they deserved their salvation, as you all got to choose one wish together, those who had been killed were brought back to life, both humans and gods.
-The smallest shade of a smile appeared on your lips as your arms folded under your chest, seeing the reunions all around.
-Many gods and humans now had more of a healthy respect of each other, knowing that humanity was indeed stronger than they had thought.
-You were unaware you were now being stared at by both gods and humans, who were taken by your power, wanting a chance to fight you themselves, to test your strength.
-The more they stared as you were speaking to your Valkyrie, Goll, and Brunnhilde, the more they wanted to know about you.
-You were a stunningly beautiful woman, intimidating almost, something even Aphrodite had to admit, but your strength paired with your beauty made you a truly highly sought after woman.
-However, you stunned all by stopping after you had been walking out of the arena, when you saw Kojiro approaching you.
-He offered you a bright grin, “Hey there Y/N! I haven’t seen you since your fight! You were amazing! I would ask for a fight but I would probably lose.” As he said this he scratched the back of his head, laughing lightly.
-You put a hand on his shoulder, meeting his eyes which widened in shock, “No- you’re wrong. Your adaptability in your own fight was very impressive. I’d be honored to spar with you, to see how strong you are now. I would wait centuries for you to surpass me, Kojiro.”
-He was stunned that you recognized him as strong, while many of your other self-proclaimed rivals, were seething with jealousy, as you hadn’t paid them any attention, at least with fights; you would talk with them, but as far as actual fighting, you refused, only willing to fight other sword users.
-You sparred with Kojiro every day, allowing him to train against someone very difficult, and your matches always drew a crowd, not that you minded, mainly because you couldn’t care less.
-As Kojiro laid on his back after another intense session, for him at least, he spoke, “I’m honored a woman like you would give an old man like me any attention. I could die happy.”
-A grin instantly appeared on your face before you threw your head back, laughing warmly, which everyone stared at with huge eyes, as you always had a RBF! You were absolutely stunning when you smiled.
-You reached a hand down to help him up, giving his own a soft squeeze as you spoke with a soft smirk, “It’s a special type of man to grab my attention like that.”
-The glares Kojiro received were well worth it. He had no regrets.
-Lu Bu- When he finally convinced you to spar with him, using his halberd against Yoru, he wanted to see who had the stronger strike, his Sky Eater or your Strongest Slash in the World. The damage as the two strikes hit was so immense, even more so than when Lu Bu fought with Thor, you both had to help clean up the arena after you trashed it. When the dust cleared, both of you were still standing, unharmed and you had to give him a small grin, seeing that he withstood your attack. He became another you fought on a regular basis and he always fought with such joy fighting you, saying you were the only woman he would respect. Thor and him were both strong drinkers, as they would invite you out all the time, which you didn’t mind, finding their antics amusing. It was nice to be able to fight without holding back.
-Jack- Was one of the few who actually didn’t want to fight you, more interested in just conversing with you, sharing tea or wine, playing chess together, and having intellectual discussions. You had to admit that you were a bit curious about his ability to see into your soul, describing the colors you displayed at any given time, it was unique as you had never heard about something like that before. Jack enjoyed his talks with you, never wanting you to leave, as he found you entrancing, from your looks to your strength to your complex personality. He wanted to see more and more.
-Raiden- Raiden was very enthusiastic in trying to convince you to fight him, to the point of chasing you down, running after you until he had you in his arms, like it was a children’s game of tag. You always refused him, as you weren’t a combat fighter, you only used your swords and if you fought him, either you would get hurt from his physical attacks or he would get cut to ribbons. Your words and reasoning did little to deter him as he kept seeking out, asking for a fight, carrying you around in his arms like you were a princess. He was very jolly and loud, but also pushy and sometimes annoying, but you felt like you couldn’t bring yourself to dislike him.
-Buddha- Buddha was another one who was quite pushy, not as in he wanted to fight you, as he was quite laid back, but he was always coming into your house, uninvited, bringing all sorts of snacks that he was willing to share with you. You could enter your home at any given time and find Buddha lounging on your couch, welcoming you home like he lived there. He picked up after himself so it wasn’t that big of a deal to you, and he was quite amusing when you gave him wine and got him drunk, he was a funny, cuddly drunk, which you teased him mercilessly about, but he didn’t care, as you were giving him attention.
-Qin Shi Huang- This cocky little shit irritated you, at first, when he tried to make demands of you like he was in charge of you. As time went on and you learned that was how he was a person, due to him being emperor, you gave him a bit of leniency. He was almost like a child with you, acting spoiled, wanting you to dote on him. He didn’t really want to fight you, although he was curious about your strength, he just liked your icy vibe, as he had seen you smile so brightly, he wanted to see what other sides there were to you.
-Thor- The god was respectful but also quite persistence, in getting you to fight him, as he wanted to see your strength for himself. He would ask you on the daily to fight, but would accept your no, unlike others who would keep asking, but then he would be back the next day to ask you again. You only accepted after you fought Lu Bu, willing to give him a match. Brunnhilde left a lump on your head, Thor’s head, and Lu Bu’s head, scolding all three of you after you and Thor destroyed the arena again. Thor respected your strength and loves to spar with you and Lu Bu both, as you could give them a challenge and they give you a challenge. Plus, they were fun drinking buddies as they were both very strong drinkers.
-Poseidon- Your strength and beauty was unrivaled, or so he thought, when you smiled and laughed, it was like he was being born again, seeing the world with new eyes, but only with you. Poseidon couldn’t stand that you were giving Kojiro the most attention, fury filling him that the older samurai had your attention. It made him want to do even more to get your attention on him. You weren’t bothered by his fancy gifts when he would try to give them to you, refusing them, but his tenacity is what caught your attention, not willing to give up and you finally accepted one of his gifts, a bottle of wine, but you made him sit and enjoy it with you, showing him that there were more sides to you than he originally thought.
-Hercules- This man- this god, was like a giant puppy with you, smiling so brightly when he would call out your name when he sees you around. He’s so respectful of you and your power, not taking anything lightly, which you appreciated, but he’s also super sweet with you, taking your groceries from you, “Let me carry those for you!” he treated you like a lady, but knew for a fact you could probably kick his ass easily, especially if you used Yoru. You enjoyed seeing Hercules, as he showed you all around Valhalla, and he would always be willing to fight you, if you wanted to spar, as he knew he didn’t need to hold back against you.
-Loki- This MF!! He is such a little gremlin and a tease, popping up at random places to try and scare you, wanting to see more emotions out of you, calling out your name so cheerfully. Loki was complicated, if you needed a word to describe him, he was annoying, teasing, perverted, loud, and obnoxious, but as you hated to admit it, if he hadn’t come around for a few days, you found yourself missing his antics. It was sometimes too quiet without Loki’s obnoxious self, popping up at random times. He nearly melted when you patted his head when he came back, asking if you missed him, and you patted his head lightly, adoring your affections.
-Hades- Was very impressed with your skills when he saw you fight, wanting to test you himself, and laughed warmly when you refused to fight him, instead offering him a glass of wine. The two of you became fast friends, as you were similar in personality, usually so serious and stoic, but you did have your soft sides, him with his siblings and you with children. Hades usually got jealous when someone else would try to take your attention off of him, but he was calm about it, choosing instead to just glare harshly while pouting, which you noticed, poking his cheek when you came back, teasing him which he tried to deny that he wasn’t pouting.
-Rudra- Was very soft with you, acting like a gentleman, asking to walk with you, taking anything that you might be holding other than your swords, it was amusing, but appreciated. You found Rudra relaxing to be around, as he was mellow, but you could sense his strength, his determination. You laughed warmly when he asked to hold Yoru, wanting to see how heavy it is, as you were carrying it around like nothing and swung it with such ease. Even with holding it with all four of his hands, Yoru fell to the ground as he could barely hold it up and he gawked before showering you with praise for your strength.
-Indra- Quite and cool, you found solstice with the Hindu god, as he was relaxing to be around, as he didn’t ask you for fights on the regular, only about once a week or so, and he would just sit with you, enjoying spending time together. You did dislike when he smoked, as you didn’t like the smell, but he always made sure to sit downwind from you, so you weren’t overly bothered. You did, however, find out that he was a weak drinker, after you offered to share your wine with him. You couldn’t help but poke his cheek, teasing him as he was nursing a headache afterwards, finding it amusing while he found your teasing side to be rather cute.
-Hajun- You had to discipline him when he tried to grab Yoru, wanting you to fight him, easily taking him out with your unsheathed sword. He was shocked with how easily you were able to take him out, impressed with you while you sat on his chest, but he was unbothered, finding you light, as he asked to fight you again. He was rather territorial with you, if he were to see you, he would hug you and try to keep everyone else away, not willing to share such a strong opponent with anyone else. As time went on however, he grew more territorial, not wanting anyone around you at all, which was more of a headache for you than you thought.
-Kojiro- Kojiro was the only man you gave any physical attention to, mainly because he was your lover now, something he still couldn’t believe. The swell of happiness that would fill his heart when your arms would encircle his neck, hugging gently could warm him all throughout winter. He never asked you for fights, you were the one to ask him, which you didn’t do for anyone else, something he noticed but wouldn’t mention as he would let you curl up in his lap, being doted on by him so gently, your arms around his neck as you both basked in your quiet affections with each other.
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thebunnednun · 28 days
Whispers of the Heart Dracule Mihawk x Fm! Reader (Part 3)
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I do not own the artwork its by: @xuchuan25 Tell them they're amazing y'all!
Chapter 3 lets GOOO!
Part 1 can be found: Here
Part 2 is right: Here
Part 4 my loves!~
Don't be afraid to send me any requests my loves and if you are waiting for the next installment I have another Mihawk story:
*Shadows of the Blade (Dracule Mihawk x Assassin reader)
That one has juicy trama! :D
Like usual, never be afraid to hang out in the comments. I love you guys feedback and snort up all the love you show. <33
You've been Dracule Mihawk's personal maid and housekeeper for what feels like an eternity. Let's cut to the chase – you're a badass, sweetheart. Sexy, cool, and confident, with a reputation that precedes you. Been friends with the stoic man for eons by now.
Everyone knows you or knows of you, and it's not just because you keep Mihawk's castle running like a well-oiled machine.
So what happens when you develop feelings for your old friend and boss?
What does he do when he comes home to find you in his room without your panties?
______Chapter 3: Echoes of Departure/The Call to Adventure_______
As the morning sun began to struggle to rise over the ocean, a thick fog settled over Kuraigana Castle, with a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. Mihawk's departure loomed on the horizon, leaving a palpable void in the hearts of those he left behind. You stood on the castle's balcony, gaze fixed on the shore line as you watched the ship preparing to set sail.
Standing alone on the balcony, your fingers ran over the flowers Mihawk had planted there. Your thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, a turbulent sea of longing and uncertainty. You couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that settled in the pit of her stomach, knowing that Mihawk's absence would leave a void that no one else could fill. Perona and Zoro were lovely company! You just couldn't pinpoint when the old bird had worked his way into your heart but he built a nest there over the years.
You instinctively pulled her into the blanket you had brought with you, finding solace in the warmth of her embrace. Resting your chin atop her hairline, you welcomed the familiar comfort of her arms wrapping around your figure, enveloping you in a sense of security amidst the uncertainty. Breaking the silence, Perona spoke softly, her voice a soothing balm to your troubled thoughts.
"He'll be back before you know it," she offered, her voice soft with reassurance. "And in the meantime, we'll hold down the fort and keep things running smoothly."
You just nodded, grateful for Perona's unwavering support. "I know," you replied, forcing a smile. "It's just hard to keep this up after so many years." Perona glanced up, reassuringly her eyes filled with understanding. "I feel the same way," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness. "But we'll get through this together, just like we always do." With a heavy heart, you tore her gaze away from the ship and turned to face Perona. "Thank you, Perona," she said sincerely. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Perona smiled warmly, her pink hair catching the early dawn as she returned the gesture. "You don't have to do anything alone," she replied, her voice filled with conviction. "We lo-,"
There he stood, tall and imposing in his signature red jacket and black captain's hat, Yoru resting firmly against his shoulders. Beside him, Zoro stood, clad in the black jacket you had insisted he wear, a silent yet supportive presence. He caught your eye with a knowing look before composing himself.
Mihawk's gaze held a rare softness as he regarded you both, a subtle hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "I trust everything is in order," he remarked, his voice gruff yet tinged with a quiet warmth. You reached out to smooth out the lines of his shoulders and traced the hilt of Yoru. Mihawk stood patiently waiting for your approval until you dropped your hands.
You nodded, a sense of reassurance washing over you at the sight of Mihawk's familiar presence. "Yes, everything is under control," you assured him, your tone steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within you. "We'll manage just fine while you're away."
With a nod of acknowledgment, Mihawk turned to leave, his departure a silent reminder of the impending separation. But before he disappeared from view, he cast one last glance over his shoulder, his gaze cast towards his daughter like tenant before lingering on you with a quiet intensity that spoke volumes. Zoro stepped closer to give you and Perona a quick hug while looking away before following his master. You pulled him back for a moment to wrap your scarf around him before leaving a sparkly kiss on his cheek bone and whispering in his ear.
“Be safe and come back to me whole.”
Moss head grumbled like the tsundere he is before nodded at you with a firm look before disappearing out the glass doors. As you watched him depart, a bittersweet ache settled in your chest, a poignant reminder of the bond that tethered you to Mihawk and the uncertainty of his absence. Yet, amidst the turmoil, you found solace in the unwavering support of Perona and Zoro, a testament to the strength of the ties that bound you together, come what may.
Glancing down at Perona, you took her smaller hand in your own and held her cold fingers to your warm cheek. The two of you stood quietly, watching as the duo made their way to the shore. The sun barely broke over the ocean's horizon, casting long shadows and making them appear as two black specks in the distance. As they stood together on the balcony, watching them disappear into the distance, a sense of resolve settled over them, a silent vow to weather whatever storms lay ahead.
They turned towards the ship once more to find it had begun to set sail. Perona waved to her brother-friend and father figure as you held your breath. You could feel his stare and you raised your arm in the air to make a sweeping motion with your hand over your head. The fading figure repeated your farewell and air returned to your lungs.
And that was it. Mihawk never gave much notice when he was going to leave or when he would be coming back. It did so now, but only as a courtesy to you and Perona. Typically, you'd join him but the mixed up feelings in your tummy were only going to complicate that. So, the two of you stood in the early dawn watching as the boat disappeared over the horizon until there was nothing but open waters.
As the days passed, the absence of Mihawk lingered ironically like a shadow over Kuraigana Castle. You found yourself immersed in duties, channeling your energy into ensuring that the castle ran smoothly in his absence. But no matter how busy you kept herself, his absence was a constant presence in your mind.
Perona proved to be a steadfast companion during this time, her bubbly personality providing a welcome distraction from the lingering sense of emptiness. Together, you navigated the challenges of managing the castle, bond growing stronger with each passing day.
But as the days turned into weeks, you couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness that gnawed at her insides. You found herself longing for Mihawk's return, craving the comfort of his presence and the reassurance of his steady gaze.
One evening, as you stood on the balcony overlooking the castle grounds, lost in your thoughts, Perona approached her with a curious expression. "You seem troubled," she remarked, her voice soft with concern. "Is everything alright?"
You forced a smile, attempting to brush off her concerns. "I'm fine, Perona," you replied, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "Just missing Mihawk, I suppose."
Perona nodded understandingly, her eyes filled with sympathy. "I know how you feel about him," she admitted, her voice quiet. "I think it's okay, though. To feel that way about someone."
Your face flushed the same shade of pink as her locks before you offered her a shy smile. "Okay, Missy, you got me. You know my deep dark secret." You held your arms out to her and she gladly found herself in one of your cinnamon warm hugs. "It's not everyday you fall in love with an old friend, let alone one that's your boss."
Despite Perona's reassuring words, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. You knew that Mihawk's return was inevitable, but you couldn't help but wonder what would happen when he finally did come back.
Would things go back to normal, or would their relationship take on a new dynamic? And more importantly, would Mihawk ever understand and accept the depth of your feelings for him?
These thoughts were interrupted by the screech of your snail communicator. Startled, Perona beat you to the old thing a split second before you entered the room. Her face paled even more in color as she nodded before looking towards you and then back to the snail.
"Yes, I'll be sure to tell her. Okay, bye now."
The pink girl sighed before looking at you sadly. "That was Mihawk. He and Zoro have encountered trouble during their mission, and I am needed to assist them." Her eyes flashed with tears, "But I don't want to leave you either." You quickly crossed the room to draw her up into your arms again.
"Hey now, your master called for you so you must answer. I'm going to be okay, my love. Really, and I'll have dinner ready for you when you all get back." You slowly slumped to the floor with her in your arms as you felt her tears drop onto your collar bones. "This is tragic in a way that I can NOT tolerate!" She pulled herself from your arms to look you square in your eyes.
"You have to promise me that when we return you'll confess to him! I'm gonna go crazy if you guys keep acting like nothings going on!"
Taking in her soft, yet desperate features, you chuckled softly and wiped the tears from her pale cheeks. It always made you happy to see how full of life Perona was despite everything else around her.
"Okay, Perona. I promise I will tell Mihawk everything when he arrives home."
She looked at you with relief before slumping into the crook of your neck. "Finally, I was needing a mother anyway." That comment left you a little breathless which caused a fit of giggling to erupt from the young ward. "Yeah, yeah, the big bad sea lady has a crush on an old dusty hawk. Now let's get you some transportation before our master calls again."
Within the next two hours, you had packed Peronas bags and sent her on a trusted passage to Mihawk and Zoro's last location. You didn’t want to let her go yet but instead gave her two of your gold bracelets and had her give you the same promise you told Zoro. Your arms were still buzzing from the feeling of joy you got when Perona expressed her approval over you as a mother figure. But it also makes the now empty castle feel even colder than before now that you were alone again.
In your dimly lit chamber, you couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that engulfed her. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you grappled with the overwhelming sense of loneliness that threatened to consume you.
Isn't the human mind a wonderful thing?
Within that moment of vulnerability, you allowed herself to confront her deepest desires. You yearned for a sense of belonging, a family to call her own. The thought of being surrounded by loved ones, of sharing your life with those who truly cared for her, filled you with a sense of longing she had never known before.
With a heavy heart, you realized that you had spent so much time focusing on her duties and responsibilities that you had neglected your own happiness. You had built walls around your heart, believing that you didn't need anyone else to feel complete. But now, as you sat alone in the silence of your chamber, you couldn't deny the ache in your soul, the longing for connection and companionship.
It was the main reason you became a pirate, really. You didn't have a traditional family of your own but you could build one with your friends and comrades. You loved the letters your crew members would send you and the pictures of their own happy families. You loved waking up everyday and seeing Perona and Mihawk squawking at the table, especially when Zoro would join.
Determined to confront your loneliness head-on, you made a decision. You would no longer hide behind your walls of independence and self-reliance. Instead, you would open herself up to the possibility of love and companionship, embracing the vulnerability that came with it.
With newfound resolve, you wiped away your tears and rose from her seat. It was time to take control of her own destiny, to seek out the happiness and fulfillment she so desperately craved. And with that thought in mind, she set out to make a change, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on her journey to find true happiness.
And then your transponder snail began to ring.
“Hello, who is this?”
“Ah, my love. It’s been too long!”
A soft groan escaped your lips before turning into a smile.
“Shanks, you old rat bastard. What are you up to?”
It had been a few months since you’d seen the red-haired boozer. Sometimes, he would visit the island when Mihawk was out, and you’d have a small friendship date on the secluded beach. It wasn’t a problem for you, as you were close when younger, and he always regarded you as a sister of sorts — protective and kind, yet trusting of your capabilities.
“Not much, lass, but word on the street is that the world government thinks you’ve kicked it.” You scoffed before rolling your eyes. “You know as well as I do that I’m just taking a break.”
The static on his end began to pick up before his voice came back in. “When are you going to come back from this break? We do miss you, y'know. Could always use a doctor on board or Pirate Queen.” You took in a deep breath and sighed. “I was actually thinking about that today.” The line went silent for a thoughtful moment before you could hear his voice again.
“[Name], what are you going to decide?”
As Shanks's words lingered in your mind, you found yourself grappling with the weight of his question. What were you going to decide? The idea of returning to the life of a pirate, with all its adventure and freedom, stirred something deep within you. You missed your old crew but knew they were happy with their families and didn’t want to leave them again. At the same time, you couldn't shake the sense of duty and responsibility that tied you to Kuraigana Island and its inhabitants.
The whole reason you left in the first place was because you didn’t want to continue these boring routines. You didn’t shy from the danger of your bounty but at the same time you weren’t going to risk innocent lives for the sake of adventure. And by doing so you now began a complicated relationship with one of your oldest friends and practically confessed your love for him to his daughter!
You didn’t want to be alone.
Pacing back and forth in your room, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on you like a heavy burden. On one hand, there was the allure of the open sea, the thrill of exploration, and the camaraderie of a pirate crew. On the other hand, there was the comfort and familiarity of the island, the sense of belonging, and the bonds you had forged with Mihawk, Perona, and Zoro.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, trying to quiet the conflicting voices in your mind. Deep down, you knew that whatever decision you made, it would have far-reaching consequences. But in that moment, you also knew that you couldn't let fear hold you back from seizing the opportunity for a new adventure. With a determined resolve, you reached for your den den mushi and took a steadying breath before speaking.
"Shanks, I've made my decision."
"Go on, love. I'm listening," Shanks replied, his voice a steady anchor amidst the storm of your thoughts.
You took a moment to gather your thoughts before speaking, each word weighed with the gravity of your decision.
"I've decided... to take a chance. To embrace the unknown and embark on a new journey."
There was a pause on the other end of the line, followed by a soft chuckle from Shanks. "That's the spirit, [Name]. Adventure awaits, and if you need it I've got just the crew for you." Despite the uncertainty still swirling within you, a sense of excitement began to bubble up. The prospect of your brother friend offering a home with his crew filled you with a renewed sense of happiness.
"Thank you, Shanks. I won't let you down," you replied, determination firm in your voice.
“I know you won’t Give the old bird a big kiss for me, will ya?”
With a final farewell, you ended the call and turned to face the open sea beyond your window. The horizon stretched out before you, beckoning you with promises of adventure and discovery.
As you made your way out of your room and into the empty halls of Kuraigana Castle, you couldn't help but feel a sense of liberation wash over you. For the first time in a long while, you felt truly alive, ready to embrace whatever the future held.
With a smile on your face and a fire in your heart, you set out to make preparations for your journey, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, you would face them head-on, with courage and determination.
But first you’d need to pay a visit to a Flashy Blue Haired Freak!~
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This is also posted on the a03 account by the same name. A new update post will also be out tomorrow regarding updates and new stories.
Part 5 posted now.
Please check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please.
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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mangolon · 1 year
Seasons of Kamen Rider Where a Rider’s Actor Sang a Song
Hiroshi Fujioka (Takeshi Hongo) sings the first opening for Kamen Rider - Let’s Go! Rider Kick!
Hiroshi Miyauchi (Shiro Kazami) sings the opening for Kamen Rider V3 - Tatakae! Kamen Rider V3
Shunsuke Takasugi (Kazuya Oki) sings the opening for Kamen Rider Super-1 - Kamen Rider Super-1
Shunsuke Takasugi (Kazuya Oki) sings the first ending song for Kamen Rider Super-1 - Hi o Fuke Rider Ken
Tetsuo Kurata (Kohtaro Minami) sings the opening for Kamen Rider Black - Kamen Rider Black
Tetsuo Kurata (Kohtaro Minami) sings the ending theme for Kamen Rider Black: Hurry to Onigashima -  Ore no Seishun
Tetsuo Kurata (Kohtaro Minami) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Black RX - Kuroi Yuusha
Satoshi Matsuda (Ren Akiyama) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Ryuki - Lonely Soldier
Ryohei Odai (Shuichi Kitaoka) duets with Tomohisa Yuge (Goro Yura) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Ryuki - Dear Friend
Ryohei Odai (Shuichi Kitaoka) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Ryuki - Kienai Niji
Takashi Hagino (Takeshi Asakura) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Ryuki - Spinnin’ Around
Masayuki Izumi (Yuji Kiba) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Faiz - Cross a river
Mitsuru Karahashi (Naoya Kaido) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Faiz - Yume No Kakera ~ Romantico
Yuria Haga (Smart Queen) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Faiz - I wish
Yuria Haga (Smart Queen) duets with Yoshika Kato for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Faiz - Taiyou no Kage Tsuki no Yoru
Ken Mizorogi (Keitaro Kikuchi) sings an insert song for Kamen Rider Faiz - Hang on
In 2018, Kento Handa (Takumi Inui) and Kohei Murakami (Masato Kusaka) sing a cover of the opening for Kamen Rider Faiz - Justifaiz
In 2020, Kohei Murakami (Masato Kusaka) sings a cover of an insert song for Kamen Rider Faiz - Existence ~KAIXA-nized dice
In 2020, Kohei Murakami (Masato Kusaka) sings a cover of an insert song for Kamen Rider Faiz - Red Rock
In 2023, Kohei Murakami (Masato Kusaka) duets with Masahiro Inoue (Tsukasa Kadoya) for a cover of the opening for Kamen Rider Faiz - Jusitfaiz - Kaixa Day Ver.
Kousei Amano (Sakuya Tachibana) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Blade - Rebirth
Ryoji Morimoto (Hajime Aikawa) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Blade - Take it A Try
Takayuki Tsubaki (Kazuma Kenzaki) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Blade - Wanna Be Strong
Takayuki Tsubaki (Kazuma Kenzaki) duets with Terunosuke Takezai for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Blade - Shout it Out
Takahiro Hojo (Mutsuki Kamijo) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Blade - Hero
Yuki Sato (Arata Kagami) sings alongside RIDER CHIPS for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kabuto - LORD OF THE SPEED
Toshihiko Seki (Momotaros), Koji Yusa (Urataros), Masaki Terasoma (Kintaros) and Kenichi Suzumura (Ryutaros) all sing the second opening for Kamen Rider Den-O - Climax JUMP Den-LINER Form
Takeru Satoh (Ryotaro Nogami) duets with Toshihiko Seki (Momotaros) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Den-O - Double-Action Sword Form
Takeru Satoh (Ryotaro Nogami) duets with Koji Yusa (Urataros) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Den-O -  Double-Action Rod Form
Takeru Satoh (Ryotaro Nogami) duets with Masaki Terasoma (Kintaros) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Den-O -  Double-Action Ax Form
Takeru Satoh (Ryotaro Nogami) duets with Kenichi Suzumura (Ryutaros) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Den-O -  Double-Action Gun Form
Takeru Satoh (Ryotaro Nogami) duets with Shin-ichiro Miki (Sieg) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Den-O - Double-Action Wing Form
Toshihiko Seki (Momotaros), Koji Yusa (Urataros), Masaki Terasoma (Kintaros), Kenichi Suzumura (Ryutaros) and Hochu Otsuka (Deneb) all sing an insert theme for Kamen Rider Den-O - Double-Action Climax Form
Dori Sakurada (Kotaro Nogami) duets with Daisuke Ono (Teddy) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Den-O - Double-Action Strike Form
Hiroyuki Watanabe (Gaoh) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Den-O: Ore Tanjou! - Double-Action Gaoh Form
Yuuichi Nakamura (Yuto Sakurai) duets with Hochu Otsuka (Deneb) for an insert theme from Kamen Rider Den-O - Action-ZERO
Takeru Satoh (Ryotaro Nogami) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Den-O - Real-Action
In 2010, Yuuichi Nakamura (Yuto Sakurai) duets with Hochu Otsuka (Deneb) for the opening for Chou Den-O Episode Red: Zero no Star Twinkle - Action-ZERO 2010
The band TETRA-FANG is created to create music for Kamen Rider Kiva, with Koji Seto (Wataru Kurenai) on vocals
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Destiny’s Play
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Individual-System
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Shout in the Moonlight
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Innocent Trap
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Supernova
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Roots of the King
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Silent Shout
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Message
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Rainy Rose
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Exterminate Time
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen RIder Kiva - Eternity Blood
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - No Matter Who You Are
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Prayer~Message 2
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Beginning~Message 3
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Mind Garden
TETRA-FANG performs an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Lightning to Heaven
Koji Seto (Wataru Kurenai) is a featuring artist with Crimson-Fang, singing an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - With you
Keisuke Kato (Keisuke Nago) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Fight for Justice
Keisuke Kato (Keisuke Nago) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Don’t Lose Yourself
Kouhei Takeda (Otoya Kurenai) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - This love never ends
Yu Takahashi (Yuri Aso) duets with Nana Yanagisawa (Megumi Aso) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Feel the same
Keisuke Kato (Keisuke Nago) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - IXA-cise
Kenji Matsuda (Jiro) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Keep alive
Yu Takahashi (Yuri Aso), Kouhei Takeda (Otoya Kurenai), Nana Yanagisawa (Megumi Aso) and Keisuke Kato (Keisuke Nago) all sing an insert theme for Kamen Rider Kiva - Inherited-System
Masahiro Inoue (Tsukasa Kadoya) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Decade - Ride the Wind
Kimito Totani (Daiki Kaito) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Decade - Treasure Sniper
In 2021, Masahiro Inoue (Tsukasa Kadoya) covers the opening of Kamen Rider Decade - Journey Through the Decade
In 2021, Masahiro Inoue (Tsukasa Kadoya) duets with So Okuno (Sougo Tokiwa) on the ending theme of Rider Time: Kamen Rider Decade vs. Zi-O - Decade Mansion’s Death Game - INSIDE-OUT Decade ver.
Koji Kikkawa (Sokichi Narumi) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider W - Nobody’s Perfect
Renn Kiriyama (Shotaro Hidari) and Masaki Suda (Philip) perform an in-universe cover of an insert theme for Kamen Rider W - Finger on the Trigger
Mitsuru Matsuoka (Katsumi Daido) sings the ending theme for Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate - W
Mitsuru Matsuoka (Katsumi Daido) sings the ending theme for Kamen Rider W Returns: Kamen Rider Eternal - cod E ~E no Angou
Mitsuru Matsuoka (Katsumi Daido) with Koji Kikkawa (Sokichi Narumi) for the chorus sings the ending theme for Fuuto PI - Tsumi to Batsu to Underground
Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) sings alongside Maki Oguro for the opening for Kamen Rider OOO - Anything Goes! Special Edit
Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider OOO - Regret Nothing ~ Tighten Up
Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider OOO - Got to Keep It Real
Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider OOO - Ride On Right Time
Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider OOO - Sun Goes Up
Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) duets with Ryosuke Miura (Ankh) for an insert theme of Kamen Rider OOO - Time Judged All
Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider OOO - Shout Out
Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) duets with Akira Kushida for an insert theme of Kamen Rider OOO - Power to Tearer
Hiroaki Iwanaga (Akira Date) duets with Asaya Kimijima (Shintaro Goto) for an insert theme of Kamen Rider OOO - Reverse/Re:birth
Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) and Ryosuke Miura (Ankh) sing alongside Ken Matsudaira for the ending theme of Kamen Rider OOO Wonderful: the Shogun and 21 Core Medals - Ole! Te wo Tsunagou
In 2019, Shu Watanabe (Eiji Hino) duets with Ryosuke Miura (Ankh) for an insert theme of Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Final: Build & Ex-Aid with Legend Riders - Time Judged All ~ 8 Years Later
Gaku Sano (Kouta Kazuraba) sings an insert theme of Kamen Rider Gaim - Rise Up Your Flag
Yutaka Kobayashi (Kaito Kumon) sings an insert theme of Gaim Gaiden: Kamen Rider Baron - Unperfected World
Mahiro Takasugi (Mitsuzane Kureshima) sings an insert theme of Kamen Rider Gaim - Point of No Return
Gaku Sano (Kouta Kazuraba) duets with Yutaka Kobayashi (Kaito Kumon) for an insert theme of Kamen Rider Gaim - Ranbu Escalation
Yutaka Kobayashi (Kaito Kumon) sings alongside Gaku Matsuda (Zack) and Saku Momose (Peko) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Gaim - Never Surrender
Yutaka Kobayashi (Kaito Kumon) sings alongside Gaku Matsuda (Zack) and Saku Momose (Peko) for an insert theme for Gaim Gaiden: Kamen Rider Knuckle - Dance With Me
Mitsuru Matsuoka (Yongo) sings the opening for Kamen Rider Drive - SURPRISE-DRIVE
Ryoma Takeuchi (Shinnosuke Tomari) sings alonside Yuu Inaba (Go Shijima) and Taiko Katono (Chase) for an insert theme of Kamen Rider Drive - Spinning Wheel
Mitsuru Matsuoka (Yongo) sings the ending theme for D-Video Special: Kamen Rider Yongo - time
Mitsuru Matsuoka (Yongo) sings the ending theme for Kamen Rider Drive: Surprise Future - re-ray
Mitsuru Matsuoka (Yongo) sings the ending theme for Kamen Rider Drive Saga: Kamen Rider Chaser - good bye little moon
Mitsuru Matsuoka (Yongo) sings the ending theme for Kamen Rider Drive Saga: Kamen Rider Mach and Kamen Rider Heart - eternity (~from SURPRISE-DRIVE)
Ruka Matsuda (Poppy Pipopapo) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid - Pinple Pell
Ruka Matsuda (Poppy Pipopapo) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid - PEOPLE GAME
Ruka Matsuda (Poppy Pipopapo) sings the ending song for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Trilogy: Another Ending - Para-DX and Poppy - Real Heart
Hiroyuki Takami (Masamune Dan) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid - JUSTICE
Hiroyuki Takami (Masamune Dan) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid - Wish in the dark
Hiroyuki Takami (Masamune Dan) sings the theme song for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Trilogy: Another Ending - Genm vs. Lazer - Believer
Hiroyuki Takami (Masamune Dan) sings the theme song for Kamen Rider Genms - The Presidents - GAME CHANGER
ISSA (SOUGO) is a featuring artist on Shuta Shueyoshi of AAA, singing the opening for Kamen Rider Zi-O - Over “Quartzer”
So Okuno (Sougo Tokiwa) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Zi-O - Zi-O, Toki no Ouja
Gaku Oshida (Geiz Myokoin) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Zi-O - FUTURE GUARDIAN
Keisuke Watanabe (Woz/White Woz) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Zi-O - Black&White
Shieri Ohata (Alpina Tsukuyomi) sings alongside Kamen Rider Girls an insert theme for Kamen Rider Zi-O - Tsuki no Michiru Toki
Hideya Tawada (Rentaro Kagura) sings alongside Sakuramen for the opening for Rider Time: Kamen Rider Shinobi - IZANAGI
ISSA (SOUGO) sings alongside Masayuki Tanaka, Shinichi Ishihara, Rica Matsumoto, Nanase Aikawa, Akira Fuse, YU-KI, AAA, Tourbillon, Gackt, Aya Kamiki, Takuya, Maki Oguro, Anna Tsuchiya, Shou Kiryuuin, Shonen no Kaze, Mitsuru Matsuoka, Kishidan, Daichi Miura and Beverly for the opening for Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Forever - Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Forever Medley D.A. Re-Build Mix
In 2021, So Okuno (Sougo Tokiwa) duets with Masahiro Inoue (Tsukasa Kadoya) for the ending theme of Kamen Rider Zi-O vs. Decade - 7 of Zi-O! - INSIDE-OUT Zi-O ver.
Manyard and Blaise Plant (MetsubouJinrai), the lead singers of MONKEY MAJIK, sing the ending theme of Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai - S.O.S.
Manyard and Blaise Plant (MetsubouJinrai), the lead singers of MONKEY MAJIK, sing the ending theme of Zero-One Others: Kamen Rider Vulcan and Valkyrie - Frontier
Syuichiro Naito (Touma Kamiyama), Takaya Yamaguchi (Rintaro Shindo) and Ryo Aoki (Kento Fukamiya) all sing an insert theme for Kamen Rider Saber - Rewrite the Story
Rina Chinen (Sophia) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Saber - Story never ends
Syuichiro Naito (Touma Kamiyama), Takaya Yamaguchi (Rintaro Shindo) and Ryo Aoki (Kento Fukamiya) sing alongside Asuka Kawazu for the ending theme of Kamen Rider Saber: Trio of Deep Sin - Bittersweet
Robin Furuya (Storious) sings alongside Kairu Takano and Koji Saikawa for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Saber - Rock Scissors Paper
Subaru Kimura (Vice) is a featuring artist on Da-iCE, singing the opening for Kamen Rider Revice - liveDevil
Kentaro Maeda (Ikki Igarashi), Wataru Hyuga (Daiji Igarashi) and Ayaka Imoto (Sakura Igarashi) with backing vocals by Subaru Kimura (Vice) sing an insert theme for Kamen Rider Revice - Go with the flo
Kentaro Maeda (Ikki Igarashi) and Subaru Kimura (Vice) sing an insert theme for Kamen Rider Revice - VOLCANO
Kentaro Maeda (Ikki Igarashi) duets with Junya Komatsu (Hiromi Kadota) for the ending theme of Kamen Rider Revice the Mystery - Without You
Junya Komatsu (Hiromi Kadota) sings the ending theme for Kamen Rider Revice: Dear GAGA - Without You Dear GAGA ver.
Wataru Hyuga (Daiji Igarashi/Kagerou) sings an insert theme of Kamen Rider Revice - Mirage Mirror
Ayaka Imoto (Sakura Igarashi) duets with Miku Ito (Lovekov) for an insert theme of Kamen Rider Revice - Cherry-ish!
Subaru Kimura (Vice) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Revice - #GekiyaVice
Hikari Kabashima (Hana Natsuki) sings the ending theme of Kamen Rider Jeanne and Kamen Rider Aguilera With Girls Remix - Riot in bloom
Subaru Kimura (Vice) is a featuring artist on Da-iCE, singing the ending theme for Kamen Rider Revice: Battle Familia - Dance Dance
Noritaka Hamao (George Karizaki) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Revice - George Karizaki’s Rider System
Noritaka Hamao (George Karizaki) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Revice - George Karizaki’s Rider System Dark ver.
Kentaro Maeda (Ikki Igarashi) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Revice - Kimi wa Sono Mama de
Wataru Hyuga (Daiji Igarashi/Kagerou) duets with Junya Komatsu (Hiromi Kadota) for the opening theme for Kamen Rider Revice Forward: Kamen Rider Live & Evil & Demons - Come alive
Kentaro Maeda (Ikki Igarashi), Wataru Hyuga (Daiji Igarashi/Kagerou), Ayaka Imoto (Sakura Igarashi), Junya Komatsu (Hiromi Kadota), Hayata Seki (Olteca), Kurodo Hachijoin (Go Tamaki), Hikari Kabashima (Hana Natsuki) and Noritaka Hamao (George Karizaki) all sing the ending theme for Kamen Rider Revice Forward: Kamen Rider Live & Evil & Demons - Love yourself
Noritaka Hamao (George Karizaki) duets with Hayata Seki (Olteca) for an ending theme for Kamen Rider Juuga VS Kamen Rider Olteca - Itoshi no Frenemy
Hideyoshi Kan (Ace Ukiyo) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Geats - Star of the Stars of the Stars
Ryuga Sato (Keiwa Sakurai) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Geats - I Peace
Yuna Hoshino (Neon Kurama) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Geats - Beat of My Life
Kazuto Mokudai (Michinaga Azuma) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Geats - Undead Fire
Hideyoshi Kan (Ace Ukiyo) duets with Fuku Suzuki (Ziin) for an insert theme for Kamen Rider Geats - Live for the moment
Weather Hearts, which has Tsubasa Sakiyama (Win Hareruya) and Kaname Futaba (Hiroki Amamiya) on vocals, performs an insert theme for Geats Extra: Kamen Rider PunkJack - ROLLIN’ ROLLIN’ PUNK KING
Ryo Kitamura (Niram) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Geats - Non-fiction
Kazuto Mokudai (Michinaga Azuma), Ayaka Namiki (Beroba), Dai Goto (Daichi Isuzu) and Shihou Harumi all sing an insert theme for Kamen Rider Geats - Odds n’ Ends
Ryuga Sato (Keiwa Sakurai) duets with Hideya Tawada (Rentaro Kagura) for the opening theme for Geats Extra: Kamen Rider Tycoon Meets Kamen Rider Shinobi - IZANAGI Geats ver.
Ryuga Sato (Keiwa Sakurai) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Geats - IZANAGI - Ballad Version
Hideyoshi Kan (Ace Ukiyo), Ryuga Sato (Keiwa Sakurai), Yuna Hoshino (Neon Kurama) and Kazuto Mokudai (Michinaga Azuma) all sing alongside Kokoro Aoshima for the opening theme for Kamen Rider Geats: Jyamato Awakening - CREATORs
Jyutaro Yamanaka (Zukyumpire) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Gotchard - Kimi ni Zukkyun
Seiichiro Nagata (Houou Kaguya Quartz) sings an insert theme for Kamen Rider Gotchard - Living Legend
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Hunted by a sunless city that never sleeps (part 1)
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Dracule Mihawk x reader
Werewolf!AU for the short series that began with Built a haven for your love (until I let you fall apart). Can be read as a standalone.
This is part one of five. This fic is dedicated to @alphaash99.
Title taken by another song by Beast in Black -Moonlight Rendezvous- since it's not part of the main continuity. Kuraigana Island is Mihawk's home in the manga/anime.
Shanks being in a relationship with his crew's doctor is an allusion to this headcanon list and then to this fic, even though they take place in a different continuity.
One day Mihawk, soon after waking up, searches for you in his bed and doesn't find you.
The discovery shouldn't be too surprising, since you are not living with him, and you never did; thus, your absence is the norm, nor the exception, and surely nothing to wonder or get alarmed about.
On the other hand, it is true than ever since he moved to Kuraigana Island you have been the sole regular visitor, and the only one who he actually invited; indeed, excluding occasional sailors or pirates who inadvertently stumble upon his home and are strongly encouraged to leave as soon as they can, you are the only person he has been in the company of while he remains in the solitary islet he had made his home. If there is someone he could expect to see in his castle, it is undoubtedly you.
Still, what he feels as he turns, barely half-awake and vaguely groggy after a night of deep sleep, and sees the other half of the bed empty, is not simply confusion, followed by the realization you haven't visited in weeks; it is disappointment, and the reason for that is much more private and difficult to describe...
Mihawk had first met you in his (and your) youth, and ever since your paths have kept crossing regularly, a series of coincidences only partially attributable to the fact that you were both allied with the World Government, he as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and you as a mercenary, and had therefore to regularly visit the Marines HQ. It was as if destiny kept pushing the two of you together, he more than once reflected as he sat in front of you to enjoy a glass of red wine and an intelligent conversation, for some inscrutable reason, but in the privacy of his heart he was actually glad of it, since you were one of the very few people whose company he genuinely enjoyed. In time, your relationship had developed, and you had become part of him, someone who was almost constantly in his thoughts and who made him genuinely happy with your mere presence.
At first, as he became aware of his feelings, it had been unsettling, almost terrifying, to realize there was a person who had that sort of influence on him; in time, those emotions were replaced with relief, and gratitude, because he now knows you feel the same for him.
He has always been an early riser, quickly leaving his bed after waking up instead of wasting time lounging (unless, of course, you are there with him) but today Mihawk lingers for a while, a pensive expression on his face as he contemplates the other half of the bed, empty and unslept in, before finally rising and beginning his day.
As usual, he spends the morning training, first with Yoru and then with a smaller blade, one of the last three remaining works of a deceased swordmaker that you had found and gifted him; it is an excellent weapon, deadly and of exquisite workmanship, but that is only one of the reasons why he is so fond of it. He prefers to practice outside, having furnished a clearing behind the castle as a suitable training ground, but the day is rainy, the blue of the sky completely covered by thunderous clouds as a veritable deluge falls on the island, and thus he decides to retreat to the armory, a large hall in the east wing that is still as serviceable as it had been centuries ago, for the lords and the soldiers who once inhabited the castle. As he wields his sword, practicing lunges, parries and figures he could repeat in his sleep but still repeats over and over again, either against the leather and straw dummies or an invisible opponent, he is almost inhumanly focused, no thought or emotion distracting him from his life mission, the title he conquered more than twenty years ago and has since then defended against countless opponents. Mihawk is not the sort of man who, fulfilled his ambition, loses interest in what he does and lets complacency weaken him; conversely, ever since he has become the world's strongest swordsman he has been training twice as hard as before, pushing his body and his mind to their limits and beyond.
One day, perhaps after old age has weakened him, someone stronger than him will come, or he will die, making way for another swordsman to claim the prize he had aspired to since he was old enough to hold a wooden sword; but that day is still far in the future, and the world will know the name of Dracule Mihawk for many years to come.
The sun has barely begun its descend in the sky when Mihawk stops, wipes perspiration from his face and gives himself permission to stop, and eat. Returning to the set of rooms he has claimed as his own when he moved to the island (not the largest apartment of the castle, nor the most grandiose, probably belonging to a less important member of the royal family or a minister; still, it's perfect for him, and Mihawk feels no discomfort whatsoever in inhabiting alone a castle once populated by dozens of people), he glances out one of the large windows along the main corridor. The sky is still grey, but the violent downpur of that morning has decreased to a light drizzle, the murmuring of the drops hitting the ground reaching him through the glass.
His transponder snail is resting on a table close to the door of the banquet hall, where Mihawk regularly has his meals. He reaches it, quickly dialing a number he has long known by heart.
When the call is picked up, the voice that answers is not yours, rather that of a man - which does not surprise, or anger, Mihawk.
"Lady (name)'s line. How can I help you?"
"It is Dracule Mihawk." he explains, and he doesn't need to say more; after all, even when a secretary is entrusted with your transponder snail while you are otherwise occupied, he is the only person, together with your mother, whose calls you always accept, even if it's not an urgent matter and you are busy.
"Just a minute, sir; I will call her immediately." the secretary answers, as expected, and less than two minutes pass before he can hear your voice through the receiver, which in turn is enough to make him smile - at least when he is alone.
"Hi." you murmur, your tone low and intimate. Mihawk leans against the wall, his legs crossed at the ankles, enjoying the moment.
"Hello. Am I disturbing you?"
"Not at all; I had a meeting with the treasurer, but we finished earlier than expected. And you know you never disturb, I'm so glad to hear from you."
There is no mistaking the sincerity and affection in your voice, and Mihawk sighs; suddenly the prospect of waking up alone tomorrow as well is unbearable.
"Are you all right?"
"I am. It is raining today; it made me think about that day."
"Did it?" you ask in a more playful tone; you don't need to ask which day, which pleases Mihawk more than he would feel comfortable with admitting "I had no idea you were such a romantic."
"It was a good day." he softly points out, before moving on to the main reason for his call "Can you come over?"
A brief pause; Mihawk can't see you, but he knows you are smiling as well, savouring the unexpressed reason behind that request, which is also why you unnecessarily ask:"When?"
Now. "As soon as you can."
"I think I can be there the day after tomorrow in the morning; it is my mother's birthday today, but from tomorrow on I can clear my schedule for a few days."
You quickly arrange to meet at the harbour as usual; you usually keep your conversations brief, which is perhaps surprising for two people in a long-distance relationship, preferring to exchange letters, and Mihawk is about to say goodbye when he hears you speak again.
"Just one thing."
"The full moon is seven days from now." you cautiously mention, and Mihawk, who had hoped he could convince you to stay for a little longer, sighs; he is not going to insist, or to reproach you, both because he doesn't want to be that sort of partner and he knows how important it is for you to take part in the ceremony, but he has to admit it: the whole affair is starting to annoy him.
"All right." he answers in the end with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, I... I could wait for it to be over and come later..."
That would work, the swordsman reasons; you would have more time to clear your schedule, as well as to spend with him. Still, that would mean having to wait more than a week before your next meeting...
"There's no need. I... I want to see you. As soon as possible."
Mihawk hesitates; the ease with which that confession leaves his lips is almost scary, even though he knows you are the only person in the world he could talk like that to, and you will always keep his secrets... as he would keep yours.
"This morning..."
"This morning I woke up and you weren't there."
For a few moments silence falls on the two of you; when he finally hears your voice, it sounds strangely strained, as if your emotions prevented you from talking.
"I'll be there tomorrow night."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. I'll leave as soon as my mother goes to bed tonight, she won't mind and we'll save an evening at least."
Mihawk is now openly smiling. "All right. I'll be waiting for you."
"You do it, Hawk Eyes."
You say goodbye, and close the call. Mihawk is happy no one can see him in that moment; he looks out of the window in front of him, and sees a timid sun emerging among the clouds.
In the years, a quiet, apparently distant but firm friendship had blossomed between you, a somewhat surprising rapport for a solitary man like him that Mihawk nonetheless hoped would resist the test of time. He respected you, trusted you and genuinely enjoyed your company, as he did with very few people in the world; he did think you were an attractive woman, but there was also much more in you that he appreciated.
He never thought your relationship could change; he knew you occasionally took lovers, mainly during your travels since the island where you lived was so small it would have been impossible to avoid your old flames, while he had been alone for a few years and was perfectly content with that state of affairs...
... until one day he saw you admiring the raging sea under a stormy sky, the crescent moon hidden by iron-grey clouds, from a pier not far from the inn you were staying at. A large umbrella was open above your head, but that had not been enough to protect you from the deluge, coupled with the strong wind blowing from the sea: your boots, your dress, above which you wore the holster of your favourite gun hanging from your waist, and even your face, were drenched, as you remained still as a statue, your gaze embracing the huge combers raising from the sea's surface.
It was such a peculiar scene, Mihawk approached you under his own umbrella, wanting to know why in the world you were not hurrying towards the inn or even just a shop to take shelter from the rain. "(name), is everything all right? You'll catch pnneumonia if you remain here..."
He realized a moment later than he should have that he was talking to you as if he were your father, and you a child too young to know better, but when you looked at him, it was with your usual friendly smile, not a frown.
"I know; I just... love the rain; it makes me feel alive." you explained "Sometimes I just like to look at it. It reminds me of when I was young, and I would go out and play when it poured. My poor mother who had to go outside and drag me in..."
You had to be cold, but you were smiling, your eyes lost behind some distant memory. The spectacle of the stormy sea was striking, Mihawk privately admitted; it could remind any pirate, no matter how experienced they were or how large their ship, that its power was still overwhelming, and the danger of drowning and shipwreck unwise to forget.
"My father used to say rain is good, because it nourishes the earth and washes blood away; when I let it wash over me, sometims I feel as if it could clean me from pain and bad memories."
"I wish that were so easy." Mihawk mused; his coat, not to mention the part of his chest left bare by it, was starting to get wet as well, but he suddenly felt much less desirous to find shelter than a minute before.
"Yes, me too."
You smiled at him, perfectly aware and unconcerned about the bizarre show you were offering, and something in the quiet beauty of your form, soaking wet but so at ease surrounded by the fury of the storm, fascinated him. Obeying a sudden, irresistible impulse, Mihawk kissed you, a kiss you happily returned, your still warm body pressed against his, one of your hands caressing his hair as his held you by the waist; he felt you shiver, but the rain could take no credit for it. It was the most unexpected, sweetest kiss of his life, one he wished would last for hours and that at the same time was not enough to quench the desire suddenly burning in his belly; and when your eyes met, there was no need for words to make him realize you wanted the same.
You returned to the inn together, him holding the umbrella above both of your heads, and left your rain-drenched clothes on the floor (but, you had carefully placed the holster of your gun on a chest of drawers, and he had propped Yoru against the nearby wall) as you made love on the bed. Your friendship had ended that night; and something even more precious had taken its place, something that on the next morning, as he contemplated the now clear sky out of the room's window and you still slept, curled up against his side, he realized he wanted to be more than an one-off occurrence.
Thanks all the Gods, you had been of one mind on that as well.
You have been lovers for three years now, a relationship you are both fully committed to, and to each other. You have never spoken much about it, not feeling the need to give a name to what you share, aware that wherever you are, while he takes care of his duties as a Warlord and you travel the world in search of your next quarry, you both carry each other in your heart. One day, he supposes, the two of you will have to think about the future: after all, you will have an island to govern once your mother passes, which means you will also have much less time to devout to impromptu vacations with your lover; also, he hopes sooner or later you will tell him about the plenilune ceremony, and your flask, and the reason why you have never invited him to your island.
It will all go well; he trusts you, and what you share, enough to be sure. And until then he will respect your secrets, and simply wish you didn't have to part so soon.
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Odd Combat 1
Dracule Mihawk x Reader
Word Count: 1,152
Warnings: slight nsfw at the end, blood, violence, bullying (it's buggy I can't help myself)
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You gripped the hilts of your dual blades, Mihawk’s sharp eyes staring at you lazily from his beach chair. 
“Are you sure you want to do this? Challenging me to a duel.” He droned, shifting his attention to the wine glass he was swirling in his hand. “You don’t seem to have thought this through. You’re so small to be fighting me, and I duel to the death.”
His arrogance and disrespect engendered hot rage to bloom in your chest. But you knew it was unwise to let it consume you because it would cloud your judgment, so you tamped it down with several deep breaths before responding. “You should know better than anyone not to judge someone on their size. The fight you had with Plembo the Tontatta was legendary.
Sitting to Mihawk’s left, Buggy laughed, “Aw look Mihawk has quite the little fan.”
And sitting to Mihawk’s right, Crocodile growled, “No, no, you don’t talk now,” Reaching behind Mihawk and engulfing the clown’s head in his palm, gently ruffling his blue locks. 
Mihawk and you didn’t acknowledge the other two men, because you carried on your conversation like nothing had happened.
The swordsman scoffed, “Yes, but you are human, and he was a Tontatta…” 
“It doesn’t matter if I’m human or not,” you retorted, “You shouldn’t underestimate me.” 
Mihawk watched you thoughtfully for about a minute before he sighed, “it would be wasteful to kill someone like you, so this won’t be to the death.” He rose to his feet, and pulled the knife out of his cross pendant, “This is the smallest I’ve got, and I’ll let you make the first move.”
While you took a moment to think about your strategy, Buggy mumbled, “Are we really going to let him fight in the guild recreation area?” 
Crocodile retreated to a safe distance, dragging Buggy behind him as he sighed, “leave him, this is apparently just how he makes friends, he was the same with me.”
You grit your teeth together and used soru to launch the first attack, slicing one of your blades straight through his knife like it was butter.
Mihawk jumped backward, avoiding the second blade that you had swung at his head, and landed on unsteady legs. You didn’t make a second move, waiting for him to realize you were worthy of an actual fight. He looked at you with wide eyes, as blood dripped from a cut on his cut where the tip of your sword has grazed him. Mihawk wiped the blood off his cheek, “Perhaps I did underestimate you, my apologies. I won’t make that mistake again.”
He stood up straight and picked up Yoru, the famous black sword, and took up a fighting stance.
After several hours of fighting, the sun had started to dip down below the horizon. The two of you had lost yourselves in the euphoria of combat. Mihawk was grinning ear to ear, it had been a long time since he had had such a thrilling fight. And it was made all the more thrilling when you disarmed Mihawk of Yoru at the cost of one of your own blades. Much to your surprise, Mihawk wasn’t beaten yet. Because he pulled a short sword from the back of his coat and nearly took your leg off with it. You dodged his blow, laughing, “of course, you have more than one blade on you.”
Mihawk didn’t respond, but he did roll his eyes when Crocodile yelled, “he has a literal pirate hoard of just blades, and he also has, like, a hundred pockets in that coat filled just with knives because he has a problem.”
You cock an eyebrow at the tall swordsman in front of you, who was poised to lunge his blade into your chest. Crocodile was right, Mihawk’s coat was lined with barely noticeable pockets, but you could see the outline of a knife or two as it moved with its wearer. You hummed, “well that doesn’t seem fair, let's even the playing field shall we?” Pinching your thumb and forefinger together you made a yanking gesture to activate your devil fruit, the move move fruit, and ripped off his coat. Buggy started to cackle at the small noise Mihawk made when the cool evening air hit his skin. Mihawk stared at his chest, and the remains of his coat, almost morning them. You shifted your stance, and his gaze followed your movement. His eyes narrowed into a harsh glare as he growled, “that was my favorite coat, you will pay for this.”
You took one hand off your blade and shrugged, “Sorry, I’ll pay to have a new one made later.”
Mihawk charged forward, incensed enough to strike while you held your sword in one hand, and knocked it out of your hand. You flipped backward, kicking his blade out of his hand, and kicked off the ground once you landed, launching yourself at his chest. Mihawk fell back with a loud grunt, “what the hell are you doing? It’s a draw, we both disarmed one another.”
You smirked down at him, as you straddled his hips, and chuckled, “I never said I was a swordsman, it was a challenge to a fight. Or are you incapable of fighting without your sword? How cute.”
Mihawk hissed, “you are one of the most frustrating people I have ever met, and I’ve met Straw hat Luffy and Shanks.” He sat up, grabbed your hair, and yanked your head back, making a moan bubble out of your mouth. In retaliation, you grabbed each side of his shirt and pulled it down over his shoulders, sending the buttons flying, and shoved him back to the ground and tried to get a hold of his hands, so you could pin him. During the scuffle you had started to grind against one another, panting as you fought. Mihawk bucked his hips up into you and growled, “I’m going to make sure you regret this.” He managed to get a hold of both of your thumbs, and he flipped you off him and rolled on top of you. Soon as your stomach touched the ground you let out a desperate whine as the ache between your legs because overwhelming without stimulation. Arching your back, you tried to buck him off, but you only managed to rub yourself against him pathetically. Mihawk grabbed a hold of your shirt collar, ripped your shirt in half, and sank his teeth into your shoulder. You gasped as he started to eagerly rut his hip against you. You threw your head back, making contact with his nose, and you managed to roll over before he recovered. He grabbed your wrists and pinned them to the ground, “Do you yield?”
“Never” you spat and bit his lip.
Mihawk sneered, “well then, look like you’ll have to learn the hard way.” And he pressed his mouth against yours.
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Coming Soon
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i read your dracule stuff and... You just have him so accurate, would it be bad to ask for something soft with him? Like him bandaging your wounds? Seeing your content smile he just gets a little flustered
Or.. Hear me out...you found a cat with his exact mustache. And just can't seem to let it go. (And no you definitely will not make the cat a little dracule cape. Nope nope nah, who would do such a thi- I would I would do such a thing)
Follow for more, requests are open.
To anon: i responded super late sorry. But hope this was good. In my trend of naming anons i dub thee kitty (you can ask for a different name if this doesn't float your boat) Hope you request more or just send cute headcanons and stuff love to read messages..
Warning: Nothing but fluff || Lights wounds (nothing serious)
Synopsis: When you find a cat that reminded you of the love of your life you immediately rush to shower it with affect but just like your husband the little munchkin doesn't warm up to you immediately.
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You were half covered in scratches and bandages. The stinging slits covered in dried blood and you bit your lip as he dabbed them clean.
Mihawk was meticulously cleaning your wounds whilst taking intermittent breaks to glare at the culprit who now lay dormant on your lap. The black munchkin who you'd so affectionately dubbed Yoru (after your darling's famous blade) had warmed up to you, eventually.
After some gentle pets, a learned attempt from when you'd picked him up immediately causing you to end up as you were now. He'd accepted your affection enough to get close. Here you were now. Swinging your legs gently as to not disturb the resting cutie pie you couldn't help but smile. "You're incredibly cheery for a wounded individual." Looking up at Dracule you giggled at he continued to glare at Yoru.
"I have a new pet shouldn't i be happy?"
"A new pet who hurt you mere seconds after you had him?" Shrugging at his response you brought your hand to his head brushing away the stray hairs which had fallen onto his face. His eyes closed, head leaning towards your hand as he calmed down at your touch.
It was almost adorable how similar they were black hair, cold glare and an affinity to your gentle touch. Plus they were both cute.
"I'm not saying we should get rid of him." Frowning at his words you interrupted.
"Good. Because we're keeping him, I'm already attached."
"Of course. I just mean to say that you should be more careful, a little less forgiving of such. I don't want to see you hurt."
Taking his words into considering you nodded choosing not to argue as he was saying this because he cared.
"Wanna know what I named him" You paused. "Yoru." His softened features immediately soured, his lips just barely jutting into a light pout.
"Why would you do that?" Gently lifting his paws up with a smile on your face you giggled as his claws retracted.
"Because he has sharp claws." Laying him back down. You moved your hands back to Mihawk as he continued to treat you.
"I would never do this to you, you know that right?" Looking up you locked eyes. "I would sooner die a thousands death than cause you pain." The vulnerability in his eyes didn't go unnoticed to you.
The world was big; and it was dangerous. With both your infamous titles you weren't always safe, but as you leaned in and locked lips desperately clinging onto each other until you reluctantly pulled away.
You felt safe.
Breathing heavily still clinging for the slightest bit of contact you had your lips brushing ever so slightly. Unwilling to pull away.
You would never feel safer.
"I know."
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jintaka-hane · 4 months
Weaknesses Pt. 1 (Mishanks)
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Pairing: Shanks x Mihawk Summary: After a fight, there appears to be something amiss with Mihawk, as he moves peculiarly, his neck slightly askew. Shanks, concerned for his adversary, will try to help him, though the task may be as difficult as trying to pet a wild cat. Word Count: 872 Notes: Part 1 of 2.
As their captain sparred once again with his most frequent adversary, the crew of the Red Force discreetly withdrew to another nearby shore, affording them space to showcase their combat prowess while shielding themselves from being caught in the crossfire.
The skill level of both combatants was evenly matched, leading to hours of relentless combat. Shanks wasn't physically tired, and if he had lasted so many hours, it was to relish the opportunity to observe his opponent in action – his graceful movements, the effortless evasion of blows, and the unleashing of shockwaves with his huge blade, which seemed an extension of his body.
It was a sight that held Shanks spellbound, occasionally lost in admiration for the finely honed arms, the figure framed by a meticulously embroidered coat in hues of purple and black that suited him so well. As their clashes brought them within mere inches of each other, Shanks found his breath catching at the proximity of that finely groomed beard and the delicate skin of his opponent's face. A smile would sometimes tug at Shanks' lips, amused by the effect his opponent had on him.
The same, however, could not be said for his rival, who approached each bout with a stoic and serious demeanor, as though his future hung in the balance with every strike.
No, Mihawk did not fight like Shanks. Though their skill levels may have been comparable, whereas Shanks fought with carefree abandon, Mihawk approached each battle as if his life depended on it.
In this fight, Shanks was beginning to feel tired, not physically, but mentally. Each battle was a demonstration of powers between the two, and his mind made him work hard to find a balance between winning but not killing. Humiliation was also not part of the silent agreement between them.
On this occasion, succumbing to mental fatigue, he decided to let himself be defeated. It was very difficult for him to do so without the swordsman realizing that he was doing it on purpose. If he did realize that, Shanks would lose his respect forever, so he had to do it carefully.
Mihawk, panting and sweating from the effort of wielding his sword for hours, mustered one final, decisive assault. With a firm grip on Yoru's hilt, he hurled his attack toward Shanks, who stood ready to parry. The shockwave caused by Yoru seemed to catch Shanks off guard, who, taking advantage of this last attack as an excuse, made one of his feet wobble and fall to the ground. Putting his hands on the sand to get up, he hadn't yet raised his head when he felt the edge of the sharpest steel in the seas graze his throat.
"Okay, Hawks, enough."
The pressure of the sword against his neck eased, allowing Shanks to rise and meet his opponent's gaze. Mihawk wore a satisfied smirk, though his breaths came in heavy gasps, evidence of the effort.
It worked, Shanks thought, relieved that Mihawk seemed oblivious to his strategy.
"You've been careless, that's unlike you."
"It’s possible… Hey, wanna take a break? How about grabbing a drink before you head out?’
“No... thank you.”
There always lingered a sense of hollow emptiness within Shanks whenever Mihawk vanished after their bouts. It had become routine, disappearing without a trace until who knew when.
His adversary...
Sometimes Shanks wasn't entirely sure what label to affix to the man with whom he engaged in frequent combat, yet never to the point of inflicting mortal wounds. Perhaps the deepest wounds inflicted by Mihawk were upon Shanks' heart.
It was something he tried not to dwell on too much, for he was a man of happiness and carefree spirit, but often the presence of the swordsman made his chest constrict and his mind cloud with thoughts of what might happen if, for a moment, Mihawk allowed him to draw closer.
But Shanks knew Mihawk to be a reserved, serious man, likely harboring no sentiment towards him, or perhaps towards anyone else for that matter. He was like a wild cat you couldn't tame, and perhaps it was precisely that untouchable quality that drew Shanks to him. The thought that he would never be his.
Just as after every fight, Mihawk simply turned on his heel and prepared to depart. But this time, something seemed different, something appeared amiss in the slender figure of the swordsman, slightly hunched forward. After a couple of steps, he halted, emitting a faint growl. He brought a hand to his right shoulder, massaging it lightly. Taking another step, he paused once more, under the attentive and worried gaze of Shanks.
“Hawks, what's wrong? Can't you walk? Did I mess you up?”
“It seems like I've done it to myself," he replied grumpily.
Avoiding eye contact, he attempted to sheathe Yoru, but upon making a slight movement with his arm to lift the sword, he winced in pain and once again let his shoulder rest, surrendering. He tried to continue his way, dragging Yoru, but it was evident that it caused him a great deal of pain, his face contorted in a grimace.
Shanks, witnessing the deplorable state of his adversary, approached him with concern.
"What's wrong? Please, let me see…”
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bas-writes · 2 years
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a/n: so, decided to dip my toes in something new, took part in @onepiece-reader-exchange and scribbled this little thing :3 got 3 prompts to choose from, but they were so vague that I decided to play a barista and blended them together. thank you so much, @mysticaltigersorceress for beta reading and @heyitsdoe for romantic level check!
The Edge of Vision
Character: Mihawk Reader: female (suitable for trans readers) CW: mature reader (implied similar age to Mihawk), reader is a pirate captain, long-distance relationship, long-term relationship, reunion, longing, power couple, Mihawk's pov Word Count: 2112 Synopsis: He can sense your aura, color of observation polished to impossibly sharp edges could never deceive him. But will he find you familiar, will the last puzzle of vivid memories click in its place, filling the heart he oh so unaware kept empty for all those months he didn’t care to—he feared to—count? Afterglow of your face dances in his eyes, the more clear the stronger the pull of the vivre card grows. Lines blurry, colors blank, the image slowly fills with your presence, droplet by droplet, until you turn to him and your eyes meet, and everything finally comes home. Written for: @ilibili
Vibrations in his pocket have become significantly palpable once Mihawk marched out of the docks. He expected if and, frankly, would have lied, if that said hope was not blowing his soul apart. He’s been following the vivre card for weeks now; not all intentionally, it happened to follow the path he chose—but once he felt its characteristic little pulling sewed in the brim of his coat, he’s been nothing but tense anticipation, stubbornly keeping eye on its slightest flicker. Island by island, town by town, he’s become sure your roads are going to cross again, for the first time since— 
He’s never been keen to count useless days, but he knows it’s been long. Way too long.
The island is widely known, especially among the pirates and all outlaws, but it’s the first time he’s here, as far as he can be certain within meanders of his sanity. Yet, each step feels like carved into Mihawk’s mind, non-existent memories vivid between badly-lit streets. He remembers that day better than the last hours spent together. He remembers so well that a glimpse of his reflection gives him a little startle: facial hair, bigger muscle mass and all the little wrinkles suddenly so unfamiliar. Only the sword remains the same; the world might be turning upside down around him, but Yoru is eternal, towering over him with the whole power and glory of a black blade. Except he’s not slouching under its weight anymore, his back and shoulders straight and strong as his will. He trained hard for this, pretending even harder it was not to dull your teasing, pricking his pride with needles more painful than cuts, bruises and exertion.
How insignificant they feel now, he realizes with a faint smile, all those rough advances he still remembers, together with strain in muscles and burning in blushing ears. Words a man would easily shrug off ground into a lanky teen who barely could call himself a swordsman, even if bent under a sword as long as him. If only he wasn’t followed by a half-wild sea child, that female pirate he had run into the docks and couldn’t get lost between narrow streets of the town.
What a blessing he couldn’t. Otherwise, he would have never sewn your vivre card into his coat.
Its pulse leads him to the more presentable district. A smirk plasters itself to his stoic face at the sight, the feeling of frozen time even more palpable and eerie now. Not the pirate land anymore but townsfolk domain, the streets are busier and thicker, early evening crowd even pressing on him as he squelches through dreams and reality towards the signboard that has filled his heart with merry nostalgia. 
Such coincidences can happen only on Grandline.
Mihawk pushes the door, its heavy wood groans, chimes in the frame click, announcing his presence. The inside is not so far brighter than the streets, dusty lamps unable to uncover corners and vennels between shelves. Ignoring the vendor with mutual disinterest, he squeezes himself in, ungainly, between bags of tea, herbs and plants. It’s hard to breathe, with the spiced scent dancing in his nostrils, with chest clenched in excitement. He’s a boy and a man all at once; steps simmer under him, leading him in unwitting cooperation with the vivre card, shelf by shelf engulfing him with mixed feelings nearly tearing him apart.
Will he recognize you?
He can sense your aura, color of observation polished to impossibly sharp edges could never deceive him. But will he find you familiar, will the last puzzle of vivid memories click in its place, filling the heart he oh so unaware kept empty for all those months he didn’t care to—he feared to—count? Afterglow of your face dances in his eyes, the more clear the stronger the pull of the vivre card grows. Lines blurry, colors blank, the image slowly fills with your presence, droplet by droplet, until you turn to him and your eyes meet, and everything finally comes home.
You look at him from the same angle he remembered, all the so known and loved quirks blooming on your face, voice barely louder than a whisper yet rumbling in his ears, “So you found me.”
“I found you.”
“Took you long enough.” A bag of tea rustles in your hands as you approach, all confident and relaxed—but tense in his eyes. The closer you get, the harder it is to breathe for Mihawk, pulse of rushing blood nearly blocking his vision and hearing. “A day or two longer and I’d pack the boys back and sail…gods-of-sea-know-where. Always fashionably late, aren’t ya, Hawk Eyes?”
“Always fashionably right where and when I should be.” Mihawk’s hand doesn’t even budge when touching you, but the feel of your shirt has him nearly burning. He can, see and sense, the time that has treated you, but regardless, everything is still the same as he left it, ages ago, behind the door of the cabin of your ship he closed behind his back early in the morning. “I’m glad to see you too.”
“I wish I could say: you haven’t changed at all. But you have. You have grown old and boring.” There’s a fold on the collar of his coat and you immediately spot it, resmoothing scolding and tender—and as playful as light in your eyes. “A government’s dog? Where did they find a collar tight enough to keep you on a leash?”
“If we’re already talking of growing old—” he can’t resist an eyeroll and a displeased scowl— “aren’t we both too old for such childish needling?”
“Always so responsive to teasing, hm?” Your smile…Mihawk has no memory of missing it even for a split second, but yearning hits him with such force he feels lightheaded for the moment it blooms on your face. “Maybe after all something hasn’t changed in you.”
The clicking of your shoes is nearly hypnotizing as you carry your chosen tea to the counter. Gaze piercing your back, all stoic and motionless, Mihawk forces all of his nerves to stay calm and yet, his soul and mind are being pulled together with the little piece of paper vibrating on his chest. Twenty years ago he would, simply as that, kidnap you into his arms, right here, in front of merchandise, dust and the half-asleep vendor. The present him still doesn’t care for the world around—but he has learnt his patience and your nonverbal whims. You keep your distance, for some reason, so he respects it, despite longing, and pain, and a desperate thirst for your scent, for your breath, for your body, for you. Heels grounded, he stands, stares and waits, like a dog indeed, on a leash far more powerful than any government could ever hold.
“You smell of sea,” you coo as he opens the door for you. With grace and elegance one could never expect from a pirate you link arm with his, entrusting him with the lead, but leaving no doubt where you want to head. “You came to the tea shop straight out of the docks? Still sailing that coffin of yours?”
“It’s practical.” He can’t help rolling eyes a little, the tips of his ears burning in the familiar but nearly forgotten way. 
“Not when you want to make out in it.” The weight of your body on the inner side of his elbow shakes with laughter. “Remember, how many times have we ended up in water?”
“There’s a reason why I prefer your ship for that.”
“It’s been less than fifteen minutes and you’re already dragging me to the cabin? You brute…”
Yes, he’s been yearning for it, for the banter and the warmth of your body pressed to his. How could he live and sail so long without it? He was asking himself this question every time you parted for longer—and he knows he’s going to ask it once your paths untangle again. But now, right now and right here, you’re his again, shattered pieces have become one, pulled together by magnetic force. Old friends and old lovers, strolling aimlessly through the pirate paradise, on the thin line between no-law’s-land and calm town, on the even thinner line between day and dusk. 
You smell of tea, of a long day in the port, of yourself, above all, and Mihawk wants no other air than one full of all of that.
“Was sure you’re going to catch me in Nanohana?” As if the sight of ships dragged your attention back to the abandoned topic, you break your restless teasing once the both of you enter the boardwalk. “But vivre card pulled to the west—”
“Turning east.” He says, simply as that, eyes fixed on the horizon, to not look at you, to not cave the temptation to claim you his right as you’re standing. 
“Sniffing at the entrance of Paradise? That’s new… Thought you’re not interested in hunting rookies.”
“Times change, ain’t they? I would never suspect I’d find you that far west.”
The weight of your gaze forces Mihawk to cross eyes with yours, warmth in your faces taking him aback.
“Have some business on Sabaody, old crap to solve,” you confess, nearly playfully. “And then…why not, I’ll try again.”
Concern and pride are such similar feelings, he realizes as his heart clenches, “Again with the New World?”
“The third time’s the charm. If not now, then when?” The softness of your fingers threading through his sideburns has him melting, only sheer force of will keeping him together now. “Last time I was still too inexperienced. A few years more and my body won’t keep with the power I gathered.” 
A loud horn of the docking ship forces you to take a break, seriousness melting away to give place to the smile he loves so much, “We’re in the perfect age to go crazy, Mihawk, and I ain’t wasting that golden moment.”
You’ve never been one to waste anything, he thinks, screams internally, eyes following the curve of your lips. Its softness, taste… Does he remember it right? Does he remember it at all?
“You’re still that innocent, shy boy under all those layers of refinement and distance, ain’t ya?”
“Well, you’re still that troublesome brat under all those layers of teasing and maturity.”
He can’t control himself any longer, not with the glimpse of your toothy grin, not with the welcoming tilt of head, not with the sleeve of shirt rolling up, revealing the same tattoo he carries on his wrist. Your hand in his is so soft, surprisingly fragile with its craft and experience of a pirate. Electric shock runs through his body, slightly salty taste of your skin driving him crazy as he skims it with lips, patiently crawling towards the inked place. Your smell is stronger there, he pulls your wrist close and inhales, gets drunk with it, trembles under the weight of yearning and anticipation.
Your lips are next and he’s simply drowning.
He remembered, remembered it all and right—and still, is not ready, he could have never been. If not for a strong hold on your waist, he would fall on his knees; it’s so intense and sweet, and intoxicating, the way you lead and allow, the taste he dreamed of without, the softness he cried for without tears. You cling to him, desperate and overwhelmed the same way, vivre card in his coat goes crazy when your hands clench and pull, seeking more. 
You belong here, in his arms. And no time spent apart can change it.
Breathing against your lips, not pulling away yet, Mihawk realizes he’s laughing, a little, relief and amusement showing in his eyes, breaking the distanced, well-balanced cover he keeps on aside from the rare moments with you, the love of his life.
“I swear, you’re getting better with this every time we meet again,” you nudge him and smirk. “With whom you’re training, hm?”
“Jealousy doesn’t suit you, Y/N,” he lets the teasing timbre show in his voice as well, your mood wrapping him all around your finger. 
“I intend to be very jealous throughout the whole stay—” Your fingers smooth the crumpled front of his coat— “unless you will properly apologize and make up for the lost time.”
Your laughter attracts gazes as he kidnaps you in his arms, as he wanted from the very beginning, with little care for everything around, your pretended outrage included, “After all this time, still flustered when I’m doing this? Y/N, we’re not fifteen…”
“And that’s why I’ll break up with you if you even think about taking me to that edgy dinghy of yours.”
“How would I dare.”
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
I read your message,
I’m sooo sorry!!! I forgot the please 😖 yet I read the rules.. I’m sorry, please forgive me…
Hii! I could have a reaction of zoro, mihawks they ask their s / o to keep their sword, the s / o holds it very cautiously and when a person tells them that she can leave it there the s / o gets angry and says she's going to dirty it if she leaves it on the ground the same if someone gets too close she's going to tell them to get out otherwise they'll damage the sword! if i don't bother you, Please!
(I’m sorry i forgot, I feel like a mess 🥲)
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Zoro & Mihawk telling their Fem! S/O to hold their sword for them
Summary: Your beloved had entrusted you with their blade/s and you happily obliged with their request.
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Roronoa Zoro:
- It's pretty rare to see Zoro entrusting his beloved swords to someone. But to think that someone would be you, you're a very lucky girl indeed!
- You get to touch the three swords without your grumpy mosshead reprimanding you this time. Sweet!
- As you have been bestowed with the sword sitting duty, you took it upon yourself to not let anyone or anything touch the swords!
- You would clean the blades as you have seen your boyfriend did it. Ya know, the thing with him tapping some white powder on the blades with that cute looking brush?? Yeah, that.
- When you were talking with Nami in the bar with the swords on your left hip, a dirty hand went to tap you on the shoulder, earning yours and Nami's attention.
- "Hello there, Miss! I just can't help but be amaze by your magnificent swords. May I examine them for a bit?" The strange- looking man told you sweetly, rubbing his hands like those scammers do.
- Of course, you glared in response. "Fuck no. You just wanted to steal them, didn't you?!"
- The man was not having it so he called for his back-up, cracking their knuckles as they prepared to fight.
- Nami was terrified as she had forgotten to bring her climatact with her, so leaving her defenseless behind you.
- You were getting pissed by this man's audacity for trying to steal your boyfriend's trusty swords so you unsheathed the blades and holds them the same way Zoro did whenever he fights.
- You didn't know what happened but the time you snapped out of your trance, you were standing beside the pile of defeated bodies with Nami gawking at you.
- You were grinning, you didn't know you have a swordsman's will inside of you!
- "Good job, babe." Zoro smirked, his eye examining the mess you made. "Didn't know you're cut out to be a swordswoman!"
- Ah yes, you would be bragging about your hidden talent to Usopp all day long after this XD
Dracule Mihawk:
- It's even rarer to see the world's strongest swordsman, Mihawk, entrust his blade to someone! And it so happened to be you ;D
- Yoru was carefully placed on the table in front you as Mihawk went to the rest room to relieve himself. He gave you a lengthy lecture about not letting someone else touch Yoru while he was away.
- Excited to have the magnificent sword, you agreed eagerly.
- "I promise with all of my heart, Hawky!" You giggled.
- Mihawk nodded, gave you a quick kiss on the knuckles and quickly excuse himself to the rest room.
- While you were waiting for your boyfriend to return, a bulky swordsman appeared beside your table, in awe at the black blade perched on the table.
- "Wow! That looks cool!" He exclaimed. You grinned in response.
- "I know right?!" But that grin quickly changed into a snarl once the man tried to touch Yoru.
- "Hey! Don't touch it!"
- Oh boy, the man quickly got pissed at you. "Why not?! You don't even looked like a swordswoman to me! So, it's obvious that I can have this sword for myself!" He tried grabbing the sword but you pushed him away.
- "Fuck off!" And then you got into a wrestling match with the bulky male, his bigger body easily dwarfing you but your stubborn determination didn't let his size deter you. You have to guard Yoru at all cost! Or Mihawk will-!
- "What do you think you're doing to my Rosa (Rose), you fool?" And then Mihawk send the man cowering with his now short sword.
- "You did a great job, my love. Although, we have to treat your wounds right away." And then Mihawk left with you in his arms and Yoru placed on his back.
- You were sighing dreamily when your boyfriend kept praising you for guarding his beloved sword :))
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Hello, Anon! Sorry for the late answer! Hope you like this one! ;)
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mistystarshine · 3 months
How The World Works
“That’s what you call a warning?” Yoru flexed her shoulder blades, and two broad ukaku wings covered in razor-sharp crystals sprung from her back as her eyes blazed a furious red and black, veins reaching out like spiderwebs. “I’ll do you one better. Tell your gang of fence sitters to stop protecting what isn’t theirs, or I’ll turn you both into swiss cheese.” Asa froze, her entire world collapsing into the sensation of heartbreak. She knew that Yoru didn’t care, she knew their relationship had died a long time ago, but— “Hey!” Denji shouted. “She’s your sister, you fucking bitch!”
“So?” Yoru chuckled. “Has that traitor of a dove coddled you so much that you’re really this ignorant as to how the rest of the world works?” - Or; Asa juggles school, work, Denji, an unlikely friendship with Aki, and being hated by her own sister.
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