#blackwatch fanfic
eternalslover · 8 months
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Ashe NSFW alphabet
Warnings: Smut obvi
Does overwatch even have a fan base anymore?
A/N: I haven't written anything in so long and this is probably really bad and I'm so sorry but this is just for fun and really short, also I honestly think she is a bisexual so this goes for both man and woman, ALSO ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE! Not proofread, sorry if I got the character 100% wrong I tried my best
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
She would like to chill out with her s/o after. Have a nice coffee or drink with them, chat a little though she may not be very talkative, she isn't one to ditch afterwards. She sometimes lays there and let's her mind wander but will always make sure you're ok.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
I think she would really like her legs. She may not be the tallest but she has legs for days. On her s/o she would really like their eyes because they can be "a window to the soul". Also if you're a man she would like a nice beard or mustache, but not a soul patch.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
She cums the fastest when riding you/your strap or sitting on your face. She really gets lost in it just taking control and moving her hips back and forth, then her eyes will roll into the back of her head and she looks so angelic, and the sounds she makes, loud moans and whimpers.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She's a sucker for people with nice pecs and boobs. They're perfect cushioning. I think she'd also be down for a threesome. And help someone be a cuck. Yk like someone is watching while her and the s/o of the person who is watching, do it, if this makes sense.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I think with a male s/o she would definitely know what she's doing and know her way around. As for women she doesn't know that much but she isn't afraid to learn, shes no chicken.
Favorite position (this goes without saying)
She would definitely like doggy style, man and women. Whether her s/o is doing to to her, with his dick or her strap or she's doing it to them, she doesn't care.
Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I don't think she's a super serious person, usually. A joke or two always lighten the mood, and she tries to keep it that way. Although she knows when to switch off the joking.
Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think she would try to keep herself real groomed down there. She's a real lady, she isn't gonna walk into the ring with dirty gear if you get what I mean.
Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She can be rough sometimes, get lost in it but she absolutely loves touching. Your and her hands grabbing at eachother everywhere. And I mean... who wouldn't want to touch her?
Jack off (masturbation)
She definitely does it but calms down with it when you two start dating. When she's away on missions she will send you videos of photos of her masturbating and her red lingerie. If you send her anything back she'll definitely be head over heels.
Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I don't think I have to mention the obvious but she definitely likes to be in control. I think she'd also be into wearing a sexy outfit. She'd also probably be into being called "ma'am". She's not always dominant though, I do think there are times where she can be a real brat and likes being thrown around and bossed around.
Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom, not to many distractions, it's nice and private. The bedroom has a nice romantic feeling to it that she likes, especially when she has control of the lights and music.
Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
After a fight she gets real worked up. Whether that's a mission or some guy at a bar. The thrill of the fight, the excitement she gets, the fear. Makes her feel alive.
No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I think if you weren't as passionate as her she would get turned off but in full honesty I don't think she gets turned off by much or wouldn't do anything big in particular. She's willing to try everything once.
Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) .
She likes to give more than receive, it's more exciting to her. She's also really good at it so that's a plus. But it doesn't matter that much to her either way, she just loves see the look of her s/os face when they cum because of her.
Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I think it really differs on the person but overall she likes fast and rough
Quickie (their opinion on quickies, how often, etc.)
She doesnt believe in quickies, she believes in passion and intimacy. If anything she's more into "longies". I mean she not 100% against them it probably depends how she feels in the moment but having quickies doesn't really do anything for her. She'd rather make it last and have the full experience.
Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She takes risks most definitely. Risks are part of what make her, her. Though she isn't some risk, "devil may care" kinda person. She tries to limit them, but she's not afraid to take a leap of faith. And if it don't work... she knows how to handle the consequences.
Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She usually has a lot of stamina, on a good night it's 3 hours. She can't always go all night like everyone now and then maybe she can. But most of the time it's 1 hour... maybe 2?
Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
She owns them, she uses them but rather use them on her partner than her partner do it to her.
Unfair (how much do they like to tease)
Oh does she love to tease! She likes to do it because it's fun. She likes to see the face of the person when she shows them just how unfair she can be. She finds it quite... entertaining
Volume (how loud are they, what sounds do they make, etc.)
She can be really damn loud, why wouldn't she be? She wants her s/o to know just how much she's enjoying it.
Wild card (a random headcanon about the character)
She would like to experiment with her looks more, maybe dye her hair or wear a wacky outfit just for the sake of it.
X-ray (what’s going on under those clothes)
Idk how to answer this? I mean I think she may have had a belly button piercing but took it out so now it's healed over and just a scar.
Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty damn high. She's never had a problem with getting it on with her partners if you get what I mean and she's never had a problem finishing it.
Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep after sex)
Not very long after unless you two had sex after one of her missions, then it will be hard for her to fall asleep. But other than that not very long, it's a very relieving feeling and she just wants to relax after. I also think she'd want to cuddle after but you'd have to initiate it.
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eternalsawake · 2 years
10 minutes | blackwatch!gabriel reyes x blackwatch!gn!reader
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rating: teen - for swearing, depictions of violence, death? (also kinda angsty idk)
an: hi this is my first x reader TEEHEE i rly hope you enjoy n if this does well ALSO ur powers were heavily inspired by irelia from league of legends idk i think her powers are sick
the uproar of emotions that fell over gabriel’s body shook him to his core. the crackle of red, orange and yellow filled his eyes.
the explosion.
"it's probably nothing reyes, i'll be back in 10 minutes tops," they said.
the last look on their face before they ran off burned into gabriels memory, tugging at his heart strings. not once had they called him reyes. even when the two quarreled, he was still called "gabe" "gabriel" "cariño" but this was, this was different. they were furious, and had every right to be.
a few hours before - reader pov
it was a simple job. get what we needed and get out. genji, you, moira, cassidy, and commander reyes worked together like cogs in a clock, flowing smoothly, but it didn’t last for long. you knew gabriel reyes had a temper, all of blackwatch knew but tonight, he was more on edge than ever.
"the shot heard round the world" is what some people call an extremely loud sound; or in this case, gabriels shotgun puncturing through antonios chest, enough to see straight through as though the pit of a spyglass. "reyes what did you do?!" berated cassidy "this was NOT the plan."
"well.. looks like we're going with plan b." reyes stated as the alarms rang around the five. everyone readied for what was coming next. talon troops.
"cassidy. reyes. moira. take care of the ones above, genji and i will flank from behind." you ordered. all had obeyed, but gabriel was confused, distraught even. "since when were you one to give the orders?" he questioned. "since when were you one to shoot our target that we needed ALIVE?" you retorted back. "focus you two," genji interrupted, strumming his fingers against his grit chest plate. "we don't have much time." you scoffed and went with genji. as you turned around to face him, you felt a pair of eyes digging into your back. you knew it was gabes, and honestly you didn't care.
for the past year, you and gabriel had grown closer ever since. sure, being put on a probationary period for literally kicking reyes in the ass may have set back your relationship for a few months, yet you and him grew closer than ever. you two had been in a relationship for almost a year now: you truly loved him and he truly loved you. unfortunately, throughout the past couple of months, you and gabriel’s relationship had been edging towards the cliff.
doctor moira o’deorain, a brilliant scientist with a fixation on her erratic experiments. inflicting harm onto enemies AND being able to heal your allies was quite the impressive feat, but your indifference towards the doctor prevented any sort of friendship between the two of you. her offer to improve your skills still burned in your memory. you had trained for years, almost a decade, under the watchful lenses of the shambali. your body had found enlightenment, channeling that newfound energy to bend 5 carbon steel blades at your will. the thought that someone believed you needed artificial enhancement felt like she had spit on the shambalis teachings.
moira and gabriel became closer, sneaking away to her lab to do god knows what. at first, you believed he was cheating on you, or at least hiding something from you. the distinct mention of a wife rang from o'deorains lips quickly shut down your thought, but what was with the sneaking around? was reyes being experimented on without your knowledge? is that why he missed your last date? to be experimented on?
the five agents had managed to ward off most of the troops, eventually escaping to the extraction point, only waiting for your drop ship to arrive. cassidy's voice yelled, "get DOWN." you turn and are met with talons assassin, clawing away at you. you were rendered useless as they pinned you down, slashing and clawing at you, until you heard a familiar booming voice, "stay down, this will be messy." a flurry of shadows, a death blossom drifted in the direction of the rogue assassin. shadows escaping around the figure, a swarm of shotguns pacing towards you and your attacker. gaining control of your blades, you used them to push the assassin off of your body. with one quick slash, the assassin dropped to their knees, gasping for any air they could receive before dying. the carbon blades floating around you stopped glowing as you turned to face the shadowed figure.
“gabriel??” genji questioned. all of blackwatch was petrified, the dilation of reyes pupils proved that even he was terrified of his own, raw power. as quick as a whip, cassidy’s mouth flung open, ready to vociferate his thoughts when your hand flew to his mouth. your incandescent facial expression painted on your perspiring face; ready to let all hell loose.
"are you SHITTING me right now gabe? what the actual hell was that? is this what you've been sneaking away to do? to become..THIS?" you barked. the adrenaline coursing through your veins like an indy 500 racer.
"i did it for you," he replied, softly.
"did what exactly gabriel? hide your little experiment from me? you missed nightly training AND not to mention, our last two dates? are you serious right now?"
"i did what i needed to do, and i know i should have told you, but this was MY choice," his tone of voice adjusted with each word that rolled off his tongue, growling bitterly between the small pauses.
"or did you just want your time in the spotlight like morr-" you retorted, but before you could even finish your sentence, your blackwatch pilot piped in. "sorry to interrupt your couples therapy commander, but i have visual on your position. i'm coming in for a landing, but it's gonna be hot."
"let's go, we will have a long debriefing ahead of us, won't we?" moira sniped. cassidy scoffed and he and genji waved down the blackwatch ship. as you were about to walk toward the ship, your senses were heightened, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. an unknown feeling, pulling you away from the incoming ship.
"i feel somethings off," you state, forcing the words to spill from your mouth, "i'm gonna run a quick perimeter check." genji and cassidy return a puzzled look in your direction. "we have cleared the area of all the troops, any more coming and we will be killed." genji specified. your vision shifts to cassidy, painted with a look that could bring tears to your eyes. "don't worry, it's probably nothing, but let me check, alright?" you replied.
"first giving orders, now going on your own? god what has gotten into you, hm?" the raspy voice questioned.
"it's probably nothing reyes, i'll be back in 10 minutes tops," you said, masking your internal anger and melancholia.
"just... be careful alright?"
you nod as you walk off, configuring your blades into a makeshift hoverboard, gliding back through the courtyard, into the art gallery, hopping off at the bridge. taking a moment to look out of the scenery. venice, italy. a gorgeous city filled with breathtaking views. as you stared off, taking in the night sky, you pondered yourself. you pondered blackwatch, overwatch in general, all of your feats and defeats: the memories flooding your brain like a tsunami. could you just give all that up? all that effort put in? at what cost?
composing yourself together, as you readjust your posture; you scan the scene. you see troops collapsed over the bridges railing, blood splattered across the ground. a set of clothes piques your interest. despite being so dull and quite plain, you immediately undress from your suit, peeling off every last layer. the clothes felt foreign, yet comforting. you jump immediately as your cochlea's hear a rolling sound, only to find out it's a barrel rolling in your direction. as you stop the barrel, you notice it's unfamiliar logo plastered on the side. explosive possibly? as you look up, your eyes dart to the knocked over barrels - with the exact same logo.
your stone cold expression formed into a small grin.
without thinking, you swipe the abandoned assault rifle from the deceased talon agent. by using your blades, you tear your suit into shreds. you messily toss the mangled artifacts of clothing around the barrels and run a solid 400 ft away from the barrels. you hoist the rifle up to your eye level, stabilizing your breathing for better control. your finger clicks the trigger, the knockback sending you back a few feet, as the bullet pierced through the barrels.
as soon as gabriel reyes planted his left foot onto the dropship, an irregular tremor set him off balance. "what was that?" cassidy barked. "was it more talon troops? ...reyes?"
reyes was engulfed with the sight infront of him. the uproar of emotions that fell over gabriel’s body shook him to his core. the crackle of red, orange and yellow filled his eyes. his body gave out, instantly making him fall to his knees in anguish. "i'll go." said a sullen, soft voice. "no genji, let me do this." reyes choked out.
rising to his feet, he sprinted, going as fast as his legs would carry him. the sting in his calves, the tightness in his chest, it fell to the waist sides. the only thing that was on his mind was you. the explosion turned into a tremendous fire, roaring as high as the hilltops. gabriel ducked an incoming material on fire, unknown of what it was. as he was blowing on it, ceasing the fire, he noticed the familiar emblem sewn meticulously into place.
their blackwatch logo.
he couldn't hold back anymore. a eardrum blasting caterwaul rang from his mouth, a stream of tears gushing from his eyes. why..why did it have to be you? "it should've been me," he thought to himself. his scarred, blemished hand clutched the fabric, as his tears strolled down his face.
the faint wailing you heard just about shattered your heart. in the almost year of you and reyes dating, you had never heard so much emotion in his voice. yes, he did cry infront of you, but it was a one time thing. your body tugged at you to return, to embrace gabriel, to sob with him, but you knew this had to be done. to stop a wound, you first have to stop scratching it. stepping back from blackwatch, no, overwatch was your way of scratching it. you had to stop, you had to move on. who knows, you may return one day, when you are needed the most. but for now?
you right foot leads first, and without looking back, you take your first step.
next part here (:
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solrika · 3 months
Cole and Reaper have a little chat.
Been forever since I managed to write. Here’s something for the few Overwatch fans that still follow me.
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thinkingoflawrence · 7 months
The Missing Piece of Us by JjongsTeddybear - Overwatch (Video Game) archiveofourown.org/works/51547768
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Update 9/1/2023
Words: 8k
Title: Moira POV: The First Mission
Hey guys, so happy to get this out! This chapter goes over the first Blackwatch mission from Moira's POV and is very much a showcase of Blackwatch tomfoolery and lesbian thoughts. Longer explanation for the 'holdover' chapter and what's taking so long in the AN <3
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wftc141 · 9 months
Blackwatch Chapter 10: Conflict Part 1
12:40 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Embassy of the United States
December 2018
The team are all gathered at their quarters but their mood has been less talkative. While Genji was tapping away on his phone, McCree and Sombra played pool against Fio and Moira, and Marvel was losing his dart throwing match with Amelie. By the corner of the room, Ray watched the TV with disinterest.
"Man, this shit's getting boring." Ray said, breaking the silence.
"Saying that for the tenth time isn't gonna make it less boring, man." Marvel called out as he took his stance.
"And you just got out of the kill house four hours ago." Sombra added. "What more do you want, bro?"
"Shooting paper targets and blanks don't count." Ray replied. "We've been on our asses for far too long."
"Ray does raise a point." Moira butted in after finishing her turn. "We're being put on hold after all thanks to this Valorant Protocol unit."
"You mean the guys who failed to stop Null Sector from attacking Rome?"
"The intel failed them." Amelie corrected. "Unlike us, they operate by the books. The mistakes from the higher ups were out of their hands."
"You seem quite fond of the Valorant Protocol, aren't you, Amelie?" Moira asked.
"I speak with logic in mind."
"So there's a chance that they're gonna put us on the sidelines indefinitely?" Ray said.
The room went silent. Blackwatch had been in charge of handling off-the-books operations under the government's nose and they were good at what they did.
With Jack Morrison and the Valorant Protocol taking over duties for the most part, all they could do was wait and see what comes next for Blackwatch.
03:20 PM, Local Time
13 km outside of Mogadishu, Somalia
UN Refugee Campsite
Outside of the city, doctors of the United Nations are helping the Somalian citizens who were caught in the middle of the civil war between Al-Shabaab and the government, accompanied by Helix Security International who served as security detail for the humanitarian doctors.
Angela comes out of a tent as she has just finished working on a patient. She needed to get some air as she took a deep sigh in relief and whipping the sweat from her head.
"How did it go?"
Angela turns to the voice and notices Fareeha Amari walking up to her, still in her gear. She simply raised a thumbs up as Fareeha got close.
"We managed to save the boy, though the landmine shattered his right leg." Angela said. "It's a possibility that he'll have to wear a prosthetic for the rest of his life."
"What matters is that he's alive and you saved him, Angela."
"I heard you put yourself in danger to save that boy."
"If it weren't for me, the boy would've been a goner. I couldn't just leave him there."
"You know those stunts of yours are gonna get yourself killed, Fareeha."
Fareeha let out a deep sigh. She had known Angela enough that she would be aware of her heroic stunts on the field. Before the conversation could continue, an HSI contractor approached her with orders.
"Amari, we need you for a CSAR. Captain's orders." He said in Arabic.
"Got it, Tariq." Fareeha nodded. "Right behind you."
Tariq nodded before heading off.
"Going out again?" Angela asked.
"Yep." Fareeha said before turning away. "I'll see you when I get back."
"Be careful."
"No promises."
Angela watched as Fareeha caught up with her teammates and couldn't help but feel worried for her. Knowing how she always puts herself in danger for the safety of the helpless, it was admirable and courageous to say the least but Angela's gut feeling was telling her that Fareeha's actions aren't going to always be successful considering Somalia's current situation.
04:20 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Embassy of the United States
Gabriel makes his way to Jack's office as by the look on his face he is not going to have a pleasant conversation as he needs to question him. Once he got to the door, he knocked and waited for a response.
"Come in."
Entering the office, Gabriel walked towards Jack sitting behind his desk who looked up, eyes meeting an unexpected face.
"Ah, Gabe. Wasn't expecting you today. What can I help you with?" Jack asked.
"I've been wanting to discuss something that has been on my mind for some time," Gabriel said as he crashed onto the chair before Jack's desk.
"What is it?"
Gabriel shot a glance at Jack with sharp eyes and a somewhat interrogative aura. Jack was quick to recognize that look as he took a sip from his mug.
"I wanna know what's up with this Valorant Protocol and how a unit that came to existence out of thin air, is suddenly handling duties meant for us."
Lowering the mug from his mouth, Jack simply sighed as he set the mug on the table and leaned back on his chair.
"I figured you were going to ask me that eventually. Just didn't know when."
"You're trying to replace me and my team, aren't you? Is that the real reason why you're here and Salvatore kicked the bucket?"
"This is nothing personal, Gabe." Jack said. "You and your team have been useful for our cause but the Valorant Protocol is a government-sanctioned and, dare I say, a clean covert organization that I believe that your efforts are far suitable with them."
"You're asking me to work with a bunch of scouts just because you don't like how Blackwatch operates?"
"We can't have dirty ops under NATO's hand. This will contradict our intentions to demonstrate peace and unity."
"You honestly believe that shit when there are killers out there trying to turn this world under?" Gabe said, leaning forward. Jack sighed as he lifted his hand to his scrunched eyebrows."You think NATO's idea of peace is gonna fix the mess they've made? Our methods aren't pretty but we're the ones covering up their mess and like it or not, we do it better than any other cleanup squad they throw in."
"I understand your frustrations, Gabe, but right now, the situation is getting more heated than we've anticipated. Congress has been questioning our capabilities ever since the Rome incident and the public are getting more-"
Gabriel suddenly bolts up and slams his fists on Jack's table. "Lives are in danger and you wanna talk about your fucking approval ratings?!"
"This isn't about ratings, this is about collateral damage!" Jack snapped back. "People are scared to go out onto the streets without worrying about whether they'll live to see another day. We're supposed to be keeping our operations out of the public eye and if word gets out to the media about you and your team's existence, we'll be spending months doing damage control!"
Gabriel glared down at Jack as he continued.
"Look, I know this is not the answer you expect from me and I understand. Believe me when I say I'm with you all the way but we need to be realistic about this-"
Gabriel began to chuckle as Jack looked at him with confusion. "Realistic? Don't make me laugh. Where has being realistic ever gotten us, huh? All we did was let people die while we stood by the sidelines, knowing we could've stopped the bloodshed! You know this as much as I do, Jack, but I guess being NATO's lap dog made you forget the blood that's still on your hands"
Gabriel storms out of his office, not giving Jack the chance to speak. As the door slammed shut, Jack slumped back into his chair and sighed, taking in everything that Gabriel had said to him.
05:30 PM, Local Time
Mogadishu, Somalia
Helix contractors have just wrapped up their CSAR, returning back to their headquarters. Fareeha was in the Humvee at the front of the convoy, seated next to Captain Khalil who was driving. She looked through the window, watching the Somali people going about their lives while the civil war continued to shake their country. However, there was something that was bothering Fareeha.
"Something doesn't feel right." Fareeha said.
"Because we found nothing? Agreed." Captain Khalil answered. "Intel said there were innocent people in that area."
"Could've been a trap."
"If it was, we would've gotten into a gunfight. Luckily for us, we're still in one piece. My guess is wrong intel."
Fareeha said nothing and returned her gaze to the war-ravaged streets. Even if bad intel was the case, Fareeha's conscious was convinced something was off. She just couldn't pinpoint where exactly.
9 km north of Mogadishu, Somalia
Undisclosed Camp
Gunshots rang out in synchronization as Talon units watched insurgents of Al-Shabaab train with resilience and coordinated diligence. Talon was fortunate to find such fighters like Al-Shabaab who were more than happy to support their cause, unlike the late Macaba militia. On top of being fast learners, their motivations were the driving force and easy enough for Talon to broker a fair deal of weapon shipments and military training.
On one side, insurgents took to the firing range to test out the newest range of weaponry much more advanced than their arsenal of AK-47s, courtesy of Talon. On the other, fighters trained in close-quarters and the many ways to kill a man, thanks to Talon's best instructors.
Captain Cuerva watched from the sidelines as live fire erupted across the camp, observing for the potential candidate to join their ranks. Almost every insurgent had potential, making it a hard choice for him.
"Captain," Cuerva then turned around to find Pacanowsky approaching him, phone in hand. "The Coin wants to speak with you."
Cuerva held out his hand for Pacanowsky to hand over before lifting the phone to his ear. "Go for Cuerva."
"Bonjour, Captain," Maximilien said. "How's Mogadishu doing for you?"
Cuerva glanced over to the insurgents at the field. "Our allies are surprisingly loyal and competent. They barely managed to move an inch against the military and now they've taken over an entire town thanks to our funding and training."
"Never underestimate the power of money and power," Maximilien replied. Cuerva can feel his smirk behind the screen. "Now, I didn't call you just to catch up on trivial news. Your boss is calling for you to finish up. I have an assignment that I believe you and your team would be interested in."
A smirk grew across Cuerva's face.
"I'm listening."
05:50 PM, Local Time
13 km outside of Mogadishu, Somalia
UN Refugee Campsite
Back at the camp, Angela was walking around the camp looking around with a smile on her face watching how the refugees are feeling safe from the war.
She turned and noticed Winston jogging up to her, alongside his assistant, Athena. Angela noticed he was rather breathless despite his muscular build, which was rare for a doctor like him. He must have something urgent for her to come running.
"Angela. I've been meaning to speak with you." Winston said through his labored breaths.
"Is something wrong, Doctor?" she asked, cocking her head.
He nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. The UN has ordered us to halt all activities effectively and pull out of Mogadishu ASAP."
Angela's eyes widened and her mouth went agape at what she was hearing.
"They want us to leave? Why?" she asked.
"They say the area is getting too dangerous and they can't risk us and the staff getting caught in the firefight."
Angela looked over to the tents where the patients were. "But we can't just abandon these people, Doctor. We have innocent lives on the line here and that's just a small fraction of this city."
"We've tried to reason with them but they told us that our lives are their top priority. The UN has lost all contact with the government and-"
The conversation ended with loud gunfire, engine roaring and panicked screams which caught the three's attention. Angela rushed to see what was happening.
"Mortar incoming!" a voice screamed, although tad too late.
Just as Angela comprehended the warning, a deafening blast knocked Angela onto her back as sand clouded her and everything went dark.
A few minutes later, Angela slowly woke up from the darkness, ears ringing to no end. Sand stuck to her skin as she caught a glimpse of cuts on her arms, close to where the sand was. Her body struggled to get itself back on her feet as she began to crawl, not knowing what was happening around her.
Suddenly a huge shadow casted over her face. Angela heard the figure shout, although she couldn't understand what it was saying. Once her ears fully recovered, she saw Fareeha in front of her holding her up.
"I got you, Angela! Come on!"
Angela quickly helped herself up as she followed Fareeha into cover, coming across four other doctors and the remaining Helix contractors protecting them.
"What's happening?!" Angela asked over the gunfire.
"It's Al-Shabaab! They're after the supplies and they've taken out several of our contractors!" Fareeha replied.
Angela looked around as civilians of all types ran amok as the insurgents moved past them, firing upon anyone carrying a gun. However, she noticed something was missing among the group.
"Winston's not here." Angela said before turning to the doctors. "Where's Winston and Athena?"
"We don't know!" Dr. Kessler replied. "We got separated from the mortars! Should we look for them?"
"There's no time to search for them now!" Tariq said while loading a new magazine. "We need to get you all out!"
"We'll peel off our rear! It's our only way out!" Captain Khalil ordered. "On me!"
The group followed the contractors as they provided covering fire for the doctors and themselves. During the firefight, Fareeha noticed something different about one of the insurgents' rifles. She could make out what looked to be a government-issued CZ 805, a weapon unusually in the hands of insurgents.
Who could they have gotten them from? Now that Fareeha thought about it, almost every attacker they've faced had been carrying advanced tactical gear and weapons that would've been out of reach for a group like Al-Shabaab, as well as moving in ways that mirror special forces tactics, which only furthered her suspicions.
She could only hold that thought for later as she and Captain Khalil were the last to retreat and regroup with the rest. As the group made a dash for safety, Fareeha heard Khalil let out a cry of pain behind her and turning around, she found him on the sand.
"Captain!" Fareeha shouted.
She ran to Captain Khalil as he crawled behind a few cargo boxes and helped return fire on the insurgents. Ducking to cover, Fareeha checked the Captain's wound and found a bullet hole in his lower waist.
"Go! Get everyone out of here! I'll hold them off!" Khalil shouted over the gunfire.
"No! We fight as one, Captain! Let me get you up!" Fareeha responded as she tried to help him up.
Khalil pulled her close by the vest. "Amari!" The tone made her freeze momentarily. "This is not the time to be a hero. Protect the doctors and get them to safety. That is my final order to you, Captain Amari."
Although one half of Fareeha's mind wanted her to carry Khalil with her, she needed to get Angela and everyone else out, and carrying Khalil would only make him an easy target and render her bravery in vain. Cursing under her breath, Khalil released her and she took the cue to catch up with her team.
As the group got far from the area, Fareeha turned back to catch one last sight of Khalil returning fire before an explosion erupted beside him, concealing him in smoke and sealing his fate. Fareeha sucked in her breath and faced forward as the group kept running, away from the base. Even after finding a safe distance, there was still no sign of Winston and Athena.
07:50 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Embassy of the United States
Gabriel headed down the corridor after being summoned for an urgent meeting with Jack. On his way to his office, Gabriel thought hard on what to say, remembering he had stormed out in anger earlier. He eventually arrived at Jack's office and stopped by the door, taking a deep breath before opening the door. Walking in, he noticed a familiar face standing in front of Jack's desk.
Brimstone turned around and a grin grew across his face upon noticing their new visitor.
"Gabe! What a surprise!" Brimstone greeted.
"Could say the same to you, Liam." Gabriel greeted back as he and Brimstone shook hands. "Long time no see. Haven't seen you since your deployment with the Ragged Ravens."
"I got the job a few months back. Higher ups were impressed with my resume and put me on as team leader for the Valorant Protocol."
Gabriel lingered on that answer. "Interesting. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've seen you at our last meeting with your team."
"You two can catch up with each other later cause we have a situation that needs to be dealt with ASAP." Jack interrupted, catching both Gabriel and Brimstone's attention.
The two turned towards Jack as he began the briefing, turning on the projector to open a slideshow.
"Last night, UN humanitarian and aid workers led by Dr. Winston Hayward were stationed outside Mogadishu to provide help for those affected by the civil war when their camp was attacked by heavily armed Al-Shabaab insurgents." Jack continued to the next slide. "They were under the protection of Helix Security International but they took serious casualties and were forced to retreat. We've received a distress call from one of the contractors for HSI, Lieutenant Fareeha Amari, who was with the humanitarians at the time. We've tracked their call to Khandali Village, just several klicks southeast of their camp, which may've been their last known location."
"How many doctors do we need to save?" Gabriel asked.
"Seven, that includes the contractors." Jack replied, turning off the projector.
"I'll take Ray and Genji for this one."
"And I'll have two of my own with me." Brimstone added.
"Very well. You two will be leading this team for this joint covert op." Said Jack. "Your task is to find the doctors and the contractors, and extract them out of the country fast. And keep a low profile with this. If NATO finds out about the doctors, we'll have an international crisis on our hands."
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off-putting-otter · 24 days
Hhhh I have literally the coolest Blackwatch oneshot series idea but I told myself I’m not allowed to even start OUTLINING it until I’m done with Before the Dawn…but finals are actually killing me I have no time to write the final chapter to BTD until next Friday 😔
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montcumbry-gaytor · 2 years
Hypothetically, what if.. I wrote Overwatch fanfic, I have ideas, please someone give me feedback
Hanzo x Male! Reader x Cassidy - Reader is Newer recruit to overwatch, Hanzo and Cassidy catch interest in him and wanna make the relationship poly. ( possible smut keke y'all lemme know )
Genji x Male reader - Reader is someone who helped create omnics and help Genji repair his armour and fings get a little spicy
Gabriel x Male reader - Reader is ex-blackwatch, Is hunting down Gabriel, Hate Spice </3 a little bit of angst, things get fixed in the end.
Jack x Male reader - Jack is Training reader to be a soldier for overwatch, shower type spice happens
( for context for whoever may run across this post, I will not be posting / writing any of these for the time being, my cat and dog have both passed in the same week and cannot find the energy nor will to write. )
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
A new post called: Inspired by Art. Where a pic a fanart and create a fanfic. You can send a image too! :D
Inspired By Art
Or IBA if you want...
I'm fine...!
Summary: You're part of BlackWatch have at least two years already. You and Gabriel are very close to each other, best friends. But you seeing very abs very worry worhhim after the last mission. Moira said that he was bad injured, but he never let you see his body, just some little cuts and nothing more.
Genre: Friendship, romance, fight.A little bit hot.
Warnings: Bad language, poor englis skills with you're sensitive with grammar.
Art by: HumbertSobek, PermanentWound on Tumblr
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You- Gabriel, please! *You go after him to his room* Let me see it! I'm worried!
Gabriel- I'm god damn fine, y/n! Look! *Show his arm with small injures, he was annoyed by your insistence* It's nothing!
You- That doesn't prove what she said!
Gabriel- Moira is crazy! You can't trust in everything that she says!
You- Gabriel! I know you about two years and half! I know that you're hiding! You're bad injured! You didn't let Moira take care! Me! Angela! No one!
Gabriel- I'm fine! Leave me alone!
You- Look at your face, motherfucker! *You pull him by his jacket and hold his face* You are hurt, Gabe...! Badly hurt! I won't let you sleep like that!
Gabriel- You should! *Take a step away taking your hands off* I'm going to shower, out!
You- "Out"?! *Offensive!* You just said "out"?!
Gabriel- Yes! Get the fuck out! *points to the door*
You- You fucking jerk! *Walks out the room* Fuck you! Fuck your injures!
*Gabriel closes the door and sighs trying to calm himself down*
Gabriel- Fuck...! *Take of his shirt and growls in pain*
*His body was completely destroyed, some enemies got him out of guard in the last mission, punching and kicking him until the others come. He got a shot in the left shoulder, some bullets graze and an broken rib. He got some knife cuts on the back and abdomen. Completely destroyed. He get into the hot shower growling in pain, trying to ignoring and take a normal shower. After trying to clean himself, he lean his hands on the wall trying to not feel the pain*
Gabriel- Fuck...!! *Drop the left arm with the bullet wound* Fucking hell...!
*After the long minutes showering, he brush the teeth and put only the pants going straight to bed, sit down and get the medkit to take care of the wounds. Make some bandages and some band aids, then he lays down in agony, any position was a different pain. He takes a deep breath feeling a little bit of relief and fell sleep fast*
*In other room*
You- He's a fuckin' jerk! *you hold your hair trying not to yell* He is...!! So fuckin' stubborn! He things that can do everything by himself! He can't! Just can't! He never wants to be helped! Fuckin' selfish man!
Cassidy- Heeey... *Looks at you a little surprised* I know that you're worried, baby, but come on... he's a tough guy, you know that, just let him do his things.
You- Let him do his things? He will die!
Cassidy- Moira said what about him?
You- He is really bad injured! He don't let me help!
Cassidy- Is his choice, y/n! Let it go! He's a grow man!
You- But I care about him, Cass! *You starts to cry* I care too much! I...! I love him, Cass...!
Cassidy- What? Wait...you love him, of course, he's your bestie.
You- No! No...! I love! I like him for real, Cass! I love that jerk! I love that problematic man!
Cassidy- Whaaat? For real, girl?! *He smiles big* Tell me more about that, pumpkin! I like some gossips! *He holds your face* Don't need to cry, ok? Just ask him nicely. You both are like a fire bomb. *wipe your tears with his thumbs*
You- I cry because I'm scared...
Cassidy- Of what?
You- ...I'm afraid to lose him...! The way he act everything by himself...!
Cassidy- He is dumb but not a idiot!
You- I know, Cass...! I just...! I just wanna be a good friend for him...he's so lonely.
Cassidy- In fact, this guy in a lonely wolf *sighs* I think...dealing with him in conversation it won't work...you just have to do it. No questions, no judges, just do it, he won't have time to think and act *giggles* Like the day I just give him a peck on the cheek.
You- I remember that...*laughs* He went so lost and confuse.
Cassidy- And then be punch my arm really hard...I still can feel it.
You- So... just do it, right?
Cassidy- Yeah, trust me, pumpkin, he's a good old friend of mine *wink*
*You sighs and went out of the room going straight to Gabriel's room, locked up, but thanks to you, you stole a master key from Jack Morrison pocket and made a copy, and why? Because of Gabriel and his angry issues; if he locked himself in the room, you're there, because he's gonna break something expensive and Jack will make him pay*
*You open the door and slowly get into the dark room, the only light came from the window, the moon was pretty shiny tonight. You look at the open window, is a hot summer night, a good breeze was getting into the room. Looking at the bed, you find him, lying face down and could here his soft snoring. On his desk, you turn on the lamp, then you could see his injured body, what makes you anguish for a moment. You step closer and for the first time, in two years, you could actually see his many scars and recent injures of the last mission. A lot of hematomas, some bandages and baid aids, you sighs feeling a relief that at least he is taking care of the wounds. You check on him to see if he's sleeping very deeply and yes...he was sleeping very deeply. Slowly sat on the bed to check closer on the scars, thinking in how many battles he went in, maybe some bar fights or whatever, he is a trouble maker anyway. Gabe suddenly stop snoring, you may have waked him up? You frozed. Looking at his face, you see that his face turns into agony and you wonder if he was feeling any physical pain from the wounds, but no... he breath starts to race and you could see his skin starting to sweat. It was a nightmare and he is very familiar with the nightmares. Because of stress, wars and other problems, he constantly have those creepy nightmares and you knew about it, just didn't know what to do...it was a torture see him like that*
*He starts to squirm and moan, like if he was in pain or watching something disturbing. His face suddenly turns into sadness and you could see a tears falling from his sleep eye*
You- Gabe...? *You looked at him worry and tries to take your hand to his face, but didn't touch it to not wake him up*
Gabriel- *suddenly lift his body making you jump out of bed scared* Ah! Shit...! Fuck....! *He grab his hair trying to calm down* Dammit...
You- ...Gabe?
Gabriel- *immediately looks at you surprised* What...? What are you doing here?
You- I'm sorry, I... I wanted to see if you were ok.
Gabriel- *Sit on the bed still trying to calm down* Fuckin hell...
You- Nightmare?
Gabriel- Always...*feels the pain on the body making a agony face* Dammit...!
You- *Slowly sit on the bed again* What was about? Is always different?
Gabriel- Same context, different nightmare...whatever. *sighs and looks at you* I'm fine, y/n...
You- No, you're not. *smirk* But I won't annoy you again, I promise.
Gabriel- No no...I went rude with you...I'm sorry.
You- It's ok... *you suddenly tries to clean a blood spot close to his lips* You forgot to clean here...
Gabriel- *Sighs and hold you hand taking off of his face, but keeps holding it* Can you...take care of me? Is hurting so fucking bad...
You- *smiles* You didn't take nothing for pain?
Gabriel- I'm a idiot with medication...
You- I get you something...*you stands up but his pulls you down again* ??
Gabriel- ... *Look at your hand and starts to caress it*
You- Gabe? *chuckle* I apologize you, is ok.
Gabriel- I...I also want to ask you if...you want to sleep with me tonight...
You- What? *blush*
Gabriel- I've being have nightmares with you...*looks at with tears on his eyes* Every fucking night...! You dying...!
You- Gabe...! Hey...*You sat closer and hold his face on your hands* I'm here...ok?
Gabriel- I'm sorry...*take his hand to his head* I look like a pussy...
You- *chuckle* You idiot, of course not. If sleep with you will make you feel better, I'll do it.
Gabriel- I don't want to force you nothing, I'm just scared...
You- But why that would make you feel better? I mean, you known is a nightmare.
Gabriel- Not always... sometimes I wake up so scared that I go to your room to see if you're alive or here...I feel panic, ok? And that's sucks!
You- I got it...*sighs* you care about me.
Gabriel- I do... If I wake knowing that you're here... I would sleep better. I'm sorry, you don't need to do it.
You- *lay down* I'm fine.
Gabriel- What? Really? It's kind hot tonight...
You- Don't worry, I feel cold easily *smiles and go lay down under the blanket* Come, first I want to see your injures *you tap on your side* Come on.
Gabriel- *sighs and blush* Where you want to start?
You- Back... *he lays facing down again* How you get so many scars? Wasn't you just a police officer?
Gabriel- *chuckle* A hardcore police officer.
You- Not surprising *laughs* I have to change some bandages already, you're sweating.
Gabriel- *sighs* You should get some rest.
You- I won't rest knowing that you're sleeping like that. Try to close your eyes for now.
Gabriel- Hm...*close his eyes*
*You go to pick up some towel and the medkit sitting on the bed again. You started to dray his sweaty back and change the bandages*
You- You're ok?
Gabriel- Hm...*smirk* this sensation is good...
You- *chuckle* What sensation?
Gabriel- That someone is taking care of me.
You- Yeah? So you should ask more for help. Poor wife of yours...*sighs*
Gabriel- *open his eyes* We're divorced.
You- What?! Since when?!
Gabriel- A month ago. She divorced me.
You- Why?? Turn around...
Gabriel- *turns around and sighs* First, she was tired that I was always working. Second, she hated you.
You- wait, what?
Gabriel- She swear with her blood that I was having something with you. *sighs*
You- Please, tell that wasn't the principal reason *laughs nervously*
Gabriel- My kid barely see me...she get pissed off when I was called for Overwatch. We discussed, we fight...she started to change. Our marriage was going down thanks to her.
You- *sighs* Maybe it was better this way after all...What happening here? *you look at the belly*
Gabriel- Knife fight. A lot of things happened in that last mission.
You- God...*You changed the bandage* And the bullet? How the fuck you did that?
Gabriel- Bad lucky...
You- You take off the bullet??
Gabriel- Yeah.
You- By yourself?!
Gabriel-... yeah. I got a lot of experience with that, y/n, come on!
You- I'm not judging! I'm surprised...that's all.
Gabriel- Sorry...
You- It's ok... I don't have to change that one. Now...your face.
Gabriel- Is fine...
You- Shut up *you hold his face checking him* Did you put some medication?
Gabriel- Nooo...*sighs*
You- Right *You tried to find something on the medkit box* I saw something here...the cream...the thing...here *you grab a ointment for hematomas* Lay your head on my tights.
Gabriel- What?
You- Lay your head on my tights...*chuckle* Come on *Gabe take a deep breath doing what you said* Comfortable?
Gabriel- Yeah...*smirk*
You- Close your eyes and relax, I'll press a little bit, it may hurt. *You put a little bit of cream in some spots of his face with hematomas*
Gabriel- *He shivers* Is cold..!~
You- *chuckle* Is good~ I'll massage, ok?
Gabriel- Ok....*smiles*
*You massage slowly the spots with the cream and Gabe open his eyes looking at you making you blush and embarrassed*
You- Stop, close your eyes~ *you laugh given a little slap on his forehead*
Gabriel- *Laughs* Why? I can't look at you?
You- No *smiles*
Gabriel- Why?
You- I feel ugly.
Gabriel- What? *he laughs making a confuse face*
You- You wouldn't understand! *laughs* Done, now we can sleep...
Gabriel- I'll sleep here, thank you *close his eyes*
You- And I...?
Gabriel- *holding his laugh and gets up* ok ok...*lay down on the pillow and sighs*
You- *smiles and lay down by his side*
Gabriel-...you know...you're the only person who really cares about me.
You- Friends are made for that.
Gabriel- Yeah...friends. You never judge me because of my angry issues, you just...well, you answer me in the same coin or ...talk soft.
You- I won't judge you because of your anger issues...is a problem and you can solve a problem. You just need therapy *laughs*
Gabriel- Fuck you *laughs* I don't need therapy.
You- Let me guess, you just need a face to punch.
Gabriel- It would solve my problem.
You- Ok *laughs* Now, sleep. *you turn around* Good night.
Gabriel- Good night...
*He close his eyes and fell sleep fast again. The nightmares started again, he losing you in middle of a war, can't find you anywhere and where he finds, you're not alive anymore. Is a horrible scene for him. He wokes up again, scared, but did not move, stayed watching the ceiling with a heavy fast breath*
Gabriel- Ah please...let me sleep...*He takes his hand to his face*
*He turns his head to look if you were still there and...where the hell where you?*
Gabriel- Y/n...?! *He immediately sits on the bed looking around* Y/n!
You- Hey hey, I'm here! *You appears from the bathroom and back to bed hugging him* I'm sorry...! I forget to brush my teeth, so...yeah.
Gabriel- Ok...ok. *he takes a deep breath* I'm so sorry.
You- It's ok, is temporary. Now lay down and I won't get out of the bed until morning. *you slowly lay him down*
Gabriel- You don't need to serve me like that... I'm being a baby.
You- No, you're being more than a grown up. Take a deep breath and relax.
*He closes his eyes again and you lay down turning around. Gabe keeps remembering the last scenes of his nightmares and suddenly turns and pulls you to him hugging tightly*
You- ??!! Gabe?? *he didn't answer, only squeeze you more again him making you blush hard* ... Good night...
*In the next morning you were to the first on to awake with Gabe still hugging you. It was a pretty comfortable night, to be sincere with yourself. You need to get up or someone would end up catching you both like that. You try it to move his arm from your waist, but he only pulled you more totally embracing you with his face face buried on your nape, you could feel his breath making you shivering*
*With know escape for now, you just turn around facing him, take a look for a good while. Gabriel Reyes, a handsome man with a huge reputation with only 30 years old, use to have a family...a wife and a kid. Police officer, military, aggressive, but...a heart of gold. You were the only one who can see this sweet person he is. He needs you more than ever*
Gabriel- *move a little and yawned slowly opening his eyes* ...? *look at you confused and speak with a low rough sleepy voice*...already?
You- You slept well?
Gabriel- *takes a deep breath* Yeah...Better.
You- So I'll have to sleep with you everyday? *smirk*
Gabriel- *laughs and blush* I wouldn't complain at all.
You- Dummy *you laughed slowly getting up* I need to move or I'll never wake up.
*He observes you getting up, he smiles sitting on the bed*
Gabriel- Hey...
You- Hm? *Look at him while tying your hair*
Gabriel- Come here...
You- *chuckles* I can't, Gabe...
Gabriel- Ooh my bruises are hurting so bad...! *he dramatically throw himself in the bed* I need a doctor!
You- *laughs* I'll call Dr. Ziegler then.
Gabriel- *laughs* Come on...back to bed, chiquita.
*You looked at him suprised by the nickname...you blush hard and cross your arms looking at him*
Gabriel- I'll just stand there and look at me? I'm hot, I know.
You- I need to take a shower and go to work. I'm not your girlfriend.
*At the moment you turn away ready to go to the bathroom, Gabriel gets up quickly and picked you up like a bride*
You - Gabe! *You gasp and laugh* I'm seriously!
Gabriel- Me too.
*He throw you on the bed gently and stays on top of you holding your wrists against the bed. Now you were actually suprised and nervous*
Gabriel- I'm very seriously, cariño.
You- What...are you doing? *You felt you breath heavier and faster*
Gabriel- Is not like you would push me away.
You- No way I would do that.
*Gabriel locked his lips on yours and release your wrists and passing his hands through you body reaching the base of your shirt and entering his hand under finally feeling your warm skin. He let out some moans making you shivers and breaking up the kiss and look at him*
Gabriel- What? *His breath was now heavy and fast, like yours* Too much?
You- Gabe...*you laughs* I don't really don't have time...not now.
Gabriel- For a making out? Come on, baby...! *He knee at the bed pulling you up with him, making you sit on his lap* We got time.
You- *You gasp feeling the hot sensation spending through your whole body* But I don't if...is just a making out section that you want it.
Gabriel- Is what I need right now *He hugged your entire body taking his lips to your neck* Just give us 5 minutes...
*5 minutes in heaven with Gabriel Reyes is all you need right now. The make out section started with kisses and suck on your whole neck, making impossible to control any sound that came out of your mouth, what makes also Gabriel more excited. His hands slight down to your ass grabbing and squeezing hard, same to your tighs that he mistreated right next. Now kissing your lips, a passionate, willful, he enters his hand again under your shirt and now, less tensed, you relax your body fully sitting on his lap and yeah... the man is hard like rock. You let a moan out of your mouth, same as Gabe that felt you sitting right on it.*
*The make out section turns into a sex section, you couldn't handle anymore, fuck the work, right? Is Gabriel Reyes time. After that, you went to work and everyone was asking about the suck marks on your whole body, what could you say? You tell the truth! And now you and Reyes are the hottest couple on the base*
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Art by: I couldn't find ANYWHERE 🤧
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malaysianpeanut · 6 months
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My new Overwatch fanfic titled Closure! The drawing is just temporary until I can make a proper cover art for it xD
Link to story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52154845/chapters/131916979
I was motivated again after watching the new animated short with Reaper, Sombra and Mauga. This story has been on my mind a while and I finally put it in writing. And it didn't take me too long so that's good. Hahaha.
It's a continuation of my previous fanfic, Reunion: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32760910/chapters/81282286
The whole story from Reunion to Closure can basically be summed up as this:
Gabriel Reyes, on his last year in Overwatch before the inevitable incident that brought the organization down, was unfortunately tasked with having a former Talon soldier as a subordinate in Blackwatch. During his time with her and with some mishaps during their mission, he had learned about her painful past as a test subject for human experiments in Talon, where she was part of a program to develop bioweapons in the form of a human. After developing a connection with the girl and parting ways with her, many years had passed and many things had happened. In present day, Reyes is now Reaper, working for the very enemies he had sworn to take down during his time in Overwatch. On a mission with other members of Talon to retrieve a target as part of a recruitment into their organization, he discovered that the girl was the target and was forced to face someone from his past who was the last person he had wanted to reveal his present self to.
This is a personal passion project, might I say a little self-insert. But I'm glad I'm able to develop this story more throughout the years. I don't particularly write much on the details of the scene, moreso focusing on the dialogue.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
yayyyyy an excuse to post some of my favorite fanfic things 💛 also i hope you’re doing good 🥺🥺 (all of these are from the cage rewrite that i will finish before i Die)
Cassidy wondered which of their parent’s Genji’s softer features came from. His brows were arched, like Hanzo’s, but seemed more playful than commanding. He had the same prominent bridge to his nose, like Hanzo’s, but his nose sloped more evenly like a playful, rolling hill instead of the sharp jut of a mountain cliff. His eyes, even, were softer and wider than Hanzo’s, more willing to seek the good in others than to unanimously discard it. Perhaps Genji looked more like Hanzo when they worked together back in Blackwatch; more tense, more angry. Some niggling part of his brain mused, that maybe if he loosened up, Hanzo would look more like Genji.
The quiet stretched on, slowly descending upon them like darkness smothered the sun underneath the dip of the horizon.
The red dot sight on the barrel of his gun zeroed in directly on Cassidy’s chest.
“Two,” Hanzo’s voice was steady in his ear and heaven’s above, he was going to be the death of them. Cassidy was going to die listening to him because the deranged part of his mind that listened to his dick told him to listen to the man purring in his ear over all the good, hard-earned sense in his own head, that was screaming at him to at least pull out Peacekeeper and shoot. Behind the first goon, more and more Talon soldiers swarmed around the bend, guns drawn and aimed— if not at him, then one of the cowering civilians behind him.
and an extra one just bc 💖
“I have been groomed since childhood to hold no attachments. My father bought me a shiba inu when I was 7 years old, and then forced me to kill it at 10.” He made another slash with the knife. “It was to teach me that even the most loyal of companions can become traitors if the clan deemed it so.”
“What offense did the dog make?” Fareeha couldn’t seem to help but ask, and a small, humorless smile came to Hanzo’s face. With one final swipe of the spoon the decadent sushi platter was plated to perfection. “Barked at an elder out of turn.”
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autisticbsdfan · 11 months
i had written up a little piece (basically a fanfic) doing some blackwatch reaper analysis (kinda not really idk) and his relationship with some other people in blackwatch. should i post it here orrrr?
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wildissylupus · 1 year
I could totally imagine widow and Cassidy drinking and joking together
God yes, honestly I like to think the way they met was when Amelie had to come to a Blackwatch meeting but it was private so she just sitting in a hallway, bored out of her mind, so she started looking around for the most interesting person to talk to. She ended up seeing a guy dressed as a cowboy and went "yep, that's guy's going to be my friend".
And you cannot tell me that as soon as they both discovered that Jack didn't like either of them that they didn't start talking shit. I also feel like they would tease eachother, even after the brainwashing.
Widow would miss six shots before hitting something and Cassidy would just yell up at her "How many shots was that?".
And them drinking together would be such a fun sight cause I think they're personalities are only amplified by alcohol.
I honestly hope I see more content/fanfic with them being friends, I've only found two so far. One was where they switched bodies and everyone but them were freaking out. The other one was a Reaper76 fic where they just kept invading Gabe's house and eating the food Jack made for him.
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solrika · 2 years
Cole watches the mafia enforcer usher Gabriel into his bedroom, and considers just how pissed he'd be if Cole throws the mission by breaking their cover. On one hand, they’re finally in their target’s house, and Cole has at least a half hour to go looking for evidence to put ol’ Giorgio’s superiors away for good. ...But no one would dare try to drug the Strike Commander’s omega into a heat. ~ Things go wrong on an undercover mission. But Cole's Blackwatch. He can handle it. (Probably.) ~ AN: No sex/sexual situations in this one, folks, especially not between Cole and Gabe.
It’s been a WHILE since I wrote anything for Overwatch. Hope I still have followers interested in it :p
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nattvingen · 1 year
Tag Game: Ten First Lines
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
(I decided to interpret this as "most recently worked on" with the qualifier "has an actual line" so both posted fics and WIPs ahoy!)
The rug beneath Aethas’ bare feet is plush and dirt-free, in spite of the boots that cross it daily. [Halduron/Aethas, Dom/sub + aftercare, E, WIP]
"He looks like he could suplex you." [Endgame HalduRomThemar, lots of pining and a love triangle-goes-poly, M/E, WIP]
There’s a cat on every corner in Silvermoon. [HalduRomThemar, pre-relationship implied, a whoops-we're-animals curse, T]
Time had lost all meaning who knows how long ago. [HalduRomThemar, filthy smut with surprise feelings at the end, E]
They’d built the treehouse as kids. [Varian/Genn, a.k.a. the Suburban Dad Affair, E, WIP]
It's difficult for a man like Lor'themar Theron to relax. [Lor'themar/Rommath, invisibility spell used creatively :3c, E, Wip]
After the Vindicaar departs for Argus, Halduron goes looking for a familiar face. [Halduron/Rommath, two guys learning to get along better with sex, E, WIP]
The first words out of Anduin's mouth after Wrathion drops his bag by the kitchen door is, "come here." [Wranduin, college AU blowies idk, E, WIP]
"You sure you’re okay? You look a little, uh, flustered." [Roy/Tim, bonked on the head-mutual pining-getting together, T]
"I know I’ve said it before, Nine, but boy am I ever glad to have you on deck to take the heat off of me," Commander Reyes says offhandedly while checking over the ammunition strapped to his thighs. [Genji/Zenyatta, Blackwatch AU, pre-relationship, T]
Won't tag, but please steal, I like to see what peeps are working on! :D
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acradelius · 2 years
Heyo!! It makes me happy to see new fanfics for Moira and just people appreciating her like the good ol' days. Your writing's amazing and thank you so much for taking the time to write about her !! :)
Is it okay if I can request a Moira x Reader? I don't really mind whatever it's about, just share some of your headcanons about her (like what kind of a nerd she is or what's the most mundane yet so loveable thing she does)— Idunno, just have fun and go nuts!
Thanks! :)
"Moira O'Deorain. Moira O'Deorain? Moira O'Deorain!"
Fandom: Overwatch
Pairing: Moira O'Deorain x Reader
Rating: Orange [🟠] (Equivalent to G/PG)
Warnings/Mentions Of: Moira "poking the bear" at other characters, Sugar Momma headcanon, Childless and/or Childfree Moira
Word Count: 644 Words
Author's Note: Moira, yes :)
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 Moira’s preferred, and overall becoming her favorite, plant would have to be succulents. There’s quite an assortment to their assortment and come within a vast range of colors. They’re quite easy to tend to, simply watering them once a week vast majority of the time, which is beneficial due to Moira’s busy and hectic work schedule. She wouldn’t necessarily admit it, but she prefers the smaller succulents to the bigger ones because of the cute pots that can be found that are designed to look like hedgehogs and such. Her favorite family of succulents consist of: Astroloba, Dudleya, Kalanchoe, and X Pachyveria.
Moira’s favorite genre when it comes to media content, especially movies and television shows, is Science Fiction, ironically. Maybe with a side of Horror, depending on which side genre of Horror it is. One of her favorite show’s would be Syfy���s “Helix”, a science fiction horror drama, as it deals with proscribed genetic engineering research that turns into a viral outbreak. She also enjoys science fiction movies such as the “Alien” series. Moira would be mostly into movies dealing with the zombie apocalypse, interested in the “cause and effect” of viral outbreaks mostly from viral engineering. 
During her rare moments of free time, if she’s feeling up to being social, she’ll spend that time having discussion with Siebren, picking at his brain to get him to voice his opinions to her about scientific things. She likes to poke and prod him with her controversial opinions to see how he reacts, and mentally stores them for personal use and possibly advantages, especially if he’s neutral or inline of what she thinks and believes. Another person she’ll go to, more in secrecy, would be Gabriel. It’s more to check up on him due to her genetic engineering experiments on him, which led him to how he is in the present day. There are extremely rare moments where they reminisce about times during the Blackwatch days, or even back before that.
We can confirm the headcanon, at least on this particular blog, that Moira has been within the Sugar Momma business. It starts out from a push from Olivia, forming a relationship by exchanging gifts and some quality time. As time passes, so does the severity of Moira’s relationship with her Sugar Baby, and eventually realizes overtime that she’s fallen in love, and the relationship becomes genuine. While she doesn’t have any other Sugar Babies, not that she’s actively looking for any anymore now that she’s with (Y/N), it always becomes an occasional joke about how Moira is a Sugar Momma. 
There’s one thing not to necessarily expect from Moira, and that one thing would happen to be children. (I know I’ve done a request where she has a kid, don’t come after me-) She’s not particularly fond of children, especially when they hit the toddler stages, and doesn’t really plan on having. If (Y/N) decides that they would like to have children with Moira, then that’s a serious discussion for them to have and decide where to go next with that plan. Overall, Moira selfishly prefers to put herself within her studies and work, and now that time also with (Y/N). (Don’t worry. If y’all want more parent! scenarios with Moira then I’ll do them.)
If there’s any place that Moira likes to venture off to whenever she has the availability to do so, would have to be back to her hometown: Dublin, Ireland. Moira enjoys it more whenever (Y/N) is available to tag along with her as it gives them a chance to get to know and understand her on another personal level. She enjoys taking you out to experience foods and events that (Y/N)’s never experienced before, and along the way educating about the different cultures and traditions that are a part of Ireland and her heritage.
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