#black people on tumblr have to suffer so much nonsense I'm sorry
rowanthegremlin · 5 months
Message for my fellow white people: this is about someone shining a huge spotlight on abuse and calling out an abuser, it's not just some fun drama to gossip about until you move on to something else. If you can't grasp it's something way bigger and more important than '"two guys beefing'' then you don't need to insert yourself into conversations about it
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We know you enjoy fucked up characters. But which HP and Twilight characters do you actually like/consider decent at least as people, not characters? I'd love a reasoning, if you have time for it, but if you don't, just a list would do, thank you!
In the traditional sense that tumblr would readily accept? Alright, I'll try listing things off and see what we get.
(As for my actually 'liking' that's a different story, as you note, I do genuinely like the fucked up characters who I claim are abominable. They're interesting to me, anon.)
Harry Potter
I'm only going to bother listing off the at least somewhat present characters. We're not going to talk about shop keepers who have two lines one time or someone who just gets mentioned offscreen.
Neville Longbottom
Neville's a good kid and kind of the Charlie Brown of the series. Just, god, this kid puts up with so much shit even from those who are supposed to kind of be his friends.
However, I can never remember him ever being remotely awful even in a normal teenage way. He's just a really nice kid who has shitty teenage friends.
Luna Lovegood
Luna's a bit strange but also suffers from the seeming to be a good kid with shitty friends syndrome. Especially when those friends are worse to her than they are to Neville (quite the accomplishment). Luna should have blown her lid years ago but takes it all in stride even when Ron, Harry, and Hermione are actively making fun of her to her face.
God, Luna, I'm so sorry.
Fleur Delacour
Fleur is standoffish to Harry at first, but it's reasonable given the position she's in, her age at the time, and that it looks like Hogwarts favoritism. However, to me she generally acts nice and like a very decent person, even when the Weasleys are giving her constant hell for daring to date Bill.
Viktor Krum
Viktor seems like a nice enough guy. We don't see too much of him but he's friendly, approachable, he and Hermione have a great time at the dance and brief romance and every bad thing he ever did turned out to be him getting imperiused.
Charlie Swan
Charlie has some serious flaws and some issues when it comes to seeing Jacob clearly/disregarding his daughter but he does genuinely seem to try his best and have her best interests at heart.
Billy Black
Billy, you poor man. In every instant Billy is trying to do right by his son, his people, his friends, or Bella and he comes off a superstitious madman, an old man who has no idea what he's talking about and the Cullens are amazing, or someone who doesn't understand.
Jessica Stanley
Jessica's a gossip and a teenage girl but she goes out of her way to do right by all of her friends. We don't see too much with the other girls, as Bella... cares about Bella, but she goes above and beyond for Bella when none of her other friends are there for her.
She nopes out (as she should have when hanging around Bella became dangerous for her) but she hangs out with Bella later when Bella's... stabilized and never brings up what happened.
Beautifully repaid for this by Edward and Bella both thinking she's The Worst.
Mike Newton
Mike's not a bad kid, he's just a teenage boy. He's about what I'd expect from any teenage boy in any high school. He's very interested in girls, yes, but he also reacts in ways normal people should like say when Bella looks like she's going to pass out in Biology over the blood testing and he's freaking out over it.
Sam Uley
I may get flack for this but the man does try. A lot. He tries to do right by all the people in the pack, tries to do right by Bella, tries to do right by Leah and Emily (even when imprinty shifty nonsense happens), and is forced into making very hard decisions. However he seems to be a very honorable and standup guy just in the worst circumstances.
Emily Young
Emily's another that tries to do right by everyone and is just caught in an awful mess. She tries to do right by Leah, by Sam, then keep her tribe together when these teenage boys keep imprinting on everything.
Leah Clearwater
Leah's full of anger but again always tries to do the right thing and is very levelheaded considering her circumstances. She doesn't want to hate Sam or Emily for what happened to her and actively tries to move on from her own hurt.
Seth Clearwater
Seth seems like a good, earnest, kid. His flaws are actually in his naivite and willingness to see the good in everybody when, yeah, Seth, maybe the Cullens are in fact dangerous and you shouldn't be buddy buddy with them. I've got nothing against Seth.
Quil Atera IV
Quil seems like a decent kid who got stuck imprinting on a toddler and is desperately trying to make the best of it in the only way he can: just being her baby sitter one time a week. Before the imprint he seemed like a decent enough guy.
I'm not going to list off all the pack but most of them seem like decent people trying to do the right thing if a little teenage boy-ish (which can sometimes make them assholes).
Carlisle Cullen
The man has some serious flaws and issues but I think he is a decent person at heart who does strive to live by his principles and do the right thing. (Also, you guys knew this one was coming).
Esme Cullen
Esme's bizarre, but she's a very sweet and caring person who I think is quite genuine in her compassion towards others. She may not be entirely there, but she does mean what she says and genuinely mean well for her family and for others. She just... says things sometimes, or doesn't realize that telling Edward it's okay to eat the girl means Edward would be... eating a teenage girl...
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pixyys · 2 years
i got transmigrated into the world of shugo chara! and become a guardian but my guardian chara is somehow an X-egg
what's this? a shugo chara fic but your guardian chara gives you high blood pressure instead of sparkly magical powers.
warnings. a 3 am fic but is not actually written at 3 am; mc with she/her pronouns; mentions of stress and self-deprecation; pure crack and nonsense; shugo chara and tumblr community, i am very sorry.
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no idea why old-school mangas tend to stay in elementary/middle schools when they're literally experiencing heart throbbing puppy love and can summon meteors.
everyone is in highschool because we all know how highschool is almost always the setting where those spring time anime doki doki tropes happen.
prologue preview
they say smart people has lots of monologues in their head, and bottled negative emotions can manifest into something- er.. ominous.
so you don't know whether it means that you are an outstanding genius or a miserable person when you found a sus egg beside your pillow.
"kakyoin did you lay this egg?!?"
maybe kakyoin didn't but you most likely did.
the egg looks, erm, normal as per say, kind of. it is slightly bigger than your favorite boiled chicken egg, and pure, uh- black? purple-ish? in color. if this is the world of shugo chara, your egg looks like the ones that the main gang purify on a daily basis- wait.
introducing [name] or [mc]
catchphrase include bruh, oh my god, and bob.
sigma rule #1 no simping😎
[name] x overthinking x self deprecation true love triangle route (أ‿أ)/ j.
her whole personality is meme. that's it.
au if this universe is more dark/ less family friendly and [name] suffers an open wound injury during a guardian-fight:
"name! quick! what's your type?"
"i don't think this is an appropriate time, but i like them tall, dark and handsome."
[name]'s future glimpsed through the looking glass (or magic ball, tarot cards, whichever works).
you give your new egg a once over. it is truly pitch dark in color, if not a bit purple.
'the forbidden egg.'
the egg sprung and cracked into life. its shell hit your temple, like it was trying to hit your eye and missed.
(being recruited to join the guardians)
"okay, but how much am i getting paid for this?"
"doesn't that mean my egg is basically an x-egg?"
"heart egg. yes, but no."
"oh my god, are you guys going to exorcise me now?"
"we can name our guardian charas?!"
"no, they-"
"i'm gonna name mine bob."
(it's kairi. kairi and mc = no energy and too much energy so true.)
"[name]! rima-chan told me your heart egg hatched yesterday!"
"yea, it cracked open after i left it on the fridge for three hours."
(everyone shall tremble at [name]'s himbo-ness, amu not excluded.)
"ohh let yaya see! let yaya see! ahh she looks so cute!"
"please do not assume my pronouns."
"but you're in luck, you're right. i go by she/her."
"you're supposed to be the manifestation of my heart's desire! my hopes and dreams! my inner heart!"
"i am! i don't see the point why you're saying this!"
"oh wow, you're really accepting that name."
"say, er.. it's valentine day."
kukai silently peers at the bag of chocolate in your hands.
"oh, right," you nod as you open the bag of chocolates. the boy in question can only stare as you take one of the glistening treats, lift it to both of your eyes' level, then proceed to pop it into your mouth with your eyes dead on the former jack's line of sight.
"i have to start doing the self-love campaign seriously. confessing to other people sounds like a hassle, anyway. so i'll just confess to myself."
"epic idea. saves a lot of anxiety and stress too."
kukai and daichi are too stunned to speak.
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uhh so i don't really remember what happened in shugo chara it's been years, (i'll probably read the manga but it's so long-) but i did read the wiki and found out that these canonically 12 years old kids are basically fighting some secret evil cult organization; one of them, at some point becomes a spy then suffers in some moral dilemma. bonus points that each of these primary schoolers possibly has distinctive crippling insecurity and trauma, and has better love lives than i have ever had-
[mc], everytime things go down, in a chronological order:
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[mc], most of the time whenever encountering something easter-related:
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in case if anyone is curious about the kakyoin and egg thing.
(all jokes aside, shugo chara is one of the best magical girls manga/ anime in my childhood, this feels nostalgic haha)
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lovebeyondmeasure · 6 years
J - U - L - I - E - T (Also I'm aware you already answered E, and I'm interested in your answer for question H) :)
I’ll answer things twice, as long as they lend themselves to be re-answered!
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Oh, uh, Stargate SG-1? My mom watched it, because my mom has watched every. single. space. exploration. show. ever, and I thought of it more in terms of her until I saw people still out here shipping and ficcing for it. Fandoms be out there, yo!
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Joan Watson (Elementary) - Joan ain’t here for your shit. Joan’s here to gets things DONE. And at the same time, she is such a deep well of compassion and care and anger and grace. And she dresses incredibly. So much to love.
Steve Rogers (Captain America) - If I’m not crying about his sense of justice and right in the face of a world that doesn’t respect him, it’s not me, it’s my evil clone, shoot immediately. Steve is SO COMMITTED TO HIS IDEALS, even when they don’t benefit him, even when they HURT him, he is SO STRONG AND SUFFERS SO MUCH, SOMEONE HELP MY SON, PLEASE
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones) - I have watched sporadic episodes of the show, and never read the books. Regardless, I stan for Sansa Stark, because she was just a silly girl who got caught up in the game of thrones, watched her father die in front of her and knew it was her own fault, was beaten, was married off again and again, and instead of laying down and dying she TOOK IT AND TURNED HERSELF INTO A FUCKING WINNER. SANSA HAS BROUGHT DOWN THREE OF THE SHOW’S MOST HATED VILLAINS. SANSA STARK IS THE HEIR TO WINTERFELL. SANSA STARK IS THE QUEEN IN THE NORTH, BITCHES. People hate her because she was a silly girl? WHO’S SILLY NOW.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Oh. Hmm. Let’s go with Tony Stark as a character I’m actively neutral about. I don’t hate him, but I don’t stan for him, either. He’s really and truly trying his best. He wants to protect the world, and even if he’s not always going about it the best way, he has incredibly good intentions. Like, this man’s heart is too goddamn big, he’s trying to fit the entire planet in there, and that’s not feasible, dude. But he’s fucking trying, and I respect him for it.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Oh, for sure, for sure. The Sh*rlock fandom turned me off the show before Moff@t and G@tiss did. Frankly, FUCK Supern@tural. It’s garbage and I stand by that. It should have died long ago. And I’m sorry to report that I will probably Never watch The 1oo, mainly because of all the ship wars and nonsense I’ve seen (and blocked) on my dash. There are others, but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind. And if you blog about these things, know I have them blacklisted and don’t care, as long as things are tagged.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Oh, I mostly go in for TV shows! I have Netflix and Hulu, so I tend to just drop right into them. I also enjoy movie fandoms, obviously, and books to some extent. Not as much, though, because most book fandoms congregate around books I... uh... don’t like that much? Sorry. I’m currently active in the Cormoran Strike, Harry Potter, and Six of Crows fandoms, and two of those have TV/Movie adaptations. But mostly I go in for TV shows!
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Oh shit. Oh fuck. Yes. Absolutely. What fandom? Which characters?
Uh, the Leverage ot3 is a til-death-do-we-part headcanon. Harry Potter as desi and Hermione as black. Kaz gifted Inej with at least some of her knives. Steve Rogers is bisexual. Zuko and Katara ARE IN LOVE.
[ spell your name in my inbox and i’ll talk fandom with you ]
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