#blah blah blah its something innit
ess-presso · 1 year
fellas if i have a bf who i love and fully intend 2 grow old with and if something happened i would just die alone does that make me a straight woman
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cha-lii · 3 months
me a year ago: ha can’t believe my little brother passed out after cutting his finger with a scalpel what a wimp
me now after slicing my finger with a scalpel: fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
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senzanomeor · 1 year
let me tell yall something. ive been hearing people be saying for years how pre timeskip one piece is so much better than post timeskip and how zoro actually laughed before and sanji was sweet and how funny everyone was but now its not the same, blah blah, and well fucking of course??? like i dont get yall?? of course the crew was more carefree and chill when luffy’s bounty was 100,000 berry and they only had beef with like crocodile?? OF COURSE they would be more serious now when theyre at war with fucking YONKOS??? like???? they could joke around and be goofy because people werent dying but ace changed that, didnt he, bitches? do yall really think theyll take anything lightly after that?? zoro said it when they were on punk hazard himself; this is the new world, they cant joke around no more, so enough with all the “pre timeskip one piece was it”. theyre still super stupid and no one has really changed in their core but theyre not 17 and 19 anymore. luffys bounty aint 100,000 berry anymore. they are bigger things at stake now. i mean luffy literally claimed fishman island as his?? thats taking responsibility for a whole goddamn island of people? yall be pissing me off with these comments how things aint like before. fucking of course. your life aint like before either, innit? anyway, my fyp on tiktok is full of one piece live action edits and the comments pissed me off so i had to come and vent here
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harmcityherald · 2 years
I did, of course, reach my post limit so it affords me time to write something that's been on my mind. Twitter. lets take a minute and step back to see a bigger picture, if you will. A social media website that was a victim of a hostile takeover by a billionaire capitalist to clear out antifascist or left leaning ideologists like myself and let me tell you I jumped ship pretty quickly. Now I understand you may be weary of hearing about old muskbucket and the twitter titanic but really, hear me out. He did a hostile takeover to vacillate his right wing cronies. we all know it, I say it out loud. Under the guise of "free speech" (which is a phrase many fascists use but rarely afford to others)
then a few weeks later and old trumpidump comes out saying his main platform is gonna be trans rights. which then in florida the Guantánamo kid starts banning books and going after trans rights starting with the young because that's how they did abortions. now....if a billionaire can be coaxed/forced (because I think he was actually) to buy a whole damn website just to burn it down OR make it the bastion of the far right voice, then who is to say they won't be coming for us here at tumblr? we fucking stand for everything they are against. I could go through a list of what I mean but you have to see what I mean. scroll thru your dash and imagine desantas reading it. ok. keep up now. because pretty soon they gonna put the choke hold on us. right now, the supreme court, packed with fucking nazis, is gonna decide if a social media site can be sued for what you do and say on it.
when they came for facebook I didn't care cause it sucks.
when they came for twitter I didn't care because I wasn't part of that....
but then they came for tumblr.....
sound familiar? it fucking should.
If they are going to ban the fucking velveteen rabbit what makes you think they would allow their kids to kick about on the most pro-everything left leaning website to ever exist in these "united states" hmm? lets even go beyond that and include all the western leaning countries. I wholeheartedly recommend every minor to not allow their parents, teachers, clergy, or anybody else with no shoelaces know they have a tumblr. I know that's harsh as shit, innit. well its the same clandestine war they are waging against you. Im saying it now, while I can. While im still allowed to say it.
bla blah you're paranoid, you see that shit everywhere.
that's because it IS everywhere. I would tell you to wake the fuck up but christ, don't call nobody woke. that'll start a fight in the dollar store line any day.
so to cut my rant short.....lets all keep our eyes on the ball. Don't let it consume you as the dreaded election approaches, I will be guarding my own mental health and peace paramount because Im old and close to death. they love that, I can't vote against them then. But you youngins sure can AND you have the power to drive this ship now and I for one would be tickled pink to die on trans island. can you tell Im from the 70s? lol. their most vilified citizen, I like to think. nixons nemesis. reagans nightmare. but all bullshit aside, think about it. think about what we have here, a free exchange of ideas and likes. the fucking freedom to read marx, to each other if we so desire. to know real history. and maybe just maybe to vote every fucking billionaire off the planet. Im telling you to look out because they don't like that. not one little bit.
all I can think is somehow tumblr has once again miraculously flown under the radar. how? I dunno. I bet there's a thousand "nazi computers" scraping the web for everything we freely talk about. We must be on the radar....but why are no V2 rockets coming? they holding a card to their chest? waiting for the right time? wait till the Guantánamo kid finds out about us. They want to torch and shoot up synagogues, drag shows and black churches, why the hell would they allow this website to be near their kids? why not?
pssssst. hey kids......looks left and right....Im a socialist. pro lgbtq pro feminism and Im not a fucking racist. and I would die for my principals and for your existence.
thats why gotdammit.
#excuse my vulgarites#it is my frenchness coming out#hey it worked for eva#trust me on this#you ARE on the radar#ima post my thoughts because I can. danger? yes. but when you hear about good men who did nothing?#well that wasnt me#this is your punishment for the dam post limit#my punishment for being a man of principals#a hippy with principals imagine that#yea I still call myself that pre rock pre goth pre electronic I was a self proclaimed hippy#pops fucking hated that. and that bitch LITTERALLY fought fascists#drive this ship drive it better than we did#you have an uphill battle but as always truth and justice should win in the end#funny we dont say that no more truth and justice#take a guess why#so all you youngins shove truth and justice right down their throats#oh....and beatnik really. which for the youngins is a subspecies of hippie you'll find that in your encyclopedia Galactica chapter 4#feel like im stuck in a loop of all in the family and YES im the commie son in law#he directed princess bride btw so make of that what you will#just imagine calling myself nixons nemesis when i was in school ida got killed in the boys room by a teacher no doubt#AND thats what I mean. so when I say think about what u got cause we didnt have that. what won us that freedom? the fuckin 60s#civil rights movement gave us this and they are tearing it apart peice by peice#like cloud atlas baby im the guy on the bike#thats why im always in danger#ideas make you a target but silence makes you a slave#thats a pretty pickle innit#plz remember anyone under 45 is a youngin to me lol#zips off on his cyberbike waving the middle finger#old but not dead yet and GOING TO VOTE as should you all.
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comfort between the sheets.
entry 3.
warning: spg topic
"The fuck, Dream?" I look at him, in disbelief. I feel pretty ashamed especially that he's here—fuck, why do even have to care? Maybe if I wasn't gushing over his pics on the Internet, I wouldn't have been like this. It wouldn't be a big deal if he's around.
But let's focus back on this, I'm pretty getting off topic.
"Why? Don't believe me?"
"I don't wanna have sex with strangers."
"No problem! You can have a fri—"
"And I dislike friends with benefits as well," I add.
Dream sighs and turns his back in front of us before removing his mask. He pulls out his phone and types something before reading whatever the fuck it will be.
"Okay, so according to...blah blah dot com, everyday sex can decrease your anxiety, and even fucking lowers your stress hormones!"
I scoff in amusement and shake my head. Hilarious.
"Who thought of sex as a mental health improver?" I mutter.
"I do." I quickly look to Sapnap with wide eyes. I also feel my cheeks starting to heat up. Dream then turns back to us with his mask on again. "You know what, y/n you really underestimate sex, this isn't some sort of an spg topic."
"Eh...it's just not my thing," I say in hesitation.
Lies, y/n, lies.
"Anyway, I gotta go to my sweet home alaba—I mean, Gogy." He walks to Sapnap and puts a hand on his shoulder, "Thanks for punching me to soberness by the way. Take care of y/n as well."
My face draws into confusion. "Take care of me?"
"Quackity's away for a while, so it's just you and Sapnap alone to guard this house."
Oh no. The thought of me and Sapnap alone scares me. This whole spg topic we talked about's really gonna make me think of things...
I turn to Dream and give him a smile, "O-Okay, we'll keep an eye out on this."
"Have fun with each other!" He shouted before closing the door on his way to George's house. I breathe deeply, slightly fuming inside of myself. I bet he was smirking hardly almost the entire time. I should've break that face—but then again, I respect his privacy.
Why not punch him in the groin, innit?
I stop from my thoughts when I heard his voice, so I turn to him. Then silence comes—so is the awkward atmosphere between us.
So I clear my throat and look at him. "Um, wanna take a look at my room?" I ask.
He lips curve up into a smile—I can actually taste its sweetness. "Lead the way, y/n."
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 years
Can I respond to you little fandom rant?
In all honesty I used to be one of *those* assholes. I used to look down on short fics, see them and be all like, "blah did they even put effort into this?? It's so shot that's barely a thing why bother." But you know what happened, I fell off my fucking high horse because I actually started reading shorter fics! And like how he hell do people cram so much passion, emotion, story, hotness, into so few words! That in and of its self is a talent! Its like fucking poetry man!
Fandom can be great but it's also sadly a hellhole at times and that is just fucking sad because we are a God damn community and should act like it! Why is the mentality of respect peoples works, write what you like, don't read what you don't like so freaking hard to wrap your head around?
Just be happy and grateful for the content you enjoy and ignor the stuff you don't enjoy. Simple as that. So any way as a reformed asshole that used to look down on drabble/ficlet writers, I would like to apologize for all the idiotic tomfuckery.
Ps. Your works are great, and please never fell guilty for not reading something. Fics shouldn't cause stress and anxiety they are for fun and relaxation. Assuming your friends are good people I'm sure they would agree!
Yeah I find it easy to tell other people I never expect them to read my fic, but a whole lot harder not to feel guilty for not reading All of the Things myself 😂🙈
Anyway I'm too tired to get my thoughts in very good order today (I probably should know better than to reblog while angry, but I can't say I really regret it either 😅)... but that's the thing, innit. I don't care if people don't want to read short fics, or long fics, they're allowed to have preferences! And like everything else, nobody needs to justify those preferences to anyone.
It's when I start seeing those personal preferences touted as Better Than or Worse Than that I get upset. I don't think I've met a single fic writer who doesn't get anxious about whether their fic is good enough on every possible front, and fic length is no exception. I've seen people who write longer works go "ugh I just wish I could write something short for once, how do they do it??", and I've seen people who write shorter things go "Idk if I should even post this, it's not long enough and I'll just clog the tag".
In about a single week's span of time, I saw one writer friend get an anon ask from someone who was apparently annoyed at how much time they "wasted" reading part of their incredibly epic beast of a longfic; and then I see another writer friend get an anon telling them they shouldn't write so much short fic cause longer stuff is better. Short and long works are different things. Neither one is inherently better or reflects more talent than the other, they use different skills. And the great thing about fandom is that there is a place for all of it, and there is stuff out there for all different preferences.
But fic writers already tend to be, on the whole, little bundles of constant anxiety about our writing. Seeing flippantly dismissive or downright mean comments about the type of writing we do is enough to bring anyone down, particular on an already-bad day / week / month / year.
So anyway... idk if any of that made sense, but thank you for the response 💙 And I'm glad you found that you do like short fics as well!
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
Context: the very short of it tubbo and aimsey did some rp on the server; Tubbo pushed aimsey of an xp farm, and ended up taking her flower that she had at the start of the server. Tubbo fake burns it. Blah blah blah tubbo finds out aimsey is living in the snowchester mansion and tubbo is like oof this is awkward, youre evicted!. Aimsey is like huh??? Wait dont do that!!! Tubbo leaves the vc and trots back to the mansion and basically closes it off and puts a you are gone sign across the door
Then he meets aimsey on the path infront of the innit hotel and basically tries to rile up aimsey to punch him and kill him for the flower which aimsey doesnt wanna do.
Aimsey apparently didnt know ranboo was dead, and tubbo is like hes dead he doesnt own the house if he isnt alove ie its my house so get out, he calls her little angel of death (which wowow okayokay)
Anyway tubbo throws the flower behind him and ia like come get it!!! Aimsey starts walking forward basically and like im not going to hit/kill you
Tubbo pushes her off the path jumping with her but he had asked eryn to activate his stasis chamber so he teleported away but aimsey Died (like one canon life Gone dead. Idk if tubbo knows this but i think its announcedon aimseys stream?) And tubbos like woops!!! Didnt actually want to kill them!!! Oh well I deserve to be a little evil!!
Tldr: tubbo had a bully moment on the server and there's people saying that hes reached stage anger in the grieving process over ranboo and you know... not all the other shit that hes been suppressing this entire time
um ok first of all can we talk about tubbo being an absolute girlboss? yeah im sure the stasis pearl thing must have been super cool live. also the "little angel of death" thing is really cool imagery. i dont want aimsey to be tied in to sbi on the server but if it becomes canon that shes like a servant of mumza that would be pretty cool. also i find it really interesting that tubbo wanted aimsey to kill him. like obviously he was baiting them into it and probably didnt think they would actually kill him but i think you're right i think its an extension of tubbo's anger and anxiety from everything that's been done to him. the mansion was probably just him seeing another new person coming into his land and being told they have the right to do something they dont without ever being consulted in the first place
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queerlyhalloween · 3 years
"Celsius is superior" "No! Farneheitheit is superior!" blah blah who gives a rats ass people from different places do and say different shit, there was a bible story about that if youre interested in those and if you're not then understand that it makes us more interesting as a species
'cos we're animals innit x
ANYWAY the only time its mattered to me was when i was a kid playing ACWW and brewster said the correct temperature at which to brew coffee (not specifying any unit of measurement) was something like 182 degrees and child me was like
idk m8 sounds a bit fuckin' toasty to me
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You’re Enchanting--Chapter Four
Summary:  Delphine always told Elazar she would do anything to help him if he was ever in trouble, even knowing his knack for finding it. She didn’t expect to be helping him save the world after someone blows up the Conclave and tears a hole in the sky. Nor did Delphine expect to be falling for anyone, let alone a troubled, former templar, while she’s watching her best friend shape the future of their world with a green glowing hand.
Pairings: Cullen/Trevelyan & Dorian/Lavellan
Warnings: Canon typical violence, a wild Sera appears, and some small disagreements between our beloved advisors
Can be found on AO3
Notes: We’ve passed the 15,000 word mark with this chapter! Thanks for reading! Comments and feedback appreciated!
[Masterlist] [Chapter Three] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five]
Chapter Four- Starlight
Everyone in their little party was shaken in some way or another as they departed Val Royeaux. The Chantry was denouncing Elazar as a false prophet, and the Inquisition as illegitimate by extension, the Lord Seeker was leading the templars away from the people and Grand Enchanter Fiona was not only alive but had inviting them to Redcliffe. How quickly the world could turn on its head these days.
The unease remained as they arrived at the estate described in the notes. They had made quick work of the guards on their way to the estate’s inner courtyard.
“I don’t like this,” Del whispered to El as they spotted an Orlesian masked man in the center of the courtyard.
Elazar could only shrug as they approached.
“Herald of Andraste! How much did you expend to discover me? It must have weakened the Inquisition immeasurably!”
Delphine shared a disgusted look with her elvish friend as they recognized the self-important drawl in his voice. This must have been the manor’s Lord.
“I don’t know who you are!” Elazar shouted back, obviously unamused at the development.
“You don’t fool me! I’m too important for this to be an accident. My efforts will survive in victories against you elsewhere!”
Varric didn’t even bother to hide his chuckle at the short man’s martyrdom speech.
Elazar looked ready to snap back at the man when one of the guards behind the Lord abruptly collapsed, an arrow stuck in his back. Everyone’s heads whipped towards the flash of red that was suddenly pointing their knocked bow at the Lord.
“Just say “what!”” They threatened.
The Lord was obviously dense, “what is the-”  
And just like that the Lord took an arrow to the face, collapsing to floor. So much for trying to question him.
“Eww!” Delphine studied the archer as she went about collecting her arrow from the Lord’s face. An elf with choppy blonde hair and a large grin that could rival Elazar’s. “Squishy one, but you heard me, right? “Just say ‘what.’” Rich tits always try for more than they deserve. “Blah, blah, blah! Obey me! Arrow in my face!” So, you followed the notes well enough. Glad to see you’re…” the woman looked over Elazar rather obviously, “and you’re an elf. Well. Hope you’re not too elfy. I mean, it’s all good, innit? The important thing is: you glow? You’re the Herald thingy?”
Herald thingy? Del was going to have to start calling El that.
“They say I’m the Herald of Andraste. But who are you, and what’s this about?” Elazar sounded rather diplomatic, was he spending time with Josephine without her knowing?
“No idea. I don’t know this idiot from manners. My people just said the Inquisition should look at him.”
“Your people? Elves?” At least Elazar sounded as confused as Delphine felt.
“Ha! No. People people. Name’s Sera. This is cover,” The blonde grinned, gesturing to a stack of crates, “get 'round it. For the reinforcements. Don’t worry. Someone tipped me their equipment shed. They’ve got no breeches.”
No breeches?
Their attention shot to the gates on the far end of the courtyard as more guards charged in, all missing their breeches. That was not something Del had ever wanted to see.
“Why didn’t you take their weapons?!” Varric shouted at the elven archer as they began to fend off the half-naked men.
“Because breeches!”
The fight did not last long when their opposition had such obvious vulnerabilities. It may have also helped that their group consisted of three mages, two archers and a Seeker. Del was not well versed in archery but Sera was skilled, taking down her fair share of the guards. Varric seemed pleased by the development as well.
As the last soldier fell, the elf’s joyous shout filled the courtyard, “right in the plums!”
After what she had seen, Del did not need any more mental images of that. She hoped that this was the last they’d be seeing of men with no breeches, not that the images weren’t already burned into her memory.
“Friends really came through with that tip. No breeches. So Herald of Andraste. You’re a strange one. I’d like to join.”
Elazar quirked an eyebrow, “all I know about you or your group is that I followed a random trail into a trap.”
“What trap?” The blonde scoffed, “you knocked, he crapped. It’s… look, it’s like this. I sent you a note to look for hidden stuff by my friends. The friends of Red Jenny. That’s me. Well, I’m one. So is a fence in Montfort, some woman in Kirkwall. There were three in Starkhaven. Brothers or something. It’s a just a name, yeah? It lets little people, “friends,” be part of something while they stick it to nobles they hate. So here, in your face, I’m Sera. “The Friends of Red Jenny” are sort of out there. I used them to help you. Plus arrows.”
That made some sense, in a very roundabout sort of way. Elazar still looked rather confused. She and Varric would have to explain it again on their trip home.
“The Inquisition is almost an army now. Can you add to it?”
Sera folded her arms, just shy of glaring at Elazar. “Here’s how it is. You “important” people are up here, shoving you cods around, “blah, blah, I’ll crush you!” “I’ll crush you.”” Sera added in some kissing noises, which Del could agree was actually fairly accurate for the squabbles she knew of back in the Free Marches. “Ahem. Then you’ve got generals and oath belchers, and sure, you have soldiers. Like the dead guys protecting that other dead guy. All those helmets, and what gave them up? Some drunk gets a key lifted because someone’s got bills. So no, I’m not a captain swordface, all marchy. But if you don’t listen down here too, you risk your breeches. Like those guards, I stole their… look, do you need people or not? I want to get everything back to normal. Like you?”
Elazar looked back to Del, his eyes wide. It was unlike El to look to her for decision making. He always went with his gut. “You’re the Herald, El.”
“All right, Sera.” Elazar looked back to the rogue, lips pressed together in a thin line, “I can use you and your friends.”
Sera’s grin split across her face, “yes! Get in good before you’re too big to like. That’ll keep your breeches where they should be.”
Del sure hoped so.
“Plus extra breeches, because I have all these… you have merchants who buy that pish, yeah? Got to be worth something. Anyway, Haven. See you there Herald. This will be grand.”
As quickly as she had appeared, Sera sauntered off, humming a tune rather loudly as she did.
“So…ready to go the Duke’s party now?” Varric looked rather smug as Cassandra stood there slack-jawed.
“This one is on you.” Elazar leaned over to whisper as Del as the Duke’s staff took their riding cloaks.
“They’re going to want to talk to the Herald, not me,” she hissed back. Although she was the noble-born of their odd pair, this was not close to any situation her tutors had prepared her for. They were both wearing armor and carrying their staffs for heaven’s sake!
El glared back, “I got us Red Jenny, now you get us Madame de Fer.”
She was going to throttle the elf before this incredibly long night was over.
The crier motioned them forward, prepared to announce them to the other guests. Del slipped her arm around Elazar’s as they stepped forward, trying to look somewhat formal as the Herald’s plus one.
“Lord Lavellan and Lady Trevelyan of Ostwick, representing the Inquisition.”
As El openly admired the opulence and finery around them, they were quickly approached by an Orlesian pair.
“A pleasure, ser and lady.” The lord greeted, Del bowed her head back seeing as she wasn’t wearing a dress to curtsey in. “We so rarely have a chance to meet anyone new. It is always the same crowd at these parties. So you must be a guest of Madame de Fer. Or are you here for Duke Bastien?”
“Are you here on business? I have heard the most curious tales of you. I cannot imagine half of them are true.” The woman was just as curious as her counterpart and just as blunt. They did not appear to be all that good at the Game with such straightforward questions.
A toothy grin split across Elazar’s face, “everything you’ve heard? Completely true.”
Maker’s balls Elazar was going to ruin the Inquisition before Cassandra and the others could get it off the ground.
“Better and better,” the lady cooed, “the Inquisition should attend more of these parties.”
“The Inquisition? What a load of pig shit!” Another heavily accented voice cut through the noise of the party. Del quickly spotted another lord descending the stairs to the foyer. “Washed-up sisters and crazed seekers? No one can take them seriously. Everyone knows it’s just an excuse for a bunch of political outcasts to grab power.”
Delphine would not call the Left and Right Hands of the Divine political outcasts, nor would she call Cassandra crazed to her face.
“The Inquisition is working to restore peace and order to Thedas.” Elazar was turning on what charm he could summon in their current company but Del could feel the crackling energy running around him. There was no way this was going to end well.
“Here comes the outsider, restoring peace with an army! We know what your “Inquisition” truly is. If you were a man of honor, you’d step outside and answer the charges.”
This man did realize Elazar was a mage, right? He was so sure of himself that he would challenge a mage to a duel?
Del bit back her retort as the air around them snapped with cold. The lord stilled as his torso was suddenly trapped in ice.
“My dear Marquis, how unkind of you to use such language in my house to my guests. You know such rudeness is… intolerable.”
When Delphine had first heard about Madame de Fer in the Circle she had been amazed. The woman had single-handedly turned the position of court jester into a seat of power. She was an advisor to the Empress of Orlais. Mages could only dream of holding such positions, and the power to exert change. Del had never met the Enchanter but she had imagined someone of great poise and elegance. Vivienne exceeded that image as she approached them.
“Madame Vivienne, I humbly beg your pardon!” The Marquis stuttered, frozen, literally, as the woman of the hour approached.
“You should. Whatever am I going to do with you, my dear?”
It almost sounded as if the Enchanter was enjoying this, though if Del was in her position, maybe she would be enjoying the power too.
Vivienne turned to Elazar, her perfectly shaped eyebrow quirked, “my Lord, you’re the wounded party in this unfortunate affair. What would you have me do with this foolish, foolish man?”
The crackling around El began to melt away as he eyed the Marquis. Del let go of the breath she had been holding, thankful El’s calm nature had returned.
“The Marquis doesn’t interest me. Do whatever you like with him,” he shrugged.
Vivienne tutted, “poor Marquis, issuing challenges and hurling insults like some Ferelden dog lord.” She snapped, releasing the man from her ice spell. “And all dressed up in your Aunt Solange’s doublet. Didn’t she give you that to wear to the Grand Tourney? To think, all the brave chevaliers who will be competing left for Markham this morning… and you’re still here. Were you hoping to sate your damaged pride by defeating the Herald of Andraste in a public duel? Or did you think his sword would end the shame of your failure? Run along, my dear. Do give my regards to your aunt.”
El didn’t do a very good job of hiding his snicker behind a sudden coughing fit.
“I’m delighted you could attend this little gathering I’ve so wanted to meet you.” The Enchanter’s smile was dazzling as she motioned for them to follow her further into the mansion, “allow me to introduce myself. I am Vivienne, First Enchanter of Montsimmand and Enchantress to the Imperial Court.”
Del and El both smiled back as they reached a secluded hallway overlooking the grand estate.
“Is that Marquis going to pose a problem?” Del was not an expert on Orlesian politics, but she knew that pissing off one lord or lady could cause a tidal wave of problems down the road.
“His aunt is the Vicomtess of Mont-de-Glace. Not a powerful family but well-respected…and a very devout. Alphonse will be disowned for this. It’s not the first time he’s brought his aunt disgrace, but I’m sure it will be the last. And after such a public humiliation, I expect he’ll run off to the Dales to join the Empress’s war effort. Either to make a good end or win back a modicum of self-respect.”
Maybe this would be alright for them after all. Josephine wouldn’t lose her head at least.
“But I didn’t invite you to the chateau for pleasantries.”
Those were the pleasantries?
“With Divine Justinia dead, the Chantry is in shambles. Only the Inquisition might restore sanity and order to our frightened people. As the leader of the last loyal mages of Thedas, I feel it only right that I lend my assistance to your cause.”
Delphine wished El would at least not look so dour at her proposition. Even if Elazar wanted to approach his fellow rebels for help, having the loyal mages on their side, at least in name was nothing to sneeze at.
“And you interest in the Inquisition, Madame de Fer, is it personal or professional?”
Del suppressed a groan. He had wanted her to lead this, so why was he trying to be antagonistic now?
“Aren’t you charming? It’s professional, of course.” At least Vivienne wasn’t offended.
“You say you led the last of the loyal mages. Loyal to whom?” Elazar pressed.
To reach the heights Vivienne had achieved as a Circle mage, she had beyond mastered The Game, and it showed. Not a muscle twitched. Not a speck of untoward emotion behind her eyes. If Vivienne was not pleased with Elazar’s questioning, she did not let it show.
“To the people of Thedas, of course. We have not forgotten the commandment, as some have, that magic exists to serve man. I support any effort to restore such order.”
Elazar tensed at the intentional dig. This was not going in a direction that would benefit them. Del dug her nails into El’s arm, her silent plea for him to take a breath and think about their situation.
“And what do you get from this, Madame? You would only seek out the Inquisition if it was to your benefit.”
Vivienne’s eyes sparkled beneath her ornate mask at Delphine’s question, “you’re quite right darling. I would get the same thing anyone else gets by fighting this chaos: the chance to meet my enemy, to decide my fate. I won’t wait quietly for destruction.”
Her words echoed a speech Delphine remembered vividly, one that had sent chills down her spine and sent her mind reeling at the events that would overtake their usually quiet lives. They may be on separate sides of this war but they all understood the sentiments behind one’s desire for choice.
Del nudged Elazar, causing the surprised expression to slip off his features. She knew he understood that despite their differences they needed the Enchanter’s support. “The Inquisition will be happy to have you, Lady Vivienne.”
A delicate smile grew on the poised woman’s lips, “great things are beginning, my dear. I can promise you that.”
Delphine finally understood why Elazar had been moving nonstop since the Conclave. It was not so much a sense of urgency but it was to keep the dread at bay. As they returned to Haven Delphine felt the sorrow and melancholy return. It had been gnawing at her since the explosion but traveling with the others seemed to keep it at arm’s length, their banter enough to occupy her mind with distractions. Haven did not seem to afford her the same luxury anymore. People were still pouring into Haven, seeking answers, or searching out their friends and families. The wails haunted Del as families learned their loved ones were not among the handful of survivors. That could have easily been her, tear-stained face cursing the Maker for allowing such a tragedy. On the nights she couldn’t sleep it almost was her.
Her sudden mood swing must have been written plainly on her face. El linked his arm with hers, his warmth and less-than-subtle calming aura spell soothing away some of the darkness that had fallen upon their arrival.
In his eternal quest to be cheery, Elazar waved to Cullen and his lieutenants as they departed the makeshift stables. The Commander nodded back in greeting his expression rather stoic as he watched them stroll into the village, Del and El still linked at the elbow.
Josephine greeted them with a restrained smile when they arrived at the chapel. “It’s good you’ve returned. We heard of your encounter.”
“You heard?”
Del wasn’t sure why Cassandra was surprised. They knew Leliana had people in Val Royeaux.
“My agents in the city sent word ahead, of course.”
Cullen strolled in behind them, brow furrowed, “it’s a shame the Templars have abandoned their sense as well as the Capital.”
“At least we know how to approach the mages and templars now.” El shrugged, though Del knew he was anything but apathetic about the situation.
“Do we?” Cassandra countered, “Lord Seeker Lucius is not the man I remember.”
Leliana nods, “true. He has taken the Order somewhere, but to do what, my reports have been…very odd.”
“We must look into it, I’m certain not everyone in the Order will support the Lord Seeker.” Cullen may no longer be a templar but he obviously still held a strong faith in the Order.
“Or the Herald could simply go meet the mages in Redcliffe, instead,” Josephine offered.
After meeting the Lord Seeker Del was more willing to work with Fiona, though Del wasn’t sure if El felt the same way. He appeared to have become rather disillusioned with the Grand Enchanter, and mage authorities in general.
“You think the mage rebellion is more united? It could be ten times worse.”
Cullen obviously hadn’t heard the Lord Seekers' opinions- she hoped that was the case, that he would be much more up in arms if he had- to believe approaching that man would lead to anything productive.
“I could at least find out what the mages want.” El shot back, obviously not fond of Cullen’s insinuations either.
“No doubt what they’ve always wanted. Support for their cause.”
“We shouldn’t discount Redcliffe, the mages might be worth the risk.” Josephine, ever the ambassador, was not one to share her opinion on the Mage-Templar war, and Del had never thought to ask.
Cassandra almost sounded disdainful, “they are powerful, ambassador, but more desperate than you realize.”
El scoffed, “so it will be dangerous. I’ve been in danger since I walked out of the Fade.”
Del looked to Elazar, wide-eyed. Did he really feel that unsafe?
“If some among the rebel mages were responsible for what happened at the Conclave…”
“The same could be said about the templars.”
It appeared the Inquisition was just as split and heated about the topic as the rest of Thedas.
“True enough.” Cullen cut in, glowering a bit at his advisors. “Right now I’m not sure we have enough influence to approach either side safety.”
Heads seemed to cool at that. There was no point fighting about who to ally with when neither would actually speak with them.
“Then the Inquisition needs agents in more places. That’s something you can help with.” Cassandra looked pointedly at Elazar, as if he had not just brought Red Jenny and Madame de Fer into the Inquisition during their trip to Val Royeaux.
Josephine nods, “in the meantime, we should consider other options.”
The group agrees and disperses, all in varied levels of frustration. This was more of what Delphine pictured when she arrived; hot tempers, gridlock, and frustration.
Leliana lingered, fiddling with her gloves. El quirked an eyebrow at the spymaster.
“There is one other matter. Several months ago the Grey Wardens of Ferelden vanished. I sent word to those in Orlais, but they have also disappeared. Ordinarily I wouldn’t even consider the idea they’re involved in all this, but the timing is…curious.”
The Grey Wardens? They were heroes, especially after all that had happened in the last blight. Delphine prayed to the Maker they weren’t all wrapped up in this too.
“That does sound odd.”
Elazar nods “I agree.”
“The others have disregarded my suspicions. But I cannot ignore it. Two days ago, my agents in the Hinterlands heard news of a Grey Warden by the name of Blackwall. If you have the opportunity please seek him out. Perhaps he can put my mind at ease.”
Delphine hated to be negative towards the idea, but she doubted that one Warden could solve the mystery around their disappearance. “And if he can’t?”
“Then there may be more going on than we thought.”
Elazar and Delphine shared a concerned look. Mages, Templars, and now the Grey Wardens. Was anything in their world right anymore?
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incorrect-miiverse · 5 years
Miis React to the Wiki Profiles Ep. 1: Polly
(If you’ve seen this blog in its more humble beginnings, I had a lot of Polly reactions, and for good reason. She is one of my favorite Miis in the Wii U/3DS/Switch era purely for how absolutely precious she is! Why limit the cuteness to just reaction images? Anywho, this series is for me to imagine what Miis would say or do when they see their fandom wiki page, and I’ll try to incorporate their appropriate cultures if explicitly stated. Enough talk though, let’s get started! Look up the Wii Party U CPUs and go to Polly for following along. It won’t let me keep the link in post. >:( -Admin)
Polly: Right then, what’ve I been dragged into? She sees the computer with the tab opened to the Fandom page. (Reading) “Wii Sports Wiki?” Is this a Meta universe?
Her face lights up in a big smile as her eyes scan her own Wiki.
Polly: *she gasps, clapping her hands* Oh, so it’s MY page? Yay! Does this mean it’s a reverse Isekai? Y’know, being put in a fantasy world, innit? ....Nevermind. Let’s see ‘ere...
Polly: (reading) “Polly, not to be confused with...Holly?” Why would someone confuse the two of us? One’s fugly, the other is me. *shrugs* But anyhow... (she continues) “In Boxing, she is a Grade *1, making her the second Pro Class Beginner-” After Rie, of course. “..In Tennis and Baseball, she is one of the best players at Grade *10 and is also a Pro.” See, this is why you pay attention to Polly. I’ll ‘ave you know, I’m at the top of my class in Tennis and Baseball, so I know how to hit people with objects. *sinister smirk* It’s FUUUN.
Polly: (continuing on) “In Wii Party U, Polly is a Master Mii.” Go back to my previous statement. “Trivia.” Right, so you people like doing this for fun? Aw, that much effort put into little ol’ me. <3 So there’s badge stuff and whatnot, but you fans don’t care about that? Neither do I. “She appears in Splatoon 2 as an Inkling” Coz they’re all cute, and yellow’s another of my favorite colors. “She appears on artwork...” blah blah, Yellow Pikmin, I couldn’t choose the color, but I like the yellow ones coz they’re also cute. *a big cheeky grin* “According to Mario Kart 8, she’s British.” Of course, I’m not some lame YANK swine. *she laughs, slowly turns to camera* WHY WOULD I BE?
Polly: Blah, Pro status stuff, and also Mario Maker 2 stuff. I wore a nice lil’ Nintendo shirt, (in a muffled breath) praise be to Lord Shigsy-san. “She’s the only Mii with that hair.” I dunno why I wear it like that, but I just do. :/ “In MK8, she often appears in the Kirby suit within the promotional art of the game..-” YES. Kirby is my Boyo who goes Poyo. Look at all of my items in the back there, I love him. He just goes (in Kirby-esque voice) Poyo! Poyo! Poyo! *pulls out her phone* KiRbY’S CaLLiNG ThE PoLicE.
Polly scrolls down to the pictures of herself.
Polly: *clapping again* Oh, there’s loads of pictures! Yay! Ok, what’s this? *clicks on a picture of Miitopia couple Polly and Alphonse, face drops, and she grabs her phone again* POLLY’S CALLING THE POLICE! (you already know what this is - Admin)
Polly: Now what’s this one here? A picture of Polly with Millie shows up, and she gets a bright red blush across her entire face. Clutching her chest, she starts to randomly smile and get giggly, covers her face with her hands. We hear a slightly muffled squeal before she uncovers her completely red face. C-Can I...Keep this picture? Please? I-I-I...Just think this is really nice an’... STOP WINDING ME UP! *frantically clicks around and saves the photo* Ok, Next?
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Polly: *clicks on Kirby racing suit pic* Seeeee? I love Kirby to pieces! I mean I’d do lots for more Kirby stuff, but not anything....
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Polly: And another Miitopia set, but this time not cursed. This one has me in a tank? It’s that fairy dance, but instead it’s POLLY TANK TIME.
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Polly: And now I’m an elven girl...? In Faustine’s Adventure? *scrolls through her phone* Does she even know about this Wiki’s existence, or the fact that someone made an adventure for her? Right, I think I’ll let her know.
She calls up Faustine, pulling up the [Miitopia video]. After a while of ringing, the phone finally picks up while the video plays.
Faustine: (on the phone) Hello? Polly? Is something wrong?
Polly: No, no. I just found something very interesting. Do you know about this bloody Wii Sports Wiki? Where we’ve all got profiles and mugshots?
Faustine: *a beat, then clicking and typing in the background* I’m gonna look this up, this Wii Sports Wiki... Why do you ask? Do they have unflattering shots of me?? Cease and Desist time??
Polly: Wait! Don’t do that, just look yourself up, you won’t be disappointed. I’ll call you back though. Bye!
Faustine: ...OK...bye?
She hangs up the phone and scrolls further down, seeing the comments section FILLED.
Polly: Wow, there’s even comments on us here. What do they even say? “Is she the only Mii with a side ponytail? Yes.” I don’t know anyone else who has one...? “Her favorite color is...brown?” Unless you mean that absolute Karen, Claudia, then yes, you’re right. But, uhhhh... *she gestures to her black dress she is wearing* Not me. Sorry. “She needs to go to fashion jail for that side ponytail” *gets a bit teary* ...Why? I like it this way. I’ve always worn it like this, I thought it looked okay... “Smelly Socks of Molly Shiting?” What immature child does that? Geez.. *now she’s sad*
Polly: Well, looks like that’s the gist of everything, and everyone else finds me very very cute. :) Thanks for having me read this article! It’s been a ride, I guess. But now, I’m gonna cry over that picture with Millie... OH MY GOD THE VIDEO HAS HER TOO-!
I hope you all enjoyed this, please let me know if you like this kind of stuff by giving me feedback, and stay tuned for more. (I’m either gonna go with Faustine, Millie or Matt the Wuhu Island Destroyer. Likely Faustine due to the setup...)
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blurrybenzoboy · 4 years
cw talk of EDNOS/fucked body image then like idek general suicidal thoughts and socital collapse Lol cannot figure out read more soz but legit this blog is 5 years ago who follows it  .... eurgh just tried jeans on that were tight af in January expecting them to not fit at all but they were slightly lose which seemed really dramatic. It’s not it’s just.. idk if shit will ever change in my head, fat is like a state of mind not a tangiblelook/tangible measurement of size.. and that doesn’t have to be the worst omg I'd rather die than struggle with this forever type feeling at all like..but.. the fuck is the point legit know tangible measurements numbers blah blah fuck off but I know and now am starting to question if regardless that information even means shit, what if the scale is legitimately a significant amount just off/broken... what if my fucking jeans can lie to me.. ok lol I wrote the jeans bit and yeah that’s ridiculous, this is ridiculous, just does it matter in a sense of im finding elaborate excuses to not eat cus I can’t go ‘well I’m a fat prick I’m not gonna starve to death’ every single time eventually I challenge it and I don’t wanna I just wanna...... not be fat lol but I don’t think it matters even if I changed size for whatever the fuck is ‘the better’ I guess my head just wants me to be smaller and like lol ok ye not saying I am healthy but I wouldn’t be at what is define by multiple different health standards (tried to find better than bmi and it just seemed wildly off for gender differences, where tf do I go with that when I’m trans, ‘at 6 months on t u can consume a single unit more alcohol and the male calorie reccomendation’ doesn’t help at all god even as it’s own thing its bs ffs. But ye just feels like I’ll always have shit body image and that’s like... well this possibly not brilliant behaviour won’t intrinsically change what it wants to anyway so why fucking bother but I can’t be bother with this anymore like urghhhhh fuck off cannot find how to do ‘read more’ do excuse me in my geriatric state of 27 if you accidentally stumbled across it or know me or god idek. lol (that’s what early 20s me thought of 27 I guess I intended to kms at 27 so relatively god how ancient xoxo like on my birthday I just...stopped caring about late 20s being older... only so many years u can pass past 21 and be like I’ve not made it yet shit shit shit I am running outta time... I’m not gonna make it however I wanted to I’m not gonna make much more of myself than this lol or at least doesn’t feel possible anymore.. society is falling apart, life is bullshit, there’s a pandemic, I’m legit just getting mentally more distressed just in different ways as I age yeet man don’t wanna wait this out too long... I wish I could just end it for the 27 club as a vacuous reason alone but I can’t lol guess I just gotta wait round for death and societal collapse, god can’t wait for things to get even more fucking dire, how much better can they realistically get like enough to work as much as other people but that’s l I t e r a l l y insane shouldn’t take 10 years give or take on disability benefits to see how not right or normal that is but here we are, thinking people deserve human rights is ‘alt left’ and some wild radical concept............. I just can’t be fucked then man I give up, go think that, go enjoy being evil like the bullshit government wow money so important but somehow not even enough, also need power so we can kill people who aren’t us.......chill whatever but I want out of this bs.  Guess I’ll google read more since this is long I am as unhinged as I sound cannot make it sound nicer so others aren’t like lol bye u low life... good Jesus Christ if your gonna think that fuck off then. So I started out to be like im a fat prick n its a mental thing I doubt will ever change and here we are right at I cannot be arsed to live in this society anymore but I can’t kill myself that’d be unfair on other hour her better keep myself alive just incase they want me for some bs reason I can probably no longer fulfil anymore lol.  I’ve written the ED (feels dumb af being this legitimately overweight and saying I have an ED but yeah guess it is or something guess bigger people shouldn’t be expected to feel like this by default, but yeah the ED part the least triggering I possibly can will avoid tags don’t want people accidentally finding this. Doubt long posts receive the unwanted attention my most reblogged post that was a thought not intended to be fucking reblogged like it’s glamorous or logical or good or cool or edgy or anything other than a rubbish self destructive thought I had...that at over 200 notes no longer isn’t just glamorising opiate addiction and suicide but hey that’s, Tumblr innit no porn anymore just stripped back to the human suffering it’s always been full of or pictures of...ominous windows recently lmao u do u yeet done talking.
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