#black pather fics
blackgirlfariy · 2 years
Lick Back Pt1
This is taken place after that wonderful video surfaced of Letitia and Kehlani- lol
Paring: Letitia x F!reader
Warning: 18+ please
Summary: You and Letitia have been messing around on the low a little before BP2. To the public you’re her best friend but when it’s just you two she’s the love of your life. After an interesting video appear on twitter you were sick of waiting so you decided to get your “lick back”.
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*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
“Bitch go look at what I sent you on twitter.” Your best friend, Mimi, told you.
I rolled my eyes at her for cutting me off but go look at it anyway. My eyeballs popped out of my head when I saw my so called “girlfriend” letting the singer Kehlani grind on her. I don’t if it’s my crazy eyes but if I’m not mistaken, I see a smile on her face.
 “Girl, you want me to cut her or you gon’ do it?” Mimi said after my long silence on the phone.
“Nope. I want you to come over and we’re going to go out and have fun and forget about these nothing ass men and women.” I said before walking into my closet trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. 
“Ouu bitch, I like when you get like this. Makes me remember our old college days. I’ll be on my way and better have bottles ready for our pregame.” She hung up after that and I sprang into action. 
I’m a famous songwriter and singer who worked with big names in the industry. I wrote songs for Beyonce on her lemonade album, I wrote songs for Ariana Grande and many more artists. I have a few awards under my belt. With my background in writing music, I was asked to write a song for Black panther 2, Lift me up, it was such an honor. I met Letitia through my childhood friend Ryan who is also the creator of Black panther 1 and 2, I was a fan of hers since watching her episode in Black Mirror. 
The moment I looked her my heart flutter and I wanted her to be mine right then and there. We went out to dinner during one of our breaks from the famous world and we’ve been close ever since. Until one night I ended up in her bed with her head in between my legs. Ever since the two of us have on the low with each other. My only complaint in the way she acts when the two of us are in public, she treats me like a best friend would. I would understand it if we weren’t fucking each other brains out every night. 
It hurts to be in a position like this, in a position where you have to go out the way to show someone who you thought valued you that others can do and feel the same. Simple. I wasn’t planning on going crazy tonight but every time I see that video; I get upset and start thinking who was going to this ass thrown back on them. 
After I got out of the shower, and I walked to my vanity to give myself a beautiful beat face and once I was done with that, I walked to my room where my outfit laid on my bed. I put on my outfit and turned around in the mirror looking at how my ass sit just right and how my boobs sit in the dress. I wore a short black dress that was a little higher than my mid-thigh and wore black heels from LV. 
I heard the doorbell ring which alerted me Mimi have arrived. I walked down my spiral staircase walking up to my front door opening it seeing Mimi looking fine but what’s new. She was always the fashion friend. 
“Soooo you trying to get fucked up tonight huh? You look good girl.” Mimi said walking in giving me hug.
“If I’m getting fucked tonight it’s by somebody else because she acts like shit sweet. You beautiful by the way.” I responded leading her to the bar in my house where all my favorite liquor is. 
Time skip
By the time my driver dropped us off at the club we were beyond tipsy. I had to hold on to her in order to make inside. I was giggling about everything I looked at, when we walked in, I heard my favorite artist Megen Thee Stallion playing. We walked up to our section where I saw some of my other friends Mimi must’ve invited. We all grabbed shots and took them with a lime right after. 
“All right y’all like I told y’all Y/n is supposed to be getting her lick back tonight because her lil boo got her out looking a stupid. So, we gotta go all out tonight because if she gets caught, we might not see her again, okay?” Mimi laughed while we cheered and agreed. 
After some time, my friend Toni went to get us more shots while everyone else stood on the couch shaking ass and rapping lyrics obnoxiously. Before I knew it, I was on the dance floor with a homegirl dancing to twerk by the city girls. I’m throwing it back on her and she was keeping up with me the whole time. Mimi found her a man to the same. I at this point and time the last thing I was worried about Letitia at all. Honestly fuck her, it’s not fair that she can act the way she does but if i do it, it’s a problem.
I was still dancing with my home girl, when I glanced up to one of the top sections and saw the one and only… Letitia Wright. I thought I was seeing things so I just ignored it and walked to the bar for a water. I felt the club energy shift drastically, I looked over my shoulder and I saw her standing in the middle of the club floor. I could feel her eye on me even with her dark shades on. I didn’t want to pay her any mind but her aura is suffocating.
“Here all alone?” I heard a women’s voice on the right of me. I looked over and saw this tall dark skin women. She was beautiful and she wore a jumpsuit and she smelled vanilla, I was mesmerized.
“No I’m not. Im here with some friends. You need some company?” I asked with a smirk on my face.
Now my plan for the night was just to get a couple of dances and get some videos to post. I didn’t expect to maybe go home with someone.
“I would love some of your company. Let me order something- “ the sexy women was cut off by you know who.
“Y/n how you been? I haven’t seen you in a while it’s nice to see your back in London.” Letitia said making her presence known.
“Well I called you and you didn’t answer. I just assumed you were too busy.” I responded with a little attitude in my voice. I’m not weak in the knees for her right now because I’m mad so I’m not afraid of what she could do to me.
“Well I’m about to go. You wanna come with me?” The women said, I didn’t get her name but hey.
“I was hoping you would come with me. I was hoping we could catch up with each other.” Letitia said while sneaking her to my ass and giving a squeeze.
“Uhh well your right Titia we haven’t talked in a while. So we’ll um… can I have your number so we can talk and get to know each other?” I asked the women. If Letitia want to be petty so can I.
After I got her number me and Titia walked out the club. I didn’t miss the looks all my friends gave me. They can’t judge cause my situation is no different than mine. Expect Mimi, she gon’ be a hoe until the day she die.
We walked outside getting slightly blinded by the excessive flashing lights. I wasn’t worried because like I said she treats me like a best friend on the outs. Her car pulled up and she opened the door for me and she got inside herself.
“Imma fuck you up.”
To Be Continued
A/n- hey you guys so with the growth in the Letitia Wright fandom I wanted to take a stab at it. Please be nice it’s been a LONG time since I’ve written. I do take requests for her and the characters she played.
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amhrosina · 2 years
Little Talks (Namor x f!Reader)
A/N: It's currently 20 degrees in Texas with a windchill that makes it feel like it's below zero. SOS y'all, Texas wasn't made for this weather. Also patiently waiting for Wakanda Forever to come out on streaming platforms so we can all be blessed with HD gifs of Tenoch as Namor <3
Request: Hii can you please write a namor x fem avenger reader where he’s yelling at her for being reckless during missions and he’s doing this because he cares and worries for her safety
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Summary: You get hurt during a mission with SHIELD, and Namor is pissed at you for putting yourself in danger.
(Warnings: nothing crazy, minor descriptions of bruises/cuts, Maria is reader's unofficial adoptive parent, angry Namor, but he's only angry because you're an idiot and not taking care of yourself, fools in love, fluffy Namor, etc.)
in yakunaj – my love 
in ch'ujuk – my sweet 
The sky shook with thunder, and you braced yourself against the sides of the hangar as it began its slow descent towards Avenger’s headquarters. Every muscle in your body ached with fatigue and you were sure you’d be covered in bruises the next morning. You weren’t injured anywhere specific, but it hurt if you breathed too deeply and every time you tensed your jaw, you were reminded of the teeth-rattling punch you’d taken to the face earlier in the evening. 
Everything went according to plan, sort of. You weren’t technically supposed to be in the line of fire, but you realized halfway through the plan that it would never work if you remained hidden, so you’d moseyed your way right into the den of thieves you were supposed to be quietly subduing. It wasn’t like you were an amateur. You’d been training all your life for situations like that one, and you’d be lying if you said the thrill of a physical fight didn’t get your blood pumping in excitement. 
Unfortunately, the aftermath of your hasty decision had left you completely spent, covered in cuts and bruises, and if you twisted your body a certain way, a bone-deep rattling ache would claw its way through your ribs. You were alive, though, and you’d completed the mission, so you were content with calling it a win.  
Agent Hill, on the other hand, had begun ranting in your earpiece about safety and backup the moment you’d stepped onto the hangar, and she wasn’t anywhere close to being finished. You listened intensely, unable to get a word in to defend yourself even if you wanted to.  
The clang of the hangar hitting cement rattled through your body and you tried not to tense up too much as the aircraft landed. The sudden whir of the rear hatch opening had you moving, albeit slowly, towards the exit, eager to wash the dried blood from your skin. Agent Hill’s voice carried on through your earpiece, and when the hatch had fully opened, her voice flowed both in your ear and in through the air in front of you. You slid the earpiece out of your ear and watched as she stomped up the ramp, stopping in front of you.  
“You’re lucky to be alive, girl.” She pointed her finger at your chest, grazing the material with the curve of her nail. Her tone was vice-like, a certain finality flowing through it, but the furrow in her brow revealed what she was trying so hard to hide – concern.  
“Maria, I-” You lifted your hands in an innocent gesture as she cut you off. 
“You not only jeopardized yourself, but also the mission. And for what? So you could get a few punches in? If you’re itching for a fight, I can get an intern to go a few rounds with you in the training arena, but you cannot just rush into dangerous situations with no backup. I trained you better than that.”  
You nodded, agreeing with her in the hopes that she’d let you go shower and get the much-needed rest your body was screaming for. It probably should’ve bothered you that Maria treated you so differently than the rest of the Avengers. You were just as trained as they were, more versed in hand-to-hand combat than any of them, and you’d been smack dab in the middle of the battlefield when the Avengers had fought Thanos. But Maria hadn’t unofficially adopted any of the other Avengers when they were toddlers, so it didn’t bother you when she expected more from you. Maria had saved your life, raised you to live with honor, and personally trained you to be one of the most skilled Avengers on the planet. Letting her yell at you when you messed up was the least you could do for her. 
“Go clean yourself up.” She muttered, shaking her head.  
You stepped around her, intent on doing just that when her voice stopped you.  
“He’s waiting for you over by the river.” 
You swung around, studying her figure as she tapped away at her tablet, no doubt arranging the next set of missions you’d be sent on.  
“You told him?” You groaned, palming your face. The ache in your jaw made you wince and rub the area more gently.  
“He overheard mission control when you decided you wanted to go all Mission Impossible on those guys. I didn’t have to tell him anything.” 
“Shit.” You shook your head. You’d thought you’d heard the last of it from Maria, but Namor knew what you’d done, and you knew he wouldn’t be happy with you. You slumped towards the elevator, realizing you would not be getting that rest you so desperately needed anytime soon. 
After you scrubbed your skin raw in the shower, cleaning up the dried blood and dirt that had quite literally gotten into places it should never be, you stared at your reflection in the mirror. If you were being honest, it looked worse than it felt, but even you couldn’t ignore the steady drum of adrenaline that had yet to leave your body. Your jaw was slightly swollen, a purple bruise blooming from its underside. A cut along the line of your cheekbone was sure to leave a small scar, and you could physically feel the ache in your ribs every time you inhaled. Everything would hurt tomorrow, and you were not eager to feel the consequences of your ridiculously stupid actions. 
You glanced toward your bed, so perfectly soft and comfortable and warm. You ached with desire to jump in it, to ignore the world for a few hours, but you could feel his call, deep in your bones, and it was something you’d never been able to ignore. He was waiting for you, and he would not leave until you showed yourself. 
Come to me, in yakunaj. Show me what I almost lost tonight.  
You trembled with anticipation. His voice, usually so soft and caressing, boomed with anger as he beckoned you to the river. You were left with no choice but to head down the elevator and out the door, towards the man who had stolen your heart and soul. 
Namor met you on the riverbank, storming out of the water at a pace that would’ve been alarming to anyone else. His hands cupped your jaw tightly, and you winced when the ache in your jaw increased to an unbearable throb. He immediately moved his hand to cup the back of your neck, resting his forehead on yours. An apology, even though you didn’t feel like you deserved one. 
He was quiet for a few minutes, homing in on the steady drum of your pulse beneath your skin. You leaned into his hold, wrapping your fingers around his wrists in a fierce hold. 
“Do you not understand the depth of my love for you, in ch'ujuk?” He asked, pulling his head away from yours to look into your eyes.  
“What?” You stuttered, unable to comprehend where he was going with his question. 
“I have dedicated my life to protecting you, and you repay me by playing the fool?” 
“Namor,” you furrowed your brow, shaking your head in confusion, “my love, what do you mean? I know that you love me. I don’t underst-” 
His tone turned fierce, laced with a rage you had rarely seen before. “Then why do you throw yourself into such reckless situations? Do you not understand how terrifying it is to hear you struggling when I am so far away? When I cannot help you?”  
An annoyance sparked in your chest, and you couldn’t help the anger from seeping into your tone in response. “It is my job to eliminate the enemy, Namor. I can take care of myself.” 
Namor shook his head, clucking his tongue in anger. “Do not act like my anger is unwarranted. You made a reckless, stupid, decision tonight, and you could have died. Did you stop and think about where that would have left me? Without you, I am nothing.” 
“You cannot ask me to give up the Avengers, Namor.” You jutted your chin out in defiance.  
“I would never ask you to do that.” He replied in a hasty, ferocious tone. “But you cannot act like you are immortal, in yakunaj. You bleed like every other human being on the planet. You could have died, and that would have destroyed me. And Maria.” 
“I’m fine,” you groaned, suddenly so sick of being coddled that you felt like screaming. “I wish everyone would stop treating me like I’m some fragile little flower. I am more than capable of handling a few bad guys who, I should add, didn’t even have guns!” 
“In yakunaj,” Namor’s voice had cooled to a gentle caress, ���You misunderstand me. I know, more than anyone, the power you hold. You are strong and you are used to being independent, but you cannot behave so recklessly when you have a family waiting for you at home.” 
“A family?” You blinked back tears as the realization washed over you. Namor considered you his family, and you suddenly felt like an idiot for rushing into your mission so blindly. 
“I love and protect you. You love and protect me. Is that not what makes a family?” He asked, slightly grinning. 
“It is.” You murmured, leaning into his hold even further. You nestled your cheek against his chest where you could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “I’m sorry for worrying you.” 
Namor wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on your head. 
“You are my life, in yakunaj. I would never forgive myself, or you, for that matter, if you got hurt.”  
A laugh stuttered out of you, but it quickly evolved into a wince when you realized just how sore your ribs were. Namor wrapped his hand around yours and tugged you towards the water.  
“Come, in yakunaj. The water will heal you.” 
“I don’t think that’s how it works.” You giggled, kicking your shoes off. 
“Don’t argue.” Namor grinned, watching as you stuffed your socks into your boots. “At the very least, it will soothe the ache for a while.” 
You couldn’t help yourself. Before he could make it any further in the water, you jumped into his arms and planted a kiss on his lips. Your toes barely scratched the surface of the water as he held you up, smiling into the kiss. Your family was small, and rather unconventional, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world.  
Tag List:
@thatlesbosimp @legocity2 @softclue @violet-19999 @uwiuwi @omgsuperstarg @purpleetou @Raeluvsbloodline @historygeekgueen @kneelarhmstrung @euphoricjupiter @ethereal-athalia @quackson03 @messymissy @husherstan @quackimilktea @certifiedhunter @shoxji @dazecrea @layazul @bontensbabygirl @jasmihine @brookiecookiez0 @bakulova @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @km-ffluv @chiaraxtargaryen @trulylavandedarling @D0wnbad @deliciousfestsalad @lilyevans1 @imagineadream @22carolina08
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yelenabelovasbxtch · 2 years
Shuri X f!reader
a/n: It has been a hot min! But I'm happy to be back :) Life has been super busy and honestly, I just haven't been able to make time for writing :( but hopefully going forward I can do it more because I miss it and I miss you guys! Feel free to send requests esp for this character, can't promise I will get to all of them but I can try! Or you can just send me a message for fun anything at all but anyways as always I hope you enjoy! p.s. More shuri fics??? LMK!! I have one in mind I wanna do I think
Warnings: Kinda spicy but not really smutty, not proofread, 18+, fluff, angst a tad, SPOILERS FOR WAKANDA FOREVER
Word Count: 1548
Concept (requested): "Hello!!! Can you do an imagine where Shuri has been overworking herself and the reader is the only one who can get her to take a break maybe with a smut scene (only if you’re comfortable with writing that) :)"
Taglist for some of my other work bc I don't have one for Shuri specifically (LMK IF YOU WANT TO B ADDED) : @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @thorya22 @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld
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“Griot, open the door.” You demand as you wait outside of Shuri’s lab. 
“Griot!! Don’t you dare.” You hear muffled through the wall. 
“Shuri!!! Let me in!!” You say a little louder for her to hear. 
No response. 
“Panther, need I remind you that y/n is just as smart as you and I do believe if she wants to find a way into this room she will.” Griot says over the speakers in the lab. 
A small smile comes across Shuri’s face when she remembers how brilliant her girlfriend truly is. Just as she opens her mouth to tell Griot to open the doors it’s too late anyways as she hears the swoosh from the doors open and sees her not so happy girlfriend standing in front of her. 
“Look I swear I was about to let you in-” Shuri starts, picking up what she was working on trying to continue working on it as she walks backwards away from her girlfriend. 
“Pass it over.” You say in your best sounding stern mom voice. 
“I am SO close please- let me just get five more minutes.” She says with those dark beautiful eyes. 
“Shuri, you said that last night and when I woke up this morning, your side of the bed wasn’t even touched.” 
A small guilty laugh comes out of your girlfriend as you continue to walk towards her until she is backed up against the table and has nowhere to go. 
“Shuri, what’s going on? Why haven’t you left the lab in days?”
This more careless expression drops off her face as she looks down at her feet. 
“Ever since everything that happened with Namor, I just— I know we reached a mutual understanding but I can’t help but feel like something is still wrong and Wakanda— Wakanda feels unprotected.”
“Shuri— wakanda isn’t unprotected. It has you, we have our black panther and you know that.”
“Yeah, but what if I’m not enough? I’m not T’Challa and honestly I know most of the elders still aren’t pleased with my choice to turn down the throne but take up the mantle of the black panther.” She says with a small chuckle. 
You give her a soft smile as you cup her face bringing her towards you and laying a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“I know you’ve been working very hard on all of your new projects but please— my love, let me take you for lunch so you can try to unwind a little.”
Shuri nods her head as she gently sets down the items in her hands and takes yours as you walk out of the lab together. 
The two of you went to your favourite local food vendor downtown in the Capital of Wakanda. They are a small hole in the wall type of place but always have the best service and the most spectacular food…it does help of course that you’re dining with the princess of Wakanda.
“I am STUFFED.” Shuri says with the most adorable giggle and smile as she looks over at you. 
“Are you feeling a little bit better now?” You ask.
“Much. Thank you.” She says as she leans in for a quick kiss. “I think I know what would make me feel even better though…” she says with a cheeky grin. 
You raise your eyebrows at her when you quickly click into what she has running through her mind. “Oh really?” 
Shuri grabs your hand as she pulls you onto the back of her motorcycle which you know can be dangerous but you secretly love it. Getting to hold her waist tightly, weaving through other vehicles and just the feeling of going at such a speed. 
“My queen.” Shuri says, extending her hand looking to help you off her bike. 
The blush ran through your cheeks, you always get a little flustered when she says things like that to you. 
God your girlfriend was so fucking hot. It was the matching purple tracksuit outfit that really just did it for you. 
Shuri led you upstairs to her room while you followed eagerly behind. 
“Welcome back panther and miss Y/n.”
“You know what to do.” She says. 
You turn and look at your girlfriend with a confused look on your face as she has a devious smile on her face. 
The lights start dimming as a giant white screen begins to roll down from the ceiling across from Shuri’s bed. A projector flickers on with an endless list of movies to choose from along with chocolates and other assorted snacks appearing on the side table. 
“I thought you said you were full?” You say nudging towards the sweet treats. 
“Oh I am— but I actually have one last thing I wouldn’t mind eating…” She responds with a very familiar look on her face. “Oh wait! One more thing.” Shuri says as she pulls out a small box with a bow. 
You open the box only to reveal an unbelievably sexy purple matching set. You raise an eyebrow in your girlfriend's direction as she can’t stop smiling at you. 
You let out a chuckle and a playful eye roll as you tell her you’ll be right back as you make your way towards the bathroom. 
The bathroom door unlocks as you walk through it and Shuri turns her head as fast as she can only to have her jaw drop on the floor as she takes in your beauty. 
Letting out the loudest “DAMN!” She can’t help but cover her mouth with her hands as you slowly walk towards her. 
“God, have I ever told you that you are the most beautiful woman in the entire universe?”
“Oh is that so?”
“Oh my god yes.”
You continue to slowly walk towards Shuri but her impatience grows bigger so she quickly walks over to you, swiftly lifting you off your feet. Your legs wrap around her as she holds you up and her lips connect with yours. Your arms draped over her shoulders as she continued to passionately kiss you. 
Shuri gently lays you down on the bed as she crawls on top and begins slowly kissing down your neck as the softest moans escape your lips. Your eyes open ever so slightly as they start to roll back into your head when you see a flashing blue light coming from the side table.
“Yes my love? She whispers into your neck as she continues to make her way down.
“I think there is a notification coming from your kimoyo beads.”
“Ignore it. Whoever it is can wait, I only want to be with you right now.”
You close your eyes as she hits the soft spot on your hip causing shivers to roll up your spine sending your head backwards into the pillows. 
The light had stopped flashing but started again but this time it was blinking faster.
“y/n. Just ignore it, do not worry.” She says as her lips softly lay a kiss on yours. 
Shuri brings one of her hands up to gently cup your face as her tongue explores the inside of your mouth. Her hands start to trail down the sides of your stomach and begin to tug on the new lingerie she bought you. It’s been awhile since the two of you have spent time together like this and god was your body craving it. You felt like you were falling into a trance…
“Panther, I tried to stop him but you have incoming.” Griot announces.
“wha-WHAT HEY.” Shuri screams as she whips the duvet over your slightly exposed body. You look over at the door frame to see M’Baku standing there with his hand over his eyes.
“Shuri, I am sorry to interrupt whatever I may have interrupted but we need you now.”
“I am very clearly in the middle of something. Whatever it is, you are king now and you can handle it.” She says in a surprisingly calm yet stern tone. “And take your hand down, there is nothing to see.”
M’Baku slowly lowers his hand and makes eye contact with you as you give him a little wave from under the covers. 
“I’m sorry, but you need to come, you know the elders, they do not like to be kept waiting. I swear I would not be here doing this if it was not important. We need the Black Panther.”
Shuri rolls her eyes, “if I had known I would have this many responsibilities I would have never drank that stupid herb.” she says in a sarcastic tone. 
“I will be back soon my love, I promise.” Shuri says as she kisses you on the forehead. “Griot please turn on y/n’s favourite until I get back.”
“As you wish.” Griot responds as your favourite movie is already loading up on the screen. 
“My king.” She says bending over and motioning towards the door for M’Baku to walk through. He just rolls his eyes with a laugh as she follows behind and the door closes behind them.
Although she left you right when things were about to get good, you were still happy to see her getting back to her usual self, sarcastic and always joking around with the most amazing smile too. 
– The End –
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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NOV 2022
fandoms featured on this list: star wars, rogue one, andor, moon knight, pedro pascal, triple frontier, multi. fandom
* coffee fund *
thank you to the amazing fic writers for sharing some wonderful stories with all of us ! & to the kind readers for their support. 💙
please assume that all works & the blogs they belong to are 18+ only
mature adult content will be marked with a double asterisk **
be sure to check all warnings & tags before reading, feel free to skip if something isn't for you
& of course, enjoy responsibly
all the love xo A ☕
** I have been taking a little break from the blog, so the Nov & Dec reading list will be a little shorter than usual. There are some really great finds here that I think you will love ! Hope you will stick around xo **
hope you enjoy ! & happy reading ! 🤗
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please send me things to read ! favorite fics or something you've written that you're proud of ! 💌
find more monthly fic recs over on my masterlist, Dec 2022 coming soon ! ✨
please let me know if you would like to be removed
✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
✨ Anakin Skywalker
Making Out with Ani by @laserbrains (gn!reader) **
✨ Din Djarin
Din Djarin helping with your fear of animals by @archieimagines (cw: fear, anxiety, banthas)
Feel It by @ezrasbirdie (din x cobb) **
Grogu’s Teacher (series) by @firstofficerwiggles (f!reader)
Oceans in the Desert by @wyn-n-tonic (cw: grief, loss)
Ranting to Din while he repairs the Razor Crest by @archieimagines
Shatter Me (series) by @writeforfandoms (f!reader) (a season two divergent series)
Touching Din by @archieimagines (sfw touching, angst)
✨ Fennec Shand
Indigo by @artemiseamoon (modern, cinderella, fairytale au) (prince!fennec x ofc)
✨ Luke Skywalker
Shower/Bath Sex with Luke by @laserbrains (afab!reader) **
✨ Obi Wan Kenobi
Crystal Clear by @hellotherekenobi (gn!reader) (cw: battle, injuries, anxiety)
First Lady by @tropodyn (sith!obi wan) (f!reader) (link no longer available 😭)
Stardust (And Other Varieties) by @wickedscribbles (cis afab reader) (cw: implied age gap, force bone, library, mature adult content) **
Temptation’s Kiss by @hellotherekenobi
✨ Poe Dameron
Alright, That Happened by @dreamlandcreations (cw: hair pulling, kinktober) **
Survive Now, Then Flirt by @flightlessangelwings (cw: mild violence, angst) (gn!reader)
You Are In Love (series) by @alwritey-aphrodite (modern au) (f!reader)
✨ Cassian Andor
Hold Me Through the Storm by @archieimagines
✨ Kino Loy
Hoping Against Hope by @saradika (kino loy x wife!oc) **
✨ Ruescott Melshi
Before. When. After. by @littlemisspascal (a three part prison /narkina 5 au) (f!reader) **
✨ Marc Spector
Helping Marc Through a Panic Attack by @archieimagines (cw: grief, panic, anxiety, nightmares, DID, ptsd, angst)
Marc Winking At You In Public by @archieimagines
✨ Steven Grant
Asking Steven Out to Dinner by @archieimagines
Complaining to Steven About Work by @archieimagines
Dream A Little Dream of Me by @redahlia-writes (f!reader) (fake dating, christmas time)
I’m Right Next Door by @flightlessangelwings (gn!reader)
I’m Yours by @in-between-the-cafes (f!reader)
✨ Ezra (Prospect)
Love you, endlessly by @artemiseamoon (ofc) (read in full on ao3)
✨ Frankie Morales
Seen by @clydesducktape (werewolf au) (f!reader)
✨ Misc. Pedro Characters
How Did You Love (series) by @writeforfandoms
✨ Benny Miller
A Fall Getaway by @artemiseamoon (f!reader) (read in full on ao3)
✨ The Amazing Spider Man
Keeping Secrets by @luveline (cw: blood, injuries)
✨ Black Pather: Wakanda Forever
(** may contain spoilers **)
Namor the Sub-Mariner
My Queen, My Sun and My Sea by @mooncleaver (f!talokan!reader) (cw: death, colonizers)
✨️ The Originals / The Vampire Diaries
An Act That Brought You Joy (series) by Merontheshore on ao3 (elena gilbert x the originals) **
✨ Werewolf by Night
Jack Russell
Night Crawling (series) by @moonlight-prose (f!reader)
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chaneajoyyy · 3 years
I’m having a shitty day, can you point me in the direction of some T’Challa fluff? Preferably new-ish stuff if there even is any.
I hope you feel better and that this list helps🥰. Now I don’t like how the tag situation is in the search bar for t’challa fics especially but this is what I got (they probably won’t tew many new ones🥴
-seduction, a day with the udakus’- @dramaqueeenamby
- teenage fever series (with after dark)- @writingsbyash
- make a baby- @songficsbyrissi
- takia, untitled t’chakia fic ask, ask box fic 3, can you feel this (with slight angst), it thought you had forgotten, t’challa’s 12 days of christmas, misfit wakandans- @eerythingisshaka (search: masterlist)
- one i’ve been missing series (with sweet suprises and simpleness)(with slight angst)- @iliketowrite1996
- hc: how t’challa courts you- @iwrite4poc
- father and husband!t’challa headcanon, erik and t’challa bonding as cousins, t’challa x teasing reader headcanon, t’challa’s personalty, t’challa x sick!reader-okoye’s and t’challa’s first kiss- @readinginsilence100
- sunsets- @joannasteez
- new queen; love, wakanda; the throne, i understand, wakanda in bloom, tell him- @avenging-fics
- father’s day with t’challa, first i love you with t’challa, off to college series, unwrapped- @ororowrites
- golden girl, fingers dipped in gold series, early morning  concerts, signing lessons, i’ve been going, his sixth sense, nice & comfortable , you may, comfortable, possibly, up and alert- @supersizemeplz
- moments like these, two pea in a pod, bounce, quickie, nominee, 73 questions, family vacay, gonna love me, birth pangs (slight angst), new look, abdulisms, make it last forever, picture perfect, dance with my father, pick up, divas, wearable art gala, act up, night out- @bribrisback
- helpless, you rock my world series, miss me not series- @airis-paris14
- queen by spring seriest, t’chall missing you, t’challa needs your fingers in his har, “imagine: t’challa helping you find more peace by bringing you into meditation, wakanda now bath salt baths, and tantric sex”,   @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers (scroll for poc reader)
- #19: “...the paint’s supposed to go where?”, father’s daygifts, strong like you, mother’s day- @wakandanblogger
- how many kids they’ll have and how they’ll act (with erik and m’baku)- @ourwakandanerik
- imagine that youre stress-baking because the team hasn’t returned from a mission yet, and t’chall teaches you a new recipe; i’m glad you’re mine, expecting? series (with “can you just leave me along? and “why is there a pregnancy test in the trash?” prompt), delete that footage!, sleepless nights, elegance series, ndiyakuthanda- @fandom-what-ifs
- imagine erik telling everybody your good news..., killing a little time...- @wakandanmoonchild
- baby talk- @haechvn (scroll for black panther x reader)
- the gala, best part (slight angst), he’s the one series (slight angst)- @non-stop-imagines
- a joyous secret, is this love?, focus, lucky, see you again, treat yo’ self, training, the doctor and the king, goddess series (with “his whole world”), a wise queen, deleted footage, drunk in love, the king does your makeup, black pather trinity parent drabbles (with m’baku and erik)- @black-mcu-imagines 
- how he acts when he’s sick: t’challa i’m fine” udaku- @akimi-youngblood
- wash day, language- @supremethunda
-baby on board, pet dog, half on a baby- @sisterwifeudaku
- when in morroco, pointless (slight angst), stall, come again?- @laketaj24
- being apart of the dora milaje and dating t’challa would include- @black-panther-imagines
- sleep, romantic-  @zxddy-panther
- more preciousthan vibranium series, t’challa x  black!mutant!reader series (date with a king series?)- @blackandfair
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