nickoftimewebdesign · 10 months
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stellaonas · 1 year
CRYPTO EVENT UK- UKs Premier Crypto event in June 2023
CRYPTO EVENT UK is dedicated to providing education about cryptocurrencies. The event will show how to use blockchain technology and securely navigate the cryptocurrency market.
Mark your calendars! The conference will be scheduled on the 24th of June 2023 at Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre London.
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thecosmospost1 · 1 year
Where used Blockchain Technology
1 An overview of used Blockchain Technology :
1.1 Blockchain is important for several reasons:
2 How does Blockchain operate?
2.1 Read Also : Become a career in blockchain technology
3 Industrial used of Blockchain Technology :
4 Blockchain technology has various benefits :
5 Types Of Blockchain Network
5.1 There are generally three types of blockchain networks:
6 There are numerous potential applications and used Blockchain Technology
7 Blockchain Security:
7.1 FAQ:
7.1.1 What is blockchain and what are its benefits?
7.1.2 How can blockchain be used in supply chain management?
7.1.3 What are the security features of blockchain?
7.1.4 How does blockchain enable fast and secure cross-border payments?
7.1.5 What’s the difference between blockchain and Bitcoin?
7.2 Conclusion:
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h8foul · 1 year
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gyanconsulting · 2 years
In today’s rapidly changing business environment, digital transformation has become a critical priority for companies in the Gulf region. However, the path to digital transformation is not without its challenges, and companies in the Gulf face a unique set of obstacles
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I'm waiting for lil' miss to give her final statement and then process to gather every fucking post talking about the situation and run blckchain through it no matter which sides the OP is on, or even if my mutual and follower are caught in it. I will never interact with the Western side of mcyttwt ever again.
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damkar58 · 2 years
CAESAR review
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Hello all friends.. Back again with me. In my article this time I will provide an explanation of a very unique project called CAESAR. The project has passive income with the best auto-staking protocol in crypto. To give you a very good idea of the project, Check out the Article I created below:
Decentralized finance eliminates mediators by enabling individuals, dealers, and organizations to manage monetary exchanges through emerging innovations. This is achieved through a distributed financial organization utilizing security conventions, networks, programming and tools. From wherever you have a web association, you can borrow, exchange and purchase related software that records and confirms financial activity in a distributed database of financial information. Appropriate data sets are exposed in different areas; it collects and collects information from all clients and uses the agreement component to check it.
Caesar was placed to lead the riots on DeFi with the Caesar Auto-staking Protocol or CAP, another monetary convention that makes betting simpler, and provides holders of the $CAESAR token the highest stable returns in crypto. The Caesar conventions are passionately pushed by TITANO and OlympusDAO which is why it joins and uses the highlights and best parts of each, while conveying extra candor and ease.
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How do I bet?
Caesar has created an inventive autostaking system that allows clients a direct method to bet and earn betting rewards. Basically hold $CAESAR in your wallet and you will naturally get the betting reward.
CAP provides $CAESAR programmed staking and intensification elements, and APY remains the highest in the market at 153,617.5%, daily ROI (Return on Investment) just over 2%. Caesar is an engineer who puts together a development-centered organization that generates profits and incentives for Caesar token holders. Our CAP convention is given in Caesar tokens which gives it a special case benefit for $CAESAR holders:
Simple and Safe:
We put solid auto-staking in your wallet when you buy $CAESAR. Don't bother moving your tokens to our site. From the moment you get it, you are tagged, and set to earn a rebase reward. The least demanding auto bet on DeFi.
Fixed APY:
Changing APY implies you will never know the number of tokens you will get. Other DeFi conventions pay high APY which can oscillate by 90% in a day. CAP pays $CAESAR holders a decent loan fee of just over 2% day to day or by building 153,617.5% annually.
Quick Rebase Rewards:
Another well-known staking convention pays rebasing prizes like clockwork which means assuming you have to cancel the bet, you need to set the time to get the most extreme prizes. Caesar Auto-staking Protocol pays out regularly or multiple times consistently, making it the fastest auto-staking convention in crypto.
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CAP uses complex variable settings to help with its rebase costs and rewards. It also uses game hypotheses and human instincts to determine the most likely tendencies for people to buy tokens. Our repair group has facilitated these components so that they work consistently in the background. The result is a basic and beautiful betting and reward framework for $CAESAR holders. However the CAP is customizable as it seems robust and will be used as a stand for various Caesar products, administrations, and businesses to come. Each will change the alternative crypto area.
Autostaking Jobs:
The highlight of CAP Autostake is a simple yet sophisticated piece of art called Buy-Hold-Get, which provides definitive comfort for $CAESAR holders. Here's the secret: by simply buying $CAESAR and keeping the tokens in your wallet, you get rebase compensation straight to your wallet. Your token will be built like clockwork. It's just direct.
Leveraging the Positive Rebase equation, Caesar makes it feasible for daily symbolic dispersion directly according to the daily rebase reward, worth 2% of the symbolic inventory. Rebase rewards are distributed at each age (rebase period) to all $CAESAR holders. This means that without moving their tokens from their wallets, Caesar holders get an annual accumulated fund of 153,617.5%. Crazy.
Rebase Tokens:
Rebase tokens are tokens whose supply is extended or dwindled due to changes in symbolic fees. This increase or decrease in supply works by a system called rebasing. When a rebase occurs, the token inventory is algorithmically expanded or reduced, given the cost of each of these tokens. Caesar's CAP exploits the positive rebase equation that expands the symbolic stock allowing $CAESAR holders to continue growing their tokens, as in a regular staking convention.
How does rebase work?
Rebase activities allow tokens to work in such a way that the flowing supply expands or contracts due to changes in symbolic costs. This increase or decrease in supply works with an instrument called rebasing. Caesar uses a positive rebase equation that builds up the $CAESAR supply of each holder. Rebase occurs periodically and spreads 0.04189% of circular supply as Staking compensation to $CAESAR holders. To see when the following Rebase will occur, clients will actually want to check the hours on Caesar's staking dashboard or on our Discord.
$CAESAR Tokens:
$CAESAR is a versatile inventory ERC20 token that rewards its holders with a positive rebase equation, thereby creating the first autostaking and autocompounding token on Avalanche. Caesar has exchanged fee requests to support and understand the industry that drives APY.
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Programmed LP:
5% of the exchange fee goes back to liquidity which guarantees an increase in the price of the $CAESAR security.
3% of purchase fees and 8% of transaction fees go directly to RFV-compliant storage.
Risk Free Value:
5% of the exchange fee is transferred to the RFV that supports and supports the bet rewards provided by the positive rebase.
CAESAR Buy and Sell Fees:
Caesar's exchange (trading) fees are an important part of the CAP. They provide funds to fill the basic role of the convention. Different conventions use offering bonds to assist in the same capacity as Caesar's issuance, but we accept that this approach is less secure because, in the case of bonds not being purchased, tokens can lose their favor and spin lower costs as we have seen with some of the convention-based this bond.
Selling bonds also costs token holders. This reduces how many APYs can be offered and eliminates the capacity to offer stable APYs. What fees (13% for purchases and 18% for sales) allow Caesar to provide $CAESAR holders of stable high returns of 153,617.5% annually. One of the added advantages of large fees is that Caesar is the main symbol who benefits when the Pope discards because the fees collected help the holders of $CAESAR.
Buy Link : https://app.bogged.finance/avax/swaptokenIn=AVAX&tokenOut=0xEDdeF578a930DDc6F8Ceef10f4B00829c54686C2
As Titano's flagship branch on Avax, Caesar Finance redefines DeFi with the Caesar Auto-Staking Protocol (CAP) that delivers the highest fixed APY in the business, clockwork rebate rewards, and a basic buy hold framework that builds a portfolio in your wallet, fast. Join for Profit!
Website: https://caesar.finance/
Document : https://docs.caesar.finance/overview/project-overview
Twitter : https://twitter.com/caesarfinance_
Telegram : https://t.me/caesarfin
Discord: https://discord.gg/Hqsmbn3b5m
Medium : https://medium.com/@caesar.finance
Username: Damkar58
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1925168
AVAX (c-chain) Address: 0xFa468a5de2759AC15f1191d9A78240F2e7B137B0
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Opere d’arte digitali: la rivoluzione degli NTF
L’autenticità delle opere d’arte digitali oggi viene certificata dagli NTF (Non Fungible Tokens) e il mercato è in grande crescita. Una rivoluzione che riguarda l’era digitale e internet, che riguarda la produzione di qualcosa di non materiale, riproducibile infinite volte senza perdere qualità. Ora arriva uno “strumento” che ne può stabilire la paternità in modo sicuro. Gli NFT.
Ma cosa sono gli NTF e perchè stanno rivoluzionando il mondo dell’arte?
NFT sta per “Non-fungible tokens” che descrive gli oggetti digitali resi possibili dalle tecnologie blockchain – contenitori digitali di informazioni – e dai cosiddetti smart contract – algoritmi attraverso i quali le informazioni della blckchain vengono elaborati. Un token in sintesi è un algoritmo realizzato come smart contract su una blockchain (Forbes.it). Ma non biosgna confonderli con la criptovaluta: l’NFT è legato invece a oggetti unici del mondo fisico e del mondo digitale, diventando una vera e propria opera d’arte. Un’opera d’arte digitale.
Oggi quindi gli NTF certificano la proprietà delle opere d’arte del metaverso – tramite la blockchain e la creazione di metadati che ne raccontano la storia – di un’opera d’arte digitale. Ma la rivoluzione non riguarda solo creazioni prettamente artistiche. Il primo tweet del fondatore di Twitter Jack Dorsey è stato venduto per l’equivalente di $ 2,9 milioni (€ 2,4 milioni) a un uomo d’affari con sede in Malesia.
Il tweet – “just setting up my twttr” – è stato il primo tweet di Dorsey, realizzato il 21 marzo 2006.
Leggi su DanieleGuidi.net
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ferrerbonsoms · 5 years
Abogados especializados en Blockchain, smartcontracts e ICO
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Blockchain, ICOS, IEOS, smartcontracts, etc IURISBLOCHAIN es el departamento del despacho encargado de nuevas tecnologías y  blockchain. Estamos especializados implementar blockchain en empresas y en lanzamiento de ICO como medio de financiación para empresas. BLOCKCHAIN. Somos abogados expertos en blockchain y smartcontracts. Además contamos con un equipo técnico de blockchain para emitir tokens, criptomonedas etc. Abogado bockchain. Abogado Madrid, abogado Barcelona, abogado Sevilla y abogados Pamplona.  
Elementos básicos para de una red de blockchain
Dentro de los elementos básicos para una red de Blockchain podemos encontrar: -Un nodo. -Un protocolo o estándar. Software que vamos a ejecutar todos. -Red entre pares P2P -Un sistema descentralizado. Ejemplo de bitcoin  (BTC) donde se puede transmitir BTC de una dirección a otra. En el sistema se fueron creando los BTC en la medida en que se fueron haciendo transacciones. El blockchain es una base de datos distribuida, entre los nodos p2p Ventajas de una red de blockchain: -todos los nodos tienen igual poder en una red distribuida. En un centro centralizado, si se corrompe, se rompe todo. No se pude dar una red de blockchain por BTC. -no se puede corromper fácilmente dado que no basta con tumbar el centro. Haría falta cargarse la red entera. -La desventaja es que con muchos nodos aprobando las transacciones puede hacer que vaya muy lento. Es el caso de Bitcoin (btc) o Ethereum (eth).   El Bitcoin utiliza un sistema llamado proof of work (PoW) Para aprobar las transacciones que se van efectuado se tiene que generar un bloque (por ejemplo Bloque 2). Y ésta lanzará una ecuación al sistema, por ejemplo cuanto es 2 más 2. Uno de los nodos del sistema da la respuesta y dice 4. La comunidad lo da por bueno. Por ello se lleva el premio (más bitcoins). Así sucesivamente por ejemplo, para aprobar  el Bloque 3, 3+4+3: solución 10. Se cierra el bloque tres con todas las transacciones. Bloque 4, 3+2, igual a 8. Es erroneo. No se daría por bueno. Y esperaríamos para que otro lo diera por bueno. Es decir, se tiene que dar por bueno. Abogado blockchain. Cada vez que hay más BTC es más difícil de calcular (por el propio sistema). De manera que al principio era fácil. Luego era necesario ya utilizar una calculadora. El minado fue la primera industria alrededor de BTC. Resolver el problema de la ecuación es resolver un hash. El bloque huérfano El ejemplo sería resolver simultáneamente dos nodos una solución (PoW) y por tanto la cadena de bloques se divide en dos. Van por un lado y a la vez por otro lado. La que tiene más bloques es la que ganará. Por lo que las operaciones de esas transacciones de la otra parte podían deshacerse y volver a la “piscina”. Por ello hay que esperar a que se hagan después de tu bloque otras transacciones de manera que ya estaría confirmado. Abogado blockchain. Cada bloque genera un hash que es único. El ordenador genera un número. Hay que buscar por tanto soluciones para los bloques como por ejemplo un sentido con 8 ceros delante. Abogado Blckchain.  
Smarcontracts y blockchain
Ethereum es la blockchain líder de los smartcontracts. Tiene una gran comunidad de desarrolladores, y mucha gente detrás. Problemas en la blockchain de Ethereum: -problemas de velocidad. -problemas de consensos. La blockchain se dividió en dos porque no hubo consenso entre todos los mineros. Esa división es llamada Fork.   Discusión en la red de blockchain Ethereum: El primer problema por la app The Dao. Obtuvieron 150 millones de dólares. Pero tenía un grave problema de seguridad dentro de los smartcontracts. Por ello un sujeto robó el 15% del Ether. 50 millones de dólares en concreto. La primera solución de la comunidad de blockchain Ethereum era retroceder, dado que hasta los 30 días no se podía sacar propiamente los ETH. Por tanto había que echar todo para atrás, hasta el bloque anterior al robo. Un grupo dijo que no era posible, dado que era una blockchain seria, por tanto inmutable.  No es arbitrario. Lo codificado es ley. No se toleran errores en ese sentido. Otro grupo dijo que  se podía ir hacía atrás.   En el año 2016 se dividió Ethereum, y Ethereum Classic -Ethereum Classic. Es la versión inmutable de Ethereum. Todo el mundo debe seguir las normas. El código es ley, y no se pude retroceder. Si la red es mutable, entonces la red ya es centralizada. Ethereum classic tiene un market cap mucho más reducido que Ethereum. -Por otro lado Ethereum.   Segunda discusión en la red de Ethereum Los desarrolladores fueron haciendo propuestas, (y se pueden aprobar o no por mayoría). A) Propuesta 999 (EIP 999). Caso parecido al DAO. Una jacker se metió en un Smart contract y lo borró, y supuso la desaparición de más smartcontracts, y luego millones de ethers. La culpa realmente fue por error de seguridad de los smartcontracts. El contrato lo tenía una compañía llamada Parity. Reunía inversiones para desarrollar Ethereum. Esta perdida de dinero afectó a un montón de inversores de que habían invertido. La propuesta 999 proponía corregir y volver atrás la transacción. Surgió el mismo problema de Ethereum Classic. Los del classic ya se habían ido. Resultado 40% cambio, y 55% no cambio. No se hizo por tanto el cambio del wallet del parity. Era mucho más dinero (por subida de precio de ether). No había sido un robo, sino una destrucción de dinero. Era más bien un problema de seguridad de Parity, más que de Ethereum.   B) Propuesta 867, efectuada por el fundador de Ethereum. Fue establecer un formulario para resolver problemas similares. Se me han borrado los Ether, y los quiero recuperar. Ejemplo, una ICO pone mal la wallet, y la pasta de la ICO ha ido a otro lado. A esta propuesta se dijo que no.  
ICO la nueva forma de financiación de la empresa
Los ICO son un nuevo modelo de atraer capital para empresas y startups. Este nuevo modelo de financiación permite obtener capital de una manera más rápida y eficaz. También hay derivaciones como las IEO etcPara lanzar una ICO efectiva es necesario seguir varias fases: 1.- Desarrollo de una idea de negocio y su modelo económico Entre ellos la publicación de una “White paper” que refleje un estudio previo que comprenda: Viabilidad de un negocio o idea. Protección de los inversores frente al fraude. Empleo de una tecnología y un equipo fiables. Establecimiento de un mínimo y un máximo justificables de financiación requerida. Establecimiento de un marco regulatorio que será respetado en todo caso. Principios de transparencia. Gestión de gastos y financiación. Liquidez que será destinada a los creadores del proyecto. Presencia de personas de experiencia en el equipo. Por nuestra experiencia consideramos que algunos proyectos no cumplen con el mínimo viable para acogerse a una ICO. Es decir, no todo negocio y no toda empresa puede solicitar una ICO como negocio o idea viables. Blockchain Madrid. Blockchain Pamplona. Blockchain Barcelona. Blockchain Sevilla. 2.- Desarrollo legal del negocio 3.- Campaña de marketing por los medios oportunos, fundamentalmente internet 4.- Desarrollo técnico del proyecto 5.- Generación y distribución de los tokens Los tokens son un nuevo activo digital que pueden llevar aparejados derechos, obligaciones, acciones, etc. Los tokens pueden ser programados para distintas finalidades, por ejemplo, podemos referir esto tipos de tokens: Tokens-Shares, considerados crypto-acciones de la empresa. Credit tokens: que son considerados como créditos a corto plazo a cambio de un tipo de interés. Ico y blockchain La clave que distingue a las ICO  es que cuentan con la tecnología Blockchain. Es una tecnología consistente en una base de datos en cadena, publicados y con sellados de tiempo para evitar su modificación. Dichos datos se transmiten de forma descentralizada entre usuarios. Además, su corrección verificada automáticamente con el conjunto de usuarios que reciben la información. Es por ello que impide que dichos datos puedan ser falseados. Abogados Blockchain provincia Madrid. Aboagdos Blockchain provincia Pamplona. Abogados Blockchain provincia Barcelona. Aboagdos Blockchain provincia Sevilla. Regulación de los ICO en España Las Initial Coin Offering (ICO), u Ofertas Iniciales de Criptomoneda carecen de regulación expresa en España. No obstante, serían de aplicación las siguientes normas: Real Decreto Legislativo 4/2015, de 23 de octubre (Ley del Mercado de valores). Real Decreto 217/2008, de 15 de febrero (Ley de Servicios de Inversión). La CNMV y las ICO Las ICO podrían hallarse en el concepto de valor negociable de la Ley del Mercado de Valores según señala el artículo 2.1 que establece que: “Tendrá la consideración de valor negociable cualquier derecho de contenido patrimonial, cualquiera que sea su denominación, que por su configuración jurídica propia y régimen de transmisión, sea susceptible de tráfico generalizado e impersonal en un mercado financiero.” La CNMV, en su documento publicado en febrero de 2018 “Consideraciones de la CNMV sobre “criptomonedas” e “ICOs” dirigidas a los profesionales del sector financiero”, destacó las condiciones a tener en cuenta para considerar una criptomoneda emitida a través de una ICO como valor negociable. Los valores emitidos a través de ICOs que puedan considerarse valores negociables, quedan sujetos a la Ley del Mercado de Valores y demás normas, como las MiFID II y la Directiva de Folletos. Los casos en los que una ICO en España puede no estar sujeta a control administrativo son muy limitados. Por ejemplo, podría tratarse de una ICO en la que se ofrezcan tokens para su cambio por determinado producto. Y ello sin que  se cumplan los requisitos para ser oferta pública; y que no se ofrezca como una forma de obtener un activo que vaya a revalorizarse o que pueda comercializarse en un mercado secundario. Blockchain Spain Lawyer. Blockchain Madrid. Blockchain Pamplona. Blockchain Barcelona. Blockchain Sevilla. Tratamiento jurídico de Las Criptomonedas El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE) en la sentencia de fecha 22 de octubre de 2015 (asunto C-264/14), decretó que el bitcoin: Es una “divisa virtual de flujo bidireccional”. Que se intercambia por divisas tradicionales en las operaciones de cambio de moneda. Que “no puede calificarse de bien corporal” porque su única finalidad es la de ser “un medio de pago” (apartado 24). Se trata de un “medio de pago contractual” directo entre los operadores que la aceptan (apartado 42). Se le categoriza como una “divisa no tradicional” distinta a las monedas que son “medios legales de pago” en uno o varios países, y se indica que sus transacciones pueden constituir “operaciones financieras” si han sido aceptadas por las partes como medio alternativo a los medios legales de pago (apartado 49). Blockchain Spain Lawyer. Blockchain Madrid. Blockchain Pamplona. Blockchain Barcelona. Blockchain Sevilla.   Qué son las criptomonedas legalmente en la Unión Europea La Quinta Directiva introduce el punto 18) al artículo 3 de la Directiva (UE) 2015/849 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 20 de mayo de 2015 donde establece la siguiente definición de las criptomonedas: “Monedas Virtuales: representación digital de valor no emitida ni garantizada por un banco central ni por una autoridad pública, no necesariamente asociada a una moneda establecida legalmente, que no posee el estatuto jurídico de moneda o dinero, pero que es aceptada por personas físicas o jurídicas como medio de cambio y que puede transferirse, almacenarse y negociarse por medios electrónicos”. Blockchain Spain Lawyer. Read the full article
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Just Because It Says it is a #Link to my Domain #REDIRECT
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Tether Watch Might Help Predict Bitcoin Price - Analysts
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/tether-watch-might-help-predict-bitcoin-price-analysts
Tether Watch Might Help Predict Bitcoin Price - Analysts
By tracking issuance of new ERC-20 Tether (USDT) tokens, traders could predict bitcoin (BTC) price and move faster in and out of the crypto market, according to Sid Shekhar, co-founder of TokenAnalyst.
Blockchain intelligence firm TokenAnalyst looked into the correlation between BTC price and USDT supply, after observing that 2019 alone saw a net total of USD 1.5 billion worth of USDT minted on both Omni (USDT Omni) and on Ethereum (USDT ERC-20) blckchains. As a reminder, the most popular stablecoin, Tether, migrated to Ethereum from Omni on which it was originally built and which itself is built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain.
Through their research, the analysts came upon the following findings, as shared on their Twitter page:
The price of BTC went up on 19 out of 27 days when USDT ERC-20 was minted: 70.0% of the time;
The price of BTC went up on 12 out 24 days when USDT Omni was minted: 50.0% of the time;
For USDT Omni, more tokens minted means a decrease in BTC price: there is a -1.6% correlation between the amount minted and BTC price movement;
For USDT ERC-20, more tokens minted means an increase in BTC price: there is a 15.8% correlation between the amount minted and the amount of BTC price movement.
While, for USDT ERC20, there is a 15.8% correlation between the amount minted and the amount of BTC price movement (i.e more tokens minted = BTC price increase)
Below is a chart showing the two 'eras' of USDT mints (on the separate blockchains) along with the $BTC price pic.twitter.com/29AWkiknuV
— TokenAnalyst (@thetokenanalyst) October 3, 2019
But this is not only an interesting finding, as savvy traders can make good use of this information to observe data and perhaps predict future price movements.
“Traders can leverage this knowledge by tracking mints and burns of the ERC-20 Tether token as it’s closely tied to movements in Bitcoin prices," Shekhar told Bloomberg. He explained that “the discrepancies are appearing recently primarily because Tether on ERC-20 is just much easier than Tether on Omni to use as a means of transferring value quickly.” Ethereum is a speedier chain than Bitcoin, he added, and this speed is of a vital importance when traders want to be in and out of crypto market quickly, so to make as much profit with Tether as possible.
However, the problem is that it’s unknown for public why and when new Tethers are issued.
Meanwhile, as reported, just two weeks ago, crypto market analysis firm Coin Metrics discussed the possibility that this migration from Omni (USDT) to Ethereum (USDT-ETH) had been fueling the reversal in BTC/ETH daily transaction fees, as ETH shortly surpassed BTC again in September.
At pixel time (11:29 UTC), bitcoin trades at c. USD 8,200 and is down by 1% in the past 24 hours, but it increased by 2% in the past week. The most popular cryptocurrency is still down by 23% in the past month.
Source: cryptonews.com
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netxtract · 5 years
Blockchain jobs remain unfilled, while skilled workers are being poached
Mirroring an uptick in job openings across the IT industry, blckchain professionals remain in high demand, especially for staff and middle manager positions, according to a new job market report from Janco Associates, a management consulting firm that conducts regular industry surveys.
"With 20,600 new IT jobs created in the first three months of 2019, the market is tight," said Janco Associates CEO M. Victor Janulaitis. "There is a skills shortage, some projects are missing key early benchmark dates due to lack of staffing. Many blockchain and ERP positions remain unfilled and some organizations are seeing an increase in attrition rates for those positions."
To read this article in full, please click here
from Computerworld https://www.computerworld.com/article/3387441/blockchain-jobs-remain-unfilled-while-skilled-workers-are-being-poached.html#tk.rss_all
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gyanconsulting · 2 years
Blockchain technology is slowly becoming a common phrase in the tech world. Many people still think that the real application of blockchain lies solely in cryptocurrencies. However, that’s not the case in reality.
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To answer your questions, yes.
Twitter has always push tweets that cause more outrage and interaction. It has never been about showing a balanced view.
It's not the only site that does it. There was a key court case where a facebook employee whistleblow that facebook is objectively making social worse and knows it , by never putting any filter on any post that promotes harmful views but fb allows it as it gives more engagement. Which = more time spent on site = more ads = more money.
That was only Facebook caught, but it obviously the framework most social media sites also work on
Yeah anon I totally understand engagement baits. As shitty as it is, encouraging them is an easy way to grow and maintain a social media site.
But I still don't understand why is tw*tter so rabid. Comparing my experience in using it and facebook (I actively use both, so I can say my experience is up to date) facebook is more breathable than tw*tter, even though it lacks 3rd party apps to cultivate user's own tab unlike tw*tter (e.g. blckchain). I have never had a churning feeling while surfing through fb and I never look for those apps for fb, again, unlike tw*tter.
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2375823 · 5 years
Blockchain jobs remain unfilled, while skilled workers are being poached
Mirroring an uptick in job openings across the IT industry, blckchain professionals remain in high demand, especially for staff and middle manager positions, according to a new job market report from Janco Associates, a management consulting firm that conducts regular industry surveys.
"With 20,600 new IT jobs created in the first three months of 2019, the market is tight," said Janco Associates CEO M. Victor Janulaitis. "There is a skills shortage, some projects are missing key early benchmark dates due to lack of staffing. Many blockchain and ERP positions remain unfilled and some organizations are seeing an increase in attrition rates for those positions."
To read this article in full, please click here
from Computerworld News https://www.computerworld.com/article/3387441/blockchain-jobs-remain-unfilled-while-skilled-workers-are-being-poached.html#tk.rss_news
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mainframetech · 5 years
Blockchain jobs remain unfilled, while skilled workers are being poached
Mirroring an uptick in job openings across the IT industry, blckchain professionals remain in high demand, especially for staff and middle manager positions, according to a new job market report from Janco Associates, a management consulting firm that conducts regular industry surveys.
"With 20,600 new IT jobs created in the first three months of 2019, the market is tight," said Janco Associates CEO M. Victor Janulaitis. "There is a skills shortage, some projects are missing key early benchmark dates due to lack of staffing. Many blockchain and ERP positions remain unfilled and some organizations are seeing an increase in attrition rates for those positions."
To read this article in full, please click here
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